diff --git a/REFERENCE.md b/REFERENCE.md
index e5586f62..95e21a80 100644
--- a/REFERENCE.md
+++ b/REFERENCE.md
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#### Public Classes
* [`r10k`](#r10k): This class configures r10k
-* [`r10k::install`](#r10k--install): This class is used by the ruby or pe_ruby class
* [`r10k::install::bundle`](#r10k--install--bundle): This class installs the r10k bundle
* [`r10k::install::gem`](#r10k--install--gem): Install the r10k gem using system ruby
* [`r10k::install::puppet_gem`](#r10k--install--puppet_gem): This class links the r10k binary for Puppet FOSS 4.2 and up
@@ -26,6 +25,7 @@
#### Private Classes
* `r10k::config`: Set up the root r10k config file (/etc/r10k.yaml).
+* `r10k::install`: This class is used by the ruby or pe_ruby class
### Data types
@@ -311,84 +311,6 @@ Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
Default value: `$r10k::params::puppetconf_path`
-### `r10k::install`
-This class is used by the ruby or pe_ruby class
-#### Parameters
-The following parameters are available in the `r10k::install` class:
-* [`package_name`](#-r10k--install--package_name)
-* [`version`](#-r10k--install--version)
-* [`provider`](#-r10k--install--provider)
-* [`keywords`](#-r10k--install--keywords)
-* [`install_options`](#-r10k--install--install_options)
-* [`manage_ruby_dependency`](#-r10k--install--manage_ruby_dependency)
-* [`puppet_master`](#-r10k--install--puppet_master)
-* [`is_pe_server`](#-r10k--install--is_pe_server)
-* [`gem_source`](#-r10k--install--gem_source)
-##### `package_name`
-Data type: `Any`
-##### `version`
-Data type: `Any`
-##### `provider`
-Data type: `Any`
-##### `keywords`
-Data type: `Any`
-##### `install_options`
-Data type: `Any`
-##### `manage_ruby_dependency`
-Data type: `Any`
-##### `puppet_master`
-Data type: `Any`
-Default value: `true`
-##### `is_pe_server`
-Data type: `Any`
-Default value: `$r10k::params::is_pe_server`
-##### `gem_source`
-Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`
-Default value: `undef`
### `r10k::install::bundle`
This class installs the r10k bundle
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
index f4bbf4bf..457f9d10 100644
--- a/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -55,17 +55,7 @@
include r10k::postrun_command
- class { 'r10k::install':
- install_options => $install_options,
- keywords => $gentoo_keywords,
- manage_ruby_dependency => $manage_ruby_dependency,
- package_name => $package_name,
- provider => $provider,
- gem_source => $gem_source,
- version => $version,
- puppet_master => $puppet_master,
- }
+ contain r10k::install
contain r10k::config
if $mcollective {
diff --git a/manifests/install.pp b/manifests/install.pp
index fe145eb6..f294af1c 100644
--- a/manifests/install.pp
+++ b/manifests/install.pp
@@ -1,42 +1,23 @@
-# This class is used by the ruby or pe_ruby class
-class r10k::install (
- $package_name,
- $version,
- $provider,
- $keywords,
- $install_options,
- $manage_ruby_dependency,
- $puppet_master = true,
- $is_pe_server = $r10k::params::is_pe_server,
- Optional[String[1]] $gem_source = undef,
-) inherits r10k::params {
- if $package_name == '' {
- case $provider {
- 'openbsd': {
- if (versioncmp("${facts['kernelversion']}", '5.8') < 0) { #lint:ignore:only_variable_string
- $real_package_name = 'ruby21-r10k'
- } else {
- $real_package_name = 'ruby22-r10k'
- }
- }
- default: { $real_package_name = 'r10k' }
- }
- } else {
- $real_package_name = $package_name
- }
+# @summary This class is used by the ruby or pe_ruby class
+# @api private
+class r10k::install {
+ assert_private()
- case $provider {
+ case $r10k::provider {
'bundle': {
include r10k::install::bundle
'puppet_gem', 'gem', 'openbsd', 'pkgng', 'pacman', 'portage': {
- if $provider == 'gem' {
+ if $r10k::provider == 'gem' {
class { 'r10k::install::gem':
- manage_ruby_dependency => $manage_ruby_dependency,
- version => $version;
+ manage_ruby_dependency => $r10k::manage_ruby_dependency,
+ version => $r10k::version;
- elsif $provider == 'puppet_gem' {
+ elsif $r10k::provider == 'puppet_gem' {
# Puppet FOSS 4.2 and up ships a vendor provided ruby.
# Using puppet_gem uses that instead of the system ruby.
include r10k::install::puppet_gem
@@ -47,21 +28,21 @@
# empty to value to the gem providers This code
# converts an empty array to semi-standard gem options
# This was previously undef but that caused strict var issues
- if $provider in ['puppet_gem', 'gem'] and $install_options == [] {
+ if $r10k::provider in ['puppet_gem', 'gem'] and $r10k::install_options == [] {
$provider_install_options = ['--no-document']
} else {
- $provider_install_options = $install_options
+ $provider_install_options = $r10k::install_options
# Puppet Enterprise 3.8 and ships an embedded r10k so thats all thats supported
# This conditional should not effect FOSS customers based on the fact
- package { $real_package_name:
- ensure => $version,
- provider => $provider,
- source => $gem_source,
+ package { $r10k::package_name:
+ ensure => $r10k::version,
+ provider => $r10k::provider,
+ source => $r10k::gem_source,
install_options => $provider_install_options,
- default: { fail("${module_name}: ${provider} is not supported. Valid values are: 'gem', 'puppet_gem', 'bundle', 'openbsd'") }
+ default: { fail("${module_name}: ${r10k::provider} is not supported. Valid values are: 'gem', 'puppet_gem', 'bundle', 'openbsd'") }
diff --git a/manifests/params.pp b/manifests/params.pp
index 48a3bcf7..a726d97d 100644
--- a/manifests/params.pp
+++ b/manifests/params.pp
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# Reasonable defaults for all classes
class r10k::params {
- $postrun = undef
- $package_name = ''
+ $package_name = $facts['os']['name'] ? {
+ 'OpenBSD' => 'ruby31-r10k',
+ default => 'r10k'
+ }
$version = 'installed'
$manage_modulepath = false
$manage_ruby_dependency = 'ignore'
diff --git a/spec/classes/init_spec.rb b/spec/classes/init_spec.rb
index a30ed8e5..7a0fbc14 100644
--- a/spec/classes/init_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/classes/init_spec.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
+version = '2.0.0'
describe 'r10k' do
on_supported_os.each do |os, os_facts|
context "on #{os}" do
@@ -156,6 +159,153 @@
it { is_expected.to contain_file('r10k.yaml').with_content(%r{^pool_size: 5$}) }
+ # This install method uses the archived puppetlabs/ruby module
+ # It doesn't support Gentoo
+ context 'with gem provider', if: os_facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
+ let :params do
+ {
+ install_options: '',
+ manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
+ provider: 'gem',
+ version: version,
+ puppet_master: true
+ }
+ end
+ it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::gem').with(version: version) }
+ it do
+ expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
+ ensure: version,
+ provider: 'gem'
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with gem with empty install_options', if: os_facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
+ let :params do
+ {
+ manage_ruby_dependency: 'include',
+ provider: 'gem',
+ version: version,
+ install_options: [],
+ puppet_master: true
+ }
+ end
+ it do
+ expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
+ ensure: version,
+ provider: 'gem',
+ install_options: ['--no-document']
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with gem with populated install_options', if: os_facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
+ let :params do
+ {
+ manage_ruby_dependency: 'include',
+ provider: 'gem',
+ version: version,
+ install_options: ['BOGON'],
+ puppet_master: true
+ }
+ end
+ it do
+ expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
+ ensure: version,
+ provider: 'gem',
+ install_options: ['BOGON']
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with puppet_gem provider' do
+ let :params do
+ {
+ version: version,
+ provider: 'puppet_gem',
+ manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
+ install_options: ''
+ }
+ end
+ it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::puppet_gem') }
+ it do
+ expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
+ ensure: version,
+ provider: 'puppet_gem'
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with puppet_gem on Puppet FOSS' do
+ let :params do
+ {
+ manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
+ install_options: '',
+ provider: 'puppet_gem',
+ version: version,
+ }
+ end
+ it {
+ is_expected.to contain_package('r10k').with(
+ ensure: version,
+ provider: 'puppet_gem'
+ )
+ }
+ it do
+ expect(subject).to contain_file('/usr/bin/r10k').with(
+ ensure: 'link',
+ target: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/r10k',
+ require: 'Package[r10k]'
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with defaults and source specified', if: os_facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
+ let :params do
+ {
+ manage_ruby_dependency: 'include',
+ provider: 'gem',
+ version: version,
+ gem_source: 'https://some.alternate.source.com/',
+ install_options: [],
+ puppet_master: true
+ }
+ end
+ it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::gem') }
+ it do
+ expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
+ ensure: version,
+ provider: 'gem',
+ source: 'https://some.alternate.source.com/'
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with bundle provider' do
+ let :params do
+ {
+ version: version,
+ provider: 'bundle',
+ manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
+ install_options: '',
+ puppet_master: true
+ }
+ end
+ it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::bundle') }
+ it { is_expected.not_to contain_package('r10k') }
+ end
diff --git a/spec/classes/install_spec.rb b/spec/classes/install_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 59cda504..00000000
--- a/spec/classes/install_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-version = '2.0.0'
-describe 'r10k::install' do
- on_supported_os.each do |os, facts|
- context "on #{os}" do
- let :facts do
- facts
- end
- # This install method uses the archived puppetlabs/ruby module
- # It doesn't support Gentoo
- context 'with gem provider', if: facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
- let :params do
- {
- install_options: '',
- keywords: '',
- manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
- package_name: 'r10k',
- provider: 'gem',
- version: version,
- puppet_master: true
- }
- end
- it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::gem').with(version: version) }
- it do
- expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
- ensure: version,
- provider: 'gem'
- )
- end
- end
- context 'with gem with empty install_options', if: facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
- let :params do
- {
- manage_ruby_dependency: 'include',
- package_name: 'r10k',
- provider: 'gem',
- version: version,
- keywords: '',
- install_options: [],
- puppet_master: true
- }
- end
- it do
- expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
- ensure: version,
- provider: 'gem',
- install_options: ['--no-document']
- )
- end
- end
- context 'with gem with populated install_options', if: facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
- let :params do
- {
- manage_ruby_dependency: 'include',
- package_name: 'r10k',
- provider: 'gem',
- version: version,
- keywords: '',
- install_options: ['BOGON'],
- puppet_master: true
- }
- end
- it do
- expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
- ensure: version,
- provider: 'gem',
- install_options: ['BOGON']
- )
- end
- end
- context 'with puppet_gem provider' do
- let :params do
- {
- package_name: 'r10k',
- version: version,
- provider: 'puppet_gem',
- keywords: '',
- manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
- install_options: ''
- }
- end
- it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::puppet_gem') }
- it do
- expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
- ensure: version,
- provider: 'puppet_gem'
- )
- end
- end
- context 'with puppet_gem on Puppet FOSS 4.2.1' do
- let :params do
- {
- manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
- install_options: '',
- package_name: 'r10k',
- provider: 'puppet_gem',
- version: version,
- keywords: ''
- }
- end
- let :facts do
- facts.merge(
- puppetversion: '4.2.1'
- )
- end
- it do
- expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
- ensure: version,
- provider: 'puppet_gem'
- )
- end
- it do
- expect(subject).to contain_file('/usr/bin/r10k').with(
- ensure: 'link',
- target: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/r10k',
- require: 'Package[r10k]'
- )
- end
- end
- context 'with defaults and source specified', if: facts[:os]['name'] != 'Gentoo' do
- let :params do
- {
- manage_ruby_dependency: 'include',
- package_name: 'r10k',
- provider: 'gem',
- version: version,
- keywords: '',
- gem_source: 'https://some.alternate.source.com/',
- install_options: [],
- puppet_master: true
- }
- end
- it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::gem') }
- it do
- expect(subject).to contain_package('r10k').with(
- ensure: version,
- provider: 'gem',
- source: 'https://some.alternate.source.com/'
- )
- end
- end
- context 'with bundle provider' do
- let :params do
- {
- package_name: 'r10k',
- version: version,
- provider: 'bundle',
- manage_ruby_dependency: 'declare',
- keywords: '',
- install_options: '',
- puppet_master: true
- }
- end
- it { is_expected.to contain_class('r10k::install::bundle') }
- it { is_expected.not_to contain_package('r10k') }
- end
- end
- end