diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index bc7274030..67081a68e 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -9344,11 +9344,11 @@


Value type of the state or property. The value may be one of the following types:

Value representing either true or false. The default value for this value type is false unless otherwise specified.
Enumerated value representing either true or false. The default value for this value type is false unless otherwise specified.
Value representing true or false, with an intermediate "mixed" value. The default value for this value type is undefined unless otherwise specified.
Enumerated value representing true, false, mixed, or undefined values. The default value for this value type is undefined unless otherwise specified.
Value representing true, false, or not applicable. For example, an element with aria-expanded set to false is not currently expanded; an element with aria-expanded set to undefined is not expandable. The default value for this value type is undefined unless otherwise specified.
Enumerated value representing true, false, or undefined (not applicable). The default value for this value type is undefined unless otherwise specified. For example, an element with aria-expanded set to false is not currently expanded; an element with aria-expanded set to undefined is not expandable.
ID reference
Reference to the ID of another element in the same document
ID reference list
@@ -9360,16 +9360,72 @@


Unconstrained value type.
One of a limited set of allowed values. An explicit value of undefined for this type is the equivalent of providing no value.
One of a limited set of allowed enumerated values. The default value is defined in each attribute's Values table, as specified in the Enumerated Attribute Values section.
token list
A list of one or more tokens.

These are generic types for states and properties, but do not define specific representation. See State and Property Attribute Processing for details on how these values are expressed and handled in host languages.


Values for States and Properties


Many states and properties accept a specific set of tokens as values. The allowed values and explanation of their meaning is shown after the table of characteristics. The default value, if defined, is shown in strong type, followed by the parenthetical term 'default'. When a value is indicated as the default, the user agent MUST follow the behavior prescribed by this value when the state or property is empty or unspecified. Some roles also define what behavior to use when certain states or properties, that do not have default values, are not provided.


Enumerated Attribute Values


When the ARIA attribute definition includes a table enumerating the attribute's allowed values, that attribute is an enumerated attribute. Each value in the table is a keyword for the attribute, mapping to a state of the same name. When the values table notates one of the values as "(default)", that default value is the missing value default and invalid value default for the attribute.


Example Enumerated Attribute Usage


As noted in Mapping WAI-ARIA Value Types to Languages, attributes are included in host languages, and the syntax for representation of enumerated value types is governed by the host language.


All enumerated attribute getters and setters use string values, including the boolean-like enumerated true/false type.

+ + + +

Translatable States and Properties

@@ -12468,53 +12524,55 @@

Interface Mixin AccessibilityRole

Interface Mixin AriaAttributes

 			interface mixin AriaAttributes {
-				attribute DOMString? ariaAtomic;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaAutoComplete;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaBusy;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaChecked;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaColCount;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaColIndex;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaColSpan;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaCurrent;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaDescription;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaDisabled;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaExpanded;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaHasPopup;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaHidden;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaInvalid;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaKeyShortcuts;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaLabel;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaLevel;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaLive;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaModal;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaMultiLine;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaMultiSelectable;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaOrientation;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaPlaceholder;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaPosInSet;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaPressed;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaReadOnly;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaRelevant;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaRequired;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaRoleDescription;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaRowCount;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaRowIndex;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaRowSpan;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaSelected;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaSetSize;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaSort;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaValueMax;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaValueMin;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaValueNow;
-				attribute DOMString? ariaValueText;
+				attribute DOMString ariaAtomic;
+				attribute DOMString ariaAutoComplete;
+				attribute DOMString ariaBusy;
+				attribute DOMString ariaChecked;
+				attribute DOMString ariaColCount;
+				attribute DOMString ariaColIndex;
+				attribute DOMString ariaColSpan;
+				attribute DOMString ariaCurrent;
+				attribute DOMString ariaDescription;
+				attribute DOMString ariaDisabled;
+				attribute DOMString ariaExpanded;
+				attribute DOMString ariaHasPopup;
+				attribute DOMString ariaHidden;
+				attribute DOMString ariaInvalid;
+				attribute DOMString ariaKeyShortcuts;
+				attribute DOMString ariaLabel;
+				attribute DOMString ariaLevel;
+				attribute DOMString ariaLive;
+				attribute DOMString ariaModal;
+				attribute DOMString ariaMultiLine;
+				attribute DOMString ariaMultiSelectable;
+				attribute DOMString ariaOrientation;
+				attribute DOMString ariaPlaceholder;
+				attribute DOMString ariaPosInSet;
+				attribute DOMString ariaPressed;
+				attribute DOMString ariaReadOnly;
+				attribute DOMString ariaRequired;
+				attribute DOMString ariaRoleDescription;
+				attribute DOMString ariaRowCount;
+				attribute DOMString ariaRowIndex;
+				attribute DOMString ariaRowSpan;
+				attribute DOMString ariaSelected;
+				attribute DOMString ariaSetSize;
+				attribute DOMString ariaSort;
+				attribute DOMString ariaValueMax;
+				attribute DOMString ariaValueMin;
+				attribute DOMString ariaValueNow;
+				attribute DOMString ariaValueText;
 			Element includes AriaAttributes;
@@ -12557,7 +12615,7 @@

ARIA Attribute Reflection

ariaPosInSetaria-posinset ariaPressedaria-pressed ariaReadOnlyaria-readonly - ariaRelevantaria-relevant + ariaRequiredaria-required ariaRoleDescriptionaria-roledescription ariaRowCountaria-rowcount @@ -12700,6 +12758,7 @@

Change Log

Substantive changes since the last public working draft