diff --git a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
index 0994f065..db20c54a 100644
--- a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
+++ b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -1 +1,347 @@
-To be added...
+# Contributing
+If you would like to contribute to this project, please open an issue or a pull request. We are always looking for ways to improve the project and would love to hear your ideas.
+The latest changes are always in master branch, so please make your Pull Request against that branch.
+## ๐ฉ Development Requirements
+Before you begin, you will need to set up your local development environment. Here is what you'll need:
+- **Operating System**: macOS Monterey+, Linux, or Windows with WSL2.
+- **Docker**: Version 26.0.0 or newer. Installation guides:
+ - [Docker on Ubuntu 22.04](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-22-04)
+ - [Docker Desktop on Mac](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/)
+- **Homebrew** (macOS only): Install via [brew.sh](https://brew.sh/).
+### โ Optional Tools
+- [Pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) โ Automates the running of git pre-commit hooks.
+ - Installation: `brew install pre-commit` and `make hooks`
+- [Cz-git](https://cz-git.qbb.sh) โ Commitizen adapter, that assists in formatting git commits.
+ - Installation: `brew install czg`
+## ๐ ๏ธ Makefile
+This project uses a Makefile to streamline common development tasks. The Makefile includes utilities for managing Docker environments, running tests, and linting code.
+make help
+
+### โ Key Commands
+- `make env`: Creates a `.env` file from the `.env.example` template.
+- `make install`: Installs project composer dependencies
+- `make update`: Updates project composer dependencies
+- `make up`: Starts all services using Docker Compose.
+- `make down`: Stops and removes all services.
+- `make logs`: Displays logs for all services.
+- `make ssh`: Logs into the running application container for command line operations.
+- `make lint`: Executes all linting procedures for YAML, PHP, and Composer files.
+- `make commit`: Runs cz-git, a commitizen adapter for commit message formatting in a native environment.
+Refer to the output of `make help` for a comprehensive list of available commands.
+## ๐ป Workflow
+> Please feature/fix/update... into individual PRs (not one changing everything)
+- **Fork the Repository**: Start by forking the repository to your GitHub account.
+- **Create a Branch**: In your fork, create a new branch for your work. Name it appropriately based on the feature, fix, or update you're working on.
+- **Make Your Changes**: Implement your changes
+- **Run Tests**: Ensure all tests pass by running `make test`.
+- **Update Documentation**: If you've made changes that affect the project's documentation, ensure it is updated.
+- **Run Linters**: Ensure your code passes all linting checks using `make lint`.
+- **Commit Your Changes**: Use the [Conventional Commits](#-commit-message-guidelines) standard for your commit messages. You can use `make commit` to assist in creating commit messages.
+- **Push Your Changes**: Push your branch to your fork on GitHub.
+- **Open a Pull Request**: Submit a pull request to the `master` branch of the original repository. Ensure your PR is focused, addressing a single feature, fix, or improvement.
+## ๐ณ Docker Support
+This package leverages Docker to provide a consistent and isolated development environment. The included [`Makefile`](../Makefile) utilizes `docker-compose.yaml` along with the [wayofdev/docker-php-dev](https://github.com/wayofdev/docker-php-dev) PHP image to streamline setup and usage. This setup facilitates easy configuration of tools like XDebug for debugging and profiling, enhancing the development experience.
+To run docker container:
+make up
+Other commands:
+# Login inside container
+$ make ssh
+# Turn off containers
+$ make down
+By default, phpunit and phpstan commands will be ran against docker environment.
+## โก๏ธ Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions
+Our project employs [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/features/actions) for continuous integration, ensuring code quality and reliability. We encourage contributors to review our workflow configurations to understand the CI processes:
+| Workflow | Description |
+| [`apply-labels.yml`](workflows/apply-labels.yml) | Auto labels PRs based on rules. |
+| [`auto-merge-release.yml`](workflows/auto-merge-release.yml) | Automatically merges release PRs. |
+| [`coding-standards.yml`](workflows/coding-standards.yml) | Checks `yaml`, `md`, `composer`, `php` and commit coding standards. |
+| [`create-release.yml`](workflows/create-release.yml) | Creates a release on GitHub. |
+| [`dependency-analysis.yml`](workflows/dependency-analysis.yml) | Checks for dependency issues. |
+| [`security-analysis.yml`](workflows/security-analysis.yml) | Checks for security issues. |
+| [`shellcheck.yml`](workflows/shellcheck.yml) | Checks shell scripts. |
+| [`static-analysis.yml`](workflows/static-analysis.yml) | Runs `psalm` and `phpstan` tools. |
+| [`testing.yml`](workflows/testing.yml) | Runs coverage, unit and mutation tests. |
+## ๐ Before You Contribute
+- **Tests**: Include tests that cover any new features or bug fixes.
+- **Code Quality**: Utilize `make lint` for code style checks and `make lint-stan lint-psalm` for static analysis with [PHPStan](https://phpstan.org) and [Psalm](https://psalm.dev/).
+- **Documentation**: Update relevant documentation to reflect your changes, ensuring other developers can understand and use your contributions effectively.
+- **Commits**: use Conventional Commits standard to create a commit
+## ๐ฉ Commit Message Guidelines
+We follow the [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) standard. Please structure your commit messages as follows, using the appropriate prefix:
+git commit -am 'feat: some feature was introduced'
+git commit -am 'fix: something has been fixed'
+**Allowed Prefixes:**
+| Prefix | Purpose |
+| `feat:` | Introduces a new feature |
+| `fix:` | Fixes a bug |
+| `perf:` | Improves performance |
+| `docs:` | Documentation only changes |
+| `style:` | Code style changes (formatting, missing semi-colons, etc.) |
+| `deps:` | Updates dependencies |
+| `refactor:` | Code changes that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature |
+| `ci:` | Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts |
+| `test:` | Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests |
+| `revert:` | Reverts a previous commit |
+| `build:` | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies |
+| `chore:` | Other changes that don't modify src or test files |
+| `security:` | A code change that fixes a security issue |
+## ๐ Coding Standards and Tools
+We enforce coding standards to maintain high code quality and readability. Here's a list of tools we use:
+### โ Composer Normalization
+We use [`ergebnis/composer-normalize`](https://github.com/ergebnis/composer-normalize) to normalize `composer.json`.
+make lint-composer
+### โ Yaml Lint
+We use [`yamllint`](https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint) to enforce coding standards in YAML files.
+To lint yaml files run:
+make lint-yaml
+by default, [`cytopia/yamllint`](https://github.com/cytopia/docker-yamllint) Docker image will be used to run linter.
+### โ Action Lint
+We use [`actionlint`](https://github.com/rhysd/actionlint) to enforce coding standards in GitHub Actions workflows.
+To lint GitHub Actions run:
+make lint-actions
+by default, [`rhysd/actionlint`](https://hub.docker.com/r/rhysd/actionlint/tags) Docker image will be used to run linter.
+### โ Markdown Lint
+We use [`markdownlint-cli2`](https://github.com/davidanson/markdownlint-cli2) to enforce coding standards in Markdown files.
+To lint markdown files run:
+make lint-md-dry
+make lint-md
+### โ PHP CS Fixer
+We use [`friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer`](https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer) together with [`wayofdev/php-cs-fixer-config`](https://github.com/wayofdev/php-cs-fixer-config) to enforce coding standards in PHP files.
+make lint-php
+to automatically fix coding standard violations.
+### โ Rector
+We use [`rector/rector`](https://github.com/rectorphp/rector) to refactor and modernize PHP code.
+make refactor
+to perform code refactoring.
+## ๐ฌ Dependency Analysis
+We use [`maglnet/composer-require-checker`](https://github.com/maglnet/ComposerRequireChecker) to prevent the use of unknown symbols in production code.
+make lint-deps
+to run a dependency analysis.
+## ๐ Security Audits
+We use Composer's built-in audit feature to check for known vulnerabilities in dependencies.
+make lint-audit
+## ๐ฆ Mutation Tests
+We use [`infection/infection`](https://github.com/infection/infection) to ensure a minimum quality of the tests.
+Xdebug support is enabled by default, when running commands through `Makefile`:
+make infect
+to run mutation tests.
+## โ๏ธ Static Code Analysis
+We use both [`phpstan/phpstan`](https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan) and [`vimeo/psalm`](https://github.com/vimeo/psalm) to statically analyze the code.
+make lint-stan
+make lint-psalm
+to run a static code analysis.
+We also use the baseline features of [`phpstan/phpstan`](https://phpstan.org/user-guide/baseline) and [`vimeo/psalm`](https://psalm.dev/docs/running_psalm/dealing_with_code_issues/#using-a-baseline-file) to ignore existing issues.
+make lint-stan-baseline
+make lint-psalm-baseline
+to regenerate the baselines in:
+- [`../phpstan-baseline.neon`](../phpstan-baseline.neon).
+- [`../psalm-baseline.xml`](../psalm-baseline.xml).
+> Ideally, the baseline files should stay empty or shrink over time.
+## ๐งช Tests
+We use [`phpunit/phpunit`](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit) and [`pestphp/pest`](https://github.com/pestphp/pest) to drive the development.
+Run to run all the tests:
+# To run both, arch (pest) and unit (phpunit) tests
+make test
+# To run only arch (pest) tests
+make test-arch
+# To run only unit (phpunit) tests
+make test-unit
+## ๐ฆ Pre-commit Hooks
+Pre-commit hooks are an optional but highly recommended way to automate the linting and quality checks before committing changes to the repository. This project provides a predefined configuration that helps in maintaining code quality and consistency.
+### โ Configured Hooks
+Our pre-commit configuration includes several hooks:
+- **Trailing Whitespace**: Removes unnecessary trailing spaces.
+- **End-of-File Fixer**: Ensures that files end with a newline.
+- **Check Added Large Files**: Prevents accidentally adding large files to the git repository, with a current limit set to 600 KB.
+- **Commitizen**: Ensures commit messages meet the conventional commit format. This hook is triggered at the commit message stage.
+- **PHP-CS-Fixer:** Enforces coding standards in PHP files.
+### โ Installing Pre-commit Hooks
+To utilize these hooks, you first need to install them using the command provided by the Makefile:
+make hooks
diff --git a/.github/assets/screenshot.png b/.github/assets/screenshot.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9a2082a
Binary files /dev/null and b/.github/assets/screenshot.png differ
diff --git a/.github/workflows/testing.yml b/.github/workflows/testing.yml
index b3129304..efcb0ac1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/testing.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/testing.yml
@@ -132,6 +132,63 @@ jobs:
- name: ๐งช Run unit tests using pestphp/pest
run: composer test
+ arch-testing:
+ timeout-minutes: 4
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ concurrency:
+ cancel-in-progress: true
+ group: arch-testing-${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}-${{ matrix.php-version }}-${{ matrix.dependencies }}
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: true
+ matrix:
+ os:
+ - ubuntu-latest
+ php-version:
+ - '8.1'
+ dependencies:
+ - locked
+ steps:
+ - name: ๐ฆ Check out the codebase
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.6
+ - name: ๐ ๏ธ Setup PHP
+ uses: shivammathur/setup-php@2.30.5
+ with:
+ php-version: ${{ matrix.php-version }}
+ extensions: none, ctype, curl, dom, json, mbstring, phar, simplexml, tokenizer, xml, xmlwriter, opcache, pcntl, posix
+ ini-values: error_reporting=E_ALL
+ coverage: xdebug
+ - name: ๐ ๏ธ Setup problem matchers
+ run: |
+ echo "::add-matcher::${{ runner.tool_cache }}/php.json"
+ echo "::add-matcher::${{ runner.tool_cache }}/phpunit.json"
+ - name: ๐ค Validate composer.json and composer.lock
+ run: composer validate --ansi --strict
+ - name: ๐ Get composer cache directory
+ uses: wayofdev/gh-actions/actions/composer/get-cache-directory@v3.1.0
+ - name: โป๏ธ Restore cached dependencies installed with composer
+ uses: actions/cache@v4.0.2
+ with:
+ path: ${{ env.COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR }}
+ key: php-${{ matrix.php-version }}-composer-${{ matrix.dependencies }}-${{ hashFiles('composer.lock') }}
+ restore-keys: php-${{ matrix.php-version }}-composer-${{ matrix.dependencies }}-
+ - name: โ๏ธ Remove platform configuration with composer
+ if: matrix.dependencies != 'locked'
+ run: composer config platform.php --ansi --unset
+ - name: ๐ฅ Install "${{ matrix.dependencies }}" dependencies
+ uses: wayofdev/gh-actions/actions/composer/install@v3.1.0
+ with:
+ dependencies: ${{ matrix.dependencies }}
+ - name: ๐งช Run architecture tests using pestphp/pest
+ run: composer test:arch
timeout-minutes: 16
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 976dcef3..fd2a522e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ else
.PHONY: env
+prepare: ## Prepare project for development
mkdir -p .build/php-cs-fixer
.PHONY: prepare
@@ -295,6 +295,6 @@ test-sep: ## Run project php-unit tests that requires @runInSeparateProcess anno
# Release
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+commit: ## Run commitizen to create commit message
czg commit --config="./.github/.cz.config.js"
.PHONY: commit