The script doesn't automatically generate graphs but this is an example of what's possible with per-tick data generated with -verboseOutput
- Aggregation of benchmark data into output files
- Disabling of mods for the duration of the benchmark
- User mods can be enabled by using -enableMods (Useful for modpack benchmarking)
- Loading of benchmarked savefiles via -savePath
- Regex pattern can be used to further limit which saves are benchmarked via -pattern "some pattern"
- Verbose result mode via -verboseResult allows creation of an xlsx file where separate run results are saved to their own sheets with tick based update times
- Cpu Priority selection via -cpuPriority, defaults to "High"
Various other command line options and flags for customizing functionality per invocation. Default values can be changed by editing the script, in the params section
Download the benchmark.ps1
file and put it somewhere. Or you can copy
paste it and just save it in notepad.
Before running please go through at least the Basic Settings section of the script and switch the paths that are different for you. The defaults use Steam Factorio paths.
Open the folder you put the benchmark.ps1
script in using explorer. Select the
path bar and write powershell and press enter. This should open powershell in that folder.
The script has many flags and options to customize its usage. To find out about all the possible flags please run this in powershell:
help -detailed .\benchmark.ps1
Better output files depend on Import-Excel to create output .xlsx files.
Verbose output is possible with per-tick runs all in their own sheets.
Regular output file handles better localization and easier import to spreadsheet software (doesn't have to be excel).
Install it by running the following command in powershell:
Install-Module ImportExcel -scope CurrentUser
ticks: 6000
runs: 1
Following saves found in 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves':
Beacon Benchmark
Belt Benchmark
Inserter Benchmark
Executing benchmark after confirmation. Ctrl-c to cancel. Press Enter to continue...:
.\benchmark.ps1 1000 1 "Benchmark"
Following saves found matching pattern 'Benchmark':
Beacon Benchmark
Belt Benchmark
Inserter Benchmark
Executing benchmark after confirmation. Ctrl-c to cancel. Press Enter to continue...:
Beacon Benchmark Run 1 0.9445 seconds
Belt Benchmark Run 1 2.49479 seconds
Inserter Benchmark Run 1 5.5595 seconds
Output results can bee seen in Results\Results.csv
Save,Run,Startup time,End time,Avg ms,Min ms,Max ms,Ticks,Execution Time ms,Effective UPS,Version,Platform,Calibration
PS> .\benchmark.ps1 1000 2 "flame_sla_10k" -verboseResult
Export-Excel cmdlet not found for verbose mode.
Script will continue normally but verbose results file won't be generated.
Please install the dependency by running this command in powershell:
Install-Module ImportExcel -scope CurrentUser
Ctrl-c to cancel. Press Enter to continue...:
If the ImportExcel dependency is not installed you will get this message.
Ctrl-c out of it and install the dependency:
PS> Install-Module ImportExcel -scope CurrentUser
Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its
InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): y
Then you're free to retry the command:
PS> .\benchmark.ps1 1000 2 "flame_sla" -verboseResult
Following saves found matching pattern 'flame_sla_10k':
Executing benchmark after confirmation. Ctrl-c to cancel. Press Enter to continue...:
Benchmarking flame_sla_10k Run 1 2.891624 seconds
Benchmarking flame_sla_10k Run 2 2.9355 seconds
Verbose results can be found in .\Results\Verbose Results.xlsx
Specify the amount of ticks of simulation for each benchmark savefile run
Specify the amount of times to repeat each benchmark savefile
Benchmark filenames can be filtered using this pattern Defaults to all savefiles found in ### -savepath
This setting is by default also used as a prefix to the result files See -removePatternAsOutputPrefix
Factorio config path Defaults to $env:APPDATA\Factorio\ (Default Factorio config folder)
Factorio save path Savefiles are collected recursively from this path Defaults to $env:APPDATA\Factorio\saves (Default Factorio save folder)
Factorio executable path Defaults to ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\factorio.exe (Default Steam installation folder)
Logging string that is used in the regular output file Defaults to WindowsSteam This is just for convention/convenience and is not used in any logic
Logging string that is used in the regular output file Add whatever notes you would like to be included for the given runs This is just for convention/convenience and is not used in any logic
Base output filename (csv/xlsx) Default is results
Base verbose output filename (always xlsx) Default is verbose
Output results folder
Script will default to using xlsx output if Export-Excel dependency is installed. You may force the non-verbose output file to always be CSV with this if you so wish.
Note: Usage of Excel specifically is not mandatory even with .xlsx files. Spreadsheet software just tend to import the data better in more rigid file formats than .csv which has issues with localization for example with decimal separators.
Add -pattern string to output files as prefix. Useful if you don't want all your results ending up in the same files.
If given preserve the raw logs produced by factorio.exe
If given and -output file exists clear it before running
If given use user's normal mods By default a separate mod folder is used This separate mod folder can be specified with -benchmarkModFolder
If -enableMods isn't given use this folder as the target for benchmarking mods Defaults to ./benchmark-mods/ Note factorio expects this path in unix format with forward slashes for separators
If given enables verbose mode which logs per-tick benchmarks and outputs an xlsx file
Specify the list of items included in verbose -verboseResult output. Valid items are:
tick must be one of the selected items, otherwise the script won't work
Specify which CPU priority to use. Valid values are:
Idle, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, High, or RealTime
Defaults to High
Specify CPU affinity. Valid values between 0 - 255
Sum the numbers associated with the cores to specify the cores you want factorio to run in.
- Core 1 = 1
- Core 2 = 2
- Core 3 = 4
- Core 4 = 8
- Core 5 = 16
- Core 6 = 32
- Core 7 = 64
- Core 8 = 128
Eg. enabling core 1, 3 and 5 is 1 + 4 + 16 = 21
Defaults to 0 which disables affinity specification altogether
Thanks to KnightElite from the Technical Factorio Discord for the base script!