@ECHO OFF @REM The automated build process can, and should, set the following environment variables prior to calling this command script @REM SignBuild=true ; Submits the resulting binaries for signing, this will fail if the user does not have CODESIGN permissions @REM AUTOMATED_BUILD=true ; Indicates to the build that this is an automated build process, there are a few references to this and we hope to eliminate them in the future if "%1" == "/?" goto :ShowUsage if "%1" == "-?" goto :ShowUsage if /i "%1" == "/h" goto :ShowUsage if /i "%1" == "-h" goto :ShowUsage if "%FLAVOR_SDK%" == "" set FLAVOR_SDK=RTM if /i "%VSSDK140Install%"=="" goto :MissingVSSDK if NOT EXIST "%VSSDK140Install%" goto :MissingVSSDK SET BUILD_VERSION=%1 if "%BUILD_VERSION%"=="" set BUILD_VERSION=0 SET BUILD_SHARE=%~2 if "%BUILD_SHARE%"=="" set BUILD_SHARE=%SPOCLIENT% SET BUILD_BRANCH=%~3 SET RELEASENAME=%4 if "%RELEASENAME%"=="" set RELEASENAME="(%USERNAME%)" SET WixMsiBuildNumberOverride=%5 SET PRODVER_MAJOR=4 SET PRODVER_MINOR=4 IF "%WixMsiBuildNumberOverride%"=="" set WixMsiBuildNumberOverride=%BUILD_VERSION% set COMMON_BUILD_ROOT=%BUILD_SHARE% if NOT "%BUILD_BRANCH%"=="" set COMMON_BUILD_ROOT=%COMMON_BUILD_ROOT%\%BUILD_BRANCH% call setenv_vs.cmd 14 SET PORT_BUILD= ECHO Building PreSDK ... call Msbuild sdk.dirproj /nr:false /t:Build /p:BuildNumber=%BUILD_VERSION% /p:FLAVOR=%FLAVOR_SDK% /clp:verbosity=minimal /flp:verbosity=detailed;LogFile=sdkpre.log if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% ECHO Building SDK ... call Msbuild setup\ProductSDK\Product.wixproj /m /t:Build /p:BuildNumber=%BUILD_VERSION% /p:FLAVOR=%FLAVOR_SDK% /clp:verbosity=minimal /flp:verbosity=detailed;LogFile=sdk.log if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% ECHO Building VSIX packages ... call Msbuild setup\ProductSDK\VsixPackages.dirproj /t:Build /p:BuildNumber=%BUILD_VERSION% /p:FLAVOR=%FLAVOR_SDK% /clp:verbosity=minimal /flp:verbosity=detailed;LogFile=vsixpkg.log if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% SET PORT_BUILD= GOTO :EOF :ShowUsage @ECHO usage: @ECHO build_sdk.cmd [BUILD_NUMBER] [BUILD_SHARE] [BUILD_BRANCH] [RELEASE_NAME] @ECHO or @ECHO build_sdk.cmd @ECHO where: @ECHO BUILD_NUMBER = Build portion of the version quad [Default = 0 ] @ECHO BUILD_SHARE = Root of the build output [ Default = SPOCLIENT ] @ECHO BUILD_BRANCH = Branch used for the build [ Default = client_vNext ] @ECHO RELEASE_NAME = Name for the release [ Default = "(%%USERNAME%%)"] @echo example: @ECHO build_sdk.cmd 1234 \\NETMFBLD02\Builds\69423 client_vNext "(RC1)" goto :EOF :MissingVSSDK @ECHO ERROR: Visual Studio 2015 SDK (VSSDK) was not detected, this SDK is required to build the .NET Micro Framework SDK source code goto :EOF