diff --git a/website/docs/en/api/_meta.json b/website/docs/en/api/_meta.json
index c222d4a1a71b..184d8f00a037 100644
--- a/website/docs/en/api/_meta.json
+++ b/website/docs/en/api/_meta.json
@@ -17,5 +17,6 @@
"type": "dir",
"name": "plugin-api",
"label": "Plugin API"
- }
+ },
+ "stats"
diff --git a/website/docs/en/api/stats.mdx b/website/docs/en/api/stats.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9439046667e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/docs/en/api/stats.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+import WebpackLicense from '@components/webpack-license';
+# Stats Data
+While using Rspack, you can use the following command to generate a JSON file of the statistics module information to analyze the module dependency relationship:
+# Generate a statistical information JSON file named `compilation-stats.json`
+$ rspack --json=compilation-stats.json
+## Structure
+The top-level structure of the output object is as follows:
+ // Fixed simulated webpack version number for compatibility with plugins
+ "version": "5.75.0",
+ // Current version number of rspack
+ "rspackVersion": "0.7.4",
+ // Compilation specific hash
+ "hash": "",
+ // Compilation time in milliseconds
+ "time": 2469,
+ // The `output.publicPath` in the configuration
+ "publicPath": "auto",
+ // Path to rspack output directory
+ "outputPath": "/",
+ // Chunk name to emitted asset(s) mapping
+ "assetsByChunkName": {
+ "main": ["main.js", "main.js.map"],
+ "named-chunk": ["named-chunk.js", "named-chunk.js.map"]
+ },
+ // List of asset objects, refer to the "Asset Object"
+ "assets": [],
+ // List of chunk objects, refer to the "Chunk Object"
+ "chunks": [],
+ // List of module objects, refer to the "Module Object"
+ "modules": [],
+ // Map of entry objects, refer to the "Entry Object"
+ "entrypoints": {},
+ // List of error objects, refer to the "Error/Warning Object"
+ "errors": [],
+ // Number of errors
+ "errorsCount": 0,
+ // List of warning objects, refer to the "Error/Warning Object"
+ "warnings": [],
+ // Number of warnings
+ "warningsCount": 0
+## Asset Object
+Each asset object represents an output file emitted from the compilation, and its structure is as follows:
+ "type": "asset",
+ // The `output` filename
+ "name": "main.js",
+ // The size of the file in bytes
+ "size": 2467,
+ // Indicates whether or not the asset made it to the `output` directory
+ "emitted": true,
+ // The chunks this asset contains
+ "chunkNames": ["main"],
+ // The chunk IDs this asset contains
+ "chunks": ["909"],
+ "info": {
+ // A flag telling whether the asset is only used for development and doesn't count towards user-facing assets
+ "development": false,
+ // A flag telling whether the asset ships data for updating an existing application (HMR)
+ "hotModuleReplacement": false,
+ // sourceFilename when asset was created from a source file (potentially transformed)
+ "sourceFilename": "originalfile.js"
+ }
+## Chunk Object
+Each chunk object represents a group of modules known as a chunk, and its structure is as follows:
+ "type": "chunk",
+ // Whether the chunk went through Code Generation
+ "rendered": true,
+ // Whether the chunk is loaded on initial page load or on demand
+ "initial": false,
+ // Whether the chunk contains the rspack runtime
+ "entry": false,
+ // Size of the chunk (in bytes)
+ "size": 5382,
+ // Total size of chunk modules group by the output type (in bytes)
+ "sizes": {
+ "asset": 5303,
+ "javascript": 79
+ },
+ // List of chunk names contained within this chunk
+ "names": ["named-chunk"],
+ // The runtime used by the chunk
+ "runtime": ["main"],
+ // The list of product files contained in the chunk
+ "files": ["named-chunk.js"],
+ // The list of attached product files contained in the chunk
+ "auxiliaryFiles": ["named-chunk.js.map"],
+ // Chunk hash
+ "hash": "",
+ // Chunk ID
+ "id": "906",
+ // List of idHints of the cache groups hit when splitting chunks (need to enable `optimization.splitChunks`).
+ "idHints": [],
+ // Sibling chunk IDs
+ "siblings": [],
+ // Parent chunk IDs
+ "parents": ["909"],
+ // Children chunk IDs
+ "children": [],
+ // List of origins describing how the given chunk originated
+ "origins": [
+ {
+ // Path to the module
+ "module": "project_root/index.js",
+ // The identifier of the module
+ "moduleIdentifier": "project_root/index.js",
+ // Relative path to the module
+ "moduleName": "./index.js",
+ // Lines of code that generated this chunk
+ "loc": "2:0-50",
+ // The dependency request in the module
+ "request": "./dependent"
+ }
+ ],
+ // List of modules contained in the chunk, for details, refer to the "Module Object"
+ "modules": []
+## Module Object
+Each module object represents a module in the dependency graph, and its structure is as follows:
+ "type": "module",
+ // Module ID
+ "id": 670,
+ // Module source type
+ "moduleType": "javascript/auto",
+ // A unique identifier used internally
+ "identifier": "project_root/a.js",
+ // Path to the actual file
+ "name": "./a.js",
+ // Estimated size of the module in bytes
+ "size": 19,
+ // Total size of module group by the output type (in bytes)
+ "sizes": {
+ "javascript": 19
+ },
+ // Whether the module went through loaders and parsing
+ "built": true,
+ // Whether the module went through code generation
+ "codeGenerated": true,
+ // Whether the module is run during the compilation (you can see it while using css-extract)
+ "buildTimeExecuted": false,
+ // Whether the module is cached
+ "cached": false,
+ // Whether the module can be cached
+ "cacheable": true,
+ // Whether the module is optional, and if it is optional, only a warning will be issued when the module is not found
+ "optional": false,
+ // List of reasons why the module is introduced, similar to the structure of chunk.origins
+ "reasons": [],
+ // Unique identifier of the parent module
+ "issuer": "project_root/index.js",
+ // Parent module ID
+ "issuerId": 237,
+ // Path to the actual file of parent module
+ "issuerName": "./index.js",
+ // Reference path from the entry to the current module
+ "issuerPath": [
+ {
+ "identifier": "project_root/index.js",
+ "name": "./index.js",
+ "id": 237
+ }
+ ],
+ // Absolute path used by the module for conditional matching (usually the resource path)
+ "nameForCondition": "project_root/a.js",
+ // The top-down index of the module in the ChunkGroup
+ "preOrderIndex": 1,
+ // The bottom-up index of the module in the ChunkGroup
+ "postOrderIndex": 1,
+ // The level in module graph
+ "depth": 1,
+ // Whether the module is not included by any chunk
+ "orphan": false,
+ // List of IDs of chunks that contain the module
+ "chunks": [522],
+ // List of assets generated by the module
+ "assets": [],
+ // Whether the module compiles failed
+ "failed": false,
+ // Number of errors
+ "errors": 0,
+ // Number of warnings
+ "warnings": 0,
+ // Used module exports, true indicates that all are used, string[] indicates that some fields are used (need to enable `optimization.usedExports`)
+ "usedExports": true,
+ // List of fields exported by the module (need to enable `optimization.providedExports`)
+ "providedExports": ["a"],
+ // Optimization bailout reasons (need to enable `optimization.concatenateModules`)
+ "optimizationBailout": [],
+ // If current module is generated by scope hoisting, this is the list of the original modules (need to enable `optimization.concatenateModules`)
+ "modules": [],
+ // Source code
+ "source": "export const a = 1;",
+ // The compilation time statistics for each phase (in milliseconds, need to enable `profile`)
+ "profile": {
+ // Resolving the module
+ "resolving": 13,
+ // Compiling the module
+ "building": 31
+ }
+## Entry Object
+Each entry object represents an entry chunk group, and its structure is as follows:
+"main": {
+ // Name of the entry
+ "name": "main",
+ // Assets generated by the entry
+ "assets": [
+ {
+ // File name
+ "name": "main.js",
+ // File size
+ "size": 2467
+ }
+ ],
+ // Total size of the assets generated by the entry
+ "assetsSize": 2467,
+ // List of IDs of the chunks included
+ "chunks": ["909"],
+## Error/Warning Object
+Each error/warning object represents an error/warning threw during the build process, and its structure is as follows:
+ // Visual message of the error/warning
+ "message": "
+ × Resolve error: Can't resolve './not-exists' in './index.js'
+ ╭─[1:1]
+ 1 │
+ 3 │ import('./not-exists');
+ · ─────────────────────
+ ╰────
+ ",
+ // Unique identifier of the module where the error/warning occurs
+ "moduleIdentifier": "project_root/index.js",
+ // Relative path of the module where the error/warning occurs
+ "moduleName": "./index.js",
+ // ID of the module where the error/warning occurs
+ "moduleId": "10"
diff --git a/website/docs/zh/api/_meta.json b/website/docs/zh/api/_meta.json
index 678f662e4dca..bb2fe9b1bc6b 100644
--- a/website/docs/zh/api/_meta.json
+++ b/website/docs/zh/api/_meta.json
@@ -17,5 +17,6 @@
"type": "dir",
"name": "plugin-api",
"label": "插件 API"
- }
+ },
+ "stats"
diff --git a/website/docs/zh/api/stats.mdx b/website/docs/zh/api/stats.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f04385ebea30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/docs/zh/api/stats.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+import WebpackLicense from '@components/webpack-license';
+# Stats Data
+使用 Rspack 编译时,可通过如下命令生成统计模块信息的 JSON 文件,以分析应用的模块依赖关系:
+# 生成名为 `compilation-stats.json` 的统计信息 JSON 文件
+$ rspack --json=compilation-stats.json
+## 整体结构
+ // 固定的模拟 webpack 版本号,用于兼容社区 webpack 插件
+ "version": "5.75.0",
+ // 当前 rspack 版本号
+ "rspackVersion": "0.7.4",
+ // 编译的哈希值
+ "hash": "",
+ // 编译耗时(毫秒)
+ "time": 2469,
+ // 配置中的 `output.publicPath`
+ "publicPath": "auto",
+ // 输出目录路径
+ "outputPath": "/",
+ // chunk 对应的输出文件列表
+ "assetsByChunkName": {
+ "main": ["main.js", "main.js.map"],
+ "named-chunk": ["named-chunk.js", "named-chunk.js.map"]
+ },
+ // asset 对象列表,详细结构参考《Asset 对象结构》章节
+ "assets": [],
+ // chunk 对象列表,详细结构参考《Chunk 对象结构》章节
+ "chunks": [],
+ // module 对象列表,详细结构参考《Module 对象结构》章节
+ "modules": [],
+ // entry 对象,详细结构参考《Entry 对象结构》章节
+ "entrypoints": {},
+ // error 对象列表,详细结构参考《Error/Warning 对象结构》章节
+ "errors": [],
+ // 错误个数
+ "errorsCount": 0,
+ // warning 对象列表,详细结构参考《Error/Warning 对象结构》章节
+ "warnings": [],
+ // 告警个数
+ "warningsCount": 0
+## Asset 对象结构
+每个 asset 对象对应一个编译过程中生成的产物文件,它的结构如下:
+ "type": "asset",
+ // 产物的文件名
+ "name": "main.js",
+ // 产物的文件大小(单位为字节)
+ "size": 2467,
+ // 产物文件是否生成到 `output` 目录中
+ "emitted": true,
+ // 产物文件包含的 chunk 的名称列表
+ "chunkNames": ["main"],
+ // 产物文件包含的 chunk 的 ID 列表
+ "chunks": ["909"],
+ "info": {
+ // 该产物是否仅用于 development 环境
+ "development": false,
+ // 该产物是否仅用于 HMR 更新场景
+ "hotModuleReplacement": false,
+ // 从源文件创建产物时(可能转换)sourceFilename
+ // 常见于处理 assets 类型的资源和使用 CopyRspackPlugin 等场景
+ "sourceFilename": "originalfile.js"
+ }
+## Chunk 对象结构
+每个 chunk 对象对应一个编译过程中产生的 chunk,它的结构如下:
+ "type": "chunk",
+ // chunk 是否生成产物
+ "rendered": true,
+ // chunk 是否应被页面初始加载
+ "initial": false,
+ // chunk 是否包含 runtime
+ "entry": false,
+ // chunk 的大小(单位为字节)
+ "size": 5382,
+ // chunk 根据模块类型细分的大小(单位为字节)
+ "sizes": {
+ "asset": 5303,
+ "javascript": 79
+ },
+ // chunk 包含的 chunk 的名称列表
+ "names": ["named-chunk"],
+ // chunk 所使用的 runtime
+ "runtime": ["main"],
+ // chunk 包含的产物文件列表
+ "files": ["named-chunk.js"],
+ // chunk 包含的附属产物文件列表
+ "auxiliaryFiles": ["named-chunk.js.map"],
+ // chunk 的哈希值
+ "hash": "",
+ // chunk 的 ID
+ "id": "906",
+ // split chunks 时命中的 cache group 的 idHint 列表(需开启 optimization.splitChunks)
+ "idHints": [],
+ // 同级 chunk 的 ID 列表
+ "siblings": [],
+ // 父级 chunk 的 ID 列表
+ "parents": ["909"],
+ // 子 chunk 的 ID 列表
+ "children": [],
+ // chunk 内包含的 module 列表,详细结构参考《Module 对象结构》章节
+ "modules": [],
+ // chunk 的引入来源列表
+ "origins": [
+ {
+ // 来源 module 的路径
+ "module": "project_root/index.js",
+ // 来源 module 的唯一标识
+ "moduleIdentifier": "project_root/index.js",
+ // 来源 module 的相对路径
+ "moduleName": "./index.js",
+ // 在来源 module 中的代码位置
+ "loc": "2:0-50",
+ // 在来源 module 中的依赖标识
+ "request": "./dependent"
+ }
+ ]
+## Module 对象结构
+每个 module 对象对应一个编译过程中产生的模块,它的结构如下:
+ "type": "module",
+ // 模块的 ID
+ "id": 670,
+ // 模块的类型
+ "moduleType": "javascript/auto",
+ // 模块的唯一标识
+ "identifier": "project_root/a.js",
+ // 模块的相对路径
+ "name": "./a.js",
+ // 模块的大小(单位为字节)
+ "size": 19,
+ // 根据模块类型细分的大小(单位为字节)
+ "sizes": {
+ "javascript": 19
+ },
+ // 模块是否经过编译阶段
+ "built": true,
+ // 模块是否经过了代码生成阶段
+ "codeGenerated": true,
+ // 模块是否在编译时运行(常见于 css-extract 等场景)
+ "buildTimeExecuted": false,
+ // 模块是否被缓存
+ "cached": false,
+ // 模块是否可被缓存
+ "cacheable": true,
+ // 模块是否可选,若可选当模块未找到时仅会出现警告
+ "optional": false,
+ // 模块被引入的原因列表,与 chunk.origins 结构类似
+ "reasons": [],
+ // 父模块的唯一标识
+ "issuer": "project_root/index.js",
+ // 父模块的 ID
+ "issuerId": 237,
+ // 父模块的相对路径
+ "issuerName": "./index.js",
+ // 从 entry 到当前模块的引用路径
+ "issuerPath": [
+ {
+ "identifier": "project_root/index.js",
+ "name": "./index.js",
+ "id": 237
+ }
+ ],
+ // 模块用于条件匹配的绝对路径(通常是资源路径)
+ "nameForCondition": "project_root/a.js",
+ // 模块在 Chunk Group 中自顶向下的序号
+ "preOrderIndex": 1,
+ // 模块在 Chunk Group 中自底向上的序号
+ "postOrderIndex": 1,
+ // 模块距离 entry 的层级距离
+ "depth": 1,
+ // 模块是否未被任何 chunk 包含
+ "orphan": false,
+ // 包含模块的 chunk 的 ID 列表
+ "chunks": [522],
+ // 模块相关的产物列表
+ "assets": [],
+ // 模块是否编译失败
+ "failed": false,
+ // 模块包含的错误数量
+ "errors": 0,
+ // 模块包含的警告数量
+ "warnings": 0,
+ // 被使用的模块导出,true 表示全部被使用,string[] 表示部分字段被使用(需开启 optimization.usedExports 配置)
+ "usedExports": true,
+ // 模块导出的字段列表(需开启 optimization.providedExports 配置)
+ "providedExports": ["a"],
+ // 模块优化降级信息(需开启 optimization.concatenateModules 配置)
+ "optimizationBailout": [],
+ // 若当前模块为作用域提升后生成的新模块,此字段为原始的模块列表(需开启 optimization.concatenateModules 配置)
+ "modules": [],
+ // 模块的源代码
+ "source": "export const a = 1;",
+ // 模块各阶段编译耗时统计(单位为毫秒,需开启 profile 配置)
+ "profile": {
+ // 查找模块
+ "resolving": 13,
+ // 编译模块
+ "building": 31
+ }
+## Entry 对象结构
+每个 entry 对象对应一个编译入口,它的结构如下:
+"main": {
+ // entry 的名称
+ "name": "main",
+ // entry 对应的产物文件
+ "assets": [
+ {
+ // 产物文件名
+ "name": "main.js",
+ // 产物文件大小
+ "size": 2467
+ }
+ ],
+ // entry 对应总产物大小
+ "assetsSize": 2467,
+ // 包含的 chunk 的 ID 列表
+ "chunks": ["909"],
+## Error/Warning 对象结构
+每个 error/warning 对象对应一个构建过程中产生的错误/警告,它的结构如下:
+ // 错误/警告的提示信息,其中包含了错误的位置提示信息
+ "message": "
+ × Resolve error: Can't resolve './not-exists' in './index.js'
+ ╭─[1:1]
+ 1 │
+ 3 │ import('./not-exists');
+ · ─────────────────────
+ ╰────
+ ",
+ // 发生错误/警告的模块唯一标识
+ "moduleIdentifier": "project_root/index.js",
+ // 发生错误/警告的模块相对路径
+ "moduleName": "./index.js",
+ // 发生错误/警告的模块 ID
+ "moduleId": "10"