diff --git a/source b/source index 759ea51d37b..377ba0afd48 100644 --- a/source +++ b/source @@ -89211,6 +89211,8 @@ dictionary PromiseRejectionEventInit : EventInit {
Microtasks: Perform a microtask checkpoint.
Let hasARenderingOpportunity be false.
Let docs be the list of Document
objects associated with the
- event loop in question, sorted arbitrarily except that the following conditions
- must be met:
Let docs be all Document
objects whose relevant
+ agent's event loop is this event loop, sorted arbitrarily except that the
+ following conditions must be met:
Any Document
B whose PromiseRejectionEventInit : EventInit {
Rendering opportunites: If there are browsing
- contexts browsingContexts that do not have a rendering
- opportunity, then remove from docs all Document
objects whose
- browsing context is in
- browsingContexts.
Rendering opportunities: Remove from docs all Document
+ objects whose browsing context do not have a
+ rendering opportunity.
A browsing context has a rendering opportunity if the user agent is currently able to present the contents of the browsing context to the user, @@ -89288,19 +89288,23 @@ dictionary PromiseRejectionEventInit : EventInit { a much slower 4 rendering opportunities per second, or even less.
Unnecessary rendering: If there are browsing
- contexts browsingContexts for which the user agent believes updating the
- rendering would have no visible effect and which possess no Document
objects with
- a non-empty map of animation frame callbacks, then remove from docs
- all Document
objects whose browsing
- context is in browsingContexts.
If docs is not empty, then set hasARenderingOpportunity to + true.
If there are browsing contexts
- browsingContexts for which the user agent believes it's preferrable to skip
- updating the rendering for other reasons, then remove from docs all
- Document
objects whose browsing context
- is in browsingContexts.
Unnecessary rendering: Remove from docs all Document
+ which meet both of the following conditions:
's browsing context would have no visible effect, andDocument
's map of animation frame callbacks is empty.Remove from docs all Document
objects for which the user agent
+ believes that it's preferrable to skip updating the rendering for other reasons.
The step labeled Rendering opportunities prevents the user agent from updating the @@ -89359,6 +89363,25 @@ dictionary PromiseRejectionEventInit : EventInit {
For each fully active Document
in docs, update the
rendering or user interface of that Document
and its browsing context to reflect the current state.
Report the duration of the update the rendering step by performing the + following steps:
+ +Let rendering end time be the current high resolution + time.
Let top-level browsing contexts be the set of all top-level browsing contexts of the browsing contexts of all fully active
+ Document
s in docs.
Report long tasks, passing in now (repurposed as meaning the + beginning of the update the rendering step), rendering end time, and + top-level browsing contexts.
then for each browsing context, run the steps in the start an idle period
- algorithm, passing the Window
associated with that browsing
- context.
Report the duration of the update the rendering step by performing the - following steps:
- -Let rendering end time be the current high resolution - time.
Let top-level browsing contexts be the set of all top-level browsing contexts of all fully active
- Document
s in docs.
Report long tasks, passing in now (repurposed as meaning the - beginning of the update the rendering step), rendering end time, and - top-level browsing contexts.
then for each Window
object whose whose relevant agent's
+ event loop is this event loop, run the start an idle period
+ algorithm, passing the Window