Below is an example of how to use the UTxO RPC provider with Mesh to build and submit a transaction.
// Step #1
// Import Mesh SDK and UTxO RPC provider
import { Transaction, MeshWallet } from "@meshsdk/core";
import { U5CProvider } from './u5c';
async function main() {
// Step #2
// Create a new U5C provider
const provider = new U5CProvider({
url: "http://localhost:50051",
headers: {
"dmtr-api-key": "<api-key>",
// Step #3
// Create a new wallet from a mnemonic
const wallet = new MeshWallet({
networkId: 0, // 0: testnet, 1: mainnet
fetcher: provider,
submitter: provider,
key: {
type: 'mnemonic',
words: ["solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution","solution"],
// Optional: Print the wallet address
// Optional: Print the wallet utxos
console.log(await provider.fetchAddressUTxOs(wallet.getChangeAddress()))
// Step #4
// Create an example transaction that sends 5 ADA to an address
const tx = new Transaction({ initiator: wallet, verbose: false })
const unsignedTx = await;
// Step #5
// Sign the transaction
const signedTx = wallet.signTx(unsignedTx);
// Step #6
// Submit the transaction to the blockchain network
const txId = await provider.submitTx(signedTx);
// Optional: Print the transaction ID
console.log("Transaction ID", txId);