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Doc: Highway Lengths

crvenkapa edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

The road length of each NYC ZIPCODE is calculated using OpenStreetMaps and the OSMnx python package. OSMnx queries OpenStreetMaps to obtain all driving roads within a zipcode geographical boundaries (the areas is passed as a shape read in from a shapefile with geopandas and fiona). The code that generates the dataset is in this notebook

Table path:

  • `smart_cities_data.RoadLenghtByZIP`
Column Name Explanation
COUNTY String, county name
CTY_FIPS Integer, Federal Information Processing Standards code
POPULATION Float, City population from DoITT zipcodes shapefile updated 09/28 2014
PO_NAME STRING String, popular name of the neighborhood
streetlength Float length of all drivable roads (km)
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