diff --git a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/dataframe.py b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/dataframe.py
index 1a05a8aaa7..7fe851c2f4 100644
--- a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/dataframe.py
+++ b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/dataframe.py
@@ -332,6 +332,16 @@ def is_datetime(self, expression):
def is_string(self, expression):
return vaex.array_types.is_string_type(self.data_type(expression))
+ def is_image(self, expression):
+ try:
+ import PIL
+ except ModuleNotFoundError:
+ raise RuntimeError("Please install pillow for image support")
+ if self.data_type(expression) != object:
+ return False
+ value = self.dropna(column_names=[expression]).head(1)[expression].values[0]
+ return hasattr(value, '_repr_png_')
def is_category(self, column):
"""Returns true if column is a category."""
column = _ensure_string_from_expression(column)
@@ -3988,7 +3998,7 @@ def table_part(k1, k2, parts):
if columns_sliced is not None and j >= columns_sliced:
column_index += 1 # skip over the slice/ellipsis
value = values[name][i]
- value = _format_value(value)
+ value = _format_value(value, value_format=format)
# parts += [""]
# return values_list
@@ -4011,7 +4021,10 @@ def table_part(k1, k2, parts):
values_list = dict(values_list)
# print(values_list)
import tabulate
- table_text = str(tabulate.tabulate(values_list, headers="keys", tablefmt=format))
+ tablefmt = format
+ if tablefmt == "html":
+ tablefmt = "unsafehtml"
+ table_text = str(tabulate.tabulate(values_list, headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt))
# Tabulate 0.8.7+ escapes html :()
table_text = table_text.replace('<i style='opacity: 0.6'>', "")
table_text = table_text.replace('</i>', "")
@@ -4052,7 +4065,7 @@ def table_part(k1, k2, parts):
parts += ["
{:,} | ".format(i + k1)]
for name in column_names:
value = data_parts[name][i]
- value = _format_value(value)
+ value = _format_value(value, value_format=format)
parts += ["%r | " % value]
parts += [""]
return parts
@@ -4084,7 +4097,7 @@ def _output_css(self):
def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None, **kwargs):
# TODO: optimize, since we use the same data in both versions
# TODO: include latex version
- return {'text/html':self._head_and_tail_table(format='html'), 'text/plain': self._head_and_tail_table(format='plain')}
+ return {'html': self._head_and_tail_table(format='html'), 'text/plain': self._head_and_tail_table(format='plain')}
def _repr_html_(self):
"""Representation for Jupyter."""
diff --git a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expression.py b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expression.py
index a970d89236..173951f194 100644
--- a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expression.py
+++ b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expression.py
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
import vaex.serialize
from . import expresso
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
except AttributeError:
collectionsAbc = collections
# TODO: repeated from dataframe.py
default_shape = 128
@@ -43,11 +41,9 @@
expression_namespace = {}
expression_namespace['nan'] = np.nan
expression_namespace = {}
expression_namespace['nan'] = np.nan
_binary_ops = [
dict(code="+", name='add', op=operator.add),
dict(code="in", name='contains', op=operator.contains),
@@ -100,7 +96,8 @@ def f(a, b):
# print(op, a, b)
if isinstance(b, str) and self.dtype.is_datetime:
b = np.datetime64(b)
- if self.df.is_category(self.expression) and self.df._future_behaviour and not isinstance(b, Expression):
+ if self.df.is_category(self.expression) and self.df._future_behaviour and not isinstance(b,
+ Expression):
labels = self.df.category_labels(self.expression)
if b not in labels:
raise ValueError(f'Value {b} not present in {labels}')
@@ -137,6 +134,7 @@ def f(a, b):
b = f'scalar_datetime("{b}")'
expression = '({0} {1} {2})'.format(a.expression, op['code'], b)
return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
attrs['__%s__' % op['name']] = f
if op['name'] in reversable:
def f(a, b):
@@ -153,6 +151,7 @@ def f(a, b):
b = b.expression
expression = '({2} {1} {0})'.format(a.expression, op['code'], b)
return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
attrs['__r%s__' % op['name']] = f
@@ -162,7 +161,9 @@ def f(a):
self = a
expression = '{0}({1})'.format(op['code'], a.expression)
return Expression(self.ds, expression=expression)
attrs['__%s__' % op['name']] = f
return type(future_class_name, future_class_parents, attrs)
@@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
Usually accessed using e.g. `df.birthday.dt.dayofweek`
def __init__(self, expression):
self.expression = expression
@@ -181,6 +183,17 @@ class TimeDelta(object):
Usually accessed using e.g. `df.delay.td.days`
+ def __init__(self, expression):
+ self.expression = expression
+class Image(object):
+ """Image operations
+ Operations for images based on PIL/Pillow
+ """
def __init__(self, expression):
self.expression = expression
@@ -190,12 +203,14 @@ class StringOperations(object):
Usually accessed using e.g. `df.name.str.lower()`
def __init__(self, expression):
self.expression = expression
class StringOperationsPandas(object):
"""String operations using Pandas Series (much slower)"""
def __init__(self, expression):
self.expression = expression
@@ -366,6 +381,7 @@ def _assert_struct_dtype(self):
class Expression(with_metaclass(Meta)):
"""Expression class"""
def __init__(self, ds, expression, ast=None, _selection=False):
self.ds = ds
assert not isinstance(ds, Expression)
@@ -471,7 +487,6 @@ def __bool__(self):
return expresso.node_to_string(self.ast.left) != expresso.node_to_string(self.ast.comparators[0])
return True
def df(self):
# lets gradually move to using .df
@@ -513,12 +528,14 @@ def to_dask_array(self, chunks="auto"):
dtype = self.dtype
chunks = da.core.normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype.numpy)
name = 'vaex-expression-%s' % str(uuid.uuid1())
def getitem(df, item):
assert len(item) == 1
item = item[0]
start, stop, step = item.start, item.stop, item.step
assert step in [None, 1]
return self.evaluate(start, stop, parallel=False)
dsk = da.core.getem(name, chunks, getitem=getitem, shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype.numpy)
dsk[name] = self
return da.Array(dsk, name, chunks, dtype=dtype.numpy)
@@ -591,7 +608,7 @@ def __getitem__(self, slicer):
indices, fields = slicer
raise NotImplementedError
if indices != slice(None):
expr = self.df[indices][self.expression]
@@ -618,6 +635,11 @@ def __abs__(self):
"""Returns the absolute value of the expression"""
return self.abs()
+ @property
+ def vision(self):
+ """Gives access to image operations via :py:class:`Image`"""
+ return Image(self)
def dt(self):
"""Gives access to datetime operations via :py:class:`DateTime`"""
@@ -663,9 +685,11 @@ def expand(self, stop=[]):
stop = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(stop)
def translate(id):
if id in self.ds.virtual_columns and id not in stop:
return self.ds.virtual_columns[id]
expr = expresso.translate(self.ast, translate)
return Expression(self.ds, expr)
@@ -684,6 +708,7 @@ def variables(self, ourself=False, expand_virtual=True, include_virtual=True):
{'x', 'y'}
variables = set()
def record(varname):
# always do this for selection
if self._selection and self.df.has_selection(varname):
@@ -694,7 +719,8 @@ def record(varname):
if (include_virtual and (varname != self.expression)) or (varname == self.expression and ourself):
if expand_virtual:
- variables.update(self.df[self.df.virtual_columns[varname]].variables(ourself=include_virtual, include_virtual=include_virtual))
+ variables.update(self.df[self.df.virtual_columns[varname]].variables(ourself=include_virtual,
+ include_virtual=include_virtual))
# we usually don't want to record ourself
elif varname != self.expression or ourself:
@@ -705,11 +731,13 @@ def record(varname):
variables -= {'df'}
for varname in self._ast_slices:
if varname in self.df.virtual_columns and varname not in variables:
- if (include_virtual and (f"df['{varname}']" != self.expression)) or (f"df['{varname}']" == self.expression and ourself):
+ if (include_virtual and (f"df['{varname}']" != self.expression)) or (
+ f"df['{varname}']" == self.expression and ourself):
if expand_virtual:
if varname in self.df.virtual_columns:
- variables |= self.df[self.df.virtual_columns[varname]].variables(ourself=include_virtual, include_virtual=include_virtual)
+ variables |= self.df[self.df.virtual_columns[varname]].variables(ourself=include_virtual,
+ include_virtual=include_virtual)
elif f"df['{varname}']" != self.expression or ourself:
@@ -741,6 +769,7 @@ def walk(node):
if isinstance(obj, FunctionSerializablePickle):
obj = obj.f
return [node_repr, fname, obj, deps]
return walk(expresso._graph(expression))
def _graphviz(self, dot=None):
@@ -748,6 +777,7 @@ def _graphviz(self, dot=None):
from graphviz import Graph, Digraph
node = self._graph()
dot = dot or Digraph(comment=self.expression)
def walk(node):
if isinstance(node, six.string_types):
dot.node(node, node)
@@ -760,6 +790,7 @@ def walk(node):
dep_id, dep = walk(dep)
dot.edge(node_id, dep_id)
return node_id, node
return dot
@@ -786,30 +817,43 @@ def tolist(self, i1=None, i2=None):
def __repr__(self):
return self._repr_plain_()
- def _repr_plain_(self):
+ def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None, **kwargs):
+ # TODO: optimize, since we use the same data in both versions
+ # TODO: include latex version
+ return {"html": self._repr_html_(), 'text/plain': self._repr_plain_()}
+ def _repr_values(self, value_format='plain'):
from .formatting import _format_value
- def format(values):
+ def format_values(values):
for i in range(len(values)):
value = values[i]
- yield _format_value(value)
+ yield _format_value(value, value_format=value_format)
colalign = ("right",) * 2
N = len(self.ds)
- values = format(self.evaluate(0, N))
- values = tabulate.tabulate([[i, k] for i, k in enumerate(values)], tablefmt='plain', colalign=colalign)
+ values = format_values(self.evaluate(0, N))
+ values = [[i, k] for i, k in enumerate(values)]
+ values = tabulate.tabulate(values, tablefmt='plain', colalign=colalign)
- values_head = format(self.evaluate(0, PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2))
- values_tail = format(self.evaluate(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2, N))
- values_head = list(zip(range(PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2), values_head)) +\
- list(zip(range(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2, N), values_tail))
- values = tabulate.tabulate([k for k in values_head], tablefmt='plain', colalign=colalign)
+ values_head = format_values(self.evaluate(0, PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2))
+ values_tail = format_values(self.evaluate(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2, N))
+ values = list(zip(range(PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2), values_head)) + \
+ list(zip(range(N - PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2, N), values_tail))
+ values = tabulate.tabulate([k for k in values], tablefmt='plain', colalign=colalign)
values = values.split('\n')
width = max(map(len, values))
separator = '\n' + '...'.center(width, ' ') + '\n'
- values = "\n".join(values[:PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2]) + separator + "\n".join(values[PRINT_MAX_COUNT//2:]) + '\n'
+ values = "\n".join(values[:PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2]) + separator + "\n".join(
+ values[PRINT_MAX_COUNT // 2:]) + '\n'
except Exception as e:
values = 'Error evaluating: %r' % e
+ return values
+ def _repr_info(self):
expression = self.expression
if len(expression) > 60:
expression = expression[:57] + '...'
@@ -823,11 +867,26 @@ def format(values):
state = "expression"
line = 'Length: {:,} dtype: {} ({})\n'.format(len(self.ds), dtype, state)
info += line
- info += '-' * (len(line)-1) + '\n'
- info += values
+ info += '-' * (len(line) - 1) + '\n'
+ return info
+ def _repr_html_(self):
+ info = self._repr_info()
+ if self.is_image():
+ # TODO set up as plain like other expression
+ info = info.replace("dtype: object", "dtype: image")
+ info += self.ds[[self.expression]]._repr_html_()
+ else:
+ info += self._repr_values(value_format='html')
+ return f"{info}
+ def _repr_plain_(self):
+ info = self._repr_info()
+ info += self._repr_values()
return info
- def count(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, edges=False, progress=None):
+ def count(self, binby=[], limits=None, shape=default_shape, selection=False, delay=False, edges=False,
+ progress=None):
'''Shortcut for ds.count(expression, ...), see `Dataset.count`'''
kwargs = dict(locals())
del kwargs['self']
@@ -985,6 +1044,7 @@ def value_counts(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, ascending
counter_type = counter_type_from_dtype(data_type_item, transient)
counters = [None] * self.ds.executor.thread_pool.nthreads
def map(thread_index, i1, i2, selection_masks, blocks):
ar = blocks[0]
if counters[thread_index] is None:
@@ -1001,10 +1061,13 @@ def map(thread_index, i1, i2, selection_masks, blocks):
return 0
def reduce(a, b):
- return a+b
+ return a + b
progressbar = vaex.utils.progressbars(progress, title="value counts")
- self.ds.map_reduce(map, reduce, [self.expression], delay=False, progress=progressbar, name='value_counts', info=True, to_numpy=False)
+ self.ds.map_reduce(map, reduce, [self.expression], delay=False, progress=progressbar, name='value_counts',
+ info=True, to_numpy=False)
counters = [k for k in counters if k is not None]
counter = counters[0]
for other in counters[1:]:
@@ -1072,7 +1135,8 @@ def reduce(a, b):
return Series(counts, index=keys)
- def unique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None, axis=None, array_type='list', progress=None, delay=False):
+ def unique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None, axis=None, array_type='list',
+ progress=None, delay=False):
"""Returns all unique values.
:param dropmissing: do not count missing values
@@ -1082,9 +1146,11 @@ def unique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None,
:param progress: {progress}
:param bool array_type: {array_type}
- return self.ds.unique(self, dropna=dropna, dropnan=dropnan, dropmissing=dropmissing, selection=selection, array_type=array_type, axis=axis, progress=progress, delay=delay)
+ return self.ds.unique(self, dropna=dropna, dropnan=dropnan, dropmissing=dropmissing, selection=selection,
+ array_type=array_type, axis=axis, progress=progress, delay=delay)
- def nunique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None, axis=None, progress=None, delay=False):
+ def nunique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None, axis=None, progress=None,
+ delay=False):
"""Counts number of unique values, i.e. `len(df.x.unique()) == df.x.nunique()`.
:param dropmissing: do not count missing values
@@ -1092,16 +1158,20 @@ def nunique(self, dropna=False, dropnan=False, dropmissing=False, selection=None
:param dropna: short for any of the above, (see :func:`Expression.isna`)
:param bool axis: Axis over which to determine the unique elements (None will flatten arrays or lists)
def key_function():
fp = vaex.cache.fingerprint(self.fingerprint(), dropna, dropnan, dropmissing, selection, axis)
return f'nunique-{fp}'
@vaex.cache._memoize(key_function=key_function, delay=delay)
def f():
- value = self.unique(dropna=dropna, dropnan=dropnan, dropmissing=dropmissing, selection=selection, axis=axis, array_type=None, progress=progress, delay=delay)
+ value = self.unique(dropna=dropna, dropnan=dropnan, dropmissing=dropmissing, selection=selection, axis=axis,
+ array_type=None, progress=progress, delay=delay)
if delay:
return value.then(len)
return len(value)
return f()
def countna(self):
@@ -1162,7 +1232,8 @@ def jit_pythran(self, verbose=False):
expression = self.expression
if expression in self.ds.virtual_columns:
expression = self.ds.virtual_columns[self.expression]
- all_vars = self.ds.get_column_names(virtual=True, strings=True, hidden=True) + list(self.ds.variables.keys())
+ all_vars = self.ds.get_column_names(virtual=True, strings=True, hidden=True) + list(
+ self.ds.variables.keys())
vaex.expresso.validate_expression(expression, all_vars, funcs, names)
names = list(set(names))
types = ", ".join(str(self.ds.data_type(name)) + "[]" for name in names)
@@ -1179,7 +1250,9 @@ def f({0}):
module_name = "pythranized_" + m.hexdigest()
# print(m.hexdigest())
- module_path = pythran.compile_pythrancode(module_name, code, extra_compile_args=["-DBOOST_SIMD", "-march=native"] + [] if verbose else ["-w"])
+ module_path = pythran.compile_pythrancode(module_name, code, extra_compile_args=["-DBOOST_SIMD",
+ "-march=native"] + [] if verbose else [
+ "-w"])
module = imp.load_dynamic(module_name, module_path)
function_name = "f_" + m.hexdigest()
@@ -1187,7 +1260,7 @@ def f({0}):
return Expression(self.ds, "{0}({1})".format(function.name, argstring))
- logger.setLevel(log_level)
+ logger.setLevel(log_level)
def _rename(self, old, new, inplace=False):
expression = self if inplace else self.copy()
@@ -1220,7 +1293,8 @@ def isin(self, values, use_hashmap=True):
if use_hashmap:
# easiest way to create a set is using the vaex dataframe
- values = np.array(values, dtype=self.dtype.numpy) # ensure that values are the same dtype as the expression (otherwise the set downcasts at the C++ level during execution)
+ values = np.array(values,
+ dtype=self.dtype.numpy) # ensure that values are the same dtype as the expression (otherwise the set downcasts at the C++ level during execution)
df_values = vaex.from_arrays(x=values)
ordered_set = df_values._set(df_values.x)
var = self.df.add_variable('var_isin_ordered_set', ordered_set, unique=True)
@@ -1359,6 +1433,7 @@ def try_nan(x):
return np.isnan(x)
return False
mapper_nan_key_mask = np.array([try_nan(k) for k in mapper_keys])
mapper_has_nan = mapper_nan_key_mask.sum() > 0
if mapper_nan_key_mask.sum() > 1:
@@ -1391,7 +1466,8 @@ def try_nan(x):
if allow_missing:
if default_value is not None:
value0 = list(mapper.values())[0]
- assert np.issubdtype(type(default_value), np.array(value0).dtype), "default value has to be of similar type"
+ assert np.issubdtype(type(default_value),
+ np.array(value0).dtype), "default value has to be of similar type"
if only_has_nan:
pass # we're good, the hash mapper deals with nan
@@ -1428,7 +1504,8 @@ def try_nan(x):
key_set_name = df.add_variable('map_key_set', ordered_set, unique=True)
choices_name = df.add_variable('map_choices', choices, unique=True)
if allow_missing:
- expr = '_map({}, {}, {}, use_missing={!r}, axis={!r})'.format(self, key_set_name, choices_name, use_masked_array, axis)
+ expr = '_map({}, {}, {}, use_missing={!r}, axis={!r})'.format(self, key_set_name, choices_name,
+ use_masked_array, axis)
expr = '_map({}, {}, {}, axis={!r})'.format(self, key_set_name, choices_name, axis)
return Expression(df, expr)
@@ -1440,6 +1517,9 @@ def is_masked(self):
def is_string(self):
return self.df.is_string(self.expression)
+ def is_image(self):
+ return self.df.is_image(self.expression)
class FunctionSerializable(object):
@@ -1511,6 +1591,7 @@ def __init__(self, expression, arguments, argument_dtypes, return_dtype, verbose
def placeholder(*args, **kwargs):
raise Exception('You chose not to compile this function (locally), but did invoke it')
self.f = placeholder
def state_get(self):
@@ -1594,18 +1675,20 @@ def compile(self):
def f({0}):
return {1}
-'''.format(argstring, self.expression)#, ";".join(conversions))
+'''.format(argstring, self.expression) # , ";".join(conversions))
if self.verbose:
print("generated code")
- scope = dict()#cupy=cupy)
+ scope = dict() # cupy=cupy)
exec(code, scope)
func = scope['f']
def wrapper(*args):
args = [vaex.array_types.to_numpy(k) for k in args]
args = [vaex.utils.to_native_array(arg) if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) else arg for arg in args]
args = [cupy.asarray(arg) if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) else arg for arg in args]
return cupy.asnumpy(func(*args))
return wrapper
@@ -1620,6 +1703,7 @@ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def _apply(self, *args, **kwargs):
length = len(args[0])
result = []
def fix_type(v):
# TODO: only when column is str type?
if isinstance(v, np.str_):
@@ -1628,6 +1712,7 @@ def fix_type(v):
return v.decode('utf8')
return v
args = [vaex.array_types.tolist(k) for k in args]
for i in range(length):
scalar_result = self.f(*[fix_type(k[i]) for k in args], **{key: value[i] for key, value in kwargs.items()})
@@ -1642,15 +1727,17 @@ def __init__(self, dataset, name, f):
self.dataset = dataset
self.name = name
- if not vaex.serialize.can_serialize(f): # if not serializable, assume we can use pickle
+ if not vaex.serialize.can_serialize(f): # if not serializable, assume we can use pickle
f = FunctionSerializablePickle(f)
self.f = f
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- arg_string = ", ".join([str(k) for k in args] + ['{}={:r}'.format(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items()])
+ arg_string = ", ".join(
+ [str(k) for k in args] + ['{}={:r}'.format(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items()])
expression = "{}({})".format(self.name, arg_string)
return Expression(self.dataset, expression)
class FunctionBuiltin(object):
def __init__(self, dataset, name, **kwargs):
@@ -1660,6 +1747,7 @@ def __init__(self, dataset, name, **kwargs):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs = dict(kwargs, **self.kwargs)
- arg_string = ", ".join([str(k) for k in args] + ['{}={:r}'.format(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items()])
+ arg_string = ", ".join(
+ [str(k) for k in args] + ['{}={:r}'.format(name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items()])
expression = "{}({})".format(self.name, arg_string)
return Expression(self.dataset, expression)
diff --git a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expresso.py b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expresso.py
index d0d719552a..ee5cef5cb7 100644
--- a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expresso.py
+++ b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/expresso.py
@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ def validate_expression(expr, variable_set, function_set=[], names=None):
validate_expression(expr.value, variable_set, function_set, names)
elif isinstance(expr, ast_Constant):
pass # like True and False
+ elif isinstance(expr, _ast.Tuple):
+ for el in expr.elts:
+ validate_expression(el, variable_set, function_set, names)
elif isinstance(expr, _ast.List):
for el in expr.elts:
validate_expression(el, variable_set, function_set, names)
@@ -381,6 +384,9 @@ def visit_Str(self, node):
def visit_List(self, node):
return "[{}]".format(", ".join([self.visit(k) for k in node.elts]))
+ def visit_Tuple(self, node):
+ return "({})".format(" ".join([self.visit(k) + "," for k in node.elts]))
def pow(self, left, right):
return "({left} ** {right})".format(left=left, right=right)
diff --git a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/formatting.py b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/formatting.py
index 4e070783ae..e6c1637311 100644
--- a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/formatting.py
+++ b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/formatting.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from base64 import b64encode
import numpy as np
import numbers
import six
@@ -6,14 +8,30 @@
from vaex import datatype, struct
def _trim_string(value):
if len(value) > MAX_LENGTH:
- value = repr(value[:MAX_LENGTH-3])[:-1] + '...'
+ value = repr(value[:MAX_LENGTH - 3])[:-1] + '...'
return value
-def _format_value(value):
+def _format_value(value, value_format='plain'):
+ if value_format == "html":
+ if hasattr(value, '_repr_png_'):
+ data = value._repr_png_()
+ base64_data = b64encode(data)
+ data_encoded = base64_data.decode('ascii')
+ url_data = f"data:image/png;base64,{data_encoded}"
+ plain = f'
+ return plain
+ elif hasattr(value, 'shape') and len(value.shape) > 1:
+ return _trim_string(str(value).replace('\n', '
# print("value = ", value, type(value), isinstance(value, numbers.Number))
if isinstance(value, pa.lib.Scalar):
if datatype.DataType(value.type).is_struct:
@@ -44,16 +62,17 @@ def _format_value(value):
tmp = datetime.timedelta(seconds=value / np.timedelta64(1, 's'))
ms = tmp.microseconds
s = np.mod(tmp.seconds, 60)
- m = np.mod(tmp.seconds//60, 60)
+ m = np.mod(tmp.seconds // 60, 60)
h = tmp.seconds // 3600
d = tmp.days
if ms:
- value = str('%i days %+02i:%02i:%02i.%i' % (d,h,m,s,ms))
+ value = str('%i days %+02i:%02i:%02i.%i' % (d, h, m, s, ms))
- value = str('%i days %+02i:%02i:%02i' % (d,h,m,s))
+ value = str('%i days %+02i:%02i:%02i' % (d, h, m, s))
return value
elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
value = str(value)
value = repr(value)
value = _trim_string(value)
diff --git a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/registry.py b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/registry.py
index ef625ac0db..e364c63748 100644
--- a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/registry.py
+++ b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/registry.py
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
'str_pandas': vaex.expression.StringOperationsPandas,
'dt': vaex.expression.DateTime,
'td': vaex.expression.TimeDelta,
- 'struct': vaex.expression.StructOperations
+ 'struct': vaex.expression.StructOperations,
+ 'vision': vaex.expression.Image
diff --git a/packages/vaex-core/vaex/vision.py b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/vision.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba76d12c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/vaex-core/vaex/vision.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+__author__ = 'yonatanalexander'
+import glob
+import os
+import pathlib
+import functools
+import numpy as np
+import warnings
+import io
+import vaex
+import vaex.utils
+ import PIL
+ import base64
+ PIL = vaex.utils.optional_import("PIL.Image", modules="pillow")
+def get_paths(path, suffix=None):
+ if isinstance(path, list):
+ return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: get_paths(a, suffix=suffix) + get_paths(b, suffix=suffix), path)
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ files = [path]
+ elif os.path.isdir(path):
+ files = []
+ if suffix is not None:
+ files = [str(path) for path in pathlib.Path(path).rglob(f"*{suffix}")]
+ else:
+ for suffix in ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'ppm', 'thumbnail']:
+ files.extend([str(path) for path in pathlib.Path(path).rglob(f"*{suffix}")])
+ elif isinstance(path, str) and len(glob.glob(path)) > 0:
+ return glob.glob(path)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"path: {path} do not point to an image, a directory of images, or a nested directory of images, or a glob path of files")
+ # TODO validate the files without opening it
+ return files
+def _safe_apply(f, image_array):
+ try:
+ return f(image_array)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return None
+def _infer(item):
+ if hasattr(item, 'as_py'):
+ item = item.as_py()
+ if isinstance(item, np.ndarray):
+ decode = numpy_2_pil
+ elif isinstance(item, int):
+ item = np.ndarray(item)
+ decode = numpy_2_pil
+ elif isinstance(item, bytes):
+ decode = bytes_2_pil
+ elif isinstance(item, str):
+ if os.path.isfile(item):
+ decode = PIL.Image.open
+ else:
+ decode = str_2_pil
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Can't handle item {item}")
+ return _safe_apply(decode, item)
+def infer(images):
+ images = [_infer(image) for image in images]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def open(path, suffix=None):
+ files = get_paths(path=path, suffix=suffix)
+ df = vaex.from_arrays(path=files)
+ df['image'] = df['path'].vision.infer()
+ return df
+def filename(images):
+ images = [image.filename if hasattr(image, 'filename') else None for image in images]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def resize(images, size, resample=3, **kwargs):
+ images = [image.resize(size, resample=resample, **kwargs) for image in images]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def to_numpy(images):
+ images = [pil_2_numpy(image) for image in images]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def to_bytes(arrays, format='png'):
+ images = [pil_2_bytes(image_array, format=format) for image_array in arrays]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def to_str(arrays, format='png', encoding=None):
+ images = [pil_2_str(image_array, format=format, encoding=encoding) for image_array in arrays]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def from_numpy(arrays):
+ images = [_safe_apply(numpy_2_pil, image_array) for image_array in arrays]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def from_bytes(arrays):
+ images = [_safe_apply(bytes_2_pil, image_array) for image_array in arrays]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def from_str(arrays):
+ images = [_safe_apply(str_2_pil, image_array) for image_array in arrays]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def from_path(arrays):
+ images = [_safe_apply(PIL.Image.open, image_array) for image_array in vaex.array_types.tolist(arrays)]
+ return np.array(images, dtype="O")
+def rgba_2_pil(rgba):
+ # TODO remove?
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ im = PIL.Image.fromarray(rgba[::-1], "RGBA") # , "RGBA", 0, -1)
+ return im
+def numpy_2_pil(array):
+ return PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(array))
+def pil_2_numpy(im):
+ if im is not None:
+ return np.array(im).astype(object)
+ return None
+def pil_2_bytes(im, format="png"):
+ f = io.BytesIO()
+ im.save(f, format)
+ return base64.b64encode(f.getvalue())
+def bytes_2_pil(b):
+ return PIL.Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(b)))
+def pil_2_str(im, format="png", encoding=None):
+ args = [encoding] if encoding else []
+ return pil_2_bytes(im, format=format).decode(*args)
+def str_2_pil(im, encoding=None):
+ args = [encoding] if encoding else []
+ return bytes_2_pil(im.encode(*args))
+def rgba_to_url(rgba):
+ bit8 = rgba.dtype == np.uint8
+ if not bit8:
+ rgba = (rgba * 255.).astype(np.uint8)
+ im = rgba_2_pil(rgba)
+ data = pil_2_bytes(im)
+ data = base64.b64encode(data)
+ data = data.decode("ascii")
+ imgurl = "data:image/png;base64," + data + ""
+ return imgurl
diff --git a/tests/data/images/cats/cat.4865.jpg b/tests/data/images/cats/cat.4865.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4818086f22
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/data/images/cats/cat.4865.jpg differ
diff --git a/tests/data/images/cats/cat.9021.jpg b/tests/data/images/cats/cat.9021.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..aeddb381a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/data/images/cats/cat.9021.jpg differ
diff --git a/tests/data/images/dogs/dog.2423.jpg b/tests/data/images/dogs/dog.2423.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c468a0ec69
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/data/images/dogs/dog.2423.jpg differ
diff --git a/tests/data/images/dogs/dog.8091.jpg b/tests/data/images/dogs/dog.8091.jpg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5234c8b7c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/data/images/dogs/dog.8091.jpg differ
diff --git a/tests/ml/vision_test.py b/tests/ml/vision_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..723b56e3a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ml/vision_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import vaex.vision
+import PIL
+basedir = 'tests/data/images'
+def test_vision_conversions():
+ df = vaex.vision.open(basedir)
+ df['image_bytes'] = df['image'].vision.to_bytes()
+ df['image_str'] = df['image'].vision.to_str()
+ df['image_array'] = df['image'].vision.resize((10, 10)).vision.to_numpy()
+ assert isinstance(df['image_bytes'].vision.from_bytes().values[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+ assert isinstance(df['image_str'].vision.from_str().values[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+ assert isinstance(df['image_array'].vision.from_numpy().values[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+ assert isinstance(df['image_bytes'].vision.infer().values[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+ assert isinstance(df['image_str'].vision.infer().values[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+ assert isinstance(df['image_array'].vision.infer().values[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+ assert isinstance(df['path'].vision.infer().values[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+def test_vision_open():
+ df = vaex.vision.open(basedir)
+ assert df.shape == (4, 2)
+ assert vaex.vision.open(basedir + '/dogs').shape == (2, 2)
+ assert vaex.vision.open(basedir + '/dogs/dog*').shape == (2, 2)
+ assert vaex.vision.open(basedir + '/dogs/dog.2423.jpg').shape == (1, 2)
+ assert vaex.vision.open([basedir + '/dogs/dog.2423.jpg', basedir + '/cats/cat.4865.jpg']).shape == (2, 2)
+ assert 'path' in df
+ assert 'image' in df
+def test_vision():
+ df = vaex.vision.open(basedir)
+ assert df.shape == (4, 2)
+ assert isinstance(df.image.tolist()[0], PIL.Image.Image)
+ assert df.image.vision.to_numpy().shape == (4, 261, 350, 3)
+ assert df.image.vision.resize((8, 4)).vision.to_numpy().shape == (4, 4, 8, 3)