in float time; in vec3 pos; layout (location = 0) out vec4 fragColor; #define speed .05 #define iResolution vec2(1000,500) vec2 toCarte(vec2 z) { return z.x*vec2(cos(z.y),sin(z.y)); } vec2 toPolar(vec2 z) { return vec2(length(z),atan(z.y,z.x)); } // All the following complex operations are defined for the polar form // of a complex number. So, they expect a complex number with the // format vec2(radius,theta) -> radius*eˆ(i*theta). // The polar form makes the operations *,/,pow,log very light and simple // The price to pay is that +,- become costly :/ // So I switch back to cartesian in those cases. vec2 zmul(vec2 z1,vec2 z2) { return vec2(z1.x*z2.x,z1.y+z2.y); } vec2 zdiv(vec2 z1, vec2 z2) { return vec2(z1.x/z2.x,z1.y-z2.y); } vec2 zlog(vec2 z) { return toPolar(vec2(log(z.x),z.y)); } vec2 zpow(vec2 z, float n) { return vec2(exp(log(z.x)*n),z.y*n); } vec2 zpow(float n, vec2 z) { return vec2(exp(log(n)*z.x*cos(z.y)),log(n)*z.x*sin(z.y)); } vec2 zpow(vec2 z1, vec2 z2) { return zpow(exp(1.),zmul(zlog(z1),z2)); } vec2 zadd(vec2 z1, vec2 z2) { return toPolar(toCarte(z1) + toCarte(z2)); } vec2 zsub(vec2 z1, vec2 z2) { return toPolar(toCarte(z1) - toCarte(z2)); } //sinz, cosz and tanz came from -> vec2 zsin(vec2 z) { z = toCarte(z); float e1 = exp(z.y); float e2 = exp(-z.y); float sinh = (e1-e2)*.5; float cosh = (e1+e2)*.5; return toPolar(vec2(sin(z.x)*cosh,cos(z.x)*sinh)); } vec2 zcos(vec2 z) { z = toCarte(z); float e1 = exp(z.y); float e2 = exp(-z.y); float sinh = (e1-e2)*.5; float cosh = (e1+e2)*.5; return toPolar(vec2(cos(z.x)*cosh,-sin(z.x)*sinh)); } vec2 ztan(vec2 z) { z = toCarte(z); float e1 = exp(z.y); float e2 = exp(-z.y); float cosx = cos(z.x); float sinh = (e1 - e2)*0.5; float cosh = (e1 + e2)*0.5; return toPolar(vec2(sin(z.x)*cosx, sinh*cosh)/(cosx*cosx + sinh*sinh)); } vec2 zeta(vec2 z) { vec2 sum = vec2(.0); for (int i=1; i<20; i++) sum += toCarte(zpow(float(i),-z)); return toPolar(sum); } vec2 lambert(vec2 z) { vec2 sum = vec2(.0); for (int i=1; i<15; i++) sum += toCarte(zdiv(zpow(z,float(i)),zsub(vec2(1.,.0),zpow(z,float(i))))); return toPolar(sum); } vec2 mandelbrot(vec2 z) { vec2 sum = vec2(.0); vec2 zc = toCarte(z); for (int i=1; i<11; i++) sum += toCarte(zpow(toPolar(sum),2.)) + zc; return toPolar(sum); } vec2 julia(vec2 z) { vec2 sum = toCarte(zpow(z,2.)); // the julia set is connected if C is in the mandelbrot set and disconnected otherwise // to make it interesting, C is animated on the boundary of the main bulb // the formula for the boundary is 0.5*eˆ(i*theta) - 0.25*eˆ(i*2*theta) and came from iq // float theta = fract(speed)*2.*6.2830; vec2 c = toCarte(vec2(0.5,.5*theta)) - toCarte(vec2(0.25,theta)) - vec2(.25,.0); for (int i=0; i<7; i++) sum += toCarte(zpow(toPolar(sum),2.)) + c; return toPolar(sum); } vec2 map(vec2 uv) { float t = floor(mod(time * speed,10.0)); //t = 7.; float s = t == 1.? 4. : t==5.? .6: t==4.? 6. : t==5.? 2.5 : t== 9. ? 13. : 3.; uv *= s + s*.2*cos(fract(speed)*6.2830); vec2 fz, z = toPolar(uv); // z + 1 / z - 1 fz = t == 0. ? zdiv(zadd(z,vec2(1.0)),zsub(z,vec2(1.0,.0)) ) : // formula from wikipedia // fz = (zˆ2 - 1)(z + (2-i))ˆ2 / zˆ2 + (2+2i) t == 1. ? zdiv(zmul(zsub(zpow(z,2.),vec2(1.,0)),zpow(zadd(z,toPolar(vec2(2.,-1.))),2.)),zadd(zpow(z,2.),toPolar(vec2(2.,-2.)))) : // z^(3-i) + 1. t == 2. ? zadd(zpow(z,vec2(3.,acos(-1.))),vec2(1.,.0)) : // tan(z^3) / z^2 t == 3. ? zdiv(ztan(zpow(z,3.)),zpow(z,2.)) : // tan ( sin (z) ) t == 4. ? ztan(zsin(z)) : // sin ( 1 / z ) t == 5. ? zsin(zdiv(vec2(1.,.0),z)) : // the usual coloring methods for the mandelbrot show the outside. // this technique allows to see the structure of the inside. t == 6. ? mandelbrot(zsub(z,vec2(1.,.0))) : // the julia set t == 7. ? julia(z) : // t == 8. ? lambert(z) : // this is the Riemman Zeta Function (well, at least part of it... :P) // if you can prove that all the zeros of this function are // in the 0.5 + iy line, you will win: // a) a million dollars ! (no, really...) // b) eternal fame and your name will be worshiped in history books // c) you will uncover the deep and misterious connection between PI and the primes // // zeta(zadd(z,vec2(8.,.0))); return toCarte(fz); } vec3 color(vec2 uv) { float a = atan(uv.y,uv.x); float r = length(uv); vec3 c = .5 * ( cos(a*vec3(2.,2.,1.) + vec3(.0,1.4,.4)) + 1. ); return c * smoothstep(1.,0.,abs(fract(log(r)-time*.1)-.5)) // modulus lines * smoothstep(1.,0.,abs(fract((a*7.)/3.14+(time*.1))-.5)) // phase lines * smoothstep(11.,0.,log(r)) // infinity fades to black * smoothstep(.5,.4,abs(fract(speed)-.5)); // scene switch } void main() {//( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ){ vec2 uv = pos.xy; //(fragCoord.xy - iResolution.xy *.5)/iResolution.y; fragColor = vec4( color(map(uv)), 1.0 ); }