<div align="center">  <br> </div> # KidsStories ChatBot #### A web implementation of a ChatBot for KidsStories using Flask and [ChatterBot](https://github.com/gunthercox/ChatterBot). ## Local Setup: 1. Ensure that Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and ChatterBot are installed (either manually, or run `pip install -r requirements.txt`). 2. Run *app.py* with `python app.py`. 3. The demo will be live at [http://localhost:5000/](http://localhost:5000/) ## How do I deploy this to a web server? If you do not have a dedicated server, I highly recommend using [PythonAnywhere](https://www.pythonanywhere.com/), [AWS](https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/projects/deploy-python-application/) or [Heroku](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-python#introduction) to host your application. ### Deploying on Heroku If you are deploying on Heroku, you will have to change the database adapter from `chatterbot.storage.SQLStorageAdapter` to `chatterbot.storage.MongoDatabaseAdapter` since SQLite3 isn't supported. To do this simply change the following line: `english_bot = ChatBot("English Bot", storage_adapter="chatterbot.storage.SQLStorageAdapter")` ... to use the MongoDB adapter: ``` english_bot = ChatBot("English Bot", storage_adapter = "chatterbot.storage.MongoDatabaseAdapter", database = mongodb_name, database_uri = mongodb_uri) ``` ... where `mongodb_name` is the name of the database you wish to connect to and `mongodb_uri` is the URI of a remote instance of MongoDB. ## License This source is free to use, but ChatterBot does have a license which still applies and can be found on the [LICENSE](https://github.com/gunthercox/ChatterBot/blob/master/LICENSE) page.