* Creating isolated environment: venv+pip... * Installing packages in isolated environment: - numpy - scikit-build-core * Getting build dependencies for wheel... * Installing packages in isolated environment: - cmake>=3.26 - ninja>=1.5 * Building wheel... *** scikit-build-core 0.10.7 using CMake 3.31.2 (wheel) *** Configuring CMake... loading initial cache file /var/folders/gp/4gsnqr715s3cn2cxwbycgtj00000gp/T/tmpkry4ij6p/build/CMakeInit.txt -- The C compiler identification is AppleClang -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Found Python: /private/var/folders/gp/4gsnqr715s3cn2cxwbycgtj00000gp/T/build-env-1bd2aq3o/bin/python (found version "3.12.4") found components: Interpreter Development.Module Development.SABIModule NumPy CMake Error at ext/libdeflate/CMakeLists.txt:20 (add_subdirectory): add_subdirectory given source "ext/libdeflate" which is not an existing directory. CMake Error at /private/var/folders/gp/4gsnqr715s3cn2cxwbycgtj00000gp/T/build-env-1bd2aq3o/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cmake/data/share/cmake-3.31/Modules/FindPython/Support.cmake:4240 (add_library): add_library cannot create target "cutils" because another target with the same name already exists. The existing target is a module library created in source directory "/Users/matheus.andrade/PycharmProjects/asammdf/ext/libdeflate". See documentation for policy CMP0002 for more details. Call Stack (most recent call first): /private/var/folders/gp/4gsnqr715s3cn2cxwbycgtj00000gp/T/build-env-1bd2aq3o/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cmake/data/share/cmake-3.31/Modules/FindPython.cmake:692 (__Python_add_library) CMakeLists.txt:22 (python_add_library) -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! *** CMake configuration failed ERROR Backend subprocess exited when trying to invoke build_wheel