From 705683d9267d7ad6a8a890691d819aa001ed1b71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Smith <> Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 15:43:55 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- rfcs/ | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 83 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/rfcs/ b/rfcs/ index c3ab559..b81d6e8 100644 --- a/rfcs/ +++ b/rfcs/ @@ -2,12 +2,91 @@ ## Summary -TODO +The aggregate scoring that is displayed in the results view of has +consistently been inaccurate in some aspects. This proposal will describe a +change to the way that test results are aggregated, as well as a change to +how those results are displayed. ## Details +There are a number of aspects to this change. Each subsection will describe +these aspects in detail. +### Remove harness status from subtest aggregation -TODO +When interpreting the results of test suite runs, a status is present that +represents either the overall test's status or the "harness status", which +represents whether any harness errors were present for `testharness.js` test +runs. The current results aggregation method counts this harness status as a +separate subtest itself, which can inflate the overall passing percentage of +a test. There are many instances of a test outright failing its only subtest, +but the test is weighted as 50% passing because there were no harness errors +[(example)]( +The solution proposed is to no longer aggregate this harness status into the +subtest totals. -# RISK +### Count test as a failure if a harness error exists -TODO +Although it seems intuitive to simply disregard the harness status when +calculating tests, there are instances where a harness error will occur, which +causes a number of subtests to not be executed. In some circumstances, it is +possible that a harness error will occur, allowing for some subtests to run +and pass as expected, but some subtests to be not run and not be registered, +as they are not present during aggregation. This has the possibility of hiding +the scope of failure for a specific test in this scenario. The solution +proposed, although not perfect, is to mark these tests with harness errors +as 0% passing, regardless of subtest results. + +_Note: Individual subtest results will still be visible normally even with_ +_this change. This only affects the total percentage that the test counts as_ +_passing._ + +### Display percentages to represent the fraction of tests passing. + +Currently, displays a fraction of the number of subtests that pass and +the number of subtests that exist for each test or every test that exists in a +directory. These fractions can get large and be hard to quickly parse their +meaning, and a single test with many subtests is heavily weighted. The +proposed change is twofold: display this number as a percentage, and instead +count each test as 1 total unit, with its pass rate counted as the percentage +of subtests that pass. Directories will aggregate based on this each test pass +percentage rather than the accumulation of every subtest. + +Passing percentage for a single test = `passing subtests / total subtests` + +Passing percentage for directories containing multiple tests = `sum of passing percentages of tests in directory / total number of tests in directory` + +For example, if a test has 5 out of 10 subtests that pass, the it will now be +displayed in its representing cell as `50%` rather than `5 / 10` for that run. +Additionally, if we have a directory containing 3 tests and 2 of those tests +pass 100% of their subtests and the last test passes 50%, the directory will +display `83.3%`. + +### Display the number of tests in a directory next to the directory name + +The current implementation of displaying fractions of subtests has a benefit +of signaling where a bulk of test information is located and how much to +expect inside of that directory. Displaying percentages causes some loss of +this information. To mitigate this, the proposal is to instead display test +totals next to a directory name. This will be all tests that exist in the +directory as well as the number of tests that exist in all subdirectories +within that directory. + +### Display test results in single test cells rather than percentages + +If a test has no subtests and only a pass/fail result, that result status +( `PASS` , `FAIL` , `TIMEOUT` , etc.) will be displayed in the cell that +represents that test rather than the existing `0 / 1` or `1 / 1` . The user +will no longer have to drill down into the test to view the status message in +these scenarios. + +## Risks +* This change will cause a net loss in the percentage of passing +tests/subtests, as the harness status passing has been artificially inflating +some subtest numbers. +* Some tests might pass most or all subtest but encounter a harness error, +which will cause the entire test suite to be counted as a failure. This will +also result in a lower rate of overall passing percentages. +* This change will require a rework of the current process for aggregating and +summarizing test results, so older test runs will still be aggregated with the +harness status and display inflated passing percentages. +* Tests will be weighted equally, regardless of the number of subtests that +exist in that test.