From 8f5daea2be4a451912cb950668a5d6581bfb2fd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?=E7=86=8A=20=E6=98=A5=E9=9B=B7?= Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 10:14:42 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from 3a2b3bc625..661aa7c25b MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 661aa7c25b 1. 给clips的扩展添加了newline函数:因为其居然不支持;( f94fda4c8b 1. 修正了zmq的clips扩展代码中的BUG:socket在pollitems里面的表示应该是static_cast(zmq::socket),而不是shared_ptr的get函数的返回值:) 01c131269a 1. 修正了zeromq的clips扩展的zmq-poll-create的zmq::socket_t作为zmq::pollitems_t的错误,只需要void*转型就好了,cppzmq对其进行了封装。 e3f11d2581 1. 完善了zeromq的clips扩展:修正了bug,增强了异常输出细节:) d12828f1ca Merge commit '5cdc61f57a16adeaa009aef98c7203e5519dc5fc' 5cdc61f57a Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 16aec06179..e900d735bb 91464f1b58 1. 给xclips的zeromq的poll扩展添加了实例代码:) ac34875c0b 1. 更新所有的submodule 84d59546ee 1. 添加了scribble/text的命令行规则:用于使用Racket的Scheme语言来生成代码;) 1f8ddb536f 1. 改善了xcconfig的编写格式:不用挤在一行里面了;) 4e19c526d0 Merge commit '2cd6eead6ae57ee4801d4fc6be278b3d5e6277e7' 2cd6eead6a Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' changes from 7fcc19d02a..0f12995501 31a967f210 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 901c9d8509..16aec06179 684c7099d9 Merge commit '31a967f210dc02b91ae781bf49f0fc220e36769f' 86b1dd3599 Merge commit '409ab3e528cce2e24cd652a31013800ad038c050' 409ab3e528 Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from c2556bb947..3a2b3bc625 3f76f5ce9a Merge commit 'ee8d949923300bf147f442cf599b61b7fb7369cb' ee8d949923 Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' changes from 972d6a3842..456478b3c5 9fdcb100d4 Merge commit 'e6f189510e4e6da1e3339313715e35340a43fb6e' e6f189510e Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from 907ec22475..c2556bb947 c2556bb947 Merge commit '3fa1a33cadbdd1ce655cd48e27057b46d9d565ee' 3fa1a33cad Squashed 'lib3rd/graphviz.git/' changes from 1be9b598bd..f7f1d9879b f7f1d9879b Merge commit '03ef654f94a0c4e894ee9ae374249d471ed0f0e8' 03ef654f94 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 972d6a3842..901c9d8509 faee89cb71 Merge commit 'a3e4a1979a8a5112019adb00f849c021d3c3b4c6' a3e4a1979a Squashed 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git/' changes from a2ef92ef57..c4d4cf75dd ea3a14503e Merge commit '4340f78546420bb3ff3dfa24edb0e5960acf50b3' 4340f78546 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git/' changes from 92892f31d0..69e575480a f1d39aa8c6 Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' changes from 972d6a3842..7fcc19d02a 0fd4056562 Merge commit 'f1d39aa8c6ca315a497a03d8a241a35a48609d26' 7fcc19d02a 1. 将rxcpp的头文件加入到shared的xcconfig文件中:) 901c9d8509 1. 默认关闭-Wdocumentation和-Wcomma两种警告 f090e67d8d 1. 给xclips扩展添加了starts-with,istarts-with,ends-with,iends-with,contains,icontains共六个Lexeme函数:) 5ca47cf3a2 1. 完善了clips::multifield的C++绑定增强;) f3688102f1 1. 修正了CLIPS的扩展JSON里面的一处json-set-value-for-path的BUG:当value类型为STRING或SYMBOL时,就不需要parse(很可能不成功)了! 65cd0b050f 1. 添加了自动pull子模块的sh脚本文件:并更新了所有的submodule a6a28abac3 1. 为了让zmq扩展的名称更加对称:zmq-poll-has-message修改成为了zmq-poll-router-has-message 61ad4d0ccc 1. 去除了ZeroMQ扩展的协议约束:发现是没有必要的!本来希望能够通过缓冲的方式组合成为完整的协议(Command,JSON)格式之后再发送,但是发现还不如直接组合好了再发给ZMQ处理!这也是职责单一原则的体现了:) 77849a42bb 1. 给XCLIPS的扩展添加了CompleteCommand的测试例子:发现CLIPS的command必须以换行符结束:( 2. 给ZMQ的XCLIPS扩展添加了更详细的日志输出! b2eb292589 1. 添加了到catch2的头文件搜索目录;) 9fbc9a30df 1. 将mustache的CLIPS扩展函数(render和render_with_partials)合并成为一个函数:mustache-render cc39081479 1. 完善了zeromq_poll系列CLIPS扩展函数 3ba1bf806e 1. 添加了zmq_poll的功能:便于在xclips里面从多个socket获取消息:) 2. 让clips.hpp支持multifiled的return和参数;) 90cc4d0b81 1. 修改了shared的xcconfig文件:是的能够自动链接libzmq库(iOS和macOS) 2ff6e80960 Merge commit '0f664910f18b0640b3b78afeefed64a8acc14e6c' 0f664910f1 Squashed 'lib3rd/yoga.git/' changes from a96a36ef59..4135420cba 7a7c3148e2 Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' changes from 456478b3c5..972d6a3842 605960815a Merge commit '7a7c3148e2884c3299104dd1381cb9c7e0f6216d' 6c3e5ae71f Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' changes from f00f464566..907ec22475 a409a1bf6d Merge commit '6c3e5ae71f5ab8d688be3343c7cee7fd0055722d' 739aa1d7c4 Merge commit 'f7849a64697977c250db6362152d58da15f84156' f7849a6469 Squashed 'lib3rd/graphviz.git/' changes from f8b9e0351..1be9b598b 0c07e74f71 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' changes from 5944fcad3..972d6a384 ebdf5d1467 Merge commit '0c07e74f71c34ee0b47a957f186bbf01fe904272' a8b072532f Squashed 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git/' changes from a3e5b54c3..a2ef92ef5 08711af11d Merge commit 'a8b072532f4c196c67d69a4a226233bb1a49f301' 35b558a979 Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' changes from 37cbf4a4f..972d6a384 4f3e3c3cbe Merge commit '35b558a979a36c1a2bed4aba8df4c8a37f4db476' 972d6a3842 1. 将CLIPS的代码(包含扩展)做成了CMakeLists.txt的模式:便于多项目之间自动管理依赖和链接:) 3c5a3237ad 1. 清理了xclips的冗余花括号;) b475573a4b 1. xclips的扩展zmq发送数据的长度不正确的BUG得到了修复:) 2. xclips的zmq扩展添加了一个zmq_close函数:) 0d06803c41 1. 补充了一个macos遗漏的xcconfig数据 b7884259b2 1. 将在xcode里面配置的各种项目属性拿到了独立的xcconfig文件中:这样后面类似的项目使用起来更方便:) 01b78370fc 1. 将CLIPS扩展里面的CLIPS协议更换为SEXP协议,同时将read-clips修改为read-sexp:这样,就可以用到CLIPS之外的LISP语言上:) 1d04fcff41 1. 完善了CLIPS的JSON扩展的value_for_path和set_value_for_path函数:) 6ccbcfcfe5 1. CLIPS的JSON扩展库,第一次编译测试通过了;) 187a3624a1 1. 给socket的扩展添加了block_reading的读取功能:实现【等待】能力;) 243f672a5d 1. 添加了zmq扩展的version函数;) a58373b275 1. 给zmq的扩展添加了RAW的protocol 5c8b442d8c 1. 删除router的回显显示:这是多余的操作,用户可以自己来操作 c0f2d17728 1. socket可以发送任意的子节序列了:将之前的protocol从socket里面剔除了;同时读取的时候,不会发生阻塞了;) 873e4d9283 1. 修正了uuidgen的编译错误:因为我clips.h头文件里面定义了太多的【短宏】和boost的uuid库里面的LHS和RHS冲突了! 8fcd588bf6 1. 给CLIPS的扩展添加了一系列的utility函数:) 5481c08a71 1. 添加了expand-for-eval和expand-and-eval两个函数:但是有些限制,暂时没用上:( 8607930317 1. 添加了read-until的CLIPS扩展函数:主要用于process的处理:) e6ca7a0ef3 1. 用宏的方式来简化了CLIPS扩展的代码量:主要是重复代码 9c0361dd82 1. 发现了一处zmq解析协议的BUG:需要同时支持CLIPS和JSON格式:) 0041fc0f82 1. 添加了process的terminal的支持:使得CLIPS可以直接利用第三方的命令行工具作为自己的子函数(微服务):O) 2. 结果process的system-output函数也做到process模块里面了;) 3. 修复了一个clips::boolean类型的一个bug 9037810238 1. 重命名read-system为system-output:语义更加明确 b0757bba84 1. 调整了CLIPS的扩展,使其能够在iOS下也能正常工作了;) 1b2f1be749 1. 添加了read-system的函数:能够从命令行的输出中返回结果了;) d5a4c88c4a 1. 添加了boost_1_73_0的代码:) dedb452bfd 1. 关闭了一处CLIPS扩展的日志输出 c08ab5dafd 1. 给CLIPS扩展添加了mustache_render_with_partials函数:用于使用mustache模版引擎的partials功能:) 2. 重命名test-bench-execute为:test-benchmark:) 6af0c40726 1. 添加了CLIPS扩展支持的协议:CLIPS和JSON两种协议:)并改善了错误报告:) bd391aa7c5 1. 修正了CLIPS的String扩展在输出给router时候的问题:之前只处理了输入,现在处理输出 71bfba3252 1. 将readcommand调整为read-command:这样就和CLIPS的read-number的习惯吻合了;) cfb3ad7811 1. 给CLIPS的扩展添加了readcommand命令:用于读取一个完整的command:在使用ZMQ和socket的时候很必要:) 487dabcb55 1. CLIPS的socket扩展也能够一次读取一个完整的命令了;) 8182908268 1. 现在ZMQ的CLIPS绑定已经可以按照CompleteCommand的方式来缓存一个完整的命令在发送出去了;) 51177fed47 1. 给CLIPS的String的词法在只有【双引号】的基础上添加了【反引号】【单引号】功能支持:尽量减少了使用【 斜杠\】转义的需求! a5c9065cbe 1. 给CLIPS扩展添加了mustache的模版引擎支持:) 84a678c09b 1. 成功的引入了ZMQ的功能到CLIPS扩展中:) fd2d7f74dc 1. 发现CLIPS的API里面的argumentCode和expectBits有关系,但是并不一样!!! 013f018f34 1. 发现了测试中的一些bug:对CLIPS的扩展的test_bench功能进行了测试:) 791cd81896 1. 重命名select_action为create_primitive_value:更加贴近具体的意义 f37bdc52fb 1. CLIPS的扩展终于完全正确了:(read)已经可以读取到正确的值了:)之前没有使用RouterUnreadFunction 9b102f94bb 1. 清理了clips扩展中的不需要的内容 8c5f26bb33 1. boost::asio的socket添加到了CLIPS中:也就是说,从今以后,xclips可以直接使用网络了;) d6fa51b303 1. 改写了clips.hpp和clips.cpp文件,首次支持了network的router功能:还未经过严格的测试! 9d31a33723 1. 添加了libzmq的ios版本的ignore描述 ed464d0dc0 1. 添加了mstch.git的submodule:git的submodule被提交了;) c0b533a865 Merge commit '7f82b73a2f035d403a7130fc1f24af8bdea2603d' as 'lib3rd/mstch.git' 7f82b73a2f Squashed 'lib3rd/mstch.git/' content from commit 0fde1cf94 774da9e0ef 1. 添加README的内容描述了mstch.git的subtree和submodule:) 77f83483f2 1. rpc.git子模块的路径错误:删除之! a6c208be67 1. 添加了rpclib.git的子模块:) 3859c03acd Merge commit '2c2a7ed46e66d3f950e8b6a7535a426d74e9ba05' as 'lib3rd/grpc.git' 2c2a7ed46e Squashed 'lib3rd/grpc.git/' content from commit c07ddb4504 8f9fb5bb54 1. 添加了grpc的子模块 2. 添加了备注到README e36912c152 1. 确保CLIPS_unicode的clips_core_6_40在macOS和iOS下都可用:主要区别是system函数,iOS下不可用 ddec83cd12 Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' content from commit 456478b3c 3424cfdfa5 Merge commit 'ddec83cd12c8291848d6f0fffffd2d6632d46f4c' as 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git' 2e40a6d3ae 1. 忽略了libzmq.git和rttr.git的build文件:) 243f5ce3a3 1. 调整了yoga.git的编译选项:使得其能够在iOS和macOS下都能够使用:) 4144a547fa 1. nlohmann-json.git的subtree制作错误:需要修正! 56385dfb0c 1. 修正GraphViz的sincos链接的问题:系统的sincos是C++的Symbol,C暂时不能用!!! 5c752390a7 1. 调整GraphViz的plugin代码从【SHARED】改为【STATIC】形式:且在xcode的linker中添加【-all_load】链接选项;然后将union_find.c从libspine.a中剔除(和libcommon.a重复了),终于链接通过了:) 9fa0502000 1. 修改graphviz.git的subtree代码:使其能够在macOS和iOS下正常使用:) d22bbd6573 1. 添加了boost_1_72_0的源代码:) 6a1e39def2 Merge commit 'c599d74aa6c40018e53a4248c4df0ef3da4be3ac' as 'lib3rd/clips_uml.git' c599d74aa6 Squashed 'lib3rd/clips_uml.git/' content from commit 7bd70cb68 ab6550485e Merge commit 'b674b6386c63840269a33c3ae6c9ebdcad4499d0' as 'lib3rd/clips_core_6_40.git' b674b6386c Squashed 'lib3rd/clips_core_6_40.git/' content from commit 516c97053 eb2a817ed4 1. 更正了添加subtree的脚本:前面有错误! 65f786ffec Squashed 'lib3rd/graphviz.git/' content from commit f8b9e0351 772fdd4309 Merge commit '65f786ffecb67ad12562461c5004ae1243d3d1b8' as 'lib3rd/graphviz.git' 93e55cb88a Merge commit '958153ed0dc0c1eb8d56efddfff1b3b2eba06f91' as 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git' 958153ed0d Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' content from commit 6ad0a586e b00486b488 Merge commit '1bdf861f36fe2684a8a8c8ab33b2fef4c416234f' as 'lib3rd/rttr.git' 1bdf861f36 Squashed 'lib3rd/rttr.git/' content from commit b16fccf0f 5fc0beca1a Merge commit '3dff2711ebf2329c63a2321ec4f4e760e202cbfc' as 'lib3rd/cucumber-cpp.git' 3dff2711eb Squashed 'lib3rd/cucumber-cpp.git/' content from commit dd424c1a9 67e0ed5d6c Squashed 'lib3rd/yoga.git/' content from commit a96a36ef5 dd876f76fd Merge commit '67e0ed5d6c1dfdbe59205bf56afc354e54416261' as 'lib3rd/yoga.git' b2454f0c14 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' content from commit 5944fcad3 e61dae7b09 Merge commit 'b2454f0c14c18e13cb71a8be0b25ec8d0c96591b' as 'lib3rd/fmt.git' 07d93fd16b Merge commit '6f6c4814e5c78cea60e31b9921ce50e8a8f86402' as 'lib3rd/rpclib.git' 6f6c4814e5 Squashed 'lib3rd/rpclib.git/' content from commit 3b00c4ccf 1dd0834682 Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' content from commit f00f46456 53274f487f Merge commit '1dd083468264c4604aee3ae024704ba5e4e973cf' as 'lib3rd/libzmq.git' aacec21578 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git/' content from commit a3e5b54c3 2f22b31685 Merge commit 'aacec21578be08301d16795093d53773ac327f0d' as 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git' ee739256ef Merge commit '9f189958342e9b6a9d40afd6e455835953c86145' as 'lib3rd/cpplinq.git' 9f18995834 Squashed 'lib3rd/cpplinq.git/' content from commit 581f9a981 802b64f830 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git/' content from commit 92892f31d 3b0c13428b Merge commit '802b64f830c24b12bab1877d888fc48ddf479f79' as 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git' 5ad8caf8f6 Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' content from commit 37cbf4a4f 6034403f33 Merge commit '5ad8caf8f6a59fd769d6f71edd718ab594dccb07' as 'lib3rd/catch2.git' ff27304c91 Merge commit 'a03ac0b68644c6e26c26d4a8134656bfb50bcf89' as 'lib3rd/rxcpp.git' a03ac0b686 Squashed 'lib3rd/rxcpp.git/' content from commit a71a89a27 6ad0a586e4 1. 添加了更新submodule的子子孙孙的README 07b5419f00 1. 添加完成了所有的submodule:) 1dc9e87948 1. 增加了subtree和submodule的说明文件 978b3336ff 1. 提交一个README来初始化git仓库 REVERT: 3a2b3bc625 Merge pull request #3943 from bjovke/small_fix REVERT: c32462cde0 Small fix. REVERT: c89390f0f5 Make including Clang optional REVERT: efaeec33fc RELICENSE grant REVERT: 2e87390656 Initialize some CMake variables as empty before build REVERT: c95f7d0933 Merge pull request #3935 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: cf9ccbbd37 Problem: metadata is stored for PUB sockets and never processed REVERT: 821ab88f96 Problem: XPUB leaks unprocessed metadata on close REVERT: b5a8825542 Merge pull request #3930 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 38349198a6 Problem: MSAN complains about uninitialised buffers in CURVE greetings REVERT: 35c4c22c81 Problem: z85 decode test might not always get valid input and pass REVERT: 85e198c5b4 Problem: wrong testcase name in z85_decode_fuzzer REVERT: 1ac753979a Problem: z85_decode fuzzer does not run regression tests with corpora REVERT: 51c90a6cd5 Problem: z85_decode fuzzer fails if fewer than 5 bytes are passed REVERT: c1d195641d provide minimal support for TSAN (#3929) REVERT: 6e62fb19b4 Merge pull request #3925 from bjovke/timers_issue REVERT: 2887c0fbb1 Problem: Usage of invalidated iterator of _timers container in zmq::poller_base_t::execute_timers (). Solution: Safe iteration through _timers container, valid only for std::multimap (currently it is). REVERT: 907ec22475 Merge pull request #3922 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 55dfa239ff Problem: build fails with Clang 10 REVERT: 8df0d99cd8 Merge pull request #3921 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 2d23b599f2 Problem: test_bind_fuzzer does not use corpus for regression tests REVERT: dccf1723cc Problem: invalid address results in out-of-range string access REVERT: 3033112645 Merge pull request #3918 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 6815138501 Problem: unfinished message can be leaked by client pipe REVERT: 6439d32254 Problem: fuzz tests do not check that legitimate clients work REVERT: afacdbeccf Merge pull request #3913 from somdoron/delay_bind REVERT: ad3b36ab95 problem: test_xpub_manual is flapping REVERT: e7f0090b16 problem: zeromq connects peer before handshake is completed REVERT: 18cacf2ec1 Merge pull request #3910 from bluca/obs_release REVERT: 364ae768fe Problem: removing latest_branch breaks ABI CI job REVERT: 4a863e334a Merge pull request #3909 from nyfix/std REVERT: f474b226b6 allow C/C++ standard to be specified at build time, default to C++11 if supported REVERT: 820efb31bd Merge pull request #3908 from bluca/obs_release REVERT: e1d07b61ca Problem: release script for OBS build fails often REVERT: 0244d809a2 Merge pull request #3905 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: fb9d055578 Problem: test_bind_curve_fuzzer might get stuck on some input REVERT: c33da0ea5b Problem: we lack an (internal) definition of severity for security issues REVERT: 675a007d74 Problem: does not mention 4.3.x series REVERT: abb315a6da Problem: potential memory leak in test_connect_curve_fuzzer REVERT: be77a8d932 Merge pull request #3903 from bjovke/msvc_cplusplus REVERT: a1d82598bb Merge pull request #3904 from somdoron/CHANNEL REVERT: 3da84c6d06 problem: no thread-safe alternative for ZMQ_PAIR REVERT: 804d528114 Problem: MSVC always reports __cplusplus macro value as 199711L. Some newer features are switched off even with latest Visual studio version. Solution: Add check for MSVC version along with __cplusplus check. REVERT: 28cb820f4f Merge pull request #3902 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 98efa79f54 Problem: ZMQ_DISABLE_TEST_TIMEOUT does not work anymore REVERT: 397ac80850 Problem: ZMTP v1 static allocator is needlessly resized REVERT: 061ce6cea1 Merge pull request #3901 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 5fd0711196 Problem: memory leak in test_connect_null_fuzzer REVERT: 243503c29e Problem: set infinite timeouts on some tests by mistake REVERT: f7b215c639 Merge pull request #3900 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: fd3e5daaeb Problem: fuzzing Github action ran on pushes on forks and fails REVERT: 346f8b8b20 Problem: uninitialised error in testutil helper REVERT: 5819867cd3 Problem: fuzzer curve tests use random keys REVERT: d7e58fc880 Merge pull request #3899 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 9f94aa866f Problem: oss-fuzz images not tested on PRs REVERT: 5b7f67a822 Problem: memory sanitizer not enabled in CI REVERT: c2ffe2e6d2 Merge pull request #3897 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 2ac5ee7307 Problem: test_hello_msg binds to hard-coded port and fails when it's in use REVERT: 04ecff399b Merge pull request #3896 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 3770937de3 Problem: we want to check for undefined behaviour in the CI REVERT: 0c5396849b Problem: syntax errors in REVERT: cdd9e9d1f4 Problem: Travis uses old-old-old-stable Ubuntu by default REVERT: 96d3cb39e4 Problem: fuzz input which causes extra-large message allocation not stored REVERT: 9ab3fbeee2 Problem: we want to have multiple seed corpora per fuzzer binary REVERT: c4fd6dfea7 Problem: sanitizer tests cannot allocate much memory REVERT: 7df845fb82 Problem: memory sanitizer detects uninitialised global variable usage REVERT: 309d1f1cb7 Merge pull request #3894 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 6b259224ee Problem: fuzzer regression tests do very little REVERT: c8e62cb2e0 Problem: no dictionaries and seed corpora for fuzzers REVERT: 60ccf54fa6 Problem: sub/cancel broken with CURVE REVERT: 534580c31d Merge pull request #3893 from gummif/gfa/blob-ref REVERT: 103e39bd6f Merge pull request #3892 from gummif/gfa/poller-event REVERT: 47a080aac0 Problem: extra blob copy REVERT: 284d90a436 Problem: unnecessary event struct and UB REVERT: e05fe370fe Merge pull request #3890 from gummif/gfa/retfd REVERT: e18772f942 Problem: -1 used for invalid socket REVERT: aa29f7caff Merge pull request #3889 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: 1443c0e787 Merge pull request #3887 from gummif/gfa/unify-fd REVERT: 5867d7cf5f Merge pull request #3888 from gummif/gfa/poller-fd REVERT: d426f2ab0c Problem: Multiple fd_t definitions REVERT: a909e7296d Problem: testutil build broken with gcc 4.4 on CentOS 6 REVERT: 882cb6fdfb Problem: static analysis shows dead store in testutil REVERT: 12a2f81717 Merge pull request #3885 from bluca/fuzzers REVERT: bf22a9f3e9 Problem: Poller event fd unspecified REVERT: 96787c35f8 Problem: no fuzz testing for API with variable input REVERT: 57df836381 Problem: no fuzz testing for CURVE REVERT: 8e774f3cd6 Problem: no integration with fuzz testing REVERT: c6d3bc68c8 Problem: ZMTP mocks duplicated across tests REVERT: 4f35d1af1a Problem: using BSD sockets in test is duplicated across many tests REVERT: c81a973cd8 Problem: assert macros not detecting errors from syscall that do not return -1 on failure REVERT: 727637082f Problem: test_shutdown_stress_tipc fails sometimes REVERT: b56195e995 Merge pull request #3882 from laplaceyang/relicense REVERT: 491defdf12 RELICENSE: Grant from laplaceyang. REVERT: 9984d43143 Merge pull request #3879 from somdoron/master REVERT: 81056a7237 problem: appveyor is very slow REVERT: a525323757 Merge pull request #3878 from Eelis/master REVERT: f00f464566 Merge pull request #3866 from gummif/gfa/poller-refactoring REVERT: 063f14a940 Problem: out-of-bounds array access in socket_poller::check_events. REVERT: 0b32fb3629 Problem: poller item lookup can be simplified REVERT: d882e807dd Merge pull request #3876 from somdoron/HELLO_MSG REVERT: 08d94d0e16 Merge pull request #3877 from gummif/gfa/spinlock-fix REVERT: 6ca07a30e3 problem: checking the wrong socket when sending hello msg REVERT: 2745ac31d7 Merge pull request #3875 from bluca/test REVERT: ff80089939 Problem: Spinning on atomics can cause hangs REVERT: 5a78bad2a8 Problem: coverage CI job fails REVERT: 7cac73401a Problem: test_many_sockets always fails on Windows REVERT: ada6f0c058 Merge pull request #3871 from somdoron/DISCONNECT_MSG REVERT: 7ce7b8b888 Merge pull request #3874 from shgalym/patch-1 REVERT: d0b5713709 typo fix root README REVERT: 97a52af242 Merge pull request #3872 from gummif/gfa/poller-size REVERT: 9c6738bb45 Problem: No support to query poller size REVERT: 81444136d5 problem: router doesn't know when peer disconnected REVERT: 4c1d720a47 Merge pull request #3870 from somdoron/HELLO_MSG REVERT: 93da6763b0 problem: ZMQ_HEARTBEAT is not useful without sending an hello message REVERT: 718ad8ab96 add wss transport and fix tipc tests when building using cmake on linux (#3857) REVERT: 7276b6809a Merge pull request #3868 from gummif/gfa/poller-sleep REVERT: ef4bb9aa5e Merge pull request #3865 from gummif/gfa/poller-fd-init REVERT: 458d805eb6 Problem: poller sleeps forever if no events REVERT: a468ac782a Problem: poller item fd uninitialized REVERT: 7b1fef28f9 Problem: boilerplate when init msg from data copy (#3860) REVERT: 347ff07c94 Merge pull request #3862 from gummif/gfa/poller-formatting REVERT: fa2af05d47 Problem: Strange zmq_poller doc formatting REVERT: ae45ac4e1f Merge pull request #3861 from gummif/gfa/send-doc REVERT: cbdf075658 Problem: zmq_send doc does not match declaration REVERT: 3c13e9222d Merge pull request #3851 from gummif/gfa/ts-int REVERT: e1fc84141d Problem: ZMQ_THREAD_SAFE is not bool REVERT: 323420c5ea Merge pull request #3850 from JSYoo5B/git-ignore-fix-track REVERT: eceaaf360b Problem: executable sources are not tracked REVERT: 876d4bfead Merge pull request #3849 from ferdnyc/zeromq-config-install REVERT: a97158aa2a Add relicensing statement for ferdnyc REVERT: 31569c78d9 Problem: CMake config doesn't support multiarch REVERT: bb9135da4f Merge pull request #3847 from JSYoo5B/protocol-literals-refactor REVERT: 38fd1fdc8e Problem: some cond. compile may cause problem REVERT: 4f436ce00f Problem: some conditional compile was not applied REVERT: ebd22ecf85 Problem: literals protocol names still remains REVERT: 0c7ee438a8 Merge pull request #3848 from JSYoo5B/optimize-gitignore REVERT: 2478887d4a Problem: gitignore is messed up REVERT: 656205b5f9 Merge pull request #3844 from bluca/format REVERT: f9417dab4d Problem: msg_t functions do not respect coding style REVERT: 07d3687621 Merge pull request #3843 from JSYoo5B/man-udp-not-mentioned REVERT: ded0d83e47 Problem: wildcard address with udp not mentioned REVERT: 296beecd24 Problem: UDP is not mentioned in bind and connect REVERT: f915971653 Merge pull request #3838 from JSYoo5B/osx-build-doc-issue REVERT: 87f9e377dd Problem: building on OS X may failed REVERT: 2206cb37e0 ip_resolver_t: Silencing C++-warning -Wnon-virtual-dtor (#3837) REVERT: de0102e927 Fixes old Simon being in there REVERT: 99cf1c2e96 Fixes tabs REVERT: c0abfae0d4 Add relicense REVERT: 0d42929193 Adds QNX as possible to compile on REVERT: e765143b42 Merge pull request #3833 from bluca/news REVERT: 4f45ac135a Problem: formatting not up to date REVERT: 09476b3d7f Problem: NEWS out of date with latest changes REVERT: e2de3b7986 Problem: no NEWS entry for ZMQ_RECONNECT_STOP REVERT: debbe08fb8 add option to stop trying to reconnect on ECONNREFUSED (#3831) REVERT: 66ee3ee46c Merge pull request #3832 from stac47/fix_unused_variable REVERT: f0b0e80da0 Fix unused-variable warning in perf/proxy_thr.cpp REVERT: c7e99cdc4c Merge pull request #3829 from gcsideal/master REVERT: 76969bf51c Add relicense grant by Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) REVERT: 98e82ddff3 Merge pull request #3828 from sappo/master REVERT: 67e6a8c233 Problem: Usage of ANDROID_BUILD_DIR not documented REVERT: e293b0b9b3 Problem: Setting TOOLCHAIN env vars should be done by helper REVERT: 511d39c179 Problem: Unable to overwrite the ANDROID_BUILD_DIR REVERT: 917921095e Merge pull request #3827 from sappo/master REVERT: 1fc4f513f4 Problem: Tables in README are difficult to read REVERT: 341f56ccac Problem: Android build is hard to understand REVERT: d5bd1642d1 Merge pull request #3825 from bluca/relicense REVERT: b4bfd0f058 Add grant by ninoles REVERT: 52044b38f7 Merge pull request #3823 from somdoron/ZMQ_PEER REVERT: 70bc7dd925 problem: zeromq doesn't has a thread-safe peer to peer socket REVERT: 821685f249 Merge pull request #3822 from somdoron/GROUPMAXLENGTH REVERT: 05194eb549 problem: maximum size of group doesn't match the RFC maximum size REVERT: f17a794d59 Merge pull request #3814 from bluca/sub_cancel_decoder REVERT: a7bb41ef77 Merge pull request #3820 from somdoron/WSENCODING REVERT: 652834296b problem: ws_transport is missing the path the endpoint name REVERT: 071ec1a9bb problem:Fallback to localhost in ws_address has no effect REVERT: 6b75209f0e Merge pull request #3821 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 8c618e0247 Grant from KLNikita REVERT: 7bfd9512e6 problem: ws_encoder allocate a new msg for masking REVERT: dca59c940e Merge pull request #3819 from bluca/relicense REVERT: b7c1d932fb Grant by asafkahlon REVERT: 38b6888c3e Problem: libzmq does not advertise ZMTP 3.1 REVERT: 253e9dd27b Problem: libzmq does not send ZMTP 3.1 sub/cancel commands REVERT: d4af92cd15 Merge pull request #3818 from SCOREC/xlClang REVERT: f4dff8eed6 relicense stmt REVERT: 49ecde8d80 support compiling with IBM XL 16.1 w/ clang front end REVERT: 0d073e0b67 Merge pull request #3816 from somdoron/SCATTER-GATHER-DOC REVERT: 40de45396f problem: no docs for scatter-gather REVERT: 27f2f5e745 Merge pull request #3815 from gummif/gfa/doc-typo REVERT: ee32b833a7 Add relicence agreement REVERT: f80830c4a8 Problem: Documentation for option name mismatch REVERT: e7f802d1ac Merge pull request #3813 from sigiesec/code-style REVERT: 21b8d5cff7 Problem: duplicated code in tests related to monitoring REVERT: 495fb00b7e Problem: pointee types are unnecessarily non-const REVERT: db8f4fba21 Problem: redundant inline/ZMQ_FINAL declarations REVERT: 21d80e42a8 Merge pull request #3812 from pavel-pimenov/RELICENSE-pavel-pimenov REVERT: c9845bfbf4 RELICENSE pavel-pimenov REVERT: 84ec65482f Merge pull request #3808 from sigiesec/fix-test-monitor-to-be-checked REVERT: d8851c5ca8 Merge pull request #3807 from sigiesec/fix-test-heartbeats REVERT: 66094678d1 Problem: intermittent deadlocks/timeouts in test_monitor and test_security_zap REVERT: 0a1fc44ed7 Merge pull request #3811 from sigiesec/fix-libsodium-1-0-0 REVERT: dfcca75d0b Problem: curve_encoding_t build fails with old libsodium versions REVERT: 58b636675a Problem: on POSIX systems, all tests have a timeout of 60 seconds; disabling it via ZMQ_DISABLE_TEST_TIMEOUT doesn't work anymore REVERT: 577d64c007 Problem: intermittent timeouts on test_heartbeats REVERT: 06bdebfe8d Merge pull request #3805 from sigiesec/curve-zerocopy REVERT: f1513f96d8 Merge pull request #3806 from sigiesec/increase-reconnect-ivl-timeout REVERT: e7043c815d Problem: intermittent timeouts of test_reconnect_ivl REVERT: 4177bf7445 Problem: curve_encoding_t involves unnecesary heap allocations and copying of message data REVERT: 2fa8185340 Problem: cannot use static libsodium library on Windows REVERT: b01685ea0a Problem: no unittests for curve_encoding_t REVERT: 48aed8df11 Merge pull request #3803 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 499624927a Submitting permission to relicense under MPLv2 statement. (#3804) REVERT: 78b94a4fcf Problem: testutil.hpp pulls in min/max macro definitions on Windows REVERT: 4ad239acbc Problem: curve encoding and decoding are not easily testable REVERT: a7b328a79a Revert "Problem: nuget internal metadata not maintained, no relicense" REVERT: 7cceedda2d Grant by phreed REVERT: f6de0dcafa Grant by xantares REVERT: 687241e93f Grant by jimenezrick REVERT: af5ac60631 Merge pull request #3801 from bluca/relicense REVERT: d69f4dc855 Problem: commented out code in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: d2a8be8da7 Problem: nuget internal metadata not maintained, no relicense REVERT: a2b4cca266 Merge pull request #3802 from FredTreg/patch-1 REVERT: 0b66262bda Adding relicensing grant from FredTreg REVERT: 2a6cc306da Grant by acsearle REVERT: 3e394fddb4 Problem: naming convention violated by curve_mechanism_base REVERT: fc8eec6d39 Add relicense from zoobab REVERT: 75dfbae0d1 Merge pull request #3798 from std-any-emplace/msvc-cmake-clang-buildfix REVERT: e73789620d Merge pull request #3797 from std-any-emplace/msvc-cmake REVERT: e29495373e Add an extra space after "/Z7". Else the flag gets joined with the flag following this and clang-cl does not like that. REVERT: 9b66fe2fba Both libzmq and libzmq-static are trying to work in precompiled.pch. Solution: enforce order. Fixes REVERT: fde2a7a65d Merge pull request #3795 from sigiesec/final-override-analyze REVERT: 406c423c9a Problem: C-style casts used REVERT: 78961eeab7 Problem: non-modifying member functions not marked as const/static REVERT: 41e3f14d6a Problem: ptr/ref parameters and local variables are non-const but never modified REVERT: 759fed8e7e Problem: meaningless inline specified on function declarations REVERT: f8f7913737 Problem: irregular loop conditions REVERT: 628adf1cb7 Problem: inconsistent polymorphic inheritance REVERT: 6d69898240 Merge pull request #3794 from sigiesec/fix-ctx-shutdown REVERT: fbf85448c3 Clarify used C++-standard for compilation. (#3793) REVERT: 36a8df2f8c Problem: sockets can be created after calling zmq_ctx_shutdown REVERT: ebc9314339 Merge pull request #3790 from std-any-emplace/master REVERT: 337ec270a4 EAGAIN: Refer to ZMQ_RCVTIMEO when receiving in blocking-mode REVERT: 349e3e21db Merge pull request #3789 from std-any-emplace/master REVERT: feb4f3d424 Fix minor typo REVERT: 81d522bb66 Refer to zmq_socket because there are more thread-safe sockets than just client/server REVERT: 72865e1b61 Merge pull request #3788 from colletted/feature REVERT: 64fc106123 Problem: preious commit contains tabs Solution: replace tabs with spaces REVERT: 851ae90319 Problem: No relicense agreement by Denis Collette Solution: added relicence agreement REVERT: 1450681fb4 Problem: Issue #3766 states that strtok is not thread safe and should be replaced REVERT: b7dd31db5a Merge pull request #3785 from bluca/wss_option REVERT: 1f00a5bf59 Problem: WS build option is independent of DRAFT REVERT: ddae567f16 Problem: ZMQ_WSS socket options not defined in src/zmq_draft.h REVERT: 07052ad309 Merge pull request #3784 from bluca/news REVERT: 68e6d8c07f Problem: NEWS out of date with latest changes REVERT: d47b7fa065 Merge pull request #3783 from std-any-emplace/master REVERT: c09b794ac6 Add a relicense-file. REVERT: 8004c10f39 Documentation fix regarding thread-safety of zmq_poll/zmq_poller.txt. See REVERT: 1b8a352480 Merge pull request #3782 from mloy/fix_websocket_without_path_with_test REVERT: 65ce499bef Added relicense file mloy REVERT: 67adc458df Roundtrip test for websocket url without a path REVERT: c357c378d8 fix: websocket url without path REVERT: 7ea72e5692 Merge pull request #3780 from somdoron/WSPINGPONG REVERT: 60ef14f80b problem: ws_engine don't support WS RFC close control msg REVERT: b120ec33a9 problem: ws_engine don't support WS RFC ping-pong REVERT: b9b901e89d Merge pull request #3775 from ffontaine/master REVERT: d59dcbcaeb acinclude.m4: add -latomic to PKGCFG_LIBS_PRIVATE REVERT: a9cca0d568 Merge pull request #3772 from kanonet/mingw-lib REVERT: c5dab4f48f mingw: add missing namespace REVERT: 73eb1eac05 Merge pull request #3767 from bluca/libbsd REVERT: 382c6d7186 Update array.hpp (#3769) REVERT: c560a41473 Problem: mingw build broken REVERT: 3832bd6b11 Problem: UWP build fails REVERT: 21f763c872 Problem: libbsd not used on Travis REVERT: 9d2899af87 Problem: libzmq.pc does not include gnutls dependency for static linking REVERT: 2c2ff01e85 Problem: CMake does not look for NSS using pkg-config REVERT: 068385c951 Problem: internal reimplementation of strlcpy used by default on Linux REVERT: 246cc77efc Merge pull request #3763 from sigiesec/replace-strcpy REVERT: 59095f9d06 Merge pull request #3765 from sigiesec/various-improvements REVERT: 3dbbc28bb8 Problem: use of unsafe strcpy REVERT: 334e837b88 Problem: ws_engine uses unsafe strcpy REVERT: 14ab794671 Problem: local functions not declared static REVERT: fa804c7783 Problem: pseudo-loops which had exactly one iteration REVERT: 579aa5b440 Problem: non-loop-variables initialized via loop initializer REVERT: d4cc592387 Problem: loop variable modified in loop step and body REVERT: a64c3e6c7d Problem: redundant consecutive return statements REVERT: ddbf45cf8d Problem: redundant break after return REVERT: 2256bd5b0b Problem: unnecessary copying of string literals REVERT: 4c3f115469 Problem: raw malloc used unnecessarily REVERT: 30e2398e67 Problem: WSS-specific members and options are compiled without ZMQ_HAVE_WSS REVERT: 9e548bd591 Problem: insecure and inefficient strcpy used REVERT: 3e7995f7f7 Merge pull request #3758 from sonoware/fix-set-cpu-affinity REVERT: 8089529148 Problem: ZMQ_HAVE_PTHREAD_SET_AFFINITY not set correctly REVERT: 3a3192e983 Adds RELICENSE for sonoware REVERT: eb54966cb9 Merge pull request #3757 from sigiesec/fix-windows-signaler-regression REVERT: 9f16513ebe Problem: loop sending signaler event is obscure REVERT: 3ace237988 Revert "Removed unreachable code paths" REVERT: 9b67fe8a98 Merge pull request #3755 from sigiesec/more-improvements-analyze REVERT: b88b12c77c Problem: sonar has no access to git history REVERT: f60f909899 Problem: missing use of C++11 = delete and = default REVERT: 86d7de38ca Problem: redundant empty destructor REVERT: 400107d765 Merge pull request #3754 from sigiesec/code-improvements-analyze REVERT: 76460c5e17 Problem: clang-format outdated REVERT: f8adf9ea55 Problem: unnecessary value parameters REVERT: cb2b377d9f Problem: redundant else after return REVERT: 1d9c6bcf09 Problem: unittest_udp_address not properly formatted REVERT: fdabd73da6 Problem: parameters not const where const possible REVERT: 84267e734b Problem: inconsistent parameter names on definition/declaration REVERT: cd954e207d Problem: use of C-style casts REVERT: a83c57d0bb Problem: identifiers not conformant with naming convention REVERT: 18edd28955 Problem: clang version used for analysis is outdated REVERT: de3e03c147 Problem: new clang-tidy contains checks that do not apply to libzmq REVERT: b9ddf62261 Merge pull request #3752 from sigiesec/update-sonar-scanner-analyze REVERT: d2fbfa7bd8 Problem: sonar-scanner binary is outdated and no longer available REVERT: df993d113c Merge pull request #3751 from sigiesec/windows-domain-sockets-signaler REVERT: cf7e0fb066 Problem: test_capabilities fails on Windows when IPC support is available REVERT: 76b7478290 Problem: there is no VS2019/IPC build job REVERT: ca552d563f Problem: listener socket uses TCP loopback connections which sometimes go awry REVERT: bd4c2d60ba Problem: zmq::listener_t::create_wildcard_address not reusable in ip.cpp REVERT: 3bcaea535c Problem: zmq_fdpair function is very long REVERT: 65d2f1f498 Problem: if IPC enabled libzmq does not compile when in uwp build (#3747) REVERT: 51bf2aff35 Merge pull request #3746 from drolevar/master REVERT: 5a854780f2 Problem: cannot send arbitrary data from XSUB to XPUB. REVERT: 85df75584e Merge pull request #3743 from bluca/test_ws_bindport REVERT: 00a448b1f0 Problem: WS tests bind to hard-coded TCP port and fail when ran in parallel REVERT: a61db18eee Problem: WSS LAST_ENDPOINT returns WS transport REVERT: c711941e9a Problem: wildcard port binding does not work with WS sockets REVERT: 79d75f017c Problem: WS sockets return TCP protocol strings with ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT REVERT: 75d9d84100 Merge pull request #3744 from liedtkeInTUM/fix_output_name REVERT: 0cca4b2ce9 Add relicense statement REVERT: d9d4dbbbd4 Problem: static libs are generated without given basename REVERT: 0f9dd85e89 Merge pull request #3741 from drolevar/master REVERT: 04761133bf Fix zmq::select_t::loop formatting REVERT: d5198693e8 Add relicense grant for Andrij Abyzov REVERT: 108977c838 Change XSUB -> XPUB multipart message processing. REVERT: e0d9e21374 Merge pull request #3738 from eldruin/external-output-name REVERT: 0605d06f1e Add license grant REVERT: 0bd8f70264 Allow renaming library from the outside REVERT: 97df2dac3a Merge pull request #3735 from viciious/no-libsodium-spec REVERT: e2e0f5c5f0 Add the relicense statement REVERT: 39c63994f9 Remove the superfluous build requirement of libsodium-devel REVERT: b788270bda Merge pull request #3734 from somdoron/tls_key_expired REVERT: a1aeae92cd problem: test_wss_transport expired REVERT: af86d93d5f Merge pull request #3726 from bluca/capsh_option REVERT: c57b2a5cc4 Merge pull request #3729 from bluca/fd_oob REVERT: 9ced36e407 Problem: WSAEventSelect checks for FD_OOB, but select does not REVERT: 854354bbd6 Merge pull request #3728 from njsmith/patch-1 REVERT: 4f188fe1ab Fix typo in email address REVERT: 30e966fe1b Merge pull request #3727 from Botje/fix-poller-example REVERT: 9e4f55d741 RELICENSE: Add grant for Dries Harnie REVERT: ba6695c59a Problem: zmq_poller example is wrong REVERT: bfa8cf3089 Problem: test_pair_tcp_cap_net_admin requires sudo but is enabled by default in CMake REVERT: 805564b996 Merge pull request #3717 from sigiesec/add-win-ipc-support REVERT: 302436515c Problem: windows socket error number cleared before saved to saved_errno REVERT: 66d0f3511f Problem: ipc transport not supported under Windows REVERT: a33f1101dc Merge pull request #3724 from benjdero/qol-improvements REVERT: c1168b2374 Rename my license agreement REVERT: c995032595 Fix android build fail check when using a different locale than english REVERT: 0d0899bc0d Download the NDK only the first time REVERT: 7ee36a177a Make sure the new file erase the old one and don't get a different name REVERT: 947893e79f Keep the unzip quiet but make sure it doesn't fail silently REVERT: 11d49d4f47 Merge pull request #3721 from bluca/gnutls_pkg REVERT: 44b13a3aa4 Problem: libzmq-dev not installable with libczmq-dev on Ubuntu 16.04 REVERT: 86722502e9 Merge pull request #3720 from BenjaminDeroche/master REVERT: a67f7b09a4 Add the relicense statement REVERT: d2099b7593 Problem: Android build script is severely outdated REVERT: 58deca3fb3 Merge pull request #3716 from sigiesec/fix-winxp-support REVERT: 7f43e7ff75 Problem: build targeting Windows XP is broken REVERT: 92e3226869 Merge pull request #3714 from mdionisio/remove_libm REVERT: 9f65720dc0 Revert "Problem: pkg-config file cannot be used for static linking on CentOS 7" REVERT: 683bf1d732 Merge pull request #3713 from mdionisio/useless_ceil REVERT: f07f47b1e3 avoid to use ceil function REVERT: f370cc0070 Add RELICENSE grant for mdionisio REVERT: c1ff4c2b52 Merge pull request #3711 from yan12125/centos7-static-linking REVERT: ca30ee78f6 Add relicense note for @yan12125 REVERT: 765c24740d Problem: pkg-config file cannot be used for static linking on CentOS 7 REVERT: 96bc59a6ce Merge pull request #3708 from bluca/gnutls_pkg REVERT: 5bcb7dc5fe Problem: test_wss_transport doesn't compile without DRAFT REVERT: 688213dbe4 Merge pull request #3706 from somdoron/master REVERT: efb9c5698e Merge pull request #3707 from bluca/gnutls_pkg REVERT: be83fe27e2 Problem: RPM builds do not print test failures logs REVERT: 5bfb13032e Problem: packages not build with TLS support REVERT: de845bd021 Merge pull request #3705 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: cad10d9580 problem: some files are missing in git ignore REVERT: 55c9e5037f problem: mingw and cygwin builds fail because of line error REVERT: 2d6a66a81d problem: test_xpub_nodrop fails frequently REVERT: 9b15658eb1 problem: zero-sized messages cause assertion when glibc assertion are on REVERT: 539718f35a Merge pull request #3704 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: 618227f63c problem: GNUTLS handshake is getting blocked because of timeout on some versions REVERT: 810d3b43d1 Merge pull request #3703 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: a9bb526403 problem: wss transport return incorrect return code for error REVERT: 8d9acb72c1 Merge pull request #3702 from somdoron/ws_mechanism REVERT: 2018be643a problem: valgrind complain about uninitialized value REVERT: 977f137a83 problem: cannot check WS and WSS capability REVERT: 41b9af2c79 problem: WS transport doesn't support mechanism REVERT: 95797422aa Merge pull request #3701 from JonDyte/master REVERT: 9e60dbe780 RELICENSE: add Jon Dyte license grant. REVERT: 28f5c9545a Merge pull request #3700 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 42408dd9aa Add grant by nixman REVERT: 1c7ed2484b Merge pull request #3698 from ThePrez/ibmi REVERT: 94f92b64ed Add IBM i to platform list REVERT: fb2db30b19 Add relicense notice REVERT: 25320a3c7b Add IBM i build support via 'os400' clause REVERT: 9bb6b21423 Merge pull request #3695 from somdoron/tls REVERT: 7296fb5b15 problem: unsecured websocket is rarely used in production REVERT: 2e9b2f8843 Merge pull request #3696 from bluca/relicense REVERT: a43f03316e Add grant by MongoDB, Inc. REVERT: 8fe620901f Merge pull request #3690 from ipechorin/master REVERT: 598d9babf6 Add relicense grant REVERT: 4ebe92333e Merge pull request #3687 from trya/fix_conflate REVERT: 2fe9dd9101 Problem: ZMQ_CONFLATE on PUB sockets delivers to only one subscriber at most REVERT: 38b485dd75 Merge pull request #3685 from trya/relicensing REVERT: f24c019ec1 Merge pull request #3686 from trya/doc_sock_block REVERT: 45e1fc059b Add relicense grant REVERT: 4378d71247 Problem: Documentation about socket blocking on send operations is incorrect REVERT: 8d34332ff2 Merge pull request #3683 from dimpase/patch-1 REVERT: 3290faa8e6 relicense by dimpase REVERT: a25e3168bb Allow "configure --disable-maintainer-mode" REVERT: d76664017c Merge pull request #3681 from TobiSchluter/bugfix/dont_include_winsock2 REVERT: 38d144731d Add relicensing file REVERT: cb211e4f1e Problem: inclusion of winsock2.h leads to ordering issues in user code. REVERT: 3ecaf9fe6e Merge pull request #3680 from bluca/nss_pkg REVERT: bd5220c505 Problem: nss package has different name on SUSE REVERT: 9b4deeffdb Merge pull request #3679 from bluca/nss_pkg REVERT: 3e4c90bbf4 Problem: package build fails on SUSE Tumbleweed REVERT: 79535f39ca Problem: there are already many Travis builds REVERT: 5dd433501f Problem: packages are not build with nss REVERT: 9acdafb001 Problem: spec file includes libsodium-devel twice REVERT: adf348b667 Merge pull request #3677 from somdoron/sha1_conflict REVERT: 2fb9e93cfa problem: ci doesn't build with nss REVERT: 9be8334938 problem: sha1 external module conflict with czmq REVERT: e756743a12 Merge pull request #3674 from herbrechtsmeier/relicense REVERT: f505e02988 RELICENSE: add grant from Stefan Herbrechtsmeier REVERT: be0f52fe57 Merge pull request #3673 from jcfr/relicense-jcfr REVERT: 0858038367 Merge pull request #3672 from bluca/relicense REVERT: a643e58902 Relicense granby by RPGillespie6 REVERT: 064d5438e6 Merge pull request #3671 from somdoron/ws_protocol REVERT: 52e0d965b3 problem: ws_engine doesn't check Sec-WebSocket-Protocol REVERT: df1bec03c0 Merge pull request #3670 from somdoron/ws_host_path REVERT: a48fdd6a7f problem: ws_engine doesn't send correct host and path REVERT: 3413e05bd0 Merge pull request #3668 from UniStuttgart-VISUS/master REVERT: 00cf36e933 Added relicense REVERT: 2ec56d25b6 Safer regex replace, keeping options like "/Zc:twoPhase-" intact REVERT: a084deb0b2 Merge pull request #3666 from diorcety/license REVERT: 0bbe531861 Relicense: diorcety REVERT: 4256e5413c Merge pull request #3664 from cbusbey/relicense REVERT: ccabb48265 grant relicense REVERT: 3d656e1ff1 Relicense: Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin REVERT: e33eedc663 Merge pull request #3661 from bluca/autoconf_static_only REVERT: 223e9266e0 Merge pull request #3662 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 9785e37875 Grant by psl-felipefarinon REVERT: 2fe2ce1e37 Problem: static-only test run fails REVERT: 21bfa58dad Merge pull request #3660 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 10aea5c65d Grant by kreuzberger REVERT: 826e7db7be Merge pull request #3659 from bluca/xpub_user_msg REVERT: 6fb8ef0711 Problem: can no longer send user data from XSUB to XPUB REVERT: c737e5720f Merge pull request #3654 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 1925bdccb1 Grant by skaller REVERT: 62fe9bf147 Merge pull request #3653 from rcxdude/master REVERT: ecc2eb42ce Add relicense permission REVERT: 017e7d3605 Merge pull request #3652 from mvilim/relicense REVERT: a55f2a52e3 Relicense permission REVERT: 3e3c3d7ba5 Merge pull request #3651 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: 41a58da49c Merge pull request #3650 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 8a3140064f Grant by dmeehan1968 REVERT: db8447d3b1 Merge pull request #3649 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 757ae967cf Grant by paddor REVERT: 1a0d52db05 Grant by mbarbisan REVERT: e30186cb00 Merge pull request #3648 from bluca/relicense REVERT: b566e2cc77 Grant by jbreams REVERT: 48c6290888 Grant by DaiyuHurst REVERT: a76233b727 Merge pull request #3647 from msune/msune_licensing REVERT: ea9d948cde RELICENSE: add relicense agreement from msune REVERT: b3582da8fb Introduce extended set/get methods for ZMQ contexts (#3642) REVERT: 2aa87c94cc UDP engine aborts on networking-related errors from socket syscalls (2) #2862 (#3640) REVERT: 7559d2daaf Merge pull request #3639 from sigiesec/fix-win-binaries REVERT: c1377ff168 Problem: appveyor binary archives do not contain import libraries REVERT: f48c86d077 UDP engine aborts on networking-related errors from socket syscalls #2862 (#3638) REVERT: e492dea80e Merge pull request #3637 from spotify/relicense REVERT: 74e7ee0e66 Add relicense agreement from Spotify AB REVERT: 56ace6d03f Merge pull request #3636 from schulzch/cmake-precompiled REVERT: 878f1d51f5 Add ENABLE_PRECOMPILED option. REVERT: 9bb197e030 Merge pull request #3613 from TomzBench/mingw-fix REVERT: 1d21d2f4e4 Merge pull request #3634 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 205c52009d RELICENSE: add grant by Daniel Krikun REVERT: e9b67001dd Problem: invalid syntax for calling convention on function pointer REVERT: 19f2d9e529 Merge pull request #3633 from Neopallium/master REVERT: d63a00b98f Re-license Robert G. Jakabosky (Neopallium) REVERT: f4cbe4ba45 Add relicense grant REVERT: 5de89531f2 Merge pull request #3632 from Suudy/master REVERT: 65e67b32bf RELICENSE: Add relicensing grant REVERT: ab51e0a81f Merge pull request #3626 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 48ea043311 Merge pull request #3630 from hnwyllmm/patch-1 REVERT: 5650bbab1d Adds relicensing grant REVERT: 66a228ef46 Merge pull request #3628 from murphybytes/murphybytes-relicense REVERT: 9d53203ccf relicensing REVERT: e8e13c17ad Merge pull request #3627 from f18m/master REVERT: e979988d66 RELICENSE: chymanfx REVERT: 78c435044d Merge pull request #3625 from jlauenercern/master REVERT: 95176a53a4 RELICENSE: Joel Lauener REVERT: a979a99523 Add relicense grant (#3624) REVERT: 057331e3f9 Merge pull request #3623 from miniway/relicense REVERT: b00494226c Relicense permission REVERT: c87215380a Merge pull request #3622 from jens-auer/master REVERT: cc83fed11a Add relicense statement REVERT: 8443313e0b Merge pull request #3621 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 3c951f7d1c Merge pull request #3620 from bebopagogo/master REVERT: 3bb2a0d487 RELICENSE: Aleksander Melnikov REVERT: becf469865 Add relicense agreement from Brian Adamson REVERT: e161907db9 Merge pull request #3619 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 87988bf4c8 Problem: formatting error REVERT: 6b71823ad0 Merge pull request #3618 from AxelNennker/master REVERT: 3c8f4a431e relicense REVERT: edc266b3ab RELICENSE: Manuel Segura REVERT: c0db5c3ae3 Merge pull request #3617 from claws/relicense_permission REVERT: cd4fac3a0c relicense permission REVERT: db82835995 Merge pull request #3616 from dennisklein/relicense_permission REVERT: c44be4aa60 RELICENSE permission REVERT: 1ef3a68629 Merge pull request #3615 from drbobbeaty/master REVERT: 4e7a58b983 Merge pull request #3614 from garlick/relicense_garlick REVERT: 7d8c86241c Added my relicense doc REVERT: 304843373c Add relicense agreement from Jim Garlick REVERT: 64d58c432c relicense add REVERT: ec0aa6cef6 Merge pull request #3612 from fanquake/travis_sudo_deprecated REVERT: 87b81926aa no void pointer to store function pointer REVERT: 114b1f9516 problem: no relicensing agreement for fanquake REVERT: abe26f0dc3 problem: sudo:false has been deprecated by Travis CI REVERT: 5f95e53e0f Allow to graph results from TCP links at 100Gbps nicely. REVERT: 9cdef8aa0c Better script for performance tests REVERT: b66b2857ad Merge pull request #3610 from hxw/master REVERT: 4cd39feb68 Add re-license grant file REVERT: 62d8346447 add DragonFly BSD to platforms list REVERT: c3eab89e53 Merge pull request #3608 from hxw/master REVERT: 72854e6342 problem: DragonFly BSD does not allow mapping global IPv4 addresses when IPv6 is used REVERT: ba679bcce8 problem: configure for DragonFly need FreeBSD also defined REVERT: 6b6043600e Merge pull request #3607 from f18m/master REVERT: 877c32dc3d Add scripts to ease performance graph generation REVERT: 21a0815f2f Merge pull request #3605 from bl0x/master REVERT: 5a519e1686 Add RELICENSING statement for bl0x. REVERT: 45243cd009 Fix build on SL6.9. Fix #3603. REVERT: a8d19057b1 Merge pull request #3602 from bluca/formatting REVERT: 4d5e97adac Problem: formatting errors introduced by #3601 REVERT: 9dcbdd1b09 Merge pull request #3601 from jacquesg/win32threadname REVERT: b3123a2fd1 Problem: __try and __except isn't universally supported on windows REVERT: 47fc979b2a Merge pull request #3600 from drbitboy/master REVERT: 853aa9801e Problem: include/zmq.h is not so much broken as inconsistent in how it declares the file descriptor (fd) of a socket in struct zmq_pollitem_t vs. struct zmq_poller_event_t REVERT: 20a4e4d1be Merge pull request #3598 from ssbl/contributing REVERT: 475a029514 Problem: PR template is mostly about contributing guidelines REVERT: ed4317b0e9 Merge pull request #3597 from ssbl/redundant-check REVERT: f07d88be09 Problem: redundant check in condition REVERT: 49f4ef1759 Merge pull request #3595 from aixxe/master REVERT: 63409579e7 Problem: Usage of 'if_nametoindex' not supported in Windows XP. REVERT: 69e451c1fa Merge pull request #3594 from mancasg/master REVERT: 1bbbd77ac4 RELICENSE: Mancaș George grant REVERT: 13387c5cdc Problem: stream_engine use after free Solution: Don't allow concurrent heartbeat timers REVERT: 60cca513a1 Merge pull request #3593 from jean-airoldie/doc_poller REVERT: 1bd94a979d Problem: behavior of closing a socket registered... REVERT: c83fa74767 Merge pull request #3591 from jean-airoldie/max_sockets REVERT: 7675995fe8 Problem: incorrect ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS default value in doc REVERT: 49636f4c88 Merge pull request #3588 from inuik/master REVERT: afa11b0dfd Copy debug libraries for debug builds REVERT: a56d36b8e5 Merge pull request #3587 from somdoron/stream_engine_base REVERT: 157b2a2ee0 problem: ws_engine duplicate code from stream_engine REVERT: 184e7a55e5 Merge pull request #3585 from bluca/fixes REVERT: 7262701876 Problem: build on centos6/ubuntu12 still broken REVERT: efd7188760 Merge pull request #3584 from bluca/fixes REVERT: 496c8eb05a Problem: missing copyright and license header from new file REVERT: 10a0baf691 Problem: wrong copyright dates in newly added files REVERT: 38c31154d0 Problem: build broken with older compilers REVERT: 021c6a706b Problem: no license.txt file for external/sha1/ REVERT: 3692b26649 Merge pull request #3579 from somdoron/zws2 REVERT: feeed3f27e Merge pull request #3580 from sigiesec/use-libsodium-based-allocator REVERT: 4756ff3046 Problem: use of tweetnacl vs. libsodium is ambiguous REVERT: 39941a0c82 problem: browser cannot communicate with zeromq directly REVERT: 1781cff37b Problem: plaintext secrets placed in insecure memory REVERT: 92dbb4caee Problem: no C++ style secure memory allocator available REVERT: 8a7a9cb90f Problem: clang-format produces C++11 style nested templated arguments REVERT: d9dce8f068 Merge pull request #3578 from ssbl/unused-parameter REVERT: e26f094193 Problem: unused parameter in benchmark function REVERT: 9c5cf8573c Merge pull request #3573 from sigiesec/use-std-vector REVERT: 02f7dca678 Merge pull request #3570 from bluca/static_analysis REVERT: 1de4cf6ffa Problem: use of malloc is error-prone REVERT: 77cd206100 Problem: errors do not fail ABI CI test REVERT: eec972a5b4 Problem: unused variable in test tool REVERT: c819eedd89 Problem: missing rc checks in udp_engine REVERT: b5db4b4421 Merge pull request #3568 from somdoron/master REVERT: 71decb996d problem: wrong api_key for bintray REVERT: 89ac4a0f6c Merge pull request #3566 from TomMD/fix/leaks REVERT: b99bf4e1ce Merge pull request #3567 from myd7349/fix-include-dir REVERT: bb3fa9c048 Problem: Missing ZeroMQ_INCLUDE_DIR when only static lib is built REVERT: 90ff30c086 Free memory when curve_client sends invalid ready message. REVERT: 27057263cd Merge pull request #3565 from bluca/newver REVERT: 491a0ae107 Problem: 4.3.2 is out, need new version REVERT: a84ffa12b2 Finalize changelog for 4.3.2 REVERT: fa82aa1120 Merge pull request #3564 from bluca/news REVERT: c2488ed520 Problem: packaging versions out of date REVERT: f5f1880b58 Problem: NEWS not up to date for v4.3.2 REVERT: 0f01fb5134 Problem: markdown errors in zmq_getsockopt.txt REVERT: 8e6bafcbe0 Problem: application metadata not parsed correctly when using CURVE REVERT: ddd0da2f57 Merge pull request #3476 from TomMD/fix/memory-leak REVERT: 367cedb7c6 Fix request-handling memory leak REVERT: 2c89c069a9 Tommd relicensing statement REVERT: 5368ae0571 Merge pull request #3562 from bear-metal/lourens-relicense REVERT: 3ec1bf5096 Add relicense agreement from Lourens Naudé REVERT: 5f8a7b1c22 Merge pull request #3561 from zeromq/secpolicy REVERT: 153deece66 Problem: no security policy REVERT: d5067df2dd Merge pull request #3559 from ssbl/inconsistent-naming-convention-fix REVERT: 1186e9868a Problem: code doesn't follow libzmq naming conventions REVERT: 4a855fba8c Merge pull request #3557 from bluca/docs REVERT: 364561953a Problem: zmq_disconnect documentation is confusing and breaks semantics REVERT: eba6fb2988 Problem: ZMQ_IN/OUT_BATCH_SIZE are dangerous REVERT: a43c842e0d Merge pull request #3556 from ssbl/better-names REVERT: 68b744fac5 Merge pull request #3555 from jean-airoldie/batch_size_sockopt REVERT: d1e6fe19b4 Problem: variable and type names are not descriptive REVERT: cfcab66c71 Problem: {in,out}_batch_size must be configured at compiled time REVERT: 4904bf7177 Merge pull request #3550 from jean-airoldie/heartbeat_test REVERT: 241b073fd3 Problem: missing heartbeat test for draft sockets REVERT: fcf828d34b Merge pull request #3547 from jean-airoldie/unbind-doc REVERT: 15dafb1c1c Problem: radix tree's apply function uses incorrect resizing logic (#3548) REVERT: 4d933c28be Problem: disconnect & unbind doc is misleading REVERT: b17e854f15 Merge pull request #3546 from skicc/patch-1 REVERT: 0503abb336 RELICENSE REVERT: d2be018800 CMake: don't try to link with librt on MinGW REVERT: 9534bbfc4d Merge pull request #3539 from guillon/dev-socks-tests REVERT: 153418e175 Add tests for SOCKS proxy support REVERT: 46b498e590 Merge pull request #3544 from somdoron/master REVERT: e27a13a8ba problem: no artifacts for x64 on windows REVERT: 8f66156aa3 problem: tests might fail and prevent deployment REVERT: 27f9be1125 Merge pull request #3542 from guillon/fix-test-asserts REVERT: f203064374 Problem: test assertions not reporting the right line number REVERT: aa6b6440f2 Merge pull request #3541 from somdoron/master REVERT: ee6755ff1d problem: appveyor with libsodium change the current directory and break the build REVERT: 3cb1c377dd Merge pull request #3540 from somdoron/master REVERT: 0a696d8774 problem: no artifact repository for windows REVERT: aac3cd4d93 Merge pull request #3535 from bluca/format REVERT: 321c288005 Problem: philippeleite relicense statement not added to the repository REVERT: 3c06ec118f Problem: formatting errors REVERT: 1fdb152b9d Merge pull request #3537 from philippeleite/patch-2 REVERT: 8a02f70706 pthread_equal to compare thread ids REVERT: 2202587267 Merge pull request #3534 from guillon/dev-socks-basic-auth REVERT: 58c30dc7d1 Add support for SOCKS5 basic authentication REVERT: 68558bc394 Merge pull request #3532 from guillon/fix-socks-connect REVERT: 42cfa697f2 Fix issues with SOCKS5 proxy connection REVERT: 9736f57f08 Add RELICENSE grant for guillon REVERT: 178f9e3f3c Merge pull request #3527 from rotty/pr/clarify-zmq_msg_send-wording REVERT: fae26774f5 Problem: Unclear `zmq_msg_send` failure semantics REVERT: 96b9eece15 Merge pull request #3521 from jackpimbert/master REVERT: 940f54e7ce Problem: PGM doc missing info on high data rates REVERT: 840b9ba4fa Problem: No relicense agreement by jackpimbert REVERT: 4dca26767e Merge pull request #3518 from ackalker/fix-use-of-test REVERT: 196cb723df Add RELICENSE entry REVERT: 9a397666d2 acinclude.m4, Fix several non-portable uses of `test` REVERT: cef806550c Merge pull request #3516 from moretromain/fedorafix REVERT: 5b07a1199c Fix compiler error REVERT: 2b63a89635 Merge pull request #3515 from moretromain/win-threadname REVERT: 27005cc1ae Implement thread name on windows, cleanup thread naming internals REVERT: 046ccfc408 Merge pull request #3513 from bluca/clang7 REVERT: 9cb266edaa Merge pull request #3512 from bluca/fixes REVERT: bde18f3ede Problem: comments before ifdefs are wrongly formatted REVERT: 5de3aa1555 Problem: clang-tidy 6 has issues with comments REVERT: 19ff4d0b6a Problem: zmq_socket_monitor_versioned_typed duplicates zmq_socket_monitor_versioned REVERT: 797439c8e2 Problem: typos in manpage entry for ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL_LAST_VALUE REVERT: 41be0f5386 Problem: new xpub option is in critical path REVERT: a53dfe936a Problem: many unnecessary ifdefs covering new xpub option REVERT: 9bcfc251f4 Problem: new test_xpub_manual_last_value not built by automake REVERT: 2f98f7034b Support XPub socket send last value caching to last subscription pipe with ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL_LAST_VALUE. (#3511) REVERT: 6b51f03377 Merge pull request #3509 from jean-airoldie/monitor_typed REVERT: 8738ada00f Problem: Endpoints are sometimes not unbound quick enough REVERT: 7836ec752c Problem: Potentially unitialized variable in #3508 REVERT: 3aca047b96 Merge pull request #3508 from jean-airoldie/monitor_typed REVERT: 606a8f7967 Problem: Socket monitoring only allows ZMQ_PAIR REVERT: e285fe6ea7 Merge pull request #3502 from sigiesec/fix-plain-hello-message REVERT: 6e1c58e86e Problem: PLAIN HELLO message incorrectly uses WELCOME literal REVERT: 65dd38b268 Merge pull request #3499 from sigiesec/fix-windows-build REVERT: d46c580977 Problem: signature of zmq_poller_fd does is incompatible with regular error handling REVERT: 548f31d4b4 Merge pull request #3498 from sigiesec/fix-windows-build REVERT: 63c4d8be78 Problem: syntax error on Windows related to socket descriptor type REVERT: d3f52b2b91 Merge pull request #3497 from sigiesec/fix-cmake-config REVERT: 8996912cad Problem: generated ZeroMQConfig.cmake does not work when only static or shared library was built REVERT: f41f51461f Merge pull request #3496 from sigiesec/cleanup-cmakelists REVERT: 2d8ef84760 Problem: CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES used in a wrong way, check_function_exists is problematic REVERT: 3e5843d073 Problem: include directives are cluttered throughout CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 7c53567b93 Problem: extra character in option name REVERT: 9e4b6632c2 Problem: misspelled ar program name REVERT: 635f093744 Problem: redundant output in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: ea109fcaab Merge pull request #3493 from moretromain/cmake-fix REVERT: a565718505 RELICENSE: moretromain grant REVERT: 8eee5eb1a8 Fix a typo in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 7971be930b Merge pull request #3491 from bluca/gcc9 REVERT: ca2e8b3b19 Problem: build broken on Fedora 30 REVERT: 8c8110a136 Merge pull request #3490 from jean-airoldie/zmq_poller_fd_doc REVERT: cdbe120738 Problem: No invalid pointer handling for zmq_poller_fd REVERT: 19dd8195be Problem: Missing doc & unit tests for zmq_poller_fd REVERT: 92eedc5716 Merge pull request #3489 from normano/master REVERT: dad917e04e fixed date REVERT: 97b51e81d3 Added RELICENSE for normano contribution REVERT: 9780011846 Fixed zmq_socket_monitor example REVERT: 9bee21b364 Merge pull request #3484 from jean-airoldie/poller_fd REVERT: 05aadc4e38 Problem: no relicense agreement by jean-airoldie REVERT: 046534480b Problem: Cannot get thread safe socket fd REVERT: 501f9d8da4 Merge pull request #3483 from ssbl/dead-code-fix REVERT: e9678efe00 Problem: unused Windows-specific code in sleep_ms REVERT: e3a96778b6 Merge pull request #3481 from neheb/patch-1 REVERT: 761af4939f Add RELICENSE entry REVERT: 091e15a28d Add include to fix uClibc++ compilation REVERT: 9067e3ac9d Merge pull request #3480 from ipa/zeromq-3479 REVERT: 0a5ca642e2 corrected name in the signature of relicense statement REVERT: c65fa0a34d Problem: QNX crosscompiler needs additional parameters to chosse the correct platform REVERT: c531514c33 Problem: no relicense agreement by ipa REVERT: e1a895917c Problem: libzmq does not build on QNX 6.6 using CMake #3479 REVERT: 494a82f0e7 Merge pull request #3478 from Omegastick/master REVERT: 7d26319247 Problem: No relicense statement for Omegastick REVERT: 43e398ed86 Problem: Radix Tree benchmarks break when project is used as a submodule REVERT: cc99846156 Merge pull request #3477 from bluca/manpages REVERT: f4b0f327de Problem: markup error in zmq_socket.txt REVERT: 8f77150c80 Problem: man errors, can't break lines REVERT: de4d69f597 Merge pull request #3473 from bluca/format REVERT: 3c21eed0a1 Problem: CI format check fails REVERT: 5b140baf45 Merge pull request #3472 from bluca/hardening REVERT: 320ed68ce9 Problem: immediate binding hardening not used by debian package REVERT: db7bdd1b1a Some explicit endpoint type changes to support GCC 5 (#3468) REVERT: 6c613902da Merge pull request #3467 from sigiesec/improve-hwm-pubsub-test REVERT: b9041bf78c Problem: missing information on assertion failure REVERT: d328f90bb7 Problem: inadequate recv variant used which assumes 0-terminated string REVERT: a5ee4fb001 Problem: code duplication for multiple transports, multiple test cases combined in one REVERT: 06f5a6f282 Problem: use of generic assertion macro REVERT: d4401b230b Problem: test case not making use of test_bind helper function REVERT: bdccfe4097 Merge pull request #3464 from bluca/ericcson_grant REVERT: 2de7f9ccf9 Relicensing grant from Ericsson REVERT: e20861a065 Merge pull request #3463 from sigiesec/fix-3269 REVERT: 42e27b7d0d Problem: socket returned by ZMQ_FD cannot be used with CreateIoCompletionPort REVERT: 25bb43c33a Merge pull request #3461 from sigiesec/refactor-tests REVERT: 47dba21005 Problem: code is unnecessarily imperative REVERT: bfec30b1e5 Problem: test_address_tipc is unnecessarily verbose REVERT: 386de33030 Problem: code from bind_loopback_tipc is duplicated REVERT: 0e0bead3cf Problem: code from bind_loopback_ipc is duplicated REVERT: 7f64b925aa Problem: code from bind_loopback_ipv4 is duplicated REVERT: 8dc933f2ed Problem: non-expressive test case name REVERT: 34999d5069 Problem: s_send(more) can be replaced by safer send_string_expect_success REVERT: af4fa22fd8 Problem: default test setUp/tearDown functions duplicated in many test programs REVERT: 2b80dd7add Problem: test_bind used with explicit endpoint where bind_loopback_ipv4 could be used REVERT: 454c0b834a Merge pull request #3460 from bluca/borken REVERT: dc91981df7 Problem: removing header from testutil.hpp breaks unittest build with gcc8 REVERT: 6d77558c77 Merge pull request #3459 from sigiesec/migrate-testutil REVERT: c2cd2966ab Problem: no documentation of testutil_unity functions REVERT: de622c8198 Problem: functions are unnecessarily declared in header REVERT: 1450830611 Problem: unused include directives REVERT: d0c4402daf Problem: needless use of macros REVERT: a62e9d35be Problem: internal functions present in header file REVERT: 5d74eba64a Problem: remaining basic assertions REVERT: 5b40bdb194 Problem: redundant specific of testutil headers REVERT: 347708bcf2 Problem: test utilities are in headers and recompiled for every test REVERT: cbd4157638 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 9528983d95 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 90a4d268d9 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 6ed03e9333 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 75cd23d6af Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 06e713e9e0 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 4ab381436d Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 6f083df5fb Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 2f40d21618 Problem: access to moved object REVERT: 740780293a Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: e17232f725 Problem: possible use-after-free REVERT: f083e60d8c Problem: use of extra context REVERT: 924d47f818 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: f4b9cc994d Merge pull request #3457 from sigiesec/migrate-zap-test REVERT: 0266d4ac27 Problem: testutil_monitoring not using unity REVERT: f46a96926c Problem: test_security_curve uses custom assertion macro REVERT: efaca82bff Problem: testutil_security not using unity REVERT: 6e0724609a Problem: errno not output on test failure REVERT: 669fc4df5a Problem: test_security_zap not using a test framework REVERT: 99e53698c5 Merge pull request #3456 from bluca/test_fd_port REVERT: 168aa83d08 Merge pull request #3453 from panlinux/validate-group-before-using-1462 REVERT: 98875a9ddc Problem: TCP and UDP test sockets use hard-coded port REVERT: 830b3428ec Problem: new test binary not ignored REVERT: 1f656fd19d Problem: no relicense agreement by panlinux REVERT: d81f3ec21c Problem: test_filter_with_supplemental_process_owner_gid fails REVERT: 645df4e602 Merge pull request #3449 from sigiesec/migrate-security-tests REVERT: 17c47da01c Merge pull request #3452 from jacquesg/strnlen REVERT: b26542bbfc Problem: strnlen may not be available REVERT: c1d2e71861 Merge pull request #3451 from jacquesg/devpoll REVERT: 04f5ae20af Problem: Solaris 10 had unknown, active users REVERT: 8759d20d4b Problem: tests link to two different flavours of the runtime library, causing heap corruption REVERT: ae1bc03e9e Problem: artifacts published on appveyor are missing pdb files REVERT: 8a2296711d Problem: epoll_t no longer requires _worker REVERT: 212ab4f834 Problem: /dev/poll doesn't compile REVERT: 36a16ec7d1 Problem: test_security_plain not using a test framework REVERT: 223ef516b6 Problem: test_security_null not using a test framework REVERT: bd6fa4bbb3 Merge pull request #3445 from bluca/relicense_hp REVERT: f4f2ebfe95 Update HPE statement as requested by the grantor REVERT: 1198a8ec91 Merge pull request #3444 from bluca/relicense_hp REVERT: 84e9a1a022 Relicensing grant from HPE REVERT: 1e9a8c97ea Merge pull request #3441 from bluca/test_xpub_nodrop_flaky REVERT: 0bbd38f5d4 Problem: text_xpub_nodrop sometimes fails REVERT: 2f5c2f4a48 Merge pull request #3440 from emtr/proxy-performance-fix REVERT: d41ed6180b Proxy performance fix, ticket #3439 REVERT: 2e6464864e Merge pull request #3438 from sigiesec/fix-appveyor-test-execution REVERT: 028aecc6d9 Problem: appveyor build always fails REVERT: 73159a8fab Problem: race condition in test_hwm REVERT: 14fd7505bc Problem: race condition in test_xpub_nodrop REVERT: 56c94757ff Problem: analysis build failing due to warnings-as-errors REVERT: a95c4ab404 Problem: test_decrease_when_full is disabled for Windows REVERT: 828ed69d63 Problem: test_decrease_when_full test case in test_sockopt_hwm does not run reliably under Windows REVERT: 36d265ee7d Problem: redundant parentheses in return statements REVERT: 0c363fbb76 Problem: argument is unnecessarily copied REVERT: 995e0a3a26 Merge pull request #3436 from sigiesec/fix-reconnect-ivl-calculation REVERT: d61d662ecb Problem: reconnect interval exponential backoff and may lead to integer overflows REVERT: 46061508bf Merge pull request #3435 from trevorbernard/relicense REVERT: 12238f6bb1 Issue #2376 - Add Trevor Bernard's permission to relicense REVERT: 54bf9c6a59 Merge pull request #3434 from brc859844/master REVERT: 23de068fe4 RELICENSE: Brett Cameron REVERT: d54b524976 Merge pull request #3433 from rlenferink/relicense-info-michelet REVERT: cc8b119c69 RELICENSE: Corrected info for leonarf REVERT: 35aaa5425f Merge pull request #3432 from rlenferink/relicense-shancat REVERT: 6f66b5a676 Adding grant from shancat REVERT: 534ac7ef0d Merge pull request #3431 from steve-o/master REVERT: bab50feb50 Add GitHub authors. REVERT: 24d5bcfe4d Relicense permission for work by steve-o. REVERT: 831ac95fd9 Merge pull request #3428 from Eelis/mallocfail REVERT: f8bcdaf123 Merge pull request #3430 from rlenferink/rl-rename REVERT: fea02c1071 Renamed RELICENSE to use GitHub username REVERT: 5ac7df1d23 Merge pull request #3429 from CommanderBubble/master REVERT: 8259c519b3 Problem: Program crashes if memory allocation in socket_poller_t::rebuild fails. REVERT: d301f995ad Create REVERT: 2acd7391ae Merge pull request #5 from zeromq/master REVERT: d814f37067 Merge pull request #3426 from Eelis/pollerdoc REVERT: f09d5295c6 RELICENSE: Grant from Eelis. REVERT: f1d6811dd7 Problem: The documentation for zmq_poller_new incorrectly states that it cannot fail. REVERT: cdc4b8c6c6 Merge pull request #3423 from vortechs2000/relicense REVERT: 3b3fbe0204 Add relicense grant REVERT: 3d55131eba Merge pull request #3422 from sigiesec/fix-zmq-proxy-docs REVERT: c05d010c01 Problem: zmq_proxy signature in documentation does not match actual signature REVERT: f21bae529e Merge pull request #3421 from sigiesec/document-supported-platforms REVERT: 598b5d4dcb Problem: no documentation of supported platforms REVERT: e2af39bc42 Merge pull request #3420 from mgatny/master REVERT: d63dcaf238 Problem: missing relicensing statement from mgatny REVERT: 3e79d55271 Merge pull request #3419 from rlenferink/rl-rename REVERT: cfd91f0602 Renamed license grants to use GitHub username REVERT: fed6cc5669 Merge pull request #3418 from rlenferink/rl-extension REVERT: 5b621164ed Converted to markdown REVERT: 9e41dcf077 Merge pull request #3417 from rlenferink/rl-ricnewton REVERT: fba60985e0 Received grant from Micromass UK Limited REVERT: b3a62b7867 Merge pull request #3416 from pmienk/master REVERT: 956c724302 RELICENCE: Phillip Mienk grant REVERT: 66c9bd8020 Merge pull request #3415 from bluca/relicense_npl REVERT: c189c973c2 Problem: no relicense grant from PNNL REVERT: 39541f0306 Merge pull request #3414 from bluca/relicense_tim REVERT: ca9eca058b Problem: missing relicense statement from Prarrot REVERT: 9e8aef0b66 Merge pull request #3413 from somdoron/master REVERT: 380b852561 Problem: missing relicensing statement from somdoron REVERT: c39e7a8818 Merge pull request #3412 from calid/relicense-calid REVERT: 1dd9ac9548 Relicense: Dylan Cali REVERT: be20089675 Merge pull request #3411 from bluca/fix_threads REVERT: f83b13b2d6 Problem: build fails on VS2010 as it does not have snprintf REVERT: c63b0955e5 Problem: zmq_threadstart name not distinguished REVERT: c8d039a3c7 Problem: unused variable warning in thread_start on !Linux REVERT: f7ca7515d7 Problem: new thread parameter not initialised in ctor REVERT: d02561eec0 Problem: IO thread name starts counting at 1 REVERT: 563396445a Problem: IO thread name uses space separator, the rest uses / REVERT: de76789ac6 Problem: new thread naming breaks build on !Linux and overwrites prefix REVERT: 484374f2b6 Problem: Threads don't have names which complicates debugging. Solution: 1. Use optional name parameter in thread_t::start for operating systems that have thread names. 2. Give start_thread() an optional name parameter for the thread's name. If this parameter is set, it will be appended to "0MQ:". If not set, "0MQ" will be used as the thread's name. 3. Give epoll the ability to name its thread. Then use this in io_thread and reaper to name them. REVERT: c47b2af90a Problem: no relicense agreement by Kymeta Corporation Solution: add relicense agreement REVERT: 907bce52e0 Merge pull request #3410 from Quuxplusone/license REVERT: 465109d0ca RELICENSE: Arthur O'Dwyer grant REVERT: 639ed00d9a Merge pull request #3409 from mkoppanen/relicense/mkoppanen REVERT: 9634ab182f Add permission to relicense REVERT: 96cd7cf2c3 Merge pull request #3408 from bluca/relicense REVERT: 16a4153849 Problem: missing relicensing statement from bluca REVERT: 8ef72d482e Problem: trie benchmarks count loop times instead of lookup calls (#3406) REVERT: 6937447832 Merge pull request #3405 from sigiesec/use-std-condition-variable-any REVERT: 7fbd977184 Problem: assertion triggered in stream_connecter_base::close REVERT: 2759f459df Problem: C4267 warnings due to implicit conversion from size_t to int REVERT: 21a389ca78 Problem: test_security_curve build fails with Windows targeting 8 or newer due to duplicate definition of htonll REVERT: 120edd9809 Problem: selection of condition_variable_t implementation is confusing and not configurable REVERT: bfb092c3ec Problem: value for _WIN32_WINNT not always known in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: d7e1cf3eb0 Problem: std::condition_variable can only be used with std::unique_lock, leading to two mutexes used in condition_variable_t REVERT: 119a258504 Merge pull request #3383 from ZMQers/queue_monitor REVERT: feadf6d40f Problem: cannot monitor state of queues at runtime REVERT: cb73745250 Problem: cannot send more than one value per v2 event REVERT: 1e26a93ce2 Problem: test_monitor fails in valgrind REVERT: c1b374fa6a Problem: manpage for zmq_socket_monitor_versioned has old example REVERT: 83946d5c98 Problem: testutil_monitoring does not close received messages REVERT: edf79dfefc Problem: test_monitor check for DRAFT has to be kept up to date REVERT: b20cb122d9 Problem: zmq_socket_monitor_versioned manpage not generated REVERT: 2edba1259e Problem: zmq_socket_monitor_versioned manpage doesn't build REVERT: 86697347fc Problem: symlinking manpages in automake does not work REVERT: e5a7f2eb56 Merge pull request #3402 from sigiesec/revert-64-bit-assertions REVERT: 31ff05d156 Revert "Problem: test build fails on 32 bit systems" REVERT: 4273ffd266 Partially revert "Problem: monitor events are output as decimal in assertion messages" REVERT: 4bdb05df78 Merge pull request #3400 from sigiesec/fix-issue-3397 REVERT: 9cb1fca115 Problem: on a failure to setsockopt SO_BINDTODEVICE, libzmq asserts REVERT: ec4ecb01ff Problem: no test for ZMQ_BINDTODEVICE REVERT: a3a40a01c9 Merge pull request #3399 from sigiesec/fix-unity-64-bit REVERT: ac19d5f41c Problem: test build fails on 32 bit systems REVERT: eb42e0442b Merge pull request #3396 from sigiesec/fix-issue-3394 REVERT: a763d734f2 Problem: formatting broken REVERT: 7cf0d125d3 Problem: failed address resolution on TCP connect is not observable REVERT: e45ede49b5 Problem: regression introduced by 68d520e, changing behaviour of unblocking sockets REVERT: db8c26fce3 Problem: testutil_unity uses undefined names on Windows REVERT: 8de7e529ec Problem: no test case for tcp name resolution no longer working REVERT: 84dc40dd90 Problem: regression introduced by 68d520e, leading to tcp name resolution no longer working REVERT: 5ecf8f93e2 Merge pull request #3395 from somdoron/ZeroCond REVERT: 792a1e61f3 Merge pull request #3393 from sigiesec/add-v2-monitoring REVERT: 462dd36d0e Problem: invoking the conditional variable for zero time is expensive REVERT: 61e476ec89 Problem: MAX_SOCKET_STRING is too short for ipc wildcard binds REVERT: b54b55d854 Problem: sun_path in an AF_UNIX address might not be null-terminated REVERT: 31015fdcfe Problem: ipc_address data member does not conform with naming convention REVERT: 808028fe02 Problem: use of unnecessary complex stringstream REVERT: 19c6aa5c92 Problem: monitor events are output as decimal in assertion messages REVERT: a86592f78c Problem: test_monitor is not run for ipc and tipc REVERT: 9b1627f041 Merge pull request #3391 from bluca/listener_unistd REVERT: 2df988eec3 Problem: build broken with newer gcc REVERT: 0b4bb92395 Merge pull request #3389 from sigiesec/fix-issue-3387 REVERT: 8d784f26ab Problem: close always fails with wildcard bind, since directory is not empty REVERT: b14bb2d8f8 Merge pull request #3388 from sigiesec/add-missing-include REVERT: ded4ff6fd2 Problem: missing include directive for close/closesocket REVERT: b8b1b8def3 Merge pull request #3384 from sigiesec/remove-socks-tcp-code-duplication REVERT: 69a6522741 Merge pull request #3386 from sigiesec/remove-locale-dependency REVERT: 74d62bb908 Problem: tcp address strings are dependent on locale REVERT: e583276380 Problem: unnecessary platform-specific code parts around socklen_t REVERT: c215235fb2 Problem: redundant string operations in zmq::udp_engine_t::sockaddr_to_msg REVERT: d451a95234 Problem: redundant code in different preprocessor branches REVERT: fc6ef0ebff Problem: zmq::get_peer_ip_address duplicates code from get_socket_address REVERT: 2f7a450294 Problem: socks_connecter_t duplicates code around opening and configuring a TCP socket REVERT: 68d520ef68 Problem: tcp_connecter_t and tcp_listener_t duplicate code around opening and configuring a TCP socket REVERT: 3f4e64edc0 Problem: bind_to_device unnecessarily accepts a non-const string parameter REVERT: 12c4b55af8 Problem: socks_connecter_t duplicates code with stream_connecter_base_t REVERT: 14da2ab629 Merge pull request #3382 from bluca/tipc_endpoint REVERT: 0411bc159a Problem: tipc disconnect does not work anymore REVERT: c28cbf76d1 Merge pull request #3381 from bluca/test_ipv6_monitor REVERT: a9a5b2bde5 Problem: DRAFT build broken on old Windows REVERT: 84847138a1 Problem: test_monitor fails with ipv6 REVERT: 01b2a8ce21 Problem: unittest_radix_tree binary not ignored REVERT: 33a493c4f8 Merge pull request #3379 from sigiesec/add-v2-monitoring REVERT: 0e2e303b10 Problem: test_monitor is not run for ipv6 REVERT: f22b0b7483 Problem: test_monitor failing for assertion on endpoint addresses on ZMQ_EVENT_LISTENING event REVERT: f3561f7759 Problem: no assertions for endpoint addresses on ZMQ_EVENT_MONITOR_STOPPED and ZMQ_EVENT_LISTENING events REVERT: 5e2da02528 Problem: test case is leaking test socket REVERT: 54240dccbb Problem: stream listeners do not provide correct local and remote address information (test_monitor is failing) REVERT: 8f90f579f5 Problem: no assertions for local and remote addresses in monitor tests REVERT: f884fa725c Problem: get_monitor_event_internal segfaults when using address REVERT: b18d28eec1 Problem: no tests for v2 monitor events and test_socket_monitor_versioned REVERT: 30e0cbbcdc Problem: test_monitor depends on testutil_security REVERT: 482a3a2272 Problem: documented constants are not defined REVERT: 367246bb23 Problem: test_monitor is not using a test framework REVERT: 478e42442b Problem: no documentation on zmq_socket_monitor_versioned REVERT: d8b5204f73 Problem: socks_connecter_t does not set local address REVERT: 87082557f0 Problem: stream_connecter_base_t does not set local address REVERT: aec9b130f7 Problem: get_socket_address and get_socket_name not available throughout libzmq and restricted to local address REVERT: 01371398e9 Problem: monitor events are unversioned REVERT: 2e73554644 Problem: socks_connecter_t, vmci_connecter_t and vmci_listener_t duplicate code with stream_*_base_t REVERT: b462cc0912 Problem: misleading comments referring to a "library shutdown" REVERT: 9a376fbe24 Problem: code duplication in get_address of ipc/tcp/tipc listener classes REVERT: 5c81bbe82e Problem: norm_engine.cpp missing in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 4d8e5fb2e9 Merge pull request #3378 from sigiesec/refactor-stream-listeners-and-connecters REVERT: 1aa6f7070c Merge pull request #3377 from sigiesec/fix-3376 REVERT: e162c8bda3 Problem: code duplication around getsockname REVERT: 2b04946f49 Problem: code duplication around getsockname REVERT: c476cf3d14 Problem: implicit cast between signed and unsigned types on some platforms REVERT: 95eb8a7a99 Problem: parts of in_event duplicated across subclasses of stream_listener_base_t REVERT: 93c1843f3e Problem: duplication across ipc_listener_t, tcp_listener_t, tipc_listener_t REVERT: a40a3b7a34 Problem: several data members in stream_connecter_base_t are visible more than necessary REVERT: a766a4b67e Problem: reconnect_timer_id duplicated and essentially used only in base class REVERT: bed3b0cfb4 Problem: tipc_listener_t data members not conforming to naming style REVERT: 2a5fb6cb8e Problem: ipc_listener_t data members not conforming to naming style REVERT: 7e73587741 Problem: duplication in *_event methods across subclasses of stream_connecter_base_t REVERT: a09099a615 Problem: process_term and close duplicated across subclasses of stream_connecter_base_t REVERT: 531df586d0 Problem: rm_fd code duplicated across stream_connecter_t subclasses REVERT: 1a230e89ca Problem: process_plug, get_new_reconnect_ivl and add_reconnect_timer duplicated across subclasses of stream_connector_base_t REVERT: 74667ebcba Problem: destructors of tcp_connecter_t, ipc_connecter_t, tipc_connecter_t contain duplicated code REVERT: d6f8d246e2 Problem: data members are duplicated across tcp_connecter_t, ipc_connecter_t, tipc_connecter_t REVERT: 361d7168ad Problem: tipc_connector_t::_handle_valid is redundant REVERT: a13eb1a9d8 Problem: ipc_connector_t::_handle_valid is redundant REVERT: 065e81879a Problem: tipc_connector_t::_timer_started is unspecifically named REVERT: ca87aaed57 Problem: ipc_connector_t::_timer_started is unspecifically named REVERT: c94ad64876 Problem: tipc_connector_t data members not conforming to naming conventions REVERT: 58063a75a2 Problem: ipc_connector_t data members not conforming to naming conventions REVERT: 4d362887bb Problem: stream_engine_t::_endpoint is unnecessarily non-const REVERT: 091df743a8 Problem: stream_engine_t::_peer_address is unnecssarily non-const REVERT: ae79b41d4c Problem: bug in tipc_listener_t::set_address, random port is determined but not used REVERT: afe48e2b16 Problem: unnecessary explicit definitions/deletions of special member functions in tipc_address_t REVERT: 19b64709bb Merge pull request #3374 from bluca/hurd REVERT: 9fae3d1f10 Problem: one more test fails on GNU/Hurd REVERT: fe4e333334 Merge pull request #3369 from bluca/abi_checker_travis REVERT: f9b0945c1b Problem: have to check ABI compatibility manually REVERT: 331fee4b38 Merge pull request #3368 from bluca/release_branch REVERT: 51557b9b96 Problem: race condition breaks automated OBS release REVERT: 329155655c Merge pull request #3367 from bluca/alignment_cache_size REVERT: 3b6db4b370 Problem: test_pair_ipc fails on GNU/Hurd due to wildcard bind REVERT: bfb4a868fc Problem: atomic intrinsics unreliable on PPC64 and RISC-V REVERT: 8040e28b26 Problem: posix_memalign autoconf check broken on some platforms REVERT: 4a0c83fb12 Problem: yqueue false sharing issues on PPC64 REVERT: 0761e6bb48 Merge pull request #3364 from bluca/thread_priority_get REVERT: 93b3689376 Problem: ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT and ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY have the same value REVERT: f0d97e0243 Merge pull request #3363 from bluca/tests_race_conditions REVERT: 4d38552445 Problem: GCC warnings about string overflows in tests REVERT: 87dbd39ae0 Merge pull request #3361 from bluca/gssapi_pkgconfig REVERT: 73ae7a349b Problem: gssapi pkg-config check in does not work REVERT: e21988d02b Merge pull request #3360 from bluca/cve REVERT: bfba6e5a36 Problem: NEWS for 4.3.1 does not mention CVE number REVERT: 2d02597964 Merge pull request #3359 from bluca/tests_race_conditions REVERT: d55956574d Problem: test_rebind_ipc still fails REVERT: ac9583973c Merge pull request #3358 from bluca/tests_race_conditions REVERT: f64b697095 Problem: tests use hard-coded fixed IPC file path REVERT: 4147957a5e Problem: test_security_zap fails on architectures that disallow unaligned pointer access REVERT: 6a3c8b46f6 Merge pull request #3357 from bluca/news REVERT: 73d41cec57 Problem: versions are out of date REVERT: 2cb1240db6 Finalise changelog for 4.3.1 REVERT: 690cd894e6 Merge pull request #3356 from bluca/news REVERT: 3ce8b11aa3 Problem: NEWS out of date with recent changes REVERT: 3154f3eab7 Merge pull request #3355 from bluca/formatting REVERT: e9fd5aae43 Problem: small formatting issue highlighted by clang REVERT: 4ca3d430fe Merge pull request #3353 from guidovranken/v2_decoder-overflow-rce-fix REVERT: 731be4bd59 Problem: Compilation error due to comparison between signed and unsigned expressions REVERT: dcf001906a Problem: no relicense agreement by guidovranken REVERT: 1a2ed12716 Problem: pointer overflow in zmq::v2_decoder_t::size_ready leading to remote code execution (issue #3351) REVERT: 7302b9b8d1 Merge pull request #3345 from ssbl/unused-import REVERT: cc686f15f4 Problem: unused import and inconsistent use of const REVERT: fc36c7d2c4 Merge pull request #3343 from bluca/pull_atomic_drop REVERT: 9bd9cbbeea Problem: race condition in PUSH might break atomicity REVERT: b65b523a39 Merge pull request #3341 from sigiesec/migrate-more-tests REVERT: 88bea4fd73 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: cb2b9a8cd2 Merge pull request #3338 from bluca/android_pkgconfig REVERT: 7f34ca52c8 Problem: Android helper does not redirect pkg-config REVERT: 16af86d49c Merge pull request #3337 from sigiesec/sigiesec/migrate-more-tests REVERT: affe77280c Improved test assertion message REVERT: 00f4bd05be Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 1c604c6212 Merge pull request #3336 from bluca/pkgconfig_requires REVERT: c27afbca27 Problem: dev packages do not depend on static deps REVERT: 28d5ce3dfa Problem: pkg-config file cannot be used for static linking REVERT: 9d06e29cb2 Problem: duplicated pkg-config template REVERT: ed8ed727c6 Merge pull request #3335 from jcourreges/back-to-ld-version-script REVERT: 687c75858e Problem: libtool -export-symbols-regexp seems to leak weak symbols REVERT: 546f8e7205 Merge pull request #3334 from jacquesg/nodelay-after-connect REVERT: 9d8c2b3843 Problem: no relicensing grant for my contributions REVERT: a1ace32650 Problem: TCP_NODELAY is set prior to connecting, which is problematic on Windows REVERT: cfbbfb8ab8 Merge pull request #3333 from erickt/patch-1 REVERT: a92585586b Fix a typo - lenght to length REVERT: b70d31c432 Merge pull request #3328 from sigiesec/sigiesec/migrate-more-tests REVERT: 4a48184032 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: 65e72f9f0a Merge pull request #3327 from sigiesec/migrate-more-tests REVERT: a8b2e5a617 Problem: tests without test framework REVERT: f025129768 Merge pull request #3326 from hgourvest/master REVERT: a6b5c75198 Problem: Switching or desactivate wifi can lead to have EINVAL error code returned on Android. Solution: Avoid killing the application, allows to take the appropriate measures to this situation. REVERT: aaaec894d3 Merge pull request #3325 from jcourreges/platforms-conditionals-cleanup REVERT: 941915d142 Problem: needlessly complicated conditionals in REVERT: 386fa6e013 Problem: unused Debian/kFreeBSD-specific code REVERT: 4d1d64b764 Merge pull request #3322 from jcourreges/libtool-export-symbols REVERT: 36745fbf0d Merge pull request #3324 from jcourreges/jcourreges-relicense REVERT: 70b48a9c0c Problem: --version-script not used on OpenBSD REVERT: d20d107b48 Problem: no relicensing grant for my contributions REVERT: eda7f958f9 Merge pull request #3321 from jcourreges/openbsd-build-error REVERT: fb4629eea2 Problem: build fails on OpenBSD due to -Wl in LDFLAGS REVERT: f615b8fdfc Merge pull request #3315 from bluca/news REVERT: fbf37bb668 Problem: 4.3.0 is released, need to update ABI/version REVERT: eff190d503 Problem: ABI is not correct for 4.3.0 REVERT: d411831302 Finalise changelog for 4.3.0 REVERT: fb7f8b77b8 Problem: NEWS out of date REVERT: 6ec1a6f2af Problem: whitespace issues introduced by last 2 PRs REVERT: cad2423d82 Consolidation of libatomic checks (#3314) REVERT: d98325160f Android Things 1.06 with Termux changes (#3312) REVERT: 1bb0d63f1e Merge pull request #3310 from sigiesec/update-wepoll-1.5.4 REVERT: df91e1e88a Problem: wepoll 1.5.2 is outdated REVERT: 0e95c6c992 Merge pull request #3308 from bluca/draft REVERT: f1dd84c11f Problem: zmq_proxy STATISTICS eligible for stable REVERT: d61c47ef6f Problem: no example for STATISTICS in proxy manpage REVERT: 35c6985e68 Problem: zmq_stopwatch_intermediate is eligible for STABLE REVERT: 22c3ecc458 Problem: some context options have no getter REVERT: 92cf6c6451 Problem: new ctx THREAD options are eligible for STABLE REVERT: c347aef794 Problem: new DRAFT monitoring events are eligible for STABLE REVERT: d349f93c2b Merge pull request #3306 from bluca/radix_autotools REVERT: 6253591655 Problem: radix tree never used in autotools builds REVERT: 25e069d131 Add specific option to select radix tree implementation for subscriptions (#3304) REVERT: d60ed2d626 Merge pull request #3301 from bluca/tests REVERT: f3fde8498d Merge pull request #3303 from crocket/master REVERT: 14ed4e6492 Problem: There is probably no relicensing grant from me, yet. REVERT: 8919464fbc Problem: C4 process is not easily discoverable. REVERT: 4a0b6c6c6f Problem: compiler warning in unittest_poller REVERT: 1402f7727e Problem: no automated way to enforce C++98 compatibility REVERT: f215e13a71 Problem: compiler flags passed to preprocessor in autoconf REVERT: 79f65b43cf Problem: NEWS does not mention new perf tool REVERT: 0e01c27de5 Problem: test_router_notify cannot be ran in parallel REVERT: 828812fa72 Problem: test_app_meta cannot be ran in parallel REVERT: 2c1c2f8b1b Problem: new tests and perf binaries not ignored by git REVERT: 3659c1204a Problem: radix tree needs benchmarks and improvements (#3290) REVERT: 05e0ab55b8 Merge pull request #3299 from bluca/news REVERT: b1e2c8588e Problem: #3263 not mentioned in NEWS REVERT: a59c010e33 Merge pull request #3298 from pijyoi/signaler_wait1 REVERT: 9a15fe7fac use required number of descriptors (1) instead of FD_SETSIZE REVERT: 63abe83388 Merge pull request #3296 from sigiesec/reapply-session-base-refactoring REVERT: db09fab47b Problem: compilation broken with Sun Studio REVERT: 2327661810 Merge pull request #3297 from toonetown/recv-buffer-overflow REVERT: fa598579e6 Problem: Assert being triggered when Windows returns `WSAENOBUFS` from `recv` call on large buffers. REVERT: eb74b726c2 Problem: no relicense agreement by toonetown REVERT: c590873ff7 Problem: complexity of start_connecting REVERT: 31b0a1dff0 Merge pull request #3295 from bluca/hurd_freebsd_sun REVERT: 25ded9e897 Problem: out-of-date TODO in zmq_poll REVERT: ab1607f813 Problem: poller implementation of zmq_poll is slow REVERT: b6f55eac14 Problem: unity build broken with Sun Studio REVERT: ffd99fbaf5 Problem: GNU/Hurd does not implement getsockname for ipc REVERT: bd9011fe3b Problem: build broken with Sun Studio REVERT: 54295cb342 Problem: passing tests on debian/kfreebsd marked as XFAIL REVERT: 205573f1a3 Problem: typo in RUN_TEST macro breaks debian/kfreebsd build REVERT: 320741f2c9 Merge pull request #3294 from bluca/stalebot REVERT: 1b8a821222 Problem: stale bot label exceptions not correct REVERT: b8b98bc601 Merge pull request #3293 from bluca/stalebot REVERT: ecf1e31db7 Problem: stale issues linger on Github REVERT: c5dab3b4f3 Merge pull request #3292 from bluca/news REVERT: d330d01076 Problem: NEWS still out of date REVERT: b03d6605a1 Merge pull request #3288 from bluca/news REVERT: cb1970e136 Merge pull request #3291 from WallStProg/master REVERT: 981cff5c93 RELICENSE: Bill Torpey REVERT: 4e8c72c32f RELICENSE: Bill Torpey REVERT: 29c369ff0b Some changes for CMakeLists.txt: REVERT: 34f23bea82 Problem: NEWS not up to date REVERT: 1f3d4dfbea Problem: wrong new version REVERT: efc9a3021f Merge pull request #3287 from bluca/radix_draft REVERT: 8f69122981 Problem: new radix tree implementation is experimental REVERT: fc4115887c Merge pull request #3286 from ssbl/master REVERT: 87d2919066 Problem: no relicense agreement by ssbl REVERT: c68afb412e Problem: potentially large memory footprint of trie as number of subscriptions increases REVERT: 9861d16cfc Merge pull request #3285 from bjovke/my_work REVERT: f5d1d5d1af Problem: Use of pipe_t after free in zmq::socket_base_t::term_endpoint(). Issue #3245. REVERT: 3863c869cc Merge pull request #3284 from lhftio/udp-multicast-hops REVERT: 4ce402687a Problem: no relicense agreement by kfish REVERT: 22083d7d62 Problem: UDP does not support ZMQ_MULTICAST_HOPS REVERT: 7064c3a55f Merge pull request #3283 from hpsaturn/av/relicense REVERT: 7c0017c55d Merge pull request #3272 from hpsaturn/av/fix_for_android REVERT: e8c816f250 Relicense statement for Hpsaturn REVERT: cbf29b5355 Merge pull request #3281 from ojura/patch-3 REVERT: 006f1e6773 Merge pull request #3278 from ojura/master REVERT: a48b7a7d93 Relicense statement for Juraj Oršulić REVERT: 3942195817 Update CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 69ac7a934c fix for android building REVERT: cfc9d5f519 Problem: trailing whitespace breaks clang-format-check REVERT: b9b325ce3b Merge pull request #3271 from gabm/Relicense REVERT: c1ac158f50 Problem: The flag that indicates the next expected message gets set even if the send fails (#3270) REVERT: 439e57f091 grant relicense permission REVERT: 501d0815bf Merge pull request #3267 from glemercier/master REVERT: ffe62d3398 Fix build on arm64 architectures with some strict compilers REVERT: 2e2806d744 Adds relicensing grant REVERT: 6ee048992f Merge pull request #3266 from antonrd/issue-2488-zmq_msg_send-doc-fix REVERT: b15aa40212 Adds relicensing grant REVERT: 860c905e5a Removes unneeded trailing spaces in doc. REVERT: 082457b6d0 Problem: zmq_msg_send doc incomplete return value description (issue #2488) REVERT: d4adb9a549 Merge pull request #3265 from bluca/tipc REVERT: 1a5937750c Problem: test_connect_delay_tipc randomly fails REVERT: 41bdf5c389 Merge pull request #3264 from bluca/issue_pr_text REVERT: 1275c96979 Problem: have to ask manually for relicensing grant REVERT: 7476e58897 Merge pull request #3260 from sigiesec/remove-outdated-reference REVERT: 36b62c1215 Problem: INSTALL refers to deprecated VS build instruction REVERT: 95beabe7cc Merge pull request #3257 from f18m/hwm_test_fix REVERT: 4f49e7420b Remove race condition from XPUB/SUB test in test_blocking() REVERT: 9f962ea0cc Merge pull request #3255 from f18m/hwm_test_fix REVERT: 4b399b51ce change test_hwm_pubsub to use XPUB and wait for subscription before start to sending messages out REVERT: ea517a28ff Merge pull request #3253 from bluca/proxy_hwm REVERT: df218af3bd Problem: test_proxy_hwm expects wrong number of msgs REVERT: e651babd85 Problem: test_proxy_hwm uses an bool across threads REVERT: 02019d9f4c Merge pull request #3254 from f18m/hwm_test_fix REVERT: 72418e9dd0 Improve test reliability by: a) using XPUB in place of PUB to ensure we start publishing only after 1st subscriber has joined; b) accept both 2*HWM, 3*HWM and 4*HWM as TX/RX count of messages REVERT: b933cb9d6a Merge pull request #3251 from f18m/relicensing REVERT: a5a9fd1ff7 add relicensing grant REVERT: eb3e63e22f Hwm tests and docs (#3242) REVERT: 0750211109 Merge pull request #3250 from ffontaine/master REVERT: 3b39942bd0 RELICENSE: Fabrice Fontaine REVERT: 6de5f18be3 fix static build with libatomic REVERT: 1b61ff2910 Merge pull request #3247 from schulzch/relicense REVERT: fa397134fe RELICENSE: Christoph Schulz REVERT: 10edb5930a Merge pull request #3246 from schulzch/cmake-fixes REVERT: a21228b664 Conform to `cmakelint --filter=-linelength` REVERT: ca7c03f825 Add instead of replace linker flags (fix for LLVM toolchain) REVERT: 9c0bff2c9c Merge pull request #3239 from Mystfit/relicense REVERT: fe212927f6 RELICENSE: Byron Mallett REVERT: e0ec6a9b36 Problem: formatting errors introduced by PR #3237 REVERT: d8f3b283f8 Added SO_REUSEPORT socket option for UDP recv ports (#3237) REVERT: 50dbd80c51 Merge pull request #3233 from sigiesec/migrate-tests-to-unity REVERT: 1734a64d62 Revert "Problem: test_proxy not yet using unity" REVERT: e0fe7f1037 Merge pull request #3232 from sigiesec/migrate-tests-to-unity REVERT: 430b97fc73 Problem: test_use_fd not yet using unity REVERT: d668925bca Problem: extensive duplication between test_use_fd_tcp and test_use_fd_ipc REVERT: 929d295e01 Problem: test_timers not yet using unity REVERT: 980791d182 Problem: test_stream_timeout not yet using unity REVERT: f01682292c Problem: test_stream_disconnect not yet using unity REVERT: 309fe2e6fd Problem: test_router_mandatory_hwm not yet using unity REVERT: fd27324ec3 Problem: test_proxy not yet using unity REVERT: 76f2edd0b7 Merge pull request #3230 from saraf/master REVERT: 3f1f628538 Fix build failure on ARM due to bad variable name REVERT: 12005bd926 Merge pull request #3228 from sigiesec/migrate-tests-to-unity REVERT: 1a55100dbe Problem: test_xpub_verbose is not using testutil_unity REVERT: 2334090732 Problem: test_stream not yet using unity REVERT: 7ad0ff5e9a Problem: test_stream_empty not yet using unity REVERT: 7b39d2cb2a Problem: test_unbind_wildcard not yet using unity REVERT: c66288a882 Problem: duplicate code REVERT: 713f075fec Problem: test_xpub_manual not yet using unity REVERT: 407bd3b1b2 Problem: test_spec_pushpull not yet using unity REVERT: 261dd1f92c Problem: test_ancillarries not yet using unity REVERT: 3d2db5d8d5 Problem: test_capabilities not yet using unity REVERT: dc29361ef4 Problem: test_req_correlate not yet using unity REVERT: 244ba77ebc Problem: test_base85 not yet using unity REVERT: 9f0b83a1d3 Problem: whitespace issue with PR #3227 REVERT: 777bd48296 Pgm fix (#3227) REVERT: fce1838545 Problem: test_pair_tcp not yet using unity REVERT: d7e51cdfed Problem: indentation issues with PR #3226 REVERT: 7852a6ce98 PGM receiver crash fix (#3226) REVERT: 1c5e81788e Merge pull request #3225 from sigiesec/fix-bug-router-duplicate-id-no-handover REVERT: 8328208e60 Problem: inconsistent _out_pipes when using the same routing id without ZMQ_ROUTER_HANDOVER REVERT: 4ecfb81c7c Merge pull request #3224 from sigiesec/migrate-further-tests REVERT: e07a6a69ad Problem: test_spec_router not yet using unity REVERT: ab22aeb83e Problem: test_setsockopt not yet using unity REVERT: 30b9e5a10b Problem: test_connect_rid not yet using unity REVERT: 0fc2f0f073 Problem: test_term_endpoint not yet using unity REVERT: dce77fda68 Problem: test_filter_ipc not yet using unity REVERT: fe82c643ed Merge pull request #3220 from sigiesec/code-improvements REVERT: 31f69937fc Merge pull request #3222 from sigiesec/add-z7-debug-info-with-relwithdebinfo REVERT: 987e75b887 Problem: test program test_unbind_inproc is redundant, the same is already tested in test_inproc_connect REVERT: f6a3ebde99 Problem: test not using unity assertions and test utils REVERT: a9973ac43f Problem: /Z7 debug info is used only for Debug build, but not for RelWitDebInfo build REVERT: 6824c167ad Merge pull request #3217 from WenbinHou/patch-1 REVERT: 75e4a342e2 Problem: XFAIL_TESTS does not correctly reference some tests REVERT: 0507ae877d Update tests/CMakeLists.txt: use ZeroMQ_SOURCE_DIR, ZeroMQ_BINARY_DIR REVERT: 8fbb32c8f1 RELICENSE: Wenbin Hou REVERT: c546045d8c Problem: test_connect_delay_tipc not yet using unity REVERT: 06a9d809aa Problem: test_connect_delay_tipc is almost always failing REVERT: 6d7aeb056f Problem: complexity of start_connecting REVERT: 2cd34da1b0 Problem: code duplication in session_base_t::start_connecting REVERT: 799fae44fe Problem: magic literal used for inproc REVERT: daadb65a46 Problem: inconsistency of using terms address and uri REVERT: cdc6c66f9b Problem: complexity of term_endpoint REVERT: a2d736c14f Problem: functionality around inprocs_t is scattered REVERT: fb576d2f95 Problem: unnecessary procedural code REVERT: 3455be144d Problem: code duplication around sending of routing id REVERT: 83f41526c9 Problem: code duplication around options_t::conflate REVERT: 8820dedcb7 Problem: stream_engine_t::_as_server is not used REVERT: 0852099f67 Problem: unused field pipe_t::_credentials REVERT: 2cdad3d0ce Add ZMQ_ROUTER_NOTIFY draft socket option (#3213) REVERT: 4738bed5b6 Merge pull request #3219 from hoditohod/relicense REVERT: 69d69f21a8 RELICENSE: Szekely Gyorgy REVERT: c981336445 Udpate unittests/CMakeLists.txt: use ZeroMQ_SOURCE_DIR, ZeroMQ_BINARY_DIR REVERT: cbb9925a10 Merge pull request #3215 from sigiesec/remove-unused-get-credential REVERT: dbe289509e Merge pull request #3211 from sigiesec/migrate-and-extend-probe-router-test REVERT: da30ff7d3d Problem: unused get_credential methods and associated fields REVERT: 062b510b5d Problem: test case test_probe_router_router does not receive auto-generated routing id REVERT: 0b1589dbba Merge pull request #3209 from sigiesec/code-improvements REVERT: d78152bf83 Problem: no test case for ZMQ_PROBE_ROUTER on ZMQ_DEALER socket REVERT: d9e5ba671b Problem: test_probe_router not yet using unity REVERT: bbae67df89 Code style improvements REVERT: b102e30419 Fixed naming for filter parameter, removed unnecessary temporary variable, fixed naming of local variable REVERT: a1b6268c83 Made to_string const; converted C-style cast to reinterpret_cast REVERT: 6e8424ab5d Merge pull request #3206 from sigiesec/fix-zap-memory-use-after-free REVERT: 737927e333 Fixed spelling of parameter REVERT: 46ed0920b2 Various code style improvements REVERT: 53e9af71af Merge pull request #3208 from sigiesec/add-clang-rule-exclusions-analyze REVERT: bfa8275cfb Added some more clang-tidy rule exclusions REVERT: 563651e0c9 Problem: stream_engine_t instance may access its fields after it deleted itself REVERT: 76602516a8 Merge pull request #3205 from sigiesec/code-improvements REVERT: be81dcd4d3 Use std::min/max where possible REVERT: 3cb77e423e Use revision_pos constant REVERT: 758f903db4 Some code style improvements: removed redundant parentheses, added const, joined declaration and assignment of local variables REVERT: 89e5313114 Refactored zmq::stream_engine_t::handshake, extracted several sub-methods REVERT: c3739ff604 Use static_cast instead of C-style casts, make local variables const where possible, use switch instead of chained if/else, extract rm_helper_multiple_subnodes from rm_helper to reduce nesting REVERT: 9e2cf35b66 Reduced number of calls to container end method REVERT: 05e400a3e0 Merge pull request #3203 from sigiesec/update-wepoll REVERT: d9ade47630 Merge pull request #3202 from sigiesec/code-improvements REVERT: 19a70ab682 Optimized and simplified zmq::timers_t::execute and zmq::timers_t::timeout REVERT: 4f77cfa327 Removed unreachable code paths REVERT: 198c01e00b Use more structured for loop instead of while loop REVERT: 9440f4e5bc Problem: wepoll outdated REVERT: e4b4372c41 Simplified code REVERT: ad3d1e7762 Reduced code duplication between xread and xhas_in REVERT: 3cca90ea44 Optimized zmq::dish_t::xhas_in REVERT: aa1f5739b7 Optimized zmq::dish_t::xrecv REVERT: fa976f87f9 Simplified uses of erase REVERT: 6357890ff6 Removed code duplication in process_commands REVERT: da8024d3c9 Problem: No CI for mingw64 (#3195) REVERT: ebe701afc1 Merge pull request #3198 from bluca/timers_draft REVERT: 3159161cef Problem: zmq_timers_* are ready for STABLE REVERT: efbec8e67f Problem: zmq_poller manpage is not build REVERT: 06176fde4d Problem: no documentation for zmq_timers_* REVERT: bbcdb961a0 Merge pull request #3193 from mvilim/local_attach REVERT: 8a16fef3cc Problem: ZMQ_CONNECT_ROUTING_ID can be assigned to incoming socket connection (Issue #3191) REVERT: 0aa222d07e Merge pull request #3197 from justusranvier/master REVERT: 458f41e349 Problem: build system does not play nicely as a cmake subproject #3196 REVERT: f4aad4d1d2 Merge pull request #3194 from QuLogic/cmake-pkgconfig REVERT: 1e51d6e043 Problem: cmake: pkgconfig always installed in lib. REVERT: cc4d03fa1c Merge pull request #3181 from jcfr/support-custom-output-dir REVERT: f1aeb7956c cmake: Fix .dll file location in the build tree REVERT: b1d4955065 cmake: Streamline integration allowing config of CMAKE_*_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY REVERT: 25f47ccbf8 Merge pull request #3187 from MelcoInternational/master REVERT: 3b26c7f8e1 Switched android platform check to official form REVERT: 7a9933f2e1 Merge pull request #3179 from masariello/master REVERT: 9066e0670f Problem: stack overflow on win64 #2876. Basically zmq::signaler_t::wait suffers from stack bloating the same way socket_poller was found to be bloated due to the large size of fd_set Solution: replace the fd_set in the routine with an instance of optimized_fd_set_t REVERT: 83e1712d67 Update conflate docs to cover issue #3171 (#3175) REVERT: b0d9a5a2d5 Merge pull request #3174 from ilue/master REVERT: 0d66067411 Merge pull request #3168 from bluca/recv_sub_cancel REVERT: d70714e877 Problem: can't process ZMTP 3.1 cancel/subscribe commands REVERT: 681e53f369 Problem: libstdc++ symbols exported on Debian/[Hurd|kFreeBSD] REVERT: 8da4e9b95c Problem: pgm_sender does not initialise all its class variables REVERT: 40606a93fe Problem: VMCI tests do not build REVERT: a059d904fe Problem: binaries and artefacts missing from gitignore REVERT: edec2244d1 update pair doc (#3170) REVERT: 85dfca3087 Merge pull request #3167 from sigiesec/fix-clang-tidy-config-analyze REVERT: 21ad652a1e Problem: syntax error in shell script REVERT: bd8083e8b8 Problem: wrong quotation marks in .clang-tidy REVERT: 0867c38032 Problem: connecter classes do not handle ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL of -1 (#3163) REVERT: e22cd678b6 Fix #3162 REVERT: 3a1e8f0704 Merge pull request #3159 from sigiesec/remove-superfluous-mutex REVERT: 75e945f162 Problem: epoll_t employs an unnecessary mutex REVERT: add97caa4f Merge pull request #3157 from kermitbu/master REVERT: ba3bc3806c compile unittests REVERT: 7e6792ca74 Merge pull request #3156 from sigiesec/add-cygwin64-ci REVERT: aee5fc2560 Merge pull request #3155 from pijyoi/wepoll_missing_files REVERT: 5a1ea0c398 Problem: ZMQ_USE_EPOLL_CLOEXEC not renamed to new name REVERT: 9ca3821d9a Problem: incomplete wepoll filelist in REVERT: 4a18ed6778 Problem: build fails due to broken cygwin64 tests REVERT: eccf2e53bc Problem: cygwin build defines ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS REVERT: c5d422c02b Problem: no CI for cygwin REVERT: d07ddb1bce Merge pull request #3153 from pijyoi/autoconf_wepoll REVERT: 2336e1f170 Problem: not able to use wepoll in configure script REVERT: c76ac5474b fix computation of winsock fd_set size (#3151) REVERT: e2a4d770d8 Merge pull request #3150 from sigiesec/reduce-duplication REVERT: 17df28d2b6 Problem: outdated information in INSTALL regarding stack size REVERT: 5ac900a984 Problem: huge size of socket_poller_t object on Windows with select polling REVERT: 4a651251a7 Problem: code duplication within socket_poller_t REVERT: 74d3d8421f Problem: huge stack allocation with select on Windows in socket_poller_t::wait REVERT: 3d39bb9ca9 Problem: valid_pollset_bytes not reused in socket_poller REVERT: a8d62d14c1 Problem: polling utilities not at a reusable location REVERT: fa8bc17ef3 Problem: CMake error on Win32 with DRAFTS disabled REVERT: fc92fa897a Problem: no non-DRAFT Windows build REVERT: 7c0efcb588 Problem: huge stack allocation in Windows select code REVERT: 2533ffed86 Problem: memcpy code fragment is duplicated REVERT: 04dedfbc2a Problem: duplicated calculation of valid bytes in select pollset REVERT: e4c3297ed8 Problem: fragile handling of possibly dynamically allocated pollfds REVERT: c6e4b0abb1 Problem: zmq_poll implementation is complex REVERT: 3db3bbfbbb Problem: duplication in implementation zmq_poller_poll REVERT: 89e5f15ac4 Merge pull request #3149 from sigiesec/analyze REVERT: 67b602fe76 Problem: unused variable warnings for values only used in asserts REVERT: 3cb4754602 Problem: analysis job prolongs overall build REVERT: 4604014c12 Problem: unused result of call to pull_msg REVERT: c2ba553d87 Problem: unused values stored to variable, duplicated code REVERT: ee4cdf8bf0 Problem: suspicious use of memcmp result REVERT: 6bfa91f13f Merge pull request #3145 from sigiesec/analyze REVERT: 0b8f586d8f Merge pull request #3144 from bluca/autoconf_taut REVERT: a2f91c5509 Problem: unnecessary passing of non-const data REVERT: c641644bb2 Problem: inconsistent parameter names REVERT: ce4b71c3fa Problem: cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast warnings that are not meant to be resolved REVERT: 9e6f1c9a3c Problem: redundant else after return REVERT: 6fa12bd692 Problem: unused stored value warning REVERT: 0f2979a38e Problem: assignment used as condition warning REVERT: 24edc828ab Problem: redundant else after return REVERT: 88646438d2 Problem: differing parameter names between declaration and definition REVERT: 6c67fca7e0 Problem: numerous hicpp-signed-bitwise warnings that cannot easily be solved because of externally defined types REVERT: da4309da13 Problem: violation of parameter naming conventions REVERT: 29f1f39df3 Problem: unused parameter warning REVERT: b59d7d574d Problem: typo in parameter name REVERT: a91c7e718c Problem: warnings on violations of CERT ERR-58 REVERT: 0dce223341 Problem: no check if noexcept is supported by compiler REVERT: 93194e7c53 Problem: non-portable memset REVERT: 9c8fde09ca Problem: inconsistent control structures in address.cpp, redundant check for NULLness before delete REVERT: 0179b7577a Problem: literals protocol names used at various places REVERT: 06eaf20571 Problem: autoconf checks tautological compiler flag only for C++ REVERT: bd76926f5b Problem: code style issues in options_t (C-style cast, suboptimal std::string::find call, redundant method is_valid) REVERT: a96a87f343 Problem: problematic atoi function is used (CERT ERR-34C) REVERT: 273137741a Problem: protected data members in ip_address_t, ip_address_mask_t violates LSP REVERT: 314ac28dbd Problem: protected data member in ip_resolver_t REVERT: 573815da83 Problem: protected data member in encoder_base_t REVERT: 088fd65bf2 Merge pull request #3143 from sigiesec/remove-extra-files REVERT: be8e7de6be Problem: temporary files in repo REVERT: c6c63481c3 Merge pull request #3142 from sigiesec/analyze REVERT: 5a343fc27b Problem: stream_t/router_t access data member of base class REVERT: ab3895a470 Problem: duplicated code in stream_t & router_t REVERT: 09fab930b3 Problem: xwrite_activated duplicated between stream_t and router_t REVERT: c9d6ef3035 Problem: Member outpipes is duplicate between router_t and stream_t REVERT: 728eddfcfd Problem: socket_base_t::connect_routing_id is protected and only used in router_t and stream_t REVERT: 25461a78dd Problem: members of mechanmism_t are needlessly protected REVERT: 2dfdcaff26 Merge pull request #3141 from sigiesec/analyze REVERT: 47dcd84f21 Problem: C-style casts REVERT: 917a4a8e10 Problem: reinterpret_casts between unsigned char* and char* REVERT: 0a43c66a32 Problem: magic literals in zap_client.cpp REVERT: 7c2d1c1824 Problem: magic literals for UCHAR_MAX REVERT: a4c817e736 Problem: magic number "2" in socket_base.cpp REVERT: d75ec5e055 Problem: produce_* functions always return 0 REVERT: 7f880c256f Problem: magic numbers and data duplication in plain_*.cpp REVERT: 8269b23e56 Problem: magic numbers and code duplication in msg.cpp REVERT: 18000a213f Problem: magic numbers in mechanism_base.cpp REVERT: abca9f6bc1 Problem: Magic numbers in plain_server.cpp REVERT: 2da6629e0f Problem: Magic numbers "1" and "100" in signaler.cpp REVERT: a6060674b4 Problem: Magic numbers "32" and "128" in tcp_address.cpp REVERT: 93e75fd695 Problem: Magic numbers "6" and "7" in null_mechanism.cpp REVERT: c05db7f025 Problem: Magic numbers "1" and "6" in null_mechanism.cpp REVERT: ff27dd01f0 Problem: Magic numbers "1" and "4" in mechanism.cpp REVERT: 7c9d058cdb Problem: Magic number "2" in ip_resolver.cpp REVERT: 16bb62e6f7 Problem: ctx_t::_slots is a plain array REVERT: a0a60e80ca Problem: Magic number "2" in ctx.cpp REVERT: bbc903884f Merge pull request #3140 from bluca/clang_tautological REVERT: 58d13395ec Problem: clang 6 warns about comparisons on 64 bit REVERT: 624c142365 Problem: static analysis warning about ifdef typo REVERT: 2d1bb07f8d Merge pull request #3139 from sigiesec/style-improvements REVERT: 779d120fa3 Problem: tests do not follow naming style REVERT: d767909b50 Problem: old C-style casts used REVERT: e3c73d9881 Problem: inconsistent naming style for private data members, conflicts with naming of local variables and member functions REVERT: 06cfd0d8ad Problem: unclear why QueryPerformanceFrequency is called for every call of QueryPerformanceCounter REVERT: 97ba02bc2f Problem: redundant empty dtor REVERT: 6ef67f13e3 Problem: use of C-style casts and magic literals REVERT: 089746959d Merge pull request #3137 from sigiesec/disable-parallel-testing REVERT: 0c74e8a0ad Problem: cmake install is not tested REVERT: a1efc68516 Problem: appveyor CI takes a long time REVERT: 33ba7e14b3 Problem: VS2008/2010/2017 tests fail if run in parallel REVERT: fae88633d7 Merge pull request #3138 from sigiesec/fix-various-style-issues REVERT: 37344d0b7c Problem: redundant old-style void argument declarations REVERT: 12a97bb769 Problem: redundant else after return REVERT: 21498700ef Problem: integer literals assigned to bool variables REVERT: eacc805646 Problem: complex unnecessary ternary expressions REVERT: 1432011277 Problem: inconsistent local variable naming REVERT: c581f43c97 Problem: parameter naming style inconsistent REVERT: 79d5ac3dee Merge pull request #3135 from sigiesec/fix-heartbeat-ttl-max REVERT: 763760988f Problem: VS2008 has no definition of UINT16_MAX REVERT: 8b030a9256 Problem: no tests for corner cases of setsockopt ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_TTL REVERT: d90e70c1cf Problem: maximum allowed value for ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_TTL is wrong REVERT: 50374bf6f5 Merge pull request #3134 from sigiesec/fix-sonarcloud-component-name REVERT: b791645a49 Problem: project key is not unique across organizations REVERT: f0f029c549 Merge pull request #3132 from sigiesec/add-vs2008-vs2010-ci REVERT: 653c2073de Merge pull request #3133 from bluca/sonarqube_token REVERT: cf41aed29d Problem: missing sonarqube token REVERT: 1644d162fb Merge pull request #3115 from sigiesec/analyze REVERT: 6afa1cee3a Problem: travis-ci analysis build is always run REVERT: 51fd4b6a9d Problem: analysis build on PR virtual merges REVERT: 100745d312 Problem: appveyor analysis runs on all branches REVERT: 51d4b00196 Problem: no clang-tidy configuration REVERT: 7b686900f9 Problem: VS2008 build fails due to unavailable stdint.h REVERT: 1e89a51734 Problem: broken indentation REVERT: 2ae0c4e2c5 Problem: unnecessarily complex inheritance hierarchy in decoders, warning C4355 with VS2010 REVERT: d96a030125 Problem: no CI builds for VS2008/VS2010 REVERT: 4d3516f634 Problem: no static analysis under Linux REVERT: 2b31e50b01 Problem: No static analysis under Windows REVERT: edd9a0c5c8 Merge pull request #3130 from sigiesec/fix-automake REVERT: b6d36c92a2 Problem: autotools build broken REVERT: f3e7911dd6 Merge pull request #3127 from sigiesec/integrate-wepoll REVERT: a6cfbca3ac Merge pull request #3128 from sigiesec/fix-test-inproc-connect REVERT: 06e0c0776d Problem: cmake run is very slow with MSVC REVERT: 013958299b Merge pull request #3129 from sigiesec/deprecate-msvc-sln-builds REVERT: 64f2b100da Problem: test_context_socket is not thread-safe REVERT: af6d70ec72 Problem: prepared Visual Studio solution files are hard to maintain and redundant with CMake builds REVERT: 9df851225a Problem: test_radio_dish takes time near timeout REVERT: 945c79de67 Problem: test cases setting ZMQ_MULTICAST_LOOP to false fail on Windows REVERT: 57ef8e2e3e Problem: custom test ignore REVERT: 2bdf86d6c2 Problem: timeout on test_many_sockets with epoll REVERT: 275a89ac3c Problem: test_many_sockets does not show number of sockets that could be created REVERT: bd129e78ff Problem: test assertion unnecessary complex REVERT: f5aec6fb27 Problem: no CI build with epoll under Windows REVERT: 082b6aa641 Problem: epoll not supported under Windows REVERT: c62df64bc2 Problem: wepoll source not in repository REVERT: b56e7f13c5 Merge pull request #3126 from sigiesec/migrate-test-inproc-connect REVERT: 3730833f9d Merge pull request #3125 from sigiesec/improve-socket-inheritance REVERT: fdfa907187 Problem: test_inproc_connect not using test framework REVERT: 2d9a8955f5 Problem: race condition in making socket non-inheritable REVERT: 44da0e7e42 Problem: code duplication in making sockets non-inheritable REVERT: c432aada84 Problem: inconsistent error handling and unnecessary code duplication REVERT: 44b0753c5c Merge pull request #3047 from acsearle/master REVERT: d02ba13576 Merge pull request #3122 from sigiesec/test-migrations REVERT: 6c106d3930 Merge pull request #3121 from sigiesec/split-poller-config REVERT: 440be28d7e Problem: unnecessary non-const variables REVERT: d6952ded71 Problem: unused include directives and redundant forward declarations REVERT: 04ec6aaf28 Problem: malloc call may fail REVERT: 18eabed6ea Problem: I/O thread poll poller build unsupported REVERT: d326434b37 Problem: API poller cannot be set independently from I/O thread poller, poll I/O thread poller broken on Windows REVERT: ad100b0b9f Problem: test_xpub_nodrop not using test framework REVERT: f13377de05 Problem: test_pub_invert_matching failing REVERT: 12c6ae2283 Problem: test_pub_invert_matching not using test framework REVERT: fa467d3425 Problem: test_hwm_pubsub not using test framework REVERT: ee85957dc4 Problem: no test case for polling pending connect that ultimately fails REVERT: 8ad0d5896e prevent duplicate connections from PUB sockets also (see https://gith… (#3117) REVERT: c178193c50 Merge pull request #3116 from sigiesec/fix-some-more-style-issues REVERT: 4e616f30dd Problem: C-style casts used REVERT: d002eb5578 Problem: analyzer does not know that zmq_abort does not return REVERT: 7b3acd47b2 Problem: malloc may fail in blob_t ctors REVERT: 9da0c6d62f Problem: goto jumping backwards REVERT: 62e48f837d Problem: assignment within complex condition REVERT: fcee4ccdfd Problem: type of retired_fd is not fd_t (but int) REVERT: f103f62630 Problem: unreachable return statement REVERT: 290d215324 Problem: stream_engine assumes options_t.type is a single byte, but its type is int REVERT: 6a5051fac3 Merge pull request #3114 from sigiesec/fix-some-style-issues REVERT: e19823d83a Problem: redundant else REVERT: ad781319ef Problem: ternary operator used with boolean literals\n\nSolution: Use comparison with 0 instead REVERT: 22b72bb678 Problem: deallocate calls release after de-allocation REVERT: e37fc47fb6 Problem: return value is stored but never used REVERT: 2120f6aced Problem: ypipe_t::read is called with NULL argument REVERT: 440d428153 Problem: single-argument ctor of blob_t is not marked explicit REVERT: fa027970bb Allow EBADF on iOS #3046 REVERT: cbd52feb48 Merge pull request #3112 from devindusoft/FixCompilation_ZMQ_ATOMIC_PTR_MUTEX REVERT: 6a9c6d427f Merge pull request #3111 from sigiesec/win-draft-fix-and-migrate-test REVERT: e78d20ff2c Problem: test_radio_dish_udp_ipv6 triggers assertion under Windows REVERT: dd1c87f9d9 Problem: type mismatch errors/warnings in Windows build REVERT: 10cb710ab8 Problem: appveyor builds do not build DRAFT REVERT: 7953083617 Merge pull request #3109 from sigiesec/migrate-test-spec-dealer-to-unity REVERT: b30cbfc112 Problem: test_spec_dealer not using test framework REVERT: 63e1e745f8 Fixed compilation with ZMQ_ATOMIC_PTR_MUTEX REVERT: d81a041f18 Merge pull request #3103 from sigiesec/win-warnings-as-errors REVERT: d437d668c0 Problem: MSVC warnings in connection with poll REVERT: e447f058e2 Problem: C4244 warnings regarding SOCKET vs. int in test_system REVERT: 106127b5d6 Problem: C4267 warnings in test_stream_disconnect REVERT: 5ca0d4e8a9 Problem: C4267 warnings in test_spec_router REVERT: 69a6b86310 Problem: C4267 warning test_spec_pushpull REVERT: 3cbc7cb0dc Problem: C4244 warnings regarding SOCKET vs. int in test_security_null and test_security_plain REVERT: 3ee65906af Problem: various warnings regarding SOCKET vs. int in test_security_curve REVERT: 28631d1cd3 Problem: C4550 warning in testutil_security REVERT: b0c3a42ed2 Problem: C4800 warnings in unittest_ip_resolver.cpp REVERT: c589f2b603 Problem: C4800 warning in socket_base.cpp REVERT: c52871f82c Problem: C4627 warning in proxy.cpp and signaler.cpp REVERT: a8095a1046 Problem: C4800 warning in ip_resolver.cpp REVERT: 95c770a275 Problem: C4099 warning in udp_engine.cpp REVERT: d7e99085ef Problem: Warnings in Windows builds REVERT: 6092431b97 Merge pull request #3100 from sigiesec/fix-poller-invalid-events REVERT: 8ad43907e6 Merge pull request #3101 from bluca/heartbeat_disabled REVERT: bf6bde3ae3 Problem: unnecessary ifdefs regarding handling of int vs. SOCKET at various places REVERT: e8877f78a9 Problem: zmq_poller_[add/modify] accept invalid events arguments silently REVERT: eac265059d Problem: heartbeat tests are disabled REVERT: 6b9b369469 Problem: zmq_poller_* argument check code is cloned REVERT: 54aff77475 Merge pull request #3096 from sigiesec/add-poller-docs REVERT: 4fea7184dc Problem: man zmq_poller_* not working REVERT: f4b1cae082 Problem: no documentation for zmq_poller_* REVERT: 213254cca5 Problem: inconsistent behaviour of zmq_poller_new in case of memory exhaustion REVERT: 2cd147e5ff Problem: misleading comment for calling zmq_poller_add with events == 0 REVERT: 00d25b7873 Problem: inconsistent behaviour of zmq_poller_add and zmq_poller_add_fd in case of memory exhaustion REVERT: 0a037a7431 Merge pull request #3097 from sigiesec/ping-context REVERT: be66eacf5c Problem: test_heartbeats still using plain assertions REVERT: b331caad06 Problem: ZMTP 3.1 PING Context not implemented REVERT: 5482b1ca45 Problem: heartbeat command parsing does not check command name size REVERT: ba9274c39a Problem: test_heartbeats mocked ZMQ_REP is hacky and fragile REVERT: f218478237 Problem: test_heartbeats use no test framework REVERT: df2fe88b92 Merge pull request #3095 from bluca/sunstudio_linux REVERT: 09f700f72e Problem: uninitialised class variable warning REVERT: 7ba074fa28 Problem: Sun Studio build errors REVERT: cdb54d248b Merge pull request #3094 from simias/mcast-if REVERT: a833ace204 Problem: no way to specify source interface for UDP multicast sender sockets REVERT: f6e528443e Merge pull request #3093 from simias/fix-aliasing REVERT: 4eb6786347 Problem: test_radio_dish triggers aliasing errors with some compilers REVERT: 21f642fa4f Merge pull request #3092 from bluca/solaris_studio REVERT: c5b7f4f536 Problem: test_system info output hidden on Solaris REVERT: 510a42c3d5 Problem: test_system fails on Solaris due to lower file limit REVERT: b78cfb2395 Problem: mismatching declarations and definitions break Solaris Studio build REVERT: 8b82ed50a2 Problem: Solaris Studio does not convert from char * to string REVERT: 3d9c119543 Problem: compilation broken on Solaris REVERT: 15e8de2f88 Merge pull request #3091 from sigiesec/fix-warnings-msvc REVERT: d6433b5c24 Problem: warnings in MSVC builds around size_t/int REVERT: 5fe783070b Merge pull request #3085 from bluca/getrandom_test REVERT: 0f896fcd36 Merge pull request #3087 from simias/mcast_loop REVERT: 4b635c3d06 Problem: documentation for zmq_udp is outdated REVERT: 99412c810d Problem: ZMQ doesn't expose the MULTICAST_LOOP socket option REVERT: e9211aed2c Merge pull request #3086 from simias/warning-fix REVERT: f9c30f3e19 Problem: test helper recv_string_expect_success ignores the flags argument REVERT: 3c2656eb52 Merge pull request #3081 from simias/udp_ipv6 REVERT: b0df4be51c Problem: UDP engine does not support IPv6 REVERT: 4ff814f204 Problem: getrandom test does not check if it's working REVERT: 7aba6821ac Merge pull request #3084 from jorikcaljouw/new_fix_vs2015 REVERT: 45b0ff59ff Add ip_resolver.cpp and ip_resolver.hpp for vs2015 libzmq project REVERT: b9ba36389d Merge pull request #3083 from asafkahlon/master REVERT: 2ec5a33f6e acinclude.m4: check if -latomic is needed. REVERT: 363fa7892d Merge pull request #3078 from simias/mcast_bind REVERT: 746d4a0f5e Problem: UDP transport doesn't let the user specify the local bind address for multicast REVERT: 524affc4c3 Problem: UDP address parser uses ad hoc code to detect multicast address REVERT: 1bb1029bd1 Merge pull request #3075 from simias/udp_parser REVERT: 2dc8579412 Problem: the UDP address code uses an ad hoc custom parser REVERT: 0b36b84243 Problem: no unit tests for udp_address.cpp REVERT: 801559c504 Merge pull request #3077 from simias/port_check REVERT: 406c348771 Problem: ip_resolver allows wildcard ports for non-bindable sockets REVERT: 889ac2eb3d Merge pull request #3074 from simias/author REVERT: e027c80ed3 Added to RELICENSE REVERT: 142ee305e7 Add Lionel Flandrin to AUTHORS REVERT: 5f7c9c43f5 Merge pull request #3070 from simias/ip_refactor_clean REVERT: 4cd2c2ebf8 Problem: address parsing code is tied to the TCP code REVERT: 6160da5dbe Merge pull request #3068 from bluca/appveyor_cache REVERT: 578c255f4f Problem: Appveyor VS 2015/17 images are single-core REVERT: 2af2701ba6 Problem: Appveyor rebuilds libsodium every time REVERT: 09d951ada3 Problem: Appveyor runs test sequentially REVERT: e5eab4b91f Problem: CMake parallel build not enabled for C files REVERT: 5210fa4e8d Merge pull request #3066 from AxelNennker/patch-3 REVERT: d47726ae41 Merge pull request #3065 from AxelNennker/patch-2 REVERT: 1d25658332 Update REVERT: d36c1ca5e0 Update REVERT: 9e4447f8e6 Merge pull request #3064 from AxelNennker/patch-1 REVERT: 990268e1db use HTTPS when downloading a binary before excuting it check hashes REVERT: 046689bbe7 Merge pull request #3063 from bluca/heartbeat REVERT: 4a4c6c27e4 Problem: heartbeat tests only cover ROUTER/DEALER REVERT: cae6434345 Problem: HEARTBEAT command breaks REQ connection REVERT: cdf5566108 Problem: default ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT when enabled not documented REVERT: 55be8f1c2f Merge pull request #3058 from dwijnand/patch-1 REVERT: e6dc9605a5 Fix formatting in CONTRIBUTING REVERT: 69a894e1cb Merge pull request #3055 from dennisklein/master REVERT: 0dda63660e Install relocatable dylibs (MacOS) REVERT: 7f230b12fe Merge pull request #3053 from bluca/draft_doc REVERT: c027255329 Problem: Server-client not marked as DRAFT in manpage REVERT: 54fd20afdf Merge pull request #3049 from maksqwe/fix_fd_cast REVERT: 989dfc7801 Fix fd_t variable casting on Windows platform REVERT: c971445025 Merge pull request #3045 from asafkahlon/fix-configure-dladdr-check REVERT: ce2f87970d serach for dladdr only on libunwind REVERT: 8e8009ec5d Implement the wsa_error_no function with switch-case (#3044) REVERT: bb4fb32925 CMake: Linker PDB install rule does not work when Visual Studio generators are used (#3040) REVERT: 02eefb41ad Merge pull request #3039 from msune/refix_pedantic_warnings REVERT: c7d602a29b Problem: C++ style comments in header file breaks pedantic build REVERT: efc9efc42f Merge pull request #3037 from bluca/tweetnacl_pedantic REVERT: 15905c5561 Problem: C++ style comments in C file breaks pedantic build REVERT: 2aa54d6620 Merge pull request #3029 from sigiesec/fix-poller-context-shutdown REVERT: f571c22851 Problem: socket_poller destruction after context shutdown is only tested with a non-thread-safe socket REVERT: 87fbb5c447 Problem: socket poller shutdown asserts when context is terminating REVERT: 32c8abb1d8 Problem: regression when zmq_poller_destroy is called after zmq_ctx_term REVERT: ef6162ab77 Merge pull request #3027 from bluca/cmake_format REVERT: 099070c396 Problem: clang-format Travis job broken REVERT: 8fb5b10d8a Problem: `make dist` results are not tested (#3024) REVERT: c8a1c4542d Merge pull request #3020 from bluca/newver REVERT: 6f26a33359 Problem: 4.2.5 is out, we need to restore API changes and 4.3.x REVERT: d062edd8c1 Finalise changelog for 4.2.5 REVERT: d70981f54d Merge pull request #3019 from bluca/newver REVERT: a66a9d9e8d Problem: want to release 4.2.5 but no NEWS REVERT: 5f17e26fa4 Problem: regression in 4.2.3 went unnoticed, want to release 4.2.5 REVERT: 7f1f7057d8 Merge pull request #3018 from bluca/null_auth_regression REVERT: 1c5a63e939 Problem: backward incompatible change to NULL with ZAP REVERT: e4b3bd8631 Problem: cannot set ZAP_ENFORCE_DOMAIN in testutil's wrappers REVERT: 7722381fe7 Merge pull request #3016 from bluca/fix_docs REVERT: 1b733e75a2 Problem: zmq_connect doc says inproc has to be bound first REVERT: dba4ef28cc Problem: zmq_close manpage does not say it's asynchronous REVERT: 9f2f30b7ff Problem: docs say STABLE API still in DRAFT REVERT: 0e1a9a5252 Merge pull request #3015 from aytekinar/3012-gcc-fix REVERT: 6fa9362351 Fix gcc build problem REVERT: 0b99710949 Merge pull request #3014 from bluca/draft REVERT: 3cb79f5042 Problem: ZMQ_BINDTODEVICE has met STABLE conditions REVERT: 374da4207b Problem: ZMQ_MSG_GSSAPI_* have met STABLE conditions REVERT: a4b74a7b05 Problem: ZMQ_ZERO_COPY_RCV not marked as DRAFT in docs REVERT: 6411c4a247 Problem: ZMQ_MSG_T_SIZE has met STABLE conditions REVERT: 7fb3bdd59a Merge pull request #3013 from bluca/newver REVERT: f0378bfbf7 Problem: 4.2.4 is out, version is out of date REVERT: 44f7158b29 Finalise changelog for 4.2.4 REVERT: 4efc2bf44e Problem: no mention of #2942 in NEWS REVERT: 45681798b7 Merge pull request #3011 from sigiesec/migrate-to-unity REVERT: 84a3767d61 Problem: open TODO comment regarding explicit zmq_disconnect/zmq_unbind REVERT: 786a8d48d5 Problem: code duplication in test_reqrep_tcp REVERT: 8372797cc3 Problem: code duplication in test_reqrep_tcp REVERT: c84c3a525a Problem: test_reqrep_tcp not yet using unity REVERT: 15b3dccf47 Merge pull request #3009 from bluca/newver REVERT: 780813c4e7 Problem: NEWS out of date REVERT: a415ede398 Merge pull request #3008 from eponsko/master REVERT: 6a5af3dae6 Removed unnecessary errno_assert REVERT: 9d3efcb030 Merge pull request #3002 from eponsko/master REVERT: 65a9670065 Problem: ZMQ_DISH over UDP triggers errno_assert() after hitting watermark REVERT: e49a861f7c Merge pull request #3001 from bluca/sodium_global_init REVERT: 8f5fc705e4 Problem: global random init/deinit breaks existing applications REVERT: 4d9fc8066f Merge pull request #2999 from sigiesec/migrate-to-unity REVERT: 6d89635f9a Problem: test_udp not using unity REVERT: dc2764f58c Problem: test_last_endpoint not using unity REVERT: 1747cbdcac Problem: test_immediate not using unity REVERT: 6f8b604648 Problem: test_radio_dish not using unity REVERT: cdc298f567 Problem: bind_loopback_ipv4 not reusable REVERT: 8d0d4c76ee Merge pull request #2998 from kachanovskiy/master REVERT: eb76ea06bd Fix for #2997 REVERT: 9079cf8ed4 Merge pull request #2995 from eponsko/master REVERT: 4cb15ec638 Merge pull request #2994 from sigiesec/migrate-to-unity REVERT: 57422c7df1 Problem: Documentation missing for ZMQ_METADATA socket option REVERT: 7bd57ba83b Problem: test case tests multiple aspects REVERT: 3e374d98f1 Problem: test case tests multiple aspects REVERT: eb0307a9a6 Problem: test case tests multiple aspects REVERT: 10dae6e830 Problem: test_poller not using unity REVERT: 991b2336e4 Problem: test_thread_safe not using unity REVERT: 5d32828bbf Problem: test_reconnect_ivl not using unity REVERT: e388774737 Merge pull request #2981 from eponsko/master REVERT: 1e217ac063 Problem: unity built with unnecessary float but without command line argument support REVERT: f92cdf9470 Problem: test_ctx_destroy not using unity, and mixing test cases REVERT: b2e50d9d03 Merge pull request #2992 from sigiesec/migrate-to-unity REVERT: fa89fb8639 Problem: missing unity dependencies REVERT: 9553a1f33e Problem: test_connect_resolve not yet using unity REVERT: 6f9459e3fb Migrate tests/test_conflate.cpp to unity REVERT: d318c95bc2 Problem: different aspects mixed in one test case REVERT: dbcd42c58d Migrate tests/test_client_server.cpp to unity REVERT: 0114572ce6 Migrate tests/test_bind_src_address.cpp to unity REVERT: be33dce68e Migrate tests/test_bind_after_connect_tcp.cpp to unity REVERT: 631de94563 Problem: test_router_hangover not yet using unity REVERT: 59516ed51a Merge pull request #2990 from sigiesec/migrate-to-unity REVERT: dd5eec35be Support application metadata through ZMQ_METADATA REVERT: 59157f0e2f Problem: missing guidelines on proper test cleanup REVERT: 9e3932b46b Problem: test assertion failures do not clean up properly REVERT: df03bf4825 Merge pull request #2987 from sigiesec/migrate-to-unity REVERT: c602361836 Problem: debug output in CMake file REVERT: 437e9f4f59 Problem: tests readme outdated REVERT: ae558706bf Problem: test_hwm and test_router_mandatory not yet using unity REVERT: c9437ab755 Merge pull request #2986 from wittmeie/ws/fix-for-windows-imported-target REVERT: d2293da6e5 Merge pull request #2983 from tonytheodore/master REVERT: 79d9f2ba1e Fixes missing IMPORTED_LOCATION in import-target REVERT: c7876c097f Problem: mingw static/shared builds have different preprocessor defines REVERT: 9c748f1bf1 Partial fix for issue 2963, removed invalid casts from fd_t to int (#2984) REVERT: 794d7a3143 Problem: certain windows header files are actually lowercase REVERT: 7bce4ffbc7 Merge pull request #2982 from bluca/formattweetnacl REVERT: 8d544ef1c4 Problem: formatting issues in the CI REVERT: fef99d6c50 Problem: tweetnacl is external code and clang-format parses it REVERT: 4726f7262d Pull request to merge porting to WindRiver VxWorks 6.x (#2966) REVERT: 0d23b5ca69 Merge pull request #2980 from kachanovskiy/master REVERT: 90342e0d29 Fixed issue #2979 REVERT: 19060345e4 Problem: TIPC availability check is too strict (#2977) REVERT: 7abb8388d6 Problem: Tests for different TIPC address types missing (#2956) REVERT: 40c6c1a7c9 Merge pull request #2976 from zeromq/revert-2974-static_init_gcc REVERT: cef9cfa091 Revert "Problem: mis-detection of threadsafe_static_init causes test failures" REVERT: 0c6c935726 Merge pull request #2974 from bluca/static_init_gcc REVERT: 9bd2d3f937 Problem: mis-detection of threadsafe_static_init causes test failures REVERT: 677efea238 Merge pull request #2973 from bluca/deb7 REVERT: e0b1992dd7 Problem: build broken with gcc-4.7 REVERT: ec58ba04f3 Merge pull request #2972 from sigiesec/reduce-sockopt-code-duplication REVERT: 6f967c3a13 Problem: code duplication in getsockopt/setsockopt REVERT: 10d2b2885e Merge pull request #2971 from ZMQers/fix-static-init REVERT: 494c2a71f8 Merge pull request #2970 from bluca/format REVERT: c36d8cb8e4 Problem: PR template does not mention clang-format REVERT: 541ca30d8e Problem: make clang-format still shows error in the CI REVERT: 4ea1e78d9d Merge pull request #2969 from skaes/master REVERT: fcbd2a5710 Problem: enormous memory increase due to zero copy decoding REVERT: 3658b2b580 Problem: pthread condvar timeouts are broken (#2967) REVERT: 8cdfc8b9dd Problem: static initialization order fiasco REVERT: d54633add1 Merge pull request #2964 from bluca/fix_mtrie_32bit REVERT: 23025f44c6 Problem: unittest_mtrie fails on 32bit *nix REVERT: 173b54a8c9 Merge pull request #2950 from zeromq/add-unittests-mtrie REVERT: 9cd01bb54f Problem: inconsistent return values from mtrie_t::rm REVERT: 36cdcc6c1a Problem: docs of mtrie referring to subscriptions and pipes REVERT: e34e03d1a6 Problem: missing test case for addition of duplicate entry REVERT: d57422819a Problem: documentation for ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE(R) is unclear REVERT: 354491ddf2 Problem: no test for ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE(R) REVERT: 5d5def40b5 Problem: casts required due to void* arguments in a C++ class REVERT: 15b4f596a8 Problem: insufficient unit tests for mtrie REVERT: 5fb0e97ab7 Problem: semantic issues REVERT: 8bb055ece8 Problem: insufficient unit tests for mtrie REVERT: 0e34d13063 Problem: insufficient unit tests for mtrie REVERT: 506f0e5c44 Problem: insufficient unit tests for mtrie REVERT: 56d806a9ef Problem: infufficient unit tests for mtrie REVERT: b42a59a839 Problem: insufficient unit tests for mtrie REVERT: 96fb17cb55 Problem: unittests not recognized by code coverage measurement REVERT: dbbc10e05b Problem: incomplete test coverage of mtrie REVERT: a9712c0bf2 Problem: no unittests for mtrie REVERT: 9fc3692e3f Problem: read-only arguments of mtrie are not declared as const REVERT: 31387f84e4 Merge pull request #2960 from Romain-Geissler-1A/fix-gcc-8-build REVERT: 1e03f7b2d4 Fix gcc 8 build warning/error with -O3. REVERT: b575b05d2c Merge pull request #2951 from eponsko/master REVERT: 78aa9b1983 Support addressing TIPC Port Identity REVERT: 4c7c9b87bf Merge pull request #2947 from sigiesec/fix-unittest-poller-race REVERT: 2700c15d67 Merge pull request #2946 from hartcw/master REVERT: ef7cb96782 Fix cmake install error when BUILD_SHARED is off REVERT: d470475272 Add cmake build option for disabling tests REVERT: dee0213108 Ensure correct cmake target suffix for all builds REVERT: 5224b8704a Problem: race condition in unit test REVERT: 487c275809 Merge pull request #2945 from kachanovskiy/master REVERT: e10464e45e Fix for build break when SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH is not defined (i.e. in VS2010) REVERT: bc467f0631 Merge pull request #2944 from sigiesec/unity REVERT: 94743fd21f Problem: wrong formatting in several files REVERT: 90c6d993be Problem: kqueue_t fails unittest_poller REVERT: 3b90ad8c63 Problem: support of std::atomic is incomplete in VS <2015 REVERT: 9aa957b445 Problem: appveyor builds fails if they are not the most recent commit REVERT: 815c7db06b Problem: poll build runs as last appveyor build REVERT: 0458b85dec Problem: Some tests timeout on appveyor for POLLER=poll REVERT: 96131b5b4e Problem: no documentation of the poller concept REVERT: fafea72b92 Problem: header files not included in VS project files REVERT: a8e9032dc5 Problem: unreachable code in io_thread_t::process_stop REVERT: 922053237f Problem: test_sockopt_hwm not using unity REVERT: a5738529e8 Problem: wsa_assert does not include error code REVERT: e8e24030ea Problem: network initialization and shutdown functions not available for reuse REVERT: ecb3b503c3 Problem: no output of details on test failure REVERT: e57afec80e Merge pull request #2943 from sigiesec/fix-select-unix REVERT: c62574ffca Problem: segfault in select_t::trigger_events REVERT: 11a5388637 Problem: data race w.r.t. select_t::stopping REVERT: e650240580 Problem: data race w.r.t. poll_t::stopping REVERT: 08201bc1b9 Problem: select blocks forever under Unix REVERT: a30133d8f5 Merge pull request #2935 from ZMQers/unity-base REVERT: d0e01b4bb2 Problem: regression with "select" on *nix (#2940) REVERT: 9ec95f9d46 Problem: build failure with VS <2015, has no snprintf REVERT: 29e304ea5c Problem: unity license not mentioned in debian/copyright REVERT: 1478fd0022 Problem: unittests not built with autotools REVERT: f6f67cbf96 Problem: no autotools support for building with unity REVERT: 7ea924c763 Problem: segfault on thread_t::stop if thread was never started REVERT: 56c726d425 Problem: no unit tests REVERT: f87d3ab294 Problem: pollers unnecessarily depend on whole ctx_t, but actually use only start_thread method REVERT: 687f6a694f Problem: license and source information missing REVERT: 5f854a31b7 Problem: test_security_curve not using test framework REVERT: 21879abb5b Problem: test_socket_null not using test framework REVERT: 61a28a26cc Problem: no test framework REVERT: afd5d9f721 Merge pull request #2939 from sigiesec/fix-poll-timer-event-retiring REVERT: 5873894c83 Problem: wrong assertion macro used on Windows REVERT: 2f27bcd74b Problem: assertion failure in poll_t::poll if timer_event retired a pollset entry REVERT: a2af3d18cc Problem: unittest_poller fails for poll_t REVERT: ac777bad94 Merge pull request #2938 from bluca/format_autotools REVERT: 504e6d0ecc Merge pull request #2937 from bluca/gcc_4_build REVERT: d832267e23 Problem: make format-check not implemented with autotools REVERT: 9b1ce59719 Problem: DRAFT build broken with GCC 4.7 REVERT: c33cb38af2 Merge pull request #2928 from eponsko/master REVERT: eded1f8b90 Merge pull request #2923 from sigiesec/fastpath REVERT: a57f7e3824 Add support for ZMQ_XPUB_NODROP on ZMQ_RADIO sockets REVERT: a5e763039d Problem: use of TCP loopback fastpath not available for user sockets REVERT: 490d76da2f Problem: SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH not activated for signaler socket pair REVERT: 9544dade49 Merge pull request #2926 from sigiesec/fix-issue-2925 REVERT: 50d80d0835 Problem: test_timeo frequently fails on travis, probably because of slow execution REVERT: 88d8c768d1 Problem: test_timers frequently fails on travis-ci REVERT: 3baefc66ea Problem: incomplete assertions around modifications of fd_entries vs. load REVERT: a1d55d0506 Problem: race conditions for options.linger (#2910) REVERT: de0c669323 Problem: std::atomic not used on Visual C++ although it is available (#2930) REVERT: 52d64e1d5d Merge pull request #2929 from sigiesec/add-windows-poll-build REVERT: cdfc6bb8b3 Merge pull request #2924 from sigiesec/tcp-cleanup REVERT: 9fbd125b41 Merge pull request #2917 from ZMQers/thread-safe-simplification REVERT: 147fe9ed77 Problem: code duplication and unnecessary nesting around ZMQ_THREAD_SAFE querying REVERT: cb9ccfa154 Merge pull request #2921 from sigiesec/mechanism-cleanup REVERT: 2e849a4d60 Merge pull request #2913 from ZMQers/add-const REVERT: 9872daa293 Merge pull request #2912 from ZMQers/socket-base-signaler-unreachable-code REVERT: 3491fd0421 Merge pull request #2932 from sigiesec/reapply-2920 REVERT: fdcb4520ca fix Windows Intel compiler build failure REVERT: 0b509c3d5b Problem: no CI build on Windows with POLLER=poll REVERT: 2c2ea82789 Problem: duplicated code, redundant member handle_valid, asymmetry between tcp_connecter and tcp_listener REVERT: 06d805ff82 Problem: unnecessary complex operations in socket_base_t::term_endpoint REVERT: 9a6993adce Problem: several code style issues in mechanism_t: code and data duplication, unnecessary construction of temporary std::string REVERT: 368eff9ecb Problem: several fields are non-const without need REVERT: 5b510656d0 Problem: unreachable code around socket_base_t::add/remove_signaler REVERT: b77d7610cd Merge pull request #2908 from ZMQers/clang-format REVERT: 3bcbd6544b Merge pull request #2922 from zeromq/revert-2920-work/fix-icl-build REVERT: 08cc22a52b Revert "Problem: Windows Intel compiler build broken" REVERT: c43c8795ca Merge pull request #2920 from tetsuh/work/fix-icl-build REVERT: fee3884b5d fix Windows Intel compiler build failure REVERT: 43c11d0a61 Problem: cmake broken under Windows REVERT: ac775ba48b Problem: clang-format-diff does not run REVERT: 749a85cb21 Problem: travis-ci is using outdated clang(-format) REVERT: 26b5b5b2d9 Problem: out-of-scope files are considered by cmake clang-format targets REVERT: 4161793d19 Problem: clang-format not run on CI REVERT: 41f459e1dc Problem: formatting inconsistent REVERT: 6d8baea714 Problem: no definition for applying automated formatting REVERT: a45e4bb7bc Merge pull request #2909 from eponsko/master REVERT: 542fe67f25 Problem: ZMQ_DISH triggers assert when hitting the watermark(?) REVERT: 390d79e0ab Merge pull request #2904 from jimklimov/jf-testlog REVERT: 2559a99570 Improve handling of Jenkinsfile failed testlog archives REVERT: c6bd123650 Merge pull request #2903 from sigiesec/fix-2895-2 REVERT: 206c832167 Problem: in case of exhausted resources on creation of a context, assertions are triggered REVERT: 4e2b9e6e07 Merge pull request #2902 from jimklimov/jf-testlog REVERT: 21b0628cd1 Jenkinsfile : regenerated with zproject support for logging test-suite results (revised) REVERT: aec6ea78c5 Jenkinsfile : regenerated with zproject support for logging test-suite results REVERT: 7186cd515d Jenkinsfile : regenerated with zproject support for failed-test retries REVERT: c6a6ec39a6 Jenkinsfile : regenerated with zproject support for better workspace cleanup before test preparation REVERT: 4110c6b751 Jenkinsfile : regenerated with zproject support for configurable test timeout REVERT: 59347f68b8 Jenkinsfile : regenerated with zproject support for cppcheck among other tests REVERT: 70d3cc23be Jenkinsfile : regenerated with zproject support for DO_DIST_DOCS option REVERT: da7d4d0760 Merge pull request #2901 from thedrow/patch-1 REVERT: befe62674c Enable ccache for faster builds. REVERT: c52ca3c284 Merge pull request #2897 from sigiesec/fix-2895 REVERT: 7488be61c2 Problem: add_fd might be called with fd_ == retired_fd Solution: add assertion REVERT: 4518e0cc35 Merge pull request #2889 from SalvoVirga/fix/libzmq-static-cmake REVERT: 9d6a5f3c2f linkage is now homogeneous for both targets libzmq and libzmq-static all calls to target_link_libraries are now at the same location REVERT: 2540e1a609 Merge pull request #2888 from minrk/fix-cmake REVERT: 35c4b68a09 fix inclusion of cmake modules in dist REVERT: 5f8488de6d move FindSodium to builds/cmake/Modules REVERT: f8da0ac721 move cmake to builds/cmake REVERT: e2ed5a357e Merge pull request #2886 from SylvainCorlay/cmake-soversion REVERT: 8d35cf82f1 [cmake] fix SOVERSION REVERT: 21927a74d9 Merge pull request #2885 from JohanMabille/librt_fix REVERT: b2a8bbd89b removing hard-coded path of librt REVERT: 020b0bede8 Fix CMake tests on Windows (#2872) REVERT: cea60575f3 Merge pull request #2879 from WallStProg/dup-connect REVERT: ec05166545 prevent duplicate connections from PUB sockets also (see REVERT: 4621e5885e Merge pull request #2878 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 2859cdea0b Problem: generated NuGet files out of date. REVERT: 2b91051cda Problem: NuGet package versioning out of sync with releases. REVERT: 4e20c4592a Merge pull request #2870 from evoskuil/master REVERT: f41b51ee04 Problem: NuGet packaging versions out of date. REVERT: 7133eafae1 Problem: shared NuGet packaging descr. is compiler-specific. REVERT: 9622984241 Problem: vc++ 11.0 (vs 2012) compile fails on move semantics. REVERT: 9f7a6aac23 Merge pull request #2869 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 8d78e08f71 Problem: fn pointers are not bool (vc++ warning C4550). REVERT: 87fbe5a542 Merge pull request #2868 from jasperla/openbsd/ucred REVERT: 22b57f6f28 Problem: Build is broken on OpenBSD REVERT: 15828e4804 Merge pull request #2866 from bluca/new_ver REVERT: 28a65cad50 Merge pull request #2867 from gouarin/fix-missing-file REVERT: 084568bdf9 add in EXTRA_DIST REVERT: 65a1e458ab Problem: 4.2.3 is out, version(s) are out of date REVERT: 3226b8ebdd Finalise changelog for 4.2.3 REVERT: fa85072fc3 Problem: no NEWS item for #2861 REVERT: 66fe4296ff Merge pull request #2865 from jimklimov/jenkins-agent REVERT: e4fee1d3e0 Problem: nuget packaging refers to imatix gsl REVERT: 028d02a038 Merge pull request #2864 from jimklimov/jenkins-agent REVERT: 3af762441a Problem: Jenkinsfile uses "any" agent REVERT: e2dbc99c4c Merge pull request #2861 from glaure/master REVERT: 5189898479 export ZMQ_STATIC compile flag to depending projects (MSVC) REVERT: 9bb863618c Merge pull request #2860 from bluca/cmake_win_static REVERT: 53e536a983 Problem: static build broken on Win + CMake REVERT: 1dd42fef83 Merge pull request #2857 from jimklimov/jfdc REVERT: 822c6341dd Problem: Jenkinsfile does not pass DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS and LD_LIBRARY_PATH into make REVERT: c6356b9c5a Problem: Jenkinsfile tests libzmq for memcheck - there is not spoon REVERT: e7440779a4 Problem: Jenkinsfile timeouts expire REVERT: e201985ad3 Problem: Jenkinsfile does not use DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS REVERT: 737ea1f60d Merge pull request #2856 from scpeters/patch-1 REVERT: de5e7a3983 Problem: WIN32 CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR is broken REVERT: d15795b4e3 Merge pull request #2852 from bluca/pkg_include_cppzmq REVERT: dee655959c Merge pull request #2853 from jimklimov/jf REVERT: 83c042ccda Problem: Debian packages are missing zmq.hpp REVERT: f90dbe08bb Introduce Jenkinsfile REVERT: fcacb603d6 Merge pull request #2851 from bluca/zpoller_wait_news REVERT: 156633feaa Problem: DRAFT API change not in NEWS REVERT: d8aa8fc794 Merge pull request #2846 from bluca/appveyor_vs2013 REVERT: a88abaa579 Merge pull request #2848 from bluca/linger_news REVERT: e3cbdf4b93 Problem: ZMQ_LINGER doc change not in NEWS REVERT: 90ea11c999 Merge pull request #2847 from fnaime/default_linger REVERT: da9bc91053 Wrong ZMQ_LINGER default value REVERT: 96252e4aac Problem: Appveyor builds Libsodium when disabled REVERT: 16d7686b48 Problem: no VS2013/17 CI jobs REVERT: 9f83a5988d Merge pull request #2844 from bluca/cmake_double_build REVERT: 574d72b0e2 Problem: Travis builds with brew fail REVERT: 08289d8f33 Problem: cannot disable Werror with autoconf REVERT: 0298d037d0 Problem: CMake rebuilds everything twice REVERT: 5264d49eab Problem: duplicate definition in CMake tweetnacl builds REVERT: b3bf51716e Merge pull request #2842 from bluca/accept4 REVERT: ac552ba448 Problem: accept4 not available on all platforms REVERT: 0d0d72e836 Merge pull request #2841 from bluca/news REVERT: 5a8fd337fd Problem: NEWS not up to date REVERT: e523adf3da Problem: new monitor events missing from docs REVERT: 7a7c776abb Problem: trailing whitespace in include/zmq.h REVERT: d49b0fad6d Merge pull request #2840 from ccpaging/master REVERT: 700d7cd142 Merge pull request #2839 from bluca/linger_test REVERT: e8ad51e62f Clean code for Visual Studio 2008 compiler REVERT: 741e5c3db4 Problem: debian builds ignore test failures hiding issues REVERT: de8f14adf5 Problem: test_security_{zap|curve} often hangs REVERT: d2b6985028 Merge pull request #2833 from bluca/stream_test_parallel REVERT: cffc1c4d2d Merge pull request #2832 from ebyrob/fix-doc-zmq_msg_init-zmq_recv REVERT: d7926d6d5a Change zmq_recv to zmg_msg_recv since zmq_msg_t is only used with the zmg_msg_recv style functions. REVERT: 498c6bbb67 Problem: test_stream_exceeds_buffer cannot be ran in parallel REVERT: e10b350630 Merge pull request #2827 from korli/haiku REVERT: 23f89f4671 add Haiku support REVERT: aafdeb7687 Merge pull request #2825 from rolftimmermans/req_relaxed_has_out REVERT: c8592dfbc3 Problem: REQ socket with ZMQ_REQ_RELAXED does not report ZMQ_POLLOUT when queried for events after first message. REVERT: b3d19ffe1a Merge pull request #2813 from AntonBarwald/master REVERT: 630f6d6ae7 Problem: On OSX usleep() changes the errno value REVERT: 812e756264 Merge pull request #2809 from sigiesec/optimize-select-win REVERT: f9d7eea6f9 Problem: code duplication REVERT: e7817ad38d Problem: code duplication REVERT: 37914d1be2 Problem: get_fd_family call is expensive and called frequently for the same fds REVERT: 2b75a9ef18 Merge pull request #2806 from sigiesec/initialize-wsaevents-only-when-used REVERT: cd32603c0e Problem: wsa_events are initialized/destroyed within every loop iteration even if not used REVERT: dec3af4d69 Merge pull request #2803 from f18m/master REVERT: 2aa0e6fd4d Change ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY to ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_ADD/ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_REMOVE. Avoid prefix thread names when no prefix was set. REVERT: cb266ee073 Merge pull request #2619 from diorcety/winxp REVERT: 81327af557 Partial Windows XP support REVERT: d459542176 Merge pull request #2800 from sigiesec/optimize-blob-t-router REVERT: 7ec58b279a Problem: one missed optimization opportunity for blob_t map lookup REVERT: 54ca01ac0e Merge pull request #2799 from sigiesec/optimize-map-ops REVERT: a4aceb272b Problem: use of std::map::insert is inefficient REVERT: 07eb52cbad Merge pull request #2797 from zeromq/fix-zmq-atomic-counter-value-docs REVERT: 439e49bca1 Problem: description of return value is cloned from zmq_atomic_counter_new REVERT: 0897b3e07b Problem: excessive memory allocations around blob_t (#2796) REVERT: cfef04035c Clarify usage of zmq_close (#2792) REVERT: 2c247271a3 Merge pull request #2793 from sigiesec/timeout-comment REVERT: cfb2129557 Problem: comment before sndtimeo/rcvtimeo does not specify dimension REVERT: 835df92241 Merge pull request #2791 from bluca/centos6 REVERT: cfe44284f7 Merge pull request #2790 from youRFate/master REVERT: 4e1588c4c3 added note concerning issue 2788 to INSTALL REVERT: bd2ff7fbf8 Problem: DRAFT build broken with old GCC due to missing SIZE_MAX REVERT: fe96697e8b Merge pull request #2787 from youRFate/master REVERT: 2e2c22dd5b Problem: DRAFT build broken with old GCC due to GNU modifier REVERT: 6df5e771bb added libiphlpapi to PKGCFG_LIBS_PRIVATE for static mingw builds REVERT: 55a347c7da Problem: zmq_proxy_steerable manpage does not mention multipart REVERT: cc8d3586cd Problem: formatting error in zmq_ctx_set REVERT: fa5443e92f Merge pull request #2786 from f18m/affinity-scheduling-docs REVERT: b95ef430be Add docs for ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX REVERT: e12f3e68c0 Increase details in docs REVERT: f25cd6e7be Background thread names (#2784) REVERT: 9af03e2214 Merge pull request #2785 from bluca/travis_norm REVERT: 5311aa9cd9 Problem: Travis does not build with NORM REVERT: 189b551b40 Merge pull request #2783 from f18m/docs-proxy-stats REVERT: e2678b8b11 Add documentation for new steerable proxy command REVERT: 920288b5b7 Merge pull request #2781 from bluca/norm_pkgconfig REVERT: 9ad8ddf401 Problem: deb packages do not build with libnorm REVERT: 78cdff3a3e Problem: autoconf does not use pkgconfig for NORM REVERT: 39ad27c970 Merge pull request #2779 from bluca/thread_fixes REVERT: e5e83c53e5 Problem: ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY is not documented REVERT: 1478517e1a Problem: use of nice() for ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY not documented REVERT: 4c2a95eab2 Problem: test_ctx_options only checks global DRAFT flag REVERT: bfbb4ff2e9 Background threads enhancements (#2778) REVERT: 577e713e2c Merge pull request #2775 from arsenm/master REVERT: 5f03120ac5 Add my RELICENSE REVERT: 23da2347bd Merge pull request #2773 from bluca/zap REVERT: b6aee51691 Problem: strict ZAP protocol adherence is backward incompatible REVERT: 50bddbaac9 Problem: dead code in options.hpp REVERT: e3ee55b191 Problem: missing indentation for UDP branch REVERT: c8f3f8a5da Problem: ambiguos bitwise ANDs in if statements REVERT: 136431ebf7 Merge pull request #2769 from bluca/ipc_fixes REVERT: a6de31fff6 Merge pull request #2771 from bluca/lcov_autoconf REVERT: 6a9dec30a9 Problem: lcov autoconf macro out of date REVERT: ed64585e93 Problem: test_rebind_ipc might not see race condition on fast envs REVERT: 53f463a3fa Problem: test_rebind_ipc uses generic socket file name REVERT: 7ad06f1449 Problem: IPC event_closed logs -1 as the FD REVERT: 9be8cebd21 Merge pull request #2765 from GreatFruitOmsk/issue-2764 REVERT: 656cdb959a Problem: Race condition in IPC sockets REVERT: 01a3f3955c Merge pull request #2768 from ADDubovik/master REVERT: 02c46463d7 fix build for msvc2017 REVERT: 99c527702b Merge pull request #2766 from hxw/master REVERT: 997825bdf1 add __FreeBSD__ to ifdefs REVERT: 44f96a3652 Merge pull request #2745 from sigiesec/rename-identity REVERT: f6688f0516 Merge pull request #2756 from bluca/reconnect_ivl_connect REVERT: 2c8a7223b8 Problem: remaining use of "identity" REVERT: 7e3f4b1d32 Problem: ZMTP protocol broken w.r.t. Identity property REVERT: a5e3a65ae2 Problem: inconsistency between zmq.h and zmq_draft.h REVERT: 4b821d8f84 Problem: remaining uses of "identity" REVERT: 1414bf938c Problem: use of unqualified "id" in code example REVERT: d6694e7d47 Problem: Use of "rid" in the docs REVERT: 12f62c74c1 Problem: docs refer to "Identity" REVERT: fab57634b4 Problem: Message metadata properties still refer to "identity" REVERT: 27c7e52a5a Problem: Usage of "rid" in server_t REVERT: 41bae55af7 Problem: inconsistent naming related to routing ids REVERT: 9e7507b38b Problem: term "identity" is confusing REVERT: 76dfec7fc3 Merge pull request #2755 from sigiesec/client-side-error REVERT: edb4ca1023 Problem: zmq_connect fails after disconnect due to RECONNECT_IVL == -1 REVERT: e0243dcbca Problem: tests where client should receive an ERROR sometimes do not receive an ERROR (probably because the connection is closed before) REVERT: 843e627bed Merge pull request #2753 from zeromq/zap-domain-docs REVERT: 7297df6278 Problem: documentation of ZMQ_ZAP_DOMAIN is wrong REVERT: e2f2193bec Merge pull request #2752 from sigiesec/test-no-zap-handler REVERT: 77f76a49b2 Problem: no tests for cases 5 and 6 of #2711 REVERT: e546f9296e Problem: duplicated code & inconsistent behaviour between mechanisms REVERT: ee8b8bd29c Problem: no test for ZAP handler terminating in flight REVERT: a5f94cb610 Problem: tests without ZAP handler are failing REVERT: 13b972b226 Problem: no tests without ZAP handler where one is expected REVERT: 9071265c02 Merge pull request #2751 from bluca/centos6 REVERT: 40c1a3ab7e Problem: CentOS 6 build fails REVERT: 2e167886cf Merge pull request #2749 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: 23c2f4987b Merge pull request #2748 from tkoeppe/relicense REVERT: 633325e0bc Update AUTHERS File REVERT: 21d78f4789 RELICENSE: Google, Inc. REVERT: 5de2a82be8 Merge pull request #2744 from msune/refactor_poller_wait REVERT: 5b92989540 Problem: duplicated socket_poller::wait() code REVERT: 18498f620f Merge pull request #2746 from zeromq/revert-2743-rename-identity REVERT: af03241dcb Revert "Problem: term "identity" is confusing" REVERT: 08b01a5108 Merge pull request #2743 from sigiesec/rename-identity REVERT: cd55c62499 Problem: use of unqualified "id" in code example REVERT: 0874eec803 Problem: Use of "rid" in the docs REVERT: f174003740 Problem: docs refer to "Identity" REVERT: deae59dca9 Problem: Message metadata properties still refer to "identity" REVERT: ae2ea1a655 Problem: Usage of "rid" in server_t REVERT: e00131dd43 Problem: inconsistent naming related to routing ids REVERT: 1daf83079a Problem: term "identity" is confusing REVERT: 876d90732d Merge pull request #2741 from bluca/proxy_stats_typos REVERT: 4fac78ec31 Problem: proxy stat 5th multipart message treated as 1st REVERT: d7da31ed25 Problem: typo in comment in proxy.cpp REVERT: f520738a0a Merge pull request #2740 from bluca/proxy_stats_frames REVERT: b8695a47b5 Problem: proxy_steerable STATISTICS returns conflated buffers REVERT: a89d79aa71 Merge pull request #2738 from bluca/proxy_stat_fixes REVERT: 78c4d33600 Problem: new STATISTICS proxy_steerable not behind DRAFT REVERT: c5aef5e078 Problem: compilation fails on 32 bit REVERT: 4be9513443 Add "STATISTICS" command to zmq_proxy_steerable() (#2737) REVERT: f4b32aa792 Merge pull request #2734 from pavel-pimenov/fix-v1001 REVERT: 197ae832bf Merge pull request #2735 from pavel-pimenov/fix-728 REVERT: 0e8bf3520c V728 An excessive check 'options.mechanism == 0' can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions. session_base.cpp 377 REVERT: 51ac7d28c5 V1001 The 'ptr' variable is assigned but is not used until the end of the function. REVERT: 7afd6ab5ef Merge pull request #2732 from bluca/compiler_warnings REVERT: 8feed48bb9 Problem: switch statements without breaks REVERT: 31089326fb Problem: unused variables warnings in get_peer_state REVERT: 0382118371 Problem: unused variable in test_wait_corner_cases REVERT: 31e3977ab9 Merge pull request #2731 from sigiesec/fix-issue-2723 REVERT: 17b95683ce Merge pull request #2730 from sigiesec/fix-issue-2623 REVERT: 79e28af4ce Problem: new function zmq_socket_get_peer_state not in zmq_draft.h REVERT: f3b268d84f Problem: no tests for error cases of zmq_socket_get_peer_state REVERT: eeccbbd6f8 Problem: test case fails with tcp transport REVERT: fc334bc759 Problem: unclean and duplicated test code REVERT: f70097c1cf Problem: test does not trigger HWM REVERT: 48a1e637b6 Problem: zmq_socket_get_peer_state is not implemented REVERT: cda20260b3 Problem: missing call to zmq_poller_destroy REVERT: f4d139bd16 Problem: duplicated code in socket-related functions REVERT: efa86fe629 Problem: no test case using the proposed zmq_socket_get_peer_state function REVERT: 49e1b8b75f Problem: test case in main function REVERT: 4691714d5c Merge pull request #2729 from bluca/cmake REVERT: fab14a3cc1 Problem: support for CMake << 3.1 broken REVERT: 23e018f37a Problem: termination is requested from a session's owner when already in pending termination while processing an error REVERT: eb8105cde1 Problem: assertion failure in select.cpp:111 under Windows REVERT: 124e04659c Problem: ZMQ_HAVE_O_CLOEXEC not defined by CMake REVERT: 28a4b9a969 Merge pull request #2727 from fove-robin/fix-o-cloexec REVERT: 83f54d90ad Problem: ZMQ_HAVE_O_CLOEXEC always disabled REVERT: f1c72dc8e5 Merge pull request #2721 from bjovke/my_work REVERT: 91e0d689bb Problem: Inconsistent size_t/int usage. Solution: types corrected. REVERT: 9c8844fd08 Merge pull request #2719 from jimklimov/setThreadName REVERT: 40a3b0746f Problem: cosmetic setThreadName() can be fatal REVERT: 5c981be9f8 Merge pull request #2718 from sigiesec/issue-template REVERT: 3f946428ec Problem: bug reports are often missing relevant information REVERT: f6933f85a9 Merge pull request #2716 from sigiesec/remove-tweetnacl-from-coverage REVERT: fc2b7cd5ea Problem: coverage includes tweetnacl, which is not our code REVERT: 3d1f11881f Merge pull request #2715 from sigiesec/add-timers-tests REVERT: 7eebed56a5 Problem: no test for zmq_timers_timeout without any active timers REVERT: 6147e45a07 Problem: missing tests for zmq_timers_* corner cases, missing handling of such corner cases, code duplication, missing assertions in test code REVERT: d072d57e2e Problem: no tests for zmq_timer_* with NULL timers argument REVERT: 8b263d5820 Problem: test_timers.cpp sleep_ duplicates msleep from testutil REVERT: 8f3113b278 Merge pull request #2714 from sigiesec/add-poller-tests REVERT: f685a3ffd2 Solution: unreachable code paths in socket_poller_t REVERT: 8ae91fdf9a Problem: no test cases for zmq_poller_add*, zmq_poller_modify*, zmq_poller_remove* corner cases REVERT: 68f416c0ca Problem: missing test case for zmq_poller_wait_all with negative number of events REVERT: a71f7b0405 Problem: zmq_poller_* uses ETIMEDOUT (instead of the usual EAGAIN) to indicate timeouts REVERT: 6a3c053a3e Problem: EFAULT is returned for bad file descriptors passed to zmq_poller_*_fd REVERT: 74303b08e6 Problem: calling zmq_poller_wait* with NULL events causes an assertion, as opposed to other NULL arguments, which return an error REVERT: c1a4cfdd9f Problem: waiting on an empty poller with infinite timeout waits forever REVERT: 0c9b16d62a Problem: missing test cases for zmq_poller_* functions called with invalid arguments and corner cases for zmq_poller_wait_* REVERT: 2e4fc4faf0 Problem: zmq_poller_*_fd functions do not check for invalid fd REVERT: f9af5503b4 Problem: missing test cases for zmq_poller_* functions called with invalid arguments REVERT: 6f665eb951 Merge pull request #2712 from sigiesec/add-socket-null-tests REVERT: 9a336622fb Problem: no tests for socket-related functions passing NULL as socket REVERT: 1881735f7d Merge pull request #2710 from sigiesec/remove-select-rm_fd-code-duplication REVERT: c3c2515542 Problem: code duplication within zmq::select_t::rm_fd REVERT: ee7f5b9b97 Merge pull request #2708 from bluca/obs_flair REVERT: c2ce55aaa4 Merge pull request #2707 from sigiesec/test-monitor-diagnostics REVERT: 7cd890a8bc Problem: packages builds not mentioned in REVERT: 0aef54421d Problem: test_monitor is disabled on Windows REVERT: 82227136ea Problem: test_monitor sometimes fails due to a wrong event received, but not known which REVERT: 5e85fa6a39 Merge pull request #2698 from sigiesec/client-side-auth-error-events REVERT: 74203729bd Problem: test_zap_unsuccessful_status_500 and test_curve_security_with_bogus_client_credentials sometimes fail, particulary on slow/valgrind runs REVERT: bd0675b93f Problem: no tests for client-side events for successful handshake and authentication failure in handshake REVERT: 7481fba561 Merge pull request #2706 from bluca/gssapi_test_monitor REVERT: b239d99a2c Problem: test_security_gssapi does not close messages REVERT: cd09065c8a Problem: test_security_gssapi expects wrong event REVERT: 72b517b309 Merge pull request #2704 from sigiesec/fix-test-sockopt-hwm REVERT: 00c6962516 Problem: test failing due to too few messages sent relative to SNDHWM REVERT: 4c2acdacca Problem: wrong assumption on behavior of ZMQ_SNDHWM in test_sockopt_hwm.cpp REVERT: 7283574cee Merge pull request #2703 from bluca/rpm_la REVERT: cfc3c7a66b Problem: spec changelog out of date REVERT: b3acae89e2 Problem: RPM -devel still ships REVERT: 13f3ab988a Merge pull request #2702 from bluca/test REVERT: 68ba6d17be Problem: Travis does not test PGM REVERT: f979ed4f35 Problem: Travis does not test GSSAPI REVERT: 8896b672c4 Problem: RPM build does not pass correct configure options REVERT: 962630fd65 Problem: Debian package not built with GSSAPI REVERT: f6ce019fff Problem: incompatible parameter passed to send_zap_request REVERT: 7c85bf2f88 Problem: uninitialised variables in gssapi_server constructor REVERT: 2ba0149ee4 Problem: gssapi_mechanism_base_t initialisation misses one param REVERT: 83c9c0b55f Problem: gssapi_client does not have a peer_address param REVERT: 24b2f61b1b Problem: gssapi_server out of date with zap_client REVERT: c8097af884 Problem: DRAFT GSSAPI socket options in wrong section cause duplication REVERT: 6f49e40e36 Problem: gssapi_mechanism_base does not include mechanism_base REVERT: e2ffa2a77b Problem: produce_ready in gssapi_mechanism_base not deduped REVERT: 2c8a1315c1 Merge pull request #2700 from bluca/gssapi_uninit_ref REVERT: 7453a02144 Problem: CMake on Linux does not link libzmq with optional libs REVERT: 90b6c102bb Problem: various unused variables warnings REVERT: e81a40b8bd Problem: CMake build ignores SO_BINDTODEVICE REVERT: 9387897674 Problem: multi-part able sockets deprecated in favour of non-multi-part REVERT: 5b1c0cd0ac Problem: test_security_gssapi fails to build REVERT: 330856daec Problem: double definition in test_security_gssapi REVERT: b7346f8e00 Problem: gssapi search in autoconf does not use pkgconfig REVERT: 7be3efc936 Problem: TODO in gssapi mechanism REVERT: 77444e206c Problem: free on stack variable in GSSAPI mechanism REVERT: 80f4a87fb9 Merge pull request #2697 from bluca/vs2008 REVERT: f0554e7f16 Merge pull request #2696 from sigiesec/gssapi-dont-abort-on-bad-data REVERT: 8ecfee475c Problem: missing files from VS2008 solution REVERT: 898691e2eb Problem: gssapi_mechanism_base_t aborts the application when it receives a message it cannot decode REVERT: 31c72e22ab Merge pull request #2695 from sigiesec/fine-grained-handshake-error-codes REVERT: 301f3c70c2 Problem: code duplication between curve_client_t and curve_server_t decode and encode REVERT: 44f6aa3de6 Problem: gssapi_* do not emit ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_PROTOCOL events REVERT: ca7eee357e Problem: no ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_PROTOCOL events emitted in plain_client_t REVERT: c66ae4656f Problem: curve_client_t may emit misleading event on bad data processed by curve_client_t::decode REVERT: bdd0f3b18b Problem: documentation on zmq_socket_monitor out-of-sync with current state of ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_* events REVERT: e22ca065d6 Problem: curve_client_t does not emit handshake failure events REVERT: 9bec68354c Problem: console output for NULL protocol errors REVERT: 11b3c93852 Problem: console output for PLAIN protocol errors REVERT: e2d3ba9c62 Problem: classification ZMQ_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_* events is coarse-grained and partially misleading REVERT: f252f02b01 Merge pull request #2693 from bluca/verbose_check REVERT: 9ac244a67c Problem: coverage CI job does not print test errors REVERT: 2d2b51579b Merge pull request #2692 from minrk/utf8-groups REVERT: 3130b913fc specify that groups shall be UTF8 REVERT: 1e393586c7 Merge pull request #2691 from sigiesec/relicense REVERT: fecbd42dbe Problem: no relicense agreement by sigiesec REVERT: d52197d84f Merge pull request #2689 from sigiesec/remove-zap-client-duplication REVERT: 77aa5f4b3e Merge pull request #2688 from bluca/unwind_test_curve REVERT: f9985708b7 Problem: unreachable code in zap_client_t REVERT: 7f15e6c868 Problem: make-based builds broken REVERT: 863a02b4a1 Problem: no ZAP tests for PLAIN mechanism REVERT: 00816875b8 Problem: no ZAP tests for NULL mechanism REVERT: f107b53768 Problem: deviating behavior regarding monitoring events between mechanisms REVERT: 406af1ef67 Problem: ZAP tests are now generic but placed in test_security_curve.cpp REVERT: 59d8060165 Problem: ZAP tests are only run with CURVE security REVERT: 8dce0396fb Problem: inconsistent handling of ZAP replies REVERT: 8c58ef7f5c Problem: zap_msg_available duplicated between curve_server_t and plain_server_t (with deviating behaviour) REVERT: 314a3acfa9 Problem: status method duplicated between curve_server_t and plain_server_t REVERT: ebba815a4d Problem: duplicate but equivalent state enums in curve_server_t and plain_server_t REVERT: 414c6f45b8 Problem: receive_and_process_zap_reply is duplicated in all mechanisms REVERT: d7a3778387 Problem: plain_server_t duplicates zap_client_t::send_zap_request REVERT: 014b201d3e Problem: ZAP message without credentials is not terminated REVERT: b324c66b6f Problem: null_mechanism duplicates zap_client_t::send_zap_request\nSolution: use zap_client_t::send_zap_request REVERT: f3884f3380 Problem: gssapi_server_t duplicates zap_client_t::send_zap_request REVERT: 6e8a0b31be Problem: ZAP client code is duplicated in all mechanisms REVERT: 97e532e7db Problem: missing flags break build of test_security_curve REVERT: e2df328d17 Merge pull request #2685 from minrk/uint32_t REVERT: e0271087f0 add missing uint32_t typedef on msvc REVERT: 4a18f6204c Problem: Possible buffer overruns related to metadata in various mechanisms (#2683) REVERT: d5e4319edc [WIP, do not merge] Problem: insufficient tests for ZMTP-CURVE protocol errors (#2680) REVERT: a927ecc0ed Merge pull request #2678 from evoskuil/fix-warnings REVERT: 16dd37bbff Problem: unused variable causing warnings or breaks. REVERT: 85b8b38fe1 Merge pull request #2677 from evoskuil/fix-warnings REVERT: a604b84ab6 Problem: unused variables causing warnings or breaks. REVERT: 6abeb7ec2f Merge pull request #2675 from bluca/sunos_sigbus REVERT: e376c81c2d Problem: SIGBUS on SPARC64 REVERT: f0ae5e585c Problem: C++11 atomic API never used REVERT: 347f143a5c Merge pull request #2673 from jakecobb/curve_testing REVERT: 84ab771808 Problem: Throughput calculation underestimates slow messages REVERT: 78b26d7ac2 Problem: Throughput perf tool doesn't support CURVE REVERT: 6652a0d742 Merge pull request #2672 from jakecobb/cmake_libsodium REVERT: 0cbdc18817 Problem: CMake build does not allow static linking libsodium REVERT: 889a6bff05 Merge pull request #2671 from AlainODea/ao-clarify-null-ZAP-status-code REVERT: 454d1eda65 Problem: log for bad ZAP status code is confusing REVERT: 82c4792e21 Merge pull request #2668 from bluca/fix_pgm_build REVERT: 75fba539d0 Problem: PGM/NORM builds broken due to i_engine API change REVERT: a6cef4ef86 Problem: ZAP status codes != 200 do not result in an appropriate monitor event (#2665) REVERT: 834b9e4cd7 Problem: some test cases may still fail because of EPIPE/ECONNABORT/ECONNRESET (#2664) REVERT: 612d81a831 Merge pull request #2659 from bluca/fix_getrandom REVERT: 20bbd016c1 Merge pull request #2663 from sigiesec/fix-zap-assertion REVERT: 2564c8e5b9 Merge pull request #2662 from sigiesec/fix-hwm-tests-race-2 REVERT: de82cbe4ba Problem: failing assertion on ZAP protocol error REVERT: 8842e0f0a9 Problem: occasional test failures due to messages not (yet) received in test assertion REVERT: 5f6ff69f62 Problem: test_security_curve fails due to ECONNABORTED REVERT: 1c1f10a25a Problem: test_security_curve occasionally hangs REVERT: 02e93492b6 Merge pull request #2661 from jimklimov/brandom REVERT: 3046fe2053 Problem: getrandom usage breaks build REVERT: 98a3bb6f24 Merge pull request #2656 from bluca/unwind REVERT: 14df80ae3a Problem: test_security_curve does not account for ECONNRESET REVERT: dc51ebeb1f Problem: valgrind shows unitialised errors in backtrace print REVERT: 03c0b2dfe2 Merge pull request #2654 from bluca/appveyor REVERT: 0a8775e717 Merge pull request #2655 from sigiesec/fix-curve-produce-error REVERT: 067b7b0d27 Problem: Android build on Travis OSX takes 10 minutes+ REVERT: 9c085381ee Problem: test_security_curve timeouts on CMake REVERT: 8275f6356a Problem: redundant appveyor test REVERT: e83abb3de3 Merge pull request #2652 from sigiesec/curve-security-tests-improvement REVERT: 41108b203e Problem: zmq::curve_server_t::produce_error sends sizeof std::string instead of status code length REVERT: 7ba70e95e5 Problem: test failure on CI due to ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_NO_DETAIL/EPIPE problem REVERT: aacb219acd Problem: open TODOs in test code REVERT: e84804d4cc Merge pull request #2647 from bluca/travis_test REVERT: 5c7f56639b Merge pull request #2651 from sigiesec/doc-property-defines REVERT: 32085870df Merge pull request #2650 from sigiesec/connection-close-event-workaround REVERT: 63779094d3 Problem: new ZMQ_MSG_PROPERTY_* defines were not mentioned in the documentation REVERT: b92dc0a674 Merge pull request #2649 from sigiesec/remove-property-literal-duplication REVERT: 4b847f3ff9 Problem: no tests for ZAP handler that has an invalid protocol (#2648) REVERT: 4fec4c99be Problem: sporadic failure in test_curve_security_with_null_client_credentials REVERT: 7a16c292b7 Problem: Documentation mentions a message property "Resource", which does not exist REVERT: 9949965717 Problem: Property names are duplicated at several places REVERT: 5b91eb549b Problem: OSX builds are very slow REVERT: 0c5731ac00 Problem: 2 OSX libsodium Travis runs REVERT: d96b0f42a6 Problem: additional doc-build test on Travis REVERT: ccb1250fcc Problem: a curve test uses hard-coded TCP port REVERT: c191909c0e Problem: Misleading error code in case ZAP handler sends an invalid status code (#2646) REVERT: 5d4e30eb13 Replace console output by monitoring events for curve security issues (#2645) REVERT: fda9daa200 Merge pull request #2639 from bluca/wine_doc REVERT: bb0b518e7f Problem: ZMQ_BINDTODEVICE not used for ZMQ_DISH REVERT: 415bdbc1b9 Problem: ZMQ_BINDTODEVICE is DRAFT but not DRAFT REVERT: 2048ed5dbf Problem: using Wine requires system tuning REVERT: a34adbf474 Merge pull request #2640 from brianbalerno/vrf REVERT: b963542e8f Add socket option BINDTODEVICE REVERT: 4a37ce9aeb Merge pull request #2636 from bluca/tweetnacl_fd REVERT: fbb6bbdcb8 Problem: reading from /dev/urandom is clunky REVERT: 2626fdfa23 Problem: tweetnacl leaks file descriptor on fork+exec REVERT: e015a0f8b9 Problem: fd leak in tweetnacl with one ctx per thread REVERT: a7bf010ee2 Problem: misleading indentation in tweetnacl.c REVERT: 2991e6f602 Merge pull request #2633 from pavel-pimenov/fix-C4324 REVERT: dfd9d48496 Suppress C4324 (VC++2017) 'zmq::command_t': structure was padded due to alignment specifier REVERT: a537ace084 Merge pull request #2631 from ecoughlan/skip_invalid_setsockopt REVERT: cfb59dde21 Problem: can't set IPV6_V6ONLY on OpenBSD REVERT: b2c4dad46e Merge pull request #2626 from minrk/relicense REVERT: 01f29ed8b9 add license grant for minrk REVERT: e1dfb2e337 Merge pull request #2625 from trofi/master REVERT: 88487e7da3 allow user to disable libunwind discovery via --disable-libunwind REVERT: dfcf396ded Merge pull request #2624 from msune/master REVERT: 609c131249 Problem: adapt, clarify docs ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY REVERT: bba4a93727 Merge pull request #2622 from msune/master REVERT: b7b89a8f60 Fix ROUTER's xhas_out() in MANDATORY mode REVERT: 30ab0ed897 Merge pull request #2615 from bluca/curve_server_reconnect REVERT: d04065b778 Problem: CURVE server (connect) fails when client rebinds REVERT: 4e6c89e3cd Merge pull request #2613 from mattconnolly/relicense REVERT: 1d17182799 RELICENSE: Matt Connolly REVERT: 35cd0245c9 Merge pull request #2610 from bjovke/my_work_2 REVERT: 33038da522 Merge pull request #2609 from bjovke/my_work REVERT: 9ef34addb8 Problem: When using print_backtrace() on Linux with libunwind, printout of stack traces from multiple threads are interleaved. Solution: added static mutex to serialize printing of stack traces. REVERT: 69355730a4 Problem: intermittent memory leak for req/rep send/recv. #2602 Solution: memory leak fixed. REVERT: a3550e6104 Merge pull request #2605 from emanuelkoczwara/master REVERT: cb54a6b24a Update zmq.txt REVERT: f5da4b1c6c Merge pull request #2603 from bluca/xpub_manual_subs REVERT: 3536c4b9c4 Problem: XPUB_MANUAL subscriptions not removed on peer term REVERT: 8e2027983a Problem: XPUB_MANUAL takes effect for the next bind REVERT: 2d83acceff Merge pull request #2596 from bluca/zap_curve REVERT: 35fce88fee Merge pull request #2599 from ibancg/master REVERT: d040dc18b5 Problem: CMake evaluation fails with Mingw-w64 REVERT: 2c4e5364aa Problem: missing Ws2_32.lib when cross compiling REVERT: 6ad0b08da9 Problem: GSSAPI can no longer be used without ZAP REVERT: 0ce18eac25 Problem: CURVE can no longer be used without ZAP REVERT: 33695d1da8 Problem: ZAP is allowed to be configured incorrectly or not to work REVERT: 10a9ba0926 Merge pull request #2593 from ilovexyz/dev REVERT: af598f2e1c fix bug: dish client does not resend subscriptions to radio server after radio server restart REVERT: 99805931e4 Merge pull request #2591 from laplaceyang/pr_cancel_timer_in_reconnect REVERT: 67a6594fc0 fix bug: coredump if set linger and immediate together REVERT: bcc30f2ab0 Merge pull request #2584 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: 545135fb8d RELICENSE: Ilya Kulakov REVERT: ec56eaaeb6 Merge pull request #2583 from timou/wincmake REVERT: 293a18257a Suppress linker warning 4221 for MSVC REVERT: 92339a4d9d Merge pull request #2582 from bluca/test_poller_use_after_free REVERT: 17637536b8 Problem: use-after-free in test_poller REVERT: bc8ad8860b Merge pull request #2580 from diorcety/ninja REVERT: f66c49a62b Fix precompiled REVERT: 6ad533bec4 Merge pull request #2578 from rkfg/dev REVERT: 72b4b6830f Problem: abort at socket creation on Android with jzmq REVERT: 8e1facc73e Merge pull request #2577 from bluca/rep_leak REVERT: bdc676f687 Problem: REP leaves label msgs for dead REQ in pipe REVERT: 766c47ffdd Merge pull request #2575 from zeromq/revert-2572-rep_leak REVERT: 1489fc1ac5 Revert "Problem: REP leaves label msgs for dead REQ in pipe" REVERT: 75cc2015d1 Merge pull request #2572 from bluca/rep_leak REVERT: 0999fdd885 Problem: REP leaves label msgs for dead REQ in pipe REVERT: d17581929c Merge pull request #2570 from jruffin/master-relicense REVERT: 30dac3807f Added the license grant for jruffin REVERT: b7e8a3d699 Merge pull request #2566 from leonarf/leonarf-relicense REVERT: 7dc06fdfb2 license right grant from Leonard Michelet REVERT: f0df483fa7 Merge pull request #2564 from rotty/master REVERT: 806bc9dd08 Relicensing grant from rotty REVERT: fb92cd30a1 Merge pull request #2562 from pijyoi/fix_init_fdset REVERT: d11f501dc1 problem: not using official api FD_ZERO to init fd_set REVERT: 0a66acb31b Merge pull request #2560 from bluca/tests_ports REVERT: 18651d1699 Merge pull request #2561 from flub/master REVERT: 3241875b7b Grant permission to relicense to MPL REVERT: 655fbfc399 Problem: ASAN test doesn't print good traces with GCC 4.8 REVERT: 86f9f1df7a Problem: CI doesn't build with debugging symbols REVERT: 11e2e5f6b5 Problem: address sanitizer support in CI is hacky REVERT: 6d76106cde Problem: test_many_sockets is flacky on OSX REVERT: 463c2d75ae Problem: CI builds and test runs not done in parallel REVERT: 48792f8006 Problem: CI runs libsodium tests REVERT: b29d46b6a5 Problem: tests use same IPC endpoint REVERT: 5934919f3e Problem: tests bind to hardcoded TCP ports REVERT: 2c2c813824 Merge pull request #2559 from michicc/master REVERT: 584706f023 RELICENSE: Grant from michicc REVERT: ae461dc2a9 Problem: cannot use wildcard port with source address REVERT: 06666d8c4a Merge pull request #2558 from bluca/obs_release REVERT: f126da8b22 Problem: no way to deploy releases to OBS REVERT: e24ef3ff48 Merge pull request #2557 from bluca/package_gssapi_manpage REVERT: d96c48ffa4 Problem: OBS _service sets version to unix timestamp.commitid REVERT: 9dd75e62bf Problem: RPM build fails due to ignored zmq_gssapi.7 REVERT: 2215a9d391 Merge pull request #2554 from bluca/disable_new_poller_without_drafts REVERT: 90c76fbd60 Problem: new zmq_poller used by zmq_poll without DRAFTs REVERT: e905f9da99 Merge pull request #2553 from diorcety/x REVERT: ec7b9480f5 Fix WITH_DOC REVERT: 54b89858ab Merge pull request #2550 from garlick/gssapi_test REVERT: edd6b0ad01 gssapi: add a basic test for GSSAPI security REVERT: 8e33d4247c Merge pull request #2549 from garlick/gssapi_nametype REVERT: 53918fc115 gssapi: drop unnecessary ifdefs REVERT: c978d3bb0a gssapi: renumber socket options REVERT: c23fcc1b05 Merge pull request #2548 from garlick/gssapi_nametype REVERT: 568feb1c7f gssapi: document NAMETYPE options in get/setsockopt(3) REVERT: 8892087e99 gssapi: add NAMETYPE options to zmq_getsockopt REVERT: 9fbf2e2eb6 gssapi: move new options to DRAFT section REVERT: c49436ad94 Merge pull request #2547 from diorcety/x REVERT: 17460b3b2b Targets broken by some parts of f7d1c159d4f96686ce994319280c1bd3a2eab994 REVERT: 74395668c6 Merge pull request #2546 from rikvdh/master REVERT: 67eee47557 RELICENSE: Grant from rikvdh REVERT: 4ae2ffdac7 Merge pull request #2545 from garlick/gssapi_nametype REVERT: 48f72844ad gssapi: add zmq_gssapi.7 to MAN7 in REVERT: 8bd3f03cd4 gssapi: add NAMETYPE socket opts to zmq_gssapi.7 REVERT: 0b185e8297 gssapi: add NAMETYPE socket options REVERT: 4783605b78 Merge pull request #2544 from Asmod4n/patch-2 REVERT: 798b258fbc Create REVERT: 427292561c Merge pull request #2541 from garlick/gssapi_fix REVERT: 2b9a352a3c gssapi: use gss_buffer_desc consistently REVERT: 4e22dd0e97 gssapi: fail if client sets wrong principal REVERT: f2b579ce02 gssapi: use GSS_C_BOTH to acquire credentials REVERT: c371824b5b gssapi: document ZMQ_GSSAPI_PRINCIPAL as optional REVERT: 43f4c28660 gssapi: define HAVE_LIBGSSAPI_KRB5 in REVERT: aa90863b77 Merge pull request #2539 from juan-filewave/win_build_if_defined_ZMQ_USE_POLL REVERT: 52ce6aab86 Problem: Windows build broken by #if ZMQ_USE_POLL REVERT: ce602d08db change macOS < 10.12 clock to SYSTEM_CLOCK, fixes #2537 (#2538) REVERT: 45f4a40026 Merge pull request #2536 from RPGillespie6/master REVERT: 69b2affe05 Add CMake Build Output Options REVERT: 1d4014dc52 Problem: Minor inconsistency in macro syntax. Solution: Code fixed. (#2534) REVERT: e8be2e9d60 Merge pull request #2533 from bjovke/my_work REVERT: dc7bbe35b4 Problem: FD set copying on Windows still not optimal on some places. Solution: Improved memcpy() of FD sets for Windows builds. REVERT: a3ad12f7fa Merge pull request #2532 from bjovke/my_work REVERT: 6d3d99f3a1 Problem: Stack overflow in Windows VS 2012 builds for simple ZeroMQ usage. Solution: Added notice in INSTALL file to mandatory use at least 2 MB stack size in VS 2012 and recommendation to use at least 2 MB in all other Windows builds. REVERT: eb37793a43 Merge pull request #2528 from kurdybacha/master REVERT: 01f8ae061d RELICENSE: Pawel Kurdybacha grant REVERT: bf07573188 Merge pull request #2527 from diorcety/x REVERT: f7d1c159d4 Fix windows compilation REVERT: dfde9a22cc Merge pull request #2526 from bjovke/my_work REVERT: aa3540e657 Problem: misleading indentation and visually ambiguous if/else block ordering. Solution: fixed indentation and if/else block. REVERT: c2798ef0db Merge pull request #2525 from swansontec/master REVERT: 0b1402ffc7 RELICENSE: William Swanson REVERT: d815228246 Merge pull request #2523 from bjovke/my_working_branch REVERT: 3b01410edc Merge pull request #2524 from jakecobb/tcp_codestyle REVERT: c635ee7e9d Critical BUG introduced with #2518 fixed. REVERT: f89e3ee854 Problem: Bad style in tcp.hpp/cpp REVERT: 2df4e87849 Merge pull request #2522 from bjovke/my_working_branch REVERT: af6e071f65 Merge pull request #2521 from jakecobb/windows_tcptuning_consistency REVERT: cd39b00e19 Consistency of Windows TCP tuning assertions REVERT: 9bee9d6d03 Another macro correction. REVERT: d66c2508cf Merge pull request #2519 from bjovke/master REVERT: b6fb1f64a5 Macro correction. REVERT: 2bdd06ca7e Relicense file extensions corrected. REVERT: 64807214be Merge pull request #2520 from twhittock/patch-1 REVERT: 6ecdd68153 Tom Whittock grant REVERT: 30cd655b3d Case found not covered in latest zmq::proxy() code. REVERT: 545cacf5e2 Merge pull request #2518 from bjovke/master REVERT: 26520fe152 zmq::socket_poller_t speed improvement for constructor and wait() function. REVERT: a7977a5e84 Reworked zmq::proxy() for improved performance. REVERT: 3e55545ab0 Code reformatting of proxy.cpp REVERT: 2b543e7a2e Merge pull request #2516 from meox/master REVERT: c8d6b67402 adding licence REVERT: 6853e3f935 Merge pull request #2514 from lytboris/freebsd-enable-ai_v4mapped REVERT: 63e1984aa7 Merge pull request #2513 from lytboris/windows-assign-instead-compare REVERT: ef8b0c60fc re-enable AI_V4MAPPED on FreeBSD & DragonFlyBSD Detect AI_V4MAPPED is not supported in getaddrinfo() on the fly and retry query. This issue was seen on ancient FreeBSD releases and current implementation does support this flag correctly. REVERT: 2b1bbf1673 fix a typo - assigment was used instead of comparison REVERT: 6a41f278c5 Merge pull request #2510 from lytboris/ipv6-resolve_nic_name-fix REVERT: ac7d02e7b0 Relicense Grant (#2511) REVERT: 8bc92bde34 choose IP(v6) address based on ipv6_ flag in a correct way REVERT: 9846da02dc Merge pull request #2507 from eburkitt/upmaster REVERT: 9dbf5791fb Add relicense grant for eburkitt REVERT: e5583cb043 Merge pull request #2495 from bluca/relicense_typo REVERT: c7fea39005 Fix asciidoc REVERT: 238aa49d55 Merge pull request #2504 from herbrechtsmeier/location REVERT: 9deb6b023b cmake: Use LOCATION property only for imported targets REVERT: 96e61d9f95 Merge pull request #2503 from herbrechtsmeier/msvc REVERT: 2f367bddf7 cmake: Remove build/msvc include path to remove file name clash REVERT: 926d2d2673 Merge pull request #2493 from herbrechtsmeier/cmake REVERT: ac92fb54a6 Merge pull request #2502 from herbrechtsmeier/appveyor REVERT: abbfed2b65 appveyor: Use correct CURVE security options REVERT: cd753eedb4 Merge pull request #2501 from mauri-melato/master REVERT: 0c2ffd6926 RELICENSE: Maurizio Melato grant REVERT: 84f83d6f2d Merge pull request #1 from zeromq/master REVERT: 699b3a2fd6 Merge pull request #2500 from kobolog/kobolog/relicense REVERT: d0427d13af Relicense. REVERT: f186421273 cmake: Export targets to package config REVERT: 4e3e3f659d cmake: Disable runtime checks while cross compiling REVERT: 556de55e4c cmake: Use project specific source directory instead of top level source tree REVERT: f5ba27faec Relicense bjovke (#2498) REVERT: 61ba79a41c Merge pull request #2497 from jakecobb/relicense REVERT: 33db22c6a5 Relicensing permission for Jake Cobb REVERT: 34588101ee Merge pull request #2496 from bbdb68/master REVERT: 840f726b8b RELICENSE : Bruno Bodin grant REVERT: 98dc4a4ef6 Problem: typos in RELICENSE/ REVERT: b26b1932cb RELICENSE: Piotr Trojanek grant (#2381) REVERT: 26513b70d2 Merge pull request #2494 from bjovke/master REVERT: 319eb27f19 Unnecessary dynamic memory allocation for zmq::socket_poller_t in zmq_poller_poll(). Fixed by allocating zmq::socket_poller_t from stack. REVERT: 5d5263ed8a Prevent DOS by asserts in TCP tuning (#2492) REVERT: 1d58a00992 Problem: no windows UWP support REVERT: e224cc9061 Merge pull request #2490 from lodagro/master REVERT: 9e86341483 Merge pull request #2489 from reunanen/relicense REVERT: dfdd84fcd4 Relicense: Wouter Overmeire (lodagro) REVERT: e1b9dbe5cc RELICENSE: Juha Reunanen / Tomaattinen / Outotec grant REVERT: c5acd1bd70 Merge pull request #2486 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 7952c584b6 Problem: xpub test has broken style (missing whitespace). REVERT: 1dd9cac24d Problem: xpub_t.xattach_pipe no handle msg.copy or pipe_t.write fails. REVERT: 6436bc51e6 Problem: sub.xsetsockopt leaks message (0..n bytes) payload on fail. REVERT: 1b79da0d7d Problem: proxy leaks one message payload (0..n bytes) on close. REVERT: 4ea7d01803 Problem: send_failure() util name undergeneralized (for read success). REVERT: 8c165ad1d2 Problem: excess whitespace (style). REVERT: d91cd4148e Merge pull request #2485 from zeromq/relicense REVERT: 77562f7027 License grant REVERT: f1bbb6fc0a Merge pull request #2484 from bluca/address_sanitizer REVERT: d3ca23502f Problem: lack of out-of-bound memory checks in tests REVERT: 7ce68da212 Merge pull request #2482 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 0bfd747af8 Problem: heartbeats test has invalid curve design; xplat and style probs. REVERT: a014e77ef7 Problem: leaks on send_zap_request fail, use of goto idiom is fragile. REVERT: 29a5c98d83 Problem: zap_connect() asserts on write fail (yet returns fail codes). REVERT: a0ccdc866e Problem: secure servers ignore zap_connect failre code and set ready. REVERT: 9c6fb09929 Merge pull request #2478 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 6c1fb4d0b8 Problem: NuGet pacakge out of date. REVERT: f44300cb00 Problem: assert used for ZAP error handling aborts process. REVERT: a6d03df37d Merge pull request #2477 from zeromq/jemc-relicense REVERT: a86751ba51 Problem: No relicense file for jemc contributions. REVERT: 84d94b4f43 Merge pull request #2475 from chrisstaite/master REVERT: 5cc487cb8a Relicense grant for chrisstaite REVERT: 8e2d2d47c6 Merge pull request #2472 from linville/master REVERT: 6d739f4ac7 RELICENSE: Aaron Linville grant REVERT: 815f4126e4 Merge pull request #2471 from t-b/improve_oom_handling REVERT: 33e29bd383 Problem: Out of memory condition not always checked REVERT: fe9f6b2837 Problem: GSSAPI check for Out of memory is done conditionally REVERT: 19f30f7926 Problem: throwing version of new called REVERT: 634c69abd3 Add relicense statement REVERT: 182cb0ea06 Merge pull request #2470 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 1f74979e8a Relicense grant for ianbarber REVERT: 14bb2693db Merge pull request #2469 from madebr/relicense REVERT: 38e3c120df RELICENSE: Anonymous Maarten grant REVERT: 5744042741 Merge pull request #2468 from goodfella/goodfella-relicensing REVERT: 0a6f540bfe RELICENSE: Nick Guiffrida grant REVERT: 159b39eb77 Merge pull request #2467 from bjoto/master REVERT: 31a3ead6e4 RELICENSE: Björn Töpel / bjoto REVERT: 8cf64c2190 Merge pull request #2466 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 616fbeff21 Problem: insufficient use of const complicates calling. REVERT: 7a4c802489 Merge pull request #2465 from evoskuil/master REVERT: fd513470c8 Merge pull request #2464 from ulikoehler/relicense REVERT: be94f91148 added czmq to permission as well REVERT: e1cc4cde1e Added relicense permit REVERT: feb8e868df Problem: typo in comment. REVERT: e9e2f8d9ea Merge pull request #2463 from tSed/sma/relicensing REVERT: 754e9f6d88 RELICENSE: Samuel Martin grant REVERT: 99007399f0 Relicense (#2462) REVERT: 66accc05f5 Relicense (#2456) REVERT: 28cdd111db Allow relicense (#2458) REVERT: 9221b600bb Problem: need to relicense libzmq (#2459) REVERT: 771b7c6c3b RELICENSE: Maarten Ditzel (#2460) REVERT: 85165bad6b Problem: need to relicense libzmq (#2461) REVERT: 3f80657c24 Merge pull request #2457 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 72714ad297 Problem: no nuget package for 4.2.2 REVERT: f2d7b2cad8 Problem: curve not enabled by default in Visual Studio. REVERT: 91a01f447d Problem: libsodium linked by default in Visual Studio projs. REVERT: dbb5e72638 Problem: Visual Studio projects intertwined and drifting. REVERT: dbd8346225 Merge pull request #2455 from willstrang/master REVERT: 779561fea1 RELICENSE: William P Strang grant REVERT: b906f48f27 Merge pull request #2454 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 068c815224 Problem: __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before PCH causes VC++ warning. REVERT: 6622e16245 Merge pull request #2451 from evoskuil/master REVERT: af0320f786 Problem: implicit cast from size_t to int implies data loss. REVERT: ded6c84b38 Merge pull request #2450 from pijyoi/master REVERT: c796240792 RELICENSE: KIU Shueng Chuan REVERT: 773b8ff4b1 Merge pull request #2449 from sdrsdr/sdrsdr-relicense-grant REVERT: d468e7a6c2 Relicense Grant REVERT: ed6fd03f88 Merge pull request #2448 from chickenkiller/master REVERT: 6a87d20c19 RELICENSE: Lionel Orry grant REVERT: f82ef5a207 Merge pull request #2447 from somdoron/gitfoxi-relicense REVERT: a4e90f6fb8 relicense michael fox REVERT: 7c584142c5 Merge pull request #2446 from Hugne/master REVERT: a898cd3359 Relicense: Erik Hugne REVERT: 04b96adfda Merge pull request #2445 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: c6409b56a9 Relicense: Reza Ebrahimi REVERT: d0ebd0370c Merge pull request #2444 from tabe/relicense-tabe REVERT: af6293de8d Merge pull request #2442 from bprager/master REVERT: 04e4f0fe3c Create REVERT: 6c63f173be RELICENSE: Takeshi Abe REVERT: 96402a85be Merge pull request #2441 from natano/master REVERT: d1ce868a35 Relicense grant: Martin Natano REVERT: 88d1b862b2 Relicense - Chuck Remes (#2439) REVERT: ce4a57f360 Merge pull request #2440 from fidlej/topic_license REVERT: 10f591d7ff RELICENSE: Ivo Danihelka grant REVERT: 9d14c2dc77 Merge pull request #2438 from a4z/authors REVERT: fcb826fb7e Problem: not on the authors list REVERT: 98ddc96834 Merge pull request #2437 from a4z/relicense REVERT: 2e564e9a3d add relicense file REVERT: 59ecc99a2f Merge pull request #2435 from Bklyn/master REVERT: 58bf0dd44e Relicense: Caleb Epstein (Bklyn) REVERT: 0d039c92d3 Merge pull request #2434 from opedroso/master REVERT: 30ba3955d9 RELICENSE: Osiris Pedroso REVERT: 895e03e553 Merge pull request #2431 from robertcastle/master REVERT: 889fd5587d Merge pull request #2433 from SRombauts/master REVERT: 144c76c911 RELICENSE: Sébastien Rombauts (SRombauts) REVERT: 2a2b67c25d Merge pull request #2429 from cowo78/master REVERT: a3b8174940 Merge pull request #2428 from olafmandel/relicense REVERT: acd115fb2a Relicense - Robert Castle / Egomotion Ltd REVERT: 427338342f Merge pull request #2427 from mipaaa/master REVERT: 45c6ba177e Relicense (#2426) REVERT: fef3f2375a Merge pull request #2430 from roalz/relicense REVERT: 1f2d5ad561 Merge pull request #2425 from fichtner/relicense REVERT: cbd9c00b1f RELICENSE: Roal Zanazzi (roalz) REVERT: 1fafe0a38c Added RELICENSE/ to allow libzmq relicensing REVERT: 5f09a98567 RELICENSE: Olaf Mandel grant REVERT: c38bf8f930 Michael Hand grant REVERT: 4961671b7f add "any" relicensing permission REVERT: 27ce7f6ef6 Merge pull request #2424 from gena-moscow/master REVERT: 607b52fed3 Merge pull request #2423 from aseering/master REVERT: ed989bf36d RELICENSE REVERT: 5d61675fc1 RELICENSE: Adam Seering REVERT: 1df0de728d Merge pull request #2419 from sheremetyev/relicense REVERT: bf6656e442 Merge pull request #2420 from drodri/relicense REVERT: 123d8a7a51 Merge pull request #2421 from ezhikus/master REVERT: c030c6c9e4 RELICENSE: Volodymyr Korniichuk REVERT: 2c9ce720c0 RELICENSE: Fedor Sheremetyev REVERT: 5f519115c3 relicense REVERT: d80e8225d2 Merge pull request #2418 from djelenc/master REVERT: 50f8c6d049 RELICENSE: David Jelenc REVERT: 09c91ec593 Merge pull request #2417 from c-rack/relicense-c-rack REVERT: 730de88c3f RELICENSE: Constantin Rack REVERT: d1f5070a3c Merge pull request #2416 from ghpu/master REVERT: 59478a8618 Agreement to relicensing. REVERT: 237ad227f0 Merge pull request #2415 from febeling/copyright-grant REVERT: d34aa4b0bb RELICENSE febeling REVERT: 9833d18cf7 Relicense approval (#2397) REVERT: bf46e30e25 Merge pull request #2414 from JohanMabille/relicense REVERT: 949a92043f relicense REVERT: 69038ec033 Merge pull request #2413 from SylvainCorlay/relicense REVERT: 45ff0212e4 Relicense REVERT: 78e4989f60 Merge pull request #2412 from banburybill/master REVERT: 85782f391c RELICENSE: Jim Hague REVERT: 05b692859c Merge pull request #2411 from camachat/master REVERT: 78b2866977 Merge pull request #2410 from soulik/testing REVERT: 86eed73cee RELICENSE: Eric Camachat REVERT: 5781df52c2 RELICENSE: soulik REVERT: ece055ac9a Merge pull request #2409 from danriegsecker/master REVERT: 68c49b2881 Relicense statement for Dan Riegsecker (@danriegsecker) REVERT: e2e9f7ce9d Merge pull request #2408 from loachfish/master REVERT: d5e6ec0d8d RELICENSE: Justin.Hung grant REVERT: adea1cefdc RELICENSE: Diego Fons (#2407) REVERT: e9372f236a Added RELICENSE for amuraru contributor (#2406) REVERT: 56484e65b5 Merge pull request #2405 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 6d4d25a915 RELICENSE: shripchenko REVERT: 47c3a6b6f1 Merge pull request #2404 from zeromq/gonzus-patch-1 REVERT: 66b7314166 Create REVERT: 9d5b5b7b07 Merge pull request #2401 from rlenferink/master REVERT: 2c771a409e Merge pull request #2403 from montoyaedu/patch-1 REVERT: f6e80e410c Create REVERT: ec14bb7b35 RELICENSE: Updated wrong filename REVERT: 89096c71fa Merge pull request #2400 from cjuniet/master REVERT: 88bf9f8f1c Merge pull request #2399 from sappo/master REVERT: a2e9ad696b RELICENSE: Christophe Juniet REVERT: d561143321 RELICENSE: Kevin Sapper grant REVERT: a0d61a8029 Merge pull request #2398 from demozon/master REVERT: 951ba9d0e6 Merge pull request #2392 from clkao/patch-1 REVERT: 0793c7abea Merge pull request #2396 from vtellier/master REVERT: 95940fa676 Merge pull request #2391 from Bitiquinho/master REVERT: bc7c5a1e96 Merge pull request #2390 from taotetek/master REVERT: 7b2ba9f842 Merge pull request #2389 from johntconklin/relicense REVERT: 0df66b9648 RELICENSE: Tore Halvorsen REVERT: b121e621c0 Merge pull request #2395 from ckamm/ckamm-relicense REVERT: 39407c0d46 [RELICENSE] Vincent Tellier REVERT: 0434e03932 RELICENSE: Christian Kamm grant REVERT: 6c424465a6 Merge pull request #2394 from danielhtshih/master REVERT: 61cf277d81 Merge pull request #2393 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 555f4ccb56 RELICENSE: Daniel Shih grant REVERT: eb3f00717f RELICENSE: Eric Voskuil grant REVERT: 44a7a3e6e4 Create REVERT: 10a39e57a1 RELICENSE: Leonardo J. Consoni grant REVERT: 2ac51173de Problem: want to relicense under mplv2 REVERT: d26414d152 RELICENSE: John T. Conklin grant REVERT: 027856d770 Merge pull request #2385 from rgagnon24/master REVERT: 2b7cda2eff Merge pull request #2386 from jkryl/master REVERT: 7913e96271 I have added msys building, license stuff (#2387) REVERT: 8ce9a11af4 Merge pull request #2388 from TTimo/master REVERT: 7df5373c12 Merge pull request #2384 from agronholm/master REVERT: cef0289f4d relicensing REVERT: c0ddcf6f5c RELICENSE: Jan Kryl grant REVERT: 28e3225801 RELICENSE: Robert Gagnon REVERT: 63120a88b0 Create REVERT: 6517d9199c Merge pull request #2383 from thompsa/master REVERT: b9ac5cdc6c RELICENSE: Andrew Thompson grant REVERT: d4b90657e8 Merge pull request #2382 from AndreLouisCaron/relicense REVERT: 625f52e3a2 RELICENSE: Andre Caron grant REVERT: c4d80a50c0 Merge pull request #2380 from cdolan/relicense REVERT: eaa77b383b RELICENSE: Christopher Dolan grant REVERT: 5aab04b083 Merge pull request #2379 from yuvallanger/master REVERT: 4ea0dc4778 RELICENSE: Yuval Langer grant REVERT: b43cd5af78 Merge pull request #2378 from staticfloat/sf/relicensing REVERT: 4856169620 Merge pull request #2377 from tailhook/relicense REVERT: c33b875d11 Add relicensing agreement for Elliot Saba REVERT: 86c7be3854 Relicense permission by Paul Colomiets REVERT: 9091623243 Fixed lib and dll paths in visual studio build (#2375) REVERT: 4cc32d3367 Merge pull request #2374 from rlenferink/license_grants REVERT: a46ca653a9 RELICENSE: Added templates for relicensing REVERT: eccf8b7aae Merge pull request #2373 from rlenferink/rlenferink_grant REVERT: bf2b957c49 RELICENSE: Roy Lenferink grant REVERT: db854614e1 Merge pull request #2372 from Q-Leap-Networks/pr-fix_test_sodium REVERT: 1dd5fef20c zmq_curve_keypair(): return result from crypto_box_keypair() to make testcase meaningfull REVERT: da1633ebe7 Merge pull request #2368 from bluca/io_thread_name REVERT: d7aceef2ed Problem: thread name is redundant REVERT: 092ad50b0c Problem: I can't refactor REVERT: 33246f7a9e Merge pull request #2367 from bluca/io_thread_name REVERT: 3ab4796c5a Problem: ZMQ background threads are unnamed REVERT: 3548d5e950 Merge pull request #2365 from somdoron/deprecate_zmq_poll REVERT: aac8bb19fc problem:zmq_poll is slow and the API is complicated REVERT: 580c5b288a Merge pull request #2364 from somdoron/master REVERT: f694a2d985 problem: zmq_poll is slow because FD is being created on every call REVERT: 651f81e8af Merge pull request #2362 from nexcvon/patch-2 REVERT: 9624f9ade7 Problem: zmq::signaler_t::send may loop forever REVERT: 70a7756d8d Merge pull request #2361 from bluca/obs_new REVERT: 05a967fa1b Problem: Travis using deprecated OBS project REVERT: 34be53d8e4 Merge pull request #2360 from nexcvon/patch-2 REVERT: bcf75777c8 Problem: Assertion failed in zmq::signaler_t::send REVERT: 07d904a2f8 Merge pull request #2354 from bluca/fix_pipe REVERT: a73d5cd6c6 Problem: router pipe can block forever REVERT: 1cfc3e1744 Merge pull request #2353 from bluca/fix_test REVERT: 0f473d14cb Problem: unnecessary change to router_mandatory_hwm test REVERT: ca311f7bfe Merge pull request #2352 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: 06740b5d8c Problem with ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY option when peer lost REVERT: 995a41b5a3 Merge pull request #2350 from tabe/zmq_socket_doc-typo REVERT: c7ce4a1cea Problem: typo in the zmq_socket doc REVERT: d6f4263ce3 cmake WITH_LIBSODIUM option is broken (#2349) REVERT: 6818cced8e Merge pull request #2347 from zstang/patch-1 REVERT: 3b0dfd528f #2341 fix REVERT: 64a85ebf2f Merge pull request #2346 from bluca/news REVERT: ac5c75cea1 Problem: 4.2.2 is out, version(s) are out of date REVERT: 8d75d506b6 Merge pull request #2345 from bluca/news REVERT: 5285b6e152 Problem: packaging versions out of date REVERT: 854ed90472 Problem: NEWS not up to date REVERT: 26998b738e Merge pull request #2332 from bluca/parse_v4_mapped_in_v6 REVERT: 0db22c0069 Merge pull request #2337 from SylvainCorlay/include-find-sodium REVERT: 33dccd2bf1 Include FindSodium.cmake in dist tarball REVERT: 18cb7caeb2 Problem: v4-in-v6 mapped addresses cause parsing failure REVERT: 78dafe5c7c Merge pull request #2331 from jimklimov/sol-poller REVERT: f8816945c2 Problem: polling does not work well OOB in OpenIndiana REVERT: e56bc48ebc Merge pull request #2327 from chutz/fix-divide-by-zero REVERT: df7c684dd5 fix divide by zero in zmq::lb_t::sendpipe REVERT: 5c34f65ad5 Merge pull request #2326 from SylvainCorlay/framework REVERT: 4e472b18e3 Make OS Xframwork build optional REVERT: bf6d8a5d17 Fix clock_t crash on iOS 9.3.2 and 9.3.5 (#2325) REVERT: c6c21cf197 Problem: zmq_z85_decode does not validate its input (#2322) REVERT: 673bb506cf Merge pull request #2318 from kurdybacha/static_file_fix REVERT: 877419e94f CMake static library output does not match ZeroMQ Config. REVERT: c031b0c470 Merge pull request #2317 from SylvainCorlay/windows-static-target-name REVERT: e38453866d Problem: cmake artefacts different from make generated artefacts REVERT: e5677d89d5 Merge pull request #2315 from bluca/typo REVERT: 5f8d87bf32 Problem: typo in the zmq_has doc REVERT: 9aae95e496 Merge pull request #2314 from Asmod4n/master REVERT: b7cd6e8a85 add test and documentation for "draft" capability REVERT: a6a56e299d Merge pull request #2313 from Asmod4n/patch-1 REVERT: 4dbd387fa9 Add "draft" capability to zmq_has REVERT: 4c1b338015 Merge pull request #2311 from SylvainCorlay/static-target-name REVERT: c65a27213a Problem: name of static library generated by cmake differs from the behavior of kernel. REVERT: ee9751ec25 Merge pull request #2308 from chuggafan/master REVERT: 020ff65efa Updated buildbase and buildall to work with visual studio 2017 REVERT: f86053b985 Merge pull request #2304 from JohanMabille/cmake_fix REVERT: 36d0c70647 cmake install on linux fixed REVERT: b8d8c498c6 Merge pull request #2302 from laplaceyang/pr_thread_safe_modify_pipe REVERT: 107f2441d5 Problem: Thread-safe solution for modify hwm of pipe REVERT: 4fc313d152 Merge pull request #2301 from bluca/set_peer_unsafe REVERT: edc770d680 Problem: HWM always boosted by 1 REVERT: 9f1ba60f50 Problem: modifying pipe from different thread is not safe REVERT: 598befc1f8 Merge pull request #2299 from laplaceyang/pr_set_hwm_after_connect REVERT: 5adcb83509 Problem: set hwm after connect lead to infinite hwm REVERT: 77e1792cd8 Merge pull request #2298 from bluca/spec_uuid REVERT: ce735c44ef Problem: spec file still depends on libuuid REVERT: 81bbd2b72d Merge pull request #2296 from bluca/asciidoc-base REVERT: e37936616d Problem: debian packages do not build manpages REVERT: 9dbbd69480 Merge pull request #2295 from JohanMabille/cmake_win_install REVERT: e258890f67 INSTALLATION instructions REVERT: 7c709e5466 cmake install config file REVERT: e95d23198f CPack option and .txt files installation dir REVERT: e80db0e8e5 Merge pull request #2294 from JohanMabille/cmake_precompiled REVERT: 2d749a066c Windows cmake build fixed REVERT: ceb6be7751 Merge pull request #2292 from bluca/osx_sigpipe REVERT: 31a3a06828 Problem: peer can close connection before SO_NOSIGPIPE is set REVERT: d532f2e4d8 Merge pull request #2290 from bluca/doc_proxy_eintr REVERT: 17ef8c6793 Merge pull request #2289 from bluca/windoze_includes_test REVERT: 28c7abf821 Problem: zmq_proxy* may return EINTR other than ETERM REVERT: 7e186432cb Problem:capitalized include filenames trip mingw REVERT: dce4d06b71 Merge pull request #2288 from paddor/master REVERT: 1b3df75b87 fix typos REVERT: ec2ba8a997 Merge pull request #2283 from vtellier/master REVERT: ea7e03a7ff Fixed issue #2286 by documentation REVERT: 7e36db07b1 Handshake events null pointer fix REVERT: ffb31dcadd Fixed issue #2227 second part REVERT: ee98e7dca0 Merge pull request #2287 from bluca/hurd_ipv6_tos REVERT: efc0e94291 Problem: build fails on GNU/Hurd as it does not support IPV6_TCLASS REVERT: c38fde00a0 Merge pull request #2285 from bluca/bump_versions REVERT: 7c0ded93af Problem: 4.2.1 is out, time to bump versions REVERT: 7005f22726 Bugfix release 4.2.1 REVERT: 086bb890c5 Merge pull request #2282 from bluca/event_test REVERT: 3f3601e855 Problem: handshake events not tested with curve REVERT: d50b5b80fd Problem: NEWS entry for ctx option does not point to docs REVERT: fc748ec799 Problem: new monitor events not mentioned in NEWS REVERT: 200649fd57 Problem: new handshake event monitoring undocumented REVERT: 2afba0085f Problem: documentation does not warn about ZMQ_EVENT_ALL and new events REVERT: c0e2bc4ef9 Problem: new DRAFT monitor events returned even without --enable-draft REVERT: 0ebed80dc1 Merge pull request #2281 from vtellier/master REVERT: 48bc75e8a1 Code formatting + reverted hard error handshake fail REVERT: 0ad600c7de Merge pull request #2280 from vtellier/master REVERT: b6e9e0c2d3 Fixed issue #2227 REVERT: 64b07d8132 Merge pull request #2278 from bluca/msg_t_size_draft REVERT: 8c22ba246c Problem: bug fixes not mentioned in NEWS file REVERT: 113feb60a2 Problem: ZMQ_MSG_T_SIZE draft but not in DRAFT section REVERT: 715f87fec7 Merge pull request #2277 from bluca/automake_1.14 REVERT: 47c7d8ee50 Problem: debian build fails with automake < 1.14 REVERT: ef88b8c760 Merge pull request #2276 from bluca/sodium_pkg REVERT: bbae5d0f9a Problem: dpkg-query might fail in CI build and fail the build REVERT: b2a2bb8609 Merge pull request #2275 from bluca/travis_pkg REVERT: b1137b7672 Problem: documentation build not tested on Travis REVERT: 822def9b2b Problem: Travis rebuilds libsodium every time REVERT: a1220b7fd4 Problem: Travis OSX workaround for libtool no longer needed REVERT: 1f86019e3f Problem: Travis installs packages when not needed REVERT: 5871ea5df8 Merge pull request #2274 from bluca/cloexec REVERT: 06055a7b74 Problem: cmake does not run test_zmq_poll_fd REVERT: 6e708ce144 Problem: socketpair leaks file on fork+exec REVERT: f287c7a2aa Problem: eventfd leaks socket on fork+exec REVERT: 211898d243 Problem: epoll leaks socket on fork+exec REVERT: 16439e42d2 Merge pull request #2272 from bluca/document_read_after_free REVERT: d68e2e018e Merge pull request #2273 from bluca/docs REVERT: 3dc016cab3 Problem: no documentation for ZMQ_SOCKS_PROXY REVERT: baf32a1985 Problem: no documentation for zmq_curve_public REVERT: a06f97d73a Problem: fix for read-after-free not documented REVERT: dc39ceb347 Merge pull request #2268 from imkos/master REVERT: 43941052a9 add link libsodium.a REVERT: edad90f770 mingw32 fix REVERT: fe3756defa Merge pull request #2266 from Cziken/master REVERT: ee72493e14 Problem: Duplicated code REVERT: 7a8180ece7 Merge pull request #2265 from bluca/contribution_notice_github REVERT: e6b1f56131 Problem: contributing guidelines unclear for new devs REVERT: 2dec320b22 Merge pull request #2263 from bluca/revert_curve_break REVERT: 48e9e24726 Problem: #2262 broke curve REVERT: 2aa09d34ff Merge pull request #2262 from Cziken/master REVERT: 022eeaf33d Problem: Duplicated code REVERT: d514bb598a Fixed handling of WSAEWOULDBLOCK to be generic (#2260) REVERT: 2b565088d0 Merge pull request #2257 from minrk/check-event REVERT: 0abdc28c84 only compare FD when neither item is a zmq socket REVERT: 1910ef8d3e Merge pull request #2256 from laplaceyang/pr_zmq4_pub_with_zmtp_v1_sub REVERT: 02a6079968 Merge pull request #2255 from bluca/poll_fd_testcase REVERT: 8e8fdcc9ed fix bug zmq4.x PUB msg to ZMTP1.0 SUB server REVERT: 272d340c1f Problem: no mixed FD and zmq socket zmq_poll test REVERT: f9d231437a Merge pull request #2251 from hnwyllmm/master REVERT: a4e448d586 misuse of 'close' REVERT: 9052862619 Merge pull request #2250 from bluca/poll_regression REVERT: 72176d5fbe Problem: check for item.fd causes zloop_poller regression REVERT: c47e017bdd Merge pull request #2249 from pavel-pimenov/fix-v817 REVERT: 4d6fbe17e0 "%" -> '%' REVERT: 39947d55c7 Merge pull request #2248 from pavel-pimenov/fix-precompiled REVERT: eff42fa321 Add #include "precompiled.hpp" REVERT: f64d3ad1e7 Merge pull request #2247 from bluca/trusty_unwind REVERT: 379028fbd9 Problem: there is no libunwind-dev on Ubuntu 14.04LTS REVERT: ad4a1bd0f3 Merge pull request #2245 from anass-b/builds-vs2017 REVERT: ad045512b9 Build support for VS2017, Windows SDK 10.0.14393.0, toolset v141 REVERT: d4076578a3 Merge pull request #2244 from rotty/wip/fix-mstcpip-include REVERT: 365ca8595d Fix #include case for REVERT: 519940d07c Merge pull request #2241 from bluca/aix_test REVERT: dcec022358 Problem: test_stream_exceeds_buffer does not build on AIX REVERT: 8325355d73 Problem: test_stream_exceeds_buffer has redundant includes REVERT: 5e03ad6d87 Merge pull request #2240 from bluca/aix_poll REVERT: 57db5f2a5c Problem: 4.2.0 won't compile on AIX 7.1 REVERT: 3f8e6c0812 Merge pull request #2239 from loachfish/master REVERT: 52ebffd715 avoid crashing in the multi-thread operation for std::vector REVERT: 42c63368e6 Merge pull request #2238 from bluca/revert REVERT: e46d91d41f Problem: PR #2236 breaks the build REVERT: 324f10494a Merge pull request #2236 from loachfish/master REVERT: e1368bdac8 avoid crashing in the multi-thread operation for std::vector REVERT: 9a20f42f62 Merge pull request #2235 from bluca/cmake_soversion REVERT: abeaba1557 Problem: CMake build uses library version as the ABI version REVERT: febf801584 bug fix: AIX pollset error (#2233) REVERT: 294bdb4eb6 Merge pull request #2231 from bluca/windows_ipv6_tos REVERT: 33fcd2d6ca Problem: Windows does not support IPV6_TCLASS REVERT: 4a24805f70 Merge pull request #2225 from bluca/select_broken REVERT: 121c9d16f5 Problem: select.cpp/hpp build fails with reorder error REVERT: ba74890f2f Problem: cannot pick select for poller REVERT: e6572fac80 Merge pull request #2222 from SuperFluffy/doc_explain_context REVERT: ec25fd2ada Add a single sentence explaining what a context is REVERT: 53bf6dfcf0 Merge pull request #2221 from minrk/check-socket REVERT: f302d8a7b6 only compare pollitem.fd if pollitem.socket is NULL REVERT: 185fed3966 Merge pull request #2220 from bluca/zmq_msg_size REVERT: 8a286bb842 Problem: no documentation for ZMQ_MSG_T_SIZE ctx option REVERT: b480457283 Problem: ZMQ_MSG_T_SIZE is not mentioned in NEWS REVERT: 670bec56d8 Problem: size of zmq_msg_t is not known to FFI wrappers REVERT: 3db69212b7 Merge pull request #2216 from rotty/master REVERT: 5d176cbe98 Document terminating NUL behavior in API more explicitly REVERT: 93ccb5a16d Merge pull request #2215 from Bklyn/udp-bugfix REVERT: 10181d7641 Untabify REVERT: 5879f729dd Merge pull request #2214 from Bklyn/udp-bugfix REVERT: f577ceab4b Problem: multicast is spelled incorrectly in udp_address class REVERT: ace95327a3 Merge pull request #2213 from Bklyn/udp-bugfix REVERT: cdac1ac9d3 Fix htons copy pasta REVERT: b9b0fd87a4 Merge pull request #2210 from bluca/ipv6_tos_v4_only REVERT: 90f091abf3 Problem: IPV6_TCLASS setsockopt fails on IPv4 socket REVERT: bc1860430a Merge pull request #2209 from saifhhasan/master REVERT: fc8007e896 Make ZMQ_TOS work with IPv6 sockets REVERT: 8ac7500f9d Merge pull request #2203 from bluca/bump_version REVERT: e50c6b6992 Merge pull request #2206 from bluca/dladdr REVERT: 1b3fcbd3ee Problem: linker fails looking for dladdr REVERT: 8015794b81 Problem: 4.2.0 is out, time to bump version for development REVERT: 065169a221 Merge pull request #2201 from bluca/news_blocky REVERT: 4b58b3735f Problem: NEWS says ZMQ_BLOCKY is a sock opt, but it's a ctx opt REVERT: 067bfa13b8 Merge pull request #2198 from vyskocilm/master REVERT: cab901c0a6 Problem: linking fails on glibc 2.24 with dladdr missing REVERT: ef3c2591fc Merge pull request #2197 from bluca/install_keygen_rpm REVERT: b73809c380 Problem: curve_keygen not packaged by RPM spec REVERT: d9ff34891b Merge pull request #2196 from bluca/kfreebsd REVERT: 43f3cc5c78 Problem: kFreeBSD does not implement pthread_setschedparam REVERT: 361e99a906 Problem: kFreeBSD might return ECONNRESET under load when destroying engine REVERT: 6585aeaba2 Merge pull request #2195 from vyskocilm/master REVERT: 213a7efe86 Problem: curve_keygen not build unless --enable-curve is passed REVERT: 8f577248b7 Merge pull request #2193 from warriorkitty/patch-1 REVERT: a5ad378893 Fix small typo REVERT: 42d3ef5e06 Merge pull request #2192 from bluca/udp_news REVERT: 7ff6d57d47 Problem: NEWS says scatter/gather support UDP but they don't REVERT: 18bd4d171a Merge pull request #2191 from bluca/news_multicast REVERT: 127ca8b3f3 Problem: NEWS does not mention UDP multicast transport REVERT: 097bf26e8d Finalize NEWS for 4.2.0 REVERT: 785d9b5494 Merge pull request #2189 from bluca/changelog REVERT: 9e52806724 Problem: no NEWS for 4.2.0 REVERT: 932cc8295b Problem: NEWS does not include previouos stable releases REVERT: 7000e84aed Merge pull request #2187 from Dmitriy-GH/master REVERT: 488cb5a022 MSVC 2015 project for compile libzmq.dll in WinXP compatible mode REVERT: e7b12b3c2a Add WinXP compatibility REVERT: 819bf785b7 Merge pull request #2186 from bluca/de-draft REVERT: b5b5f75242 Problem: socket option marked as draft for 4.2 REVERT: 8cf4832e01 Merge pull request #2184 from bluca/rc REVERT: 6da8385b2a Problem: new public symbols added REVERT: e0d6f4ea11 Problem: no NEWS entry for 4.2.0 REVERT: cc70c829cf Merge pull request #2183 from a4z/opmg_cmake REVERT: 6f597d0bd3 Problem: CMake build rejects to build with openpgm enabled REVERT: 50a6c117f1 Merge pull request #2182 from pmienk/master REVERT: 28fbee74c8 Suppress warning on uninitialized variable use by initializing variable. REVERT: fb59cd1aad Merge pull request #2181 from jolting/patch-2 REVERT: 60b63ed518 Remove an unnecessary while (true) REVERT: 2ece58acfd Merge pull request #2180 from cxreg/xpub-metadata-corruption REVERT: b7f2c7e7ea Increment metadata refcount while it's in pending_metadata REVERT: 16f584745d Merge pull request #2179 from bluca/alignment_windoz REVERT: 2484d1c859 Problem: MS VC++ build broken REVERT: ac14981651 Merge pull request #2177 from bluca/alignment REVERT: df367a6682 Problem: pointer union for zmq_msg_t is a hack REVERT: 0d032c99a6 Merge pull request #2176 from robertcastle/master REVERT: 0dfb32a259 Problem: clock_gettime is now defined in macOS 10.12 SDK REVERT: 2e9264354c Merge pull request #2173 from bluca/without_docs REVERT: 8345fe9e95 Problem: build API incompatible with 4.1 REVERT: 1e69309e21 Merge pull request #2171 from bluca/connect_reuse_addr REVERT: 25bf30bebe Problem: 2 connects with same sourceip:port to different destip:port fail REVERT: 669ff41d52 Merge pull request #2170 from vielmetti/patch-1 REVERT: 92b1b2b181 Update INSTALL to note issues with 'make -j check' REVERT: 1a02b1b3f2 Merge pull request #2168 from outotec/fix-build-2 REVERT: bb7421dda2 Problem: Does not build in Visual Studio 2013 / Win32 REVERT: d8f55dde57 Merge pull request #2164 from reunanen/add-EHOSTUNREACH-to-errno_to_string REVERT: 57c765ef5a Add EHOSTUNREACH to errno_to_string REVERT: 6ce2fb2b06 Merge pull request #2162 from hnwyllmm/master REVERT: c5b528fdcd performance enhancement REVERT: b031325996 Fixed problems from previous PR for #2158 (#2160) REVERT: 398f256a5c Merge pull request #2159 from jens-auer/2158 REVERT: d1c7280d05 Add mutex for monitor socket REVERT: 23be1dc0ec Merge pull request #2157 from athampy/master REVERT: 134f08b3ca Fixed issue #2155 REVERT: f6962903a7 Implemented network interface name resolution on Windows platform Added fallback mechanism for specific socket binding on Windows platform with IPv6 enabled REVERT: 3996d4e20d Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: c30da71735 Merge pull request #2156 from yasirs/patch-WSL REVERT: 36af3edee2 Update tcp_address.cpp REVERT: 9780945d7c Merge pull request #2152 from t-b/fix_socket_docu REVERT: a151ac5936 Problem: Invalid markup in zmq_socket.txt REVERT: 7f8c17b124 Merge pull request #2150 from bluca/request REVERT: c592897f60 Problem: a request REVERT: 075dd6a003 Merge pull request #2148 from WGH-/doc-router-mandatory-block REVERT: eb0e0dda4e doc/zmq_socket.txt: clarify that ROUTER can be blocking REVERT: 88e4cff948 Merge pull request #2147 from goodfella/fix-zmq-poller-poll-return REVERT: ffdb44ad2c Fix zmq_poll return code assert in tests/test_radio_dish.cpp REVERT: 1a2d58e4e7 Add #ifndef ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS guard around unistd.h include REVERT: f3de534897 Do not assign rc to zmq_poller_destroy in zmq_poller_poll REVERT: f46e45c263 Include unitstd.h in src/stream_engine.cpp for close system call REVERT: 6c1669371a Merge pull request #2145 from minrk/zmq-poll-repeat REVERT: fb5a04e21d allow duplicate entries in zmq_poller_poll REVERT: ae0676e80d Merge pull request #2144 from minrk/fix-poller REVERT: 310dafbc75 zmq_poll returns 0 on timeout REVERT: 718608ce94 socket_poller::wait returns only triggered events REVERT: 872f1e5a9d Merge pull request #2143 from minrk/avoid-duplicate-poller-proxy REVERT: c636147c98 avoid duplicate entries in zmq_poll REVERT: b0df7f1f17 Merge pull request #2141 from minrk/heap-alloc-poll-events REVERT: 53fb120687 heap-allocate events in zmq_poller_poll REVERT: 55930f5e42 Merge pull request #2140 from minrk/zmq_poll_poller REVERT: c0b1114944 Merge pull request #2138 from minrk/darwin-clock REVERT: 91e121c9d3 Merge pull request #2139 from minrk/update-poll-based-on-poll REVERT: bdcaa935b9 zmq_poll calls zmq_poller if available REVERT: e50a987650 update socket_poller when ZMQ_POLL_BASED_ON_SELECT REVERT: 978c5c3499 only define clock macros on darwin if not already defined REVERT: c751899313 Merge pull request #2136 from bluca/copyright REVERT: 2768df845c Merge pull request #2135 from bluca/unbreak-pkg-config REVERT: 2204cb48dd RELICENSE: Brocade Communications Systems Inc. MPLv2 grant REVERT: 00239414b3 Problem: Brocade has copyright but not in AUTHORS REVERT: 06d810b4c9 Problem: pkg-config Requires.private is broken REVERT: 34a1292e96 Merge pull request #2134 from bluca/pkg-config-static REVERT: 6d9411607d Problem: pkgconfig file does not support static link REVERT: 131a2627b9 Merge pull request #2131 from minrk/poller-static-2 REVERT: ec750732d4 pass through poller events REVERT: 06aeb47d73 Merge pull request #2130 from minrk/poller-static-alloc REVERT: de7fc1fcf8 add n_events argument to zmq_poller_wait_all REVERT: 187b4bff48 Merge pull request #2128 from minrk/multi-event-poller REVERT: 2bc9796651 Problem: zmq_poller only signals one event REVERT: 555a087763 fix bugs of the pollset (#2127) REVERT: 113d3ffc0b Merge pull request #2126 from paddor/master REVERT: 7e07ff3e5b fix markup syntax on zmq_tipc(7) page REVERT: 2e55bc5838 Merge pull request #2125 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: 06614a394d Fix fd_entry may reference invalid object. REVERT: 22dac19429 Merge pull request #2123 from bluca/dealer_router_async REVERT: ab5c8c8dea Problem: zmq_ctx_term segfaults with too many pending inproc connects REVERT: fab846a5e5 Problem: zmq_ctx_term asserts with connect-before-bind and sockets with identity over inproc transport REVERT: 25402335fd Problem: no bind-after-connect TCP test REVERT: 55244935c2 Merge pull request #2122 from gena-moscow/master REVERT: 2e3888dd45 Problem: Pub socket crashes on client disconnect. family_entry.fd_entries [i] is modified in zmq::select_t::rm_fd() Solution: do not copy family_entry.fd_entries [i] REVERT: e30ab69738 Merge pull request #2121 from paddor/master REVERT: 18e0451092 Problem: documentation markup unrecognized REVERT: bacba21ef2 Merge pull request #2120 from hnwyllmm/pollset REVERT: bdf887fd74 move macro define `ZMQ_USE_POLLSET` to the position between `ZMQ_USE_DEVPOLL` and `ZMQ_USE_POLL` REVERT: 55442699ef replace tabs with space REVERT: eee7880752 move the `pollset` to the position between `devpoll` and `poll` REVERT: 861fcaf745 Merge pull request #2113 from hnwyllmm/pollset REVERT: c964b7cfaf remove pollset.hpp/.cpp to src directory REVERT: 4039858754 Merge pull request #2112 from hnwyllmm/pollset REVERT: 3a5971171f add pollset poller in AIX REVERT: 45286fa1fe add pollset poller in AIX REVERT: 38931b2d8b add pollset poller in AIX REVERT: 390e8f4d82 add pollset poller in AIX REVERT: 50e277bd8f Merge pull request #2111 from bluca/ipv6_multi_endpoint REVERT: 53e5a9a6f9 Problem: zmq_connect with IPv6 "source:port;dest:port" format is broken REVERT: c1d07c6cd6 Problem: test_reqrep_tcp does not have IPv6 tests REVERT: 896192ff42 Problem: test_reqrep_tcp does not test multiple endpoints REVERT: 75219e33a7 Problem: test_reqrep_tcp does not test disconnect/unbind REVERT: 8d723fee3d Problem: test_reqrep_tcp is too limited REVERT: f0945c85ef Merge pull request #2110 from c-rack/remove-tabs REVERT: 8cd33339a1 Problem: source conatins trailing spaces REVERT: 022cf2aeaa Problem: source code contains tabs REVERT: e8d665c4e5 Merge pull request #2106 from kou/support-mingw-cross-compile REVERT: da9b9540f3 Problem: MinGW cross compile is failed on Linux REVERT: 3683a96fcb Merge pull request #2105 from t-b/bugfix/missing_newline REVERT: c9c49f3e9f Problem: Missing newline in printf statement REVERT: cf34aeb298 Merge pull request #2100 from a4z/master REVERT: a43f6ce0a6 Problem: scoped optional mutex lock caused unit tests to fail REVERT: 3068f4762a Merge pull request #2099 from a4z/master REVERT: 9201009f17 Problem: socket_base uses macros for mutex lock and unlock REVERT: fb34c3234d Merge pull request #2097 from bluca/cmake_dist REVERT: a4ae43e036 Problem: CMake build from dist tarball broken REVERT: ae31587e4d Merge pull request #2094 from bluca/obs_draft REVERT: abd37423d3 Problem: cannot build rpm with drafts on OBS REVERT: a8a774e71b Problem: cannot build deb with drafts on OBS REVERT: 493f17cc81 Merge pull request #2093 from t-b/fix_building_documentation REVERT: ae08099eb5 Problem: Documentation still has .txt suffix REVERT: 1303eea508 Problem: Broken documentation build REVERT: 81fd4044f0 Merge pull request #2092 from bluca/xp_testutils_ipv6 REVERT: a9343dbbc3 Problem: testutil.hpp fails to build on Windows XP REVERT: 5d1c75f033 Merge pull request #2090 from jolting/patch-1 REVERT: fd758d7239 [gssapi] memory allocation mismatch on windows REVERT: 7f8a1da372 Merge pull request #2089 from bluca/ipv6_test_windows REVERT: 0002824fc0 Problem: is_ipv6_available needs context to work on Windows REVERT: f486176741 Revert "is_ipv6_available: Create a fake zmq context on windows" REVERT: aab6ca787d Merge pull request #2088 from t-b/bugfix/initialize_network_stack_for_ipv6_test REVERT: 9adf20aaeb is_ipv6_available: Create a fake zmq context on windows REVERT: c9bc939705 Merge pull request #2084 from GreatFruitOmsk/cmake-fix REVERT: 8678fcce7c Fix compatibility with newer CMake. REVERT: 8d00cdd928 Merge pull request #2082 from pijyoi/fix_zmqstream_doc REVERT: 5340215613 Problem: zmq_stream doc is confusing regarding ZMQ_SNDMORE flag REVERT: 2fc86bc3c6 Merge pull request #2074 from bluca/obs_compress REVERT: ae0ba5296f Problem: OBS service changes ver after compress REVERT: 9029121eb4 Problem: OBS compress not available on CentOS REVERT: 845426710e Merge pull request #2073 from bluca/obs REVERT: 6822252f49 Problem: no OBS service file REVERT: ce75606430 Problem: RPM package does not follow convention REVERT: 202e7e03e3 Problem: RPM build targets outdated docs REVERT: faaa8e53fe Problem: RPM has hard-coded SONAME versions REVERT: c4defc75c0 Problem: RPM does not support PGM REVERT: 373b63de9e Problem: RPM build does not support automake REVERT: 0372e5ce22 Problem: spec file needs version before build on OBS REVERT: 9c741c09a1 Problem: no Debian packaging REVERT: a7ccb35c1f Merge pull request #2072 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: a2db60e1b8 Fixing indentation related to commit #2071 REVERT: e5599de6c3 Convert manual (locking and unlocking) mutexes to scoped mutexes for the case of unlocking mutex even if the protected operation throws an exception (#2071) REVERT: bbece557c9 Fix copy/paste error (#2070) REVERT: 61f9e71ee2 Merge pull request #2069 from hjp/master REVERT: e175fe21e5 Avoid race condition with accept4 where available REVERT: 5e684172d6 Fix build with NORM enabled on FreeBSD. (#2066) REVERT: 3814b87330 Merge pull request #2065 from bluca/osx_sed REVERT: 531b3bf7c3 Problem: Travis CI OSX builds are broken REVERT: b2e8a90a97 Merge pull request #2064 from garlick/issue_2051 REVERT: d090a871bc Problem: getifaddrs can fail with ECONNREFUSED REVERT: d44ef4fa5f Merge pull request #2061 from cowo78/master REVERT: 7fdb167732 [tests/testutil.hpp] Problem: wrong windows.hpp path REVERT: 0b01cc1ebc [tests/CMakeLists.txt] Problem: The libzmq.lib search path should be set only if the library is found at a specific path REVERT: f9c86872e5 Merge pull request #2054 from BLangpap/master REVERT: 96c306cc54 Problem: parameter %1 set hard to build target and prevents the skipping of pause Solution: removed Pause REVERT: d51940a9f5 Merge pull request #2053 from BLangpap/master REVERT: 73631bf1c9 modified build.bat to support non-pausing installation REVERT: 5de974a036 modified build.bat for msvc to support no-pausing script-based installation REVERT: 9561cc8c24 Merge pull request #2046 from pijyoi/reduce_msvc_warnings REVERT: 603cd1db88 change event monitoring functions to use zmq::fd_t REVERT: 5eb6fc3b08 Merge pull request #2045 from sheremetyev/update-ignores REVERT: 219f2ffa46 Add missing Git ignores. REVERT: a1f691e799 Merge pull request #2042 from sheremetyev/xpub-unsubscribe-manual REVERT: baea406683 Store manual subscriptions in XPUB and send them out on pipe termination. REVERT: 813c738137 Add test for consistent unsubscription in XPUB manual mode. REVERT: a343059aad Merge pull request #2041 from packetstash/select-fix-rebased REVERT: 4019112a82 Copy instead of reference to a vector that gets reallocated. REVERT: b3bfa420ea Merge pull request #2036 from aburgm/abort-flush REVERT: 07a374357e Flush stderr buffer before calling zmq_abort in assert macros REVERT: 95782450c7 Merge pull request #2035 from slishak/master REVERT: d49e43bbc8 Problem: FD_SETSIZE not set to 16k for all build definitions REVERT: cb0eaf6bce Merge pull request #2034 from michicc/poll_windows REVERT: 7a6ff07a01 Problem: Windows performance is not optimal due to select(). REVERT: 8d8d32f4d0 Problem: Theoretical overflow when polling more than INT_MAX handles. REVERT: 7292de8de5 Merge pull request #2031 from bluca/vector_data REVERT: 0dede9b50b Problem: breaks compat with C++98 REVERT: 4ea6df43bd Merge pull request #2032 from jlblancoc/patch-1 REVERT: 38d7bec19e Fix build error in MSVC11 REVERT: dc40c95c47 Merge pull request #2028 from bluca/update_ndk REVERT: b4abaad269 Problem: Android CI uses outdated C++ ABI 4.8 REVERT: b872e7d9f7 Problem: Android CI NDK version out of date REVERT: 8be568916e Problem: Android CI script hardcodes ABI version REVERT: 33ed569289 Merge pull request #2024 from wbx-github/master REVERT: 492a035706 allow to build sparc (v8,leon) REVERT: 46912c4f2e Merge pull request #2023 from jimenezrick/patch-1 REVERT: c86e07dbc8 Problem: update zmq_setsockopt doc with new flag name REVERT: 2b6200c49e Merge pull request #2018 from diorcety/mingw64 REVERT: 9835e18f64 Fix compilation with mingw64 using autotools REVERT: 7b063a067c Merge pull request #2014 from GreatFruitOmsk/vmci REVERT: 73e360fc49 VMCI family does not support non-blocking sockets. REVERT: 184840cf37 Merge pull request #2013 from aseering/master REVERT: b1e2b87f0f On systems where getifaddrs() exists but isn't implemented, behave as if 'resolve_nic_name()' were entirely unsupported REVERT: 9a5036409d Merge pull request #2011 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 96a66bab3b Problem: msvc imports missing Rule.Category declarations. REVERT: 570805119d Merge pull request #2008 from hitstergtd/x-fix-windowshpp-style REVERT: 40a2ed9e87 Problem: style broken in src/windows.hpp REVERT: 4cd630fed2 Merge pull request #2004 from evoskuil/master REVERT: c050d95fcd Problem: no unit tests for base85 or public curve functions. REVERT: 5cae5bb5fe Merge pull request #2003 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 460bc7525b Problem: no function to derive curve public key from secret key. REVERT: 34164ec6f5 Merge pull request #2001 from evoskuil/master REVERT: c7f167377c Problem: unresolved dgram externals in msvc builds. REVERT: 6a99bb041d Problem: implicit integer narrowing cast warnings. REVERT: d018029652 Merge pull request #2000 from Chris-P-Bacon/patch-1 REVERT: 874c346c20 Typo in define for libsodium REVERT: 99373ff0b4 Merge pull request #1998 from hitstergtd/x-style-testsrcfd REVERT: fed17746c6 Problem: Wrapping issue in test for SRCFD [style] REVERT: 5f0ac2aebe Merge pull request #1997 from Bitiquinho/master REVERT: c1af4fd24b Add myself to the AUTHORS file REVERT: d65d15fb63 Merge pull request #1996 from somdoron/udp_raw_sockets REVERT: bbfed6b8d0 problem: memory issues, access uninitiailized memory and leak REVERT: c7effea912 Merge pull request #1995 from somdoron/udp_raw_sockets REVERT: c4d0146f2c problem: udp doesn't enforce correct usage of bind/connect REVERT: 443176d5ef Merge pull request #1994 from somdoron/udp_raw_sockets REVERT: 0db70e247c problem: compilation error on windows REVERT: d58eb54581 problem: test_dgram is missing in .gitignore REVERT: 55f0a5503e problem: dgram is not enforcing two-part message REVERT: ded0e5a6d9 problem: udp_engine didn't work with dgram socket type REVERT: 6db8f1e74b problem: test is using connect with dgram, dgram only support bind REVERT: eb80fa31ea problem: dgram more out logic was incorrect REVERT: 47c0b6ec25 problem: dgram doesn't need to prefetch messages REVERT: d791932635 problem: terminating conn doesn't make sense in disconnected protocol REVERT: 8cd64b76e4 Adapt to new draft header. Rebase dgram socket on pair socket REVERT: 23b3403fa5 Remove printf and add asserts on test REVERT: 977e700893 Fix Copyright range REVERT: a7399fab51 Fix REVERT: da14bb4bc2 Added ZMQ_DGRAM tests to build ( and CMakeLists.txt) REVERT: 94c53e541d Added test for ZMQ_DGRAM socket type (unicast and multicast) REVERT: cea473de59 Added ZMQ_DGRAM socket option to precmpiled.hpp REVERT: 3e54ecd49c Added dgram.cpp to CMakeLists.txt sources REVERT: 365c8eda72 Add dgram_t class (based on stream socket and udp engine) REVERT: 72f19648d1 Merge pull request #1992 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 8474dc3c53 Problem: precompiled.cpp/hpp required but excluded from non-msvc builds. REVERT: bd66cfe6f8 Merge pull request #1991 from hitstergtd/x-testcov-zmq-2 REVERT: 5939debe41 Problem: incorrect file extension (.hpp) for zmq_draft.h in REVERT: 2b798e486a Problem: name conflicts from windows.h, draft API declared in pch. REVERT: bda9374864 Problem: inadvertently deployed nuget package without tweetnacl enabled. REVERT: a3aa10c06b Problem: nuget packaging script doesn't pause at the end. REVERT: 94774f6915 Merge pull request #1988 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 5e0fb27cc6 Problem: tab characters are poor for source readability. REVERT: af524aed6b Problem: msvc dist has redundancies and missing elements. REVERT: 9e26bb1885 Problem: typo in platform.hpp comment. REVERT: 1c9d02d700 Problem: mo current nuget package. REVERT: 7684ce4fcd Problem: incorrect white spacing for standard vcxproj file. REVERT: 9622a830d0 Problem: inapplicable, redundant and invalid references in msvc pch. REVERT: 4b041ef67d Problem: nuget package using wrong symbol and configured for libsodium. REVERT: 2113feec39 Problem: msvc precompiled header config is a mess, tweetnacl is missing. REVERT: 0db07394d0 Problem: msvc configuration options are invalid and/or inconsistent. REVERT: 01ab149b96 Problem: copy of libsodium import props is unnecessary. REVERT: 7425fcca80 Problem: incorrect include guard symbol. REVERT: 40d7a4c896 Problem: redundant copies of msvc .props and .xml files. REVERT: 71ba7df781 Merge pull request #1987 from hitstergtd/x-reduce-cliserv-sends REVERT: e82e4ea13e Problem: test send count too high for AppVeyor REVERT: f25a13bc8a Problem: configure.bat is incomplete and conflicts with MSVC UI. REVERT: 9e872d0269 Merge pull request #1984 from hitstergtd/x-testcov-zmq-ctx REVERT: 477cc1cb12 Problem: zmq_poller_destroy parameter checking REVERT: 4842b6bd81 Problem: No coverage for ctx termination errors REVERT: f8c93d508f Merge pull request #1983 from hitstergtd/x-unused-thread REVERT: e946b0d1a6 Problem: scheduling parameters unused on OSX REVERT: bce1cf96d9 Problem: vc common props have platform specific conditions. REVERT: a3c3bcfe4a Problem: visual c++ invalid ToolsVersion warnings. REVERT: 9cb7077e3d Problem: inconsistent msvc property sheet display name (vs2012). REVERT: b5342bc008 Problem: no tool for maintainers to build all vs solutions. REVERT: 398a5fd454 Problem: vs2010/12 build breaks, exclude atomic & inttypes in msvc pch. REVERT: 29c8e30fc0 Merge pull request #1982 from Hugne/bug_1968 REVERT: f81ef1bc72 tipc: add support for address domain suffix REVERT: 4ad68e0dfe Merge pull request #1981 from hitstergtd/x-unused-req REVERT: 10a84ac8b1 Merge pull request #1979 from dmillard/patch-1 REVERT: 9e6745c12e Fix autotools for static MinGW builds REVERT: c7ecbedb0e Merge pull request #1977 from hitstergtd/x-unused-variables REVERT: 5efa11828c Problem: hint parameter throws unused warning REVERT: 545e8e848e Problem: sockfd_ parameter throws unused warning REVERT: dc7296537c Merge pull request #1976 from zeromq/revert-1975-master REVERT: c41d514b8b Revert "problem:Socket try to access closed mutex" REVERT: f6ce1d764c Merge pull request #1975 from somdoron/master REVERT: 77d3d7b4dc problem:Socket try to access closed mutex REVERT: a6e8d153cb Merge pull request #1974 from hitstergtd/master REVERT: 8fc985a9b0 Problem: style/typo issue REVERT: a4a247cf57 Merge pull request #1973 from hitstergtd/x-fix-m4-llvm-gcov-coverage REVERT: 3eef0a7ba8 Merge pull request #1972 from hitstergtd/x-stylefix-udpengine REVERT: 415af27395 Problem: Coverage option broken with LLVM GCOV REVERT: 1f309d3a3d Merge pull request #1971 from sappo/master REVERT: b22558119d Problem: Deploying release artifacts is a manual process Solution: Use travis to deploy these artifacts automatically. REVERT: c4ce6d9b1b Merge pull request #1970 from hitstergtd/x-add-ancillary-tests REVERT: 124ebd2dd6 Problem: UDP engine code not indented properly REVERT: 206771afd2 Problem: Not all ancillary API methods tested REVERT: d6aa6e71ec Merge pull request #1969 from pijyoi/fix_invalidsocket REVERT: bb4bcf8f45 fix: sockets are not signed int on Windows REVERT: f88d129b50 Merge pull request #1966 from bluca/backtrace_assert REVERT: bb5037e855 Problem: leftover commented out line in configure REVERT: 8045e9ae24 Problem: no backtrace is printed on assert REVERT: c1dc9d0244 Merge pull request #1967 from hitstergtd/x-add-militant-option REVERT: 6ea9dbc9ce Problem: No CMake option to set ZMQ_ACT_MILITANT REVERT: f98b5bb5cf Merge pull request #1964 from bluca/sock_close_read_after_free REVERT: 17132f0387 Problem: read-after-free when closing socket REVERT: e9380b5a1a Merge pull request #1962 from somdoron/master REVERT: be741f604a problem: timers test is flapping on windows REVERT: 5dadded0a1 Merge pull request #1961 from somdoron/Signaler REVERT: a747f72450 problem:closed poller still associated with socket REVERT: fb75b201c3 Merge pull request #1960 from hitstergtd/x-sort-AUTHORS REVERT: 001ddd80cc Merge pull request #1958 from hitstergtd/x-deprecate-zmq-sendrecviov-fix REVERT: a46d7b994f Merge pull request #1959 from hitstergtd/x-zmqpoll-fix REVERT: b3bb0b7f1c Problem: zmq_sendiov/zmq_recviov not Deprecated REVERT: 109122dd46 Problem: style issues with comment in zmq_poll REVERT: c33e96f2d2 Merge pull request #1957 from hitstergtd/x-TIPC-CMake-fix REVERT: b470ed451f Problem: ZMQ_HAVE_TIPC option for CMake is broken REVERT: 00d7ee1646 Merge pull request #1956 from hitstergtd/x-addto-AUTHORS-file REVERT: ad82bd1b1a Merge pull request #1955 from hitstergtd/x-remove-MAINTAINERS-file REVERT: 6ae2ff6446 Problem: MAINTAINERS file has no purpose anymore REVERT: 745e07d93c Merge pull request #1954 from somdoron/master REVERT: e15da4b38c problem: compilation error on osx REVERT: feec47604f Merge pull request #1953 from somdoron/master REVERT: ba20f665ae problem: SRCFD is redundant as we have metadata REVERT: 4012538ce4 problem: srcfd is broken REVERT: a192663ece Merge pull request #1951 from hitstergtd/x-monitorcomment-fix REVERT: 372ab4b8fe Merge pull request #1949 from somdoron/master REVERT: 50c2f7af8f fix sndbuf/rcvbuf tests REVERT: fca45921a8 problem: zeromq performance got worsen by some changes REVERT: 115e7de7d2 Merge pull request #1948 from hitstergtd/x-gitignore-fix REVERT: e68c8ae1eb Problem: Not all GCOV extensions in .gitignore REVERT: fc7d5e7fbb Merge pull request #1946 from somdoron/master REVERT: b3667cccf9 mark zmq_msg new methods as draft REVERT: fcc80d4ffb add draft option to windows configure REVERT: 91394d27c7 Merge pull request #1945 from bluca/draft_api REVERT: b741350745 Problem: test_pub_invert_matching not ignored REVERT: a782be73ac Problem: no CI tests with DRAFT enabled REVERT: 6de24c190a Problem: scatter/gather are not yet stable APIs REVERT: caaf66c32c Problem: radio/dish are not yet stable APIs REVERT: 32a1ef85a8 Problem: zmq_timers* are not yet stable APIs REVERT: 738968082b Problem: zmq_poller* are not yet stable APIs REVERT: 7e700f1e73 Problem: client/server are not yet stable APIs REVERT: 064cd1fbfb Problem: no support for DRAFT API in build systems REVERT: f0a34e0ff5 Problem: test_poller/use_fd_ipc/tcp use draft API REVERT: c293618ae8 Problem: testutil.hpp includes platform.hpp last REVERT: b469832409 Problem: precompiled.hpp ifdef'd for windows REVERT: 464d3fd3f8 Merge pull request #1944 from hitstergtd/x-testmonitor-fix REVERT: b65fc903cd Merge pull request #1943 from hitstergtd/x-style-tunetcpkeepalives-fix REVERT: dc81aac195 Merge pull request #1940 from hitstergtd/x-update-autoconf-archive-m4-macros REVERT: 52871b0f3c Problem: autoconf-archive m4 macros out of date REVERT: a8f756173a Merge pull request #1941 from hitstergtd/x-doc-setsockopt-fix REVERT: 1ab7dd0122 Problem: supported protocols comment is stale REVERT: 40dbbe342e Problem: bounce() arguments reversed REVERT: 4809926c10 Problem: zmq_setsockopt(3) man page formatting REVERT: b3ae7cfa0d Merge pull request #1937 from hitstergtd/test-add-sendiov REVERT: e4539778a4 Problem: multiple issues with sendiov/recviov REVERT: a31c508979 Problem: tune_tcp* related code has style issues REVERT: 89ef8b38c0 Merge pull request #1938 from hitstergtd/decoder-fix REVERT: d7038bf11b Problem: AUTHORS file is not sorted REVERT: 56e83d0eb6 Problem: Not shamelessly plugged into AUTHORS REVERT: 8820e35a56 Problem: style issues in decoder.hpp REVERT: 95acb29bfb Merge pull request #1934 from somdoron/master REVERT: fee84134e7 UDP and Radio-dish documentation REVERT: 34d5028ea8 allow specify binding address on radio with udp REVERT: 9ec9c4ad0c Merge pull request #1933 from sappo/master REVERT: a1ee5e3136 Problem: relicense statement from imatix is in the wrong place Solution: move the statement to the folder introduced in commit: dd51cad082923a5973cdaff9c0418e5ab28de763 REVERT: 5264a9afce Merge pull request #1917 from hintjens/master REVERT: c1155fad71 Merge pull request #1925 from ewen-naos-nz/ewen_mcneill_relicense_naos REVERT: f64c8429b9 Merge pull request #1924 from ewen-naos-nz/ewen_mcneill_relicense_readme REVERT: f7cf246373 Merge pull request #1932 from hitstergtd/doxygen-libzmq REVERT: f950f2ba69 Problem: No default doxygen cfg for ZeroMQ project REVERT: 6712f6dd01 Merge pull request #1931 from hitstergtd/unistd-fix REVERT: e604bbcc13 RELICENSE: Link to 0MQ Licensing page REVERT: 3df0a4f7e4 Merge pull request #1929 from hitstergtd/autotools-fix REVERT: 9218441f97 Problem: unistd.h redundantly included twice REVERT: 876ee5d6b4 Problem: test_pub_invert_matching missing in autotools build REVERT: 4b3199fefa Merge pull request #1927 from hitstergtd/codespell-fixes REVERT: af82d0641c Merge pull request #1926 from hitstergtd/codespell-fixes REVERT: d3c800a237 Problem: tune_tcp_keepalives signature >80 chars REVERT: b2d0ab18f2 Problem: trailing whitespace in code REVERT: 11311f9776 Problem: trailing spaces in code comments REVERT: a4b426b18e Problem: typos/trailing spaces in code comments REVERT: 0e5ea0c8f0 RELICENSE: Naos Ltd MPLv2 grant REVERT: dd51cad082 RELICENSE: Start collecting MPLv2 license grants REVERT: 7b9005a7a1 Merge pull request #1923 from hitstergtd/testxpubmanual-msvc-fix REVERT: 8872809337 Problem: XPUB test broken since #1566 on Windows REVERT: fb015569a2 Merge pull request #1921 from somdoron/master REVERT: 9798f74d17 add have timers define to detect if timers class available REVERT: a4d219c07a Problem: need to collect grants to relicense under MPLv2 REVERT: 230df282bd Merge pull request #1920 from somdoron/master REVERT: 0655ed2e0e fix test unbind wildcard REVERT: 0934bc784d fix test term endpoint REVERT: 6f1dc64ff3 Merge pull request #1919 from bluca/xpub_test_logic REVERT: a93600309f Problem: assertion in test_xpub_manual is swapped REVERT: dd038ae38e Merge pull request #1918 from hitstergtd/hitstergtd-testxpubmanual-win REVERT: ff02862171 Problem: XPUB test broken on Windows since #1569 REVERT: 4ae62dfc29 Merge pull request #1916 from linville/master REVERT: a57fd70844 Fix issue with unresolved external symbols for the gather and scatter classes by adding them to the MSVC 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015 projects. REVERT: ad4e091a5a Merge pull request #1915 from hitstergtd/checkproto-windows-fix REVERT: 7feb1e49fc Problem: Windows IPC check broken (check_protocol) REVERT: 0ece425dca Merge pull request #1914 from hitstergtd/clang-testfiles-fix REVERT: 7f0e380c05 Problem: LD search path warnings if using Clang REVERT: 23e42526eb Merge pull request #1913 from bluca/ipc_windows REVERT: 5178251587 Problem: test_ipc_wildcard is ran on Windows REVERT: d6a57ad589 Merge pull request #1912 from hitstergtd/hitstergtd-testsrcfd-win-fix REVERT: e8aeb3686d Problem: ZMQ_SRCFD test does not work on Windows REVERT: 99763cce41 Merge pull request #1909 from somdoron/master REVERT: e6dae56c6e Scatter-Gather socket types REVERT: fae3a4e02a Merge pull request #1911 from somdoron/FixUDPWindows REVERT: bf50f9fe75 Merge pull request #1910 from bluca/tipc REVERT: 87e455f59b Fix UDP failing on windows REVERT: a117c1f48d Problem: Travis CI CMake build does not run tests REVERT: ea294afd8b Problem: CMake does not check for TIPC support REVERT: 317499edae Merge pull request #1906 from hitstergtd/hitstergtd-cmake-tests-os-fix REVERT: 846b2ba174 Problem: Linker search path warnings on OS X REVERT: 136870f298 Merge pull request #1902 from bluca/zmq_unbind_api_breakage REVERT: c8211bf320 Problem: can't unbind with bound addr with IPv6 REVERT: 58c4e7e6b6 Problem: IPv6 is disabled on Travis Precise/Trusty REVERT: ac0e97e5dc Problem: can't test if IPv6 is available in tests REVERT: 8d49650ac8 Merge pull request #1901 from hitstergtd/hitstergtd-testcmake-fix REVERT: e09eb0db6f Problem: comment not well formed in CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 1d083a33fd Merge pull request #1900 from hitstergtd/hitstergtd-testudp-fix REVERT: 9a9bfb6443 Problem: test_udp does not release resources properly REVERT: c354e0b371 Merge pull request #1898 from hitstergtd/checkprotocol-fixes-1 REVERT: 8cb27316fa Problem: check_protocol() logic duplicated twice REVERT: a670e81e73 Merge pull request #1897 from hitstergtd/udp-errno-fix REVERT: 362377948e Problem: errno not set if UDP is NOT used with ZMQ_RADIO or ZMQ_DISH REVERT: c2a1be5c15 Merge pull request #1896 from hitstergtd/macosx-testfixes-1 REVERT: 307bd952bc Make all Linux-specific tests conditional REVERT: 8c88297e63 Merge pull request #1895 from hitstergtd/libzmq-docfixes-2 REVERT: a17389eeb0 Fix typos similar to #1894 REVERT: 6a7eb2fbc1 Merge pull request #1894 from hitstergtd/libzmq-docfixes-1 REVERT: 6c3129286d Fix typo REVERT: 3f77cf5a2f Merge pull request #1892 from bluca/solaris_fixes REVERT: f6f89a84d9 Merge pull request #1893 from paddor/master REVERT: ba9a559fe5 Problem: PR #1891 wasn't complete REVERT: 1afed1d32e Problem: tabs instead of spaces used for indentation REVERT: b1232a0fd8 Problem: Solaris build fails with libsodium REVERT: a01baba38b Problem: test_use_fd_tcp does not work on Solaris REVERT: edda1657fa Problem: pragma diagnostic is new in GCC 4.2 REVERT: abe44500de Problem: tweetnacl does not build on Solaris 10 REVERT: c54589daef Merge pull request #1891 from paddor/master REVERT: 621c965fae Problem: tricky return value from zmq::socket_poller_t::wait when poller is empty REVERT: b5dc794202 Problem: zmq_poller_wait doesn't check *event arg REVERT: d570f57b6e Problem: ipc://* random dir created with USE_FD REVERT: f18463f323 Problem: mkdtemp not available on all platforms REVERT: 8028817f6b Problem: 1E9 is double but assigned to an int var REVERT: 32f2b784b9 Merge pull request #1889 from spadalkar/master REVERT: e3016b66bd Fix tests/test_many_sockets.cpp REVERT: 23d08c2024 Merge pull request #1888 from bluca/ipv6_downgrade REVERT: 9cf6f85a25 Problem: redundant Windows errno conversion REVERT: 99a8795dfe Problem: zmq_connect (TCP) has no IPv4 fallback REVERT: d169281a00 Problem: zmq_bind IPv4 fallback still tries IPv6 REVERT: 8251306012 Merge pull request #1885 from jimklimov/zmq_utils_header REVERT: d7d917139b Problem: including recent "zmq_utils.h" crashes gcc -pedantic jobs REVERT: fb4c226365 Merge pull request #1884 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9eb74d4df4 Problem: ZMQ_SERVER man page is wrong REVERT: aa13a49bc8 Merge pull request #1883 from yuvallanger/master REVERT: 37a4a4075e Fix NetBSD thread scheduling problem. REVERT: 7a563ebb2c Merge pull request #1882 from FredTreg/master REVERT: 625b618776 Fixed ZMQ_REQ_CORRELATE (see pull request #1730) REVERT: 0feec7a72e Merge pull request #1881 from camachat/master REVERT: 023b34a144 Fix issue #1419 segfault when using a XSUB/XPUB proxy. Ref. REVERT: a7922e5fdd Merge pull request #1880 from MatthewPowley/fix-windows-xp-compatability REVERT: f2018ab317 Fixes for Windows XP compatibility REVERT: dac5b45dfb Merge pull request #1879 from MatthewPowley/improve-msvc-builds REVERT: 260860dea1 Add .gitignore for Visual Studio builds in the 'builds/msvc' folder REVERT: 0e405a5a77 Use vs2015 MSBuild property sheets in older projects REVERT: cddfda2aed Merge pull request #1875 from hintjens/master REVERT: e70e39be49 Problem: ctx.cpp still uses old HAVE_LIBSODIUM REVERT: d6354c64ea Merge pull request #1874 from hintjens/master REVERT: 396237f871 Problem: MSVC builds instructions aren't entirely clear REVERT: 6a78b3ec19 Problem: HAVE_LIBSODIUM macro is inconsistent REVERT: 6630a7ceaf Merge pull request #1873 from edigaryev/fix-urandom-chroot REVERT: 8673fa7b03 Problem: build fails when CURVE security is disabled REVERT: c71bb5fd1f Merge pull request #1872 from edigaryev/fix-urandom-chroot REVERT: 884e00cb4a Problem: CURVE mechanism is unusable with chroot() REVERT: c39741dd33 Merge pull request #1871 from gnieboer/gnieboer-patch-1 REVERT: 8c7b19b1b7 Update zmq_utils.h REVERT: 05c8de7928 Merge pull request #1869 from jimklimov/fix-tcp_address REVERT: e9c8557e92 zeromq-4.1.4/src/tcp_address.cpp : fix relaxed use of sizeof() without parenthesis REVERT: b8ae850d78 Merge pull request #1862 from FredTreg/master REVERT: e45dfe3bc7 Fixed issue #1695 (ZMQ_REQ_CORRELATE) REVERT: 98ab7f4164 Merge pull request #1860 from bluca/valgrind REVERT: dc27ad41d2 Problem: coveralls uses wrong path on Trusty REVERT: 0eca822b8f Problem: Valgrind in Ubuntu Precise is too old REVERT: 9d94eb11b3 Problem: test_fork causes valgrind false positive REVERT: 00e0957640 Problem: false positive on valgrind 3.10 REVERT: ebc7316069 Problem: CI doesn't run Valgrind REVERT: 2b2f9046d4 Problem: no Makefile target for Valgrind REVERT: d5aaaeb888 Merge pull request #1859 from soulik/master REVERT: 75579fe7d9 Added comment to sockaddr_storage REVERT: e38166cc1b Use sockaddr_storage instead of sockaddr to support IPv6 addresses REVERT: 3777309b67 Merge pull request #1858 from zoobab/master REVERT: 516efa46c0 add some doc for docker android compilation REVERT: 340eb52165 Merge pull request #1847 from bluca/test_large_msg REVERT: 9a3c9ff864 Merge pull request #1857 from Suudy/master REVERT: 075de03d1c Use FILENAME_MAX to determine BUFSIZE when getting socket path. REVERT: 15fd419f22 Problem: test_large_msg requires 2GB of free RAM REVERT: de56bc2729 Merge pull request #1853 from bluca/osx_ipc_wildcard REVERT: 11917f850a Problem: IPC wildcard test broken on OSX REVERT: 5ce6bc5f6d Merge pull request #1852 from Suudy/master REVERT: b6080a798c Updated handling of Unix Domain Sockets, make use of temporary directories, and cleanup afterward. Fix test_term_endpoint handling of optvallen REVERT: 96c9e4aabd Merge pull request #1851 from bluca/gcov REVERT: 1ac71c3c24 Problem: no badge in REVERT: 0cd7c0f807 Problem: no code coverage in CI REVERT: 6df753c55a Problem: no code coverage integration REVERT: 22cb66d832 Merge pull request #1849 from opedroso/WINPDB REVERT: a6392b9e74 Problem: Windows PDB not created for RELEASE targets REVERT: dbb6b019e6 Merge pull request #1848 from benjamg/benjamg-patch-1 REVERT: 7cc50d0005 parameter naming consistency [aesthetic] REVERT: 24d12dc30a Merge pull request #1827 from bluca/make_dist_missing_files REVERT: 6aa581980a Merge pull request #1845 from claudioscordino/master REVERT: cb1b6bc9ae Better comments for understanding the classes array_t<> and array_item_t<> REVERT: 6024dd5dfa Problem: ci_build does not fully test build system REVERT: ff1ebf6ff0 Problem: make check is overly complex REVERT: 4366d7edf9 Problem: doc/ ignores --without-docs REVERT: 2d9e7b57f9 Problem: make dist does not tar up macros.hpp REVERT: 8a0a18a527 Merge pull request #1844 from opedroso/CMAKELIST_PRECOMP REVERT: cd1dfb4092 Problem: CMakelist missing support for Windows Precompiled headers REVERT: 2cd4c38b80 Merge pull request #1843 from opedroso/WINDOWS_MAKE_TEST REVERT: 1c9cec227d Problem: Tests do no build in Windows environment REVERT: a911fa41b8 Problem: Tests do no build in Windows environment REVERT: 0916c17b3a Merge pull request #1842 from opedroso/PRECOMPILED REVERT: 72898a0ecc Merge pull request #1841 from opedroso/MAKE_CLEAN REVERT: 224c0670ee Problem: Windows Build not using precompiled headers for all targets REVERT: 09d003aac0 Problem: Added "make clean" to Windows build scripts REVERT: d315eea707 Merge pull request #1839 from opedroso/master REVERT: ee31ea1348 Merge pull request #1838 from obache/neatsrc/fix-c-comment-style REVERT: 693d6384b6 Merge pull request #1837 from obache/neatsrc/fix-test-portability REVERT: 3c4377b11d Merge pull request #1836 from obache/neatsrc/heimdal REVERT: 8c7c8ece2d Problem: Fix C++ style comment usage in C source REVERT: 55dad06cce Problem: Fix unportable `==` operator for `test` REVERT: 09e868b743 Problem: Fix build with Heimdal krb5 REVERT: 36abdf7bd5 Merge pull request #1834 from garlick/config_nacl REVERT: 54389fefb5 Problem: AS_HELP_STRING improperly quoted REVERT: 9d75a9c27d Problem: AM_CONDITIONAL is used incorrectly REVERT: ec6209737e Merge pull request #1832 from hintjens/master REVERT: 5b7bf7509f Problem: can't be sure crypto_box always returns 0 REVERT: 708c2060ee Merge pull request #1830 from stevenc99/master REVERT: dd8ccd5e0f include sys/ucred.h for struct ucred REVERT: d7691756e2 Merge pull request #1829 from dflupu/master REVERT: 3190de8045 update Makefile.mingw32 REVERT: 8b32073c7b Merge pull request #1826 from bluca/make_dist REVERT: b3b9cfd92e Problem: packaging/redhat/zeromq.spec not ignored REVERT: f3686e34ff Problem: make dist broken due to builds/msvc REVERT: 391397571b Problem: make dist broken due to builds/android REVERT: 8d811474d4 Problem: make dist broken due to builds/cmake REVERT: 232094a09d Merge pull request #1825 from bluca/whitespace_and_werror REVERT: 80e529a16a Problem: all tests fail with assert in in_event REVERT: ae8efc21e8 Problem: nullptr is a reserved keyword in C++0x REVERT: 7187169619 Problem: socket_poller_t initialization reorder REVERT: c84a52b11e Problem: udp_engine_t fd cannot be init to NULL REVERT: 1046f35930 Problem: udp_engine_t initialization reorder REVERT: 24b84081be Problem: socks_connecter_t initialization reorder REVERT: a6e49860f5 Problem: tcp_connecter_t initialization reorder REVERT: 645c2be487 Problem: stream_engine_t initialization reorder REVERT: c21dd8d6a2 Problem: socket_base_t initialization reorder REVERT: acbf021a7c Problem: reaper_t initialization reorder REVERT: 779bed6315 Problem: encoder_base_t initialization reorder REVERT: de46fc6ac9 Problem: can't do anything with load.sub ret val REVERT: 14054d28ed Problem: can't statically initialized pthread_t REVERT: cf309a4e8c Problem: maxfd definition depends on ifdef REVERT: d4c0716473 Problem: indentation should be 4 spaces, no tabs REVERT: 406b5738b6 Merge pull request #1823 from opedroso/COVERITY REVERT: b3d5fa63a0 Problem: Several problems found by Coverity Static Analyzer REVERT: 4fca95a557 Problem: Visual Studio Toolset was incorrectly set in VCXPROJ files REVERT: 1ffd87453b Merge pull request #1822 from opedroso/VS_TOOLSET REVERT: b4784d95bb roblem: Visual Studio Toolset was incorrectly set in VCXPROJ files REVERT: c5d8353429 Merge pull request #1819 from bluca/C++11 REVERT: 15945dc59b Merge pull request #1820 from obache/neatsrc/fix-netbsd-build REVERT: 8eaa43d9d3 Problem: pgm/in.h is required on NetBSD too for `struct group_req` REVERT: 0782b58d9c Problem: tweetnacl warnings override not needed REVERT: 7dfbab3f97 Problem: it's 2016 and we are building with C++98 REVERT: 80650ecfe2 Problem: need to check for C++ standard in cmake REVERT: b9f1e3ed61 Problem: writing autoconf macros is boring REVERT: 266500a9ff Merge pull request #1818 from opedroso/PRECOMPILED REVERT: afdf27765e Merge pull request #1817 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8ae3671e88 Problem: tweetnacl gives many warnings on MSVC REVERT: 79538ed651 Problem: Windows build not using precompiled header REVERT: 4a5af9d58b Problem: Precompiled headers not being used REVERT: 325eb693a9 Merge pull request #1815 from hintjens/master REVERT: 27fe489843 Problem: VC++ gives warnings on inet_addr REVERT: 1c43aaa39a Merge pull request #1814 from minrk/deprecate-zmq_utils.h REVERT: d5b66295d4 Deprecate zmq_utils.h REVERT: b20259809d Merge pull request #1811 from somdoron/master REVERT: 352ae1468f remove using of dynamic cast REVERT: b168e1044b Merge pull request #1810 from opedroso/IMPROVE_WINDOWS_BUILD REVERT: 80024eca8c Problem: Windows build script requires edit for DevStudio version REVERT: 7200f473ad Merge pull request #1809 from hintjens/master REVERT: 94c7087e36 Problem: piece of garbage ended up in REVERT: 7129187f87 Problem: getting various warnings in tweetnacl REVERT: 3443da216f Problem: node-gyp defaults to -fno-rtti, which breaks libzmq REVERT: c78e4f33a3 Problem: if src/platform.hpp still exists, gyp uses this REVERT: 9bebd4dce9 Problem: local build should do its own .gitignore REVERT: 8559770cf3 Problem: in builds/gyp, socket limit is 4K on Windows REVERT: 4a481c857f Problem: socket limit is still 4K on Windows REVERT: df6876abde Merge pull request #1805 from bluca/uninitialised_sockopt REVERT: f86795350d Problem: curve keys getsockopt uninitialised read REVERT: 93f99d09f4 Merge pull request #1804 from bluca/test_fixes REVERT: facb512105 Problem: SETTLE_TIME is too short on slow systems REVERT: 217f6c438e Problem: tests README does not document msleep REVERT: 706c3b7c4b Problem: test_shutdown_stress_tipc broken on OSX/Cmake REVERT: 63a0924484 Problem: test_sockopt_hwm not renamed in gitignore REVERT: cb41201880 Problem: various tests fail in slow environments REVERT: 4a84f8a02e Problem: tests use various sleep patterns to wait REVERT: 955b51dfd2 Problem: test_msg_ffn uses unitialised memory REVERT: 240190131c Problem: test_srcfd uses unitialised memory REVERT: 302c7bee50 Problem: test_fork does not clean up at exit REVERT: f87888f80c Problem: test_router_mandatory_hwm uses unitialised memory REVERT: cffc653535 Problem: test_pre_allocated_fd_tcp leaks addrinfo REVERT: 05ad915265 Problem: test_term_endpoint does not clean up at exit REVERT: f8f8043222 Problem: test_msg_ffn uses unitialised memory REVERT: e177512c82 Problem: test_system does not clean up at exit REVERT: 18dcc32ac3 Merge pull request #1803 from bluca/ci_default_only_on_secondary REVERT: 9a6e10406d Problem: too many CI builds REVERT: 930a24425c Merge pull request #1802 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9c0d176d68 Problem: tests don't build on Windows REVERT: 0dbb918244 Merge pull request #1800 from hintjens/master REVERT: bbcc79d188 Problem: tests don't build on Windows REVERT: 06acd76a21 Problem: people don't know how to write test cases REVERT: d148c3ea5d Problem: no clue how to run gyp on Windows REVERT: 8bee4e2547 Merge pull request #1799 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8230c0d396 Problem: gyp does not build tests REVERT: 44c3859073 Problem: minor glitch, test_socketopt_hwm <> test_sockopt_hwm REVERT: 25ce52e449 Problem: tcp_address.cpp has messy include usage REVERT: a682f94a32 Problem: tcp_address.cpp won't compile on OS/X w/o ZMQ_HAVE_IFADDRS REVERT: 22e830bece Merge pull request #1798 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6bef3fe9ad Problem: can't build libzmq.a using gyp REVERT: 781ddd6758 Merge pull request #1797 from bluca/ci_matrix REVERT: 9393f06381 Problem: CI use of sodium or nacl is confusing REVERT: 05f382d290 Merge pull request #1796 from bluca/cmake_build REVERT: 01eb580739 Problem: typo in CMake platform.hpp breaks build REVERT: fde81d7e07 Problem: can't build using gyp REVERT: db77fc9ced Merge pull request #1795 from bluca/ci_tweetnacl REVERT: 0afac59018 Problem: empty files are against ISO C++ REVERT: f1c4416e20 Problem: typo in CMakeLists "matches" keyword REVERT: 1e6915039f Problem: typo in CMakeLists.txt, can't use sodium REVERT: f777ad8b91 Problem: typo in, can't use libsodium REVERT: 0bdc5d0457 Problem: CMake CI build still clones libsodium REVERT: 4f5594c2ce Problem: Android CI build uses unstable libsodium REVERT: 3420e6e0dd Problem: CI still thinks libsodium is default REVERT: 1fb4840955 Merge pull request #1794 from hintjens/master REVERT: f8ed793f76 Problem: tweetnacl sources are a mess REVERT: a460e5abd2 Merge pull request #1793 from hintjens/master REVERT: e65367ea2d Problem: some configure options are confusing REVERT: 8e40e67d29 Merge pull request #1792 from bluca/fix_gitignore REVERT: 700de65a37 Merge pull request #1791 from hintjens/master REVERT: 2e3a0db5f9 Problem: old filenames in .gitignore REVERT: 9f8ced3f65 Problem: autotools platform.hpp is not compatible with CMake REVERT: dd4b93ddd8 Merge pull request #1790 from hintjens/master REVERT: ddbbe3b47c Problem: cmake fails with #error None of the ZMQ_USE_* macros defined REVERT: b49a60410a Problem: use of libsodium vs. tweetnacl is confused REVERT: 42ab88e486 Merge pull request #1786 from hintjens/master REVERT: 62c66ae7f7 Problem: test_large_msg kills my system temporarily REVERT: 7470c00d4d Problem: ZMQ_TCP_RECV_BUFFER/SEND_BUFFER are redundant REVERT: 884c7f78e9 Problem: zmq_getsockopt wrongly referred to ZMQ_THREADSAFE REVERT: 7f6ed167fc Problem: ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE_UNSUBSCRIBE is clumsy REVERT: da8ce55a14 Problem: ZMQ_TCP_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT is a clumsy name REVERT: 5eccd874d6 Merge pull request #1785 from bluca/one_more_rename REVERT: edc4ee03e8 Problem: ZMQ_USEFD does not follow conventions REVERT: 15846f2fe4 Merge pull request #1784 from bluca/rename_pre_allocated_fd REVERT: c158178798 Problem: ZMQ_PRE_ALLOCATED_FD is too long REVERT: 66d9a5f5ae Merge pull request #1783 from bluca/travis_tweetnacl REVERT: c23cc65735 Problem: no CMake Travis CI build REVERT: 918c1ec620 Problem: CMake uses command added in 2.8.12 REVERT: 84544ca6e2 Problem: no CI build with tweetnacl REVERT: 6681bcf08c Problem: tweetnacl/contrib/randombytes need C++0x REVERT: c59670dbc2 Merge pull request #1782 from minrk/configure-with-tweetnacl REVERT: e86650794f fallback on tweetnacl if libsodium is not found and not explicitly requested REVERT: 2902fd60b9 add --with-tweetnacl to configure REVERT: 135c4112c8 Merge pull request #1780 from hintjens/master REVERT: 58059939fc Problem: compile warnings on Windows in new radio/dish code REVERT: e0f02bdfb8 Problem: libzmq uses different build.bat style than zproject REVERT: 07cba2307d Merge pull request #1779 from obache/neatsrc/fix-a-typo-for-ZMTP-heartbeats REVERT: 8a1dcca8c2 Merge pull request #1778 from obache/neatsrc/fix1768 REVERT: 4c6753346b Merge pull request #1777 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: 99495bbab8 Fix a typo in "Add ZMTP heartbeats" changes REVERT: 7cd60fae59 Change to detect POSIX Thread priority support properly REVERT: 273b54715e Use memcpy instead of assuming option values are aligned REVERT: ffe4a1c615 Merge pull request #1776 from hintjens/master REVERT: a1f51b695f Problem: unclear rules for passing null arguments REVERT: 27a8961c37 Problem: resolution of int optval_ was made more verbose REVERT: c8318912f5 Problem: test case is using internal API REVERT: 0d7e7bfac0 Problem: MSVC project filters were out of date REVERT: 39563d70c5 Merge pull request #1775 from CommanderBubble/patch-2 REVERT: 7270d4de65 windows.hpp needs to be included before zmq.h REVERT: a9666d7f0c Merge pull request #1774 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: d06314df84 added windows includes as well as unix includes REVERT: 75bea4bc13 update for mingw's default _WIN32_WINNT REVERT: 05b5633b8d update for mingw's default _WIN32_WINNT REVERT: 596fd2408a added ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS check to _WIN32_WINNT usage REVERT: b98b1495af added ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS check to _WIN32_WINNT usage REVERT: 595181d301 added ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS check to _WIN32_WINNT usage REVERT: 56efddd182 remove c++11 requirement and -Werror=sign-compare REVERT: 988d33bcf8 added windows.hpp with include check REVERT: f472893da1 changed order of includes REVERT: 3cdc9218c2 remove include that is already in header REVERT: def0336e9a increase mingw's minimum _WIN32_WINNT version REVERT: f4fe375bd1 Don't call memcpy with 0 size and NULL pointer(s) REVERT: c9c9a777d6 Merge pull request #1773 from bluca/libsodium_stable REVERT: 3641f705e1 Problem: CI builds libsodium from dev branch REVERT: b9e4fa82a2 Merge pull request #1772 from hintjens/master REVERT: 86aa7bb1bc Problem: commit a464eec7 really broke VS2015 builds REVERT: 02120203b2 Merge pull request #1771 from bluca/valgrind_iterator REVERT: a9aeb492dc Problem: Valgrind reports read of freed memory REVERT: c5bf0dc0a4 Merge pull request #1770 from bluca/systemd REVERT: 84ad4bf0ff Problem: cannot use new pre-allocated FD with TCP REVERT: 9b885b7c00 Problem: cannot use new pre-allocated FD with IPC REVERT: 4bcbb3055e Problem: cannot use pre-allocated FDs. Fixes #777 REVERT: 8b0fdd94d3 Merge pull request #1767 from hintjens/master REVERT: a3d9b46a60 Problem: Android build is slow and noisy REVERT: 08cfbdef7d Merge pull request #1766 from hintjens/master REVERT: 31d181effb Problem: MSVC build does not detect libsodium REVERT: 8fad51c270 Merge pull request #1765 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6a9af8ed62 Problem: can't build without libsodium from command line (MSVC) REVERT: 984699c427 Problem: was ignoring directories with build files REVERT: d7a7f48918 Problem: my name is not in the AUTHORS file REVERT: 3d9984efe2 Merge pull request #1764 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: ad286d9442 Merge pull request #1763 from CommanderBubble/patch-1 REVERT: bfc42d47ec Merge pull request #4 from zeromq/master REVERT: 538e5d4742 Make VMCI to work on Windows. REVERT: d7e59d6188 Fix integer overflow error when calculating throughput. REVERT: f38062e6e3 fix configure errors for 64bit mingw REVERT: 0463926db8 change references from mingw32 to mingw REVERT: bdda5189f0 fix configure errors for 64bit mingw REVERT: 0329402d0a Merge pull request #1762 from hintjens/master REVERT: d218e03884 Problem: project files have tool version in two places REVERT: 4ce9c7c742 Problem: does not build on VS2015 REVERT: 963dffb54a Merge pull request #1760 from hintjens/master REVERT: b92055fa56 Problem: not building on VS2015 REVERT: c6b11ae4a7 Merge pull request #1758 from zeromq/revert-1757-revert-1756-replace-zmq-term REVERT: 44c6b0484e Revert "Revert "Problem: deprecated use and reference of `zmq_term`"" REVERT: c143a7d397 Merge pull request #1757 from zeromq/revert-1756-replace-zmq-term REVERT: 1708bfefb7 Revert "Problem: deprecated use and reference of `zmq_term`" REVERT: d44a8ccddb Merge pull request #1756 from c-rack/replace-zmq-term REVERT: a26bb743d4 Problem: docs are still referring to deprecated `zmq_term` REVERT: 589464ced9 Problem: comments still refer to deprecated `zmq_term`. REVERT: 10d9ef8a5f Problem: perf use deprecated `zmq_term` REVERT: 0d171563d0 Problem: tests use deprecated `zmq_term` function REVERT: d92e40901d Merge pull request #1755 from UsamaMehboob/master REVERT: a72cb5d43d added #include in udp_engine.cpp to solve error 'close was not declared in scope' REVERT: e1254e100e Merge pull request #1751 from c-rack/remove-zmq-utils-includes REVERT: 7da3ee138e Problem: deprecated `zmq_utils.h` is still included REVERT: 435535ce92 Merge pull request #1750 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6f94af8cca Problem: various errors in build scripts REVERT: 3cf6c33132 Merge pull request #1748 from sunkin351/master REVERT: 9b01ae826e Restoring zmq_utils.h from previous version REVERT: a464eec7df Added "udp_address" and "udp_engine" to enable windows build REVERT: d7ef68d6b7 Merge pull request #1747 from c-rack/remove-zmq-utils-h REVERT: af775c0c8b Problem: `zmq_utils.h` is deprecated since 2014-07-09 REVERT: 8dbda15e21 Merge pull request #1745 from somdoron/master REVERT: 4f4e475331 Merge pull request #1746 from minrk/allow-underscore-dns REVERT: cdec4dc9ee allow underscores in domain names REVERT: 389e853c6d Fix compilation errors on windows REVERT: add4e7675f Merge pull request #1744 from jcfr/fix-gcc-warnings REVERT: 318dd7c717 Merge pull request #1743 from jcfr/add-missing-ctest-tests REVERT: 73f73ddaa9 Merge pull request #1742 from jemc/master REVERT: 2cb8da3bfd Style: Fix -Wmissing-field-initializers in socket_poller.cpp REVERT: 46b02338e3 Style: Fix -Wunused-but-set-variable in test_stream_exceeds_buffer.cpp REVERT: f329252dcb Style: Fix unused parameter compilation warnings REVERT: 05e48cc6a9 ctest: Add missing test_udp and test_large_msg REVERT: cf5c288dda Rename `udp_address::interface` to `iface` for VS2015 build. Resolves #1739. REVERT: b784943f90 Merge pull request #1737 from somdoron/radio-dish REVERT: 5ebfd1728f make udp support for radio-dish REVERT: a2b9d826e4 Merge pull request #1735 from hintjens/master REVERT: 2ae4c55bf5 Problem: radio/dish class broke Windows builds REVERT: 1bcb0a737e Merge pull request #1734 from somdoron/radio-dish REVERT: 1960b4e8a9 Filtering messages on dish side REVERT: c7d52ec260 radio-dish join/leave are ZMTP commands REVERT: 5054f2eb61 radio-dish is sending the group as first frame REVERT: 68675e23d9 adds group to zmq_msg REVERT: b2718149e0 msg external storage is using content_t REVERT: e424388608 Merge pull request #1730 from somdoron/master REVERT: 15ad6f8051 save some bytes in msg class REVERT: dc945998a4 missing virtual modifier or session_base REVERT: 16f1be9de3 Merge pull request #1729 from c-rack/update-copyright-year REVERT: a539b0c6e8 Problem: copyright year is still 2015 REVERT: a7b7f3e6c2 Merge pull request #1727 from somdoron/master REVERT: b8425a25cf radio-dish pattern REVERT: 511d701de3 Merge pull request #1725 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: 77f5344ff7 Fix VMCI compilation errors on Windows. REVERT: 1c7d59a58a Merge pull request #1724 from minrk/multi-monitor REVERT: f0dce000b2 stop previous monitor socket before starting new one REVERT: f25a9c83f5 Merge pull request #1723 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: 6c9974770b Family is not set when resolving NIC on android. REVERT: cfbeac6ad1 Merge pull request #1722 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: e7850410f8 Fix trailing spaces. REVERT: e5894d5197 Fix missing headers which makes compilation fail on Android. REVERT: 55e8191ac5 Merge pull request #1721 from c-rack/fix-issue-1720 REVERT: 5c9bd5f0cb Problem: SIZE_MAX is not defined in all stdint.h includes REVERT: b7d42a4c4b Problem: SIZE_MAX is not defined REVERT: 924bce6478 Problem: build fails due to undefined INT_MAX REVERT: a40dd50da1 Merge pull request #1719 from minrk/rc-int-max REVERT: 5fe75f0e43 truncate rc to INT_MAX REVERT: 90f9f5ff91 Merge pull request #1718 from gcsideal/master REVERT: be387d5e56 Last bits of Hurd support REVERT: c42bf873bb Merge pull request #1717 from c-rack/fix-typo REVERT: e6edc4729e Problem: typo REVERT: cc29578088 Merge pull request #1716 from somdoron/master REVERT: 669c5697c2 fixing a bug: client over inproc receives msg with routing id set REVERT: e0fc5841cd Merge pull request #1715 from hintjens/master REVERT: 88949694db Problem: configure --without-documentation is clumsy REVERT: 9ebb5cc911 Merge pull request #1714 from somdoron/master REVERT: 4bfe2ec686 fix bug in condition variable using invalid timeout REVERT: d906e815bc Merge pull request #1713 from minrk/stdint REVERT: 6ee78707c6 restore check for MSC 1600 before including stdint.h REVERT: 1a502cc190 Merge pull request #1709 from gcsideal/master REVERT: be5ab6d5c9 GNU/Hurd support REVERT: 6d491a4289 Merge pull request #1707 from minrk/tweetnacl REVERT: cf57a88d49 include tweetnacl in dists REVERT: 93bb756298 Merge pull request #1706 from zoobab/master REVERT: e19454e388 Problem: OpenWRT Makefile still uses tarballs, now using GIT HEAD master REVERT: d8941f599a Merge pull request #1705 from hintjens/master REVERT: 055995e535 Problem: builds directory contains packaging scripts REVERT: d8d9ee3243 Problem: no support for OpenWRT REVERT: b9167df916 Merge pull request #1702 from GreatFruitOmsk/greatfruit-master REVERT: bfbb655491 Add support for the RelWithDebInfo CMake configuration. REVERT: 47d9caa49a Merge pull request #1701 from madebr/cmake_test_include_source_dir REVERT: be36423bc2 Problem: On Windows CI, the included file Windows.hpp could not be found. Solution: Include the source directory REVERT: 8f4574f8d0 Merge pull request #1700 from madebr/stable_sodium REVERT: e7afed0655 Problem: Windows CI fails due to libsodium build failure Solution: Use stable branch of libsodium REVERT: b9d831695f Merge pull request #1699 from somdoron/master REVERT: 6bbca7cf4a fix case when zmq_poller access a dead socket REVERT: 714988e6c5 Merge pull request #1694 from hintjens/master REVERT: c49eef46ec Problem: Android build is too slow REVERT: f64c38583f Merge pull request #1692 from FredTreg/master REVERT: 9bdb60577c Test for issue #1690 (ZMQ_REQ_RELAXED) REVERT: c30676fe52 Merge pull request #1691 from FredTreg/master REVERT: 89417ddb9f Fixed issue #1690 (ZMQ_REQ_RELAXED) REVERT: 06402f4f28 Merge pull request #1687 from hintjens/master REVERT: 2566c02a9e Problem: CLIENT and SERVER don't check SNDMORE REVERT: ae3b2734df Merge pull request #1684 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6bb0cc1fd5 Problem: still one error in vcxproj files REVERT: 6164e3d913 Merge pull request #1683 from hintjens/master REVERT: 137afd5610 Problem: includes timer.cpp/hpp instead of timers.cpp/hpp REVERT: 1c874876ff Merge pull request #1682 from hintjens/master REVERT: 065fbcdc8f Problem: performance tests don't link on Windows/MSVC REVERT: 114f2b464f Merge pull request #1681 from hintjens/master REVERT: bf14b1f906 Merge pull request #1680 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6665bffe11 Problem: MSVC projects don't include timers.cpp/hpp REVERT: 7893a6ac26 Problem: zmq poller API is not CLASS conformant REVERT: f8b9ca5f42 Problem: zmq timers API is not CLASS conformant REVERT: 627809568b Problem: on Windows, link fails on missing Iphlpapi.lib REVERT: 78c3ba0dc5 Merge pull request #1677 from c-rack/faster-git-clone REVERT: d32cb1ae6f Merge pull request #1679 from hintjens/master REVERT: 97092d994d Problem: Windows build gives warning on v2_decoder.cpp:130 REVERT: 33c5985eb2 Problem: build scripts don't need full git history REVERT: 4705feb2f4 Merge pull request #1676 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: 0475c6dfd8 CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET may not be set. REVERT: c19470ece1 Merge pull request #1675 from somdoron/Timers REVERT: aadaf99011 add timers API to libzmq REVERT: 9ce8fe8f66 Merge pull request #1674 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: b76ccb8b1a Add missing header for the if_nametoindex on Windows. REVERT: 066ff133f0 Merge pull request #1672 from GreatFruitOmsk/master REVERT: 923645060a Fix redirecting location of pdb via CMAKE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY. REVERT: b67cdcfd0b Merge pull request #1670 from hintjens/master REVERT: 987eb6ddc3 Merge pull request #1671 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: 700b91d102 Fix alignment of initial chunk in yqueue REVERT: f3bcb73f02 Fixed old path to qt-android REVERT: 31c35498af Revert "fixes #1565: Allow session to flush commands on an engine error" REVERT: 768fc7699e Merge pull request #1668 from zoobab/master REVERT: 8f1810d1e2 Add a Dockerfile to build libzmq for android REVERT: 819a879ff2 Merge pull request #1669 from bluca/travis_android REVERT: bd222d9206 Problem: travis CI tries to build "qt-android" REVERT: a9bad3bc13 Merge pull request #1665 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9b45ba7067 Problem: builds/qt-android name is inaccurate REVERT: f00eb5aae6 Merge pull request #1664 from Kentzo/vmci REVERT: 3caa637e1b Add special interface to represent local VMCI context. REVERT: 301989614f Merge pull request #1663 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 3ae5c55e46 Fix mailmap entry for Max Skaller REVERT: 86efa67d97 Add mailmap entry for Chuck Remes REVERT: 7eeb7d5e74 Merge pull request #1662 from hurtonm/master REVERT: d8af708ad9 Add mailmap file REVERT: c18904cbd2 Merge pull request #1659 from syenna/master REVERT: 7cfa93352e Add missing support for IPv6 link local addresses (which include % followed by the interface name) REVERT: 6eeef5eb7c Merge pull request #1658 from hintjens/master REVERT: 3cc7cfc015 Merge pull request #1657 from Kentzo/vmci REVERT: 6ae70a9428 Remove unnecessray comment and unnecessary include. REVERT: 141de87085 Fix a typo in reference to with_norm_ext. REVERT: 4dcfb23e2e Problem: zmq_vmci man page claims to be zmq_ipc man page REVERT: 765fd20937 Merge pull request #1656 from bluca/vmci_include REVERT: 64ce6ca772 Problem: build fails, vmci enabled by default REVERT: a556b500da Problem: build failure, vmci include out of IFDEF REVERT: fc7e3bc3a4 Merge pull request #1654 from Kentzo/vmci REVERT: 68b13fbddb Add the VMCI transport. REVERT: 61f74e2dfc Merge pull request #1652 from chrisstaite/master REVERT: ba3cf3c006 Only start the heartbeat timer when the underlying mechanism is ready to stop cipher streams from trying to encrypt a heartbeat before the handshake has completed. Addresses issue #1601. REVERT: f6018e81d8 Merge pull request #1651 from wcs1only/master REVERT: 54799c8c6f fixes #1565: Allow session to flush commands on an engine error REVERT: e56b486735 Merge pull request #1650 from c-rack/show-log-on-build-error REVERT: dfaa92cd1e Problem: test-suite.log is not accessible on failing CI build REVERT: 782fbe5bef Merge pull request #1649 from sheremetyev/fix-pipe-activation-race REVERT: bad93c536a Set LWM to half of HWL. REVERT: 234018d749 Add test demostrating that HWM applies to messages that have been already consumed. REVERT: 6e064f9f75 Merge pull request #1648 from c-rack/remove-out-batch-size REVERT: f9b8a94c90 Problem: out_batch_size has been replaced by ZMQ_TCP_SEND_BUFFER option in cdeec4c1 REVERT: b407b54b44 Merge pull request #1647 from banburybill/master REVERT: e71471b2e8 Add new option ZMQ_MULTICAST_MAXTPDU to set PGM_MTU. REVERT: 5d04dc354e Merge pull request #1645 from somdoron/master REVERT: 804bce8294 Fix pipe terimation in router while reading message REVERT: 4f7dc49642 Merge pull request #1643 from somdoron/master REVERT: 210572201d Fix a bug when stream_engine try to set alreadt set metadata REVERT: afc7c5c745 Merge pull request #1641 from c-rack/fix-recv-send-buffer REVERT: fc1099ffd1 Problem: documentation shows wrong default value REVERT: ec41f6540f Problem: tcp_recv/send_buffer should be byte value instead of scale factor REVERT: 5ba328d7f3 Problem: there is no test for setsockopt ZMQ_TCP_SEND/RECV_BUFFER REVERT: f80faeca29 Merge pull request #1640 from c-rack/fix-setsockopt REVERT: a992d9aca0 Problem: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions REVERT: 98d5d4d7f0 Problem: call of overloaded ‘pow()’ is ambiguous REVERT: 86714959da Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 18c517020b Merge pull request #1638 from jens-auer/tcp_buffer_options REVERT: 908d6b6740 Update options.cpp REVERT: d2516a9c42 Merge branch 'tcp_buffer_options' of into tcp_buffer_options REVERT: cdeec4c115 New options to set send/recv buffer size for TCP sockets. REVERT: c41fe88df6 Merge pull request #1636 from roalz/feature-add-msvc2015-build REVERT: 5f5fb5e5ad Added solution and project files to build with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 REVERT: 4444361503 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: c775c509da Merge pull request #1631 from swansontec/master REVERT: b2010432c7 Do not crash on unusual connection-failure cases REVERT: 9a8c822aa2 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 22179afaba Merge pull request #1629 from hintjens/master REVERT: 54e2e2a7ad Problem: Windows 7 TCP slow start REVERT: ac46e6da96 Merge pull request #1628 from hintjens/master REVERT: ba1515fe07 Problem: asserts if EINVAL recieved on read/write REVERT: f38c11c063 Whitespace fixes REVERT: ab2c009d0d Merge pull request #1626 from ahmetkakici/master REVERT: 7c8e65e2cd Added missing socket_poller.cpp file to msvc solutions. also fixes issue REVERT: 182688d431 Merge pull request #1625 from lytboris/master REVERT: a4baa36ba4 acutally allow specifying interfaces as source address REVERT: 9b1432256d Merge pull request #1623 from zeromq/sappo-patch-1 REVERT: 64ffb3fc92 Problem: libzmq appveyor build status is not visible REVERT: dc04c5bbd6 Merge pull request #1621 from madebr/cmake_winci_fixes REVERT: 0a0b9fd760 tweetNaCL: fix winrandom REVERT: 571ee21eef appveyor: build all relevant combinations REVERT: 89338f43d5 CMake: fix library name on linux REVERT: c5572211e7 Merge pull request #1620 from madebr/ctest_missing_tests REVERT: 9930f1fc20 CTest: add missing tests + check for unknown tests REVERT: 2f63231860 cmake: libzmq can now be built with both sodium and TweetNaCL REVERT: 7fe032180a Merge pull request #1619 from madebr/winrandombytes REVERT: b2c87b9a70 TweetNaCL: add windows randombytes implementation REVERT: e182438ad6 Merge pull request #1618 from madebr/cmake_sodium REVERT: 35d723ce5b Add Windows Continuous Integration (appveyor) REVERT: 55ca9c5654 CMake: use libsodium if available, else use tweet_nacl REVERT: 5d98e602c9 Merge pull request #1617 from somdoron/removing_pollfd REVERT: da2bc60abe Removing zmq_pollfd as it is replaced by zmq_poller REVERT: 0650b59b10 Merge pull request #1616 from somdoron/ZMQ_POLLER REVERT: 24fc0d4e89 drop the socket postfix from poller methods REVERT: 5c71fe6538 Fix socket_poller windows compiling issue REVERT: 024819b491 add ZMQ_HAVE_POLLER define to check if ZMQ_POLLER exist REVERT: 476ba22e0a ZMQ_Poller support more event types REVERT: 544d1e3499 Change the error of zmq_poller from EAGAIN to ETIMEDOUT REVERT: c22f9f3633 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: a7ea57fb68 Merge pull request #1615 from jeroenooms/master REVERT: 9114d39577 enable static libraries on mingw REVERT: 979e6bb45c Merge pull request #1613 from maxkozlovsky/master REVERT: 06e882f8ea honor buffer reference count in zmq::shared_message_memory_allocator::deallocate REVERT: f1e6cb8ba9 Merge pull request #1611 from somdoron/zpoller-port REVERT: e387ce1571 remove pollfd from sockets when destroying poller REVERT: 6501b8089f port zpoller to libzmq as zmq_poller REVERT: 500269955d Merge pull request #1604 from wcs1only/master REVERT: 516b440e0d fixes #1315 socket monitor hangs if zmq_bind fails REVERT: a28398a4e8 Merge pull request #1603 from jizhilong/fix/typo REVERT: 9a7858245c fix a typo in ypipe.hpp REVERT: ea26e68b9d New options to set send/recv buffer size for TCP sockets. REVERT: ca52520944 Merge pull request #1602 from scemama/master REVERT: aefc5d120b Default behavior is --with-libsodium=yes REVERT: 73a0eed75d Fixes issue #1556 REVERT: 96014ee7ed Merge pull request #1600 from lsniks/master REVERT: 8ec747e14a Issue 1588 : Rollback in case send fails for multipart msg REVERT: cca67fdd1b Merge pull request #1595 from pijyoi/signaler_failable REVERT: 596d6e5b1c create signaler::recv_failable() REVERT: 52ee724144 Merge pull request #1593 from meox/master REVERT: 992ac3baa8 fix error with gcc 5.2 REVERT: 79daac119a Merge pull request #1592 from c-rack/fix-test REVERT: e4c06bef18 Problem: check_hwm() has different semantic of 'full' REVERT: a8605f576e Merge pull request #1591 from c-rack/check-hwm REVERT: f1358c1243 Problem: duplicate code for hwm check REVERT: dd6bb9ae0c Merge pull request #1586 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 05d0451e29 Update cmake to support Visual Studio 2015 REVERT: d89753cbf0 Merge pull request #1585 from msb-at-yahoo/fix-send-doc-typo REVERT: b12b8ca23b Fix typo on send documentation re: nullification REVERT: ed1009b3a5 Merge pull request #1584 from ymax/master REVERT: e9e03f5ade fixed zmq assertion in signaler.cpp under ubuntu REVERT: 2452c598b7 Merge pull request #1582 from pengweichu/master REVERT: 5dc8b51ceb Fixed the bug which cause the application crashed when use TCP connect to an invalid address(such as REVERT: 0f51190c27 Merge pull request #1580 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 3f4f3c1137 Fix windows cmake build REVERT: ee7f2a278a Merge pull request #1579 from staticfloat/patch-2 REVERT: 1fbc67a40a Fix pointer indirection precedence issue in docs REVERT: 2c94bb42c5 Merge pull request #1578 from hintjens/master REVERT: 3f9255019b Problem: description of ZMQ_CLIENT/SERVER has inaccuracies REVERT: 50859e40b9 Problem: drop tests on CLIENT/SERVER are misleading REVERT: fb57110b94 Merge pull request #1577 from hintjens/master REVERT: f3ee8c69db Problem: request-reply pattern is lousy REVERT: e7da0ea07b Problem: client/server pattern is not documented REVERT: 4db73fc18b Problem: msg.cpp:set_routing_id accepts a zero routing ID REVERT: 6b00f40f74 Problem: test_client/server_drop_more are invalid REVERT: c2dffb9908 Problem: threadsafe test uses CLIENT-to-CLIENT REVERT: d416ffcec5 Problem: cannot build single test case in tests REVERT: 5e936fe955 Problem: routing ID cycles back to zero REVERT: 60fdfd9a1b Problem: whitespace at end of lines, removed REVERT: c5b1de368a Problem: code lets CLIENT connect to CLIENT REVERT: 87f2dff38c Problem: zmq_msg_get_routing_id () is not consistent with API REVERT: 7be6ad0504 Replaced tabs in some files, with spaces REVERT: d0ffb91323 Merge pull request #1574 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 25a50ca0d5 avoid dereferencing uint32_t on unaligned address REVERT: 734a73c63d Merge pull request #1571 from c-rack/fix-typos REVERT: bd923f0fbb Problem: some comments contain typos REVERT: 3e43258769 Merge pull request #1570 from djelenc/deque_bug REVERT: 64ffda90d2 Problem: Tests in Travis are failing randomly REVERT: 39a0d33912 Merge pull request #1569 from djelenc/xpub_manual_lost_subscriptions REVERT: 8fd71d631d Fixed missing subscriptions on XPUB with manual subscriptions REVERT: 47e1216e1e Merge pull request #1567 from djelenc/xpub_manual_proxy_disconnect_unsubscribe REVERT: dd35e1db0f Problem: lingering subscriptions on XPUB sockets (#1566) REVERT: 9e8e81cf9a Merge pull request #1564 from c-rack/issue-1558-2 REVERT: 5dad00ebdc Problem: do not call poller->add_fd() with -1. Fixes #1558 REVERT: 23c55612e4 Merge pull request #1563 from zeromq/revert-1561-issue-1558 REVERT: 2159618b56 Revert "Solution: check return code of make_fdpair() with zmq_assert" REVERT: 13db11c6ae Merge pull request #1562 from markuspf/fix-dragonfly-compile-2 REVERT: ee984b1fe6 Make DragonFly a first class citizen in terms of compilation REVERT: 32d7da1103 Merge pull request #1561 from c-rack/issue-1558 REVERT: bb9788867f Problem: return code of make_fdpair() is not checked. Fixes #1558 REVERT: 801f39dbef Merge pull request #1557 from hintjens/master REVERT: 1fdf8f78e4 Cleaned up test case REVERT: 146be48495 Merge pull request #1553 from flub/master REVERT: f86264db3e Update zmq_inproc manpage for bind/connect order REVERT: 0e1448a26f Merge pull request #1550 from xaqq/master REVERT: bc513b6381 Merge pull request #1547 from jemc/master REVERT: 33419425eb Problem: Private/internal macros defined in public header. Solution: Move the macros to a private header. REVERT: 735c02ed5e Merge pull request #1546 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: 63260d8701 rename ZMQ_UNUSED macro to LIBZMQ_UNUSED REVERT: b07b1e270e Merge pull request #1545 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 096007c574 Fix zmq crash when calling shutdown with a pending inproc socket connect REVERT: 4e5843b8ff Merge pull request #1543 from csiro-workspace/master REVERT: 7e09306cb3 -Set signaler_port to 0 which allows the OS to find a free port, rather than crashing if 5905 is in use ( -Added config.hpp to the source list so it shows up in generated projects -Remove CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE setting for generators that don't use it REVERT: ec98916e82 Merge pull request #1541 from jemc/master REVERT: 61217a2686 Problem: Source files contain mixed tabs and spaces. Solution: Convert to spaces and remove trailing whitespace in these files. REVERT: 6aa5c20b3d Merge pull request #1540 from djelenc/fix_failing_tests REVERT: 1240d7ac83 Fixes failing tests regarding XPUB sockets. REVERT: 391bc12d17 Merge pull request #1539 from djelenc/issue1116 REVERT: b9634e11a3 Addresses zeromq/libzmq#1116. REVERT: 370b8c9bb1 Problem: Identity frame from router has no metadata REVERT: 3f326b10d6 Merge pull request #1536 from bluca/ci-osx-missing-dependency REVERT: 709a1e9a2d Merge pull request #1535 from somdoron/master REVERT: 0c4032b5af CI run on OSX needs binutils REVERT: 4da5ff6a7d revert to original zmq_polland creating zmq_pollfd_poll for polling on pollfd REVERT: a96f16e3fa Merge pull request #1534 from somdoron/master REVERT: d83b045347 rename poller to pollfd REVERT: 7d42aac0c5 Merge pull request #1533 from c-rack/fix-tests REVERT: 34fe5eaf26 Solution: explicitly set u.base.metadata to null REVERT: 5bae6911af remove poller field, using fd instead REVERT: 87e7ed054b Merge pull request #1531 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: 7058c54672 apply a change to LIBZMQ_DELETE macro (related to issue #1524) REVERT: 6d9eb184b5 Merge pull request #1530 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: 1621c25ef0 define a macro for heap object deletion in a unified manner (related to issue #1524) REVERT: 9bf88bcc03 Merge pull request #1529 from bluca/container REVERT: 1ab4667412 Set -x in to show commands in log REVERT: f6b0eaddb5 Set sudo: false to force container build REVERT: 1afc30a6c4 CI build/install in local directory REVERT: 9ebd54a9e5 Merge pull request #1528 from bluca/fix-travis-check REVERT: f4e9e6f062 CI build does not fail when tests fail. Fix #1527 REVERT: eb1d72f81d Merge pull request #1526 from somdoron/master REVERT: 9d829f72f4 moving new poller field to the end of the struct REVERT: e74e36def1 Merge pull request #1525 from somdoron/master REVERT: 6eddbd98bc polling on thread safe sockets REVERT: 1653d3c093 add new tests to gitignore REVERT: 1aaa893e02 add tests for polling on thread safe sockets REVERT: a63818904d add methods to handle poller REVERT: 34968771ca add an option to check if the socket is thread safe REVERT: de018e8766 Merge pull request #1522 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: a50834cbec fixed issue with ticket #1517 (wrong lib output name in MSVC CMake build) and apply some improvements in CMake build system REVERT: eb2eec646f Merge pull request #1521 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: 8e6ef4616e changing some camelCase variable names to snake_case in previous commit REVERT: 003ae1bfc6 Merge pull request #1520 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: d7b74d1f57 remove unnecessary multiple WSAGetLastError() calls REVERT: 6d217aa919 Merge pull request #1519 from reza-ebrahimi/master REVERT: bff2284a50 place a ZMQ_UNUSED macro and replace all unused variables with ZMQ_UNUSED macro REVERT: bf27d58b7a Merge pull request #1518 from sappo/master REVERT: 8bf4d1eaaf Problem: Missing src/ prefix for libzmq library in for test_getsockopt_memset Solution: Add prefix to fix test compilation REVERT: effc26c695 Merge pull request #1476 from hintjens/master REVERT: 08c2a9274e Merge pull request #1514 from rikvdh/master REVERT: de55e3a355 Merge pull request #1515 from rikvdh/test-proxy-return REVERT: 5485d6e371 Check proxy return values in tests REVERT: c68e9a39bf Merge fix for zeromq/zeromq4-1#52, getsockopt ZMQ_RCVMORE now resets all bits REVERT: fd9bd1b2a5 Problem: broke Cmake build REVERT: 5d5cdac161 Problem: source packages lack makefiles for all systems except msvc REVERT: 2b45e38b7b Problem: documentation for ZMQ_CTX_BLOCKY is wrong REVERT: 11fba2b813 Fixed compile errors in test_stream REVERT: 92c4decb69 Problem: lack test case for large stream messages REVERT: b791031423 Merge pull request #1512 from pijyoi/retransmit_fix REVERT: e129640471 fix: ZMQ_TCP_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT not applied to bind socket REVERT: 84a93d4251 Merge pull request #1511 from sorenh/linger_fix REVERT: abc845d1af Avoid terminating connections prematurely REVERT: ba6e1337a3 Merge pull request #1510 from pijyoi/retransmit_timeout REVERT: c7f2cdd699 fix: Windows setsockopt needs char* cast REVERT: ca9215de1e add ZMQ_TCP_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT socket option REVERT: 064c2e0836 Merge pull request #1508 from pijyoi/connect_timeout REVERT: c9971e08a0 write man pages REVERT: eeb697b5ac add connect timeout logic REVERT: c0ca2be642 add ZMQ_CONNECT_TIMEOUT socket option REVERT: 4a0bde8130 rename timer_started to reconnect_timer_started REVERT: 5724b55f7b Merge pull request #1507 from pijyoi/fixdoc REVERT: 2d9c7f3a1f ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE doc wrongly mentions TCP_KEEPCNT REVERT: d65dab2039 Merge pull request #1504 from bluca/travis-file-limit REVERT: 85da2ea42f Increase file limit in travis config REVERT: 23655c5c56 Merge pull request #1503 from bluca/travis-ci-osx REVERT: 270a1ac577 Add OSX build to travis config. Fixes #1502 REVERT: 20ba661019 Do not use ldconfig in CI if running on OSX REVERT: 40e2befbbe Update NDK version to r10e, OSX support REVERT: 102d1b14d0 Check for [g]readelf availability in qt-android helper REVERT: 57ef59352b Merge pull request #1501 from jemc/fix/issue-1500 REVERT: 438b5207f6 Remove type-pun in zmq.cpp to resolve issue #1500. REVERT: 7604e1f7d5 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 67640557de Merge pull request #1499 from jemc/docfix/setsockopt REVERT: 6d0cea54aa Fix alphabetical order of non-deprecated setsockopt docs. REVERT: 94c579a6c0 Fix title of docs for `ZMQ_XPUB_WELCOME_MSG` socket option. REVERT: 7b5bf4aefe Merge pull request #1498 from pijyoi/master REVERT: d9f32611ad ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE doc wrongly says it overrides TCP_KEEPCNT REVERT: 2d8b1a78b3 Merge pull request #1497 from bluca/fix-autogen-libtool-detection REVERT: 89fa904b2d Check for libtoolize instead of libtool on Linux REVERT: a656b399cc Merge pull request #1496 from brian-peloton/macro-to-disable-test-timeout REVERT: 94b6fca406 Merge pull request #1495 from brian-peloton/fix-test-flakiness REVERT: 5dee46052d Merge pull request #1494 from brian-peloton/fix-partial-recv-in-test REVERT: 4152023854 Merge pull request #1493 from brian-peloton/fix-other-test-flakiness REVERT: 6dfe8f20e2 Merge pull request #1492 from brian-peloton/fix-memory-leak REVERT: 80adc135c7 Merge pull request #1491 from brian-peloton/fix-eventfd-under-load REVERT: c4c5135db6 Retry recv if it only returns part of a message during tests. REVERT: 62a0e45089 Fix eventfd read handling under heavy load. REVERT: e449d7bfbd Fix test flakiness. REVERT: 97969808f6 Fix a documented memory leak. REVERT: f86bded783 Increase sleep in test to fix flakiness under CPU load. REVERT: cb0491ca18 Add a way to disable libzmq's internal test timeout. REVERT: 7b2e37dc90 Merge pull request #1490 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 81aa6f45a4 Style and explicitness. REVERT: 6f0efc092c Make lossy cast explicit. REVERT: 342c417f9d Add decoder_allocators to VS builds. REVERT: 0917eceb6d Merge pull request #1489 from pijyoi/fix_1488 REVERT: 2182bc963d check for potential unsigned integer wraparound before adding REVERT: 7701a8f936 Merge pull request #1487 from pijyoi/stream_notify REVERT: fd51b0e508 update test that relied on connect notifications to be disabled REVERT: 3e7d737360 change ZMQ_STREAM_NOTIFY to default to 1 REVERT: 518b939f31 make ZMQ_STREAM_NOTIFY also control disconnect notificatons REVERT: 588e0d2d86 Merge pull request #1486 from jimenezrick/fix-1478 REVERT: ec5592db1f Fix 1478: receive unsubscriptions in XPUB when verbose REVERT: 305c07583d Merge pull request #1485 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 91877a22d7 Fix windows build REVERT: a4509d8f88 Merge pull request #1484 from pijyoi/fixsmash REVERT: 93218a60ae Merge pull request #1483 from ktf/master REVERT: e2be0d25bd Fix compilation on mac. REVERT: 5fead473a4 Merge pull request #1482 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: 773a06fc23 Fix memory leak when creating a socket fails. REVERT: 708353a1b9 advance refcnt only if it was used REVERT: c05a475bf7 Merge pull request #1481 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: 18791f2bfb Fix several missing msg_t::close calls. REVERT: 3f70aca749 Merge pull request #1480 from brian-peloton/master REVERT: a88524d388 Fix test_proxy hanging occasionally by setting ZMQ_LINGER to 0. REVERT: b71f720cdc Merge pull request #1479 from jens-auer/issue1477 REVERT: 6b9b13be6c Fixed whitespace error. REVERT: 23797120ff Fixed #1477 corruption in "zero-copy" raw_decoder for payloads larger than 8192 bytes #1477 REVERT: 15e35c52e7 Merge pull request #1475 from jimenezrick/fix-doc-setsockopt REVERT: 7030bc429a Fix doc formatting issues in zmq_setsockopt page REVERT: 6653775a31 Merge pull request #1474 from leonarf/patch-1 REVERT: 4a5998382c THREAD PRIORITY option documentation REVERT: 311f4d00e4 Merge pull request #1472 from reunanen/allow-explicitly-setting-buf-sizes-to-0 REVERT: 7362f3af0f update documentation regarding the rcvbuf parameter REVERT: 8096990e45 update documentation regarding the sndbuf and rcvbuf parameters REVERT: f7b933f570 LIBZMQ-195 allow explicitly setting sndbuf and rcvbuf to 0 (see REVERT: 72a94881de Merge pull request #1471 from reunanen/retry-on-WSAENOBUFS REVERT: adafdb8f4f Merge pull request #1470 from reunanen/check-msg-type-in-rm_refs REVERT: ccb13e1732 add sanity check in msg_t::rm_refs in order to avoid invalid memory access with u.zclmsg.refcnt REVERT: 8339271a3e LIBZMQ-195 on Windows, handle WSAENOBUFS like WSAEWOULDBLOCK REVERT: db898deb09 Merge pull request #1469 from tkoeppe/master REVERT: 29b45489fa [decoder.hpp] Fix misspelled inclusion REVERT: d60040ddea Merge pull request #1468 from tkoeppe/master REVERT: 5b4b8a063b [decoder*] Style fixes for consistency REVERT: e83bad14cd Merge pull request #1467 from jens-auer/upstream REVERT: ef365151ca - Replaced C-style casts with C++-casts - Replaced stdlib.h with cstdlib - Made single-argument constructors explicit REVERT: f541ac9612 Merge pull request #1466 from jens-auer/upstream REVERT: 3679793601 "zero-copy" raw_decoder REVERT: d83220e92e Merge pull request #1465 from tkoeppe/master REVERT: 14d69a312d Clean-up: Rename internal macros consistently. REVERT: 6059e8eea7 Merge pull request #1461 from tkoeppe/master REVERT: ddb82a546b atomic_counter.hpp: clean up the clean-up REVERT: 26e3873f70 Add C++11 support to atomic_counter_t. REVERT: 010f93b34c Merge pull request #1460 from tkoeppe/master REVERT: 73e6a3808f atomic_ptr.h: clean up the clean-up REVERT: 80b1e67e45 Merge pull request #1459 from tkoeppe/master REVERT: 08f9bf589e Add missing relaxed memory ordering. REVERT: f448dcde35 Merge pull request #1458 from tkoeppe/master REVERT: 68f5926ec6 Add support for in C++11 REVERT: f3ef027e87 Merge pull request #1457 from calid/ignore-unbind-tests REVERT: ee787664bb ignore unbind tests REVERT: 818491e7ee Merge pull request #1455 from calid/update-gitignore REVERT: 9802dd5933 Merge pull request #1456 from calid/issue-949-tests REVERT: 0f208c122d be pedantic and call zmq_close in tests REVERT: d14f419743 another errant comment REVERT: 6dac5092ad fix errant comments REVERT: a9fd750e1c add tests for #949 REVERT: 34129593f0 update gitignore with additional tests REVERT: 6ab66ca51a Merge pull request #1451 from jbreams/heartbeat-defaults REVERT: e9a5bc8d1e Fix units and default values for heartbeats options REVERT: 2e5435e38f Merge pull request #1449 from jbreams/heartbeats-docswindows REVERT: 85417ba2fc Add documentation for ZMTP heartbeat socket options REVERT: df0c7076bd Fix test_heartbeats compile in VS2013 REVERT: 3a27be3b6c Merge pull request #1448 from jbreams/heartbeats REVERT: cbb3b176a6 Add ZMTP heartbeats REVERT: 4b4e00bde0 Merge pull request #1446 from dnaeon/typo-fix REVERT: fa3b5d8b03 Typo fix REVERT: f9d0dab630 Merge pull request #1445 from c-rack/fix-resolve-ipv6 REVERT: 15f9ee19cb Solution: allow brackets in tcp ipv6 address REVERT: d33fb6a2af Merge pull request #1441 from jens-auer/rebase3 REVERT: e70b5efa0b Reuse buffer when no messages depend on it. REVERT: 51cb57e2c9 Fixed wrong handling of shared messages REVERT: dfe1908008 Fixed wrong buffer end detection in v2_decoder. REVERT: b3f2acf7d6 Merge pull request #1440 from xaqq/fix_solaris_build REVERT: 8ffd723271 Probably fix build issue on Solaris. REVERT: 6d4d7a5820 Merge pull request #1439 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6f1d1142d1 Problem: 4.1 broke the ABI yet did not bump ABI number REVERT: 8fb5590ba8 Merge pull request #1437 from ricnewton/master REVERT: f696d0399c Fix tabbing REVERT: 8484e1606d Fix windows build REVERT: 52191af60e Merge pull request #1435 from minrk/test-ffn REVERT: fdb7d68056 test zmq_msg custom free-function REVERT: 426733469d Merge pull request #1433 from minrk/single-socket-proxy REVERT: f34cc24bd7 test proxy with single REP socket REVERT: 158d77d63e don't check POLLOUT for single-socket proxies REVERT: d3bb450892 Merge pull request #1432 from xaqq/fix_init_order REVERT: c35971a603 Fix initialization order. REVERT: 5cbd197d10 Merge pull request #1430 from junovitch/fix-man-install-without-doc-build REVERT: 45610c354d Enable install of man pages when BUILD_DOC is not set by shifting INSTALL_MAN outside of BUILD_DOC's if/endif REVERT: f4da5442ba Merge pull request #1427 from xaqq/doc-patch REVERT: 4ad9a5e570 Update documentation for zmq_setsockopt. REVERT: c0cda2e699 Merge pull request #1426 from ricnewton/master REVERT: dc949624e1 Handle infinite hwms properly REVERT: 15eecf4cf4 Update high water marking to allow changing high water mark after connection established. REVERT: a3b8f80fe5 Merge pull request #1425 from mipaaa/master REVERT: b0296bc66f Fixed executable name in the usage string REVERT: bc2f5f76f8 Merge pull request #1424 from ricnewton/master REVERT: dc105ffc78 Fix xpub test to set hwm before bind. REVERT: d4b11b0d17 Merge pull request #1423 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 32770d2e60 Remove accidentally committed appveyor file. REVERT: 9f8b8af926 Fail ZMQ_SNDHWM and ZMQ_RCVHWM setsockopt if already connected. REVERT: 64e711eb50 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 383f67a5cc Merge pull request #1422 from hintjens/master REVERT: e37d715702 Problem: tests/test_socketopt_hwm fails and breaks CI REVERT: 1540737561 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: bfb0ac1cc4 Merge pull request #1418 from xaqq/setsockopt REVERT: fb960147ca Introduce a failing test against zmq_setsockpt(). REVERT: 9e80f07a8d Merge pull request #1417 from jens-auer/zero_copy REVERT: e9b403a7b1 zero-copy message receive REVERT: 611e96c701 Allocation-free msg::init_data REVERT: 03d6a7341b Merge pull request #1415 from hintjens/master REVERT: 3e330d6e2b Fixes to README REVERT: a07244cda2 Merge pull request #1414 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8620c3e032 Problem: source file headers are somewhat confusing about LGPLv3 REVERT: 1e10222b8f Merge pull request #1413 from malexzx/master REVERT: 1eb8e2a69f HPUX build and gmake check issues solution (#1412) REVERT: 4676e6551f Merge pull request #1411 from jens-auer/address-sanitizer REVERT: d337cf5a96 Fixed out-of-bounds access when releasing socket handles. REVERT: a146503d30 Merge pull request #1409 from rikvdh/master REVERT: aa2e74c2a2 Fix another degradation, CPU maxes out when POLLOUT is set because poll exits on POLLOUT and doesn't wait for POLLIN. REVERT: d8077bb3da Merge pull request #1406 from rikvdh/master REVERT: ae630cf3eb Fix degradation from #1382, POLLOUT was tested but not requested REVERT: 099fd43836 Merge pull request #1405 from c-rack/fix-brackets REVERT: 8a3296c1aa Solution: add missing brackets REVERT: f9315e1980 Merge pull request #1403 from dfons/master REVERT: fcf7b22b92 doc/zmq_socket.txt: Remove note about ZMQ_PAIR being experimental. REVERT: dfaa55fa7b Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: f03a78bbfc Merge pull request #1401 from taotetek/master REVERT: 537626258f remove temp printf from stream_engine REVERT: d35473ecae Merge pull request #1398 from jacmet/pkgconfig-static-linking REVERT: e89577d30c libzmq: Fix pkg-config files for static linking REVERT: 4c36c93a31 Merge pull request #1397 from danriegsecker/master REVERT: f4f918ba73 Some test fail to build targeting less that Windows Vista REVERT: 59add707cd Merge pull request #1395 from anton-sergeev/master REVERT: 5f9b258295 Make CMake option for perf-tools REVERT: 3699242c4e Merge pull request #1394 from BurningEnlightenment/master REVERT: f0a76318f4 REPLACE MSVC VERSION SUFFIX VARIABLE REVERT: 959ab527f4 Merge pull request #1391 from CommanderBubble/master REVERT: 1bfff06b8d Merge pull request #3 from CommanderBubble/FD-SETSIZE-update REVERT: 166a14c4a5 Update REVERT: bd795d6f7a Update REVERT: 095741cd9c set FD_SETSIZE to 1024 on mingw REVERT: 235a1dbf7d Merge pull request #2 from zeromq/master REVERT: 43a1192ca4 Merge pull request #1390 from hintjens/master REVERT: 74888769d6 Problem: incomplete specs for test_proxy_terminate REVERT: eead3bc661 Merge pull request #1388 from rikvdh/issue-1382 REVERT: 7b9e9b838d Issue #1382: Do not send data to backend when there are no listeners (+ tests) REVERT: e1e9fb3629 Merge pull request #1387 from c-rack/1386-libsodium-checkout REVERT: 7e8ba0ecff Solution: Build libsodium from latest master branch. Fixes 1386. REVERT: 3ec0e770b5 Merge pull request #1384 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 2e06737bf4 pub: Don't delay pipe termination REVERT: 09a65c5598 push: Don't delay pipe termination REVERT: aabbe3f33a Merge pull request #1383 from somdoron/master REVERT: c2dcc80602 change minimum version to windows vista and implement dummy condition variable for lower versions REVERT: dbacc34238 Merge pull request #1379 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 30bd7c481e Fix integer narrowing issues. REVERT: cd830dd203 Merge pull request #1378 from CommanderBubble/master REVERT: a53404f2f9 Merge pull request #1 from CommanderBubble/ REVERT: 88ac63189c Merge pull request #1341 from hintjens/master REVERT: 594e3dcceb Problem: shutdown asserts if WSASTARUP wasn't done previously REVERT: 0673cd4e69 Problem: test_disconnect_inproc sometimes fails REVERT: 9a4c4da265 Merge pull request #1375 from natano/configure_bitrig REVERT: 8957ad5edf Add Bitrig to OS detection in REVERT: f9fe77f421 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: c9bdcfc584 allow host_os to accept mingw64 REVERT: 04a9d582fd Merge pull request #1374 from kreuzberger/master REVERT: d4a5803495 Update zmq_setsockopt.txt REVERT: 18b6e6803b Add documenation for ZMQ_XPUP_NODROP REVERT: a756eee30b Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 41d85f52d2 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 89bf2af128 Add libsodium directory path hints for cmake REVERT: 6b4d9bca0c Merge pull request #1370 from calid/unbind-enoent REVERT: edc0640206 doc: add ENOENT to list of zmq_unbind error codes REVERT: 2d435eb692 Merge pull request #1369 from calid/ctx-term-vs-destroy REVERT: 023505aced update zmq_ctx_term description for consistency REVERT: 4820d493b0 Merge pull request #1368 from calid/docfix-zmq-msg-init REVERT: 4c92fefe1b doc: zmq_msg_init does not set errno REVERT: eb34533728 Merge pull request #1367 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 1e27b364a4 Fix default VC rt lib for release dynamic exe. REVERT: 6b06bc310f Merge pull request #1366 from xantares/patch-1 REVERT: 032c5eda3d fix CMP0053 warning with cmake 3.1 REVERT: ec4200a9d3 Merge pull request #1365 from xantares/master REVERT: 0f24f675f5 set soversion without ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK REVERT: 80044c9ed6 mutualize win32 flags REVERT: 7dfa7b7a5d do not mix DLL_EXPORT & ZMQ_STATIC definitions REVERT: 1d2b34dbe4 install *.txt in share/zmq REVERT: 866e752b04 do not install sources REVERT: 1a5ced9f47 Merge pull request #1361 from rodgert/master REVERT: d47980a6ed Allow zmq_msg_gets checks to assert rather than segfault REVERT: f053854e51 Merge pull request #1360 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 5ed6ac60e2 Adjust number of sent messages on hiccups REVERT: b7e52755e4 Merge pull request #1359 from rodgert/master REVERT: 700f7bfede resolve #1347 addresses issue of no metadata on identity frame REVERT: 1e6e5b1c0a Merge pull request #1357 from rodgert/master REVERT: 4b948b1f3b Code cleanup REVERT: cf0804bb7c Remove unused include REVERT: 8daa74dc77 Fix comment from prior commit REVERT: fefe0d42fa Update gitignore to include recently added tests for server sockets REVERT: 638ddeb404 resolve #1347 Support limited metadata for STREAM sockets REVERT: 8a526874ab Merge pull request #1356 from rodgert/master REVERT: 39338e2fe4 Fix warning about trailing whitespace REVERT: 2ae7ae698a Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: fe2ce47a44 Merge pull request #1355 from evoskuil/master REVERT: bc53d710ff Fix error return for clock_gettime. REVERT: 759c3e314c Merge pull request #1354 from evoskuil/master REVERT: a8f11b3c3d Add clock_gettime implementation for OSX. REVERT: 6630f19686 Apply VS2013 changes to VS2010 and VS2012. REVERT: 55886b8b46 Merge pull request #1352 from somdoron/master REVERT: deaa89656f thread safety bug - lock when sending REVERT: cac4d7aa10 Merge pull request #1350 from zeromq/revert-1345-bzimmerman_CMAKE REVERT: a4de3df73e Revert "Bzimmerman cmake" REVERT: 5d42fe1bf7 Merge pull request #1349 from somdoron/master REVERT: 5a897f7509 allocate reaper_signal only when needed REVERT: bbdd8662ba thread safety - supporting windows REVERT: 6749c9b3eb thread safety REVERT: 88c6e696ab Merge pull request #1348 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 6bf1609a10 Update VS DLL and NuGet versioning to 4.2.0. REVERT: 91eead1d20 Add client.cpp/hpp and server.cpp/hpp to VS projects. REVERT: 2fd2fca531 Make implicit cast explicit. REVERT: 6724f41427 Fix forcing to bool. REVERT: 405a749525 Merge pull request #1345 from QbaseLLC/bzimmerman_CMAKE REVERT: c743bd95b4 changed test tools to compile statically REVERT: caf4276710 removed packaged export added version to builds other cleanup REVERT: fef20b1c83 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/HEAD' into bzimmerman_CMAKE REVERT: eacbd0c5df Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: c9418db684 Merge pull request #1344 from febeling/cond-build-tools REVERT: 54b56210ad Problem: curve keygen build cannot be switched off REVERT: 2d59594a3a Problem: perf tools build cannot be switched off REVERT: 49f58c0021 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/master' REVERT: 702008666c Adding Bryan's changes. REVERT: 2bb72add49 update to use new find_program syntax REVERT: 552c13616e replace check_library and check_include with find_file and find_library REVERT: e05c805688 Merge pull request #1342 from chickenkiller/master REVERT: 9daf6dd7c4 acinclude.m4: make kernel-specific flags cacheable REVERT: ade54d72e7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/master' REVERT: 8e89d11628 Merge pull request #1339 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 1a0d134666 Add missing EOL at EOF. REVERT: ca94cf568b Add appveyor support for building on windows. REVERT: 05df7072d6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/master' REVERT: 34cd718e0f Merge pull request #1337 from somdoron/JenkinsFix REVERT: ee962117ef fix jenkins build REVERT: edb3a13fd4 Merge pull request #1336 from somdoron/ClientSocket REVERT: 79f162aa7b test the client socket can drop multi frame messages that being sent to it REVERT: 14a19cd5d4 test the server socket can drop multi frame messages that being sent to it REVERT: 862cd41c65 implement client socket type and drop messages when more flag is set on client and server REVERT: a6362a454f Merge pull request #1334 from somdoron/ServerSocket REVERT: 5632b57b4a adds server socket type and routing id to msg REVERT: d5e7922d41 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/master' REVERT: 9826a7b19d Merge pull request #1333 from hintjens/master REVERT: a7a512ab3d Problem: test cases are failing on slower PCs (eee PC) REVERT: e351cbdd8f Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/master' REVERT: 9fc0d2f1a3 Merge pull request #1331 from jemc/master REVERT: 2894634829 Problem: qt-android build script out of date Solution: copy changes from latest zproject REVERT: 153e0487de Merge pull request #1330 from rodgert/master REVERT: 937d485e74 Add cast to make Clang happy REVERT: be8cdc2bf6 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: e6c45f5376 Support using compielr intrinsics for atomic operations REVERT: 8c8d23c761 Merge pull request #1328 from rodgert/master REVERT: d8c15cf43b Code cleanup - removing unused local REVERT: 0303131390 Merge pull request #1327 from rodgert/master REVERT: bccf0bc813 Merge pull request #1326 from rodgert/master REVERT: 1c72bf4e55 Clean up of metadata_t REVERT: d9fb1d36ff resolve #1325 Alignment issue with zmq_msg_t on SPARC CPU REVERT: 96a27d11c9 Merge pull request #1324 from jruffin/invert-matching REVERT: cf2238f80e Added socket option ZMQ_INVERT_MATCHING. REVERT: 148cec0a52 Merge pull request #1323 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 415b49ba0d Fix Windows build REVERT: 4ad2edff38 Merge pull request #1322 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6ced7027a0 Problem: commit afb24b53 broke ZMQ_STREAM contract REVERT: 0d9852a2a5 Merge pull request #1321 from hintjens/master REVERT: 94d9a4ffdf Problem: copyright statements are out of date REVERT: fd560b489c Merge pull request #1319 from rodgert/master REVERT: 73bf0fb1a3 Remoe more test_id2fd cruft REVERT: 3d440507ea Merge pull request #1317 from topher200/master REVERT: 708298eaf1 documentation clarification on pipe::write failure REVERT: be23e699c9 Merge pull request #1314 from topher200/master REVERT: 866a04656e Close messages that failed to send REVERT: 03a1b0e296 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' REVERT: 94b0ad3eaa Merge pull request #1312 from rodgert/master REVERT: 40d2f9ad5d fix typo in zmq_msg_gets documentation REVERT: 53431a5583 Merge pull request #1310 from rodgert/master REVERT: 4e89ae616a Fix typo in zmq_msg_gets documentation REVERT: 0e404ec844 Merge pull request #1309 from rodgert/master REVERT: cf2bd3b6ae Expand on 'Peer-Address' property documentation REVERT: 97f3126175 Formatting cleanup REVERT: b443618333 Code cleanup REVERT: 7d224d7871 Add 'Peer-Address' property to connection metadata REVERT: 2e76bbe4f6 Merge pull request #1308 from rodgert/master REVERT: 39285cb969 Try to clarify the intent of zmq_msg_gets() in documentation REVERT: 10466626be Merge pull request #1301 from rodgert/master REVERT: 413f835bc8 Make alignment compiler directive REVERT: b6b990f5f9 Merge pull request #1300 from moteus/master REVERT: 57cb34f123 Fix. Use C++03 compatible way to align struct. (Build on MSVC) REVERT: 3503fdad33 Merge pull request #1299 from rodgert/master REVERT: 6372fc2e56 Align inter-thread shared structers on cache-line granularity REVERT: c816e42266 Merge pull request #1298 from rodgert/master REVERT: 90194036bf Increase size of zmq_msg_t to 64 bytes REVERT: 95e7611471 Merge pull request #1297 from rodgert/master REVERT: a55005feb1 Remove documentation for ZMQ_IDENTITY_FD REVERT: 7c0a644625 Remove of ZMQ_IDENTITY_FD socket option REVERT: a450bdefec Revert "resolve #1292 ZMQ_IDENTITY_FD does not validate option_len" REVERT: 1ae98c7422 Merge pull request #1293 from rodgert/master REVERT: 45c6815446 resolve #1292 ZMQ_IDENTITY_FD does not validate option_len REVERT: fa1f676ce5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' REVERT: 4e9e719ff3 Merge pull request #1286 from ricnewton/master REVERT: b1305bbec3 Remove int typedefs and use stdint.h for windows. REVERT: 25f153980b Merge pull request #1283 from DaiyuHurst/master REVERT: c993ac88ae Merge pull request #1284 from hintjens/master REVERT: 89a2041755 Problem: incomplete definition of integer types REVERT: 5d084cdfdd Implement a definitive cygwin target for libzmq. REVERT: 4b4adbbc1d Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: d2bacdf591 Merge pull request #1282 from hintjens/master REVERT: eacd4d9cba Problem: test cases were sporadically failing REVERT: 04664f0ef7 Problem: 'bool' is not defined by default REVERT: ae53b27b70 Merge pull request #1281 from hintjens/master REVERT: 2de940b422 Problem: need atomic reference counting in several projects REVERT: 07229c72ba Merge pull request #1280 from hintjens/master REVERT: 17937ffcf0 Problem: very hard to debug security mechanism mismatch REVERT: f78f4e3f73 Changed library name to zmq.lib. REVERT: 5b1b3b56d3 Updated Cmake file to remove ascii doc. REVERT: 187c743841 Merge pull request #1276 from hintjens/master REVERT: f5f4d27354 Problem: zmq_epgm is duplicate of zmq_pgm REVERT: ffb7cab4b3 Merge pull request #1275 from pmienk/master REVERT: 510eabaec8 Alter --with-libsodium default. REVERT: 4494286e92 Merge pull request #1272 from minrk/security-old-zmtp REVERT: 5385a51527 craft vanilla socket security test messages REVERT: 5a8b46e375 allow vanilla socket security tests to run on Windows REVERT: efed3d010d add session->zap_enabled() REVERT: 6cf120eaad reject old ZMTP connections if auth enabled REVERT: c35c0ca1bb test unauthenticated messages from vanilla sockets REVERT: c57d557460 Merge pull request #1269 from somdoron/manual_and_welcome REVERT: dd809de6ff add to authors REVERT: cdf4a1211d documentation for welcome msg and xpub manual REVERT: bcaae7de01 Merge pull request #1268 from somdoron/manual_and_welcome REVERT: 0ac0b04755 remove debug printf in test_xpub_welcome_msg REVERT: 9bd34100b1 Merge pull request #1267 from somdoron/manual_and_welcome REVERT: 768b62eb9d xpub welcome msg REVERT: 96e29f1455 Add manual control over subscriptions to Pub REVERT: cefce68a97 Merge pull request #1262 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 905b1683c7 Fix issue #1257 REVERT: 1680a3cea1 Merge pull request #1260 from abbradar/master REVERT: 32b2d3034b Fix test_filter_ipc for cleared supplementary groups REVERT: cb5eebd8b7 Merge pull request #1258 from hintjens/master REVERT: b6e61d72b2 Problem: linger values other than -1 or 0 are unsafe REVERT: f448af948d Merge pull request #1255 from klaussfreire/master REVERT: 6a227b2ee4 Re-enable pollout before cancelling tx timeout REVERT: 3de1163369 Fix busy-polling bug in pgm_sender causing it to consume CPU cycles REVERT: fca34e5e5a Merge pull request #1253 from minrk/linger-timeout REVERT: 35dd85a1db use more conservative 30 second default timeout for LINGER REVERT: ed4f342633 Merge pull request #1252 from c-rack/master REVERT: 479db21136 Problem: return code of sodium_init() is not checked. REVERT: 6dc9db1ede Merge pull request #1251 from johntconklin/master REVERT: bc718b5307 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' REVERT: ea011a33de Fix typos. REVERT: afec8440ae Use consistant spelling in documentation REVERT: 7b6e310b47 Merge pull request #1248 from hintjens/master REVERT: 661bccb5bc Merge pull request #1250 from c-rack/master REVERT: e00ea532df Add tests for issue #1094. REVERT: 1844fc3284 Problem: No error-checking of setsockopt ZMQ_CURVE_* z85 keys. Solves #1094. REVERT: 7781375adf Problem: default LINGER value is insane REVERT: 6d9f97ad60 Merge pull request #1246 from hintjens/master REVERT: ea9f7acce3 Problem: zmq_ctx_term has insane behavior by default REVERT: e3817a160a Merge pull request #1244 from johntconklin/master REVERT: 7176b854bc Fix typo: endpoind -> endpoint REVERT: b6ae984b11 Fix typo: addres -> address REVERT: eda042d610 Merge pull request #1243 from jemc/master REVERT: 5b6293c57e Problem: qt-android build doesn't fully work for downstream builds Solution: Fix the qt-android build REVERT: 57eff1bec0 Merge pull request #1242 from pmienk/master REVERT: 384fbbeca5 Restore structure to targets lost during nonrecursive refactor. REVERT: be55c5ac3d Fixed .gitignore for mains in root REVERT: 4a79f095b3 Merge pull request #1241 from jemc/builds-qt-android REVERT: aeec276b85 Problem: Travis ci logs are too long Solution: Don't print tar extraction verbosely REVERT: eae679718e Problem: No builtin way to build for qt-android Solution: Add qt-android build system and add to travis-ci REVERT: 98e22da1ee Merge pull request #1234 from lysyloren/master REVERT: 87c22364d6 Disable IPC testing on ipc-incapable systems in test_term_endpoint.cpp REVERT: b863709eda Merge pull request #1233 from lysyloren/master REVERT: f47960e4bc Added test and updated documentation for unbind wild-card * binded socket REVERT: c9eb7b8a7b Merge pull request #1229 from lysyloren/master REVERT: 4c6ea1252e Merge pull request #1232 from johntconklin/master REVERT: 10c18f7408 Support both --enable-eventfd and --disable-eventfd options. REVERT: 3ac1925dcc Merge pull request #1231 from johntconklin/master REVERT: f78cbc50eb Correct libgssapi_krb5 packages. REVERT: 0fe9cec92e Pass --with/--without-libgssapi_krb5 to configure. REVERT: 09e7416ee9 Unbind socket with real endpoint when binding by wild-card * address REVERT: d6c4750d26 Merge pull request #1226 from pmienk/master REVERT: 2153043614 Add support for --with/--without libgssapi_krb5 REVERT: 1735c1e462 Add --with-libgssapi_krb5 to match libsodium and pgm. REVERT: 9b2700cad2 Merge pull request #1225 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 1fd1d519a8 Fix issue #1224 REVERT: e9b9860752 Merge pull request #1223 from xaqq/build-script REVERT: 216caee1b3 Improve build script error checking. REVERT: e74b10bc8c Merge pull request #1222 from zeromq/revert-1183-size_fix REVERT: 0d459318e3 Revert "ZMQ API diverges from POSIX" REVERT: 527eddc90d Merge pull request #1183 from mschneider/size_fix REVERT: b1d766a39a Merge pull request #1219 from pmienk/master REVERT: 607fa58b7f Merge pull request #1218 from johntconklin/master REVERT: 7c33d91a78 Update travis script to configure with libsodium. REVERT: 9078a7a4a5 Add support for --with/--without libsodium and --with/--without pgm command line options. REVERT: 64a92cce49 Support both --with-* and --without-* options for libsodium and pgm REVERT: 39b8ac303a Merge pull request #1217 from johntconklin/master REVERT: ebfe6354e0 Merge pull request #1214 from johntconklin/master REVERT: 0e7458daf3 Merge pull request #1216 from xaqq/pollpri REVERT: 779c37abc4 Add support for POLLPRI flag. REVERT: a109723b17 Merge pull request #1207 from hintjens/master REVERT: 2e0c1a9883 Append to libzmq_la_CPPFLAGS and libzmq_la_LIBADD. REVERT: 359933ae8f Merge pull request #1213 from dmick/master REVERT: 983eaecc4c Merge pull request #1212 from dstftw/fix-typos REVERT: c22bcf4f65 Fix builds/msvc/ to include all properties files in the build REVERT: 76d86c3fc3 Fix some typos REVERT: 9289845c83 Remove build and runtime dependencies on e2fsprogs and e2fsprogs-devel. REVERT: 08d90e8a05 Merge pull request #1210 from pmienk/master REVERT: 8cf5e9fd48 Correct declaration of HAVE_LIBSODIUM. REVERT: eb89555a24 Merge pull request #1209 from pmienk/master REVERT: c8ee16940f Require pkg-config, use pkg-config to pull seek libsodium. REVERT: b6762a6a8b Marked TCP and IPC filters as deprecated (ZAP) REVERT: bc0f8d5168 Updated development master to 4.2.x REVERT: 7f849b844b Updated NEWS for 4.0.x releases REVERT: 3f10e401c3 Merge pull request #1208 from pmienk/master REVERT: 00b3bfab10 Remove local pgm configuration option, cleanup, remove unused instances. REVERT: c6aedc3837 Partial migration to nonrecursive make. REVERT: 3aa5a9d409 Merge pull request #1202 from pavel-pimenov/fix-pvs-studio REVERT: 18ee219ce7 Fix V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'peer_address = ""' with 'peer_address.clear()'. stream_engine.cpp 99 REVERT: 0e3d40c806 Fix V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'options.socks_proxy_address != ""' with '!options.socks_proxy_address.empty()'. session_base.cpp 497 REVERT: 0b541b789a Fix V803 Decreased performance. In case 'it' is iterator it's more effective to use prefix form of increment. Replace iterator++ with ++iterator. stream_engine.cpp REVERT: 432c8496ea Merge pull request #1201 from johntconklin/master REVERT: fbce7a2407 Remove build and runtime dependencies on uuid and uuid-devel. REVERT: 610d64dd9e Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: cb9a0d2af4 Merge pull request #1200 from dmick/master REVERT: dfd021b133 builds/redhat/zeromq.spec: fix manpage lists REVERT: 8fde2d646c src/ libzmq.vers must go in dist tarball REVERT: 2a0fa6baf5 builds/redhat/zeromq.spec: missing '%' REVERT: de4a442263 builds/msvc/ fix up project file/property file paths REVERT: 91cc9a2fd0 src/ i_properties.hpp removed some time ago REVERT: d3c391c3d4 shared library version bump REVERT: 6e53253d11 Missing build dependencies in specfile: asciidoc, xmlto REVERT: 43028c7229 Merge pull request #1198 from toussa/master REVERT: 7c5906d138 Problem : Build failed with MinGW on windows REVERT: 053b14e6c1 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ca0a216f52 Merge pull request #1196 from evoskuil/master REVERT: cf4c03cf01 Update NuGet package. REVERT: 7da40124b8 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: e40d4b2376 Merge pull request #1189 from steamraven/master REVERT: 0900a48921 Problem: curve messages can be replayed REVERT: fe4396c597 Merge pull request #1188 from hintjens/master REVERT: 77f14aad95 Problem: stream_engine.cpp security can be downgraded REVERT: 8e9005d591 Merge pull request #1186 from hintjens/master REVERT: 57ade6d5bb Problem: test_security_curve does't try wrong mechanisms REVERT: 8fbf810fd1 Local changes of libsodium path REVERT: 2bf89bd0f8 Merge pull request #1185 from banburybill/master REVERT: 94943bab3b Fix hang terminating PGM ZMQ_SUB (#822). REVERT: b55288fdf3 return values of socket functions are ssize_t (not int) in compliance with POSIX REVERT: 19712d3fbb Merge pull request #1181 from whoshuu/patch-1 REVERT: 5642366f10 Fix non-constant-expression narrowing REVERT: 4b70793f1f Merge pull request #1179 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 50e0915f98 Stop session's timer when pipe terminates REVERT: be9fecdbc3 Merge pull request #1178 from evoskuil/master REVERT: a8e900c7b3 Update nuget package REVERT: c897af508d Merge pull request #1177 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 5a497d7d0c Code cleanup REVERT: 41a9968c2e Merge pull request #1176 from hintjens/master REVERT: 51c8c1d67a Problem: undocumented limit on IPC paths in Linux is 107 chars REVERT: cca297c313 Merge pull request #1173 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 8cd85857fb Fix potential redefinition of common DEBUG symbol, replace tabs. REVERT: 2c1d5f5a96 Merge pull request #1174 from jbreams/master REVERT: d1881acbdc Clean up after using randombytes from libsodium REVERT: 992dca6ba7 Fix configure warning. REVERT: 83c6bc20db Merge pull request #1172 from evoskuil/master REVERT: d76536eb70 Default Travis clang build fails on unused variable 'MAX_SENDS'. REVERT: 2208907a88 Hide VS turd. REVERT: 21e20127b6 Merge pull request #1171 from hintjens/master REVERT: f15146b5d2 Problem: nodrop code is ugly REVERT: 128bed472b Merge pull request #1170 from hintjens/master REVERT: 2584c3a724 Added test cases to .gitignore REVERT: 35040aaf18 Problem: issues with nodrop property REVERT: 81485c7688 Merge pull request #1168 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 8926cb3ddb Fix test broken when we changed FD_SETSIZE. REVERT: 3811b0b1ef Merge pull request #1166 from hintjens/master REVERT: 1acc1b1582 Problem: FD_SETSIZE 1024 is too restrictive under Windows REVERT: 72b8a19691 Merge pull request #1163 from hurtonm/master REVERT: f550d66ae3 Code cleanup REVERT: b817f3c61e Merge pull request #1162 from xaqq/encode_decode REVERT: fbdc5aa22d Add const qualifier to source parameters in zmq_z85_decode and zmq_z85_encode REVERT: fadb2a38d9 Merge pull request #1161 from hurtonm/master REVERT: a54d8d7b0c Reset metadata for outbound messages REVERT: 25de6a03ac Merge pull request #1159 from kreuzberger/master REVERT: 212220dda7 Bugfix wrong CMakeLists.txt after rename of file REVERT: ea719a8dff Merge pull request #1151 from hintjens/master REVERT: f20b70bef5 Cleaned up test_xpub_nodrop REVERT: a7fed989a6 Minor changes to Travis CI script REVERT: 785aebc6a8 Reworking Travis script REVERT: 75d4f50be3 Problem: ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY reads beyond end of Z85 data REVERT: 0dcf6b5e2b Added AppDynamics as corporate author REVERT: 2c5baff95f Note that ZMQ_TCP_ACCEPT_FILTER is deprecated REVERT: acc4fe8794 Merge pull request #1158 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 214553972d Return -1 when failed to publish message REVERT: 228426ac44 Code cleanup REVERT: bb6d18d5a2 Merge pull request #1156 from kreuzberger/master REVERT: f042ea9e26 better naming of flags and variables to real functionality: nodrop REVERT: d9a3cc48d4 do not silently drop messages in publisher if hwm is reached REVERT: 446e8efb07 Merge pull request #1155 from mrvn/pull-document_hwm_behaviour_with_ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY REVERT: da6cf63857 Document altered HWM behaviour when ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY is set. REVERT: bbbe8d7832 Merge pull request #1154 from mrvn/pull-test_router_mandatory_hwm REVERT: 893995e698 Add test for HWM behaviour for mandatory ROUTER sockets over tcp REVERT: 0f780ef733 Merge pull request #1152 from drodri/task/cmake_structure REVERT: 6537e202d6 moved root CMakeLists.txt tests config to tests/CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 0c4ee0a9b0 Merge pull request #1147 from rodgert/master REVERT: 03f097a541 Update zmq_msg_get(ZMQ_SHARED) to return true for type_cmsg messages REVERT: 416ee8e75c Merge pull request #1146 from minrk/utf8-metadata REVERT: 10a2e6c24d Merge pull request #1145 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 4406329100 define encoding for message metadata to be UTF8 REVERT: 6bcced7537 use enum retired_fd instead of -1 REVERT: ac99d50abb Merge pull request #1142 from hintjens/master REVERT: cdbe557727 Problem: does not install man pages correctly when out of tree REVERT: 817912d795 Merge pull request #1139 from ewen-naos-nz/zos REVERT: 326dec067f z/OS: Updated portability notes REVERT: f1cd2055de z/OS: chmod +x builds/zos/{cxxall,runtests} REVERT: 256c32d1fb z/OS: builds/zos/platform.hpp for libzmq 4.1.0 REVERT: 501666d07e z/OS: Skip pthread_{get,set}schedparam REVERT: b27bafff60 z/OS: Autodetect tests to run REVERT: 9d4f719e94 z/OS: Update build defines: REVERT: 829b1bb4d4 Include testutil.hpp if using SETTLE_TIME REVERT: 217e0ae9c6 Remove "const" from std::map key REVERT: 6b21b1ecfa z/OS: Avoid removing in makeclean REVERT: 5cab63e1a1 z/OS: Transferrring from GitHub to z/OS UNIX REVERT: f8ec9b5fad z/OS: Make builds/zos scripts executable REVERT: 57a70d5e3b Merge pull request #1138 from ewen-naos-nz/zos REVERT: 0af693c496 z/OS: Loop on EAGAIN on close() in ~signaler REVERT: fc80e8cda1 z/OS: signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) for tests REVERT: 19808ff878 z/OS: Documented SIGPIPE considerations REVERT: 070fcd472e Merge pull request #1137 from evoskuil/master REVERT: f96ebba7c2 Add socks files to VS2010 builds, update VS2012/2010 filters. REVERT: 126b9d3a2a Remove libsodium VS import props crypt32.lib dependency. REVERT: 0efd8d9bf3 Update VS filters for socks additions. REVERT: b0103de608 Merge pull request #1136 from ewen-naos-nz/zos REVERT: f72f4b2526 Extend z/OS UNIX port to allow building DLL REVERT: 6e0c1c0a80 builds/zos/* portability files to z/OS UNIX REVERT: 81b9f21bdd Merge pull request #1132 from rodgert/master REVERT: 82282d6973 Added test and doc section for ZMQ_SHARED message flag REVERT: d4d65da20d Merge pull request #1131 from rodgert/master REVERT: 3497244c41 Added ZMQ_SHARED message option to zmq_msg_get() REVERT: 5dc4066de4 Merge pull request #1130 from trevorbernard/master REVERT: a62e6f473d Add Docker support REVERT: d846fbf107 Merge pull request #1127 from twhittock/utils-eol REVERT: 6099acd2be Ensure EOL is present at end of utils file. REVERT: 428cf0255c Merge pull request #1125 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 816299f11c Code cleanup REVERT: bf74c0cfb1 Merge pull request #1124 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 31cff7ccf9 Add test for unbinding inproc socket. REVERT: 3c614074a2 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: e71ebbb771 Merge pull request #1123 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 54e0fde1cc Resolve issue #949 REVERT: 36d529cba9 Merge pull request #1122 from twhittock/win-errhandle REVERT: 993cb32e96 Windows: if WSA error number is held, use directly. It must be done this way, as WSAGetLastError returns 0 in these circumstances REVERT: 660bf4311b Merge pull request #1121 from twhittock/master REVERT: cb2582b09e vs2012: Add missing socks files REVERT: 1353d28708 Merge pull request #1120 from hurtonm/master REVERT: ccfbaea397 Don't delay reception of signal REVERT: 3696d0d74f Merge pull request #1119 from mosconi/master REVERT: 4ae4896978 duplicated type definitions when using CMAKE REVERT: 3a16b0b108 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' REVERT: 51b3fad8ab Fix to build on OpenBSD REVERT: e6b7c7acd6 Merge pull request #1118 from guidefloripa/master REVERT: 9c42d28a20 Add static compilation on CMake REVERT: 13ed711448 Merge pull request #1117 from jlauenercern/master REVERT: 219310b4f0 Thread scheduling parameters: Use ZMQ context options instead of environment variables. REVERT: 00fe56c4bf Merge pull request #1115 from hurtonm/master REVERT: bbf597196e Merge pull request #1112 from hintjens/master REVERT: 079ff8b759 Code cleanup REVERT: fa3ae97480 Merge pull request #1114 from PalmStoneGames/master REVERT: a9cb9022fd Add missing socks files REVERT: 1b9f67cac6 Merge pull request #1113 from fichtner/socks_include REVERT: f1207e6af1 socks: fix build on FreeBSD REVERT: 39f2e8f273 Problem: missing stdlib.h include in curve_keygen.cpp REVERT: a087ce55ea Problem: two header files for a single library REVERT: 7e8dd46631 Merge pull request #1111 from hintjens/master REVERT: dd05a64462 Problem: zmq_msg_gets did not set errno on unknown properties REVERT: 3b505f1f6a Merge pull request #1110 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6e91330a0c Added clarifying comment REVERT: 58c067ff0e Revert "Problem: tcp_address.cpp allowed [ and ] around address" REVERT: 47c796276f Merge pull request #1109 from hintjens/master REVERT: ce8fbb26cb Problem: zmq_connect doesn't return EINVAL on invalid endpoint REVERT: 2524e26893 Code cleanups REVERT: 859b43f1eb Merge pull request #1107 from jlauenercern/master REVERT: 112ef6f172 Allow change of pthread priority REVERT: 64513d8522 Merge pull request #1106 from hintjens/master REVERT: 78a7b469a1 Problem: tcp_address.cpp allowed [ and ] around address REVERT: deaad00ad9 Problem: zmq_connect() does not validate TCP addresses REVERT: 407843374d Merge pull request #1105 from hintjens/master REVERT: 18d222515f Fixed typo in doc example REVERT: 1f063dc30a Merge pull request #1103 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 61c2a7d471 Merge pull request #1104 from tristianc/master REVERT: fe2532e883 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 82be399527 Merge pull request #1097 from hintjens/master REVERT: 369725ab8f Fix windows build REVERT: de3832d2f8 Merge pull request #1101 from hurtonm/master REVERT: b73d1c8fed Fix memory leak in socks connecter REVERT: 79d578ef0b Merge pull request #1100 from hurtonm/master REVERT: f06ca69ae9 Add support for SOCKS proxies REVERT: 883e95b22e Merge pull request #1099 from chrox/master REVERT: bdf6427a00 Fixed build with arm-linux-androideabi toolchain REVERT: 8b80197207 Merge pull request #1098 from mgatny/add_gssapi_documentation REVERT: 0a4123fd91 Add documentation for GSSAPI options. REVERT: 36db9c0803 Fixed compile error if Kerberos installed REVERT: 7242cdf842 Trivial whitespace fixup REVERT: f11d673ba9 Problem: need way to probe library capabilities REVERT: 27547bc9bc Problem: when libgssapi isn't available, GSSAPI options 'seem' to work REVERT: cac5e74d55 Merge pull request #1096 from hintjens/master REVERT: 1beb54cef0 Added militant API checking on zmq_getsockopt REVERT: d0667461f0 Fixed build: malformed only defined when needed. REVERT: b4ed3f5506 Problem: API violations are treated as recoverable errors REVERT: 232e6ff761 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 1d236d81c8 Merge pull request #1090 from hintjens/master REVERT: 373d68844a Merge pull request #1093 from hurtonm/master REVERT: b62d1c7d5f Code cleanup REVERT: 188f7864ea Fixed testcase for ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS REVERT: 39455c2114 Problem: zmq_ctx_get (ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS) returns gibberish REVERT: 8d7b64d648 Added packaged files and binary to RPM spec REVERT: 3aec42e278 Merge pull request #1089 from jkryl/master REVERT: cc4c37dc62 program dumps core when getpeername() returns EINVAL (#1085) REVERT: c973c985fe Merge pull request #1088 from olafmandel/WSAENOTSOCK REVERT: ab5775fb00 Fix failed assertion for WSAENOTSOCK REVERT: 668b2c4d83 Merge pull request #1083 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 706eb4da8d Code cleanup REVERT: 8c616290c8 Merge pull request #1082 from dmeehan1968/exclude-test-abstract-ipc-non-linux REVERT: a1f8737976 Exclude test_abstract_ipc from non-Linux builds REVERT: 34e8f3c123 Merge pull request #1080 from tberkey/master REVERT: fae07d919a Merge pull request #1079 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 10e5277e9f Update NuGet template to incorporate platform.hpp from relative dir. REVERT: 455bba6a15 Refresh VS 2010/2012 projects with recent VS2013 updates. REVERT: c23420ce04 Merge pull request #1078 from mkluwe/handle-WSAEADDRINUSE REVERT: fa95d0b5e8 removed whitespace REVERT: 5154c544ff handle WSAEADDRINUSE in tcp_connecter_t::connect REVERT: ff6b684ab3 Merge pull request #1076 from dmeehan1968/msvc-platform-hpp-no-copy REVERT: d775b4539f Modified remote_thr project to not copy platform.hpp REVERT: 66ebe31bf5 Modified remote_lat project to not copy platform.hpp REVERT: dd95eb96be Modified local_thr project to not copy platform.hpp REVERT: 06e67ff096 Modified local_lat project to not copy platform.hpp REVERT: 7b50270142 Modified inproc_thr project to not copy platform.hpp REVERT: f5478859b0 Modified inproc_lat project to not copy platform.hpp REVERT: 649f4b0f24 Modified libzmq project to not copy platform.hpp REVERT: d0371dc0f2 Merge pull request #1075 from dmeehan1968/perf-platform-hpp-restore REVERT: 87ce17e439 Restore unpathed references to platform.hpp for cmake builds REVERT: 14afbf9b48 Merge pull request #1074 from dmeehan1968/ignore-suo-in-subfolders REVERT: 79575b0dd9 Exclude MSVC SUO files regardless of where they are in the builds/msvc folder REVERT: 78ada21eb7 Merge pull request #1073 from evoskuil/master REVERT: f1111ceb0d VS set switch /Z7 in debug static (DebugLIB/DebugLTCG) base props. REVERT: cbad7de0ae Whitespace in VS projects. REVERT: 4b543e2c98 Merge pull request #1072 from olafmandel/issue_1071 REVERT: de9eef3063 Extend zmq::wsa_error_to_errno() REVERT: ad9838859f Merge pull request #1069 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 920371ee6b Corrected installer source path for VS pdb debug symbols file. Removed prefix path to platform.h REVERT: 8e7a8a43b4 Merge pull request #1070 from ricnewton/master REVERT: c9e86acf61 Set up hwm's before we connect the other end of the pipe in ctx_t::connect_inproc_sockets REVERT: 6af46c39c7 Update VS import props to allow delinking by dependent projects. REVERT: 4a02604cc2 Reset PDB out path change in base VS props. REVERT: 764a3495c6 Merge pull request #1067 from hintjens/master REVERT: ff07d85594 Problem: email addresses in AUTHORS harvested for spam REVERT: b42b9c9d67 Merge pull request #1066 from hurtonm/master REVERT: f447386936 Style fixes REVERT: c6e38ec1b7 Merge pull request #1064 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 77f50f9ab8 Merge pull request #1061 from dmeehan1968/fix-perf-platform-hpp-windows REVERT: 451c94af8e Fix for perf/platform.hpp not being cleaned up by distclean REVERT: b118acb710 Merge pull request #1059 from dmeehan1968/msvc-pdb-output REVERT: ed49057fd7 Added ProgramDataBaseFile directive so that .pdb file goes into same directory as the .lib so that debug builds can find it REVERT: d456e70d7d cosmetic msvc xml fix REVERT: cfc754f393 Merge pull request #1020 from jemc/inproc_simult REVERT: ac244b41c5 Merge pull request #1057 from hurtonm/master REVERT: dd2be381ad Add const qualifier to register_endpoint param REVERT: 8b47d36875 Revert "Mark failing test for issue #1015 as XFAIL" REVERT: 99dba23dc7 Merge pull request #1055 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 3901d94b27 Fix race condition in connecting inproc sockets REVERT: 313b2ec84e Merge pull request #1054 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 77514e0e9f Merge pull request #1053 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 414fc86b22 Code cleanup REVERT: be99f060b3 Update NuGet packaging. REVERT: c0c89a3bc5 Update VS version resource and package version. REVERT: 51c1a1c408 Generalize dependency reference in GSL config/script. REVERT: 0c60256727 Revert change to VS props references because of VS UI limitation. REVERT: 96501d7271 Merge pull request #1051 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 5f4145e7cb Small code cleanup REVERT: 6bdedcbca3 Merge pull request #1049 from hintjens/master REVERT: 4b67919f93 Minor trim of man page title REVERT: 11175a33f1 Problem: security tests block on zmq_send REVERT: a1fbd97330 Merge pull request #1048 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 32b3daad7e PLAIN: Small simplification REVERT: 155feccb3f Merge pull request #1047 from mrvn/pull-testutil-expect_bounce_fail-send-timeout REVERT: 11357df0e0 Merge pull request #1046 from mrvn/pull-testutil-set-alarm REVERT: 2ba5af6d83 Set an alarm(60) in setup_test_environment() when not on windows so tests will not block too long if they go wrong. REVERT: 0ebf94e429 Add a send timeout in expect_bounce_fail() so tests for authentication failures don't block. REVERT: 77f5f7adae Merge pull request #1043 from hurtonm/dont_reconnect_on_protocol_errors REVERT: de639c34ae Merge pull request #1042 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 045dab91a5 Merge pull request #1037 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9a53f334d2 Don't reconnect on protocol errors REVERT: ed076d4620 Fix bug in reporting protocol errors REVERT: bac001cc85 Merge pull request #1041 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 7d3fa3afcb Tell the session why the engine has stopped REVERT: a9a15ccf6f Use different endpoint for each test step REVERT: aad54b2a8b Whitespace fixes REVERT: a178097f95 Problem: artificial restriction on binary identities REVERT: adddda17cf Merge pull request #1038 from hurtonm/master REVERT: bd73119e2b CURVE: Implement server-side ERROR handling REVERT: 4f571edf1b Merge pull request #1036 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 0750303bfe CURVE: Implement client-side ERROR handling REVERT: 0975be6ed7 Merge pull request #1035 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 410f891599 Prefix error-reason with length in ERROR command REVERT: 6dbc70516c Merge pull request #1034 from hurtonm/master REVERT: dd6a4fe806 NULL: Correct ERROR command format REVERT: 2ff098f6ae Merge pull request #1033 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 164ff4be6b Remove debugging output REVERT: 57546f4ecb PLAIN: Implement ERROR handling in server REVERT: 8651b55797 PLAIN: Fix parsing of ERROR command REVERT: 3338c76bac Merge pull request #1032 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 6b8513744c PLAIN: Implement ERROR handling in client REVERT: 8c4e049564 Merge pull request #1031 from sdrsdr/identity_fd REVERT: 14e8e8af33 Merge branch 'master' of into identity_fd REVERT: 6f5e7714cf test case for zmq_getsockopt/ZMQ_IDENTITY_FD REVERT: c6dec22717 Merge pull request #1030 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 3aa6c1eab0 Optimize VS projects and common props. REVERT: 7e7508a8d9 Harden MSBUILD base script against various VS installations. REVERT: 09b17c13c2 Merge pull request #1029 from olafmandel/master REVERT: c5cca55c78 Update build files to include metadata REVERT: d58dfa4944 Update build files after plain_mechanism split REVERT: ec0094c474 Merge pull request #1027 from evoskuil/master REVERT: bf169024b3 Batched VS builds. REVERT: 5ab44f4874 Ignore error on concurrent file copy in parallel VS builds. REVERT: 249a59a519 Updated libsodium imports. REVERT: dde45a98a6 Merge pull request #1026 from sdrsdr/identity_fd REVERT: 1d5bc80372 Merge pull request #1025 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 3d05df9aa5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstr/master' into identity_fd REVERT: a16d3dbb0e docu REVERT: 3f479f534e Merge pull request #1024 from sdrsdr/identity_fd REVERT: 1c4cea6c7f Update cmake for split of plain_mechanism REVERT: 8fcefed43f patch cleanup REVERT: d5991d6728 merge to upstream REVERT: 098d01b16f Merge pull request #1023 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 22d6a97403 Split plain_mechanism into client and server part REVERT: 17cb14f79d Merge pull request #1022 from danielhtshih/master REVERT: 70b6516d96 add untracked test_stream_timeout into .gitignore and tests/ REVERT: acb71e0096 store also here! REVERT: b6c577a9ec Mark failing test for issue #1015 as XFAIL REVERT: 5cf74db6bb Add failing test reproducing issue #1015. REVERT: 7ec7f70384 Merge pull request #1019 from willstrang/master REVERT: afe5fd87e9 Issue #1017: add ZMQ_HANDSHAKE_IVL time limit on connection handshake REVERT: 1cf12ee612 Merge pull request #1018 from soundart/master REVERT: b846f3075c ws REVERT: 8962b7de45 removed return code check for now, got -1 in test_security_curve. REVERT: 05ab9a848f find libsodium with cmake REVERT: 2cdfa1fff3 initialize libsodium and tweetnacl REVERT: ba22eff6b4 Merge pull request #1016 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 934560b559 NULL: Implement ERROR handling REVERT: 61d41156bc Merge pull request #1014 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 4e5921b7ab Update VS 2008/10/12/13 file distribution. REVERT: 033040f7e0 Integrate GSSAPI option in VS UI options and props. REVERT: 17735a4e6b Rename VS version resource file. REVERT: b0b6dd4043 Consolidate VS props to shared location. REVERT: 4d640fe010 Merge pull request #1012 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 43d8252446 Update gssapi mechanism REVERT: 0be8144176 Update mechanism API so we can check for ERROR status REVERT: 8672f3023a Merge pull request #1011 from fichtner/abstract_freebsd_again REVERT: fff29a4a0c ipc: fail harder for abstract ipc on non-Linux REVERT: b745455415 Merge pull request #1010 from fichtner/abstract_freebsd REVERT: 69bd470103 tests: fix abstract ipc test by omitting slashes REVERT: 4c4ca1f2f6 Merge pull request #1009 from fichtner/gss_freebsd REVERT: 8c09ae6e49 gssapi: RFC 2744 mandates GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE REVERT: 40cbbe3c9e Merge pull request #1008 from hurtonm/master REVERT: dcd1f2038e Minor renaming REVERT: 2c786a200c Merge pull request #1007 from tSed/sma/fork-fix REVERT: d178c71e21 cmake: fix indentation REVERT: c83d4e01dd cmake: tests: disable test_fork if fork() is not available REVERT: 6fdafc458a autotools: tests: disable test_fork if fork() is not available REVERT: 87a08e1748 Merge pull request #1006 from hurtonm/master REVERT: f2807d11a0 Remove i_properties interface REVERT: c5cd92da68 Merge pull request #1005 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 2f08477292 Initialise _has_src_addr variable, fixes hang on Windows. REVERT: f21116b7be Merge pull request #1003 from hintjens/master REVERT: b06474312d ZAP vs. ZMTP metadata priority fixed REVERT: c01365d486 Fixed man page example REVERT: bd4a76cc2a Problem: GSSAPI server doesn't parse ZAP user id REVERT: 0d13971c05 Fixed compile error in test_security_null REVERT: 84ed81c014 Added test_metadata REVERT: dd6c752822 Merge pull request #1001 from hintjens/master REVERT: ded00177b3 Revert "Add code to investigate data race" REVERT: d190325e4d Revert "Enlarge the race window for some test cases" REVERT: 0bc669b106 Merge pull request #1000 from daveab/feature/divide_by_zero_investigation REVERT: 2a84d25974 Enlarge the race window for some test cases REVERT: 5e0facda17 Add code to investigate data race REVERT: 2db7cdc6a6 Merge pull request #999 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 8d82cc2a0b Include ZMTP properties in message metadata REVERT: 55c06924c8 Merge pull request #998 from hurtonm/master REVERT: e95b477a87 Don't add empty metadata to received messages REVERT: f721a7ad07 Merge pull request #997 from soundart/master REVERT: 351c845339 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 551bcdae6c add metadata REVERT: 01afdf8476 no tweetnacl for windows currently REVERT: 63cc250d05 typo REVERT: e5a294ec02 tweetnacl integration REVERT: 49f18d55cb Merge pull request #996 from hurtonm/master REVERT: b9c2748146 Add metadata to received messages REVERT: 62bb403eea Merge pull request #995 from hintjens/master REVERT: cac0f9838d Problem: generates incompatible REVERT: 79ef02538f Port 9999 is unsafe for tests REVERT: fe3e8c5c70 linking fd to pipe identity via socket option REVERT: 408dea796f Merge pull request #993 from klnikita/src_addr_connect REVERT: acb6807041 Allow to set up a source address and port for outgoing tcp connections in zmq_connect() REVERT: 69d27b3338 Merge pull request #992 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 19c62b93fc Define i_properties interface REVERT: ddde62a68c Merge pull request #991 from hurtonm/master REVERT: f81a1304ff Update function prototype for zmq_msg_gets () REVERT: c24b457ccf Merge pull request #988 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 724b2bb844 Add pointer to properties into message structure REVERT: 26bf74972a Merge pull request #987 from hintjens/master REVERT: 39ccfea036 Added more scaffolding for security REVERT: d1232d144a Fixed NULL security test REVERT: c6f8093bfb Added zmq_ctx_shutdown to Makefile REVERT: 4307641f27 Merge pull request #986 from evoskuil/master REVERT: c1ac534e6e Change OpenEvent to OpenEventW (Windows builds Unicode only). REVERT: 2d6f5b0ec4 Merge pull request #985 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9753de8566 Problem: zmq_socket_monitor code is dirty REVERT: 97935c582e Added link to zmq_msg_gets REVERT: 50afebe47c Merge pull request #984 from ricnewton/master REVERT: bbaa85e7dd Fix windows non-unicode build REVERT: cb0e8f1a9f Merge pull request #983 from pijyoi/master REVERT: d4c5dc9b1d update ZMQ_STREAM docs about connection notification REVERT: 2b9a5e49f4 Uupdate GSL referenece in packaging script. REVERT: 763bf34e88 Merge pull request #981 from evoskuil/master REVERT: e97bed3727 Add gssapi files to msvc project. REVERT: ca29709f38 Change TCHAR to Unicode, use safe swprintf to remove warning. REVERT: e37c206211 Merge pull request #980 from claws/fix_build_issue_when_missing_gssapi REVERT: 7abf2564f8 fixes for gssapi build issue REVERT: 09647fa916 src/gssapi_client.cpp REVERT: dd64f6432c Merge pull request #978 from connamara/gssapi REVERT: d1334d9df8 using latest copyright header REVERT: 634c8abe29 encrypt option on gss ready REVERT: 27591d2da6 ZMQ_GSSAPI_PLAINTEXT option for disabling encryption REVERT: 18da8a7402 encode and decode ready message REVERT: 2e1645a519 principle->principal REVERT: 87834dd63f fixed up comments from pr REVERT: 5441db3d7d configurable principle and service principle (for client) REVERT: 4e6880ec95 gss mech sends principle as part of zap request REVERT: be62be0fa4 gss encode/decode 'more' flag REVERT: 778c72b9ed :fixed client state transition bug REVERT: 04db842dcc added ready for meta data exchange at end of gss handshake REVERT: 761508bf4b Added comments to methods. REVERT: 3c414c4aac GSSAPI mechanism now fully working with encryption REVERT: eb2862525b Methods to send/recv gssapi-wrapped messages REVERT: 1445516c41 Establishing GSSAPI sec context is working now REVERT: 6290ba168f Added gss produce/process routines. REVERT: c00b8c347b Refactored common impl into gssapi_mechanism_base. REVERT: a4a0dc6644 Split up gssapi mechanism into client and server. REVERT: abcb224318 stubbed in TOKEN command REVERT: 4b1c851db4 Stubbed in gssapi security mechanism. REVERT: d1bdd45e80 Merge pull request #975 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 1ee980c191 Update filter file tool versions. REVERT: 5a76db6f27 Merge branch 'zeromq/master' REVERT: d03a1b0d5b Fix platform tools versioning on project files. REVERT: bd45b74dd3 Remove versioning from VS .props files. REVERT: cfe2036008 Merge pull request #974 from xantares/master REVERT: ce4c4f2a05 Fixed mingw poll detection REVERT: 98a64716ab Merge pull request #973 from HughPowell/master REVERT: 213d111def Reference default locations for libsodium for VS2010 REVERT: 6cb742c7bb Change ToolsVersion to 4.0 for VS2010 REVERT: 6409c0ec1c Merge pull request #972 from mditzel/master REVERT: 802d1bcb03 Fix issue #971 REVERT: 91e77e6aa4 Fix issue #969 REVERT: d40580c368 Merge pull request #970 from mditzel/master REVERT: 52cfab3e21 Merge pull request #968 from hintjens/master REVERT: 407b7fb474 Removed duplicate zmq_z85_* methods from zmq.h REVERT: b9823a1388 Merge pull request #965 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 51be440a28 Update VS build configurations. REVERT: f9ef2dd343 Merge pull request #964 from evoskuil/master REVERT: c392c266df Merge branch 'evoskuil/master' REVERT: 34f4851c23 Incorporate libsodium option and linkage, generalize, update packaging. REVERT: dd227d7a11 Merge pull request #961 from evoskuil/master REVERT: f01b48c484 Update packaging metadata. REVERT: 28c074ee63 Merge pull request #960 from evoskuil/master REVERT: b7675eaace Update packaging metadata. REVERT: 69fa001bab Merge branch 'evoskuil/master' REVERT: e01801f5b9 Rationalize and update Visual Studio projects and packaging. REVERT: 8fcda0d5da Cleaned up XFAIL on resources REVERT: 84bf625477 Merge pull request #959 from evoskuil/master REVERT: cbbfa14798 Merge branch 'zeromq/master' REVERT: 5d0701d71d Add executable projects to VS2013 solution. REVERT: 2ad6469cb2 Modify MSVC link incremental setting for deconfliction with LTCG flag. REVERT: c1f7e1f48a Merge pull request #958 from hurtonm/master REVERT: a53d703160 Resolve issue #939 REVERT: 7140bf041a Merge pull request #957 from jkryl/master REVERT: 48b37f217f sockets created by accept are leaked to child processes (ticket #956) REVERT: 55bde2a7b5 Merge pull request #952 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 2e802a467f Change NuGet package id. REVERT: 441fdd7cb6 Typo. REVERT: ee69fa51b3 In nuget package copy copied DLLs to bin with linked name. REVERT: c044f73bb7 Add nuget package generation and GUI selection of OpenPGM option. REVERT: f3c156ba2b Merge branch 'zeromq/master' REVERT: 86ef40d171 Reorganize and clean up visual studio build configurations. REVERT: 29586d303d Merge pull request #950 from phreed/master REVERT: 91c409fd93 updated with better owner, author and copyright information REVERT: 394e4c6032 corrected some issues with the autopkg, include the dll REVERT: af5b960177 added files to assist in building nuget packages REVERT: 5a3b633bc5 cmake: correct find function REVERT: b04abfae57 cmake: use FindSodium module REVERT: 4706a18cf3 Merge pull request #945 from twwlogin/patch-2 REVERT: 20f22e0463 Merge pull request #944 from twwlogin/patch-1 REVERT: b7a663f1c1 Allow iov_base as char * on Solaris 8/9/10. REVERT: 9051456f18 Include zmq.h after platform.hpp REVERT: c217ab73b1 Merge pull request #941 from veegee/master REVERT: 89cbd3d2fa Fix building on MinGW64 Windows REVERT: faacb1413f Merge pull request #938 from bebopagogo/master REVERT: 8116fe55b7 Merge pull request #937 from snikulov/fix_dll_out_path REVERT: cd9755e4aa removed norm_engine dependency on deprecated encoder_base::has_data() method REVERT: 0a97e05439 removed dependency on deprecated encoder_base::has_data() method REVERT: 58a1430ca0 fixed msvc dll output path REVERT: 65dcd79047 Merge pull request #936 from soundart/master REVERT: 8edc80f27b cmake: fix fragile code related to HAVE_FORK macro REVERT: 59b20e7f3e Merge pull request #934 from evoskuil/master REVERT: 8782484fb5 Visual Studio 2013 build updates. REVERT: a57cf1958a Merge pull request #933 from soundart/master REVERT: 9dc890c501 fix test_fork REVERT: 65c0ed4727 Merge pull request #932 from ricnewton/master REVERT: b31ea51ca0 Merge pull request #931 from Dahko/patch-1 REVERT: f5eebc2ae3 Remove delays and destroy/recreate context between tests REVERT: 6a627acea7 Fixed wrong assert in zmq_recv REVERT: 5ced51b753 Merge pull request #930 from ricnewton/master REVERT: e27a610897 Fix tabs REVERT: 26dc643205 Add delays in test_connect_rid to allow time for socket to close before address reuse. REVERT: 18e885bbe4 Add vs2013 solution and build for (v120) of libzmq project. REVERT: be6763e381 Merge pull request #928 from bebopagogo/master REVERT: e9523a98b5 Merge pull request #927 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 43071bc724 fixed another missed norm_engine issue for non-norm build REVERT: 5bd5188ec6 Fix tabs REVERT: 7cead2bfd6 Fix travis build. REVERT: a4b0e93fc1 Fix travis build. REVERT: 05229ea673 Fix cmake build on windows. REVERT: 0e0c46aedc Merge pull request #926 from bebopagogo/master REVERT: d3e0be1528 added uncommitted norm_engine changes REVERT: 0514aa5b51 Merge pull request #925 from hintjens/master REVERT: b433adf49e Fixed comment REVERT: 74d344ca74 Merge pull request #924 from bebopagogo/master REVERT: 33f22d0d04 added norm_engine REVERT: c91a638a5a added norm_engine REVERT: 72c02b1569 Merge pull request #923 from hintjens/master REVERT: b1e74f79c4 Revert "Fixed potential SEGFAULT." REVERT: a5e397a55e Merge pull request #922 from horus42/master REVERT: 03a3dd2503 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' REVERT: 79b81f4840 Fixed potential SEGFAULT. REVERT: 49e035fb40 Merge pull request #921 from mbarbisan/master REVERT: 350a1ac12b Allow TCP addresses to be re-resolved whenever there is a reconnection attempt REVERT: 4e5f866fa4 Merge pull request #920 from mbarbisan/master REVERT: 52db50f844 Add the tag name to the zmq_pollitem_t struct to allow easier forward declaration REVERT: e224be25dc Merge pull request #914 from drewcrawford/issue_912 REVERT: 6009e2c6c4 Libsodium is now required if and only if --with-libsodium is used REVERT: b63c5e5469 Merge pull request #911 from KennethWilke/master REVERT: 2bcf860e77 Minor change to zmq_curve_keypair doc REVERT: bf08114be4 Merge pull request #910 from hintjens/master REVERT: 305a1442ae Added scaffolding for zmq_msg_gets REVERT: 8de07ad79b Merge pull request #906 from olafmandel/fix_msvc8_build REVERT: e7a0c54876 Fix MSVC8 build REVERT: b008a341d7 Merge pull request #905 from guruofquality/missing_librt REVERT: 2bc3c82745 add linking to librt under cmake build - fixes missing symbol REVERT: 176d2c8a67 Merge pull request #904 from olafmandel/ REVERT: 45dfbc5248 Fix zmq_socket example in documentation REVERT: 8b7ac4ffdc Merge pull request #902 from pavel-pimenov/fix-pvs-studio-v547 REVERT: acfbfe53bc Fix build with ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS (typedef UINT_PTR fd_t; -> unsigned type) V547 Expression 'file_desc >= 0' is always true. Unsigned type value is always >= 0. socket_base.cpp 845 V547 Expression 'file_desc >= 0' is always true. Unsigned type value is always >= 0. socket_base.cpp 863 V547 Expression 'file_desc >= 0' is always true. Unsigned type value is always >= 0. socket_base.cpp 897 REVERT: 88ed56fa9d Merge pull request #901 from pijyoi/master REVERT: acf0949f18 workaround missing Mstcpip.h in mingw32 REVERT: 3b8254daed Merge pull request #900 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 9d3d9d635a fix: win32 tcp_keepalive gets set even when option is -1 REVERT: 1879b8ba76 Merge pull request #899 from olafmandel/duplicate_poller_detect REVERT: 48b50cefb4 Remove duplicate poller decision making REVERT: f789177abe Merge pull request #898 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8cca4735d8 Added temporary CURVE debugging support REVERT: 0be4a92d20 Merge pull request #895 from olafmandel/LIBZMQ_CHECK_POLLER REVERT: a838b3897b Merge pull request #894 from olafmandel/Cygwin_gitignore REVERT: d9d73e4bf9 Clarify configure messages for --with-poller=... REVERT: f1ba66a78b Update .gitignore to exclude *.exe under Cygwin REVERT: ba5fcc95eb Merge pull request #892 from olafmandel/ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT REVERT: e41c8cba0e Rename ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS_MAX to ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT REVERT: 1e9ea54bf6 Merge pull request #889 from olafmandel/MAX_SOCKETS_MAX REVERT: af42d439cd Merge pull request #890 from brunoqc/880 REVERT: a6e05ad5a3 Merge pull request #891 from lalebarde/master REVERT: 3fb800c100 fix revert REVERT: abf9d8b74e Revert "add a proxy hook" REVERT: bc25366f7c Revert "add proxy_chain, a multi proxies chaining in the same thread feature" REVERT: e8a13c44b0 Fix a strict-aliasing with type-punning REVERT: 5815b768b9 Add ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS_MAX to zmq_ctx_get() REVERT: b54a168d41 Merge pull request #884 from guruofquality/cmake_fixes REVERT: c7ffef37bc Merge pull request #886 from guruofquality/auto_fixes REVERT: 1737520c67 Merge pull request #887 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 12442a3d65 Bind pending connections on terminate outside lock. REVERT: 668c42fc26 Fix hang on term when inproc is connected but never bound. REVERT: a5741ea2f5 fix autotools out of tree build link issue on linux REVERT: b1471da5ac fix libzmq.pc generation under cmake REVERT: 6150812ff1 Merge pull request #881 from hintjens/master REVERT: ab9349d3fe Revert "Fix potential memory leak" REVERT: e376ad2787 Merge pull request #876 from hurtonm/master REVERT: a09407829e Fix identity handling for inproc transport REVERT: 8cda54c52b Merge pull request #874 from gyulalaszlo/cmake-switchable-tests REVERT: 7a86b39d63 Added ZMQ_BUILD_TESTS to CMakeLists.txt to allow turning off tests. Useful when building ZMQ as a git submodule. REVERT: 5a47fc4f08 Merge pull request #871 from apyrgio/develop REVERT: 50d34e5653 Fix potential memory leak REVERT: e6ef16d005 Fix potential segmentation fault REVERT: 0ac223c746 Merge pull request #870 from hintjens/master REVERT: 4f56631f78 Fixed issue #868 REVERT: 45b593e7ed Whitespace fix REVERT: 40d7ca6a60 Whitespace cleanups REVERT: 1fe82ae0a4 Merge pull request #866 from hintjens/master REVERT: bb81b1e3d9 Fixed issue #865 - validation on ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE REVERT: 365b7b8d20 Merge pull request #864 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 0b9a9f7671 Fix cmake build REVERT: 6cd86932c5 Merge pull request #863 from hintjens/master REVERT: 046e37e907 Test for at tests startup REVERT: de96d65f15 Merge pull request #862 from hintjens/master REVERT: fa318400dc Fixed man page for zmq_proxy_hook REVERT: e45fddc2bc Merge pull request #861 from pavel-pimenov/master REVERT: 5dd82a6fa6 [libzmq] const string p -> const string& p (#860) REVERT: e436073b37 Merge pull request #858 from lalebarde/master REVERT: bc7441f517 add proxy_chain, a multi proxies chaining in the same thread feature REVERT: fcd9b9506a Merge pull request #855 from hintjens/master REVERT: b1aba5dc30 Fixed example for zmq_msg_copy REVERT: 62ac5bb77f Fixed type for ZMQ_RCVMORE getsockopt example REVERT: 188e99c0d4 Merge pull request #854 from lalebarde/master REVERT: 9ae6a91fad add a proxy hook REVERT: a7065519df Merge pull request #852 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9c228e9374 Fixes to test cases REVERT: 8fea78b130 Merge pull request #849 from pijyoi/master REVERT: e71dfd13d7 typo fix: RECVHWM -> RCVHWM REVERT: 9c6aa1e9e0 Merge pull request #848 from Prarrot/master REVERT: 188e76a73f Added asserts on socket close in test_conenct_rid. REVERT: 515af9b147 Added assert on duplicate id in ROUTER and STREAM sockets. Updated man to reflect this change. Modified test case to match. REVERT: 141e1b5966 Cleaned up formatting of test_connect_rid. Set LINGER to 0 on sockets. This may address the test failing on some devices. REVERT: 14c6cba2a5 Merge pull request #846 from lalebarde/master REVERT: 660247066f Merge pull request #847 from Prarrot/master REVERT: 2d6d8af0b8 added space at end of file REVERT: 2b0fe6d181 Updated AUTHORS REVERT: 7279429cf1 tabs to spaces REVERT: de1164255a added test_connect_rid file and added to CMakeLists again. REVERT: 5bc6737039 factorize code in proxy REVERT: 0e94ddf377 Merge pull request #842 from ipechorin/master REVERT: ebb51d7922 Fix CMake tests - delete non-existing test_connect_rid REVERT: 1d7a07d919 Fix compilation of tests on MSVC 2008 REVERT: aaeae8deb3 Merge pull request #841 from Prarrot/master REVERT: 3fbc10eba7 Updated man entries, and added behavior in case the user duplicates peer ids. In this case the socket reverts to default behavior. REVERT: 1d9b76c860 Added test for ZMQ_CONNECT_RID REVERT: 2f36f65f8f Fixed duplicate variable declaration. REVERT: 2f85447273 Merge pull request #839 from hintjens/master REVERT: 50bd28c037 Cleaned up option to force identity on outgoing connection REVERT: 5f07d103a7 Merge pull request #838 from Prarrot/master REVERT: cedca84196 Merge pull request #837 from arsenm/master REVERT: b1920bdf90 Fixed compile issue with missing member of socket_base. Changed ZMQ_NEXT_IDENTITY to ZMQ_NEXT_CONNECT_PEER_ID. REVERT: 00aeaddf94 Fix unused parameter and variable warnings. REVERT: 5a230f7d9e Fix cmake configure error from deleted test. REVERT: d82389a788 Merge pull request #834 from Prarrot/master REVERT: a66c47f995 Merge pull request #833 from mrvn/pull_store-fd-on-connect REVERT: d13b74e955 Merge pull request #832 from mrvn/pull_stream-connect-notification REVERT: f13512a926 fixed define value in header REVERT: 5d4860ea12 Both STREAM and ROUTER sockets suffer from a naming problem on outbound connections. While these connections can be created, they can't be immediately used. Traffic must be received before it can be sent. This prevents practical, minimal usage of STREAM or ROUTER as a true N fan in/out socket. REVERT: afb24b53e6 Add STREAM connect notification. Adjust test cases to connection notification. Increase error checking in test cases. REVERT: 92f8f244e2 Store socket FD after connect REVERT: 53d0199e50 Merge pull request #828 from snikulov/cmake_rc_merge_fix REVERT: f4a67b2520 fixed cmake merge related to handling REVERT: 22655d05c7 Merge pull request #827 from EricMCornelius/master REVERT: 88a8be8231 Update pipe.cpp REVERT: 589fa57afa Corrects ypipe initialization when conflate is NOT enabled. REVERT: 526847b73b Merge pull request #825 from AndreLouisCaron/disconnect-notifications REVERT: f8300d183a Merge pull request #824 from AndreLouisCaron/fix-cmake-build REVERT: 21011541e0 Fixes CMake build after ZAP test file was deleted. REVERT: 17651b9276 Adds support for detecting ZMQ_STREAM disconnections. REVERT: f253fe5f42 Merge pull request #823 from ricnewton/master REVERT: bf06f3bb27 Define NOMINMAN to fix windows build. REVERT: d981d01655 Merge pull request #821 from davipt/master REVERT: d38a0c43b6 use version-script only for ELF linux REVERT: d765a0e7d4 Merge pull request #820 from jtanx/win32 REVERT: 5efee6e0d5 Fix compilation on MinGW-w64 REVERT: 676dada8f6 Merge pull request #819 from hurtonm/master REVERT: e46ec31209 Implement socket_base_t::get_credential member function REVERT: 5c4f3cc603 Merge pull request #817 from Debian/symbols REVERT: ea54669b6f Merge pull request #818 from Debian/s390x REVERT: 245c75aad6 Fix timestamp counter on s390/s390x REVERT: 27c050845c Only export zmq_* symbols REVERT: 6e1b1fef8f Merge pull request #816 from snikulov/fix_test_windows REVERT: bd2874a3a0 windows: changed tcp port from glrpc assigned to unassigned one REVERT: 266711556d Merge pull request #815 from snikulov/cmake_install_update REVERT: 1904f90284 cmake: fixed error 'install TARGETS given no ARCHIVE DESTINATION for static library target' REVERT: ab07f7220d Merge pull request #814 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 5d41d51ba5 Replace assert with zmq_assert REVERT: 1014501679 Merge pull request #813 from hurtonm/master REVERT: a80fb34765 Fix some comments regarding method overriding REVERT: 60d6b89c5e Merge pull request #812 from hurtonm/master REVERT: d72ceb93be Make it explicit that the probe function doesn't modify passed message REVERT: 629221889d Merge pull request #810 from sradomski/master REVERT: 23ea1b2b64 typo in docs REVERT: 3aeaa6fab1 ZMQ_SRCFD docs and tests REVERT: ecb9770947 Merge pull request #809 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 96f5fddc45 Simplify ypipe_t and ypipe_base_t template parameters REVERT: c7e3efba6b Merge pull request #808 from sradomski/master REVERT: 823b7ebeb0 Removed dead code REVERT: f30fb8501e Expose remote FD via zmq_msg_get(&msg, ZMQ_SRCFD) REVERT: 08d897b174 Merge pull request #804 from mattconnolly/master REVERT: 8c3e645013 Update test_filter_ipc to not use abstract socket. REVERT: b5d2239a4e Merge pull request #803 from vortechs2000/fix-libzmq-576 REVERT: cd2827fb36 Fix LIBZMQ-576 - Revert "Merge pull request #510 from miniway/master" REVERT: 2fa49e96d2 Merge pull request #800 from hintjens/master REVERT: b3b9e046ee Updated copyright statements for 2014 REVERT: ff45caabd1 Fixed copyrights on TIPC code REVERT: 5bf96f64b0 Removed ZMQ_ZAP_IPC_CREDS option REVERT: adf5b45d71 Reordered socket options REVERT: 3ad8c61190 Whitespace fixes REVERT: 49a2902c82 Fixed issue #801 REVERT: 9d9592f830 Whitespace fixes REVERT: 384f8522aa Merge pull request #799 from lodagro/patch-1 REVERT: a5f4d823a5 fix doc typo REVERT: 5a0d21297e Merge pull request #798 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 5fa3f0a045 doc bugfix: ZMQ_MSGMORE should be ZMQ_SNDMORE REVERT: b5aa2b0f1c Merge pull request #797 from agronholm/master REVERT: b554757cf0 Fixed setting TCP keepalive parameters on Windows REVERT: 93e26efd5d Merge pull request #796 from hintjens/master REVERT: 311b6bf9f7 Test was sometimes failing REVERT: bf3702395c Fixed wildcard IPC endpoint and added test case REVERT: 62f3fdf3b7 Fixed indentation REVERT: 32f3fb490a Merge pull request #794 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8ba1311e34 Fixed use of deprecated tempnam REVERT: cf69781570 Added release notes for 4.0.3 REVERT: fc93902c4e Merge pull request #793 from minrk/test_resource REVERT: f4c5c9e890 add failing test for binding to resources REVERT: b4591202d2 Merge pull request #791 from moteus/patch-1 REVERT: b7a2248e22 Update doc for zmq_proxy_steerable [ci skip] REVERT: 5401c35267 Merge pull request #790 from trevorbernard/master REVERT: dc2ab43297 Merge pull request #789 from trevorbernard/single-connect REVERT: dfcf2950fc Add tests/test_zap_ipc_creds to .gitignore REVERT: 754ae1b115 Add Trevor Bernard to AUTHORS REVERT: 10a6641ef2 Fix issue #788 - Only allow a single connect per endpoint for SUB, REQ, and DEALER sockets REVERT: 02a8d1ea4c Merge pull request #785 from pijyoi/mutex_signaler REVERT: e14c9bcb23 Merge pull request #786 from algernon/hotfix/curve_keygen.cpp REVERT: b50ed02a20 tools/: Link curve_keygen with a c++ linker REVERT: 7f22995e35 use mutex implementation if fixed signaler_port!=5905 REVERT: b4395d15f9 Merge pull request #782 from hashstat/master REVERT: a018ef5e86 Add support for extending ZAP request address with IPC peer credentials. REVERT: 0f3703a3ee Merge pull request #781 from hashstat/master REVERT: 56b17100d4 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: f0bd333728 Move {SO,LOCAL}_PEERCRED checks to C++ context. REVERT: dc5528cba6 Enable building IPC filtering with cmake. REVERT: 4a4db83e55 Merge pull request #780 from hashstat/master REVERT: dc9b1309b9 Shortened ZMQ_IPC_ACCEPT_FILTER_[UGP]ID to ZMQ_IPC_FILTER_[UGP]ID. REVERT: 0a9a4fa904 Merge pull request #779 from hashstat/master REVERT: af808203d7 Fix failing test case in test_filter_ipc. REVERT: f5b6bd70f3 Merge pull request #775 from pijyoi/master REVERT: e48ca50663 Merge pull request #774 from shubred1/master REVERT: b7de0424fc Merge pull request #773 from hashstat/master REVERT: fd8d6d471f use enum retired_fd instead of -1 REVERT: 2252322acc Add IPC accept filter socket options. REVERT: 8662f44efa Intial IPC accept filter support. REVERT: c7693bedea Updated documentation for zmq_disconnect() and zmq_setsockopt(). REVERT: a9492a0852 Merge pull request #770 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 973d13d545 Code cleanup REVERT: 39e2b79912 Merge pull request #768 from Talksum/master REVERT: ff292d62d0 changing zmq_proxy_steerable to not use null terminated strings REVERT: 0f6e737ff8 Merge pull request #766 from hurtonm/master REVERT: cf14c54102 Fix issue #763 REVERT: 243aba265b Merge pull request #765 from pijyoi/master REVERT: bd41087ab9 make win32 signaler support ephemeral ports REVERT: a9eb6f792b Merge pull request #762 from ricnewton/master REVERT: abbe704d9e Fix windows build for type of service. REVERT: 3cddcbaadc Merge pull request #761 from claws/add_dscp_sockopt REVERT: a4385e6105 tidy up REVERT: 38bceca9ca Add ability to set and get DSCP socket option REVERT: b91ef997ce Merge pull request #760 from shancat/move_linger_test REVERT: 8f97f621a8 Move linger test to issue repo. REVERT: 7c2c02862e Merge pull request #759 from hintjens/master REVERT: 75a293d379 Moved version macros to top for better visibility REVERT: 46c5a239cb Merge pull request #758 from hintjens/master REVERT: 4d22d456a9 Reverting path change on platform.hpp, this broke some builds REVERT: f98fbd5ad8 Fixed test_many_sockets REVERT: 0ee76912e7 Merge pull request #756 from 0x6d686b/master REVERT: 3535a1d7ea Fixed typo in documentation about zmq_proxy_steerable() REVERT: a0bde50887 Merge pull request #755 from hintjens/master REVERT: c89518d33d Added links to RFCs for socket patterns REVERT: 4a7f07a19a Merge pull request #754 from pijyoi/master REVERT: e3ddda7a1f Merge pull request #753 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 7bd0b6ada1 remove all asserts during critical section REVERT: ba33fb748b Merge pull request #752 from ricnewton/master REVERT: cf8ba925b4 return error to caller on bind error REVERT: 5f8067cd1b Fix signed/unsigned comparison REVERT: dee333b2ed Fix signed/unsigned comparison REVERT: 51fa803d63 Merge pull request #751 from psl-felipefarinon/master REVERT: 7c51429440 Reduce default maximum number of sockets by 1 so there is room for the reaper socket. REVERT: f77b96e4d9 Revert "Make FD_SETSIZE = ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS_DFLT + 1 so there is room for the repear socket." REVERT: 31cf53f025 issue #583 removing C++11 code. REVERT: dc339f4c6d Merge pull request #750 from mattconnolly/master REVERT: f06645c5f1 Update signaler make_fdpair to set file descriptors to -1 when too many files are open using socketpair. REVERT: 1719b63f1d Merge pull request #749 from davipt/fix-001-test_many_sockets_and_mac_open REVERT: 750426037d Fix socket creation above sistem limits for all 'other' OS not covered by eventfd, windows or vms; enhanced test to create sockets up to a bigger limit to really test hitting the OS limit REVERT: 2b989ded67 Merge pull request #748 from hintjens/master REVERT: 7971ef3857 Added ignore test case REVERT: 8e21bc0b46 Merge pull request #747 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 05d5962872 Signal that the peer performed orderly shutdown REVERT: e66b42f363 Merge pull request #746 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 0b92831b2a Make FD_SETSIZE = ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS_DFLT + 1 so there is room for the repear socket. REVERT: 4616403b10 Merge pull request #745 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 7a510b4b60 Fix formatting. REVERT: 90425cd5d6 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 89ecf2de79 Merge pull request #744 from psl-felipefarinon/master REVERT: 3aa7348e0b Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 568cc1adaa Get maximum number of sockets it can handle from poller_t REVERT: 485db41a43 Fixing broken build issue #583 REVERT: 1596a5e871 Merge pull request #743 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 97cfa64d93 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 998c10a1b7 Merge pull request #741 from hintjens/master REVERT: c4f09953d8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' REVERT: 554b3c1f70 Add test case for many sockets REVERT: de5a787868 Merge pull request #742 from psl-felipefarinon/master REVERT: b8a9f299fb Fixing issue #583. Using low resolution timer for clock::now_ms REVERT: 51f8571933 Simplified fdpair reset after fork REVERT: 2be70dca1a Simplified error handling for make_fdpair on Windows REVERT: e3898b5d77 Merge pull request #740 from hintjens/master REVERT: c573f6b812 Fix for issue 574 REVERT: 729e9496b2 Merge pull request #739 from mbarbisan/master REVERT: e84f17bbb4 Modified the zmq_setsockopt documentation to include the ZMQ_ROUTER_HANDOVER option REVERT: 6ed1f4766a Merge pull request #738 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 844689ed9a Fix race condition on shutdown REVERT: 8797af777b Merge pull request #737 from hintjens/master REVERT: 5b60540ed0 Removed over-long pauses in tests REVERT: c2c6ec1907 Merge pull request #736 from Hugne/lookup_domain REVERT: edbfae3141 zmq: change TIPC default lookup domain when connecting REVERT: 370045367d Merge pull request #735 from Hugne/tipc_docs REVERT: bbbccebbe7 zmq: add TIPC manpage REVERT: 0d5ffd5a0c Merge pull request #734 from hintjens/master REVERT: 5e6aa58a14 Fixed issue 578 - corrected type usage REVERT: d7c8021afc Fixed issue 578 REVERT: 75af9ddb78 Merge pull request #733 from mingulov/doc REVERT: bdf8bc3193 Doc examples with zmq_msg_close usage - parameter is 'zmq_msg_t *' REVERT: 027990a112 Merge pull request #732 from Hugne/tipc REVERT: 58ac87def1 zmq: narrow condition to include TIPC in build/test REVERT: 299068b571 Merge pull request #731 from mbarbisan/master REVERT: 2db808f250 Merge pull request #730 from Hugne/tipc REVERT: 632677e805 ricnewton review comment REVERT: 9d5a379331 zmq: add TIPC transport tests REVERT: eab85b5295 zmq: add support for TIPC transport REVERT: 5e71475d45 Shorten ZMQ_ROUTER_REASSIGN_IDENTITIES to ZMQ_ROUTER_HANDOVER. Also, added a test for the HANDOVER functionality. REVERT: bc88b88804 Merge pull request #729 from mbarbisan/master REVERT: 9d22ab1c4f Merge pull request #728 from NetImperia/patch-1 REVERT: 3825f3b300 Add support to the ROUTER socket to reassign identities upon name collision. REVERT: c75ed69af3 Update tcp_connecter.cpp REVERT: 2a03d541dc Merge pull request #727 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 5405c6ac21 Remove redundant entry in tests makefile. REVERT: 37450fad66 Merge pull request #726 from mattconnolly/master REVERT: 36d7bba389 Adding source for test_stream_empty REVERT: 9f87f747e3 Merge pull request #725 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 2b08047d36 Fix formatting issue. REVERT: 54a379f966 Clean up dead code in cmake. REVERT: 5a74ad56a9 Sync cmake tests with tests in REVERT: 335cffc1e3 Merge pull request #724 from hintjens/master REVERT: eaba5dfe37 Renamed test_router_raw_empty to test_stream_empty REVERT: ac63e56255 Merge pull request #723 from hintjens/master REVERT: c2c0f39d36 Fixed ref to zmq_socket_monitor REVERT: b40879f9de Merge pull request #722 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 379c280bde Fix test warning. REVERT: 15f5b7ff6a Fix test warning. REVERT: c9772d0a5c Merge pull request #721 from minrk/init-raw REVERT: 366c8f87c4 test zmq_msg_close after sending empty message on ROUTER_RAW REVERT: 96ee8bb9d9 add missing msg->init for ROUTER_RAW with empty message REVERT: dad0933469 Merge pull request #718 from xantares/tarball_cmake REVERT: 628787c965 Merge pull request #720 from hintjens/master REVERT: 65050b1b03 Added --with-relaxed to disable pedantic compiles REVERT: 1ee7b9b1ea test_stream failed when response was broken into frames REVERT: 770d52ecfe Merge pull request #719 from xantares/mingw_arch REVERT: ffd633b3bb fix use of CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR REVERT: 0beb39a448 Revert "fix use of CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR" REVERT: e5baf1e05e fix use of CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR REVERT: e273d94db8 include cmake files in tarball REVERT: 71b423ae8d Merge pull request #717 from hintjens/master REVERT: 87718c6102 Clarified use of secret/public keys REVERT: 1f85ed06db Merge pull request #716 from hintjens/master REVERT: 09426ff308 Fixed man page for CURVE key options REVERT: 4582fe3276 Merge pull request #715 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 8ee2a47267 Add new tests to CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 41b2f83bef Merge pull request #714 from hintjens/master REVERT: 406e6051e4 Cleaned up the code REVERT: 08c91c0f94 Merge pull request #712 from lalebarde/master REVERT: 984c2e94e4 small fix inzmq_proxy_steerable doc REVERT: 99b13638eb add doc to zmq_proxy_steerable REVERT: 5f1a9a4ae5 Merge pull request #713 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 5250bdab9f add tests/test_proxy in gitignore REVERT: 1b8daed9db Use consistant integer type in raw_decoder REVERT: 1bb982ecc2 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: e33a382f8d new zmq_proxy is zmq_proxy_steerable to respect C API REVERT: 1b75d1ecb5 add proxy control flow and test REVERT: 3b628fd85a Merge pull request #710 from jenshz/patch-1 REVERT: f0a0e4d817 Update zmq_msg_init_data.txt REVERT: 6139a66eee Merge pull request #709 from hintjens/master REVERT: 097c2c8f8b Temporary workaround for broken libsodium install REVERT: ff90fa7f4d Merge pull request #708 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 7ecab54ac3 Load identity message to decoder at start REVERT: 9bb4215cfe Merge pull request #707 from xantares/master REVERT: b2d52a3730 Fixed out-of-source build REVERT: 82ab836306 Merge pull request #706 from hurtonm/master REVERT: b35c08beb4 Rename engine's methods to improve code readability REVERT: 63e0fe915e Merge pull request #705 from hintjens/master REVERT: 50a1973ee6 Identity can only be set on sockets that can connect to ROUTER REVERT: cc2282556a Update NEWS REVERT: 1b6ca34d16 Merge pull request #703 from hintjens/master REVERT: b7eb1cdcce Revert "replace macro constants with enum types for user facing constants" REVERT: b0085a7f29 Revert "distinguish between options and defaults" REVERT: 2cf6d52310 Fixed NEWS for 4.0.1 release REVERT: c629b6c7b0 Merge pull request #702 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6ef68be04f Updated NEWS for 4.0.1 release REVERT: 756010343d Merge pull request #701 from ezhikus/master REVERT: 433ea35b6c Typo in type name "emTPy_slots_t" REVERT: 283e52357c Merge pull request #700 from hashstat/master REVERT: 62e26b3242 Add tests/test_abstract_ipc to .gitignore. REVERT: e0f4d603c2 Fix detection of abstract ipc pathname and length calculation. REVERT: ae7fad48a8 Add note on Linux abstract namespace to ipc documentation. REVERT: 1a20220817 Merge pull request #699 from ezhikus/free_and_delete REVERT: bacc9aeeae Merge pull request #698 from hashstat/master REVERT: 7a960ff29c useless checks were removed REVERT: f499c89528 Add test for abstract namespace support in ipc sockets on Linux. REVERT: 31cdbd2afa Add abstract namespace support for IPC sockets on Linux. REVERT: 23e58e30d5 Merge pull request #697 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 55bfe7dbab WinSock2.h filename should be all lowercase REVERT: 79c2598a08 test for _MSC_VER before using MSVC specific code REVERT: d33a3ad0fd Merge pull request #696 from calid/enum-constants REVERT: e7804c5027 distinguish between options and defaults REVERT: 6934766cf8 Merge pull request #695 from hurtonm/master REVERT: d4bb6d693f replace macro constants with enum types for user facing constants REVERT: 88882e31cd Stop curve handshake when cookie box verification fails REVERT: 21129c7501 Merge pull request #694 from hintjens/master REVERT: edeedc6dd8 Disabled randomly failing part of test REVERT: d37d32fb0c Clarified that zmq.h constants are part of the public contract REVERT: cd030ef1c2 Merge pull request #693 from calid/doc-fix REVERT: 0b4ce80853 fix minor typo in zmq_ctx_get doc example REVERT: 73ae948abb Merge pull request #692 from hintjens/master REVERT: fd4d125d8e Packaging for zmq_curve_keypair function REVERT: ead6826cc1 Merge pull request #691 from minrk/curve_keygen REVERT: 4577956964 return NULL and set EINVAL on bad z85 input REVERT: 87254abc9f use zmq_curve_keypair in curve_keygen REVERT: d1a927a92e add zmq_curve_keypair to zmq_utils REVERT: 30d34888e0 Merge pull request #690 from mattconnolly/master REVERT: 7660b78e12 config for libsodium in alternate path, using CPP flags for both C and C++ sources. REVERT: 6c25d2f880 Merge pull request #689 from minrk/curve_keygen REVERT: cf4bfd48cf include missing platform.hpp in curve_keygen REVERT: 3d7b2b4c04 declare z85_encode / decode in zmq_utils REVERT: f1002e9492 Merge pull request #688 from mattconnolly/master REVERT: 848ce1adb1 Disable compiler warning for Solaris REVERT: aa84e85153 Add '-lssp' linker flag for Solaris. Check for libraries after host specific setup. REVERT: 2af23cf40c Merge pull request #687 from hintjens/master REVERT: 015b43f969 Updated CMake project for test_issue_566 REVERT: d568e7f587 Merge pull request #686 from hintjens/master REVERT: e42a0a4074 Added test case for issue 566 REVERT: 5271bc9db3 Merge pull request #685 from hintjens/master REVERT: 26d5ac4075 curve_keygen needed assert.h REVERT: 9d51155ce2 Build/test errors on OS/X with clang++ REVERT: 9827a1278b Merge pull request #684 from hurtonm/master REVERT: be25cfdf35 Call flush after writing the identity message REVERT: f06bf8d25b Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: b0b2567fcf Merge pull request #683 from hintjens/master REVERT: 82149dde19 Updated libzmq CURVE to track RFC 27 REVERT: cc2823e240 Merge pull request #682 from hintjens/master REVERT: 51fe8cfe52 Merge pull request #681 from ipechorin/master REVERT: b3346fb37a Fixed build for MSVC 2008 REVERT: b504aad160 stdint.h is not available on all platforms REVERT: 5f0a8dcffe Merge pull request #680 from hintjens/master REVERT: 186b713aba Bumped library version and age REVERT: 920385c40f Merge pull request #679 from mattconnolly/master REVERT: 12eef06e45 Update configure: Allow libsodium to be installed in a custom path REVERT: 7b5da7dc09 git ignore test run output files: tests/test*.{log|trs} REVERT: 9db0791cd5 Revert "Copy platform.hpp into src directory in cmake build." REVERT: efbe7d45fa Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 0e7124b656 Merge pull request #678 from hintjens/master REVERT: f36a49de6d Move away from port 8080 which is occupied on some boxes REVERT: 59f1fbc9a2 Merge pull request #677 from vortechs2000/fix_aix REVERT: e3e7efedbe Revert "Reference platform.h by ../src/platform.h - AIX is ignoring -I flags" REVERT: aa2aab1785 Merge pull request #674 from hintjens/master REVERT: 11b699e73c Copy platform.hpp into src directory in cmake build. REVERT: 1293f1b956 Merge pull request #675 from vortechs2000/fix_aix REVERT: 015d9564ee Reference platform.h by ../src/platform.h - AIX is ignoring -I flags REVERT: b49aa7a65d Updated NEWS for 4.0.0 release REVERT: 0d3f9eb592 Missing file from REVERT: 21157f7d85 Next version off libzmq master is 4.1.0 REVERT: 84a013e3de Fixed packaging for source distribution REVERT: 1a9ea3e24a Merge pull request #673 from hintjens/master REVERT: 5e609be345 Renamed new socket options to be clearer REVERT: aaf2a2cdfb Merge pull request #672 from hintjens/master REVERT: 0997a8b753 Removed inaccurate note in zmq_poll man page REVERT: 71c9ae8b18 Built zmq_send_const man page properly REVERT: 92c01f69db Renamed test_connect_delay to test_immediate REVERT: 0644256ef4 Updated NEWS for 3.2.x releases REVERT: 8f0a757f08 Merge pull request #671 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 78cabfe8ea More testing github jenkins integration REVERT: d503e19381 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 544575d18c Revert "More testing github jenkins integratio" REVERT: 0640d6d2ba More testing github jenkins integratio REVERT: 575ff39bfe Testing github jenkins integration REVERT: 90867a4e8f Merge pull request #670 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 7a747b5797 Fix cmake build REVERT: 39de9bebcb Merge pull request #669 from hintjens/master REVERT: e05556075f Renamed inproc connect test (name was too long) REVERT: de91c7362c Merge pull request #668 from mrothe/no-public-tests REVERT: 94c98abba3 Merge pull request #667 from hintjens/master REVERT: b13230510c tests: don't listen on public ports REVERT: 825052f83f Revert "makes curve keys symetric as in libcurve + factorisation" REVERT: 22eb4d600b Revert "oblige the application to explicitely set the node type for PLAIN" REVERT: 9e66685c08 Reformatted text REVERT: dc79171fc3 Merge pull request #666 from lalebarde/master REVERT: 1206f4572b oblige the application to explicitely set the node type for PLAIN REVERT: bfd472f97c makes curve keys symetric as in libcurve + factorisation REVERT: ad0b325e4a Merge pull request #665 from hintjens/master REVERT: 7bb2b6ae11 Fixed length of domain setting REVERT: 7735ca5f8d Added test case for NULL domains REVERT: 67013f19f6 Merge pull request #664 from hintjens/master REVERT: 321a8ffea9 NULL mechanism was not dealing with ZAP denials properly REVERT: 971b275f7a Merge pull request #663 from hintjens/master REVERT: fe9815a789 Fixed random failures in test_security_plain and _curve REVERT: 276cd1f1da Merge pull request #662 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 6f351007d4 Fix windows build REVERT: fbe1b79188 Merge pull request #661 from lalebarde/master REVERT: dc1f5e9f7c simplify test_security_curve.cpp with zmq_z85_encode REVERT: d76f3f7c03 Merge pull request #660 from hintjens/master REVERT: 576e3ca5e0 Added z85 codec to ZMQ API REVERT: 5c7b39275f Merge pull request #659 from hintjens/master REVERT: 193d0bb634 Fixed Z85 methods to be static and not pollute library REVERT: 65ef76bb59 Minor simplification to makefile REVERT: 90668517da Merge pull request #658 from ricnewton/inproc_connect_before_bind REVERT: 4e6c56e081 Merge branch 'master' of into inproc_connect_before_bind REVERT: b9298823b4 Set hwm on connect socket before bind has happend to just that of connects hwm. REVERT: 7841b0dd0f Support high water mark on inproc socket connect before bind. REVERT: 133c32d5ed Merge pull request #657 from hintjens/master REVERT: 0db2bbe29d Build didn't work if libsodium wasn't installed REVERT: 3298e5a206 Merge pull request #656 from ricnewton/inproc_connect_before_bind REVERT: b9c09064d5 Fix whitespace REVERT: d5bd68b60b Merge branch 'master' of into inproc_connect_before_bind REVERT: 379bcb0881 Send identities when connecting pending sockets. REVERT: c1fabf5ca9 Merge pull request #655 from hintjens/master REVERT: 7c3496a76a Fix race condition and support multiple socket connects before bind. REVERT: 60f470450d Merge pull request #654 from lalebarde/master REVERT: 6c84a54388 add exhaustive comparison in testutil bounce REVERT: 345bf146f1 Fixed overwrite in zmq_getsockopt REVERT: 6fefa4166a Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into inproc_connect_before_bind REVERT: 5f20d63665 First attempt at inproc connect before bind REVERT: 168efb9739 Merge pull request #653 from mattconnolly/master REVERT: 6ff65a8aa4 Builds and installs curve_keygen tool REVERT: 0d14efe73a Merge pull request #652 from hintjens/master REVERT: ac8c72cea6 Added test_ctx_destroy to .gitignore REVERT: d1ba8a50d2 Extended TravisCI build to use libsodium REVERT: 52370bff44 Removed debugging printfs REVERT: 0f9e5f6049 Fix preprocessor typoe REVERT: 0f7141c21a Merge pull request #651 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 8e6b5ad17e Fix for test_ctx_destroy REVERT: bba0dd19a1 Merge pull request #650 from ricnewton/master REVERT: ccf0e61b77 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' REVERT: 64e1c181f7 Implement non-blocking shutdown command that unblocks other threads waiting on blocking operations. REVERT: 25c89cace1 Merge pull request #649 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6725c4644f Added ZMQ_ZAP_DOMAIN socket option REVERT: c45d91a106 Fixed comments on curve_keygen tool REVERT: 635a03d240 Was sending NULL mechanism name with extra null (fixed) REVERT: 4edad54537 Merge pull request #648 from ricnewton/master REVERT: a601b3f6f4 Remove windows debug code. REVERT: 7485b09cba Fix tests on windows REVERT: 498dc37988 Merge pull request #645 from hintjens/master REVERT: 4c75306023 Fixed test_stream case REVERT: 9dd324aab2 z85 encoding buffer overrun REVERT: 1f03710980 Merge pull request #647 from sebastien/master REVERT: 11deee4e3e Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: f9188841b0 Clarified zmq_socket.txt ZMQ_STREAM section, added example REVERT: 0a9261472f Removed test_raw_socket REVERT: 32fa426e61 Added system check at start of selftests REVERT: 7b02f1c966 Merge pull request #646 from minrk/xfail-linger REVERT: bb348858f1 mark test_linger as expected failure REVERT: 6612280946 Removed temporary patch on tests/ REVERT: 28b0a5fa27 Updated libzmq to match RFC 23, 24, 25, 26 REVERT: 1844a27c82 Removed test_raw_sock test case (replaced by test_stream) REVERT: ef207e45ce Merge pull request #644 from ipechorin/master REVERT: 873d80c9fe fix MSVC 2008 project: include the source files added recently REVERT: e071d3a4ae fix MSVC10 project: include the source files added recently REVERT: 7561ff70f3 Merge pull request #643 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 4696f002ca Fix cmake file for security tests REVERT: 0ff896d094 Merge pull request #642 from hintjens/master REVERT: fb67e160a1 Fixed ZAP authentication REVERT: 3a50aa4473 Merge pull request #641 from hintjens/master REVERT: fba5612026 Fixed 'make check' failures REVERT: 01b336f1f1 Whitespace fixes REVERT: c128fac7a7 Merge pull request #639 from minrk/test_linger REVERT: 6fa274ebef Merge pull request #640 from mattconnolly/fork REVERT: 282765cab4 Merge pull request #628 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 1771755888 test_fork.cpp: adding missing headers for linux REVERT: c646ac96c0 cast rc to size_t for comparisons REVERT: c3adc86d6b Fix unused variable when using eventfd REVERT: ca8ac83e97 Merge pull request #637 from minrk/test_plain_inauth REVERT: a3d9d01af8 test_fork: update test to verify communication between parent and child REVERT: ff2900fd52 Terminate context in a child process of fork() to replace file descriptors to not interfere with parent process's context REVERT: 0478ee04f4 Adding test showing failure to close socket/context in forked child REVERT: 58b370df69 add test_linger REVERT: 8ef7fbb4a4 Merge pull request #638 from shawnjgoff/master REVERT: 6a18f59532 Change name of icanhasall to subscribe_to_all REVERT: 9d94640edc test failed CURVE auth REVERT: 0cac56fe52 test PLAIN auth with failed login REVERT: 82a00e3a98 Merge pull request #636 from ricnewton/master REVERT: da52806d68 Disable failing tests on windows. REVERT: 22f05fa2fa Merge pull request #635 from guidog/master REVERT: 93a068a832 Fixed silly port number. REVERT: 4ca6ab26fa Merge pull request #634 from guidog/master REVERT: 455739f942 Fixed markup so documentation can be built. REVERT: 83e547f09f Merge pull request #633 from eburkitt/vs2012-clean-compile REVERT: eaf227d4de get to clean compile under vs2012 REVERT: 2e9385ac02 Merge pull request #631 from jrossi/master REVERT: 436cad37ec fix type on HWM REVERT: a9baa051dd Merge in master changes REVERT: d485404aab Merge pull request #626 from dkrikun/master REVERT: 19ca8a0fc0 Add the Socket Identity info to the ZAP Messages REVERT: cb6b5a65fc Merge pull request #629 from ulikoehler/init_data_assert REVERT: fd8b0fec07 Re-add comment line from cmsg branch REVERT: a28c38efa5 Fix spaces before comments REVERT: 3f3777d05b Add test for ZMQ_CONFLATE option REVERT: 9c2740d9fa Minor fixes to doc ; added zmq_msg_init_data() assert preventing deferred segfault REVERT: bcfe863fd4 Merge pull request #630 from ulikoehler/cmsg REVERT: da4a70d59d Fix indentation REVERT: 121a838a0c Added message type for constant messages REVERT: 531d3ebc09 Remove delay options REVERT: b3ca7fd425 Merge pull request #627 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 1011e8ad20 Merge pull request #624 from ricnewton/master REVERT: cb35fd7bfe Attempt to fix disconnect not respecting linger REVERT: ed272fe56d Merge pull request #625 from ulikoehler/zmq_send_const REVERT: f59c1a5c5a Update doc for ZMQ_CONFLATE socket option REVERT: daa7a8021f Plug in dbuffer to serve the ZMQ_CONFLATE option REVERT: 4c35b88acb Implement double buffer for conflate option REVERT: d020dd677f Declare ZMQ_CONFLATE option REVERT: 4eac7e3e4f Add scoped_lock_t syntactic sugar REVERT: 87c84a252a Add try_lock() to mutex_t REVERT: 503da83fce Add #include to string.h in blob.hpp REVERT: e23d3963d3 Fix doc typo REVERT: 10becae7eb Added zmq_send_const test REVERT: e2c322cf80 Implemented zmq_send_const REVERT: 70a1fbee7a Fix running tests from cmake on linux. REVERT: e1b2b649fb Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: a83baa9b0b Fix up threading code from port tests to windows. REVERT: 7f74fc7c99 Port tests to windows and add to cmake build. REVERT: eccfede10d Merge pull request #623 from ricnewton/master REVERT: e16a6af0c7 Fix compile error on windows. REVERT: 749c391b34 Merge pull request #622 from ckamm/req-strict REVERT: 423ca36b17 Rename ZMQ_REQ_SEND_RESETS -> ZMQ_REQ_STRICT. REVERT: fe30cc6d99 Merge pull request #619 from ckamm/req-send-resets REVERT: 9f4526f59a Merge pull request #621 from hintjens/master REVERT: 39ddc695bc Added note about tivotisation REVERT: f5c59556bd REQ: Unset reply_pipe if it terminates. REVERT: a0cc87a9d9 Add ZMQ_REQ_SEND_RESETS option. REVERT: 637f794193 Merge pull request #620 from ckamm/req-id REVERT: b9646f2aac Add ZMQ_REQ_REQUEST_IDS option. REVERT: 6473dfd8f4 Merge pull request #617 from hurtonm/zap_updates REVERT: 4a5358f4d0 Implement ZAP for NULL mechanism REVERT: 53bc53da04 Update PLAIN mechanism to the latest ZAP revision REVERT: d65231be1c Update CURVE mechanism to the latest ZAP revision REVERT: 7541debe6d Add get_peer_ip_address utility function REVERT: 4944095262 Merge pull request #615 from hintjens/master REVERT: 1068bc0795 Merge pull request #616 from steve-o/master REVERT: 409721b9d2 Add CMake support for static libraries. REVERT: 21fe600848 Move CMake dependencies together. REVERT: ae86c56d74 README file moved to GitHub format and extension, drop from packaging and default to NEWS file for popup. REVERT: d46c2ee2fc Disabled last step in test_spec_req so build can complete REVERT: 4fb004f59b Merge pull request #614 from ckamm/fix-spec-req-fail REVERT: 7de23c0c8d Fix intermittent failure in test_spec_req. REVERT: bccf3d6126 Merge pull request #613 from ckamm/coding-style-spec-tests REVERT: 93b9f9021c Merge pull request #608 from ckamm/req-drops-unwanted REVERT: bbc9a61197 Fix coding style in spec tests. REVERT: c56d797bf9 REQ sockets drop replies from unasked peers. REVERT: 524bd7ac76 Merge pull request #612 from ulikoehler/markdown REVERT: 6bf4ffe727 Converted README to markdown + added travis build img REVERT: 7560910f50 Merge pull request #611 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 0f28b72914 update to include stream.cpp and curve related REVERT: 5ac19647d9 Merge pull request #610 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9ca6898f24 Got new test cases working with libzmq REVERT: 08622a7788 Merge pull request #609 from ckamm/tests REVERT: dfba19c4b6 Make pipeline/reqrep tests try tcp:// endpoints. REVERT: 5038ef74b5 Merge pull request #606 from ckamm/master REVERT: 8fd163cf5c Add tests for PUSH/PULL sockets. REVERT: e093bd9923 Merge pull request #607 from cjuniet/master REVERT: 7b7f7e4ebd Fix compilation warnings on unsigned comparisons. REVERT: 798b394087 Add tests for Request-Reply pattern sockets. REVERT: 78e47912d2 Merge pull request #605 from ricnewton/master REVERT: 998610602e Fix tab/space formatting issue REVERT: 5a30022045 Merge pull request #603 from ricnewton/master REVERT: a3e16c18b1 Merge pull request #604 from ricnewton/cmake_fix REVERT: 01dd6eb110 Fix cmake build Fix build on windows, uint isn't a standard type, unsigned int is. REVERT: f6e972d546 Fix montior tests to handle the monitor stopped event correctly REVERT: d4d23caf32 Add new socket monitor event for when socket monitoring is stopped. REVERT: 1cfee8d1e7 Merge pull request #601 from leewoosung/hotfixes/patched REVERT: 2a4aef9223 Merge pull request #602 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 783bb890a9 Check socket types during mechanism handshake REVERT: 4671108e57 LIBZMQ-541 issue fix REVERT: 58b1082467 Merge pull request #600 from hurtonm/master REVERT: afe9afa2a5 Set socket buffers before establishing TCP connection REVERT: 11947b1ccb Merge pull request #597 from hintjens/master REVERT: a71d64ab95 Merge pull request #599 from hurtonm/master REVERT: aef2171e83 Make last_endpoint attribute of socket object REVERT: c9bdb893f8 Use generic session class whenever possible REVERT: 7460d00bac Merge pull request #598 from hurtonm/master REVERT: fd7e9b8c46 Use generic session class whenever possible REVERT: 7041770108 Added Z85 support REVERT: 1beec5e960 Merge pull request #596 from hintjens/master REVERT: 76df045950 Return EINVAL when trying to use CURVE without libsodium REVERT: 357a9c45fb Simplify ZMQ_STREAM socket implementation, part II REVERT: 7832addd20 Updated security mechanisms to use variable-length commands REVERT: ba1ae7d639 Merge pull request #595 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 7b27c125dc Simplify ZMQ_STREAM socket implementation, part II REVERT: dd14d4e01b Minor whitespace fixes in man page REVERT: c4ae74f816 Fixed zmq_errno function definition REVERT: fe2753da0a Merge pull request #594 from hurtonm/master REVERT: a1bb5e83ff Simplify ZMQ_STREAM socket implementation REVERT: d8f1376008 Merge pull request #593 from hintjens/master REVERT: ad77937956 Added ZMQ_STREAM socket type REVERT: 4a4d222ec4 Merge pull request #592 from gavinmcniff/master REVERT: b893ce2503 Store identity for raw socket REVERT: e9d11c6611 Merge pull request #591 from hurtonm/master REVERT: b12be41736 Rename parse_properties to parse_metadata REVERT: ec943ac5de Merge pull request #590 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 99d4974580 Refactor how properties are parsed REVERT: 19cf076f8c Merge pull request #589 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 13df8e6546 Merge branch 'master' of git:// REVERT: 211bf2b08e Added security curve test REVERT: 73e195279a Merge pull request #588 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 084e8792de Small cleanup in pipe.cpp REVERT: 2bf51247fe Merge pull request #587 from hurtonm/master REVERT: fa0f0e21b8 Make ZAP optional for PLAIN mechanism REVERT: 8bb79b5eb1 Merge pull request #586 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 5975e00fd1 Make ZAP optional for CURVE mechanism REVERT: acaaaa5351 Merge pull request #585 from hintjens/master REVERT: fadfcac1de Fixed compile error, needed unistd.h REVERT: 1ea06883c0 Fixed spelling in comments REVERT: fb43d5a0fe Whitespace fix to man page REVERT: f4848ddb32 Prints message and exits if app tries to use CURVE without libsodium REVERT: 675bd4640b Merge pull request #584 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 1b86324396 Fix test_disconnect_inproc to work on ILP64 systems REVERT: 9eb2521537 Merge pull request #583 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 694543e3a2 Merge branch 'master' of git:// REVERT: f4c51db842 Fix small streamengine issue w/ term and handshake REVERT: 91bc74089f Merge pull request #582 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 8af208fab7 Implement ZMTP/3.0 CURVE mechanism REVERT: e4a211870c Implement CurveZMQ message encryption and authentication REVERT: c9638fceb4 Merge pull request #581 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8c0ded5076 Properly set mechanism to CURVE when setting a curve option REVERT: c5078ea1b8 Merge pull request #580 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 20a7978d67 Stop ZMTP handshake when an unexpected message comes REVERT: 92b02b98cd Merge pull request #579 from ianbarber/master REVERT: cabf4e658f Comments to clarify the socket name function REVERT: 1fe7820629 Merge pull request #577 from hintjens/master REVERT: c5a9fa5b5e Merge pull request #578 from gonzus/master REVERT: 3b355fec9a Introduced private constants for the context sanity tag values. Ignored more MSVC intermmediate files. REVERT: 10f69c1500 Clarified man pages on mixed security REVERT: d9bb16725e Added options for CURVE security REVERT: 65c84abdb5 Merge pull request #576 from hurtonm/zmtp_curve REVERT: 37b99c0b4b Implement ZMTP/3.0 CURVE handshake REVERT: 9273022260 Merge pull request #575 from murphybytes/master REVERT: 9bd8d9a726 added missing files required to build REVERT: 1195092c61 Merge pull request #574 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 38327927ce fix memory leak in tempnam() usage REVERT: 5c54bc358e Merge pull request #573 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 627190c8be another iteration on ZMQ_PROBE_ROUTER now it properly works for ROUTER REVERT: 6b8569d78a Merge pull request #572 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6ff51ee909 Updated ZAP request for changed protocol draft REVERT: 656ff5b208 Small fixes to documentation REVERT: 210fcbbbeb Merge pull request #571 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 2928c91a6d Implement ZAP and integrate it with PLAIN mechanism REVERT: 4e47084dd4 Minor cleanups REVERT: c3e40736de Rename terminated->pipe_terminated REVERT: 7a43c02aaf Merge pull request #570 from hintjens/master REVERT: a9679da764 Packaging on ZMQ_PROBE_ROUTER REVERT: 2344131db3 Packaging of ZMQ_PROBE REVERT: dbd58f8e15 Fixed out-of-date reference REVERT: 9c980e17dd changed option name. +documentation changes REVERT: 97324398a7 refactored ZMQ_ROUTER_ANNOUNCE_SELF code. renamed it to ZMQ_PROBE_NEW_PEERS. implement it for DEALER tocket. +documentation REVERT: d5f603690f Merge pull request #569 from jpoliv/master REVERT: 42ab0e8217 Make ./configure --with-system-pgm detect the OpenPGM 5.2 system library. REVERT: d1f011d7e5 Merge pull request #568 from jmgao/patch-2 REVERT: 43d049741f Fix mistaken use of xor in "2^31 - 1". REVERT: 6caa17373b Merge pull request #567 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 9a0b2c8970 Pieter's change to fix memory leak on mechanism REVERT: 240eff384a Merge pull request #563 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 9d63ebf6d6 Merge pull request #564 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 4e4803e07f Rename pipe states to make it more mnemonic REVERT: f805e4dd03 changed option name. +documentation changes REVERT: aec989fb5d small refactoring REVERT: 51750a7d2a refactored ZMQ_ROUTER_ANNOUNCE_SELF code. renamed it to ZMQ_PROBE_NEW_PEERS. implement it for DEALER tocket. +documentation REVERT: f781eb7e7b Merge pull request #562 from hintjens/master REVERT: fbd1729cbd Removed tracing for Travis builds REVERT: 13643b2aec Merge pull request #561 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 910b469224 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ed3a115da9 Add ROUTER socket option to introduce self(send an empty message) to new peers, to allow ROUTER<->ROUTER auto-discovery problem. REVERT: ec7f711c58 Add ROUTER socket option to introduce self(send an empty message) to new peers, to allow ROUTER<->ROUTER auto-discovery problem. REVERT: c7c865da75 Whitespace fixes REVERT: d113495500 Merge pull request #560 from hintjens/master REVERT: 4112693051 Cleaned up router option code - made consistent with options.cpp code - added trace print for ongoing issue with Travis CI builds REVERT: 536ea4fc24 Merge pull request #559 from hintjens/master REVERT: bf96cb44e2 Fixed name of Travis file REVERT: 59a164d2b5 Added support for Travis CI REVERT: e9e44c6b09 Merge pull request #558 from hintjens/master REVERT: 31ee92f2fd stdint.h is not available on all platforms REVERT: 73562112b8 Whitespace fixes REVERT: fa5c0e18e3 Trivial fix to man page REVERT: 5d2a8b18e5 Merge pull request #557 from hintjens/master REVERT: f06abca046 Disable failing test for now REVERT: f909b9c722 plain_mechanism now uses options.as_server - we need to switch to PLAIN according to options.mechanism - we need to catch case when both peers are as-server (or neither is) - and to use username/password from options, for client REVERT: da1e9a178a Cleaned up test pingpong code REVERT: 342e576ec8 Merge pull request #556 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 182a224bb0 Use socket options to select security mechanism REVERT: fbcbb06b46 Merge pull request #555 from hintjens/master REVERT: e1f797b048 Added configuration for PLAIN security REVERT: 8ea779c8f7 Fixed sizeof usage in man pages REVERT: 593010fbeb Merge pull request #554 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 4eecda8af3 Implement ZMTP/3.0 PLAIN mechanism REVERT: d47295db70 Abstract security mechanism REVERT: 131b0a7148 Merge pull request #553 from hintjens/master REVERT: e918fd4d69 Use correct libsodium call for detection REVERT: ff268b7c8a Fixed packaging for Windows - was missing errno sources REVERT: fa346fddd3 Added configure check for libsodium REVERT: 3ef3b9405c Merge pull request #552 from hurtonm/master REVERT: a7032e9ca8 Update test_raw_sock to work with ZMTP/3.0 REVERT: cd4d8bb15a Implement ZMTP/3.0 NULL mechanism REVERT: df01235871 Merge pull request #551 from hintjens/master REVERT: cb2ee7a5c2 Fixed up test_iov case REVERT: 7e129a405c Clarified zmq_msg_close not needed after zmq_msg_send REVERT: 522765be1e Merge pull request #550 from JonDyte/iovec REVERT: 56ead84490 Experimental function zmq_recviov doesnt work correctly in a couple of cases 1) VSM - you cannot hand out the 'data' address as it was not allocated on the heap 2) for other messages the 'data' address cannot be handed out either, as it not the address originally returned by malloc and hence cannot be passed to 'free'. see msg.cpp u.lmsg.content = (content_t*) malloc (sizeof (content_t) + size_); .... u.lmsg.content->data = u.lmsg.content + 1; REVERT: 0bf5a31494 Merge pull request #549 from methodmissing/sigpipe-declare-err REVERT: b5e5e10126 Fix return code redeclaration for platforms with SO_NOSIGPIPE REVERT: 9703dd806a Merge pull request #548 from hintjens/master REVERT: 710f38f1cc Fixed syntax error REVERT: f4dbccd4fb Fix for LIBZMQ-526 REVERT: 0880d5b8ed Merge pull request #547 from hintjens/master REVERT: f0cf4095b5 Fixed issue #525 - multipart upstreaming from xsub to xpub REVERT: d0c58d2409 Merge pull request #546 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9df7c70aba Cleaned up copyright statements in perftest tools REVERT: c980820d29 I'm reverting the various changes to the throughput test programs since as far as I can see, these didn't work any more. At the very least, the command line API was broken and forced the user to enter new, exotic arguments. Patches should not break existing APIs. But also, the internals of these programs had become weird. REVERT: 67e02ca8bc Use of named authors on man pages is no longer a good idea since it puts off contributors and doesn't reflect the real process. I've taken out all named authors and referred to the contribution policy. Hopefully this will improve the contributions to the man pages. REVERT: f4a07b3951 Merge pull request #545 from hurtonm/master REVERT: e52c436252 Interoperate with higher versions of ZMTP protocol REVERT: c5721f9988 Merge pull request #544 from steve-o/libzmq-446 REVERT: d079190efa [#LIBZMQ-446] Silence error on setting PGM_TOS due to some platforms raising an error at runtime. Noted are RHEL 4. REVERT: d2b5f1f49e Merge pull request #543 from steve-o/vc110_fix REVERT: a432ea14d2 Add vc80 project dependency on platform.hpp for local & remote throughput tests. REVERT: cd31f67a80 Add platform.hpp as project dependency to vc100 and vc110 projects for local & remote throughput tests. REVERT: a3713cb750 Merge pull request #542 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 9d79ac2830 Use state functions for message flow REVERT: fd42be9dba Merge pull request #541 from hurtonm/rework_message_flow REVERT: 7942db7606 Refactor code so that messages go through engines REVERT: 91f1e13125 Merge pull request #540 from hintjens/master REVERT: 6d19e400f1 Added clarification about connect on ROUTER REVERT: c396144216 Merge pull request #539 from TTimo/master REVERT: 2aec837218 InitializeSecurityDescriptor needs Advapi32.lib REVERT: 106d962311 restore fixed MSVC 2010 projects, fork new MSVC 2012 projects REVERT: b5ace90e8e Merge pull request #538 from TTimo/master REVERT: 44df35cb1e Use Multithreaded DLL Runtime, Debug/Release accordingly - need consistency for the czmq configurations REVERT: 5973b4c665 Windows friendly replacement for gettimeofday REVERT: 574fe35b32 Fix MSVC project files. REVERT: 1e7db60e9a Merge pull request #537 from TTimo/master REVERT: f8e7d462a6 mingw32 fixes REVERT: 01fef41575 Merge pull request #536 from hintjens/master REVERT: 257debf659 Removed IPC endpoint from test; not portable, and fragile (#80) REVERT: 09a00de803 Merge pull request #534 from hintjens/master REVERT: 5ba7445b7a Merge pull request #535 from ken-tilera/master REVERT: 3286bf5ab6 On the Tile architecture, use atomic instructions for atomic ptr and counter. REVERT: 8c96deb900 Added corporate copyrights REVERT: 39214b3e40 Merge pull request #533 from mika-fischer/workaround-for-496 REVERT: 03c28411d8 Work around for LIBZMQ-496 REVERT: 3b132e337e Merge pull request #532 from hurtonm/pgm_build_fix REVERT: 81818401e8 Update PGM with recent changes REVERT: 16f8ea3e95 Clarified HWM=0 means infinite REVERT: 9ea20b82cc Merge pull request #531 from murrekatt/master REVERT: c69e79706e Fix to building libzmq with CMake as sub-project (git submodule). REVERT: 601eedb7f3 Updated CMake building to work after encoder/decoder changes. REVERT: c7cb5ab7c0 Merge pull request #530 from hintjens/master REVERT: f1738b9b92 More copyright cleanups REVERT: 0e77d65f12 Removed pointless comment REVERT: 8358d4e832 Renamed ZMQ_DELAY_ATTACH_ON_CONNECT_COULD_THIS_BE_ANY_LONGER to ZMQ_IMMEDIATE REVERT: 12c7db8c42 Code name clean up REVERT: d826c53b9b Bumped ZMTP revision to 2 REVERT: 785ef41f67 Refactored codecs to match ZMTP version numbers REVERT: f0f16505e5 Removed corporate advertisements from source file headers REVERT: cb69986d74 Comment change REVERT: 898ad19851 It's its not it's REVERT: 1810f1025f Merge pull request #529 from guidog/master REVERT: d78d4972ae Adapted man page to API. REVERT: ba2dda407d Merge pull request #528 from guidog/master REVERT: b0b8ab27c5 Changed message structure for event notifications. REVERT: 656258c1d4 Merge pull request #527 from guidog/master REVERT: 21eeb03b6c Simplified the zmq_event_t structure for easier access and better usability towards language bindings. REVERT: 068909f444 Merge pull request #526 from breese/master REVERT: 7e37cc8ed4 Linux build fails due to undeclared variable REVERT: be1160832e Merge pull request #525 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 679869d981 add simple Makefile to build with mingw32 REVERT: 3176509e60 include source directory version of zmq.h and zmq_utils.h REVERT: 402f9fd243 remote_thr.cpp: port pthreads usage to win32 api REVERT: f420f0aff7 Merge pull request #524 from dlittleton/master REVERT: 1e52a451d6 Windows: Fix rounding error when calculating now_us REVERT: 22d9d95dd2 Merge pull request #523 from ambitslix/perf REVERT: a22714dd79 Improvements and fixes for performance of PUSH/PULL in local_thr and remote_thr. REVERT: deb977345c Merge pull request #522 from hintjens/master REVERT: 066f3d2c9b Fixed overflow in local_thr results calculation REVERT: fb45685aa8 Merge pull request #521 from SRombauts/master REVERT: 0ecc96bf33 Adding missing new ZeroMQ_Static.props and Static.props files REVERT: b3bcd8e323 Static Library Linking for Windows REVERT: 0434366088 Merge pull request #520 from xantares/master REVERT: d17567626a Fixed module path with cmake < 2.8.3 REVERT: 25dc715b7b Merge pull request #519 from SRombauts/master REVERT: 897023c3c1 Merge pull request #518 from hintjens/master REVERT: a61535a23a VS2008 & VS2010: adding the pre-build command to copy platform.hpp in perf/ directory to the two appropriate projects, for each MSVC version REVERT: a85c9f45d1 MAXMSGSIZE broke when I cleaned up this code - fixed REVERT: 157bf4523e VS2010: adding another pre-build command to copy platform.hpp in perf/ directory REVERT: 23db53d0aa Corrected linking error in MSVC 2010 build REVERT: ccf2b9b466 Merge pull request #517 from SRombauts/master REVERT: 57f84d6811 Windows CE support : some more #if !defined _WIN32_WCE REVERT: 05bb0ead54 Windows CE support : uncommenting #define EACCES needed REVERT: 41d79bc19e Windows CE support : using standard _WIN32_WCE flag instead of WINCE REVERT: a5ef50141c Merge pull request #516 from SRombauts/master REVERT: 927000fe2f Fixed 7 MSVC2008 Compiler Warning (level 3) C4800: 'const int' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) REVERT: 42be4d13a7 Corrected more linking error in MSVC build REVERT: a8dfcb3c7d Merge pull request #515 from hintjens/master REVERT: e628421ed5 Updated NEWS for 3.2.2 stable REVERT: 08be168dd0 Merge pull request #514 from pijyoi/fixcs REVERT: 8c71ac47e8 release critical section on failure to create signaler fdpair REVERT: 7094a70612 Merge pull request #513 from hintjens/master REVERT: 51cfcb117a Some DNSs will resolve ANY domain name so I made more reliable errors. REVERT: 9a6b875f21 Merge pull request #512 from montoyaedu/master REVERT: 1a13554fe0 solved broken tests compilation REVERT: 6b2304ad97 Merge pull request #511 from mjasperse/patch-2 REVERT: ec04ccba79 Corrected linking error in MSVC build REVERT: f27eb67e1a Merge pull request #510 from miniway/master REVERT: 2c1a3c55f7 LIBZMQ-497 there could be unsent bytes in encoder REVERT: a3ae0d4c16 Merge pull request #509 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8ab3c4a1bf Fixed issue #500 REVERT: b60689e59d Merge pull request #508 from hintjens/master REVERT: 309740e197 Fixed issue #499 REVERT: 963c6a8e2f Lots of cleanups to self-tests * Removed or truncated sleeps so the tests run faster * Removed dependencies on zmq_utils * Rewrote a few tests that were confusing * Minor code cleanups REVERT: c39cb0bde1 Rewrote completely, was bogusly testing EAGAIN REVERT: 3a558fcc4b Rewrote raw test completely REVERT: 8c9289342a Fixed use of deprecated zmq_init/term REVERT: 5f009e5234 Various cleanups to test programs REVERT: 18a14aedea Added ZMQ_IPV6 option, cleaned up setsockopt code, it was nasty REVERT: aa21e090e1 Updated .gitignore REVERT: 049931fc1e Merge pull request #507 from bjoto/master REVERT: f1e77f2246 Removed heap allocation for in zmq_poll for small item sets REVERT: 470d06bb9e Merge pull request #506 from arsenm/master REVERT: e464a91086 Fix using wrong name for windows.h check in cmake REVERT: e8cbfac966 Merge pull request #503 from chazmcgarvey/define-dummy-eproto REVERT: abc8907e44 Merge pull request #505 from arsenm/master REVERT: 93618e7d02 Merge pull request #504 from o172/master REVERT: f01bab6633 Fix cmake not linking librt to perf-tools REVERT: 0a1bd45721 Added tests/test_disconnect_inproc to .gitignore REVERT: 7bc3e53b53 Merge pull request #502 from ianbarber/master REVERT: ba3e18f700 define a dummy EPROTO for platforms that don't use it REVERT: d850272417 Add size check on XSUB message sends REVERT: eeaa2c8e42 Merge pull request #501 from chazmcgarvey/conditional-eproto REVERT: 2e2ef7fd33 do not use EPROTO on platforms that do not have it REVERT: 3a632185a6 Merge pull request #500 from haf/fixes/asciidoc-title REVERT: 7918175717 Shortening the =-chars to make asciidoc work REVERT: 29a1d8ec60 Merge pull request #499 from minrk/ac_header REVERT: f467011dbc Merge pull request #498 from minrk/zmq_ctx_term REVERT: 21c97f0cc2 AM_CONFIG_HEADER -> AC_CONFIG_HEADERS REVERT: 64c019e24d move -> REVERT: edd43e1ca4 deprecate zmq_ctx_destroy in favor of zmq_ctx_term REVERT: 21fc2a9946 Merge pull request #497 from hintjens/master REVERT: bbc5befc66 Clarified zmq_bind on icp:// REVERT: c2fbb722a4 Merge pull request #496 from amuraru/master REVERT: 35f18aef74 Fixed newline in test_disconnect_inproc REVERT: fb0beb6f29 Fixed el5/el6 deps in RPM spec file REVERT: 7d475add7e Merge pull request #495 from hintjens/master REVERT: d997d88096 Revert "Old change to move ports off 5555 (was conflicting with other stuff)" REVERT: aff1406713 Revert "Test cases were failing on bind" REVERT: a4bedc5255 Whitespace and comment fixes REVERT: da0efaa817 Old change to move ports off 5555 (was conflicting with other stuff) REVERT: b0f0d3fcb4 Clarification on zmq_msg_more REVERT: 12a648db07 Specified that it's safe to call zmq_msg_more after zmq_msg_close REVERT: ef186fe15b Spelling fixes REVERT: af934f85ca Removed use of deprecated API methods REVERT: 8ba097f3da Test cases were failing on bind REVERT: c1f76e433f Merge pull request #494 from jgm-radez/master REVERT: d32e392278 allow XSUB/XPUB to send/recv messages unrelated to sub/unsub (LIBZMQ-490) REVERT: 98a91e852e Merge pull request #493 from arsenm/master REVERT: 45f504d3e2 Fix looking for rc sources in toplevel binary directory REVERT: 949d157897 Merge pull request #492 from arsenm/master REVERT: 6ce464414b Fix typos REVERT: f770954d30 Fix a couple more warnings REVERT: 6ecb796e77 Fix warnings with MinGW REVERT: 1ffc5d11dc Fix some of the -Wshadows REVERT: 14d3245e02 Fix -Wmismatched-tags REVERT: edb5a05add Fix -Wmissing-field-initializers REVERT: 3ebab09ce4 Fix unused argument warnings REVERT: e88dc49400 Fix random 3 space tabs REVERT: 59cafecd96 Fix MinGW32 build REVERT: 3c7d4840a1 Fix NSIS installer errors, MinGW build. REVERT: a1d6a222ed Generated header is not in ../src/ REVERT: 4704159f73 Fix cmake build with sun studio REVERT: 74763e2c8e Don't use the toplevel cmake paths so the build works as a subproject REVERT: f3901b35d4 Comments about ICC build failure with 12.x were crazy REVERT: 0362c310a5 First pass at getting cmake build to work with non-Windows systems. REVERT: 73c370dd17 Fix inconsistently using #if or #ifdef instead of #if defined REVERT: c7009d274e Merge pull request #491 from pijyoi/issue84 REVERT: 1eee9ce035 Merge pull request #490 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 151a80619b set SO_LINGER on first signaler socket to close in order to avoid TIME_WAIT state. REVERT: 322808be9c eliminate code moved into zmq_utils.cpp REVERT: 8dda553ac4 Merge pull request #489 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 942c654d1c win32: close zmq-signaler-port-sync event object to avoid handle leak REVERT: ce24557b11 Merge pull request #488 from steve-o/openpgm-next REVERT: 2e9d4d4132 Pull upstream OpenPGM 5.2.122 for multi-platform minor fixes. REVERT: 4febe88b2b Merge pull request #487 from miniway/master REVERT: a0cecc718d returns -1 with EAGAIN when mandatory is set and pipe is full REVERT: 2a7b219f07 Merge pull request #486 from miniway/master REVERT: 394d755cf3 return EHOSTUNREACH at full only when mandatory is set REVERT: 8da6b7a6fd Merge pull request #485 from miniway/master REVERT: 9382941adc returns EHOSTUNREACH when a peer is full if ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY is set REVERT: 95d36f42ee Merge pull request #484 from pijyoi/master REVERT: 6706efba28 fix wrong boolean operator REVERT: ebd1bf9bcf Merge pull request #482 from sradomski/master REVERT: 21345ffa50 Break early when pipe to be removed was found REVERT: f9770e93ef Fixed iterator when erasing from inprocs multimap REVERT: 624dd1e5b5 Removal of terminated pipes from inproc and ignoring peer ends REVERT: 66c22456b9 Close pipes for inproc sockets on zmq_disconnect REVERT: b2f6741bcb Merge pull request #481 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 75161b5c62 Serialise test_connect_delay REVERT: 013a99daab Merge pull request #480 from vperron/master REVERT: 3fc8c7073d Same fix, in-line style REVERT: 33f42efb48 Change NULL to 0 to keep compatibility with some cross-compiling GCC versions REVERT: a4a731652a Merge pull request #479 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 1d11f196b1 Update SPEC file REVERT: cae5d3b817 Merge pull request #478 from methodmissing/event-messages-3.2 REVERT: d1cbf96cde Merge pull request #477 from hintjens/master REVERT: e6da46ff8c Added hint REVERT: 359a505949 Prefer malloc to new for event address allocation as per Martin's recommendation REVERT: a28322cd0c Merge pull request #476 from hurtonm/master REVERT: a8721c3c04 Check decoder's state function for NULL before calling it REVERT: b1f4850153 Let socket event messages initialize with zmq_msg_init_data and let the framework handle cleanup REVERT: f78ca629b5 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 8db8c45b18 Merge pull request #475 from ianbarber/master REVERT: be4cc2f80a Update zmq_tcp to include a reference to RFC REVERT: 7e6c304a98 Merge pull request #474 from hintjens/master REVERT: 1489857973 Fixed ZMQ_SNDHWM description REVERT: 7533ebb33d Clarified that SNDHWM is per part, not message REVERT: 6d245eb6bc Copy monitor specific event endpoints to event messages as the engine etc. can be released at anytime REVERT: ce4d321684 Revert "Merge pull request #473 from methodmissing/fix-engine-endpoint" REVERT: 1a18c7b0a8 Merge pull request #473 from methodmissing/fix-engine-endpoint REVERT: fdf162a117 [LIBZMQ-450] Copy the stream engine endpoint - string reference caused memory corruption REVERT: bef9a41bdb Merge pull request #472 from jgm-radez/master REVERT: b8d5d3fa69 Issue 468 REVERT: 01b9bc3663 Merge pull request #471 from methodmissing/fix-disconnect-event-addr REVERT: 5205415beb Fix addresses on triggered events REVERT: 37f8ce69c1 Merge pull request #470 from cdolan/master REVERT: 6559da3033 Use memset/memmove rather than bzero/bcopy REVERT: 30eaadddc3 Merge pull request #469 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 9013ee0d52 Minor code cleanup REVERT: c179ad1173 Merge pull request #468 from hurtonm/issue_465 REVERT: c543b2ce8c Resolve LIBZMQ-465 REVERT: 99f714445f Merge pull request #467 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 66dc4d8b54 Don't pass flags to xrecv method REVERT: 7865f96e97 Don't pass flags to xsend method REVERT: 793895c477 Merge pull request #466 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: b78800e467 Simplify implementation of DEALER socket REVERT: d1e0889ab0 Merge pull request #463 from hintjens/master REVERT: 3eaf4a967c Merge pull request #465 from steve-o/cmake-minor REVERT: 19a8ea4584 Update source list with raw codec. REVERT: 3ba401d7da Bring along CMake patchset from zeromq3-x for adding minor version to Windows labeling. REVERT: de339785f2 Merge pull request #464 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: ea19b7b658 Small cleanups REVERT: 925a530663 Use const_cast operator to remove const modifier REVERT: 82999f2d20 Don't forward identities to DEALER sockets REVERT: 6290054f00 Added ROUTER-ROUTER as legal combination REVERT: ec0824142e Merge pull request #462 from hurtonm/raw_fixes REVERT: c1e960b31d Never exchange identities for sockets in raw mode REVERT: aec47b3642 Extend ZMQ_ROUTER_RAW test REVERT: 872ef76f3c Added DEALER-DEALER as legal combination REVERT: 4e028ecb30 Merge pull request #461 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: e51a1f04c9 session_base: code cleanup REVERT: 5da971275d Merge pull request #460 from hintjens/master REVERT: 777c38ae32 Renamed raw option to ZMQ_ROUTER_RAW REVERT: 80aef8dfda Merge pull request #459 from hurtonm/issue_459 REVERT: 41dc2e6049 Resolve LIBZMQ-459 REVERT: 1348924251 Merge pull request #458 from vortechs2000/remove_cpp_comments_from_zmq_h REVERT: f67a199332 Older versions of C compilers don't like C++ comments REVERT: 2deb2e095e Merge pull request #457 from mjasperse/patch-1 REVERT: 1e60d17a23 Update builds/msvc/libzmq/libzmq.vcproj REVERT: cdd7cd10c9 Merge pull request #456 from hurtonm/issue_464 REVERT: 7c66e8f807 Resolve LIBZMQ-464 REVERT: 04e716ac99 Merge pull request #455 from hintjens/master REVERT: 79da450b8b Fixed formatting in man page REVERT: 0404b3b60a Merge pull request #454 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 9d8eb1f9b9 Style fixes REVERT: abbe34cdc2 Merge pull request #453 from hurtonm/issue_458 REVERT: d16e0a5342 Resolve LIBZMQ-458 REVERT: 4bc405a366 Merge pull request #452 from hshardeesi/master REVERT: 7523b9ed29 Merge pull request #451 from hurtonm/use_correct_types_in_stream_engine REVERT: dcf0693d6e Merge pull request #450 from hurtonm/issue_447 REVERT: 3aa30329d1 Use correct types when returning value in read/write methods REVERT: 03deb2c97a Resolve LIBZMQ-447 REVERT: 83387b4073 Added support for non-zmq tcp client connections to router socket. - Created a new option ZMQ_ROUTER_RAW_SOCK - Added new raw_encoder and raw_decoder to receive and send messages in raw form to remote client - Added test case file tests/test_raw_sock.cpp REVERT: 19f77a1ccf Merge pull request #449 from hintjens/master REVERT: 0bf8a4d2d2 Code formatting REVERT: 6b45262086 Merge pull request #448 from jgm-radez/master REVERT: 500f6cffe3 patch for issue 456 REVERT: bb59dc1b2a Merge pull request #447 from hintjens/master REVERT: 171897f4e8 Cleanups to man pages REVERT: 0b13872ff4 Merge pull request #446 from hurtonm/issue_452 REVERT: 01be614593 Merge pull request #445 from hurtonm/issue_417 REVERT: ef794925b4 Resolve LIBZMQ-452 REVERT: 4824237761 Resolve LIBZMQ-417 REVERT: d2ee38acfe Merge pull request #444 from vortechs2000/fix_aix REVERT: 422c418a15 Move socket_base.hpp and err.hpp after poll.h include REVERT: 2675a9d31b Merge pull request #443 from hintjens/master REVERT: 4ba34c9d70 Whitespace and style fixes REVERT: 7abb6ccb6a Merge pull request #442 from hintjens/master REVERT: 066606322c Added unbind/disconnect man pages, notes to deprecated methods REVERT: ee21fac8b8 Added ZMQ_FAIL_UNROUTABLE alias back as deprecated REVERT: a3889d00c3 Fixed issue #451 REVERT: 45c063725b Fixed issue #449 REVERT: 7f63fc6579 Merge pull request #441 from hintjens/master REVERT: 96811575c3 Fixed issue #448 REVERT: 9bab346690 Merge pull request #440 from hintjens/master REVERT: 3a43bd7354 Several include files were missing REVERT: 6e676af45e Merge pull request #439 from hintjens/master REVERT: 351eff5448 Bumped version to 3.3.0 REVERT: 8e7892b72f Upated version for next release REVERT: a7b2e9d017 Upated NEWS for 3.2.1 REVERT: cdcaca2dc4 Merge pull request #438 from steve-o/master REVERT: c62fb89ed8 Update to libzmq source set. REVERT: 7a1a5f9f7f Update AsciiDoc version details with CMake detected ZeroMQ version. REVERT: 8ddb9fc7ea Enable parallel make and LTO by default. REVERT: dfe7d15a88 MSVC11 not getting defined in CMake 2.8.9, punt to version string. REVERT: ebe4eab477 Detect compiler version to tag libraries. REVERT: 046c8ec7eb Add metadata to CMake options; mark executables advanced to hide from default view; fix WoW64 redirections. REVERT: 56bb3df1f6 Detect ZeroMQ version at build time; hide NSIS dependencies in new cmake folder. REVERT: b42e45adb8 Make OpenPGM a CMake option, default disabled. REVERT: c53cf0d239 Minor refactor of CMake build script. REVERT: 000d1a5fba Update CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 58f7c2179f added artificacts for windows and openpgm build REVERT: 73537e67e3 Merge pull request #437 from rohanbedarkar/master REVERT: 93a7a37893 fixed trailing whitespace REVERT: a438e63498 explicit comments on multicast loopback REVERT: 11c22912d7 commented out TOS related opt for PGM REVERT: 1ef63bc2ad Merge pull request #436 from hintjens/master REVERT: 983ee761b1 Renamed ZMQ_ROUTER_BEHAVIOR to ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY for clarity REVERT: db690e3d99 Merge pull request #435 from hintjens/master REVERT: f87bf38293 Fixed issue #443 REVERT: e41e071b05 Merge pull request #434 from vaughan0/master REVERT: ce53fe0337 Minor documentation fix: zmq_msg_recv instead of zmq_msg_send REVERT: d6e0ae24f3 Prepared for release 3.2.1 REVERT: 2440863292 Merge pull request #433 from michelp/reject-no-fds-avail REVERT: b84d0119b5 Ported from libxs revision 123c0f5387ecef287dd11f4dc790fb76ee1c0f67 REVERT: 81482ec84a Merge pull request #432 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 82d7238f08 Make socket IO more robust REVERT: 343ec62282 Merge pull request #431 from ipechorin/master REVERT: 5b83fe778c Merge pull request #430 from ipechorin/master REVERT: 725f141fd7 Fix LIBZMQ-211: REP socket asserting when getting malformed request REVERT: a49e392e34 Merge pull request #429 from ipechorin/dcf683aacb533634c273bb2f51fa3ceaadf89202 REVERT: 9b58372a38 Fix compilation using MSVC 2008: its defines wrong min/max without NOMINMAX REVERT: 396b4e3046 Fix compilation using MSVC 2008: stdint.h is not present in this compiler REVERT: 4de27b6c10 Update MSVC2008 project after recent renames and additions REVERT: 2eb849ccda Merge pull request #428 from ipechorin/9056c13e1ebbfd7798ddd7b5cfdb9950933c710e REVERT: dcf683aacb Update MSVC2010 project after recent renames and additions REVERT: 9056c13e1e Use shipped with Visual Studio 2010 and later REVERT: ff264cb044 Merge pull request #427 from ianbarber/master REVERT: afa4933c1e Init message in drop subscription REVERT: 2a209140f7 Merge pull request #426 from methodmissing/fix-monitor REVERT: b1776e234b Merge branch 'master' into fix-monitor REVERT: a6c6054ef2 Merge pull request #425 from Astellar/zmq_msg_t REVERT: 7bf516ded7 zmq_msg_t will now typedef a named struct. REVERT: 8a57e4a5d7 Merge branch 'master' into fix-monitor REVERT: 759d453368 Significantly reworked the monitoring infrastructure with a more granular per socket API and to play well with monitoring endpoints in application threads REVERT: d981c91f80 Merge pull request #424 from vaughan0/patch-1 REVERT: f6a840b65b Update doc/zmq_msg_get.txt REVERT: 86eb7bcae0 Merge pull request #423 from jmgao/patch-1 REVERT: 67d88bcb41 Add pthread.h include to test_connect_delay.cpp REVERT: 7a40df6d3a Merge pull request #422 from hintjens/master REVERT: 5db28752f3 Removed 'device' concept and introduced proxies * zmq_device is now a wrapper that calls zmq_proxy * zmq_proxy adds capture socket REVERT: f074f6b6b9 Merge pull request #412 from Quuxplusone/test-release-builds-too REVERT: cf20932df0 Add "#undef NDEBUG" to all tests. REVERT: aaac4b84cb Code cleanups REVERT: 84728cd961 Merge pull request #421 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 2a41c8d7b4 Simplify initial handshaking REVERT: 3f6148abdf Implement new message encoder/decoder REVERT: 8672f5829e Introduce abstract interface for message encoder/decoder REVERT: a224c97329 Merge pull request #420 from ianbarber/master REVERT: d7331b7b1f Fixing PGM issues REVERT: d0687876c0 Merge pull request #419 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 9d17ead33d Remove superfluous statement REVERT: 7e6db47e65 Remove unused member variable REVERT: 9143ac5156 Merge pull request #418 from hurtonm/versioned_ztp REVERT: d9307c9ff0 Make ZMQ interoperate with ZMQ 2.x SUB sockets REVERT: dfc0222ee6 Decouple encoder_t and decoder_t from session_base_t REVERT: 1bca4f6f03 Extend ZTP/1.0 protocol REVERT: 6347f8b0c9 Merge pull request #416 from hintjens/master REVERT: ab8248847c Fixed license to remove references to X11 code REVERT: c959f526f1 Merge pull request #415 from Quuxplusone/unused-parameters REVERT: 08f6a9e7e8 Remove unused argc/argv parameters in tests. REVERT: c29aef4dd8 Verify the value of the "void *s" passed to the monitor function. REVERT: 3b984d40e9 Silence all "unused parameter" warnings from Clang. REVERT: 7fa4d423b8 Fix char_traits to what looks like correct behavior. REVERT: f6fe600eef Merge pull request #414 from ianbarber/master REVERT: fd67cd810a Update ROUTER_BEHAVIOR documentation REVERT: 95c018c0d3 Use full endpoint string in monitor response REVERT: 94835581a4 Remove early return on terminated state REVERT: 206e5f6f44 Incorrect function name in socket_base REVERT: f028379c1c Incorrect var name in monitor_event REVERT: 8bf541b252 Fixing incorrect argument order on va_start REVERT: 4a43a0d074 Merge pull request #413 from Quuxplusone/static-analysis REVERT: 7fadd708a0 Fix monitor_event() to work at all. REVERT: 537a802788 Add a missing null-check, turning a segfault into an assertion. REVERT: 6347d392fd Fix a bug in pipe_t::flush(). REVERT: 0886b7a26b Silence a compiler warning. REVERT: a48751b34b The "count_" out-parameter is doubled instead of unchanged. REVERT: d588dbf27c Merge pull request #410 from Quuxplusone/LIBZMQ-414 REVERT: 033e311d66 Merge pull request #411 from Quuxplusone/fix-test_monitor-bug REVERT: f718d2bead Fix a bug reported on the mailing list. REVERT: 28c9255d46 Fix an error in the inline assembly for Thumb2. REVERT: 12833804c9 Merge pull request #409 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 1ab85f471a Exchange greeting messages for all socket types REVERT: b32542e396 Merge pull request #403 from methodmissing/efault-zmq-poll REVERT: 040d4d322d Merge pull request #408 from teotwaki/master REVERT: a622328a9c Fix reordering compile errors REVERT: 5637ed08a5 Merge pull request #407 from methodmissing/LIBZMQ-399 REVERT: 9dc248f6ab Fix invalid address metadata for ZMQ_EVENT_DISCONNECTED REVERT: 1f22954762 Merge pull request #406 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 9fab9937e5 Fix issue #406 REVERT: 84560c1607 Merge pull request #405 from jimenezrick/master REVERT: 92bee5a6db Fix LIBZMQ-404: zmq_term not truly re-entrant REVERT: 631e12d4e5 Merge pull request #404 from mimetnet/master REVERT: a0eb0bb7e6 signaler.cpp's Windows Lock should be in the "Global" namespace REVERT: 83537916f8 Fix issue 335 REVERT: 556074d438 Revert zmq_poll NULL poll items check to 2.2 behavior - let the poll items count filter out empty poll sets and not return a sometimes unexpected EFAULT error status REVERT: 9be0c7e4b5 Merge pull request #402 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 92827e45ee Small code cleanup REVERT: bea0b4817b Merge pull request #401 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 62b5b914f5 Always mark socket as retired when closing ipc_listener REVERT: 43ee4396cf Merge pull request #400 from hurtonm/master REVERT: c84ca01e95 Be more conservative about when to generate ZMQ_EVENT_CLOSE_FAILED REVERT: 0533fb1ce1 Merge pull request #399 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 6ac5cf8697 Simplify code for writer activation in Router socket REVERT: f8752bf9fc Merge pull request #398 from hurtonm/master REVERT: e37814eca4 Rewrite event processing in io_thread REVERT: 823d14c7fc Merge pull request #397 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 37d1e84467 Merge pull request #396 from hintjens/master REVERT: 86eaa9c8e7 Rewrite process_command's loop REVERT: 8d64fc6af8 Reverted fix for #393, was already fixed REVERT: 73f960e739 Merge pull request #395 from hintjens/master REVERT: 9aa8452b80 Fixed issue #393, compilation warnings REVERT: 77dd0a6fba Merge pull request #394 from hintjens/master REVERT: 8d96a43975 Fixed documentation of HWM on ZMQ_PULL REVERT: e7f59297d0 Merge pull request #393 from cyrilh/master REVERT: 01919774dc Making Android&pyzmq friendly version with avoid-version REVERT: 1ff5af098a Merge pull request #392 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 1b0e6ef8b4 mtrie: Code simplification REVERT: 692648de96 mtrie: Do not throw exception on allocation failure REVERT: e471e5b401 Merge pull request #391 from methodmissing/monitor-manual-format REVERT: 9ccbeb84fa Let docs for zmq_ctx_set_monitor() respect a 80 char wide column width REVERT: 6a1bd3e1e7 Merge pull request #390 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 26e14d3064 Small code simplification REVERT: 6f1229be6f Merge pull request #389 from hurtonm/master REVERT: f8293df4c5 Fix a bug in trie implementation REVERT: c251d940b3 Merge pull request #388 from minrk/forward-iovec REVERT: a178817141 forward-declare struct iovec REVERT: b57b7debaa Merge pull request #386 from steve-o/err-handler REVERT: fc335c59ea Fix missing ENETRESET for Jira #LIBZMQ-329. REVERT: c60b0f579d Merge pull request #385 from jdc8/master REVERT: 85c19f1269 added missing files to MSVC10 solution file: tcp.cpp, tcp.hpp REVERT: 98ee759dad Added missing semi-colon. REVERT: eb16f6b88e Merge pull request #384 from steve-o/err-handler REVERT: 5b3d0c633d Add errno fallback values for MSVC2008. REVERT: 7bbccdeac9 Merge pull request #383 from Kobolog/master REVERT: 08749c8e7b Removed an unneeded include in tests REVERT: 6da48aed3a Fixed tests REVERT: 829d0003be Verbose ROUTER socket behavior patch REVERT: 21eb8c8fa5 Merge pull request #382 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 7d99129411 Fix open_socket to return -1 (INVALID_SOCKET on Windows) on error REVERT: 7753379eab Merge pull request #381 from hurtonm/connecter_cleanups REVERT: 919bd9628d {tcp|ipc}_connecter: check whether socket is valid before closing it REVERT: ec9f8994a7 Simplify {tcp|ipc}_connecter REVERT: e0fed9d29a Simplify {tcp|ipc}_connecter REVERT: c8d0d68471 Merge pull request #380 from jlopex/master REVERT: eb6c668c2a libzmq3.x not compiling on Android crosscompiler REVERT: 67ab3390ec Merge pull request #379 from hitenp/doc-changes REVERT: a96dcfb29a Correct typo: add missing single quote. REVERT: 426ea71697 Merge pull request #378 from steve-o/err-handler REVERT: acbb99383f Add additional Windows Sockets Error Codes. REVERT: f35bed0edc Merge pull request #377 from hurtonm/master REVERT: 75d67286cc {tcp|ipc}_listener: close socket when set_address () fails REVERT: a9507cc267 Merge pull request #376 from ianbarber/master REVERT: c7c834a945 Add unistd header to test_connect_delay header REVERT: dc9749fc67 Merge pull request #375 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 35c55a2cde Add newline to end of test_connect_delay file REVERT: 9e1e68ef16 Merge pull request #374 from steve-o/branding REVERT: b2e56c5e4f Add ZeroMQ branding. REVERT: 076e081de2 Merge pull request #373 from ianbarber/master REVERT: e1cc2d4a41 Merge pull request #372 from ianbarber/manfix REVERT: bc9ae715c3 Add asserts and rename pipe set REVERT: 704b952274 Add reference to the inproc documentation REVERT: 7b78ed9d60 Update bind and connect documentation for clarity REVERT: e5904e63ce Allow blocking while connect() is completing REVERT: 409d5e8fff Allow blocking while connect() is completing REVERT: 95cbad3841 Revert "After speaking with Ben Gray and the discussion on the mailing list, this is an attempt to create a sockopt to allow connecting pipes to not immediately be available for traffic. The problem is in a PUSH to many PULL situation, where there is a connect to a PULL which is not there. This connect will immediately create a pipe (unlike bind), and traffic will be load balanced to that pipe. This means if there is a persistently unavailable end point then the traffic will queue until HWM is hit, and older messages will be lost." REVERT: a563d494bb Revert "Remove extra brackets as suggested by Martin H, and fix up a comment which was missing a word" REVERT: cc230cfe60 Revert "And another typo on the same comment" REVERT: 5b167aa896 Revert "Remove the extra outpipe handling as the session is quite capable of delaying the creation of the pipe until the connection has happened. Simply don't build the pipe, and let it do that automatically." REVERT: 81b8362a59 Revert "Fix a number of whitespace issues in various parts of the code, add validation to most calls on the test and take a first stab at implementing the reconnection pipe blocking." REVERT: 48d3977632 Revert "Fix condition so that PGM and EPGM sockets always create pipes immediately, even if delay_attach_on_connect is set. This allows passing through the icanhasall flag, and is realistic given the fact those protocols should be able to connect immediately" REVERT: 6c382c5c61 Revert "Fix whitespace in test" REVERT: 72bae207a3 Revert "Rebinding on reconnection to allow for the pipe blocking will set the event sink again, which will cause an assert to be triggered. I have modified that to allow for setting the same sink to be OK. I believe this should be ok - on termination, if a pipe hasn't reconnected, it would just attempt to be erased from the pipes list again, which is reasonable" REVERT: f0920caf02 Revert "On the advice of Martin Hurton, removed the new command type and just terminated the pipe in a reconnect situation, and notified the socket of the same. This handles the blocking properly, but at the cost of potentially losing in flight messages. However, this is a reasonable trade off given how much simpler it makes the patch." REVERT: b020bd4ba8 Revert "Remove unnecessary extra test in pipe assertion - now we are terminating pipes we don't need to allow the case in which a pipe is rebound to the same sink" REVERT: 956cfd9f75 Revert "Fix incorrect whitespace in if statement" REVERT: 74175decb4 Revert "Removing unnecessary outpipe values that had been used for reconnecting existing pipes - no longer needed when using a pipe term for the delay_attach situation." REVERT: 440af0022d Revert "Restoring comment for clarity" REVERT: 8968b294e0 Revert "When detaching a pipe, as well as checking the delay on connect sockopt is set, also ensure that the protocol is not pgm or epgm as we are not implementing the functionality for multicase types" REVERT: 836fa4b7ca Revert "The previous code to block the socket from receiving on that pipe during a disconnect was vulnerable to a race condition. This code calls with the terminate functions of both ends of the pipe - I believe this should be safer. This required storing a pointer to the socket end of the pipe" REVERT: 2c6f26153e Revert "Reverted to a simpler shutdown. This seems to disconnect and reconnect the pipe properly, but there is a problem in overall shutdown when the pipe has blocked and reconnected - the session seems to get terminated() called on it only in shutdown for the original pipe, by which point it has been replaced. I am not sure at the moment why this only happens then, but this does mean this patch is broken at the moment" REVERT: 3ae68d67a4 Revert "Use the hiccup mechanism to notify the socket end of the pair of the change in state, and have it shutdown that end, and shutdown the local end normally. This seems to resolve the shutdown and race condition issues." REVERT: f5a072fee1 Revert "Code formatting, and clean up so that xhiccuped is only handled in case the pipe isn't terminating" REVERT: 6eeaf15179 Revert "Remove unnecessary condition in assert" REVERT: c9926f6f24 Revert "As Martin pointed out, there is a race condition in the old code where a pipe could start shutting down after disconnection, but the new one could connect first. This connection would not get a pipe created for it, so the messages could never flow. The simplest way round this would be a flag, but it is possibly for a very bouncy but fast connection to go up and down twice I imagine, so instead I have added a counter. This starts at zero, and will null out the pipe if terminate is called while it is zero. On a disconnect situation the counter is incremented, and the pipe is the not nulled if the value is non zero. In the terminated function it is decremented for each pipe that is shut down, and the assertion that the terminated pipe == the current pipe is skipped while it is non-zero. This should deal with the race condition and not allow any extra terminated() calls without hitting the assertion." REVERT: 19da88be67 Revert "Filter read and write activated calls from the pipe to the session, and delay shutdown in terminated until the final pipe is shutdown." REVERT: 4aaf3e6389 Revert "Add disconnect test" REVERT: eb14890d23 Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of"" REVERT: bdd4e1351d Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of"" REVERT: 029d3dfae2 Revert "Merge branch 'master' of" REVERT: dde69fb9fb Revert "Merge branch 'master' of" REVERT: 6117a2b099 Revert "Replace incomplete count with a std::set" REVERT: 4aa5ba3d11 Replace incomplete count with a std::set REVERT: 7b10586558 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 3345902979 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: b448de926b Merge pull request #371 from hurtonm/fix_race_condition_in_connecters REVERT: 3ec8e576d9 Fix race conditions in {tcp,ipc}_connecter REVERT: d8f3487ee1 Add disconnect test REVERT: a90c1db7d2 Filter read and write activated calls from the pipe to the session, and delay shutdown in terminated until the final pipe is shutdown. REVERT: a5f7300da6 As Martin pointed out, there is a race condition in the old code where a pipe could start shutting down after disconnection, but the new one could connect first. This connection would not get a pipe created for it, so the messages could never flow. The simplest way round this would be a flag, but it is possibly for a very bouncy but fast connection to go up and down twice I imagine, so instead I have added a counter. This starts at zero, and will null out the pipe if terminate is called while it is zero. On a disconnect situation the counter is incremented, and the pipe is the not nulled if the value is non zero. In the terminated function it is decremented for each pipe that is shut down, and the assertion that the terminated pipe == the current pipe is skipped while it is non-zero. This should deal with the race condition and not allow any extra terminated() calls without hitting the assertion. REVERT: 841cf69eb7 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ace8f753e1 Merge pull request #370 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 1f53697211 Use struct keyword consistently with sockaddr and sockaddr_in REVERT: e9bfd76f87 Merge pull request #368 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 66b7edfbd1 Merge pull request #367 from hurtonm/issue_309 REVERT: 602c50117c Small code simplification REVERT: 796212a985 Fix the message decoder to ignore reserved flags. REVERT: 3053f7e368 Remove unnecessary condition in assert REVERT: 5da289cd5b Code formatting, and clean up so that xhiccuped is only handled in case the pipe isn't terminating REVERT: 0bf1d0262e Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 67497a2643 Use the hiccup mechanism to notify the socket end of the pair of the change in state, and have it shutdown that end, and shutdown the local end normally. This seems to resolve the shutdown and race condition issues. REVERT: b0792ec78a Merge pull request #366 from hitenp/tcp-consolidate REVERT: db13fbf4a9 Consolidate TCP-specific common code into their own files. REVERT: 1c6592157b Merge pull request #365 from hitenp/master REVERT: 31cb1f297d Change connection failure test to use an invalid hostname REVERT: b84b007981 Reverted to a simpler shutdown. This seems to disconnect and reconnect the pipe properly, but there is a problem in overall shutdown when the pipe has blocked and reconnected - the session seems to get terminated() called on it only in shutdown for the original pipe, by which point it has been replaced. I am not sure at the moment why this only happens then, but this does mean this patch is broken at the moment REVERT: 889b0e6f29 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 1dcedf7ab1 Merge pull request #364 from AlexBio/fix_unused_variable REVERT: 8643d71ee8 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 3db9bf31b3 Merge pull request #363 from AlexBio/fix_nosigpipe_check REVERT: 4bd78bb4cf Check if SO_NOSIGPIPE is defined REVERT: 271ced98cf Remove unused variable which causes build to fail with -Werror REVERT: f611c57c48 Merge pull request #362 from hintjens/master REVERT: e5bb5a60f4 Bumped version to 3.3.0 REVERT: 336f72720a The previous code to block the socket from receiving on that pipe during a disconnect was vulnerable to a race condition. This code calls with the terminate functions of both ends of the pipe - I believe this should be safer. This required storing a pointer to the socket end of the pipe REVERT: 5008f385ba When detaching a pipe, as well as checking the delay on connect sockopt is set, also ensure that the protocol is not pgm or epgm as we are not implementing the functionality for multicase types REVERT: 4d4674e088 Merge pull request #360 from vortechs2000/fix_hpux REVERT: 09d18e4b3c Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: f8b79f888f Merge pull request #361 from vortechs2000/fix_aix7 REVERT: 897b6b58ea Merge pull request #359 from vortechs2000/fix_older_linux_gcc REVERT: 97c48ccda6 Fix build on HPUX 11iv3 REVERT: 3687789f9d Fix build on RHEL5 and SLES10 REVERT: 616bcf9fc2 Fix up build on AIX7 REVERT: 09956dee93 Restoring comment for clarity REVERT: ace7c99b91 Removing unnecessary outpipe values that had been used for reconnecting existing pipes - no longer needed when using a pipe term for the delay_attach situation. REVERT: 55cbdfcf26 Fix incorrect whitespace in if statement REVERT: 29f8d9ca15 Remove unnecessary extra test in pipe assertion - now we are terminating pipes we don't need to allow the case in which a pipe is rebound to the same sink REVERT: c13f1d52ff On the advice of Martin Hurton, removed the new command type and just terminated the pipe in a reconnect situation, and notified the socket of the same. This handles the blocking properly, but at the cost of potentially losing in flight messages. However, this is a reasonable trade off given how much simpler it makes the patch. REVERT: 1566091bc6 Rebinding on reconnection to allow for the pipe blocking will set the event sink again, which will cause an assert to be triggered. I have modified that to allow for setting the same sink to be OK. I believe this should be ok - on termination, if a pipe hasn't reconnected, it would just attempt to be erased from the pipes list again, which is reasonable REVERT: 0b3478d6ec Fix whitespace in test REVERT: b5ace39e2a Fix condition so that PGM and EPGM sockets always create pipes immediately, even if delay_attach_on_connect is set. This allows passing through the icanhasall flag, and is realistic given the fact those protocols should be able to connect immediately REVERT: 6f6466f088 Fix a number of whitespace issues in various parts of the code, add validation to most calls on the test and take a first stab at implementing the reconnection pipe blocking. REVERT: 06485d9200 Remove the extra outpipe handling as the session is quite capable of delaying the creation of the pipe until the connection has happened. Simply don't build the pipe, and let it do that automatically. REVERT: 297af95451 And another typo on the same comment REVERT: b79aaaf473 Remove extra brackets as suggested by Martin H, and fix up a comment which was missing a word REVERT: f687a2989b Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 98ef56039e Merge pull request #358 from steve-o/issue-320-author REVERT: 0f58a98b3e Merge branch 'issue-320' of into issue-320-author REVERT: 320684ef39 Return error on invalid PGM url instead of raising assertion (Douglas Young). Fix Win32 build. REVERT: fe3fb419fe After speaking with Ben Gray and the discussion on the mailing list, this is an attempt to create a sockopt to allow connecting pipes to not immediately be available for traffic. The problem is in a PUSH to many PULL situation, where there is a connect to a PULL which is not there. This connect will immediately create a pipe (unlike bind), and traffic will be load balanced to that pipe. This means if there is a persistently unavailable end point then the traffic will queue until HWM is hit, and older messages will be lost. REVERT: c28af41ca4 Merge pull request #356 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: bc150de81e Merge pull request #355 from hurtonm/fq_lb_fix REVERT: 89ff277bec lb: code cleanup REVERT: 2973eaf446 Prevent connection starvation REVERT: 4e7be102f4 Merge pull request #354 from steve-o/issue-320 REVERT: 13976a3d65 Return error on invalid PGM url instead of raising assertion. Fix Win32 build. REVERT: 32befeb0a6 Merge pull request #353 from steve-o/master REVERT: 75df0194bf Fix title on zmq_disconnect manpage. REVERT: 1adb7b1017 Merge pull request #352 from hurtonm/issue_370 REVERT: 7fe45af30f Fix issue #370 REVERT: f7bd543c36 Merge pull request #351 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 24b79c7e0b Prefer errno_assert/alloc_assert to zmq_assert REVERT: 013967681d fq: code cleanup REVERT: 8152502f69 Merge pull request #350 from hurtonm/issue_369 REVERT: 130dfc5b5f Fix issue #369 REVERT: e30e48c23e Merge pull request #349 from hintjens/master REVERT: 2ab12efe11 Fixing issue #361 REVERT: 3a76d246a8 Merge pull request #348 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: d0b9005ef0 Don't assume SOCKET_ERROR is -1 on Windows REVERT: ac53f1a728 Remove unnecessary casts REVERT: e0534643fa Simplify error handling in tcp_connecter REVERT: 13ef1e4f26 Make wsa_error_to_errno pure function REVERT: a8f9a0d891 Use zmq_assert rather then assert REVERT: 52ed4cdccf Remove dead code REVERT: 7cfd03ba72 Remove unplug from i_engine interface REVERT: 5db30fe991 Merge pull request #347 from methodmissing/monitor-doc-fails REVERT: b85ff17822 Fix too long underline in monitor docs REVERT: 74af2f9402 Merge pull request #346 from methodmissing/monitor-regressions REVERT: 400f6f3863 Rename monitor documentation source file to match zmq_ctx_set_monitor() API REVERT: 22b4388e29 Merge pull request #345 from methodmissing/monitor-regressions REVERT: 1e92ee0a0e Oust last remaning ZMQ_MONITOR reference from NEWS as well REVERT: adf7a7ade1 Merge branch 'master' into monitor-regressions REVERT: 991b7fcc04 Rename zmq_monitor to zmq_ctx_set_monitor for compat with existing context specific APIs REVERT: 04f0e7f26e Documentation for zmq_monitor REVERT: 20152a6e3e Merge pull request #344 from hintjens/master REVERT: 604456a8b0 Man page for zmq_ctx_new had error, fixed REVERT: f27c02d01e Change context monitor_event prototype to accept a va_list instead REVERT: 4767159f39 Initial stab at a context level monitor callback and registration API REVERT: 7cb19fbf1c Merge pull request #343 from jimenezrick/master REVERT: 65b6351e4a Merge pull request #342 from ipechorin/master REVERT: 0e053e3478 Doc improvement: document interface omission in zmq_pgm.txt REVERT: e13b3723b8 Rename type zmq_monitor_fn -> zmq_monitor for a more natural callback definition API (zmq_monitor type, monitor.function callback) REVERT: 06cce15479 Change zmq_monitor_fn type to cast between pointer-to-object and pointer-to-function in a more standards compliant way REVERT: d25dce9df9 Solaris/SunCC build fix: could not find a match for std::multimap<...>::insert(std::pair<...,...>) REVERT: 5ef63318f8 Merge pull request #341 from kennytm/master REVERT: c995de6584 Allow the ZMQ_MONITOR code compilable on gcc 4.7 on Linux. REVERT: 89d5054e59 Merge pull request #340 from methodmissing/events REVERT: d0461752ff Merge branch 'master' into events REVERT: 70b067ecc6 Merge pull request #339 from ianbarber/master REVERT: e65d228f4f gitignore endpoint test and add docs for unbind and disconnect REVERT: c7af07cc77 Merge pull request #336 from mauri-melato/master REVERT: d087548286 Merge pull request #338 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 641943944d Simplify encoder's loop REVERT: 80e8baaff4 Merge pull request #337 from hurtonm/issue_268 REVERT: 3d93c1af5b Fix issue #268 REVERT: 5fe6ddfda3 On Windows, preventing sockets to be inherited by child processes. REVERT: 5dc44a63d6 Merge pull request #335 from jdc8/master REVERT: 37e4a38eb5 Fix compile error with Visual C++ 2008 REVERT: 68c1be8bf6 Fix for issue 355. Added missing source files dealer.cpp, device,cpp and router.cpp. Removed source files no longer present: xrep.cpp and xreq.cpp REVERT: c38aecdc50 Merge branch 'master' into events REVERT: 5c6f72c17c ZMQ_MONITOR socket option registers a callback / event sink for changes in socket state REVERT: 47dbd4aa96 Merge pull request #334 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 1075005b50 Patch from Mato that fixes a subtle connect bug: EAGAIN was being used as a translation value for EINPROGRESS, thus shadowing a real EAGAIN return value from the OS. This caused later assertions of "Invalid argument" in stream_engine.cpp when it attempted to use a socket which was not connected. REVERT: f497aae8df Merge pull request #333 from hurtonm/fix_decoder_to_properly_handle_large_messages REVERT: 36bfaaabe6 Merge pull request #332 from hurtonm/fix_issue_264 REVERT: 9098f4d655 Merge pull request #331 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: dd3eb08d33 Merge pull request #330 from hurtonm/pair_socket_rejects_additional_connections REVERT: d84709497e Do not crash when multiple peers connect to PAIR socket REVERT: 5227f676f4 Fix decoder to properly handle large messages REVERT: 776563fcff Fix issue #264 REVERT: 394a248579 socket_base: process_unplug () is not used, remove it REVERT: 16ec2868c5 Merge pull request #329 from ianbarber/master REVERT: b7c9fc0750 Slight tweak to text for readability REVERT: 7c5d79ddd3 Merge pull request #328 from tailhook/patch-1 REVERT: 138def0b99 Added refinement for ZMQ_FD option REVERT: 29000d3b02 Merge pull request #326 from hurtonm/pipe_code_cleanup REVERT: 41c82bdda1 Merge pull request #327 from hurtonm/fq_drop_unused_parameter REVERT: 2cbf7993dc fq: remove unused parameter REVERT: 1788fd396b pipe: code cleanup REVERT: 648e31994d Merge pull request #325 from hurtonm/update_comment_in_device_plus_whitespace_fixes REVERT: a2c3772531 Mention limitation of the device implementation REVERT: e8b701cb92 Merge pull request #324 from hurtonm/rename_xrep_xreq_in_tests REVERT: 9d02b3dafb Merge pull request #323 from hurtonm/xsub_fix_message_initialisation REVERT: 873abdd24c Rename XREP/XREQ to ROUTER/DEALER in tests REVERT: df5344bba0 xsub: fix memory leak REVERT: 016df8e89c Merge pull request #322 from tranthamp/master REVERT: 135fdab0ec Implement atomic operations for armv7a REVERT: c120f02dc9 Merge pull request #321 from shripchenko/master REVERT: f858321c1c add process_commands() to the beginning of zmq_connect() and zmq_bind() REVERT: b9fb919877 Merge pull request #320 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 057fab09a8 fixes for zmq_unbind() / zmq_disconnect() usage corner cases REVERT: 4f668ad60a added zmq_unbind() / zmq_disconnect() test script. it works but rises very serious questions. REVERT: 74ae19ac1f spaces deleted REVERT: 952127dfd6 Merge pull request #319 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 06b2eae87d small wording change REVERT: 2faa4c487f stupid bug. I feel ashamed ^) REVERT: 653e5854ed Merge pull request #318 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 2eb6b32ef7 fixes for REVERT: 489481857a 2nd try wuth sock->unbind() and sock->disconnect(). now with blackjack and const char*'s REVERT: d56b75219f Merge pull request #316 from pieterh/master REVERT: 8837852546 Merge pull request #317 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 7b8e728e43 implement zmq_unbind(),zmq_disconnect(), zmq->sock->getsockopt(ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT_ID) REVERT: 318d55fd10 Fixed issue LIBZMQ-358 REVERT: 36e9c4ac84 Merge pull request #315 from shripchenko/master REVERT: b89a53ee7a fix bug in zmq::tcp_address_t::resolve_interface() where all resolved interface ip's overwrited by REVERT: 334f99fb01 Merge pull request #314 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 5b3008957d port of patch by Martin Sustrik to libxs: This patch instantiate a clock_t instance for each XS socket. Thus, it is shared between subsequent calls to xs_recv (and xs_send). That in turn significantly limits the number of invocations of getimeofday (or similar) when timeouts are used and recv/send is called in a tight loop. REVERT: f663ad935b Merge pull request #313 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 206d80b5ff Make docs reflect socket mappings better REVERT: 084c1824c4 Merge pull request #312 from shripchenko/master REVERT: c77dc98b5c some spaces cleanups + delete unused anymore zmq::max_sockets + some minor code chages REVERT: 525be51812 Merge pull request #311 from shripchenko/master REVERT: acba6bdd6c Implement ZMQ_TCP_ACCEPT_FILTER setsockopt() for listening TCP sockets. REVERT: e276df2bdf Merge pull request #309 from hurtonm/fix_issue_335 REVERT: cfa6f4bf51 Fix issue #335 REVERT: 899778dcb3 Merge pull request #308 from jdc8/master REVERT: 177264d941 c++ style comments result in compile errors with non-c99 C compiler REVERT: f6330f3d8d Merge pull request #307 from mkoppanen/master REVERT: 70cf2d41ba ETIMEDOUT is a valid error code here. Fixes intermittent assertion failure on laggy networks REVERT: 3cd0b1b647 Merge pull request #306 from shripchenko/master REVERT: 4315467d7c documentation trimmed down to be just placeholders for who knows english better than me REVERT: 4b303402a7 more flexible keepalive options detection + awful options documentation REVERT: 0c3d917926 initial implementation of tuning TCP keep-alives for TCP socket currently not fully cross-platform work on linux possibly work in *bsd and could be enhanced to work on windows REVERT: 4ab3c5a285 Merge pull request #305 from hurtonm/fix_identity_exchange_for_inproc_transport REVERT: 12c0c6aa74 Fix identity exchange for inproc transport REVERT: 88db804bb9 Merge pull request #304 from hurtonm/flush_identity_message_for_inproc_transport REVERT: b41036aa2a Flush identity message for inproc transport REVERT: 5bc9fd62c5 Merge pull request #303 from pieterh/master REVERT: d8c58080a7 Fixed issue #351 REVERT: a969028977 Merge pull request #302 from hurtonm/router_bugfix REVERT: 9a60b3a2a1 Fix error in router socket introduced in the previous commit REVERT: 2faedd9e08 Merge pull request #300 from hurtonm/router_send_fixes REVERT: 5c6e278887 Merge pull request #301 from hurtonm/router_rework_peer_identification REVERT: 600488fa9c router: always respect message boundaries REVERT: f037290dc3 router: reimplement peer identification REVERT: 476c9b97c9 Merge pull request #299 from pieterh/master REVERT: 9728706b10 Added optval checking in zmq_ctx_set REVERT: 3eaae8b21e Merge pull request #298 from pieterh/master REVERT: eb8217bb28 Fixed zmq_init(-1) issue REVERT: cecc790ca3 Merge pull request #297 from hurtonm/code_cleanup REVERT: 8da7271042 Merge pull request #296 from hurtonm/fix_router_send REVERT: 1e2564a55f Fix return value of send for router socket REVERT: 77d93d70f0 Simplify use of posix_assert in mutex.hpp REVERT: e7674025e5 Remove the launch_sibling method REVERT: 6f47f1281b Do not pass a message to the check_write method REVERT: ed65271c52 Merge pull request #295 from hurtonm/tcp_address_fixes_anc_cleanups REVERT: 9c46e87588 tcp_address: minor cleanups REVERT: 700e08c3c2 tcp_address: make port number conversion more robust REVERT: c428f6aece tcp_address: check address length before manipulating it REVERT: 19f364e202 Merge pull request #294 from pieterh/master REVERT: 2bcc300a0f Fixed issue #348 REVERT: 4c93fc2587 Merge pull request #291 from rcxdude/bugfix REVERT: 64732aeca3 Merge pull request #293 from hurtonm/fix_getaddrinfo_for_ipv6_on_freebsd REVERT: c2e9997a3c Don't set the AI_V4MAPPED flag on FreeBSD REVERT: dc4d61f38b Merge pull request #292 from hurtonm/fix_issue_334 REVERT: 00b4571bf1 Fixed issue #334 REVERT: 084e1c2193 Fix for issue #307 REVERT: 6d776d0865 Merge pull request #290 from pieterh/master REVERT: ba798ee8f3 Fixed issue #325 REVERT: 82c06e4417 Fixed issue #325 REVERT: c861fb4c83 Merge pull request #289 from pieterh/master REVERT: 3585ec8aea Fixed Makefile for ROUTER/DEALER rename REVERT: 712e36d29c Merge pull request #288 from pieterh/master REVERT: 27c28bdc2e Mark sockets as invalid when closed, not when destroyed REVERT: 6f720f0026 Merge pull request #287 from pieterh/master REVERT: c12fedc70a Completed internal renaming of XREP/XREQ to ROUTER/DEALER REVERT: 0480ce1820 Merge pull request #286 from pieterh/master REVERT: 75809b27da Fixed issue LIBZMQ-345 - race condition in ctx.socket/term allows segfault REVERT: 3b483a8dd7 Merge pull request #285 from hurtonm/ctx_patches REVERT: 84707d3feb Merge pull request #284 from pieterh/master REVERT: 151d0717bb Minor cleanups REVERT: ae2b938330 register_endpoint: simplify locking REVERT: e56f698023 choose_io_thread: do not assert when no I/O thread was chosen REVERT: f944336ee0 Fix race condition in find_endpoint REVERT: 860e1d24c0 Fixed issue #344 REVERT: 8a64d80fba Merge pull request #283 from pieterh/master REVERT: f26e4ab784 Simplified zmq_msg_get/set functions REVERT: 0afd8a87d5 Merge pull request #281 from pieterh/master REVERT: cd57c43880 Merge pull request #282 from hurtonm/remove_unused_variable REVERT: 58378c6a2c Merge pull request #280 from hurtonm/fix_ipc_connecter REVERT: 35233f9e2f remove unused variable REVERT: 0a6fc02702 fix connection establishment for AF_UNIX sockets REVERT: 60e45f34b6 Merge pull request #279 from pieterh/master REVERT: 6dd102cded Fixed issue #293 REVERT: 1e4c5b293a Merge branch 'issue-337' REVERT: 7d6d2f9408 Merge pull request #278 from taurel/master REVERT: 107581213c Disable reconnection option REVERT: 5973da4866 Merge pull request #277 from pieterh/master REVERT: 9426bd5baf Merge branch 'issue-336' REVERT: 87fa8e78bf Merge pull request #276 from pieterh/master REVERT: 6e71a54b1e Fixed issues #337, #341, and #340 REVERT: bdefa181ed Fixed issue 336 REVERT: 06dd31c56a Removed last vestiges of thread-safe sockets REVERT: 8665f9a0b6 Merge pull request #275 from pieterh/master REVERT: 9ccfbf8d30 Removed zmq.hpp, may add this back in separate commit REVERT: 9ac40c47d7 Fixed issue LIBZMQ-333 REVERT: 32c85e0ea3 Merge pull request #274 from Kobolog/master REVERT: cb70c5e75d fixed some typos REVERT: 8095a129e8 man entry for the new option REVERT: df584a3be0 an option to fail on unroutable messages in ROUTER sockets REVERT: 62d27b7af3 Merge pull request #273 from BoresExpress/wm5 REVERT: 318ba8836f Add WinCE support. REVERT: f9674308e8 Merge pull request #272 from staticfloat/patch-1 REVERT: 020f777e09 Eliminate unnecessary line break REVERT: 19d30969cf Merge pull request #271 from BoresExpress/bug1 REVERT: ce24bf04dd Changed wrong file name in VC++ project. REVERT: 4c59b1fb2f Merge pull request #270 from rgagnon24/master REVERT: 3aabbbaefa Fix IPC transport domain socket stream file not being removed when connection is closed REVERT: 0fed3a3fca Merge pull request #269 from datasift/master REVERT: 5820438b64 update lower bound flag when removing topics REVERT: 3f8322beff Merge pull request #268 from gimaker/compact-trie-table REVERT: 3485b3ef40 Fixed a bug in the mtrie table compaction logic. REVERT: 7689d205e9 Merge pull request #267 from mkoppanen/windows-project-files REVERT: b05fb46966 Add missing files to Windows project files REVERT: 58f8d4a417 Merge pull request #266 from mkoppanen/improve-tests REVERT: 879ab39e92 Merge pull request #265 from mkoppanen/freebsd-solaris-fixes REVERT: 5d7450d65e Improve the test for last_endpoint, use the same ports as other tests REVERT: 1824574f9b Minor fixes to get_address code to fix build on solaris and freebsd. Also service doesnt need to be discovered here REVERT: 78d24d3d01 Merge pull request #264 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 5e1efc9ec3 Update documentation for last endpoint to mention inaddr_any and add a test for IPC last endpoint checking REVERT: 2533909f60 Merge pull request #263 from mkoppanen/tcp-get-address REVERT: 33a18f0f90 More fixes based on CentOS 6.2 results REVERT: b19c5fced5 Merge pull request #262 from mkoppanen/tcp-get-address REVERT: d00d4843be More fixes for ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT. Added a test REVERT: b0573486c7 Fixes for tcp_listener::get_address REVERT: 06140daf29 Merge pull request #261 from mkoppanen/windows-build REVERT: 1bf4067cd8 More fixes for win build REVERT: e248549252 Merge pull request #260 from mkoppanen/solaris-build REVERT: 51b59b40dd Fix build on windows REVERT: 9a4fd8a305 Needs explicit cast on solaris REVERT: dd35385da3 Merge pull request #259 from mkoppanen/solaris-build REVERT: 56aa49ff3d Fix build on solaris REVERT: cfe2a821f3 Merge pull request #258 from skaller/master REVERT: 916f1a524d Remove build script references to test_ts_context. REVERT: e7da123b28 Remove thread safe test. REVERT: 38e74c9e84 Remove thread safe socket stuff from C binding. REVERT: 0fa6b8e793 Remove thread safe context init. REVERT: 9e622d542a Merge pull request #256 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 9910439277 Merge pull request #257 from mkoppanen/master REVERT: da1920d944 Revert NULL checks in the API REVERT: 82bd5431ce Updating documentation to remove ECANTROUTE error code REVERT: c9898d2419 Merge pull request #255 from jtzl/master REVERT: 132112afeb added more specific installation documentation REVERT: 244f3a3c11 Merge pull request #254 from pieterh/minor-cleanups REVERT: ccdb7a6305 Minor cleanups REVERT: a457be315b Merge pull request #246 from pieterh/arguments REVERT: 9321dfb845 Merge pull request #248 from pieterh/scattered REVERT: 5d9432b282 Merge pull request #253 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 2da76a3003 Updating to use getnameinfo rather than inet_ntop REVERT: 4b62344023 Merge pull request #252 from gimaker/compact-trie-table REVERT: c9d124b27e Merge pull request #251 from gimaker/sub-sndhwn-assert REVERT: bfbe556e00 Merge pull request #250 from gimaker/connect-assert REVERT: 4697634c0b Resolved conflicts after merge REVERT: 3ee99ae81f Renamed scatter/gather methods, cleaned up source REVERT: 8a497e2ffc Resolved conflicts after merge REVERT: 0efb49f12f Fixed up all references to zmq_msg_size REVERT: 02b81d42ce Changed return type of zmq_msg_size to ssize_t to allow error return REVERT: dc09da4569 Return EFAULT if required arguments are null REVERT: 07b49ffb9c Fixed up all references to zmq_msg_size REVERT: 2f44faa7ce Merge pull request #247 from pieterh/sendrecv REVERT: 2b646cbf63 Merge pull request #249 from pieterh/msgpeekpoke REVERT: 2cd04c54df Compact the trie/mtrie node tables where possible, to reduce memory usage. REVERT: e18f9da012 Drop subscription messages when reaching the SNDHWM rather than asserting. REVERT: b9fb48f47b Resolve addresses in the calling thread on connect. REVERT: d092f2615c Renamed peek/poke to get/set REVERT: dcc1725a90 Renamed zmq_getmsgopt to zmq_msg_peek REVERT: b3d7b29280 Renamed scatter/gather methods, cleaned up source REVERT: fb4748f257 Added zmq_msg_send/recv functions REVERT: 6b2ec366b1 Changed return type of zmq_msg_size to ssize_t to allow error return REVERT: d38951db87 Return EFAULT if required arguments are null REVERT: b2e2fa622d Merge pull request #244 from pieterh/master REVERT: 0c4a19c408 Deprecated XREQ/XREP REVERT: 5f6b95f4a2 Fixed footers to refer to man page, not all docs REVERT: c85ecfc066 Cleaned up description of multi-part messages REVERT: 636de46fe1 Removed section on devices, added new methods REVERT: 086c059430 Ported numerous fixes from 2.1 man page REVERT: 9bc0e10818 Merge pull request #243 from pieterh/master REVERT: bd4f703264 Ignored generated files REVERT: 2000d44109 Fixed syntax error in zmq_getsockopt man page REVERT: a50a8aa364 Revert "more checks for parameters of API functions" REVERT: afe8cd503f Revert "fix warn unused" REVERT: b2e9347372 Merge pull request #238 from ianbarber/master REVERT: cc10c00193 Updating docs with new sockopt REVERT: b6c97230ed Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: b5d3373905 Moving to std::string in options REVERT: a908ccbf35 Merge pull request #241 from skaller/master REVERT: 48423c9e40 Merge pull request #242 from niXman/master REVERT: e646ce43c1 more checks for parameters of API functions REVERT: 4807935605 Implement type safe sockets and contexts. REVERT: 770f84331f Allowing value 0, and moving code to get_address functions based on feedback REVERT: 91bf4944da Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 256fa5d2b8 Merge pull request #240 from niXman/master REVERT: 7b7d404269 fix warn unused REVERT: 40052c1251 Merge pull request #239 from skaller/master REVERT: 7fa14f3823 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 7b32c9cb51 Adding ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT for wildcard support on TCP and IPC sockets REVERT: c3f7543ebe Fix uio support. REVERT: 970a005399 Provide interface. REVERT: 383a49dadf Implement zmq_recvmmsg. REVERT: 531835bba8 Implement zmq_sendv. REVERT: f59fff7bf2 Add check for sys/uio.h to configure script. REVERT: 21571cf085 Merge pull request #237 from skaller/master REVERT: 81662d70be Add a test for thread safe sockets. REVERT: 759b2e01fd Fix comments to conform to style guide. REVERT: 9dab56c1df Merge pull request #235 from skaller/master REVERT: cbf6126b08 Merge pull request #234 from ianbarber/master REVERT: 935f17488a Merge pull request #236 from danielnorberg/master REVERT: 67fd4c9a2c add missing semicolon REVERT: 520ad3c2d7 Set and arrange propagation of thread safe sockets flag. REVERT: 988efbc73a Thread Safe Sockets. REVERT: 4dd6ce0639 Add mission ; character REVERT: 43b71ae4bf Fixing missing semicolon in xpub.cpp as reported on the list by Emmanuel TAUREL REVERT: dc50bf5dca Merge pull request #233 from danielnorberg/master REVERT: 79f753bf56 xpub: free received subscription messages REVERT: 4f4d72afc6 Merge pull request #232 from chuckremes/master REVERT: 93db782a1d Merge branch 'libzmq-268' of git:// REVERT: adee8270dd Merge pull request #231 from chuckremes/master REVERT: 762bcff73f Merge branch 'libzmq-303' of git:// REVERT: e89a5f1e1a Merge pull request #230 from chuckremes/master REVERT: c54ad48c9b Merge branch 'libzmq-205' of git:// REVERT: 0319cb2cd1 Fix data loss for PUB/SUB and unidirectional transports (LIBZMQ-268) REVERT: edf7db74d9 Merge pull request #227 from gimaker/smaller-mtrie REVERT: e6c97c5ecc Reduce memory usage of mtrie. REVERT: 1925c92fe9 Merge branches 'libzmq-205' and 'libzmq-303' REVERT: 7e8a839a22 Merge pull request #226 from gitfoxi/master REVERT: 1e5a48f521 Epoll is default for cross-compile. For regular-compile, test kernel (run) support. REVERT: 281dcd2544 Merge pull request #221 from fidlej/master REVERT: 676d4f4e18 Merge pull request #222 from gimaker/trie-pruning REVERT: 0c94cd036a Merge pull request #223 from gimaker/libzmq-310 REVERT: 95f6a07403 Merge pull request #224 from vortechs2000/master REVERT: 57f64c5079 Merge pull request #225 from gitfoxi/master REVERT: c71375ea72 Fix: Case where system library has epoll but kernel does not support it. REVERT: c4f2240851 Fix: runtime patch for when system has clock_gettime but does not support CLOCK_MONOTONIC. REVERT: b5dbff8ed4 Fix basic_string not implemented in stdc++ 3 REVERT: 99df984be1 Fix bad combination of gcc3, -Werror and private destructor. REVERT: bc4d1b6002 Fixed segfault bug sometimes happening when pruning the trie/mtrie. REVERT: 2e0c4330fa Patch from Mikko Koppanen for #LIBZMQ-301 REVERT: 36215656eb Throw away unexpected data received by XPUB sockets, rather than asserting. REVERT: c34a144365 Fix pgm_receiver.cpp: zmq_assert (pending_bytes == 0) (LIBZMQ-205) REVERT: 19129edc60 Prune redundant nodes in the trie. REVERT: 6fa9ffebe5 Prune redundant nodes in the mtrie. REVERT: 029e28865d Fix assertion in pgm_sender_t::plug() (LIBZMQ-303) REVERT: 1d8b132d36 Updated connector open() doc strings. REVERT: 6f32361fea Version bumped to 3.1.1 REVERT: b3fbe0113d Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: dcb1d558a5 Fix MSVC10 build distfiles REVERT: 3bf7860fb7 NEWS updated for 3.1.0 release REVERT: 22ef966d4a Update email address in man pages REVERT: 183e126364 Fix typo in zmq_sendmsg(3) manual page REVERT: adc07128e6 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 3fbe8ac3c3 Dont wait for pending subscription commands on shutdown REVERT: bfbd16d099 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 91fdedf25c Fix polling on XREP socket REVERT: f9eb763293 zmq_sendmsg and zmq_recvmsg checks for NULL message object REVERT: 3fb5c11b03 Added MSVC10 solution and project files for Windows REVERT: a9e03336b0 A synchronous connect() failure in ipc_connecter can result in Assertion failed: s == retired_fd (ipc_connecter.cpp:174), as reported in LIBZMQ-294. REVERT: 82d935309e Fix synchronous connect failure for ipc://, tcp:// (LIBZMQ-294) REVERT: c90f54e6a6 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: e7d748e812 Mika Fischer added to AUTHORS file REVERT: 0df86c41b5 rt library required on all platforms REVERT: aaac96d94a This makes clock_t insensitive to the system clock being reset by NTP or the sysadmin, which could previously cause long hangs for instance in zmq_poll. REVERT: b4f5ee58a9 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: fc17bd4117 ENOTCONN on recv() on TCP socket is treated decently (issue 254) REVERT: daac9ac5b2 Phillip Kovacs added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: bf9062902c Fix broken VPATH/parallel builds REVERT: 5c1a91e33e Stuart Webster added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: a610b3d1b4 Line-ending conversion rules for hg-git users and enabled use of .gitignore by hg-git users REVERT: f8bd3967bf Documentation for IPv4ONLY option clarified REVERT: 5a6503e5c2 Bug in XREP and XREQ fixed (issue 280) REVERT: 83975c1b21 Missing "defined" tokens added REVERT: 21bca4dbe4 Bug concerining identity in XREQ socket fixed (issue 280) REVERT: 1c239708ab Couple of bugs in XREP handling of identities fixed. wq: Signed-off-by: Martin Sustrik REVERT: f8b0055026 Hangup in signaler creation on Windows fixed REVERT: 90d0435b56 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: a7b0b0d3dc AUTHORS file changed REVERT: 27524908c1 Set libzmq ABI version to 3 REVERT: c79abee6bc Get AIX 6.1 compiling again by making msg_t class explicit REVERT: 991f7e2c85 Set libzmq ABI version to 3 REVERT: 89962a8256 Uninitialised FSM state in REQ session fixed (issue 278) REVERT: 11e31988e1 Chuck Remeas added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 93529d8c5d Add zmq_getmsgopt to the API REVERT: bb66f3cc3b Bug in trie fixed (issue 277) REVERT: 6503716203 Minor typo corrected REVERT: fe81827bd0 Version changed to 3.1.0 REVERT: 21a0b49834 Obsolete ECANTROUTE errror code removed REVERT: a756956781 Use identities in inproc transport REVERT: de1d32daae Fix getaddrinfo calls to work on OpenVMS REVERT: 50a9ee6e73 MSVC build fixed REVERT: 05ce301f35 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 6cdd720400 Merge pull request #220 from 250bpm/HEAD REVERT: e9c3a227a7 Linking exception corrected REVERT: a4843b65d2 Identities re-introduced REVERT: d20ea25b8c ZMQ_IDENTITY option re-introduced REVERT: 8e21d64c97 Copyright dates adjusted to reflect reality REVERT: 8a0f5f7650 Miru copyrights added REVERT: 1c071f54a6 LABELs removed from the documentation REVERT: 7563518929 Tests print their name before running REVERT: 7842c71073 LABELS and COMMANDs removed REVERT: 626099aa2a VTCP transport removed REVERT: ac7717b7b3 250bpm copyrights added REVERT: 4b832ea374 Revert the early dropping of request and replies for disconnected clients REVERT: 9227c38933 ROUTER and DEALER are aliases for XREP and XREQ REVERT: dee8b2360a New style ROUTER socket removed. REVERT: 541b83bc02 Perry Kundert added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 09574a6104 Corrected discarding of remainder of message when request ID invalid REVERT: 52bab42212 Missing bracket added REVERT: 9b3e61a178 Ben Gray added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 9e000c8f26 Patch for issue LIBZMQ-275. Dealing with VSM in distribution when pipes fail to write. REVERT: 68ab5f87ed Paul Betts added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 1b706ac028 Enable exceptions raising on assert on Win32 REVERT: a8362abf11 Enable exceptions raising on assert on Win32 REVERT: a70bea01cc Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: b3cda2ad60 Bug in kqueue poller fixed (issue 261) REVERT: 6c1b50cfab Added compile-time test for SOCK_CLOEXEC REVERT: d31792e652 Default HWMs are set to 1000 REVERT: f5f1a8b184 New upstream OpenPGM maintenance release 5.1.118. REVERT: cc5d31605f Re-add PGM rate limiting REVERT: 81da391e7e Use single port for creating signalers on Windows REVERT: 7a10bbe77a Bug in subscription matching fixed (issue 263) REVERT: 34b114d15d Make sure new ROUTER socket honours POLLIN for cmd messages REVERT: 8485a5e5a4 Assert fixed in XREP & ROUTER when sending to terminating pipe (issue 258) REVERT: d726120e60 Bug in matching algorithm fixed REVERT: 25cc25e9ad MSVC build fixed REVERT: e170136a2e More bugs in mtrie fixed REVERT: 5936379b29 Bug in mtrie fixed REVERT: 06bdf2c4f9 Check message syntax in REQ asynchronously REVERT: f78d9b6bfc Session class separated into socket-type-specific sessions REVERT: 78b02d142e Minor optimisation in message distribution algorithm REVERT: cf499ee016 Bug in message distribution algorithm fixed (issue 251) REVERT: 42737f0918 test_invlid_rep added to .gitignore REVERT: 8f8bfcaba0 Fixed issue with req assertions (issue 252) REVERT: e191e806ea Fix polling system detection on mingw32 build REVERT: 9d0e122bfa Added option to choose internal polling system REVERT: 193fa1c079 Accept square brackets around IPv6 address REVERT: 4138aca54b Fixed doc to clarify how label parts work REVERT: 9fb9fea633 Improve error reporting in a minor way REVERT: 8b7ac4c2a9 Close file descriptors on exec (issue 218) REVERT: 2910a728dc msg_t::rm_refs closes the message when number of refs drops to 0 (issue 245) REVERT: 82ab08d871 Premature deallocation bug in XSUB fixed (issue 244) REVERT: 65bb75863d Fixed warnings on Win64 REVERT: 940c5b346b zmq_msg_t changed to structure REVERT: dd7c629a27 Typo fixed in zmq_socket(3) REVERT: 80a5f60e33 NIC name resolution moved to tcp_address_t REVERT: f0c7edbc9c Missing include added to ip.cpp REVERT: 898ee99dc1 Windows build fixed REVERT: b6ecb00d23 TCP address related functionality moved to tcp_address_t REVERT: 4a8dd1e404 MSVC build fixed REVERT: b01a8e1751 IPC address related functionality refactored into ipc_address_t class REVERT: 3488af048f Fix the PGM support on win64 REVERT: ed373450a2 MSVC build fixed REVERT: b3bac17607 tcp_engine renamed to stream engine REVERT: 41457e1ff1 Semaphores are not used anymore, build system is adjusted accordingly REVERT: 714d3b288f EAFNOSUPPORT defined on Windows platform REVERT: 85851d3127 Preliminary Android support REVERT: 0354d4d37f Added Android support REVERT: 57440b86e2 Add IPv6 support to tcp_listener REVERT: 3c3c0bfd1f Minor problems in MSVC build fixed REVERT: 9196c48256 select version zmq_poll reports invalid FDs REVERT: 9380098534 Compilation error on HP-UX and AIX fixed REVERT: 6dc3b2a657 Compilation error on FreeBSD fixed REVERT: a3f27400de Minor compile-time bug on Windows fixed REVERT: 1c54ce37b3 tcp_connecter disables IPV6_IPV6ONLY if needed. REVERT: c27b9ac7de Update resolve_ip_interface and resolve_ip_hostname with ipv4only parameter. REVERT: 9184a54f64 Update resolve_nic_name to take more generic sockaddr parameter. REVERT: 784041f5b9 ZMQ_IPV4ONLY option added REVERT: 8378180cbb Minor bug in vtcp_listener fixed REVERT: 24230515f5 vtcp connection string simplified REVERT: be48970977 MSVC build brought up-to-date REVERT: d5f3628ad0 Different connecters simplified REVERT: f63db009a1 Different listener implementations simplified REVERT: b45fec337a Tuning of TCP sockets is done at a single place REVERT: 46b053b8d6 Dead code removed from TCP and IPC transports REVERT: 5ac63140b0 Implementations of TCP and IPC transports separated REVERT: 6e987428d4 Precise reconnect interval randomised REVERT: ce7a9a58e3 Setting TCP socket options moved to tcp_engine_t REVERT: 588c728702 vtcp_connecter fixed REVERT: d7319de3d0 First version of vtcp_connecter added REVERT: 258e7e6794 Code cleanup REVERT: 279302c5f5 Experimental VTCP listener added REVERT: 9906c652ca Outdated entries removed from .gitignore REVERT: 9119b4fd7b TCP transport classes simplified REVERT: 43b5b3444c PGM subscription forwarding fixed REVERT: 7c1dca546d Session classes merged into a single class REVERT: f716b571ba Only one polling mechanism is compiled REVERT: 0e71b111f4 Obsolete include in ctx.hpp removed REVERT: 11e21d027d semaphore_t class removed REVERT: 837451eddc Remove blob_t class REVERT: 5650743d9e MSVC build brought up to date REVERT: 75c4e0e62b mailbox::recv correctly passes EINTR to the caller REVERT: 4bd335932c ECANTROUTE error documented in zmq_sendmsg(3) REVERT: 6b873d4ffd ROUTER socket blocks on SNDHWM REVERT: a1e09facb2 ROUTER socket reports error when message cannot be routed REVERT: 72a793f78a ZMQ_GENERIC renamed to ZMQ_ROUTER REVERT: cb2d715605 endmsg(3) and zmq_recvmsg(3) added to RPM spec file REVERT: a808431d1d Fixed email addresses in the MAITAINERS file REVERT: a33a275e3b Fixed issue 230 REVERT: 7298b5742f Includes in zmq.cpp cleaned-up REVERT: 18d8be5e92 Fix pollin on Cygwin. REVERT: ac20e17cbd Reference to C++ binding removed from zmq(7) REVERT: 66ff99c457 Martin Lucina remove from MAINTAINERS file REVERT: f97f50c252 Signaler timeout bug on Windows fixed REVERT: 1a40880552 ZMQ_IDENTITY option removed from the documentation REVERT: 89daa57faa Missing files for GENERIC socket implementation added REVERT: bf78e230ad GENERIC socket type and COMMAND flag added REVERT: c8e8f2a24c ZMQ_IDENTITY socket option removed REVERT: ba67eff167 non-immediate_connect functionality removed REVERT: 364839f3e6 Debian packaging removed REVERT: e4f98d1e10 ROUTER and DEALER sockets removed REVERT: 73630de98a Version number bumped to 4.0.0 REVERT: 57c1342c68 Bug with setting options on SUB socket fixed REVERT: 29274811cc zmq_bind(3) and zmq_connect(3) describe EINVAL error REVERT: 2afb791ec2 Subscription forwarding test added REVERT: 215cfc653e REQ/REP drop test extended REVERT: c7542981d1 PGM transport reconciled with subscription forwarding REVERT: d7adc3f19a ZMQ_FILTER option removed REVERT: a154ef69da Man pages for send & recv function brought up to date REVERT: 7e1251178b Experimental code from zmq_init_t removed. REVERT: 52eaf600e5 Drop outbound messages in XREP socket when SNDHWM is reached REVERT: aa2150c25c VSM data are aligned to 32/64 bit boundary REVERT: 1526ff638c License text in fixed REVERT: 8d96036fcd Build system checks for presence of eventfd.h header REVERT: 8fb9d3c6d0 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 6ae1be1a12 Race condition in eventfd signaler fixed REVERT: 9a9a0cf410 eventfd implementation of the signaler REVERT: c687c7e61e Fix MSVC build REVERT: da26134aa6 Inproc tests need no I/O threads REVERT: 7c0c798120 Command are now stored in ypipes instead of in socketpairs REVERT: de3838403b Testing for errors from pthread_* functions fixed REVERT: 4f4cc73280 Use strrchr to ensure we split off the last colon for the service port REVERT: 543ad30e7d Packaging for MSVC build fixed REVERT: f8bf3a4cef Rename i_inout to i_engine_sink REVERT: 3ae73ee11f Typo in zmq_msg_size(3) fixed REVERT: 770d0bc77c Fix MSVC build REVERT: d1373792f7 Outstanding requests dropped when requester dies (issue 190) REVERT: 12532c7940 O(1) fair-queueing in XREP implemented REVERT: ec81f8fb25 New wire format for REQ/REP pattern REVERT: 10a93bb79f Unspecified error code from mailbox_t::recv on Win32 fixed REVERT: a28928fe37 Introduce ZMQ_ROUTER and ZMQ_DEALER sockets REVERT: f437c9ed9b Fix errors in zmq_getsockopt(3) manpage REVERT: ab99975ad4 LABEL flag added to the wire format REVERT: ada5d42472 Basic tests now test multi-part messages instead of single-part REVERT: c80908c469 Bug fixed in pipe termination REVERT: 7572fee979 Optimise block/non-block switching in mailbox_t REVERT: 8440de2b14 Fix minor warning in MSVC build REVERT: f4760f02c3 Disable timeo test on MinGW REVERT: 082f8e19b7 Mailbox timeouts fixed on Windows REVERT: ed680a395e Documentation for XPUB and XSUB socket added REVERT: 9f4d3767fe Session termination error fixed REVERT: 00dc0245e6 Race condition in pipe_t fixed. REVERT: 6052709c2a ENETDOWN is a legal error from TCP connect REVERT: 5b77a41eaf Throughput tests fixed. REVERT: 4b60023b96 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 9b795de4af Refactor Windows versioning and WinSock usage.Signed-off-by: Steven McCoy REVERT: dc66053530 Minor MSVC warning fixed REVERT: d7923f08ca Add sockopt ZMQ_RCVTIMEO/ZMQ_SNDTIMEO. REVERT: e895607ca7 ENETUNREACH is a valid error from connect REVERT: 65d2b70312 Minor patch to fix ICC build REVERT: 970798ff98 mtrie.cpp added to MSVC build REVERT: c7fb5c54b6 Reverting previous commit that broke MSVC2010 build REVERT: b164023cca Fix scope on Windows includes. REVERT: ff93f54653 ZMQ_FILTER socket option added REVERT: e080e3e8b6 Publisher-side filtering for multi-part messages fixed REVERT: bd86def1c7 Actual message filtering happens in XPUB socket REVERT: 3935258b82 Minor code beautification for mtrie_t REVERT: ee7313b4d8 Subscriptions are processed immediately in XPUB socket REVERT: a24a7c15a8 Session termination induced by socket fixed REVERT: 0b59866a84 Patches from sub-forward branch incorporated REVERT: 311fb0d852 Subscription matching moved from XSUB to SUB socket REVERT: 718885fdcd Pending messages are delivered even if connection doesn't exist yet REVERT: 87a6490b39 All pipe termination code moved to pipe_t REVERT: 3d4203decf Fabien Ninoles added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 71ac91ba41 Add multi-array support to array_item_t. REVERT: 0f6f7276e3 Move the pipe termination code to socket_base_t REVERT: acf0b0e515 Introduces bi-directional pipes REVERT: 9e6b399256 Couple of minor issues in MSVC build fixed REVERT: da7b6d0b38 Paul Colomiets added to AUTHORS file REVERT: 38e5f8699c Better handling of memory error in resolve_ip_hostname REVERT: 864c18f797 zmq_msg_init_data returns ERRNO instead aborting REVERT: d8d5a627b1 Duplicate initialisation of PGM_MULTICAST_HOPS removed REVERT: 5d0cffc52f ZMQ_MULTICAST_HOPS socket option added REVERT: 49df2f416c Fixes warning when compiling with MSVC on Win64 REVERT: 49387874ef Async connect doesn't fail on EWSANETDOWN REVERT: da1ef4d268 Fixed REP assert on missing envelope REVERT: 0c5b781e97 urrent pipe pointer in XREP out of range -- fixed. REVERT: 3ef7c747ac Tore Halvorsen added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 10120214ac Accessing an iterator after it is accessed is not valid. REVERT: ceb5e1a073 Deallocation functions in zmq.h and msg_t class are consistent. REVERT: 5e329ba7ca Minor patch to keep ICC compiler happy REVERT: 6ecec9bbf1 Current inpipe remains unchaged in XREP when other pipe terminates REVERT: e5d4cd39e1 Yet one more fix related to PUB socket and multipart messages REVERT: e78cc47b18 Moved tests off 5555 (conflict with Eclipse) REVERT: eb9bc1b064 Message atomicity problem in PUB socket fixed. REVERT: fe2e772dd5 pgm_socket uses binary version of UUID REVERT: 96213d5735 WSAENETUNREACH is a valid networking error REVERT: b2eb84f8ca Substantial simplification of uuid_t REVERT: 10fbc78e5c Assert during SUB socket termination fixed. REVERT: e0246e32d7 Message-related functionality factored out into msg_t class. REVERT: 581697695a Message validity is checked in the runtime REVERT: 20e0b7cdcb zmq_socket(3) describes the EMFILE error code REVERT: e3dc0b25d9 OpenPGM compilation error on OSX fixed REVERT: 452ea97f5b zmq_send(3) manpage improved REVERT: 590ad2510b Error handling for accept on Cygwin fixed REVERT: 5444064c1a Minor cleanup of preprocessor definitions for OpenPGM REVERT: 933ace0919 MSVC build fixed to reflect zmq.cpp split REVERT: 6191213a57 Code dealing with messages moved to msg.cpp REVERT: 3b636d7d18 zmq_utils implementation moved to zmq_utils.cpp REVERT: e6fd193760 OpenPGM now doesn't redefine bool, we can drop the workaround REVERT: a3b49ca958 Fixed example REVERT: 0839cceac9 Missing ENOTSOCK added on Win32 REVERT: b96fe15bb6 Run-time checking for context & socket validity added REVERT: e62686aca5 RPM packaging improvements REVERT: 6fd403c4d8 Make pkg-config dependency conditional REVERT: 4b52cf949f TCP and IPC connection initiation allow for multiple properties REVERT: 8203c4dbb2 Another error handling issue on Win32 solved REVERT: 475ba3849d Issue with error checking on Win32 platform fixed REVERT: 1842628b90 Unreferenced variable removed REVERT: 2c7af35827 Add note about thread-safety to zmq_msg_init_data() manpage. REVERT: 54ea458f62 Git ignores .gcno files REVERT: a48b6cfc00 Additional gcov changes REVERT: 656b646bc6 Large rename: AC_ZMQ_ to LIBZMQ_ and ac_zmq_ to libzmq_. Fixes "warning suspicious cache-id" REVERT: bdeddb89f7 Added code coverage checking REVERT: 7af18468f8 Add option to build with system opepgm REVERT: 0e0e4559a0 Project location on github changed in README file REVERT: 3e655227bd Fixed memory leak with threads on win32 REVERT: 85c2a84036 inproc perf tests now work on Windows REVERT: 54830ac0f6 MSVC build system updated to match 3.0 changes REVERT: ae90d3bdbe inproc_lat and inproc_thr added to .gitignore REVERT: 599df5203c PGM wire format specification improved in zmq_pgm(7) REVERT: cce57617c7 Ian Barber and Zed Shaw added to credits section REVERT: 5142a1624b Robert G. Jakabosky added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: d84558e172 Adding thread latency/throughput perf. examples. REVERT: fbf1f51468 Upstream the openpgm build fixes. Add DSO symbol visibility to OpenPGM builds REVERT: d36d9a378a Comments improvement REVERT: 17fdb5e3a8 zmq_recv() returns size of the message even if it's truncated REVERT: 82dbef360c Memory leak in zmq_recv fixed REVERT: abb184a051 ZMQ_NOBLOCK renamed ZMQ_DONTWAIT REVERT: bc4a1ce334 ZMQ_HWM split into ZMQ_SNDHWM and ZMQ_RCVHWM REVERT: 507718ee1a ZMQ_HWM type changed to int REVERT: bd9d7715eb ZMQ_RATE and ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL types cahnged to int REVERT: d61f067f5b ZMQ_EVENTS type changed to int REVERT: 23bd3726a5 ZMQ_RCVMORE type changed to int REVERT: 17e82a3611 ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF type changed to int REVERT: a2252de2bc ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL and ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC reconciled REVERT: 8463b4d55e SWAP functionality removed REVERT: fb27a000d9 send/recv was changed to send/recv/sendmsg/recvmsg REVERT: d4e83d2601 C++ binding removed from the core REVERT: 7d87db0529 Auto-tests modified to use C API instead of C++ binding REVERT: 941be8d217 zmq_device removed REVERT: d4d184a750 Pre-compiled devices removed REVERT: b45b68ae4a ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP removed REVERT: f5e6d67948 Timeout in zmq_poll is in milliseconds REVERT: e3cf6e9ced Obsolete note removed from zmq_poll(3) manpage REVERT: 34d7854199 Obsolete constants ZMQ_UPSTREAM and ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM removed REVERT: dee5f650dd Version bumped to 3.0.0 REVERT: 1619b3d84a Message atomicity bug in load-balancer fixed REVERT: 92c7c18367 Message atomicity problem solved in PUB socket REVERT: fac9c2da56 zmq_socket(3) and zmq_setsockopt(3) man pages improved REVERT: f5015f4c93 Incorrect errno reported from tcp_listener_t::set_address REVERT: 32ded2b457 Duplicate identities now checked with zmq_connect REVERT: b79d07b8bc reset socket state when identity message cannot be written to xrep REVERT: 7045a4a213 Dead code removed from named_session.cpp REVERT: f987f4b3e2 FreeBSD complation error fixed REVERT: 2970d6c30b Remove obsolete assert from pgm_socket.cpp REVERT: d0c8edde35 Added missing close method w/ check if socket is already closed. REVERT: 7b95c5920c Windows build fixed REVERT: b00be2651c Different fixed to make OpenVMS port work. REVERT: 184bdb8e2b Bug caused by interaction of REQ/REP routing and HWM fixed. REVERT: 97add1ec2f Documentation wrt thread-safety cleaned up. REVERT: 18b9ebea32 The copyrights in file headers updated. REVERT: 5fcef1cac4 ZMQ_MAXMSGSIZE option added REVERT: 4c7446211a Explicit identities bug in inproc transport fixed. REVERT: 67b1f14190 Memory leak in PUB/XPUB sockets fixed. REVERT: d4e418f5f4 Socket with no owner objects is deallocated immediately REVERT: c22e52737a Minor patch to zmq_getsockopt(3) man page REVERT: 29e0e7dbad Incorrect PGM sender/receiver creation fixed REVERT: 820fec7f28 Version bumped to 2.2.0 REVERT: 43e8868875 Added explicit error message in case of memory exhaustion REVERT: 98ccff1a24 Fixes build on at least CentOS 5 REVERT: 0eea93526d Fix for memory leak caused by long identities REVERT: 5c0931121b Computation of buffer size for PGM fixed. REVERT: 12486fecc4 Fix MSVC and SunStudio builds with OpenPGM REVERT: 17e2ca71b4 Logging of duplicit identities added REVERT: 1f536b2d38 Init object is child of listener REVERT: 28f3e87fc6 Add delay before reconnecting REVERT: fbe5d859f4 Added note regarding setting sockopt before bind/connect REVERT: ba26cc9938 Build problem with OpenPGM and MSVC fixed REVERT: 14a0e147b2 Fixed win32 issue with WSAStartup REVERT: e94790006e reaper added to MSVC build REVERT: 5b82b1ba30 Reaper thread waits for commands rather them retrieving them periodically REVERT: 80ac398bba Initial implementation of reaper thread. REVERT: 889424e675 max_sockets honoured precisely REVERT: 5dcbc34396 zmq_poll with no fds behaves decently REVERT: 908b39bf83 m4_esyscmd_s doesnt seem to be portable across different systems REVERT: c8e5be87d8 test-hwm added to .gitignore REVERT: 4efead1bbb Fixed warnings on Debian 6 systems. REVERT: 042e34a5d9 operator void* () added to context_t. REVERT: 3f758ab2f4 Don't use RLIMIT_NOFILES in devpoll_t. REVERT: ca1acc340c RLIMIT_NOFILE not used in poll_t anymore REVERT: 1e0302633e Added WithOpenPGM configuration into MSVC builds REVERT: 72d320366f Added test for HWM REVERT: 1b15eba9a9 Fixed the problem of subscription forwarding and PGM interaction REVERT: f7f1dfc86d ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX socket option added REVERT: 8e61a11b39 Do not execute ipc tests under MinGW REVERT: 8561a55d2c Remove unnecessary visibility pragmas REVERT: c91bf25645 Fix handle connection reset during session init REVERT: 56bdba592c Fix cppcheck warnings: Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. REVERT: b262f2fe9b Typo fixed in zmq_send(3) man page. REVERT: 667b247e32 Cancel pending timers when decoder for PGM stalls REVERT: a249d15200 Fix MSVC build REVERT: 59fa0c9b46 Gerard Toonstra added to the authors file REVERT: a348d94c09 Fair queueing of subscriptions added to XPUB socket REVERT: 58c9830d90 XSUB socket has a subscription distributor REVERT: 8eae7d8507 'message distribution mechanism' separated from XPUB socket REVERT: 18f29ded6a Make cppcheck not complain about "'operator=' should return something" REVERT: 7051387108 Support dynamic generation of C preprocessor definitions for PGM rather than hardcoding them. REVERT: 725ebce13c Version bumped to 2.1.1 REVERT: bd0ba6e89a Size of inproc hwm and swap is sum of peers' hwms and swaps REVERT: babdf48aac Fix pipe writer termination REVERT: 8e0049e2fb Disable sending messages on SUB socket REVERT: 08cd2ce05d resolve "function declaration isn't a prototype" REVERT: 472bdcd6b4 Return ETERM from getsockopt(ZMQ_EVETS) if zmq_term() was called REVERT: 95eebbfffa sunos/gcc3 compilation issue fixed REVERT: 51d2d9b9f8 Yet one more fix for oversized messages. REVERT: 112d0cd52e Fix the segfault when over-sized message is rejected. REVERT: cbbb1e925d Fix passing through CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/CXXFLAGS when using --enable-debug REVERT: d15e881ea0 unplugged engine tries to manipulate the pollset -- fixed REVERT: b19ee99bb1 fix race condition in session init REVERT: 27e83cc525 Fixes assertion on pipe.cpp:237 when swap fills up. REVERT: a46980babe Remove assertions from devices REVERT: f749f2d21c add basic uri validations REVERT: 22b2b9a2b6 fix overwriting errno on bind failure REVERT: a9d969a73e Bob Beaty added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: fcfad5682e Added Recovery Interval in Milliseconds REVERT: 1d81d2f1d4 tar doesn't accept -C flag on solaris while extracting REVERT: a3353150f8 Fix werror flag store/restore REVERT: aed2eeafdc Fix visibility on rhel4 REVERT: 9bb5323a1a Clarify zmq_send() operation for ZMQ_PUB sockets REVERT: 73bbcb552d MSVC build fixed REVERT: 8d6cafe066 All devices conflated into a single implementation. REVERT: ec61751e17 options.type correctly set for PUB/SUB/XPUB/XSUB REVERT: 8a6ff4ccd2 xup and xsub files added to the MSVC build REVERT: 2daa0bb49d XSUB accepts (un)subscriptions in form of messages. REVERT: c80e7b80cc XPUB and XSUB socket types added. REVERT: abc8b5e40c Update NEWS file for 2.1.0 release REVERT: 4a3ed39a22 Bump OpenPGM to 5.0.92. REVERT: 520d621016 Bump ABI version to 1:0:0 for ZeroMQ 2.1.0 release REVERT: b70d628fad Documentation updates for 2.1 REVERT: 5bb0a339be Prefix variables with "ac_zmq_" REVERT: 17d7e6ede0 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 289b1f5ced Remove unnecessary cast in kevent_delete REVERT: 28db150aaf Fix thread thunker scope for MSVC. REVERT: 325dd2f091 Functions passed to pthread_create are declared as extern "C" REVERT: 0bc2a05d84 .gitignore modified to ignore test executables REVERT: c9584096e0 Control symbol exports using -fvisibility REVERT: 734624be76 Typo fixed in a comment. REVERT: 92618fd99a Small fix for the rhel6 spec REVERT: a689047de0 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 83d9af9951 Mikko Koppanen becomes a maintainer of the build system. REVERT: ac40680ea2 Problem with blob_t initialisation fixed. REVERT: edf7c18d79 Add a check that the compiler actually works. REVERT: 945c931daf Run autoupdate on the REVERT: 72a7b93f12 Allow building without documentation. REVERT: c86375831d Remove unneeded substitutions REVERT: b83d0a1bc0 Remove unnecessary conditional REVERT: 925595259b MinGW32 build fixes REVERT: 3dbd5d5872 Fix mingw32 build REVERT: 34f50a6840 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: bd0ecf4784 FD_SETSIZE defaults to 1024 in MSVC build REVERT: 152c64f25d FD_SETSIZE defaults to 1024 in MSVC build REVERT: da3327cf87 Build refactoring REVERT: f77c8ca47f Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: ffcb0baa73 Couple of patches for AIX build REVERT: a2500ae348 Fix a bug that zmq_poll's select backend spins when timeout=-1, due to ptimeout not properly recalculated after first pass. REVERT: 8abe67357a Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: f7123de943 Fix socket_t::recv() hang scenario where initial call to process_commands() eats signal REVERT: c0217027cc Coding style cleanup in mailbox.cpp REVERT: 9da84a5239 signaler renamed to mailbox REVERT: 9cfdb441f4 slots renamed to tids REVERT: 623a9c9f1b Jacob Rideout added to the AUTGORS file. REVERT: 0ada4f8e30 Fix documentation typos REVERT: 1b39bcd883 Automatically resize signalling socket buffer if full REVERT: 756f7df8c8 Previous FD_STSIZE patch reverted. REVERT: 2246689c8f FD_SETSIZE for internal polling defaults to 1024 REVERT: b90e621329 minor typo fixed REVERT: d4a41067d3 HP-UX has no OPEN_MAX defined REVERT: de93f6359f crypto library is needed on HP-UX to generate UUIDs REVERT: dbcd382524 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: eb83678b2b Add INSTALL to Git, thus making it a normal file REVERT: 0ad71f88fe select now uses Erase-Remove idiom for retired fds REVERT: 085b709021 Documentation for zmq_close and zmq_term fixed. REVERT: 3d8eb071a2 Coding style fixed for pgm_socket REVERT: b358df9fff Name of "GNU Lesser Public License" corrected. REVERT: 3d01b929fe Peter Bourgon added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 9384faf7e5 Add function to zmq::error_t to access errnum REVERT: dace2473f1 Burak Arslan added to the AUTHORS file REVERT: 3eb935ef6e switch to c++-specific headers REVERT: 9a1d4df0fd fix typo, destroy new engine REVERT: 465da7b17e drop connection requests with duplicate peer identity REVERT: 401986e6bb Build with MSVC2005 fixed REVERT: e1debf15bb Update to OpenPGM 5.0.91. REVERT: 11af0fcc54 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 8ef53c0dc6 Fixes build on Linux using Sun Studio compiler REVERT: 71bef330fc handle decoding malformed messages REVERT: 8d6979922e Changes for MSVC OpenPGM build. REVERT: da59f8dd7a Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 21b0c0b4f7 SunStudio fixed. REVERT: e73c96ba30 Minor comment improvement. REVERT: 0c86f90280 Minor typo fixed in zmq_getsockopt(3) man page. REVERT: a780833683 ZMQ_BACKLOG socket option added. REVERT: e8e2944f45 ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL socket options added. REVERT: 8b8837688a Couple of bugs in zmq_poll fixed. REVERT: 72b15a6dae Implementation of zmq_strerror moved from zmq.cpp to err.cpp REVERT: 61d38fbeed Bug in low precision clock fixed. REVERT: 0a03e86e95 ZMQ_LINGER socket option added. REVERT: a1474e3057 Cancel tx_timer_id in pgm_sender_t::out_event(). REVERT: 733c6780c5 Minor code clean-up to keep clang compiler happy. REVERT: b95f11aa0a Don't set pedantic to yes if using ICC REVERT: 48b0a901b8 Obsolete compile-time option removed. REVERT: ae5a3c8a99 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 710615cdab Version number increased. REVERT: 18d46c8104 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 53d1677c8b Update NEWS for 2.0.10 release REVERT: 027eed41b8 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 6e95205333 Fix memory leak under Windows REVERT: 2e9871ce34 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 5b44025602 maint: Upgrade OpenPGM to 2.1.28~dfsg REVERT: eeb8e7c8be Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 3cf01bf56e Add missing files to distribution, improve maintainer-clean REVERT: 3b3df731e6 Extract API version from zmq.h REVERT: 7b9e39724e Minor fix in devpoll.hpp REVERT: 17b0785744 Destructor of poller_base_t made virtual. REVERT: 3e74a439c4 Cast execute_timers() result to int REVERT: b64b50ae21 Timers correctly canceled by PGM engines on shutdown. REVERT: e288f7a347 Fixes build on Linux using Sun Studio compiler REVERT: e33e4d7650 ICC related qualifier fix REVERT: 03a18c27ac zmq::clock_t : return correct value in rdtsc() on solaris REVERT: 26d7669464 Added bin directory to ignore list. REVERT: b7386f5b50 To insert to associateive STL containers value_type used instead of make_pair REVERT: f9e6d94be5 zmq::poller_base_t : workaround for sunstudio compiler in add_timer() REVERT: cafcdbbe2b Safety measure in zmq_msg_close implemented REVERT: b174ad2c45 zmq_poll man page fixed to reflect the precise timeout semantics. REVERT: da73b7c6f6 zmq::devpoll_t : correct a typo in loop() REVERT: e2167cecae Precise timouts in zmq_poll implemented REVERT: 9d96e0037a Clean-up of the code related to attaching/detaching engines to sessions. REVERT: 5ae878b891 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 2568947a71 Add support for RHEL6 in the spec file REVERT: 954d7f743d Avoid duplicate creation of pipes for a single session REVERT: c6d74e0a03 Drop PGM parameters to 100mb friendly range. REVERT: 5b8af52efc Fix assertion in PGM transports on cancel_timer REVERT: e168173162 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 57428db898 Do not patch libtool rpath handling REVERT: 6cd0867f02 Fixing the Red Hat packaging REVERT: f22e85f19f Reverting commit 1d431190f50c86f62460 REVERT: 73e7ef37c2 When XREP silently drops message, it does not empty it -- fixed REVERT: f5030a93a5 Execute the timers before pollset initialisation. REVERT: 318cdd1f24 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: ef8db789a1 Version macros added REVERT: 214b56077a Fix missing platform.hpp in zmq_connecter.cpp REVERT: daf5d3273b More cleanup of session termination process. REVERT: f90c8d957e Scalability improvements for large amounts of connections REVERT: 7a685b0f88 Clean-up of session termination process REVERT: 965fb7755b OpenPGM no longer requires pkg-config REVERT: d62d721f1a Add amd64 to OpenPGM supported platforms REVERT: 1d431190f5 make sure that reader does not terminate in the middle of a multipart message REVERT: 2142b8918a issue 92 -- Assertion failed: inpipe && outpipe (pair.cpp:86) -- fixed REVERT: 1a6cd59e8b stress test for shutdown process added REVERT: 2a85cce189 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 0bb76b667b assert when xrep socket gets reconnected in the middle of the shutdown -- fixed REVERT: 8f9080ebb9 zmq_poll(): Fix busy-loop if timeout is zero REVERT: ac9b05c36b Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 79aea5ffa6 zmq_msg_move called on uninitialised message in xrep_t::xrecv -- fixed REVERT: 98fa2fa802 fix in XREP's fair queueing mechanism REVERT: 7881ba1bcd minor whitespace fix REVERT: eaa925eca7 FreeBSD doesn't define MSG_ERRQUEUE -- now it's defined in 0MQ REVERT: ec2e85919e C++ binding destructors don't throw exceptions REVERT: d14be62499 more fixes to (e)pgm transport REVERT: 96d85b2098 * Add assertions to check for OpenPGM calls with invalid parameters. * Assertion to check that pgm_getaddrinfo is actually returning something. * Missing pgm_connect call. * Typo on TOS causing immediate abort. * Placeholder calls for timeouts whilst continuing spin loop functionality. * OpenPGM v5 now supports reference counting so remove init checks. * Duplicate UDP unicast port setting, requires one unicast and one multicast. * Incorrectly set socket rcvbuf size with sndbuf. * Replace std::lexicographical_compare of TSI's with long word integer comparisons. * pgm_socket_t::receive returns -1 on no data. REVERT: 00cd7d49c7 Upgrade to OpenPGM-5.0.78 REVERT: 10bb9d0405 Dhammika Pathirana was missing from the AUTOHRS file for some reason -- fixed REVERT: 87beaaa00d ZMQ_TYPE socket option added REVERT: 6715f9b185 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: c1deb226f4 crash when closing an ypipe -- fixed REVERT: f61921d096 REQ socket can die when reply is delivered on wrong unerlying connection -- fixed REVERT: 16c3884a61 MSVC build fixed REVERT: e2f834d294 ZMQ_FD and ZMQ_EVENTS documentation added REVERT: 30c1cba4e4 latency optimisation for the case where there are no timers REVERT: 238640a526 timers properly implemented REVERT: 8d7bf6684c common base for all pollers created; the only thing it handles at the moment is 'load' REVERT: cf815e8c78 new interfaces for timers; the implementation is not changed yet REVERT: be79a9fbc2 minor beautifications REVERT: 5dae27d0ed clock_t class added REVERT: 7d5061798c Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 9129b79248 if TSC jumps backwards (in case of migration to a different CPU core) latency peak may occur -- fixed REVERT: e478468e52 minor error in comment fixed REVERT: 9c11886600 The flag in the socket has clear semantics now -- it tracks whether corresponding context was closed, it doesn't track whether zmq_close was called on the socket itself REVERT: 4d51a52874 zmq_poll (select version) now correctly assumes that ZMQ_FD is edge-trigerred REVERT: f49b77eedc zmq_poll honours ZMQ_FORCE_POLL and ZMQ_FORCE_SELECT options REVERT: 1abfc92d26 minor problem in zmq_poll (select version) fixed REVERT: 328c92a0a7 problem with engine being attached to session while it's being terminated fixed REVERT: 1d2399720b zmq_init_t destroyed zmq_engine_t before plugging it out from the poller first -- fixed REVERT: cda3c96a7f minor code reorganisation in ctx_t::terminate REVERT: 938689a491 synchronisation problem fixed in ctx_t REVERT: 471013a59f two races fixed in session creation REVERT: 1f10208ad0 termination of pipe via delimiter message could stuck when no data were read from the pipe (because connection wasn't active) -- fixed REVERT: 5153b6368b obsolete 'active' flag removed from session_t REVERT: 4c6d07d366 single term ack counting mechanism for every socket (no separate mechanisms for fq_t and lb_t) REVERT: fb6ce536d9 more details on launch_sibling in comments REVERT: 0c215fada4 potential duplicate termination of pipes removed REVERT: c7b9ba3ccd reconnection process fixed when failure occurs during init phase REVERT: 85aa25e56c bug in REQ+multipart fixed REVERT: ff1080728f Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: e2802d9a4b values of RATE, RECOVERY_IVL and SWAP options are checked for negative values REVERT: be159b6316 zmq::writer_t: Add missing test for swap REVERT: 92f9136ca6 lefover assert removed REVERT: a68e6739f4 when no I/O threads are available error is raised instead of assertion REVERT: 47e87b7e4b EMTHREAD error code returned to zmq.h to ensure backward compatibility REVERT: 91ea204644 EINTR returned from the blocking functions REVERT: f374431ebe get rid of 'has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor' warnings in pipe.hpp REVERT: 6d4ffd90db Bug in fq_t and lb_t (when used via ZMQ_EVENTS option) fixed REVERT: b4740c14e7 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 01c463cc89 Version number incremented to 2.0.10 REVERT: ebf3089735 NEWS updated for 2.0.9 REVERT: d4c8de5050 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 1e8451961e Update .gitignore REVERT: 32fd916c73 doc: Add 0MQ version to XHTML11 backend footer REVERT: a6d3629fb4 build: Generate ChangeLog in 'make dist', ZIP automatically REVERT: 76f2e5d544 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: db7fe858d6 Broken device numbering reverted REVERT: 10227899b1 assert on malformed messages REVERT: c2f3b3b445 forwarder and streamer devices handle multi-part messages correctly REVERT: ae567be0c2 improved null checking in zmq_term REVERT: ca176121de Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 51a84c15de zmq::select_t, zmq_poll(): assert if FD_SETSIZE reached REVERT: f850190c16 zmq.h: Fix typo and use of C99 comment REVERT: 2673a84e07 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: ee3444ff93 doc: Update zmq_socket(3) for 2.0.8 API changes REVERT: 26b39bcdef Revert "Added man page for the zmq_device method" REVERT: 8800ac7de5 Revert "Added clean target that deletes generated man pages" REVERT: 32baeb610e Revert "Various changes to documentation project:" REVERT: 4cb6dbd52f Revert "Reverting 'clean' change to Makefile" REVERT: 48d3e2d660 Revert "Removed empty man pages for old standalone devices" REVERT: 6c393f53e2 Revert "Further cleanups on reference manual" REVERT: 6647e61243 Revert "Small improvements to zmq_device(3) page" REVERT: 83d253d72d Revert "Removed wip zmq_deviced from master" REVERT: 0a1f7e3524 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 14853c2db5 Prior to this patch prefix_tree asserts. REVERT: 8ec0743c75 Fix for signaler_t on HP-UX and AIX platforms REVERT: d5b6f680a5 Mikael Kjaer added to AUTHORS REVERT: a81a37399b Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 59315ebdcb Erasure of retired fd's in select.cpp causes an assertion in MSVC 2008 STL REVERT: 47aaf10211 Merge branch 'maint' REVERT: 99ddfa7d65 maint: will become 2.0.9 REVERT: 0fe7d3c998 conflicts resolved REVERT: 651c1adc80 sys transport introdced; inproc://log moved to sys://log REVERT: 6a0c323bb2 MSVC build fixed REVERT: ce0972dca3 context creates an inproc endpoint ('inproc://log') to distribute 0MQ's log messages REVERT: db73c76314 assert when pipe attaches to PUB socket in process of termination -- fixed REVERT: aaa07613d3 pipe being attached to the PAIR socket during its termination process is immediately asked to terminate itself REVERT: 47c064f2ea hangup when closing socket with no pipes attached -- fixed REVERT: 090e460d6f naming cleanup: yarray->array REVERT: f5acbb5095 naming cleanup: zmq_encoder->encoder, zmq_decoder->decoder REVERT: e45583c0f2 OSX build fixed -- semaphore replaced by mutex REVERT: f0a36f9994 Minor patch to zmq_cpp(7) REVERT: fba90af8a7 Issue 54 - socket_base.cpp:162 comparison error REVERT: 68d62cfb4e MSVC build fixed REVERT: 0a8473dedd Added tests for transports per socket REVERT: 6ec783e702 prefix_tree_t renamed to trie_t REVERT: beea535f9d swap's block size made into a compile-time parameter REVERT: d8b975f4e7 msg_store_t renamed to swap_t REVERT: d90b407115 refactoring of pipe/swap interaction REVERT: 42000d2c4f terminology unified: revive->activate REVERT: 92923cd40b bug in pipe deactivation fixed REVERT: 035c937ee7 zmq_poll: account for the fact that ZMQ_FD is edge-triggered REVERT: 67aa788577 Fixed socket states in tests REVERT: 4d9b046977 two tests added REVERT: 0b76f234a2 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 35cb1fade6 Add a basic framework for a test suite REVERT: 98dc11843e assert on malformed messages REVERT: 56faac7f19 zmq_poll returns prematurely even if infinite timeout is set - fixed REVERT: 3cb84b5cea forwarder and streamer devices handle multi-part messages correctly REVERT: 43f2c6ff5b improved null checking in zmq_term REVERT: b608c19c5a MSVC build fixed REVERT: 9b8993efb4 elementary fixes to the named session REVERT: 46d7055565 connecter object unregisters its fd correctly REVERT: 87655b0b9d listener object unregisters its fd correctly REVERT: 0d5f3ebbda sessions created by listerner are correctly shut down REVERT: 5a731e73c8 added ZMQ_MAKE_VALGRIND_HAPPY compile-time option REVERT: 43e34d0281 engine leak fixed; pgm compilation fixed REVERT: 45f83d78a5 one more dezombification bug fixed REVERT: 936dbf956b dezombification procedure fixed REVERT: 76bd6e73c3 engine termination on disconnect fixed REVERT: d13933bc62 I/O object hierarchy implemented REVERT: ee1f1af009 zmq_poll(): Fix some corner cases REVERT: a85d1e51bf zmq_poll(): Rewrite to use ZMQ_FD/ZMQ_EVENTS pt2 REVERT: 6b1ca2cb1e Fix whitespace REVERT: cd12508418 zmq_poll(): Rewrite to use ZMQ_FD/ZMQ_EVENTS pt1 REVERT: eb7b8a413a REP socket layered on top of XREP socket REVERT: 3e97c0fef4 REQ socket implementation is layered on top of XREQ REVERT: f77edfce26 Destruction of session is delayed till both in & out pipes are closed REVERT: 05d908492d WIP: Socket migration between threads, new zmq_close() semantics REVERT: b7e0fa972f 'master' will become 2.1.x release REVERT: 1e089f7163 Update ChangeLog for v2.0.8 REVERT: c9076c5d8b Basic documentation for XREQ/XREP socket types REVERT: 6d275a8788 Updated NEWS for stable 2.0.8 release REVERT: 98bea86240 Updated NEWS for stable 2.0.8 release REVERT: d788c1f7e4 Updated NEWS for stable 2.0.8 release REVERT: c06a3cc510 Update version number to 2.0.8 REVERT: b66dd7afd2 zmq_stopwatch_stop: Don't return EFAULT REVERT: 2b2accb8bf Added calls to zmq_msg_close in examples REVERT: c52d1f2d47 Fixed example for multipart zmq_recv() REVERT: 87612be91d Merge branch '46_device_robustness' REVERT: de0035b6d9 Fixed git URL in README REVERT: 7aba2d1033 documentation leftover from v2.0.6 cleaned in zmq(7) REVERT: de0173754c Removed wip zmq_deviced from master REVERT: 5be54b9120 46 - Devices vulnerable to invalid messages REVERT: e74d350068 Fixed (un)signed type errors in get/setsockopt manual REVERT: a12f446c4c Modified zmq_tcp(7) to emphasize wildcard interfaces REVERT: b6cdd369e3 Added error checking (EFAULT) for null arguments REVERT: 677b3d906a Added not-null assertions on pointer arguments in C API functions * zmq_term * zmq_socket * zmq_close * zmq_setsockopt * zmq_getsockopt * zmq_bind * zmq_connect * zmq_send * zmq_recv * zmq_poll * zmq_device * zmq_stopwatch_stop REVERT: b579aa9510 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 6d35e82db4 Fix uninitialized use of nbytes in signaler fix REVERT: 2100a91333 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 16b43e657b Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 9ac2ff449c zmq::signaler_t: Restart syscalls on EINTR REVERT: 78e9ee84bf Fixed MSVC project for PULL/PUSH REVERT: 96bcc9e6cf Small improvements to zmq_device(3) page REVERT: 13f3481e12 Further cleanups on reference manual REVERT: 6ff193999d Removed empty man pages for old standalone devices REVERT: c51de31f2f Reverting 'clean' change to Makefile REVERT: 77a3c36ff1 Various changes to documentation project: REVERT: 6cd9030447 Added clean target that deletes generated man pages REVERT: f575f252c9 Added man page for the zmq_device method REVERT: 11a410b658 Renamed ZMQ_UPSTREAM to ZMQ_PULL, and ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM to ZMQ_PUSH. Left the old definitions as aliases, to be removed in release 3.0. Also renamed the source files implementing these two socket types. This change does not break existing applications nor bindings, but allows us to fix the documentation and user guide now, rather than keeping the old (confusing) names. REVERT: 544b36da68 XREQ: Correct behaviour on hitting ZMQ_HWM REVERT: 66470b2c55 perf: fix typo REVERT: 10533a560b pipe: check_read() should check for message delimiter REVERT: e1c596b37e Make sure lwm > 0 when hwm > 0 REVERT: 5b1a6a4bea Issue 42 - getaddrinfo() fails REVERT: aedf3f808b EHOSTUNREACH is a valid return value from recv() REVERT: 269904361b minor comment clarification REVERT: da49e5a4dd devices exit in case of context termination REVERT: ca057c7db8 Fix identity generation for transient inproc connections REVERT: 1f61c87ac5 issue 40 - nbytes != -1 (tcp_socket.cpp:216) REVERT: fd707fedc5 issue 38 - Assertion failed: fetched (xrep.cpp:196) REVERT: 805af8241d asciidoc.conf was missing from distribution tarball REVERT: 0ab6532419 Prevent socket reuse by second bind, on win32 REVERT: 79a3d07c85 MSVC build fixed REVERT: ba91644fdb msg_store added to MSVC build REVERT: 1dda8a2aaa Used more expressive variable names REVERT: fca2e8e8cc Add SWAP support REVERT: 10c28c1fc2 Revive reader on pipe termination REVERT: 2c3913bb19 fix double free error in PAIR socket REVERT: cff7ba2315 Windows build fixed REVERT: 7f01e9970d stopwatch returned to libzmq REVERT: 4777fe4010 pipe: fix bug in rollback() method REVERT: 9151de3895 generate identity for transient inproc connections REVERT: 341e8a2673 test commit REVERT: 9858447fad getsockopt documentation fixed REVERT: ac90b7e0ba issue 35 - ZMQ_RCVMORE sometimes erroneously returns false REVERT: 5ee355d188 if connect asserts, exact error is reported REVERT: 27877d73ea EHOSTUNREACH is acceptable outcome from connect REVERT: c818b14bbd clearing thread info structure REVERT: 74a3907be2 couple of ICC warnings fixed REVERT: 8782b4d696 -lcrypto added to linking flags for QNX REVERT: 76e0153d4f issue 33 - missing virtual destructors REVERT: d329c55da9 issue 31 - Assertion failed: err == ECONNREFUSED || err == ETIMEDOUT (tcp_connecter.cpp:296) REVERT: 604f7475ec issue 32 - poll_t poller broken REVERT: 7a29e8594f Piotr Trojanek added to AUTHORS file REVERT: 751b60a18d extra ';' inside a struct or union -- clang warnings fixed REVERT: 240fc33f65 minor comment clarification REVERT: 784e73a7c8 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ce53d02e05 C++ docs for zmq::poll function improved REVERT: 8f51a10918 Update ChangeLog for v2.0.7 REVERT: 5c97ff9a2e More NEWS for 2.0.7 REVERT: e8a9614aae Update NEWS for 2.0.7 release REVERT: 9b8f902d72 initial version of 2.0.7 NEWS REVERT: baf659fde5 Move news from ChangeLog into NEWS REVERT: 94dfe1368a Fix MINGW build REVERT: cf048bb1f8 platform.hpp for MSVC contains only very basic stuff REVERT: 927993863e MSVC build fixed REVERT: 621d7415b3 Fix Solaris/NetBSD breakage in atomic_ptr.hpp REVERT: 67ca7dcbe6 obsolete API elements removed - this commit breaks backward compatibility REVERT: d844a90690 zmqd: Removing for now, not ready for 2.0.7 REVERT: 606c77368c Move perf helper functions to perf/helpers.cpp REVERT: 05b4a7ae78 Remove PGM examples from build REVERT: 4d65d7a5a9 Documentation: zmq_tcp(7) update for 2.0.7 REVERT: 7fc15c21a1 Documentation: zmq_cpp(7) update for 2.0.7 REVERT: 10f4bf3f35 Documentation: Cosmetic changes REVERT: 8076fd1a3a Documentation: zmq_errno(3) REVERT: 7c9b09bc51 Documentation: Flow control, zmq_socket(3) REVERT: 9d00d300b0 Documentation: zmq_init() API changes for 2.0.7 REVERT: 8ba1d3c8ed Documentation: zmq_term() and ETERM for 2.0.7 REVERT: 74a03dfd7d Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 8a77135079 Pieter Hintjens added to 'authors' section REVERT: 0b0716661e multiple vulnerabilities in xml paerser fixed REVERT: 99e6179edd Documentation updates REVERT: b4f3e0acd7 Documentation updates REVERT: 7bbe754cb4 Documentation updates REVERT: 8a4df431de Documentation updates REVERT: dfbaf4f966 Documentation updates REVERT: 0fa73b0394 Documentation updates REVERT: eb9ff1e779 Documentation updates REVERT: 8becacf82c Documentation updates REVERT: be6019abd1 issue 28. - SNDMORE/ RCVMORE is dropping every other message REVERT: 2e9be56a40 memory leak in REQ socket fixed REVERT: 3bb60da0d0 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 04fcd4d55b memory leak in REP socket fixed REVERT: da37c45b0c Clarify zmq_bind/zmq_connect REVERT: 74f1a4a579 RPM packaging cleanups REVERT: b4cc7b97ec dist-hook for copying zeromq.spec to top-level REVERT: 8bd3f743f5 Import redhat packaging REVERT: 5219e4ce8f Clarify socket types in documentation, reinstate ZMQ_PAIR REVERT: 8408ae066d LWM is computed rather than explicitly specified by user REVERT: f34a468a26 coding style fixed in zmqd REVERT: 7773fdddfb Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 091e92a11d Pieter Hintjens added to AUTHORS file REVERT: 89783c37d2 incomplete messages can be stored in ypipe REVERT: f40ce4e500 single 0MQ daemon (zmqd) - initial version REVERT: 6705a3d580 some more sanity checks in pgm_socket REVERT: ff9d398555 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 56262d7ba7 some more sanity checks in pgm_socket REVERT: f6c1c97242 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 52ef3f3f2c Revert commit 7cb076e, atomic ops cleanup REVERT: 127cb89ac1 MAINTAINERS file added REVERT: 8e5ac100c9 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 714a8d50a0 fixes for OpenVMS REVERT: 9fbb9141a8 Update historic include paths REVERT: 9d16a415cb OpenPGM build flags cleanup REVERT: 2cf9f04a46 Update OpenPGM to version 2.1.26 REVERT: a25414e55c Fix in zmq_poll (Windows version) REVERT: 4d33c43913 caution about zmq_msg_init_* functions added to the docs REVERT: 4a3b857c4c commands not processed immediatelly in some scenarios; fixed REVERT: 36b044a0d5 ZMQ_PAIR socket removed from the documentation as it is unfinished yet REVERT: f60d891b23 Issue 23. zmq_init() crashes on illegal numbers REVERT: 64c58662b7 MSVC build fixed REVERT: 835e893e54 dispatcher_t class renamed to ctx_t REVERT: 10f5334f28 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 44dd005ff0 number of application threads to use 0MQ sockets is unlimited; app_threads parameter in zmq_init is unused and obsolete REVERT: 3f5465ada1 Windows port fixed REVERT: 235ed3a3dc signaler transports commands per se rather than one-bit signals REVERT: 8b9bd05726 thread ID and dispatcher made private in object_t REVERT: 84e0c7991a queue device fixed REVERT: 4a6bac1dea Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: acfd0f8ca2 prefix in XREP recv'd message misses MORE flag REVERT: beb4da3c28 windows port fixed REVERT: ae93ed318a signaler rewritten in such a way that any number (>64) of threads can be used REVERT: 1ffc6dd41f eventfd-style signaling removed REVERT: 37128b7b1a fd_signaler_t renamed to signaler_t REVERT: c193fd1466 lock-free polling removed; ZMQ_POLL flag removed REVERT: 7cb076e56a Defer NetBSD atomic ops to GCC builtins. Revert Sun atomic ops #define. REVERT: ad6fa9d0d4 initial version of multi-hop REQ/REP REVERT: 1ad6ade0ed MSVC build fixed REVERT: beffee92a8 P2P renamed to PAIR REVERT: 7d9603d722 Bug in zmq_queue fixed REVERT: d524c4e15d fix of documentation typo REVERT: 1c33941be9 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ea18d30c20 atomic_ptr fix of Win64 REVERT: 370cde0922 win build fixed REVERT: 0024d29076 Build fixes for cross compiling and Win32 REVERT: 3496476939 MSVC perf build fixed REVERT: 7668e7976d zmq_poll returns ETERM in case of context termination REVERT: 3236cb1a54 ETERM is accounted for in the documentation REVERT: fba28c7c0c issue 1 - Change zmq_term semantics REVERT: dff79d778d version number bumped to 2.0.7 for MSVC build REVERT: 6cf076510a C-style comments in zmq.h REVERT: 00cf3ceb8d multi-part message functionality available via ZMQ_SNDMORE and ZMQ_RCVMORE REVERT: 6fea422583 getsockopt added to c++ binding REVERT: b668387d91 Remove -Wxxx gcc-isms from subdir Makefiles REVERT: f6fa41dd7b Compile perf tests with the C++ compiler REVERT: c214a24f06 fix for Sun C++ 5.8 REVERT: 770aedbd09 Build fixes for Solaris and non-GNU compilers REVERT: 1dc0380e29 Debian packaging fixes suitable for 0MQ git REVERT: 8aa2acd0f8 Debian packaging update from Adrian von Bidder REVERT: 1d28dc9059 Fix for Issue #14 REVERT: 6ea76e9573 version bumped to 2.0.7 REVERT: 716f4ac871 zmq_getsockopt function added REVERT: 027bb1d2a7 issue 10 - zmq_strerror problem on Windows REVERT: 5cd9f74a70 few fixed related to multi-part messages in REP socket REVERT: 77cbd18e9c issue 11 - Assertion failed: it != peers.end () (pgm_receiver.cpp:161) REVERT: 38e9103e0c issue 13 (Assertion failed: load.get () == 0 (epoll.cpp:49)) fixed REVERT: 0f7aab5212 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 745db9c574 unitialised member in seesion_t class - fixed REVERT: b0250cc89d Win32 build fixed REVERT: 065e4d00ff Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: edfd05df8e devices can be created via API REVERT: a7973a2c49 Documentation fixes REVERT: 0777567e89 ENODEV from zmq_bind error described REVERT: 37fd1a77a6 Handle full-pipe for REP sockets more gracefully REVERT: 2f219d7c28 ZMQ_TBC renamed to ZMQ_MORE REVERT: 842b4dd2e4 muti-part message functionality available via API REVERT: 8d8e0857be as advertised, zmq_flush and ZMQ_NOFLUSH were removed REVERT: 06538fc117 multi-part messages work with REQ/REP sockets REVERT: bbfac783f9 multi-part message work with UPSTREAM/DOWNSTREAM REVERT: ed291b0251 multi-part messages work with PUB/SUB REVERT: 0b9897b141 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 783463ac49 Clarify use of poll() with C++ API, fix typo REVERT: c802a72a0b configure does not mention xmlto when missing REVERT: 0a53ff7b9f Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 93bdb792a9 PUB socket was blocking occassionally - fixed REVERT: f031677100 rollback of half-processed messages in case of disconnection REVERT: dfdaff5eba XREP-style prefixing/trimming messages removed REVERT: cbaf10978a fixes for building with Sun CC REVERT: ae35a1644c fix include paths in perf on Win32 REVERT: 49a30d49f3 Update contributors for 2.0.6 REVERT: fe18ce1aba ChangeLog for v2.0.6 REVERT: 38c942ae64 Add Git location to README REVERT: 6d5a9e9640 Update README REVERT: ad75d02134 Add MSVC build files to distribution REVERT: a9e0c3cd7e Removing leftover MSVC builds REVERT: 5472861179 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 8a3f97400a Clarify zmq_poll restrictions REVERT: 1705ec2247 C++ interface documentation updates REVERT: 8fcf6ffb67 Cleanups to REVERT: fceba03627 Cleanups to REVERT: 61ad236e95 ZMQ_NOFLUSH and zmq_flush obsoleted REVERT: c42343d3f0 pipe_t::rollback removes only unfinished message from the pipe rather than all unflushed messages REVERT: dcb983699e zmq_queue implementation added REVERT: 22db38bf3d MSVC build: C++ perf tests removed; all executables go into bin directory REVERT: c08a7f8896 C perf tests are built non-optionally; C++ perf tests removed REVERT: 1fbeba2fe3 simplify configuration summary REVERT: 66b67fbdf2 devices are built unconditionally REVERT: 430aa53334 text concerning language bindings removed from configure REVERT: 54df388ace Java binding removed from MSVC build REVERT: 6badd204d5 Implement flow control for ZMQ_REP sockets REVERT: 923609b092 Implement flow control for ZMQ_REQ sockets REVERT: 42e575cb6b Implement flow control fox ZMQ_XREP sockets REVERT: e34184acc3 Implement flow control for ZMQ_XREQ sockets REVERT: 06d7a44737 Implement flow control for ZMQ_PUB sockets REVERT: f9c84a1a68 Implement flow control for ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM sockets REVERT: 5d4f6b18cd Implement flow control for ZMQ_P2P sockets REVERT: f9521c6b6a PGM: implement flow control REVERT: 61ee6fae53 Implement flow control REVERT: 31d36104aa devices/ build fixed REVERT: 10bbe6af99 Cleanup .gitignore REVERT: 27e2d08449 Restructure language bindings REVERT: 90944759b6 Removed Java binding from core distribution REVERT: 9fda070e4d Typeset literal correctly REVERT: 0a1e0beaa2 Fixes to PGM wire format description REVERT: 5fef480aeb Fixes to TCP wire format specification REVERT: 8f90ae8dfd wire formats in docs clarified REVERT: 98801ebcae Documentation fixes REVERT: bc468b3451 Add missing section with zmq_version() REVERT: edebff902a Add dependency for zmq_epgm.7 REVERT: ca70b40383 Hack, zmq_epgm.7 needs to be copied from zmq_pgm.7 REVERT: 1aee86408d Documentation rewrite REVERT: d790940fd0 udp transport renamed to epgm REVERT: 5a776f5597 PGM late joiners would start receiving a complete message rather than a message part REVERT: 0f891e091c message flags from the wire are written to zmq_msg_t and vice versa REVERT: 531c6af0d4 message flags added to zmq_msg_t strcuture REVERT: 96ccc1c5fc 'flags' fields added to the wire format REVERT: e04e2cdbba rollback functionality added to pipe REVERT: 9481c69b0f problem with NIC name resolution on OSX fixed REVERT: 26b0aea24f Win32 build fixes REVERT: 352da8ae87 type mismatch in tcp_listener (win version) fixed REVERT: 14054ecce7 Fix typo: zmq_close -> zmq_msg_close REVERT: 708298d798 Fix possible lockups when reading from ZMQ_REP sockets REVERT: 157a66fc42 polling on POSIX sockets returns POLLERR (win32) REVERT: 4e7158b67d return POLLERR from polling on POSIX sockets (linux version) REVERT: 7442f53956 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ea0a44c8a9 Ruby binding removed REVERT: 83f85ea51d ruby binding removed from msvc build REVERT: 696ada8833 python binding removed from nsvc build REVERT: 45414b5444 python binding removed REVERT: efefa069b2 Cygwin support REVERT: deda7ca54a Java Poller patch REVERT: 4a1a83887d Win32 build of Java binding fixed REVERT: 4440b13c35 Poller object implemented in Java binding REVERT: 1c4daf79ce MIT license text added REVERT: 57e057c825 1st version of Java poll added REVERT: ed8fe68383 handle invalid PGM connection string decently REVERT: be51cfa419 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 0b4172b868 minor cast issues on cygwin fixed REVERT: b7f01f9071 chat example removed from win build; missing fd_signaler_t::poll on win added REVERT: 476ebde628 use binary UUIDs instead of string representation to save some bytes REVERT: cc5c30f5dc Fix: OpenPGM is now distributed as .tar.gz REVERT: bba36e6ee6 Disable IPv6 support REVERT: 39b8961974 Update OpenPGM to 2.0.24 (stable) REVERT: ccd47f1ee8 chat example moved to separate repo REVERT: 8980a98582 zmq_error used from ruby binding REVERT: 551fa104ff zmq_errno used in C++ binding REVERT: 95329719cd zmq_errno is exported from the DLL REVERT: 2441ef11a2 zmq_errno helper function added REVERT: 2dd55605ea recv fails after polling for IN on REQ socket REVERT: 025c9e173c execution disabled on certain source files; some comments on java binding; MSVC temp files added to .gitignore REVERT: 71b4947f95 Win32 build fixed REVERT: 7c0df6ee02 Java binding beautified, inline documentation added REVERT: ef1b597489 minor fix in zmq_socket(3) man page REVERT: b9a612ff3f Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: f24955519a zmq_poll doesn't exit when infinite timeout is set and interrupt occurs REVERT: 61f0ef569b NetBSD: Check for and use atomic_ops(3) if available REVERT: 3a69cca386 Fix $build_doc/$install_man check yet again REVERT: 1294c1d33a typo in zmq_ipc(7) fixed REVERT: ff99d753ae Minor buid system tunning REVERT: 740e531fbb Aleksey Yeschenko added to the credit section of AUTHORS file REVERT: 57148b1fde Add missing check for install_man=yes REVERT: 8b86dcf81c build on cygwin enabled REVERT: 727054547f don't check for identity, if the connection is anonymous REVERT: aff1f6621a Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 75f571c884 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part XII., generate unique identities for anonymous connections REVERT: 2a79a943de Add NetBSD support REVERT: 776b126339 Fix typo REVERT: ab27f84b14 libstdc++ depends on libm on some platforms REVERT: 495f0d105f Fix detection of libstdc++ REVERT: 46824abeb2 Never build docs from tarball releases REVERT: 8be491b7bd Use feature test macros more conservatively REVERT: d008637bc4 one more attempt to fix the previous win32 problem REVERT: f97da5e644 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: e385319e5a recv returning -1 while errno=0 fixed REVERT: 41354bfa98 zmq_version fixed on Win32 platform REVERT: f745c96a9b Add POSIX and GNU Feature Test Macros REVERT: 9d8623b28f ZMQII-76: Bug in how replies are handled when the REQ endpoint goes away REVERT: 33cb20a747 ZMQII-77: Put librbzmq symbols into ZMQ module REVERT: 1e7878489d exconf.rb checks for installation REVERT: 8214d386c3 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 4190f64d8c Special exception clause added to LGPL license REVERT: 96b2690716 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 60ce5cc82a PGM tarball should be removed on 'distclean', not 'clean' REVERT: b9caa319e2 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part XI., finalise the XREQ/XREP functionality REVERT: 2ddce20535 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: a2f9899f6a missing COPYING file added REVERT: afb526f31a Fix 'make dist' to work with no special magic REVERT: 8e9b78af27 Correct path for pgm distclean REVERT: df0c18ca17 Missed one instance of pgm2 REVERT: b09eeeb2fa Update gitignore REVERT: 80c820d758 Cleaning up more PGM cruft REVERT: 635e314643 Clarify python.h messages REVERT: 55800cea8c Fix typo REVERT: 5687661ba4 Cleanup messages from REVERT: 48a90cfb34 Replace check for sparc with host_cpu REVERT: 0ded6c1973 Multiple fixes to --with-pgm REVERT: 94c74d5c18 Brian Granger added to credits list REVERT: f96f53c968 ZMQ_POLLERR placeholder added to zmq.h REVERT: 5041b0bc0b fixing the previous commit :( REVERT: 7778010d76 care taken of the fact that AI_NUMERICSERV is not defined on OSX 10.5 REVERT: 817c89a78e removed first dummy run of PKG_CHECK_EXISTS REVERT: 43620b3d35 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part X., optional delayed creation of pipes during connect REVERT: 4405250d93 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part IX., pass the peer identity as far as socket_base_t REVERT: f5ce81f289 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part VIII., new blob_t type used for holding identity REVERT: cdc2efe9b5 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part VII., identity-related algorithms rewritten REVERT: 923eacd28a Multi-hop REQ/REP, part VI., session 'name' renamed to 'peer_identity' REVERT: 2e78e48503 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part V., peer identity is passed from init object to session REVERT: d8430f4b9a Multi-hop REQ/REP, part IV., add command deallocation mechanism REVERT: 313b5dfadd Multi-hop REQ/REP, part III., change 'type' in options to simple 'traceroute' flag REVERT: 96e0442332 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 36a576370c Multi-hop REQ/REP, part I., tracerouting switched on on XREP socket REVERT: dc8f4b1b76 Fix memory leak in bind() REVERT: 7b4cf2a4d0 Multi-hop REQ/REP, part I., socket type is known to all associated objects REVERT: cd7300fd4f Resolve command starvation in recv() REVERT: 7f7ac843d5 Next 0MQ release will be 2.0.6 REVERT: de41c9da31 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 30b967e2a4 Integrate version numbering into autoconf REVERT: 92d0147b20 python binding build with 2.4 version of python fixed REVERT: 432fbd796b ZMQII-72: Add zmq_version function (documentation) REVERT: bd9213e712 ZMQII-72: Add zmq_version function REVERT: 7cab423fc2 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: bc9b7f1f54 lb: bugfix - never skip active pipe when sending msg REVERT: 6b3c1798e7 fq: bugfix - don't read msg from inactive pipe REVERT: 354efc513f Convert documentation to AsciiDoc REVERT: 2d44bf3644 ZMQII-69: Make 0MQ build on HP-UX REVERT: 8c25bab31d ZMQII-70: zmq_poll on win32 fails with EINVAL REVERT: 8f86cac2f6 ZMQII-69: Make 0MQ build on HP-UX REVERT: fd673ae231 couple of typos in the documentation fixed REVERT: 6b2ca4e158 ZMQII-67: Build checks for python even if it's not needed REVERT: 4c870ede7f ZMQII-57: Shutdown OpenPGM library REVERT: 396e41a2a4 minor change to README REVERT: 01533a5aef ZMQII-65: Two OS threads are mapped to the same app_thread_t REVERT: 7593d815ac ZMQII-64: First message stuck in 0MQ in case of immediate disconnection REVERT: 427bc3276a minor code cleanup REVERT: b0ee6b0c8a ZMQII-62: zmq_close after sending message via P2P socket fails REVERT: bbaa494fb5 ZMQII-59: TCP server crashes sometimes when message is send and socket is closed immediately REVERT: d21bf21a36 allow async connect on Win32 return WSAECONNABORTED REVERT: 0888fcd06f yqueue_t uses malloc/free instead of new/delete REVERT: 30076c4f7a ZMQII-58: TCP connecting asserts on Win32 (same fix for POSIX) REVERT: c46b7ed197 ZMQII-58: TCP connecting asserts on Win32 REVERT: b86483acbe ZMQII-50: Document Ruby Bindings REVERT: bc90231227 contrain interface name resolving in OpenPGM to IPv4 interfaces REVERT: 0f697fe2b4 ZMQII-56: Avoid allocation of chunk in yqueue.hpp by keeping a spare one REVERT: 72bbc92b70 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 6502c16a7f Update OpenPGM to 2.0.23rc8 REVERT: 4172fdd697 Win32 build fixed REVERT: 7c25feb51b ZMQII-55: At most one PGM/UDP transport can be opened REVERT: 9cee8f9c3e problem with PGM messages larger than 1 MTU fixed REVERT: 27e47bdcc0 ZMQII-54: Affinity isn't honoured REVERT: 5d16070ffc ZMQII-53: Memory leak when using invalid socket type REVERT: a1e70f2957 ZMQII-52: Asserion during reconnection REVERT: 528610ff55 typo in zmq_socket(3) man page fixed REVERT: 00b9a5dede ZMQII-51: Implement O(1) topic matching REVERT: 70ea8e9d4b ZMQII-48: Implement P2P socket type REVERT: eb47c1b064 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 2784f90d59 moving debian directory to the root of the project REVERT: 4d5e643299 patching libtool script moved at the end of configure REVERT: 849095a042 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: f17f0fa67b CL binding ripped out of the tree REVERT: e5ff617c4e fixed OpenPGM compilation on mingw32 REVERT: 8f57ff4634 fixed OpenPGM compilation on mingw32 REVERT: 2056c888d2 changed version of the master branch back to dev REVERT: 0b97e7a4f2 libpgm updated to 2.6.21rc6 REVERT: 943125bd12 Hard-wired constant on OpenVMS replaced by symbolic constant REVERT: aa27034db5 IPv6 patch - part V. (win32) REVERT: adc5d7693d IPv6 patch - part IV. REVERT: fca9a2159a Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 079d327670 IPv6 patch - part III. REVERT: 454f43a45b IP address resolving on Win32 fixed REVERT: df4548aa76 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 2634934999 IPv6 patch part 2/2 REVERT: 6aaf095dd2 IPv6 support -part II. REVERT: d762e1a9c9 Win32 build fixed REVERT: 34d65e22c5 Tero Marttila's Ipv6 patch - part I. REVERT: 6edec4fe93 zmq_udp(7) man page fixed REVERT: 70601c243f zmq_pgm(7) man page fixed REVERT: d1e09578b2 Hardcoded loopback address removed from fd_signaler REVERT: f4832faf29 small fix to man pages to comply with lintian REVERT: b1b66df37c PGM man page improved REVERT: 66ef22993f zmq_close man page improved REVERT: a008af6088 Asko Kauppi added to the list of authors REVERT: f0757c003e ZMQII-43: Race condition when writing to pipe REVERT: 6a46ca75e5 ZMQ-42: Building with ICC fails REVERT: 111f0ff078 ZMQII-41: Poll function in C++ binding doesn't convert errors to exceptions REVERT: 6b0457fcaa minor documentation patch REVERT: 7094edd6ba error handling in C perf tests improved REVERT: 4ceb839350 typos in man pages fixed REVERT: bddff50271 ZMQII-40: wrong return code from recolve_ip_interface REVERT: 55944729ed ChangeLog modified for 2.0-beta2 version REVERT: f40e3a6931 version number bumped REVERT: 51e012c446 Solaris build fixed REVERT: a507d16e13 Win32 build fixed REVERT: 2bb57ac57a ZMQII-39: Implement IPC transport REVERT: 56c369272c Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: b9b0124d55 ZMQII-34: ensure that poll won't return POLLIN event when the message will be filtered out anyway (Win32) REVERT: b60342ae1a man pages are more specific on NIC name issue REVERT: 067ba3b9f7 ZMQII-34: ensure that poll won't return POLLIN event when the message will be filtered out anyway (POSIX) REVERT: 06105d1642 transports man pages updated REVERT: 30a107e06d timeout parameter for zmq_poll added in cl binding REVERT: 20a8edcf5c ZMQII-38: Compiler complains about missing virtual constructors REVERT: 76dbb4f3bb zmq_tcp man page added REVERT: bcd278a5a5 ZMQII-37: SIGSEGV when polling on REQ socket REVERT: 4c613b39fa script to convert man pages to html added REVERT: 72b2f07a70 ZMQII-36: Chat example & forwarder broken because of changes subscribe semantics REVERT: 65f450f22e minor man page fix REVERT: bd07baf028 ZMQII-33: zmq_poll may exceed timeout if signal interrupts the waiting REVERT: e806615dd1 ZMQII-31: memory leak in zmq_poll (on timeout) REVERT: 9fc8827b8a Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ddf5f75549 zmq.cpp build probelm on non-linux platforms fixed REVERT: e9a4ad38ce updated version to 2.0-beta1 in REVERT: 7546526e66 ChangeLog updated for 2.0-beta1 REVERT: e21b33e9cf forced WINVER to 0x0501 for mingv32 build REVERT: ef049efe2e perf tests modified to reflect change in subscription format REVERT: 8d339e9596 Fixed newer autotools warningng about AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR REVERT: 11fec367d1 added pending event fd handling by the pgm_sender REVERT: 472ddf8de2 fixed failed merge with REVERT: d10c605fa9 updated to libpgm-2.0.20rc5 REVERT: 4f6baf4dde Copyrights transferred from FastMQ to iMatix REVERT: bf01727f4b updated to libpgm 2.0.19rc4 REVERT: 1528edb963 fixed complaining about existing config dir REVERT: f2b235db16 ZMQII-29: Add timeout to zmq_poll function REVERT: 7884f4541a problem with new version of autoreconf fixed REVERT: 1b90e5f6f5 added missing likely.hpp file into the dist REVERT: 9bda63cd63 fixed minor gcc warning in src/pgm_receiver.cpp REVERT: 819590c04c libpgm updated to 2.0.18rc3 REVERT: 9fadf0b218 fixed minor gcc warning in src/pgm_socket.cpp REVERT: d6da7903d0 removed unused foreign/openpgm/create_custom_gsi_1.patch file REVERT: 7cb02fb3e7 fixed make dist for non pgm configuration REVERT: 102077471c error in zmq_poll manpage fixed REVERT: e9cebc86ed EINPROGRESS definition added on Win32 platform REVERT: 23e5c3b342 polling on SUB socket fixed REVERT: 72161fb075 format of subscriptions changed (no * needed anymore) REVERT: c97967ed4b MSVC build fixed REVERT: 5852db451a PGM code cleanup REVERT: aebff623f3 ZMQII-28: Bidirectional introduction on TCP connection establishment REVERT: b3bd4c15fe OpenPGM error handling fixed REVERT: 7cf18a2aec minor fixes REVERT: 5a0674dfec OpenPGM error handling improved REVERT: 990a1e8686 zmq_cl(7) man page added REVERT: bad224251e minor errors in zmq_cpp man page fixed REVERT: d50c7daf9e hint parameter (zmq_free_fn) added to Lisp binding REVERT: 1924cba889 memory management in Lisp binding fixed REVERT: 86d68cbcbd memory leaks related to OpenPGM errors fixed REVERT: 500d32a540 examples & perf added to the Debian package REVERT: 667d1a8280 man page updated to match change in zmq_free_fn REVERT: ab5abf6c7e hint parameter added to zmq_free function REVERT: 02202ec30e addition to CREDITS section of AUTHORS file REVERT: 5e77a1daa4 debian package added REVERT: 7479871cde Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 8aa0908635 all news converted to nothrow variant REVERT: 3e64083667 win32 build fixed REVERT: 2cef05d869 reconnection mechanism added to tcp transport REVERT: 14b112301e handle error during connecting by eventual reconnection REVERT: e49115224a zmq_encoder/decoder are able to add/trim prefixes from messages; fair queueing and load balancing algorithms factorised into separate classes REVERT: bd792faa9d ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF honoured in PGM transport REVERT: 68488215da Man pages for XREQ/XREP/zmq_queue updated REVERT: 0637e06387 zmq_streamer & zmq_queue are built under MSVC REVERT: fa6bf24d80 XREP & XREQ socket types added; zmq_queue device added REVERT: c43aded531 debug code removed from PGM engines REVERT: f4ac8d7a44 OpenPGM v1 support removed REVERT: 73b765e4b4 PGM transport fixed REVERT: d5670f34ba ZMQII-26: Use zero-copy for large messages (rx side) REVERT: 770178724f errors are never predicted in branch prediction (likely/unlikely macros added) REVERT: d4fdc26efc zmq_poll implemented on Win32 platform REVERT: 986ab66b8f ZMQII-27: Allow setting SNDBUF and RCVBUF size from 0MQ API (Win32) REVERT: 8d58643655 MSVC build for chat example added REVERT: 2e39f892c3 ZMQII-27: Allow setting SNDBUF and RCVBUF size from 0MQ API (POSIX) REVERT: 72dacc3570 zero-copy on tx side optimised to minimise number of user/kernel space transitions REVERT: 1c1dfb50f8 zmq_cpp(7) man page filled in REVERT: cab5a4a159 minor documentation updates REVERT: c98e29fb6e README added to chat example REVERT: 902d4f2282 minor fix of zero-copy on tx side REVERT: 9be877c685 ZMQII-26: Use zero-copy for large messages REVERT: bfef2fcd0b autotools build system builds chat example now REVERT: a08a72dd08 chat example added REVERT: 82012667cc Deadlock on zmq_close REVERT: 9f49594273 C & C++ header files clean-up REVERT: 356ce8fe91 man pages updated REVERT: 3e051e874a Vitaly Mayatskikh added to authors section REVERT: 721e37a371 removed from the codebase REVERT: 734aaa2dcb placeholders for new man pages added REVERT: 6fcdc5fa69 common lisp binding & perf tests added REVERT: 7146ef85e9 seqnum mechanism automated REVERT: cb84580bbc harmless uninitialised memory read fixed REVERT: 9bd309bda6 annoying optimisation in 'bind' command removed REVERT: c04583ff6c minor code beautification REVERT: 0d704fceee MSVC warnings fixed REVERT: 9cff475af8 added libpgm-2.0.17rc2 into the dist package REVERT: 82242f6a9e minor formatting fix in zmq_init.3 man page REVERT: c637bf292d Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 9ccf2b42cf minor tweaks in pgm code REVERT: fa1641afc5 msvc build fixed REVERT: 19ce7c0e77 zmq_msg_data.3 referenced twice in - fixed REVERT: 8d85638f77 memory leak in message encoder fixed REVERT: 92aa9e94e2 experimental code to use futexes instead of mutexes added to simple_semapthore_t REVERT: c98fd6bc3f ZMQII-25: Implement streamed request/reply REVERT: 5cd98bc575 the rest of man3 man pages filled in REVERT: e90ada0d04 more man pages filled in REVERT: 6602cce9af zmq_init, zmq_term & zmq_strerror man pages added REVERT: ed5563f752 man pages (dummy) added for zmq_msg_* functions REVERT: 55b64a02e7 man pages - initial (dummy) version REVERT: c41daca3da race condition in inproc transport shutdown fixed REVERT: 64634605b3 obsolete parameter removed from 'bind' command REVERT: 0e9ab2e8a3 inproc transport - initial commit REVERT: 14f2fecdcd ZMQII-24: SEGFAULT when anonymous session disconnects REVERT: c2e0661b0a uninitialised variable in devpoll_t and kqueue_t REVERT: 26ca5ed8c6 Fixing concurrency issue in rep.cpp resulting in broken connections with multiple requesters under heavy load. REVERT: 84585a9561 pgm_transport_recvmsgv in process_upstream returns PGM_IO_STATUS_RATE_LIMITED on busy sender REVERT: c2cd7977f7 update pgm_socket to recent openpgm2 REVERT: 08b02a43ae fixed get_sender_fds and get_receiver_fds for openpgm2 REVERT: 7d672d3ab8 minor fixes for MSVC++ 2005 build REVERT: 7cbdcc9542 ZMQII-21: Problem with fd_signaler_t::poll on socket close REVERT: 55acf365ea releasing python global lock when doing blocking operations REVERT: 8b08047cb0 added --with-pgm2-examples configure option REVERT: 71e455bfe5 ZMQII-19: add --disable-eventfd configure option REVERT: 50c7d12be6 added HAVE_LIBWS2_32 into REVERT: 0ce02058eb updated 0MQ to recent OpenPGM2 rev.562 REVERT: ea2f6558fd mingw fixed winsock linking issue REVERT: 7afc61ae7c 0MQ compilable on winXP mingw with --with-pgm2 option REVERT: ac83175ef0 updated to recent PGM2 changes REVERT: 3daeff2786 mingw port REVERT: de2e439a52 1 minor change in xmlParser.cpp REVERT: 14dc1f45cd build system tuning - fixed make dist REVERT: b0c97a5f8b build system tuning REVERT: d57ee0984a Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ff65e26ce7 create_custom_gsi.patch renamed to create_custom_gsi_1.patch REVERT: e1b9fcd4b1 moved pgm_create_custom_gsi into PGM1 and drop ssl dependency REVERT: 4efe2366d7 poller is a concept now rather than virtualised class REVERT: 4a3b4dadea ZMQII-9: Check and implement speculative reads & writes REVERT: 49a9ef5fcb windows error handling improved REVERT: cc631c4c66 ZMQII-18: Implement I/O multiplexing (first approximation) REVERT: f2ff2c6e5c checking for available messages added to ypipe/pipe REVERT: 84d854a088 documentation error in zmq.h fixed REVERT: 64e68e7486 detecting data loss for PGM2 receiver REVERT: 39d915ded8 PGM2 sender REVERT: cf6cc0128f pgm2 receiver working (partly) REVERT: 72c5c5fff4 --with-pgm2 compilable REVERT: 33afdcd1ad added --with-pgm2 into build system REVERT: 5aee5fd0cf Updated libzmq.vcproj file REVERT: 27d8627cb5 Updated changelog for alpha3 release REVERT: b0a1a16fc2 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 088a2db674 ZMQII-16: Change "struct zmq_msg_t" to "zmq_msg_t" in C binding REVERT: 2521130769 ZMQII-14: Change default for ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP to true REVERT: 85cbd7f83c added PGM bus functionality REVERT: 3bd8f83f6d language bindings use zmq_strerror instead of strerror REVERT: a0db7f6b81 POSIX error codes unsupported on win platform faked REVERT: e136d923b7 ZMQ-specific error codes added REVERT: cc8136896d documentation in zmq.h improved REVERT: e6ca5da181 Windows build fixed REVERT: b15f695976 different fixes to req/rep REVERT: cb1b6fe32c initial version of req/rep sockets REVERT: 7668b246fc ZMQ_POLL option forces fd_signaler to be used in app_thread REVERT: 495a2228cd MSVC warnings removed REVERT: f99b8fc921 receiving side of signaler virtualised REVERT: 50a8b9ea0c 'flags' parameter added to zmq_init REVERT: edecf75b61 python binding checks ctx argument type REVERT: 8cdf75327d ChangeLog updated REVERT: dffbdbb60c fixed compiler warning cast from uint64 to bool in socket_base.cpp REVERT: 1bd6d5e0f6 fixed missing xmlParser in dist package REVERT: 2be152967c java binding cleanup REVERT: cff6eb4376 msvc directory moved into builds dir REVERT: 3ebe9932f9 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 1a65504595 ruby directory moved into bindings dir REVERT: c63387ca36 python directory moved into bindings dir REVERT: 1b2a426656 c and cpp directories moved into bindings directory REVERT: 6bfb9e6aaf java directory moved into bindings directory II REVERT: 3de435a07d java directory moved into bindings directory REVERT: d16b3bc0c9 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 35c58dc733 ZMQII-1: fix for devpoll, kqueue & poll REVERT: 10dd8c5346 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 03d494d4f0 added udp:// transport prefix for PGM UDP encapsulation REVERT: fc7715b463 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: f1c72d693e ZMQII-4: Failure in dev/poll poller REVERT: c6665f46be set rc to 0 in its declaration (pyzmq.cpp) REVERT: 3b2c3cae09 setsockopt cleanup in rbzmq REVERT: 3534732c06 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 17800ac85e setsockopt cleanup in pyzmq.cpp REVERT: a71d002880 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 4631fde7e3 ZMQII-8: Failure during orphan pipe deallocation REVERT: 7a5db6041f added newly added socket options to all language bindings, P2P model changed to PUB/SUB for throughput tests REVERT: 9c522dccaf reconnect added to zmq_connecter REVERT: 6e03cb2f3e Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 9fbdcc7940 removed reset method from zmq_decoder_t REVERT: 969522bbf5 added OpenPGM receiver - ZMQ_SUB REVERT: bce2e60bbb more errors from send & recv handled decently on windows REVERT: 0381a78c04 added reset method into zmq_decoder_t class REVERT: 79d4a6debf Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 7653f34df0 fixed pub_t class creating ZMQ_SUB socket_base_t REVERT: 98b8e9b54d Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: a841774cbd forwarder renamed to zmq_forwarder (MSVC build) REVERT: 3a3bcd337f pgm_sender code beautiication REVERT: f44b215a60 added out_event call into pgm_sender_t revive REVERT: 712c7bd895 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 35e82b4605 forwarder renamed to zmq_forwarder REVERT: 364281343c Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: bdf22e9c2f deleted useles iostream include from socket_base.cpp REVERT: f7ad4a203a forwarder device compilable on windows REVERT: 6cfd175e31 forwarder device added REVERT: e2900ce0a1 xmlParser added REVERT: 2bc9419ced ZMQII-10: Make connections interrupted during the init phase be closed silently REVERT: 37cacc5700 ZMQII-1: Win32 - failure on shutdown REVERT: c806aabb2d java binding sets socket options using setsockopt function REVERT: 36707529a7 minor merge problem corrected REVERT: 89b1f2782c Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 47350adcb6 separate class for PUB-style socket added REVERT: 1a4d6f9119 added OpenPGM sender - ZMQ_PUB REVERT: e940878b3f build on win32 fixed REVERT: 7be7962f98 prefix-style message filtering added REVERT: 42ad2aa02d ZMQII-7: Pipe detach fails on shutdown REVERT: 29c5930d0b asserts for invalid indexes in pipe reader & writer added REVERT: e0d1294c4b Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 5daa0dec0f ZMQII-5: Only one consumer in a process gets the message REVERT: a91b449772 Revert "link libzmq with glib when congifured --with-pgm" REVERT: 88695aaee6 link libzmq with glib when congifured --with-pgm REVERT: f824b8a067 classify error from async connect as network related or 0MQ bugs REVERT: f674c9269e ZMQII-2: SIGSEGV in zmq_connecter_init_t::read REVERT: 93e70ee583 throughput tests use P2P sockets consistently REVERT: 95944551be Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: b3f32e219e ZMQII-3: cheap and nasty implementation of message filtering REVERT: 5acef9fc96 added --with-pgm option, libpgm-1.2.14 build within 0mq build system REVERT: d81d341252 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 1864832ada building zmq.jar on win32 fixed REVERT: 4cc923b025 Stop configure, when could not link with libuuid REVERT: 65b8b2d2c7 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 305b81dbdf higher precision time measurement in python perf tests REVERT: d743d97e36 Updated AUTHORS, ChangeLog, README and added COPYING.LESSER files REVERT: 4d07d7cabe fix of async connect on win32 REVERT: c99f39abc6 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 37d8371967 async connect bug fixed REVERT: cb78991f8e Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 734a62c12d Sparc solaris port REVERT: d3fb9f90af missing java MSVC project added REVERT: dadfd24364 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: ef34c94c3a win build for python REVERT: 844b590b5e added file REVERT: b3fc145225 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 2a4a10c8be build system tuning REVERT: 3069b6bd54 win port of java binding + java perf tests REVERT: ec6822a477 win port for c and cpp perf tests REVERT: b71c3005e6 include directory split into c and cpp dirs, added --with-c and --with-cpp configure options REVERT: f895426c18 initial changes for win port REVERT: 87ccbb9fae Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: d62c74232a Merge branch 'master' of git:// REVERT: 11a6cb925f Ruby binding functional REVERT: 67253f3186 Java perf tests added REVERT: 63b56d7fb3 python perf tests are included into distribution package REVERT: 4307baf7bc python binding functional REVERT: 450b31c3b2 bug in python binding fixed REVERT: 103cbee6a5 couple of bugs fixed REVERT: 4914e5c9d1 O(1) socket removal REVERT: f92de9b2a9 bug during terminal shutdown fixed REVERT: 702fdbb5dd messages that may have been received in the init phase are flushed immediately after engine is plugged in REVERT: 75a5a8732c --disable-shared & C perf tests: a better way REVERT: 947b463193 building C perf tests with --disable-shared fixed REVERT: 5e08a89d1c Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 6a5120b1f1 python extension & perf tests REVERT: 1f06d99a0f Add Java binding REVERT: 0aacee389f POSIX threads don't use errno to report errors REVERT: 72fdf47d16 python perf tests added REVERT: b6d345f4a6 Ruby perf tests added REVERT: 314deb6185 build system for perf/C and perf/C++ REVERT: 6c36673949 C perf tests added REVERT: 4617fd9e9c c++ perf tests added REVERT: 176879e5bb engine virtualised; chatroom example removed REVERT: 1d650934e4 Ruby bidning added REVERT: 3666a49022 bug in identifying current thread fixed REVERT: 6996ef6f1a improved error handling REVERT: cb09c6951e pipe deallocation added REVERT: 2dd5016515 multiple bugs fixed REVERT: 67194267f8 Merge branch 'master' of REVERT: 99c5d92836 pipes added REVERT: 67c69f952c make configure respect --with-python option REVERT: aacdb7a454 python build fix REVERT: 77bc3790fa python extension added REVERT: 6be4b01437 session management implemented REVERT: a801b6d8b3 couple of bugs in shutdown mechanism fixed REVERT: 131f2e3096 subscribe API removed REVERT: 059beca59d listener/connecter/init/session added REVERT: bda766ab40 redundant interface (i_api) removed REVERT: 9f1f823b7b zmq_listener/zmq_connecter implemented REVERT: 3147ff8523 getsockopt implemented REVERT: bde396f156 fix to 3-thread synchronisation algorithm REVERT: 5b5b513330 socket options interface modeled as in BSD sockets REVERT: a8b410e66c lockfree interaction patter for 3 theads implemented REVERT: 0b5cc026fb clean up - session/socket/engine stuff removed REVERT: b8b4acef4c dispatcher renamed to context REVERT: 43fa72b7ee C++ binding uses exceptions to signal failure REVERT: cc3755a16f renamed from zs to zmq REVERT: 183b688764 git ignoring intermediary files REVERT: 4ed70a9302 initial commit git-subtree-dir: lib3rd/libzmq.git git-subtree-split: 661aa7c25b72a8cb21335d0f7721d47bc6f36bda --- .clang-format | 53 - .clang-tidy | 426 --- .github/ | 48 - .github/ | 22 - .github/stale.yml | 19 - .github/workflows/CI.yaml | 91 - .github/workflows/Fuzzers.yaml | 13 - .gitignore | 127 - .hgeol | 2 - .mailmap | 81 - .travis.yml | 178 - AUTHORS | 152 - CMakeLists.txt | 2136 ++--------- COPYING | 674 ---- COPYING.LESSER | 181 - Dockerfile | 11 - Doxygen.cfg | 2320 ------------ INSTALL | 315 -- Jenkinsfile | 485 --- | 1466 -------- NEWS | 2118 ----------- | 15 - | 48 - | 209 +- RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ 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| 15 - RELICENSE/ | 17 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 16 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 17 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 14 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 12 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 16 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 14 - .../relicense-template-mplv2-any-osi.txt | 15 - ...license-template-mplv2-share-alike-osi.txt | 15 - .../templates/relicense-template-mplv2.txt | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 14 - RELICENSE/ | 17 - RELICENSE/ | 16 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 16 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 7 - RELICENSE/ | 16 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 13 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - RELICENSE/ | 15 - | 319 -- | 32 - acinclude.m4 | 1232 ------ appveyor.yml | 337 -- | 49 - branding.bmp | Bin 25818 -> 0 bytes builds/ | 34 - builds/README | 14 - builds/abi-compliance-checker/ | 44 - builds/android/Dockerfile | 22 - builds/android/ | 33 - builds/android/ | 301 -- builds/android/ | 101 - builds/android/ | 31 - builds/cmake/Modules/ClangFormat.cmake | 41 - builds/cmake/Modules/FindAsciiDoc.cmake | 26 - builds/cmake/Modules/FindNSS3.cmake | 8 - builds/cmake/Modules/FindSodium.cmake | 48 - builds/cmake/Modules/TestZMQVersion.cmake | 8 - builds/cmake/Modules/ZMQSourceRunChecks.cmake | 313 -- builds/cmake/Modules/ZMQSupportMacros.cmake | 5 - builds/cmake/ | 952 ----- builds/cmake/ | 960 ----- builds/cmake/ | 34 - builds/cmake/ | 111 - builds/cmake/ | 14 - builds/cmake/ | 138 - builds/coverage/ | 32 - builds/cygwin/Makefile.cygwin | 48 - builds/deprecated-msvc/.gitignore | 256 -- builds/deprecated-msvc/ | 94 - builds/deprecated-msvc/build/build.bat | 33 - builds/deprecated-msvc/build/buildall.bat | 16 - builds/deprecated-msvc/build/buildbase.bat | 73 - builds/deprecated-msvc/errno.cpp | 32 - builds/deprecated-msvc/errno.hpp | 56 - builds/deprecated-msvc/platform.hpp | 14 - .../deprecated-msvc/properties/Common.props | 21 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/DLL.props | 16 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/Debug.props | 29 - .../properties/DebugDEXE.props | 21 - .../deprecated-msvc/properties/DebugDLL.props | 20 - .../properties/DebugLEXE.props | 20 - .../deprecated-msvc/properties/DebugLIB.props | 21 - .../properties/DebugLTCG.props | 20 - .../properties/DebugSEXE.props | 21 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/EXE.props | 17 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/LIB.props | 16 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/LTCG.props | 13 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/Link.props | 21 - .../deprecated-msvc/properties/Messages.props | 15 - .../deprecated-msvc/properties/Output.props | 30 - .../deprecated-msvc/properties/Release.props | 41 - .../properties/ReleaseDEXE.props | 20 - .../properties/ReleaseDLL.props | 19 - .../properties/ReleaseLEXE.props | 20 - .../properties/ReleaseLIB.props | 19 - .../properties/ReleaseLTCG.props | 19 - .../properties/ReleaseSEXE.props | 20 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/Win32.props | 20 - builds/deprecated-msvc/properties/x64.props | 23 - builds/deprecated-msvc/readme.txt | 27 - builds/deprecated-msvc/resource.h | 14 - builds/deprecated-msvc/resource.rc | Bin 4650 -> 0 bytes .../vs2008/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.vcproj | 52 - .../vs2008/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.vcproj | 52 - builds/deprecated-msvc/vs2008/libzmq.sln | 95 - .../vs2008/libzmq/libzmq.vcproj | 338 -- .../vs2008/local_lat/local_lat.vcproj | 52 - .../vs2008/local_thr/local_thr.vcproj | 52 - .../vs2008/remote_lat/remote_lat.vcproj | 52 - .../vs2008/remote_thr/remote_thr.vcproj | 52 - .../vs2010/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2010/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2010/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2010/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2010/libsodium.import.props | 52 - .../vs2010/libsodium.import.xml | 17 - .../vs2010/libzmq.import.props | 64 - .../deprecated-msvc/vs2010/libzmq.import.xml | 49 - builds/deprecated-msvc/vs2010/libzmq.sln | 206 - .../vs2010/libzmq/libzmq.props | 76 - .../vs2010/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj | 289 -- .../vs2010/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj.filters | 627 --- .../deprecated-msvc/vs2010/libzmq/libzmq.xml | 40 - .../vs2010/local_lat/local_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2010/local_lat/local_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2010/local_thr/local_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2010/local_thr/local_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2010/remote_lat/remote_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2010/remote_lat/remote_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2010/remote_thr/remote_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2010/remote_thr/remote_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2012/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2012/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2012/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2012/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2012/libsodium.import.props | 52 - .../vs2012/libsodium.import.xml | 17 - .../vs2012/libzmq.import.props | 64 - .../deprecated-msvc/vs2012/libzmq.import.xml | 49 - builds/deprecated-msvc/vs2012/libzmq.sln | 206 - .../vs2012/libzmq/libzmq.props | 76 - .../vs2012/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj | 289 -- .../vs2012/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj.filters | 627 --- .../deprecated-msvc/vs2012/libzmq/libzmq.xml | 40 - .../vs2012/local_lat/local_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2012/local_lat/local_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2012/local_thr/local_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2012/local_thr/local_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2012/remote_lat/remote_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2012/remote_lat/remote_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2012/remote_thr/remote_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2012/remote_thr/remote_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2013/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2013/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2013/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2013/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2013/libsodium.import.props | 52 - .../vs2013/libsodium.import.xml | 17 - .../vs2013/libzmq.import.props | 64 - .../deprecated-msvc/vs2013/libzmq.import.xml | 49 - builds/deprecated-msvc/vs2013/libzmq.sln | 208 - .../vs2013/libzmq/libzmq.props | 76 - .../vs2013/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj | 289 -- .../vs2013/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj.filters | 627 --- .../deprecated-msvc/vs2013/libzmq/libzmq.xml | 40 - .../vs2013/local_lat/local_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2013/local_lat/local_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2013/local_thr/local_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2013/local_thr/local_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2013/remote_lat/remote_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2013/remote_lat/remote_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2013/remote_thr/remote_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2013/remote_thr/remote_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2015/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2015/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2015/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2015/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2015/libsodium.import.props | 52 - .../vs2015/libsodium.import.xml | 17 - .../vs2015/libzmq.import.props | 64 - .../deprecated-msvc/vs2015/libzmq.import.xml | 49 - builds/deprecated-msvc/vs2015/libzmq.sln | 208 - .../vs2015/libzmq/libzmq.props | 76 - .../vs2015/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj | 291 -- .../vs2015/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj.filters | 627 --- .../deprecated-msvc/vs2015/libzmq/libzmq.xml | 40 - .../vs2015/local_lat/local_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2015/local_lat/local_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2015/local_thr/local_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2015/local_thr/local_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2015/remote_lat/remote_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2015/remote_lat/remote_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2015/remote_thr/remote_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2015/remote_thr/remote_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../deprecated-msvc/vs2015_xp/libzmq.vcxproj | 258 -- builds/deprecated-msvc/vs2015_xp/platform.hpp | 15 - .../vs2015_xp/test_zmq/test_multithread.cpp | 229 -- .../vs2015_xp/test_zmq/test_zmq.vcxproj | 155 - .../vs2017/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2017/inproc_lat/inproc_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2017/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2017/inproc_thr/inproc_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2017/libsodium.import.props | 52 - .../vs2017/libsodium.import.xml | 17 - .../vs2017/libzmq.import.props | 64 - .../deprecated-msvc/vs2017/libzmq.import.xml | 49 - builds/deprecated-msvc/vs2017/libzmq.sln | 208 - .../vs2017/libzmq/libzmq.props | 76 - .../vs2017/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj | 289 -- .../vs2017/libzmq/libzmq.vcxproj.filters | 627 --- .../deprecated-msvc/vs2017/libzmq/libzmq.xml | 40 - .../vs2017/local_lat/local_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2017/local_lat/local_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2017/local_thr/local_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2017/local_thr/local_thr.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2017/remote_lat/remote_lat.props | 49 - .../vs2017/remote_lat/remote_lat.vcxproj | 82 - .../vs2017/remote_thr/remote_thr.props | 49 - .../vs2017/remote_thr/remote_thr.vcxproj | 82 - builds/gyp/.gitignore | 5 - builds/gyp/build.bat | 4 - builds/gyp/platform.hpp | 80 - builds/gyp/project-tests.gsl | 19 - builds/gyp/project-tests.gypi | 906 ----- builds/gyp/project-tests.xml | 84 - builds/gyp/project.gyp | 295 -- builds/mingw32/Makefile.mingw32 | 49 - builds/mingw32/platform.hpp | 43 - builds/nuget/libzmq.autopkg | 52 - builds/nuget/readme.nuget | 20 - builds/openwrt/Makefile | 70 - builds/qnx/ToolchainQNX6.6_x86.cmake | 20 - builds/valgrind/ | 34 - builds/valgrind/valgrind.supp | 22 - builds/valgrind/vg | 1 - builds/vxworks/platform.hpp | 306 -- builds/zos/ | 463 --- builds/zos/cxxall | 62 - builds/zos/makeclean | 36 - builds/zos/makelibzmq | 54 - builds/zos/maketests | 102 - builds/zos/platform.hpp | 300 -- builds/zos/runtests | 188 - builds/zos/test_fork.cpp | 95 - builds/zos/zc++ | 42 - | 84 - | 28 - clips/agenda.c | 1363 +++++++ clips/agenda.h | 169 + clips/analysis.c | 1136 ++++++ clips/analysis.h | 61 + clips/argacces.c | 509 +++ clips/argacces.h | 77 + clips/bload.c | 880 +++++ clips/bload.h | 94 + clips/bmathfun.c | 557 +++ clips/bmathfun.h | 66 + clips/bsave.c | 634 ++++ clips/bsave.h | 130 + clips/classcom.c | 976 +++++ clips/classcom.h | 115 + clips/classexm.c | 1385 +++++++ clips/classexm.h | 97 + clips/classfun.c | 1364 +++++++ clips/classfun.h | 160 + clips/classinf.c | 1245 ++++++ clips/classinf.h | 94 + clips/classini.c | 834 ++++ clips/classini.h | 75 + clips/classpsr.c | 950 +++++ clips/classpsr.h | 73 + clips/clips.cpp | 1644 ++++++++ clips/clips.h | 131 + clips/clips.hpp | 539 +++ clips/clsltpsr.c | 914 +++++ clips/clsltpsr.h | 72 + clips/commline.c | 1216 ++++++ clips/commline.h | 131 + clips/conscomp.c | 1590 ++++++++ clips/conscomp.h | 150 + clips/constant.h | 264 ++ clips/constrct.c | 1063 ++++++ clips/constrct.h | 216 ++ clips/constrnt.c | 554 +++ clips/constrnt.h | 132 + clips/crstrtgy.c | 1088 ++++++ clips/crstrtgy.h | 85 + clips/cstrcbin.c | 185 + clips/cstrcbin.h | 61 + clips/cstrccmp.h | 43 + clips/cstrccom.c | 1776 +++++++++ clips/cstrccom.h | 115 + clips/cstrcpsr.c | 835 ++++ clips/cstrcpsr.h | 97 + clips/cstrnbin.c | 282 ++ clips/cstrnbin.h | 55 + clips/cstrnchk.c | 826 ++++ clips/cstrnchk.h | 91 + clips/cstrncmp.c | 237 ++ clips/cstrncmp.h | 57 + clips/cstrnops.c | 1176 ++++++ clips/cstrnops.h | 47 + clips/cstrnpsr.c | 1391 +++++++ clips/cstrnpsr.h | 88 + clips/cstrnutl.c | 553 +++ clips/cstrnutl.h | 54 + clips/default.c | 454 +++ clips/default.h | 57 + clips/defins.c | 971 +++++ clips/defins.h | 127 + clips/developr.c | 677 ++++ clips/developr.h | 69 + clips/dffctbin.c | 477 +++ clips/dffctbin.h | 76 + clips/dffctbsc.c | 308 ++ clips/dffctbsc.h | 72 + clips/dffctcmp.c | 297 ++ clips/dffctcmp.h | 44 + clips/dffctdef.c | 364 ++ clips/dffctdef.h | 104 + clips/dffctpsr.c | 179 + clips/dffctpsr.h | 49 + clips/dffnxbin.c | 520 +++ clips/dffnxbin.h | 67 + clips/dffnxcmp.c | 378 ++ clips/dffnxcmp.h | 54 + clips/dffnxexe.c | 241 ++ clips/dffnxexe.h | 58 + clips/dffnxfun.c | 1192 ++++++ clips/dffnxfun.h | 155 + clips/dffnxpsr.c | 512 +++ clips/dffnxpsr.h | 57 + clips/dfinsbin.c | 509 +++ clips/dfinsbin.h | 66 + clips/dfinscmp.c | 345 ++ clips/dfinscmp.h | 48 + clips/drive.c | 1191 ++++++ clips/drive.h | 65 + clips/emathfun.c | 1167 ++++++ clips/emathfun.h | 96 + clips/engine.c | 1565 ++++++++ clips/engine.h | 203 + clips/entities.h | 276 ++ clips/envrnbld.c | 770 ++++ clips/envrnbld.h | 40 + clips/envrnmnt.c | 257 ++ clips/envrnmnt.h | 112 + clips/evaluatn.c | 1718 +++++++++ clips/evaluatn.h | 208 + clips/expressn.c | 494 +++ clips/expressn.h | 151 + clips/exprnbin.c | 531 +++ clips/exprnbin.h | 60 + clips/exprnops.c | 562 +++ clips/exprnops.h | 67 + clips/exprnpsr.c | 1099 ++++++ clips/exprnpsr.h | 98 + clips/extnfunc.c | 1016 +++++ clips/extnfunc.h | 157 + clips/factbin.c | 447 +++ clips/factbin.h | 56 + clips/factbld.c | 1035 +++++ clips/factbld.h | 61 + clips/factcmp.c | 386 ++ clips/factcmp.h | 46 + clips/factcom.c | 1306 +++++++ clips/factcom.h | 84 + clips/factfun.c | 656 ++++ clips/factfun.h | 75 + clips/factgen.c | 1282 +++++++ clips/factgen.h | 229 ++ clips/facthsh.c | 435 +++ clips/facthsh.h | 81 + clips/factlhs.c | 250 ++ clips/factlhs.h | 54 + clips/factmch.c | 902 +++++ clips/factmch.h | 68 + clips/factmngr.c | 3345 +++++++++++++++++ clips/factmngr.h | 325 ++ clips/factprt.c | 498 +++ clips/factprt.h | 60 + clips/factqpsr.c | 796 ++++ clips/factqpsr.h | 61 + clips/factqury.c | 1261 +++++++ clips/factqury.h | 109 + clips/factrete.c | 945 +++++ clips/factrete.h | 70 + clips/factrhs.c | 667 ++++ clips/factrhs.h | 55 + clips/filecom.c | 353 ++ clips/filecom.h | 133 + clips/filertr.c | 481 +++ clips/filertr.h | 94 + clips/fileutil.c | 1012 +++++ clips/fileutil.h | 50 + clips/generate.c | 1079 ++++++ clips/generate.h | 57 + clips/genrcbin.c | 902 +++++ clips/genrcbin.h | 69 + clips/genrccmp.c | 640 ++++ clips/genrccmp.h | 59 + clips/genrccom.c | 2017 ++++++++++ clips/genrccom.h | 119 + clips/genrcexe.c | 737 ++++ clips/genrcexe.h | 73 + clips/genrcfun.c | 887 +++++ clips/genrcfun.h | 185 + clips/genrcpsr.c | 1618 ++++++++ clips/genrcpsr.h | 80 + clips/globlbin.c | 458 +++ clips/globlbin.h | 71 + clips/globlbsc.c | 361 ++ clips/globlbsc.h | 83 + clips/globlcmp.c | 330 ++ clips/globlcmp.h | 52 + clips/globlcom.c | 280 ++ clips/globlcom.h | 63 + clips/globldef.c | 1069 ++++++ clips/globldef.h | 151 + clips/globlpsr.c | 525 +++ clips/globlpsr.h | 59 + clips/immthpsr.c | 431 +++ clips/immthpsr.h | 55 + clips/incrrset.c | 530 +++ clips/incrrset.h | 73 + clips/inherpsr.c | 850 +++++ clips/inherpsr.h | 52 + clips/inscom.c | 2053 ++++++++++ clips/inscom.h | 182 + clips/insfile.c | 1791 +++++++++ clips/insfile.h | 104 + clips/insfun.c | 1451 +++++++ clips/insfun.h | 134 + clips/insmngr.c | 2520 +++++++++++++ clips/insmngr.h | 125 + clips/insmoddp.c | 1041 +++++ clips/insmoddp.h | 91 + clips/insmult.c | 804 ++++ clips/insmult.h | 62 + clips/inspsr.c | 590 +++ clips/inspsr.h | 60 + clips/insquery.c | 1275 +++++++ clips/insquery.h | 115 + clips/insqypsr.c | 729 ++++ clips/insqypsr.h | 63 + clips/iofun.c | 2045 ++++++++++ clips/iofun.h | 116 + clips/lgcldpnd.c | 644 ++++ clips/lgcldpnd.h | 75 + clips/main.c | 112 + clips/makefile | 1286 +++++++ clips/ | 1290 +++++++ clips/match.h | 142 + clips/memalloc.c | 477 +++ clips/memalloc.h | 197 + clips/miscfun.c | 1799 +++++++++ clips/miscfun.h | 132 + clips/modulbin.c | 607 +++ clips/modulbin.h | 84 + clips/modulbsc.c | 345 ++ clips/modulbsc.h | 67 + clips/modulcmp.c | 499 +++ clips/modulcmp.h | 54 + clips/moduldef.c | 817 ++++ clips/moduldef.h | 271 ++ clips/modulpsr.c | 1150 ++++++ clips/modulpsr.h | 69 + clips/modulutl.c | 1018 +++++ clips/modulutl.h | 84 + clips/msgcom.c | 1213 ++++++ clips/msgcom.h | 125 + clips/msgfun.c | 1076 ++++++ clips/msgfun.h | 118 + clips/msgpass.c | 1441 +++++++ clips/msgpass.h | 100 + clips/msgpsr.c | 696 ++++ clips/msgpsr.h | 71 + clips/multifld.c | 1404 +++++++ clips/multifld.h | 130 + clips/multifun.c | 1713 +++++++++ clips/multifun.h | 96 + clips/network.h | 142 + clips/objbin.c | 1509 ++++++++ clips/objbin.h | 79 + clips/objcmp.c | 1507 ++++++++ clips/objcmp.h | 71 + clips/object.h | 255 ++ clips/objrtbin.c | 701 ++++ clips/objrtbin.h | 79 + clips/objrtbld.c | 2396 ++++++++++++ clips/objrtbld.h | 66 + clips/objrtcmp.c | 734 ++++ clips/objrtcmp.h | 66 + clips/objrtfnx.c | 1312 +++++++ clips/objrtfnx.h | 222 ++ clips/objrtgen.c | 695 ++++ clips/objrtgen.h | 63 + clips/objrtmch.c | 1505 ++++++++ clips/objrtmch.h | 160 + clips/parsefun.c | 415 ++ clips/parsefun.h | 67 + clips/pattern.c | 1265 +++++++ clips/pattern.h | 163 + clips/pprint.c | 328 ++ clips/pprint.h | 79 + clips/prccode.c | 1478 ++++++++ clips/prccode.h | 145 + clips/prcdrfun.c | 640 ++++ clips/prcdrfun.h | 93 + clips/prcdrpsr.c | 1057 ++++++ clips/prcdrpsr.h | 79 + clips/prdctfun.c | 869 +++++ clips/prdctfun.h | 77 + clips/prntutil.c | 875 +++++ clips/prntutil.h | 125 + clips/proflfun.c | 824 ++++ clips/proflfun.h | 118 + clips/reorder.c | 2082 ++++++++++ clips/reorder.h | 172 + clips/reteutil.c | 1732 +++++++++ clips/reteutil.h | 110 + clips/retract.c | 710 ++++ clips/retract.h | 74 + clips/router.c | 734 ++++ clips/router.h | 145 + clips/rulebin.c | 1136 ++++++ clips/rulebin.h | 153 + clips/rulebld.c | 1328 +++++++ clips/rulebld.h | 62 + clips/rulebsc.c | 517 +++ clips/rulebsc.h | 91 + clips/rulecmp.c | 733 ++++ clips/rulecmp.h | 63 + clips/rulecom.c | 1571 ++++++++ clips/rulecom.h | 116 + clips/rulecstr.c | 877 +++++ clips/rulecstr.h | 53 + clips/ruledef.c | 559 +++ clips/ruledef.h | 179 + clips/ruledlt.c | 599 +++ clips/ruledlt.h | 58 + clips/rulelhs.c | 1216 ++++++ clips/rulelhs.h | 52 + clips/rulepsr.c | 1070 ++++++ clips/rulepsr.h | 61 + clips/scanner.c | 859 +++++ clips/scanner.h | 112 + clips/setup.h | 486 +++ clips/sortfun.c | 433 +++ clips/sortfun.h | 55 + clips/strngfun.c | 1066 ++++++ clips/strngfun.h | 99 + clips/strngrtr.c | 523 +++ clips/strngrtr.h | 97 + clips/symblbin.c | 646 ++++ clips/symblbin.h | 64 + clips/symblcmp.c | 893 +++++ clips/symblcmp.h | 61 + clips/symbol.c | 1961 ++++++++++ clips/symbol.h | 243 ++ clips/sysdep.c | 851 +++++ clips/sysdep.h | 149 + clips/textpro.c | 1388 +++++++ clips/textpro.h | 77 + clips/tmpltbin.c | 609 +++ clips/tmpltbin.h | 108 + clips/tmpltbsc.c | 327 ++ clips/tmpltbsc.h | 87 + clips/tmpltcmp.c | 450 +++ clips/tmpltcmp.h | 57 + clips/tmpltdef.c | 584 +++ clips/tmpltdef.h | 154 + clips/tmpltfun.c | 2461 ++++++++++++ clips/tmpltfun.h | 122 + clips/tmpltlhs.c | 379 ++ clips/tmpltlhs.h | 50 + clips/tmpltpsr.c | 819 ++++ clips/tmpltpsr.h | 59 + clips/tmpltrhs.c | 588 +++ clips/tmpltrhs.h | 55 + clips/tmpltutl.c | 616 +++ clips/tmpltutl.h | 78 + clips/userdata.c | 156 + clips/userdata.h | 72 + clips/userfunctions.c | 70 + clips/usrsetup.h | 12 + clips/utility.c | 1480 ++++++++ clips/utility.h | 236 ++ clips/watch.c | 865 +++++ clips/watch.h | 124 + | 1106 ------ doc/ | 66 - doc/asciidoc.conf | 56 - doc/zmq.txt | 280 -- doc/zmq_atomic_counter_dec.txt | 62 - doc/zmq_atomic_counter_destroy.txt | 62 - doc/zmq_atomic_counter_inc.txt | 61 - doc/zmq_atomic_counter_new.txt | 62 - doc/zmq_atomic_counter_set.txt | 61 - doc/zmq_atomic_counter_value.txt | 62 - doc/zmq_bind.txt | 105 - doc/zmq_close.txt | 59 - doc/zmq_connect.txt | 109 - doc/zmq_connect_peer.txt | 92 - doc/zmq_ctx_destroy.txt | 67 - doc/zmq_ctx_get.txt | 123 - doc/zmq_ctx_get_ext.txt | 82 - doc/zmq_ctx_new.txt | 50 - doc/zmq_ctx_set.txt | 197 - doc/zmq_ctx_set_ext.txt | 86 - doc/zmq_ctx_shutdown.txt | 54 - doc/zmq_ctx_term.txt | 68 - doc/zmq_curve.txt | 92 - doc/zmq_curve_keypair.txt | 56 - doc/zmq_curve_public.txt | 62 - doc/zmq_disconnect.txt | 76 - doc/zmq_errno.txt | 50 - doc/zmq_getsockopt.txt | 1018 ----- doc/zmq_gssapi.txt | 78 - doc/zmq_has.txt | 44 - doc/zmq_init.txt | 52 - doc/zmq_inproc.txt | 88 - doc/zmq_ipc.txt | 106 - doc/zmq_msg_close.txt | 57 - doc/zmq_msg_copy.txt | 72 - doc/zmq_msg_data.txt | 49 - doc/zmq_msg_get.txt | 83 - doc/zmq_msg_gets.txt | 83 - doc/zmq_msg_init.txt | 65 - doc/zmq_msg_init_buffer.txt | 59 - doc/zmq_msg_init_data.txt | 90 - doc/zmq_msg_init_size.txt | 59 - doc/zmq_msg_more.txt | 65 - doc/zmq_msg_move.txt | 53 - doc/zmq_msg_recv.txt | 128 - doc/zmq_msg_routing_id.txt | 61 - doc/zmq_msg_send.txt | 132 - doc/zmq_msg_set.txt | 46 - doc/zmq_msg_set_routing_id.txt | 46 - doc/zmq_msg_size.txt | 49 - doc/zmq_null.txt | 27 - doc/zmq_pgm.txt | 188 - doc/zmq_plain.txt | 37 - doc/zmq_poll.txt | 145 - doc/zmq_poller.txt | 316 -- doc/zmq_proxy.txt | 99 - doc/zmq_proxy_steerable.txt | 126 - doc/zmq_recv.txt | 95 - doc/zmq_recvmsg.txt | 125 - doc/zmq_send.txt | 105 - doc/zmq_send_const.txt | 104 - doc/zmq_sendmsg.txt | 122 - doc/zmq_setsockopt.txt | 1519 -------- doc/zmq_socket.txt | 758 ---- doc/zmq_socket_monitor.txt | 296 -- doc/zmq_socket_monitor_versioned.txt | 396 -- doc/zmq_strerror.txt | 56 - doc/zmq_tcp.txt | 142 - doc/zmq_term.txt | 66 - doc/zmq_timers.txt | 162 - doc/zmq_tipc.txt | 83 - doc/zmq_udp.txt | 116 - doc/zmq_unbind.txt | 103 - doc/zmq_version.txt | 54 - doc/zmq_vmci.txt | 97 - doc/zmq_z85_decode.txt | 51 - doc/zmq_z85_encode.txt | 58 - external/sha1/license.txt | 26 - external/sha1/sha1.c | 336 -- external/sha1/sha1.h | 87 - external/unity/license.txt | 21 - external/unity/unity.c | 1570 -------- external/unity/unity.h | 503 --- external/unity/unity_internals.h | 872 ----- external/unity/version.txt | 1 - external/wepoll/ | 202 - external/wepoll/license.txt | 28 - external/wepoll/version.txt | 1 - external/wepoll/wepoll.c | 2186 ----------- external/wepoll/wepoll.h | 117 - include/zmq.h | 784 ---- include/zmq_utils.h | 50 - installer.ico | Bin 2842 -> 0 bytes m4/ax_check_compile_flag.m4 | 74 - m4/ax_check_vscript.m4 | 142 - m4/ax_code_coverage.m4 | 264 -- m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4 | 562 --- m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4 | 40 - m4/ax_func_posix_memalign.m4 | 50 - m4/ax_valgrind_check.m4 | 233 -- packaging/README | 4 - packaging/debian/changelog | 5 - packaging/debian/compat | 1 - packaging/debian/control | 75 - packaging/debian/copyright | 116 - packaging/debian/libzmq3-dev.install | 4 - packaging/debian/libzmq3-dev.manpages | 2 - packaging/debian/ | 2 - packaging/debian/libzmq5.install | 1 - packaging/debian/rules | 69 - packaging/debian/source/format | 1 - packaging/debian/zeromq.dsc.obs | 15 - packaging/nuget/package.bat | 14 - packaging/nuget/package.config | 6 - packaging/nuget/package.gsl | 264 -- packaging/nuget/package.nuspec | 98 - packaging/nuget/package.targets | 129 - packaging/nuget/package.xml | 22 - packaging/obs/_service | 99 - packaging/redhat/zeromq.spec | 310 -- perf/benchmark_radix_tree.cpp | 131 - perf/ | 147 - perf/ | 73 - perf/inproc_lat.cpp | 238 -- perf/inproc_thr.cpp | 247 -- perf/local_lat.cpp | 116 - perf/local_thr.cpp | 161 - perf/proxy_thr.cpp | 412 -- perf/remote_lat.cpp | 129 - perf/remote_thr.cpp | 138 - src/address.cpp | 143 - src/address.hpp | 162 - src/array.hpp | 140 - src/atomic_counter.hpp | 235 -- src/atomic_ptr.hpp | 306 -- src/blob.hpp | 205 - src/channel.cpp | 160 - src/channel.hpp | 69 - src/client.cpp | 114 - src/client.hpp | 73 - src/clock.cpp | 266 -- src/clock.hpp | 80 - src/command.hpp | 225 -- src/condition_variable.hpp | 312 -- src/config.hpp | 89 - src/ctx.cpp | 893 ----- src/ctx.hpp | 271 -- src/curve_client.cpp | 287 -- src/curve_client.hpp | 86 - src/curve_client_tools.hpp | 316 -- src/curve_mechanism_base.cpp | 313 -- src/curve_mechanism_base.hpp | 108 - src/curve_server.cpp | 506 --- src/curve_server.hpp | 92 - src/dbuffer.hpp | 134 - src/dealer.cpp | 145 - src/dealer.hpp | 85 - src/decoder.hpp | 191 - src/decoder_allocators.cpp | 151 - src/decoder_allocators.hpp | 133 - src/devpoll.cpp | 208 - src/devpoll.hpp | 101 - src/dgram.cpp | 169 - src/dgram.hpp | 74 - src/dish.cpp | 350 -- src/dish.hpp | 121 - src/dist.cpp | 237 -- src/dist.hpp | 115 - src/encoder.hpp | 178 - src/endpoint.cpp | 44 - src/endpoint.hpp | 72 - src/epoll.cpp | 218 -- src/epoll.hpp | 114 - src/err.cpp | 453 --- src/err.hpp | 183 - src/fd.hpp | 63 - src/fq.cpp | 150 - src/fq.hpp | 84 - src/gather.cpp | 91 - src/gather.hpp | 66 - src/generic_mtrie.hpp | 126 - src/generic_mtrie_impl.hpp | 472 --- src/gssapi_client.cpp | 236 -- src/gssapi_client.hpp | 92 - src/gssapi_mechanism_base.cpp | 402 -- src/gssapi_mechanism_base.hpp | 132 - src/gssapi_server.cpp | 248 -- src/gssapi_server.hpp | 93 - src/i_decoder.hpp | 61 - src/i_encoder.hpp | 58 - src/i_engine.hpp | 82 - src/i_mailbox.hpp | 58 - src/i_poll_events.hpp | 55 - src/io_object.cpp | 116 - src/io_object.hpp | 83 - src/io_thread.cpp | 121 - src/io_thread.hpp | 92 - src/ip.cpp | 911 ----- src/ip.hpp | 86 - src/ip_resolver.cpp | 742 ---- src/ip_resolver.hpp | 121 - src/ipc_address.cpp | 131 - src/ipc_address.hpp | 74 - src/ipc_connecter.cpp | 179 - src/ipc_connecter.hpp | 73 - src/ipc_listener.cpp | 357 -- src/ipc_listener.hpp | 88 - src/kqueue.cpp | 230 -- src/kqueue.hpp | 109 - src/lb.cpp | 180 - src/lb.hpp | 85 - src/ | 12 - src/libzmq.vers | 4 - src/likely.hpp | 42 - src/macros.hpp | 63 - src/mailbox.cpp | 106 - src/mailbox.hpp | 86 - src/mailbox_safe.cpp | 125 - src/mailbox_safe.hpp | 88 - src/mechanism.cpp | 370 -- src/mechanism.hpp | 151 - src/mechanism_base.cpp | 82 - src/mechanism_base.hpp | 55 - src/metadata.cpp | 58 - src/metadata.hpp | 68 - src/msg.cpp | 724 ---- src/msg.hpp | 345 -- src/mtrie.cpp | 37 - src/mtrie.hpp | 52 - src/mutex.hpp | 204 - src/norm_engine.cpp | 721 ---- src/norm_engine.hpp | 195 - src/null_mechanism.cpp | 230 -- src/null_mechanism.hpp | 73 - src/object.cpp | 551 --- src/object.hpp | 170 - src/options.cpp | 1283 ------- src/options.hpp | 347 -- src/own.cpp | 212 -- src/own.hpp | 147 - src/pair.cpp | 138 - src/pair.hpp | 71 - src/peer.cpp | 70 - src/peer.hpp | 67 - src/pgm_receiver.cpp | 314 -- src/pgm_receiver.hpp | 145 - src/pgm_sender.cpp | 256 -- src/pgm_sender.hpp | 124 - src/pgm_socket.cpp | 687 ---- src/pgm_socket.hpp | 128 - src/pipe.cpp | 617 --- src/pipe.hpp | 274 -- src/plain_client.cpp | 224 -- src/plain_client.hpp | 73 - src/plain_common.hpp | 53 - src/plain_server.cpp | 253 -- src/plain_server.hpp | 66 - src/poll.cpp | 204 - src/poll.hpp | 110 - src/poller.hpp | 68 - src/poller_base.cpp | 147 - src/poller_base.hpp | 195 - src/polling_util.cpp | 51 - src/polling_util.hpp | 178 - src/pollset.cpp | 254 -- src/pollset.hpp | 116 - src/precompiled.cpp | 30 - src/precompiled.hpp | 134 - src/proxy.cpp | 646 ---- src/proxy.hpp | 42 - src/pub.cpp | 69 - src/pub.hpp | 59 - src/pull.cpp | 76 - src/pull.hpp | 68 - src/push.cpp | 80 - src/push.hpp | 68 - src/radio.cpp | 286 -- src/radio.hpp | 113 - src/radix_tree.cpp | 578 --- src/radix_tree.hpp | 147 - src/random.cpp | 170 - src/random.hpp | 51 - src/raw_decoder.cpp | 74 - src/raw_decoder.hpp | 67 - src/raw_encoder.cpp | 50 - src/raw_encoder.hpp | 56 - src/raw_engine.cpp | 138 - src/raw_engine.hpp | 77 - src/reaper.cpp | 149 - src/reaper.hpp | 89 - src/rep.cpp | 133 - src/rep.hpp | 67 - src/req.cpp | 319 -- src/req.hpp | 115 - src/router.cpp | 526 --- src/router.hpp | 132 - src/scatter.cpp | 86 - src/scatter.hpp | 68 - src/secure_allocator.hpp | 104 - src/select.cpp | 626 --- src/select.hpp | 171 - src/server.cpp | 184 - src/server.hpp | 88 - src/session_base.cpp | 810 ---- src/session_base.hpp | 198 - src/signaler.cpp | 414 -- src/signaler.hpp | 88 - src/socket_base.cpp | 2158 ----------- src/socket_base.hpp | 400 -- src/socket_poller.cpp | 695 ---- src/socket_poller.hpp | 154 - src/socks.cpp | 381 -- src/socks.hpp | 178 - src/socks_connecter.cpp | 424 --- src/socks_connecter.hpp | 135 - src/stdint.hpp | 80 - src/stream.cpp | 291 -- src/stream.hpp | 94 - src/stream_connecter_base.cpp | 199 - src/stream_connecter_base.hpp | 125 - src/stream_engine_base.cpp | 768 ---- src/stream_engine_base.hpp | 205 - src/stream_listener_base.cpp | 127 - src/stream_listener_base.hpp | 88 - src/sub.cpp | 84 - src/sub.hpp | 57 - src/tcp.cpp | 408 -- src/tcp.hpp | 83 - src/tcp_address.cpp | 359 -- src/tcp_address.hpp | 98 - src/tcp_connecter.cpp | 313 -- src/tcp_connecter.hpp | 90 - src/tcp_listener.cpp | 273 -- 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src/vmci_listener.hpp | 98 - src/windows.hpp | 100 - src/wire.hpp | 103 - src/ws_address.cpp | 166 - src/ws_address.hpp | 77 - src/ws_connecter.cpp | 305 -- src/ws_connecter.hpp | 98 - src/ws_decoder.cpp | 273 -- src/ws_decoder.hpp | 81 - src/ws_encoder.cpp | 138 - src/ws_encoder.hpp | 59 - src/ws_engine.cpp | 1094 ------ src/ws_engine.hpp | 182 - src/ws_listener.cpp | 335 -- src/ws_listener.hpp | 84 - src/ws_protocol.hpp | 58 - src/wss_address.cpp | 53 - src/wss_address.hpp | 47 - src/wss_engine.cpp | 236 -- src/wss_engine.hpp | 68 - src/xpub.cpp | 396 -- src/xpub.hpp | 140 - src/xsub.cpp | 279 -- src/xsub.hpp | 120 - src/ypipe.hpp | 205 - src/ypipe_base.hpp | 55 - src/ypipe_conflate.hpp | 113 - src/yqueue.hpp | 214 -- src/zap_client.cpp | 314 -- src/zap_client.hpp | 101 - src/zmq.cpp | 1535 -------- src/zmq_draft.h | 169 - src/zmq_utils.cpp | 321 -- src/zmtp_engine.cpp | 592 --- src/zmtp_engine.hpp | 136 - tests/CMakeLists.txt | 307 -- tests/ | 45 - tests/fuzzer_corpora/endpoint.dict | 4 - .../fuzzer_corpora/test_bind_curve_fuzzer.txt | 1 - tests/fuzzer_corpora/test_bind_fuzzer.txt | 1 - .../fuzzer_corpora/test_bind_null_fuzzer.txt | 2 - .../test_connect_curve_fuzzer.txt | 1 - .../test_connect_null_fuzzer.txt | 1 - .../fuzzer_corpora/test_z85_decode_fuzzer.txt | 1 - tests/fuzzer_corpora/zmtp.dict | 45 - tests/test_abstract_ipc.cpp | 66 - tests/test_address_tipc.cpp | 107 - tests/test_ancillaries.cpp | 71 - tests/test_app_meta.cpp | 169 - tests/test_atomics.cpp | 65 - tests/test_base85.cpp | 204 - tests/test_bind_after_connect_tcp.cpp | 63 - tests/test_bind_curve_fuzzer.cpp | 149 - tests/test_bind_fuzzer.cpp | 82 - tests/test_bind_null_fuzzer.cpp | 112 - tests/test_bind_src_address.cpp | 56 - tests/test_capabilities.cpp | 99 - tests/test_channel.cpp | 81 - tests/test_client_server.cpp | 135 - tests/test_conflate.cpp | 76 - tests/test_connect_curve_fuzzer.cpp | 139 - tests/test_connect_delay_tipc.cpp | 246 -- tests/test_connect_fuzzer.cpp | 71 - tests/test_connect_null_fuzzer.cpp | 118 - tests/test_connect_resolve.cpp | 104 - tests/test_connect_rid.cpp | 252 -- tests/test_ctx_destroy.cpp | 255 -- tests/test_ctx_options.cpp | 301 -- tests/test_dgram.cpp | 107 - tests/test_diffserv.cpp | 72 - tests/test_disconnect_inproc.cpp | 137 - tests/test_disconnect_msg.cpp | 118 - tests/test_filter_ipc.cpp | 220 -- tests/test_fork.cpp | 103 - tests/test_getsockopt_memset.cpp | 61 - tests/test_heartbeats.cpp | 444 --- tests/test_hello_msg.cpp | 107 - tests/test_hwm.cpp | 306 -- tests/test_hwm_pubsub.cpp | 304 -- tests/test_immediate.cpp | 221 -- tests/test_inproc_connect.cpp | 353 -- tests/test_invalid_rep.cpp | 91 - tests/test_iov.cpp | 154 - tests/test_ipc_wildcard.cpp | 57 - tests/test_issue_566.cpp | 98 - tests/test_last_endpoint.cpp | 65 - tests/test_many_sockets.cpp | 98 - tests/test_metadata.cpp | 136 - tests/test_mock_pub_sub.cpp | 244 -- tests/test_monitor.cpp | 463 --- tests/test_msg_ffn.cpp | 126 - tests/test_msg_flags.cpp | 117 - tests/test_msg_init.cpp | 86 - tests/test_pair_inproc.cpp | 82 - tests/test_pair_ipc.cpp | 58 - tests/test_pair_tcp.cpp | 161 - tests/test_pair_tcp_cap_net_admin.cpp | 80 - tests/test_pair_tipc.cpp | 60 - tests/test_pair_vmci.cpp | 64 - tests/test_peer.cpp | 113 - tests/test_poller.cpp | 778 ---- tests/test_probe_router.cpp | 113 - tests/test_proxy.cpp | 470 --- tests/test_proxy_hwm.cpp | 426 --- tests/test_proxy_single_socket.cpp | 101 - tests/test_proxy_terminate.cpp | 116 - tests/test_pub_invert_matching.cpp | 120 - tests/test_radio_dish.cpp | 555 --- tests/test_rebind_ipc.cpp | 69 - tests/test_reconnect_ivl.cpp | 111 - tests/test_reconnect_options.cpp | 240 -- tests/test_req_correlate.cpp | 124 - tests/test_req_relaxed.cpp | 238 -- tests/test_reqrep_device.cpp | 125 - tests/test_reqrep_device_tipc.cpp | 125 - tests/test_reqrep_inproc.cpp | 56 - tests/test_reqrep_ipc.cpp | 86 - tests/test_reqrep_tcp.cpp | 220 -- tests/test_reqrep_tipc.cpp | 60 - tests/test_reqrep_vmci.cpp | 64 - 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tests/testutil_security.hpp | 155 - tests/testutil_unity.cpp | 335 -- tests/testutil_unity.hpp | 280 -- tools/curve_keygen.cpp | 64 - unittests/CMakeLists.txt | 73 - unittests/unittest_curve_encoding.cpp | 155 - unittests/unittest_ip_resolver.cpp | 969 ----- unittests/unittest_mtrie.cpp | 458 --- unittests/unittest_poller.cpp | 280 -- unittests/unittest_radix_tree.cpp | 290 -- unittests/unittest_resolver_common.hpp | 77 - unittests/unittest_udp_address.cpp | 335 -- unittests/unittest_ypipe.cpp | 87 - | 21 - 1404 files changed, 175332 insertions(+), 144949 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .clang-format delete mode 100644 .clang-tidy delete mode 100644 .github/ delete mode 100644 .github/ delete mode 100644 .github/stale.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/CI.yaml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/Fuzzers.yaml delete mode 100644 .gitignore delete mode 100644 .hgeol delete mode 100644 .mailmap delete mode 100644 .travis.yml delete mode 100644 AUTHORS delete mode 100644 COPYING 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--cppcoreguidelines-no-malloc,\ --cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory,\ --cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-union-access,\ --cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay,\ --cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-constant-array-index,\ --cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic,\ -# not easily possible to implement (maybe replace by specific exclusions),\ --cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg,\ --cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast,\ --hicpp-signed-bitwise,\ -# duplicates,\ --google-readability-braces-around-statements,\ --cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-cstyle-cast,\ --cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,\ --hicpp-braces-around-statements,\ --hicpp-use-equals-default,\ --hicpp-deprecated-headers,\ --hicpp-no-assembler,\ --hicpp-vararg,\ --hicpp-use-auto,\ --hicpp-use-nullptr,\ --hicpp-no-array-decay,\ --hicpp-member-init" -WarningsAsErrors: '' -HeaderFilterRegex: '' -# AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false -CheckOptions: - # - key: cert-dcl59-cpp.HeaderFileExtensions - # value: h,hh,hpp,hxx - # - key: cert-err61-cpp.CheckThrowTemporaries - # value: '1' - # - key: cert-oop11-cpp.IncludeStyle - # value: llvm - # - key: cert-oop11-cpp.UseCERTSemantics - # value: '1' - # - key: cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-constant-array-index.GslHeader - # value: '' - # - key: cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-constant-array-index.IncludeStyle - # value: '0' - # - key: cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init.IgnoreArrays - # value: '0' - # - key: google-build-namespaces.HeaderFileExtensions - # value: h,hh,hpp,hxx - # - key: google-global-names-in-headers.HeaderFileExtensions - # value: h - # - key: google-readability-braces-around-statements.ShortStatementLines - # value: '1' - # - key: google-readability-function-size.BranchThreshold - # value: '4294967295' - # - key: google-readability-function-size.LineThreshold - # value: '4294967295' - # - key: google-readability-function-size.StatementThreshold - # value: '800' - # - key: google-readability-namespace-comments.ShortNamespaceLines - # value: '10' - # - key: google-readability-namespace-comments.SpacesBeforeComments - # value: '2' - # - key: google-runtime-int.SignedTypePrefix - # value: int - # - key: google-runtime-int.TypeSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: google-runtime-int.UnsignedTypePrefix - # value: uint - # - key: llvm-namespace-comment.ShortNamespaceLines - # value: '1' - # - key: llvm-namespace-comment.SpacesBeforeComments - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-assert-side-effect.AssertMacros - # value: assert - # - key: misc-assert-side-effect.CheckFunctionCalls - # value: '0' - # - key: misc-dangling-handle.HandleClasses - # value: 'std::basic_string_view;std::experimental::basic_string_view' - # - key: misc-definitions-in-headers.HeaderFileExtensions - # value: ',h,hh,hpp,hxx' - # - key: misc-definitions-in-headers.UseHeaderFileExtension - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-misplaced-widening-cast.CheckImplicitCasts - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-move-constructor-init.IncludeStyle - # value: llvm - # - key: misc-move-constructor-init.UseCERTSemantics - # value: '0' - # - key: misc-sizeof-expression.WarnOnSizeOfCompareToConstant - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-sizeof-expression.WarnOnSizeOfConstant - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-sizeof-expression.WarnOnSizeOfThis - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-string-constructor.LargeLengthThreshold - # value: '8388608' - # - key: misc-string-constructor.WarnOnLargeLength - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-suspicious-missing-comma.MaxConcatenatedTokens - # value: '5' - # - key: misc-suspicious-missing-comma.RatioThreshold - # value: '0.200000' - # - key: misc-suspicious-missing-comma.SizeThreshold - # value: '5' - # - key: misc-suspicious-string-compare.StringCompareLikeFunctions - # value: '' - # - key: misc-suspicious-string-compare.WarnOnImplicitComparison - # value: '1' - # - key: misc-suspicious-string-compare.WarnOnLogicalNotComparison - # value: '0' - # - key: misc-throw-by-value-catch-by-reference.CheckThrowTemporaries - # value: '1' - # - key: modernize-loop-convert.MaxCopySize - # value: '16' - # - key: modernize-loop-convert.MinConfidence - # value: reasonable - # - key: modernize-loop-convert.NamingStyle - # value: CamelCase - # - key: modernize-pass-by-value.IncludeStyle - # value: llvm - # - key: modernize-replace-auto-ptr.IncludeStyle - # value: llvm - # - key: modernize-use-nullptr.NullMacros - # value: 'NULL' - # - key: performance-faster-string-find.StringLikeClasses - # value: 'std::basic_string' - # - key: performance-for-range-copy.WarnOnAllAutoCopies - # value: '0' - # - key: readability-braces-around-statements.ShortStatementLines - # value: '1' - # - key: readability-function-size.BranchThreshold - # value: '4294967295' - # - key: readability-function-size.LineThreshold - # value: '4294967295' - # - key: readability-function-size.StatementThreshold - # value: '800' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.AbstractClassCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.AbstractClassPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.AbstractClassSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassConstantCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassConstantPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassConstantSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassMemberCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassMemberPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassMemberSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassMethodCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassMethodPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassMethodSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantMemberCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantMemberPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantMemberSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantParameterCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantParameterPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantParameterSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstantSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprFunctionCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprFunctionPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprFunctionSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprMethodCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprMethodPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprMethodSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprVariableCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprVariablePrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprVariableSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumConstantCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumConstantPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumConstantSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.FunctionCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.FunctionPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.FunctionSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalFunctionCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalFunctionPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalFunctionSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalVariableCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalVariablePrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalVariableSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.IgnoreFailedSplit - # value: '0' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.InlineNamespaceCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.InlineNamespacePrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.InlineNamespaceSuffix - # value: '' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.LocalConstantCase - value: lower_case - - key: readability-identifier-naming.LocalConstantPrefix - value: '' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.LocalConstantSuffix - value: '' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.LocalVariableCase - value: lower_case - - key: readability-identifier-naming.LocalVariablePrefix - value: '' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.LocalVariableSuffix - value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.MemberCase - # value: lower_case - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.MemberPrefix - # value: '_' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.MemberSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.MethodCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.MethodPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.MethodSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.NamespaceCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.NamespacePrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.NamespaceSuffix - # value: '' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterCase - value: lower_case - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterPackCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterPackPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterPackSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterPrefix - # value: '' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterSuffix - value: '_' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMemberCase - value: lower_case - - key: readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMemberPrefix - value: '_' - - key: readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMemberSuffix - value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMethodCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMethodPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMethodSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMemberCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMemberPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMemberSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMethodCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMethodPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMethodSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PublicMemberCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PublicMemberPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PublicMemberSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PublicMethodCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PublicMethodPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.PublicMethodSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticConstantCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticConstantPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticConstantSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticVariableCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticVariablePrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticVariableSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StructCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StructPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.StructSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TemplateParameterCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TemplateParameterPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TemplateParameterSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TemplateTemplateParameterCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TemplateTemplateParameterPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TemplateTemplateParameterSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypeTemplateParameterCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypeTemplateParameterPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypeTemplateParameterSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypedefCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypedefPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypedefSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.UnionCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.UnionPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.UnionSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ValueTemplateParameterCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ValueTemplateParameterPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.ValueTemplateParameterSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.VariablePrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.VariableSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.VirtualMethodCase - # value: aNy_CasE - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.VirtualMethodPrefix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-identifier-naming.VirtualMethodSuffix - # value: '' - # - key: readability-simplify-boolean-expr.ChainedConditionalAssignment - # value: '0' - # - key: readability-simplify-boolean-expr.ChainedConditionalReturn - # value: '0' - - key: modernize-use-override.OverrideSpelling - value: 'ZMQ_OVERRIDE' - - key: modernize-use-override.FinalSpelling - value: 'ZMQ_FINAL' diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ deleted file mode 100644 index 10bb5ab12..000000000 --- a/.github/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -# Pull Request Notice - -Before sending a pull request make sure each commit solves one clear, minimal, -plausible problem. Further each commit should have the following format: - -``` -Problem: X is broken - -Solution: do Y and Z to fix X -``` - -Please try to have the code changes conform to our coding style. For your -convenience, you can install clang-format (at least version 5.0) and then -run ```make clang-format-check```. Don't fix existing issues, if any - just -make sure your changes are compliant. ```make clang-format-diff``` will -automatically apply the required changes. -To set a specific clang-format binary with autotools, you can for example -run: ```./configure CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-5.0``` - -Please avoid sending a pull request with recursive merge nodes, as they -are impossible to fix once merged. Please rebase your branch on -zeromq/libzmq master instead of merging it. - -``` -git remote add upstream -git fetch upstream -git rebase upstream/master -git push -f -``` - -In case you already merged instead of rebasing you can drop the merge commit. - -``` -git rebase -i HEAD~10 -``` - -Now, find your merge commit and mark it as drop and save. Finally rebase! - -If you are a new contributor please have a look at our contributing guidelines: -[CONTRIBUTING]( - -# FIRST TIME CONTRIBUTORS PLEASE NOTE - -Please add an additional commit with a relicensing grant. - -[Example]( - -[More information on RELICENSING effort]( diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ deleted file mode 100644 index 21b837a8d..000000000 --- a/.github/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -*Please use this template for reporting suspected bugs or requests for help.* - -# Issue description - - - -# Environment - -* libzmq version (commit hash if unreleased): -* OS: - -# Minimal test code / Steps to reproduce the issue - -1. - - -# What's the actual result? (include assertion message & call stack if applicable) - - - -# What's the expected result? - diff --git a/.github/stale.yml b/.github/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a06b57d35..000000000 --- a/.github/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale -daysUntilStale: 365 -# Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed -daysUntilClose: 56 -# Issues with these labels will never be considered stale -exemptLabels: - - "Help Request" - - "Feature Request" - - "Problem reproduced" - - Critical -# Label to use when marking an issue as stale -staleLabel: stale -# Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable -markComment: > - This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had - activity for 365 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within - 56 days. Thank you for your contributions. -# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable -closeComment: false diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI.yaml b/.github/workflows/CI.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index ff1d7503b..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/CI.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -name: CI -on: [push, pull_request] - -jobs: - build: - runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} - strategy: - fail-fast: false - matrix: - include: - - platform: x64 - configuration: release - os: windows-2019 - WITH_LIBSODIUM: ON - ENABLE_CURVE: ON - CMAKE_GENERATOR: Visual Studio 16 2019 - MSVCVERSION: v142 - MSVCYEAR: vs2019 - ARTIFACT_NAME: v142-x64 - ENABLE_DRAFTS: ON - # - platform: Win32 - # configuration: Release - # os: windows-2016 - # WITH_LIBSODIUM: ON - # ENABLE_CURVE: ON - # CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 15 2017" - # MSVCVERSION: "v141" - # MSVCYEAR: "vs2017" - # ARTIFACT_NAME: v141 - # ENABLE_DRAFTS: ON - - platform: x64 - configuration: Release - os: windows-2016 - WITH_LIBSODIUM: ON - ENABLE_CURVE: ON - CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" - MSVCVERSION: "v141" - MSVCYEAR: "vs2017" - ARTIFACT_NAME: v141-x64 - ENABLE_DRAFTS: ON - env: - platform: ${{ matrix.platform }} - configuration: ${{ matrix.configuration }} - WITH_LIBSODIUM: ${{ matrix.WITH_LIBSODIUM }} - ENABLE_CURVE: ${{ matrix.ENABLE_CURVE }} - CMAKE_GENERATOR: ${{ matrix.CMAKE_GENERATOR }} - MSVCVERSION: ${{ matrix.MSVCVERSION }} - MSVCYEAR: ${{ matrix.MSVCYEAR }} - ARTIFACT_NAME: ${{ matrix.ARTIFACT_NAME }} - ENABLE_DRAFTS: ${{ matrix.ENABLE_DRAFTS }} - SODIUM_INCLUDE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}\libsodium\src\libsodium\include" - SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}\libsodium\bin\${{ matrix.platform }}\${{ matrix.configuration }}\${{ matrix.MSVCVERSION }}\dynamic" - LIBZMQ_SRCDIR: ${{ github.workspace }}\libzmq - steps: - - name: Add msbuild to PATH - uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.0.0 - if: matrix.os == 'windows-2019' - - name: Add msbuild to PATH 2016 - run: echo "##[add-path]C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin" - if: matrix.os == 'windows-2016' - - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - if: matrix.WITH_LIBSODIUM == 'ON' - with: - repository: jedisct1/libsodium - ref: stable - path: libsodium - - name: Compile libsodium - if: matrix.WITH_LIBSODIUM == 'ON' - shell: cmd - working-directory: libsodium - run: msbuild /v:minimal /p:Configuration=%Configuration%DLL builds\msvc\%MSVCYEAR%\libsodium\libsodium.vcxproj - - name: Copy libsodium - if: matrix.WITH_LIBSODIUM == 'ON' - shell: powershell - working-directory: libsodium - run: Copy-Item "bin\${env:Platform}\${env:Configuration}\${env:MSVCVERSION}\dynamic\libsodium.lib" -Destination "bin\${env:Platform}\${env:Configuration}\${env:MSVCVERSION}\dynamic\sodium.lib" - - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - with: - path: libzmq - - run: md build_libzmq - shell: cmd - - name: build - shell: cmd - working-directory: build_libzmq - run: | - cmake -D CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="%SODIUM_INCLUDE_DIR%" -D CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="%SODIUM_LIBRARY_DIR%" -D WITH_LIBSODIUM="%WITH_LIBSODIUM%" -D ENABLE_DRAFTS="%ENABLE_DRAFTS%" -D ENABLE_ANALYSIS="%ENABLE_ANALYSIS%" -D ENABLE_CURVE="%ENABLE_CURVE%" -D API_POLLER="%API_POLLER%" -D POLLER="%POLLER%" %EXTRA_FLAGS% -D WITH_LIBSODIUM="%WITH_LIBSODIUM%" -D LIBZMQ_WERROR="%LIBZMQ_WERROR%" -G "%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" "%LIBZMQ_SRCDIR%" - cmake --build . --config %configuration% --target install -- -verbosity:Minimal -maxcpucount - - name: test - shell: cmd - working-directory: build_libzmq - run: ctest -C "%Configuration%" diff --git a/.github/workflows/Fuzzers.yaml b/.github/workflows/Fuzzers.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 8ef880708..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/Fuzzers.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name: Fuzzers -on: [pull_request] - -jobs: - Fuzzing: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - name: Build Fuzzers - id: build - uses: google/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/actions/build_fuzzers@master - with: - oss-fuzz-project-name: 'libzmq' - dry-run: false diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 6170b15a3..000000000 --- a/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -syntax: glob # for hg-git users - -# Generated build scripts and IDE generating files -## autotools -/Makefile -builds/Makefile -builds/deprecated-msvc/Makefile -doc/Makefile -libtool -### automake -.deps/ -.dirstamp -### autoconf -autom4te.cache -aclocal.m4 -config -config.status -config.log -configure -stamp-h1 -## CMake -cmake-build-debug/ -build/ -## Android -builds/android/prefix -## IntelliJ -.idea/ -## Visual Code -.vscode/ -## other results-like folders -bin/ -lib/ -obj/ -## Doxygen -doxygen/ -## Packaging -packaging/nuget/*.nupkg - -# Test related build files -libtestutil.a -libunity.a - -# Some build outputs and temporal files -*.o -*.gcno -*.gcda -*.gcov -*.ncb -*.lo -*.loT -*.la -*.exe -*.html -*.pdf -*.ps -*~ -.*~ -.libs - -# /src -## Ignore generated files in configuration process -src/platform.hpp* -src/libzmq.pc - -# /tools -## Executable binaries are ignored -tools/curve_keygen -## Executable source files must be tracked -!tools/*.[ch] -!tools/*.[ch]pp - -# /tests -## Test binaries and logs are ignored -tests/test* -tests/test*.log -tests/test*.trs -## Test source files must be tracked -!tests/test*.[ch] -!tests/test*.[ch]pp -## Build script and documentations must be tracked -!tests/CMakeLists.txt -!tests/ - -# /unittests -## Unit test binaries and logs are ignored -unittests/unittest_* -unittests/unittest*.log -unittests/unittest*.trs -## Unit test source files must be tracked -!unittests/unittest*.[ch] -!unittests/unittest*.[ch]pp -## Build script and documentations must be tracked -!unittests/CMakeLists.txt -!unittests/ - -# check test log files -test-suite*.log - -# /perf -## Benchmarking binaries and result files are ignored -perf/*_lat -perf/*_thr -perf/benchmark_* -perf/results -## Benchmarking source files must be tracked -!perf/*.[ch] -!perf/*.[ch]pp -## Benchmarking tool scripts must be tracked -!perf/*.py -!perf/*.sh - -# /doc -## Generated document files -doc/*.[137] -doc/*.html -doc/*.xml - -# external libraries and release archive files -foreign/openpgm/* -!foreign/openpgm/*.tar.bz2 -!foreign/openpgm/*.tar.gz -!foreign/openpgm/ -zeromq-*.tar.gz -zeromq-*.zip -core - diff --git a/.hgeol b/.hgeol deleted file mode 100644 index a484af67a..000000000 --- a/.hgeol +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -[patterns] -** = native diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap deleted file mode 100644 index 77e75fa81..000000000 --- a/.mailmap +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -Ahmet Kakici ahmet -Andrey Sibiryov Kobolog -Brian Knox taotetek -Chernyshev Vyacheslav Astellar -Chris Laws Chris Laws -Chris Staite Chris -Christoph Zach czach -Chuck Remes Chuck Remes -Chuck Remes Chuck Remes -Constantin Rack Constantin Rack -Constantin Rack Constantin Rack -Daniel Krikun danielkr -Daiyu Hurst DaiyuHurst -Diego Rodriguez-Losada Diego -Dongmin Yu Min(Dongmin Yu) -Doron Somech somdoron -Elliot Saba staticfloat -Eric Voskuil evoskuil -Eric Voskuil anonymous -Felipe Farinon psl-felipefarinon -Frank Hartmann Frank -Gian Lorenzo Meocci meox -Hardeep Singh Hardeep -Henrik Feldt Henrik -Huang Xin chrox -Ian Barber Ian Barber -Jens Auer Jens Auer -Jens Auer Jens Auer -Joe Eli McIlvain Joe McIlvain -Jos Decoster jdc8 -Jos Decoster Jos Decoster -Joshua Gao Josh Gao -Jörg Kreuzberger kreuzberger -Arnaud Kapp Kapp Arnaud -Arnaud Kapp KAPP Arnaud -Arnaud Kapp KAPP Arnaud -Kenneth Wilke KennethWilke -Kevin Sapper sappo -Kevin Sapper Kevin Sapper -Leonard Michelet leonarf -Martijn Jasperse mjasperse -Martin Hurton Martin Hurtoň -Martin Lucina Martin Lucina -Martin Sustrik Martin Sustrik -Martin Sustrik Martin Sustrik -Martin Sustrik sustrik -Martin Sustrik Martin Sustrik -Martin Sustrik unknown -Martin Sustrik Martin Sustrik -Maurice Barnum maurice barnum -Maurizio Melato unknown -Max Skaller skaller -Michael Fox <> m <> -Michael Hand Mipa -Michel Zou xantares -Mikael Helbo Kjaer Mikael Helbo Kjær -Mike Gatny Mike Gatny -Mikko Koppanen Mikko Koppanen -Mikko Koppanen Mikko Koppanen -Mikko Koppanen Mikko Koppanen -Min RK MinRK -Min RK Min Ragan-Kelley -Montoya Edu montoyaedu -Nikita Kozlov nikita kozlov -Pavol Malosek malosek -Pieter Hintjens Pieter Hintjens -Reza Ebrahimi reza.ebrahimi -Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez -Rohan Bedarkar rohanbedarkar -Rohan Bedarkar Rohan -Sergey KHripchenko root -Sergey KHripchenko shripchenko -Sergey M. Sergey M․ -Steven McCoy Steve-o -Tamara Kustarova tamara -Timothee Besset Timothee "TTimo" Besset -Timothy Mossbarger Tim M -Trevor Bernard Trevor Bernard -Trevor Bernard Trevor Bernard -Volodymyr Korniichuk Volodymyr Korniichuk <> -lysyloren lysyloren diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index cfe457a1c..000000000 --- a/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -# Travis CI script - -language: c - -os: -- linux -- osx - -dist: bionic - -cache: ccache - -env: - matrix: - - BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=tweetnacl DRAFT=enabled - - BUILD_TYPE=cmake CURVE=tweetnacl - - BUILD_TYPE=default - # tokens to deploy releases on OBS and create/delete temporary branch on Github. - # 1) Create a token on with "public_repo" - # capability and encrypt it with travis encrypt --org -r zeromq/libzmq GH_TOKEN="" - # 2) Create 2 OBS tokens with osc token --create network:messaging:zeromq:release- libzmq - # encrypt them with travis encrypt --org -r zeromq/libzmq OBS__TOKEN="" - global: - - secure: aaIs9Y44FYp9VFCqa6LLD4illBH4aUfbS0zzzbAQ5xJvD6NfBsMiKEIhf/kRNCHAtP+1VfQVOejTD6/i08ALsVr3cZD9oB/t7874tz2/jeZUIhRNo+1KwyaVqNg0yUSV6ASIoq4aOfuGnjBlezNQ8LQ2bjQB2m4Enl5wxoYcYdA= - - secure: YFrcedBIKe0NR1WC6qQi9phZgtnzOiBIXm40TirvCtstV4eVnSouKgtQfLLArZ4o2tjflq4grQQNo1rJatvyi5YPOXsMcndsni18S+4Ffu8qbECdtPrK52vBweuf7q9oV9Ydax0Fm4bEqEMOZ2/mRBy3nK+mgsE3upeMwyWR0Zw= - - secure: lbZSzmqN39QdJwewKOZgq/1ijPKuyx9MFrGzMqXj2+eOSlaZS/tNavHMdKJOev+qJGK9wxmwzxOxS10AiH+AvN7WBacXX4ZtudjScz2HKJRDWTKyzMbzyScq51afniItzrsm+Vo8NHkenNFkux0sSbh0aHlpkLwrGQu+WZWcDN4= - - secure: "ZFL7hLJlGwYix8fF835OnQYakBt/o5iS7IfSW7el44ejEvGAOM9O5/ufxCcqSqn8Np7nOaM3RriAVTqWPZD6S7tMeflGTSGYHPYwWUc83z4rUPyG2FWVKXdB8ufpebAwu3hCgLiSmVeoQG47dl6xNk1oKCd+3UIjgz33u1Ecfps=" - -matrix: - include: - - if: type = cron OR (branch =~ analyze$ AND type = push) - env: BUILD_TYPE=cmake CLANG_TIDY=/usr/bin/clang-tidy-8 CC=clang-8 CXX=clang++-8 - os: linux - compiler: clang - addons: - apt: - sources: - - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - - llvm-toolchain-trusty-8 - packages: - - clang-8 - - clang-tools-8 - - clang-tidy-8 - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=tweetnacl IPv6=ON - os: linux - dist: precise - - env: BUILD_TYPE=coverage CURVE=tweetnacl DRAFT=enabled - os: linux - dist: xenial - addons: - apt: - packages: - - lcov - - env: BUILD_TYPE=valgrind CURVE=tweetnacl DRAFT=enabled TLS=enabled - os: linux - dist: xenial - addons: - apt: - packages: - - valgrind - - libgnutls-dev - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=libsodium GSSAPI=enabled PGM=enabled NORM=enabled - os: linux - addons: - apt: - sources: - - sourceline: 'deb ./' - key_url: '' - packages: - - libkrb5-dev - - libnorm-dev - - libpgm-dev - - libsodium-dev - - asciidoc - - xmlto - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default DRAFT=enabled TLS=enabled - os: linux - dist: xenial - addons: - apt: - packages: - - libgnutls-dev - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=libsodium DRAFT=enabled GSSAPI=enabled PGM=enabled NORM=enabled TIPC=enabled USE_NSS=yes - os: linux - addons: - apt: - sources: - - sourceline: 'deb ./' - key_url: '' - packages: - - libkrb5-dev - - libnorm-dev - - libpgm-dev - - libsodium-dev - - libnss3-dev - - libbsd-dev - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=libsodium DRAFT=enabled - os: osx - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=libsodium DRAFT=enabled ADDRESS_SANITIZER=enabled - os: linux - addons: - apt: - packages: - - libsodium-dev - - env: BUILD_TYPE=android CURVE=tweetnacl - os: linux - dist: trusty - - env: BUILD_TYPE=cmake DO_CLANG_FORMAT_CHECK=1 CLANG_FORMAT=/usr/lib/llvm-8/bin/clang-format - os: linux - addons: - apt: - packages: - - clang-format-8 - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default POLLER=poll - os: linux - - env: BUILD_TYPE=default POLLER=select - os: linux - - env: CXX=clang++ BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=libsodium GSSAPI=enabled PGM=enabled NORM=enabled FORCE_98=enabled - os: linux - compiler: clang - addons: - apt: - sources: - - sourceline: 'deb ./' - key_url: '' - packages: - - libkrb5-dev - - libnorm-dev - - libpgm-dev - - libsodium-dev - - env: BUILD_TYPE=abi-compliance-checker - os: linux - dist: xenial - addons: - apt: - packages: - - abi-dumper - - abi-compliance-checker - - -before_install: -- if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" -a $BUILD_TYPE == "android" ] ; then brew update; brew install binutils ; fi -- if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" -a $CURVE == "libsodium" ] ; then brew update; brew install libsodium ; fi -# To allow sonar to process history information, unshallow clone first. -- if [ -n "$CLANG_TIDY" ] ; then - git fetch --unshallow ; - curl -L -o ; - unzip ; - export SONARCLOUD_BUILD_WRAPPER_PATH="$(pwd)/build-wrapper-linux-x86/" ; - curl -L -o ; - unzip ; - export SONAR_SCANNER_CLI_PATH="$(pwd)/sonar-scanner-" ; - fi - -before_script: -# ZMQ stress tests need more open socket (files) than the usual default -# On OSX, it seems the way to set the max files limit is constantly changing, so -# try to use all known knobs to ensure compatibility across various versions -- if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ] ; then sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=64000 ; sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=64000 ; sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 64000 64000 ; ulimit -n 64000; fi - -# Build and check this project according to the BUILD_TYPE -script: ./ - -# Deploy tags -before_deploy: -- . ./ -deploy: - provider: releases - api_key: - secure: vGB5E+A8wxm2J1GJZzmIgT9PrjEzvd9gE8iui8FyxSbxAsW9vFZFGZC/21sTtpVcmRarwQCHH1UEbtg+nJwN2iD9YzMRnSVks8xqP+b709YW+VXaMuhZgTzWa74IorQku7NuvLibvQk72/OSgdwPGaNJ6f5AX9pnWVWbEoW1svE= - file_glob: true - file: ${LIBZMQ_DEPLOYMENT} - skip_cleanup: true - on: - repo: zeromq/libzmq - branch: master - tags: true - condition: "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME =~ (linux) && $BUILD_TYPE =~ (default) && $CURVE =~ (libsodium) && -z $DRAFT" diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS deleted file mode 100644 index 42b865fad..000000000 --- a/AUTHORS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -Corporate Contributors -====================== - -Copyright (c) 2007-2014 iMatix Corporation -Copyright (c) 2009-2011 250bpm s.r.o. -Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Miru Limited -Copyright (c) 2011 VMware, Inc. -Copyright (c) 2012 Spotify AB -Copyright (c) 2013 Ericsson AB -Copyright (c) 2014 AppDynamics Inc. -Copyright (c) 2015 Google, Inc. -Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Brocade Communications Systems Inc. - -Individual Contributors -======================= - -AJ Lewis -Alexej Lotz -Andrew Thompson -André Caron -Asko Kauppi -Attila Mark -Barak Amar -Ben Gray -Bernd Melchers -Bernd Prager -Bob Beaty -Brandon Carpenter -Brett Cameron -Brian Buchanan -Burak Arslan -Carl Clemens -Chia-liang Kao -Chris Busbey -Chris Rempel -Chris Wong -Christian Gudrian -Christian Kamm -Chuck Remes -Conrad D. Steenberg -Constantin Rack -Daniel J. Bernstein -Dhammika Pathirana -Dhruva Krishnamurthy -Dirk O. Kaar -Doron Somech -Douglas Creager -Drew Crawford -Erich Heine -Erik Hugne -Erik Rigtorp -Fabien Ninoles -Frank Denis -George Neill -Gerard Toonstra -Ghislain Putois -Gonzalo Diethelm -Guido Goldstein -Harald Achitz -Hardeep Singh -Hiten Pandya -Ian Barber -Ilja Golshtein -Ilya Kulakov -Ivo Danihelka -Jacob Rideout -Joe Thornber -Jon Dyte -Kamil Shakirov -Ken Steele -Kouhei Sutou -Laurent Alebarde -Leonardo J. Consoni -Lionel Flandrin -Lourens Naudé -Luca Boccassi -Marc Rossi -Mark Barbisan -Martin Hurton -Martin Lucina -Martin Pales -Martin Sustrik -Matus Hamorsky -Max Wolf -McClain Looney -Michael Compton -Mika Fischer -Mikael Helbo Kjaer -Mike Gatny -Mikko Koppanen -Min Ragan-Kelley -Neale Ferguson -Nir Soffer -Osiris Pedroso -Paul Betts -Paul Colomiets -Pavel Gushcha -Pavol Malosek -Perry Kundert -Peter Bourgon -Philip Kovacs -Pieter Hintjens -Piotr Trojanek -Reza Ebrahimi -Richard Newton -Rik van der Heijden -Robert G. Jakabosky -Sebastian Otaegui -Stefan Radomski -Steven McCoy -Stuart Webster -Tamara Kustarova -Taras Shpot -Tero Marttila -Terry Wilson -Thijs Terlouw -Thomas Rodgers -Tim Mossbarger -Toralf Wittner -Tore Halvorsen -Trevor Bernard -Vitaly Mayatskikh - -Credits -======= - -Aamir Mohammad -Adrian von Bidder -Aleksey Yeschenko -Alessio Spadaro -Alexander Majorov -Anh Vu -Bernd Schumacher -Brian Granger -Carsten Dinkelmann -David Bahi -Dirk Eddelbuettel -Evgueny Khartchenko -Frank Vanden Berghen -Ian Barber -John Apps -Markus Fischer -Matt Muggeridge -Michael Santy -Oleg Sevostyanov -Paulo Henrique Silva -Peter Busser -Peter Lemenkov -Robert Zhang -Toralf Wittner -Zed Shaw - diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index ab864994a..39bd208d0 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,1768 +1,368 @@ -# CMake build script for ZeroMQ -project(ZeroMQ) - -if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL Darwin) - cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2) -else() - cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) -endif() - -include(CheckIncludeFiles) -include(CheckCCompilerFlag) -include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) -include(CheckLibraryExists) -include(CheckCSourceCompiles) -include(CheckCSourceRuns) -include(CMakeDependentOption) -include(CheckCXXSymbolExists) -include(CheckTypeSize) -include(FindThreads) -include(GNUInstallDirs) -include(CheckTypeSize) -include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) - -list(INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") -set(ZMQ_CMAKE_MODULES_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/builds/cmake/Modules) -list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ZMQ_CMAKE_MODULES_DIR}) - -include(TestZMQVersion) -include(ZMQSourceRunChecks) -include(ZMQSupportMacros) - -find_package(PkgConfig) - -# Set lists to empty beforehand as to not accidentally take values from parent -set(sources) -set(cxx-sources) -set(html-docs) -set(target_outputs) - -option(ENABLE_ASAN "Build with address sanitizer" OFF) -if(ENABLE_ASAN) - message(STATUS "Instrumenting with Address Sanitizer") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope -fno-omit-frame-pointer") - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS - "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope -fno-omit-frame-pointer") - set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope") - set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope") -endif() - -# NOTE: Running libzmq under TSAN doesn't make much sense -- synchronization in libzmq is to some extent -# handled by the code "knowing" what threads are allowed to do, rather than by enforcing those -# restrictions, so TSAN generates a lot of (presumably) false positives from libzmq. -# The settings below are intended to enable libzmq to be built with minimal support for TSAN -# such that it can be used along with other code that is also built with TSAN. -option(ENABLE_TSAN "Build with thread sanitizer" OFF) -if(ENABLE_TSAN) - message(STATUS "Instrumenting with Thread Sanitizer") - set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo") - set(TSAN_FLAGS "-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=thread") - set(TSAN_CCFLAGS "${TSAN_CCFLAGS} -mllvm -tsan-instrument-memory-accesses=0") - set(TSAN_CCFLAGS "${TSAN_CCFLAGS} -mllvm -tsan-instrument-atomics=0") - set(TSAN_CCFLAGS "${TSAN_CCFLAGS} -mllvm -tsan-instrument-func-entry-exit=1") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${TSAN_FLAGS} ${TSAN_CCFLAGS} -fPIE") - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${TSAN_FLAGS} ${TSAN_CCFLAGS} -fPIE") - set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${TSAN_FLAGS} -pie -Qunused-arguments") - set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${TSAN_FLAGS} -pie -Qunused-arguments") -endif() - -option(ENABLE_INTRINSICS "Build using compiler intrinsics for atomic ops" OFF) -if(ENABLE_INTRINSICS) - message(STATUS "Using compiler intrinsics for atomic ops") - add_definitions(-DZMQ_HAVE_ATOMIC_INTRINSICS) -endif() - -set(ZMQ_OUTPUT_BASENAME - "zmq" - CACHE STRING "Output zmq library base name") - -if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL Darwin) - # Find more information: - - # Apply CMP0042: MACOSX_RPATH is enabled by default - cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW) - - # Add an install rpath if it is not a system directory - list(FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" isSystemDir) - if("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") - set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") - endif() - - # Add linker search paths pointing to external dependencies - set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) -endif() - -if (NOT MSVC) - if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "-std=") - # use C++11 by default if supported - check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=gnu++11" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11) - if(COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX11) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=gnu++11") - endif() - endif() - if(NOT CMAKE_C_FLAGS MATCHES "-std=") - check_c_compiler_flag("-std=gnu11" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_C11) - if(COMPILER_SUPPORTS_C11) - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=gnu11") - else() - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=gnu99") - endif() - endif() - - # clang 6 has a warning that does not make sense on multi-platform code - check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wno-tautological-constant-compare" CXX_HAS_TAUT_WARNING) - if(CXX_HAS_TAUT_WARNING) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-tautological-constant-compare") - endif() - check_c_compiler_flag("-Wno-tautological-constant-compare" CC_HAS_TAUT_WARNING) - if(CC_HAS_TAUT_WARNING) - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-tautological-constant-compare") - endif() -endif() - -# Will be used to add flags to pkg-config useful when apps want to statically link -set(pkg_config_libs_private "") -set(pkg_config_names_private "") - -option(WITH_OPENPGM "Build with support for OpenPGM" OFF) -option(WITH_VMCI "Build with support for VMware VMCI socket" OFF) - -if(APPLE) - option(ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK "Build as OS X framework" OFF) -endif() - -if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") - message(STATUS "Build and install draft classes and methods") - option(ENABLE_DRAFTS "Build and install draft classes and methods" ON) -else() - message(STATUS "Not building draft classes and methods") - option(ENABLE_DRAFTS "Build and install draft classes and methods" OFF) -endif() - -# Enable WebSocket transport and RadixTree -if(ENABLE_DRAFTS) - set(ZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API 1) - option(ENABLE_WS "Enable WebSocket transport" ON) - option(ENABLE_RADIX_TREE "Use radix tree implementation to manage subscriptions" ON) -else() - option(ENABLE_WS "Enable WebSocket transport" OFF) - option(ENABLE_RADIX_TREE "Use radix tree implementation to manage subscriptions" OFF) -endif() - -if(ENABLE_RADIX_TREE) - message(STATUS "Using radix tree implementation to manage subscriptions") - set(ZMQ_USE_RADIX_TREE 1) -endif() - -if(ENABLE_WS) - list( - APPEND - sources - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_address.cpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_connecter.cpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_decoder.cpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_encoder.cpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_engine.cpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_listener.cpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_address.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_connecter.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_decoder.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_encoder.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_engine.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_listener.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ws_protocol.hpp) - set(ZMQ_HAVE_WS 1) - - message(STATUS "Enable WebSocket transport") - - option(WITH_TLS "Use TLS for WSS support" ON) - option(WITH_NSS "Use NSS instead of builtin sha1" OFF) - - if(WITH_TLS) - find_package("GnuTLS" 3.6.7) - if(GNUTLS_FOUND) - set(pkg_config_names_private "${pkg_config_names_private} gnutls") - list(APPEND sources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/wss_address.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/wss_address.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/wss_engine.hpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/wss_engine.cpp) - - message(STATUS "Enable WSS transport") - set(ZMQ_USE_GNUTLS 1) - set(ZMQ_HAVE_WSS 1) - else() - message(WARNING "No WSS support, you may want to install GnuTLS and run cmake again") - endif() - endif() -endif() - -if(NOT ZMQ_USE_GNUTLS) - if(WITH_NSS) - pkg_check_modules(NSS3 "nss") - if(NSS3_FOUND) - set(pkg_config_names_private "${pkg_config_names_private} nss") - message(STATUS "Using NSS") - set(ZMQ_USE_NSS 1) - else() - find_package("NSS3") - if(NSS3_FOUND) - set(pkg_config_libs_private "${pkg_config_libs_private} -lnss3") - message(STATUS "Using NSS") - set(ZMQ_USE_NSS 1) - else() - message(WARNING "No nss installed, if you don't want builtin SHA1, install NSS or GnuTLS") - endif() - endif() - endif() - if(NOT ZMQ_USE_NSS) - list(APPEND sources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/sha1/sha1.c - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/sha1/sha1.h) - message(STATUS "Using builtin sha1") - set(ZMQ_USE_BUILTIN_SHA1 1) - endif() -endif() - -if(NOT MSVC) - option(WITH_LIBBSD "Use libbsd instead of builtin strlcpy" ON) - if(WITH_LIBBSD) - pkg_check_modules(LIBBSD "libbsd") - if(LIBBSD_FOUND) - message(STATUS "Using libbsd") - set(pkg_config_names_private "${pkg_config_names_private} libbsd") - set(ZMQ_HAVE_LIBBSD 1) - endif() - endif() - if(NOT WITH_LIBBSD OR NOT LIBBSD_FOUND) - check_cxx_symbol_exists(strlcpy string.h ZMQ_HAVE_STRLCPY) - endif() -endif() - -# Select curve encryption library, defaults to tweetnacl To use libsodium instead, use --with-libsodium(must be -# installed) To disable curve, use --disable-curve - -option(WITH_LIBSODIUM "Use libsodium instead of built-in tweetnacl" ON) -option(WITH_LIBSODIUM_STATIC "Use static libsodium library" OFF) -option(ENABLE_CURVE "Enable CURVE security" ON) - -if(ENABLE_CURVE) - if(WITH_LIBSODIUM) - find_package("Sodium") - if(SODIUM_FOUND) - message(STATUS "Using libsodium for CURVE security") - include_directories(${SODIUM_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - if(WITH_LIBSODIUM_STATIC) - add_compile_definitions(SODIUM_STATIC) - endif() - set(ZMQ_USE_LIBSODIUM 1) - set(ZMQ_HAVE_CURVE 1) - else() - message( - WARNING - "libsodium not installed, instead using builtin tweetnacl, you may want to install libsodium and run cmake again" - ) - endif() - endif() - if(NOT ZMQ_HAVE_CURVE) - message(STATUS "Using tweetnacl for CURVE security") - list(APPEND sources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/tweetnacl.c) - set(ZMQ_USE_TWEETNACL 1) - set(ZMQ_HAVE_CURVE 1) - endif() -else() - message(STATUS "CURVE security is disabled") -endif() - -set(SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") - -option(WITH_MILITANT "Enable militant assertions" OFF) -if(WITH_MILITANT) - add_definitions(-DZMQ_ACT_MILITANT) -endif() - -set(API_POLLER - "" - CACHE STRING "Choose polling system for zmq_poll(er)_*. valid values are - poll or select [default=poll unless POLLER=select]") - -set(POLLER - "" - CACHE STRING "Choose polling system for I/O threads. valid values are - kqueue, epoll, devpoll, pollset, poll or select [default=autodetect]") - -if(WIN32) - if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "WindowsStore" AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION MATCHES "^10.0") - set(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS_UWP ON) - set(ZMQ_HAVE_IPC OFF) - # to remove compile warninging "D9002 ignoring unknown option" - string(REPLACE "/Zi" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG - ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} - CACHE STRING "" FORCE) - string(REPLACE "/Zi" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO - ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO} - CACHE STRING "" FORCE) - string(REPLACE "/Zi" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}) - endif() - # from - macro(get_WIN32_WINNT version) - if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) - set(ver ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}) - string(REGEX MATCH "^([0-9]+).([0-9])" ver ${ver}) - string(REGEX MATCH "^([0-9]+)" verMajor ${ver}) - # Check for Windows 10, b/c we'll need to convert to hex 'A'. - if("${verMajor}" MATCHES "10") - set(verMajor "A") - string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)" ${verMajor} ver ${ver}) - endif("${verMajor}" MATCHES "10") - # Remove all remaining '.' characters. - string(REPLACE "." "" ver ${ver}) - # Prepend each digit with a zero. - string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9A-Z])" "0\\1" ver ${ver}) - set(${version} "0x${ver}") - endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) - endmacro(get_WIN32_WINNT) - - get_win32_winnt(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_DEFAULT) - message(STATUS "Detected _WIN32_WINNT from CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION: ${ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_DEFAULT}") - - # TODO limit _WIN32_WINNT to the actual Windows SDK version, which might be different from the default version - # installed with Visual Studio - if(MSVC_VERSION STREQUAL "1500" AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "6.0") - set(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_LIMIT "0x0600") - elseif(MSVC_VERSION STREQUAL "1600" AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "6.1") - set(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_LIMIT "0x0601") - elseif(MSVC_VERSION STREQUAL "1700" AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "6.1") - set(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_LIMIT "0x0601") - elseif(MSVC_VERSION STREQUAL "1800" AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "6.2") - set(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_LIMIT "0x0602") - endif() - if(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_LIMIT) - message( - STATUS - "Mismatch of Visual Studio Version (${MSVC_VERSION}) and CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}), limiting _WIN32_WINNT to ${ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_LIMIT}, you may override this by setting ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT" - ) - set(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_DEFAULT "${ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_LIMIT}") - endif() - - set(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT - "${ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT_DEFAULT}" - CACHE STRING "Value to set _WIN32_WINNT to for building [default=autodetect from build environment]") - - # On Windows Vista or greater, with MSVC 2013 or greater, default to epoll (which is required on Win 10 for ipc - # support) - if(ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT GREATER "0x05FF" - AND MSVC_VERSION GREATER 1799 - AND POLLER STREQUAL "" - AND NOT ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS_UWP) - set(POLLER "epoll") - endif() - - add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=${ZMQ_WIN32_WINNT}) -endif(WIN32) - -if(NOT MSVC) - if(POLLER STREQUAL "") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(kqueue sys/event.h HAVE_KQUEUE) - if(HAVE_KQUEUE) - set(POLLER "kqueue") - endif() - endif() - - if(POLLER STREQUAL "") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(epoll_create sys/epoll.h HAVE_EPOLL) - if(HAVE_EPOLL) - set(POLLER "epoll") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(epoll_create1 sys/epoll.h HAVE_EPOLL_CLOEXEC) - if(HAVE_EPOLL_CLOEXEC) - set(ZMQ_IOTHREAD_POLLER_USE_EPOLL_CLOEXEC 1) - endif() - endif() - endif() - - if(POLLER STREQUAL "") - set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES sys/devpoll.h) - check_type_size("struct pollfd" DEVPOLL) - set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES) - if(HAVE_DEVPOLL) - set(POLLER "devpoll") - endif() - endif() - - if(POLLER STREQUAL "") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(pollset_create sys/pollset.h HAVE_POLLSET) - if(HAVE_POLLSET) - set(POLLER "pollset") - endif() - endif() - - if(POLLER STREQUAL "") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(poll poll.h HAVE_POLL) - if(HAVE_POLL) - set(POLLER "poll") - endif() - endif() -endif() - -if(POLLER STREQUAL "") - if(WIN32) - set(HAVE_SELECT 1) - else() - check_cxx_symbol_exists(select sys/select.h HAVE_SELECT) - endif() - if(HAVE_SELECT) - set(POLLER "select") - else() - message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not autodetect polling method") - endif() -endif() - -if(POLLER STREQUAL "kqueue" - OR POLLER STREQUAL "epoll" - OR POLLER STREQUAL "devpoll" - OR POLLER STREQUAL "pollset" - OR POLLER STREQUAL "poll" - OR POLLER STREQUAL "select") - message(STATUS "Using polling method in I/O threads: ${POLLER}") - string(TOUPPER ${POLLER} UPPER_POLLER) - set(ZMQ_IOTHREAD_POLLER_USE_${UPPER_POLLER} 1) -else() - message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid polling method") -endif() - -if(POLLER STREQUAL "epoll" AND WIN32) - message(STATUS "Including wepoll") - list(APPEND sources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/wepoll/wepoll.c - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/wepoll/wepoll.h) -endif() - -if(API_POLLER STREQUAL "") - if(POLLER STREQUAL "select") - set(API_POLLER "select") - else() - set(API_POLLER "poll") - endif() -endif() - -message(STATUS "Using polling method in zmq_poll(er)_* API: ${API_POLLER}") -string(TOUPPER ${API_POLLER} UPPER_API_POLLER) -set(ZMQ_POLL_BASED_ON_${UPPER_API_POLLER} 1) - -execute_process( - COMMAND getconf LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE - OUTPUT_VARIABLE CACHELINE_SIZE - ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) -if(CACHELINE_SIZE STREQUAL "" - OR CACHELINE_SIZE EQUAL 0 - OR CACHELINE_SIZE EQUAL -1) - set(ZMQ_CACHELINE_SIZE 64) -else() - set(ZMQ_CACHELINE_SIZE ${CACHELINE_SIZE}) -endif() -message(STATUS "Using ${ZMQ_CACHELINE_SIZE} bytes alignment for lock-free data structures") - -if(NOT CYGWIN) - # TODO cannot we simply do 'if(WIN32) set(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS ON)' or similar? - check_include_files(windows.h ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS) -endif() - -if(NOT WIN32) - set(ZMQ_HAVE_IPC 1) -else() - check_include_files("winsock2.h;afunix.h" ZMQ_HAVE_IPC) -endif() - -# ##################### BEGIN condition_variable_t selection -if(NOT ZMQ_CV_IMPL) - # prefer C++11 STL std::condition_variable implementation, if available - check_include_files(condition_variable ZMQ_HAVE_STL_CONDITION_VARIABLE LANGUAGE CXX) - - if(ZMQ_HAVE_STL_CONDITION_VARIABLE) - set(ZMQ_CV_IMPL_DEFAULT "stl11") - else() - if(WIN32 AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_LESS "6.0") - # Win32API CONDITION_VARIABLE is supported from Windows Vista only - set(ZMQ_CV_IMPL_DEFAULT "win32api") - elseif(CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT) - set(ZMQ_CV_IMPL_DEFAULT "pthreads") - else() - set(ZMQ_CV_IMPL_DEFAULT "none") - endif() - endif() - - # TODO a vxworks implementation also exists, but vxworks is not currently supported with cmake at all - set(ZMQ_CV_IMPL - "${ZMQ_CV_IMPL_DEFAULT}" - CACHE STRING "Choose condition_variable_t implementation. Valid values are - stl11, win32api, pthreads, none [default=autodetect]") -endif() - -message(STATUS "Using condition_variable_t implementation: ${ZMQ_CV_IMPL}") -if(ZMQ_CV_IMPL STREQUAL "stl11") - set(ZMQ_USE_CV_IMPL_STL11 1) -elseif(ZMQ_CV_IMPL STREQUAL "win32api") - set(ZMQ_USE_CV_IMPL_WIN32API 1) -elseif(ZMQ_CV_IMPL STREQUAL "pthreads") - set(ZMQ_USE_CV_IMPL_PTHREADS 1) -elseif(ZMQ_CV_IMPL STREQUAL "none") - set(ZMQ_USE_CV_IMPL_NONE 1) -else() - message(ERROR "Unknown value for ZMQ_CV_IMPL: ${ZMQ_CV_IMPL}") -endif() -# ##################### END condition_variable_t selection - -if(NOT MSVC) - check_include_files(ifaddrs.h ZMQ_HAVE_IFADDRS) - check_include_files(sys/uio.h ZMQ_HAVE_UIO) - check_include_files(sys/eventfd.h ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD) - if(ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) - zmq_check_efd_cloexec() - endif() -endif() - -if(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS) - # Cannot use check_library_exists because the symbol is always declared as char(*)(void) - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "ws2_32.lib") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(WSAStartup "winsock2.h" HAVE_WS2_32) - - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "rpcrt4.lib") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(UuidCreateSequential "rpc.h" HAVE_RPCRT4) - - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "iphlpapi.lib") - check_cxx_symbol_exists(GetAdaptersAddresses "winsock2.h;iphlpapi.h" HAVE_IPHLAPI) - - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "") - # TODO: This not the symbol we're looking for. What is the symbol? - check_library_exists(ws2 fopen "" HAVE_WS2) -else() - check_cxx_symbol_exists(SO_PEERCRED sys/socket.h ZMQ_HAVE_SO_PEERCRED) - check_cxx_symbol_exists(LOCAL_PEERCRED sys/socket.h ZMQ_HAVE_LOCAL_PEERCRED) -endif() - -if(NOT MINGW) - find_library(RT_LIBRARY rt) - if(RT_LIBRARY) - set(pkg_config_libs_private "${pkg_config_libs_private} -lrt") - endif() -endif() - -find_package(Threads) - -if(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) - if(NOT HAVE_WS2_32 AND NOT HAVE_WS2) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot link to ws2_32 or ws2") - endif() - - if(NOT HAVE_RPCRT4) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot link to rpcrt4") - endif() - - if(NOT HAVE_IPHLAPI) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot link to iphlapi") - endif() -endif() - -if(NOT MSVC) - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES rt) - check_cxx_symbol_exists(clock_gettime time.h HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) - - check_cxx_symbol_exists(fork unistd.h HAVE_FORK) - check_cxx_symbol_exists(gethrtimei sys/time.h HAVE_GETHRTIME) - check_cxx_symbol_exists(mkdtemp stdlib.h HAVE_MKDTEMP) - check_cxx_symbol_exists(accept4 sys/socket.h HAVE_ACCEPT4) - check_cxx_symbol_exists(strnlen string.h HAVE_STRNLEN) -else() - set(HAVE_STRNLEN 1) -endif() - -add_definitions(-D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE) -add_definitions(-DZMQ_CUSTOM_PLATFORM_HPP) - -option(ENABLE_EVENTFD "Enable/disable eventfd" ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD) - -macro(zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend flag) - check_cxx_compiler_flag("${flag}" HAVE_FLAG_${flag}) - - if(HAVE_FLAG_${flag}) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${flag}") - endif() -endmacro() - -option(ENABLE_ANALYSIS "Build with static analysis(make take very long)" OFF) - -if(MSVC) - if(ENABLE_ANALYSIS) - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/W4") - - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/analyze") - - # C++11/14/17-specific, but maybe possible via conditional defines - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26440") # Function '...' can be declared 'noexcept' - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26432") # If you define or delete any default operation in the type '...', define or - # delete them all - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26439") # This kind of function may not throw. Declare it 'noexcept' - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26447") # The function is declared 'noexcept' but calls function '...' which may - # throw exceptions - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26433") # Function '...' should be marked with 'override' - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26409") # Avoid calling new and delete explicitly, use std::make_unique instead - # Requires GSL - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26429") # Symbol '...' is never tested for nullness, it can be marked as not_null - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26446") # Prefer to use gsl::at() - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26481") # Don't use pointer arithmetic. Use span instead - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26472") # Don't use a static_cast for arithmetic conversions. Use brace - # initialization, gsl::narrow_cast or gsl::narow - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26448") # Consider using gsl::finally if final action is intended - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26400") # Do not assign the result of an allocation or a function call with an - # owner return value to a raw pointer, use owner instead - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/wd26485") # Expression '...': No array to pointer decay(bounds.3) - else() - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/W3") - endif() - - if(MSVC_IDE) - set(MSVC_TOOLSET "-${CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET}") - else() - set(MSVC_TOOLSET "") - endif() -else() - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-Wall") -endif() - -if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-Wextra") -endif() - -option(LIBZMQ_PEDANTIC "" ON) -option(LIBZMQ_WERROR "" OFF) - -# TODO: why is -Wno-long-long defined differently than in -if(NOT MSVC) - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-Wno-long-long") - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-Wno-uninitialized") - - if(LIBZMQ_PEDANTIC) - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-pedantic") - - if(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "Intel") - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-strict-ansi") - endif() - - if(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "SunPro") - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-compat=5") - endif() - endif() -endif() - -if(LIBZMQ_WERROR) - if(MSVC) - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("/WX") - else() - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-Werror") - if(NOT "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-errwarn=%all") - endif() - endif() -endif() - -if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "^sparc") - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-mcpu=v9") -endif() - -if(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "SunPro") - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend("-features=zla") -endif() - -if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NetBSD" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "QNX") - message(STATUS "Checking whether atomic operations can be used") - check_c_source_compiles( - "\ - #include \ - \ - int main() \ - { \ - uint32_t value; \ - atomic_cas_32(&value, 0, 0); \ - return 0; \ - } \ - " - HAVE_ATOMIC_H) - - if(NOT HAVE_ATOMIC_H) - set(ZMQ_FORCE_MUTEXES 1) - endif() -endif() - -if(NOT ANDROID) - zmq_check_noexcept() -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -if(NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND NOT MSVC) - zmq_check_sock_cloexec() - zmq_check_o_cloexec() - zmq_check_so_bindtodevice() - zmq_check_so_keepalive() - zmq_check_tcp_keepcnt() - zmq_check_tcp_keepidle() - zmq_check_tcp_keepintvl() - zmq_check_tcp_keepalive() - zmq_check_tcp_tipc() - zmq_check_pthread_setname() - zmq_check_pthread_setaffinity() - zmq_check_getrandom() -endif() - -if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "GNU/kFreeBSD" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "GNU/Hurd" - OR CYGWIN) - add_definitions(-D_GNU_SOURCE) -elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD") - add_definitions(-D__BSD_VISIBLE) -elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NetBSD") - add_definitions(-D_NETBSD_SOURCE) -elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "OpenBSD") - add_definitions(-D_OPENBSD_SOURCE) -elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") - add_definitions(-D_PTHREADS) -elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "HP-UX") - add_definitions(-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L) - zmq_check_cxx_flag_prepend(-Ae) -elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") - add_definitions(-D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE) -endif() - -find_package(AsciiDoc) - -cmake_dependent_option(WITH_DOC "Build Reference Guide documentation(requires DocBook)" ON "ASCIIDOC_FOUND;NOT WIN32" - OFF) # Do not build docs on Windows due to issues with symlinks - -if(MSVC) - if(WITH_OPENPGM) - # set(OPENPGM_ROOT "" CACHE PATH "Location of OpenPGM") - set(OPENPGM_VERSION_MAJOR 5) - set(OPENPGM_VERSION_MINOR 2) - set(OPENPGM_VERSION_MICRO 122) - if(CMAKE_CL_64) - find_path( - OPENPGM_ROOT include/pgm/pgm.h - PATHS - "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Miru\\OpenPGM ${OPENPGM_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OPENPGM_VERSION_MINOR}.${OPENPGM_VERSION_MICRO}]" - NO_DEFAULT_PATH) - message(STATUS "OpenPGM x64 detected - ${OPENPGM_ROOT}") - else() - find_path( - OPENPGM_ROOT include/pgm/pgm.h - PATHS - "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Miru\\OpenPGM ${OPENPGM_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OPENPGM_VERSION_MINOR}.${OPENPGM_VERSION_MICRO}]" - "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Miru\\OpenPGM ${OPENPGM_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OPENPGM_VERSION_MINOR}.${OPENPGM_VERSION_MICRO}]" - NO_DEFAULT_PATH) - message(STATUS "OpenPGM x86 detected - ${OPENPGM_ROOT}") - endif() - set(OPENPGM_INCLUDE_DIRS ${OPENPGM_ROOT}/include) - set(OPENPGM_LIBRARY_DIRS ${OPENPGM_ROOT}/lib) - set(OPENPGM_LIBRARIES - optimized - libpgm${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-${OPENPGM_VERSION_MAJOR}_${OPENPGM_VERSION_MINOR}_${OPENPGM_VERSION_MICRO}.lib debug - libpgm${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-gd-${OPENPGM_VERSION_MAJOR}_${OPENPGM_VERSION_MINOR}_${OPENPGM_VERSION_MICRO}.lib) - endif() -else() - if(WITH_OPENPGM) - # message(FATAL_ERROR "WITH_OPENPGM not implemented") - - if(NOT OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME) - set(OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME "openpgm-5.2") - endif() - - set(OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME - ${OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME} - CACHE STRING "Name pkg-config shall use to find openpgm libraries and include paths" FORCE) - - pkg_check_modules(OPENPGM ${OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME}) - - if(OPENPGM_FOUND) - message(STATUS ${OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME}" found") - set(pkg_config_names_private "${pkg_config_names_private} ${OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME}") - else() - message( - FATAL_ERROR - ${OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME}" not found. openpgm is searchd via `pkg-config ${OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME}`. Consider providing a valid OPENPGM_PKGCONFIG_NAME" - ) - endif() - - # DSO symbol visibility for openpgm - if(HAVE_FLAG_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) - - elseif(HAVE_FLAG_LDSCOPE_HIDDEN) - - endif() - endif() -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# force off-tree build - -if(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) - message( - FATAL_ERROR - "CMake generation is not allowed within the source directory! \ - Remove the CMakeCache.txt file and try again from another folder, e.g.: \ - \ - rm CMakeCache.txt \ - mkdir cmake-make \ - cd cmake-make \ - cmake ..") -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# default to Release build - -if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) - # CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not used for multi-configuration generators like Visual Studio/XCode which instead use - # CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES - set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Release - CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# output directories - -zmq_set_with_default(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${ZeroMQ_BINARY_DIR}/bin") -if(UNIX) - set(zmq_library_directory "lib") -else() - set(zmq_library_directory "bin") -endif() -zmq_set_with_default(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${ZeroMQ_BINARY_DIR}/${zmq_library_directory}") -zmq_set_with_default(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${ZeroMQ_BINARY_DIR}/lib") - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# platform specifics - -if(WIN32) - # Socket limit is 16K(can be raised arbitrarily) - add_definitions(-DFD_SETSIZE=16384) - add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) - add_definitions(-D_WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS) -endif() - -if(MSVC) - # Parallel make. - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /MP") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} /MP") - - # Compile the static lib with debug information included note: we assume here that the default flags contain some /Z - # flag - string(REGEX REPLACE "/Z.[^:]" "/Z7 " CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}") - string(REGEX REPLACE "/Z.[^:]" "/Z7 " CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") - - # Optimization flags. - if(NOT ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Debug") - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /GL") - set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /LTCG") - set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} /LTCG") - set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} /LTCG") - endif() -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# source files - -set(cxx-sources - precompiled.cpp - address.cpp - channel.cpp - client.cpp - clock.cpp - ctx.cpp - curve_mechanism_base.cpp - curve_client.cpp - curve_server.cpp - dealer.cpp - devpoll.cpp - dgram.cpp - dist.cpp - endpoint.cpp - epoll.cpp - err.cpp - fq.cpp - io_object.cpp - io_thread.cpp - ip.cpp - ipc_address.cpp - ipc_connecter.cpp - ipc_listener.cpp - kqueue.cpp - lb.cpp - mailbox.cpp - mailbox_safe.cpp - mechanism.cpp - mechanism_base.cpp - metadata.cpp - msg.cpp - mtrie.cpp - norm_engine.cpp - object.cpp - options.cpp - own.cpp - null_mechanism.cpp - pair.cpp - peer.cpp - pgm_receiver.cpp - pgm_sender.cpp - pgm_socket.cpp - pipe.cpp - plain_client.cpp - plain_server.cpp - poll.cpp - poller_base.cpp - polling_util.cpp - pollset.cpp - proxy.cpp - pub.cpp - pull.cpp - push.cpp - random.cpp - raw_encoder.cpp - raw_decoder.cpp - raw_engine.cpp - reaper.cpp - rep.cpp - req.cpp - router.cpp - select.cpp - server.cpp - session_base.cpp - signaler.cpp - socket_base.cpp - socks.cpp - socks_connecter.cpp - stream.cpp - stream_engine_base.cpp - sub.cpp - tcp.cpp - tcp_address.cpp - tcp_connecter.cpp - tcp_listener.cpp - thread.cpp - trie.cpp - radix_tree.cpp - v1_decoder.cpp - v1_encoder.cpp - v2_decoder.cpp - v2_encoder.cpp - v3_1_encoder.cpp - xpub.cpp - xsub.cpp - zmq.cpp - zmq_utils.cpp - decoder_allocators.cpp - socket_poller.cpp - timers.cpp - config.hpp - radio.cpp - dish.cpp - udp_engine.cpp - udp_address.cpp - scatter.cpp - gather.cpp - ip_resolver.cpp - zap_client.cpp - zmtp_engine.cpp - # at least for VS, the header files must also be listed - address.hpp - array.hpp - atomic_counter.hpp - atomic_ptr.hpp - blob.hpp - channel.hpp - client.hpp - clock.hpp - command.hpp - condition_variable.hpp - config.hpp - ctx.hpp - curve_client.hpp - curve_client_tools.hpp - curve_mechanism_base.hpp - curve_server.hpp - dbuffer.hpp - dealer.hpp - decoder.hpp - decoder_allocators.hpp - devpoll.hpp - dgram.hpp - dish.hpp - dist.hpp - encoder.hpp - endpoint.hpp - epoll.hpp - err.hpp - fd.hpp - fq.hpp - gather.hpp - generic_mtrie.hpp - generic_mtrie_impl.hpp - gssapi_client.hpp - gssapi_mechanism_base.hpp - gssapi_server.hpp - i_decoder.hpp - i_encoder.hpp - i_engine.hpp - i_mailbox.hpp - i_poll_events.hpp - io_object.hpp - io_thread.hpp - ip.hpp - ipc_address.hpp - ipc_connecter.hpp - ipc_listener.hpp - kqueue.hpp - lb.hpp - likely.hpp - macros.hpp - mailbox.hpp - mailbox_safe.hpp - mechanism.hpp - mechanism_base.hpp - metadata.hpp - msg.hpp - mtrie.hpp - mutex.hpp - norm_engine.hpp - null_mechanism.hpp - object.hpp - options.hpp - own.hpp - pair.hpp - peer.hpp - pgm_receiver.hpp - pgm_sender.hpp - pgm_socket.hpp - pipe.hpp - plain_client.hpp - plain_common.hpp - plain_server.hpp - poll.hpp - poller.hpp - poller_base.hpp - polling_util.hpp - pollset.hpp - precompiled.hpp - proxy.hpp - pub.hpp - pull.hpp - push.hpp - radio.hpp - random.hpp - raw_decoder.hpp - raw_encoder.hpp - raw_engine.hpp - reaper.hpp - rep.hpp - req.hpp - router.hpp - scatter.hpp - secure_allocator.hpp - select.hpp - server.hpp - session_base.hpp - signaler.hpp - socket_base.hpp - socket_poller.hpp - socks.hpp - socks_connecter.hpp - stdint.hpp - stream.hpp - stream_engine_base.hpp - stream_connecter_base.hpp - stream_connecter_base.cpp - stream_listener_base.hpp - stream_listener_base.cpp - sub.hpp - tcp.hpp - tcp_address.hpp - tcp_connecter.hpp - tcp_listener.hpp - thread.hpp - timers.hpp - tipc_address.hpp - tipc_connecter.hpp - tipc_listener.hpp - trie.hpp - udp_address.hpp - udp_engine.hpp - v1_decoder.hpp - v1_encoder.hpp - v2_decoder.hpp - v2_encoder.hpp - v3_1_encoder.hpp - v2_protocol.hpp - vmci.hpp - vmci_address.hpp - vmci_connecter.hpp - vmci_listener.hpp - windows.hpp - wire.hpp - xpub.hpp - xsub.hpp - ypipe.hpp - ypipe_base.hpp - ypipe_conflate.hpp - yqueue.hpp - zap_client.hpp - zmtp_engine.hpp) - -if(MINGW) - # Generate the right type when using -m32 or -m64 - macro(set_rc_arch rc_target) - set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER_INIT windres) - enable_language(RC) - set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILE_OBJECT - " -O coff --target=${rc_target} -i -o ") - endmacro() - - if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR) - set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) - endif() - - # Also happens on x86_64 systems...what a worthless variable - if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i386" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i486" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i586" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i686" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "x86" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "x86_64" - OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "amd64") - - if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) - set_rc_arch("pe-x86-64") - else() - set_rc_arch("pe-i386") - endif() - endif() -endif() - -set(public_headers include/zmq.h include/zmq_utils.h) - -set(readme-docs AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.LESSER NEWS) - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# optional modules - -if(WITH_OPENPGM) - add_definitions(-DZMQ_HAVE_OPENPGM) - include_directories(${OPENPGM_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - link_directories(${OPENPGM_LIBRARY_DIRS}) - set(OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES ${OPENPGM_LIBRARIES}) -endif() - -if(WITH_VMCI) - add_definitions(-DZMQ_HAVE_VMCI) - include_directories(${VMCI_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - list(APPEND cxx-sources vmci_address.cpp vmci_connecter.cpp vmci_listener.cpp vmci.cpp) -endif() - -if(ZMQ_HAVE_TIPC) - list(APPEND cxx-sources tipc_address.cpp tipc_connecter.cpp tipc_listener.cpp) -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# source generators - -foreach(source ${cxx-sources}) - list(APPEND sources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${source}) -endforeach() - -configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) - -# Delete any src/platform.hpp left by configure -file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/platform.hpp) - -configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/builds/cmake/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/platform.hpp) -list(APPEND sources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/platform.hpp) - -set(prefix ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) -set(exec_prefix ${prefix}) -set(libdir ${prefix}/lib) -set(includedir ${prefix}/include) -set(VERSION ${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}) -configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libzmq.pc @ONLY) -set(zmq-pkgconfig ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libzmq.pc) - -if(NOT ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) - install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libzmq.pc DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig) -endif() - -if(MSVC) - if(CMAKE_CL_64) - set(nsis-template ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/builds/cmake/ - else() - set(nsis-template ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/builds/cmake/ - endif() - - add_custom_command( - OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ - COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy ${nsis-template} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ - DEPENDS ${nsis-template}) -endif() - -option(WITH_DOCS "Build html docs" ON) -if(WITH_DOCS) - file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doc) - file( - GLOB docs - RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/*.txt") - set(html-docs) - foreach(txt ${docs}) - string(REGEX REPLACE ".*/(.*)\\.txt" "\\1.html" html ${txt}) - set(src ${txt}) - set(dst doc/${html}) - if(WITH_DOC) - add_custom_command( - OUTPUT ${dst} - COMMAND ${ASCIIDOC_EXECUTABLE} -d manpage -b xhtml11 -f ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/asciidoc.conf - -azmq_version=${ZMQ_VERSION} -o ${dst} ${src} - DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${src} - WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} - COMMENT "Generating ${html}") - list(APPEND html-docs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${dst}) - endif() - endforeach() -endif() - -if(ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) - add_custom_command( - TARGET libzmq - POST_BUILD - COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E make_directory - "${CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/ZeroMQ.framework/Versions/${ZMQ_VERSION}/MacOS" - COMMENT "Perf tools") -endif() - -option(ENABLE_PRECOMPILED "Enable precompiled headers, if possible" ON) -if(MSVC AND ENABLE_PRECOMPILED) - # default for all sources is to use precompiled headers - foreach(source ${sources}) - # C and C++ can not use the same precompiled header - if(${source} MATCHES ".cpp$" AND NOT ${source} STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/precompiled.cpp") - set_source_files_properties(${source} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/Yuprecompiled.hpp" OBJECT_DEPENDS - precompiled.hpp) - endif() - endforeach() - # create precompiled header - set_source_files_properties(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/precompiled.cpp - PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/Ycprecompiled.hpp" OBJECT_OUTPUTS precompiled.hpp) -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# output -option(BUILD_SHARED "Whether or not to build the shared object" ON) -option(BUILD_STATIC "Whether or not to build the static archive" ON) - -if(MSVC) - # Suppress linker warnings caused by #ifdef omission of file content. - set(CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS} /ignore:4221") - set(PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bin") - set(PDB_NAME - "lib${ZMQ_OUTPUT_BASENAME}${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-gd-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}") - function(enable_vs_guideline_checker target) - set_target_properties( - ${target} PROPERTIES VS_GLOBAL_EnableCppCoreCheck true VS_GLOBAL_CodeAnalysisRuleSet CppCoreCheckRules.ruleset - VS_GLOBAL_RunCodeAnalysis true) - endfunction() - if(BUILD_SHARED) - add_library(libzmq SHARED ${sources} ${public_headers} ${html-docs} ${readme-docs} - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) - if(ENABLE_ANALYSIS) - enable_vs_guideline_checker(libzmq) - endif() - set_target_properties( - libzmq - PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${public_headers}" - RELEASE_POSTFIX "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX - "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - DEBUG_POSTFIX "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-gd-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}" - COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "DLL_EXPORT" - OUTPUT_NAME "lib${ZMQ_OUTPUT_BASENAME}") - if(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS_UWP) - set_target_properties(libzmq PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG "/OPT:NOICF /OPT:NOREF") - endif() - endif() - - if(BUILD_STATIC) - add_library(libzmq-static STATIC ${sources} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) - set_target_properties( - libzmq-static - PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${public_headers}" - RELEASE_POSTFIX "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-s-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX - "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-s-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX - "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-s-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - DEBUG_POSTFIX "${MSVC_TOOLSET}-mt-sgd-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}" - COMPILE_FLAGS "/DZMQ_STATIC" - OUTPUT_NAME "lib${ZMQ_OUTPUT_BASENAME}") - endif() -else() - # avoid building everything twice for shared + static only on *nix, as Windows needs different preprocessor defines in - # static builds - if(NOT MINGW) - add_library(objects OBJECT ${sources}) - set_property(TARGET objects PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) - target_include_directories( - objects PUBLIC $ - $ $) - endif() - - if(BUILD_SHARED) - if(MINGW) - add_library(libzmq SHARED ${sources} ${public_headers} ${html-docs} ${readme-docs} ${zmq-pkgconfig} - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) - else() - add_library(libzmq SHARED $ ${public_headers} ${html-docs} ${readme-docs} - ${zmq-pkgconfig} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) - endif() - # NOTE: the SOVERSION and VERSION MUST be the same as the one generated by libtool! It is NOT the same as the - # version of the package. - set_target_properties( - libzmq PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "DLL_EXPORT" PUBLIC_HEADER "${public_headers}" VERSION "5.2.3" - SOVERSION "5" OUTPUT_NAME "${ZMQ_OUTPUT_BASENAME}" PREFIX "lib") - if(ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) - set_target_properties( - libzmq - PROPERTIES FRAMEWORK TRUE MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_IDENTIFIER "org.zeromq.libzmq" MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_VERSION_STRING - ${ZMQ_VERSION} - MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_VERSION ${ZMQ_VERSION}) - set_source_files_properties(${html-docs} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION doc) - set_source_files_properties(${readme-docs} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION etc) - set_source_files_properties(${zmq-pkgconfig} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION lib/pkgconfig) - endif() - endif() - - if(BUILD_STATIC) - if(MINGW) - add_library(libzmq-static STATIC ${sources} ${public_headers} ${html-docs} ${readme-docs} ${zmq-pkgconfig} - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) - else() - add_library(libzmq-static STATIC $ ${public_headers} ${html-docs} ${readme-docs} - ${zmq-pkgconfig} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.rc) - endif() - if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "QNX") - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static m) - endif() - set_target_properties( - libzmq-static PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${public_headers}" OUTPUT_NAME "${ZMQ_OUTPUT_BASENAME}" PREFIX "lib") - endif() -endif() - -if(BUILD_STATIC) - target_compile_definitions(libzmq-static PUBLIC ZMQ_STATIC) -endif() - -list(APPEND target_outputs "") - -if(BUILD_SHARED) - list(APPEND target_outputs "libzmq") -endif() - -if(BUILD_STATIC) - list(APPEND target_outputs "libzmq-static") -endif() - -foreach(target ${target_outputs}) - target_include_directories( - ${target} PUBLIC $ - $ $) -endforeach() - -if(BUILD_SHARED) - target_link_libraries(libzmq ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) - if(GNUTLS_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq ${GNUTLS_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(NSS3_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq ${NSS3_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(LIBBSD_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq ${LIBBSD_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(SODIUM_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq ${SODIUM_LIBRARIES}) - # On Solaris, libsodium depends on libssp - if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "SunOS") - target_link_libraries(libzmq ssp) - endif() - endif() - - if(HAVE_WS2_32) - target_link_libraries(libzmq ws2_32) - elseif(HAVE_WS2) - target_link_libraries(libzmq ws2) - endif() - - if(HAVE_RPCRT4) - target_link_libraries(libzmq rpcrt4) - endif() - - if(HAVE_IPHLAPI) - target_link_libraries(libzmq iphlpapi) - endif() - - if(RT_LIBRARY) - target_link_libraries(libzmq -lrt) - endif() -endif() - -if(BUILD_STATIC) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) - if(GNUTLS_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ${GNUTLS_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(LIBBSD_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ${LIBBSD_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(NSS3_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ${NSS3_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(SODIUM_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ${SODIUM_LIBRARIES}) - # On Solaris, libsodium depends on libssp - if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "SunOS") - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ssp) - endif() - endif() - - if(HAVE_WS2_32) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ws2_32) - elseif(HAVE_WS2) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static ws2) - endif() - - if(HAVE_RPCRT4) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static rpcrt4) - endif() - - if(HAVE_IPHLAPI) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static iphlpapi) - endif() - - if(RT_LIBRARY) - target_link_libraries(libzmq-static -lrt) - endif() - - if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "QNX") - add_definitions(-DUNITY_EXCLUDE_MATH_H) - endif() -endif() - -if(BUILD_SHARED) - set(perf-tools - local_lat - remote_lat - local_thr - remote_thr - inproc_lat - inproc_thr - proxy_thr) - - if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") # Why? - option(WITH_PERF_TOOL "Build with perf-tools" ON) - else() - option(WITH_PERF_TOOL "Build with perf-tools" OFF) - endif() - - if(WITH_PERF_TOOL) - foreach(perf-tool ${perf-tools}) - add_executable(${perf-tool} perf/${perf-tool}.cpp) - target_link_libraries(${perf-tool} libzmq) - - if(GNUTLS_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(${perf-tool} ${GNUTLS_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(LIBBSD_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(${perf-tool} ${LIBBSD_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(NSS3_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(${perf-tool} ${NSS3_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(SODIUM_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(${perf-tool} ${SODIUM_LIBRARIES}) - endif() - - if(ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) - # Copy perf-tools binaries into Framework - add_custom_command( - TARGET libzmq - ${perf-tool} POST_BUILD - COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy "$" - "${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/ZeroMQ.framework/Versions/${ZMQ_VERSION_STRING}/MacOS/${perf-tool}" - VERBATIM - COMMENT "Perf tools") - else() - install(TARGETS ${perf-tool} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT PerfTools) - endif() - if(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS_UWP) - set_target_properties(${perf-tool} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG "/OPT:NOICF /OPT:NOREF") - endif() - endforeach() - - if(BUILD_STATIC) - add_executable(benchmark_radix_tree perf/benchmark_radix_tree.cpp) - target_link_libraries(benchmark_radix_tree libzmq-static) - target_include_directories(benchmark_radix_tree PUBLIC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src") - if(ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS_UWP) - set_target_properties(benchmark_radix_tree PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG "/OPT:NOICF /OPT:NOREF") - endif() - endif() - elseif(WITH_PERF_TOOL) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Shared library disabled - perf-tools unavailable.") - endif() -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# tests - -option(BUILD_TESTS "Whether or not to build the tests" ON) - -set(ZMQ_BUILD_TESTS - ${BUILD_TESTS} - CACHE BOOL "Build the tests for ZeroMQ") - -if(ZMQ_BUILD_TESTS) - enable_testing() # Enable testing only works in root scope - add_subdirectory(tests) - if(BUILD_STATIC) - add_subdirectory(unittests) - else() - message(WARNING "Not building unit tests, since BUILD_STATIC is not enabled") - endif() -endif() - -# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# installer - -if(MSVC AND (BUILD_SHARED OR BUILD_STATIC)) - install( - TARGETS ${target_outputs} - EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}-targets - ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} - LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} - RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} - PUBLIC_HEADER DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} COMPONENT SDK) - if(MSVC_IDE) - install( - FILES ${PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/\${CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME}/${PDB_NAME}.pdb - DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} - COMPONENT SDK - OPTIONAL) - else() - install( - FILES ${PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${PDB_NAME}.pdb - DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} - COMPONENT SDK - OPTIONAL) - endif() - if(BUILD_SHARED) - install( - TARGETS libzmq - RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} - PUBLIC_HEADER DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} COMPONENT Runtime) - endif() -elseif(BUILD_SHARED OR BUILD_STATIC) - install( - TARGETS ${target_outputs} - EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}-targets - RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} - ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} - LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} - FRAMEWORK DESTINATION "Library/Frameworks" - PUBLIC_HEADER DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) -endif() - -foreach(readme ${readme-docs}) - configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${readme} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${readme}.txt) - - if(NOT ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) - install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${readme}.txt DESTINATION share/zmq) - endif() -endforeach() - -if(WITH_DOC) - if(NOT ZMQ_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) - install( - FILES ${html-docs} - DESTINATION doc/zmq - COMPONENT RefGuide) - endif() -endif() - -if(WIN32) - set(ZEROMQ_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR - "CMake" - CACHE STRING "install path for ZeroMQConfig.cmake") -else() - # CMake search path wants either "share" (AKA GNUInstallDirs DATAROOTDIR) for arch-independent, or LIBDIR for arch- - # dependent, plus "cmake" as prefix - set(ZEROMQ_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR - "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}" - CACHE STRING "install path for ZeroMQConfig.cmake") -endif() - -if((NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.0) AND (BUILD_SHARED OR BUILD_STATIC)) - export(EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}-targets FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}Targets.cmake") -endif() -configure_package_config_file( - builds/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake" - INSTALL_DESTINATION ${ZEROMQ_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) -write_basic_package_version_file( - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake - VERSION ${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH} - COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion) -if(BUILD_SHARED OR BUILD_STATIC) - install( - EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}-targets - FILE ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets.cmake - DESTINATION ${ZEROMQ_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) - install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake - DESTINATION ${ZEROMQ_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) -endif() - -option(ENABLE_CPACK "Enables cpack rules" ON) -if(MSVC AND ENABLE_CPACK) - if(${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Debug") - set(CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES_ONLY TRUE) - set(CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES TRUE) - set(CMAKE_INSTALL_UCRT_LIBRARIES TRUE) - endif() - include(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) - - if(CMAKE_CL_64) - set(arch_name "x64") - else() - set(arch_name "x86") - endif() - - set(CPACK_NSIS_DISPLAY_NAME "ZeroMQ ${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}(${arch_name})") - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "ZeroMQ-${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}.${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}-${arch_name}") - - # TODO: I think this part was intended to be used when running cpack separately from cmake but I don't know how that - # works. - # - # macro(add_crt_version version) set(rel_dir - # "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/build/${arch_name}/${version};ZeroMQ;ALL;/") - # set(debug_dir - # "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/debug/${arch_name}/${version};ZeroMQ;ALL;/") - # if(EXISTS ${rel_dir}) list(APPEND CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS ${rel_dir}) endif() - - # if(EXISTS ${debug_dir}) list(APPEND CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS ${rel_dir}) endmacro() endmacro() - - # add_crt_version(v110) add_crt_version(v100) add_crt_version(v90) - - list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) - set(CPACK_GENERATOR "NSIS") - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "ZeroMQ") - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "ZeroMQ lightweight messaging kernel") - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Miru") - set(CPACK_NSIS_CONTACT "Steven McCoy ") - set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}\\\\COPYING.txt") - # set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}\\\\README.txt") set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_WELCOME - # "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}\\\\WELCOME.txt") There is a bug in NSI that does not handle full unix paths properly. - # Make sure there is at least one set of four(4) backslashes. - set(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\\\installer.ico") - set(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_UNIICON "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\\\installer.ico") - - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\\\branding.bmp") - set(CPACK_NSIS_COMPRESSOR "/SOLID lzma") - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION ${ZMQ_VERSION}) - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}) - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${ZMQ_VERSION_MINOR}) - set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${ZMQ_VERSION_PATCH}) - # set(CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "ZMQ Install Directory") set(CPACK_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY "ZMQ Temporary CPack - # Directory") - - include(CPack) - - cpack_add_component_group(Development DISPLAY_NAME "ZeroMQ software development kit" EXPANDED) - cpack_add_component(PerfTools DISPLAY_NAME "ZeroMQ performance tools" INSTALL_TYPES FullInstall DevInstall) - cpack_add_component(SourceCode DISPLAY_NAME "ZeroMQ source code" DISABLED INSTALL_TYPES FullInstall) - cpack_add_component( - SDK - DISPLAY_NAME - "ZeroMQ headers and libraries" - INSTALL_TYPES - FullInstall - DevInstall - GROUP - Development) - if(WITH_DOC) - cpack_add_component( - RefGuide - DISPLAY_NAME - "ZeroMQ reference guide" - INSTALL_TYPES - FullInstall - DevInstall - GROUP - Development) - endif() - cpack_add_component( - Runtime - DISPLAY_NAME - "ZeroMQ runtime files" - REQUIRED - INSTALL_TYPES - FullInstall - DevInstall - MinInstall) - cpack_add_install_type(FullInstall DISPLAY_NAME "Full install, including source code") - cpack_add_install_type(DevInstall DISPLAY_NAME "Developer install, headers and libraries") - cpack_add_install_type(MinInstall DISPLAY_NAME "Minimal install, runtime only") -endif() - -# Export this for library to help build this as a sub-project -set(ZEROMQ_LIBRARY - libzmq - CACHE STRING "ZeroMQ library") - -# Workaround for MSVS10 to avoid the Dialog Hell FIXME: This could be removed with future version of CMake. -if(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1600) - set(ZMQ_SLN_FILENAME "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ZeroMQ.sln") - if(EXISTS "${ZMQ_SLN_FILENAME}") - file(APPEND "${ZMQ_SLN_FILENAME}" "\n# This should be regenerated!\n") - endif() -endif() - -# this cannot be moved, as it does not only contain function/macro definitions -option(ENABLE_CLANG "Include Clang" ON) -if (ENABLE_CLANG) - include(ClangFormat) -endif() - -# fixes The problem is, both libzmq-static libzmq try to use/generate -# precompiled.pch at the same time Add a dependency, so they run in order and so they dont get in each others way TODO -# still generates warning "build\x64-Debug\ninja : warning : multiple rules generate precompiled.hpp. builds involving -# this target will not be correct; continuing anyway [-w dupbuild=warn]" -if(MSVC - AND ENABLE_PRECOMPILED - AND BUILD_SHARED - AND BUILD_STATIC) - add_dependencies(libzmq-static libzmq) -endif() +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0) + +project(XCLIPS) + +set(XCLIPS_HEADER + clips/agenda.h + clips/analysis.h + clips/argacces.h + clips/bload.h + clips/bmathfun.h + clips/bsave.h + clips/classcom.h + clips/classexm.h + clips/classfun.h + clips/classinf.h + clips/classini.h + clips/classpsr.h + clips/clips.h + clips/clips.hpp + clips/clsltpsr.h + clips/commline.h + clips/conscomp.h + clips/constant.h + clips/constrct.h + clips/constrnt.h + clips/crstrtgy.h + clips/cstrcbin.h + clips/cstrccmp.h + clips/cstrccom.h + clips/cstrcpsr.h + clips/cstrnbin.h + clips/cstrnchk.h + clips/cstrncmp.h + clips/cstrnops.h + clips/cstrnpsr.h + clips/cstrnutl.h + clips/default.h + clips/defins.h + clips/developr.h + clips/dffctbin.h + clips/dffctbsc.h + clips/dffctcmp.h + clips/dffctdef.h + clips/dffctpsr.h + clips/dffnxbin.h + clips/dffnxcmp.h + clips/dffnxexe.h + clips/dffnxfun.h + clips/dffnxpsr.h + clips/dfinsbin.h + clips/dfinscmp.h + clips/drive.h + clips/emathfun.h + clips/engine.h + clips/entities.h + clips/envrnbld.h + clips/envrnmnt.h + clips/evaluatn.h + clips/expressn.h + clips/exprnbin.h + clips/exprnops.h + clips/exprnpsr.h + clips/extnfunc.h + clips/factbin.h + clips/factbld.h + clips/factcmp.h + clips/factcom.h + clips/factfun.h + clips/factgen.h + clips/facthsh.h + clips/factlhs.h + clips/factmch.h + clips/factmngr.h + clips/factprt.h + clips/factqpsr.h + clips/factqury.h + clips/factrete.h + clips/factrhs.h + clips/filecom.h + clips/filertr.h + clips/fileutil.h + clips/generate.h + clips/genrcbin.h + clips/genrccmp.h + clips/genrccom.h + clips/genrcexe.h + clips/genrcfun.h + clips/genrcpsr.h + clips/globlbin.h + clips/globlbsc.h + clips/globlcmp.h + clips/globlcom.h + clips/globldef.h + clips/globlpsr.h + clips/immthpsr.h + clips/incrrset.h + clips/inherpsr.h + clips/inscom.h + clips/insfile.h + clips/insfun.h + clips/insmngr.h + clips/insmoddp.h + clips/insmult.h + clips/inspsr.h + clips/insquery.h + clips/insqypsr.h + clips/iofun.h + clips/lgcldpnd.h + clips/match.h + clips/memalloc.h + clips/miscfun.h + clips/modulbin.h + clips/modulbsc.h + clips/modulcmp.h + clips/moduldef.h + clips/modulpsr.h + clips/modulutl.h + clips/msgcom.h + clips/msgfun.h + clips/msgpass.h + clips/msgpsr.h + clips/multifld.h + clips/multifun.h + clips/network.h + clips/objbin.h + clips/objcmp.h + clips/object.h + clips/objrtbin.h + clips/objrtbld.h + clips/objrtcmp.h + clips/objrtfnx.h + clips/objrtgen.h + clips/objrtmch.h + clips/parsefun.h + clips/pattern.h + clips/pprint.h + clips/prccode.h + clips/prcdrfun.h + clips/prcdrpsr.h + clips/prdctfun.h + clips/prntutil.h + clips/proflfun.h + clips/reorder.h + clips/reteutil.h + clips/retract.h + clips/router.h + clips/rulebin.h + clips/rulebld.h + clips/rulebsc.h + clips/rulecmp.h + clips/rulecom.h + clips/rulecstr.h + clips/ruledef.h + clips/ruledlt.h + clips/rulelhs.h + clips/rulepsr.h + clips/scanner.h + clips/setup.h + clips/sortfun.h + clips/strngfun.h + clips/strngrtr.h + clips/symblbin.h + clips/symblcmp.h + clips/symbol.h + clips/sysdep.h + clips/textpro.h + clips/tmpltbin.h + clips/tmpltbsc.h + clips/tmpltcmp.h + clips/tmpltdef.h + clips/tmpltfun.h + clips/tmpltlhs.h + clips/tmpltpsr.h + clips/tmpltrhs.h + clips/tmpltutl.h + clips/userdata.h + clips/usrsetup.h + clips/utility.h + clips/watch.h +) +set(XCLIPS_SOURCE + clips/agenda.c + clips/analysis.c + clips/argacces.c + clips/bload.c + clips/bmathfun.c + clips/bsave.c + clips/classcom.c + clips/classexm.c + clips/classfun.c + clips/classinf.c + clips/classini.c + clips/classpsr.c + clips/clips.cpp + clips/clsltpsr.c + clips/commline.c + clips/conscomp.c + clips/constrct.c + clips/constrnt.c + clips/crstrtgy.c + clips/cstrcbin.c + clips/cstrccom.c + clips/cstrcpsr.c + clips/cstrnbin.c + clips/cstrnchk.c + clips/cstrncmp.c + clips/cstrnops.c + clips/cstrnpsr.c + clips/cstrnutl.c + clips/default.c + clips/defins.c + clips/developr.c + clips/dffctbin.c + clips/dffctbsc.c + clips/dffctcmp.c + clips/dffctdef.c + clips/dffctpsr.c + clips/dffnxbin.c + clips/dffnxcmp.c + clips/dffnxexe.c + clips/dffnxfun.c + clips/dffnxpsr.c + clips/dfinsbin.c + clips/dfinscmp.c + clips/drive.c + clips/emathfun.c + clips/engine.c + clips/envrnbld.c + clips/envrnmnt.c + clips/evaluatn.c + clips/expressn.c + clips/exprnbin.c + clips/exprnops.c + clips/exprnpsr.c + clips/extnfunc.c + clips/factbin.c + clips/factbld.c + clips/factcmp.c + clips/factcom.c + clips/factfun.c + clips/factgen.c + clips/facthsh.c + clips/factlhs.c + clips/factmch.c + clips/factmngr.c + clips/factprt.c + clips/factqpsr.c + clips/factqury.c + clips/factrete.c + clips/factrhs.c + clips/filecom.c + clips/filertr.c + clips/fileutil.c + clips/generate.c + clips/genrcbin.c + clips/genrccmp.c + clips/genrccom.c + clips/genrcexe.c + clips/genrcfun.c + clips/genrcpsr.c + clips/globlbin.c + clips/globlbsc.c + clips/globlcmp.c + clips/globlcom.c + clips/globldef.c + clips/globlpsr.c + clips/immthpsr.c + clips/incrrset.c + clips/inherpsr.c + clips/inscom.c + clips/insfile.c + clips/insfun.c + clips/insmngr.c + clips/insmoddp.c + clips/insmult.c + clips/inspsr.c + clips/insquery.c + clips/insqypsr.c + clips/iofun.c + clips/lgcldpnd.c + #clips/main.c + clips/memalloc.c + clips/miscfun.c + clips/modulbin.c + clips/modulbsc.c + clips/modulcmp.c + clips/moduldef.c + clips/modulpsr.c + clips/modulutl.c + clips/msgcom.c + clips/msgfun.c + clips/msgpass.c + clips/msgpsr.c + clips/multifld.c + clips/multifun.c + clips/objbin.c + clips/objcmp.c + clips/objrtbin.c + clips/objrtbld.c + clips/objrtcmp.c + clips/objrtfnx.c + clips/objrtgen.c + clips/objrtmch.c + clips/parsefun.c + clips/pattern.c + clips/pprint.c + clips/prccode.c + clips/prcdrfun.c + clips/prcdrpsr.c + clips/prdctfun.c + clips/prntutil.c + clips/proflfun.c + clips/reorder.c + clips/reteutil.c + clips/retract.c + clips/router.c + clips/rulebin.c + clips/rulebld.c + clips/rulebsc.c + clips/rulecmp.c + clips/rulecom.c + clips/rulecstr.c + clips/ruledef.c + clips/ruledlt.c + clips/rulelhs.c + clips/rulepsr.c + clips/scanner.c + clips/sortfun.c + clips/strngfun.c + clips/strngrtr.c + clips/symblbin.c + clips/symblcmp.c + clips/symbol.c + clips/sysdep.c + clips/textpro.c + clips/tmpltbin.c + clips/tmpltbsc.c + clips/tmpltcmp.c + clips/tmpltdef.c + clips/tmpltfun.c + clips/tmpltlhs.c + clips/tmpltpsr.c + clips/tmpltrhs.c + clips/tmpltutl.c + clips/userdata.c + #clips/userfunctions.c + clips/utility.c + clips/watch.c +) + +set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) +set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED True) +set_source_files_properties(${XCLIPS_SOURCE} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX ) + +#add_executable(xclips ${XCLIPS_HEADER} ${XCLIPS_SOURCE}) +add_library(xclips ${XCLIPS_HEADER} ${XCLIPS_SOURCE}) + +target_include_directories(xclips PUBLIC + "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" + "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../boost_1_73_0" + "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../nlohmann-json.git/single_include" + "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../cppzmq.git" + "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../libzmq.git/include" + "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../mstch.git/include" + "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../fmt.git/include" + ) + +set_target_properties(xclips PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_BITCODE "YES") diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index b6f3fd5d3..000000000 --- a/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,674 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 3, 29 June 2007 - - Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for -software and other kinds of works. - - The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed -to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, -the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to -share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free -software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the -GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to -any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you -want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new -free programs, and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you -these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have -certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if -you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same -freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive -or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they -know their rights. - - Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: -(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License -giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. - - For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains -that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and -authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as -changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to -authors of previous versions. - - Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run -modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer -can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of -protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic -pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to -use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we -have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those -products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we -stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions -of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. - - Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. -States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of -software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to -avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could -make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that -patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - 0. Definitions. - - "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. - - "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of -works, such as semiconductor masks. - - "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this -License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and -"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. - - To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work -in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an -exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the -earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. - - A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based -on the Program. - - To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without -permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for -infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a -computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, -distribution (with or without modification), making available to the -public, and in some countries other activities as well. - - To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other -parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through -a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. - - An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" -to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible -feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) -tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the -extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the -work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If -the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a -menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. - - 1. Source Code. - - The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work -for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source -form of a work. - - A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official -standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of -interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that -is widely used among developers working in that language. - - The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other -than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of -packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major -Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that -Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an -implementation is available to the public in source code form. A -"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component -(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system -(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to -produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. - - The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all -the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable -work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to -control those activities. However, it does not include the work's -System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free -programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but -which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source -includes interface definition files associated with source files for -the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically -linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, -such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those -subprograms and other parts of the work. - - The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users -can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding -Source. - - The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that -same work. - - 2. Basic Permissions. - - All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of -copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated -conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited -permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a -covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its -content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your -rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. - - You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not -convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains -in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose -of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you -with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with -the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do -not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works -for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction -and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of -your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. - - Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under -the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 -makes it unnecessary. - - 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. - - No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological -measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article -11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or -similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such -measures. - - When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid -circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention -is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to -the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or -modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's -users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of -technological measures. - - 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. - - You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you -receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and -appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; -keep intact all notices stating that this License and any -non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; -keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all -recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. - - You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, -and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. - - 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. - - You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to -produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the -terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified - it, and giving a relevant date. - - b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is - released under this License and any conditions added under section - 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to - "keep intact all notices". - - c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this - License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This - License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 - additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, - regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no - permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not - invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. - - d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display - Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive - interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your - work need not make them do so. - - A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent -works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, -and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, -in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an -"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not -used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users -beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work -in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other -parts of the aggregate. - - 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. - - You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms -of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the -machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, -in one of these ways: - - a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product - (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the - Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium - customarily used for software interchange. - - b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product - (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a - written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as - long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product - model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a - copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the - product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical - medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no - more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this - conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the - Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. - - c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the - written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This - alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and - only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord - with subsection 6b. - - d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated - place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the - Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no - further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the - Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to - copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source - may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) - that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain - clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the - Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the - Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is - available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. - - e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided - you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding - Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no - charge under subsection 6d. - - A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded -from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be -included in conveying the object code work. - - A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any -tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, -or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation -into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, -doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular -product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a -typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status -of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user -actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product -is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial -commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent -the only significant mode of use of the product. - - "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, -procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install -and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from -a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must -suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object -code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because -modification has been made. - - If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or -specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as -part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the -User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a -fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the -Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied -by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply -if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install -modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has -been installed in ROM). - - The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a -requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates -for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for -the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a -network may be denied when the modification itself materially and -adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and -protocols for communication across the network. - - Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, -in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly -documented (and with an implementation available to the public in -source code form), and must require no special password or key for -unpacking, reading or copying. - - 7. Additional Terms. - - "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this -License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. -Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall -be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent -that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions -apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately -under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by -this License without regard to the additional permissions. - - When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option -remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of -it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own -removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place -additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, -for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. - - Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you -add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of -that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: - - a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the - terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or - - b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or - author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal - Notices displayed by works containing it; or - - c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or - requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in - reasonable ways as different from the original version; or - - d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or - authors of the material; or - - e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some - trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or - - f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that - material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of - it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for - any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on - those licensors and authors. - - All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further -restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you -received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is -governed by this License along with a term that is a further -restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains -a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this -License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms -of that license document, provided that the further restriction does -not survive such relicensing or conveying. - - If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you -must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the -additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating -where to find the applicable terms. - - Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the -form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; -the above requirements apply either way. - - 8. Termination. - - You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly -provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or -modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under -this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third -paragraph of section 11). - - However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your -license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) -provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and -finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright -holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means -prior to 60 days after the cessation. - - Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is -reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the -violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have -received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that -copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after -your receipt of the notice. - - Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the -licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under -this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently -reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same -material under section 10. - - 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. - - You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or -run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work -occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission -to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, -nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or -modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do -not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a -covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. - - 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. - - Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically -receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and -propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible -for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. - - An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an -organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an -organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered -work results from an entity transaction, each party to that -transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever -licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could -give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the -Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if -the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. - - You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the -rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may -not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of -rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation -(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that -any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for -sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. - - 11. Patents. - - A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this -License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The -work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". - - A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims -owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or -hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted -by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, -but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a -consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For -purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant -patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of -this License. - - Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free -patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to -make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and -propagate the contents of its contributor version. - - In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express -agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent -(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to -sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a -party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a -patent against the party. - - If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, -and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone -to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a -publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, -then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so -available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the -patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner -consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent -license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have -actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the -covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work -in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that -country that you have reason to believe are valid. - - If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or -arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a -covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties -receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify -or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license -you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered -work and works based on it. - - A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within -the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is -conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are -specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered -work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is -in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment -to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying -the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the -parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory -patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work -conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily -for and in connection with specific products or compilations that -contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, -or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. - - Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting -any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may -otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. - - 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. - - If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a -covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may -not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you -to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey -the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this -License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. - - 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. - - Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have -permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed -under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single -combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this -License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, -but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, -section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the -combination as such. - - 14. Revised Versions of this License. - - The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of -the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - - Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the -Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General -Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the -option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered -version or of any later version published by the Free Software -Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the -GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published -by the Free Software Foundation. - - If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future -versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's -public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you -to choose that version for the Program. - - Later license versions may give you additional or different -permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any -author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a -later version. - - 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. - - THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY -APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT -HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY -OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM -IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF -ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 16. Limitation of Liability. - - IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS -THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY -GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE -USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF -DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD -PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), -EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -SUCH DAMAGES. - - 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. - - If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided -above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, -reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates -an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the -Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a -copy of the Program in return for a fee. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program. If not, see . - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - - If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short -notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Copyright (C) - This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands -might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". - - You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, -if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. -For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see -. - - The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program -into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you -may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with -the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. But first, please read -. diff --git a/COPYING.LESSER b/COPYING.LESSER deleted file mode 100644 index 02e943c4a..000000000 --- a/COPYING.LESSER +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 3, 29 June 2007 - - Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - - This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates -the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public -License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. - - 0. Additional Definitions. - - As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser -General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU -General Public License. - - "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, -other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. - - An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided -by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. -Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode -of using an interface provided by the Library. - - A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an -Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library -with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked -Version". - - The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the -Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code -for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are -based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. - - The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the -object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data -and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the -Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. - - 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. - - You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License -without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. - - 2. Conveying Modified Versions. - - If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a -facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application -that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the -facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified -version: - - a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to - ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the - function or data, the facility still operates, and performs - whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or - - b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of - this License applicable to that copy. - - 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. - - The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from -a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object -code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated -material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure -layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates -(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: - - a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the - Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are - covered by this License. - - b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license - document. - - 4. Combined Works. - - You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, -taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the -portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse -engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of -the following: - - a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that - the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are - covered by this License. - - b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license - document. - - c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during - execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among - these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the - copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. - - d) Do one of the following: - - 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this - License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form - suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to - recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of - the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the - manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying - Corresponding Source. - - 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the - Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time - a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer - system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version - of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked - Version. - - e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise - be required to provide such information under section 6 of the - GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is - necessary to install and execute a modified version of the - Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the - Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If - you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany - the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application - Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation - Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL - for conveying Corresponding Source.) - - 5. Combined Libraries. - - You may place library facilities that are a work based on the -Library side by side in a single library together with other library -facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this -License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your -choice, if you do both of the following: - - a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based - on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, - conveyed under the terms of this License. - - b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it - is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the - accompanying uncombined form of the same work. - - 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. - - The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new -versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may -differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. - - Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the -Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version -of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" -applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and -conditions either of that published version or of any later version -published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you -received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser -General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser -General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. - - If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide -whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall -apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is -permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the -Library. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - SPECIAL EXCEPTION GRANTED BY COPYRIGHT HOLDERS - -As a special exception, copyright holders give you permission to link this -library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of -the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute -the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also -meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of -the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not -derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you must -extend this exception to your version of the library. - -Note: this exception relieves you of any obligations under sections 4 and 5 -of this license, and section 6 of the GNU General Public License. diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile deleted file mode 100644 index b8460bf52..000000000 --- a/Dockerfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -FROM ubuntu:14.04 - -MAINTAINER ZeroMQ Project - -RUN apt-get update -RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y git build-essential libtool autoconf automake pkg-config unzip libkrb5-dev -RUN cd /tmp && git clone git:// && cd libsodium && git checkout e2a30a && ./ && ./configure && make check && make install && ldconfig -RUN cd /tmp && git clone --depth 1 git:// && cd libzmq && ./ && ./configure && make -# RUN cd /tmp/libzmq && make check -RUN cd /tmp/libzmq && make install && ldconfig -RUN rm /tmp/* -rf diff --git a/Doxygen.cfg b/Doxygen.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index 370f19b99..000000000 --- a/Doxygen.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2320 +0,0 @@ -# Doxyfile 1.8.11 - -# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system -# doxygen ( for a project. -# -# All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in -# front of the TAG it is preceding. -# -# All text after a single hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored. -# The format is: -# TAG = value [value, ...] -# For lists, items can also be appended using: -# TAG += value [value, ...] -# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \"). - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Project related configuration options -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file -# that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all text -# before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv -# built into libc) for the transcoding. See -# for the list of possible encodings. -# The default value is: UTF-8. - -DOXYFILE_ENCODING = UTF-8 - -# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded by -# double-quotes, unless you are using Doxywizard) that should identify the -# project for which the documentation is generated. This name is used in the -# title of most generated pages and in a few other places. -# The default value is: My Project. - -PROJECT_NAME = libzmq - -# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number. This -# could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version -# control system is used. - -PROJECT_NUMBER = master - -# Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description -# for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a -# quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short. - -PROJECT_BRIEF = "ZeroMQ C++ Core Engine (LIBZMQ)" - -PROJECT_LOGO = branding.bmp - -# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) path -# into which the generated documentation will be written. If a relative path is -# entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If -# left blank the current directory will be used. - -OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = doxygen - -# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES then doxygen will create 4096 sub- -# directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and -# will distribute the generated files over these directories. Enabling this -# option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of source files, where -# putting all generated files in the same directory would otherwise causes -# performance problems for the file system. -# The default value is: NO. - -CREATE_SUBDIRS = YES - -# If the ALLOW_UNICODE_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will allow non-ASCII -# characters to appear in the names of generated files. If set to NO, non-ASCII -# characters will be escaped, for example _xE3_x81_x84 will be used for Unicode -# U+3044. -# The default value is: NO. - -ALLOW_UNICODE_NAMES = NO - -# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all -# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this -# information to generate all constant output in the proper language. -# Possible values are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, -# Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (United States), -# Esperanto, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, -# Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en (Japanese with English messages), -# Korean, Korean-en (Korean with English messages), Latvian, Lithuanian, -# Macedonian, Norwegian, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, -# Serbian, Serbian-Cyrillic, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, -# Ukrainian and Vietnamese. -# The default value is: English. - -OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English - -# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES, doxygen will include brief member -# descriptions after the members that are listed in the file and class -# documentation (similar to Javadoc). Set to NO to disable this. -# The default value is: YES. - -BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC = YES - -# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES, doxygen will prepend the brief -# description of a member or function before the detailed description -# -# Note: If both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the -# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed. -# The default value is: YES. - -REPEAT_BRIEF = YES - -# This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator that is -# used to form the text in various listings. Each string in this list, if found -# as the leading text of the brief description, will be stripped from the text -# and the result, after processing the whole list, is used as the annotated -# text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is. If left blank, the -# following values are used ($name is automatically replaced with the name of -# the entity):The $name class, The $name widget, The $name file, is, provides, -# specifies, contains, represents, a, an and the. - -ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = - -# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then -# doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief -# description. -# The default value is: NO. - -ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = NO - -# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all -# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those -# members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment -# operators of the base classes will not be shown. -# The default value is: NO. - -INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB = NO - -# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will prepend the full path -# before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set to NO the -# shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used -# The default value is: YES. - -FULL_PATH_NAMES = NO - -# The STRIP_FROM_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. -# Stripping is only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand -# part of the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list. -# If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the path to -# strip. -# -# Note that you can specify absolute paths here, but also relative paths, which -# will be relative from the directory where doxygen is started. -# This tag requires that the tag FULL_PATH_NAMES is set to YES. - -STRIP_FROM_PATH = ../.. - -# The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the -# path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells the reader which -# header file to include in order to use a class. If left blank only the name of -# the header file containing the class definition is used. Otherwise one should -# specify the list of include paths that are normally passed to the compiler -# using the -I flag. - -STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = - -# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter (but -# less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems doesn't -# support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM. -# The default value is: NO. - -SHORT_NAMES = NO -JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = NO -QT_AUTOBRIEF = NO - -# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make doxygen treat a -# multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// comments) as -# a brief description. This used to be the default behavior. The new default is -# to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed description. Set this -# tag to YES if you prefer the old behavior instead. -# -# Note that setting this tag to YES also means that rational rose comments are -# not recognized any more. -# The default value is: NO. - -MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = NO - -# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES then an undocumented member inherits the -# documentation from any documented member that it re-implements. -# The default value is: YES. - -INHERIT_DOCS = YES - -# If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES then doxygen will produce a new -# page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will be part -# of the file/class/namespace that contains it. -# The default value is: NO. - -SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES = NO - -# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab. Doxygen -# uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments. -# Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 16, default value: 4. - -TAB_SIZE = 4 - -# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C sources -# only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. For -# instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list of all -# members will be omitted, etc. -# The default value is: NO. - -OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C = NO - -OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA = NO - -OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN = NO - -OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL = NO - -# If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments -# according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable -# documentation. See for details. -# The output of markdown processing is further processed by doxygen, so you can -# mix doxygen, HTML, and XML commands with Markdown formatting. Disable only in -# case of backward compatibilities issues. -# The default value is: YES. - -MARKDOWN_SUPPORT = YES - -# When enabled doxygen tries to link words that correspond to documented -# classes, or namespaces to their corresponding documentation. Such a link can -# be prevented in individual cases by putting a % sign in front of the word or -# globally by setting AUTOLINK_SUPPORT to NO. -# The default value is: YES. - -AUTOLINK_SUPPORT = YES - -# If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want -# to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should set this -# tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and -# definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string); -# versus func(std::string) {}). This also make the inheritance and collaboration -# diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate. -# The default value is: NO. - -BUILTIN_STL_SUPPORT = YES - -# If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to -# enable parsing support. -# The default value is: NO. - -CPP_CLI_SUPPORT = NO - -# For Microsoft's IDL there are propget and propput attributes to indicate -# getter and setter methods for a property. Setting this option to YES will make -# doxygen to replace the get and set methods by a property in the documentation. -# This will only work if the methods are indeed getting or setting a simple -# type. If this is not the case, or you want to show the methods anyway, you -# should set this option to NO. -# The default value is: YES. - -IDL_PROPERTY_SUPPORT = YES - -# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC -# tag is set to YES then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first -# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default -# all members of a group must be documented explicitly. -# The default value is: NO. - -DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC = NO - -# If one adds a struct or class to a group and this option is enabled, then also -# any nested class or struct is added to the same group. By default this option -# is disabled and one has to add nested compounds explicitly via \ingroup. -# The default value is: NO. - -GROUP_NESTED_COMPOUNDS = NO - -# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES to allow class member groups of the same type -# (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a subgroup of that -# type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to NO to prevent -# subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using the -# \nosubgrouping command. -# The default value is: YES. - -SUBGROUPING = YES - -# When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and unions -# are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using \ingroup) -# instead of on a separate page (for HTML and Man pages) or section (for LaTeX -# and RTF). -# -# Note that this feature does not work in combination with -# SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES. -# The default value is: NO. - -INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES = NO - -# When the INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS tag is set to YES, structs, classes, and unions -# with only public data fields or simple typedef fields will be shown inline in -# the documentation of the scope in which they are defined (i.e. file, -# namespace, or group documentation), provided this scope is documented. If set -# to NO, structs, classes, and unions are shown on a separate page (for HTML and -# Man pages) or section (for LaTeX and RTF). -# The default value is: NO. - -INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS = NO - -# When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT tag is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or -# enum is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So -# typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct -# with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file, -# namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically be -# useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound -# types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name. -# The default value is: NO. - -TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT = NO - -# The size of the symbol lookup cache can be set using LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE. This -# cache is used to resolve symbols given their name and scope. Since this can be -# an expensive process and often the same symbol appears multiple times in the -# code, doxygen keeps a cache of pre-resolved symbols. If the cache is too small -# doxygen will become slower. If the cache is too large, memory is wasted. The -# cache size is given by this formula: 2^(16+LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range -# is 0..9, the default is 0, corresponding to a cache size of 2^16=65536 -# symbols. At the end of a run doxygen will report the cache usage and suggest -# the optimal cache size from a speed point of view. -# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9, default value: 0. - -LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE = 0 - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Build related configuration options -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES, doxygen will assume all entities in -# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available. Private -# class members and static file members will be hidden unless the -# EXTRACT_PRIVATE respectively EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES. -# Note: This will also disable the warnings about undocumented members that are -# normally produced when WARNINGS is set to YES. -# The default value is: NO. - -EXTRACT_ALL = YES - -# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES, all private members of a class will -# be included in the documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -EXTRACT_PRIVATE = YES - -# If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES, all members with package or internal -# scope will be included in the documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -EXTRACT_PACKAGE = NO - -# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES, all static members of a file will be -# included in the documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -EXTRACT_STATIC = YES - -# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes (and structs) defined -# locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO, -# only classes defined in header files are included. Does not have any effect -# for Java sources. -# The default value is: YES. - -EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES - -# If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be -# extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called -# 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base name of -# the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default anonymous namespace -# are hidden. -# The default value is: NO. - -EXTRACT_ANON_NSPACES = YES - -# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all -# undocumented members inside documented classes or files. If set to NO these -# members will be included in the various overviews, but no documentation -# section is generated. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. -# The default value is: NO. - -HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO - -# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all -# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy. If set -# to NO, these classes will be included in the various overviews. This option -# has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. -# The default value is: NO. - -HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES = NO - -# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all friend -# (class|struct|union) declarations. If set to NO, these declarations will be -# included in the documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS = NO - -# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide any -# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function. If set to NO, these -# blocks will be appended to the function's detailed documentation block. -# The default value is: NO. - -HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO - -# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation that is typed after a -# \internal command is included. If the tag is set to NO then the documentation -# will be excluded. Set it to YES to include the internal documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -INTERNAL_DOCS = NO - -# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will only generate file -# names in lower-case letters. If set to YES, upper-case letters are also -# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ -# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows -# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO. -# The default value is: system dependent. - -CASE_SENSE_NAMES = YES - -# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will show members with -# their full class and namespace scopes in the documentation. If set to YES, the -# scope will be hidden. -# The default value is: NO. - -HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES = NO - -# If the HIDE_COMPOUND_REFERENCE tag is set to NO (default) then doxygen will -# append additional text to a page's title, such as Class Reference. If set to -# YES the compound reference will be hidden. -# The default value is: NO. - -HIDE_COMPOUND_REFERENCE= NO - -# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES then doxygen will put a list of -# the files that are included by a file in the documentation of that file. -# The default value is: YES. - -SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES = YES - -# If the SHOW_GROUPED_MEMB_INC tag is set to YES then Doxygen will add for each -# grouped member an include statement to the documentation, telling the reader -# which file to include in order to use the member. -# The default value is: NO. - -SHOW_GROUPED_MEMB_INC = NO - -# If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then doxygen will list include -# files with double quotes in the documentation rather than with sharp brackets. -# The default value is: NO. - -FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES = NO - -# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES then a tag [inline] is inserted in the -# documentation for inline members. -# The default value is: YES. - -INLINE_INFO = YES - -# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the -# (detailed) documentation of file and class members alphabetically by member -# name. If set to NO, the members will appear in declaration order. -# The default value is: YES. - -SORT_MEMBER_DOCS = YES - -# If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the brief -# descriptions of file, namespace and class members alphabetically by member -# name. If set to NO, the members will appear in declaration order. Note that -# this will also influence the order of the classes in the class list. -# The default value is: NO. - -SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = YES - -# If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the -# (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that constructors and -# destructors are listed first. If set to NO the constructors will appear in the -# respective orders defined by SORT_BRIEF_DOCS and SORT_MEMBER_DOCS. -# Note: If SORT_BRIEF_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting brief -# member documentation. -# Note: If SORT_MEMBER_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting -# detailed member documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST = YES - -# If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the hierarchy -# of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO the group names will -# appear in their defined order. -# The default value is: NO. - -SORT_GROUP_NAMES = NO - -# If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be sorted by -# fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to NO, the class list will -# be sorted only by class name, not including the namespace part. -# Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES. -# Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the alphabetical -# list. -# The default value is: NO. - -SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME = NO - -# If the STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING option is enabled and doxygen fails to do proper -# type resolution of all parameters of a function it will reject a match between -# the prototype and the implementation of a member function even if there is -# only one candidate or it is obvious which candidate to choose by doing a -# simple string match. By disabling STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING doxygen will still -# accept a match between prototype and implementation in such cases. -# The default value is: NO. - -STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING = NO - -# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the todo -# list. This list is created by putting \todo commands in the documentation. -# The default value is: YES. - -GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES - -# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the test -# list. This list is created by putting \test commands in the documentation. -# The default value is: YES. - -GENERATE_TESTLIST = YES - -# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the bug -# list. This list is created by putting \bug commands in the documentation. -# The default value is: YES. - -GENERATE_BUGLIST = YES - -# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or disable (NO) -# the deprecated list. This list is created by putting \deprecated commands in -# the documentation. -# The default value is: YES. - -GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST= YES - -# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines that the -# initial value of a variable or macro / define can have for it to appear in the -# documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified here -# it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely. The -# appearance of the value of individual variables and macros / defines can be -# controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer command in the -# documentation regardless of this setting. -# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 30. - -MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES = 30 - -# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated at -# the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES, the -# list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation. -# The default value is: YES. - -SHOW_USED_FILES = NO - -# Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page. This -# will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the Folder Tree View -# (if specified). -# The default value is: YES. - -SHOW_FILES = YES - -# Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Namespaces -# page. This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index and from the -# Folder Tree View (if specified). -# The default value is: YES. - -SHOW_NAMESPACES = NO - -# The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that -# doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from -# the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via -# popen()) the command command input-file, where command is the value of the -# FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and input-file is the name of an input file provided -# by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output is used as the file -# version. For an example see the documentation. - -FILE_VERSION_FILTER = - -# The LAYOUT_FILE tag can be used to specify a layout file which will be parsed -# by doxygen. The layout file controls the global structure of the generated -# output files in an output format independent way. To create the layout file -# that represents doxygen's defaults, run doxygen with the -l option. You can -# optionally specify a file name after the option, if omitted DoxygenLayout.xml -# will be used as the name of the layout file. -# -# Note that if you run doxygen from a directory containing a file called -# DoxygenLayout.xml, doxygen will parse it automatically even if the LAYOUT_FILE -# tag is left empty. - -LAYOUT_FILE = - -# The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files containing -# the reference definitions. This must be a list of .bib files. The .bib -# extension is automatically appended if omitted. This requires the bibtex tool -# to be installed. See also for more info. -# For LaTeX the style of the bibliography can be controlled using -# LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this feature you need bibtex and perl available in the -# search path. See also \cite for info how to create references. - -CITE_BIB_FILES = - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated to -# standard output by doxygen. If QUIET is set to YES this implies that the -# messages are off. -# The default value is: NO. - -QUIET = NO - -# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are -# generated to standard error (stderr) by doxygen. If WARNINGS is set to YES -# this implies that the warnings are on. -# -# Tip: Turn warnings on while writing the documentation. -# The default value is: YES. - -WARNINGS = YES - -# If the WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate -# warnings for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag -# will automatically be disabled. -# The default value is: YES. - -WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = NO - -# If the WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for -# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some parameters -# in a documented function, or documenting parameters that don't exist or using -# markup commands wrongly. -# The default value is: YES. - -WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES - -# This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for functions that -# are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters or return -# value. If set to NO, doxygen will only warn about wrong or incomplete -# parameter documentation, but not about the absence of documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = NO - -# If the WARN_AS_ERROR tag is set to YES then doxygen will immediately stop when -# a warning is encountered. -# The default value is: NO. - -WARN_AS_ERROR = NO - -# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that doxygen -# can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text tags, which -# will be replaced by the file and line number from which the warning originated -# and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain $version, which will -# be replaced by the version of the file (if it could be obtained via -# FILE_VERSION_FILTER) -# The default value is: $file:$line: $text. - -WARN_FORMAT = - -# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning and error -# messages should be written. If left blank the output is written to standard -# error (stderr). - -WARN_LOGFILE = - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to the input files -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# The INPUT tag is used to specify the files and/or directories that contain -# documented source files. You may enter file names like myfile.cpp or -# directories like /usr/src/myproject. Separate the files or directories with -# spaces. See also FILE_PATTERNS and EXTENSION_MAPPING -# Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched. - -INPUT = include \ - src \ - tests \ - perf \ - - -# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files -# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses -# libiconv (or the iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See the libiconv -# documentation (see: for the list of -# possible encodings. -# The default value is: UTF-8. - -INPUT_ENCODING = UTF-8 - -# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the -# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns (like *.cpp and -# *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. -# -# Note that for custom extensions or not directly supported extensions you also -# need to set EXTENSION_MAPPING for the extension otherwise the files are not -# read by doxygen. -# -# If left blank the following patterns are tested:*.c, *.cc, *.cxx, *.cpp, -# *.c++, *.java, *.ii, *.ixx, *.ipp, *.i++, *.inl, *.idl, *.ddl, *.odl, *.h, -# *.hh, *.hxx, *.hpp, *.h++, *.cs, *.d, *.php, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml, *.inc, -# *.m, *.markdown, *.md, *.mm, *.dox, *.py, *.pyw, *.f90, *.f, *.for, *.tcl, -# *.vhd, *.vhdl, *.ucf, *.qsf, *.as and *.js. - -FILE_PATTERNS = *.c \ - *.cpp \ - *.h \ - *.hpp - -# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should -# be searched for input files as well. -# The default value is: NO. - -RECURSIVE = YES - -# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should be -# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a -# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag. -# -# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is -# run. - -EXCLUDE = - -# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or -# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded -# from the input. -# The default value is: NO. - -EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS = NO - -# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the -# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude -# certain files from those directories. -# -# Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to -# exclude all test directories for example use the pattern */test/* - -EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = - -# The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names -# (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the -# output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the -# wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass, -# AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test -# -# Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to -# exclude all test directories use the pattern */test/* - -EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS = - -# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories -# that contain example code fragments that are included (see the \include -# command). - -EXAMPLE_PATH = tests perf - -# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the -# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp and -# *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank all -# files are included. - -EXAMPLE_PATTERNS = - -# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be -# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude commands -# irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag. -# The default value is: NO. - -EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE = YES - -# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories -# that contain images that are to be included in the documentation (see the -# \image command). - -IMAGE_PATH = - -# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should -# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program -# by executing (via popen()) the command: -# -# -# -# where is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and is the -# name of an input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter -# program writes to standard output. If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag -# will be ignored. -# -# Note that the filter must not add or remove lines; it is applied before the -# code is scanned, but not when the output code is generated. If lines are added -# or removed, the anchors will not be placed correctly. -# -# Note that for custom extensions or not directly supported extensions you also -# need to set EXTENSION_MAPPING for the extension otherwise the files are not -# properly processed by doxygen. - -INPUT_FILTER = - -# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern -# basis. Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the -# filter if there is a match. The filters are a list of the form: pattern=filter -# (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further information on how -# filters are used. If the FILTER_PATTERNS tag is empty or if none of the -# patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied. -# -# Note that for custom extensions or not directly supported extensions you also -# need to set EXTENSION_MAPPING for the extension otherwise the files are not -# properly processed by doxygen. - -FILTER_PATTERNS = - -# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using -# INPUT_FILTER) will also be used to filter the input files that are used for -# producing the source files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES). -# The default value is: NO. - -FILTER_SOURCE_FILES = NO - -# The FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify source filters per file -# pattern. A pattern will override the setting for FILTER_PATTERN (if any) and -# it is also possible to disable source filtering for a specific pattern using -# *.ext= (so without naming a filter). -# This tag requires that the tag FILTER_SOURCE_FILES is set to YES. - -FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS = - -# If the USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE tag refers to the name of a markdown file that -# is part of the input, its contents will be placed on the main page -# (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub -# and want to reuse the introduction page also for the doxygen output. - -USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE = - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to source browsing -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will be -# generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources. -# -# Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure that -# also VERBATIM_HEADERS is set to NO. -# The default value is: NO. - -SOURCE_BROWSER = YES - -# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body of functions, -# classes and enums directly into the documentation. -# The default value is: NO. - -INLINE_SOURCES = NO - -# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES will instruct doxygen to hide any -# special comment blocks from generated source code fragments. Normal C, C++ and -# Fortran comments will always remain visible. -# The default value is: YES. - -STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = NO - -# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented -# function all documented functions referencing it will be listed. -# The default value is: NO. - -REFERENCED_BY_RELATION = YES - -# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented function -# all documented entities called/used by that function will be listed. -# The default value is: NO. - -REFERENCES_RELATION = YES - -# If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set -# to YES then the hyperlinks from functions in REFERENCES_RELATION and -# REFERENCED_BY_RELATION lists will link to the source code. Otherwise they will -# link to the documentation. -# The default value is: YES. - -REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE = YES - -# If SOURCE_TOOLTIPS is enabled (the default) then hovering a hyperlink in the -# source code will show a tooltip with additional information such as prototype, -# brief description and links to the definition and documentation. Since this -# will make the HTML file larger and loading of large files a bit slower, you -# can opt to disable this feature. -# The default value is: YES. -# This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES. - -SOURCE_TOOLTIPS = YES - -# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code will -# point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen built-in -# source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source tagging system -# (see You will need version -# 4.8.6 or higher. -# -# To use it do the following: -# - Install the latest version of global -# - Enable SOURCE_BROWSER and USE_HTAGS in the config file -# - Make sure the INPUT points to the root of the source tree -# - Run doxygen as normal -# -# Doxygen will invoke htags (and that will in turn invoke gtags), so these -# tools must be available from the command line (i.e. in the search path). -# -# The result: instead of the source browser generated by doxygen, the links to -# source code will now point to the output of htags. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES. - -USE_HTAGS = NO - -# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set the YES then doxygen will generate a -# verbatim copy of the header file for each class for which an include is -# specified. Set to NO to disable this. -# See also: Section \class. -# The default value is: YES. - -VERBATIM_HEADERS = YES - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index of all -# compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project contains a lot of -# classes, structs, unions or interfaces. -# The default value is: YES. - -ALPHABETICAL_INDEX = YES - -# The COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns in -# which the alphabetical index list will be split. -# Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 20, default value: 5. -# This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES. - -COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX = 4 - -# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all classes will -# be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. The IGNORE_PREFIX tag -# can be used to specify a prefix (or a list of prefixes) that should be ignored -# while generating the index headers. -# This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES. - -IGNORE_PREFIX = - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to the HTML output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate HTML output -# The default value is: YES. - -GENERATE_HTML = YES - -# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put. If a -# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of -# it. -# The default directory is: html. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -HTML_OUTPUT = html - -# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for each -# generated HTML page (for example: .htm, .php, .asp). -# The default value is: .html. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html - -# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML header file for -# each generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a -# standard header. -# -# To get valid HTML the header file that includes any scripts and style sheets -# that doxygen needs, which is dependent on the configuration options used (e.g. -# the setting GENERATE_TREEVIEW). It is highly recommended to start with a -# default header using -# doxygen -w html new_header.html new_footer.html new_stylesheet.css -# YourConfigFile -# and then modify the file new_header.html. See also section "Doxygen usage" -# for information on how to generate the default header that doxygen normally -# uses. -# Note: The header is subject to change so you typically have to regenerate the -# default header when upgrading to a newer version of doxygen. For a description -# of the possible markers and block names see the documentation. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -# HTML_HEADER = doxygen.header - -# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML footer for each -# generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a standard -# footer. See HTML_HEADER for more information on how to generate a default -# footer and what special commands can be used inside the footer. See also -# section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the default footer -# that doxygen normally uses. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -# HTML_FOOTER = doxygen.footer - -# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading style -# sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to fine-tune the look of -# the HTML output. If left blank doxygen will generate a default style sheet. -# See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the style -# sheet that doxygen normally uses. -# Note: It is recommended to use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of this tag, as -# it is more robust and this tag (HTML_STYLESHEET) will in the future become -# obsolete. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -# HTML_STYLESHEET = doxygen.css - -# The HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify additional user-defined -# cascading style sheets that are included after the standard style sheets -# created by doxygen. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects. -# This is preferred over using HTML_STYLESHEET since it does not replace the -# standard style sheet and is therefore more robust against future updates. -# Doxygen will copy the style sheet files to the output directory. -# Note: The order of the extra style sheet files is of importance (e.g. the last -# style sheet in the list overrules the setting of the previous ones in the -# list). For an example see the documentation. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET = - -# The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or -# other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note -# that these files will be copied to the base HTML output directory. Use the -# $relpath^ marker in the HTML_HEADER and/or HTML_FOOTER files to load these -# files. In the HTML_STYLESHEET file, use the file name only. Also note that the -# files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -HTML_EXTRA_FILES = - -# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. Doxygen -# will adjust the colors in the style sheet and background images according to -# this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel, see -# for more information. For instance the value -# 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300 -# purple, and 360 is red again. -# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 359, default value: 220. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -# HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE = 240 - -# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT tag controls the purity (or saturation) of the colors -# in the HTML output. For a value of 0 the output will use grayscales only. A -# value of 255 will produce the most vivid colors. -# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 255, default value: 100. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -#HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT = 100 - -# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA tag controls the gamma correction applied to the -# luminance component of the colors in the HTML output. Values below 100 -# gradually make the output lighter, whereas values above 100 make the output -# darker. The value divided by 100 is the actual gamma applied, so 80 represents -# a gamma of 0.8, The value 220 represents a gamma of 2.2, and 100 does not -# change the gamma. -# Minimum value: 40, maximum value: 240, default value: 80. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -#HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA = 80 - -# If the HTML_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated HTML -# page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting this -# to YES can help to show when doxygen was last run and thus if the -# documentation is up to date. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -HTML_TIMESTAMP = NO - -# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML -# documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the -# page has loaded. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS = NO - -# With HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES one can control the preferred number of entries -# shown in the various tree structured indices initially; the user can expand -# and collapse entries dynamically later on. Doxygen will expand the tree to -# such a level that at most the specified number of entries are visible (unless -# a fully collapsed tree already exceeds this amount). So setting the number of -# entries 1 will produce a full collapsed tree by default. 0 is a special value -# representing an infinite number of entries and will result in a full expanded -# tree by default. -# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9999, default value: 100. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES = 100 - -# If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files will be -# generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3 integrated development -# environment (see:, introduced with -# OSX 10.5 (Leopard). To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a -# Makefile in the HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in -# that directory and running make install will install the docset in -# ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find it at -# startup. See -# for more information. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -GENERATE_DOCSET = NO - -# This tag determines the name of the docset feed. A documentation feed provides -# an umbrella under which multiple documentation sets from a single provider -# (such as a company or product suite) can be grouped. -# The default value is: Doxygen generated docs. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. - -DOCSET_FEEDNAME = "Doxygen generated docs" - -# This tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify the documentation -# set bundle. This should be a reverse domain-name style string, e.g. -# com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen will append .docset to the name. -# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. - -DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.doxygen.Project - -# The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify -# the documentation publisher. This should be a reverse domain-name style -# string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet.documentation. -# The default value is: org.doxygen.Publisher. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. - -DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID = org.doxygen.Publisher - -# The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME tag identifies the documentation publisher. -# The default value is: Publisher. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES. - -DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME = Publisher - -# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES then doxygen generates three -# additional HTML index files: index.hhp, index.hhc, and index.hhk. The -# index.hhp is a project file that can be read by Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop -# (see: on -# Windows. -# -# The HTML Help Workshop contains a compiler that can convert all HTML output -# generated by doxygen into a single compiled HTML file (.chm). Compiled HTML -# files are now used as the Windows 98 help format, and will replace the old -# Windows help format (.hlp) on all Windows platforms in the future. Compressed -# HTML files also contain an index, a table of contents, and you can search for -# words in the documentation. The HTML workshop also contains a viewer for -# compressed HTML files. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -GENERATE_HTMLHELP = NO - -# The CHM_FILE tag can be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm -# file. You can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be -# written to the html output directory. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. - -CHM_FILE = - -# The HHC_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path -# including file name) of the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty, -# doxygen will try to run the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp. -# The file has to be specified with full path. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. - -HHC_LOCATION = - -# The GENERATE_CHI flag controls if a separate .chi index file is generated -# (YES) or that it should be included in the master .chm file (NO). -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. - -GENERATE_CHI = NO - -# The CHM_INDEX_ENCODING is used to encode HtmlHelp index (hhk), content (hhc) -# and project file content. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. - -CHM_INDEX_ENCODING = - -# The BINARY_TOC flag controls whether a binary table of contents is generated -# (YES) or a normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file. Furthermore it -# enables the Previous and Next buttons. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. - -BINARY_TOC = NO - -# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members to -# the table of contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES. - -TOC_EXPAND = NO - -# If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES and both QHP_NAMESPACE and -# QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER are set, an additional index file will be generated that -# can be used as input for Qt's qhelpgenerator to generate a Qt Compressed Help -# (.qch) of the generated HTML documentation. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -GENERATE_QHP = NO - -# If the QHG_LOCATION tag is specified, the QCH_FILE tag can be used to specify -# the file name of the resulting .qch file. The path specified is relative to -# the HTML output folder. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. - -QCH_FILE = - -# The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt Help -# Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Namespace -# (see: -# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. - -QHP_NAMESPACE = org.doxygen.Project - -# The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt -# Help Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Virtual -# Folders (see: -# folders). -# The default value is: doc. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. - -QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER = doc - -# If the QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME tag is set, it specifies the name of a custom -# filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom -# Filters (see: -# filters). -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. - -QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME = - -# The QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the -# custom filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom -# Filters (see: -# filters). -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. - -QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS = - -# The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this -# project's filter section matches. Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes (see: -# -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. - -QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS = - -# The QHG_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location of Qt's -# qhelpgenerator. If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the -# generated .qhp file. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES. - -QHG_LOCATION = - -# If the GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files will be -# generated, together with the HTML files, they form an Eclipse help plugin. To -# install this plugin and make it available under the help contents menu in -# Eclipse, the contents of the directory containing the HTML and XML files needs -# to be copied into the plugins directory of eclipse. The name of the directory -# within the plugins directory should be the same as the ECLIPSE_DOC_ID value. -# After copying Eclipse needs to be restarted before the help appears. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP = NO - -# A unique identifier for the Eclipse help plugin. When installing the plugin -# the directory name containing the HTML and XML files should also have this -# name. Each documentation set should have its own identifier. -# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP is set to YES. - -ECLIPSE_DOC_ID = org.doxygen.Project - -# If you want full control over the layout of the generated HTML pages it might -# be necessary to disable the index and replace it with your own. The -# DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index (tabs) at top -# of each HTML page. A value of NO enables the index and the value YES disables -# it. Since the tabs in the index contain the same information as the navigation -# tree, you can set this option to YES if you also set GENERATE_TREEVIEW to YES. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -DISABLE_INDEX = NO - -# The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index -# structure should be generated to display hierarchical information. If the tag -# value is set to YES, a side panel will be generated containing a tree-like -# index structure (just like the one that is generated for HTML Help). For this -# to work a browser that supports JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required -# (i.e. any modern browser). Windows users are probably better off using the -# HTML help feature. Via custom style sheets (see HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET) one can -# further fine-tune the look of the index. As an example, the default style -# sheet generated by doxygen has an example that shows how to put an image at -# the root of the tree instead of the PROJECT_NAME. Since the tree basically has -# the same information as the tab index, you could consider setting -# DISABLE_INDEX to YES when enabling this option. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -GENERATE_TREEVIEW = YES - -# The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values that -# doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation. -# -# Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum values from appearing -# in the overview section. -# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 20, default value: 4. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE = 4 - -# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be used -# to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree is shown. -# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1500, default value: 250. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 200 - -# If the EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW option is set to YES, doxygen will open links to -# external symbols imported via tag files in a separate window. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW = NO - -# Use this tag to change the font size of LaTeX formulas included as images in -# the HTML documentation. When you change the font size after a successful -# doxygen run you need to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML -# output directory to force them to be regenerated. -# Minimum value: 8, maximum value: 50, default value: 10. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -FORMULA_FONTSIZE = 10 - -# Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images -# generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are not -# supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers. -# -# Note that when changing this option you need to delete any form_*.png files in -# the HTML output directory before the changes have effect. -# The default value is: YES. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -FORMULA_TRANSPARENT = YES - -# Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax (see -# which uses client side Javascript for the rendering -# instead of using pre-rendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not have LaTeX -# installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML output. When -# enabled you may also need to install MathJax separately and configure the path -# to it using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. -# The default value is: NO. -# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES. - -USE_MATHJAX = NO - -# When MathJax is enabled you can set the default output format to be used for -# the MathJax output. See the MathJax site (see: -# for more details. -# Possible values are: HTML-CSS (which is slower, but has the best -# compatibility), NativeMML (i.e. MathML) and SVG. -# The default value is: HTML-CSS. -# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. - -MATHJAX_FORMAT = HTML-CSS - -# When MathJax is enabled you need to specify the location relative to the HTML -# output directory using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. The destination directory -# should contain the MathJax.js script. For instance, if the mathjax directory -# is located at the same level as the HTML output directory, then -# MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to the MathJax -# Content Delivery Network so you can quickly see the result without installing -# MathJax. However, it is strongly recommended to install a local copy of -# MathJax from before deployment. -# The default value is: -# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. - -MATHJAX_RELPATH = - -# The MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS tag can be used to specify one or more MathJax -# extension names that should be enabled during MathJax rendering. For example -# MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS = TeX/AMSmath TeX/AMSsymbols -# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. - -MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS = - -# The MATHJAX_CODEFILE tag can be used to specify a file with javascript pieces -# of code that will be used on startup of the MathJax code. See the MathJax site -# (see: for more details. For an -# example see the documentation. -# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES. - -MATHJAX_CODEFILE = - -# When the SEARCHENGINE tag is enabled doxygen will generate a search box for -# the HTML output. The underlying search engine uses javascript and DHTML and -# should work on any modern browser. Note that when using HTML help -# (GENERATE_HTMLHELP), Qt help (GENERATE_QHP), or docsets (GENERATE_DOCSET) -# there is already a search function so this one should typically be disabled. -# For large projects the javascript based search engine can be slow, then -# enabling SERVER_BASED_SEARCH may provide a better solution. It is possible to -# search using the keyboard; to jump to the search box use + S -# (what the is depends on the OS and browser, but it is typically -# , /