Nostr Console v0.1.3-beta: Clear screen, horizontal menus and other UI improvements
All binaries built using Github workflow automatically
- this has a win64 executable file.
- this has a elf 64 executable file, dynamically linked, built using 'dart compile' on a Ubuntu 21 64 bit
- has an executable .app file. Needs to be unzipped. Built similarly on macOS
Use all_nostr_events.txt ( zipped as rar) as --file option to the application, which improves the performance because even if some events are not received, they are read from such a file. The program creates such a file ( by saving all events into it) if you do not supply this file initially.
- screen cleared after most menus, where appropriate. Screen cleared by printing 20+ newlines, so old history is still there.
- horizontal menus for better screen space use
- other UI improvements like better printing of channel overview
- update your own profile - kind 0 message support.
- url's aren't cut when displayed so that they can be clicked
- menus are made horizontal to save screen space ( testing)
- if comment replies to a non kind-1 message like reaction, it gest printed
changes after tag
- added clear screen after most menus specially public channel menu.
- reply to specific messages in public groups
- improved display of encrypted and public channels
- x exits from any menu
- improved speed by keeping only latest 20 days events
- added delay when sending group and direct messages to ensure delivery
after tag
- fix for channel overview out of range crash
- 442/42 issue which won't get 42 messages
- has encrypted group chat. A wiki page with info on how to use this feature is found here. This implements the new proposed NIP 38
- can delete channel posts
- fixed translate crash ( bug fix)
- create channels
- channels messages do print date (bug fix)
- expand mentions in incoming direct messages
- previous version is not fetching contact list. fixed that.
- improved direct chats overview printing
- private encrypted direct message support, both read and send/write. Can send DM to self too.
- direct messages overview and public channels overview are sorted by latest message recieved
- improved display of Social network by adding boxes at ends of a thread
- faster screen printing in SN
- fetched individual events so less events are missed
- support for delete kind 5 event which can be used to delete any of your event
- the reaction ! hides any comment ( to be proposed to NIP)
- added color option in arguments. Colored names of users.
- French is translated with other non-Latin languages
- Github workflow added with name 'dart' which automatically builds binaries
- added --difficulty option, maximum value 24 bits
- writing only new events to file. Speeds up exit a lot.
- added --overwrite option to force write file
Older releases
version 0.0.6-beta features added
added support for chat menu and channels, which can be read and replied to. more info
added help and about info
version 0.0.5 features added
- translate flag to allow for translation
- thread sorted by newest reply
- can view a user profile, which shows only their comments and likes
- can search for a word in all posts
Known issues
- comment can't be more than 255 chars in Windows
- Some non-latin comments are still not getting published.
- smiley like ¯_(ツ)_/¯ cannot be sent
usage: nostr_console [OPTIONS]
-p, --pubkey <public key> The hex public key of user whose events and feed are shown. Default is a hard-coded
public key derived from a well known private key. When given, posts/replies can't be sent.
-k, --prikey <private key> The hex private key of user whose events and feed are shown. Also used to sign events
sent. Default is same-as-above hard-coded well known private key.
-r, --relay <relay wss url> The relay url that is used as main relay. Default is wss://
-d, --days <N as num> The latest number of days for which events are shown. Default is 1.
-q, --request <REQ string> This request is sent verbatim to the default relay. It can be used to recieve all events
from a relay. If not provided, then events for default or given user are shown.
-f, --file <filename> Read from given file, if it is present, and at the end of the program execution, write
to it all the events (including the ones read, and any new received).
-s, --disable-file When turned on, even the default file is not read from.
-t, --translate Translate some of the recent posts using Google translate site ( and not api). Google
is accessed for any translation request only if this flag is present, and not otherwise.
-h, --help Print this usage message and exit.
-v, --version Print version and exit.
UI Options
-a, --align <left> When "left" is given as option to this argument, then the text is aligned to left. By default
the posts or text is aligned to the center of the terminal.
-w, --width <width as num> This specifies how wide you want the text to be, in number of columns. Default is 100.
Cant be less than 60.
-m, --maxdepth <depth as num> The maximum depth to which the threads can be displayed. Minimum is 2 and
maximum allowed is 12.
-c, --color <color> Color option can be green, cyan, white, black, red and blue.
-y, --difficulty <number> The difficulty number in bits, only for kind 1 messages. Tne next larger number divisible by 4 is
taken as difficulty. Can't be more than 24 bits, because otherwise it typically takes too much
time. Minimum and default is 0, which means no difficulty.
-e, --overwrite Will over write the file with all the events that were read from file, and all newly received. Is
useful when the file has to be cleared of old unused events. A backup should be made just in case
of original file before invoking.