# ESMValTool --- documentation: title: Test Dask bug description: Test Dask bug authors: - schlund_manuel maintainer: - schlund_manuel preprocessors: pp500: &pp500 extract_levels: levels: 50000 scheme: linear tropical_mask_40: &tropical_mask_40_pp regrid: target_grid: 2x2 scheme: linear extract_region: start_latitude: -40 end_latitude: 40 start_longitude: 0 end_longitude: 360 tropical_mask_40_500hPa: <<: *tropical_mask_40_pp <<: *pp500 diagnostics: diag_x_zhai_cmip6: variables: cl: project: CMIP6 exp: historical preprocessor: tropical_mask_40 mip: Amon start_year: 1980 end_year: 2004 reference_dataset: '' wap: project: CMIP6 exp: historical preprocessor: tropical_mask_40_500hPa mip: Amon start_year: 1980 end_year: 2004 reference_dataset: '' tos: project: CMIP6 exp: historical preprocessor: tropical_mask_40 mip: Omon start_year: 1980 end_year: 2004 reference_dataset: '' additional_datasets: - {dataset: CESM2, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn} # shows the bug - {dataset: CESM2-FV2, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn, institute: NCAR} # does NOT show the bug scripts: ecs_predictor: script: emergent_constraints/ecs_scatter.py seaborn_settings: style: ticks rc: axes.titlepad: 15.0 xtick.top: true ytick.right: true xtick.minor.visible: true ytick.minor.visible: true diag: zhai output_attributes: var_type: feature tag: ZHA plot_title: 'Zhai et al. (2015) constraint (ZHA)' plot_xlim: [-3.5, 1.5] project: CMIP6