diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index f2e75a4..146e518 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# Change log
+## 2.1.0 (2024-01-30)
+- feat: add `bgGrey` and `bgGray` aliases for `bgBlackBright`
+- refactor: optimize source code
+- test: refactor tests
+- docs: update readme
## 2.0.3 (2023-12-14)
- fix(index.d.ts): use function overload to make the tagged template have the correct type, #16
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3ec0a15..ba2ad25 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
ANSI Styling
The Node.js library for formatting text in terminal with ANSI colors & styles
+ The Node.js library for formatting Terminal and Console output with ANSI colors & styles
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
-Ansis is the tiny and faster compatible alternative to [Chalk][chalk] with even more useful features.
-Colorize your output in a terminal with clean syntax,
-e.g., ``` green`Hello World!` ``` ``` red`Error!` ``` ``` black.bgYellow`Warning!` ```.
+**Ansis** is a **smaller** and **faster** alternative to [Chalk][chalk] with additional useful features and **clean syntax**.\
+For example: ``` green`Succeful!` ``` ``` red`Error!` ``` ``` black.bgYellow`Warning!` ``` ``` hex('#E0115F').bold`Ruby` ```.
**Why yet one lib?**\
See [comparison](https://github.com/webdiscus/ansis#compare)
@@ -34,25 +33,32 @@ and [benchmarks](https://github.com/webdiscus/ansis#benchmark) of most popular N
## 💡 Highlights
-- supports both **ESM** and **CommonJS**
-- supports **Deno**, **Next.JS** runtime
-- up to **x3 faster** than **chalk**, [see benchmarks](#benchmark)
-- only **3 KB** dist code
-- [standard API](#base-colors) like **chalk**
-- default import `import ansis from 'ansis'`, usage `ansis.red('error')`
-- [named import](#named-import) `import { red } from 'ansis'`, usage ``` red('error') ```
-- [chained syntax](#chained-syntax) `red.bold.underline('text')`
-- [nested **template strings**](#nested-syntax) ``` red`R ${green`G`} R` ```
+- Supports both **ESM** and **CommonJS**
+- Supports **TypeScript**
+- Supports **Deno**, **Next.JS** runtimes
+- [Standard API](#base-colors) compatible with **Chalk**, switch from **Chalk** to **Ansis** without changing your code
+ ```diff
+ - import chalk from 'chalk';
+ + import chalk, { red } from 'ansis';
+ chalk.red.bold('Error!'); // <- the original Chalk code works fine
+ red.bold`Error!`; // <- the same result with Ansis
+ ```
+- Default import `import ansis from 'ansis'` or `const ansis = require('ansis')`
+- [Named import](#named-import) `import { red } from 'ansis'` or `const { red } = require('ansis')`
+- [Chained syntax](#chained-syntax) `red.bold.underline('text')`
+- [Nested **template strings**](#nested-syntax) ``` red`R ${green`G`} R` ```
- [ANSI 256 colors](#256-colors) and [Truecolor](#truecolor) (**RGB**, **HEX**) ``` rgb(224, 17, 95)`Ruby` ```, ``` hex('#96C')`Amethyst` ```
-- [extending of base colors](#extend-colors) with named **truecolors**
+- [Extending of base colors](#extend-colors) with named **truecolors**
- [ANSI codes](#escape-codes) as `open` and `close` property for each
style ``` `Hello ${red.open}World${red.close}!` ```
-- [strip ANSI codes](#strip) method `ansis.strip()`
-- [correct style break](#new-line) at the `end of line` when used `\n` in string
-- supports the [environment variables](#cli-vars) `NO_COLOR` `FORCE_COLOR` and flags `--no-color` `--color`
-- **auto detects** color support
-- **TypeScript** friendly
-- zero dependencies
+- [Strip ANSI codes](#strip) method `ansis.strip()`
+- [Correct style break](#new-line) at the `end of line` when used `\n` in string
+- Supports the [environment variables](#cli-vars) `NO_COLOR` `FORCE_COLOR` and flags `--no-color` `--color`
+- **Auto detects** color support
+- Up to **x3 faster** than **Chalk**, [see benchmarks](#benchmark) and only **3 KB** dist code
+- Doesn't extend `String.prototype`
+- Zero dependencies
## ❓Question / Feature Request / Bug
@@ -76,12 +82,18 @@ You can import default module or named colors with ESM or CommonJS syntax.
import ansis from 'ansis';
// ESM named import
import { red, green, blue } from 'ansis';
// CommonJS default import
const ansis = require('ansis');
// CommonJS named import
const { red, green, blue } = require('ansis');
@@ -250,25 +262,25 @@ Output:\
Colors and styles have standard names used by many popular libraries, such
as [chalk][chalk], [colorette][colorette], [kleur][kleur].
-| Foreground colors | Background colors | Styles |
-| `black` | `bgBlack` | `dim` (alias`faint`) |
-| `red` | `bgRed` | **`bold`** |
-| `green` | `bgGreen` | _`italic`_ |
-| `yellow` | `bgYellow` | `underline` |
-| `blue` | `bgBlue` | `strikethrough` (alias `strike`) |
-| `magenta` | `bgMagenta` | `doubleUnderline` (_not widely supported_) |
-| `cyan` | `bgCyan` | `overline` (_not widely supported_) |
-| `white` | `bgWhite` | `frame` (_not widely supported_) |
-| `gray` (alias `grey`) | `bgGray` | `encircle` (_not widely supported_) |
-| `blackBright` | `bgBlackBright` | `inverse` |
-| `redBright` | `bgRedBright` | `visible` |
-| `greenBright` | `bgGreenBright` | `hidden` |
-| `yellowBright` | `bgYellowBright` | `reset` |
-| `blueBright` | `bgBlueBright` | |
-| `magentaBright` | `bgMagentaBright` | |
-| `cyanBright` | `bgCyanBright` | |
-| `whiteBright` | `bgWhiteBright` | |
+| Foreground colors | Background colors | Styles |
+| `black` | `bgBlack` | `dim` (alias`faint`) |
+| `red` | `bgRed` | **`bold`** |
+| `green` | `bgGreen` | _`italic`_ |
+| `yellow` | `bgYellow` | `underline` |
+| `blue` | `bgBlue` | `strikethrough` (alias `strike`) |
+| `magenta` | `bgMagenta` | `doubleUnderline` (_not widely supported_) |
+| `cyan` | `bgCyan` | `overline` (_not widely supported_) |
+| `white` | `bgWhite` | `frame` (_not widely supported_) |
+| `gray` (alias `grey`) | `bgGray` (alias `bgGrey`) | `encircle` (_not widely supported_) |
+| `blackBright` | `bgBlackBright` | `inverse` |
+| `redBright` | `bgRedBright` | `visible` |
+| `greenBright` | `bgGreenBright` | `hidden` |
+| `yellowBright` | `bgYellowBright` | `reset` |
+| `blueBright` | `bgBlueBright` | |
+| `magentaBright` | `bgMagentaBright` | |
+| `cyanBright` | `bgCyanBright` | |
+| `whiteBright` | `bgWhiteBright` | |
diff --git a/bench/index.js b/bench/index.js
index 9f31503..af868b7 100644
--- a/bench/index.js
+++ b/bench/index.js
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import kleur from 'kleur';
import * as kleurColors from 'kleur/colors';
import picocolors from 'picocolors';
import { Ansis, green, red, yellow, hex } from 'ansis';
+//import { Ansis, green, red, yellow, hex } from '../_ignored/index-2.0.3.min.js';
const log = console.log;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 9287ce9..4cacade 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "ansis",
- "version": "2.0.3",
- "description": "Colorize text in terminal or console output with ANSI colors & styles",
+ "version": "2.1.0",
+ "description": "Node.js library to colorize text in terminal or console output with ANSI colors & styles",
"keywords": [
diff --git a/pkg/package.json b/pkg/package.json
index dd13a8a..17ecdc6 100644
--- a/pkg/package.json
+++ b/pkg/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "ansis",
- "version": "2.0.3",
+ "version": "2.1.0",
"description": "Colorize text in terminal or console output with ANSI colors & styles",
"keywords": [
diff --git a/src/ansi-codes.js b/src/ansi-codes.js
index 5cfacac..b75d8b6 100644
--- a/src/ansi-codes.js
+++ b/src/ansi-codes.js
@@ -1,55 +1,5 @@
- * @param {Object?} mockThis The mock object of globalThis, used by unit test only.
- * @returns {boolean}
- */
-export const isSupported = (mockThis) => {
- /**
- * Detect whether flags exist with `-` or `--` prefix in command-line arguments.
- *
- * @param {RegExp} regex The RegEx to match all possible flags.
- * @return {boolean}
- */
- const oneOfFlags = (regex) => !!argv.find((value) => regex.test(value));
- const _this = mockThis || globalThis;
- const isDeno = _this.Deno != null;
- const proc = _this.process || _this.Deno || {};
- // Node -> `argv`, Deno -> `args`
- const argv = proc.argv || proc.args || [];
- let env = {};
- try {
- // Deno requires the permission for the access to env, use the `--allow-env` flag: deno run --allow-env ./app.js
- env = isDeno ? proc.env.toObject() : proc.env || {};
- } catch (e) {
- // Deno: if interactive permission is not granted, do nothing, no colors
- }
- const hasForceColor = FORCE_COLOR in env;
- const forceColorValue = env[FORCE_COLOR];
- const forceColor = forceColorValue === 'true' || parseInt(forceColorValue, 10) > 0;
- const isForceDisabled = 'NO_COLOR' in env
- || (hasForceColor && !forceColor)
- || oneOfFlags(/^-{1,2}(no-color|color=false|color=never)$/);
- const isForceEnabled = (hasForceColor && forceColor) || oneOfFlags(/^-{1,2}(color|color=true|color=always)$/);
- const isWin = (isDeno ? _this.Deno.build.os : proc.platform) === 'win32';
- const isTTY = isDeno ? _this.Deno.isatty(1) : proc.stdout && 'isTTY' in proc.stdout;
- // when Next.JS runtime is `edge`, process.stdout is undefined, but colors output is supported
- // runtime values supported colors: `nodejs`, `edge`, `experimental-edge`
- const isNextJS = (env.NEXT_RUNTIME || '').indexOf('edge') > -1;
- const isTerm = (isTTY || isNextJS) &&
- /^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env.TERM);
- return !isForceDisabled && (isForceEnabled || isTerm || isWin || 'CI' in env);
+import { clamp, hexToRgb } from './utils.js';
+import { isSupported } from './color-support.js';
const noColor = { open: '', close: '' };
const esc = isSupported() ? (open, close) => ({ open: `\x1b[${open}m`, close: `\x1b[${close}m` }) : () => noColor;
@@ -108,6 +58,8 @@ export const baseStyles = {
bgMagenta: esc(45, 49),
bgCyan: esc(46, 49),
bgWhite: esc(47, 49),
+ bgGrey: esc(100, 49), // UK spelling alias for bgBlackBright
+ bgGray: esc(100, 49), // US spelling alias for bgBlackBright
bgBlackBright: esc(100, 49),
bgRedBright: esc(101, 49),
bgGreenBright: esc(102, 49),
@@ -117,3 +69,20 @@ export const baseStyles = {
bgCyanBright: esc(106, 49),
bgWhiteBright: esc(107, 49),
+export const styleMethods = {
+ fg: (code) => fnAnsi256(clamp(code, 0, 255)),
+ bg: (code) => fnBgAnsi256(clamp(code, 0, 255)),
+ hex: (hex) => fnRgb(...hexToRgb(hex)),
+ bgHex: (hex) => fnBgRgb(...hexToRgb(hex)),
+ rgb: (r, g, b) => fnRgb(
+ clamp(r, 0, 255),
+ clamp(g, 0, 255),
+ clamp(b, 0, 255),
+ ),
+ bgRgb: (r, g, b) => fnBgRgb(
+ clamp(r, 0, 255),
+ clamp(g, 0, 255),
+ clamp(b, 0, 255),
+ ),
diff --git a/src/color-support.js b/src/color-support.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be48b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/color-support.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * @param {Object?} mockThis The mock object of globalThis, used by unit test only.
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+export const isSupported = (mockThis) => {
+ /**
+ * Detect whether flags exist with `-` or `--` prefix in command-line arguments.
+ *
+ * @param {RegExp} regex The RegEx to match all possible flags.
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ const oneOfFlags = (regex) => !!argv.find((value) => regex.test(value));
+ const _this = mockThis || globalThis;
+ const isDeno = _this.Deno != null;
+ const proc = _this.process || _this.Deno || {};
+ // Node -> `argv`, Deno -> `args`
+ const argv = proc.argv || proc.args || [];
+ let env = {};
+ try {
+ // Deno requires the permission for the access to env, use the `--allow-env` flag: deno run --allow-env ./app.js
+ env = isDeno ? proc.env.toObject() : proc.env || {};
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Deno: if interactive permission is not granted, do nothing, no colors
+ }
+ const hasForceColor = FORCE_COLOR in env;
+ const forceColorValue = env[FORCE_COLOR];
+ const forceColor = forceColorValue === 'true' || parseInt(forceColorValue, 10) > 0;
+ const isForceDisabled = 'NO_COLOR' in env
+ || (hasForceColor && !forceColor)
+ || oneOfFlags(/^-{1,2}(no-color|color=false|color=never)$/);
+ const isForceEnabled = (hasForceColor && forceColor) || oneOfFlags(/^-{1,2}(color|color=true|color=always)$/);
+ const isWin = (isDeno ? _this.Deno.build.os : proc.platform) === 'win32';
+ const isTTY = isDeno ? _this.Deno.isatty(1) : proc.stdout && 'isTTY' in proc.stdout;
+ // when Next.JS runtime is `edge`, process.stdout is undefined, but colors output is supported
+ // runtime values supported colors: `nodejs`, `edge`, `experimental-edge`
+ const isNextJS = (env.NEXT_RUNTIME || '').indexOf('edge') > -1;
+ const isTerm = (isTTY || isNextJS) &&
+ /^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env.TERM);
+ return !isForceDisabled && (isForceEnabled || isTerm || isWin || 'CI' in env);
diff --git a/src/index.d.ts b/src/index.d.ts
index 4b4d892..970ba2f 100644
--- a/src/index.d.ts
+++ b/src/index.d.ts
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ interface Ansis {
* @param {string | TemplateStringsArray} string
(string: string): string;
(string: TemplateStringsArray, ...parameters: string[]): string;
@@ -174,8 +175,8 @@ interface Ansis {
readonly magenta: this;
readonly cyan: this;
readonly white: this;
- readonly gray: this;
readonly grey: this;
+ readonly gray: this;
readonly blackBright: this;
readonly redBright: this;
readonly greenBright: this;
@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ interface Ansis {
readonly bgMagenta: this;
readonly bgCyan: this;
readonly bgWhite: this;
+ readonly bgGrey: this;
readonly bgGray: this;
readonly bgBlackBright: this;
readonly bgRedBright: this;
@@ -239,8 +241,8 @@ type AnsiColors = (
| 'magenta'
| 'cyan'
| 'white'
- | 'gray'
| 'grey'
+ | 'gray'
| 'blackBright'
| 'redBright'
| 'greenBright'
@@ -257,6 +259,7 @@ type AnsiColors = (
| 'bgMagenta'
| 'bgCyan'
| 'bgWhite'
+ | 'bgGrey'
| 'bgGray'
| 'bgBlackBright'
| 'bgRedBright'
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 893811a..a1146c4 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { hexToRgb, clamp, strReplaceAll } from './utils.js';
-import { baseStyles, fnAnsi256, fnBgAnsi256, fnRgb, fnBgRgb } from './ansi-codes.js';
+import { hexToRgb, strReplaceAll } from './utils.js';
+import { baseStyles, styleMethods, fnRgb } from './ansi-codes.js';
* @typedef {Object} AnsisProps
@@ -10,12 +10,68 @@ import { baseStyles, fnAnsi256, fnBgAnsi256, fnRgb, fnBgRgb } from './ansi-codes
* @property {null | AnsisProps} props
+const styles = {};
const { defineProperty, defineProperties, setPrototypeOf } = Object;
const stripANSIRegEx = /[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]/g;
const regexLF = /(\r*\n)/g;
+ * Wrap the string with styling and reset codes.
+ *
+ * @param {string | Array} strings A string or template literals.
+ * @param {Array} values The values of the template literals.
+ * @param {AnsisProps} props
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+const wrap = (strings, values, props) => {
+ if (!strings) return '';
+ const { openStack, closeStack } = props;
+ let string = strings.raw != null ? String.raw(strings, ...values) : strings;
+ if (~string.indexOf('\x1b')) {
+ while (props != null) {
+ string = strReplaceAll(string, props.close, props.open);
+ props = props.props;
+ }
+ }
+ if (~string.indexOf('\n')) {
+ string = string.replace(regexLF, closeStack + '$1' + openStack);
+ }
+ return openStack + string + closeStack;
+ * @param {Object} self
+ * @param {AnsisProps} self.props
+ * @param {Object} codes
+ * @param {string} codes.open
+ * @param {string} codes.close
+ * @returns {Ansis}
+ */
+const createStyle = ({ props }, { open, close }) => {
+ const style = (strings, ...values) => wrap(strings, values, style.props);
+ let openStack = open;
+ let closeStack = close;
+ if (props != null) {
+ openStack = props.openStack + open;
+ closeStack = close + props.closeStack;
+ }
+ setPrototypeOf(style, stylePrototype);
+ style.props = { open, close, openStack, closeStack, props: props };
+ style.open = openStack;
+ style.close = closeStack;
+ return style;
const Ansis = function() {
const self = (str) => str;
@@ -53,7 +109,7 @@ const Ansis = function() {
- stylePrototype = defineProperties(() => {}, styles);
+ stylePrototype = defineProperties({}, styles);
setPrototypeOf(self, stylePrototype);
@@ -63,80 +119,6 @@ const Ansis = function() {
return self;
- * @param {Object} self
- * @param {AnsisProps} self.props
- * @param {Object} codes
- * @param {string} codes.open
- * @param {string} codes.close
- * @returns {Ansis}
- */
-const createStyle = ({ props }, { open, close }) => {
- const style = (strings, ...values) => wrap(strings, values, style.props);
- let openStack = open;
- let closeStack = close;
- if (props !== undefined) {
- openStack = props.openStack + open;
- closeStack = close + props.closeStack;
- }
- setPrototypeOf(style, stylePrototype);
- style.props = { open, close, openStack, closeStack, props: props };
- style.open = openStack;
- style.close = closeStack;
- return style;
- * Wrap the string with styling and reset codes.
- *
- * @param {string | Array} strings A string or template literals.
- * @param {Array} values The values of the template literals.
- * @param {AnsisProps} props
- * @returns {string}
- */
-const wrap = (strings, values, props) => {
- if (!strings) return '';
- const { openStack, closeStack } = props;
- let string = strings.raw != null ? String.raw(strings, ...values) : strings;
- if (~string.indexOf('\x1b')) {
- while (props !== undefined) {
- string = strReplaceAll(string, props.close, props.open);
- props = props.props;
- }
- }
- if (~string.indexOf('\n')) {
- string = string.replace(regexLF, closeStack + '$1' + openStack);
- }
- return openStack + string + closeStack;
-const styleMethods = {
- fg: (code) => fnAnsi256(clamp(code, 0, 255)),
- bg: (code) => fnBgAnsi256(clamp(code, 0, 255)),
- hex: (hex) => fnRgb(...hexToRgb(hex)),
- bgHex: (hex) => fnBgRgb(...hexToRgb(hex)),
- rgb: (r, g, b) => fnRgb(
- clamp(r, 0, 255),
- clamp(g, 0, 255),
- clamp(b, 0, 255),
- ),
- bgRgb: (r, g, b) => fnBgRgb(
- clamp(r, 0, 255),
- clamp(g, 0, 255),
- clamp(b, 0, 255),
- ),
-const styles = {};
-let stylePrototype;
// extend styles with methods: rgb(), hex(), etc.
for (let name in styleMethods) {
styles[name] = {
@@ -151,6 +133,8 @@ for (let name in styleMethods) {
styles.ansi256 = styles.ansi = styles.fg;
styles.bgAnsi256 = styles.bgAnsi = styles.bg;
+// note: place it here to allow the compiler to group all constants
+let stylePrototype;
const ansis = new Ansis();
// for distribution code, the export will be replaced (via @rollup/plugin-replace) with the following export:
diff --git a/src/index.mjs b/src/index.mjs
index e5cb236..a14792a 100644
--- a/src/index.mjs
+++ b/src/index.mjs
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ export const {
- gray,
+ gray,
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ export const {
+ bgGrey,
+ bgGray,
diff --git a/src/utils.js b/src/utils.js
index ae292ad..1437d71 100644
--- a/src/utils.js
+++ b/src/utils.js
@@ -66,37 +66,3 @@ export const strReplaceAll = (str, searchValue, replaceValue) => {
return result + str.slice(lastPos);
- * The style must be break at the end of the line and continued on a new line.
- * TODO: compare with str.replace(/(\r*\n)/g, props.closeStack + '$1' + props.openStack);
- * - check compatibility in windows
- * - check performance
- * - delete this function if replace() is faster
- *
- * @param {string} str The string containing linebreaks.
- * @param {string} open The code of styling.
- * @param {string} close The reset of styling.
- * @param {number} pos The position of the first linebreak.
- * @returns {string}
- */
-// export const breakStyle = (str, open, close, pos) => {
-// let result = '',
-// lastPos = 0;
-// while (pos > -1) {
-// let len = pos,
-// LF = '\n';
-// // fix for windows
-// if (str[pos - 1] === '\r') {
-// LF = '\r\n';
-// len--;
-// }
-// result += str.substr(lastPos, len - lastPos) + close + LF + open;
-// lastPos = pos + 1;
-// pos = str.indexOf('\n', lastPos);
-// }
-// return result + str.slice(lastPos);
-// };
diff --git a/test/flags.test.js b/test/flags.test.js
index 368d011..8b8ec3e 100644
--- a/test/flags.test.js
+++ b/test/flags.test.js
@@ -10,79 +10,71 @@ const TEST_PATH = path.resolve('./test/');
// - test NO_COLOR=1
describe('enable colors', () => {
- test(`--color`, (done) => {
+ test(`--color`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--color']);
const expected =
- done();
- test(`--color=true`, (done) => {
+ test(`--color=true`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--color=true']);
const expected =
- done();
- test(`--color=always`, (done) => {
+ test(`--color=always`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--color=always']);
const expected =
- done();
- test(`FORCE_COLOR=true`, (done) => {
+ test(`FORCE_COLOR=true`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
const received = execScriptSync(filename, [], ['FORCE_COLOR=true']);
const expected =
- done();
- test(`FORCE_COLOR=1`, (done) => {
+ test(`FORCE_COLOR=1`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
const received = execScriptSync(filename, [], ['FORCE_COLOR=1']);
const expected =
- done();
describe('disable colors', () => {
- test(`--no-color`, (done) => {
+ test(`--no-color`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
// flags has priority over env variable
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--no-color'], ['FORCE_COLOR=1']);
const expected = 'red|rgb|bgRgb|hex|bgHex';
- done();
- test(`--color=false`, (done) => {
+ test(`--color=false`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
// flags has priority over env variable
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--color=false'], ['FORCE_COLOR=1']);
const expected = 'red|rgb|bgRgb|hex|bgHex';
- done();
- test(`--color=never`, (done) => {
+ test(`--color=never`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './cli/output.js');
// flags has priority over env variable
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--color=never'], ['FORCE_COLOR=1']);
const expected = 'red|rgb|bgRgb|hex|bgHex';
- done();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/index.test.js b/test/index.test.js
index 15f9e67..e078df9 100644
--- a/test/index.test.js
+++ b/test/index.test.js
@@ -2,98 +2,86 @@ import { esc } from './utils/helpers.js';
import ansis, { Ansis, red, yellow, green } from '../src/index.mjs';
describe('style tests', () => {
- test(`ansis.visible('foo')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.visible('foo')`, () => {
const received = ansis.visible('foo');
const expected = 'foo';
- done();
- test(`visible with template literal`, (done) => {
+ test(`visible with template literal`, () => {
const received = ansis.visible`foo ${green`bar`}`;
const expected = 'foo \x1b[32mbar\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.green('')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.green('')`, () => {
const received = ansis.green('');
const expected = '';
- done();
- test(`ansis.green('foo', 'bar')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.green('foo', 'bar')`, () => {
const received = ansis.green(['foo', 'bar'].join(' '));
const expected = '\x1b[32mfoo bar\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.bgMagenta('foo')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.bgMagenta('foo')`, () => {
const received = ansis.bgMagenta('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[45mfoo\x1b[49m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.green.bold.underline.italic()`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.green.bold.underline.italic()`, () => {
const received = ansis.green.bold.underline.italic('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[32m\x1b[1m\x1b[4m\x1b[3mfoo\x1b[23m\x1b[24m\x1b[22m\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.cyan(ansis.bold(ansis.underline(ansis.italic('foo'))))`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.cyan(ansis.bold(ansis.underline(ansis.italic('foo'))))`, () => {
const received = ansis.cyan(ansis.bold(ansis.underline(ansis.italic('foo'))));
const expected = '\x1b[36m\x1b[1m\x1b[4m\x1b[3mfoo\x1b[23m\x1b[24m\x1b[22m\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.rgb(80, 100, 150)`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.rgb(80, 100, 150)`, () => {
const received = ansis.rgb(80, 100, 150)('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[38;2;80;100;150mfoo\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.bgRgb(80, 100, 150)`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.bgRgb(80, 100, 150)`, () => {
const received = ansis.bgRgb(80, 100, 150)('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[48;2;80;100;150mfoo\x1b[49m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.hex('#ABC')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.hex('#ABC')`, () => {
const received = ansis.hex('#ABC')('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[38;2;170;187;204mfoo\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.bgHex('#ABC123')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.bgHex('#ABC123')`, () => {
const received = ansis.bgHex('#ABC123')('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[48;2;171;193;35mfoo\x1b[49m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.ansi256(97)`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.ansi256(97)`, () => {
const received = ansis.ansi256(97)('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[38;5;97mfoo\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.bgAnsi256(97)`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.bgAnsi256(97)`, () => {
const received = ansis.bgAnsi256(97)('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[48;5;97mfoo\x1b[49m';
- done();
- test(`ansis.green('\nHello\nNew line\nNext new line.\n')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis.green('\nHello\nNew line\nNext new line.\n')`, () => {
const received = ansis.green('\nHello\nNew line\nNext new line.\n');
const expected = `\x1b[32m\x1b[39m
@@ -101,157 +89,147 @@ describe('style tests', () => {
\x1b[32mNext new line.\x1b[39m
- done();
describe('functional tests', () => {
- test(`ansis('OK')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansis('OK')`, () => {
const received = ansis('OK');
const expected = 'OK';
- done();
- test(`nested styles`, (done) => {
+ test(`nested styles`, () => {
const received = ansis.red('foo' + ansis.underline.bgBlue('bar') + '!');
const expected = '\x1b[31mfoo\x1b[4m\x1b[44mbar\x1b[49m\x1b[24m!\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`nested prop.parent`, (done) => {
+ test(`nested prop.parent`, () => {
const rgb = ansis.rgb(100, 80, 155);
const received = ansis.green.bold.underline(`foo ${ansis.red.italic('bar')} foo`);
const expected = '\x1b[32m\x1b[1m\x1b[4mfoo \x1b[31m\x1b[3mbar\x1b[23m\x1b[32m foo\x1b[24m\x1b[22m\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`nested multi styles`, (done) => {
+ test(`nested multi styles`, () => {
const rgb = ansis.rgb(100, 80, 155);
const received = ansis.red(
`begin ${rgb.bold('RGB')} ${ansis.yellow('yellow')} red ${ansis.italic.cyan('italic cyan')} red ${ansis.red(
- 'red',
- )} red ${ansis.underline.green.italic(
- `underline italic green ${ansis.rgb(80, 120, 200)('underline italic blue')} underline italic green`,
- )} red ${ansis.cyan('cyan')} red ${ansis.bold.yellow('bold yellow')} red ${ansis.green('green')} end`,
- );
+ 'red')} red ${ansis.underline.green.italic(`underline italic green ${ansis.rgb(80, 120, 200)(
+ 'underline italic blue')} underline italic green`)} red ${ansis.cyan('cyan')} red ${ansis.bold.yellow(
+ 'bold yellow')} red ${ansis.green('green')} end`);
- const expected =
- '\x1b[31mbegin \x1b[38;2;100;80;155m\x1b[1mRGB\x1b[22m\x1b[31m \x1b[33myellow\x1b[31m red \x1b[3m\x1b[36mitalic cyan\x1b[31m\x1b[23m red \x1b[31mred\x1b[31m red \x1b[4m\x1b[32m\x1b[3munderline italic green \x1b[38;2;80;120;200munderline italic blue\x1b[32m underline italic green\x1b[23m\x1b[31m\x1b[24m red \x1b[36mcyan\x1b[31m red \x1b[1m\x1b[33mbold yellow\x1b[31m\x1b[22m red \x1b[32mgreen\x1b[31m end\x1b[39m';
+ const expected = '\x1b[31mbegin \x1b[38;2;100;80;155m\x1b[1mRGB\x1b[22m\x1b[31m \x1b[33myellow\x1b[31m red \x1b[3m\x1b[36mitalic cyan\x1b[31m\x1b[23m red \x1b[31mred\x1b[31m red \x1b[4m\x1b[32m\x1b[3munderline italic green \x1b[38;2;80;120;200munderline italic blue\x1b[32m underline italic green\x1b[23m\x1b[31m\x1b[24m red \x1b[36mcyan\x1b[31m red \x1b[1m\x1b[33mbold yellow\x1b[31m\x1b[22m red \x1b[32mgreen\x1b[31m end\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`strip()`, (done) => {
+ test(`strip()`, () => {
const received = ansis.strip('\x1b[36m\x1b[1m\x1b[4m\x1b[3mfoo\x1b[23m\x1b[24m\x1b[22m\x1b[39m');
const expected = 'foo';
- done();
describe('alias tests', () => {
- test(`faint == dim`, (done) => {
+ test(`faint == dim`, () => {
const received = ansis.faint('foo');
const expected = ansis.dim('foo');
- done();
- test(`strike == strikethrough`, (done) => {
+ test(`strike == strikethrough`, () => {
const received = ansis.strike('foo');
const expected = ansis.strikethrough('foo');
- done();
- test(`gray == blackBright`, (done) => {
+ test(`gray == blackBright`, () => {
const received = ansis.gray('foo');
const expected = ansis.blackBright('foo');
- done();
- test(`grey == gray`, (done) => {
+ test(`grey == gray`, () => {
const received = ansis.grey('foo');
const expected = ansis.gray('foo');
- done();
- test(`grey.gray('foo')`, (done) => {
+ test(`bgGrey == bgGray`, () => {
+ const received = ansis.bgGrey('foo');
+ const expected = ansis.bgGray('foo');
+ expect(esc(received)).toEqual(esc(expected));
+ });
+ test(`grey.gray('foo')`, () => {
const received = ansis.grey.gray('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[90m\x1b[90mfoo\x1b[39m\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ansi == ansi256`, (done) => {
+ test(`grey.bgGray('foo')`, () => {
+ const received = ansis.grey.bgGray('foo');
+ const expected = '\x1b[90m\x1b[100mfoo\x1b[49m\x1b[39m';
+ expect(esc(received)).toEqual(esc(expected));
+ });
+ test(`ansi == ansi256`, () => {
const received = ansis.ansi(96)('foo');
const expected = ansis.ansi256(96)('foo');
- done();
- test(`fg == ansi256`, (done) => {
+ test(`fg == ansi256`, () => {
const received = ansis.fg(96)('foo');
const expected = ansis.ansi256(96)('foo');
- done();
- test(`bgAnsi == bgAnsi256`, (done) => {
+ test(`bgAnsi == bgAnsi256`, () => {
const received = ansis.bgAnsi(96)('foo');
const expected = ansis.bgAnsi256(96)('foo');
- done();
- test(`bg == bgAnsi256`, (done) => {
+ test(`bg == bgAnsi256`, () => {
const received = ansis.bg(96)('foo');
const expected = ansis.bgAnsi256(96)('foo');
- done();
- test(`ansi256(96).ansi(96).fg(96)('foo')`, (done) => {
+ test(`ansi256(96).ansi(96).fg(96)('foo')`, () => {
const received = ansis.ansi256(96).ansi(96).fg(96)('foo');
const expected = '\x1b[38;5;96m\x1b[38;5;96m\x1b[38;5;96mfoo\x1b[39m\x1b[39m\x1b[39m';
- done();
describe('template literals tests', () => {
- test('ansis.red`red color`', (done) => {
+ test('ansis.red`red color`', () => {
const received = ansis.red`red color`;
const expected = '\x1b[31mred color\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test('red`red ${yellow`yellow ${green`green`} yellow`} red`', (done) => {
+ test('red`red ${yellow`yellow ${green`green`} yellow`} red`', () => {
const received = red`red ${yellow`yellow ${green`green`} yellow`} red`;
const expected = '\x1b[31mred \x1b[33myellow \x1b[32mgreen\x1b[33m yellow\x1b[31m red\x1b[39m';
- done();
describe('extend base colors tests', () => {
- test('imported ansis`', (done) => {
+ test('imported ansis`', () => {
ansis.extend({ orange: '#FFAB40' });
const received = ansis.orange.bold('text');
const expected = '\x1b[38;2;255;171;64m\x1b[1mtext\x1b[22m\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test('new ansis`', (done) => {
+ test('new ansis`', () => {
const ansis = new Ansis();
ansis.extend({ orange: '#FFAB40' });
@@ -259,6 +237,5 @@ describe('extend base colors tests', () => {
const received = ansis.bold.orange('text');
const expected = '\x1b[1m\x1b[38;2;255;171;64mtext\x1b[39m\x1b[22m';
- done();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/package.test.js b/test/package.test.js
index 83d6e4a..98dd666 100644
--- a/test/package.test.js
+++ b/test/package.test.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { esc, execScriptSync } from './utils/helpers.js';
const TEST_PATH = path.resolve('./test/');
describe('Usage `ansis` npm package', () => {
- test(`CommonJS mode`, (done) => {
+ test(`CommonJS mode`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './package/cjs/test.cjs');
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--color']);
const expected =
@@ -26,10 +26,9 @@ describe('Usage `ansis` npm package', () => {
'\x1b[36m\x1b[1mcyan bold\x1b[22m\x1b[39m\n' +
'\x1b[34m\x1b[3mblue italic\x1b[23m\x1b[39m';
- done();
- test(`ESM mode`, (done) => {
+ test(`ESM mode`, () => {
const filename = path.join(TEST_PATH, './package/esm/test.mjs');
const received = execScriptSync(filename, ['--color']);
const expected =
@@ -51,6 +50,5 @@ describe('Usage `ansis` npm package', () => {
'\x1b[36m\x1b[1mcyan bold\x1b[22m\x1b[39m\n' +
'\x1b[34m\x1b[3mblue italic\x1b[23m\x1b[39m';
- done();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/unit.test.js b/test/unit.test.js
index f6a6d7d..bca4141 100644
--- a/test/unit.test.js
+++ b/test/unit.test.js
@@ -1,60 +1,53 @@
import { hexToRgb, clamp } from '../src/utils.js';
-import { isSupported } from '../src/ansi-codes.js';
+import { isSupported } from '../src/color-support.js';
describe('utils tests', () => {
- test(`hexToRgb('FFAA99')`, (done) => {
+ test(`hexToRgb('FFAA99')`, () => {
const received = hexToRgb('FFAA99');
const expected = [255, 170, 153];
- done();
- test(`hexToRgb('#FFAA99')`, (done) => {
+ test(`hexToRgb('#FFAA99')`, () => {
const received = hexToRgb('#FFAA99');
const expected = [255, 170, 153];
- done();
- test(`hexToRgb('#FA9')`, (done) => {
+ test(`hexToRgb('#FA9')`, () => {
const received = hexToRgb('#FA9');
const expected = [255, 170, 153];
- done();
- test(`hexToRgb('#FF99')`, (done) => {
+ test(`hexToRgb('#FF99')`, () => {
const received = hexToRgb('#FF99');
const expected = [0, 0, 0];
- done();
- test(`hexToRgb('something')`, (done) => {
+ test(`hexToRgb('something')`, () => {
const received = hexToRgb('something');
const expected = [0, 0, 0];
- done();
- test(`clamp(3, 0, 2)`, (done) => {
+ test(`clamp(3, 0, 2)`, () => {
const received = clamp(3, 0, 2);
const expected = 2;
- done();
- test(`clamp(0, 1, 2)`, (done) => {
+ test(`clamp(0, 1, 2)`, () => {
const received = clamp(0, 1, 2);
const expected = 1;
- done();
// Node.JS
describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
- test(`process undefined`, (done) => {
+ test(`process undefined`, () => {
// save original `process` object
const processOriginal = process;
process = undefined;
@@ -65,24 +58,21 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
// restore original `process` object
process = processOriginal;
- done();
- test(`processMock undefined`, (done) => {
+ test(`processMock undefined`, () => {
const received = isSupported(undefined);
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`processMock {}`, (done) => {
+ test(`processMock {}`, () => {
const received = isSupported({});
const expected = false;
- done();
- test(`colors in linux terminal`, (done) => {
+ test(`colors in linux terminal`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -94,10 +84,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`colors on windows platform`, (done) => {
+ test(`colors on windows platform`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'win32',
@@ -108,10 +97,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`colors in any CI`, (done) => {
+ test(`colors in any CI`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -122,10 +110,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`no colors, unsupported terminal`, (done) => {
+ test(`no colors, unsupported terminal`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
env: { TERM: 'dumb' },
@@ -137,10 +124,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = false;
- done();
- test(`no colors, simulate output in file > log.txt`, (done) => {
+ test(`no colors, simulate output in file > log.txt`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
env: { TERM: 'xterm' },
@@ -150,10 +136,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = false;
- done();
- test(`enable colors via --color`, (done) => {
+ test(`enable colors via --color`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -164,10 +149,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`enable colors via -color`, (done) => {
+ test(`enable colors via -color`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -178,10 +162,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`enable colors via --color=true`, (done) => {
+ test(`enable colors via --color=true`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -194,10 +177,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`enable colors via -color=true`, (done) => {
+ test(`enable colors via -color=true`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -210,10 +192,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`disable colors via --color=false`, (done) => {
+ test(`disable colors via --color=false`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -226,10 +207,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = false;
- done();
- test(`disable colors via NO_COLOR=1`, (done) => {
+ test(`disable colors via NO_COLOR=1`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -242,10 +222,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = false;
- done();
- test(`disable colors via FORCE_COLOR=0`, (done) => {
+ test(`disable colors via FORCE_COLOR=0`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -258,10 +237,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = false;
- done();
- test(`disable colors via FORCE_COLOR=false`, (done) => {
+ test(`disable colors via FORCE_COLOR=false`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -274,10 +252,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = false;
- done();
- test(`enable colors via FORCE_COLOR=1`, (done) => {
+ test(`enable colors via FORCE_COLOR=1`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -288,10 +265,9 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`enable colors via FORCE_COLOR=true`, (done) => {
+ test(`enable colors via FORCE_COLOR=true`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -302,14 +278,12 @@ describe('Node.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
// Deno
describe('Deno isSupported', () => {
- test(`env TERM`, (done) => {
+ test(`env TERM`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
Deno: {
env: {
@@ -325,10 +299,9 @@ describe('Deno isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`platform win`, (done) => {
+ test(`platform win`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
Deno: {
env: {
@@ -344,10 +317,9 @@ describe('Deno isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`FORCE_COLOR`, (done) => {
+ test(`FORCE_COLOR`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
Deno: {
env: {
@@ -363,10 +335,9 @@ describe('Deno isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`flag '--color'`, (done) => {
+ test(`flag '--color'`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
Deno: {
env: {
@@ -382,13 +353,12 @@ describe('Deno isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
// Next.JS
describe('Next.JS isSupported', () => {
- test(`runtime experimental-edge`, (done) => {
+ test(`runtime experimental-edge`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -399,10 +369,9 @@ describe('Next.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`runtime edge`, (done) => {
+ test(`runtime edge`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -413,10 +382,9 @@ describe('Next.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
- test(`runtime nodejs`, (done) => {
+ test(`runtime nodejs`, () => {
const received = isSupported({
process: {
platform: 'linux',
@@ -429,6 +397,5 @@ describe('Next.JS isSupported', () => {
const expected = true;
- done();
\ No newline at end of file