diff --git a/index.html b/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index fc60d71f..00000000 --- a/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9931 +0,0 @@ - - - DID Core Specification Test Suite - - - - - - - - -

- This document describes the did core test suite, and summarizes the - latest test results. -


- This document is under active development and implementers are advised - against using the document unless they are directly involved with the - W3C DID Working Group. -

- -



- The DID Core Specification strives to make no untestable normative - statements with [[RFC2119]] Language. -

- -

- This document attempts to demonstrate that all such language has been - tested, and is supported by at least 2 independent implementations. -

- -

- This document does not contain a comprehensive lists of normative - statements made by the did core spec. -

- -

Not all statements in this document have been tested.

- -


- -



- A test suite is a collection of tests and a json suite configuration - file. -

-            "name": "test-suite-a",
-            "a": 1,
-            "b": 2
-          }          
- -
let { suiteConfig } = global;
-if (!suiteConfig) {
-  suiteConfig = require("./defaultSuiteConfig.json");
-describe("test-suite-a", () => {
-  it("suite config should have correct name", async () => {
-    expect(suiteConfig.name).toBe("test-suite-a");
-  });
-  it("a should be 1", async () => {
-    expect(suiteConfig.a).toBe(1);
-  });
-  it("b should be 2", async () => {
-    expect(suiteConfig.b).toBe(2);
-  });

- -

Test Suites MUST have unique descriptive names.

- -

- For the purposes of the DID Core WG, the suite name is assumed to be - "did-spec". However, we may choose to add additional test suites, with - different names in the future. -


Test suites MAY be split into positive and negative cases.

- -

- A suite is considered passing when all associated tests are passing. -

- -



Normative statements are mapped to one or more tests.

          The DID method name MUST be an ASCII lowercase string.
- -
it('The DID method name MUST be an ASCII lowercase string.', () => {
-  const method = did.split(':')[1];
-  expect(utils.isAsciiString(method)).toBe(true);
-  expect(method.toLowerCase()).toBe(method);

Tests SHOULD match normative statements in the DID Core.


- Tests SHOULD reuse utility functions like - isAsciiString, or decodeBase64UrlToString. -

- -

Suite Configuration


- In order to run a test suite, a configuration file must be provided - for the test file to be run against. -

- -

Multiple suites can be run at once.

- -

- For the latest version of this file, please see - - latest did spec suite configuration - -

-  "name": "did-core-suites",
-  "suites": [
-    {
-      "suite_name": "did-core-properties"
-    },
-    {
-      "suite_name": "did-identifier"
-    },
-    {
-      "suite_name": "did-production"
-    },
-    {
-      "suite_name": "did-resolution"
-    },
-    {
-      "suite_name": "did-url-dereferencing"
-    }
-  ]
- -

Raw Test Suite Run Result


- Test results are produced by jest, - with a post processing filter. -

- -

- Both console and JSON output are provided. - The member suitesReportTerminal contains encoded captures - from standard out and error, and can be safely ignored. -


- Following is an example of a raw test suite run result. - Latest output is in -

- -
-  "suitesReportTerminal": "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",
-  "suitesReportJson": [
-    {
-      "suite": "test-suite-a",
-      "testResults": [
-        {
-          "ancestors": ["test-suite-a"],
-          "title": "suite config should have correct name",
-          "status": "passed"
-        },
-        {
-          "ancestors": ["test-suite-a"],
-          "title": "a should be 1",
-          "status": "passed"
-        },
-        {
-          "ancestors": ["test-suite-a"],
-          "title": "b should be 2",
-          "status": "passed"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "suite": "test-suite-b",
-      "testResults": [
-        {
-          "ancestors": ["test-suite-b"],
-          "title": "suite config should have correct name",
-          "status": "passed"
-        },
-        {
-          "ancestors": ["test-suite-b"],
-          "title": "x should be 3",
-          "status": "passed"
-        },
-        {
-          "ancestors": ["test-suite-b"],
-          "title": "y should be 4",
-          "status": "passed"
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  ]

Conformance Report


- Conformance Report is derived by processing the Raw Test Run Result. - The Conformance Report on the latest test run is in - . -

- -

Conformance Report

- -

Conformance Matrix

- - - - - -

Conformance by Test Suites

- - - -


- -

5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
- -
- - -

7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
- -
- - -

7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
- -
- - -

7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
- -
- - -

7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (15) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
- -
- - -

7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
-⚠️ (15) -
⚠️DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
⚠️DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
⚠️DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
⚠️did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
⚠️did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
⚠️@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
⚠️@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
⚠️ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
⚠️ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
⚠️DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
⚠️DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
⚠️did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
⚠️did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
⚠️@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+ld+json
⚠️@unisot/unisot-did-resolvererdid:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7, application/did+json
- -
- -
- - -


- -

3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2
- -
- - -

3.2.1 DID Parameters - hl - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suite
- -
- - -

3.2.1 DID Parameters - service - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suite
- -
- - -

3.2.1 DID Parameters - relativeRef - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string and MUST use percent-encoding for certain characters as specified in RFC3986 Section 2.1.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suite
- -
- - -

3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (4) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suite
- -
- - -

3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string which is a valid XML datetime value, as defined in section 3.3.7 of W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes [XMLSCHEMA11-2]. This datetime value MUST be normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision. For example: 2020-12-20T19:17:47Z.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (3) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suite
- -
- -
- - -


- -

6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (13) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (13) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (13) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (13) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, application/did+ld+json
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, application/did+json
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH, application/did+ld+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+json
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, application/did+ld+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+json
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, application/did+ld+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4, application/did+ld+json
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2, application/did+ld+json
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (73) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=did:example:123
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=did:example:123#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=JsonWebKey2020
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=did:example:123
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=OKP
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=Ed25519
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=VDXDwuGKVq91zxU6q7__jLDUq8_C5cuxECgd-1feFTE
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=did:example:123#key-1
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=JsonWebKey2020
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=did:example:123
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=OKP
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=X25519
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=3kY9jl1by7pLzgJktUH-e9H6fihdVUb00-sTzkfmIl8
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-1
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=wAAADkMFQkqxaUPB8jGq4ZoJVsaK9Y5M8riM76zugM6d
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#blockexplorer
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=BlockExplorer
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=https://explorer.blockcore.net
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#didresolver
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=DIDResolver
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=https://my.did.is
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#edv
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=EncryptedDataVault
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=https://vault.blockcore.net/
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#aH6oxPEu6krriD6
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#HWPYEjsV6rz1nB8
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#aH6oxPEu6krriD6
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#HWPYEjsV6rz1nB8
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=0x26bF14321004e770E7A8b080b7a526d8eed8b388@eip155:1
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=04808f0530d0f39b3f71e9258c555666f63d839bb8aa06beb77dbb2b5d81ed7e59ed4507188a89f231bb36fe85918c9b8b3bd1bcd105163604e6e288f1ccdd72d3
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RsaVerificationKey2018
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=AQAB
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=ybWVtY6n1EgbnnNTwS-MIYg2G5z4rudDdRfnIQ8UIAVbjxngEOyBDn60IyYKBLQ0t9mJAWnrdPtRBFXktllu_KPlsPBZRhplxH4cg929xJCBbY_EP_vUf9pe5s75bEeo7ZA8c9o0Q_LWpIjkJM1BURkRrbjxKfFLZHrWsSZWxqMVg27EOqEtgdCZpimD-kTw2QAuWDfGudppYNu-V7hLZ5UcuimzFEsLbhx1CIahu9RXmUm2zmbX2z4MoCP7bhl7vJXD9laQMFEWfXDdwGthQVwS-V_j0Oe6Uu6rtIgUs1ZtYrRCNYelduAmIlH-ZX9hIKumIDK5r4ajpHYyLzYfbQ
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RS256
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RSA
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (23) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=[object Object],[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-1
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object],[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=[object Object],[object Object]
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller,did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (23) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=[object Object],[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-0
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=#key-1
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object],[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=[object Object],[object Object]
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller,did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (16) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object]
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd, value=[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, value=[object Object]
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=[object Object]
ethr-did-resolverdid:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388, value=[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object]
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object]
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - datetime: A JSON String serialized as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=2020-09-26T20:14:02Z
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - integer: A JSON Number without a decimal or fractional component.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=1.2
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - double: A JSON Number with a decimal and fractional component.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=5
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - boolean: A JSON Boolean.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=true
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=true
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - null: A JSON null literal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123, value=null
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be included in the root JSON Object.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
- -
- - -

6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123
DID IS Test Suitedid:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
- -
- - -

6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (8) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2
- -
- - -

6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (8) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2
- -
- - -

6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (8) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2
- -
- - -

6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (8) - - -MethodParameters
DID Test Suitedid:example:123
did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH
DID Test Suitedid:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh
did-veres-one (2021)did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4
did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2
- -
- -
- - -


- -

All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution functions for at least one DID method and MUST be able to return a DID document in at least one conformant representation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolver
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (20) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolve function was called, this MUST be a DID document abstract data model (a map) as described in § 4. Data Model that is capable of being transformed into a conforming DID Document (representation), using the production rules specified by the representation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID document MUST match the DID that was resolved.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (10) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of equivalentId MUST be a set where each item in the list is a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.1 DID Syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - Each equivalentId DID value MUST be produced by, and a form of, the same DID Method as the id property value.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of canonicalId MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.1 DID Syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - A canonicalId value MUST be produced by, and a form of, the same DID Method as the id property value.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be a single keyword ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to the DID resolution function does not conform to valid syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was unable to find the DID document resulting from this resolution request.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - If a DID has been deactivated, DID document metadata MUST include this property with the boolean value true.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolveRepresentation function was called, this MUST be a byte stream of the resolved DID document in one of the conformant representations.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be an empty stream.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's preferred representation of the DID document.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be an ASCII string that is the Media Type of the conformant representations.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (5) - - -MethodParameters
Example Resolverdid:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Resolverdid:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be a string formatted as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (3) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (3) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated is later or equal than created.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (3) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (3) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- -
- - -


- -

3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax ABNF Rules.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL reference, the algorithm specified in RFC3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution MUST be used.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
-⚠️ (6) -
⚠️Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
⚠️Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
⚠️Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
⚠️Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
⚠️@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
⚠️@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the complete DID URL including the DID fragment MUST be used.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (12) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the dereferencing process, this MUST NOT be empty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was called and successful, this MUST contain a resource corresponding to the DID URL.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure, but the structure MAY be empty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the caller prefers for contentStream.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (4) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (6) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this property MUST be a single keyword ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID URL supplied to the DID URL dereferencing function does not conform to valid syntax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome
- -
- - -

7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL dereferencer was unable to find the contentStream resulting from this dereferencing request.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (1) - - -MethodParameters
Example Dereferencerdid:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be a string formatted as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (4) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated is later or equal than created.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate is later than created.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate is later than updated.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (4) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- - -

7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId is different from versionId.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -✅ (2) - - -MethodParameters
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolverdid:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia, expected outcome: defaultOutcome
- -
- -
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-consumption/default.js b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-consumption/default.js index 94a2ce73..81e83e46 100644 --- a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-consumption/default.js +++ b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-consumption/default.js @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ module.exports = { require('../implementations/did-monid.json'), require('../implementations/did-unisot.json'), require('../implementations/did-vaa.json'), + require('../implementations/did-ion.json'), require('../implementations/did-orb.json'), - require('../implementations/did-lit.json'), + require('../implementations/did-lit.json') ], }; diff --git a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-core-properties/default.js b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-core-properties/default.js index 18cf309b..d6b600df 100644 --- a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-core-properties/default.js +++ b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-core-properties/default.js @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ module.exports = { require('../implementations/did-monid.json'), require('../implementations/did-unisot.json'), require('../implementations/did-vaa.json'), + require('../implementations/did-ion.json'), require('../implementations/did-orb.json'), - require('../implementations/did-lit.json'), + require('../implementations/did-lit.json') ], }; diff --git a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-identifier/default.js b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-identifier/default.js index 10ac3d84..bff1784e 100644 --- a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-identifier/default.js +++ b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-identifier/default.js @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ module.exports = { require('../implementations/did-monid.json'), require('../implementations/did-unisot.json'), require('../implementations/did-vaa.json'), + require('../implementations/did-ion.json'), require('../implementations/did-orb.json'), - require('../implementations/did-lit.json'), + require('../implementations/did-lit.json') ], }; diff --git a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-production/default.js b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-production/default.js index 99de8773..f9750ff2 100644 --- a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-production/default.js +++ b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/did-production/default.js @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ module.exports = { require('../implementations/did-monid.json'), require('../implementations/did-unisot.json'), require('../implementations/did-vaa.json'), + require('../implementations/did-ion.json'), require('../implementations/did-orb.json'), - require('../implementations/did-lit.json'), + require('../implementations/did-lit.json') ], }; diff --git a/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/implementations/did-ion.json b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/implementations/did-ion.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c0c4130 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/did-core-test-server/suites/implementations/did-ion.json @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "didMethod": "did:ion", + "implementation": "DID ION Test Suite", + "implementer": "DIF Sidetree WG", + "supportedContentTypes": [ + "application/did+json", + "application/did+ld+json" + ], + "dids": ["did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_cjRcZI2bRpwDQkQ: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"], + "didParameters": {}, + "did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_cjRcZI2bRpwDQkQ: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": { + "didDocumentDataModel": { + "properties": { 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For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax and MUST exist in the root map of the data model for the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings that conform to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be an ordered set of verification methods, where each verification method is expressed using a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST include the id, type, controller, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of type and are defined in § 5.2.1 Verification Material.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a verification method MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.2 DID URL Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST be a string that references exactly one verification method type.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OPTIONAL. This feature is non-normative. If present, the value MUST be astring representation of a [MULTIBASE] encoded public key.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [RFC7517].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain \"d\", or any other members of the private information class as described in Registration Template.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a verification method using both publicKeyJwk and publicKeyMultibase at the same time is prohibited.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of one or more verification methods.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be an ordered set of services, where each service is described by a map.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and serviceEndpoint properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI conforming to [RFC3986].", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it detects multiple service entries with the same id.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string or an ordered set of strings.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be a string, a map, or an ordered set composed of one or more strings and/or maps.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "5.x Core Properties - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid URIs conforming to [RFC3986] and normalized according to the Normalization and Comparison rules in RFC3986 and to any normalization rules in its applicable URI scheme specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this metadata MUST be a map of properties.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, map, list, ordered set, boolean, or null.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data structures such as maps and lists MUST be one of these data types as well.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be serializable according to the JSON serialization rules in the [INFRA] specification.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-core-properties", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "7.3 Metadata Structure - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "7.3 Metadata Structure - All metadata property definitions registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES] MUST define the value type, including any additional formats or restrictions to that value (for example, a string formatted as a date or as a decimal integer).", - "status": "todo" - } - ] - }, - { - "suite": "suites/did-identifier", - "testResults": [ - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:example:123" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "hl" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - hl - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "service" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - service - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "relativeRef" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - relativeRef - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string and MUST use percent-encoding for certain characters as specified in RFC3986 Section 2.1.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:example - DID Test Suite - DID Working Group", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "versionTime" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string which is a valid XML datetime value, as defined in section 3.3.7 of W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes [XMLSCHEMA11-2]. This datetime value MUST be normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision. For example: 2020-12-20T19:17:47Z.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:is - DID IS Test Suite - Blockcore", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "3.x Identifier - did:key - did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "3.x Identifier - did:key - did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) - Digital Bazaar", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "3.x Identifier - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "3.x Identifier - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "3.x Identifier - did:3 - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "versionTime" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string which is a valid XML datetime value, as defined in section 3.3.7 of W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes [XMLSCHEMA11-2]. This datetime value MUST be normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision. For example: 2020-12-20T19:17:47Z.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "3.x Identifier - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "3.x Identifier - did:ethr - ethr-did-resolver - ConsenSys Mesh", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "3.x Identifier - did:trust - DID Test Suite - TrustCerts GmbH", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "3.x Identifier - did:v1 - did-veres-one (2021) - Veres One Foundation", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "3.x Identifier - did:monid - did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) - Min Ju", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "3.x Identifier - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "3.1 DID Syntax", - "did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9CqQzpj7" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "3.x Identifier - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-identifier", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@unisot/unisot-did-resolverer::", - "3.x Identifier - did:unisot - @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer - UNISOT AS", - "3.2 DID URL Syntax", - "versionTime" - ], - "title": "3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated value MUST be an ASCII string which is a valid XML datetime value, as defined in section 3.3.7 of W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes [XMLSCHEMA11-2]. This datetime value MUST be normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision. For example: 2020-12-20T19:17:47Z.", - "status": "passed" - } - ] - }, - { - "suite": "suites/did-production", - "testResults": [ - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:example:123", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:example:123#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=JsonWebKey2020" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=OKP" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=Ed25519" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=VDXDwuGKVq91zxU6q7__jLDUq8_C5cuxECgd-1feFTE" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:example:123#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=JsonWebKey2020" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=OKP" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=X25519" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=3kY9jl1by7pLzgJktUH-e9H6fihdVUb00-sTzkfmIl8" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-0" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=2020-09-26T20:14:02Z" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - datetime: A JSON String serialized as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=1.2" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - integer: A JSON Number without a decimal or fractional component.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=5" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - double: A JSON Number with a decimal and fractional component.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=true" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - boolean: A JSON Boolean.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=null" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - null: A JSON null literal.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be included in the root JSON Object.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:example:123" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=wAAADkMFQkqxaUPB8jGq4ZoJVsaK9Y5M8riM76zugM6d" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#blockexplorer" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=BlockExplorer" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=https://explorer.blockcore.net" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#didresolver" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=DIDResolver" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=https://my.did.is" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#edv" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=EncryptedDataVault" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=https://vault.blockcore.net/" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd#key-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be included in the root JSON Object.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID IS Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mVdd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwuBV8xRoAnwWsdvktH" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#aH6oxPEu6krriD6" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#HWPYEjsV6rz1nB8" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#aH6oxPEu6krriD6" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd#HWPYEjsV6rz1nB8" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be included in the root JSON Object.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object],[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=0x26bF14321004e770E7A8b080b7a526d8eed8b388@eip155:1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=04808f0530d0f39b3f71e9258c555666f63d839bb8aa06beb77dbb2b5d81ed7e59ed4507188a89f231bb36fe85918c9b8b3bd1bcd105163604e6e288f1ccdd72d3" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller,did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller,did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#controller" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388#delegate-1" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be included in the root JSON Object.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::ethr-did-resolver::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526d8eed8b388" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=RsaVerificationKey2018" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=[object Object]" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is serialized as a member of the JSON Object with the entry key as a JSON String member name and the entry value according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=AQAB" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=ybWVtY6n1EgbnnNTwS-MIYg2G5z4rudDdRfnIQ8UIAVbjxngEOyBDn60IyYKBLQ0t9mJAWnrdPtRBFXktllu_KPlsPBZRhplxH4cg929xJCBbY_EP_vUf9pe5s75bEeo7ZA8c9o0Q_LWpIjkJM1BURkRrbjxKfFLZHrWsSZWxqMVg27EOqEtgdCZpimD-kTw2QAuWDfGudppYNu-V7hLZ5UcuimzFEsLbhx1CIahu9RXmUm2zmbX2z4MoCP7bhl7vJXD9laQMFEWfXDdwGthQVwS-V_j0Oe6Uu6rtIgUs1ZtYrRCNYelduAmIlH-ZX9hIKumIDK5r4ajpHYyLzYfbQ" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=RS256" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=true" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - boolean: A JSON Boolean.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=RSA" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=verify" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=verify" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=verify" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh#EkHffN21Q34nzAV8VfkQ5QMcWP3BXL6zjfTXkN64dYun" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element of the list is serialized, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh", - "6.2.1 JSON Production - The DID document, DID document data structures, and representation-specific entries map MUST be serialized to the JSON representation according to the following production rules:", - "PARAMETER value=" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of the set is added, in order, as a value of the array according to its type, as defined in this table.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be included in the root JSON Object.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.2.1 JSON Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::DID Test Suite::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-veres-one (2021)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:v1:nym:z6Mks6XhVxGqMw4v4Y7a4MvhTypUkNMGt2SMGCVPpAS4bqp4" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take a DID document data model and a representation-specific entries map as input into the production process. The conforming producer MAY accept additional options as input into the production process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST serialize all entries in the DID document data model, and the representation-specific entries map, that do not have explicit processing rules for the representation being produced using only the representation's data type processing rules and return the serialization after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST return the Media Type string associated with the representation after the production process completes.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.1 Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2", - "application/did+ld+json" - ], - "title": "6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce non-conforming DIDs or DID documents.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document data structures expressed by the data model MUST be serialized to the JSON-LD representation according to the JSON representation production rules as defined in § 6.2 JSON.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON representation production rules, JSON-LD production MUST include the representation-specific @context entry.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST be the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1, or a JSON Array where the first item is the JSON String https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 and the subsequent items are serialized according to the JSON representation production rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-production", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)::", - "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production", - "did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3666627fcf5a167d693c9fc84b75964e2" - ], - "title": "6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representation of a DID document, a conforming producer MUST specify a media type of application/did+ld+json to downstream applications such as described in § 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata.", - "status": "passed" - } - ] - }, - { - "suite": "suites/did-resolution", - "testResults": [ - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group" - ], - "title": "All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution functions for at least one DID method and MUST be able to return a DID document in at least one conformant representation.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolve function was called, this MUST be a DID document abstract data model (a map) as described in § 4. Data Model that is capable of being transformed into a conforming DID Document (representation), using the production rules specified by the representation.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID document MUST match the DID that was resolved.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "equivalentId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of equivalentId MUST be a set where each item in the list is a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "equivalentId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - Each equivalentId DID value MUST be produced by, and a form of, the same DID Method as the id property value.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "canonicalId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of canonicalId MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:111", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "canonicalId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - A canonicalId value MUST be produced by, and a form of, the same DID Method as the id property value.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolve function was called, this MUST be a DID document abstract data model (a map) as described in § 4. Data Model that is capable of being transformed into a conforming DID Document (representation), using the production rules specified by the representation.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID document MUST match the DID that was resolved.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be a single keyword ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example_222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to the DID resolution function does not conform to valid syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolve function was called, this MUST be a DID document abstract data model (a map) as described in § 4. Data Model that is capable of being transformed into a conforming DID Document (representation), using the production rules specified by the representation.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID document MUST match the DID that was resolved.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be a single keyword ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was unable to find the DID document resulting from this resolution request.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolve function was called, this MUST be a DID document abstract data model (a map) as described in § 4. Data Model that is capable of being transformed into a conforming DID Document (representation), using the production rules specified by the representation.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID document MUST match the DID that was resolved.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "deactivated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - If a DID has been deactivated, DID document metadata MUST include this property with the boolean value true.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolveRepresentation function was called, this MUST be a byte stream of the resolved DID document in one of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be an empty stream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's preferred representation of the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be an ASCII string that is the Media Type of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:555", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolveRepresentation function was called, this MUST be a byte stream of the resolved DID document in one of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be an empty stream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's preferred representation of the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be an ASCII string that is the Media Type of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:666", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolveRepresentation function was called, this MUST be a byte stream of the resolved DID document in one of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be an empty stream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's preferred representation of the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be an ASCII string that is the Media Type of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - Example Resolver - DID Working Group", - "did:example:777", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs" - ], - "title": "All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution functions for at least one DID method and MUST be able to return a DID document in at least one conformant representation.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolve function was called, this MUST be a DID document abstract data model (a map) as described in § 4. Data Model that is capable of being transformed into a conforming DID Document (representation), using the production rules specified by the representation.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID document MUST match the DID that was resolved.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocument" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "created" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be a string formatted as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated is later or equal than created.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolveRepresentation function was called, this MUST be a byte stream of the resolved DID document in one of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be an empty stream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's preferred representation of the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be an ASCII string that is the Media Type of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "created" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be a string formatted as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated is later or equal than created.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST be a conformant DID as defined in § 3.1 DID Syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "resolutionOptions" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the resolution process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this structure MUST contain a contentType property containing the Media Type of the representation found in the didDocumentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didResolutionMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the resolveRepresentation function was called, this MUST be a byte stream of the resolved DID document in one of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentStream" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be an empty stream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didDocumentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's preferred representation of the DID document.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the resolveRepresentation function and MUST NOT be used with the resolve function.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if resolution is successful and if the resolveRepresentation function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be present if the resolve function was called.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST be an ASCII string that is the Media Type of the conformant representations.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveRepresentation function MUST use this value when determining how to parse and process the didDocumentStream returned by this function into the data model.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Resolution Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the resolution process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "created" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be a string formatted as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated is later or equal than created.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-resolution", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.1.x DID Resolution - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID Document Metadata", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - } - ] - }, - { - "suite": "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "testResults": [ - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL reference, the algorithm specified in RFC3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution MUST be used.", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the complete DID URL including the DID fragment MUST be used.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the dereferencing process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was called and successful, this MUST contain a resource corresponding to the DID URL.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the caller prefers for contentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL reference, the algorithm specified in RFC3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution MUST be used.", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the complete DID URL including the DID fragment MUST be used.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the dereferencing process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was called and successful, this MUST contain a resource corresponding to the DID URL.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the caller prefers for contentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:222#key-1", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL reference, the algorithm specified in RFC3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution MUST be used.", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the complete DID URL including the DID fragment MUST be used.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the dereferencing process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was called and successful, this MUST contain a resource corresponding to the DID URL.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the caller prefers for contentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this property MUST be a single keyword ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example_333", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID URL supplied to the DID URL dereferencing function does not conform to valid syntax.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL reference, the algorithm specified in RFC3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution MUST be used.", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the complete DID URL including the DID fragment MUST be used.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the dereferencing process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was called and successful, this MUST contain a resource corresponding to the DID URL.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the caller prefers for contentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this property MUST be a single keyword ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::Example Dereferencer::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - Example Dereferencer - DID Working Group", - "did:example:444", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL dereferencer was unable to find the contentStream resulting from this dereferencing request.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL reference, the algorithm specified in RFC3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution MUST be used.", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the complete DID URL including the DID fragment MUST be used.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the dereferencing process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was called and successful, this MUST contain a resource corresponding to the DID URL.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "created" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be a string formatted as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated is later or equal than created.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextUpdate" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextUpdate" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate is later than created.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextUpdate" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate is later than updated.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextVersionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextVersionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId is different from versionId.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the caller prefers for contentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionTime=2021-03-16T10:09:21Z", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax ABNF Rules.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL reference, the algorithm specified in RFC3986 Section 5: Reference Resolution MUST be used.", - "status": "todo" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the complete DID URL including the DID fragment MUST be used.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "didUrl" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingOptions" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case of an error in the dereferencing process, this MUST NOT be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "dereferencingMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successful, this structure MUST contain an error property describing the error.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was called and successful, this MUST contain a resource corresponding to the DID URL.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentStream" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, this MUST be a metadata structure, but the structure MAY be empty.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "created" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be a string formatted as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "updated" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated is later or equal than created.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextUpdate" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST follow the same formatting rules as the created property.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextUpdate" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate is later than created.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextUpdate" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate is later than updated.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "versionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextVersionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - The value of the property MUST be an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata", - "If the contentStream is a DID document, this MUST be a didDocumentMetadata structure as described in DID Resolution.", - "nextVersionId" - ], - "title": "7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId is different from versionId.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "contentMetadata" - ], - "title": "7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful, this output MUST be an empty metadata structure.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the caller prefers for contentStream.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Options", - "accept" - ], - "title": "7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "contentType" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST be expressed as an ASCII string.", - "status": "passed" - }, - { - "ancestors": [ - "suites/did-url-dereferencing", - "IMPLEMENTATION ::@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver::", - "7.2.x DID URL Dereferencing - @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver - 3Box Labs", - "did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jcjordpo81e0w04krcpz8knxvg5ygiabd?versionId=bafyreidmpfv7aumgqeqacprb2yv3t7sapsoro6dpopopyxtelknfbxifia", - "PARAMETER expected outcome: defaultOutcome", - "DID URL Dereferencing Metadata", - "error" - ], - "title": "7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process.", - "status": "passed" - } - ] - } -] \ No newline at end of file