isForgotPassword boolean Whether the user has selected Forgot your Password Forgot your password? string Click here to reset your password Button unique object Id for subject of the claims being returned string Will hold Hello World message string Given Name string Your given name (also known as first name). TextBox Surname string Your surname (also known as family name or last name). TextBox Display Name string Your display name. TextBox Account Type string Register with email string Register with email Button Register with GMC Number string Register with GMC Number Button Email Address string Your email address. TextBox GMC Number or Email string TextBox Email Address string Email address to use for signing in. TextBox Password string Enter password Enter password Password New Password string Enter new password Password Confirm new password string Confirm new password Reenter password Password string UserPrincipalName string Your user name as stored in the Azure Active Directory. Password Policies string Password policies used by Azure AD to determine password strength, expiry etc. Email Address string Enter Email Address TextBox string Verification Code string Enter your verification code TextBox grant_type string Special parameter passed for local account authentication to scope string Special parameter passed for local account authentication to nca string Special parameter passed for local account authentication to client_id string Special parameter passed to EvoSTS. Special parameter passed to EvoSTS. resource_id string Special parameter passed to EvoSTS. Special parameter passed to EvoSTS. AuthenticationSource string Specifies whether the user was authenticated at Social IDP or local account. Verified Phone Number string XXX-XXX- Your office phone number that has been verified is Email boolean Email Address string Email address that the user can use for strong authentication. Email address to use for strong authentication. TextBox Verified Email Address string Readonly objectIdFromSession boolean Parameter provided by the default session management provider to indicate that the object id has been retrieved from an SSO session. Matched mail string Identity Provider string User is new boolean Executed-SelfAsserted-Input string A claim that specifies whether attributes were collected from the user. Organization Code string 8 64 a-z A-Z 0-9 @#$%^&*\-_+=[]{}|\\:',.?/`~"();! ^[0-9]+$ (^([0-9A-Za-z\d@#$%^&*\-_+=[\]{}|\\:',?/`~"();! ]|(\.(?!@)))+$)|(^$) (^\S.*\S$)|(^\S+$)|(^$) [^@]+@[^\.]+\..+ The password must have at least 3 of the following: $(BlobStorage.BaseUri)/b2c-templates/generic-selfAsserted.html ~/common/default_page_error.html urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:selfasserted:2.1.7 Local account change password page $(BlobStorage.BaseUri)/b2c-templates/generic-selfAsserted.html ~/common/default_page_error.html urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:selfasserted:2.1.7 $(BlobStorage.BaseUri)/b2c-templates/generic-selfAsserted.html ~/common/default_page_error.html urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:selfasserted:2.1.7 $(BlobStorage.BaseUri)/b2c-templates/generic-unified.html ~/common/default_page_error.html urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:unifiedssp:2.1.7 Signin and Signup ForgotPasswordExchange GMC Number objectId SkipThisValidationTechnicalProfile Azure Active Directory Azure Active Directory false Write true false Session Management Noop Session Management Provider Session Mananagement Provider Local Account Pwd Reset Reset password using username IpAddress api.localaccountpasswordreset true An account could not be found for the provided User ID and email combination. Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again. Username true 3 Read true EmailVerifyOnSignUp SelfAssertedContentDefinition Read true An account could not be found for the provided user ID. false AAD SSPR Send Code SendCode true Verify Code VerifyCode true Local Account extract username Local Account Sign Up SelfAssertedContentDefinition false Read true false Change password (username) api.localaccountpasswordreset Read true An account could not be found for the provided user ID. false Reset password using email address IpAddress api.localaccountpasswordreset Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again. false Token Issuer JWT Issuer JWT {service:te} objectId true Trustframework Policy Engine TechnicalProfiles Trustframework Policy Engine Default Technical Profile {service:te} Technical Profiles to generate claims Display Name Claim Generator Technical Profile Technical Profiles to collect user's details Get Domain Register with email IpAddress SelfAssertedContentDefinition Email true Register with GMC Number IpAddress SelfAssertedContentDefinitionUserNameSignUp Username true Continue Collect User Input Technical Profile SelfAssertedContentDefinition accountType email SkipThisValidationTechnicalProfile accountType email SkipThisValidationTechnicalProfile Technical Profile to collect user's accountType Collect User Input Technical Profile SelfAssertedContentDefinition Azure AD Technical Profiles Write user information to AAD Write true The account already exists. Try to create another account Read user from Azure AD storage Read false false Write user information to AAD Write true Read user from Azure AD storage Read false false OpenID Connect Technical Profiles Sign in with Local Account We didn't find this account Your password or username is incorrect You've used an old password.{tenant}/.well-known/openid-configuration{tenant}/oauth2/token id_token query email openid false POST $(SP.IEFProxy.Id) $(SP.IEF.Id) Local Account Signin Email AccountTypeInputCollectorClaimsExchange Sign In SelfAssertedContentDefinition The last names you provided are not the same true AccountTypeInputCollectorClaimsExchange ForgotPasswordExchange false Local Account SignIn{tenant}/.well-known/openid-configuration{tenant}/oauth2/token id_token query email openid false POST $(SP.IEFProxy.Id) $(SP.IEF.Id) Forgot your password? Signup Without Verification Register with email IpAddress SelfAssertedContentDefinition Email true Register with GMC Number IpAddress SelfAssertedContentDefinitionUserNameSignUp Username true objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep isForgotPassword true SkipThisOrchestrationStep objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep isEmailBoolean True SkipThisOrchestrationStep isEmailBoolean False SkipThisOrchestrationStep