#!/usr/bin/env bash # ./btrix: Browsertrix dev environment utility # # Test commands require installing pytest first, e.g.: # python3 -m pip install pytest # # Usage: # # $ ./btrix setup # Copy local config to expected location # Local config must exist for other commands to work # # $ ./btrix bootstrap # Build frontend and backend and upgrade # Optional args: # -microk8s: Preface kubectl/helm commands with microk8s # -wait: Wait until pods are ready # # $ ./btrix reset # Uninstall, delete data, then bootstrap # Optional args: # -microk8s: Preface kubectl/helm commands with microk8s # -wait: Wait until pods are ready # # $ ./btrix down # Uninstall and delete data # Optional args: # -microk8s: Preface kubectl/helm commands with microk8s # # $ ./btrix test # Run backend tests # # $ ./btrix nightly # Run nightly backend tests bootstrap(){ echo "Building backend..." ./scripts/build-backend.sh echo "Building frontend..." ./scripts/build-frontend.sh echo "Installing..." helm upgrade --install -f ./chart/values.yaml -f ./chart/local.yaml btrix ./chart } bootstrapMicrok8s(){ echo "Building backend..." ./scripts/build-backend.sh echo "Building frontend..." ./scripts/build-frontend.sh echo "Installing..." microk8s helm3 upgrade --install -f ./chart/values.yaml -f ./chart/local.yaml btrix ./chart } waitUntilReady(){ echo "Waiting until ready..." kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod --all --timeout=300s } waitUntilReadyMicrok8s(){ echo "Waiting until ready..." microk8s kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod --all --timeout=300s } reset(){ echo "Stopping all crawls & profile browsers" kubectl delete cjs -n crawlers --all kubectl delete pjs -n crawlers --all echo "Uninstalling..." helm uninstall btrix echo "Deleting data..." kubectl delete pvc --all kubectl delete cronjob -n crawlers --all kubectl delete configmap -n crawlers -l btrix.crawlconfig } resetMicrok8s(){ echo "Stopping all crawls & profile browsers" microk8s kubectl delete cjs -n crawlers --all microk8s kubectl delete pjs -n crawlers --all echo "Uninstalling..." microk8s helm uninstall btrix echo "Deleting data..." microk8s kubectl delete pvc --all microk8s kubectl delete cronjob -n crawlers --all microk8s kubectl delete configmap -n crawlers -l btrix.crawlconfig } runTests() { echo "Running backend tests..." python3 -m pytest backend/test/test_*.py } runNightlyTests() { echo "Running nightly backend tests..." python3 -m pytest backend/test_nightly/test_*.py } setupLocalConfig() { if [ -f ./chart/local.yaml ]; then echo "Local config file already exists at ./chart/local.yaml" exit 1 fi echo "Copying local example config to ./chart/local.yaml" cp ./chart/examples/local-config.yaml ./chart/local.yaml echo "Local config file created. Edit ./chart/local.yaml to set local overrides" exit 0 } CONTEXT=$(cat ~/.kube/config | grep "current-context:" | sed "s/current-context: //") MICROK8S="-microk8s" WAIT="-wait" if [ $CONTEXT != "docker-desktop" ]; then echo "Attempting to modify context other than docker-desktop not supported. Quitting." exit 1 fi if [[ $1 = "setup" ]]; then setupLocalConfig fi if [ ! -f ./chart/local.yaml ]; then echo "Local config file not found. Run './btrix setup' to configure" exit 1 fi # bootstrap: build frontend and backend, upgrade and wait until ready if [[ $1 = "bootstrap" ]]; then echo "Current context: $CONTEXT" echo "Are you sure you want to update this context?" if [[ "$(read -e -p '[y/N] > '; echo $REPLY)" == [Yy]* ]] ; then echo Continuing else echo Stopping exit 1 fi if [[ $2 = "$MICROK8S" || $3 = "$MICROK8S" ]] ; then bootstrapMicrok8s else bootstrap fi if [[ $2 = "$WAIT" || $3 = "$WAIT" ]]; then if [[ $2 = "$MICROK8S" || $3 = "$MICROK8S" ]] ; then waitUntilReadyMicrok8s else waitUntilReady fi fi fi # reset: uninstall, delete data, then bootstrap if [[ $1 = "reset" ]]; then echo "Current context: $CONTEXT" echo "Resetting k8s cluster will delete the database. All running crawls will first be canceled. Are you sure you want to do this?" if [[ "$(read -e -p '[y/N] > '; echo $REPLY)" == [Yy]* ]] ; then echo Continuing else echo Stopping exit 1 fi if [[ $2 = "$MICROK8S" || $3 = "$MICROK8S" ]] ; then resetMicrok8s bootstrapMicrok8s else reset bootstrap fi if [[ $2 = "$WAIT" || $3 = "$WAIT" ]] ; then if [[ $2 = "$MICROK8S" || $3 = "$MICROK8S" ]] ; then waitUntilReadyMicrok8s else waitUntilReady fi fi fi # test: run backend tests if [[ $1 = "test" ]]; then runTests fi # nightly: run nightly backend tests if [[ $1 = "nightly" ]]; then runNightlyTests fi # down: stop and uninstall browsertrix if [[ $1 = "down" ]]; then if [[ $2 = "$MICROK8S" ]] ; then resetMicrok8s else reset fi fi echo "Done"