Save events to file, and load them back - Pre-release version v0.0.4-beta
Bug fixes
- fixed so that events without known parents are still shown
New Feature:
- Added support for --file argument, which allows reading and saving from/to file
- nostr_console_win64.exe in this package is a win64 executable file.
- nostr_console_elf64.exe in this package is a elf 64, dynamically linked, built using 'dart compile' on a Ubuntu 21 64 bit
- version v0.0.3
usage: nostr_console [OPTIONS]
--pubkey <public key> The hex public key of user whose events and feed are shown. Default is a hard-coded
well known private key. When given, posts/replies can't be sent. Same as -p
--prikey <private key> The hex private key of user whose events and feed are shown. Also used to sign events
sent. Default is a hard-coded well known private key. Same as -k
--relay <relay wss url> The relay url that is used as main relay. Default is 'wss://'. Same as -r
--days <N> The latest number of days for which events are shown. Default is 1. Same as -d
--request <REQ string> This request is sent verbatim to the default relay. It can be used to recieve all events
from a relay. If not provided, then events for default or given user are shown. Same as -q
--file <filename> Read from given file, if it is present, and at the end of the program execution, write
to it all the events (including the ones read, and any new received). Same as -f
UI Options
--align <left> When "left" is given as option to this argument, then the text is aligned to left. By default
the posts or text is aligned to the center of the terminal. Same as -a
--width <width as num> This specifies how wide you want the text to be, in number of columns. Default is 120.
Cant be less than 60. Same as -w
--maxdepth <depth as num> The maximum depth to which the threads can be displayed. Minimum is 2 and
maximum allowed is 12. Same as -m
--help Print this usage message and exit. Same as -h