diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index cfd2dab233..8099664d1a 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ All notable changes to the Wazuh app project will be documented in this file.
- Added powerPC architecture in redhat7, in the section 'Deploy new agent'. [4833](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4833)
- Added a centralized service to handle the requests [#4831](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4831)
- Added data-test-subj create policy [#4873](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4873)
+- Added extra steps message and new command for windows xp and windows server 2008, added alpine agent with all its steps. [#4933](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4933)
### Changed
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ All notable changes to the Wazuh app project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed pagination to SCA table [#4653](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/issues/4653)
- Fixed WAZUH_PROTOCOL param suggestion [#4849](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4849)
- Raspbian OS, Ubuntu, Amazon Linux and Amazon Linux 2 commands in the wizard deploy agent now change when a different architecture is selected [#4876](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4876) [#4880](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4880)
+- Fixed the way macos versions and architectures were displayed, fixed the way agents were displayed, fixed the way ubuntu versions were displayed. [#4933](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4933)
## Wazuh v4.3.10 - Kibana 7.10.2, 7.16.x, 7.17.x - Revision 4311
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ All notable changes to the Wazuh app project will be documented in this file.
### Fixed
-- Wazuh.yml review: fixed link to web documentation, improved in-file documentation and fixed some grammatical errors. [#4378](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4378) [#4399](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4399)
+- Wazuh.yml review: fixed link to web documentation, improved in-file documentation and fixed some grammatical errors. [#4378](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4378) [#4399](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4399)
- Fixed an error during the generation of a group's report, if the request to the Wazuh API fails [#4350](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4350)
- Fixed a problem with the group's report, when the group has no agents [#4350](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4350)
- Fixed path in logo customization section [#4352](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-kibana-app/pull/4352)
diff --git a/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js b/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js
index 1cbc327079..c34f844e3f 100644
--- a/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js
+++ b/public/controllers/agent/components/register-agent.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Find more information about this on the LICENSE file.
-import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
+import React, { Component, Fragment, useState } from 'react';
import { version } from '../../../../package.json';
import { WazuhConfig } from '../../../react-services/wazuh-config';
import {
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ import {
- EuiLink
+ EuiLink,
+ EuiFormRow,
+ EuiFormControlLayout,
+ EuiForm
} from '@elastic/eui';
import { WzRequest } from '../../../react-services/wz-request';
import { withErrorBoundary } from '../../../components/common/hocs';
@@ -41,12 +44,42 @@ import { UI_LOGGER_LEVELS } from '../../../../common/constants';
import { UI_ERROR_SEVERITIES } from '../../../react-services/error-orchestrator/types';
import { getErrorOrchestrator } from '../../../react-services/common-services';
import { webDocumentationLink } from '../../../../common/services/web_documentation';
-import { architectureButtons, architectureButtonsi386, architecturei386Andx86_64, versionButtonsRaspbian, versionButtonsSuse, versionButtonsOracleLinux, versionButtonFedora, architectureButtonsSolaris, architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE, architectureButtonsOpenSuse, architectureButtonsAix, architectureButtonsHpUx, versionButtonAmazonLinux, versionButtonsRedHat, versionButtonsCentos, architectureButtonsMacos, osButtons, versionButtonsDebian, versionButtonsUbuntu, versionButtonsWindows, versionButtonsMacOS, versionButtonsOpenSuse, versionButtonsSolaris, versionButtonsAix, versionButtonsHPUX } from '../wazuh-config'
-import ServerAddress from '../register-agent/steps/server-address';
-import { getConnectionConfig, fetchClusterNodesOptions } from './register-agent-service'
+import {
+ architectureButtons,
+ architectureButtonsi386,
+ architecturei386Andx86_64,
+ versionButtonsRaspbian,
+ versionButtonsSuse,
+ versionButtonsOracleLinux,
+ versionButtonFedora,
+ architectureButtonsSolaris,
+ architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE,
+ architectureButtonsOpenSuse,
+ architectureButtonsAix,
+ architectureButtonsHpUx,
+ versionButtonAmazonLinux,
+ versionButtonsRedHat,
+ versionButtonsCentos,
+ architectureButtonsMacos,
+ osPrincipalButtons,
+ versionButtonsDebian,
+ versionButtonsUbuntu,
+ versionButtonsWindows,
+ versionButtonsMacOS,
+ versionButtonsOpenSuse,
+ versionButtonsSolaris,
+ versionButtonsAix,
+ versionButtonsHPUX,
+ versionButtonAlpine,
+} from '../wazuh-config';
+import ServerAddress from '../register-agent/steps/server-address';
+import {
+ getConnectionConfig,
+ fetchClusterNodesOptions,
+} from './register-agent-service';
+import { PrincipalButtonGroup } from './wz-accordion';
export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
class RegisterAgent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
@@ -63,6 +96,8 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
wazuhVersion: '',
serverAddress: '',
agentName: '',
+ agentNameError: false,
+ badCharacters: [],
wazuhPassword: '',
groups: [],
selectedGroup: [],
@@ -70,7 +105,8 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
udpProtocol: false,
showPassword: false,
showProtocol: true,
- connectionSecure: true
+ connectionSecure: true,
+ isAccordionOpen: false,
this.restartAgentCommand = {
rpm: this.systemSelector(),
@@ -79,7 +115,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
ubu: this.systemSelector(),
oraclelinux: this.systemSelector(),
macos: 'sudo /Library/Ossec/bin/wazuh-control start',
- win: 'NET START WazuhSvc'
+ win: 'NET START WazuhSvc',
@@ -93,7 +129,10 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
let authInfo = await this.getAuthInfo();
const needsPassword = (authInfo.auth || {}).use_password === 'yes';
if (needsPassword) {
- wazuhPassword = this.configuration['enrollment.password'] || authInfo['authd.pass'] || '';
+ wazuhPassword =
+ this.configuration['enrollment.password'] ||
+ authInfo['authd.pass'] ||
+ '';
if (wazuhPassword) {
hidePasswordInput = true;
@@ -154,16 +193,20 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
getEnrollDNSConfig = () => {
let serverAddress = this.configuration['enrollment.dns'] || '';
this.setState({ defaultServerAddress: serverAddress });
- if(serverAddress){
+ if (serverAddress) {
this.setState({ udpProtocol: true });
- }else{
+ } else {
this.setState({ udpProtocol: false });
- }
+ };
async getAuthInfo() {
try {
- const result = await WzRequest.apiReq('GET', '/agents/000/config/auth/auth', {});
+ const result = await WzRequest.apiReq(
+ 'GET',
+ '/agents/000/config/auth/auth',
+ {},
+ );
return (result.data || {}).data || {};
} catch (error) {
this.setState({ gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo: true });
@@ -181,28 +224,62 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
systemSelector() {
- if (this.state.selectedVersion === 'redhat7' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'amazonlinux2022' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'centos7' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'suse11' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'suse12' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'oraclelinux5' || this.state.selectedVersion === '22' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'amazonlinux2' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian8' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian9' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian10' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'busterorgreater' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'ubuntu15' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'ubuntu16' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'leap15') {
+ if (
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'redhat7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'amazonlinux2022' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'centos7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'suse11' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'suse12' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'oraclelinux5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === '22' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'amazonlinux2' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian8' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian9' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian10' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'busterorgreater' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'ubuntu15' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'leap15'
+ ) {
return 'sudo systemctl daemon-reload\nsudo systemctl enable wazuh-agent\nsudo systemctl start wazuh-agent';
- } else if (this.state.selectedVersion === 'redhat5' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'redhat6' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'centos5' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'centos6' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'oraclelinux6' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'amazonlinux1' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian7' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'ubuntu14') {
- return ('service wazuh-agent start');
+ } else if (
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'redhat5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'redhat6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'centos5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'centos6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'oraclelinux6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'amazonlinux1' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'debian7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'ubuntu14'
+ ) {
+ return 'service wazuh-agent start';
systemSelectorNet() {
- if (this.state.selectedVersion === 'windowsxp' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'windows8') {
- return ('update-rc.d wazuh-agent defaults && service wazuh-agent start');
+ if (
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'windowsxp' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'windowsserver2008' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'windows7'
+ ) {
+ return 'update-rc.d wazuh-agent defaults && service wazuh-agent start';
systemSelectorWazuhControlMacos() {
- if (this.state.selectedVersion == 'sierra' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'highSierra' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'mojave' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'catalina' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'bigSur' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'monterrey' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'ventura') {
- return ('/Library/Ossec/bin/wazuh-control start');
+ if (this.state.selectedVersion == 'sierra') {
+ return '/Library/Ossec/bin/wazuh-control start';
systemSelectorWazuhControl() {
- if (this.state.selectedVersion === 'solaris10' || this.state.selectedVersion === 'solaris11' || this.state.selectedVersion === '6.1 TL9' || this.state.selectedVersion === '11.31') {
- return ('/var/ossec/bin/wazuh-control start');
+ if (
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'solaris10' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === 'solaris11' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === '6.1 TL9' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === '11.31' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion === '3.12.12'
+ ) {
+ return '/var/ossec/bin/wazuh-control start';
@@ -216,10 +293,19 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
setAgentName(event) {
this.setState({ agentName: event.target.value });
- }
+ if (/^[a-z0-9-_.]+$/i.test(event.target.value) || event.target.value.length <= 0) {
+ this.setState({ agentNameError: false });
+ this.setState({ badCharacters: [] });
+ } else {
+ let badCharacters = event.target.value.split('').map(char =>
+ char.replace(/^[a-z0-9-_.]+$/i, '')).join('');
+ badCharacters = badCharacters.split('').map(char =>
+ char.replace(/\s/, 'whitespace'));
+ const characters = [...new Set(badCharacters)];
+ this.setState({ badCharacters: characters });
+ this.setState({ agentNameError: true });
- setAgentName(event) {
- this.setState({ agentName: event.target.value });
+ }
setGroupName(selectedGroup) {
@@ -231,6 +317,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
setVersion(selectedVersion) {
+ console.log(selectedVersion, 'sel');
this.setState({ selectedVersion, selectedArchitecture: '' });
@@ -257,16 +344,20 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
async getGroups() {
try {
const result = await WzRequest.apiReq('GET', '/groups', {});
- return result.data.data.affected_items.map((item) => ({ label: item.name, id: item.name }));
+ return result.data.data.affected_items.map(item => ({
+ label: item.name,
+ id: item.name,
+ }));
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
optionalDeploymentVariables() {
- let deployment = this.state.serverAddress && `WAZUH_MANAGER='${this.state.serverAddress}' `;
- const protocol = false
+ let deployment =
+ this.state.serverAddress &&
+ `WAZUH_MANAGER='${this.state.serverAddress}' `;
+ const protocol = false;
if (this.state.selectedOS == 'win') {
deployment += `WAZUH_REGISTRATION_SERVER='${this.state.serverAddress}' `;
@@ -281,7 +372,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
if (this.state.selectedGroup.length) {
deployment += `WAZUH_AGENT_GROUP='${this.state.selectedGroup
- .map((item) => item.label)
+ .map(item => item.label)
.join(',')}' `;
@@ -295,7 +386,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
agentNameVariable() {
let agentName = `WAZUH_AGENT_NAME='${this.state.agentName}' `;
- if(this.state.selectedArchitecture && this.state.agentName !== '') {
+ if (this.state.selectedArchitecture && this.state.agentName !== '') {
return agentName;
} else {
return '';
@@ -303,7 +394,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveRPMPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'redhat5-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum5/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-1.el5.i386.rpm`;
case 'redhat5-x86_64':
@@ -331,8 +424,29 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
+ resolveAlpinePackage() {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
+ case '3.12.12-i386':
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/key/alpine-devel%40wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub && \echo "https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/alpine/v3.12/main"`;
+ case '3.12.12-aarch64':
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/key/alpine-devel%40wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub && \echo "https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/alpine/v3.12/main"`;
+ case '3.12.12-x86_64':
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/key/alpine-devel%40wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub && \echo "https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/alpine/v3.12/main"`;
+ case '3.12.12-armhf':
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/key/alpine-devel%40wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub && \echo "https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/alpine/v3.12/main"`;
+ case '3.12.12-powerpc':
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/key/alpine-devel%40wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub && \echo "https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/alpine/v3.12/main"`;
+ default:
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/key/alpine-devel%40wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub && \echo "https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/alpine/v3.12/main"`;
+ }
+ }
resolveORACLELINUXPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'oraclelinux5-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-1.i386.rpm`;
case 'oraclelinux5-aarch64':
@@ -357,7 +471,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveCENTPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'centos5-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.el5.i386.rpm`;
case 'centos5-x86_64':
@@ -386,7 +502,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveSUSEPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'suse11-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.i386.rpm`;
case 'suse11-x86_64':
@@ -407,7 +525,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveFEDORAPachage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case '22-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-1.el5.i386.rpm`;
case '22-aarch64':
@@ -424,7 +544,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveAMAZONLPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'amazonlinux1-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.i386.rpm`;
case 'amazonlinux1-aarch64':
@@ -476,7 +598,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveRASPBIANPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'busterorgreater-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_i386.deb`;
case 'busterorgreater-aarch64':
@@ -493,7 +617,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveUBUNTUPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'ubuntu14-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_i386.deb`;
case 'ubuntu14-aarch64':
@@ -510,32 +636,28 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_armhf.deb`;
case 'ubuntu15-x86_64':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_amd64.deb`;
- case 'ubuntu16-i386':
- return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_i386.deb`;
- case 'ubuntu16-aarch64':
- return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_arm64.deb`;
- case 'ubuntu16-armhf':
- return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_armhf.deb`;
- case 'ubuntu16-x86_64':
- return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_amd64.deb`;
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/apt/pool/main/w/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent_${this.state.wazuhVersion}_amd64.deb`;
resolveOPENSUSEPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'leap15-x86_64':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.x86_64.rpm`;
case 'leap15-ARM64':
- return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/x86_64/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.armv7hl.rpm`
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/x86_64/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.armv7hl.rpm`;
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.x86_64.rpm`;
resolveSOLARISPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case 'solaris10-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/solaris/i386/10/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-sol10-i386.pkg`;
case 'solaris10-sparc':
@@ -543,14 +665,16 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
case 'solaris11-i386':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/solaris/i386/11/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-sol11-i386.p5p`;
case 'solaris11-sparc':
- return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/solaris/sparc/11/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-sol11-sparc.p5p`
+ return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/solaris/sparc/11/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-sol11-sparc.p5p`;
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/solaris/sparc/11/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-sol11-sparc.p5p`;
resolveAIXPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case '6.1 TL9-powerpc':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.aix.ppc.rpm`;
@@ -559,7 +683,9 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
resolveHPPackage() {
- switch (`${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`) {
+ switch (
+ `${this.state.selectedVersion}-${this.state.selectedArchitecture}`
+ ) {
case '11.31-itanium2':
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/i386/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-hpux-11v3-ia64.tar`;
@@ -595,6 +721,8 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
return this.resolveSUSEPackage();
case 'raspbian':
return this.resolveRASPBIANPackage();
+ case 'alpine':
+ return this.resolveAlpinePackage();
return `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/yum/x86_64/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-1.x86_64.rpm`;
@@ -710,6 +838,13 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? ['OS architecture']
: []),
+ case 'alpine':
+ return [
+ ...(!this.state.selectedVersion ? ['OS version'] : []),
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion && !this.state.selectedArchitecture
+ ? ['OS architecture']
+ : []),
+ ];
return [];
@@ -722,72 +857,94 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
return 'bash';
render() {
- const appVersionMajorDotMinor = this.state.wazuhVersion.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.');
- const urlCheckConnectionDocumentation = webDocumentationLink('user-manual/agents/agent-connection.html', appVersionMajorDotMinor);
+ const appVersionMajorDotMinor = this.state.wazuhVersion
+ .split('.')
+ .slice(0, 2)
+ .join('.');
+ const urlCheckConnectionDocumentation = webDocumentationLink(
+ 'user-manual/agents/agent-connection.html',
+ appVersionMajorDotMinor,
+ );
+ const urlWindowsPackage = `https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/windows/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}-1.msi`;
const textAndLinkToCheckConnectionDocumentation = (
To verify the connection with the Wazuh server, please follow this{' '}
const missingOSSelection = this.checkMissingOSSelection();
const agentName = (
- this.setAgentName(event)}
- />
+ ` "${char}"`)}
+ ${this.state.badCharacters.length <= 1 ? ('is') : ('are')}
+ not valid. Allowed characters are A-Z, a-z, ".", "-", "_"`]}>
+ this.setAgentName(event)} />
const groupInput = (
{!this.state.groups.length && (
const agentGroup = (
- Select one or more existing groups
- {
- this.setGroupName(group);
- }}
- isDisabled={!this.state.groups.length}
- isClearable={true}
- data-test-subj="demoComboBox"
- />
- )
+ Select one or more existing groups
+ {
+ this.setGroupName(group);
+ }}
+ isDisabled={!this.state.groups.length}
+ isClearable={true}
+ data-test-subj='demoComboBox'
+ />
+ );
const passwordInput = (
+ onChange={event => this.setWazuhPassword(event)}
const codeBlock = {
zIndex: '100',
const customTexts = {
rpmText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}yum install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
+ alpineText: `wget -O /etc/apk/keys/alpine-devel@wazuh.com-633d7457.rsa.pub ${this.optionalPackages()} >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
+apk update && \
+apk add wazuh-agent`,
centText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}yum install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
debText: `curl -so wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
}.deb ${this.optionalPackages()} && sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}dpkg -i ./wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
@@ -799,11 +956,20 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
}.pkg https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/macos/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
}-1.pkg && sudo launchctl setenv ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}&& sudo installer -pkg ./wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
}.pkg -target /`,
- winText: `Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/windows/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
- }-1.msi -OutFile \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion}.msi; msiexec.exe /i \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
- }.msi /q ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}`,
+ winText:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsxp' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsserver2008'
+ ? `msiexec.exe /i wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
+ }-1.msi /q ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}`
+ : `Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://packages.wazuh.com/4.x/windows/wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
+ }-1.msi -OutFile \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
+ }.msi; msiexec.exe /i \${env:tmp}\\wazuh-agent-${this.state.wazuhVersion
+ }.msi /q ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}`,
openText: `sudo rpm --import https://packages.wazuh.com/key/GPG-KEY-WAZUH && sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()} zypper install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
- solText: `sudo curl -so ${this.optionalPackages()} && sudo ${this.agentNameVariable()}&& ${this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11' ? 'pkg install -g wazuh-agent.p5p wazuh-agent' : 'pkgadd -d wazuh-agent.pkg'}`,
+ solText: `sudo curl -so ${this.optionalPackages()} && sudo ${this.agentNameVariable()}&& ${this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
+ ? 'pkg install -g wazuh-agent.p5p wazuh-agent'
+ : 'pkgadd -d wazuh-agent.pkg'
+ }`,
aixText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}rpm -ivh ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
hpText: `cd / && sudo curl -so ${this.optionalPackages()} && sudo ${this.agentNameVariable()}groupadd wazuh && sudo useradd -G wazuh wazuh && sudo tar -xvf wazuh-agent.tar`,
amazonlinuxText: `sudo ${this.optionalDeploymentVariables()}${this.agentNameVariable()}yum install -y ${this.optionalPackages()}`,
@@ -818,152 +984,209 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
const field = `${this.state.selectedOS}Text`;
const text = customTexts[field];
const language = this.getHighlightCodeLanguage(this.state.selectedOS);
- const warningUpgrade = 'If the installer finds another Wazuh agent in the system, it will upgrade it preserving the configuration.'
+ const warningUpgrade =
+ 'If the installer finds another Wazuh agent in the system, it will upgrade it preserving the configuration.';
+ const warningCommand = (
+ Please
+ download
+ the package from our repository and copy it to the Windows system
+ where you are going to install it. Then run the following command to
+ perform the installation:
+ );
const windowsAdvice = this.state.selectedOS === 'win' && (
- - You will need administrator privileges to perform this installation.
- - PowerShell 3.0 or greater is required.
+ -
+ You will need administrator privileges to perform this
+ installation.
+ -
+ PowerShell 3.0 or greater is required.
- Keep in mind you need to run this command in a Windows PowerShell terminal.
+ Keep in mind you need to run this command in a Windows PowerShell
+ terminal.
- const restartAgentCommand = this.restartAgentCommand[this.state.selectedOS];
- const onTabClick = (selectedTab) => {
+ const restartAgentCommand =
+ this.restartAgentCommand[this.state.selectedOS];
+ const onTabClick = selectedTab => {
- const calloutErrorRegistrationServiceInfo = this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
+ const calloutErrorRegistrationServiceInfo = this.state
+ .gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
) : null;
const guide = (
- {(this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo) ? (
+ {this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
- ) : (this.state.connectionSecure === true && this.state.udpProtocol === false) ? (
+ ) : this.state.connectionSecure === true &&
+ this.state.udpProtocol === false ? (
- You can use this command to install and enroll the Wazuh agent in one or more hosts.
- {windowsAdvice}
- {this.state.wazuhPassword && !this.state.showPassword ? this.obfuscatePassword(text) : text}
- {(copy) => (
- )}
- {this.state.needsPassword && (
- this.setShowPassword(active)}
+ You can use this command to install and enroll the Wazuh agent
+ in one or more hosts.
- )}
- ) : (this.state.connectionSecure === false) ?
- (
+ {windowsAdvice}
+ {this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsxp' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsserver2008' ? (
+ ) : (
+ ''
+ )}
+ {this.state.wazuhPassword && !this.state.showPassword
+ ? this.obfuscatePassword(text)
+ : text}
+ {copy => (
+ )}
+ {this.state.needsPassword && (
+ />
+ )}
+ ) : this.state.connectionSecure === false ? (
- You can use this command to install and enroll the Wazuh agent in one or more hosts.
- Warning: there's no secure protocol configured and agents will not be able to communicate with the manager.
- >
- }
- iconType="iInCircle"
- />
- {windowsAdvice}
- {this.state.wazuhPassword && !this.state.showPassword ? this.obfuscatePassword(text) : text}
- {(copy) => (
- )}
- {this.state.needsPassword && (
- this.setShowPassword(active)}
+ You can use this command to install and enroll the Wazuh agent
+ in one or more hosts.
- )}
- ) : (
- You can use this command to install and enroll the Wazuh agent in one or more hosts.
+ Warning: there's no{' '}
+ secure protocol configured
+ {' '}
+ and agents will not be able to communicate with the manager.
+ >
+ }
+ iconType='iInCircle'
+ />
+ {windowsAdvice}
+ {this.state.wazuhPassword && !this.state.showPassword
+ ? this.obfuscatePassword(text)
+ : text}
+ {copy => (
+ )}
+ {this.state.needsPassword && (
+ this.setShowPassword(active)}
- {windowsAdvice}
- {this.state.wazuhPassword && !this.state.showPassword ? this.obfuscatePassword(text) : text}
- {(copy) => (
- )}
- {this.state.needsPassword && (
- this.setShowPassword(active)}
- />
- )}
- )}
+ )}
+ ) : (
+ You can use this command to install and enroll the Wazuh agent
+ in one or more hosts.
+ {windowsAdvice}
+ {this.state.wazuhPassword && !this.state.showPassword
+ ? this.obfuscatePassword(text)
+ : text}
+ {copy => (
+ )}
+ {this.state.needsPassword && (
+ this.setShowPassword(active)}
+ />
+ )}
+ )}
@@ -975,14 +1198,16 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
- {(copy) => (
Copy command
+ {copy => (
@@ -1003,14 +1228,16 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
- {(copy) => (
Copy command
+ {copy => (
@@ -1031,14 +1258,16 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
- {(copy) => (
Copy command
+ {copy => (
@@ -1059,14 +1288,16 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
- {(copy) => (
Copy command
+ {copy => (
@@ -1087,14 +1318,16 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
- {(copy) => (
Copy command
+ {copy => (
@@ -1110,80 +1343,158 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
const buttonGroup = (legend, options, idSelected, onChange) => {
return (
- )
- }
+ className={'osButtonsStyle'}
+ />
+ );
+ };
- const buttonGroupWithMessage = (legend, options, idSelected, onChange) => {
+ const buttonGroupWithMessage = (
+ legend,
+ options,
+ idSelected,
+ onChange,
+ ) => {
return (
- {this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11' ?
- Might require some extra installation steps.
- }>
- : this.state.selectedVersion == '6.1 TL9' ?
- Might require some extra installation steps.
- }>
- : this.state.selectedVersion == '11.31' ?
- Might require some extra installation steps.
- }>
- : this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian10' ?
- Might require some extra installation steps.
- }>
- : ''}
+ {this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11' ? (
+ Might require some extra installation{' '}
+ steps
+ .
+ }
+ >
+ ) : this.state.selectedVersion == '6.1 TL9' ? (
+ Might require some extra installation{' '}
+ steps
+ .
+ }
+ >
+ ) : this.state.selectedVersion == '11.31' ? (
+ Might require some extra installation{' '}
+ steps
+ .
+ }
+ >
+ ) : this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian10' ? (
+ Might require some extra installation{' '}
+ steps
+ .
+ }
+ >
+ ) : (
+ ''
+ )}
- )
- }
+ );
+ };
const selectedVersionMac = (legend, options, idSelected, onChange) => {
return (
- )
- }
+ className={'osButtonsStyleMac'}
+ />
+ );
+ };
- const onChangeServerAddress = async (selectedNodes) => {
- if(selectedNodes.length === 0){
+ const onChangeServerAddress = async selectedNodes => {
+ if (selectedNodes.length === 0) {
serverAddress: '',
udpProtocol: false,
- connectionSecure: null
- })
- }else{
+ connectionSecure: null,
+ });
+ } else {
const nodeSelected = selectedNodes[0];
try {
const remoteConfig = await getConnectionConfig(nodeSelected);
serverAddress: remoteConfig.serverAddress,
udpProtocol: remoteConfig.udpProtocol,
- connectionSecure: remoteConfig.connectionSecure
- })
- }catch(error){
+ connectionSecure: remoteConfig.connectionSecure,
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
const options = {
context: `${RegisterAgent.name}.onChangeServerAddress`,
@@ -1200,28 +1511,43 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
serverAddress: nodeSelected.label,
udpProtocol: false,
- connectionSecure: false
- })
+ connectionSecure: false,
+ });
- }
+ };
const steps = [
title: 'Choose the operating system',
children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the Operating system", osButtons, this.state.selectedOS, (os) => this.selectOS(os))
+ />
...(this.state.selectedOS == 'rpm'
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat5' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat6' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsRedHat, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsRedHat, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
- ),
+ children:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat6'
+ ? buttonGroupWithMessage(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsRedHat,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ )
+ : buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsRedHat,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1229,8 +1555,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsOracleLinux, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsOracleLinux,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1239,8 +1568,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsRaspbian, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsRaspbian,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1249,8 +1581,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonAmazonLinux, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonAmazonLinux,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1259,9 +1594,21 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos5' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos6' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsCentos, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsCentos, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
- ),
+ children:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos6'
+ ? buttonGroupWithMessage(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsCentos,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ )
+ : buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsCentos,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1269,8 +1616,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonFedora, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonFedora,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1279,9 +1629,23 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian10' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsDebian, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsDebian, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
- ),
+ children:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian10'
+ ? buttonGroupWithMessage(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsDebian,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ )
+ : buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsDebian,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1289,9 +1653,20 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu14' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsUbuntu, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsUbuntu, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
- ),
+ children:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu14'
+ ? buttonGroupWithMessage(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsUbuntu,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ )
+ : buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsUbuntu,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1299,8 +1674,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsxp' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsWindows, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsWindows, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsWindows,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1309,8 +1687,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- selectedVersionMac("Choose the version", versionButtonsMacOS, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: selectedVersionMac(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsMacOS,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1319,8 +1700,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- selectedVersionMac("Choose the version", versionButtonsSuse, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: selectedVersionMac(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsSuse,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1329,8 +1713,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsOpenSuse, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsOpenSuse,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
@@ -1339,9 +1726,21 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsSolaris, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsSolaris, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
- ),
+ children:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
+ ? buttonGroupWithMessage(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsSolaris,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ )
+ : buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsSolaris,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1349,9 +1748,20 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == '6.1 TL9' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsAix, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsAix, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
- ),
+ children:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == '6.1 TL9'
+ ? buttonGroupWithMessage(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsAix,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ )
+ : buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsAix,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1359,18 +1769,48 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the version',
- children: (
- this.state.selectedVersion == '11.31' ? buttonGroupWithMessage("Choose the version", versionButtonsHPUX, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version)) : buttonGroup("Choose the version", versionButtonsHPUX, this.state.selectedVersion, (version) => this.setVersion(version))
+ children:
+ this.state.selectedVersion == '11.31'
+ ? buttonGroupWithMessage(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsHPUX,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ )
+ : buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonsHPUX,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
+ ...(this.state.selectedOS == 'alpine'
+ ? [
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the version',
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the version',
+ versionButtonAlpine,
+ this.state.selectedVersion,
+ version => this.setVersion(version),
: []),
- ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos5' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat5' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux5' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse11'
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux5' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse11'
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architecturei386Andx86_64, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architecturei386Andx86_64,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
@@ -1379,58 +1819,107 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtonsOpenSuse, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsOpenSuse,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
: []),
- ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos6' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux6' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux1' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat6' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2022' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu14' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu15' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu16'
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion == '3.12.12'
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtons, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
: []),
- ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos7' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat7' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse12' || this.state.selectedVersion == '22' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian10' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'busterorgreater'
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'oraclelinux6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux1' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat6' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2022' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian8' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu14' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'ubuntu15'
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtons,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
: []),
- ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsxp' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'windows8'
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'centos7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'redhat7' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'amazonlinux2' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'suse12' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == '22' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian9' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'debian10' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'busterorgreater'
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtonsi386, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
: []),
- ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'sierra' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'highSierra' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'mojave' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'catalina' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'bigSur' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'monterrey' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'ventura'
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsxp' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windowsserver2008' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'windows7'
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtonsMacos, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsi386,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
: []),
- ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' || this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'sierra'
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtonsSolaris, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsMacos,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
+ ...(this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris10' ||
+ this.state.selectedVersion == 'solaris11'
+ ? [
+ {
+ title: 'Choose the architecture',
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsSolaris,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
@@ -1439,8 +1928,11 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtonsAix, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsAix,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
@@ -1449,20 +1941,26 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
? [
title: 'Choose the architecture',
- children: (
- buttonGroup("Choose the architecture", architectureButtonsHpUx, this.state.selectedArchitecture, (architecture) => this.setArchitecture(architecture))
+ children: buttonGroup(
+ 'Choose the architecture',
+ architectureButtonsHpUx,
+ this.state.selectedArchitecture,
+ architecture => this.setArchitecture(architecture),
: []),
title: 'Wazuh server address',
- children:
- ,
+ children: (
+ ),
...(!(!this.state.needsPassword || this.state.hidePasswordInput)
? [
@@ -1474,41 +1972,111 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
: []),
title: 'Assign a name and a group to the agent',
- children: {agentName}{groupInput}{agentGroup},
+ children: (
+ {agentName}
+ {groupInput}
+ {agentGroup}
+ ),
title: 'Install and enroll the agent',
- children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ?
+ children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
- : missingOSSelection.length ? (
- ) : (
- {guide}
- ),
+ ) : this.state.agentNameError ? (
+ ) : missingOSSelection.length ? (
+ ) : (
+ {guide}
+ ),
- ...(this.state.selectedOS == 'rpm' || this.state.selectedOS == 'cent' || this.state.selectedOS == 'suse' || this.state.selectedOS == 'fedora' || this.state.selectedOS == 'oraclelinux' || this.state.selectedOS == 'amazonlinux' || this.state.selectedOS == 'deb' || this.state.selectedOS == 'raspbian' || this.state.selectedOS == 'ubu' || this.state.selectedOS == 'win' || this.state.selectedOS == 'macos' || this.state.selectedOS == 'open' || this.state.selectedOS == 'sol' || this.state.selectedOS == 'aix' || this.state.selectedOS == 'hp'
+ ...(this.state.selectedOS == 'rpm' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'cent' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'suse' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'fedora' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'oraclelinux' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'amazonlinux' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'deb' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'raspbian' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'ubu' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'win' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'macos' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'open' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'sol' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'aix' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'hp' ||
+ this.state.selectedOS == 'alpine'
? [
title: 'Start the agent',
- children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ?
+ children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
- : missingOSSelection.length ? (
- ) : (
- ),
+ ) : this.state.agentNameError ? (
+ ) : missingOSSelection.length ? (
+ ) : (
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1529,30 +2097,33 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
this.state.selectedOS !== 'oraclelinux' &&
this.state.selectedOS !== 'suse' &&
this.state.selectedOS !== 'raspbian' &&
+ this.state.selectedOS !== 'alpine' &&
? [
title: 'Start the agent',
- children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ?
+ children: this.state.gotErrorRegistrationServiceInfo ? (
- : (
- {restartAgentCommand}
- {(copy) => (
- )}
- ),
+ ) : (
+ {restartAgentCommand}
+ {copy => (
+ )}
+ ),
: []),
@@ -1560,7 +2131,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
return (
@@ -1574,18 +2145,18 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
{this.props.hasAgents() && (
- iconType="cross"
+ iconType='cross'
{!this.props.hasAgents() && (
- iconType="refresh"
+ iconType='refresh'
@@ -1596,7 +2167,7 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
{this.state.loading && (
@@ -1614,5 +2185,5 @@ export const RegisterAgent = withErrorBoundary(
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ },
diff --git a/public/controllers/agent/components/wz-accordion.tsx b/public/controllers/agent/components/wz-accordion.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eafaf073cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/controllers/agent/components/wz-accordion.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import {
+ EuiPanel,
+ EuiSpacer,
+ EuiAccordion,
+ EuiButtonGroup,
+ htmlIdGenerator,
+} from '@elastic/eui';
+import { osButtons } from '../wazuh-config';
+export const PrincipalButtonGroup = ({
+ legend,
+ options,
+ idSelected,
+ onChange,
+}) => {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+export const WzAccordion = ({ children }) => {
+ const [isAccordionOpen, setIsAccordionOpen] = useState(false);
+ const rightArrowAccordionId = htmlIdGenerator('wz-accordion')();
+ return (
+ setIsAccordionOpen(isOpen)}
+ className={'action-btn-td'}
+ >
+ {children}
+ );
diff --git a/public/controllers/agent/wazuh-config/index.ts b/public/controllers/agent/wazuh-config/index.ts
index 964c60c004..24e6cbe5ac 100644
--- a/public/controllers/agent/wazuh-config/index.ts
+++ b/public/controllers/agent/wazuh-config/index.ts
@@ -40,12 +40,11 @@ const architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE = [
const architectureButtonsi386 = [
id: 'i386',
label: 'i386',
- }
+ },
const architecturei386Andx86_64 = [
@@ -67,19 +66,15 @@ const architectureButtonsSolaris = [
id: 'sparc',
label: 'SPARC',
- }
+ },
const architectureButtonsMacos = [
- id: 'intel',
- label: 'Intel'
+ id: 'intel/applesilicon',
+ label: 'Intel/Apple Silicon',
- {
- id: 'applesilicon',
- label: 'Apple Silicon'
- }
const architectureButtonsOpenSuse = [
@@ -89,21 +84,21 @@ const architectureButtonsOpenSuse = [
id: 'ARM64',
label: 'ARM64',
- }
+ },
const architectureButtonsAix = [
id: 'powerpc',
label: 'PowerPC',
- }
+ },
const architectureButtonsHpUx = [
id: 'itanium2',
label: 'Itanium2',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonAmazonLinux = [
@@ -118,8 +113,8 @@ const versionButtonAmazonLinux = [
id: 'amazonlinux2022',
label: 'Amazon Linux 2022',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonsRedHat = [
@@ -167,15 +162,15 @@ const versionButtonsDebian = [
id: 'debian10',
label: 'Debian 10 or higher',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonFedora = [
id: '22',
- label: 'Fedora 22 or later'
- }
+ label: 'Fedora 22 or higher',
+ },
const versionButtonsUbuntu = [
@@ -184,12 +179,8 @@ const versionButtonsUbuntu = [
id: 'ubuntu15',
- label: 'Ubuntu 15',
+ label: 'Ubuntu 15 or higher',
- {
- id: 'ubuntu16',
- label: 'Ubuntu 16 or higher',
- }
const versionButtonsWindows = [
@@ -198,9 +189,13 @@ const versionButtonsWindows = [
label: 'Windows XP',
- id: 'windows8',
- label: 'Windows 8 or higher',
- }
+ id: 'windowsserver2008',
+ label: 'Windows Server 2008',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'windows7',
+ label: 'Windows 7 or higher',
+ },
const versionButtonsSuse = [
@@ -211,36 +206,13 @@ const versionButtonsSuse = [
id: 'suse12',
label: 'SUSE 12',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonsMacOS = [
id: 'sierra',
- label: 'macOS Sierra',
- },
- {
- id: 'highSierra',
- label: 'macOS High Sierra',
- },
- {
- id: 'mojave',
- label: 'macOS Mojave',
- },
- {
- id: 'catalina',
- label: 'macOS Catalina',
- },
- {
- id: 'bigSur',
- label: 'macOS Big Sur',
- },
- {
- id: 'monterrey',
- label: 'macOS Monterrey',
- },
- { id: 'ventura',
- label: 'macOS Ventura',
+ label: 'macOS Sierra or higher',
@@ -248,7 +220,7 @@ const versionButtonsOpenSuse = [
id: 'leap15',
label: 'OpenSuse Leap 15 or higher',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonsSolaris = [
@@ -259,21 +231,21 @@ const versionButtonsSolaris = [
id: 'solaris11',
label: 'Solaris 11',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonsAix = [
id: '6.1 TL9',
label: 'AIX 6.1 TL9 or higher',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonsHPUX = [
id: '11.31',
label: 'HP-UX 11.31 or higher',
- }
+ },
const versionButtonsOracleLinux = [
@@ -283,22 +255,29 @@ const versionButtonsOracleLinux = [
id: 'oraclelinux6',
- label: 'Oracle Linux 6 or later',
- }
+ label: 'Oracle Linux 6 or higher',
+ },
const versionButtonsRaspbian = [
id: 'busterorgreater',
label: 'Raspbian Buster or greater',
- }
+ },
+const versionButtonAlpine = [
+ {
+ id: '3.12.12',
+ label: '3.12.12 or higher',
+ },
* Order the OS Buttons Alphabetically by label
- * @param a
- * @param b
- * @returns
+ * @param a
+ * @param b
+ * @returns
const orderOSAlphabetically = (a, b) => {
if (a.label.toUpperCase() < b.label.toUpperCase()) {
@@ -308,9 +287,9 @@ const orderOSAlphabetically = (a, b) => {
return 1;
return 0;
-const osButtons = [
+const osPrincipalButtons = [
id: 'rpm',
label: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux',
@@ -319,10 +298,6 @@ const osButtons = [
id: 'cent',
label: 'CentOS',
- {
- id: 'deb',
- label: 'Debian',
- },
id: 'ubu',
label: 'Ubuntu',
@@ -335,6 +310,13 @@ const osButtons = [
id: 'macos',
label: 'macOS',
+const osButtons = [
+ {
+ id: 'deb',
+ label: 'Debian',
+ },
id: 'open',
label: 'OpenSuse',
@@ -347,30 +329,62 @@ const osButtons = [
id: 'aix',
label: 'AIX',
- {
+ {
id: 'hp',
label: 'HP-UX',
- {
+ {
id: 'amazonlinux',
label: 'Amazon Linux',
- {
+ {
id: 'fedora',
label: 'Fedora',
- {
+ {
id: 'oraclelinux',
label: 'Oracle Linux',
- {
+ {
id: 'suse',
label: 'SUSE',
- {
+ {
id: 'raspbian',
label: 'Raspbian OS',
+ {
+ id: 'alpine',
+ label: 'Alpine',
+ },
-export { architectureButtons, architecturei386Andx86_64, versionButtonsRaspbian, versionButtonsSuse, architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE, versionButtonsOracleLinux, versionButtonFedora, versionButtonsRedHat, versionButtonsCentos, architectureButtonsMacos, osButtons, versionButtonsDebian, versionButtonsUbuntu, versionButtonAmazonLinux, versionButtonsWindows, versionButtonsMacOS, versionButtonsOpenSuse, versionButtonsSolaris, versionButtonsAix, versionButtonsHPUX, architectureButtonsi386, architectureButtonsSolaris, architectureButtonsAix, architectureButtonsHpUx, architectureButtonsOpenSuse };
+export {
+ architectureButtons,
+ architecturei386Andx86_64,
+ versionButtonsRaspbian,
+ versionButtonsSuse,
+ architectureButtonsWithPPC64LE,
+ versionButtonsOracleLinux,
+ versionButtonFedora,
+ versionButtonsRedHat,
+ versionButtonsCentos,
+ versionButtonAlpine,
+ architectureButtonsMacos,
+ osButtons,
+ osPrincipalButtons,
+ versionButtonsDebian,
+ versionButtonsUbuntu,
+ versionButtonAmazonLinux,
+ versionButtonsWindows,
+ versionButtonsMacOS,
+ versionButtonsOpenSuse,
+ versionButtonsSolaris,
+ versionButtonsAix,
+ versionButtonsHPUX,
+ architectureButtonsi386,
+ architectureButtonsSolaris,
+ architectureButtonsAix,
+ architectureButtonsHpUx,
+ architectureButtonsOpenSuse,
diff --git a/public/styles/component.scss b/public/styles/component.scss
index a44e860759..7fa8976546 100644
--- a/public/styles/component.scss
+++ b/public/styles/component.scss
@@ -16,124 +16,122 @@
/* Custom nav bar styles */
-.wz-nav-bar .md-nav-bar{
- height: auto !important;
+.wz-nav-bar .md-nav-bar {
+ height: auto !important;
.wz-nav-item button,
.wz-no-padding {
- padding: 0 5px!important;
+ padding: 0 5px !important;
.wz-nav-item button.md-primary {
- color: rgb(0, 121, 165) !important;
- background: #f5fafb !important;
- border-bottom: 2px solid #006BB4;
+ color: rgb(0, 121, 165) !important;
+ background: #f5fafb !important;
+ border-bottom: 2px solid #006bb4;
.wz-nav-item button.md-unselected {
- color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) !important;
+ color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) !important;
.wz-nav-bar md-nav-ink-bar {
- color: rgb(0, 121, 165) !important;
- background: rgb(0, 121, 165) !important;
+ color: rgb(0, 121, 165) !important;
+ background: rgb(0, 121, 165) !important;
.wz-nav-bar md-nav-ink-bar._md-left,
.wz-nav-bar md-nav-ink-bar._md-right {
- transition: none !important;
+ transition: none !important;
/* Custom tooltip styles */
.wz-tooltip {
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.87) !important;
- color: #FFF !important;
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) !important;
+ color: #fff !important;
/* Custom switch styles */
.wz-switch {
- margin: 0 !important;
+ margin: 0 !important;
/* Custom chips styles */
.wz-chips .md-chips {
- box-shadow: none !important;
- padding-bottom: 0;
+ box-shadow: none !important;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
.wz-chip {
- font-size: 12px;
- color: white;
- background-color: #006BB4;
- height: 26px !important;
- line-height: 26px !important;
- margin: 0 8px 0 0 !important;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: white;
+ background-color: #006bb4;
+ height: 26px !important;
+ line-height: 26px !important;
+ margin: 0 8px 0 0 !important;
.sca-chart-widget {
- margin: 0 auto;
- //width:350px;
- margin-top:50px;
- background-color: #222D3A;
- border-radius: 5px;
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 0px #06060d;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ //width:350px;
+ margin-top: 50px;
+ background-color: #222d3a;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 0px #06060d;
- background-color: #29384D;
- height:40px;
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- border-top-right-radius: 7px;
- font-weight: 400;
- font-size: 1.5em;
- text-shadow: 1px 1px #06060d;
+.sca-chart-header {
+ background-color: #29384d;
+ height: 40px;
+ color: #929daf;
+ text-align: center;
+ line-height: 40px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 7px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 7px;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-size: 1.5em;
+ text-shadow: 1px 1px #06060d;
- padding:12px;
+.sca-chart {
+ padding: 12px;
.sca-chart-shadow {
- -webkit-filter: drop-shadow( 0px 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5) );
- filter: drop-shadow( 0px 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5) );
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
+ filter: drop-shadow(0px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
kbn-dis doc-table .kbnDocViewer__warning {
- display: none;
+ display: none;
/* Custom Breadcrumb styles*/
.header__breadcrumbsWithExtensionContainer .euiHeaderBreadcrumbs {
- flex-grow: 1;
- margin-right: 12px;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ margin-right: 12px;
.header__breadcrumbsWithExtensionContainer .header__breadcrumbsAppendExtension {
- flex-grow: 0;
+ flex-grow: 0;
.osButtonsStyle {
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);
- grid-gap: 10px;
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);
+ grid-gap: 10px;
.osButtonsStyleMac {
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
- grid-gap: 10px;
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
+ grid-gap: 10px;
.message {
- margin-top: 10px;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;