[ 523.783218] EtherCAT: Requesting master 0... [ 523.783222] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: IDLE -> OPERATION. [ 523.783223] EtherCAT: Successfully requested master 0. [ 523.830716] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830720] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Creating slave configuration for 0:0, 0x0000029C/0x02C30001. [ 523.830723] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: Attached slave 0. [ 523.830731] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_sync_manager(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 0, dir = 1, watchdog_mode = 2) [ 523.830735] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_assign_clear(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 0) [ 523.830737] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_sync_manager(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 1, dir = 2, watchdog_mode = 2) [ 523.830740] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_assign_clear(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 1) [ 523.830742] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_sync_manager(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 2, dir = 1, watchdog_mode = 1) [ 523.830744] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_assign_clear(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 2) [ 523.830747] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_assign_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 2, pdo_index = 0x1600) [ 523.830749] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: Loading default mapping for PDO 0x1600. [ 523.830750] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: No default mapping found. [ 523.830753] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_clear(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1600) [ 523.830756] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1600, entry_index = 0x6040, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 16) [ 523.830759] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1600, entry_index = 0x607A, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 32) [ 523.830762] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1600, entry_index = 0x60FF, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 32) [ 523.830765] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1600, entry_index = 0x6060, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 8) [ 523.830768] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_sync_manager(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 3, dir = 2, watchdog_mode = 2) [ 523.830770] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_assign_clear(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 3) [ 523.830772] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_assign_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, sync_index = 3, pdo_index = 0x1A00) [ 523.830774] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: Loading default mapping for PDO 0x1A00. [ 523.830775] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: No default mapping found. [ 523.830776] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_clear(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1A00) [ 523.830778] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1A00, entry_index = 0x6041, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 16) [ 523.830781] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1A00, entry_index = 0x6064, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 32) [ 523.830783] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1A00, entry_index = 0x606C, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 32) [ 523.830786] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_pdo_mapping_add(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, pdo_index = 0x1A00, entry_index = 0x6061, entry_subindex = 0x00, entry_bit_length = 8) [ 523.830792] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_create_domain(master = 0x0000000048b344db) [ 523.830794] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Created domain 0. [ 523.830829] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830833] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x6041, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x00000000a61b9b25) [ 523.830836] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Domain 0: Added 11 bytes, total 11. [ 523.830838] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830840] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x6064, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x000000004fb33be1) [ 523.830843] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830845] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x606C, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x000000009597e10d) [ 523.830848] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830850] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x6061, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x000000005ea80de9) [ 523.830852] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830854] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x6040, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x0000000040c87fbf) [ 523.830856] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Domain 0: Added 11 bytes, total 22. [ 523.830858] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830860] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x607A, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x00000000c9973d6f) [ 523.830863] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830865] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x60FF, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x00000000f46f05eb) [ 523.830867] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_slave_config(master = 0x0000000048b344db, alias = 0, position = 0, vendor_id = 0x0000029c, product_code = 0x02c30001) [ 523.830869] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry(sc = 0x0000000070ab7901, index = 0x6060, subindex = 0x00, domain = 0x0000000040316db9, bit_position = 0x00000000125ad5ae) [ 523.830880] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_domain_external_memory(domain = 0x0000000040316db9, mem = 0x000000004f40ce71) [ 523.830882] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_callbacks(master = 0x0000000048b344db, send_cb = 0x00000000eeda4e33, receive_cb = 0x0000000041debf4a, cb_data = 0x0000000048b344db) [ 523.830884] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_activate(master = 0x0000000048b344db) [ 523.830886] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Adding datagram pair with expected WC 3. [ 523.830887] EtherCAT 0: Domain0: Logical address 0x00000000, 22 byte, expected working counter 3. [ 523.830889] EtherCAT 0: Datagram domain0-0-main: Logical offset 0x00000000, 22 byte, type LRW. [ 523.830890] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Stopping master thread. [ 523.830896] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Master IDLE thread exiting... [ 523.830921] EtherCAT 0: Master thread exited. [ 523.830924] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: FSM datagram is 0000000089d9c2c5. [ 523.830927] EtherCAT 0: Starting EtherCAT-OP thread. [ 523.830970] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Operation thread running with fsm interval = 1000 us, max data size=11250 [ 523.830972] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 1 datagram UNMATCHED! [ 523.830973] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: mmap() [ 523.830978] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Vma fault, offset = 0, page = 0000000048bdc3a3 [ 523.854135] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Configuration changed (aborting state check). [ 523.854137] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Checking system time offset. [ 523.864206] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: DC 64 bit system time offset calculation: system_time=712658767810 (corrected with 5000000), app_time=787998695958949710, diff=787997983300181900 [ 523.864210] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting time offset to 787997983300181900 (was 0) [ 523.874278] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Requesting OP... [ 523.894414] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Changing state from PREOP to OP. [ 523.894416] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Configuring... [ 523.914555] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Now in INIT. [ 523.914557] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Clearing FMMU configurations... [ 523.924625] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Clearing sync manager configurations... [ 523.934692] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Clearing DC assignment... [ 523.944768] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Configuring mailbox sync managers... [ 523.944771] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: SM0: Addr 0x1000, Size 128, Ctrl 0x26, En 1 [ 523.944773] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: SM1: Addr 0x1400, Size 128, Ctrl 0x22, En 1 [ 523.954841] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Assigning SII access to PDI. [ 523.984040] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Now in PREOP. [ 523.984043] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Assigning SII access back to EtherCAT. [ 523.994115] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Reading mapping of PDO 0x1600. [ 523.994118] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:00. [ 523.994120] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 523.994121] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.024340] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.024342] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4F 00 16 00 04 00 00 00 [ 524.024350] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.024351] EtherCAT DEBUG: 04 [ 524.024352] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: 4 PDO entries mapped. [ 524.024354] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:01. [ 524.024355] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.024356] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 01 00 00 00 00 [ 524.054580] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.054582] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 01 10 00 40 60 [ 524.054589] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.054590] EtherCAT DEBUG: 10 00 40 60 [ 524.054594] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6040:00, 16 bit, "???". [ 524.054596] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:02. [ 524.054597] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.054598] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 02 00 00 00 00 [ 524.084820] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.084822] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 02 20 00 7A 60 [ 524.084829] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.084830] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 7A 60 [ 524.084833] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x607A:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 524.084835] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:03. [ 524.084836] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.084837] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 03 00 00 00 00 [ 524.114044] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.114046] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 03 20 00 FF 60 [ 524.114053] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.114054] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 FF 60 [ 524.114058] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x60FF:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 524.114060] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:04. [ 524.114062] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.114063] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 04 00 00 00 00 [ 524.144270] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.144273] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 04 08 00 60 60 [ 524.144280] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.144281] EtherCAT DEBUG: 08 00 60 60 [ 524.144285] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6060:00, 8 bit, "???". [ 524.144287] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Changing mapping of PDO 0x1600. [ 524.144288] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Currently mapped PDO entries: 0x6040:00/16 0x607A:00/32 0x60FF:00/32 0x6060:00/8. Entries to map: 0x6040:00/16 0x607A:00/32 0x60FF:00/32 0x6060:00/8 [ 524.144300] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting entry count to zero. [ 524.144301] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1600:00. [ 524.144302] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 [ 524.144304] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.144305] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.174522] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.174524] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.174531] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x6040:00 (16 bit) at position 1. [ 524.174533] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1600:01. [ 524.174534] EtherCAT DEBUG: 10 00 40 60 [ 524.174538] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.174538] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 16 01 10 00 40 60 [ 524.204745] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.204747] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 16 01 10 00 40 60 [ 524.204753] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x607A:00 (32 bit) at position 2. [ 524.204755] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1600:02. [ 524.204756] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 7A 60 [ 524.204760] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.204760] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 16 02 20 00 7A 60 [ 524.233956] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.233958] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 16 02 20 00 7A 60 [ 524.233965] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x60FF:00 (32 bit) at position 3. [ 524.233968] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1600:03. [ 524.233969] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 FF 60 [ 524.233972] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.233973] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 16 03 20 00 FF 60 [ 524.264173] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.264175] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 16 03 20 00 FF 60 [ 524.264180] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x6060:00 (8 bit) at position 4. [ 524.264182] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1600:04. [ 524.264183] EtherCAT DEBUG: 08 00 60 60 [ 524.264185] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.264186] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 16 04 08 00 60 60 [ 524.294400] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.294403] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 16 04 08 00 60 60 [ 524.294409] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting number of PDO entries to 4. [ 524.294411] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1600:00. [ 524.294412] EtherCAT DEBUG: 04 [ 524.294414] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.294415] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 00 16 00 04 00 00 00 [ 524.324649] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.324651] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 16 00 04 00 00 00 [ 524.324657] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Successfully configured mapping for PDO 0x1600. [ 524.324658] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting PDO assignment of SM2: [ 524.324659] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Currently assigned PDOs: (none). PDOs to assign: 0x1600 [ 524.324666] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting number of assigned PDOs to zero. [ 524.324667] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1C12:00. [ 524.324669] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 [ 524.324670] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.324671] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 12 1C 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.353869] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.353871] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 12 1C 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.353878] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Assigning PDO 0x1600 at position 1. [ 524.353880] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1C12:01. [ 524.353882] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 16 [ 524.353884] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.353885] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2B 12 1C 01 00 16 00 00 [ 524.384089] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.384090] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 12 1C 01 00 16 00 00 [ 524.384097] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting number of assigned PDOs to 1. [ 524.384098] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1C12:00. [ 524.384099] EtherCAT DEBUG: 01 [ 524.384101] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.384102] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 12 1C 00 01 00 00 00 [ 524.414317] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.414319] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 12 1C 00 01 00 00 00 [ 524.414328] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Successfully configured PDO assignment of SM2. [ 524.414332] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Reading mapping of PDO 0x1A00. [ 524.414333] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:00. [ 524.414334] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.414335] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.444539] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.444542] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4F 00 1A 00 04 00 00 00 [ 524.444549] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.444550] EtherCAT DEBUG: 04 [ 524.444552] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: 4 PDO entries mapped. [ 524.444553] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:01. [ 524.444554] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.444555] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 01 00 00 00 00 [ 524.474759] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.474761] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 01 10 00 41 60 [ 524.474768] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.474769] EtherCAT DEBUG: 10 00 41 60 [ 524.474773] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6041:00, 16 bit, "???". [ 524.474775] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:02. [ 524.474777] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.474777] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 02 00 00 00 00 [ 524.503968] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.503970] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 02 20 00 64 60 [ 524.503977] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.503978] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 64 60 [ 524.503981] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6064:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 524.503984] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:03. [ 524.503985] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.503986] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 03 00 00 00 00 [ 524.534298] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.534300] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 03 20 00 6C 60 [ 524.534307] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.534309] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 6C 60 [ 524.534312] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x606C:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 524.534315] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:04. [ 524.534316] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 524.534317] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 04 00 00 00 00 [ 524.564530] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 524.564531] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 04 08 00 61 60 [ 524.564538] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 524.564539] EtherCAT DEBUG: 08 00 61 60 [ 524.564542] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6061:00, 8 bit, "???". [ 524.564544] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Changing mapping of PDO 0x1A00. [ 524.564545] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Currently mapped PDO entries: 0x6041:00/16 0x6064:00/32 0x606C:00/32 0x6061:00/8. Entries to map: 0x6041:00/16 0x6064:00/32 0x606C:00/32 0x6061:00/8 [ 524.564556] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting entry count to zero. [ 524.564557] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1A00:00. [ 524.564558] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 [ 524.564560] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.564561] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.594758] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.594760] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.594767] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x6041:00 (16 bit) at position 1. [ 524.594769] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1A00:01. [ 524.594770] EtherCAT DEBUG: 10 00 41 60 [ 524.594773] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.594774] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 1A 01 10 00 41 60 [ 524.623966] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.623968] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 1A 01 10 00 41 60 [ 524.623975] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x6064:00 (32 bit) at position 2. [ 524.623977] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1A00:02. [ 524.623978] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 64 60 [ 524.623981] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.623982] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 1A 02 20 00 64 60 [ 524.654188] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.654191] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 1A 02 20 00 64 60 [ 524.654198] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x606C:00 (32 bit) at position 3. [ 524.654200] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1A00:03. [ 524.654201] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 6C 60 [ 524.654205] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.654206] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 1A 03 20 00 6C 60 [ 524.684422] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.684425] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 1A 03 20 00 6C 60 [ 524.684432] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mapping PDO entry 0x6061:00 (8 bit) at position 4. [ 524.684434] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1A00:04. [ 524.684435] EtherCAT DEBUG: 08 00 61 60 [ 524.684439] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.684440] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 23 00 1A 04 08 00 61 60 [ 524.714645] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.714647] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 1A 04 08 00 61 60 [ 524.714653] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting number of PDO entries to 4. [ 524.714655] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1A00:00. [ 524.714656] EtherCAT DEBUG: 04 [ 524.714658] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.714658] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 00 1A 00 04 00 00 00 [ 524.743865] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.743867] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 00 1A 00 04 00 00 00 [ 524.743874] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Successfully configured mapping for PDO 0x1A00. [ 524.743876] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting PDO assignment of SM3: [ 524.743877] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Currently assigned PDOs: (none). PDOs to assign: 0x1A00 [ 524.743881] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting number of assigned PDOs to zero. [ 524.743882] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1C13:00. [ 524.743883] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 [ 524.743885] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.743886] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 13 1C 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.774090] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.774093] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 13 1C 00 00 00 00 00 [ 524.774100] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Assigning PDO 0x1A00 at position 1. [ 524.774102] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1C13:01. [ 524.774103] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 1A [ 524.774106] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.774107] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2B 13 1C 01 00 1A 00 00 [ 524.804320] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.804322] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 13 1C 01 00 1A 00 00 [ 524.804329] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Setting number of assigned PDOs to 1. [ 524.804331] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Downloading SDO 0x1C13:00. [ 524.804332] EtherCAT DEBUG: 01 [ 524.804333] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Expedited download request: [ 524.804334] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 2F 13 1C 00 01 00 00 00 [ 524.834551] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Download response: [ 524.834553] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 60 13 1C 00 01 00 00 00 [ 524.834561] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Successfully configured PDO assignment of SM3. [ 524.834565] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: SM2: Addr 0x1800, Size 11, Ctrl 0x64, En 1 [ 524.834567] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: SM3: Addr 0x1C00, Size 11, Ctrl 0x20, En 1 [ 524.844637] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: FMMU: LogAddr 0x00000000, Size 11, PhysAddr 0x1C00, SM3, Dir in [ 524.844641] EtherCAT DEBUG 0 0:0: FMMU: LogAddr 0x0000000B, Size 11, PhysAddr 0x1800, SM2, Dir out [ 524.858830] EtherCAT 0: Domain 0: Working counter changed to 3/3. [ 524.873840] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Now in SAFEOP. [ 524.888939] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Now in OP. Finished configuration. [ 524.899011] EtherCAT 0: Slave states on main device: OP. [ 538.926130] EtherCAT 0: Releasing master... [ 538.926133] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: ecrt_master_deactivate(master = 0x0000000048b344db) [ 538.926135] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Stopping master thread. [ 538.926139] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Master OP thread exiting... [ 538.926147] EtherCAT 0: Master thread exited. [ 538.926151] EtherCAT 0: Starting EtherCAT-IDLE thread. [ 538.926178] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: OPERATION -> IDLE. [ 538.926179] EtherCAT 0: Released. [ 538.926180] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Idle thread running with send interval = 1000 us, max data size=11250 [ 538.926187] EtherCAT WARNING 0: 1 datagram UNMATCHED! [ 538.926188] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: UNMATCHED datagram: [ 538.926189] EtherCAT DEBUG: 0C E8 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 18 16 FF FF BF FF [ 538.926199] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 00 00 00 08 06 00 FF FF BF FF 00 00 00 00 08 [ 538.926208] EtherCAT DEBUG: 03 00 [ 538.926210] EtherCAT 0: 0 slave(s) responding on main device. [ 538.926476] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Datagram 0000000089d9c2c5 already queued (skipping). [ 538.927503] EtherCAT 0: 1 slave(s) responding on main device. [ 538.927505] EtherCAT 0: Slave states on main device: SAFEOP + ERROR. [ 538.927537] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Sending broadcast-write to measure transmission delays on main link. [ 538.927787] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: 1 slaves responded to delay measuring on main link. [ 538.927789] EtherCAT 0: Scanning bus. [ 538.927790] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: Scanning slave 0 on main link. [ 538.928272] EtherCAT WARNING 0-0: Slave has state error bit set (SAFEOP + ERROR)! [ 538.928760] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Slave has the System Time register. [ 538.929266] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Assigning SII access to EtherCAT. [ 538.929501] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Determining SII size. [ 538.929990] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Found category type 10 with size 7. Proceeding to offset 73. [ 538.930482] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Found category type 30 with size 16. Proceeding to offset 91. [ 538.930964] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Found category type 40 with size 2. Proceeding to offset 95. [ 538.931456] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Found category type 41 with size 16. Proceeding to offset 113. [ 538.931945] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Found category type 50 with size 0. Proceeding to offset 115. [ 538.932437] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Found category type 51 with size 0. Proceeding to offset 117. [ 538.957258] EtherCAT WARNING: Datagram 0000000089d9c2c5 (master-fsm) was SKIPPED 1 time. [ 538.961831] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Slave announces to support CoE, FoE. [ 538.961835] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Slave announces to support unknown mailbox protocols 0x0002. [ 538.961837] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Reading mailbox sync manager configuration. [ 538.962076] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Mailbox configuration: [ 538.962077] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: RX offset=0x1000 size=128 [ 538.962078] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: TX offset=0x1400 size=128 [ 538.962079] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Scanning PDO assignment and mapping. [ 538.962080] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Reading PDO assignment of SM2. [ 538.962081] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1C12:00. [ 538.962083] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.962083] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 12 1C 00 00 00 00 00 [ 538.962818] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.962819] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 10 7E 73 21 01 00 00 00 00 [ 538.962824] EtherCAT WARNING 0-0: CoE Emergency Request received: Error code 0x737E, Error register 0x21, data: [ 538.962826] EtherCAT DEBUG: 01 00 00 00 00 [ 538.963554] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.963556] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4F 12 1C 00 01 00 00 00 [ 538.963561] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.963562] EtherCAT DEBUG: 01 [ 538.963564] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: 1 PDOs assigned. [ 538.963565] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1C12:01. [ 538.963566] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.963566] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 12 1C 01 00 00 00 00 [ 538.964529] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.964531] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4B 12 1C 01 00 16 00 00 [ 538.964536] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.964536] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 16 [ 538.964538] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO 0x1600. [ 538.964540] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:00. [ 538.964541] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.964541] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 [ 538.965267] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.965268] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4F 00 16 00 04 00 00 00 [ 538.965275] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.965276] EtherCAT DEBUG: 04 [ 538.965277] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: 4 PDO entries mapped. [ 538.965279] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:01. [ 538.965280] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.965281] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 01 00 00 00 00 [ 538.966010] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.966012] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 01 10 00 40 60 [ 538.966019] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.966020] EtherCAT DEBUG: 10 00 40 60 [ 538.966024] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6040:00, 16 bit, "???". [ 538.966026] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:02. [ 538.966027] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.966028] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 02 00 00 00 00 [ 538.966736] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.966738] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 02 20 00 7A 60 [ 538.966743] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.966744] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 7A 60 [ 538.966747] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x607A:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 538.966749] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:03. [ 538.966750] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.966750] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 03 00 00 00 00 [ 538.967475] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.967477] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 03 20 00 FF 60 [ 538.967484] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.967485] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 FF 60 [ 538.967488] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x60FF:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 538.967490] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1600:04. [ 538.967492] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.967493] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 16 04 00 00 00 00 [ 538.968212] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.968214] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 16 04 08 00 60 60 [ 538.968219] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.968220] EtherCAT DEBUG: 08 00 60 60 [ 538.968222] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6060:00, 8 bit, "???". [ 538.968226] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Reading PDO assignment of SM3. [ 538.968227] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1C13:00. [ 538.968228] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.968228] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 13 1C 00 00 00 00 00 [ 538.968947] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.968950] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4F 13 1C 00 01 00 00 00 [ 538.968957] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.968959] EtherCAT DEBUG: 01 [ 538.968960] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: 1 PDOs assigned. [ 538.968962] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1C13:01. [ 538.968963] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.968964] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 13 1C 01 00 00 00 00 [ 538.969685] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.969686] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4B 13 1C 01 00 1A 00 00 [ 538.969691] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.969692] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 1A [ 538.969694] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO 0x1A00. [ 538.969695] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:00. [ 538.969696] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.969697] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 [ 538.970414] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.970416] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 4F 00 1A 00 04 00 00 00 [ 538.970421] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.970422] EtherCAT DEBUG: 04 [ 538.970423] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: 4 PDO entries mapped. [ 538.970424] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:01. [ 538.970425] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.970426] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 01 00 00 00 00 [ 538.971146] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.971147] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 01 10 00 41 60 [ 538.971152] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.971153] EtherCAT DEBUG: 10 00 41 60 [ 538.971156] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6041:00, 16 bit, "???". [ 538.971157] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:02. [ 538.971158] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.971159] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 02 00 00 00 00 [ 538.971891] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.971892] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 02 20 00 64 60 [ 538.971897] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.971898] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 64 60 [ 538.971901] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6064:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 538.971902] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:03. [ 538.971903] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.971904] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 03 00 00 00 00 [ 538.972872] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.972874] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 03 20 00 6C 60 [ 538.972880] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.972881] EtherCAT DEBUG: 20 00 6C 60 [ 538.972884] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x606C:00, 32 bit, "???". [ 538.972885] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploading SDO 0x1A00:04. [ 538.972887] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload request: [ 538.972887] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 20 40 00 1A 04 00 00 00 00 [ 538.973598] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Upload response: [ 538.973600] EtherCAT DEBUG: 00 30 43 00 1A 04 08 00 61 60 [ 538.973608] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Uploaded data: [ 538.973609] EtherCAT DEBUG: 08 00 61 60 [ 538.973612] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: PDO entry 0x6061:00, 8 bit, "???". [ 538.973616] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Reading of PDO configuration finished. [ 538.973617] EtherCAT 0: Bus scanning completed in 46 ms. [ 538.973618] EtherCAT 0: Using slave 0 as DC reference clock. [ 538.973620] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: ec_slave_calc_transmission_delays_rec(delay = 0 ns) [ 538.973621] EtherCAT DEBUG 0: No app_time received up to now. [ 538.975676] EtherCAT ERROR 0-0: AL status message 0x001B: "Sync manager watchdog". [ 538.976410] EtherCAT 0-0: Acknowledged state SAFEOP. [ 538.976411] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Changing state from SAFEOP to PREOP (forced). [ 538.976413] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Configuring... [ 538.977147] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Now in INIT. [ 538.977148] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Clearing FMMU configurations... [ 538.977399] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Clearing sync manager configurations... [ 538.977633] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Clearing DC assignment... [ 538.977879] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Configuring mailbox sync managers... [ 538.977880] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: SM0: Addr 0x1000, Size 128, Ctrl 0x26, En 1 [ 538.977882] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: SM1: Addr 0x1400, Size 128, Ctrl 0x22, En 1 [ 538.978129] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Assigning SII access to PDI. [ 538.978860] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Now in PREOP. [ 538.978862] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Assigning SII access back to EtherCAT. [ 538.979108] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Finished configuration. [ 538.979109] EtherCAT DEBUG 0-0: Ready for requests. [ 538.980119] EtherCAT 0: Slave states on main device: PREOP.