Hi! Welcome to my website!
-An aspiring red teamer currently residing in Las Vegas, I currently work for an MSSP as a Cybersecurity Intern and as the Junior Member Coordinator for my non-profit (Free Cyber Clinic) where we provide training material for subjects such as OSINT, Network Security, Infrastructure, and etc in order to have our members perform security assessments and remediation for small businesses. Outside of the Free Cyber Clinic I provide training and mentorship to students looking to get into cybersecurity or decide on a career.
+An aspiring red teamer currently residing in Las Vegas, previously a Cybersecurity Intern for an MSSP & Cybersecurity Researcher under the NNSA. Currently I work as the Junior Member Coordinator for my non-profit (Free Cyber Clinic) where we provide training material for subjects such as OSINT, Network Security, Infrastructure, and etc in order to have our members perform security assessments and remediations for small businesses. Outside of the Free Cyber Clinic I provide training and mentorship to students looking to get into cybersecurity or decide on a career.
Want to contact me?
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/angelgarciaj/
diff --git a/index.json b/index.json index 891509b..3a98b95 100644 --- a/index.json +++ b/index.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -[{"body":" Content coming soon! ","link":"/blog/","section":"blog","title":"Blog"},{"body":"\rHi! Welcome to my website! An aspiring red teamer currently residing in Las Vegas, I currently work for an MSSP as a Cybersecurity Intern and as the Junior Member Coordinator for my non-profit (Free Cyber Clinic) where we provide training material for subjects such as OSINT, Network Security, Infrastructure, and etc in order to have our members perform security assessments and remediation for small businesses. Outside of the Free Cyber Clinic I provide training and mentorship to students looking to get into cybersecurity or decide on a career.\nWant to contact me? LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/angelgarciaj/\nDownload my resume\n","link":"/","section":"","title":"Home"},{"body":"Subjects Prerequisites Choose Your Website Recon/Hacking Writeup Resources Prerequisites Mindset So you want to get into bug bounty? Great, but I highly recommend you come in with this mindset: Be positive, be persistent, and play the waiting game.\nOperating Systems Now let's pick an operating system:\nLinux macOS Windows Any of these should do. I would personally not recommend trying to do bug bounty on ChromeOS, as many of your tools would be browser plugins. If you're still new to cybersecurity, you're just making your transition into this field a lot harder, unfortunately.\nTools With any of the previous operating systems, you want to go ahead and install either OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite as you'll need a proxy to intercept requests being made to your target website. The Community Edition (free version) of Burp Suite is perfectly fine for just starting, and if you want some of those premium features, then perhaps try OWASP ZAP or consider buying Burp Suite Professional.\nNow that you have a proxy, you can decide if you want to use the built-in browser that comes with ZAP/Burp. But if you want to use your own browser, then you'll have to get something like FoxyProxy. More information on how to install can be found here: SETTING UP BURP SUITE.\nWith all the proxy stuff figured out, let's move on to handy tools while doing bug bounty:\nCookie Editor: Used for editing values attached to cookies Wappalyzer: Version and service check for the whole web app instead of having to manually find them Note Taking With all technical tools out of the way, now we move on to one of the most important things in cybersecurity: DOCUMENTATION. Find a note-taking app that fits you best, but make sure to take as many notes as you can when learning or testing out anything for web applications, as you'll never know when those notes may come in clutch.\nNote Taking Apps:\nJoplin OneNote Cherry Tree Evernote Kate Text Editors:\nVisual Studio Code Vim Notepad++ etc. Choose Your Website Now that you have set up your device for bug bounty, let's find the right website for you. To familiarize yourself with bug bounty terms, consider the following:\nPlatform: The websites providing links and access to their partners' VDPs, as well as triaging Triage: The process of remediating or reviewing bug bounty reports to decide on the appropriate action to take Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP): The process that accepts, fixes, and discloses bug bounties Disclosure: Allowing bug bounty hunters to post write-ups or speak publicly about the bugs they found Now, there are numerous ways to choose a website, but personally, I believe it's best to view disclosures. If it feels like you would work well with their team, then try that company's VDP. Here are some platforms to try out:\nHackerOne BugCrowd Intigriti Requires Application:\nSynack Cobalt If you feel like you're a boss at bug bounty, then perhaps you may want to consider VDPs directly from companies like Google, Facebook, Apple \u0026 Medium. If you feel the opposite, then consider perhaps opening up a VDP for a website you use a ton. But tread with caution, as they may ask if you have a bug, and if you go beyond their non-existent rules of engagement (ROE), they might get mad and get you in trouble LOL.\nRecon/Hacking Reconnaissance You've picked your website, but now you need to get more information about them. Personally, I'm very much a visual person, so I like to build out a tree representing the website's layout \u0026 structure:\nWebsite Domain Subdomains Directories Input/Output Fields Buttons Etc. Once I have an idea of what's laid out, I can mark this tree to keep track of what sections of the website I have tested and document how I've tested it in our notes. If you're looking for an easier win, then some good tools to use would be Shodan, Google, and Wappalyzer to check for keywords or versions that would show a CWE or CVE.\nHacking With all that information, you should now have some sort of target narrowed down from the scope given and the tree we created. Common weaknesses to look for in a web application can be referenced here: OWASP Top 10 2021. If the OWASP Top 10 doesn't seem to lead you anywhere, then try web app checklists provided by other bug bounty hunters online. After everything, if nothing is sticking, then you have two options:\nYou just need to learn a little more, so study and find your niche in bug bounty to make that money. Try a different website; sometimes some bounty programs just have skilled engineers or strict triagers. NOW, whatever you do, please don't follow these tips: meme. Stick to the rules of engagement, or else: JAIL TIME or some really fat fines LOL.\nWriteup So you found a bug on a website? Great, let's get into what sort of content your writeup should have.\nExploit Title Exploit, domain \u0026 impact in a sentence Summary of Exploit Breakdown the exploit into a paragraph Severity Define severity (Tools: CVSS / H1 Rating) Reproduce Vulnerability Like a summary, except basically a walk-through Proof of Concept Video, pictures, or scripts to reproduce exploit Impact Describe how it would affect a client or company (VERY IMPORTANT) Solution Do you know why the vulnerability exists, drop a suggestion (Optional) Once you finish those sections for your report, then go ahead and review it with a friend or by yourself and compare it with previous disclosures from that bug bounty program to ensure the best chance of your bug being accepted.\nResources Now you're officially a bug bounty hunter, at least in my eyes :))\nIf you feel like you need more resources to get better at bug bounty, then here are some tips \u0026 resources!\nLearning Platforms: Port Swigger Academy Hacker101 (can get you into private programs for HackerOne) TryHackMe HackTheBox Content Creators: NahamSec The XSS RAT PwnFunction Books: Bug Bounty Bootcamp The Tangled Web (more so for code review, but a great resource regardless) ","link":"/blog/bugbounty/","section":"blog","title":"Introduction into Bug Bounty"},{"body":"Resume/CV Angel Garcia J.\nProfessional Development\nCertifications: Security+, A+, LPI Linux Essentials\nHomelab: Proxmox | Windows Server 2022 | Ubuntu Server with Docker | pfSense | Cloudflare\nConferences:\nBSides Las Vegas 2022, 2023 CES 2023 DEFCON 29, 30, 31 DOE Cybercon 2022, 2023 CTFs:\nBoss of the Soc 2023 25th/60 Teams - Fowl Owls Pro Vs Joes CTF 2023 1st Place - Ctrl Alt Defeat Pro Vs Joes CTF 2022 1st Place - Red Team CTF ICL Collegiate Cup 2022 12th/57 Teams - UNLV S.I.T.E (SOC It To Em) NCL CTF Fall 2022 Teams ( 71/1068 ), Individuals ( 242/3487 ) TryHackMe: Top 5% of 2,226,572 players\nCompany Role Time Period\rDruvStar\rCybersecurity Intern\rMay 2023 - Now\rRespond to tickets by analyzing log data from security tool portals (Microsoft Defender for 365 \u0026 Azure)to report \u0026 communicate to our clients on how to proceed on a monthly basis\rMonitor SIEM alerts to promptly identify potential security issues to then further investigate events and potential incidents, contributing to proactive management of security vulnerabilities\rProvide proactive “threat hunting” to detect incidents and accelerate the enhancement of the SOC\rContract Work\rSystems Administrator\rMay 2022 - Now\rAdminister virtual machines \u0026 services provided to 100+ users to accomplish 99.999% uptime\rCreate and revise internal documentation for networks, infrastructure \u0026 assets to minimize costs\rManage and collaborate on projects through Jira \u0026 Asana to keep business operating\rClients: Free Cyber Clinic, Layer Zero \u0026 Personal Homelab\rFree Cyber Clinic\rCo-Founder\rOctober 2021 - Now\rNon-profit that assesses threat actor Tactics, Techniques \u0026 Procedures (TTPs) focused on 100s of small businesses under the SBDC to help prevent $100,000+ of damages from hacks \u0026 breaches.\rCreate virtual labs to be assessed with open-source \u0026 system tools to train for vulnerabilities or weaknesses found in small businesses.\rDesign \u0026 create additional training for tools or certifications like Security+ in order to lead our 60+ students to learn, perform and lessen that workforce gap of millions of people.\rUNLV\rCo-Instructor\rJuly 2021 - Present\rCreate labs under the NSA/NSF GenCyber with tools such as Wireshark to analyze network traffic, ESP8266 microcontrollers to simulate ICS devices, \u0026 Kali Linux tools to show vulnerabilities with IOT devices ( nmap ), web applications ( BurpSuite ) \u0026 wireless networks ( aircrack-ng ).\rProvide lab documentation through Github to students in order to maintain a smooth learning experience through teaching and walk-throughs.\rNNSA MSIPP\rSecurity Researcher\rSeptember 2022 - Jan 2023\rCreate datasets with tools like Havoc - C2 Framework, Wireshark / TCPDump, VMware Workstation Pro \u0026 self-made tools/programs to recreate attacks from Advanced Persistent Threats(APTs).\rImplement machine learning on Python with network data ( assumed breach ) from IOT \u0026 ICS devices to discover threats \u0026 new trends leading to a continuous production of threat intelligence UNLV STEM Camp\rCybersecurity Teacher\rJanuary 2022 - July 2022\rProvide students an opportunity to learn about how easily networks are vulnerable to tools from Kali Linux as well as custom tools created from GitHub.\rAllow students to come out with a GitHub storing a script project that will perform actions related to their focus in cybersecurity:\rNetworks\rOSINT\rCryptography\rLos Descendientes de Nevada\rMusician\rJune 2021 - May 2022\rBass Player (play the electric bass)\rMusical Arranger (lead the group in terms of how to play and how to combine instruments in terms of playing together/in harmony)\rAudio Engineer (equalize the mixer for the audio system as well as for the digital recordings)\rUNLV CS 135\rTeaching Assistant\rAugust 2021 - December 2021\rPerform analysis of CS 135 - C++ code in order to verify a class of 60 students created a successful implementation of their assignments and worksheets.\rDuring office hours assistance would be provided to understand concepts such as iteration, functions, databases, and sorting algorithms.\rDuke of Computers\rComputer Technician\rAugust 2020 - October 2020\rFirst line of contact to the 100s of customers that would come in looking for a on-the-spot diagnostic or solution.\rWorked on a variety of devices like phones, laptops, computers, car stereos, etc with varying brands like Apple, Microsoft, HP, Dell, etc.\rWould provide solutions to issues like slow software, layer 1-3 network issues, hardware failure, and data loss.\rEducation\nCoding Languages: C++, C#, Python, JavaScript, KQL, SQL, x86_64\nLanguages: Spanish, English, Japanese (Learning)\nSchool\rPath\rProgress\rWestern Governer's University\rNetwork Engineering and Security - Bachelor of Science April 2023 - Now\rUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas\rComputer Science - Bachelor of Science\rAugust 2020 - December 2022\rEast Career \u0026 Technical Academy\rCollege \u0026 Career Ready Diploma for Information Technology\rAugust 2016 - May 2020\r","link":"/resume/","section":"","title":""},{"body":"","link":"/categories/","section":"categories","title":"Categories"},{"body":"","link":"/tags/","section":"tags","title":"Tags"},{"body":" Content coming soon! ","link":"/videos/","section":"","title":"Videos"}] \ No newline at end of file +[{"body":" Content coming soon! ","link":"/blog/","section":"blog","title":"Blog"},{"body":"\rHi! Welcome to my website! An aspiring red teamer currently residing in Las Vegas, previously a Cybersecurity Intern for an MSSP \u0026amp; Cybersecurity Researcher under the NNSA. Currently I work as the Junior Member Coordinator for my non-profit (Free Cyber Clinic) where we provide training material for subjects such as OSINT, Network Security, Infrastructure, and etc in order to have our members perform security assessments and remediations for small businesses. Outside of the Free Cyber Clinic I provide training and mentorship to students looking to get into cybersecurity or decide on a career.\nWant to contact me? LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/angelgarciaj/\nDownload my resume\n","link":"/","section":"","title":"Home"},{"body":"Subjects Prerequisites Choose Your Website Recon/Hacking Writeup Resources Prerequisites Mindset So you want to get into bug bounty? Great, but I highly recommend you come in with this mindset: Be positive, be persistent, and play the waiting game.\nOperating Systems Now let's pick an operating system:\nLinux macOS Windows Any of these should do. I would personally not recommend trying to do bug bounty on ChromeOS, as many of your tools would be browser plugins. If you're still new to cybersecurity, you're just making your transition into this field a lot harder, unfortunately.\nTools With any of the previous operating systems, you want to go ahead and install either OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite as you'll need a proxy to intercept requests being made to your target website. The Community Edition (free version) of Burp Suite is perfectly fine for just starting, and if you want some of those premium features, then perhaps try OWASP ZAP or consider buying Burp Suite Professional.\nNow that you have a proxy, you can decide if you want to use the built-in browser that comes with ZAP/Burp. But if you want to use your own browser, then you'll have to get something like FoxyProxy. More information on how to install can be found here: SETTING UP BURP SUITE.\nWith all the proxy stuff figured out, let's move on to handy tools while doing bug bounty:\nCookie Editor: Used for editing values attached to cookies Wappalyzer: Version and service check for the whole web app instead of having to manually find them Note Taking With all technical tools out of the way, now we move on to one of the most important things in cybersecurity: DOCUMENTATION. Find a note-taking app that fits you best, but make sure to take as many notes as you can when learning or testing out anything for web applications, as you'll never know when those notes may come in clutch.\nNote Taking Apps:\nJoplin OneNote Cherry Tree Evernote Kate Text Editors:\nVisual Studio Code Vim Notepad++ etc. Choose Your Website Now that you have set up your device for bug bounty, let's find the right website for you. To familiarize yourself with bug bounty terms, consider the following:\nPlatform: The websites providing links and access to their partners' VDPs, as well as triaging Triage: The process of remediating or reviewing bug bounty reports to decide on the appropriate action to take Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP): The process that accepts, fixes, and discloses bug bounties Disclosure: Allowing bug bounty hunters to post write-ups or speak publicly about the bugs they found Now, there are numerous ways to choose a website, but personally, I believe it's best to view disclosures. If it feels like you would work well with their team, then try that company's VDP. Here are some platforms to try out:\nHackerOne BugCrowd Intigriti Requires Application:\nSynack Cobalt If you feel like you're a boss at bug bounty, then perhaps you may want to consider VDPs directly from companies like Google, Facebook, Apple \u0026 Medium. If you feel the opposite, then consider perhaps opening up a VDP for a website you use a ton. But tread with caution, as they may ask if you have a bug, and if you go beyond their non-existent rules of engagement (ROE), they might get mad and get you in trouble LOL.\nRecon/Hacking Reconnaissance You've picked your website, but now you need to get more information about them. Personally, I'm very much a visual person, so I like to build out a tree representing the website's layout \u0026 structure:\nWebsite Domain Subdomains Directories Input/Output Fields Buttons Etc. Once I have an idea of what's laid out, I can mark this tree to keep track of what sections of the website I have tested and document how I've tested it in our notes. If you're looking for an easier win, then some good tools to use would be Shodan, Google, and Wappalyzer to check for keywords or versions that would show a CWE or CVE.\nHacking With all that information, you should now have some sort of target narrowed down from the scope given and the tree we created. Common weaknesses to look for in a web application can be referenced here: OWASP Top 10 2021. If the OWASP Top 10 doesn't seem to lead you anywhere, then try web app checklists provided by other bug bounty hunters online. After everything, if nothing is sticking, then you have two options:\nYou just need to learn a little more, so study and find your niche in bug bounty to make that money. Try a different website; sometimes some bounty programs just have skilled engineers or strict triagers. NOW, whatever you do, please don't follow these tips: meme. Stick to the rules of engagement, or else: JAIL TIME or some really fat fines LOL.\nWriteup So you found a bug on a website? Great, let's get into what sort of content your writeup should have.\nExploit Title Exploit, domain \u0026 impact in a sentence Summary of Exploit Breakdown the exploit into a paragraph Severity Define severity (Tools: CVSS / H1 Rating) Reproduce Vulnerability Like a summary, except basically a walk-through Proof of Concept Video, pictures, or scripts to reproduce exploit Impact Describe how it would affect a client or company (VERY IMPORTANT) Solution Do you know why the vulnerability exists, drop a suggestion (Optional) Once you finish those sections for your report, then go ahead and review it with a friend or by yourself and compare it with previous disclosures from that bug bounty program to ensure the best chance of your bug being accepted.\nResources Now you're officially a bug bounty hunter, at least in my eyes :))\nIf you feel like you need more resources to get better at bug bounty, then here are some tips \u0026 resources!\nLearning Platforms: Port Swigger Academy Hacker101 (can get you into private programs for HackerOne) TryHackMe HackTheBox Content Creators: NahamSec The XSS RAT PwnFunction Books: Bug Bounty Bootcamp The Tangled Web (more so for code review, but a great resource regardless) ","link":"/blog/bugbounty/","section":"blog","title":"Introduction into Bug Bounty"},{"body":"Resume/CV Angel Garcia J.\nProfessional Development\nCertifications: Security+, A+, LPI Linux Essentials\nHomelab: Proxmox | Windows Server 2022 | Ubuntu Server with Docker | pfSense | Cloudflare\nConferences:\nBSides Las Vegas 2022, 2023 CES 2023 DEFCON 29, 30, 31 DOE Cybercon 2022, 2023 CTFs:\nBoss of the Soc 2023 25th/60 Teams - Fowl Owls Pro Vs Joes CTF 2023 1st Place - Ctrl Alt Defeat Pro Vs Joes CTF 2022 1st Place - Red Team CTF ICL Collegiate Cup 2022 12th/57 Teams - UNLV S.I.T.E (SOC It To Em) NCL CTF Fall 2022 Teams ( 71/1068 ), Individuals ( 242/3487 ) TryHackMe: Top 3% of 2,226,572 players\nCompany Role Time Period\rDruvStar\rCybersecurity Intern\rMay 2023 - October 2023\rRespond to tickets by analyzing log data from security tool portals (Microsoft Defender for 365 \u0026 Azure)to report \u0026 communicate to our clients on how to proceed on a monthly basis\rMonitor SIEM alerts to promptly identify potential security issues to then further investigate events and potential incidents, contributing to proactive management of security vulnerabilities\rProvide proactive “threat hunting” to detect incidents and accelerate the enhancement of the SOC\rContract Work\rSystems Administrator\rMay 2022 - Now\rAdminister virtual machines \u0026 services provided to 100+ users to accomplish 99.999% uptime\rCreate and revise internal documentation for networks, infrastructure \u0026 assets to minimize costs\rManage and collaborate on projects through Jira \u0026 Asana to keep business operating\rClients: Free Cyber Clinic, Layer Zero \u0026 Personal Homelab\rFree Cyber Clinic\rCo-Founder\rOctober 2021 - Now\rNon-profit that assesses threat actor Tactics, Techniques \u0026 Procedures (TTPs) focused on 100s of small businesses under the SBDC to help prevent $100,000+ of damages from hacks \u0026 breaches.\rCreate virtual labs to be assessed with open-source \u0026 system tools to train for vulnerabilities or weaknesses found in small businesses.\rDesign \u0026 create additional training for tools or certifications like Security+ in order to lead our 60+ students to learn, perform and lessen that workforce gap of millions of people.\rUNLV\rCo-Instructor\rJuly 2021 - Present\rTeach a class of about 30 university students about design and implementation of computer communication networks, their protocols and applications down to the header level and bits.\rCreate labs under the NSA/NSF GenCyber with tools such as Wireshark to analyze network traffic, ESP8266 microcontrollers to simulate ICS devices, \u0026 Kali Linux tools to show vulnerabilities with IOT devices ( nmap ), web applications ( BurpSuite ) \u0026 wireless networks ( aircrack-ng ).\rProvide lab documentation through Github to students in order to maintain a smooth learning experience through teaching and walk-throughs.\rNNSA MSIPP\rSecurity Researcher\rSeptember 2022 - Jan 2023\rCreate datasets with tools like Havoc - C2 Framework, Wireshark / TCPDump, VMware Workstation Pro \u0026 self-made tools/programs to recreate attacks from Advanced Persistent Threats(APTs).\rImplement machine learning on Python with network data ( assumed breach ) from IOT \u0026 ICS devices to discover threats \u0026 new trends leading to a continuous production of threat intelligence UNLV STEM Camp\rCybersecurity Teacher\rJanuary 2022 - July 2022\rProvide students an opportunity to learn about how easily networks are vulnerable to tools from Kali Linux as well as custom tools created from GitHub.\rAllow students to come out with a GitHub storing a script project that will perform actions related to their focus in cybersecurity:\rNetworks\rOSINT\rCryptography\rLos Descendientes de Nevada\rMusician\rJune 2021 - May 2022\rBass Player (play the electric bass)\rMusical Arranger (lead the group in terms of how to play and how to combine instruments in terms of playing together/in harmony)\rAudio Engineer (equalize the mixer for the audio system as well as for the digital recordings)\rUNLV CS 135\rTeaching Assistant\rAugust 2021 - December 2021\rPerform analysis of CS 135 - C++ code in order to verify a class of 60 students created a successful implementation of their assignments and worksheets.\rDuring office hours assistance would be provided to understand concepts such as iteration, functions, databases, and sorting algorithms.\rDuke of Computers\rComputer Technician\rAugust 2020 - October 2020\rFirst line of contact to the 100s of customers that would come in looking for a on-the-spot diagnostic or solution.\rWorked on a variety of devices like phones, laptops, computers, car stereos, etc with varying brands like Apple, Microsoft, HP, Dell, etc.\rWould provide solutions to issues like slow software, layer 1-3 network issues, hardware failure, and data loss.\rEducation\nBeginner Level Languages: C#, Javascript, KQL, x86 Assembly Intermediate Level Languages: C++, Python, SQL Languages: Spanish, English, Japanese (Learning)\nSchool\rPath\rProgress\rWestern Governer's University\rNetwork Engineering and Security - Bachelor of Science April 2023 - Now\rUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas\rComputer Science - Bachelor of Science\rAugust 2020 - December 2022\rEast Career \u0026 Technical Academy\rCollege \u0026 Career Ready Diploma for Information Technology\rAugust 2016 - May 2020\r","link":"/resume/","section":"","title":""},{"body":"","link":"/categories/","section":"categories","title":"Categories"},{"body":"","link":"/tags/","section":"tags","title":"Tags"},{"body":" Content coming soon! ","link":"/videos/","section":"","title":"Videos"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resume/index.html b/resume/index.html index 11afe7d..2404cdc 100644 --- a/resume/index.html +++ b/resume/index.html @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ BSides Las Vegas 2022, 2023 CES 2023 DEFCON 29, 30, 31 DOE Cybercon 2022, 2023 CTFs: Boss of the Soc 2023 25th/60 Teams - Fowl Owls Pro Vs Joes CTF 2023 1st Place - Ctrl Alt Defeat Pro Vs Joes CTF 2022 1st Place - Red Team CTF ICL Collegiate Cup 2022 12th/57 Teams - UNLV S."> - + Resume/CVTryHackMe: Top 5% of 2,226,572 players
+TryHackMe: Top 3% of 2,226,572 players
DruvStar | Cybersecurity Intern | -May 2023 - Now | +May 2023 - October 2023 |
@@ -230,6 +230,9 @@ Resume/CV | |||
Resume/CV |
-Coding Languages: C++, C#, Python, JavaScript, KQL, SQL, x86_64
Beginner Level Languages: C#, Javascript, KQL, x86 Assembly +Intermediate Level Languages: C++, Python, SQL Languages: Spanish, English, Japanese (Learning)