JavascriptCore with jQuery for Samurai-native. Now you can use jQuery to control Samurai-native's UI & Interaction
##jQuery 2.x
Pudding-JS use jQuery custom build base on jQuery 2.x:
$ grunt custom:-ajax,-ajax/xhr,-ajax/script,-ajax/jsonp,-css,-deprecated,-dimensions,-effects,-event/alias,-event/trigger,-event/focusin,-offset,-wrap,-exports/amd,-sizzle
##jQuery Methods Support List
###Dom's methods
Method | Supported | Remark |
length | √ | |
jquery | √ | |
toArray | √ | |
get | √ | |
pushStack | √ | |
each | √ | |
map | √ | |
slice | √ | |
first | √ | |
last | √ | |
eq | √ | |
end | √ | |
find | √ | |
filter | √ | partial |
not | √ | |
is | √ | |
has | √ | partial |
closest | √ | |
index | √ | |
add | √ | |
addBack | √ | |
parent | √ | |
parents | √ | partial |
parentsUntil | √ | |
next | √ | |
prev | √ | |
nextAll | √ | |
prevAll | √ | |
nextUntil | √ | |
prevUntil | √ | |
siblings | √ | |
children | √ | |
contents | √ | |
ready | ? | |
data | √ | |
removeData | √ | |
queue | × | |
dequeue | × | |
clearQueue | × | |
promise | ? | |
detach | √ | partial |
remove | √ | partial |
text | √ | |
append | √ | |
prepend | √ | |
before | √ | |
after | √ | |
empty | √ | |
clone | × | |
html | √ | partial |
replaceWith | ? | |
appendTo | ? | |
prependTo | ? | |
insertBefore | ? | |
insertAfter | ? | |
replaceAll | ? | |
delay | ? | |
attr | √ | |
removeAttr | √ | |
prop | × | |
removeProp | × | |
addClass | √ | |
removeClass | √ | |
toggleClass | √ | |
hasClass | √ | |
val | √ | partial |
serialize | ? | |
serializeArray | ? |
Method | Supported | Remark |
get | √ | partial |
Method | Supported | Remark |
jQuery.contains() | √ | |
jQuery.each() | √ | |
jQuery.extend() | √ | |
jQuery.globalEval() | ||
jQuery.grep() | ||
jQuery.inArray() | ||
jQuery.isArray() | ||
jQuery.isEmptyObject() | ||
jQuery.isFunction() | ||
jQuery.isNumeric() | ||
jQuery.isPlainObject() | ||
jQuery.isWindow() | ||
jQuery.isXMLDoc() | ||
jQuery.makeArray() | || | ||
jQuery.merge() | ||
jQuery.noop() | || | ||
jQuery.parseHTML() | ||
jQuery.parseJSON() | ||
jQuery.parseXML() | ||
jQuery.proxy() | || | ||
jQuery.trim() | ||
jQuery.type() | ||
jQuery.unique() |
Pudding-JS is licensed under the MIT License.