- improve: support export import async function
- improve: Exclude folders from scan #16 #17
- fix bug: Type variable, then use shortcut it erases variable #14
- fix bug: Open to remove leading ./ if is ./../ #11
- feature: vscode Adopting Multi Root Workspace APIs
- improve: improve interpreter
- feature: support export enum, abstract class
- improve: upgrade vscode engines version and task lanuch version
- fix bug: findFiles bug in vscode 1.18.0
- feature: add config for semicolon #7
- fix bug: bug about '$$' #5
- feature: support import plain file like .less .css .jpg
- fix bug: TypeError in getIdentifierLoc #2
- improve: if the charator before autocomplete word is '.', we don't need to return any items
- fix bugs
- improve: default filesToScan change to **/*.{jsx,js,tsx,ts}
- feature: use relative path when file path is in alias path
- feature: move shutcut to ctrl + alt + h (mac cmd + alt + h)
- feature: sort resover items by edit distance
- improve: support find nested default import name, like 'React'
- fix bug: add line feed after insert new import statement
- fix bug: support $ in identifier
- open github issue when enconter bugs
- refact code, prepare for sort import
- make code testable and add more test
- add option maxLen
- fix relative path bug on window
- filter current file export
- add option codeCompletionAction
- filter import name 'default'
- support export interface
- delete word if the word is in a single line after import
- support recognize import 'module-name'
- fix bug, moduleSpecifier support _ and -
- full suport in node_modules, only extract export form main file and support module.exports = require('./lib/React')
- watch change of package.json, auto remove and add module
- add feature codeCompletion
- add codeCompletion option
- add quote option
- fix doublequote bug
- support autofix
- support commaDangleImport option
- support insert position option
- support multiple line import statement
- support webpack export style like : exports.default = _parseImport2.default
- support partial matching of module name and value
- support ts file in source code
- fix option filesToScan inactive bug
- add error msg when attempt to import mutiple default variable
- support as in import statement (currently not support line feed)
- clean up import although is already import
- Initial release