This file details as many important parts of the process that you may need to know about working on VCR, should any of us get hit by a bus.
- Make a branch from the base branch
- Change the version in the gemspec, based on SEMVER
- Denote changes since last release in changelog file (see changelog notation below)
- Commit the changes with the body "Bumping to version X.Y.Z"
- Push the branch
- Make a pull request
- Get it merged
- Pull down the new master
- Run
bundle exec rake release
- Grab a drink
Ancillary 1: Our documentation pages are have been automated as GitHub Pages, by wonderful community member Benoit Tigeot. Thank you.
Ancillary 2: At your leisure make a Release on GitHub with the changelog differences. It's very helpful for many people.
We use a very rudimentary changelog system focusing on three primary things people care about: Breaking Changes, New Features, and Bug fixes. Anything outside of that is worthless for people looking at the changelog in my experience. Here's a snippet for a new changelog entry:
## 5.1.0 (Feb 5, 2020)
[Full Changelog](
- Use RSpec metadata value as cassette name if value is String (#774)
- Include body.class feedback for non-String body error (#756) …
- Made our YAML output more inline with the spec to avoid issues (#782)
- Fix broken build due to Hashdiff deprecation (#758)
- [new] Use RSpec metadata value as cassette name if value is String (#774)
- [new] Include body.class feedback for non-String body error (#756) …
- [patch] Made our YAML output more inline with the spec to avoid issues (#782)
- [patch] Fix broken build due to Hashdiff deprecation (#758)
- Drop removed Travis directive (#751)
- Repair badges (#753)
- Badges - swap out release for tag (#760)
- Removing broken badges (#777)
- Add record_on_error configuration option (#765)
- [new] Add record_on_error configuration option (#765)
- Clearing up intention of new maintainers request
- Avoid updating the gem gem in system during travis build (#781)
- Updated our version of Aruba (#780)
Notice a few things here:
- These log lines are basically from git log, thankfully including the PR. Sadly Github doesn't parse it, but whatever.
- The header is the version an the rough date. I actually dislike doing the date, because like does anyone actually care if you're looking at this file? Nah.
- The header has a link to the diff. Honestly, it should just be the release, but chicken-egg.
- We have 2 tags: [new], [patch], with the [breaking] not present in this release. Use those to help people focus on what they should care about. Sometimes the PR will already have that for you.