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Contact form handler Python AWS Lambda function

Lambda function to receive input from a simple web form. Optionally perform hCaptcha validation and send/store notifications to different services.

Supported frontend integrations:

  • AWS HTTP API Gateway (v2)
  • AWS API Gateway (v1)

Supported backend integrations:

  • AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
  • Discord
  • DynamoDB
  • Slack

Application configuration is through any combination of:

  • Environment variables
  • AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store
  • AWS Secrets Manager

Environment variables

The table below lists the available configuration variables. For example usage and sample values, see the Environment section of template.yaml. For all keys except LOG_LEVEL, appending _SOURCE controls where the value for that key is fetched from. The available configuration sources are:

  • env - Environment variables (default)
  • aws_ssm_parameter_store - AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store
  • aws_secrets_manager - AWS Secrets Manager

When specifying a non-env source, an additional property must be provided specific to that configuration source, appended to the configuration key name. These are:

  • _PARAMETER_STORE_NAME - for AWS SSM Parameter Store
  • _SECRETS_MANAGER_NAME - for AWS Secrets Manager

For example, to fetch the HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY from AWS SSM Parameter Store, specify the following:

  • HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY_SOURCE with aws_ssm_parameter_store
  • HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY_PARAMETER_STORE_NAME with for example /my/hcaptcha/sitekey

To instead fetch this value from AWS Secrets Manager, set:

  • HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY_SOURCE with aws_secrets_manager
  • HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY_SECRETS_MANAGER_NAME with for example /my/hcaptcha/sitekey
Key Description Values / Default
LOG_LEVEL Logger level, DEBUG (most) to CRITICAL (least) detail
  • INFO (default)
REQUIRED_FIELDS Comma separated list of fields that must be in the request
HCAPTCHA_ENABLE Whether to enable hCaptcha protection
  • True
  • False (default)
HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY hCaptch Sitekey value
HCAPTCHA_SECRET hCaptch Secret value
HCAPTCHA_RESPONSE_FIELD Key to find in payload containing user captcha response captcha-response (default)
HCAPTCHA_VERIFY_URL Base URL for performing hCaptcha validation (default)
DYNAMODB_ENABLE Enable logging required fields to DynamoDB
  • True
  • False (default)
DYNAMODB_TABLE DynamoDB table name to store required fields
EMAIL_ENABLE Enable sending emails via AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
  • True
  • False (default)
EMAIL_RECIPIENTS Comma separated list of destination email addresses
EMAIL_SENDER Sender email address
EMAIL_TEXT_TEMPLATE Email text Template string with substitution
EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE Email subject Template string with substitution
DISCORD_ENABLE Whether notifications should be sent to a Discord webhook
  • True
  • False (default)
DISCORD_JSON_TEMPLATE JSON Template string with substitution
SLACK_ENABLE Whether notifications should be sent to a Slack webhook
  • True
  • False (default)
SLACK_JSON_TEMPLATE JSON Template string with substitution


The following variables provide Python String Templates. Placeholders should match fields named defined in REQUIRED_FIELDS and should be of the form ${field_name}. For example, if REQUIRED_FIELDS=name,email, the template string could be New email from ${name} (${email}) and the result would be New email from First Last (

Local development with Docker

Developing inside a Docker container ensures a consistent experience and more closely matches the final build.


Create a docker network. This is to allow the lambda and later the local API gateway to resolve a local dynamodb instance.

docker network create contact-form-handler

Dynamodb Local

To start DynamoDB Local:

docker run --rm -d \
  --network contact-form-handler \
  --name dynamodb \
  --entrypoint "" \
  -p 10113:8000 \
  amazon/dynamodb-local \
  java -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar \
  -inMemory \

Create a local table with the expected id and timestamp indexes.

Ensure you have exported a default AWS region, as this must be the same between the DynamoDB container and the running Python code. If you are using a profile, the regions should all match, even locally.

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

Use the following as-is, real credentials and a region are not required for DynamoDB Local.

aws dynamodb create-table \
  --endpoint-url \
  --table-name website-contact \
  --attribute-definitions AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S AttributeName=timestamp,AttributeType=N \
  --key-schema AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=timestamp,KeyType=RANGE \
  --billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST \
  --region "$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"

To list local tables, run the following.

Use the following as-is, real credentials and a region are not required for DynamoDB Local.

aws dynamodb \
  list-tables \
  --endpoint-url \
  --region "$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"

Local development container

To develop inside a container, first build an image that sets up a limited-privilege user with the following. Note that will run tests and produce builds. The dev target uses the first stage of the multi-stage Dockerfile.

docker build -t python-lambda/contact-form-handler/dev --target dev .

To then develop inside a container using this image, mount the entire project into a container (in addition to the local AWS config directory) with:

docker run -i -t --rm \
  --network contact-form-handler \
  -v $(pwd):/project \
  -v $HOME/.aws:/home/lambda/.aws:ro \

E.g. to run tests:

cd lambda

Local API gateway with Serverless Application Model (SAM)

The AWS Serverless Application Model allows running an API Gateway locally.

Once installed and the sam command is available, optionally disable telemetry:


Then start a local SAM API Gateway on arbitrary port 10112 with the following, connected to the existing Docker network. By specifying a --profile, AWS session credentials e.g. AWS SSO can be automatically passed to the lambda. Ensure a Docker network has been created per the above if using a local DynamoDB container.

sam local start-api \
  --docker-network contact-form-handler \
  --warm-containers EAGER \
  -p 10112 \

Send sample requests to API Gateway (v1) with:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "First Last", "email":"a@b.c", "subject":"My Subject", "message":"My Message"}' -H 'content-type:application/json'
curl -X POST --data-binary @./lambda/tests/unit/fixtures/request.json -H 'content-type:application/json'
curl --data-urlencode "name=First Last&subject=My Subject&email=a@b.c&message=My Message"

Send sample requests to HTTP API Gateway (v2) with:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "First Last", "email":"a@b.c", "subject":"My Subject", "message":"My Message"}' -H 'content-type:application/json'
curl --data-binary @./lambda/tests/unit/fixtures/request.json -H 'content-type:application/json'
curl --data-urlencode "name=First Last&subject=My Subject&email=a@b.c&message=My Message"

Run tests

Change to the lambda directory with:

cd lambda

Install dependencies (including development) and run tests with:


Build and run Lambda Docker image

AWS provides a Docker image containing the python Lambda runtime. Build a local image using this AWS image with the following. Note this uses the same Dockerfile as above without stage targeting.

docker build -t python-lambda/template/lambda .

Then start the Lambda function locally on arbitrary port 10111 with:

docker run --rm \
  --network contact-form-handler \
  -p 10111:8080 \

Make a HTTP Post request to the lambda with:

curl -d '{"key":"value"}' -X POST