diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 8db47cc..5444168 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1221,6 +1221,14 @@
and adjust their [=partitions=] to prevent or support [=recognition=] across those intra-site [=contexts=]
according to their [=users=]' wishes.
## Data Minimization {#data-minimization}
[=Sites=], [=user agents=], and other [=actors=]
@@ -2243,7 +2251,7 @@
## Recognition {#recognition}
-Recognition is the act of realising that a given [=identity=]
+Recognition is the act of realising that a given [=identity=]
corresponds to the same [=person=] as another [=identity=] which may have been
observed either in another [=context=], or in the same [=context=] but at a
different time. [=Recognition=] can be probabilistic, if someone realises there's