go run cmd/server/main.go
curl -X POST localhost:9099 -d '{"record": {"value": "TESTLOG1"}}'
curl -X POST localhost:9099 -d '{"record": {"value": "TESTLOG2"}}'
curl -X POST localhost:9099 -d '{"record": {"value": "TESTLOG3"}}'
curl -X GET localhost:9099 -d '{"offset": 0}'
curl -X GET localhost:9099 -d '{"offset": 1}'
curl -X GET localhost:9099 -d '{"offset": 2}'
write-ahead logs, transaction logs, commit logs
Record - the data stored in out log Store - the file we store records in Index - the file we store index entries in Segment - the abstraction that ties a store and an index together Log - the abstraction that ties al the segments together