diff --git a/worklets/Overview.bs b/worklets/Overview.bs
index 29739e51..ae9ed49e 100644
--- a/worklets/Overview.bs
+++ b/worklets/Overview.bs
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ spec:html; type:dfn; for:environment settings object;
text: https state
text: referrer policy
spec:html; type:dfn; for:environment; text:id
+spec:infra; type:dfn; text:list
spec:webidl; type:dfn; for:interface; text:inherit
@@ -497,7 +498,12 @@ Issue(w3c/css-houdini-drafts#47): Need ability to load code into a {{WorkletGlob
Lifetime of the Worklet {#lifetime-of-the-worklet}
-The lifetime of a {{Worklet}} is tied to the object it belongs to, for example the {{Window}}.
+{{Window}} objects have a \[[Worklets]] internal slot. This contains a list
+which is initially empty. When a {{Worklet}} is created it is appended to this list.
+A {{Worklet}} cannot outlive the {{Window}} which it belongs to.
+Note: Most {{Worklet}}s will be instantiated lazily when the web developer wants to use them, it is
+ expected that they won't be created eagerly with the {{Window}} object.
The lifetime of a {{WorkletGlobalScope}} should be defined by subsequent specifications which
inherit from {{WorkletGlobalScope}}.