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🗣 language integration
🗣 language integration
📦 lib-api
📦 lib-api
About wasmer
📦 lib-c-api
📦 lib-c-api
About wasmer-c-api
📦 lib-cache
📦 lib-cache
About wasmer-cache
📦 lib-cli
📦 lib-cli
About wasmer-cli
📦 lib-compiler
📦 lib-compiler
About wasmer-compiler
📦 lib-compiler-cranelift
📦 lib-compiler-cranelift
About wasmer-compiler-cranelift
📦 lib-compiler-llvm
📦 lib-compiler-llvm
About wasmer-compiler-llvm
📦 lib-compiler-singlepass
📦 lib-compiler-singlepass
About wasmer-compiler-singlepass
📦 lib-deprecated
📦 lib-deprecated
About the deprecated crates
📦 lib-emscripten
📦 lib-emscripten
About wasmer-emscripten
📦 lib-engine
📦 lib-engine
About wasmer-engine
📦 lib-engine-dylib
📦 lib-engine-dylib
About wasmer-engine-dylib
📦 lib-engine-staticlib
📦 lib-engine-staticlib
About wasmer-engine-staticlib
📦 lib-engine-universal
📦 lib-engine-universal
About wasmer-engine-universal
📦 lib-middlewares
📦 lib-middlewares
About wasmer-middlewares
📦 lib-object
📦 lib-object
About wasmer-object
📦 lib-types
📦 lib-types
About wasmer-types
📦 lib-vfs
📦 lib-vfs
About wasmer-vfs
📦 lib-vm
📦 lib-vm
About wasmer-vm
📦 lib-wasi
📦 lib-wasi
About wasmer-wasi
Issues related to the WASIX toolchain.
Created by Linear-GitHub Sync
🍋 Low-hanging Fruit
🍋 Low-hanging Fruit
⏱ metering
⏱ metering
🧞 needs example
🧞 needs example
The issue needs an example on how to do it
🕵️ needs investigation
🕵️ needs investigation
The issue/PR needs further investigation
❔ needs more context
❔ needs more context
Needs more context and information from the issue poster.