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Repository files navigation


Reggatad --- is a service (daemon process) that makes it possible to add/remove/modify tags to regular files and search by those tags. Beside the tags there are fields (key-value pairs) that are also searchable. Reggatad also watches for changes in filesystem and updates tags database correspondingly. It stores all tags/fields information in database and provides an API (protocol over TCP sockets) for all operations with tags/fields. This API uses reggata_client ( This project is a second try of At the moment, reggatad is a work in progress.

It uses


Every message has a 4 byte header that contains length of the message. The message is a JSON string. Every message has an 'id' member. This 'id' is always inserted in the response. All commands are divided into two categories:

  • operations with the repos as a whole (open_repo/close_repo), search across the all opened repos (search without 'path' param), cancellation of another command (cancel_cmd).
  • operations with files within one repo (add_tags/remove_tags/get_file_info/search with 'path').



    id: "1",
    cmd: "open_repo",
    args: {
            root_dir: "/home/repo/",
            db_dir: "/home/repo/.reggata/",
            init_if_not_exists: true


{code: 200, id: "1"}
{code: 400, msg: "Bad input error", id: "1"}
{code: 500, msg: "Server error", id: "1"}

NOTE: list of all possible code values is here



    id: "1",
    cmd: "close_repo",
    args: {
        root_dir: "/home/repo/"



    id: "1",
    cmd: "get_repos_info"


    code: 200,
    id: "1",
    data: [
        {root_dir:"/home/repo1/", db_dir:"/home/repo1/.reggata"},
        {root_dir:"/home/repo2/", db_dir:"/opt/var/repo2_reggata"}



    id: "1",
    cmd: "add_tags",
    args: {
        file: "/home/repo/file.txt",
        tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]



    id: "1",
    cmd: "remove_tags",
    args: {
        file: "/home/repo/file.txt",
        tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]

TODO: We need a request to remove all tags/fields from file

TODO: Do we need a request to get info about "tag cloud"? It's a N most popular tags with their usage counts.

TODO: add_fields(file_path, field1(key1,val1), field2(key2,val2), ...)

TODO: remove_fields(file_path, field_key1, field_key2, ...)



    id: "1",
    cmd: "get_file_info",
    args: {
        file: "/home/user/repo/dir/file"


    code: 200,
    id: "1",
    data: {
        "path": "dir/file",
        "size": 4,
        "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]

TODO: get_dir_files_info


    id: "1",
    cmd: "get_dir_files_info",
    args: {
        dir: "/home/user/repo/dir/",
        recursive: false


    code: 200,
    id: "1",
    data: [{
            "path": "dir/file1",
            "size": 4,
            "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
        }, {
            "path": "dir/file2",
            "size": 1024,
            "tags": ["ABC", "DEF"]



    id: "1",
    cmd: "search",
    args: {
        dir: "/home/repo/",
        query: "tag1 tag2|tag3"

Response is the same as get_dir_files_info response (collection of file_infos).

TODO: cancel_cmd

Client is able to cancel any other long running command. Request:

    id: "2",
    cmd: "cancel_cmd",
    args: {
        cmd_id: "1"

File watch actions

  • file_created - do nothing
  • file_removed - remove file tags and fields from DB
  • file_moved (renamed) - update file path
  • file_modified - do nothing
  • dir_created - create a filewatch for it
  • dir_removed - remove all files tags and fields from DB recursively. Remove filewatches from dir and subdirs
  • dir_moved (renamed) - update files paths for all files recursively. Remove/Create a filewatcher for the dir

Search Query Language

Operations with tags are: & or simply space (AND, conjunction, lowest priority), | (OR, disjunction), ! (NOT, negation), operations with fields (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, ~= (like)) and braces (, ) (highest priority).

Fields are just tags with values. Values should be typed. Types supported are: string, number, datetime.


Files which has all three tags: t1 AND t2 AND t3: t1 t2 t3 equivalent to t1 & t2 & t3.

Files with tag t1 AND any of t2 OR t3: t1 t2 | t3 it's the same as t1 (t2 | t3) because | has higher priority than &.

Files with tags t1 AND t2 OR just one tag t3: (t1 t2) | t3.

Files with tag t1 AND field f1>5: t1 f1>5.

Files with tag t1 OR field f1>5: t1 | f1>5.

Files that doesn't have tag t1: !t1.

The obvious way of executing queries is just filter files by subdir (recursively), then iterate over them and apply query predicate to every file. Very often case is to perform a query in a subdir. The mechanism for executing query in the repo root is just a particular case of "exec query in subdir".

Another way is to calculate separate sets in memory of file_ids for every tag and field. Then calcuate AND/OR/NOT/etc operations on them according to the query structure.

Lexer grammar:

Parser grammar:

Some NOTEs and thoughts

  • Repository should have a list of required fileds. Every file with tags should have these fields set. E.g. 'rating'.
  • Reggatad should have some recovery request in API. For example, by some reason reggatad wasn't running. And during that time user moved (or anything) files withing repository... This recovery could be a simple one. For example we try to find files in different location withing the repo by name...
  • Maybe we should also provide add/remove tags/fields to all files in subdir recursively. Or this would be a task for reggata_client?..
  • Alternatives for RocksDB are

RocksDB Database Schema

API is here

Example of data in form of (column_family, key, value).

(file_path, /a/b, 1) // This is like an index on "path" property
(file, 1:path, /a/b)
(file, 1:size, 1234)
(file, 1:prop, value)

(file_path, /a/c, 2)
(file, 2:path, /a/c)
(file, 2:size, 234234)

(file_path, /a/d, 3)
(file, 3:path, /a/d)
(file, 3:size, 63435)

(file_tag, 1:Tag1, "")
(tag_file, Tag1:1, "")

(file_tag, 1:Tag2, "")
(tag_file, Tag2:1, "")

(file_tag, 2:Tag1, "")
(tag_file, Tag1:2, "")

(file_field, 1:Field1, "10")
(field_file, Field1:1, "")

(file_field, 2:Field1, "20")
(field_file, Field1:2, "")

(file_field, 2:Field2, "21")
(field_file, Field2:2, "")

When a tag is attached to a file, a pair of key-values (e.g. file_tag and tag_file) should be added atomically with WriteBatch operation in rocksDB.

Flex and Bison C++

From To generate lexer, execute:

$ flexc++ scanner.g

This would generate 4 files:  Scannerbase.h  Scanner.h  Scanner.ih

To generate parser, execute:

$ bisonc++ parser.g

This would generate 4 files:  Parserbase.h  Parser.h  Parser.ih


Reggata daemon






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