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Add factorio --mod-directory parameter support
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Remove old mods folder swapping behaviour for instead maintaining a
separate benchmark-only mods folder customizable with a command line /
config parameter.

Make excel output sheet run name shorter (R instead of Run)
  • Loading branch information
velit committed Feb 20, 2022
1 parent a4e44fb commit d3d38e5
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Showing 2 changed files with 100 additions and 127 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
226 changes: 99 additions & 127 deletions benchmark.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Factorio Benchmark Script v1.1.0
# Factorio Benchmark Script v1.1.1
# Depends on Import-Excel for -verboseOutput
param (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,9 +62,13 @@ param (
# If given and $output file exists clear it before running
[switch]$clearOutputFile = $false,

# If given disables automatic mod disabling feature
# If given use user's normal mods.
# By default the script creates a separate mod folder for benchmarks
[switch]$enableMods = $false,

# Path to benchmark mod folder
[string]$benchmarkModFolder = ".\benchmark-mods",

# If given enables verbose mode which logs per-tick benchmarks
[switch]$verboseResult = $false,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,146 +134,114 @@ Write-Output ""
Write-Host -NoNewline "Executing benchmark after confirmation. Ctrl-c to cancel. "

try {
$sanitized_pattern = ""
if ($usePatternAsOutputPrefix) {
# Remove illegal filename characters from pattern for output filename
$sanitized_pattern = ($pattern.Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_') + " "
[System.IO.FileInfo]$output = Join-Path $outputFolder -ChildPath ($sanitized_pattern + $outputName + ".csv")
[System.IO.FileInfo]$outputVerbose = Join-Path $outputFolder -ChildPath ($sanitized_pattern + $outputNameVerbose + ".xlsx")

$sanitized_pattern = ""
if ($usePatternAsOutputPrefix) {
# Remove illegal filename characters from pattern for output filename
$sanitized_pattern = ($pattern.Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_') + " "
# Delete output file if feature is enabled
if ($clearOutputFile) {
if (Test-Path $output) {
rm $output
[System.IO.FileInfo]$output = Join-Path $outputFolder -ChildPath ($sanitized_pattern + $outputName + ".csv")
[System.IO.FileInfo]$outputVerbose = Join-Path $outputFolder -ChildPath ($sanitized_pattern + $outputNameVerbose + ".xlsx")

# Delete output file if feature is enabled
if ($clearOutputFile) {
if (Test-Path $output) {
rm $output
if (Test-Path $outputVerbose) {
rm $outputVerbose
if (Test-Path $outputVerbose) {
rm $outputVerbose

# Check if output file already exists
if (-not (Test-Path $output)) {
# Create folders for output file
[Void](New-Item -Force (Split-Path -Path $output) -ItemType Directory)
# Check if output file already exists
if (-not (Test-Path $output)) {
# Create folders for output file
[Void](New-Item -Force (Split-Path -Path $output) -ItemType Directory)

# Create output and print headers
Write-Output "Save,Run,Startup time,End time,Avg ms,Min ms,Max ms,Ticks,Execution Time ms,Effective UPS,Version,Platform,Calibration" > $output
# Create output and print headers
Write-Output "Save,Run,Startup time,End time,Avg ms,Min ms,Max ms,Ticks,Execution Time ms,Effective UPS,Version,Platform,Calibration" > $output

# Mod disabling block
if (-not $enableMods) {
$modsPath = Join-Path -Path $configpath -ChildPath "mods"
$backupPath = Join-Path -Path $configpath -ChildPath "mods_disabled"
if (Test-Path $modsPath) {
if (-not (Test-Path $backupPath)) {
Write-Output "Disabling mods."
Move-Item -Path $modsPath -Destination $backupPath
else {
Write-Output "Mods already disabled previously. Doing nothing."
Write-Output ""
# Main benchmark loop
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $runs; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $saves.length; $j++) {
$run = $i + 1
$save = $saves[$j].FullName
$saveName = $saves[$j].BaseName
$runName = $saveName + " Run " + $run
$runNameShort = $saveName + " R" + $run
$logPath = Join-Path $outputFolder ($runName + ".log")

Write-Host -NoNewline "Benchmarking $runName`t"

# Run factorio
$argList = "--benchmark `"$save`" --benchmark-ticks $ticks --disable-audio"

if ($verboseResult) {
$argList += " --benchmark-verbose " + $verboseItems
else {
Write-Output "Mod folder not found. Doing nothing."

if (-not $enableMods) {
$argList += " --mod-directory `"$benchmarkModFolder`""

Write-Output ""
# Main benchmark loop
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $runs; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $saves.length; $j++) {
$run = $i + 1
$save = $saves[$j].FullName
$saveName = $saves[$j].BaseName
$runName = $saveName + " Run " + $run
$logPath = Join-Path $outputFolder ($runName + ".log")

Write-Host -NoNewline "Benchmarking $runName`t"

# Run factorio
$argList = "--benchmark `"$save`" --benchmark-ticks $ticks --disable-audio"

if ($verboseResult) {
$argList += " --benchmark-verbose " + $verboseItems

$process = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList $argList -RedirectStandardOutput $logPath
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList $argList -RedirectStandardOutput $logPath

# Set process flags and wait for execution to finish
$process.PriorityClass = $cpuPriority
if ($cpuAffinity -ne 0) {
$process.ProcessorAffinity = $cpuAffinity

# Perform a cleanup pass on the data, since depending on the time to benchmark a number of spaces will be added to
# the lines
$logData = (Get-Content $logPath) -replace '^\s+', ''
$logData | Set-Content $logPath

# Parse data
$avg = (($logData | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[1]
$min = (($logData | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[4]
$max = (($logData | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[7]
$version = (($logData | Select-Object -First 1) -split " ")[4]
$executionTime = (($logData | Select-String "Performed") -split " ")[4]
$startupTime = (($logData | Select-String "Loading script.dat") -split " ")[0]
$endTime = (($logData | Select-Object -Last 1) -split " ")[0]
$effectiveUPS = [math]::Round((1000 * $ticks / $executionTime), 2)

# Save the results
Write-Output "$($executionTime / 1000) seconds"
Write-Output "$saveName,$run,$startupTime,$endTime,$avg,$min,$max,$ticks,$executionTime,$effectiveUPS,$version,$platform,$calibration" >> $output

# If verbose result is enabled produce a separarte excel file with verbose results
if (($verboseResult) -and ($excelEnabled)) {
$time = Get-Date -Format "HHmm "

# Select run-specific lines
# remove 't' from tick number
$verboseData = $logData `
| Select-String -Pattern "(^tick,)|(^t\d+)," `
| ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace "^t(\d+)", '$1'} `
| ConvertFrom-Csv `

# Change to milliseconds and make ticks 1-based
$verboseData | ForEach-Object {
foreach ($property in $_.PSObject.Properties) {
if ($property.Name -eq "tick") {
[int]$property.Value += 1
else {
$property.Value = $property.Value / 1000000
# Set process flags and wait for execution to finish
$process.PriorityClass = $cpuPriority
if ($cpuAffinity -ne 0) {
$process.ProcessorAffinity = $cpuAffinity

# Perform a cleanup pass on the data, since depending on the time to benchmark a number of spaces will be added to
# the lines
$logData = (Get-Content $logPath) -replace '^\s+', ''
$logData | Set-Content $logPath

# Parse data
$avg = (($logData | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[1]
$min = (($logData | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[4]
$max = (($logData | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[7]
$version = (($logData | Select-Object -First 1) -split " ")[4]
$executionTime = (($logData | Select-String "Performed") -split " ")[4]
$startupTime = (($logData | Select-String "Loading script.dat") -split " ")[0]
$endTime = (($logData | Select-Object -Last 1) -split " ")[0]
$effectiveUPS = [math]::Round((1000 * $ticks / $executionTime), 2)

# Save the results
Write-Output "$($executionTime / 1000) seconds"
Write-Output "$saveName,$run,$startupTime,$endTime,$avg,$min,$max,$ticks,$executionTime,$effectiveUPS,$version,$platform,$calibration" >> $output

# If verbose result is enabled produce a separarte excel file with verbose results
if (($verboseResult) -and ($excelEnabled)) {
$time = Get-Date -Format "HHmm "

# Select run-specific lines
# remove 't' from tick number
$verboseData = $logData `
| Select-String -Pattern "(^tick,)|(^t\d+)," `
| ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace "^t(\d+)", '$1'} `
| ConvertFrom-Csv `

# Change to milliseconds and make ticks 1-based
$verboseData | ForEach-Object {
foreach ($property in $_.PSObject.Properties) {
if ($property.Name -eq "tick") {
[int]$property.Value += 1
else {
$property.Value = $property.Value / 1000000

# Output excel file
$verboseData | Export-Excel -AutoSize -WorksheetName ($time + $runName) $outputVerbose

if (-not ($keepLogs)) {
rm "$logPath"
# Output excel file
$verboseData | Export-Excel -AutoSize -WorksheetName ($time + $runNameShort) $outputVerbose
# Cleanup
finally {
if (-not $enableMods) {
if (Test-Path $backupPath) {
if (Test-Path $modsPath) {
Write-Output "`nRestoring original mods."
mv -Force (Join-Path -Path $backupPath -ChildPath "\*") $modsPath
rm $backupPath
else {
Write-Output "Mods folder not created. Probably factorio didn't run. Restoring mods."
mv $backupPath $modsPath

if (-not ($keepLogs)) {
rm "$logPath"

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