diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 56689513437..05411c73826 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+# 2020-09-04
+## Release Notes
+## Bug Fixes
+* Fixed logic related to ephemeral users (#1197)
+## New Features
+* SFT servers now exposed over /calls/config/v2 (#1177)
+* First federation endpoint (#1188)
+## Internal changes
+* ormolu upgrade to and formatting (#1145, #1185, #1186)
+* handy cqlsh make target to manually poke at the database (#1170)
+* spar cleanup
+* brig user name during scim user parsing (#1195)
+* invitation refactor (#1196)
+* SCIM users are never ephemeral (#1198)
# 2020-07-29
## Release Notes
diff --git a/SECURITY.md b/SECURITY.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c552947319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SECURITY.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Please check Wire's [global SECURITY.md](https://github.com/wireapp/wire/blob/master/SECURITY.md).
diff --git a/docs/reference/user/registration.md b/docs/reference/user/registration.md
index 16eeec5e005..331932e774e 100644
--- a/docs/reference/user/registration.md
+++ b/docs/reference/user/registration.md
@@ -180,14 +180,13 @@ We need an option to block 1, 2, 5 on-prem; 3, 4 should remain available (no blo
* Allow team members to register (via email/phone or SSO)
* Allow ephemeral users
-During registration, we can take advantage of [NewUserOrigin](https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server/blob/a89b9cd818997e7837e5d0938ecfd90cf8dd9e52/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User.hs#L625); we're particularly interested in `NewUserOriginTeamUser` --> only `NewTeamMember` or `NewTeamMemberSSO` should be accepted. In case this is a `Nothing`, we need to check if the user expires, i.e., `newUserExpiresIn` must be a `Just`.
+During registration, we can take advantage of [NewUserOrigin](https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server/blob/a89b9cd818997e7837e5d0938ecfd90cf8dd9e52/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User.hs#L625); we're particularly interested in `NewUserOriginTeamUser` --> only `NewTeamMember` or `NewTeamMemberSSO` should be accepted. In case this is a `Nothing`, we need to check if the user expires, i.e., if the user has no identity (and thus `Ephemeral`).
So `/register` should only succeed iff at least one of these conditions is true:
-newUserTeam == (Just (NewTeamMember _)) OR
-newUserTeam == (Just (NewTeamMemberSSO _)) OR
-newUserExpiresIn == (Just _)
+import Brig.Types.User
+isNewUserTeamMember || isNewUserEphemeral
The rest of the unauthorized end-points is safe:
diff --git a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Cache.hs b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Cache.hs
index ff532c5befc..94fe9c7b9ab 100644
--- a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Cache.hs
+++ b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Cache.hs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ empty :: IO Cache
empty = Cache <$> newIORef []
get :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack) => Cache -> m CachedUser
-get c = liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef (cache c) $ \u ->
+get c = liftIO . atomicModifyIORef (cache c) $ \u ->
case u of
[] ->
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ get c = liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef (cache c) $ \u ->
(x : xs) -> (xs, x)
put :: MonadIO m => Cache -> CachedUser -> m ()
-put c a = liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef (cache c) $ \u -> (a : u, ())
+put c a = liftIO . atomicModifyIORef (cache c) $ \u -> (a : u, ())
toUser :: HasCallStack => Logger -> [CachedUser] -> [LText] -> IO [CachedUser]
toUser _ acc [i, e, p] = do
diff --git a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto.hs b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto.hs
index 672ec009fbe..3167ef5fb21 100644
--- a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto.hs
+++ b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto.hs
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ decryptSymmetric _ (SymmetricKeys ekey mkey) msg = liftIO $ do
let (dgst, ciphertext) = BS.splitAt 32 msg
sha256 <- requireMaybe (digestFromByteString dgst) "Bad MAC"
let mac = hmac (toByteString' mkey) ciphertext :: HMAC SHA256
- unless (HMAC sha256 == mac)
- $ throwM
- $ RequirementFailed "Bad MAC"
+ unless (HMAC sha256 == mac) $
+ throwM $
+ RequirementFailed "Bad MAC"
let (iv, dat) = BS.splitAt 16 ciphertext
return $ unpadPKCS7 $ cbcDecrypt aes (aesIV iv) dat
diff --git a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto/Glue.hs b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto/Glue.hs
index 6da93041c3d..61e306f7f27 100644
--- a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto/Glue.hs
+++ b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Crypto/Glue.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ deleteBox :: UserId -> Maybe Text -> IO ()
deleteBox uid label = do
dir <- getBoxDir uid label
removePathForcibly dir -- using "forcibly" so that it wouldn't fail
- -- if the directory doesn't exist
+ -- if the directory doesn't exist
genPrekeys :: Box -> Word16 -> IO [C.Prekey]
genPrekeys box n = mapM (genPrekey box) [1 .. n - 1]
diff --git a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Monad.hs b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Monad.hs
index 81dc76665d9..da01c668e79 100644
--- a/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Monad.hs
+++ b/libs/api-bot/src/Network/Wire/Bot/Monad.hs
@@ -187,16 +187,16 @@ initMetrics = do
return m
counters =
- Metrics.assertionsTotal
- : Metrics.assertionsFailed
- : Metrics.exceptionsTotal
- : Metrics.botsCreatedNew
- : Metrics.botsCreatedCached
- : Metrics.eventsTotalRcvd
- : Metrics.eventsTotalAckd
- : Metrics.eventsTotalIgnd
- : Metrics.eventsTotalMssd
- : concatMap etc [(minBound :: EventType) ..]
+ Metrics.assertionsTotal :
+ Metrics.assertionsFailed :
+ Metrics.exceptionsTotal :
+ Metrics.botsCreatedNew :
+ Metrics.botsCreatedCached :
+ Metrics.eventsTotalRcvd :
+ Metrics.eventsTotalAckd :
+ Metrics.eventsTotalIgnd :
+ Metrics.eventsTotalMssd :
+ concatMap etc [(minBound :: EventType) ..]
etc t =
[ Metrics.eventTypeRcvd t,
Metrics.eventTypeAckd t,
@@ -562,9 +562,9 @@ assertEqual a b m =
assertTrue :: (HasCallStack, MonadBotNet m) => Bool -> Text -> m ()
assertTrue b m =
- whenAsserts
- $ unless b
- $ assertFailure m -- the 'unless' is hidden under 'whenAsserts'
+ whenAsserts $
+ unless b $
+ assertFailure m -- the 'unless' is hidden under 'whenAsserts'
-- because we don't want 'b' to be evaluated
-- when asserts are disabled
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ scheduleAssert bot typ f out = whenAsserts $ do
writeTQueue (botAsserts bot) (EventAssertion typ t f out callStack)
writeTVar (botAssertCount bot) (n + 1)
return True
- unless r $ liftBotNet $ do
+ unless r . liftBotNet $ do
runBotSession bot . log Error . msg $
"Too many event assertions. Dropped: " <> eventTypeText typ
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ mkBot tag user pw = do
return bot
connectPush :: Bot -> BotNetEnv -> IO (Async ())
-connectPush bot e = runBotNet e $ runBotSession bot $ do
+connectPush bot e = runBotNet e . runBotSession bot $ do
log Info $ msg (val "Establishing push channel")
awaitNotifications (consume bot e)
@@ -725,14 +725,14 @@ heartbeat bot e = forever $ do
let l = botNetLogger e
-- Refresh the auth token, if necessary
(auth, expiry) <- readIORef $ botAuth bot
- when (now > expiry)
- $ void . forkIO . runBotNet e . runBotSession bot
- $ do
- log Debug $ msg (val "Refreshing auth token")
- refreshAuth auth
- >>= maybe
- (log Error $ msg (val "Failed to refresh auth token"))
- setAuth
+ when (now > expiry) $
+ void . forkIO . runBotNet e . runBotSession bot $
+ do
+ log Debug $ msg (val "Refreshing auth token")
+ refreshAuth auth
+ >>= maybe
+ (log Error $ msg (val "Failed to refresh auth token"))
+ setAuth
-- Event & assertion maintenance
when (botNetAssert e) $ do
-- Remove old events from the inbox
@@ -742,17 +742,18 @@ heartbeat bot e = forever $ do
msg ("Event Timeout: " <> showEventType evt)
-- Check if the event inbox is full and if so, log a warning
size <- fst <$> readTVarIO (botEvents bot)
- when (size == botMaxEvents (botSettings bot))
- $ botLog l bot Warn
- $ msg (val "Event inbox full!")
+ when (size == botMaxEvents (botSettings bot)) $
+ botLog l bot Warn $
+ msg (val "Event inbox full!")
-- Remove old assertions from the backlog
asserts <- atomically $ gcBacklog bot now
forM_ asserts $ \(EventAssertion typ _ _ out stack) -> do
for_ out $ liftIO . atomically . flip tryPutTMVar Nothing
- botLog l bot Warn $ msg $
- "Assertion Timeout: " <> eventTypeText typ
- <> "\nAssertion was created at: "
- <> pack (prettyCallStack stack)
+ botLog l bot Warn $
+ msg $
+ "Assertion Timeout: " <> eventTypeText typ
+ <> "\nAssertion was created at: "
+ <> pack (prettyCallStack stack)
-- Re-establish the push connection, if it died
push <- maybe (return Nothing) poll =<< readIORef (botPushThread bot)
case push of
@@ -922,24 +923,25 @@ incrEventsMssd b e =
HashMap.insertWith (+) (Metrics.eventTypeMssd e) 1
transferBotMetrics :: MonadBotNet m => Bot -> m ()
-transferBotMetrics b = getMetrics >>= \m -> liftIO $ do
- -- Obtain current values
- l@[rcvd, ackd, ignd, mssd] <- atomically $ do
- rcvd <- readTVar $ botEventsRcvd (botMetrics b)
- ackd <- readTVar $ botEventsAckd (botMetrics b)
- ignd <- readTVar $ botEventsIgnd (botMetrics b)
- mssd <- readTVar $ botEventsMssd (botMetrics b)
- return [rcvd, ackd, ignd, mssd]
- -- Update per event type counters
- let add (p, n) = Metrics.counterAdd n p m
- mapM_ add (concatMap HashMap.toList l)
- -- Update Totals
- add (Metrics.eventsTotalRcvd, sum rcvd)
- add (Metrics.eventsTotalAckd, sum ackd)
- add (Metrics.eventsTotalIgnd, sum ignd)
- let s = sum mssd
- add (Metrics.eventsTotalMssd, s)
- add (Metrics.assertionsFailed, s)
+transferBotMetrics b =
+ getMetrics >>= \m -> liftIO $ do
+ -- Obtain current values
+ l@[rcvd, ackd, ignd, mssd] <- atomically $ do
+ rcvd <- readTVar $ botEventsRcvd (botMetrics b)
+ ackd <- readTVar $ botEventsAckd (botMetrics b)
+ ignd <- readTVar $ botEventsIgnd (botMetrics b)
+ mssd <- readTVar $ botEventsMssd (botMetrics b)
+ return [rcvd, ackd, ignd, mssd]
+ -- Update per event type counters
+ let add (p, n) = Metrics.counterAdd n p m
+ mapM_ add (concatMap HashMap.toList l)
+ -- Update Totals
+ add (Metrics.eventsTotalRcvd, sum rcvd)
+ add (Metrics.eventsTotalAckd, sum ackd)
+ add (Metrics.eventsTotalIgnd, sum ignd)
+ let s = sum mssd
+ add (Metrics.eventsTotalMssd, s)
+ add (Metrics.assertionsFailed, s)
-- Logging
diff --git a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Assert.hs b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Assert.hs
index f2bfe648ddf..472117d11ff 100644
--- a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Assert.hs
+++ b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Assert.hs
@@ -85,9 +85,11 @@ io String
diff --git a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs
index 221a3552d84..0a794cb2691 100644
--- a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs
+++ b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/IO.hs
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ instance MonadBaseControl IO (HttpT IO) where
instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (HttpT m) where
withRunInIO inner =
- HttpT $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ HttpT . ReaderT $ \r ->
withRunInIO $ \run ->
inner (run . runHttpT r)
diff --git a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/RPC.hs b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/RPC.hs
index b671eabf961..50d8a6507b4 100644
--- a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/RPC.hs
+++ b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/RPC.hs
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ statusCheck ::
Response (Maybe LByteString) ->
m ()
statusCheck c f r =
- unless (statusCode r == c)
- $ throwError
- $ f ("unexpected status code: " <> pack (show $ statusCode r))
+ unless (statusCode r == c) $
+ throwError $
+ f ("unexpected status code: " <> pack (show $ statusCode r))
parseResponse ::
(Exception e, MonadThrow m, Monad m, FromJSON a) =>
diff --git a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Response.hs b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Response.hs
index 9aba3b8446d..5b6e373cba4 100644
--- a/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Response.hs
+++ b/libs/bilge/src/Bilge/Response.hs
@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ getCookieValue :: ByteString -> Response a -> Maybe ByteString
getCookieValue cookieName resp =
^? to responseHeaders
- . traversed -- Over each header
- . filtered ((== "Set-Cookie") . fst) -- Select the cookie headers by name
- . _2 -- Select Set-Cookie values
- . to parseSetCookie
- . filtered ((== cookieName) . setCookieName) -- Select only the cookie we want
- . to setCookieValue -- extract the cookie value
+ . traversed -- Over each header
+ . filtered ((== "Set-Cookie") . fst) -- Select the cookie headers by name
+ . _2 -- Select Set-Cookie values
+ . to parseSetCookie
+ . filtered ((== cookieName) . setCookieName) -- Select only the cookie we want
+ . to setCookieValue -- extract the cookie value
type ResponseLBS = Response (Maybe LByteString)
diff --git a/libs/brig-types/brig-types.cabal b/libs/brig-types/brig-types.cabal
index 53bcdd0e1fd..d467905e717 100644
--- a/libs/brig-types/brig-types.cabal
+++ b/libs/brig-types/brig-types.cabal
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
--- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.2.
+-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.0.
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
--- hash: 7497d04521f12339e2a8f5537dacf242839dea9034f69e67f0a254b1548cadd9
+-- hash: fe16e52e870cb548573366fe9192319004e52c3e4d2ece172df69e408cbe391b
name: brig-types
version: 1.35.0
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ library
+ Brig.Types.Calling
@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ library
- Brig.Types.TURN
diff --git a/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types.hs b/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types.hs
index b4f3307ba91..fb1cff375a9 100644
--- a/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types.hs
+++ b/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types.hs
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ module Brig.Types
import Brig.Types.Activation as M
+import Brig.Types.Calling as M
import Brig.Types.Client as M
import Brig.Types.Connection as M
import Brig.Types.Properties as M
import Brig.Types.Search as M
-import Brig.Types.TURN as M
import Brig.Types.Team as M
import Brig.Types.User as M
diff --git a/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/TURN.hs b/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/Calling.hs
similarity index 96%
rename from libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/TURN.hs
rename to libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/Calling.hs
index 0244e753405..2d7ee7ecfc1 100644
--- a/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/TURN.hs
+++ b/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/Calling.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Brig.Types.TURN
+module Brig.Types.Calling
( -- * re-exports
@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ module Brig.Types.TURN
-import Wire.API.Call.TURN
+import Wire.API.Call.Config
diff --git a/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/User.hs b/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/User.hs
index 11aebab832c..036681fcc55 100644
--- a/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/User.hs
+++ b/libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/User.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ module Brig.Types.User
+ isNewUserEphemeral,
+ isNewUserTeamMember,
InvitationCode (..),
BindingNewTeamUser (..),
NewTeamUser (..),
diff --git a/libs/brig-types/test/unit/Test/Brig/Roundtrip.hs b/libs/brig-types/test/unit/Test/Brig/Roundtrip.hs
index 3bb3ac81d17..937baf53744 100644
--- a/libs/brig-types/test/unit/Test/Brig/Roundtrip.hs
+++ b/libs/brig-types/test/unit/Test/Brig/Roundtrip.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, parseJSON, toJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither)
import Imports
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
-import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((===), Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty)
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty, (===))
import Type.Reflection (typeRep)
testRoundTrip ::
diff --git a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Exec.hs b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Exec.hs
index 711b2beda91..bfe15af27f1 100644
--- a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Exec.hs
+++ b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Exec.hs
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ where
import Cassandra.CQL (Consistency, R)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Conduit
--- Things we just import and re-export.
-import Database.CQL.IO as C (BatchM, Client, ClientState, MonadClient, Page (..), PrepQuery, Row, addPrepQuery, addQuery, adjustConsistency, adjustResponseTimeout, adjustSendTimeout, batch, emptyPage, init, liftClient, localState, paginate, prepared, query, query1, queryString, retry, runClient, schema, setConsistency, setSerialConsistency, setType, shutdown, trans, write)
-- We only use these locally.
import Database.CQL.IO (RetrySettings, RunQ, defRetrySettings, eagerRetrySettings)
+-- Things we just import and re-export.
+import Database.CQL.IO as C (BatchM, Client, ClientState, MonadClient, Page (..), PrepQuery, Row, addPrepQuery, addQuery, adjustConsistency, adjustResponseTimeout, adjustSendTimeout, batch, emptyPage, init, liftClient, localState, paginate, prepared, query, query1, queryString, retry, runClient, schema, setConsistency, setSerialConsistency, setType, shutdown, trans, write)
import Database.CQL.Protocol (Error, QueryParams (QueryParams), Tuple)
import Imports hiding (init)
diff --git a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Schema.hs b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Schema.hs
index 64243832540..9abf9b4ba27 100644
--- a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Schema.hs
+++ b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Schema.hs
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ schemaVersion = catch (fmap runIdentity <$> qry) h
versionCheck :: Int32 -> Client ()
versionCheck v = do
v' <- schemaVersion
- unless (Just v <= v')
- $ error
- $ "Schema Version too old! Expecting at least: "
- <> show v
- <> ", but got: "
- <> fromMaybe "" (show <$> v')
+ unless (Just v <= v') $
+ error $
+ "Schema Version too old! Expecting at least: "
+ <> show v
+ <> ", but got: "
+ <> fromMaybe "" (show <$> v')
createKeyspace :: Keyspace -> ReplicationStrategy -> Client ()
createKeyspace (Keyspace k) rs = void $ schema (cql rs) (params All ())
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ migrateSchema :: Log.Logger -> MigrationOpts -> [Migration] -> IO ()
migrateSchema l o ms = do
hosts <- initialContactsPlain $ pack (migHost o)
p <-
- CQL.init
- $ setLogger (CT.mkLogger l)
+ CQL.init $
+ setLogger (CT.mkLogger l)
. setContacts (NonEmpty.head hosts) (NonEmpty.tail hosts)
. setPortNumber (fromIntegral $ migPort o)
. setMaxConnections 1
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ migrateSchema l o ms = do
. setSendTimeout 20
. setResponseTimeout 50
. setProtocolVersion V4
- $ defSettings
+ $ defSettings
runClient p $ do
let keyspace = Keyspace . migKeyspace $ o
when (migReset o) $ do
diff --git a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Settings.hs b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Settings.hs
index eab36353dc1..f11c0b7a6c2 100644
--- a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Settings.hs
+++ b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Settings.hs
@@ -46,13 +46,14 @@ initialContactsDisco (pack -> srv) url = liftIO $ do
Nothing -> [srv, srv <> "_seed"]
Just _ -> [srv] -- requesting only seeds is a valid use-case
let ip =
- rs ^.. responseBody
- . key "roles"
- . members
- . indices (`elem` srvs)
- . values
- . key "privateIpAddress"
- . _String
+ rs
+ ^.. responseBody
+ . key "roles"
+ . members
+ . indices (`elem` srvs)
+ . values
+ . key "privateIpAddress"
+ . _String
& map unpack
case ip of
i : ii -> return (i :| ii)
diff --git a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Util.hs b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Util.hs
index 828c02e5706..348c1fa0f2a 100644
--- a/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Util.hs
+++ b/libs/cassandra-util/src/Cassandra/Util.hs
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ writeTimeToUTC = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral . (`div` 1000000)
defInitCassandra :: Text -> Text -> Word16 -> Log.Logger -> IO ClientState
defInitCassandra ks h p lg =
- init
- $ setLogger (CT.mkLogger lg)
+ init $
+ setLogger (CT.mkLogger lg)
. setPortNumber (fromIntegral p)
. setContacts (unpack h) []
. setKeyspace (Keyspace ks)
- $ defSettings
+ $ defSettings
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/LICENSE b/libs/dns-util/LICENSE
similarity index 100%
rename from libs/federation-util/LICENSE
rename to libs/dns-util/LICENSE
diff --git a/libs/dns-util/dns-util.cabal b/libs/dns-util/dns-util.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f48111b480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/dns-util/dns-util.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+cabal-version: 1.12
+-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.0.
+-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
+-- hash: 82f20a0525faea5f899c0a68fdc8a82623913d8b063f34a6cd4c6e32aa6acf54
+name: dns-util
+version: 0.1.0
+synopsis: Library to deal with DNS SRV records
+description: Library to deal with DNS SRV records
+category: Network
+author: Wire Swiss GmbH
+maintainer: Wire Swiss GmbH
+copyright: (c) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+license: AGPL-3
+license-file: LICENSE
+build-type: Simple
+ exposed-modules:
+ Wire.Network.DNS.Effect
+ Wire.Network.DNS.SRV
+ other-modules:
+ Paths_dns_util
+ hs-source-dirs:
+ src
+ default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DerivingStrategies DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveLift DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs InstanceSigs KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings PackageImports PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeFamilyDependencies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns
+ ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wpartial-fields -fwarn-tabs -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path
+ build-depends:
+ base >=4.6 && <5.0
+ , dns
+ , imports
+ , polysemy
+ , random
+ , text >=0.11
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+test-suite spec
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ main-is: Spec.hs
+ other-modules:
+ Test.Wire.Network.DNS.SRVSpec
+ Paths_dns_util
+ hs-source-dirs:
+ test
+ default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DerivingStrategies DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveLift DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs InstanceSigs KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings PackageImports PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeFamilyDependencies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns
+ ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wpartial-fields -fwarn-tabs -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
+ build-tool-depends:
+ hspec-discover:hspec-discover
+ build-depends:
+ QuickCheck
+ , base >=4.6 && <5.0
+ , dns
+ , dns-util
+ , hspec
+ , hspec-discover
+ , imports
+ , polysemy
+ , random
+ , text >=0.11
+ default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/libs/dns-util/package.yaml b/libs/dns-util/package.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..210a4299ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/dns-util/package.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ local: ../../package-defaults.yaml
+name: dns-util
+version: '0.1.0'
+synopsis: Library to deal with DNS SRV records
+description: Library to deal with DNS SRV records
+category: Network
+author: Wire Swiss GmbH
+maintainer: Wire Swiss GmbH
+copyright: (c) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+license: AGPL-3
+- base >=4.6 && <5.0
+- dns
+- random
+- text >=0.11
+- imports
+- polysemy
+ source-dirs: src
+ spec:
+ main: Spec.hs
+ source-dirs:
+ - test
+ ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
+ build-tools:
+ - hspec-discover:hspec-discover
+ dependencies:
+ - hspec
+ - hspec-discover
+ - QuickCheck
+ - dns-util
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/TURN.hs b/libs/dns-util/src/Wire/Network/DNS/Effect.hs
similarity index 59%
rename from services/brig/src/Brig/TURN.hs
rename to libs/dns-util/src/Wire/Network/DNS/Effect.hs
index 0c95068938e..c70cdafa2a5 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/TURN.hs
+++ b/libs/dns-util/src/Wire/Network/DNS/Effect.hs
@@ -15,25 +15,22 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Brig.TURN where
+module Wire.Network.DNS.Effect where
-import Brig.Types (TurnURI)
-import Control.Lens
-import Data.List1
import Imports
-import OpenSSL.EVP.Digest (Digest)
-import System.Random.MWC (GenIO, createSystemRandom)
+import Network.DNS (Domain)
+import qualified Network.DNS as DNS
+import Polysemy
+import Wire.Network.DNS.SRV
-data Env = Env
- { _turnServers :: List1 TurnURI,
- _turnTokenTTL :: Word32,
- _turnConfigTTL :: Word32,
- _turnSecret :: ByteString,
- _turnSHA512 :: Digest,
- _turnPrng :: GenIO
- }
+data DNSLookup m a where
+ LookupSRV :: Domain -> DNSLookup m SrvResponse
-makeLenses ''Env
+makeSem ''DNSLookup
-newEnv :: Digest -> List1 TurnURI -> Word32 -> Word32 -> ByteString -> IO Env
-newEnv sha512 srvs tTTL cTTL secret = Env srvs tTTL cTTL secret sha512 <$> createSystemRandom
+runDNSLookupDefault :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (DNSLookup ': r) a -> Sem r a
+runDNSLookupDefault =
+ interpret $ \(LookupSRV domain) -> embed $ do
+ rs <- DNS.makeResolvSeed DNS.defaultResolvConf
+ DNS.withResolver rs $ \resolver ->
+ interpretResponse <$> DNS.lookupSRV resolver domain
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util/Internal.hs b/libs/dns-util/src/Wire/Network/DNS/SRV.hs
similarity index 76%
rename from libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util/Internal.hs
rename to libs/dns-util/src/Wire/Network/DNS/SRV.hs
index 26d2160175b..27105010929 100644
--- a/libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util/Internal.hs
+++ b/libs/dns-util/src/Wire/Network/DNS/SRV.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
--- Parts of this code, namely functions srvLookup'' and orderSrvResult,
+-- Parts of this code, namely functions interpretResponse and orderSrvResult,
-- which were taken from http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pontarius-xmpp
-- are also licensed under the three-clause BSD license:
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@
-module Network.Federation.Util.Internal where
+module Wire.Network.DNS.SRV where
import Control.Category ((>>>))
-import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Imports
-import Network.DNS (DNSError, Domain, ResolvSeed, Resolver, lookupSRV, withResolver)
+import Network.DNS (DNSError, Domain)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
data SrvEntry = SrvEntry
@@ -78,37 +78,21 @@ data SrvTarget = SrvTarget
deriving (Eq, Show)
-toSrvEntry :: (Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain) -> SrvEntry
-toSrvEntry (prio, weight, port, domain) = SrvEntry prio weight (SrvTarget domain port)
+data SrvResponse
+ = SrvNotAvailable
+ | SrvAvailable (NonEmpty SrvEntry)
+ | SrvResponseError DNSError
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
--- Given a prefix (e.g. _wire-server) and a domain (e.g. wire.com),
--- provides a list of A(AAA) names and port numbers upon a successful
--- DNS-SRV request, or `Nothing' if the DNS-SRV request failed.
--- Modified version inspired from http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pontarius-xmpp
-srvLookup' :: Text -> Text -> ResolvSeed -> IO (Maybe [SrvTarget])
-srvLookup' = srvLookup'' lookupSRV
+interpretResponse :: Either DNSError [(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)] -> SrvResponse
+interpretResponse = \case
+ Left err -> SrvResponseError err
+ Right [] -> SrvNotAvailable
+ Right [(_, _, _, ".")] -> SrvNotAvailable -- According to RFC2782
+ Right (r : rs) -> SrvAvailable $ fmap toSrvEntry (r :| rs)
--- internal version for testing
--- FUTUREWORK: return more precise errors than 'Nothing'?
-srvLookup'' ::
- (Resolver -> Domain -> IO (Either DNSError [(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)])) ->
- Text ->
- Text ->
- ResolvSeed ->
- IO (Maybe [SrvTarget])
-srvLookup'' lookupF prefix realm resolvSeed = withResolver resolvSeed $ \resolver -> do
- srvResult <- lookupF resolver $ encodeUtf8 $ prefix <> "._tcp." <> realm <> "."
- case srvResult of
- -- The service is not available at this domain.
- Left _ -> return Nothing
- Right [] -> return Nothing
- Right [(_, _, _, ".")] -> return Nothing -- "not available" as in RFC2782
- Right srvResult' -> do
- let srvEntries = toSrvEntry <$> srvResult'
- -- Get [(Domain, PortNumber)] of SRV request, if any.
- -- Sorts the records based on the priority value.
- Just . fmap srvTarget <$> orderSrvResult srvEntries
+toSrvEntry :: (Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain) -> SrvEntry
+toSrvEntry (prio, weight, port, domain) = SrvEntry prio weight (SrvTarget domain port)
-- FUTUREWORK: maybe improve sorting algorithm here? (with respect to performance and code style)
@@ -121,7 +105,7 @@ srvLookup'' lookupF prefix realm resolvSeed = withResolver resolvSeed $ \resolve
orderSrvResult :: [SrvEntry] -> IO [SrvEntry]
orderSrvResult =
-- Order the result set by priority.
- sortBy (comparing srvPriority)
+ sortOn srvPriority
-- Group elements in sublists based on their priority.
-- The result type is `[[(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)]]' (nested list).
>>> groupBy ((==) `on` srvPriority)
@@ -148,7 +132,7 @@ orderSrvResult =
(b, (c : e)) -> (b, c, e)
_ -> error "orderSrvResult: no record with running sum greater than random number"
-- Remove the running total number from the remaining elements.
- let remainingSrvs = map (\(srv, _) -> srv) (concat [beginning, end])
+ let remainingSrvs = map fst (concat [beginning, end])
-- Repeat the ordering procedure on the remaining elements.
rest <- orderSublist remainingSrvs
return $ firstSrv : rest
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/test/Spec.hs b/libs/dns-util/test/Spec.hs
similarity index 100%
rename from libs/federation-util/test/Spec.hs
rename to libs/dns-util/test/Spec.hs
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/test/Test/DNSSpec.hs b/libs/dns-util/test/Test/Wire/Network/DNS/SRVSpec.hs
similarity index 60%
rename from libs/federation-util/test/Test/DNSSpec.hs
rename to libs/dns-util/test/Test/Wire/Network/DNS/SRVSpec.hs
index f559f4a0dda..39c67a1ee2b 100644
--- a/libs/federation-util/test/Test/DNSSpec.hs
+++ b/libs/dns-util/test/Test/Wire/Network/DNS/SRVSpec.hs
@@ -15,16 +15,38 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Test.DNSSpec where
+module Test.Wire.Network.DNS.SRVSpec where
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Imports
-import Network.DNS
-import Network.Federation.Util.Internal
+import qualified Network.DNS as DNS
import Test.Hspec
+import Wire.Network.DNS.SRV
spec :: Spec
spec = do
- describe "order" $ do
+ describe "interpretResponse" $ do
+ it "should interpret error correctly" $
+ interpretResponse (Left DNS.UnknownDNSError) `shouldBe` SrvResponseError DNS.UnknownDNSError
+ it "should interpret empty response as SrvNotAvailable" $
+ interpretResponse (Right []) `shouldBe` SrvNotAvailable
+ it "should interpret explicitly not available response as SrvNotAvailable" $
+ interpretResponse (Right [(0, 0, 0, ".")]) `shouldBe` SrvNotAvailable
+ it "should interpret an available service correctly" $ do
+ let input =
+ [ (0, 1, 443, "service01.example.com."),
+ (10, 20, 8443, "service02.example.com.")
+ ]
+ let expectedOutput =
+ SrvAvailable
+ ( SrvEntry 0 1 (SrvTarget "service01.example.com." 443)
+ :| [SrvEntry 10 20 (SrvTarget "service02.example.com." 8443)]
+ )
+ interpretResponse (Right input) `shouldBe` expectedOutput
+ describe "orderSrvResult" $ do
it "orders records according to ascending priority" $ do
actual <-
orderSrvResult . map toSrvEntry $
@@ -59,29 +81,3 @@ spec = do
length x `shouldSatisfy` (< 49)
length y `shouldSatisfy` (> 0)
length y `shouldSatisfy` (< 49)
- describe "srvLookup" $ do
- it "returns the expected result for wire.com" $ do
- rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
- wire <- srvLookup'' mockLookupSRV "_wire-server" "wire.com" rs
- wire `shouldBe` Just [SrvTarget "wire.com" 443]
- it "filters out single '.' results" $ do
- rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
- exampleDotCom <- srvLookup'' mockLookupSRV "_wire-server" "example.com" rs
- exampleDotCom `shouldBe` Nothing
- it "can return multiple results" $ do
- rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
- zinfra <- srvLookup'' mockLookupSRV "_wire-server" "zinfra.io" rs
- (length <$> zinfra) `shouldBe` Just 2
- it "returns Nothing if there is no DNS record" $ do
- rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
- noRecord <- srvLookup'' mockLookupSRV "_wire-server" "no-record-here" rs
- noRecord `shouldBe` Nothing
--- mock function matching Network.DNS's 'lookupSRV' types
-mockLookupSRV :: Resolver -> Domain -> IO (Either DNSError [(Word16, Word16, Word16, Domain)])
-mockLookupSRV _ domain = do
- case domain of
- "_wire-server._tcp.wire.com." -> return $ Right [(0, 0, 443, "wire.com")]
- "_wire-server._tcp.zinfra.io." -> return $ Right [(0, 0, 443, "server1.zinfra.io"), (0, 0, 443, "server2.zinfra.io")]
- "_wire-server._tcp.example.com." -> return $ Right [(0, 0, 443, ".")]
- _ -> return $ Right []
diff --git a/libs/extended/src/Servant/API/Extended.hs b/libs/extended/src/Servant/API/Extended.hs
index 9b8a7c1c70c..5122f4f737f 100644
--- a/libs/extended/src/Servant/API/Extended.hs
+++ b/libs/extended/src/Servant/API/Extended.hs
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ instance
-- See also "W3C Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use"
-- http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2002/0129-mime
let contentTypeH =
- fromMaybe "application/octet-stream"
- $ lookup hContentType
- $ requestHeaders request
+ fromMaybe "application/octet-stream" $
+ lookup hContentType $
+ requestHeaders request
case canHandleCTypeH (Proxy :: Proxy list) (cs contentTypeH) :: Maybe (BL.ByteString -> Either String a) of
Nothing -> delayedFail err415
Just f -> return f
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/.ghcid b/libs/federation-util/.ghcid
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd66810c9b..00000000000
--- a/libs/federation-util/.ghcid
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
---command "stack ghci federation-util --test"
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util/DNS.hs b/libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util/DNS.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ac4db02b4..00000000000
--- a/libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util/DNS.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
--- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
--- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
--- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
--- later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
--- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
--- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
--- details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
--- with this program. If not, see .
-module Network.Federation.Util.DNS
- ( srvLookup,
- SrvTarget (..),
- )
-import Imports
-import Network.DNS
-import Network.Federation.Util.Internal
--- | Looks up a SRV record given a domain, returning A(AAA) records with their
--- ports (ordered by priority and weight according to RFC 2782). Connection
--- attempts should be made to the returned result list in order.
--- Example:
--- > import Network.DNS.Resolver
--- > import Network.Federation.Util
--- >
--- > main :: IO ()
--- > main = do
--- > rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
--- > x <- srvLookup "staging.zinfra.io" rs
-srvLookup :: Text -> ResolvSeed -> IO (Maybe [SrvTarget])
-srvLookup = srvLookup' srvDefaultPrefix
-srvDefaultPrefix :: Text
-srvDefaultPrefix = "_wire-server"
diff --git a/libs/galley-types/src/Galley/Types/Teams.hs b/libs/galley-types/src/Galley/Types/Teams.hs
index bfcf6c6aa05..7aba8945405 100644
--- a/libs/galley-types/src/Galley/Types/Teams.hs
+++ b/libs/galley-types/src/Galley/Types/Teams.hs
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ module Galley.Types.Teams
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall (ErrorCall))
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses, view)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Id (UserId)
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Imports
import Wire.API.Event.Team
-import Wire.API.Team (NewTeam (..), Team (..), TeamBinding (..))
import Wire.API.Team
+import Wire.API.Team (NewTeam (..), Team (..), TeamBinding (..))
import Wire.API.Team.Conversation
import Wire.API.Team.Feature
import Wire.API.Team.Member
diff --git a/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Roundtrip.hs b/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Roundtrip.hs
index 71b733c6d69..095ca336c14 100644
--- a/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Roundtrip.hs
+++ b/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Roundtrip.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, parseJSON, toJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither)
import Imports
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
-import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((===), Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty)
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty, (===))
import Type.Reflection (typeRep)
testRoundTrip ::
diff --git a/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Types.hs b/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Types.hs
index 5c8fd8336e4..bee8c4c8a20 100644
--- a/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Types.hs
+++ b/libs/galley-types/test/unit/Test/Galley/Types.hs
@@ -38,14 +38,13 @@ tests =
[ testCase "owner has all permissions" $
rolePermissions RoleOwner @=? fullPermissions,
- testCase "smaller roles (further to the left/top in the type def) are strictly more powerful"
- $
+ testCase "smaller roles (further to the left/top in the type def) are strictly more powerful" $
-- we may not want to maintain this property in the future when adding more roles, but for
-- now it's true, and it's nice to have that written down somewhere.
- forM_ [(r1, r2) | r1 <- [minBound ..], r2 <- drop 1 [r1 ..]]
- $ \(r1, r2) -> do
- assertBool "owner.self" ((rolePermissions r2 ^. self) `isSubsetOf` (rolePermissions r1 ^. self))
- assertBool "owner.copy" ((rolePermissions r2 ^. copy) `isSubsetOf` (rolePermissions r1 ^. copy)),
+ forM_ [(r1, r2) | r1 <- [minBound ..], r2 <- drop 1 [r1 ..]] $
+ \(r1, r2) -> do
+ assertBool "owner.self" ((rolePermissions r2 ^. self) `isSubsetOf` (rolePermissions r1 ^. self))
+ assertBool "owner.copy" ((rolePermissions r2 ^. copy) `isSubsetOf` (rolePermissions r1 ^. copy)),
testCase "permissions for viewing feature flags" $
-- We currently (at the time of writing this test) grant view permissions for all
-- 'TeamFeatureName's to all roles. If we add more features in the future and forget to
diff --git a/libs/gundeck-types/src/Gundeck/Types/Push/V2.hs b/libs/gundeck-types/src/Gundeck/Types/Push/V2.hs
index a4e6d4902a7..c59537aff06 100644
--- a/libs/gundeck-types/src/Gundeck/Types/Push/V2.hs
+++ b/libs/gundeck-types/src/Gundeck/Types/Push/V2.hs
@@ -155,14 +155,16 @@ instance ToJSON Recipient where
-- "All clients" is encoded in the API as an empty list.
instance FromJSON RecipientClients where
- parseJSON x = parseJSON @[ClientId] x >>= \case
- [] -> pure RecipientClientsAll
- c : cs -> pure (RecipientClientsSome (list1 c cs))
+ parseJSON x =
+ parseJSON @[ClientId] x >>= \case
+ [] -> pure RecipientClientsAll
+ c : cs -> pure (RecipientClientsSome (list1 c cs))
instance ToJSON RecipientClients where
- toJSON = toJSON . \case
- RecipientClientsAll -> []
- RecipientClientsSome cs -> toList cs
+ toJSON =
+ toJSON . \case
+ RecipientClientsAll -> []
+ RecipientClientsSome cs -> toList cs
-- ApsData
diff --git a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/ContentType.hs b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/ContentType.hs
index 7527123e854..60cc857037d 100644
--- a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/ContentType.hs
+++ b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/ContentType.hs
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ data SCIM
instance Accept SCIM where
contentTypes _ =
"application" // "scim+json" /: ("charset", "utf-8")
- :| "application" // "scim+json"
- : "application" // "json" /: ("charset", "utf-8")
- : "application" // "json"
- : []
+ :| "application" // "scim+json" :
+ "application" // "json" /: ("charset", "utf-8") :
+ "application" // "json" :
+ []
instance ToJSON a => MimeRender SCIM a where
mimeRender _ = mimeRender (Proxy @JSON)
diff --git a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Filter.hs b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Filter.hs
index 32589b0f74b..6a910399b5b 100644
--- a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Filter.hs
+++ b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Filter.hs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module Web.Scim.Filter
-import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional)
+import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Parser as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Text as Aeson
diff --git a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/PatchOp.hs b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/PatchOp.hs
index 893aba422f2..b44fe9f7a30 100644
--- a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/PatchOp.hs
+++ b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/PatchOp.hs
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Web.Scim.Schema.PatchOp where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.Except
-import Data.Aeson.Types ((.:), (.:?), (.=), FromJSON (parseJSON), ToJSON (toJSON), Value (String), object, withObject, withText)
+import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON (parseJSON), ToJSON (toJSON), Value (String), object, withObject, withText, (.:), (.:?), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (Parser, endOfInput, parseOnly)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Text (Text, toCaseFold, toLower)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Web.Scim.AttrName (AttrName (..))
diff --git a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/User.hs b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/User.hs
index 9786a6660b4..c16aa8709d5 100644
--- a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/User.hs
+++ b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Schema/User.hs
@@ -182,9 +182,10 @@ instance FromJSON (UserExtra tag) => FromJSON (User tag) where
parseJSON = withObject "User" $ \obj -> do
-- Lowercase all fields
let o = HM.fromList . map (over _1 toLower) . HM.toList $ obj
- schemas <- o .:? "schemas" <&> \case
- Nothing -> [User20]
- Just xs -> if User20 `elem` xs then xs else User20 : xs
+ schemas <-
+ o .:? "schemas" <&> \case
+ Nothing -> [User20]
+ Just xs -> if User20 `elem` xs then xs else User20 : xs
userName <- o .: "username"
externalId <- o .:? "externalid"
name <- o .:? "name"
diff --git a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Test/Util.hs b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Test/Util.hs
index fef6c1f97d3..38feba2a0ef 100644
--- a/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Test/Util.hs
+++ b/libs/hscim/src/Web/Scim/Test/Util.hs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ where
import qualified Control.Retry as Retry
import Data.Aeson
-import Data.Aeson.Internal ((>), JSONPathElement (Key))
+import Data.Aeson.Internal (JSONPathElement (Key), (>))
import Data.Aeson.QQ
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@@ -71,8 +71,7 @@ import Network.Wai (Application)
import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations (expectationFailure)
import Test.Hspec.Wai hiding (patch, post, put, shouldRespondWith)
-import Test.Hspec.Wai.Matcher (bodyEquals)
-import Test.Hspec.Wai.Matcher (match)
+import Test.Hspec.Wai.Matcher (bodyEquals, match)
import Web.Scim.Class.Auth (AuthTypes (..))
import Web.Scim.Class.Group (GroupTypes (..))
import Web.Scim.Schema.Schema (Schema (CustomSchema, User20))
diff --git a/libs/hscim/test/Test/Schema/PatchOpSpec.hs b/libs/hscim/test/Test/Schema/PatchOpSpec.hs
index 1fc7240bc1c..49d46331134 100644
--- a/libs/hscim/test/Test/Schema/PatchOpSpec.hs
+++ b/libs/hscim/test/Test/Schema/PatchOpSpec.hs
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
module Test.Schema.PatchOpSpec where
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
-import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Result (Error, Success), Value (String), fromJSON, toJSON)
+import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (parseOnly)
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
diff --git a/libs/imports/src/Imports.hs b/libs/imports/src/Imports.hs
index 85d3c80bffb..50be52f3589 100644
--- a/libs/imports/src/Imports.hs
+++ b/libs/imports/src/Imports.hs
@@ -117,25 +117,8 @@ module Imports
--- Explicitly saying what to import because some things from Prelude clash
--- with e.g. UnliftIO modules
-import Control.Applicative hiding (empty, many, optional, some) -- common in
- -- some libs
--- conflicts with Options.Applicative.Option (should we care?)
--- First and Last are going to be deprecated. Use Semigroup instead
--- 'insert' and 'delete' are
--- common in database modules
--- Handle is hidden
--- because it's common
--- in Brig
--- Permissions is common in Galley
--- Lazy and strict versions are the same
+-- common in some libs
+import Control.Applicative hiding (empty, many, optional, some)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), deepseq)
import Control.Monad hiding (forM, forM_, mapM, mapM_, msum, sequence, sequence_)
import Control.Monad.Extra (unlessM, whenM)
@@ -165,11 +148,15 @@ import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.Int
+-- 'insert' and 'delete' are common in database modules
import Data.List hiding (delete, insert)
+-- Lazy and strict versions are the same
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
+-- First and Last are going to be deprecated. Use Semigroup instead
import Data.Monoid hiding (First (..), Last (..))
import Data.Ord
+-- conflicts with Options.Applicative.Option (should we care?)
import Data.Semigroup hiding (Option, diff, option)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.String
@@ -184,17 +171,19 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Text.Read (readEither, readMaybe)
import UnliftIO.Concurrent
+-- Permissions is common in Galley
import UnliftIO.Directory hiding (Permissions)
import UnliftIO.Environment
import UnliftIO.Exception
+-- Handle is hidden because it's common in Brig
import UnliftIO.IO hiding (Handle, getMonotonicTime)
import UnliftIO.IORef
import UnliftIO.MVar
import UnliftIO.STM
-import qualified Prelude as P
+-- Explicitly saying what to import because some things from Prelude clash
+-- with e.g. UnliftIO modules
import Prelude
- ( ($!),
- Bounded (..),
+ ( Bounded (..),
Enum (..),
Eq (..),
@@ -215,8 +204,6 @@ import Prelude
RealFrac (..),
Show (..),
- (^),
- (^^),
@@ -235,7 +222,11 @@ import Prelude
+ ($!),
+ (^),
+ (^^),
+import qualified Prelude as P
-- Type aliases
diff --git a/libs/metrics-wai/src/Data/Metrics/Middleware/Prometheus.hs b/libs/metrics-wai/src/Data/Metrics/Middleware/Prometheus.hs
index e6e19b80465..b35e502da28 100644
--- a/libs/metrics-wai/src/Data/Metrics/Middleware/Prometheus.hs
+++ b/libs/metrics-wai/src/Data/Metrics/Middleware/Prometheus.hs
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ module Data.Metrics.Middleware.Prometheus
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.Metrics.Types (Paths)
-import Data.Metrics.Types (treeLookup)
+import Data.Metrics.Types (Paths, treeLookup)
import Data.Metrics.WaiRoute (treeToPaths)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
diff --git a/libs/ropes/src/Ropes/Nexmo.hs b/libs/ropes/src/Ropes/Nexmo.hs
index 11cd3a98990..7ec1e976432 100644
--- a/libs/ropes/src/Ropes/Nexmo.hs
+++ b/libs/ropes/src/Ropes/Nexmo.hs
@@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ sendFeedback cr mgr fb = httpLbs req mgr >>= parseResponse
-- You must _always_ specify a timestamp
nexmoTimeFormat = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
parseResponse res =
- unless (responseStatus res == status200)
- $ throwIO
- $ FeedbackErrorResponse (decodeUtf8 . toStrict . responseBody $ res)
+ unless (responseStatus res == status200) $
+ throwIO $
+ FeedbackErrorResponse (decodeUtf8 . toStrict . responseBody $ res)
sendMessage :: Credentials -> Manager -> Message -> IO MessageResponse
sendMessage cr mgr msg = N.head <$> sendMessages cr mgr (msg :| [])
diff --git a/libs/tasty-cannon/src/Test/Tasty/Cannon.hs b/libs/tasty-cannon/src/Test/Tasty/Cannon.hs
index 9423da4fcaa..c40cef37ef2 100644
--- a/libs/tasty-cannon/src/Test/Tasty/Cannon.hs
+++ b/libs/tasty-cannon/src/Test/Tasty/Cannon.hs
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.Id
import Data.List1
import Data.Misc ((<$$>))
-import Data.Timeout ((#), Timeout, TimeoutUnit (..))
+import Data.Timeout (Timeout, TimeoutUnit (..), (#))
import Gundeck.Types
import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Client
@@ -240,15 +240,16 @@ awaitMatch t ws match = go [] []
go buf errs = do
mn <- await t ws
case mn of
- Just n -> do
- liftIO (match n)
- refill buf
- return (Right n)
- `catchAll` \e -> case asyncExceptionFromException e of
- Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
- Nothing ->
- let e' = MatchFailure e
- in go (n : buf) (e' : errs)
+ Just n ->
+ do
+ liftIO (match n)
+ refill buf
+ return (Right n)
+ `catchAll` \e -> case asyncExceptionFromException e of
+ Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
+ Nothing ->
+ let e' = MatchFailure e
+ in go (n : buf) (e' : errs)
Nothing -> do
refill buf
return (Left (MatchTimeout errs))
diff --git a/libs/types-common-aws/src/Util/Test/SQS.hs b/libs/types-common-aws/src/Util/Test/SQS.hs
index 4ffa22f3a81..dddaa98d67d 100644
--- a/libs/types-common-aws/src/Util/Test/SQS.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common-aws/src/Util/Test/SQS.hs
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ receive :: Int -> Text -> SQS.ReceiveMessage
receive n url =
SQS.receiveMessage url
& set SQS.rmWaitTimeSeconds (Just 1)
- . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just n)
- . set SQS.rmVisibilityTimeout (Just 1)
+ . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just n)
+ . set SQS.rmVisibilityTimeout (Just 1)
fetchMessage :: (MonadIO m, AWS.MonadAWS m, Message a) => Text -> String -> (String -> Maybe a -> IO ()) -> m ()
fetchMessage url label callback = do
@@ -140,9 +140,10 @@ tryMatch label tries url callback = go tries
when (null ok) $ do
liftIO $ threadDelay (10 ^ (6 :: Int))
go (n - 1)
- check e = do
- liftIO $ callback label e
- return (Right $ show e)
- `catchAll` \ex -> case asyncExceptionFromException ex of
- Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
- Nothing -> return . Left $ MatchFailure (e, ex)
+ check e =
+ do
+ liftIO $ callback label e
+ return (Right $ show e)
+ `catchAll` \ex -> case asyncExceptionFromException ex of
+ Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
+ Nothing -> return . Left $ MatchFailure (e, ex)
diff --git a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Handle.hs b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Handle.hs
index 6ee2059a031..81699f9f3b7 100644
--- a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Handle.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Handle.hs
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ handleParser = do
isHandleChar = Atto.inClass "a-z0-9_.-"
instance Arbitrary Handle where
- arbitrary = Handle . Text.pack <$> do
- len <- oneof [choose (2, 10), choose (2, 256)] -- prefer short handles
- replicateM len (elements $ ['a' .. 'z'] <> ['0' .. '9'] <> "_-.")
+ arbitrary =
+ Handle . Text.pack <$> do
+ len <- oneof [choose (2, 10), choose (2, 256)] -- prefer short handles
+ replicateM len (elements $ ['a' .. 'z'] <> ['0' .. '9'] <> "_-.")
diff --git a/libs/types-common/src/Data/IdMapping.hs b/libs/types-common/src/Data/IdMapping.hs
index 0eac38efec3..41db2cced9f 100644
--- a/libs/types-common/src/Data/IdMapping.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common/src/Data/IdMapping.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
module Data.IdMapping where
-import Data.Aeson ((.=), ToJSON (toJSON))
+import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (toJSON), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Domain (domainText)
diff --git a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Json/Util.hs b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Json/Util.hs
index 03d8a495d4c..b2479a4e48b 100644
--- a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Json/Util.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Json/Util.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module Data.Json.Util
import qualified Cassandra as CQL
-import Control.Lens ((%~), coerced)
+import Control.Lens (coerced, (%~))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as EL
diff --git a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Misc.hs b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Misc.hs
index b2fe9456421..b58c715e2ac 100644
--- a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Misc.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Misc.hs
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ module Data.Misc
-- * HttpsUrl
HttpsUrl (..),
+ ensureHttpsUrl,
-- * Fingerprint
Fingerprint (..),
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ module Data.Misc
import Cassandra
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (.~), (^.))
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Json
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Chars
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ instance Cql Milliseconds where
newtype HttpsUrl = HttpsUrl
{ httpsUrl :: URIRef Absolute
- deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+ deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
mkHttpsUrl :: URIRef Absolute -> Either String HttpsUrl
mkHttpsUrl uri =
@@ -244,6 +245,9 @@ mkHttpsUrl uri =
then Right $ HttpsUrl uri
else Left $ "Non-HTTPS URL: " ++ show uri
+ensureHttpsUrl :: URIRef Absolute -> HttpsUrl
+ensureHttpsUrl = HttpsUrl . (uriSchemeL . schemeBSL .~ "https")
instance Show HttpsUrl where
showsPrec i = showsPrec i . httpsUrl
diff --git a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Range.hs b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Range.hs
index a9e444768a1..f372dbe0c0e 100644
--- a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Range.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Range.hs
@@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ newtype Range (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) a = Range
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance (Show a, Num a, Within a n m, KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Bounded (Range n m a) where
+ minBound = unsafeRange $ (fromKnownNat (Proxy @n) :: a)
+ maxBound = unsafeRange $ (fromKnownNat (Proxy @m) :: a)
instance NFData (Range n m a) where rnf (Range a) = seq a ()
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Range n m a) where
diff --git a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Text/Ascii.hs b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Text/Ascii.hs
index 7ed284749a1..f759d9d4bcc 100644
--- a/libs/types-common/src/Data/Text/Ascii.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common/src/Data/Text/Ascii.hs
@@ -371,12 +371,13 @@ check m f t
| otherwise = Left m
parseBytes :: (Text -> Either String a) -> Parser a
-parseBytes f = parser >>= \bs ->
- case decodeUtf8' bs of
- Left _ -> fail $ "Invalid ASCII characters in: " ++ C8.unpack bs
- Right t -> case f t of
- Left e -> fail $ e ++ ": " ++ Text.unpack t
- Right a -> pure a
+parseBytes f =
+ parser >>= \bs ->
+ case decodeUtf8' bs of
+ Left _ -> fail $ "Invalid ASCII characters in: " ++ C8.unpack bs
+ Right t -> case f t of
+ Left e -> fail $ e ++ ": " ++ Text.unpack t
+ Right a -> pure a
unsafeString :: (Text -> Either String a) -> String -> a
unsafeString f s = case f (Text.pack s) of
diff --git a/libs/types-common/src/Util/Test.hs b/libs/types-common/src/Util/Test.hs
index 3123ce652b5..69b5d8deb6a 100644
--- a/libs/types-common/src/Util/Test.hs
+++ b/libs/types-common/src/Util/Test.hs
@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ instance IsOption IntegrationConfigFile where
optionName = return "integration-config"
optionHelp = return "Integration config file to read from"
optionCLParser =
- fmap IntegrationConfigFile $ strOption $
- ( short (untag (return 'i' :: Tagged IntegrationConfigFile Char))
- <> long (untag (optionName :: Tagged IntegrationConfigFile String))
- <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged IntegrationConfigFile String))
- )
+ fmap IntegrationConfigFile $
+ strOption $
+ ( short (untag (return 'i' :: Tagged IntegrationConfigFile Char))
+ <> long (untag (optionName :: Tagged IntegrationConfigFile String))
+ <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged IntegrationConfigFile String))
+ )
handleParseError :: (Show a) => Either a b -> IO (Maybe b)
handleParseError (Left err) = do
diff --git a/libs/wai-utilities/src/Network/Wai/Utilities/Server.hs b/libs/wai-utilities/src/Network/Wai/Utilities/Server.hs
index 901da290a5a..913d09341f6 100644
--- a/libs/wai-utilities/src/Network/Wai/Utilities/Server.hs
+++ b/libs/wai-utilities/src/Network/Wai/Utilities/Server.hs
@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ newSettings (Server h p l m t) = do
-- (Atomically) initialise the standard metrics, to avoid races.
void $ gaugeGet (path "net.connections") m
void $ counterGet (path "net.errors") m
- return
- $ setHost (fromString h)
+ return $
+ setHost (fromString h)
. setPort (fromIntegral p)
. setBeforeMainLoop logStart
. setOnOpen (const $ connStart >> return True)
. setOnClose (const connEnd)
. setTimeout (fromMaybe 300 t)
- $ defaultSettings
+ $ defaultSettings
connStart = gaugeIncr (path "net.connections") m
connEnd = gaugeDecr (path "net.connections") m
@@ -357,10 +357,11 @@ runHandlers e [] = throw e
runHandlers e (Handler h : hs) = maybe (runHandlers e hs) h (fromException e)
restrict :: Int -> Int -> Predicate r P.Error Int -> Predicate r P.Error Int
-restrict l u = fmap $ \x -> x >>= \v ->
- if v >= l && v <= u
- then x
- else Fail (setMessage (emsg v) . setReason TypeError $ e400)
+restrict l u = fmap $ \x ->
+ x >>= \v ->
+ if v >= l && v <= u
+ then x
+ else Fail (setMessage (emsg v) . setReason TypeError $ e400)
emsg v =
LBS.toStrict . toLazyByteString $
diff --git a/libs/wire-api-federation/LICENSE b/libs/wire-api-federation/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dba13ed2ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+ Version 3, 19 November 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure
+cooperation with the community in the case of network server software.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights
+with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer
+you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
+and/or modify the software.
+ A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that
+improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they
+receive widespread use, become available for other developers to
+incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and
+encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of
+software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about.
+The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and
+letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its
+source code to the public.
+ The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to
+ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available
+to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to
+provide the source code of the modified version running there to the
+users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on
+a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source
+code of the modified version.
+ An older license, called the Affero General Public License and
+published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is
+a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has
+released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under
+this license.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the
+Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users
+interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version
+supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding
+Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source
+from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary
+means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source
+shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3
+of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the
+following paragraph.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version
+3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions
+will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ Copyright (C)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer
+network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to
+get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its
+interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive
+of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different
+solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the
+specific requirements.
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/package.yaml b/libs/wire-api-federation/package.yaml
similarity index 65%
rename from libs/federation-util/package.yaml
rename to libs/wire-api-federation/package.yaml
index ea89acc6bc6..38e1c253a9d 100644
--- a/libs/federation-util/package.yaml
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/package.yaml
@@ -1,32 +1,30 @@
local: ../../package-defaults.yaml
-name: federation-util
+name: wire-api-federation
version: '0.1.0'
-synopsis: Various helpers for federation
-description: Small helper functions useful when federating.
+synopsis: The Wire server-to-server API for federation
+description: Servant endpoints and types for implementing a Wire backend that can federate with others
category: Web
author: Wire Swiss GmbH
maintainer: Wire Swiss GmbH
copyright: (c) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
license: AGPL-3
-- async >=2.0
+- aeson >=1.4
- base >=4.6 && <5.0
- bytestring >=0.10
- bytestring-conversion >=0.3
- containers >=0.5
- errors >=2.0
- exceptions >=0.6
-- http-types >=0.8
- imports
-- dns
-- random
-- streaming-commons >=0.1
-- string-conversions
-- stm
+- servant >=0.16
- text >=0.11
+- time >=1.8
- transformers >=0.3
-- tinylog >=0.8
+- types-common
+- QuickCheck >=2.13
source-dirs: src
@@ -37,9 +35,7 @@ tests:
- test
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
+ - wire-api-federation
- hspec
- hspec-discover
- - QuickCheck
- - federation-util
- - uri-bytestring
+ - metrics-wai
diff --git a/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/API.hs b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/API.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7bb48ee3da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/API.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Wire.API.Federation.API where
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Servant.API.Generic (AsApi, ToServant, (:-))
+import qualified Wire.API.Federation.API.Conversation as Conversation (Api)
+type PlainApi = ToServant Api AsApi
+-- FUTUREWORK: Add Swagger docs
+data Api routes = Api
+ { conversation :: routes :- ToServant Conversation.Api AsApi
+ }
+ deriving stock (Generic)
diff --git a/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/API/Conversation.hs b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/API/Conversation.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6640cff5917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/API/Conversation.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Wire.API.Federation.API.Conversation where
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
+import Data.Id (ConvId, UserId)
+import Data.Qualified (Qualified)
+import Imports
+import Servant.API (Capture, JSON, Post, ReqBody, (:>))
+import Servant.API.Generic ((:-))
+import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary))
+import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
+import Wire.API.Federation.Event (ConversationEvent, MemberJoin)
+import Wire.API.Federation.Util.Aeson (CustomEncoded (CustomEncoded))
+data Api routes = Api
+ { joinConversationById ::
+ routes
+ :- "f"
+ :> "conversation"
+ :> Capture "cnv" (Qualified ConvId)
+ :> "join"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] JoinConversationByIdRequest
+ :> Post '[JSON] (ConversationUpdateResult MemberJoin)
+ }
+ deriving stock (Generic)
+data JoinConversationByIdRequest = JoinConversationByIdRequest
+ { joinUserId :: Qualified UserId
+ }
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
+ deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (CustomEncoded JoinConversationByIdRequest)
+data ConversationUpdateResult a
+ = ConversationUpdated (ConversationEvent a)
+ | ConversationUnchanged
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic, Foldable, Functor, Traversable)
+ deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (CustomEncoded (ConversationUpdateResult a))
+-- Arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary JoinConversationByIdRequest where
+ arbitrary = JoinConversationByIdRequest <$> arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (ConversationUpdateResult a) where
+ arbitrary = QC.oneof [pure ConversationUnchanged, ConversationUpdated <$> arbitrary]
diff --git a/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/Event.hs b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/Event.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45c456bdb7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/Event.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Wire.API.Federation.Event
+ ( AnyEvent (..),
+ ConversationEvent (..),
+ -- * MemberJoin
+ MemberJoin (..),
+ SimpleMember (..),
+ ConversationRole (..),
+ )
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
+import Data.Id
+import Data.Qualified (Qualified)
+import Data.Time
+import Imports
+import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary))
+import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
+import Wire.API.Federation.Util.Aeson (CustomEncoded (CustomEncoded))
+data AnyEvent
+ = EventMemberJoin (ConversationEvent MemberJoin)
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
+ deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (CustomEncoded AnyEvent)
+-- | Similar to 'Wire.API.Event.ConversationEvent', but all IDs are qualified to allow
+-- this representation to be sent across backends.
+-- Also, instead of having a sum type in 'eventData', it allows specifying which type
+-- of event it is, e.g. @ConversationEvent MemberJoin@.
+-- To represent possiblity of multiple different event types, use a sum type around it.
+data ConversationEvent a = ConversationEvent
+ { eventConversation :: Qualified ConvId,
+ eventFrom :: Qualified UserId,
+ eventTime :: UTCTime,
+ eventData :: a
+ }
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic, Foldable, Functor, Traversable)
+ deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (CustomEncoded (ConversationEvent a))
+newtype MemberJoin = MemberJoin
+ { smUsers :: [SimpleMember]
+ }
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
+ deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (CustomEncoded MemberJoin)
+data SimpleMember = SimpleMember
+ { smId :: Qualified UserId,
+ smConversationRole :: ConversationRole
+ }
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
+ deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (CustomEncoded SimpleMember)
+data ConversationRole
+ = ConversationRoleAdmin
+ | ConversationRoleMember
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
+ deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (CustomEncoded ConversationRole)
+-- Arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary AnyEvent where
+ arbitrary =
+ QC.oneof
+ [ EventMemberJoin <$> arbitrary
+ ]
+instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (ConversationEvent a) where
+ arbitrary = ConversationEvent <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary MemberJoin where
+ arbitrary = MemberJoin <$> arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary SimpleMember where
+ arbitrary = SimpleMember <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary ConversationRole where
+ arbitrary = QC.elements [ConversationRoleAdmin, ConversationRoleMember]
diff --git a/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/Util/Aeson.hs b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/Util/Aeson.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c288f0100be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/src/Wire/API/Federation/Util/Aeson.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Wire.API.Federation.Util.Aeson
+ ( customEncodingOptions,
+ CustomEncoded (..),
+ )
+import Data.Aeson
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
+import GHC.Generics (Rep)
+import Imports
+-- | Drops record field name prefixes (anything until the first upper-case char)
+-- and turns the rest into snake_case.
+-- For example, it converts @_recordFieldLabel@ into @field_label@.
+customEncodingOptions :: Options
+customEncodingOptions =
+ defaultOptions
+ { fieldLabelModifier = camelTo2 '_' . dropWhile (not . Char.isUpper)
+ }
+newtype CustomEncoded a = CustomEncoded {unCustomEncoded :: a}
+instance (Generic a, GToJSON Zero (Rep a)) => ToJSON (CustomEncoded a) where
+ toJSON = genericToJSON @a customEncodingOptions . unCustomEncoded
+instance (Generic a, GFromJSON Zero (Rep a)) => FromJSON (CustomEncoded a) where
+ parseJSON = fmap CustomEncoded . genericParseJSON @a customEncodingOptions
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util.hs b/libs/wire-api-federation/test/Spec.hs
similarity index 87%
rename from libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util.hs
rename to libs/wire-api-federation/test/Spec.hs
index bd9a191b618..7b57431c0d0 100644
--- a/libs/federation-util/src/Network/Federation/Util.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/test/Spec.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}
-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
@@ -14,10 +16,3 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Network.Federation.Util
- ( module Network.Federation.Util.DNS,
- )
-import Network.Federation.Util.DNS
diff --git a/services/federator/src/Federator/Util.hs b/libs/wire-api-federation/test/Test/Wire/API/Federation/APISpec.hs
similarity index 57%
rename from services/federator/src/Federator/Util.hs
rename to libs/wire-api-federation/test/Test/Wire/API/Federation/APISpec.hs
index c947f0e0e46..770447c8f11 100644
--- a/services/federator/src/Federator/Util.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/test/Test/Wire/API/Federation/APISpec.hs
@@ -15,25 +15,15 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Federator.Util
- ( wireJsonOptions,
- )
+module Test.Wire.API.Federation.APISpec where
-import Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.Metrics.Servant (routesToPaths)
+import Data.Metrics.Test (pathsConsistencyCheck)
import Imports
+import Test.Hspec (Spec, it, shouldBe)
+import Wire.API.Federation.API as API
-dropPrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String
-dropPrefix pfx str =
- if length pfx > length str
- then Nothing
- else case splitAt (length pfx) str of
- (pfx', sfx) ->
- if pfx' /= pfx
- then Nothing
- else Just sfx
--- | This is a partial function; totality of all calls must be verified by roundtrip tests on
--- the aeson instances involved.
-wireJsonOptions :: String -> Options
-wireJsonOptions pfx = defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = fromJust . dropPrefix pfx . fmap toLower}
+spec :: Spec
+spec = do
+ it "API consistency" $ do
+ pathsConsistencyCheck (routesToPaths @API.PlainApi) `shouldBe` mempty
diff --git a/libs/federation-util/federation-util.cabal b/libs/wire-api-federation/wire-api-federation.cabal
similarity index 77%
rename from libs/federation-util/federation-util.cabal
rename to libs/wire-api-federation/wire-api-federation.cabal
index 8f9d28983e7..7ad62767acf 100644
--- a/libs/federation-util/federation-util.cabal
+++ b/libs/wire-api-federation/wire-api-federation.cabal
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
--- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.2.
+-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.0.
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
--- hash: d327ef72460d5f79332d80fa4a70516b7351472f50c17a8c491d28c65ec0f024
+-- hash: 942d9870717b6c174641f5f84d1344154f017118bd6870e939fba4eedc747d34
-name: federation-util
+name: wire-api-federation
version: 0.1.0
-synopsis: Various helpers for federation
-description: Small helper functions useful when federating.
+synopsis: The Wire server-to-server API for federation
+description: Servant endpoints and types for implementing a Wire backend that can federate with others
category: Web
author: Wire Swiss GmbH
maintainer: Wire Swiss GmbH
@@ -20,66 +20,60 @@ build-type: Simple
- Network.Federation.Util
- Network.Federation.Util.DNS
- Network.Federation.Util.Internal
+ Wire.API.Federation.API
+ Wire.API.Federation.API.Conversation
+ Wire.API.Federation.Event
+ Wire.API.Federation.Util.Aeson
- Paths_federation_util
+ Paths_wire_api_federation
default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DerivingStrategies DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveLift DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs InstanceSigs KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings PackageImports PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeFamilyDependencies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wpartial-fields -fwarn-tabs -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path
- async >=2.0
+ QuickCheck >=2.13
+ , aeson >=1.4
, base >=4.6 && <5.0
, bytestring >=0.10
, bytestring-conversion >=0.3
, containers >=0.5
- , dns
, errors >=2.0
, exceptions >=0.6
- , http-types >=0.8
, imports
- , random
- , stm
- , streaming-commons >=0.1
- , string-conversions
+ , servant >=0.16
, text >=0.11
- , tinylog >=0.8
+ , time >=1.8
, transformers >=0.3
+ , types-common
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite spec
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Spec.hs
- Test.DNSSpec
- Paths_federation_util
+ Test.Wire.API.Federation.APISpec
+ Paths_wire_api_federation
default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DerivingStrategies DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveLift DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs InstanceSigs KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings PackageImports PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeFamilyDependencies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wpartial-fields -fwarn-tabs -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
- QuickCheck
- , async >=2.0
+ QuickCheck >=2.13
+ , aeson >=1.4
, base >=4.6 && <5.0
, bytestring >=0.10
, bytestring-conversion >=0.3
, containers >=0.5
- , dns
, errors >=2.0
, exceptions >=0.6
- , federation-util
, hspec
, hspec-discover
- , http-types >=0.8
, imports
- , random
- , stm
- , streaming-commons >=0.1
- , string-conversions
+ , metrics-wai
+ , servant >=0.16
, text >=0.11
- , tinylog >=0.8
+ , time >=1.8
, transformers >=0.3
- , uri-bytestring
+ , types-common
+ , wire-api-federation
default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/package.yaml b/libs/wire-api/package.yaml
index c7f8a436f5e..7cb775cf62a 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/package.yaml
+++ b/libs/wire-api/package.yaml
@@ -70,3 +70,4 @@ tests:
- tasty-expected-failure
- tasty-hunit
- tasty-quickcheck
+ - unordered-containers
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Arbitrary.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Arbitrary.hs
index 5558eec1889..d1621f02a48 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Arbitrary.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Arbitrary.hs
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ import Data.List1 (List1, list1)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.Generics (Rep)
+import Generic.Random (listOf', (:+) ((:+)))
import qualified Generic.Random as Generic
-import Generic.Random ((:+) ((:+)), listOf')
import Imports
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary (arbitrary))
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary as QC
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3.hs
index 748a13ff6bc..fea687bc4a0 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3.hs
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Id
-import Data.Json.Util ((#), toUTCTimeMillis)
+import Data.Json.Util (toUTCTimeMillis, (#))
import Data.Text.Ascii (AsciiBase64Url)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Time.Clock
@@ -303,13 +303,14 @@ instance ToByteString AssetRetention where
-- | ByteString representation is used in AssetKey
instance FromByteString AssetRetention where
- parser = decimal >>= \d -> case (d :: Word) of
- 1 -> return AssetEternal
- 2 -> return AssetPersistent
- 3 -> return AssetVolatile
- 4 -> return AssetEternalInfrequentAccess
- 5 -> return AssetExpiring
- _ -> fail $ "Invalid asset retention: " ++ show d
+ parser =
+ decimal >>= \d -> case (d :: Word) of
+ 1 -> return AssetEternal
+ 2 -> return AssetPersistent
+ 3 -> return AssetVolatile
+ 4 -> return AssetEternalInfrequentAccess
+ 5 -> return AssetExpiring
+ _ -> fail $ "Invalid asset retention: " ++ show d
instance ToJSON AssetRetention where
toJSON = String . retentionToTextRep
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3/Resumable.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3/Resumable.hs
index 71aebb10aa7..15778704c4e 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3/Resumable.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Asset/V3/Resumable.hs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
-import Data.Json.Util ((#), toUTCTimeMillis)
+import Data.Json.Util (toUTCTimeMillis, (#))
import Data.Time.Clock
import Imports
import Wire.API.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, GenericUniform (..))
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Call/TURN.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Call/Config.hs
similarity index 83%
rename from libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Call/TURN.hs
rename to libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Call/Config.hs
index f49be9689c9..e7ccbcd6f5e 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Call/TURN.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Call/Config.hs
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Wire.API.Call.TURN
+module Wire.API.Call.Config
( -- * RTCConfiguration
+ rtcConfSftServers,
-- * RTCIceServer
@@ -55,6 +56,11 @@ module Wire.API.Call.TURN
+ -- * SFTServer
+ SFTServer,
+ sftServer,
+ sftURL,
-- * convenience
@@ -74,8 +80,8 @@ import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (parse)
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Conversion as BC
import qualified Data.IP as IP
-import Data.List1
-import Data.Misc (IpAddr (IpAddr), Port (..))
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
+import Data.Misc (HttpsUrl (..), IpAddr (IpAddr), Port (..))
import qualified Data.Swagger.Build.Api as Doc
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Ascii
@@ -93,16 +99,18 @@ import Wire.API.Arbitrary (Arbitrary (arbitrary), GenericUniform (..))
-- | A configuration object resembling \"RTCConfiguration\"
-- The \"ttl\" field is a proprietary extension
+-- The \"sft_servers\" field is a proprietary extension
-- cf. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/RTCPeerConnection#RTCConfiguration_dictionary
data RTCConfiguration = RTCConfiguration
- { _rtcConfIceServers :: List1 RTCIceServer,
+ { _rtcConfIceServers :: NonEmpty RTCIceServer,
+ _rtcConfSftServers :: Maybe (NonEmpty SFTServer),
_rtcConfTTL :: Word32
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericUniform RTCConfiguration)
-rtcConfiguration :: List1 RTCIceServer -> Word32 -> RTCConfiguration
+rtcConfiguration :: NonEmpty RTCIceServer -> Maybe (NonEmpty SFTServer) -> Word32 -> RTCConfiguration
rtcConfiguration = RTCConfiguration
modelRtcConfiguration :: Doc.Model
@@ -110,19 +118,53 @@ modelRtcConfiguration = Doc.defineModel "RTCConfiguration" $ do
Doc.description "A subset of the WebRTC 'RTCConfiguration' dictionary"
Doc.property "ice_servers" (Doc.array (Doc.ref modelRtcIceServer)) $
Doc.description "Array of 'RTCIceServer' objects"
+ Doc.property "sft_servers" (Doc.array (Doc.ref modelRtcSftServer)) $
+ Doc.description "Array of 'SFTServer' objects (optional)"
Doc.property "ttl" Doc.int32' $
Doc.description "Number of seconds after which the configuration should be refreshed (advisory)"
instance ToJSON RTCConfiguration where
- toJSON (RTCConfiguration srvs ttl) =
+ toJSON (RTCConfiguration srvs sfts ttl) =
- [ "ice_servers" .= srvs,
- "ttl" .= ttl
- ]
+ ( [ "ice_servers" .= srvs,
+ "ttl" .= ttl
+ ]
+ <> ["sft_servers" .= sfts | isJust sfts]
+ )
instance FromJSON RTCConfiguration where
parseJSON = withObject "RTCConfiguration" $ \o ->
- RTCConfiguration <$> o .: "ice_servers" <*> o .: "ttl"
+ RTCConfiguration <$> o .: "ice_servers" <*> o .:? "sft_servers" <*> o .: "ttl"
+-- SFTServer
+newtype SFTServer = SFTServer
+ { _sftURL :: HttpsUrl
+ }
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
+ deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericUniform SFTServer)
+instance ToJSON SFTServer where
+ toJSON (SFTServer url) =
+ object
+ [ "urls" .= [url]
+ ]
+instance FromJSON SFTServer where
+ parseJSON = withObject "SFTServer" $ \o ->
+ o .: "urls" >>= \case
+ [url] -> pure $ SFTServer url
+ xs -> fail $ "SFTServer can only have exactly one URL, found " <> show (length xs)
+sftServer :: HttpsUrl -> SFTServer
+sftServer = SFTServer
+modelRtcSftServer :: Doc.Model
+modelRtcSftServer = Doc.defineModel "RTC SFT Server" $ do
+ Doc.description "Inspired by WebRTC 'RTCIceServer' object, contains details of SFT servers"
+ Doc.property "urls" (Doc.array Doc.string') $
+ Doc.description "Array containing exactly one SFT server address of the form 'https://:'"
-- RTCIceServer
@@ -131,14 +173,14 @@ instance FromJSON RTCConfiguration where
-- cf. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCIceServer
data RTCIceServer = RTCIceServer
- { _iceURLs :: List1 TurnURI,
+ { _iceURLs :: NonEmpty TurnURI,
_iceUsername :: TurnUsername,
_iceCredential :: AsciiBase64
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericUniform RTCIceServer)
-rtcIceServer :: List1 TurnURI -> TurnUsername -> AsciiBase64 -> RTCIceServer
+rtcIceServer :: NonEmpty TurnURI -> TurnUsername -> AsciiBase64 -> RTCIceServer
rtcIceServer = RTCIceServer
modelRtcIceServer :: Doc.Model
@@ -207,7 +249,7 @@ parseTurnURI = parseOnly (parser <* endOfInput)
<$> ((takeWhile1 (/= ':') <* char ':' >>= parseScheme) > "parsingScheme")
<*> ((takeWhile1 (/= ':') <* char ':' >>= parseHost) > "parsingHost")
<*> (decimal > "parsingPort")
- <*> ((optional ((string "?transport=" *> takeText) >>= parseTransport)) > "parsingTransport")
+ <*> (optional ((string "?transport=" *> takeText) >>= parseTransport) > "parsingTransport")
parseScheme = parse "parseScheme"
parseHost = parse "parseHost"
parseTransport = parse "parseTransport"
@@ -240,10 +282,11 @@ instance BC.ToByteString Scheme where
builder SchemeTurns = "turns"
instance BC.FromByteString Scheme where
- parser = BC.parser >>= \t -> case (t :: ByteString) of
- "turn" -> pure SchemeTurn
- "turns" -> pure SchemeTurns
- _ -> fail $ "Invalid turn scheme: " ++ show t
+ parser =
+ BC.parser >>= \t -> case (t :: ByteString) of
+ "turn" -> pure SchemeTurn
+ "turns" -> pure SchemeTurns
+ _ -> fail $ "Invalid turn scheme: " ++ show t
instance ToJSON Scheme where
toJSON = String . TE.decodeUtf8 . BC.toByteString'
@@ -306,10 +349,11 @@ instance BC.ToByteString Transport where
builder TransportTCP = "tcp"
instance BC.FromByteString Transport where
- parser = BC.parser >>= \t -> case (t :: ByteString) of
- "udp" -> pure TransportUDP
- "tcp" -> pure TransportTCP
- _ -> fail $ "Invalid turn transport: " ++ show t
+ parser =
+ BC.parser >>= \t -> case (t :: ByteString) of
+ "udp" -> pure TransportUDP
+ "tcp" -> pure TransportTCP
+ _ -> fail $ "Invalid turn transport: " ++ show t
instance ToJSON Transport where
toJSON = String . TE.decodeUtf8 . BC.toByteString'
@@ -421,21 +465,22 @@ limitServers uris limit = limitServers' [] limit uris
isUdp :: TurnURI -> Bool
isUdp uri =
_turiScheme uri == SchemeTurn
- && ( _turiTransport uri == Just (TransportUDP)
- || _turiTransport uri == Nothing
+ && ( _turiTransport uri == Just TransportUDP
+ || isNothing (_turiTransport uri)
isTcp :: TurnURI -> Bool
isTcp uri =
_turiScheme uri == SchemeTurn
- && _turiTransport uri == Just (TransportTCP)
+ && _turiTransport uri == Just TransportTCP
isTls :: TurnURI -> Bool
isTls uri =
_turiScheme uri == SchemeTurns
- && _turiTransport uri == Just (TransportTCP)
+ && _turiTransport uri == Just TransportTCP
makeLenses ''RTCConfiguration
makeLenses ''RTCIceServer
makeLenses ''TurnURI
makeLenses ''TurnUsername
+makeLenses ''SFTServer
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Connection.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Connection.hs
index b40c579a813..4003290b77d 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Connection.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Connection.hs
@@ -186,14 +186,15 @@ instance FromJSON Relation where
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance FromByteString Relation where
- parser = takeByteString >>= \b -> case b of
- "accepted" -> return Accepted
- "blocked" -> return Blocked
- "pending" -> return Pending
- "ignored" -> return Ignored
- "sent" -> return Sent
- "cancelled" -> return Cancelled
- x -> fail $ "Invalid relation-type " <> show x
+ parser =
+ takeByteString >>= \b -> case b of
+ "accepted" -> return Accepted
+ "blocked" -> return Blocked
+ "pending" -> return Pending
+ "ignored" -> return Ignored
+ "sent" -> return Sent
+ "cancelled" -> return Cancelled
+ x -> fail $ "Invalid relation-type " <> show x
-- Message
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Conversation/Code.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Conversation/Code.hs
index 6b8ff56635c..49c2b19194c 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Conversation/Code.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Conversation/Code.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Wire.API.Conversation.Code
import Control.Lens ((.~))
-import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), (.=), FromJSON (parseJSON), ToJSON (toJSON))
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (parseJSON), ToJSON (toJSON), (.:), (.:?), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.ByteString.Conversion (toByteString')
-- FUTUREWORK: move content of Data.Code here?
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Conversation.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Conversation.hs
index 1d0efa3d4b7..491c640b001 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Conversation.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Conversation.hs
@@ -67,19 +67,18 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Id
-import Data.Json.Util ((#), ToJSONObject (toJSONObject), toUTCTimeMillis)
+import Data.Json.Util (ToJSONObject (toJSONObject), toUTCTimeMillis, (#))
import qualified Data.Swagger.Build.Api as Doc
import Data.Time
import Imports
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import URI.ByteString ()
import Wire.API.Arbitrary (Arbitrary (arbitrary), GenericUniform (..))
-import Wire.API.Conversation (modelConversationAccessUpdate, modelConversationMessageTimerUpdate, modelConversationReceiptModeUpdate, modelConversationUpdateName)
import Wire.API.Conversation
+import Wire.API.Conversation (modelConversationAccessUpdate, modelConversationMessageTimerUpdate, modelConversationReceiptModeUpdate, modelConversationUpdateName)
import Wire.API.Conversation.Code (ConversationCode (..), modelConversationCode)
import Wire.API.Conversation.Role
-import Wire.API.Conversation.Typing (modelTyping)
-import Wire.API.Conversation.Typing (TypingData (..))
+import Wire.API.Conversation.Typing (TypingData (..), modelTyping)
import Wire.API.User (UserIdList (..))
@@ -225,9 +224,6 @@ instance FromJSON EventType where
parseJSON (String "conversation.otr-message-add") = return OtrMessageAdd
parseJSON x = fail $ "No event-type: " <> show (encode x)
--- FUTUREWORK(federation, #1213):
--- A lot of information in the events can contain remote IDs, but the
--- receiver might be on another backend, so mapped IDs don't work for them.
data EventData
= EdMembersJoin SimpleMembers
| EdMembersLeave UserIdList
@@ -359,9 +355,9 @@ newtype SimpleMembers = SimpleMembers
-- | Used both for 'SimpleMembers' and 'UserIdList'.
modelMembers :: Doc.Model
modelMembers =
- Doc.defineModel "Members"
- $ Doc.property "users" (Doc.unique $ Doc.array Doc.bytes')
- $ Doc.description "List of user IDs"
+ Doc.defineModel "Members" $
+ Doc.property "users" (Doc.unique $ Doc.array Doc.bytes') $
+ Doc.description "List of user IDs"
instance ToJSON SimpleMembers where
toJSON e =
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Team.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Team.hs
index 604de971b65..a51b1fd2cfb 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Team.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Event/Team.hs
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ modelMemberEvent = Doc.defineModel "TeamMemberEvent" $ do
modelMemberData :: Doc.Model
modelMemberData =
- Doc.defineModel "MemberData"
- $ Doc.property "user" Doc.bytes'
- $ Doc.description "user ID"
+ Doc.defineModel "MemberData" $
+ Doc.property "user" Doc.bytes' $
+ Doc.description "user ID"
modelConvEvent :: Doc.Model
modelConvEvent = Doc.defineModel "TeamConversationEvent" $ do
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ modelConvEvent = Doc.defineModel "TeamConversationEvent" $ do
modelConversationData :: Doc.Model
modelConversationData =
- Doc.defineModel "ConversationData"
- $ Doc.property "conv" Doc.bytes'
- $ Doc.description "conversation ID"
+ Doc.defineModel "ConversationData" $
+ Doc.property "conv" Doc.bytes' $
+ Doc.description "conversation ID"
modelUpdateEvent :: Doc.Model
modelUpdateEvent = Doc.defineModel "TeamUpdateEvent" $ do
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Notification.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Notification.hs
index 1bc4b6018ce..fc2a343b9cd 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Notification.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Notification.hs
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ module Wire.API.Notification
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (parseJSON), ToJSON (toJSON), (.!=), (.:), (.:?), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
-import Data.Aeson ((.!=), (.:), (.:?), (.=), FromJSON (parseJSON), ToJSON (toJSON))
import Data.Id
import Data.Json.Util ((#))
import Data.List1
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Provider/Service/Tag.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Provider/Service/Tag.hs
index 5363d8678d0..61f94d9d916 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Provider/Service/Tag.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Provider/Service/Tag.hs
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
-import qualified Data.Range as Range
import Data.Range (LTE, Range, fromRange)
+import qualified Data.Range as Range
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, Nat)
@@ -97,39 +97,40 @@ data ServiceTag
deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericUniform ServiceTag)
instance FromByteString ServiceTag where
- parser = parser >>= \t -> case (t :: ByteString) of
- "audio" -> pure AudioTag
- "books" -> pure BooksTag
- "business" -> pure BusinessTag
- "design" -> pure DesignTag
- "education" -> pure EducationTag
- "entertainment" -> pure EntertainmentTag
- "finance" -> pure FinanceTag
- "fitness" -> pure FitnessTag
- "food-drink" -> pure FoodDrinkTag
- "games" -> pure GamesTag
- "graphics" -> pure GraphicsTag
- "health" -> pure HealthTag
- "integration" -> pure IntegrationTag
- "lifestyle" -> pure LifestyleTag
- "media" -> pure MediaTag
- "medical" -> pure MedicalTag
- "movies" -> pure MoviesTag
- "music" -> pure MusicTag
- "news" -> pure NewsTag
- "photography" -> pure PhotographyTag
- "poll" -> pure PollTag
- "productivity" -> pure ProductivityTag
- "quiz" -> pure QuizTag
- "rating" -> pure RatingTag
- "shopping" -> pure ShoppingTag
- "social" -> pure SocialTag
- "sports" -> pure SportsTag
- "travel" -> pure TravelTag
- "tutorial" -> pure TutorialTag
- "video" -> pure VideoTag
- "weather" -> pure WeatherTag
- _ -> fail $ "Invalid tag: " ++ show t
+ parser =
+ parser >>= \t -> case (t :: ByteString) of
+ "audio" -> pure AudioTag
+ "books" -> pure BooksTag
+ "business" -> pure BusinessTag
+ "design" -> pure DesignTag
+ "education" -> pure EducationTag
+ "entertainment" -> pure EntertainmentTag
+ "finance" -> pure FinanceTag
+ "fitness" -> pure FitnessTag
+ "food-drink" -> pure FoodDrinkTag
+ "games" -> pure GamesTag
+ "graphics" -> pure GraphicsTag
+ "health" -> pure HealthTag
+ "integration" -> pure IntegrationTag
+ "lifestyle" -> pure LifestyleTag
+ "media" -> pure MediaTag
+ "medical" -> pure MedicalTag
+ "movies" -> pure MoviesTag
+ "music" -> pure MusicTag
+ "news" -> pure NewsTag
+ "photography" -> pure PhotographyTag
+ "poll" -> pure PollTag
+ "productivity" -> pure ProductivityTag
+ "quiz" -> pure QuizTag
+ "rating" -> pure RatingTag
+ "shopping" -> pure ShoppingTag
+ "social" -> pure SocialTag
+ "sports" -> pure SportsTag
+ "travel" -> pure TravelTag
+ "tutorial" -> pure TutorialTag
+ "video" -> pure VideoTag
+ "weather" -> pure WeatherTag
+ _ -> fail $ "Invalid tag: " ++ show t
instance ToByteString ServiceTag where
builder AudioTag = "audio"
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Push/V2/Token.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Push/V2/Token.hs
index 9d8fc8de8c9..ad2a8d9de99 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Push/V2/Token.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Push/V2/Token.hs
@@ -156,13 +156,14 @@ instance FromJSON Transport where
x -> fail $ "Invalid push transport: " ++ show x
instance FromByteString Transport where
- parser = takeByteString >>= \case
- "GCM" -> return GCM
- "APNS" -> return APNS
- "APNS_SANDBOX" -> return APNSSandbox
- "APNS_VOIP" -> return APNSVoIP
- "APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX" -> return APNSVoIPSandbox
- x -> fail $ "Invalid push transport: " <> show x
+ parser =
+ takeByteString >>= \case
+ "GCM" -> return GCM
+ "APNS" -> return APNS
+ "APNS_SANDBOX" -> return APNSSandbox
+ "APNS_VOIP" -> return APNSVoIP
+ "APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX" -> return APNSVoIPSandbox
+ x -> fail $ "Invalid push transport: " <> show x
newtype Token = Token
{ tokenText :: Text
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Swagger.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Swagger.hs
index 3feada1b9db..32e0f205732 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Swagger.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Swagger.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
module Wire.API.Swagger where
import Data.Swagger.Build.Api (Model)
-import qualified Wire.API.Call.TURN as Call.TURN
+import qualified Wire.API.Call.Config as Call.Config
import qualified Wire.API.Connection as Connection
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation as Conversation
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation.Code as Conversation.Code
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ import qualified Wire.API.User.Search as User.Search
models :: [Model]
models =
- [ Call.TURN.modelRtcConfiguration,
- Call.TURN.modelRtcIceServer,
+ [ Call.Config.modelRtcConfiguration,
+ Call.Config.modelRtcIceServer,
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Feature.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Feature.hs
index 5ed9fd781f0..23ea0ae9874 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Feature.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Feature.hs
@@ -51,15 +51,16 @@ data TeamFeatureName
deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericUniform TeamFeatureName)
instance FromByteString TeamFeatureName where
- parser = Parser.takeByteString >>= \b ->
- case T.decodeUtf8' b of
- Left e -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureName: " <> show e
- Right "legalhold" -> pure TeamFeatureLegalHold
- Right "sso" -> pure TeamFeatureSSO
- Right "search-visibility" -> pure TeamFeatureSearchVisibility
- Right "validate-saml-emails" -> pure TeamFeatureValidateSAMLEmails
- Right "digital-signatures" -> pure TeamFeatureDigitalSignatures
- Right t -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureName: " <> T.unpack t
+ parser =
+ Parser.takeByteString >>= \b ->
+ case T.decodeUtf8' b of
+ Left e -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureName: " <> show e
+ Right "legalhold" -> pure TeamFeatureLegalHold
+ Right "sso" -> pure TeamFeatureSSO
+ Right "search-visibility" -> pure TeamFeatureSearchVisibility
+ Right "validate-saml-emails" -> pure TeamFeatureValidateSAMLEmails
+ Right "digital-signatures" -> pure TeamFeatureDigitalSignatures
+ Right t -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureName: " <> T.unpack t
instance ToByteString TeamFeatureName where
builder TeamFeatureLegalHold = "legalhold"
@@ -121,9 +122,10 @@ instance ToByteString TeamFeatureStatusValue where
builder TeamFeatureDisabled = "disabled"
instance FromByteString TeamFeatureStatusValue where
- parser = Parser.takeByteString >>= \b ->
- case T.decodeUtf8' b of
- Right "enabled" -> pure TeamFeatureEnabled
- Right "disabled" -> pure TeamFeatureDisabled
- Right t -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureStatusValue: " <> T.unpack t
- Left e -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureStatusValue: " <> show e
+ parser =
+ Parser.takeByteString >>= \b ->
+ case T.decodeUtf8' b of
+ Right "enabled" -> pure TeamFeatureEnabled
+ Right "disabled" -> pure TeamFeatureDisabled
+ Right t -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureStatusValue: " <> T.unpack t
+ Left e -> fail $ "Invalid TeamFeatureStatusValue: " <> show e
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Invitation.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Invitation.hs
index 20b8e71b9a1..1473300149e 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Invitation.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Invitation.hs
@@ -44,12 +44,11 @@ import Wire.API.User.Profile (Locale, Name)
-- InvitationRequest
data InvitationRequest = InvitationRequest
- { irEmail :: Email,
- irName :: Name,
- irLocale :: Maybe Locale,
+ { irLocale :: Maybe Locale,
irRole :: Maybe Role,
irInviteeName :: Maybe Name,
- irPhone :: Maybe Phone
+ irInviteeEmail :: Email,
+ irInviteePhone :: Maybe Phone
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericUniform InvitationRequest)
@@ -57,42 +56,40 @@ data InvitationRequest = InvitationRequest
modelTeamInvitationRequest :: Doc.Model
modelTeamInvitationRequest = Doc.defineModel "TeamInvitationRequest" $ do
Doc.description "A request to join a team on Wire."
- Doc.property "inviter_name" Doc.string' $
- Doc.description "Name of the inviter (1 - 128 characters)"
- Doc.property "email" Doc.string' $
- Doc.description "Email of the invitee"
Doc.property "locale" Doc.string' $ do
Doc.description "Locale to use for the invitation."
Doc.property "role" typeRole $ do
- Doc.description "Role of the invited user"
+ Doc.description "Role of the invitee (invited user)."
Doc.property "name" Doc.string' $ do
- Doc.description "Name of the invitee (1 - 128 characters)"
+ Doc.description "Name of the invitee (1 - 128 characters)."
+ Doc.property "email" Doc.string' $
+ Doc.description "Email of the invitee."
Doc.property "phone" Doc.string' $ do
- Doc.description "Phone number of the invitee, in the E.164 format"
+ Doc.description "Phone number of the invitee, in the E.164 format."
+ Doc.property "inviter_name" Doc.string' $
+ Doc.description "DEPRECATED - WILL BE IGNORED IN FAVOR OF REQ AUTH DATA - Name of the inviter (1 - 128 characters)."
instance ToJSON InvitationRequest where
toJSON i =
object $
- [ "email" .= irEmail i,
- "inviter_name" .= irName i,
- "locale" .= irLocale i,
+ [ "locale" .= irLocale i,
"role" .= irRole i,
"name" .= irInviteeName i,
- "phone" .= irPhone i
+ "email" .= irInviteeEmail i,
+ "phone" .= irInviteePhone i
instance FromJSON InvitationRequest where
parseJSON = withObject "invitation-request" $ \o ->
- <$> o .: "email"
- <*> o .: "inviter_name"
- <*> o .:? "locale"
+ <$> o .:? "locale"
<*> o .:? "role"
<*> o .:? "name"
+ <*> o .: "email"
<*> o .:? "phone"
@@ -102,22 +99,19 @@ data Invitation = Invitation
{ inTeam :: TeamId,
inRole :: Role,
inInvitation :: InvitationId,
- inIdentity :: Email,
inCreatedAt :: UTCTimeMillis,
-- | this is always 'Just' for new invitations, but for
-- migration it is allowed to be 'Nothing'.
inCreatedBy :: Maybe UserId,
+ inInviteeEmail :: Email,
inInviteeName :: Maybe Name,
- inPhone :: Maybe Phone
+ inInviteePhone :: Maybe Phone
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Arbitrary) via (GenericUniform Invitation)
--- | This is *not* the swagger model for the 'TeamInvitation' type (which does not exist), but
--- for the use of 'Invitation' under @/teams/{tid}/invitations@.
--- TODO: swagger should be replaced by something more type-safe at some point so this will be
--- forcibly resolved and won't happen again.
+-- | (This is *not* the swagger model for the 'TeamInvitation' type (which does not exist),
+-- but for the use of 'Invitation' under @/teams/{tid}/invitations@.)
modelTeamInvitation :: Doc.Model
modelTeamInvitation = Doc.defineModel "TeamInvitation" $ do
Doc.description "An invitation to join a team on Wire"
@@ -128,13 +122,13 @@ modelTeamInvitation = Doc.defineModel "TeamInvitation" $ do
Doc.property "id" Doc.bytes' $
Doc.description "UUID used to refer the invitation"
- Doc.property "email" Doc.string' $
- Doc.description "Email of the invitee"
Doc.property "created_at" Doc.dateTime' $
Doc.description "Timestamp of invitation creation"
Doc.property "created_by" Doc.bytes' $ do
Doc.description "ID of the inviting user"
+ Doc.property "email" Doc.string' $
+ Doc.description "Email of the invitee"
Doc.property "name" Doc.string' $ do
Doc.description "Name of the invitee (1 - 128 characters)"
@@ -148,11 +142,11 @@ instance ToJSON Invitation where
[ "team" .= inTeam i,
"role" .= inRole i,
"id" .= inInvitation i,
- "email" .= inIdentity i,
"created_at" .= inCreatedAt i,
"created_by" .= inCreatedBy i,
+ "email" .= inInviteeEmail i,
"name" .= inInviteeName i,
- "phone" .= inPhone i
+ "phone" .= inInviteePhone i
instance FromJSON Invitation where
@@ -162,9 +156,9 @@ instance FromJSON Invitation where
-- clients, when leaving "role" empty, can leave the default role choice to us
<*> o .:? "role" .!= defaultRole
<*> o .: "id"
- <*> o .: "email"
<*> o .: "created_at"
<*> o .:? "created_by"
+ <*> o .: "email"
<*> o .:? "name"
<*> o .:? "phone"
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Permission.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Permission.hs
index c6eae0c2fc9..4c3e023a7d6 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Permission.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Team/Permission.hs
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ where
import qualified Cassandra as Cql
import qualified Control.Error.Util as Err
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.))
import Data.Aeson
-import Data.Bits ((.|.), testBit)
+import Data.Bits (testBit, (.|.))
import Data.Json.Util
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Swagger.Build.Api as Doc
@@ -89,10 +89,11 @@ instance FromJSON Permissions where
Just ps -> pure ps
instance Arbitrary Permissions where
- arbitrary = maybe (error "instance Arbitrary Permissions") pure =<< do
- selfperms <- arbitrary
- copyperms <- Set.intersection selfperms <$> arbitrary
- pure $ newPermissions selfperms copyperms
+ arbitrary =
+ maybe (error "instance Arbitrary Permissions") pure =<< do
+ selfperms <- arbitrary
+ copyperms <- Set.intersection selfperms <$> arbitrary
+ pure $ newPermissions selfperms copyperms
newPermissions ::
-- | User's permissions
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User.hs
index e0f6a886ddb..5afbd6d6bf7 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User.hs
@@ -36,12 +36,15 @@ module Wire.API.User
-- * NewUser
NewUserPublic (..),
NewUser (..),
+ emptyNewUser,
+ isNewUserEphemeral,
+ isNewUserTeamMember,
-- * NewUserOrigin
NewUserOrigin (..),
@@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ module Wire.API.User
EmailUpdate (..),
PhoneUpdate (..),
HandleUpdate (..),
+ NameUpdate (..),
-- * Account Deletion
DeleteUser (..),
@@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ import qualified Data.Currency as Currency
import Data.Handle (Handle)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Id
-import Data.Json.Util ((#), UTCTimeMillis)
+import Data.Json.Util (UTCTimeMillis, (#))
import Data.Misc (PlainTextPassword (..))
import Data.Range
import qualified Data.Swagger.Build.Api as Doc
@@ -491,6 +495,25 @@ validateNewUserPublic nu
| otherwise =
Right (NewUserPublic nu)
+-- | A user is Ephemeral if she has neither email, phone, nor sso credentials and is not
+-- created via scim. Ephemeral users can be deleted after expires_in or sessionTokenTimeout
+-- (whichever comes earlier).
+isNewUserEphemeral :: NewUser -> Bool
+isNewUserEphemeral u = noId && noScim
+ where
+ noId = isNothing $ newUserIdentity u
+ noScim = case newUserManagedBy u of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just ManagedByWire -> True
+ Just ManagedByScim -> False
+isNewUserTeamMember :: NewUser -> Bool
+isNewUserTeamMember u = case newUserTeam u of
+ Just (NewTeamMember _) -> True
+ Just (NewTeamMemberSSO _) -> True
+ Just (NewTeamCreator _) -> False
+ Nothing -> False
instance Arbitrary NewUserPublic where
arbitrary = arbitrary `QC.suchThatMap` (rightMay . validateNewUserPublic)
@@ -514,6 +537,25 @@ data NewUser = NewUser
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
+emptyNewUser :: Name -> NewUser
+emptyNewUser name =
+ NewUser
+ { newUserDisplayName = name,
+ newUserUUID = Nothing,
+ newUserIdentity = Nothing,
+ newUserPict = Nothing,
+ newUserAssets = [],
+ newUserAccentId = Nothing,
+ newUserEmailCode = Nothing,
+ newUserPhoneCode = Nothing,
+ newUserOrigin = Nothing,
+ newUserLabel = Nothing,
+ newUserLocale = Nothing,
+ newUserPassword = Nothing,
+ newUserExpiresIn = Nothing,
+ newUserManagedBy = Nothing
+ }
-- | 1 second - 1 week
type ExpiresIn = Range 1 604800 Integer
@@ -855,6 +897,17 @@ instance FromJSON HandleUpdate where
parseJSON = withObject "handle-update" $ \o ->
HandleUpdate <$> o .: "handle"
+newtype NameUpdate = NameUpdate {nuHandle :: Text}
+ deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
+ deriving newtype (Arbitrary)
+instance ToJSON NameUpdate where
+ toJSON h = object ["name" .= nuHandle h]
+instance FromJSON NameUpdate where
+ parseJSON = withObject "name-update" $ \o ->
+ NameUpdate <$> o .: "name"
-- Account Deletion
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Client.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Client.hs
index d9e4ae8bb06..31b52316050 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Client.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Client.hs
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ newtype UserClients = UserClients
modelUserClients :: Doc.Model
modelUserClients =
- Doc.defineModel "UserClients"
- $ Doc.property "" (Doc.unique $ Doc.array Doc.bytes')
- $ Doc.description "Map of user IDs to sets of client IDs ({ UserId: [ClientId] })."
+ Doc.defineModel "UserClients" $
+ Doc.property "" (Doc.unique $ Doc.array Doc.bytes') $
+ Doc.description "Map of user IDs to sets of client IDs ({ UserId: [ClientId] })."
instance ToJSON UserClients where
toJSON =
@@ -256,12 +256,15 @@ instance FromJSON PubClient where
-- team on a per-user basis
-- * A LegalHoldClient is a client outside that user's control (but under the
-- control of that team's business)
-- * Users need to click "accept" before a LegalHoldClient is added to their
-- account.
-- * Any user interacting with a user which has a LegalHoldClient will upon
-- first interaction receive a warning, have the option of cancelling the
-- interaction, and on an ongoing basis see a visual indication in all
-- conversations where such a device is active.
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Identity.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Identity.hs
index edf244b6811..92acc22a824 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Identity.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Identity.hs
@@ -219,11 +219,12 @@ instance FromByteString Phone where
parser = parser >>= maybe (fail "Invalid phone") return . parsePhone
instance Arbitrary Phone where
- arbitrary = Phone . Text.pack <$> do
- let mkdigits n = replicateM n (QC.elements ['0' .. '9'])
- mini <- mkdigits 8
- maxi <- mkdigits =<< QC.chooseInt (0, 7)
- pure $ '+' : mini <> maxi
+ arbitrary =
+ Phone . Text.pack <$> do
+ let mkdigits n = replicateM n (QC.elements ['0' .. '9'])
+ mini <- mkdigits 8
+ maxi <- mkdigits =<< QC.chooseInt (0, 7)
+ pure $ '+' : mini <> maxi
-- | Parses a phone number in E.164 format with a mandatory leading '+'.
parsePhone :: Text -> Maybe Phone
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Profile.hs b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Profile.hs
index 9005dda98b7..07a10a4050d 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Profile.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/User/Profile.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
module Wire.API.User.Profile
( Name (..),
+ mkName,
ColourId (..),
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Control.Error (hush)
import Data.Aeson hiding ((>))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Json
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (takeByteString)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.ISO3166_CountryCodes
@@ -81,6 +83,9 @@ newtype Name = Name
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromByteString, ToByteString)
deriving (Arbitrary) via (Ranged 1 128 Text)
+mkName :: Text -> Either String Name
+mkName txt = Name . fromRange <$> checkedEitherMsg @_ @1 @128 "Name" txt
modelUserDisplayName :: Doc.Model
modelUserDisplayName = Doc.defineModel "UserDisplayName" $ do
Doc.description "User name"
@@ -271,9 +276,10 @@ typeManagedBy =
instance ToJSON ManagedBy where
- toJSON = String . \case
- ManagedByWire -> "wire"
- ManagedByScim -> "scim"
+ toJSON =
+ String . \case
+ ManagedByWire -> "wire"
+ ManagedByScim -> "scim"
instance FromJSON ManagedBy where
parseJSON = withText "ManagedBy" $ \case
@@ -281,6 +287,17 @@ instance FromJSON ManagedBy where
"scim" -> pure ManagedByScim
other -> fail $ "Invalid ManagedBy: " ++ show other
+instance ToByteString ManagedBy where
+ builder ManagedByWire = "wire"
+ builder ManagedByScim = "scim"
+instance FromByteString ManagedBy where
+ parser =
+ takeByteString >>= \case
+ "wire" -> pure ManagedByWire
+ "scim" -> pure ManagedByScim
+ x -> fail $ "Invalid ManagedBy value: " <> show x
defaultManagedBy :: ManagedBy
defaultManagedBy = ManagedByWire
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Main.hs b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Main.hs
index 53893a18af8..15bfb7b4178 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Main.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Main.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ where
import Imports
import Test.Tasty
-import qualified Test.Wire.API.Call.TURN as Call.TURN
+import qualified Test.Wire.API.Call.Config as Call.Config
import qualified Test.Wire.API.Roundtrip.Aeson as Roundtrip.Aeson
import qualified Test.Wire.API.Roundtrip.ByteString as Roundtrip.ByteString
import qualified Test.Wire.API.Team.Member as Team.Member
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ main =
defaultMain $
- [ Call.TURN.tests,
+ [ Call.Config.tests,
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Call/TURN.hs b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Call/Config.hs
similarity index 80%
rename from libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Call/TURN.hs
rename to libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Call/Config.hs
index 84c13902572..9394f8bd32d 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Call/TURN.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Call/Config.hs
@@ -15,14 +15,15 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Test.Wire.API.Call.TURN where
+module Test.Wire.API.Call.Config where
import Data.Aeson
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Imports
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (total)
import Wire.API.Arbitrary ()
-import Wire.API.Call.TURN (TurnURI, isTcp, isTls, isUdp, limitServers)
+import Wire.API.Call.Config (RTCConfiguration, TurnURI, isTcp, isTls, isUdp, limitServers)
tests :: TestTree
tests =
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ tests =
testProperty "limitServers/fairness udp" (fairnessProp isUdp),
testProperty "limitServers/fairness tls" (fairnessProp isTls),
testProperty "limitServers/fairness tcp" (fairnessProp isTcp),
- testProperty "limitServers/udpPriority" udpPriority
+ testProperty "limitServers/udpPriority" udpPriority,
+ testProperty "RTCConfiguration/toJson: sftServersAreNeverNull" sftServersAreNeverNull
turnURIid :: TurnURI -> Property
@@ -64,6 +66,11 @@ udpPriority uris = do
then returnedUdp >= 2
else True
+sftServersAreNeverNull :: RTCConfiguration -> Bool
+sftServersAreNeverNull cfg = case toJSON cfg of
+ Object o -> HM.lookup "sft_servers" o /= Just Null
+ v -> error . show $ "type mismatch, expected RTCConfiguration to be Object, but got: " <> encode v
newtype ZeroToTen = ZeroToTen Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/Aeson.hs b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/Aeson.hs
index b4174ca0478..d6268514913 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/Aeson.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/Aeson.hs
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ import Data.Id (ConvId)
import Imports
import qualified Test.Tasty as T
import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (ignoreTest)
-import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((===), Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty)
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty, (===))
import Type.Reflection (typeRep)
import qualified Wire.API.Asset as Asset
import qualified Wire.API.Asset.V3.Resumable as Asset.Resumable
-import qualified Wire.API.Call.TURN as Call.TURN
+import qualified Wire.API.Call.Config as Call.Config
import qualified Wire.API.Connection as Connection
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation as Conversation
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation.Bot as Conversation.Bot
@@ -85,13 +85,14 @@ tests =
testRoundTrip @Asset.Resumable.ChunkSize,
testRoundTrip @Asset.Resumable.Offset,
currentlyFailing (testRoundTrip @Asset.Resumable.ResumableAsset), -- because ToJSON is rounding UTCTime
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.TurnHost,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.Scheme,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.Transport,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.TurnURI,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.TurnUsername,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.RTCIceServer,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.RTCConfiguration,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.TurnHost,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.Scheme,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.Transport,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.TurnURI,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.TurnUsername,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.RTCIceServer,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.RTCConfiguration,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.SFTServer,
testRoundTrip @Connection.ConnectionRequest,
testRoundTrip @Connection.Relation,
testRoundTrip @Connection.Message,
@@ -219,6 +220,7 @@ tests =
testRoundTrip @Team.Role.Role,
testRoundTrip @Team.SearchVisibility.TeamSearchVisibility,
testRoundTrip @Team.SearchVisibility.TeamSearchVisibilityView,
+ testRoundTrip @User.NameUpdate,
testRoundTrip @User.NewUser,
testRoundTrip @User.NewUserPublic,
testRoundTrip @User.UserIdList,
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/ByteString.hs b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/ByteString.hs
index 579ecdeb5d1..c98a5472085 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/ByteString.hs
+++ b/libs/wire-api/test/unit/Test/Wire/API/Roundtrip/ByteString.hs
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Test.Wire.API.Roundtrip.ByteString (tests) where
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Imports
import qualified Test.Tasty as T
-import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((===), Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty)
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, counterexample, testProperty, (===))
import Type.Reflection (typeRep)
import qualified Wire.API.Arbitrary as Arbitrary ()
import qualified Wire.API.Asset.V3 as Asset.V3
import qualified Wire.API.Asset.V3.Resumable as Asset.V3.Resumable
-import qualified Wire.API.Call.TURN as Call.TURN
+import qualified Wire.API.Call.Config as Call.Config
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation.Code as Conversation.Code
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation.Role as Conversation.Role
import qualified Wire.API.Properties as Properties
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ tests =
testRoundTrip @Asset.V3.Resumable.ChunkSize,
testRoundTrip @Asset.V3.Resumable.Offset,
testRoundTrip @Asset.V3.Resumable.TotalSize,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.Scheme,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.Transport,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.TurnHost,
- testRoundTrip @Call.TURN.TurnURI,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.Scheme,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.Transport,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.TurnHost,
+ testRoundTrip @Call.Config.TurnURI,
testRoundTrip @Conversation.Code.Key,
testRoundTrip @Conversation.Code.Value,
testRoundTrip @Conversation.Role.RoleName,
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ tests =
testRoundTrip @Provider.HttpsUrl,
testRoundTrip @Provider.Service.ServiceKeyPEM,
testRoundTrip @Provider.Service.ServiceToken,
+ testRoundTrip @(Provider.Service.Tag.QueryAllTags 3 5),
+ testRoundTrip @(Provider.Service.Tag.QueryAnyTags 3 5),
testRoundTrip @Provider.Service.Tag.ServiceTag,
testRoundTrip @Push.V2.Token.Token,
testRoundTrip @Team.Feature.TeamFeatureName,
@@ -73,11 +75,10 @@ tests =
testRoundTrip @User.InvitationCode,
testRoundTrip @User.Password.PasswordResetCode,
testRoundTrip @User.Password.PasswordResetKey,
- testRoundTrip @User.Profile.Name,
- testRoundTrip @(Provider.Service.Tag.QueryAllTags 3 5),
- testRoundTrip @(Provider.Service.Tag.QueryAnyTags 3 5)
+ testRoundTrip @User.Profile.ManagedBy,
+ testRoundTrip @User.Profile.Name
- -- testCase "Call.TURN.TurnUsername (doesn't have FromByteString)" ...
+ -- testCase "Call.Config.TurnUsername (doesn't have FromByteString)" ...
-- testCase "User.Activation.ActivationTarget (doesn't have FromByteString)" ...
diff --git a/libs/wire-api/wire-api.cabal b/libs/wire-api/wire-api.cabal
index f084cc5bf6e..fb28ea708cc 100644
--- a/libs/wire-api/wire-api.cabal
+++ b/libs/wire-api/wire-api.cabal
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
--- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.2.
+-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.0.
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
--- hash: b5bd8bb8589df54572262f534ebd7e422f17cc5bb76b88b1b64ef0390ffbd6ad
+-- hash: 806e7ef5feb03ce2ead26b199aff52dd62cdd2126aa4930b74ae089c40b15d84
name: wire-api
version: 0.1.0
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ library
- Wire.API.Call.TURN
+ Wire.API.Call.Config
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ test-suite wire-api-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
- Test.Wire.API.Call.TURN
+ Test.Wire.API.Call.Config
@@ -145,5 +145,6 @@ test-suite wire-api-tests
, tasty-hunit
, tasty-quickcheck
, types-common >=0.16
+ , unordered-containers
, wire-api
default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/libs/zauth/main/Main.hs b/libs/zauth/main/Main.hs
index 5c58885a800..924804b2d84 100644
--- a/libs/zauth/main/Main.hs
+++ b/libs/zauth/main/Main.hs
@@ -179,15 +179,16 @@ options =
long "data"
<> metavar "STRING"
<> help "token data"
- toMode = readerAsk >>= \s -> case s of
- "create-user" -> return CreateUser
- "create-session" -> return CreateSession
- "create-access" -> return CreateAccess
- "create-bot" -> return CreateBot
- "create-provider" -> return CreateProvider
- "verify-user" -> return VerifyUser
- "verify-access" -> return VerifyAccess
- "verify-bot" -> return VerifyBot
- "verify-provider" -> return VerifyProvider
- "gen-keypair" -> return GenKeyPair
- other -> readerError $ "invalid mode: " <> other
+ toMode =
+ readerAsk >>= \s -> case s of
+ "create-user" -> return CreateUser
+ "create-session" -> return CreateSession
+ "create-access" -> return CreateAccess
+ "create-bot" -> return CreateBot
+ "create-provider" -> return CreateProvider
+ "verify-user" -> return VerifyUser
+ "verify-access" -> return VerifyAccess
+ "verify-bot" -> return VerifyBot
+ "verify-provider" -> return VerifyProvider
+ "gen-keypair" -> return GenKeyPair
+ other -> readerError $ "invalid mode: " <> other
diff --git a/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Creation.hs b/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Creation.hs
index 389e6b38a8b..b3dc42126b0 100644
--- a/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Creation.hs
+++ b/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Creation.hs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.UUID
-import Data.Vector ((!), Vector)
+import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import Data.ZAuth.Token hiding (signature)
import Imports
diff --git a/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Token.hs b/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Token.hs
index 45b1772917d..33ab055b67e 100644
--- a/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Token.hs
+++ b/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Token.hs
@@ -185,40 +185,46 @@ makeLenses ''LegalHoldUser
makeLenses ''LegalHoldAccess
instance FromByteString (Token Access) where
- parser = takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
- case readToken A readAccessBody b of
- Nothing -> fail "Invalid access token"
- Just t -> return t
+ parser =
+ takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
+ case readToken A readAccessBody b of
+ Nothing -> fail "Invalid access token"
+ Just t -> return t
instance FromByteString (Token User) where
- parser = takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
- case readToken U readUserBody b of
- Nothing -> fail "Invalid user token"
- Just t -> return t
+ parser =
+ takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
+ case readToken U readUserBody b of
+ Nothing -> fail "Invalid user token"
+ Just t -> return t
instance FromByteString (Token Bot) where
- parser = takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
- case readToken B readBotBody b of
- Nothing -> fail "Invalid bot token"
- Just t -> return t
+ parser =
+ takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
+ case readToken B readBotBody b of
+ Nothing -> fail "Invalid bot token"
+ Just t -> return t
instance FromByteString (Token Provider) where
- parser = takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
- case readToken P readProviderBody b of
- Nothing -> fail "Invalid provider token"
- Just t -> return t
+ parser =
+ takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
+ case readToken P readProviderBody b of
+ Nothing -> fail "Invalid provider token"
+ Just t -> return t
instance FromByteString (Token LegalHoldAccess) where
- parser = takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
- case readToken LA readLegalHoldAccessBody b of
- Nothing -> fail "Invalid access token"
- Just t -> return t
+ parser =
+ takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
+ case readToken LA readLegalHoldAccessBody b of
+ Nothing -> fail "Invalid access token"
+ Just t -> return t
instance FromByteString (Token LegalHoldUser) where
- parser = takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
- case readToken LU readLegalHoldUserBody b of
- Nothing -> fail "Invalid user token"
- Just t -> return t
+ parser =
+ takeLazyByteString >>= \b ->
+ case readToken LU readLegalHoldUserBody b of
+ Nothing -> fail "Invalid user token"
+ Just t -> return t
instance ToByteString a => ToByteString (Token a) where
builder = writeToken
diff --git a/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Validation.hs b/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Validation.hs
index ae2812ba5e4..6f514d10eca 100644
--- a/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Validation.hs
+++ b/libs/zauth/src/Data/ZAuth/Validation.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.ByteString as Strict
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
-import Data.Vector ((!), Vector)
+import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import Data.ZAuth.Token
import Imports
diff --git a/services/brig/brig.cabal b/services/brig/brig.cabal
index 9fe0cc99d48..5ec599d4eca 100644
--- a/services/brig/brig.cabal
+++ b/services/brig/brig.cabal
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-cabal-version: 2.0
+cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.0.
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
--- hash: f150b19d31eda4f6f32ad2782dccc7deae05b01ffd46558fe1f403ba49500307
+-- hash: 0efba75abb2e931761d20c36d7c690eb2cf9711711c4b002dfd2cd5ff7bd60ee
name: brig
version: 1.35.0
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ library
+ Brig.Calling
+ Brig.Calling.API
+ Brig.Calling.Internal
@@ -50,6 +53,10 @@ library
+ Brig.Index.Eval
+ Brig.Index.Migrations
+ Brig.Index.Migrations.Types
+ Brig.Index.Options
@@ -59,6 +66,7 @@ library
+ Brig.PolyLog
@@ -76,8 +84,6 @@ library
- Brig.TURN
@@ -137,6 +143,8 @@ library
, data-default >=0.5
, data-timeout >=0.3
, directory >=1.2
+ , dns
+ , dns-util
, either >=4.3
, enclosed-exceptions >=1.0
, errors >=1.4
@@ -172,6 +180,7 @@ library
, network-uri >=2.6
, optparse-applicative >=0.11
, pem >=0.2
+ , polysemy
, prometheus-client
, proto-lens >=0.1
, random-shuffle >=0.0.3
@@ -222,40 +231,6 @@ library
, zauth >=0.10.3
default-language: Haskell2010
-library brig-index-lib
- exposed-modules:
- Brig.Index.Eval
- Brig.Index.Migrations
- Brig.Index.Migrations.Types
- Brig.Index.Options
- Main
- other-modules:
- Paths_brig
- hs-source-dirs:
- index/src
- default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DerivingStrategies DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveLift DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs InstanceSigs KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings PackageImports PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeFamilyDependencies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns
- ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wpartial-fields -fwarn-tabs -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path -funbox-strict-fields
- build-depends:
- aeson
- , base
- , bloodhound
- , brig
- , cassandra-util >=0.12
- , exceptions
- , http-client
- , imports
- , lens
- , metrics-core
- , mtl
- , optparse-applicative >=0.13
- , retry
- , text
- , time
- , tinylog
- , types-common
- , uri-bytestring
- default-language: Haskell2010
executable brig
main-is: src/Main.hs
@@ -280,7 +255,7 @@ executable brig-index
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wpartial-fields -fwarn-tabs -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path -funbox-strict-fields -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N
- , brig-index-lib
+ , brig
, imports
, optparse-applicative
, tinylog
@@ -289,6 +264,7 @@ executable brig-index
executable brig-integration
main-is: Main.hs
+ API.Calling
@@ -298,7 +274,6 @@ executable brig-integration
@@ -326,7 +301,6 @@ executable brig-integration
, bilge
, bloodhound
, brig
- , brig-index-lib
, brig-types
, bytestring >=0.9
, bytestring-conversion
@@ -462,6 +436,8 @@ test-suite brig-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
+ Test.Brig.Calling
+ Test.Brig.Calling.Internal
@@ -474,9 +450,17 @@ test-suite brig-tests
, bloodhound
, brig
, brig-types
+ , dns
+ , dns-util
, imports
+ , polysemy
+ , retry
, tasty
, tasty-hunit
+ , tinylog
, types-common
+ , unliftio
+ , uri-bytestring
, uuid
+ , wire-api
default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/services/brig/package.yaml b/services/brig/package.yaml
index 53aee10de4d..8e6e3f711be 100644
--- a/services/brig/package.yaml
+++ b/services/brig/package.yaml
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ library:
- data-default >=0.5
- data-timeout >=0.3
- directory >=1.2
+ - dns
+ - dns-util
- either >=4.3
- enclosed-exceptions >=1.0
- errors >=1.4
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ library:
- network-uri >=2.6
- optparse-applicative >=0.11
- pem >=0.2
+ - polysemy
- proto-lens >=0.1
- prometheus-client
- resourcet >=1.1
@@ -128,28 +131,6 @@ library:
- wire-api
- yaml >=0.8.22
- zauth >=0.10.3
- brig-index-lib:
- source-dirs: index/src
- dependencies:
- - aeson
- - base
- - bloodhound
- - brig
- - cassandra-util >=0.12
- - exceptions
- - http-client
- - imports
- - lens
- - metrics-core
- - mtl
- - optparse-applicative >=0.13
- - retry
- - text
- - time
- - tinylog
- - types-common
- - uri-bytestring
main: Main.hs
@@ -163,11 +144,19 @@ tests:
- bloodhound
- brig
- brig-types
+ - dns
+ - dns-util
+ - polysemy
- imports
+ - retry
- tasty
- tasty-hunit
+ - tinylog
- types-common
+ - unliftio
+ - uri-bytestring
- uuid
+ - wire-api
main: Main.hs
@@ -194,7 +183,6 @@ executables:
- bloodhound
- base
- brig
- - brig-index-lib
- brig-types
- bytestring >=0.9
- bytestring-conversion
@@ -260,7 +248,7 @@ executables:
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- base
- - brig-index-lib
+ - brig
- imports
- optparse-applicative
- tinylog
diff --git a/services/brig/schema/src/V42.hs b/services/brig/schema/src/V42.hs
index 8c6eaa9d1c3..38fcd0c3b9d 100644
--- a/services/brig/schema/src/V42.hs
+++ b/services/brig/schema/src/V42.hs
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ import Text.RawString.QQ
migration :: Migration
migration =
- Migration 42 "Remove user.tracking_id"
- $ void
- $ schema'
- [r|
+ Migration 42 "Remove user.tracking_id" $
+ void $
+ schema'
+ [r|
alter columnfamily user drop tracking_id;
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Client.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Client.hs
index 21910465d04..795a3741b6a 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Client.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Client.hs
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.Bitraversable (bitraverse)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.IP (IP)
-import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.Id (ClientId, ConnId, UserId, makeIdOpaque, makeMappedIdOpaque)
+import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.IdMapping
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ addClient u con ip new = do
Intra.newClient u (clientId clt)
Intra.onClientEvent u con (ClientAdded u clt)
when (clientType clt == LegalHoldClientType) $ Intra.onUserEvent u con (UserLegalHoldEnabled u)
- when (count > 1)
- $ for_ (userEmail usr)
- $ \email ->
- sendNewClientEmail (userDisplayName usr) email clt (userLocale usr)
+ when (count > 1) $
+ for_ (userEmail usr) $
+ \email ->
+ sendNewClientEmail (userDisplayName usr) email clt (userLocale usr)
return clt
clientId' = clientIdFromPrekey (unpackLastPrekey $ newClientLastKey new)
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Connection.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Connection.hs
index eff56ce4243..f6032e6374b 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Connection.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Connection.hs
@@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ createConnectionToLocalUser ::
ConnId ->
ExceptT ConnectionError AppIO ConnectionResult
createConnectionToLocalUser self crUser ConnectionRequest {crName, crMessage} conn = do
- when (self == crUser)
- $ throwE
- $ InvalidUser (makeIdOpaque crUser)
+ when (self == crUser) $
+ throwE $
+ InvalidUser (makeIdOpaque crUser)
selfActive <- lift $ Data.isActivated self
unless selfActive $
throwE ConnectNoIdentity
otherActive <- lift $ Data.isActivated crUser
- unless otherActive
- $ throwE
- $ InvalidUser (makeIdOpaque crUser)
+ unless otherActive $
+ throwE $
+ InvalidUser (makeIdOpaque crUser)
-- Users belonging to the same team are always treated as connected, so creating a
-- connection between them is useless. {#RefConnectionTeam}
sameTeam <- lift $ belongSameTeam
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ updateConnection self other newStatus conn = do
(old, _, new)
| old == new -> return Nothing
_ -> throwE $ InvalidTransition self newStatus
- lift $ for_ s2o' $ \c ->
+ lift . for_ s2o' $ \c ->
let e2s = ConnectionUpdated c (Just $ ucStatus s2o) Nothing
in Intra.onConnectionEvent self conn e2s
return s2o'
@@ -219,12 +219,12 @@ updateConnection self other newStatus conn = do
Log.info $
Log.connection self (ucTo s2o)
. msg (val "Accepting connection")
- cnv <- lift $ for (ucConvId s2o) $ Intra.acceptConnectConv self conn
+ cnv <- lift . for (ucConvId s2o) $ Intra.acceptConnectConv self conn
-- Note: The check for @Pending@ accounts for situations in which both
-- sides are pending, which can occur due to rare race conditions
-- when sending mutual connection requests, combined with untimely
-- crashes.
- when (ucStatus o2s `elem` [Sent, Pending]) $ lift $ do
+ when (ucStatus o2s `elem` [Sent, Pending]) . lift $ do
o2s' <-
if (cnvType <$> cnv) /= Just ConnectConv
then Data.updateConnection o2s Accepted
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ updateConnection self other newStatus conn = do
Log.info $
Log.connection self (ucTo s2o)
. msg (val "Unblocking connection")
- cnv <- lift $ for (ucConvId s2o) $ Intra.unblockConv (ucFrom s2o) conn
- when (ucStatus o2s == Sent && new == Accepted) $ lift $ do
+ cnv <- lift . for (ucConvId s2o) $ Intra.unblockConv (ucFrom s2o) conn
+ when (ucStatus o2s == Sent && new == Accepted) . lift $ do
o2s' <-
if (cnvType <$> cnv) /= Just ConnectConv
then Data.updateConnection o2s Accepted
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ updateConnection self other newStatus conn = do
Log.info $
Log.connection self (ucTo s2o)
. msg (val "Cancelling connection")
- lift $ for_ (ucConvId s2o) $ Intra.blockConv (ucFrom s2o) conn
+ lift . for_ (ucConvId s2o) $ Intra.blockConv (ucFrom s2o) conn
o2s' <- lift $ Data.updateConnection o2s Cancelled
let e2o = ConnectionUpdated o2s' (Just $ ucStatus o2s) Nothing
lift $ Intra.onConnectionEvent self conn e2o
@@ -321,6 +321,6 @@ checkLimit :: UserId -> ExceptT ConnectionError AppIO ()
checkLimit u = do
n <- lift $ Data.countConnections u [Accepted, Sent]
l <- setUserMaxConnections <$> view settings
- unless (n < l)
- $ throwE
- $ TooManyConnections u
+ unless (n < l) $
+ throwE $
+ TooManyConnections u
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Handler.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Handler.hs
index f0a4baf0f95..4929008cce4 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Handler.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Handler.hs
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ onError :: Logger -> Request -> Continue IO -> Error -> IO ResponseReceived
onError g r k e = do
Server.logError g (Just r) we
Server.flushRequestBody r
- k
- $ setStatus (WaiError.code we)
+ k $
+ setStatus (WaiError.code we)
. appEndo (foldMap (Endo . uncurry addHeader) hs)
- $ json e
+ $ json e
(we, hs) = case e of
StdError x -> (x, [])
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/IdMapping.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/IdMapping.hs
index 0599799d772..915a9e1bb98 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/IdMapping.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/IdMapping.hs
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ import Brig.App (AppIO)
import qualified Brig.Data.IdMapping as Data (getIdMapping, insertIdMapping)
import qualified Brig.IO.Intra.IdMapping as Intra
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
-import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.Id (Id (Id, toUUID), OpaqueUserId, idToText)
+import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.IdMapping (IdMapping (IdMapping, _imQualifiedId), MappedOrLocalId (Local, Mapped), hashQualifiedId)
import Data.Qualified (Qualified, renderQualifiedId)
import Galley.Types.IdMapping (PostIdMappingRequest (PostIdMappingRequest), PostIdMappingResponse (PostIdMappingResponse), mkPostIdMappingRequest)
import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Types (forbidden403, notFound404)
import Network.Wai (Response)
-import Network.Wai.Predicate ((.&.), (:::) ((:::)), accept)
+import Network.Wai.Predicate (accept, (.&.), (:::) ((:::)))
import Network.Wai.Routing (Routes, capture, continue, get, post)
import Network.Wai.Utilities (JsonRequest, empty, json, jsonRequest, setStatus)
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
@@ -147,12 +147,12 @@ createIdMapping qualifiedId = do
let idMapping = IdMapping mappedId qualifiedId
Data.getIdMapping mappedId >>= \case
Just existingMapping ->
- when (_imQualifiedId existingMapping /= qualifiedId)
- $ Log.err
- $ Log.msg @Text "Conflict when creating IdMapping"
- . Log.field "mapped_id" (idToText mappedId)
- . Log.field "existing_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId qualifiedId)
- . Log.field "new_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId (_imQualifiedId existingMapping))
+ when (_imQualifiedId existingMapping /= qualifiedId) $
+ Log.err $
+ Log.msg @Text "Conflict when creating IdMapping"
+ . Log.field "mapped_id" (idToText mappedId)
+ . Log.field "existing_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId qualifiedId)
+ . Log.field "new_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId (_imQualifiedId existingMapping))
Nothing -> do
Data.insertIdMapping idMapping
Intra.createIdMappingInGalley (mkPostIdMappingRequest qualifiedId)
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Internal.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Internal.hs
index f4fc89853a3..9fe36ce232a 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Internal.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Internal.hs
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ sitemap = do
accept "application" "json"
.&. jsonRequest @NewUser
- -- internal email activation (used in tests and in spar for validating emails obtains as
+ -- internal email activation (used in tests and in spar for validating emails obtained as
-- SAML user identifiers). if the validate query parameter is false or missing, only set
-- the activation timeout, but do not send an email, and do not do anything about activating
-- the email.
@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ autoConnectH (_ ::: uid ::: conn ::: req) = do
autoConnect :: UserId -> Maybe ConnId -> UserSet -> Handler [UserConnection]
autoConnect uid conn (UserSet to) = do
let num = Set.size to
- when (num < 1)
- $ throwStd
- $ badRequest "No users given for auto-connect."
- when (num > 25)
- $ throwStd
- $ badRequest "Too many users given for auto-connect (> 25)."
+ when (num < 1) $
+ throwStd $
+ badRequest "No users given for auto-connect."
+ when (num > 25) $
+ throwStd $
+ badRequest "Too many users given for auto-connect (> 25)."
API.autoConnect uid to conn !>> connError
createUserNoVerifyH :: JSON ::: JsonRequest NewUser -> Handler Response
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Public.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Public.hs
index 071c441b831..ef9158eff73 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Public.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Public.hs
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ import Brig.API.IdMapping (resolveOpaqueUserId)
import qualified Brig.API.Properties as API
import Brig.API.Types
import qualified Brig.API.User as API
+import qualified Brig.API.Util as API
import Brig.App
+import qualified Brig.Calling.API as Calling
import qualified Brig.Data.User as Data
import Brig.Options hiding (internalEvents, sesQueue)
import qualified Brig.Provider.API as Provider
-import qualified Brig.TURN.API as TURN
import qualified Brig.Team.API as Team
import qualified Brig.Team.Email as Team
import Brig.Types.Intra (AccountStatus (Ephemeral), UserAccount (UserAccount, accountUser))
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ import qualified Brig.User.Auth.Cookie as Auth
import Brig.User.Email
import Brig.User.Phone
import Control.Error hiding (bool)
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ import Data.Handle (Handle, parseHandle)
import Data.Id as Id
import Data.IdMapping (MappedOrLocalId (Local))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Data.Misc ((<$$>), IpAddr (..))
+import Data.Misc (IpAddr (..), (<$$>))
import Data.Qualified (OptionallyQualified, eitherQualifiedOrNot)
import Data.Range
import qualified Data.Swagger.Build.Api as Doc
@@ -781,7 +782,7 @@ sitemap o = do
- TURN.routesPublic
+ Calling.routesPublic
apiDocs :: Opts -> Routes Doc.ApiBuilder Handler ()
apiDocs o = do
@@ -1136,31 +1137,14 @@ changeLocaleH (u ::: conn ::: req) = do
lift $ API.changeLocale u conn l
return empty
-data CheckHandleResp
- = CheckHandleInvalid
- | CheckHandleFound
- | CheckHandleNotFound
+-- | (zusr are is ignored by this handler, ie. checking handles is allowed as long as you have
+-- *any* account.)
checkHandleH :: UserId ::: Text -> Handler Response
-checkHandleH (uid ::: hndl) = do
- checkHandle uid hndl >>= \case
- CheckHandleInvalid -> throwE (StdError invalidHandle)
- CheckHandleFound -> pure $ setStatus status200 empty
- CheckHandleNotFound -> pure $ setStatus status404 empty
-checkHandle :: UserId -> Text -> Handler CheckHandleResp
-checkHandle _ uhandle = do
- handle <- validateHandle uhandle
- owner <- lift $ API.lookupHandle handle
- if | isJust owner ->
- -- Handle is taken (=> getHandleInfo will return 200)
- return CheckHandleFound
- | API.isBlacklistedHandle handle ->
- -- Handle is free but cannot be taken
- return CheckHandleInvalid
- | otherwise ->
- -- Handle is free and can be taken
- return CheckHandleNotFound
+checkHandleH (_uid ::: hndl) = do
+ API.checkHandle hndl >>= \case
+ API.CheckHandleInvalid -> throwE (StdError invalidHandle)
+ API.CheckHandleFound -> pure $ setStatus status200 empty
+ API.CheckHandleNotFound -> pure $ setStatus status404 empty
checkHandlesH :: JSON ::: UserId ::: JsonRequest Public.CheckHandles -> Handler Response
checkHandlesH (_ ::: _ ::: req) = do
@@ -1192,7 +1176,7 @@ changeHandleH (u ::: conn ::: req) = do
changeHandle :: UserId -> ConnId -> Public.HandleUpdate -> Handler ()
changeHandle u conn (Public.HandleUpdate h) = do
- handle <- validateHandle h
+ handle <- API.validateHandle h
API.changeHandle u conn handle !>> changeHandleError
beginPasswordResetH :: JSON ::: JsonRequest Public.NewPasswordReset -> Handler Response
@@ -1356,9 +1340,6 @@ deprecatedCompletePasswordResetH (_ ::: k ::: req) = do
-- Utilities
-validateHandle :: Text -> Handler Handle
-validateHandle = maybe (throwE (StdError invalidHandle)) return . parseHandle
ifNothing :: Utilities.Error -> Maybe a -> Handler a
ifNothing e = maybe (throwStd e) return
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/User.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/User.hs
index e30bd700644..5c0fa7b9964 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/User.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/User.hs
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ module Brig.API.User
+ CheckHandleResp (..),
+ checkHandle,
@@ -36,7 +38,6 @@ module Brig.API.User
- lookupSelfProfile,
@@ -84,7 +85,9 @@ module Brig.API.User
import qualified Brig.API.Error as Error
+import qualified Brig.API.Handler as API (Handler)
import Brig.API.Types
+import Brig.API.Util (fetchUserIdentity, validateHandle)
import Brig.App
import qualified Brig.Code as Code
import Brig.Data.Activation (ActivationEvent (..))
@@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ import qualified Brig.User.Search.Index as Index
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently, mapConcurrently_)
import Control.Error
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import qualified Data.Currency as Currency
@@ -129,8 +132,7 @@ import Data.IdMapping (MappedOrLocalId, partitionMappedOrLocalIds)
import Data.Json.Util
import Data.List1 (List1)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Data.Misc ((<$$>))
-import Data.Misc (PlainTextPassword (..))
+import Data.Misc (PlainTextPassword (..), (<$$>))
import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime)
import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom)
import qualified Galley.Types.Teams as Team
@@ -177,14 +179,14 @@ createUser new@NewUser {..} = do
activatedTeam <- lift $ do
Data.insertAccount account Nothing pw False
Intra.createSelfConv uid
- Intra.onUserEvent uid Nothing (UserCreated account)
+ Intra.onUserEvent uid Nothing (UserCreated (accountUser account))
-- If newUserEmailCode is set, team gets activated _now_ else createUser fails
case (tid, newTeam) of
(Just t, Just nt) -> createTeam uid (isJust newUserEmailCode) (bnuTeam nt) t
_ -> return Nothing
(teamEmailInvited, joinedTeamInvite) <- case teamInvitation of
Just (inv, invInfo) -> do
- let em = Team.inIdentity inv
+ let em = Team.inInviteeEmail inv
acceptTeamInvitation account inv invInfo (userEmailKey em) (EmailIdentity em)
Team.TeamName nm <- lift $ Intra.getTeamName (Team.inTeam inv)
return (True, Just $ CreateUserTeam (Team.inTeam inv) nm)
@@ -229,9 +231,9 @@ createUser new@NewUser {..} = do
checkKey u k = do
av <- lift $ Data.keyAvailable k u
- unless av
- $ throwE
- $ DuplicateUserKey k
+ unless av $
+ throwE $
+ DuplicateUserKey k
createTeam uid activating t tid = do
created <- Intra.createTeam uid t tid
return $
@@ -248,24 +250,27 @@ createUser new@NewUser {..} = do
Maybe (Team.Invitation, Team.InvitationInfo),
Maybe TeamId
- handleTeam (Just (NewTeamMember i)) e = findTeamInvitation e i >>= return . \case
- Just (inv, info, tid) -> (Nothing, Just (inv, info), Just tid)
- Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
+ handleTeam (Just (NewTeamMember i)) e =
+ findTeamInvitation e i
+ >>= return . \case
+ Just (inv, info, tid) -> (Nothing, Just (inv, info), Just tid)
+ Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
handleTeam (Just (NewTeamCreator t)) _ = (Just t,Nothing,) <$> (Just . Id <$> liftIO nextRandom)
handleTeam (Just (NewTeamMemberSSO tid)) _ = pure (Nothing, Nothing, Just tid)
handleTeam Nothing _ = return (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
findTeamInvitation :: Maybe UserKey -> InvitationCode -> ExceptT CreateUserError AppIO (Maybe (Team.Invitation, Team.InvitationInfo, TeamId))
findTeamInvitation Nothing _ = throwE MissingIdentity
- findTeamInvitation (Just e) c = lift (Team.lookupInvitationInfo c) >>= \case
- Just ii -> do
- inv <- lift $ Team.lookupInvitation (Team.iiTeam ii) (Team.iiInvId ii)
- case (inv, Team.inIdentity <$> inv) of
- (Just invite, Just em)
- | e == userEmailKey em -> do
- _ <- ensureMemberCanJoin (Team.iiTeam ii)
- return $ Just (invite, ii, Team.iiTeam ii)
- _ -> throwE InvalidInvitationCode
- Nothing -> throwE InvalidInvitationCode
+ findTeamInvitation (Just e) c =
+ lift (Team.lookupInvitationInfo c) >>= \case
+ Just ii -> do
+ inv <- lift $ Team.lookupInvitation (Team.iiTeam ii) (Team.iiInvId ii)
+ case (inv, Team.inInviteeEmail <$> inv) of
+ (Just invite, Just em)
+ | e == userEmailKey em -> do
+ _ <- ensureMemberCanJoin (Team.iiTeam ii)
+ return $ Just (invite, ii, Team.iiTeam ii)
+ _ -> throwE InvalidInvitationCode
+ Nothing -> throwE InvalidInvitationCode
ensureMemberCanJoin :: TeamId -> ExceptT CreateUserError AppIO ()
ensureMemberCanJoin tid = do
maxSize <- fromIntegral . setMaxTeamSize <$> view settings
@@ -281,9 +286,9 @@ createUser new@NewUser {..} = do
acceptTeamInvitation account inv ii uk ident = do
let uid = userId (accountUser account)
ok <- lift $ Data.claimKey uk uid
- unless ok
- $ throwE
- $ DuplicateUserKey uk
+ unless ok $
+ throwE $
+ DuplicateUserKey uk
let minvmeta :: (Maybe (UserId, UTCTimeMillis), Team.Role)
minvmeta = ((,inCreatedAt inv) <$> inCreatedBy inv, Team.inRole inv)
added <- lift $ Intra.addTeamMember uid (Team.iiTeam ii) minvmeta
@@ -316,28 +321,19 @@ createUser new@NewUser {..} = do
-- | docs/reference/user/registration.md {#RefRestrictRegistration}.
checkRestrictedUserCreation :: NewUser -> ExceptT CreateUserError AppIO ()
checkRestrictedUserCreation new = do
- let nTeam = newUserTeam new
- nExpires = newUserExpiresIn new
restrictPlease <- lift . asks $ fromMaybe False . setRestrictUserCreation . view settings
( restrictPlease
- && not (isTeamMember nTeam)
- && not (isEphemeral nExpires)
+ && not (isNewUserTeamMember new)
+ && not (isNewUserEphemeral new)
$ throwE UserCreationRestricted
- where
- isTeamMember (Just (NewTeamMember _)) = True
- isTeamMember (Just (NewTeamMemberSSO _)) = True
- isTeamMember _ = False
- isEphemeral (Just _) = True
- isEphemeral _ = False
-- Update Profile
-- FUTUREWORK: this and other functions should refuse to modify a ManagedByScim user. See
--- {#SparBrainDump}
+-- {#SparBrainDump} https://github.com/zinfra/backend-issues/issues/1632
updateUser :: UserId -> ConnId -> UserUpdate -> AppIO ()
updateUser uid conn uu = do
@@ -375,11 +371,38 @@ changeHandle uid conn hdl = do
claim u = do
unless (isJust (userIdentity u)) $
throwE ChangeHandleNoIdentity
- claimed <- lift $ claimHandle u hdl
+ claimed <- lift $ claimHandle (userId u) (userHandle u) hdl
unless claimed $
throwE ChangeHandleExists
lift $ Intra.onUserEvent uid (Just conn) (handleUpdated uid hdl)
+-- Check Handle
+data CheckHandleResp
+ = CheckHandleInvalid
+ | CheckHandleFound
+ | CheckHandleNotFound
+checkHandle :: Text -> API.Handler CheckHandleResp
+checkHandle uhandle = do
+ xhandle <- validateHandle uhandle
+ owner <- lift $ lookupHandle xhandle
+ if
+ | isJust owner ->
+ -- Handle is taken (=> getHandleInfo will return 200)
+ return CheckHandleFound
+ | isBlacklistedHandle xhandle ->
+ -- Handle is free but cannot be taken
+ --
+ -- FUTUREWORK: i wonder if this is correct? isn't this the error for malformed
+ -- handles? shouldn't we throw not-found here? or should there be a fourth case
+ -- 'CheckHandleBlacklisted'?
+ return CheckHandleInvalid
+ | otherwise ->
+ -- Handle is free and can be taken
+ return CheckHandleNotFound
-- Check Handles
@@ -432,9 +455,9 @@ changeEmail u email = do
when blacklisted $
throwE (ChangeBlacklistedEmail email)
available <- lift $ Data.keyAvailable ek (Just u)
- unless available
- $ throwE
- $ EmailExists email
+ unless available $
+ throwE $
+ EmailExists email
usr <- maybe (throwM $ UserProfileNotFound u) return =<< lift (Data.lookupUser u)
case join (emailIdentity <$> userIdentity usr) of
-- The user already has an email address and the new one is exactly the same
@@ -456,9 +479,9 @@ changePhone u phone = do
=<< lift (validatePhone phone)
let pk = userPhoneKey ph
available <- lift $ Data.keyAvailable pk (Just u)
- unless available
- $ throwE
- $ PhoneExists phone
+ unless available $
+ throwE $
+ PhoneExists phone
timeout <- setActivationTimeout <$> view settings
act <- lift $ Data.newActivation pk timeout (Just u)
return (act, ph)
@@ -504,15 +527,16 @@ revokeIdentity key = do
mu <- Data.lookupKey uk
case mu of
Nothing -> return ()
- Just u -> fetchUserIdentity u >>= \case
- Just (FullIdentity _ _) -> revokeKey u uk
- Just (EmailIdentity e) | Left e == key -> do
- revokeKey u uk
- Data.deactivateUser u
- Just (PhoneIdentity p) | Right p == key -> do
- revokeKey u uk
- Data.deactivateUser u
- _ -> return ()
+ Just u ->
+ fetchUserIdentity u >>= \case
+ Just (FullIdentity _ _) -> revokeKey u uk
+ Just (EmailIdentity e) | Left e == key -> do
+ revokeKey u uk
+ Data.deactivateUser u
+ Just (PhoneIdentity p) | Right p == key -> do
+ revokeKey u uk
+ Data.deactivateUser u
+ _ -> return ()
revokeKey u uk = do
deleteKey uk
@@ -545,9 +569,10 @@ changeAccountStatus usrs status = do
Intra.onUserEvent u Nothing (ev u)
suspendAccount :: HasCallStack => List1 UserId -> AppIO ()
-suspendAccount usrs = runExceptT (changeAccountStatus usrs Suspended) >>= \case
- Right _ -> pure ()
- Left InvalidAccountStatus -> error "impossible."
+suspendAccount usrs =
+ runExceptT (changeAccountStatus usrs Suspended) >>= \case
+ Right _ -> pure ()
+ Left InvalidAccountStatus -> error "impossible."
-- Activation
@@ -580,9 +605,9 @@ activateWithCurrency tgt code usr cur = do
Nothing -> return ActivationPass
Just e -> do
(uid, ident, first) <- lift $ onActivated e
- when first
- $ lift
- $ activateTeam uid
+ when first $
+ lift $
+ activateTeam uid
return $ ActivationSuccess ident first
activateTeam uid = do
@@ -599,7 +624,7 @@ onActivated (AccountActivated account) = do
let uid = userId (accountUser account)
Log.debug $ field "user" (toByteString uid) . field "action" (Log.val "User.onActivated")
Log.info $ field "user" (toByteString uid) . msg (val "User activated")
- Intra.onUserEvent uid Nothing $ UserActivated account
+ Intra.onUserEvent uid Nothing $ UserActivated (accountUser account)
return (uid, userIdentity (accountUser account), True)
onActivated (EmailActivated uid email) = do
Intra.onUserEvent uid Nothing (emailUpdated uid email)
@@ -618,9 +643,9 @@ sendActivationCode emailOrPhone loc call = case emailOrPhone of
(return . userEmailKey)
(validateEmail email)
exists <- lift $ isJust <$> Data.lookupKey ek
- when exists
- $ throwE
- $ UserKeyInUse ek
+ when exists $
+ throwE $
+ UserKeyInUse ek
blacklisted <- lift $ Blacklist.exists ek
when blacklisted $
throwE (ActivationBlacklistedUserKey ek)
@@ -638,9 +663,9 @@ sendActivationCode emailOrPhone loc call = case emailOrPhone of
=<< lift (validatePhone phone)
let pk = userPhoneKey canonical
exists <- lift $ isJust <$> Data.lookupKey pk
- when exists
- $ throwE
- $ UserKeyInUse pk
+ when exists $
+ throwE $
+ UserKeyInUse pk
blacklisted <- lift $ Blacklist.exists pk
when blacklisted $
throwE (ActivationBlacklistedUserKey pk)
@@ -874,7 +899,7 @@ deleteAccount account@(accountUser -> user) = do
-- Free unique keys
for_ (userEmail user) $ deleteKey . userEmailKey
for_ (userPhone user) $ deleteKey . userPhoneKey
- for_ (userHandle user) $ freeHandle user
+ for_ (userHandle user) $ freeHandle (userId user)
-- Wipe data
Data.clearProperties uid
tombstone <- mkTombstone
@@ -981,7 +1006,7 @@ lookupProfilesOfLocalUsers self others = do
toMap :: [ConnectionStatus] -> Map UserId Relation
toMap = Map.fromList . map (csFrom &&& csStatus)
- --
getSelfInfo :: AppIO (Maybe (TeamId, Team.TeamMember))
getSelfInfo = do
-- FUTUREWORK: it is an internal error for the two lookups (for 'User' and 'TeamMember')
@@ -991,7 +1016,7 @@ lookupProfilesOfLocalUsers self others = do
case userTeam =<< mUser of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just tid -> (tid,) <$$> Intra.getTeamMember self tid
- --
toProfile :: EmailVisibility' -> Map UserId Relation -> User -> UserProfile
toProfile emailVisibility'' css u =
let cs = Map.lookup (userId u) css
@@ -1025,12 +1050,6 @@ getEmailForProfile profileOwner (EmailVisibleIfOnSameTeam' (Just (viewerTeamId,
getEmailForProfile _ (EmailVisibleIfOnSameTeam' Nothing) = Nothing
getEmailForProfile _ EmailVisibleToSelf' = Nothing
--- | Obtain a profile for a user as he can see himself.
-lookupSelfProfile :: UserId -> AppIO (Maybe SelfProfile)
-lookupSelfProfile = fmap (fmap mk) . Data.lookupAccount
- where
- mk a = SelfProfile (accountUser a)
-- | Find user accounts for a given identity, both activated and those
-- currently pending activation.
lookupAccountsByIdentity :: Either Email Phone -> AppIO [UserAccount]
@@ -1063,14 +1082,3 @@ phonePrefixDelete = Blacklist.deletePrefix
phonePrefixInsert :: ExcludedPrefix -> AppIO ()
phonePrefixInsert = Blacklist.insertPrefix
--- Utilities
--- TODO: Move to a util module or similar
-fetchUserIdentity :: UserId -> AppIO (Maybe UserIdentity)
-fetchUserIdentity uid =
- lookupSelfProfile uid
- >>= maybe
- (throwM $ UserProfileNotFound uid)
- (return . userIdentity . selfUser)
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Util.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Util.hs
index a82fd2130bf..2831f49df5e 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Util.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/API/Util.hs
@@ -15,17 +15,30 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Brig.API.Util where
+module Brig.API.Util
+ ( fetchUserIdentity,
+ isFederationEnabled,
+ lookupProfilesMaybeFilterSameTeamOnly,
+ lookupSelfProfile,
+ validateHandle,
+ viewFederationDomain,
+ )
+import qualified Brig.API.Error as Error
import Brig.API.Handler
-import Brig.App (Env, settings)
+import Brig.API.Types
+import Brig.App (AppIO, Env, settings)
import qualified Brig.Data.User as Data
import Brig.Options (enableFederationWithDomain)
import Brig.Types
+import Brig.Types.Intra (accountUser)
import Control.Lens (view)
-import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Domain (Domain)
-import Data.Id as Id
+import Data.Handle (Handle, parseHandle)
+import Data.Id
import Data.Maybe
import Imports
@@ -36,6 +49,22 @@ lookupProfilesMaybeFilterSameTeamOnly self us = do
Just team -> filter (\x -> profileTeam x == Just team) us
Nothing -> us
+fetchUserIdentity :: UserId -> AppIO (Maybe UserIdentity)
+fetchUserIdentity uid =
+ lookupSelfProfile uid
+ >>= maybe
+ (throwM $ UserProfileNotFound uid)
+ (return . userIdentity . selfUser)
+-- | Obtain a profile for a user as he can see himself.
+lookupSelfProfile :: UserId -> AppIO (Maybe SelfProfile)
+lookupSelfProfile = fmap (fmap mk) . Data.lookupAccount
+ where
+ mk a = SelfProfile (accountUser a)
+validateHandle :: Text -> Handler Handle
+validateHandle = maybe (throwE (Error.StdError Error.invalidHandle)) return . parseHandle
-- Federation
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/AWS.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/AWS.hs
index 09af84e1a5d..745ed6408d7 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/AWS.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/AWS.hs
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ newtype Amazon a = Amazon
instance MonadUnliftIO Amazon where
- askUnliftIO = Amazon $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ askUnliftIO = Amazon . ReaderT $ \r ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip runReaderT r . unAmazon))
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ instance Exception Error
-- SQS
listen :: (FromJSON a, Show a) => Int -> Text -> (a -> IO ()) -> Amazon ()
-listen throttleMillis url callback = forever $ handleAny unexpectedError $ do
+listen throttleMillis url callback = forever . handleAny unexpectedError $ do
msgs <- view rmrsMessages <$> send receive
void $ mapConcurrently onMessage msgs
when (null msgs) $
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ listen throttleMillis url callback = forever $ handleAny unexpectedError $ do
receive =
SQS.receiveMessage url
& set SQS.rmWaitTimeSeconds (Just 20)
- . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just 10)
+ . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just 10)
onMessage m =
case decodeStrict =<< Text.encodeUtf8 <$> m ^. mBody of
Nothing -> err $ msg ("Failed to parse SQS event: " ++ show m)
@@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ execCatch ::
a ->
m (Either AWS.Error (Rs a))
execCatch e cmd =
- runResourceT . AWST.runAWST e
- $ AWST.trying AWS._Error
- $ AWST.send cmd
+ runResourceT . AWST.runAWST e $
+ AWST.trying AWS._Error $
+ AWST.send cmd
exec ::
(AWSRequest a, AWS.HasEnv r, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) =>
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/App.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/App.hs
index a711ac4f39a..1daf11a86c6 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/App.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/App.hs
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module Brig.App
+ sftEnv,
-- * App Monad
@@ -67,13 +68,13 @@ import Bilge (Manager, MonadHttp, RequestId (..), newManager, withResponse)
import qualified Bilge as RPC
import Bilge.RPC (HasRequestId (..))
import qualified Brig.AWS as AWS
+import qualified Brig.Calling as Calling
import Brig.Options (Opts, Settings)
import qualified Brig.Options as Opt
import Brig.Provider.Template
import qualified Brig.Queue.Stomp as Stomp
import Brig.Queue.Types (Queue (..))
import qualified Brig.SMTP as SMTP
-import qualified Brig.TURN as TURN
import Brig.Team.Template
import Brig.Template (Localised, TemplateBranding, forLocale, genTemplateBranding)
import Brig.Types (Locale (..), TurnURI)
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ import qualified Cassandra.Settings as Cas
import Control.AutoUpdate
import Control.Error
import Control.Exception.Enclosed (handleAny)
-import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), index)
+import Control.Lens hiding (index, (.=))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
@@ -155,8 +156,9 @@ data Env = Env
_twilioCreds :: Twilio.Credentials,
_geoDb :: Maybe (IORef GeoIp.GeoDB),
_fsWatcher :: FS.WatchManager,
- _turnEnv :: IORef TURN.Env,
- _turnEnvV2 :: IORef TURN.Env,
+ _turnEnv :: IORef Calling.Env,
+ _turnEnvV2 :: IORef Calling.Env,
+ _sftEnv :: Maybe Calling.SFTEnv,
_currentTime :: IO UTCTime,
_zauthEnv :: ZAuth.Env,
_digestSHA256 :: Digest,
@@ -202,6 +204,7 @@ newEnv o = do
eventsQueue <- case Opt.internalEventsQueue (Opt.internalEvents o) of
StompQueue q -> pure (StompQueue q)
SqsQueue q -> SqsQueue <$> AWS.getQueueUrl (aws ^. AWS.amazonkaEnv) q
+ mSFTEnv <- mapM Calling.mkSFTEnv $ Opt.sft o
$! Env
{ _cargohold = mkEndpoint $ Opt.cargohold o,
@@ -227,6 +230,7 @@ newEnv o = do
_geoDb = g,
_turnEnv = turn,
_turnEnvV2 = turnV2,
+ _sftEnv = mSFTEnv,
_fsWatcher = w,
_currentTime = clock,
_zauthEnv = zau,
@@ -264,7 +268,7 @@ geoSetup lgr w (Just db) = do
startWatching w path (replaceGeoDb lgr geodb)
return $ Just geodb
-turnSetup :: Logger -> FS.WatchManager -> Digest -> Opt.TurnOpts -> IO (IORef TURN.Env, IORef TURN.Env)
+turnSetup :: Logger -> FS.WatchManager -> Digest -> Opt.TurnOpts -> IO (IORef Calling.Env, IORef Calling.Env)
turnSetup lgr w dig o = do
secret <- Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.strip <$> Text.readFile (Opt.secret o)
cfg <- setupTurn secret (Opt.servers o)
@@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ turnSetup lgr w dig o = do
setupTurn secret cfg = do
path <- canonicalizePath cfg
servers <- fromMaybe (error "Empty TURN list, check turn file!") <$> readTurnList path
- te <- newIORef =<< TURN.newEnv dig servers (Opt.tokenTTL o) (Opt.configTTL o) secret
+ te <- newIORef =<< Calling.newEnv dig servers (Opt.tokenTTL o) (Opt.configTTL o) secret
startWatching w path (replaceTurnServers lgr te)
return te
@@ -293,14 +297,15 @@ replaceGeoDb g ref e = do
GeoIp.openGeoDB (FS.eventPath e) >>= atomicWriteIORef ref
Log.info g (msg $ val "New GeoIP database loaded.")
-replaceTurnServers :: Logger -> IORef TURN.Env -> FS.Event -> IO ()
+replaceTurnServers :: Logger -> IORef Calling.Env -> FS.Event -> IO ()
replaceTurnServers g ref e = do
let logErr x = Log.err g (msg $ val "Error loading turn servers: " +++ show x)
handleAny logErr $
readTurnList (FS.eventPath e) >>= \case
- Just servers -> readIORef ref >>= \old -> do
- atomicWriteIORef ref (old & TURN.turnServers .~ servers)
- Log.info g (msg $ val "New turn servers loaded.")
+ Just servers ->
+ readIORef ref >>= \old -> do
+ atomicWriteIORef ref (old & Calling.turnServers .~ servers)
+ Log.info g (msg $ val "New turn servers loaded.")
Nothing -> Log.warn g (msg $ val "Empty or malformed turn servers list, ignoring!")
initZAuth :: Opts -> IO ZAuth.Env
@@ -377,8 +382,8 @@ initCassandra o g = do
(Cas.initialContactsDisco "cassandra_brig")
(unpack <$> Opt.discoUrl o)
p <-
- Cas.init
- $ Cas.setLogger (Cas.mkLogger (Log.clone (Just "cassandra.brig") g))
+ Cas.init $
+ Cas.setLogger (Cas.mkLogger (Log.clone (Just "cassandra.brig") g))
. Cas.setContacts (NE.head c) (NE.tail c)
. Cas.setPortNumber (fromIntegral ((Opt.cassandra o) ^. casEndpoint . epPort))
. Cas.setKeyspace (Keyspace ((Opt.cassandra o) ^. casKeyspace))
@@ -387,7 +392,7 @@ initCassandra o g = do
. Cas.setSendTimeout 3
. Cas.setResponseTimeout 10
. Cas.setProtocolVersion Cas.V4
- $ Cas.defSettings
+ $ Cas.defSettings
runClient p $ versionCheck schemaVersion
return p
@@ -470,7 +475,7 @@ instance Monad m => HasRequestId (AppT m) where
instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (AppT m) where
withRunInIO inner =
- AppT $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ AppT . ReaderT $ \r ->
withRunInIO $ \run ->
inner (run . flip runReaderT r . unAppT)
@@ -496,13 +501,14 @@ forkAppIO u ma = do
user = maybe id (field "user" . toByteString)
locationOf :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m) => IP -> m (Maybe Location)
-locationOf ip = view geoDb >>= \case
- Just g -> do
- database <- liftIO $ readIORef g
- return $! do
- loc <- GeoIp.geoLocation =<< hush (GeoIp.findGeoData database "en" ip)
- return $ location (Latitude $ GeoIp.locationLatitude loc) (Longitude $ GeoIp.locationLongitude loc)
- Nothing -> return Nothing
+locationOf ip =
+ view geoDb >>= \case
+ Just g -> do
+ database <- liftIO $ readIORef g
+ return $! do
+ loc <- GeoIp.geoLocation =<< hush (GeoIp.findGeoData database "en" ip)
+ return $ location (Latitude $ GeoIp.locationLatitude loc) (Longitude $ GeoIp.locationLongitude loc)
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
readTurnList :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (List1 TurnURI))
readTurnList = Text.readFile >=> return . fn . mapMaybe fromByteString . fmap Text.encodeUtf8 . Text.lines
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61fdf80e98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Brig.Calling where
+import Brig.Options (SFTOptions (..), defSftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds, defSftServiceName)
+import qualified Brig.Options as Opts
+import Brig.PolyLog
+import Brig.Types (TurnURI)
+import Control.Lens
+import Data.List.NonEmpty
+import Data.List1
+import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, diffTimeToPicoseconds)
+import Imports
+import qualified Network.DNS as DNS
+import OpenSSL.EVP.Digest (Digest)
+import Polysemy
+import qualified System.Logger as Log
+import System.Random.MWC (GenIO, createSystemRandom)
+import Wire.Network.DNS.Effect
+import Wire.Network.DNS.SRV
+data SFTEnv = SFTEnv
+ { -- | Starts off as `NotDiscoveredYet`, once it has servers, it should never
+ -- go back to `NotDiscoveredYet` and continue having stale values if
+ -- subsequent discovries fail
+ sftServers :: IORef (Discovery (NonEmpty SrvEntry)),
+ sftDomain :: DNS.Domain,
+ -- | Microseconds, as expected by 'threadDelay'
+ sftDiscoveryInterval :: Int
+ }
+data Discovery a
+ = NotDiscoveredYet
+ | Discovered a
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+discoveryToMaybe :: Discovery a -> Maybe a
+discoveryToMaybe = \case
+ NotDiscoveredYet -> Nothing
+ Discovered x -> Just x
+discoverSFTServers :: Members [DNSLookup, PolyLog] r => DNS.Domain -> Sem r (Maybe (NonEmpty SrvEntry))
+discoverSFTServers domain =
+ lookupSRV domain >>= \case
+ SrvAvailable es -> pure $ Just es
+ SrvNotAvailable -> do
+ polyLog Log.Warn (Log.msg ("No SFT servers available" :: ByteString))
+ pure Nothing
+ SrvResponseError e -> do
+ polyLog Log.Error (Log.msg ("DNS Lookup failed for SFT Discovery" :: ByteString) . Log.field "Error" (show e))
+ pure Nothing
+mkSFTDomain :: SFTOptions -> DNS.Domain
+mkSFTDomain SFTOptions {..} = DNS.normalize $ maybe defSftServiceName ("_" <>) sftSRVServiceName <> "._tcp." <> sftBaseDomain
+-- FUTUREWORK: Remove Embed IO from here and put threadDelay into another
+-- effect. This will also make tests for this faster and deterministic
+sftDiscoveryLoop :: Members [DNSLookup, PolyLog, Embed IO] r => SFTEnv -> Sem r ()
+sftDiscoveryLoop SFTEnv {..} = forever $ do
+ servers <- discoverSFTServers sftDomain
+ case servers of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just es -> atomicWriteIORef sftServers (Discovered es)
+ threadDelay sftDiscoveryInterval
+mkSFTEnv :: SFTOptions -> IO SFTEnv
+mkSFTEnv opts =
+ SFTEnv
+ <$> newIORef NotDiscoveredYet
+ <*> pure (mkSFTDomain opts)
+ <*> pure (diffTimeToMicroseconds (fromMaybe defSftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds (Opts.sftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds opts)))
+startSFTServiceDiscovery :: Log.Logger -> SFTEnv -> IO ()
+startSFTServiceDiscovery logger =
+ runM . runPolyLog logger . runDNSLookupDefault . sftDiscoveryLoop
+-- | >>> diffTimeToMicroseconds 1
+-- 1000000
+diffTimeToMicroseconds :: DiffTime -> Int
+diffTimeToMicroseconds = fromIntegral . (`quot` 1000000) . diffTimeToPicoseconds
+-- TURN specific
+data Env = Env
+ { _turnServers :: List1 TurnURI,
+ _turnTokenTTL :: Word32,
+ _turnConfigTTL :: Word32,
+ _turnSecret :: ByteString,
+ _turnSHA512 :: Digest,
+ _turnPrng :: GenIO
+ }
+makeLenses ''Env
+newEnv :: Digest -> List1 TurnURI -> Word32 -> Word32 -> ByteString -> IO Env
+newEnv sha512 srvs tTTL cTTL secret = Env srvs tTTL cTTL secret sha512 <$> createSystemRandom
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/TURN/API.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling/API.hs
similarity index 72%
rename from services/brig/src/Brig/TURN/API.hs
rename to services/brig/src/Brig/Calling/API.hs
index ec0785cc0bd..e1900114acf 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/TURN/API.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling/API.hs
@@ -15,23 +15,26 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Brig.TURN.API
+module Brig.Calling.API
( routesPublic,
import Brig.API.Handler
import Brig.App
-import Brig.TURN hiding (Env)
-import qualified Brig.TURN as TURN
+import Brig.Calling
+import qualified Brig.Calling as Calling
+import Brig.Calling.Internal
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Random.Class
import Data.ByteString.Conversion (toByteString')
import Data.ByteString.Lens
import Data.Id
-import Data.List1 (List1)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.List1 as List1
+import Data.Misc ((<$$>))
import Data.Range
import qualified Data.Swagger.Build.Api as Doc
import Data.Text.Ascii (AsciiBase64, encodeBase64)
@@ -39,22 +42,26 @@ import Data.Text.Strict.Lens
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Imports hiding (head)
import Network.Wai (Response)
-import Network.Wai.Predicate hiding ((#), and, result, setStatus)
+import Network.Wai.Predicate hiding (and, result, setStatus, (#))
import Network.Wai.Routing hiding (toList)
import Network.Wai.Utilities hiding (code, message)
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Swagger (document)
import OpenSSL.EVP.Digest (Digest, hmacBS)
import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC
import System.Random.Shuffle
-import qualified Wire.API.Call.TURN as Public
+import qualified Wire.API.Call.Config as Public
+import Wire.Network.DNS.SRV (srvTarget)
routesPublic :: Routes Doc.ApiBuilder Handler ()
routesPublic = do
+ -- Deprecated endpoint, but still used by old clients.
+ -- See https://github.com/zinfra/backend-issues/issues/1616 for context
get "/calls/config" (continue getCallsConfigH) $
accept "application" "json"
.&. header "Z-User"
.&. header "Z-Connection"
document "GET" "getCallsConfig" $ do
+ Doc.deprecated
"Retrieve TURN server addresses and credentials for \
\ IP addresses, scheme `turn` and transport `udp` only "
@@ -78,23 +85,24 @@ routesPublic = do
Doc.response 200 "RTCConfiguration" Doc.end
getCallsConfigV2H :: JSON ::: UserId ::: ConnId ::: Maybe (Range 1 10 Int) -> Handler Response
-getCallsConfigV2H (_ ::: uid ::: connid ::: limit) = do
+getCallsConfigV2H (_ ::: uid ::: connid ::: limit) =
json <$> getCallsConfigV2 uid connid limit
-- | ('UserId', 'ConnId' are required as args here to make sure this is an authenticated end-point.)
getCallsConfigV2 :: UserId -> ConnId -> Maybe (Range 1 10 Int) -> Handler Public.RTCConfiguration
getCallsConfigV2 _ _ limit = do
env <- liftIO =<< readIORef <$> view turnEnvV2
- newConfig env limit
+ sftEnv' <- view sftEnv
+ newConfig env sftEnv' limit
getCallsConfigH :: JSON ::: UserId ::: ConnId -> Handler Response
-getCallsConfigH (_ ::: uid ::: connid) = do
+getCallsConfigH (_ ::: uid ::: connid) =
json <$> getCallsConfig uid connid
getCallsConfig :: UserId -> ConnId -> Handler Public.RTCConfiguration
getCallsConfig _ _ = do
env <- liftIO =<< readIORef <$> view turnEnv
- dropTransport <$> newConfig env Nothing
+ dropTransport <$> newConfig env Nothing Nothing
-- In order to avoid being backwards incompatible, remove the `transport` query param from the URIs
dropTransport :: Public.RTCConfiguration -> Public.RTCConfiguration
@@ -103,11 +111,11 @@ getCallsConfig _ _ = do
(Public.rtcConfIceServers . traverse . Public.iceURLs . traverse . Public.turiTransport)
-newConfig :: MonadIO m => TURN.Env -> Maybe (Range 1 10 Int) -> m Public.RTCConfiguration
-newConfig env limit = do
+newConfig :: MonadIO m => Calling.Env -> Maybe SFTEnv -> Maybe (Range 1 10 Int) -> m Public.RTCConfiguration
+newConfig env mSftEnv limit = do
let (sha, secret, tTTL, cTTL, prng) = (env ^. turnSHA512, env ^. turnSecret, env ^. turnTokenTTL, env ^. turnConfigTTL, env ^. turnPrng)
-- randomize list of servers (before limiting the list, to ensure not always the same servers are chosen if limit is set)
- randomizedUris <- liftIO $ randomize (env ^. turnServers)
+ randomizedUris <- liftIO $ randomize (List1.toNonEmpty $ env ^. turnServers)
let limitedUris = case limit of
Nothing -> randomizedUris
Just lim -> limitedList randomizedUris lim
@@ -115,22 +123,27 @@ newConfig env limit = do
finalUris <- liftIO $ randomize limitedUris
srvs <- for finalUris $ \uri -> do
u <- liftIO $ genUsername tTTL prng
- pure $ Public.rtcIceServer (List1.singleton uri) u (computeCred sha secret u)
- pure $ Public.rtcConfiguration srvs cTTL
+ pure $ Public.rtcIceServer (uri :| []) u (computeCred sha secret u)
+ sftSrvEntries <- maybe (pure Nothing) ((fmap discoveryToMaybe) . readIORef . sftServers) mSftEnv
+ -- According to RFC2782, the SRV Entries are supposed to be tried in order of
+ -- priority and weight, but we internally agreed to randomize the list of
+ -- available servers for poor man's "load balancing" purposes.
+ -- FUTUREWORK: be smarter about list orderding depending on how much capacity SFT servers have.
+ randomizedSftEntries <- liftIO $ mapM randomize sftSrvEntries
+ pure $ Public.rtcConfiguration srvs (sftServerFromSrvTarget . srvTarget <$$> randomizedSftEntries) cTTL
-- NOTE: even though `shuffleM` works only for [a], input is List1 so it's
-- safe to pattern match; ideally, we'd have `shuffleM` for `NonEmpty`
- randomize :: (MonadRandom m, MonadFail m) => List1 Public.TurnURI -> m (List1 Public.TurnURI)
- randomize xs = do
- (f : fs) <- shuffleM (toList xs)
- return $ List1.list1 f fs
- limitedList :: List1 Public.TurnURI -> Range 1 10 Int -> List1 Public.TurnURI
- limitedList uris lim = do
+ randomize :: (MonadRandom m, MonadFail m) => NonEmpty a -> m (NonEmpty a)
+ randomize xs = NonEmpty.fromList <$> shuffleM (NonEmpty.toList xs)
+ --
+ limitedList :: NonEmpty Public.TurnURI -> Range 1 10 Int -> NonEmpty Public.TurnURI
+ limitedList uris lim =
-- assuming limitServers is safe with respect to the length of its return value
-- (see property tests in brig-types)
-- since the input is List1 and limit is in Range 1 10
-- it should also be safe to assume the returning list has length >= 1
- List1.maybeList1 (Public.limitServers (toList uris) (fromRange lim))
+ NonEmpty.nonEmpty (Public.limitServers (NonEmpty.toList uris) (fromRange lim))
& fromMaybe (error "newConfig:limitedList: empty list of servers")
genUsername :: Word32 -> MWC.GenIO -> IO Public.TurnUsername
genUsername ttl prng = do
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling/Internal.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ce1947b094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Calling/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Brig.Calling.Internal where
+import Control.Lens ((?~))
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
+import Data.Misc (ensureHttpsUrl)
+import Imports
+import qualified URI.ByteString as URI
+import qualified URI.ByteString.QQ as URI
+import qualified Wire.API.Call.Config as Public
+import Wire.Network.DNS.SRV (SrvTarget (..))
+-- FUTUREWORK: Extract function to translate SrvTarget to HttpsUrl and use it
+-- wherever we use DNS for service discovery
+sftServerFromSrvTarget :: SrvTarget -> Public.SFTServer
+sftServerFromSrvTarget (SrvTarget host port) =
+ let uriPort = URI.Port (fromIntegral port)
+ uriHost = URI.Host (dropTrailingDot host)
+ uri = [URI.uri|https://|] & URI.authorityL ?~ URI.Authority Nothing uriHost (Just uriPort)
+ in Public.sftServer (ensureHttpsUrl uri)
+ where
+ dropTrailingDot :: ByteString -> ByteString
+ dropTrailingDot bs =
+ if BS.last bs == '.'
+ then BS.init bs
+ else bs
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Activation.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Activation.hs
index 027a8462d78..11ef153147e 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Activation.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Activation.hs
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ activateKey k c u = verifyCode k c >>= pickUser >>= activate
return . Just $ foldKey (EmailActivated uid) (PhoneActivated uid) key
claim key uid = do
ok <- lift $ claimKey key uid
- unless ok
- $ throwE . UserKeyExists . LT.fromStrict
- $ foldKey fromEmail fromPhone key
+ unless ok $
+ throwE . UserKeyExists . LT.fromStrict $
+ foldKey fromEmail fromPhone key
-- | Create a new pending activation for a given 'UserKey'.
newActivation ::
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ verifyCode key code = do
s <- lift . retry x1 . query1 keySelect $ params Quorum (Identity key)
case s of
Just (ttl, Ascii t, k, c, u, r) ->
- if | c == code -> mkScope t k u
+ if
+ | c == code -> mkScope t k u
| r >= 1 -> countdown (key, t, k, c, u, r -1, ttl) >> throwE invalidCode
| otherwise -> revoke >> throwE invalidCode
Nothing -> throwE invalidCode
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Client.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Client.hs
index 139d83de840..d21931764c0 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Client.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Client.hs
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ addClient u newId c maxPermClients loc = do
let typed = filter ((== newClientType c) . clientType) clients
let count = length typed
let upsert = any exists typed
- unless (count == 0 || upsert)
- $ fmapLT ClientReAuthError
- $ User.reauthenticate u (newClientPassword c)
+ unless (count == 0 || upsert) $
+ fmapLT ClientReAuthError $
+ User.reauthenticate u (newClientPassword c)
let capacity = fmap (+ (- count)) limit
unless (maybe True (> 0) capacity || upsert) $
throwE TooManyClients
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Connection.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Connection.hs
index d380f0ab589..6e4f49ad9fc 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Connection.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/Connection.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Brig.Data.Types as T
import Brig.Types
import Brig.Types.Intra
import Cassandra
-import Data.Conduit ((.|), runConduit)
+import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C
import Data.Id
import Data.Json.Util (UTCTimeMillis, toUTCTimeMillis)
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ import UnliftIO.Async (pooledMapConcurrentlyN_)
connectUsers :: UserId -> [(UserId, ConvId)] -> AppIO [UserConnection]
connectUsers from to = do
now <- toUTCTimeMillis <$> liftIO getCurrentTime
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
forM_ to $ \(u, c) -> do
addPrepQuery connectionInsert (from, u, Accepted, now, Nothing, c)
addPrepQuery connectionInsert (u, from, Accepted, now, Nothing, c)
- return $ concat $ (`map` to) $ \(u, c) ->
+ return . concat . (`map` to) $ \(u, c) ->
[ UserConnection from u Accepted now Nothing (Just c),
UserConnection u from Accepted now Nothing (Just c)
@@ -97,9 +97,10 @@ lookupConnection from to =
-- | For a given user 'A', lookup his outgoing connections (A -> X) to other users.
lookupConnections :: UserId -> Maybe UserId -> Range 1 500 Int32 -> AppIO (ResultPage UserConnection)
-lookupConnections from start (fromRange -> size) = toResult <$> case start of
- Just u -> retry x1 $ paginate connectionsSelectFrom (paramsP Quorum (from, u) (size + 1))
- Nothing -> retry x1 $ paginate connectionsSelect (paramsP Quorum (Identity from) (size + 1))
+lookupConnections from start (fromRange -> size) =
+ toResult <$> case start of
+ Just u -> retry x1 $ paginate connectionsSelectFrom (paramsP Quorum (from, u) (size + 1))
+ Nothing -> retry x1 $ paginate connectionsSelect (paramsP Quorum (Identity from) (size + 1))
toResult = cassandraResultPage . fmap toUserConnection . trim
trim p = p {result = take (fromIntegral size) (result p)}
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/IdMapping.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/IdMapping.hs
index 525103725e5..96ad9db05d7 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/IdMapping.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/IdMapping.hs
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ import Imports
-- | Only a single namespace/table is used for for potentially multiple different types of
-- mapped IDs.
getIdMapping :: Id (Mapped a) -> AppIO (Maybe (IdMapping a))
-getIdMapping mappedId = fmap toIdMapping <$> do
- retry x1 $ query1 idMappingSelect (params Quorum (Identity mappedId))
+getIdMapping mappedId =
+ fmap toIdMapping <$> do
+ retry x1 $ query1 idMappingSelect (params Quorum (Identity mappedId))
toIdMapping (remoteId, domain) =
IdMapping mappedId (Qualified remoteId domain)
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/User.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/User.hs
index a82e9da0a84..6387da78ba8 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/User.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Data/User.hs
@@ -105,11 +105,12 @@ data ReAuthError
newAccount :: NewUser -> Maybe InvitationId -> Maybe TeamId -> AppIO (UserAccount, Maybe Password)
newAccount u inv tid = do
defLoc <- setDefaultLocale <$> view settings
- uid <- Id <$> do
- case (inv, newUserUUID u) of
- (Just (toUUID -> uuid), _) -> pure uuid
- (_, Just uuid) -> pure uuid
- (Nothing, Nothing) -> liftIO nextRandom
+ uid <-
+ Id <$> do
+ case (inv, newUserUUID u) of
+ (Just (toUUID -> uuid), _) -> pure uuid
+ (_, Just uuid) -> pure uuid
+ (Nothing, Nothing) -> liftIO nextRandom
passwd <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . liftIO . mkSafePassword) pass
expiry <- case status of
Ephemeral -> do
@@ -127,12 +128,10 @@ newAccount u inv tid = do
name = newUserDisplayName u
pict = fromMaybe noPict (newUserPict u)
assets = newUserAssets u
- status = case ident of
- Nothing ->
- -- any user registering without either an email or a phone is Ephemeral,
- -- i.e. can be deleted after expires_in or sessionTokenTimeout
- Ephemeral
- Just _ -> Active
+ status =
+ if isNewUserEphemeral u
+ then Ephemeral
+ else Active
colour = fromMaybe defaultAccentId (newUserAccentId u)
locale defLoc = fromMaybe defLoc (newUserLocale u)
managedBy = fromMaybe defaultManagedBy (newUserManagedBy u)
@@ -140,27 +139,29 @@ newAccount u inv tid = do
-- | Mandatory password authentication.
authenticate :: UserId -> PlainTextPassword -> ExceptT AuthError AppIO ()
-authenticate u pw = lift (lookupAuth u) >>= \case
- Nothing -> throwE AuthInvalidUser
- Just (_, Deleted) -> throwE AuthInvalidUser
- Just (_, Suspended) -> throwE AuthSuspended
- Just (_, Ephemeral) -> throwE AuthEphemeral
- Just (Nothing, _) -> throwE AuthInvalidCredentials
- Just (Just pw', Active) ->
- unless (verifyPassword pw pw') $
- throwE AuthInvalidCredentials
+authenticate u pw =
+ lift (lookupAuth u) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> throwE AuthInvalidUser
+ Just (_, Deleted) -> throwE AuthInvalidUser
+ Just (_, Suspended) -> throwE AuthSuspended
+ Just (_, Ephemeral) -> throwE AuthEphemeral
+ Just (Nothing, _) -> throwE AuthInvalidCredentials
+ Just (Just pw', Active) ->
+ unless (verifyPassword pw pw') $
+ throwE AuthInvalidCredentials
-- | Password reauthentication. If the account has a password, reauthentication
-- is mandatory. If the account has no password and no password is given,
-- reauthentication is a no-op.
reauthenticate :: (MonadClient m) => UserId -> Maybe PlainTextPassword -> ExceptT ReAuthError m ()
-reauthenticate u pw = lift (lookupAuth u) >>= \case
- Nothing -> throwE (ReAuthError AuthInvalidUser)
- Just (_, Deleted) -> throwE (ReAuthError AuthInvalidUser)
- Just (_, Suspended) -> throwE (ReAuthError AuthSuspended)
- Just (Nothing, _) -> for_ pw $ const (throwE $ ReAuthError AuthInvalidCredentials)
- Just (Just pw', Active) -> maybeReAuth pw'
- Just (Just pw', Ephemeral) -> maybeReAuth pw'
+reauthenticate u pw =
+ lift (lookupAuth u) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> throwE (ReAuthError AuthInvalidUser)
+ Just (_, Deleted) -> throwE (ReAuthError AuthInvalidUser)
+ Just (_, Suspended) -> throwE (ReAuthError AuthSuspended)
+ Just (Nothing, _) -> for_ pw $ const (throwE $ ReAuthError AuthInvalidCredentials)
+ Just (Just pw', Active) -> maybeReAuth pw'
+ Just (Just pw', Ephemeral) -> maybeReAuth pw'
maybeReAuth pw' = case pw of
Nothing -> throwE ReAuthMissingPassword
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ insertAccount ::
-- | Whether the user is activated
Bool ->
AppIO ()
-insertAccount (UserAccount u status) mbConv password activated = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+insertAccount (UserAccount u status) mbConv password activated = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
let Locale l c = userLocale u
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ updateLocale :: UserId -> Locale -> AppIO ()
updateLocale u (Locale l c) = write userLocaleUpdate (params Quorum (l, c, u))
updateUser :: UserId -> UserUpdate -> AppIO ()
-updateUser u UserUpdate {..} = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+updateUser u UserUpdate {..} = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
for_ uupName $ \n -> addPrepQuery userDisplayNameUpdate (n, u)
@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ deleteServiceUser :: ProviderId -> ServiceId -> BotId -> AppIO ()
deleteServiceUser pid sid bid = do
lookupServiceUser pid sid bid >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
- Just (_, mbTid) -> retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ Just (_, mbTid) -> retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery cql (pid, sid, bid)
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Email.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Email.hs
index fedd0e07a42..1335ef784a2 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Email.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Email.hs
@@ -50,9 +50,10 @@ import Network.Mail.Mime
sendMail :: Mail -> AppIO ()
-sendMail m = view smtpEnv >>= \case
- Just smtp -> SMTP.sendMail smtp m
- Nothing -> view awsEnv >>= \e -> AWS.execute e $ AWS.sendMail m
+sendMail m =
+ view smtpEnv >>= \case
+ Just smtp -> SMTP.sendMail smtp m
+ Nothing -> view awsEnv >>= \e -> AWS.execute e $ AWS.sendMail m
-- Unique Keys
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Intra.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Intra.hs
index c1eaf44e849..3f41449e971 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Intra.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Intra.hs
@@ -67,11 +67,10 @@ import Brig.Data.Connection (lookupContactList)
import qualified Brig.IO.Journal as Journal
import Brig.RPC
import Brig.Types
-import Brig.Types.Intra
import Brig.User.Event
import qualified Brig.User.Event.Log as Log
import qualified Brig.User.Search.Index as Search
-import Control.Lens ((.~), (?~), (^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (.~), (?~), (^.))
import Control.Retry
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
@@ -80,8 +79,7 @@ import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.Currency as Currency
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Id
-import Data.Json.Util ((#), UTCTimeMillis)
-import Data.Json.Util ()
+import Data.Json.Util (UTCTimeMillis, (#))
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.List1 (List1, list1, singleton)
import Data.Range
@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import qualified Network.Wai.Utilities.Error as Wai
-import System.Logger.Class as Log hiding ((.=), name)
+import System.Logger.Class as Log hiding (name, (.=))
import Wire.API.Team.Feature (TeamFeatureName (..), TeamFeatureStatus)
@@ -181,7 +179,7 @@ updateSearchIndex orig e = case e of
journalEvent :: UserId -> UserEvent -> AppIO ()
journalEvent orig e = case e of
UserActivated acc ->
- Journal.userActivate (accountUser acc)
+ Journal.userActivate acc
UserUpdated UserUpdatedData {eupName = Just name} ->
Journal.userUpdate orig Nothing Nothing (Just name)
UserUpdated UserUpdatedData {eupLocale = Just loc} ->
@@ -267,23 +265,24 @@ rawPush (toList -> events) usrs orig route conn = do
for_ events $ \e -> debug $ remote "gundeck" . msg (fst e)
g <- view gundeck
forM_ recipients $ \rcps ->
- void . recovering x3 rpcHandlers $ const $
- rpc'
- "gundeck"
- g
- ( method POST
- . path "/i/push/v2"
- . zUser orig
- . json (map (mkPush rcps . snd) events)
- . expect2xx
- )
+ void . recovering x3 rpcHandlers $
+ const $
+ rpc'
+ "gundeck"
+ g
+ ( method POST
+ . path "/i/push/v2"
+ . zUser orig
+ . json (map (mkPush rcps . snd) events)
+ . expect2xx
+ )
recipients :: [Range 1 1024 (Set.Set Recipient)]
recipients =
- map (unsafeRange . Set.fromList)
- $ chunksOf 512
- $ map (`recipient` route)
- $ toList usrs
+ map (unsafeRange . Set.fromList) $
+ chunksOf 512 $
+ map (`recipient` route) $
+ toList usrs
mkPush :: Range 1 1024 (Set.Set Recipient) -> (Object, Maybe ApsData) -> Push
mkPush rcps (o, aps) =
@@ -332,9 +331,9 @@ notifyContacts ::
AppIO ()
notifyContacts events orig route conn = do
env <- ask
- notify events orig route conn
- $ runAppT env
- $ list1 orig <$> liftA2 (++) contacts teamContacts
+ notify events orig route conn $
+ runAppT env $
+ list1 orig <$> liftA2 (++) contacts teamContacts
contacts :: AppIO [UserId]
contacts = lookupContactList orig
@@ -350,13 +349,13 @@ notifyContacts events orig route conn = do
-- Event Serialisation:
toPushFormat :: Event -> Maybe Object
-toPushFormat (UserEvent (UserCreated (UserAccount u _))) =
+toPushFormat (UserEvent (UserCreated u)) =
Just $
[ "type" .= ("user.new" :: Text),
"user" .= SelfProfile (u {userIdentity = Nothing})
-toPushFormat (UserEvent (UserActivated (UserAccount u _))) =
+toPushFormat (UserEvent (UserActivated u)) =
Just $
[ "type" .= ("user.activate" :: Text),
@@ -404,13 +403,14 @@ toPushFormat (UserEvent (UserIdentityRemoved (UserIdentityRemovedData i e p))) =
toPushFormat (ConnectionEvent (ConnectionUpdated uc _ name)) =
- Just $ M.fromList $
- "type" .= ("user.connection" :: Text)
- # "connection" .= uc
- # "user" .= case name of
- Just n -> Just $ object ["name" .= n]
- Nothing -> Nothing
- # []
+ Just $
+ M.fromList $
+ "type" .= ("user.connection" :: Text)
+ # "connection" .= uc
+ # "user" .= case name of
+ Just n -> Just $ object ["name" .= n]
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ # []
toPushFormat (UserEvent (UserSuspended i)) =
Just $
@@ -520,9 +520,9 @@ createConnectConv from to cname mess conn = do
. remote "galley"
. msg (val "Creating connect conversation")
r <- galleyRequest POST req
- maybe (error "invalid conv id") return
- $ fromByteString
- $ getHeader' "Location" r
+ maybe (error "invalid conv id") return $
+ fromByteString $
+ getHeader' "Location" r
req =
path "/i/conversations/connect"
@@ -669,15 +669,16 @@ rmClient u c = do
. field "client" (BL.fromStrict cid)
. msg (val "unregister push client")
g <- view gundeck
- void . recovering x3 rpcHandlers $ const $
- rpc'
- "gundeck"
- g
- ( method DELETE
- . paths ["i", "clients", cid]
- . zUser u
- . expect expected
- )
+ void . recovering x3 rpcHandlers $
+ const $
+ rpc'
+ "gundeck"
+ g
+ ( method DELETE
+ . paths ["i", "clients", cid]
+ . zUser u
+ . expect expected
+ )
expected = [status200, status204, status404]
@@ -729,9 +730,9 @@ createTeam u t@(Team.BindingNewTeam bt) teamid = do
. msg (val "Creating Team")
r <- galleyRequest PUT $ req teamid
tid <-
- maybe (error "invalid team id") return
- $ fromByteString
- $ getHeader' "Location" r
+ maybe (error "invalid team id") return $
+ fromByteString $
+ getHeader' "Location" r
return (CreateUserTeam tid $ fromRange (bt ^. Team.newTeamName))
req tid =
@@ -838,9 +839,10 @@ getTeamLegalHoldStatus tid = do
-- | Calls 'Galley.API.getSearchVisibilityInternalH'.
getTeamSearchVisibility :: TeamId -> AppIO Team.TeamSearchVisibility
-getTeamSearchVisibility tid = coerce @Team.TeamSearchVisibilityView @Team.TeamSearchVisibility <$> do
- debug $ remote "galley" . msg (val "Get search visibility settings")
- galleyRequest GET req >>= decodeBody "galley"
+getTeamSearchVisibility tid =
+ coerce @Team.TeamSearchVisibilityView @Team.TeamSearchVisibility <$> do
+ debug $ remote "galley" . msg (val "Get search visibility settings")
+ galleyRequest GET req >>= decodeBody "galley"
req =
paths ["i", "teams", toByteString' tid, "search-visibility"]
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Journal.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Journal.hs
index 799edc4f08f..fbb51f54167 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Journal.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/IO/Journal.hs
@@ -60,17 +60,18 @@ userDelete :: UserId -> AppIO ()
userDelete uid = journalEvent UserEvent'USER_DELETE uid Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
journalEvent :: UserEvent'EventType -> UserId -> Maybe Email -> Maybe Locale -> Maybe TeamId -> Maybe Name -> AppIO ()
-journalEvent typ uid em loc tid nm = view awsEnv >>= \env -> for_ (view AWS.userJournalQueue env) $ \queue -> do
- ts <- now
- rnd <- liftIO nextRandom
- let userEvent :: UserEvent =
- defMessage
- & U.eventType .~ typ
- & U.userId .~ (toBytes uid)
- & U.utcTime .~ ts
- & U.maybe'email .~ (toByteString' <$> em)
- & U.maybe'locale .~ (pack . show <$> loc)
- & U.maybe'teamId .~ (toBytes <$> tid)
- & U.maybe'name .~ (toByteString' <$> nm) -- []
- encoded = fromStrict $ B64.encode $ encodeMessage userEvent
- AWS.execute env (AWS.enqueueFIFO queue "user.events" rnd encoded)
+journalEvent typ uid em loc tid nm =
+ view awsEnv >>= \env -> for_ (view AWS.userJournalQueue env) $ \queue -> do
+ ts <- now
+ rnd <- liftIO nextRandom
+ let userEvent :: UserEvent =
+ defMessage
+ & U.eventType .~ typ
+ & U.userId .~ (toBytes uid)
+ & U.utcTime .~ ts
+ & U.maybe'email .~ (toByteString' <$> em)
+ & U.maybe'locale .~ (pack . show <$> loc)
+ & U.maybe'teamId .~ (toBytes <$> tid)
+ & U.maybe'name .~ (toByteString' <$> nm) -- []
+ encoded = fromStrict $ B64.encode $ encodeMessage userEvent
+ AWS.execute env (AWS.enqueueFIFO queue "user.events" rnd encoded)
diff --git a/services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Eval.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Eval.hs
similarity index 96%
rename from services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Eval.hs
rename to services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Eval.hs
index 147eae33fcc..a5249152a29 100644
--- a/services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Eval.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Eval.hs
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ runCommand l = \case
ES.mkBHEnv (toESServer esURI)
<$> newManager defaultManagerSettings
initDb cas =
- C.init
- $ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger l)
+ C.init $
+ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger l)
. C.setContacts (view cHost cas) []
. C.setPortNumber (fromIntegral (view cPort cas))
. C.setKeyspace (view cKeyspace cas)
. C.setProtocolVersion C.V4
- $ C.defSettings
+ $ C.defSettings
waitForTaskToComplete :: forall a m. (ES.MonadBH m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, FromJSON a) => Int -> ES.TaskNodeId -> m ()
waitForTaskToComplete timeoutSeconds taskNodeId = do
@@ -117,14 +117,15 @@ waitForTaskToComplete timeoutSeconds taskNodeId = do
unless (ES.taskResponseCompleted task) $ do
throwM $ ReindexFromAnotherIndexError $ "Timed out waiting for task: " <> show taskNodeId
when (isJust $ ES.taskResponseError task) $ do
- throwM $ ReindexFromAnotherIndexError $
- "Task failed with error: "
- <> LensBS.unpackLazy8 (Aeson.encode $ ES.taskResponseError task)
+ throwM $
+ ReindexFromAnotherIndexError $
+ "Task failed with error: "
+ <> LensBS.unpackLazy8 (Aeson.encode $ ES.taskResponseError task)
isTaskComplete :: Either ES.EsError (ES.TaskResponse a) -> m Bool
isTaskComplete (Left e) = throwM $ ReindexFromAnotherIndexError $ "Error response while getting task: " <> show e
isTaskComplete (Right taskRes) = pure $ ES.taskResponseCompleted taskRes
- --
errTaskGet :: MonadThrow m => ES.EsError -> m x
errTaskGet e = throwM $ ReindexFromAnotherIndexError $ "Error response while getting task: " <> show e
diff --git a/services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Migrations.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Migrations.hs
similarity index 95%
rename from services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Migrations.hs
rename to services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Migrations.hs
index 10987ddfaca..14ea80ebf4e 100644
--- a/services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Migrations.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Migrations.hs
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ import qualified Brig.Index.Options as Opts
import qualified Brig.User.Search.Index as Search
import qualified Cassandra as C
import qualified Cassandra.Settings as C
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch (Exception, MonadThrow, finally, throwM)
-import Data.Aeson ((.=), Value, object)
+import Data.Aeson (Value, object, (.=))
import qualified Data.Metrics as Metrics
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Database.Bloodhound as ES
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ mkEnv l es cas =
(Opts.toESServer (es ^. Opts.esServer))
<$> HTTP.newManager HTTP.defaultManagerSettings
initCassandra =
- C.init
- $ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger l)
+ C.init $
+ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger l)
. C.setContacts (view Opts.cHost cas) []
. C.setPortNumber (fromIntegral (view Opts.cPort cas))
. C.setKeyspace (view Opts.cKeyspace cas)
. C.setProtocolVersion C.V4
- $ C.defSettings
+ $ C.defSettings
initLogger = pure l
createMigrationsIndexIfNotPresent :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m, ES.MonadBH m) => m ()
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ createMigrationsIndexIfNotPresent =
>>= throwIfNotCreated PutMappingFailed
throwIfNotCreated err response =
- unless (ES.isSuccess response)
- $ throwM
- $ err (show response)
+ unless (ES.isSuccess response) $
+ throwM $
+ err (show response)
failIfIndexAbsent :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m, ES.MonadBH m) => ES.IndexName -> m ()
failIfIndexAbsent targetIndex =
diff --git a/services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Migrations/Types.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Migrations/Types.hs
similarity index 97%
rename from services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Migrations/Types.hs
rename to services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Migrations/Types.hs
index 33e404ff0be..920ed007e1d 100644
--- a/services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Migrations/Types.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Migrations/Types.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import qualified Brig.User.Search.Index as Search
import qualified Cassandra as C
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (..), ReaderT, lift, runReaderT)
-import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.=), FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), object, withObject)
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), object, withObject, (.:), (.=))
import Data.Metrics (Metrics)
import qualified Database.Bloodhound as ES
import Imports
diff --git a/services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Options.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Options.hs
similarity index 100%
rename from services/brig/index/src/Brig/Index/Options.hs
rename to services/brig/src/Brig/Index/Options.hs
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/InternalEvent/Process.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/InternalEvent/Process.hs
index ca9ca7a12aa..e4a02e8f3f3 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/InternalEvent/Process.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/InternalEvent/Process.hs
@@ -55,9 +55,10 @@ onEvent n = handleTimeout $ case n of
~~ field "service" (toByteString sid)
API.finishDeleteService pid sid
- handleTimeout act = timeout 60000000 act >>= \case
- Just x -> pure x
- Nothing -> throwM (InternalEventTimeout n)
+ handleTimeout act =
+ timeout 60000000 act >>= \case
+ Just x -> pure x
+ Nothing -> throwM (InternalEventTimeout n)
data InternalEventException
= -- | 'onEvent' has timed out
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Options.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Options.hs
index 76c301ec2de..dd3c3a6a747 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Options.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Options.hs
@@ -30,13 +30,18 @@ import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Data.Aeson (withText)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch)
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Domain (Domain)
import Data.Id
+import Data.Misc ((<$$>))
import Data.Scientific (toBoundedInteger)
-import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
-import Data.Yaml (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
+import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, NominalDiffTime, secondsToDiffTime)
+import Data.Yaml (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), (.:), (.:?))
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import Imports
+import qualified Network.DNS as DNS
import System.Logger.Extended (Level, LogFormat)
import Util.Options
@@ -379,8 +384,8 @@ data Opts = Opts
logFormat :: !(Maybe (Last LogFormat)),
-- | TURN server settings
turn :: !TurnOpts,
- -- Runtime settings
+ -- | SFT Settings
+ sft :: !(Maybe SFTOptions),
-- | Runtime settings
optSettings :: !Settings
@@ -519,6 +524,26 @@ data CustomerExtensions = CustomerExtensions
newtype DomainsBlockedForRegistration = DomainsBlockedForRegistration [Domain]
deriving newtype (Show, FromJSON, Generic)
+data SFTOptions = SFTOptions
+ { sftBaseDomain :: !DNS.Domain,
+ sftSRVServiceName :: !(Maybe ByteString), -- defaults to defSftServiceName if unset
+ sftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds :: !(Maybe DiffTime) -- defaults to defSftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Generic)
+instance FromJSON SFTOptions where
+ parseJSON = Y.withObject "SFTOptions" $ \o ->
+ SFTOptions
+ <$> (asciiOnly =<< o .: "sftBaseDomain")
+ <*> (mapM asciiOnly =<< o .:? "sftSRVServiceName")
+ <*> (secondsToDiffTime <$$> o .:? "sftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds")
+ where
+ asciiOnly :: Text -> Y.Parser ByteString
+ asciiOnly t =
+ if Text.all Char.isAscii t
+ then pure $ Text.encodeUtf8 t
+ else fail $ "Expected ascii string only, found: " <> Text.unpack t
defMaxKeyLen :: Int64
defMaxKeyLen = 1024
@@ -534,14 +559,20 @@ defSqsThrottleMillis = 500
defUserMaxPermClients :: Int
defUserMaxPermClients = 7
+defSftServiceName :: ByteString
+defSftServiceName = "_sft"
+defSftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds :: DiffTime
+defSftDiscoveryIntervalSeconds = secondsToDiffTime 10
instance FromJSON Timeout where
parseJSON (Y.Number n) =
let defaultV = 3600
bounded = toBoundedInteger n :: Maybe Int64
- in pure
- $ Timeout
- $ fromIntegral @Int
- $ maybe defaultV fromIntegral bounded
+ in pure $
+ Timeout $
+ fromIntegral @Int $
+ maybe defaultV fromIntegral bounded
parseJSON v = typeMismatch "activationTimeout" v
instance FromJSON Settings
@@ -551,7 +582,8 @@ instance FromJSON Opts
-- TODO: Does it make sense to generate lens'es for all?
[ ("optSettings", "optionSettings"),
- ("elasticsearch", "elasticsearchL")
+ ("elasticsearch", "elasticsearchL"),
+ ("sft", "sftL")
@@ -572,3 +604,5 @@ Lens.makeLensesFor
("additionalWriteIndex", "additionalWriteIndexL")
+Lens.makeLensesFor [("sftBaseDomain", "sftBaseDomainL")] ''SFTOptions
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Phone.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Phone.hs
index d1c32501459..41520c0dc41 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Phone.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Phone.hs
@@ -80,8 +80,9 @@ sendCall call = unless (isTestPhone $ Nexmo.callTo call) $ do
cred <- view nexmoCreds
withCallBudget (Nexmo.callTo call) $ do
r <-
- liftIO . try @_ @Nexmo.CallErrorResponse . recovering x3 nexmoHandlers $ const $
- Nexmo.sendCall cred m call
+ liftIO . try @_ @Nexmo.CallErrorResponse . recovering x3 nexmoHandlers $
+ const $
+ Nexmo.sendCall cred m call
case r of
Left ex -> case Nexmo.caStatus ex of
Nexmo.CallDestinationNotPermitted -> unreachable ex
@@ -135,9 +136,10 @@ sendSms loc SMSMessage {..} = unless (isTestPhone smsTo) $ do
sendNexmoSms :: Manager -> AppIO ()
sendNexmoSms mgr = do
crd <- view nexmoCreds
- void . liftIO . recovering x3 nexmoHandlers $ const
- $ Nexmo.sendMessage crd mgr
- $ Nexmo.Message "Wire" smsTo smsText (toNexmoCharset loc)
+ void . liftIO . recovering x3 nexmoHandlers $
+ const $
+ Nexmo.sendMessage crd mgr $
+ Nexmo.Message "Wire" smsTo smsText (toNexmoCharset loc)
toNexmoCharset :: Locale -> Nexmo.Charset
toNexmoCharset l = case fromLanguage (lLanguage l) of
RU -> Nexmo.UCS2
@@ -151,8 +153,9 @@ sendSms loc SMSMessage {..} = unless (isTestPhone smsTo) $ do
sendTwilioSms :: Manager -> AppIO ()
sendTwilioSms mgr = do
crd <- view twilioCreds
- void . liftIO . recovering x3 twilioHandlers $ const $
- Twilio.sendMessage crd mgr (Twilio.Message smsFrom smsTo smsText)
+ void . liftIO . recovering x3 twilioHandlers $
+ const $
+ Twilio.sendMessage crd mgr (Twilio.Message smsFrom smsTo smsText)
nexmoFailed =
[ Handler $ \(ex :: HttpException) ->
return (Just (SomeException ex)),
@@ -199,8 +202,10 @@ validatePhone (Phone p)
c <- view twilioCreds
m <- view httpManager
r <-
- liftIO . try @_ @Twilio.ErrorResponse $ recovering x3 httpHandlers $ const $
- Twilio.lookupPhone c m p LookupNoDetail Nothing
+ liftIO . try @_ @Twilio.ErrorResponse $
+ recovering x3 httpHandlers $
+ const $
+ Twilio.lookupPhone c m p LookupNoDetail Nothing
case r of
Right x -> return (Just (Phone (Twilio.lookupE164 x)))
Left e | Twilio.errStatus e == 404 -> return Nothing
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/PolyLog.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/PolyLog.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..758e5283548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/PolyLog.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module Brig.PolyLog where
+import Imports
+import Polysemy
+import qualified System.Logger as Log
+-- | This effect will help us write tests for log messages
+-- FUTUREWORK: Move this to a separate module if it is required
+-- FUTUREWORK: Either write an orphan instance for MonadLogger or provide
+-- equivalent functions in System.Logger.Class
+data PolyLog m a where
+ PolyLog :: Log.Level -> (Log.Msg -> Log.Msg) -> PolyLog m ()
+makeSem 'PolyLog
+runPolyLog :: Member (Embed IO) r => Log.Logger -> Sem (PolyLog ': r) a -> Sem r a
+runPolyLog logger = interpret $ \(PolyLog lvl msg) -> Log.log logger lvl msg
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/API.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/API.hs
index d72d16131da..b2b27087678 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/API.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/API.hs
@@ -47,35 +47,31 @@ import qualified Brig.Queue as Queue
import Brig.Team.Util
import Brig.Types.Client (Client (..), ClientType (..), newClient, newClientPrekeys)
import Brig.Types.Intra (AccountStatus (..), UserAccount (..))
-import Brig.Types.Provider (DeleteProvider (..), PasswordChange (..), Provider (..), ProviderLogin (..), UpdateProvider (..))
-import Brig.Types.Provider (Service (..), ServiceProfile (..), ServiceToken (..))
-import Brig.Types.Provider (DeleteService (..), NewService (..), UpdateService (..), UpdateServiceConn (..), UpdateServiceWhitelist (..))
-import Brig.Types.Provider (AddBot (..), UpdateBotPrekeys (..))
+import Brig.Types.Provider (AddBot (..), DeleteProvider (..), DeleteService (..), NewService (..), PasswordChange (..), Provider (..), ProviderLogin (..), Service (..), ServiceProfile (..), ServiceToken (..), UpdateBotPrekeys (..), UpdateProvider (..), UpdateService (..), UpdateServiceConn (..), UpdateServiceWhitelist (..))
import qualified Brig.Types.Provider.External as Ext
import Brig.Types.User (ManagedBy (..), Name (..), Pict (..), User (..), defaultAccentId)
import qualified Brig.ZAuth as ZAuth
import Control.Error (throwE)
import Control.Exception.Enclosed (handleAny)
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC8
-import Data.Conduit ((.|), runConduit)
+import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Data.Id
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.List1 (maybeList1)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Data.Misc ((<$$>), Fingerprint (..), Rsa)
+import Data.Misc (Fingerprint (..), Rsa, (<$$>))
import Data.Predicate
import Data.Range
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Swagger.Build.Api as Doc
import qualified Data.Text.Ascii as Ascii
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
-import Galley.Types (AccessRole (..), ConvMembers (..), ConvType (..), Conversation (..))
-import Galley.Types (OtherMember (..))
+import Galley.Types (AccessRole (..), ConvMembers (..), ConvType (..), Conversation (..), OtherMember (..))
import Galley.Types.Bot (newServiceRef, serviceRefId, serviceRefProvider)
import Galley.Types.Conversations.Roles (roleNameWireAdmin)
import qualified Galley.Types.Teams as Teams
@@ -784,15 +780,16 @@ updateServiceWhitelist uid con tid upd = do
(True, False) -> do
-- When the service is de-whitelisted, remove its bots from team
-- conversations
- lift $ runConduit $
- User.lookupServiceUsersForTeam pid sid tid
- .| C.mapM_
- ( pooledMapConcurrentlyN_
- 16
- ( \(bid, cid) ->
- deleteBot uid (Just con) bid cid
- )
- )
+ lift $
+ runConduit $
+ User.lookupServiceUsersForTeam pid sid tid
+ .| C.mapM_
+ ( pooledMapConcurrentlyN_
+ 16
+ ( \(bid, cid) ->
+ deleteBot uid (Just con) bid cid
+ )
+ )
DB.deleteServiceWhitelist (Just tid) pid sid
return UpdateServiceWhitelistRespChanged
@@ -1007,20 +1004,21 @@ deleteBot zusr zcon bid cid = do
return ev
validateServiceKey :: MonadIO m => Public.ServiceKeyPEM -> m (Maybe (Public.ServiceKey, Fingerprint Rsa))
-validateServiceKey pem = liftIO $
- readPublicKey >>= \pk ->
- case join (SSL.toPublicKey <$> pk) of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just pk' -> do
- Just sha <- SSL.getDigestByName "SHA256"
- let size = SSL.rsaSize (pk' :: SSL.RSAPubKey)
- if size < minRsaKeySize
- then return Nothing
- else do
- fpr <- Fingerprint <$> SSL.rsaFingerprint sha pk'
- let bits = fromIntegral size * 8
- let key = Public.ServiceKey Public.RsaServiceKey bits pem
- return $ Just (key, fpr)
+validateServiceKey pem =
+ liftIO $
+ readPublicKey >>= \pk ->
+ case join (SSL.toPublicKey <$> pk) of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just pk' -> do
+ Just sha <- SSL.getDigestByName "SHA256"
+ let size = SSL.rsaSize (pk' :: SSL.RSAPubKey)
+ if size < minRsaKeySize
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ fpr <- Fingerprint <$> SSL.rsaFingerprint sha pk'
+ let bits = fromIntegral size * 8
+ let key = Public.ServiceKey Public.RsaServiceKey bits pem
+ return $ Just (key, fpr)
readPublicKey =
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/DB.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/DB.hs
index 44e30b5b427..c9adc1089a8 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/DB.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/DB.hs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ updateAccountProfile ::
Maybe HttpsUrl ->
Maybe Text ->
m ()
-updateAccountProfile p name url descr = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+updateAccountProfile p name url descr = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchUnLogged
setConsistency Quorum
for_ name $ \x -> addPrepQuery cqlName (x, p)
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ lookupPassword ::
ProviderId ->
m (Maybe Password)
lookupPassword p =
- fmap (fmap runIdentity)
- $ retry x1
- $ query1 cql
- $ params Quorum (Identity p)
+ fmap (fmap runIdentity) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query1 cql $
+ params Quorum (Identity p)
cql :: PrepQuery R (Identity ProviderId) (Identity Password)
cql = "SELECT password FROM provider WHERE id = ?"
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ insertKey ::
Maybe EmailKey ->
EmailKey ->
m ()
-insertKey p old new = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+insertKey p old new = retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchLogged
for_ old $ \old' -> addPrepQuery cqlKeyDelete (Identity (emailKeyUniq old'))
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@ lookupKey ::
EmailKey ->
m (Maybe ProviderId)
lookupKey k =
- fmap (fmap runIdentity)
- $ retry x1
- $ query1 cql
- $ params Quorum (Identity (emailKeyUniq k))
+ fmap (fmap runIdentity) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query1 cql $
+ params Quorum (Identity (emailKeyUniq k))
cql :: PrepQuery R (Identity Text) (Identity ProviderId)
cql = "SELECT provider FROM provider_keys WHERE key = ?"
@@ -200,10 +200,11 @@ insertService ::
insertService pid name summary descr url token key fprint assets tags = do
sid <- randomId
let tagSet = C.Set (Set.toList tags)
- retry x5 $ write cql $
- params
- Quorum
- (pid, sid, name, summary, descr, url, [token], [key], [fprint], assets, tagSet, False)
+ retry x5 $
+ write cql $
+ params
+ Quorum
+ (pid, sid, name, summary, descr, url, [token], [key], [fprint], assets, tagSet, False)
return sid
cql ::
@@ -234,10 +235,10 @@ lookupService ::
ServiceId ->
m (Maybe Service)
lookupService pid sid =
- fmap (fmap mk)
- $ retry x1
- $ query1 cql
- $ params Quorum (pid, sid)
+ fmap (fmap mk) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query1 cql $
+ params Quorum (pid, sid)
cql ::
@@ -255,10 +256,10 @@ listServices ::
ProviderId ->
m [Service]
listServices p =
- fmap (map mk)
- $ retry x1
- $ query cql
- $ params Quorum (Identity p)
+ fmap (map mk) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query cql $
+ params Quorum (Identity p)
cql ::
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ updateService ::
Maybe (RangedServiceTags, RangedServiceTags) ->
Bool ->
m ()
-updateService pid sid svcName svcTags nameChange summary descr assets tagsChange enabled = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+updateService pid sid svcName svcTags nameChange summary descr assets tagsChange enabled = retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchUnLogged
-- If there is a name change, update the service name; if enabled, update indexes
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ deleteService pid sid name tags = do
-- (or as a part of the last batch, in this case) because otherwise API
-- consumers won't be able to retry a half-done 'deleteService' call.
deleteServiceWhitelist Nothing pid sid
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchUnLogged
addPrepQuery cql (pid, sid)
@@ -350,10 +351,10 @@ lookupServiceProfile ::
ServiceId ->
m (Maybe ServiceProfile)
lookupServiceProfile p s =
- fmap (fmap mk)
- $ retry x1
- $ query1 cql
- $ params One (p, s)
+ fmap (fmap mk) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query1 cql $
+ params One (p, s)
cql :: PrepQuery R (ProviderId, ServiceId) (Name, Maybe Text, Text, [Asset], C.Set ServiceTag, Bool)
cql =
@@ -369,10 +370,10 @@ listServiceProfiles ::
ProviderId ->
m [ServiceProfile]
listServiceProfiles p =
- fmap (map mk)
- $ retry x1
- $ query cql
- $ params One (Identity p)
+ fmap (map mk) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query cql $
+ params One (Identity p)
cql ::
@@ -405,10 +406,10 @@ lookupServiceConn ::
ServiceId ->
m (Maybe ServiceConn)
lookupServiceConn pid sid =
- fmap (fmap mk)
- $ retry x1
- $ query1 cql
- $ params Quorum (pid, sid)
+ fmap (fmap mk) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query1 cql $
+ params Quorum (pid, sid)
cql :: PrepQuery R (ProviderId, ServiceId) (HttpsUrl, List1 ServiceToken, List1 (Fingerprint Rsa), Bool)
cql =
@@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ updateServiceConn ::
Maybe (List1 (ServiceKey, Fingerprint Rsa)) ->
Maybe Bool ->
m ()
-updateServiceConn pid sid url tokens keys enabled = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+updateServiceConn pid sid url tokens keys enabled = retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchLogged
for_ url $ \x -> addPrepQuery cqlBaseUrl (x, pid, sid)
@@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ insertServiceIndexes ::
RangedServiceTags ->
m ()
insertServiceIndexes pid sid name tags =
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchLogged
insertServicePrefix pid sid name
@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ deleteServiceIndexes ::
RangedServiceTags ->
m ()
deleteServiceIndexes pid sid name tags =
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchLogged
deleteServicePrefix sid name
@@ -686,8 +687,9 @@ paginateServiceNames mbPrefix size providerFilter = liftClient $ do
\FROM service_prefix \
\WHERE prefix = ? AND name >= ?"
p <-
- retry x1 $ paginate cql $
- paramsP One (mkPrefixIndex (Name prefix), prefix) len
+ retry x1 $
+ paginate cql $
+ paramsP One (mkPrefixIndex (Name prefix), prefix) len
return $! p {result = trim size (result p)}
-- Pagination utilities
@@ -718,7 +720,7 @@ resolveRow (_, pid, sid) = lookupServiceProfile pid sid
insertServiceWhitelist :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> ProviderId -> ServiceId -> m ()
insertServiceWhitelist tid pid sid =
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
addPrepQuery insert1 (tid, pid, sid)
addPrepQuery insert1Rev (tid, pid, sid)
@@ -740,13 +742,13 @@ deleteServiceWhitelist :: MonadClient m => Maybe TeamId -> ProviderId -> Service
deleteServiceWhitelist mbTid pid sid = case mbTid of
Nothing -> do
teams <- retry x5 $ query lookupRev $ params Quorum (pid, sid)
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery deleteAllRev (pid, sid)
for_ teams $ \(Identity tid) -> addPrepQuery delete1 (tid, pid, sid)
Just tid ->
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery delete1 (tid, pid, sid)
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/RPC.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/RPC.hs
index 5bbbd436c38..faef52a3e19 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/RPC.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Provider/RPC.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Brig.RPC
import Brig.Types.Provider (HttpsUrl (..))
import Brig.Types.Provider.External
import Control.Error
-import Control.Lens ((^.), set, view)
+import Control.Lens (set, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Retry (recovering)
import Data.Aeson
@@ -70,10 +70,13 @@ createBot scon new = do
let fprs = toList (sconFingerprints scon)
(man, verifyFingerprints) <- view extGetManager
extHandleAll onExc $ do
- rs <- lift $ recovering x3 httpHandlers $ const $ liftIO
- $ withVerifiedSslConnection (verifyFingerprints fprs) man reqBuilder
- $ \req ->
- Http.httpLbs req man
+ rs <- lift $
+ recovering x3 httpHandlers $
+ const $
+ liftIO $
+ withVerifiedSslConnection (verifyFingerprints fprs) man reqBuilder $
+ \req ->
+ Http.httpLbs req man
case Bilge.statusCode rs of
201 -> decodeBytes "External" (responseBody rs)
409 -> throwE ServiceBotConflict
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue.hs
index bf0f292ae0e..31bf303774d 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Brig.Options
import qualified Brig.Queue.Stomp as Stomp
import Brig.Queue.Types
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall (..))
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue/Stomp.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue/Stomp.hs
index cbb1d3b698b..75d4462876d 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue/Stomp.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Queue/Stomp.hs
@@ -94,19 +94,20 @@ enqueue b q m =
retryPredicate _ res = pure (isLeft res)
retryPolicy = limitRetries 5 <> exponentialBackoff 50000
enqueueAction =
- liftIO $ try @StomplException
- $ stompTimeout "enqueue" 500000
- $ withConnection' b
- $ \conn ->
- withWriter
- conn
- (unpack q)
- (unpack q)
- [OWithReceipt, OWaitReceipt]
- []
- oconv
- $ \w ->
- writeQ w jsonType [("persistent", "true")] m
+ liftIO $
+ try @StomplException $
+ stompTimeout "enqueue" 500000 $
+ withConnection' b $
+ \conn ->
+ withWriter
+ conn
+ (unpack q)
+ (unpack q)
+ [OWithReceipt, OWaitReceipt]
+ []
+ oconv
+ $ \w ->
+ writeQ w jsonType [("persistent", "true")] m
-- Note [receipts]
-- ~~~
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ listen b q callback =
runInIO $ callback (msgContent m)
stompTimeout "listen/ack" 1000000 $ ack conn m
handlers = skipAsyncExceptions ++ [logError]
- logError = const $ Handler $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
+ logError = const . Handler $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
Log.err $
msg (val "Exception when listening to a STOMP queue")
~~ field "queue" (show q)
@@ -204,8 +205,10 @@ withConnection' b =
-- | Like 'timeout', but throws an 'AppException' instead of returning a
-- 'Maybe'. Not very composable, but kinda convenient here.
stompTimeout :: String -> Int -> IO a -> IO a
-stompTimeout location t act = timeout t act >>= \case
- Just x -> pure x
- Nothing ->
- throwIO $ AppException $
- location <> ": STOMP request took more than " <> show t <> "mcs and has timed out"
+stompTimeout location t act =
+ timeout t act >>= \case
+ Just x -> pure x
+ Nothing ->
+ throwIO $
+ AppException $
+ location <> ": STOMP request took more than " <> show t <> "mcs and has timed out"
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/RPC.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/RPC.hs
index 9dca1c62ebd..1bb3a0f9419 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/RPC.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/RPC.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException (..), HttpExceptionContent (..), checkResponse)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
-import System.Logger.Class hiding ((.=), name)
+import System.Logger.Class hiding (name, (.=))
x3 :: RetryPolicy
x3 = limitRetries 3 <> exponentialBackoff 100000
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ expect ss rq = rq {checkResponse = check}
check rq' rs = do
let s = responseStatus rs
rs' = rs {responseBody = ()}
- when (statusIsServerError s || s `notElem` ss)
- $ throwM
- $ HttpExceptionRequest rq' (StatusCodeException rs' mempty)
+ when (statusIsServerError s || s `notElem` ss) $
+ throwM $
+ HttpExceptionRequest rq' (StatusCodeException rs' mempty)
cargoholdRequest ::
StdMethod ->
@@ -85,8 +85,9 @@ serviceRequest ::
AppIO (Response (Maybe BL.ByteString))
serviceRequest nm svc m r = do
service <- view svc
- recovering x3 rpcHandlers $ const $
- rpc' nm service (method m . r)
+ recovering x3 rpcHandlers $
+ const $
+ rpc' nm service (method m . r)
-- | Failed to parse a response from another service.
data ParseException = ParseException
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Run.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Run.hs
index 4215bd3c223..1c573a72a03 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Run.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Run.hs
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Brig.AWS (sesQueue)
import qualified Brig.AWS as AWS
import qualified Brig.AWS.SesNotification as SesNotification
import Brig.App
+import qualified Brig.Calling as Calling
import qualified Brig.InternalEvent.Process as Internal
import Brig.Options hiding (internalEvents, sesQueue)
import qualified Brig.Queue as Queue
@@ -43,22 +44,28 @@ import Network.Wai.Utilities.Server
import qualified Network.Wai.Utilities.Server as Server
import Util.Options
+-- FUTUREWORK: If any of these async threads die, we will have no clue about it
+-- and brig could start misbehaving. We should ensure that brig dies whenever a
+-- thread terminates for any reason.
+-- https://github.com/zinfra/backend-issues/issues/1647
run :: Opts -> IO ()
run o = do
(app, e) <- mkApp o
s <- Server.newSettings (server e)
internalEventListener <-
- Async.async
- $ runAppT e
- $ Queue.listen (e ^. internalEvents) Internal.onEvent
+ Async.async $
+ runAppT e $
+ Queue.listen (e ^. internalEvents) Internal.onEvent
let throttleMillis = fromMaybe defSqsThrottleMillis $ setSqsThrottleMillis (optSettings o)
emailListener <- for (e ^. awsEnv . sesQueue) $ \q ->
- Async.async
- $ AWS.execute (e ^. awsEnv)
- $ AWS.listen throttleMillis q (runAppT e . SesNotification.onEvent)
+ Async.async $
+ AWS.execute (e ^. awsEnv) $
+ AWS.listen throttleMillis q (runAppT e . SesNotification.onEvent)
+ sftDiscovery <- forM (e ^. sftEnv) $ Async.async . Calling.startSFTServiceDiscovery (e ^. applog)
runSettingsWithShutdown s app 5 `finally` do
mapM_ Async.cancel emailListener
Async.cancel internalEventListener
+ mapM_ Async.cancel sftDiscovery
closeEnv e
endpoint = brig o
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/API.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/API.hs
index f35071ea2b7..ee5d7366761 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/API.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/API.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Brig.API.Error
import Brig.API.Handler
import Brig.API.User (fetchUserIdentity)
import qualified Brig.API.User as API
-import Brig.App (currentTime, settings)
+import Brig.App (AppIO, currentTime, settings)
import qualified Brig.Data.Blacklist as Blacklist
import Brig.Data.UserKey
import qualified Brig.Data.UserKey as Data
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Brig.Types.Team (TeamSize)
import Brig.Types.Team.Invitation
import Brig.Types.User (Email, InvitationCode, emailIdentity)
import qualified Brig.User.Search.Index as ESIndex
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.Id
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import Network.Wai.Utilities hiding (code, message)
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Swagger (document)
import qualified Network.Wai.Utilities.Swagger as Doc
import qualified Wire.API.Team.Invitation as Public
-import qualified Wire.API.User as Public (InvitationCode)
+import qualified Wire.API.User as Public
routesPublic :: Routes Doc.ApiBuilder Handler ()
routesPublic = do
@@ -204,18 +204,27 @@ createInvitationH (_ ::: uid ::: tid ::: req) = do
addHeader "Location" $
"/teams/" <> toByteString' tid <> "/invitations/" <> toByteString' iid
+data CreateInvitationInviter = CreateInvitationInviter
+ { inviterUid :: UserId,
+ inviterEmail :: Email
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
createInvitation :: UserId -> TeamId -> Public.InvitationRequest -> Handler Public.Invitation
createInvitation uid tid body = do
- idt <- maybe (throwStd noIdentity) return =<< lift (fetchUserIdentity uid)
- from <- maybe (throwStd noEmail) return (emailIdentity idt)
let inviteePerms = Team.rolePermissions inviteeRole
inviteeRole = fromMaybe Team.defaultRole . irRole $ body
- ensurePermissionToAddUser uid tid inviteePerms
+ inviter <- do
+ idt <- maybe (throwStd noIdentity) return =<< lift (fetchUserIdentity uid)
+ from <- maybe (throwStd noEmail) return (emailIdentity idt)
+ ensurePermissionToAddUser uid tid inviteePerms
+ pure $ CreateInvitationInviter uid from
-- FUTUREWORK: These validations are nearly copy+paste from accountCreation and
-- sendActivationCode. Refactor this to a single place
-- Validate e-mail
- email <- either (const $ throwStd invalidEmail) return (Email.validateEmail (irEmail body))
+ email <- either (const $ throwStd invalidEmail) return (Email.validateEmail (irInviteeEmail body))
let uke = userEmailKey email
blacklistedEm <- lift $ Blacklist.exists uke
when blacklistedEm $
@@ -224,7 +233,7 @@ createInvitation uid tid body = do
when emailTaken $
throwStd emailExists
-- Validate phone
- phone <- for (irPhone body) $ \p -> do
+ phone <- for (irInviteePhone body) $ \p -> do
validatedPhone <- maybe (throwStd invalidPhone) return =<< lift (Phone.validatePhone p)
let ukp = userPhoneKey validatedPhone
blacklistedPh <- lift $ Blacklist.exists ukp
@@ -238,14 +247,34 @@ createInvitation uid tid body = do
pending <- lift $ DB.countInvitations tid
when (fromIntegral pending >= maxSize) $
throwStd tooManyTeamInvitations
- doInvite inviteeRole email from (irLocale body) (irInviteeName body) phone
+ iid <- liftIO DB.mkInvitationId
+ lift $ doInvite iid inviteeRole inviter (irLocale body) email (irInviteeName body) phone
- doInvite role toEmail from lc toName toPhone = lift $ do
+ doInvite ::
+ InvitationId ->
+ Team.Role ->
+ CreateInvitationInviter ->
+ Maybe Public.Locale ->
+ Email ->
+ Maybe Public.Name ->
+ Maybe Public.Phone ->
+ AppIO Invitation
+ doInvite iid role inviter lc toEmail toName toPhone = do
now <- liftIO =<< view currentTime
timeout <- setTeamInvitationTimeout <$> view settings
- (newInv, code) <- DB.insertInvitation tid role toEmail now (Just uid) toName toPhone timeout
- void $ sendInvitationMail toEmail tid from code lc
- return newInv
+ (newInv, code) <-
+ DB.insertInvitation
+ iid
+ tid
+ role
+ now
+ (Just $ inviterUid inviter)
+ toEmail
+ toName
+ toPhone
+ timeout
+ newInv <$ sendInvitationMail toEmail tid (inviterEmail inviter) code lc
deleteInvitationH :: JSON ::: UserId ::: TeamId ::: InvitationId -> Handler Response
deleteInvitationH (_ ::: uid ::: tid ::: iid) = do
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/DB.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/DB.hs
index 2b8763ff63b..76a472b768b 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/DB.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Team/DB.hs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Brig.Types.Common
import Brig.Types.Team.Invitation
import Brig.Types.User
import Cassandra as C
-import Data.Conduit ((.|), runConduit)
+import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C
import Data.Id
import Data.Json.Util (UTCTimeMillis, toUTCTimeMillis)
@@ -79,21 +79,21 @@ data InvitationByEmail
insertInvitation ::
MonadClient m =>
+ InvitationId ->
TeamId ->
Role ->
- Email ->
UTCTime ->
Maybe UserId ->
+ Email ->
Maybe Name ->
Maybe Phone ->
-- | The timeout for the invitation code.
Timeout ->
m (Invitation, InvitationCode)
-insertInvitation t role email (toUTCTimeMillis -> now) minviter inviteeName phone timeout = do
- iid <- liftIO mkInvitationId
+insertInvitation iid t role (toUTCTimeMillis -> now) minviter email inviteeName phone timeout = do
code <- liftIO mkInvitationCode
- let inv = Invitation t role iid email now minviter inviteeName phone
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ let inv = Invitation t role iid now minviter email inviteeName phone
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery cqlInvitation (t, role, iid, code, email, now, minviter, inviteeName, phone, round timeout)
@@ -114,13 +114,14 @@ lookupInvitation t r =
fmap toInvitation
<$> retry x1 (query1 cqlInvitation (params Quorum (t, r)))
- cqlInvitation :: PrepQuery R (TeamId, InvitationId) (TeamId, Maybe Role, InvitationId, Email, UTCTimeMillis, Maybe UserId, Maybe Name, Maybe Phone)
- cqlInvitation = "SELECT team, role, id, email, created_at, created_by, name, phone FROM team_invitation WHERE team = ? AND id = ?"
+ cqlInvitation :: PrepQuery R (TeamId, InvitationId) (TeamId, Maybe Role, InvitationId, UTCTimeMillis, Maybe UserId, Email, Maybe Name, Maybe Phone)
+ cqlInvitation = "SELECT team, role, id, created_at, created_by, email, name, phone FROM team_invitation WHERE team = ? AND id = ?"
lookupInvitationByCode :: MonadClient m => InvitationCode -> m (Maybe Invitation)
-lookupInvitationByCode i = lookupInvitationInfo i >>= \case
- Just InvitationInfo {..} -> lookupInvitation iiTeam iiInvId
- _ -> return Nothing
+lookupInvitationByCode i =
+ lookupInvitationInfo i >>= \case
+ Just InvitationInfo {..} -> lookupInvitation iiTeam iiInvId
+ _ -> return Nothing
lookupInvitationCode :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> InvitationId -> m (Maybe InvitationCode)
lookupInvitationCode t r =
@@ -150,16 +151,16 @@ lookupInvitations team start (fromRange -> size) = do
{ result = invs,
hasMore = more
- cqlSelect :: PrepQuery R (Identity TeamId) (TeamId, Maybe Role, InvitationId, Email, UTCTimeMillis, Maybe UserId, Maybe Name, Maybe Phone)
- cqlSelect = "SELECT team, role, id, email, created_at, created_by, name, phone FROM team_invitation WHERE team = ? ORDER BY id ASC"
- cqlSelectFrom :: PrepQuery R (TeamId, InvitationId) (TeamId, Maybe Role, InvitationId, Email, UTCTimeMillis, Maybe UserId, Maybe Name, Maybe Phone)
- cqlSelectFrom = "SELECT team, role, id, email, created_at, created_by, name, phone FROM team_invitation WHERE team = ? AND id > ? ORDER BY id ASC"
+ cqlSelect :: PrepQuery R (Identity TeamId) (TeamId, Maybe Role, InvitationId, UTCTimeMillis, Maybe UserId, Email, Maybe Name, Maybe Phone)
+ cqlSelect = "SELECT team, role, id, created_at, created_by, email, name, phone FROM team_invitation WHERE team = ? ORDER BY id ASC"
+ cqlSelectFrom :: PrepQuery R (TeamId, InvitationId) (TeamId, Maybe Role, InvitationId, UTCTimeMillis, Maybe UserId, Email, Maybe Name, Maybe Phone)
+ cqlSelectFrom = "SELECT team, role, id, created_at, created_by, email, name, phone FROM team_invitation WHERE team = ? AND id > ? ORDER BY id ASC"
deleteInvitation :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> InvitationId -> m ()
deleteInvitation t i = do
codeEmail <- lookupInvitationCodeEmail t i
case codeEmail of
- Just (invCode, invEmail) -> retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ Just (invCode, invEmail) -> retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery cqlInvitation (t, i)
@@ -177,10 +178,10 @@ deleteInvitation t i = do
deleteInvitations :: (MonadClient m, MonadUnliftIO m) => TeamId -> m ()
deleteInvitations t =
- liftClient
- $ runConduit
- $ paginateC cqlSelect (paramsP Quorum (Identity t) 100) x1
- .| C.mapM_ (pooledMapConcurrentlyN_ 16 (deleteInvitation t . runIdentity))
+ liftClient $
+ runConduit $
+ paginateC cqlSelect (paramsP Quorum (Identity t) 100) x1
+ .| C.mapM_ (pooledMapConcurrentlyN_ 16 (deleteInvitation t . runIdentity))
cqlSelect :: PrepQuery R (Identity TeamId) (Identity InvitationId)
cqlSelect = "SELECT id FROM team_invitation WHERE team = ? ORDER BY id ASC"
@@ -197,9 +198,10 @@ lookupInvitationInfo ic@(InvitationCode c)
cqlInvitationInfo = "SELECT team, id FROM team_invitation_info WHERE code = ?"
lookupInvitationByEmail :: (Log.MonadLogger m, MonadClient m) => Email -> m (Maybe Invitation)
-lookupInvitationByEmail e = lookupInvitationInfoByEmail e >>= \case
- InvitationByEmail InvitationInfo {..} -> lookupInvitation iiTeam iiInvId
- _ -> return Nothing
+lookupInvitationByEmail e =
+ lookupInvitationInfoByEmail e >>= \case
+ InvitationByEmail InvitationInfo {..} -> lookupInvitation iiTeam iiInvId
+ _ -> return Nothing
lookupInvitationInfoByEmail :: (Log.MonadLogger m, MonadClient m) => Email -> m InvitationByEmail
lookupInvitationInfoByEmail email = do
@@ -229,5 +231,16 @@ countInvitations t =
-- | brig used to not store the role, so for migration we allow this to be empty and fill in the
-- default here.
-toInvitation :: (TeamId, Maybe Role, InvitationId, Email, UTCTimeMillis, Maybe UserId, Maybe Name, Maybe Phone) -> Invitation
-toInvitation (t, r, i, e, tm, minviter, inviteeName, p) = Invitation t (fromMaybe Team.defaultRole r) i e tm minviter inviteeName p
+toInvitation ::
+ ( TeamId,
+ Maybe Role,
+ InvitationId,
+ UTCTimeMillis,
+ Maybe UserId,
+ Email,
+ Maybe Name,
+ Maybe Phone
+ ) ->
+ Invitation
+toInvitation (t, r, i, tm, minviter, e, inviteeName, p) =
+ Invitation t (fromMaybe Team.defaultRole r) i tm minviter e inviteeName p
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Template.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Template.hs
index 1751143e23c..91e6e732a7b 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Template.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Template.hs
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ readLocalesDir defLocale base typ load = do
-- Ignore locales if no such directory exist for the locale
ls <-
filterM (doesDirectoryExist . basePath)
- . filter (/= defLocaleDir) =<< listDirectory base
+ . filter (/= defLocaleDir)
+ =<< listDirectory base
Map.fromList . zip (map readLocale ls) <$> mapM (load . basePath) ls
basePath :: FilePath -> FilePath
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/Unique.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/Unique.hs
index dfa8051cde1..2fc7849d22f 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/Unique.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/Unique.hs
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ deleteClaim u v t = do
-- | Lookup the current claims on a value.
lookupClaims :: MonadClient m => Text -> m [Id a]
lookupClaims v =
- fmap (maybe [] (fromSet . runIdentity))
- $ retry x1
- $ query1 cql
- $ params Quorum (Identity v)
+ fmap (maybe [] (fromSet . runIdentity)) $
+ retry x1 $
+ query1 cql $
+ params Quorum (Identity v)
cql :: PrepQuery R (Identity Text) (Identity (C.Set (Id a)))
cql = "SELECT claims FROM unique_claims WHERE value = ?"
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth.hs
index f4a0ec7be2b..251e094d446 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth.hs
@@ -99,11 +99,12 @@ sendLoginCode phone call force = do
return c
lookupLoginCode :: Phone -> AppIO (Maybe PendingLoginCode)
-lookupLoginCode phone = Data.lookupKey (userPhoneKey phone) >>= \case
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just u -> do
- Log.debug $ field "user" (toByteString u) . field "action" (Log.val "User.lookupLoginCode")
- Data.lookupLoginCode u
+lookupLoginCode phone =
+ Data.lookupKey (userPhoneKey phone) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just u -> do
+ Log.debug $ field "user" (toByteString u) . field "action" (Log.val "User.lookupLoginCode")
+ Data.lookupLoginCode u
login :: Login -> CookieType -> ExceptT LoginError AppIO (Access ZAuth.User)
login (PasswordLogin li pw label) typ = do
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/Cookie.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/Cookie.hs
index daf97b573ca..037c2b8016b 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/Cookie.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/Cookie.hs
@@ -136,20 +136,21 @@ renewCookie old = do
-- 'newCookieLimited' if there is a chance that the user should be suspended (we don't do it
-- implicitly because of cyclical dependencies).
mustSuspendInactiveUser :: UserId -> AppIO Bool
-mustSuspendInactiveUser uid = view (settings . to setSuspendInactiveUsers) >>= \case
- Nothing -> pure False
- Just (SuspendInactiveUsers (Timeout suspendAge)) -> do
- now <- liftIO =<< view currentTime
- let suspendHere :: UTCTime
- suspendHere = addUTCTime (- suspendAge) now
- youngEnough :: Cookie () -> Bool
- youngEnough = (>= suspendHere) . cookieCreated
- ckies <- listCookies uid []
- let mustSuspend
- | null ckies = False
- | any youngEnough ckies = False
- | otherwise = True
- pure mustSuspend
+mustSuspendInactiveUser uid =
+ view (settings . to setSuspendInactiveUsers) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> pure False
+ Just (SuspendInactiveUsers (Timeout suspendAge)) -> do
+ now <- liftIO =<< view currentTime
+ let suspendHere :: UTCTime
+ suspendHere = addUTCTime (- suspendAge) now
+ youngEnough :: Cookie () -> Bool
+ youngEnough = (>= suspendHere) . cookieCreated
+ ckies <- listCookies uid []
+ let mustSuspend
+ | null ckies = False
+ | any youngEnough ckies = False
+ | otherwise = True
+ pure mustSuspend
newAccessToken :: forall u a. ZAuth.TokenPair u a => Cookie (ZAuth.Token u) -> Maybe (ZAuth.Token a) -> AppIO AccessToken
newAccessToken c mt = do
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/DB/Cookie.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/DB/Cookie.hs
index 9d8dae2a5ca..9654883f479 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/DB/Cookie.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Auth/DB/Cookie.hs
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ listCookies u =
deleteCookies :: MonadClient m => UserId -> [Cookie a] -> m ()
-deleteCookies u cs = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+deleteCookies u cs = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchUnLogged
setConsistency Quorum
for_ cs $ \c -> addPrepQuery cql (u, cookieExpires c, cookieId c)
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Event.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Event.hs
index 50569d494ea..6144b9d2555 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Event.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Event.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
module Brig.User.Event where
import Brig.Types
-import Brig.Types.Intra
import Data.Handle (Handle)
import Data.Id
import Imports
@@ -32,10 +31,10 @@ data Event
| ClientEvent !ClientEvent
data UserEvent
- = UserCreated !UserAccount
+ = UserCreated !User
| -- | A user is activated when the first user identity (email address or phone number)
-- is verified. {#RefActivationEvent}
- UserActivated !UserAccount
+ UserActivated !User
| -- | Account & API access of a user has been suspended.
UserSuspended !UserId
| -- | Account & API access of a previously suspended user
@@ -157,8 +156,8 @@ connEventUserId :: ConnectionEvent -> UserId
connEventUserId ConnectionUpdated {..} = ucFrom ucConn
userEventUserId :: UserEvent -> UserId
-userEventUserId (UserCreated u) = userId (accountUser u)
-userEventUserId (UserActivated u) = userId (accountUser u)
+userEventUserId (UserCreated u) = userId u
+userEventUserId (UserActivated u) = userId u
userEventUserId (UserSuspended u) = u
userEventUserId (UserResumed u) = u
userEventUserId (UserDeleted u) = u
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Handle.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Handle.hs
index 40f9b0b3f1c..b04e959bc15 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Handle.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Handle.hs
@@ -27,52 +27,59 @@ where
import Brig.App
import Brig.Data.Instances ()
import qualified Brig.Data.User as User
-import Brig.Types.User
import Brig.Unique
import Cassandra
import Data.Handle (Handle, fromHandle)
import Data.Id
import Imports
-claimHandle :: User -> Handle -> AppIO Bool
-claimHandle u h = do
+-- | Claim a new handle for an existing 'User'.
+claimHandle :: UserId -> Maybe Handle -> Handle -> AppIO Bool
+claimHandle uid oldHandle newHandle = isJust <$> claimHandleWith (User.updateHandle) uid oldHandle newHandle
+-- | Claim a handle for an invitation or a user. Invitations can be referenced by the coerced
+-- 'UserId'.
+claimHandleWith :: (UserId -> Handle -> AppIO a) -> UserId -> Maybe Handle -> Handle -> AppIO (Maybe a)
+claimHandleWith updOperation uid oldHandle h = do
owner <- lookupHandle h
case owner of
- Just u' | userId u /= u' -> return False
+ Just uid' | uid /= uid' -> return Nothing
_ -> do
env <- ask
let key = "@" <> fromHandle h
- claimed <- withClaim (userId u) key (30 # Minute)
- $ runAppT env
- $ do
- -- Record ownership
- retry x5 $ write handleInsert (params Quorum (h, userId u))
- -- Update profile
- User.updateHandle (userId u) h
- -- Free old handle (if it changed)
- for_ (mfilter (/= h) (userHandle u)) $
- freeHandle u
- return (isJust claimed)
+ withClaim uid key (30 # Minute) $
+ runAppT env $
+ do
+ -- Record ownership
+ retry x5 $ write handleInsert (params Quorum (h, uid))
+ -- Update profile
+ result <- updOperation uid h
+ -- Free old handle (if it changed)
+ for_ (mfilter (/= h) oldHandle) $
+ freeHandle uid
+ return result
-- | Free a 'Handle', making it available to be claimed again.
-freeHandle :: User -> Handle -> AppIO ()
-freeHandle u h = do
+freeHandle :: UserId -> Handle -> AppIO ()
+freeHandle uid h = do
retry x5 $ write handleDelete (params Quorum (Identity h))
let key = "@" <> fromHandle h
- deleteClaim (userId u) key (30 # Minute)
+ deleteClaim uid key (30 # Minute)
-- | Lookup the current owner of a 'Handle'.
lookupHandle :: Handle -> AppIO (Maybe UserId)
-lookupHandle h =
- join . fmap runIdentity
- <$> retry x1 (query1 handleSelect (params Quorum (Identity h)))
+lookupHandle = lookupHandleWithPolicy Quorum
-- | A weaker version of 'lookupHandle' that trades availability
-- (and potentially speed) for the possibility of returning stale data.
glimpseHandle :: Handle -> AppIO (Maybe UserId)
-glimpseHandle h =
+glimpseHandle = lookupHandleWithPolicy One
+{-# INLINE lookupHandleWithPolicy #-}
+lookupHandleWithPolicy :: Consistency -> Handle -> AppIO (Maybe UserId)
+lookupHandleWithPolicy policy h = do
join . fmap runIdentity
- <$> retry x1 (query1 handleSelect (params One (Identity h)))
+ <$> retry x1 (query1 handleSelect (params policy (Identity h)))
-- Queries
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Search/Index.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Search/Index.hs
index b3ba41883c0..95ceb2ec267 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Search/Index.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/User/Search/Index.hs
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (path)
import Network.HTTP.Types (hContentType, statusCode)
import qualified System.Logger as Log
import System.Logger.Class
- ( (+++),
- Logger,
+ ( Logger,
MonadLogger (..),
+ (+++),
@@ -246,30 +246,30 @@ defaultUserQuery u teamSearchInfo (normalized -> term') =
mkUserQuery :: UserId -> TeamSearchInfo -> ES.Query -> IndexQuery Contact
mkUserQuery (review _TextId -> self) teamSearchInfo q =
- IndexQuery q
- $ ES.Filter . ES.QueryBoolQuery
- $ boolQuery
- { ES.boolQueryMustNotMatch = [termQ "_id" self],
- ES.boolQueryMustMatch =
- [ optionallySearchWithinTeam teamSearchInfo,
- ES.QueryBoolQuery
- boolQuery
- { ES.boolQueryShouldMatch =
- [ termQ "account_status" "active",
- -- Also match entries where the account_status field is not present.
- -- These must have been inserted before we added the account_status
- -- and at that time we only inserted active users in the first place.
- -- This should be unnecessary after re-indexing, but let's be lenient
- -- here for a while.
- ES.QueryBoolQuery
- boolQuery
- { ES.boolQueryMustNotMatch =
- [ES.QueryExistsQuery (ES.FieldName "account_status")]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
+ IndexQuery q $
+ ES.Filter . ES.QueryBoolQuery $
+ boolQuery
+ { ES.boolQueryMustNotMatch = [termQ "_id" self],
+ ES.boolQueryMustMatch =
+ [ optionallySearchWithinTeam teamSearchInfo,
+ ES.QueryBoolQuery
+ boolQuery
+ { ES.boolQueryShouldMatch =
+ [ termQ "account_status" "active",
+ -- Also match entries where the account_status field is not present.
+ -- These must have been inserted before we added the account_status
+ -- and at that time we only inserted active users in the first place.
+ -- This should be unnecessary after re-indexing, but let's be lenient
+ -- here for a while.
+ ES.QueryBoolQuery
+ boolQuery
+ { ES.boolQueryMustNotMatch =
+ [ES.QueryExistsQuery (ES.FieldName "account_status")]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
termQ f v =
@@ -477,8 +477,9 @@ updateMapping = liftIndexIO $ do
-- FUTUREWORK: check return code (ES.isSuccess) and fail if appropriate.
-- But to do that we have to consider the consequences of this failing in our helm chart:
-- https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server-deploy/blob/92311d189818ffc5e26ff589f81b95c95de8722c/charts/elasticsearch-index/templates/create-index.yaml
- void $ traceES "Put mapping" $
- ES.putMapping idx (ES.MappingName "user") indexMapping
+ void $
+ traceES "Put mapping" $
+ ES.putMapping idx (ES.MappingName "user") indexMapping
resetIndex ::
MonadIndexIO m =>
@@ -488,9 +489,10 @@ resetIndex ::
m ()
resetIndex settings shardCount = liftIndexIO $ do
idx <- asks idxName
- gone <- ES.indexExists idx >>= \case
- True -> ES.isSuccess <$> traceES "Delete Index" (ES.deleteIndex idx)
- False -> return True
+ gone <-
+ ES.indexExists idx >>= \case
+ True -> ES.isSuccess <$> traceES "Delete Index" (ES.deleteIndex idx)
+ False -> return True
if gone
then createIndex settings shardCount
else throwM (IndexError "Index deletion failed.")
@@ -784,10 +786,10 @@ reindexRowToIndexUser (u, mteam, name, t0, status, t1, handle, t2, colour, t4, a
& set iuTeam mteam
- . set iuName (Just name)
- . set iuHandle handle
- . set iuColourId (Just colour)
- . set iuAccountStatus status
+ . set iuName (Just name)
+ . set iuHandle handle
+ . set iuColourId (Just colour)
+ . set iuAccountStatus status
-- We insert a tombstone-style user here, as it's easier than deleting the old one.
diff --git a/services/brig/src/Brig/ZAuth.hs b/services/brig/src/Brig/ZAuth.hs
index 1ce133b3814..f357959b8ba 100644
--- a/services/brig/src/Brig/ZAuth.hs
+++ b/services/brig/src/Brig/ZAuth.hs
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module Brig.ZAuth
-import Control.Lens (Lens', (^.), makeLenses, over)
+import Control.Lens (Lens', makeLenses, over, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bits
@@ -292,51 +292,58 @@ instance UserTokenLike LegalHoldUser where
mkUserToken' :: MonadZAuth m => UserId -> Word32 -> UTCTime -> m UserToken
mkUserToken' u r t = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- ZC.newToken (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds t) U Nothing (mkUser (toUUID u) r)
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ ZC.newToken (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds t) U Nothing (mkUser (toUUID u) r)
newUserToken' :: MonadZAuth m => UserId -> m UserToken
newUserToken' u = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
r <- liftIO randomValue
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let UserTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . userTokenTimeout
- in ZC.userToken ttl (toUUID u) r
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let UserTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . userTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.userToken ttl (toUUID u) r
newSessionToken' :: MonadZAuth m => UserId -> m UserToken
newSessionToken' u = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
r <- liftIO randomValue
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let SessionTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . sessionTokenTimeout
- in ZC.sessionToken ttl (toUUID u) r
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let SessionTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . sessionTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.sessionToken ttl (toUUID u) r
newAccessToken' :: MonadZAuth m => UserToken -> m AccessToken
newAccessToken' xt = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let AccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . accessTokenTimeout
- in ZC.accessToken1 ttl (xt ^. body . user)
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let AccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . accessTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.accessToken1 ttl (xt ^. body . user)
renewAccessToken' :: MonadZAuth m => AccessToken -> m AccessToken
renewAccessToken' old = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let AccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . accessTokenTimeout
- in ZC.renewToken ttl old
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let AccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . accessTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.renewToken ttl old
newBotToken :: MonadZAuth m => ProviderId -> BotId -> ConvId -> m BotToken
newBotToken pid bid cid = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- ZC.botToken (toUUID pid) (toUUID (botUserId bid)) (toUUID cid)
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ ZC.botToken (toUUID pid) (toUUID (botUserId bid)) (toUUID cid)
newProviderToken :: MonadZAuth m => ProviderId -> m ProviderToken
newProviderToken pid = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let ProviderTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . providerTokenTimeout
- in ZC.providerToken ttl (toUUID pid)
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let ProviderTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . providerTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.providerToken ttl (toUUID pid)
-- FUTUREWORK: this function is very similar to mkUserToken',
-- the differences are
@@ -347,30 +354,34 @@ newProviderToken pid = liftZAuth $ do
mkLegalHoldUserToken :: MonadZAuth m => UserId -> Word32 -> UTCTime -> m LegalHoldUserToken
mkLegalHoldUserToken u r t = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- ZC.newToken (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds t) LU Nothing (mkLegalHoldUser (toUUID u) r)
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ ZC.newToken (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds t) LU Nothing (mkLegalHoldUser (toUUID u) r)
newLegalHoldUserToken :: MonadZAuth m => UserId -> m LegalHoldUserToken
newLegalHoldUserToken u = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
r <- liftIO randomValue
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let LegalHoldUserTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . legalHoldUserTokenTimeout
- in ZC.legalHoldUserToken ttl (toUUID u) r
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let LegalHoldUserTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . legalHoldUserTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.legalHoldUserToken ttl (toUUID u) r
newLegalHoldAccessToken :: MonadZAuth m => LegalHoldUserToken -> m LegalHoldAccessToken
newLegalHoldAccessToken xt = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let LegalHoldAccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . legalHoldAccessTokenTimeout
- in ZC.legalHoldAccessToken1 ttl (xt ^. body . legalHoldUser . user)
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let LegalHoldAccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . legalHoldAccessTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.legalHoldAccessToken1 ttl (xt ^. body . legalHoldUser . user)
renewLegalHoldAccessToken :: MonadZAuth m => LegalHoldAccessToken -> m LegalHoldAccessToken
renewLegalHoldAccessToken old = liftZAuth $ do
z <- ask
- liftIO $ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
- let LegalHoldAccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . legalHoldAccessTokenTimeout
- in ZC.renewToken ttl old
+ liftIO $
+ ZC.runCreate (z ^. private) (z ^. settings . keyIndex) $
+ let LegalHoldAccessTokenTimeout ttl = z ^. settings . legalHoldAccessTokenTimeout
+ in ZC.renewToken ttl old
validateToken ::
(MonadZAuth m, ToByteString a) =>
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/TURN.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Calling.hs
similarity index 75%
rename from services/brig/test/integration/API/TURN.hs
rename to services/brig/test/integration/API/Calling.hs
index a7804c6e65d..b36a2182270 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/TURN.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Calling.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
@@ -15,37 +17,46 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module API.TURN where
+module API.Calling where
import Bilge
import Bilge.Assert
+import qualified Brig.Options as Opts
import Brig.Types
-import Control.Lens ((^.))
+import Control.Lens (view, (?~), (^.))
+import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow)
+import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (first))
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.Id
import Data.List ((\\))
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List1 (List1)
import qualified Data.List1 as List1
-import Data.Misc (Port)
+import Data.Misc (Port, mkHttpsUrl)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)
import System.FilePath ((>))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import URI.ByteString (laxURIParserOptions, parseURI)
import UnliftIO.Exception (finally)
import qualified UnliftIO.Temporary as Temp
import Util
+import Wire.API.Call.Config
-tests :: Manager -> Brig -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO TestTree
-tests m b turn turnV2 = do
+tests :: Manager -> Brig -> Opts.Opts -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO TestTree
+tests m b opts turn turnV2 = do
return $
- testGroup
- "turn"
- [ test m "basic /calls/config - 200" $ testCallsConfig b,
- -- FIXME: requires tests to run on same host as brig
- test m "multiple servers /calls/config - 200" . withTurnFile turn $ testCallsConfigMultiple b,
- test m "multiple servers /calls/config/v2 - 200" . withTurnFile turnV2 $ testCallsConfigMultipleV2 b
+ testGroup "calling" $
+ [ testGroup "turn" $
+ [ test m "basic /calls/config - 200" $ testCallsConfig b,
+ -- FIXME: requires tests to run on same host as brig
+ test m "multiple servers /calls/config - 200" . withTurnFile turn $ testCallsConfigMultiple b,
+ test m "multiple servers /calls/config/v2 - 200" . withTurnFile turnV2 $ testCallsConfigMultipleV2 b
+ ],
+ testGroup "sft" $ [test m "SFT servers /calls/config/v2 - 200" $ testSFT b opts]
testCallsConfig :: Brig -> Http ()
@@ -75,6 +86,26 @@ testCallsConfigMultiple b turnUpdater = do
let _expected = List1.singleton (toTurnURILegacy "" 3478)
modifyAndAssert b uid getTurnConfigurationV1 turnUpdater "turn:" _expected
+testSFT :: Brig -> Opts.Opts -> Http ()
+testSFT b opts = do
+ uid <- userId <$> randomUser b
+ cfg <- getTurnConfigurationV2 uid b
+ liftIO $
+ assertEqual
+ "when SFT discovery is not enabled, sft_servers shouldn't be returned"
+ Nothing
+ (cfg ^. rtcConfSftServers)
+ withSettingsOverrides (opts & Opts.sftL ?~ Opts.SFTOptions "integration-tests.zinfra.io" Nothing (Just 0.001)) $ do
+ cfg1 <- retryWhileN 10 (isNothing . view rtcConfSftServers) (getTurnConfigurationV2 uid b)
+ -- These values are controlled by https://github.com/zinfra/cailleach/tree/77ca2d23cf2959aa183dd945d0a0b13537a8950d/environments/dns-integration-tests
+ let Right server1 = mkHttpsUrl =<< first show (parseURI laxURIParserOptions "https://sft01.integration-tests.zinfra.io:443")
+ let Right server2 = mkHttpsUrl =<< first show (parseURI laxURIParserOptions "https://sft02.integration-tests.zinfra.io:8443")
+ liftIO $
+ assertEqual
+ "when SFT discovery is enabled, sft_servers should be returned"
+ (Set.fromList [sftServer server1, sftServer server2])
+ (Set.fromList $ maybe [] NonEmpty.toList $ cfg1 ^. rtcConfSftServers)
modifyAndAssert ::
Brig ->
UserId ->
@@ -150,10 +181,10 @@ assertConfiguration cfg turns =
getTurnConfigurationV1 :: UserId -> Brig -> Http RTCConfiguration
getTurnConfigurationV1 = getAndValidateTurnConfiguration ""
-getTurnConfigurationV2 :: UserId -> Brig -> Http RTCConfiguration
+getTurnConfigurationV2 :: HasCallStack => UserId -> Brig -> ((Monad m, MonadHttp m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => m RTCConfiguration)
getTurnConfigurationV2 = getAndValidateTurnConfiguration "v2"
-getTurnConfiguration :: ByteString -> UserId -> Brig -> Http (Response (Maybe LB.ByteString))
+getTurnConfiguration :: ByteString -> UserId -> Brig -> ((MonadHttp m, MonadIO m) => m (Response (Maybe LB.ByteString)))
getTurnConfiguration suffix u b =
( b
@@ -162,7 +193,7 @@ getTurnConfiguration suffix u b =
. zConn "conn"
-getAndValidateTurnConfiguration :: HasCallStack => ByteString -> UserId -> Brig -> Http RTCConfiguration
+getAndValidateTurnConfiguration :: HasCallStack => ByteString -> UserId -> Brig -> ((Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadHttp m, MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m) => m RTCConfiguration)
getAndValidateTurnConfiguration suffix u b =
responseJsonError =<< (getTurnConfiguration suffix u b getHeader "Set-Cookie" _rs
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let ttl = (`diffUTCTime` now) <$> setCookieExpires cok
@@ -372,7 +360,7 @@ testUpdateService config db brig = do
let newSummary = "short"
let newDescr = "looooooooooooong"
let newAssets = [] -- TODO
- -- Exercise all updateable attributes
+ -- Exercise all updateable attributes
let upd =
{ updateServiceName = Just newName,
@@ -1558,7 +1546,8 @@ randServiceKey = liftIO $ do
waitFor :: MonadIO m => Timeout -> (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
waitFor t f ma = do
a <- ma
- if | f a -> return a
+ if
+ | f a -> return a
| t <= 0 -> liftIO $ throwM TimedOut
| otherwise -> do
liftIO $ threadDelay (1 # Second)
@@ -1600,9 +1589,9 @@ runService config mkApp go = do
let defs = Warp.defaultSettings {Warp.settingsPort = botPort config}
buf <- liftIO newChan
srv <-
- liftIO . Async.async
- $ Warp.runTLS tlss defs
- $ mkApp buf
+ liftIO . Async.async $
+ Warp.runTLS tlss defs $
+ mkApp buf
go buf `finally` liftIO (Async.cancel srv)
data TestBot = TestBot
@@ -1667,48 +1656,52 @@ defServiceApp buf =
k $ responseLBS status200 [] "success"
wsAssertMemberJoin :: MonadIO m => WS.WebSocket -> ConvId -> UserId -> [UserId] -> m ()
-wsAssertMemberJoin ws conv usr new = void $ liftIO
- $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws
- $ \n -> do
- let e = List1.head (unpackEvents n)
- ntfTransient n @?= False
- evtConv e @?= conv
- evtType e @?= MemberJoin
- evtFrom e @?= usr
- evtData e @?= Just (EdMembersJoin (SimpleMembers (fmap (\u -> SimpleMember u roleNameWireAdmin) new)))
+wsAssertMemberJoin ws conv usr new = void $
+ liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $
+ \n -> do
+ let e = List1.head (unpackEvents n)
+ ntfTransient n @?= False
+ evtConv e @?= conv
+ evtType e @?= MemberJoin
+ evtFrom e @?= usr
+ evtData e @?= Just (EdMembersJoin (SimpleMembers (fmap (\u -> SimpleMember u roleNameWireAdmin) new)))
wsAssertMemberLeave :: MonadIO m => WS.WebSocket -> ConvId -> UserId -> [UserId] -> m ()
-wsAssertMemberLeave ws conv usr old = void $ liftIO
- $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws
- $ \n -> do
- let e = List1.head (unpackEvents n)
- ntfTransient n @?= False
- evtConv e @?= conv
- evtType e @?= MemberLeave
- evtFrom e @?= usr
- evtData e @?= Just (EdMembersLeave (UserIdList old))
+wsAssertMemberLeave ws conv usr old = void $
+ liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $
+ \n -> do
+ let e = List1.head (unpackEvents n)
+ ntfTransient n @?= False
+ evtConv e @?= conv
+ evtType e @?= MemberLeave
+ evtFrom e @?= usr
+ evtData e @?= Just (EdMembersLeave (UserIdList old))
wsAssertConvDelete :: MonadIO m => WS.WebSocket -> ConvId -> UserId -> m ()
-wsAssertConvDelete ws conv from = void $ liftIO
- $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws
- $ \n -> do
- let e = List1.head (WS.unpackPayload n)
- ntfTransient n @?= False
- evtConv e @?= conv
- evtType e @?= ConvDelete
- evtFrom e @?= from
- evtData e @?= Nothing
+wsAssertConvDelete ws conv from = void $
+ liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $
+ \n -> do
+ let e = List1.head (WS.unpackPayload n)
+ ntfTransient n @?= False
+ evtConv e @?= conv
+ evtType e @?= ConvDelete
+ evtFrom e @?= from
+ evtData e @?= Nothing
wsAssertMessage :: MonadIO m => WS.WebSocket -> ConvId -> UserId -> ClientId -> ClientId -> Text -> m ()
-wsAssertMessage ws conv fromu fromc to txt = void $ liftIO
- $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws
- $ \n -> do
- let e = List1.head (unpackEvents n)
- ntfTransient n @?= False
- evtConv e @?= conv
- evtType e @?= OtrMessageAdd
- evtFrom e @?= fromu
- evtData e @?= Just (EdOtrMessage (OtrMessage fromc to txt (Just "data")))
+wsAssertMessage ws conv fromu fromc to txt = void $
+ liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $
+ \n -> do
+ let e = List1.head (unpackEvents n)
+ ntfTransient n @?= False
+ evtConv e @?= conv
+ evtType e @?= OtrMessageAdd
+ evtFrom e @?= fromu
+ evtData e @?= Just (EdOtrMessage (OtrMessage fromc to txt (Just "data")))
svcAssertMemberJoin :: MonadIO m => Chan TestBotEvent -> UserId -> [UserId] -> ConvId -> m ()
svcAssertMemberJoin buf usr new cnv = liftIO $ do
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/RichInfo/Util.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/RichInfo/Util.hs
index 782ab54a2f6..63a5643a9ac 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/RichInfo/Util.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/RichInfo/Util.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ getRichInfo brig self uid = do
. paths ["users", toByteString' uid, "rich-info"]
. zUser self
- if | statusCode r == 200 -> Right <$> responseJsonError r
+ if
+ | statusCode r == 200 -> Right <$> responseJsonError r
| statusCode r `elem` [403, 404] -> pure . Left . statusCode $ r
| otherwise ->
error $
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/Search.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Search.hs
index 31873c5ffc8..7574a5be620 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/Search.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Search.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Control.Lens ((.~), (?~), (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Retry
-import Data.Aeson ((.=), FromJSON, Value)
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, Value, (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Handle (fromHandle)
import Data.Id
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Database.Bloodhound as ES
import qualified Galley.Types.Teams.SearchVisibility as Team
import Imports
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)
+import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wai.Test as WaiTest
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ import Wire.API.Team.Feature (TeamFeatureStatusValue (..))
tests :: Opt.Opts -> Manager -> Galley -> Brig -> IO TestTree
tests opts mgr galley brig = do
testSetupOutboundOnly <- runHttpT mgr prepareUsersForSearchVisibilityNoNameOutsideTeamTests
- return
- $ testGroup "search"
- $ [ testWithBothIndices opts mgr "by-name" $ testSearchByName brig,
+ return $
+ testGroup "search" $
+ [ testWithBothIndices opts mgr "by-name" $ testSearchByName brig,
testWithBothIndices opts mgr "by-handle" $ testSearchByHandle brig,
test mgr "reindex" $ testReindex brig,
testWithBothIndices opts mgr "no match" $ testSearchNoMatch brig,
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team.hs
index 0073cedfb70..1a83cdad7af 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team.hs
@@ -118,10 +118,11 @@ testTeamSize brig = do
assertSize tid expectedSize
assertSize :: HasCallStack => TeamId -> Natural -> Http ()
- assertSize tid expectedSize = void $
- get (brig . paths ["i", "teams", toByteString' tid, "size"]) Http ()
testInvitationEmail brig = do
(inviter, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- invitee <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest invitee (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ invite <- stdInvitationRequest <$> randomEmail
void $ postInvitation brig tid inviter invite
testInvitationEmailLookup :: Brig -> Http ()
@@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ testInvitationEmailLookup brig = do
-- expect no invitation to be found for an email before that person is invited
headInvitationByEmail brig email 404
(uid, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest email
void $ postInvitation brig tid uid invite
-- expect an invitation to be found querying with email after invite
headInvitationByEmail brig email 200
(uid2, tid2) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- let invite2 = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob2") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite2 = stdInvitationRequest email
void $ postInvitation brig tid2 uid2 invite2
-- expect a 409 conflict result for a second team inviting the same user
headInvitationByEmail brig email 409
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ testInvitationEmailLookupRegister :: Brig -> Http ()
testInvitationEmailLookupRegister brig = do
email <- randomEmail
(owner, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest email
void $ postInvitation brig tid owner invite
inv :: Invitation <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid owner invite
-- expect an invitation to be found querying with email after invite
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ testInvitationEmailLookupNginz brig nginz = do
-- expect no invitation to be found for an email before that person is invited
headInvitationByEmail nginz email 404
(uid, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest email
void $ postInvitation brig tid uid invite
-- expect an invitation to be found querying with email after invite
headInvitationByEmail nginz email 200
@@ -214,13 +214,11 @@ testInvitationTooManyPending :: Brig -> TeamSizeLimit -> Http ()
testInvitationTooManyPending brig (TeamSizeLimit limit) = do
(inviter, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
emails <- replicateConcurrently (fromIntegral limit) randomEmail
- let invite e = stdInvitationRequest e (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
- pooledForConcurrentlyN_ 16 emails $ \email ->
- postInvitation brig tid inviter (invite email)
- e <- randomEmail
+ pooledForConcurrentlyN_ 16 emails $ postInvitation brig tid inviter . stdInvitationRequest
+ email <- randomEmail
-- TODO: If this test takes longer to run than `team-invitation-timeout`, then some of the
-- invitations have likely expired already and this test will actually _fail_
- postInvitation brig tid inviter (invite e) !!! do
+ postInvitation brig tid inviter (stdInvitationRequest email) !!! do
const 403 === statusCode
const (Just "too-many-team-invitations") === fmap Error.label . responseJsonMaybe
@@ -244,13 +242,13 @@ testInvitationRoles brig galley = do
-- owner creates a member alice.
alice :: UserId <- do
aliceEmail <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest aliceEmail (Name "Alice") Nothing (Just Team.RoleAdmin)
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest' Nothing (Just Team.RoleAdmin) aliceEmail
inv :: Invitation <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid owner invite
registerInvite brig tid inv aliceEmail
-- alice creates a external partner bob. success! bob only has externalPartner perms.
bobEmail <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest bobEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing (Just Team.RoleExternalPartner)
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest' Nothing (Just Team.RoleExternalPartner) bobEmail
inv :: Invitation <-
=<< ( postInvitation brig tid alice invite Galley -> Http ()
testInvitationEmailAccepted brig galley = do
inviteeEmail <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
- void $ createAndVerifyInvitation (accept (irEmail invite)) invite brig galley
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
+ void $ createAndVerifyInvitation (accept (irInviteeEmail invite)) invite brig galley
-- | Related: 'testDomainsBlockedForRegistration'. When we remove the customer-specific
-- extension of domain blocking, this test will fail to compile (so you will know it's time to
@@ -282,18 +280,18 @@ testInvitationEmailAccepted brig galley = do
testInvitationEmailAcceptedInBlockedDomain :: Opt.Opts -> Brig -> Galley -> Http ()
testInvitationEmailAcceptedInBlockedDomain opts brig galley = do
inviteeEmail :: Email <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
replacementBrigApp = withDomainsBlockedForRegistration opts [emailDomain inviteeEmail]
- void $ createAndVerifyInvitation' (Just replacementBrigApp) (accept (irEmail invite)) invite brig galley
+ void $ createAndVerifyInvitation' (Just replacementBrigApp) (accept (irInviteeEmail invite)) invite brig galley
testInvitationEmailAndPhoneAccepted :: Brig -> Galley -> Http ()
testInvitationEmailAndPhoneAccepted brig galley = do
inviteeEmail <- randomEmail
inviteePhone <- randomPhone
-- Prepare the extended invitation
- let stdInvite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let stdInvite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
inviteeName = Name "Invited Member"
- extInvite = stdInvite {irPhone = Just inviteePhone, irInviteeName = Just inviteeName}
+ extInvite = stdInvite {irInviteePhone = Just inviteePhone, irInviteeName = Just inviteeName}
-- Register the same (pre verified) phone number
let phoneReq = RequestBodyLBS . encode $ object ["phone" .= fromPhone inviteePhone]
post (brig . path "/activate/send" . contentJson . body phoneReq) !!! (const 200 === statusCode)
@@ -303,7 +301,7 @@ testInvitationEmailAndPhoneAccepted brig galley = do
liftIO $ assertEqual "Wrong name in profile" (Just inviteeName) (userDisplayName . selfUser <$> profile)
liftIO $ assertEqual "Wrong name in invitation" (Just inviteeName) (inInviteeName invitation)
liftIO $ assertEqual "Wrong phone number in profile" (Just inviteePhone) (join (userPhone . selfUser <$> profile))
- liftIO $ assertEqual "Wrong phone number in invitation" (Just inviteePhone) (inPhone invitation)
+ liftIO $ assertEqual "Wrong phone number in invitation" (Just inviteePhone) (inInviteePhone invitation)
-- | FUTUREWORK: this is an alternative helper to 'createPopulatedBindingTeam'. it has been
-- added concurrently, and the two should probably be consolidated.
@@ -390,7 +388,7 @@ testCreateTeam brig galley aws = do
liftIO $ assertBool "Member not part of the team" (uid == mem ^. Team.userId)
-- Verify that the user cannot send invitations before activating their account
inviteeEmail <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
postInvitation brig (team ^. Team.teamId) uid invite !!! const 403 === statusCode
-- Verify that the team is still in status "pending"
team2 <- getTeam galley (team ^. Team.teamId)
@@ -426,7 +424,7 @@ testCreateTeamPreverified brig galley aws = do
liftIO $ assertEqual "Team should already be active" Team.Active (Team.tdStatus team2)
-- Verify that the user can already send invitations before activating their account
inviteeEmail <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
postInvitation brig (team ^. Team.teamId) uid invite !!! const 201 === statusCode
testInvitationNoPermission :: Brig -> Http ()
@@ -434,7 +432,7 @@ testInvitationNoPermission brig = do
(_, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
alice <- userId <$> randomUser brig
email <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest email
postInvitation brig tid alice invite !!! do
const 403 === statusCode
const (Just "insufficient-permissions") === fmap Error.label . responseJsonMaybe
@@ -474,9 +472,9 @@ testTeamNoPassword brig = do
testInvitationCodeExists :: Brig -> Http ()
testInvitationCodeExists brig = do
- email <- randomEmail
(uid, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- let invite email_ = stdInvitationRequest email_ (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite email = stdInvitationRequest email
+ email <- randomEmail
rsp <- postInvitation brig tid uid (invite email) responseJsonMaybe rsp
Just invCode <- getInvitationCode brig tid invId
@@ -556,14 +554,14 @@ testInvitationTooManyMembers brig galley (TeamSizeLimit limit) = do
pooledForConcurrentlyN_ 16 [1 .. limit -1] $ \_ -> do
void $ createTeamMember brig galley creator tid Team.fullPermissions
SearchUtil.refreshIndex brig
- em <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest em (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
- inv <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid creator invite
+ let invite email = stdInvitationRequest email
+ email <- randomEmail
+ inv <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid creator (invite email)
Just inviteeCode <- getInvitationCode brig tid (inInvitation inv)
( brig . path "/register"
. contentJson
- . body (accept em inviteeCode)
+ . body (accept email inviteeCode)
!!! do
const 403 === statusCode
@@ -574,7 +572,7 @@ testInvitationPaging brig = do
before <- liftIO $ toUTCTimeMillis . addUTCTime (-1) <$> getCurrentTime
(uid, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
let total = 5
- invite email = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ invite email = stdInvitationRequest email
emails <- replicateM total $ do
email <- randomEmail
postInvitation brig tid uid (invite email) !!! const 201 === statusCode
@@ -595,7 +593,7 @@ testInvitationPaging brig = do
validateInv :: Invitation -> Assertion
validateInv inv = do
assertEqual "tid" tid (inTeam inv)
- assertBool "email" (inIdentity inv `elem` emails)
+ assertBool "email" (inInviteeEmail inv `elem` emails)
-- (the output list is not ordered chronologically and emails are unique, so we just
-- check whether the email is one of the valid ones.)
assertBool "timestamp" (inCreatedAt inv > before && inCreatedAt inv < after1ms)
@@ -610,7 +608,7 @@ testInvitationInfo :: Brig -> Http ()
testInvitationInfo brig = do
email <- randomEmail
(uid, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest email
inv <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid uid invite
Just invCode <- getInvitationCode brig tid (inInvitation inv)
Just invitation <- getInvitation brig invCode
@@ -627,7 +625,7 @@ testInvitationInfoExpired :: Brig -> Opt.Timeout -> Http ()
testInvitationInfoExpired brig timeout = do
email <- randomEmail
(uid, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest email (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest email
inv <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid uid invite
-- Note: This value must be larger than the option passed as `team-invitation-timeout`
awaitExpiry (round timeout + 5) tid (inInvitation inv)
@@ -654,7 +652,7 @@ testSuspendTeam brig = do
inviteeEmail2 <- randomEmail
(inviter, tid) <- createUserWithTeam brig
-- invite and register invitee
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
inv <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid inviter invite
Just inviteeCode <- getInvitationCode brig tid (inInvitation inv)
rsp2 <-
@@ -666,7 +664,8 @@ testSuspendTeam brig = do
responseJsonMaybe rsp2
-- invite invitee2 (don't register)
- let invite2 = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail2 (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite2 = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail2
inv2 <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid inviter invite2
Just _ <- getInvitationCode brig tid (inInvitation inv2)
-- suspend team
@@ -765,9 +764,10 @@ testCreateUserInternalSSO brig galley = do
postUser' True False "dummy" True False Nothing (Just teamid) brig
!!! const 400 === statusCode
-- creating user with sso_id, team_id is ok
- resp <- postUser "dummy" True False (Just ssoid) (Just teamid) brig responseJsonMaybe resp
profile <- getSelfProfile brig uid
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team/Util.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team/Util.hs
index 65439f284d6..107ac430dba 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team/Util.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/Team/Util.hs
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ createPopulatedBindingTeamWithNames brig names = do
(inviter, tid) <- createUserWithTeam' brig
invitees <- forM names $ \name -> do
inviteeEmail <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail name Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
inv <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid (userId inviter) invite
Just inviteeCode <- getInvitationCode brig tid (inInvitation inv)
rsp2 <-
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ createTeam u galley = do
. expect2xx
. lbytes (encode newTeam)
- maybe (error "invalid team id") return
- $ fromByteString
- $ getHeader' "Location" r
+ maybe (error "invalid team id") return $
+ fromByteString $
+ getHeader' "Location" r
-- | Create user and binding team.
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ inviteAndRegisterUser ::
m User
inviteAndRegisterUser u tid brig = do
inviteeEmail <- randomEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail (Name "Bob") Nothing Nothing
+ let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail
inv <- responseJsonError =<< postInvitation brig tid u invite
Just inviteeCode <- getInvitationCode brig tid (inInvitation inv)
rspInvitee <-
@@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ createTeamConv g tid u us mtimer = do
Galley -> TeamId -> UserId -> [UserId] -> Maybe Milliseconds -> Http ConvId
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@ createManagedConv g tid u us mtimer = do
Galley -> TeamId -> ConvId -> UserId -> Http ()
deleteTeamConv g tid cid u = do
@@ -437,9 +437,12 @@ isActivatedUser uid brig = do
Just (_ : _) -> True
_ -> False
-stdInvitationRequest :: Email -> Name -> Maybe Locale -> Maybe Team.Role -> InvitationRequest
-stdInvitationRequest e inviterName loc role =
- InvitationRequest e inviterName loc role Nothing Nothing
+stdInvitationRequest :: Email -> InvitationRequest
+stdInvitationRequest = stdInvitationRequest' Nothing Nothing
+stdInvitationRequest' :: Maybe Locale -> Maybe Team.Role -> Email -> InvitationRequest
+stdInvitationRequest' loc role email =
+ InvitationRequest loc role Nothing email Nothing
setTeamTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable :: HasCallStack => Galley -> TeamId -> TeamFeatureStatusValue -> Http ()
setTeamTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable galley tid status =
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Account.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Account.hs
index e07fb265629..aba28d05f29 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Account.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Account.hs
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ testUserUpdate brig cannon aws = do
fmap userAssets u
- . responseJsonMaybe
+ . responseJsonMaybe
-- get only the new name
get (brig . path "/self/name" . zUser alice) !!! do
const 200 === statusCode
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ testEmailPhoneDelete brig cannon = do
WS.bracketR cannon uid $ \ws -> do
delete (brig . path "/self/email" . zUser uid . zConn "c")
!!! (const 200 === statusCode)
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
let j = Object $ List1.head (ntfPayload n)
let etype = j ^? key "type" . _String
let euser = j ^? key "user" . key "id" . _String
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ testEmailPhoneDelete brig cannon = do
WS.bracketR cannon uid $ \ws -> do
delete (brig . path "/self/phone" . zUser uid . zConn "c")
!!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
let j = Object $ List1.head (ntfPayload n)
let etype = j ^? key "type" . _String
let euser = j ^? key "user" . key "id" . _String
@@ -921,9 +921,10 @@ testDeleteUserByPassword brig cannon aws = do
act <- getActivationCode brig (Left eml)
case act of
Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure "missing activation key/code"
- Just kc -> activate brig kc !!! do
- const 404 === statusCode
- const (Just "invalid-code") === fmap Error.label . responseJsonMaybe
+ Just kc ->
+ activate brig kc !!! do
+ const 404 === statusCode
+ const (Just "invalid-code") === fmap Error.label . responseJsonMaybe
-- Connections involving uid1 are gone (uid2 <-> uid3 remains)
let u1Conns = UserConnectionList [] False
let u2Conns = UserConnectionList (maybeToList (responseJsonMaybe con23)) False
@@ -1078,14 +1079,6 @@ testRestrictedUserCreation opts brig = do
let opts' = opts {Opt.optSettings = (Opt.optSettings opts) {Opt.setRestrictUserCreation = Just True}}
withSettingsOverrides opts' $ do
e <- randomEmail
- -- Ephemeral users MUST have an expires_in
- let Object ephemeralUserWithoutExpires =
- object
- [ "name" .= Name "Alice"
- ]
- postUserRegister' ephemeralUserWithoutExpires brig !!! do
- const 403 === statusCode
- const (Just "user-creation-restricted") === (^? AesonL.key "label" . AesonL._String) . (responseJsonUnsafe @Value)
let Object regularUser =
@@ -1123,7 +1116,7 @@ testRestrictedUserCreation opts brig = do
-- Ensure you can invite team users
void $ inviteAndRegisterUser teamOwner createdTeam brig
- -- Ephemeral users can always be created
+ -- Ephemeral users can always be created (expires_in is OPTIONAL)
let Object ephemeralUser =
[ "name" .= Name "Alice",
@@ -1131,6 +1124,14 @@ testRestrictedUserCreation opts brig = do
postUserRegister' ephemeralUser brig !!! const 201 === statusCode
+ -- Ephemeral users can always be created (expires_in is OPTIONAL and
+ -- used for instance when creating guestrooms
+ let Object ephemeralUserWithoutExpires =
+ object
+ [ "name" .= Name "Alice"
+ ]
+ postUserRegister' ephemeralUserWithoutExpires brig !!! const 201 === statusCode
-- NOTE: SSO users are anyway not allowed on the `/register` endpoint
teamid <- Id <$> liftIO UUID.nextRandom
let ssoid = UserSSOId "nil" "nil"
@@ -1156,7 +1157,7 @@ setHandleAndDeleteUser brig cannon u others aws execDelete = do
-- Delete the user
WS.bracketRN cannon (uid : others) $ \wss -> do
execDelete uid
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) wss $ \n -> do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) wss $ \n -> do
let j = Object $ List1.head (ntfPayload n)
let etype = j ^? key "type" . _String
let euser = j ^? key "id" . _String
@@ -1207,7 +1208,7 @@ setHandleAndDeleteUser brig cannon u others aws execDelete = do
userHandle =<< u'
- . responseJsonMaybe
+ . responseJsonMaybe
assertDeletedProfilePublic = do
const 200 === statusCode
const (Just noPict, Just True, Nothing)
@@ -1217,4 +1218,4 @@ setHandleAndDeleteUser brig cannon u others aws execDelete = do
profileHandle =<< u'
- . responseJsonMaybe
+ . responseJsonMaybe
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Auth.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Auth.hs
index 2f96bc96cac..2059a71d956 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Auth.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Auth.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Brig.Types.User.Auth
import qualified Brig.Types.User.Auth as Auth
import Brig.ZAuth (ZAuth, runZAuth)
import qualified Brig.ZAuth as ZAuth
-import Control.Lens ((^.), (^?), set)
+import Control.Lens (set, (^.), (^?))
import Control.Retry
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
@@ -158,8 +158,9 @@ testNginz b n = do
_rs <- get (n . path "/clients" . header "Authorization" ("Bearer " <> (toByteString' t)))
liftIO $ assertEqual "Ensure nginz is started. Ensure nginz and brig share the same private/public zauth keys. Ensure ACL file is correct." 200 (statusCode _rs)
-- ensure nginz allows refresh at /access
- _rs <- post (n . path "/access" . cookie c . header "Authorization" ("Bearer " <> (toByteString' t))) (toByteString' t))) (toByteString' t))) !!! const 200 === statusCode
@@ -591,19 +592,21 @@ testNewPersistentCookie config b = do
-- Wait for the cookie to be eligible for renewal
liftIO $ threadDelay minAge
-- Refresh tokens
- _rs <- post (b . path "/access" . cookie c) cookie_expiry_time c)
-- Refresh with the old cookie should still work for the
-- duration of another BRIG_COOKIE_RENEW_AGE seconds,
-- but the response should keep advertising the new cookie.
- _rs <- post (b . path "/access" . cookie c) do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
let j = Object $ List1.head (ntfPayload n)
let etype = j ^? key "type" . _String
let eclient = j ^? key "client"
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ testRemoveClient hasPwd brig cannon = do
WS.bracketR cannon uid $ \ws -> do
deleteClient brig uid (clientId c) (if hasPwd then Just defPassword else Nothing)
!!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
let j = Object $ List1.head (ntfPayload n)
let etype = j ^? key "type" . _String
let eclient = j ^? key "client" . key "id" . _String
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Connection.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Connection.hs
index 1799f762b45..92f60fae1d8 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Connection.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Connection.hs
@@ -305,9 +305,10 @@ testBadUpdateConnection brig = do
assertBadUpdate uid1 uid2 Accepted
assertBadUpdate uid2 uid1 Sent
- assertBadUpdate u1 u2 s = putConnection brig u1 u2 s !!! do
- const 403 === statusCode
- const (Just "bad-conn-update") === fmap Error.label . responseJsonMaybe
+ assertBadUpdate u1 u2 s =
+ putConnection brig u1 u2 s !!! do
+ const 403 === statusCode
+ const (Just "bad-conn-update") === fmap Error.label . responseJsonMaybe
testConnectionPaging :: Brig -> Http ()
testConnectionPaging b = do
@@ -357,11 +358,12 @@ testAutoConnectionOK :: Brig -> Galley -> Http ()
testAutoConnectionOK brig galley = do
uid1 <- userId <$> randomUser brig
uid2 <- userId <$> randomUser brig
- bdy <- postAutoConnection brig uid1 [uid2] do
- b <- responseBody r
- Vec.length <$> (decode b :: Maybe (Vector UserConnection))
+ bdy <-
+ postAutoConnection brig uid1 [uid2] do
+ b <- responseBody r
+ Vec.length <$> (decode b :: Maybe (Vector UserConnection))
assertConnections brig uid1 [ConnectionStatus uid1 uid2 Accepted]
assertConnections brig uid2 [ConnectionStatus uid2 uid1 Accepted]
case responseJsonMaybe bdy >>= headMay >>= ucConvId of
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Handles.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Handles.hs
index e5d566690aa..8b38683f68f 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Handles.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Handles.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Bilge hiding (accept, timeout)
import Bilge.Assert
import qualified Brig.Options as Opt
import Brig.Types
-import Control.Lens hiding ((#), from)
+import Control.Lens hiding (from, (#))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ testHandleUpdate brig cannon = do
WS.bracketR cannon uid $ \ws -> do
put (brig . path "/self/handle" . contentJson . zUser uid . zConn "c" . body update)
!!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
let j = Object $ List1.head (ntfPayload n)
j ^? key "type" . _String @?= Just "user.update"
let u = j ^?! key "user"
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ testHandleRace brig = do
-- 10 races. In each race, 10 users try to claim the same handle.
-- At most one of them should get the handle in each race
-- (usually no-one due to the contention).
- void $ replicateM 10 $ do
+ void . replicateM 10 $ do
hdl <- randomHandle
let update = RequestBodyLBS . encode $ HandleUpdate hdl
- void $ flip mapConcurrently us $ \u ->
+ void . flip mapConcurrently us $ \u ->
put (brig . path "/self/handle" . contentJson . zUser u . zConn "c" . body update)
ps <- forM us $ \u -> responseJsonMaybe <$> get (brig . path "/self" . zUser u)
let owners = catMaybes $ filter (maybe False ((== Just (Handle hdl)) . userHandle)) ps
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/RichInfo.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/RichInfo.hs
index 9b0fcef4003..d2facf6849e 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/RichInfo.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/RichInfo.hs
@@ -116,9 +116,10 @@ testRichInfoSizeLimit brig conf = do
[ RichField "department" (Text.replicate (fromIntegral maxSize) "#")
- bad2 = RichInfoAssocList $
- [0 .. ((maxSize `div` 2))]
- <&> \i -> RichField (CI.mk $ Text.pack $ show i) "#"
+ bad2 =
+ RichInfoAssocList $
+ [0 .. ((maxSize `div` 2))]
+ <&> \i -> RichField (CI.mk $ Text.pack $ show i) "#"
putRichInfo brig owner bad1 !!! const 413 === statusCode
putRichInfo brig owner bad2 !!! const 413 === statusCode
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Util.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Util.hs
index 433842a5c06..01256e41418 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Util.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/API/User/Util.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Brig.Types.Team.LegalHold (LegalHoldClientRequest (..))
import Brig.Types.User.Auth hiding (user)
import qualified CargoHold.Types.V3 as CHV3
import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME
-import Control.Lens ((^?), preview)
+import Control.Lens (preview, (^?))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
@@ -131,9 +131,10 @@ activateEmail brig email = do
act <- getActivationCode brig (Left email)
case act of
Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure "missing activation key/code"
- Just kc -> activate brig kc !!! do
- const 200 === statusCode
- const (Just False) === fmap activatedFirst . responseJsonMaybe
+ Just kc ->
+ activate brig kc !!! do
+ const 200 === statusCode
+ const (Just False) === fmap activatedFirst . responseJsonMaybe
checkEmail :: HasCallStack => Brig -> UserId -> Email -> HttpT IO ()
checkEmail brig uid expectedEmail =
@@ -254,9 +255,10 @@ countCookies brig u label = do
return $ Vec.length <$> (preview (key "cookies" . _Array) =<< responseJsonMaybe @Value r)
assertConnections :: HasCallStack => Brig -> UserId -> [ConnectionStatus] -> Http ()
-assertConnections brig u cs = listConnections brig u !!! do
- const 200 === statusCode
- const (Just True) === fmap (check . map status . clConnections) . responseJsonMaybe
+assertConnections brig u cs =
+ listConnections brig u !!! do
+ const 200 === statusCode
+ const (Just True) === fmap (check . map status . clConnections) . responseJsonMaybe
check xs = all (`elem` xs) cs
status c = ConnectionStatus (ucFrom c) (ucTo c) (ucStatus c)
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/Main.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/Main.hs
index f5d167cfc92..6782d7aecae 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/Main.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/Main.hs
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Main
+import qualified API.Calling as Calling
import qualified API.IdMapping as IdMapping
import qualified API.Metrics as Metrics
import qualified API.Provider as Provider
import qualified API.Search as Search
import qualified API.Settings as Settings
-import qualified API.TURN as TURN
import qualified API.Team as Team
import qualified API.User as User
import Bilge hiding (header)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ runTests iConf bConf otherArgs = do
providerApi <- Provider.tests (provider <$> iConf) mg db b c g
searchApis <- Search.tests brigOpts mg g b
teamApis <- Team.tests brigOpts mg n b c g awsEnv
- turnApi <- TURN.tests mg b turnFile turnFileV2
+ turnApi <- Calling.tests mg b brigOpts turnFile turnFileV2
idMappingApi <- pure $ IdMapping.tests brigOpts mg b
metricsApi <- Metrics.tests mg b
settingsApi <- Settings.tests brigOpts mg b g
diff --git a/services/brig/test/integration/Util.hs b/services/brig/test/integration/Util.hs
index 6e21af2e25e..405ee2b69df 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/integration/Util.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/integration/Util.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import Bilge
import Bilge.Assert
import qualified Brig.AWS as AWS
import Brig.AWS.Types
+import Brig.App (applog, sftEnv)
+import Brig.Calling as Calling
import qualified Brig.Options as Opts
import qualified Brig.Run as Run
import Brig.Types.Activation
@@ -33,12 +35,12 @@ import Brig.Types.Connection
import Brig.Types.Intra
import Brig.Types.User
import Brig.Types.User.Auth
-import Control.Lens ((^?), (^?!))
+import Control.Lens ((^.), (^?), (^?!))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Retry
import Data.Aeson
-import Data.Aeson.Lens (_Integral, _JSON, _String, key)
+import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, _Integral, _JSON, _String)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ import Test.Tasty (TestName, TestTree)
import Test.Tasty.Cannon
import qualified Test.Tasty.Cannon as WS
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import qualified UnliftIO.Async as Async
import Util.AWS
import Wire.API.Conversation.Member (Member (..))
@@ -571,9 +574,10 @@ updatePhone brig uid phn = do
act <- getActivationCode brig (Right phn)
case act of
Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure "missing activation key/code"
- Just kc -> activate brig kc !!! do
- const 200 === statusCode
- const (Just False) === fmap activatedFirst . responseJsonMaybe
+ Just kc ->
+ activate brig kc !!! do
+ const 200 === statusCode
+ const (Just False) === fmap activatedFirst . responseJsonMaybe
defEmailLogin :: Email -> Login
defEmailLogin e = emailLogin e defPassword (Just defCookieLabel)
@@ -704,10 +708,17 @@ retryWhileN n f m =
-- | This allows you to run requests against a brig instantiated using the given options.
-- Note that ONLY 'brig' calls should occur within the provided action, calls to other
-- services will fail.
+-- Beware: Not all async parts of brig are running in this.
withSettingsOverrides :: MonadIO m => Opts.Opts -> WaiTest.Session a -> m a
withSettingsOverrides opts action = liftIO $ do
- (brigApp, _) <- Run.mkApp opts
- WaiTest.runSession action brigApp
+ (brigApp, env) <- Run.mkApp opts
+ sftDiscovery <-
+ forM (env ^. sftEnv) $ \sftEnv' ->
+ Async.async $ Calling.startSFTServiceDiscovery (env ^. applog) sftEnv'
+ res <- WaiTest.runSession action brigApp
+ mapM_ Async.cancel sftDiscovery
+ pure res
-- | When we remove the customer-specific extension of domain blocking, this test will fail to
-- compile.
diff --git a/services/brig/test/unit/Main.hs b/services/brig/test/unit/Main.hs
index 6f12acae661..75aa2dfddf8 100644
--- a/services/brig/test/unit/Main.hs
+++ b/services/brig/test/unit/Main.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ module Main
import Imports
+import qualified Test.Brig.Calling
+import qualified Test.Brig.Calling.Internal
import qualified Test.Brig.User.Search.Index.Types
import Test.Tasty
@@ -29,5 +31,7 @@ main =
defaultMain $
- [ Test.Brig.User.Search.Index.Types.tests
+ [ Test.Brig.User.Search.Index.Types.tests,
+ Test.Brig.Calling.tests,
+ Test.Brig.Calling.Internal.tests
diff --git a/services/brig/test/unit/Test/Brig/Calling.hs b/services/brig/test/unit/Test/Brig/Calling.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02248bbef0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/brig/test/unit/Test/Brig/Calling.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Test.Brig.Calling where
+import Brig.Calling
+import Brig.Options
+import Brig.PolyLog
+import Control.Retry
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
+import Imports
+import Network.DNS
+import Polysemy
+import qualified System.Logger as Log
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import qualified UnliftIO.Async as Async
+import Wire.Network.DNS.Effect
+import Wire.Network.DNS.SRV
+data FakeDNSEnv = FakeDNSEnv
+ { fakeLookupFn :: Domain -> SrvResponse,
+ fakeLookupCalls :: IORef [Domain]
+ }
+newFakeDNSEnv :: (Domain -> SrvResponse) -> IO FakeDNSEnv
+newFakeDNSEnv lookupFn = do
+ FakeDNSEnv lookupFn <$> newIORef []
+runFakeDNSLookup :: Member (Embed IO) r => FakeDNSEnv -> Sem (DNSLookup ': r) a -> Sem r a
+runFakeDNSLookup FakeDNSEnv {..} = interpret $ \case
+ LookupSRV domain -> do
+ modifyIORef' fakeLookupCalls (++ [domain])
+ pure $ fakeLookupFn domain
+newtype LogRecorder = LogRecorder {recordedLogs :: IORef [(Log.Level, LByteString)]}
+newLogRecorder :: IO LogRecorder
+newLogRecorder = LogRecorder <$> newIORef []
+recordLogs :: Member (Embed IO) r => LogRecorder -> Sem (PolyLog ': r) a -> Sem r a
+recordLogs LogRecorder {..} = interpret $ \(PolyLog lvl msg) ->
+ modifyIORef' recordedLogs (++ [(lvl, Log.render (Log.renderDefault ", ") msg)])
+ignoreLogs :: Sem (PolyLog ': r) a -> Sem r a
+ignoreLogs = interpret $ \(PolyLog _ _) -> pure ()
+tests :: TestTree
+tests =
+ testGroup "Calling" $
+ [ testGroup "mkSFTDomain" $
+ [ testCase "when service name is provided" $
+ assertEqual
+ "should use the service name to form domain"
+ "_foo._tcp.example.com."
+ (mkSFTDomain (SFTOptions "example.com" (Just "foo") Nothing)),
+ testCase "when service name is not provided" $
+ assertEqual
+ "should assume service name to be 'sft'"
+ "_sft._tcp.example.com."
+ (mkSFTDomain (SFTOptions "example.com" Nothing Nothing))
+ ],
+ testGroup "sftDiscoveryLoop" $
+ [ testCase "when service can be discovered" $ void testDiscoveryLoopWhenSuccessful,
+ testCase "when service can be discovered and the URLs change" testDiscoveryLoopWhenURLsChange,
+ testCase "when service cannot be discovered" testDiscoveryLoopWhenUnsuccessful,
+ testCase "when service cannot be discovered after a successful discovery" testDiscoveryLoopWhenUnsuccessfulAfterSuccess
+ ],
+ testGroup "discoverSFTServers" $
+ [ testCase "when service is available" testSFTDiscoverWhenAvailable,
+ testCase "when service is not available" testSFTDiscoverWhenNotAvailable,
+ testCase "when dns lookup fails" testSFTDiscoverWhenDNSFails
+ ]
+ ]
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenSuccessful :: IO SFTEnv
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenSuccessful = do
+ let entry1 = SrvEntry 0 0 (SrvTarget "sft1.foo.example.com." 443)
+ entry2 = SrvEntry 0 0 (SrvTarget "sft2.foo.example.com." 443)
+ entry3 = SrvEntry 0 0 (SrvTarget "sft3.foo.example.com." 443)
+ returnedEntries = (entry1 :| [entry2, entry3])
+ fakeDNSEnv <- newFakeDNSEnv (\_ -> SrvAvailable returnedEntries)
+ sftEnv <- mkSFTEnv (SFTOptions "foo.example.com" Nothing (Just 0.001))
+ discoveryLoop <- Async.async $ runM . ignoreLogs . runFakeDNSLookup fakeDNSEnv $ sftDiscoveryLoop sftEnv
+ void $ retryEvery10MicrosWhileN 2000 (== 0) (length <$> readIORef (fakeLookupCalls fakeDNSEnv))
+ -- We don't want to stop the loop before it has written to the sftServers IORef
+ void $ retryEvery10MicrosWhileN 2000 (== NotDiscoveredYet) (readIORef (sftServers sftEnv))
+ Async.cancel discoveryLoop
+ actualServers <- readIORef (sftServers sftEnv)
+ assertEqual "servers should be the ones read from DNS" (Discovered returnedEntries) actualServers
+ pure sftEnv
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenUnsuccessful :: IO ()
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenUnsuccessful = do
+ fakeDNSEnv <- newFakeDNSEnv (\_ -> SrvNotAvailable)
+ sftEnv <- mkSFTEnv (SFTOptions "foo.example.com" Nothing (Just 0.001))
+ discoveryLoop <- Async.async $ runM . ignoreLogs . runFakeDNSLookup fakeDNSEnv $ sftDiscoveryLoop sftEnv
+ -- We wait for at least two lookups to be sure that the lookup loop looped at
+ -- least once
+ void $ retryEvery10MicrosWhileN 2000 (<= 1) (length <$> readIORef (fakeLookupCalls fakeDNSEnv))
+ Async.cancel discoveryLoop
+ actualServers <- readIORef (sftServers sftEnv)
+ assertEqual "servers should be the ones read from DNS" NotDiscoveredYet actualServers
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenUnsuccessfulAfterSuccess :: IO ()
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenUnsuccessfulAfterSuccess = do
+ sftEnv <- testDiscoveryLoopWhenSuccessful
+ previousEntries <- readIORef (sftServers sftEnv)
+ -- In the following lines we re-use the 'sftEnv' from a successful lookup to
+ -- replicate what will happen when a dns lookup fails after success
+ failingFakeDNSEnv <- newFakeDNSEnv (\_ -> SrvNotAvailable)
+ discoveryLoop <- Async.async $ runM . ignoreLogs . runFakeDNSLookup failingFakeDNSEnv $ sftDiscoveryLoop sftEnv
+ -- We wait for at least two lookups to be sure that the lookup loop looped at
+ -- least once
+ void $ retryEvery10MicrosWhileN 2000 (<= 1) (length <$> readIORef (fakeLookupCalls failingFakeDNSEnv))
+ Async.cancel discoveryLoop
+ actualServers <- readIORef (sftServers sftEnv)
+ assertEqual "servers shouldn't get overwriten" previousEntries actualServers
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenURLsChange :: IO ()
+testDiscoveryLoopWhenURLsChange = do
+ sftEnv <- testDiscoveryLoopWhenSuccessful
+ -- In the following lines we re-use the 'sftEnv' from a successful lookup to
+ -- replicate what will happen when a dns lookup returns new URLs
+ let entry1 = SrvEntry 0 0 (SrvTarget "sft4.foo.example.com." 443)
+ entry2 = SrvEntry 0 0 (SrvTarget "sft5.foo.example.com." 443)
+ newEntries = (entry1 :| [entry2])
+ fakeDNSEnv <- newFakeDNSEnv (\_ -> SrvAvailable newEntries)
+ discoveryLoop <- Async.async $ runM . ignoreLogs . runFakeDNSLookup fakeDNSEnv $ sftDiscoveryLoop sftEnv
+ void $ retryEvery10MicrosWhileN 2000 (== 0) (length <$> readIORef (fakeLookupCalls fakeDNSEnv))
+ -- We don't want to stop the loop before it has written to the sftServers IORef
+ void $ retryEvery10MicrosWhileN 2000 (== Discovered newEntries) (readIORef (sftServers sftEnv))
+ Async.cancel discoveryLoop
+ actualServers <- readIORef (sftServers sftEnv)
+ assertEqual "servers should get overwritten" (Discovered newEntries) actualServers
+testSFTDiscoverWhenAvailable :: IO ()
+testSFTDiscoverWhenAvailable = do
+ logRecorder <- newLogRecorder
+ let entry1 = SrvEntry 0 0 (SrvTarget "sft7.foo.example.com." 443)
+ entry2 = SrvEntry 0 0 (SrvTarget "sft8.foo.example.com." 8843)
+ returnedEntries = (entry1 :| [entry2])
+ fakeDNSEnv <- newFakeDNSEnv (\_ -> SrvAvailable returnedEntries)
+ assertEqual "discovered servers should be returned" (Just returnedEntries)
+ =<< ( runM . recordLogs logRecorder . runFakeDNSLookup fakeDNSEnv $
+ discoverSFTServers "_sft._tcp.foo.example.com"
+ )
+ assertEqual "nothing should be logged" []
+ =<< readIORef (recordedLogs logRecorder)
+testSFTDiscoverWhenNotAvailable :: IO ()
+testSFTDiscoverWhenNotAvailable = do
+ logRecorder <- newLogRecorder
+ fakeDNSEnv <- newFakeDNSEnv (\_ -> SrvNotAvailable)
+ assertEqual "discovered servers should be returned" Nothing
+ =<< ( runM . recordLogs logRecorder . runFakeDNSLookup fakeDNSEnv $
+ discoverSFTServers "_sft._tcp.foo.example.com"
+ )
+ assertEqual "should warn about it in the logs" [(Log.Warn, "No SFT servers available\n")]
+ =<< readIORef (recordedLogs logRecorder)
+testSFTDiscoverWhenDNSFails :: IO ()
+testSFTDiscoverWhenDNSFails = do
+ logRecorder <- newLogRecorder
+ fakeDNSEnv <- newFakeDNSEnv (\_ -> SrvResponseError IllegalDomain)
+ assertEqual "discovered servers should be returned" Nothing
+ =<< ( runM . recordLogs logRecorder . runFakeDNSLookup fakeDNSEnv $
+ discoverSFTServers "_sft._tcp.foo.example.com"
+ )
+ assertEqual "should warn about it in the logs" [(Log.Error, "DNS Lookup failed for SFT Discovery, Error=IllegalDomain\n")]
+ =<< readIORef (recordedLogs logRecorder)
+retryEvery10MicrosWhileN :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
+retryEvery10MicrosWhileN n f m =
+ retrying
+ (constantDelay 10 <> limitRetries n)
+ (const (return . f))
+ (const m)
diff --git a/services/brig/test/unit/Test/Brig/Calling/Internal.hs b/services/brig/test/unit/Test/Brig/Calling/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5289db03eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/brig/test/unit/Test/Brig/Calling/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Test.Brig.Calling.Internal where
+import Brig.Calling.Internal
+import Data.Misc (mkHttpsUrl)
+import Imports
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import URI.ByteString.QQ as URI
+import Wire.API.Call.Config (sftServer)
+import Wire.Network.DNS.SRV (SrvTarget (SrvTarget))
+tests :: TestTree
+tests =
+ testGroup "Calling.API" $
+ [ testGroup "sftServerFromSrvTarget" $
+ [ testCase "when srvTarget ends with a dot" $ do
+ let Right expectedServer = sftServer <$> mkHttpsUrl [URI.uri|https://sft1.env.example.com:9364|]
+ assertEqual
+ "the dot should be stripped from sft server"
+ expectedServer
+ (sftServerFromSrvTarget $ SrvTarget "sft1.env.example.com." 9364),
+ testCase "when srvTarget doesn't end with a dot" $ do
+ let Right expectedServer = sftServer <$> mkHttpsUrl [URI.uri|https://sft2.env.example.com:443|]
+ assertEqual
+ "the dot should be stripped from sft server"
+ expectedServer
+ (sftServerFromSrvTarget $ SrvTarget "sft2.env.example.com" 443)
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/App.hs b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/App.hs
index 921597f12ba..74de9451438 100644
--- a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/App.hs
+++ b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/App.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Cannon.WS
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Timeout
import Control.Monad.Catch
-import Data.Aeson hiding ((.=), Error)
+import Data.Aeson hiding (Error, (.=))
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Id (ClientId)
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ writeLoop ws clock (TTL ttl) st = loop
loop = do
s <- readIORef st
- if | s ^. counter == 0 -> do
+ if
+ | s ^. counter == 0 -> do
set counter st succ
threadDelay $ s ^. pingFreq
diff --git a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Dict.hs b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Dict.hs
index 3e214743ed0..3ba43b99ec3 100644
--- a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Dict.hs
+++ b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Dict.hs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ where
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hash)
import Data.SizedHashMap (SizedHashMap)
import qualified Data.SizedHashMap as SHM
-import Data.Vector ((!), Vector)
+import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Imports hiding (lookup)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ insert :: (Eq a, Hashable a, MonadIO m) => a -> b -> Dict a b -> m ()
insert k v = mutDict (SHM.insert k v) . getSlice k
add :: (Eq a, Hashable a, MonadIO m) => a -> b -> Dict a b -> m Bool
-add k v d = liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' (getSlice k d) $ \m ->
+add k v d = liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' (getSlice k d) $ \m ->
if k `elem` SHM.keys m
then (m, False)
else (SHM.insert k v m, True)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ remove :: (Eq a, Hashable a, MonadIO m) => a -> Dict a b -> m Bool
remove = removeIf (const True)
removeIf :: (Eq a, Hashable a, MonadIO m) => (Maybe b -> Bool) -> a -> Dict a b -> m Bool
-removeIf f k d = liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' (getSlice k d) $ \m ->
+removeIf f k d = liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' (getSlice k d) $ \m ->
if f (SHM.lookup k m)
then (SHM.delete k m, True)
else (m, False)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ mutDict ::
(SizedHashMap a b -> SizedHashMap a b) ->
IORef (SizedHashMap a b) ->
m ()
-mutDict f d = liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' d $ \m -> (f m, ())
+mutDict f d = liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' d $ \m -> (f m, ())
getSlice :: (Hashable a) => a -> Dict a b -> IORef (SizedHashMap a b)
getSlice k (Dict m) = m ! (hash k `mod` V.length m)
diff --git a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Run.hs b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Run.hs
index 7cf605b4b08..9f12e9d59c8 100644
--- a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Run.hs
+++ b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Run.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ import Cannon.WS hiding (env)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Exception.Safe (catchAny)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
-import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
-import Control.Monad.Catch (finally)
+import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, finally)
import Data.Metrics.Middleware (gaugeSet, path)
import qualified Data.Metrics.Middleware as Middleware
import Data.Metrics.Middleware.Prometheus (waiPrometheusMiddleware)
@@ -95,7 +94,8 @@ refreshMetrics = do
threadDelay 1000000
safeForever :: (MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m) => m () -> m ()
- safeForever action = forever $
- action `catchAny` \exc -> do
- LC.err $ "error" LC..= show exc LC.~~ LC.msg (LC.val "refreshMetrics failed")
- threadDelay 60000000 -- pause to keep worst-case noise in logs manageable
+ safeForever action =
+ forever $
+ action `catchAny` \exc -> do
+ LC.err $ "error" LC..= show exc LC.~~ LC.msg (LC.val "refreshMetrics failed")
+ threadDelay 60000000 -- pause to keep worst-case noise in logs manageable
diff --git a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Types.hs b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Types.hs
index 0d4a598d83f..b70f40a358c 100644
--- a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Types.hs
+++ b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/Types.hs
@@ -81,9 +81,10 @@ newtype Cannon a = Cannon
mapConcurrentlyCannon :: Traversable t => (a -> Cannon b) -> t a -> Cannon (t b)
-mapConcurrentlyCannon action inputs = Cannon $
- ask >>= \e ->
- liftIO $ mapConcurrently ((`runReaderT` e) . unCannon . action) inputs
+mapConcurrentlyCannon action inputs =
+ Cannon $
+ ask >>= \e ->
+ liftIO $ mapConcurrently ((`runReaderT` e) . unCannon . action) inputs
instance MonadLogger Cannon where
log l m = Cannon $ do
diff --git a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/WS.hs b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/WS.hs
index db53f1293cb..aeff344f222 100644
--- a/services/cannon/src/Cannon/WS.hs
+++ b/services/cannon/src/Cannon/WS.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Id (ClientId, ConnId (..), UserId)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
-import Data.Timeout ((#), TimeoutUnit (..))
+import Data.Timeout (TimeoutUnit (..), (#))
import Gundeck.Types
import Imports hiding (threadDelay)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Error
import Network.WebSockets hiding (Request)
import qualified System.Logger as Logger
-import System.Logger.Class hiding ((.=), Error, Settings, close)
+import System.Logger.Class hiding (Error, Settings, close, (.=))
import System.Random.MWC (GenIO, uniform)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ newtype Clock = Clock (IORef Word64)
mkClock :: IO Clock
mkClock = do
r <- newIORef 0
- void . forkIO $ forever $ do
+ void . forkIO . forever $ do
threadDelay (1 # Second)
modifyIORef' r (+ 1)
return $ Clock r
@@ -208,16 +208,19 @@ registerRemote k c = do
debug $ client kb . msg (val "register-remote")
e <- WS ask
i <- regInfo k c
- void $ recovering retry3x rpcHandlers $ const $
- rpc' "gundeck" (upstream e) (method POST . path "/i/presences" . i . expect2xx)
+ void $
+ recovering retry3x rpcHandlers $
+ const $
+ rpc' "gundeck" (upstream e) (method POST . path "/i/presences" . i . expect2xx)
debug $ client kb . msg (val "registered")
isRemoteRegistered :: UserId -> ConnId -> WS Bool
isRemoteRegistered u c = do
e <- WS ask
rs <-
- recovering retry3x rpcHandlers $ const $
- rpc' "gundeck" (upstream e) (method GET . paths ["/i/presences", toByteString' u] . expect2xx)
+ recovering retry3x rpcHandlers $
+ const $
+ rpc' "gundeck" (upstream e) (method GET . paths ["/i/presences", toByteString' u] . expect2xx)
cs <- map connId <$> parseResponse (Error status502 "server-error") rs
return $ c `elem` cs
diff --git a/services/cannon/test/Test/Cannon/Dict.hs b/services/cannon/test/Test/Cannon/Dict.hs
index b08fa5d5e18..9303d8ba1ee 100644
--- a/services/cannon/test/Test/Cannon/Dict.hs
+++ b/services/cannon/test/Test/Cannon/Dict.hs
@@ -98,10 +98,11 @@ insertLookup = do
action d k = do
v <- toByteString <$> nextRandom
added <- D.add k v d
- when added $ replicateM_ 361 $ do
- threadDelay 3571
- x <- D.lookup k d
- Just v @=? x
+ when added $
+ replicateM_ 361 $ do
+ threadDelay 3571
+ x <- D.lookup k d
+ Just v @=? x
assertEq :: (Show a, Eq a, Monad m) => String -> a -> a -> PropertyM m ()
assertEq m a b
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Error.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Error.hs
index f7ad71d4db3..be4acb92538 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Error.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Error.hs
@@ -50,14 +50,15 @@ requestTimeout =
invalidOffset :: Offset -> Offset -> Error
invalidOffset expected given =
- Error status409 "invalid-offset" $ toLazyText $
- "Invalid offset: "
- <> "expected: "
- <> decimal expected
- <> ", "
- <> "given: "
- <> decimal given
- <> "."
+ Error status409 "invalid-offset" $
+ toLazyText $
+ "Invalid offset: "
+ <> "expected: "
+ <> decimal expected
+ <> ", "
+ <> "given: "
+ <> decimal given
+ <> "."
uploadTooSmall :: Error
uploadTooSmall =
@@ -77,14 +78,15 @@ uploadTooLarge =
uploadIncomplete :: TotalSize -> TotalSize -> Error
uploadIncomplete expected actual =
- Error status403 "client-error" $ toLazyText $
- "The upload is incomplete: "
- <> "expected size: "
- <> decimal expected
- <> ", "
- <> "current size: "
- <> decimal actual
- <> "."
+ Error status403 "client-error" $
+ toLazyText $
+ "The upload is incomplete: "
+ <> "expected size: "
+ <> decimal expected
+ <> ", "
+ <> "current size: "
+ <> decimal actual
+ <> "."
clientError :: LText -> Error
clientError = Error status400 "client-error"
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Public.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Public.hs
index 4c0dab658f9..73ba7eb5dd4 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Public.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/Public.hs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import CargoHold.Options
import qualified CargoHold.TUS as TUS
import qualified CargoHold.Types.V3 as V3 (Principal (..))
import Control.Error
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.Id
import Data.Predicate
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3.hs
index d579f764983..bbee56c0cd7 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3.hs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME
import qualified Conduit as Conduit
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Control.Error
-import Control.Lens ((^.), set, view)
+import Control.Lens (set, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Crypto.Hash
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ headers names = count (length names) (header names)
header :: [HeaderName] -> Parser (HeaderName, ByteString)
header names = do
name <- CI.mk <$> takeTill (== ':') > "header name"
- unless (name `elem` names)
- $ fail
- $ "Unexpected header: " ++ show (CI.original name)
+ unless (name `elem` names) $
+ fail $
+ "Unexpected header: " ++ show (CI.original name)
_ <- char ':'
value <- takeTill isEOL > "header value"
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3/Resumable.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3/Resumable.hs
index 0862a01fbfe..878842375b4 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3/Resumable.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/API/V3/Resumable.hs
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ upload own key off len src = do
let totalBytes = V3.totalSizeBytes (S3.resumableTotalSize r)
let numBytes = min (chunkSize r) remaining
if numBytes < chunkSize r && coerce offset + remaining < totalBytes
- then-- Remaining input that is not a full chunk size and does
+ then -- Remaining input that is not a full chunk size and does
-- not constitute the last chunk is ignored, i.e. all chunks
-- except the last must have the same size (the chunk size).
return (r, offset)
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/AWS.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/AWS.hs
index fe967ace206..096daf00d36 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/AWS.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/AWS.hs
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ import qualified Network.AWS.Env as AWS
import qualified Network.AWS.S3 as S3
import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException (..), HttpExceptionContent (..), Manager)
import qualified System.Logger as Logger
-import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
import System.Logger.Class (Logger, MonadLogger (log), (~~))
+import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
import Util.Options (AWSEndpoint (..))
data Env = Env
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ instance MonadLogger Amazon where
log l m = view logger >>= \g -> Logger.log g l m
instance MonadUnliftIO Amazon where
- askUnliftIO = Amazon $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ askUnliftIO = Amazon . ReaderT $ \r ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip runReaderT r . unAmazon))
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/App.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/App.hs
index 74657f73e39..54433d36354 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/App.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/App.hs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import Bilge.RPC (HasRequestId (..))
import qualified CargoHold.AWS as AWS
import CargoHold.Options as Opt
import Control.Error (ExceptT, exceptT)
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses, set, view)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, set, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, runResourceT, transResourceT)
import Data.Default (def)
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Run.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Run.hs
index e63a7d5a7b8..378d1d648ea 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Run.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Run.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import Data.Text (unpack)
import Imports
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip as GZip
-import qualified Network.Wai.Utilities.Server as Server
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Server
+import qualified Network.Wai.Utilities.Server as Server
import Util.Options
run :: Opts -> IO ()
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/S3.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/S3.hs
index 7d99498cd5c..dbe4e84a721 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/S3.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/S3.hs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import qualified Codec.MIME.Parse as MIME
import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME
import Conduit
import Control.Error (ExceptT, throwE)
-import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), (:<), (:>), parts)
+import Control.Lens hiding (parts, (.=), (:<), (:>))
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ import Network.AWS.S3
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Error (Error (..))
import Safe (readMay)
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
-import System.Logger.Message ((.=), msg, val, (~~))
+import System.Logger.Message (msg, val, (.=), (~~))
import URI.ByteString
newtype S3AssetKey = S3AssetKey {s3Key :: Text}
@@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ updateMetadataV3 (s3Key . mkKey -> key) (S3AssetMeta prc tok ct) = do
void $ exec req
copySrc b =
- decodeLatin1 . LBS.toStrict . toLazyByteString
- $ urlEncode []
- $ Text.encodeUtf8 (b <> "/" <> key)
+ decodeLatin1 . LBS.toStrict . toLazyByteString $
+ urlEncode [] $
+ Text.encodeUtf8 (b <> "/" <> key)
req b =
copyObject (BucketName b) (copySrc b) (ObjectKey key)
& coContentType ?~ MIME.showType ct
@@ -308,7 +308,8 @@ calculateChunkSize (fromIntegral -> total) =
smallSize = total `quot` smallChunks
bigSize = total `quot` bigChunks
in V3.ChunkSize $
- if | smallChunks < maxSmallChunks -> minSmallSize
+ if
+ | smallChunks < maxSmallChunks -> minSmallSize
| smallSize <= maxSmallSize -> smallSize
| bigChunks < maxTotalChunks -> minBigSize
| otherwise -> bigSize
@@ -406,14 +407,14 @@ createResumable k p typ size tok = do
chunkBytes = V3.chunkSizeBytes (resumableChunkSize r)
totalBytes = V3.totalSizeBytes (resumableTotalSize r)
resumableMeta csize expires upl =
- setAmzMetaPrincipal p
- : setAmzMetaTotalSize size
- : setAmzMetaChunkSize csize
- : setAmzMetaUploadExpires expires
- : catMaybes
- [ setAmzMetaToken <$> tok,
- setAmzMetaUploadId <$> upl
- ]
+ setAmzMetaPrincipal p :
+ setAmzMetaTotalSize size :
+ setAmzMetaChunkSize csize :
+ setAmzMetaUploadExpires expires :
+ catMaybes
+ [ setAmzMetaToken <$> tok,
+ setAmzMetaUploadId <$> upl
+ ]
uploadChunk ::
S3Resumable ->
@@ -499,8 +500,8 @@ completeResumable r = do
-- the same here.
let rk = resumableKey r
let keys =
- s3ResumableKey rk
- : map (s3ChunkKey . mkChunkKey rk . chunkNr) (toList chunks)
+ s3ResumableKey rk :
+ map (s3ChunkKey . mkChunkKey rk . chunkNr) (toList chunks)
let del =
delete' & dObjects .~ map (objectIdentifier . ObjectKey) keys
& dQuiet ?~ True
@@ -530,9 +531,9 @@ completeResumable r = do
-- upload is complete.
verifyChunks cs = do
let !total = V3.TotalSize $ foldl' (\t v -> t + chunkSize v) 0 cs
- unless (total == resumableTotalSize r)
- $ throwE
- $ uploadIncomplete (resumableTotalSize r) total
+ unless (total == resumableTotalSize r) $
+ throwE $
+ uploadIncomplete (resumableTotalSize r) total
-- Construct a 'Source' by downloading the chunks.
-- chunkSource :: AWS.Env
-- -> Seq S3Chunk
@@ -544,9 +545,10 @@ completeResumable r = do
let b = view AWS.s3Bucket env
let req = getObject (BucketName b) (ObjectKey ck)
v <-
- lift $ AWS.execute env $
- AWS.send req
- >>= flip sinkBody Conduit.sinkLbs . view gorsBody
+ lift $
+ AWS.execute env $
+ AWS.send req
+ >>= flip sinkBody Conduit.sinkLbs . view gorsBody
Conduit.yield (LBS.toStrict v) >> chunkSource env cc
listChunks :: S3Resumable -> ExceptT Error App (Maybe (Seq S3Chunk))
diff --git a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Util.hs b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Util.hs
index bfd9c9a29ef..22c2284fe01 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Util.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/src/CargoHold/Util.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ import URI.ByteString hiding (urlEncode)
genSignedURL :: (ToByteString p) => p -> Handler URI
genSignedURL path = do
- uri <- view (aws . cloudFront) >>= \case
- Nothing -> S3.signedURL path
- Just cf -> CloudFront.signedURL cf path
+ uri <-
+ view (aws . cloudFront) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> S3.signedURL path
+ Just cf -> CloudFront.signedURL cf path
return $! uri
diff --git a/services/cargohold/test/integration/API/V3.hs b/services/cargohold/test/integration/API/V3.hs
index cc8161de81a..be66969654a 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/test/integration/API/V3.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/test/integration/API/V3.hs
@@ -98,9 +98,10 @@ testSimpleRoundtrip c = do
when (isJust $ join (V3.assetRetentionSeconds <$> (sets ^. V3.setAssetRetention))) $ do
liftIO $ assertBool "invalid expiration" (Just utc < view V3.assetExpires ast)
-- Lookup with token and download via redirect.
- r2 <- get (c . path loc . zUser uid . header "Asset-Token" (toByteString' tok) . noRedirect) responseJsonMaybe r2
liftIO $ assertBool "token unchanged" (tok /= tok')
-- Download by owner with new token.
- r3 <- get (c . path loc . zUser uid . header "Asset-Token" (toByteString' tok') . noRedirect) CargoHold -> UserId -> V3.AssetKey -> Maybe V3.AssetToken -> Http (Response (Maybe Lazy.ByteString))
downloadAsset c u k t = do
- r <- getAsset c u k t long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
- <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
- )
+ fmap ServiceConfigFile $
+ strOption $
+ ( short (untag (return 's' :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile Char))
+ <> long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
+ <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
+ )
runTests :: (String -> String -> TestTree) -> IO ()
-runTests run = defaultMainWithIngredients ings
- $ askOption
- $ \(ServiceConfigFile c) ->
- askOption $ \(IntegrationConfigFile i) -> run c i
+runTests run = defaultMainWithIngredients ings $
+ askOption $
+ \(ServiceConfigFile c) ->
+ askOption $ \(IntegrationConfigFile i) -> run c i
ings =
[ Option (Proxy :: Proxy ServiceConfigFile),
Option (Proxy :: Proxy IntegrationConfigFile)
- ]
- : defaultIngredients
+ ] :
+ defaultIngredients
main :: IO ()
main = runTests go
diff --git a/services/cargohold/test/integration/TestSetup.hs b/services/cargohold/test/integration/TestSetup.hs
index 0eb3e69dd5e..872332dbc24 100644
--- a/services/cargohold/test/integration/TestSetup.hs
+++ b/services/cargohold/test/integration/TestSetup.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ where
import Bilge (Request)
import Bilge.IO (Http, Manager, runHttpT)
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.))
import Imports
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
diff --git a/services/federator/federator.cabal b/services/federator/federator.cabal
index 0b26b11d71a..308f6966089 100644
--- a/services/federator/federator.cabal
+++ b/services/federator/federator.cabal
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
--- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.2.
+-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.0.
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
--- hash: 05e45399becaef2bbecfa958ec4d5633900e2e1d8e1c1a2e7ecd2afbdbc2404f
+-- hash: 72597caf8878551b0609bfdc790852575f38db429ea5c83935a399c676ee3c2c
name: federator
version: 1.0.0
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ library
+ Federator.Impl
- Federator.Util
@@ -35,14 +35,12 @@ library
, aeson
, base
, bilge
- , brig-types
, bytestring-conversion
, data-default
, email-validate
, errors
, exceptions
, extended
- , galley-types
, imports
, lens
, metrics-core
@@ -60,6 +58,8 @@ library
, wai
, wai-utilities
, warp
+ , wire-api
+ , wire-api-federation
default-language: Haskell2010
executable federator
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ executable federator
, aeson
, base
, bilge
- , brig-types
, bytestring-conversion
, data-default
, email-validate
@@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ executable federator
, exceptions
, extended
, federator
- , galley-types
, imports
, lens
, metrics-core
@@ -101,4 +99,6 @@ executable federator
, wai
, wai-utilities
, warp
+ , wire-api
+ , wire-api-federation
default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/services/federator/package.yaml b/services/federator/package.yaml
index 892fe7194c8..6035999778c 100644
--- a/services/federator/package.yaml
+++ b/services/federator/package.yaml
@@ -12,14 +12,12 @@ dependencies:
- aeson
- base
- bilge
-- brig-types
- bytestring-conversion
- data-default
- email-validate
- errors
- exceptions
- extended
-- galley-types
- imports
- lens
- metrics-core
@@ -38,6 +36,8 @@ dependencies:
- wai
- wai-utilities
- warp
+- wire-api
+- wire-api-federation
source-dirs: src
diff --git a/services/federator/src/Federator/API.hs b/services/federator/src/Federator/API.hs
index 1ea46ddd105..ba5026aee23 100644
--- a/services/federator/src/Federator/API.hs
+++ b/services/federator/src/Federator/API.hs
@@ -17,53 +17,42 @@
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
-- with this program. If not, see .
-module Federator.API where
-import Brig.Types.Client.Prekey
-import Brig.Types.Test.Arbitrary ()
-import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
-import Data.Handle (Handle (..))
-import Data.Id (UserId)
-import Data.Qualified
-import Federator.Util
+module Federator.API
+ ( Api (..),
+ module Fed,
+ )
+import Data.Id (ConvId, UserId)
+import Data.Qualified (Qualified)
import Imports
import Servant.API
import Servant.API.Generic
-import Test.QuickCheck
+import Wire.API.Federation.API.Conversation as Fed hiding (Api)
+import Wire.API.Federation.Event as Fed
+import Wire.API.User.Client.Prekey (PrekeyBundle)
-data API route = API
- { _gapiSearch ::
- route
- :- "i"
- :> "search"
- -- QUESTION: what exactly should the query be? text + domain?
- :> QueryParam' [Required, Strict] "q" (Qualified Handle)
- :> Get '[JSON] FUser,
- _gapiPrekeys ::
+data Api route = Api
+ { _gapiPrekeys ::
:- "i"
:> "users"
- :> Capture "fqu" (Qualified UserId)
+ :> Capture "id" (Qualified UserId)
:> "prekeys"
- :> Get '[JSON] PrekeyBundle
+ -- FUTUREWORK(federation):
+ -- this should return a version of PrekeyBundle with qualified UserId,
+ -- defined in wire-api-federation
+ :> Get '[JSON] PrekeyBundle,
+ _gapiJoinConversationById ::
+ route
+ :- "i"
+ :> "conversations"
+ :> Capture "cnv" (Qualified ConvId)
+ :> "join"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] Fed.JoinConversationByIdRequest
+ :> Post '[JSON] (Fed.ConversationUpdateResult Fed.MemberJoin)
deriving (Generic)
--- curl http://localhost:8097/i/search?q=wef@a.com; curl http://localhost:8097/i/users/`uuid`@example.com/prekeys
--- TODO: add roundtrip tests for *HttpApiData, *JSON, ...
--- TODO: the client ids in the 'PrekeyBundle' aren't really needed here. do we want to make a
--- new type for that, then?
-data FUser = FUser
- { _fuGlobalHandle :: !(Qualified Handle),
- _fuFQU :: !(Qualified UserId)
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-deriveJSON (wireJsonOptions "_fu") ''FUser
-instance Arbitrary FUser where
- arbitrary = FUser <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+-- FUTUREWORK: add roundtrip tests for *HttpApiData, *JSON, ...
diff --git a/services/federator/src/Federator/App.hs b/services/federator/src/Federator/App.hs
index 2c375802d91..f6dcd763ab2 100644
--- a/services/federator/src/Federator/App.hs
+++ b/services/federator/src/Federator/App.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
@@ -19,19 +19,66 @@
-- with this program. If not, see .
module Federator.App
- ( app,
+ ( AppT,
+ AppIO,
+ runAppT,
+ runAppResourceT,
-import Data.Proxy
-import qualified Federator.API as API
-import Federator.Types
-import Network.Wai
-import Servant.API.Generic
-import Servant.Mock
-import Servant.Server
-app :: Env -> Application
-app _ = serve api (mock api Proxy)
- where
- api = Proxy @(ToServantApi API.API)
+import Bilge (RequestId (unRequestId))
+import Bilge.RPC (HasRequestId (..))
+import Control.Error (ExceptT)
+import Control.Lens (view)
+import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadUnliftIO, ResourceT, runResourceT, transResourceT)
+import Federator.Types (Env, applog, requestId)
+import Imports
+import Servant.API.Generic ()
+import Servant.Server ()
+import System.Logger.Class as LC
+import qualified System.Logger.Extended as Log
+-- FUTUREWORK: this code re-occurs in every service. introduce 'MkAppT' in types-common that
+-- takes 'Env' as one more argument.
+newtype AppT m a = AppT
+ { unAppT :: ReaderT Env m a
+ }
+ deriving newtype
+ ( Functor,
+ Applicative,
+ Monad,
+ MonadIO,
+ MonadThrow,
+ MonadCatch,
+ MonadMask,
+ MonadReader Env
+ )
+type AppIO = AppT IO
+instance MonadIO m => LC.MonadLogger (AppT m) where
+ log l m = do
+ g <- view applog
+ r <- view requestId
+ Log.log g l $ field "request" (unRequestId r) ~~ m
+instance MonadIO m => LC.MonadLogger (ExceptT err (AppT m)) where
+ log l m = lift (LC.log l m)
+instance Monad m => HasRequestId (AppT m) where
+ getRequestId = view requestId
+instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (AppT m) where
+ withRunInIO inner =
+ AppT . ReaderT $ \r ->
+ withRunInIO $ \runner ->
+ inner (runner . flip runReaderT r . unAppT)
+runAppT :: Env -> AppT m a -> m a
+runAppT e (AppT ma) = runReaderT ma e
+runAppResourceT :: ResourceT AppIO a -> AppIO a
+runAppResourceT ma = do
+ e <- ask
+ liftIO . runResourceT $ transResourceT (runAppT e) ma
diff --git a/services/federator/src/Federator/Impl.hs b/services/federator/src/Federator/Impl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75a01c5c800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/federator/src/Federator/Impl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+-- later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+-- details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
+-- with this program. If not, see .
+module Federator.Impl
+ ( app,
+ )
+import Data.Proxy
+import qualified Federator.API as API
+import Federator.Types
+import Network.Wai
+import Servant.API.Generic
+import Servant.Mock
+import Servant.Server
+app :: Env -> Application
+app _ = serve api (mock api Proxy)
+ where
+ api = Proxy @(ToServantApi API.Api)
diff --git a/services/federator/src/Federator/Run.hs b/services/federator/src/Federator/Run.hs
index e2f05c10252..023bbd0956a 100644
--- a/services/federator/src/Federator/Run.hs
+++ b/services/federator/src/Federator/Run.hs
@@ -25,32 +25,20 @@ module Federator.Run
-- * App Environment
- -- * App Monad
- AppT,
- AppIO,
- runAppT,
- runAppResourceT,
-import Bilge (RequestId (unRequestId))
-import Bilge.RPC (HasRequestId (..))
-import Control.Error
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
-import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
+import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.Metrics.Middleware as Metrics
import Data.Text (unpack)
-import qualified Federator.App as App
+import qualified Federator.Impl as Impl
import Federator.Options as Opt
import Federator.Types
import Imports
import Network.Wai (Application)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Server as Server
-import System.Logger.Class as LC
import qualified System.Logger.Extended as Log
import Util.Options
@@ -66,7 +54,7 @@ run opts = do
mkApp :: Opts -> IO (Application, Env)
mkApp opts = do
env <- newEnv opts
- pure (App.app env, env)
+ pure (Impl.app env, env)
-- Environment
@@ -82,50 +70,3 @@ closeEnv :: Env -> IO ()
closeEnv e = do
Log.flush $ e ^. applog
Log.close $ e ^. applog
--- App Monad
--- FUTUREWORK: this code re-occurs in every service. introduce 'MkAppT' in types-common that
--- takes 'Env' as one more argument.
-newtype AppT m a = AppT
- { unAppT :: ReaderT Env m a
- }
- deriving
- ( Functor,
- Applicative,
- Monad,
- MonadIO,
- MonadThrow,
- MonadCatch,
- MonadMask,
- MonadReader Env
- )
-type AppIO = AppT IO
-instance MonadIO m => LC.MonadLogger (AppT m) where
- log l m = do
- g <- view applog
- r <- view requestId
- Log.log g l $ field "request" (unRequestId r) ~~ m
-instance MonadIO m => LC.MonadLogger (ExceptT err (AppT m)) where
- log l m = lift (LC.log l m)
-instance Monad m => HasRequestId (AppT m) where
- getRequestId = view requestId
-instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (AppT m) where
- withRunInIO inner =
- AppT $ ReaderT $ \r ->
- withRunInIO $ \runner ->
- inner (runner . flip runReaderT r . unAppT)
-runAppT :: Env -> AppT m a -> m a
-runAppT e (AppT ma) = runReaderT ma e
-runAppResourceT :: ResourceT AppIO a -> AppIO a
-runAppResourceT ma = do
- e <- ask
- liftIO . runResourceT $ transResourceT (runAppT e) ma
diff --git a/services/galley/migrate-data/src/Galley/DataMigration.hs b/services/galley/migrate-data/src/Galley/DataMigration.hs
index 1b648ded6bf..8bf027be615 100644
--- a/services/galley/migrate-data/src/Galley/DataMigration.hs
+++ b/services/galley/migrate-data/src/Galley/DataMigration.hs
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ mkEnv l cas =
<*> initLogger
initCassandra =
- C.init
- $ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger l)
+ C.init $
+ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger l)
. C.setContacts (cHost cas) []
. C.setPortNumber (fromIntegral (cPort cas))
. C.setKeyspace (cKeyspace cas)
. C.setProtocolVersion C.V4
- $ C.defSettings
+ $ C.defSettings
initLogger = pure l
-- | Runs only the migrations which need to run
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Create.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Create.hs
index 9c5b18657e0..0e23b73e02d 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Create.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Create.hs
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ createOne2OneConversation :: UserId -> ConnId -> NewConvUnmanaged -> Galley Conv
createOne2OneConversation zusr zcon (NewConvUnmanaged j) = do
other <- head . fromRange <$> (rangeChecked (newConvUsers j) :: Galley (Range 1 1 [OpaqueUserId]))
(x, y) <- toUUIDs (makeIdOpaque zusr) other
- when (x == y)
- $ throwM
- $ invalidOp "Cannot create a 1-1 with yourself"
+ when (x == y) $
+ throwM $
+ invalidOp "Cannot create a 1-1 with yourself"
otherUserId <- IdMapping.resolveOpaqueUserId other
case newConvTeam j of
Just ti
@@ -239,26 +239,27 @@ createConnectConversation usr conn j = do
update n conv =
let mems = Data.convMembers conv
in conversationExisted usr
- =<< if | Local usr `isMember` mems ->
- -- we already were in the conversation, maybe also other
- connect n conv
- | otherwise -> do
- now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- mm <- snd <$> Data.addMember now (Data.convId conv) usr
- let conv' =
- conv
- { Data.convMembers = Data.convMembers conv <> toList mm
- }
- if null mems
- then do
- -- the conversation was empty
- connect n conv'
- else do
- -- we were not in the conversation, but someone else
- conv'' <- acceptOne2One usr conv' conn
- if Data.convType conv'' == ConnectConv
- then connect n conv''
- else return conv''
+ =<< if
+ | Local usr `isMember` mems ->
+ -- we already were in the conversation, maybe also other
+ connect n conv
+ | otherwise -> do
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ mm <- snd <$> Data.addMember now (Data.convId conv) usr
+ let conv' =
+ conv
+ { Data.convMembers = Data.convMembers conv <> toList mm
+ }
+ if null mems
+ then do
+ -- the conversation was empty
+ connect n conv'
+ else do
+ -- we were not in the conversation, but someone else
+ conv'' <- acceptOne2One usr conv' conn
+ if Data.convType conv'' == ConnectConv
+ then connect n conv''
+ else return conv''
connect n conv
| Data.convType conv == ConnectConv = do
n' <- case n of
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/IdMapping.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/IdMapping.hs
index 37ce5e3e1c6..e2329bd83d9 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/IdMapping.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/IdMapping.hs
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ module Galley.API.IdMapping
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
-import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.Id (Id (Id, toUUID), OpaqueConvId, OpaqueUserId, idToText)
+import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.IdMapping (IdMapping (IdMapping, _imQualifiedId), MappedOrLocalId (Local, Mapped), hashQualifiedId)
import Data.Qualified (Qualified, renderQualifiedId)
import Galley.API.Error (federationNotEnabled)
@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ createIdMapping qualifiedId = do
let idMapping = IdMapping mappedId qualifiedId
Data.getIdMapping mappedId >>= \case
Just existingMapping ->
- when (_imQualifiedId existingMapping /= qualifiedId)
- $ Log.err
- $ Log.msg @Text "Conflict when creating IdMapping"
- . Log.field "mapped_id" (idToText mappedId)
- . Log.field "existing_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId qualifiedId)
- . Log.field "new_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId (_imQualifiedId existingMapping))
+ when (_imQualifiedId existingMapping /= qualifiedId) $
+ Log.err $
+ Log.msg @Text "Conflict when creating IdMapping"
+ . Log.field "mapped_id" (idToText mappedId)
+ . Log.field "existing_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId qualifiedId)
+ . Log.field "new_qualified_id" (renderQualifiedId (_imQualifiedId existingMapping))
Nothing -> do
Data.insertIdMapping idMapping
Intra.createIdMappingInBrig (mkPostIdMappingRequest qualifiedId)
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Internal.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Internal.hs
index a7097605d90..4aa1a244d76 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Internal.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Internal.hs
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ rmUser user conn = do
return $
(Intra.newPush ListComplete (evtFrom e) (Intra.ConvEvent e) (Intra.recipient <$> Data.convMembers c))
<&> set Intra.pushConn conn
- . set Intra.pushRoute Intra.RouteDirect
+ . set Intra.pushRoute Intra.RouteDirect
| otherwise -> return Nothing
(maybeList1 (catMaybes pp))
@@ -315,7 +315,8 @@ deleteLoop = do
liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
safeForever :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m) => String -> m () -> m ()
-safeForever funName action = forever $
- action `catchAny` \exc -> do
- err $ "error" .= show exc ~~ msg (val $ cs funName <> " failed")
- threadDelay 60000000 -- pause to keep worst-case noise in logs manageable
+safeForever funName action =
+ forever $
+ action `catchAny` \exc -> do
+ err $ "error" .= show exc ~~ msg (val $ cs funName <> " failed")
+ threadDelay 60000000 -- pause to keep worst-case noise in logs manageable
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/LegalHold.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/LegalHold.hs
index 1c32218de16..76d1a081834 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/LegalHold.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/LegalHold.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ where
import Brig.Types.Client.Prekey
import Brig.Types.Provider
import Brig.Types.Team.LegalHold hiding (userId)
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.ByteString.Conversion (toByteString, toByteString')
import Data.Id
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Mapping.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Mapping.hs
index 2472200feda..56873878564 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Mapping.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Mapping.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Error
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
-import System.Logger.Message ((+++), msg, val)
+import System.Logger.Message (msg, val, (+++))
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation as Public
conversationView :: MappedOrLocalId Id.U -> Data.Conversation -> Galley Public.Conversation
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Public.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Public.hs
index 791a5866f04..f21292b0e20 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Public.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Public.hs
@@ -1071,10 +1071,11 @@ filterMissing = (>>= go) <$> (query "ignore_missing" ||| query "report_missing")
users :: ByteString -> ByteString -> P.Result P.Error (Set OpaqueUserId)
users src bs = case fromByteString bs of
Nothing ->
- P.Fail $ P.setMessage "Boolean or list of user IDs expected."
- $ P.setReason P.TypeError
- $ P.setSource src
- $ P.err status400
+ P.Fail $
+ P.setMessage "Boolean or list of user IDs expected." $
+ P.setReason P.TypeError $
+ P.setSource src $
+ P.err status400
-- NB. 'fromByteString' parses a comma-separated list ('List') of
-- user IDs, and then 'fromList' unwraps it; took me a while to
-- understand this
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Swagger.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Swagger.hs
index 973a21999fc..2d0da3ef867 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Swagger.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Swagger.hs
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ import Brig.Types.Client.Prekey (LastPrekey, Prekey, PrekeyId)
import Brig.Types.Provider
import Brig.Types.Team.LegalHold
import Control.Lens
-import Data.Aeson (toJSON)
-import Data.Aeson (Value (..))
+import Data.Aeson (Value (..), toJSON)
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd
import Data.Id
import Data.LegalHold
@@ -157,14 +156,15 @@ instance ToSchema NewLegalHoldService where
instance ToSchema ViewLegalHoldService where
declareNamedSchema _ =
- pure $ NamedSchema (Just "ViewLegalHoldService") $
- mempty
- & properties .~ properties_
- & example .~ Just (toJSON example_)
- & required .~ ["status"]
- & minProperties .~ Just 1
- & maxProperties .~ Just 2
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ pure $
+ NamedSchema (Just "ViewLegalHoldService") $
+ mempty
+ & properties .~ properties_
+ & example .~ Just (toJSON example_)
+ & required .~ ["status"]
+ & minProperties .~ Just 1
+ & maxProperties .~ Just 2
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
properties_ :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Schema)
properties_ =
@@ -204,12 +204,13 @@ instance ToSchema ViewLegalHoldServiceInfo where
declareNamedSchema _ =
- pure $ NamedSchema (Just "ViewLegalHoldServiceInfo") $
- mempty
- & properties .~ properties_
- & example .~ Just (toJSON example_)
- & required .~ ["team_id", "base_url", "fingerprint", "auth_token", "public_key"]
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ pure $
+ NamedSchema (Just "ViewLegalHoldServiceInfo") $
+ mempty
+ & properties .~ properties_
+ & example .~ Just (toJSON example_)
+ & required .~ ["team_id", "base_url", "fingerprint", "auth_token", "public_key"]
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
properties_ :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Schema)
properties_ =
@@ -226,12 +227,13 @@ instance ToSchema ViewLegalHoldServiceInfo where
instance ToSchema TeamFeatureStatus where
declareNamedSchema _ =
- pure $ NamedSchema (Just "TeamFeatureStatus") $
- mempty
- & properties .~ (fromList [("status", Inline statusValue)])
- & required .~ ["status"]
- & type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
- & description ?~ "whether a given team feature is enabled"
+ pure $
+ NamedSchema (Just "TeamFeatureStatus") $
+ mempty
+ & properties .~ (fromList [("status", Inline statusValue)])
+ & required .~ ["status"]
+ & type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
+ & description ?~ "whether a given team feature is enabled"
statusValue =
@@ -259,13 +261,14 @@ instance ToSchema NewLegalHoldClient where
instance ToSchema UserLegalHoldStatusResponse where
declareNamedSchema _ =
- pure $ NamedSchema (Just "UserLegalHoldStatusResponse") $
- mempty
- & properties .~ properties_
- & required .~ ["status"]
- & minProperties .~ Just 1
- & maxProperties .~ Just 3
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ pure $
+ NamedSchema (Just "UserLegalHoldStatusResponse") $
+ mempty
+ & properties .~ properties_
+ & required .~ ["status"]
+ & minProperties .~ Just 1
+ & maxProperties .~ Just 3
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
properties_ :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Schema)
properties_ =
@@ -277,11 +280,12 @@ instance ToSchema UserLegalHoldStatusResponse where
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (IdObject a) where
declareNamedSchema _ =
- pure $ NamedSchema (Just "IdObject a") $
- mempty
- & properties .~ properties_
- & required .~ ["id"]
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ pure $
+ NamedSchema (Just "IdObject a") $
+ mempty
+ & properties .~ properties_
+ & required .~ ["id"]
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
properties_ :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Schema)
properties_ =
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Teams.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Teams.hs
index e5afb96ec76..0f73416b321 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Teams.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Teams.hs
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ import Brig.Types.Team (TeamSize (..))
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.ByteString.Conversion hiding (fromList)
-import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.Id
+import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.IdMapping (MappedOrLocalId (Local))
import qualified Data.List.Extra as List
import Data.List1 (list1)
@@ -493,11 +493,12 @@ updateTeamMember zusr zcon tid targetMember = do
-- user may not elevate permissions
targetPermissions `ensureNotElevated` user
- previousMember <- Data.teamMember tid targetId >>= \case
- Nothing ->
- -- target user must be in same team
- throwM teamMemberNotFound
- Just previousMember -> pure previousMember
+ previousMember <-
+ Data.teamMember tid targetId >>= \case
+ Nothing ->
+ -- target user must be in same team
+ throwM teamMemberNotFound
+ Just previousMember -> pure previousMember
( downgradesOwner previousMember targetPermissions
&& not (canDowngradeOwner user previousMember)
@@ -511,21 +512,20 @@ updateTeamMember zusr zcon tid targetMember = do
updateJournal team updatedMembers
updatePeers targetId targetPermissions updatedMembers
- --
canDowngradeOwner = canDeleteMember
- --
downgradesOwner :: TeamMember -> Permissions -> Bool
downgradesOwner previousMember targetPermissions =
permissionsRole (previousMember ^. permissions) == Just RoleOwner
&& permissionsRole targetPermissions /= Just RoleOwner
- --
updateJournal :: Team -> TeamMemberList -> Galley ()
updateJournal team mems = do
when (team ^. teamBinding == Binding) $ do
(TeamSize size) <- BrigTeam.getSize tid
billingUserIds <- Journal.getBillingUserIds tid $ Just mems
Journal.teamUpdate tid size billingUserIds
- --
updatePeers :: UserId -> Permissions -> TeamMemberList -> Galley ()
updatePeers targetId targetPermissions updatedMembers = do
-- inform members of the team about the change
@@ -609,12 +609,13 @@ uncheckedDeleteTeamMember zusr zcon tid remove mems = do
let tmids = Set.fromList $ map (Local . view userId) (mems ^. teamMembers)
let edata = Conv.EdMembersLeave (Conv.UserIdList [remove])
cc <- Data.teamConversations tid
- for_ cc $ \c -> Data.conversation (c ^. conversationId) >>= \conv ->
- for_ conv $ \dc -> when (Local remove `isMember` Data.convMembers dc) $ do
- Data.removeMember (Local remove) (c ^. conversationId)
- -- If the list was truncated, then the tmids list is incomplete so we simply drop these events
- unless (c ^. managedConversation || mems ^. teamMemberListType == ListTruncated) $
- pushEvent tmids edata now dc
+ for_ cc $ \c ->
+ Data.conversation (c ^. conversationId) >>= \conv ->
+ for_ conv $ \dc -> when (Local remove `isMember` Data.convMembers dc) $ do
+ Data.removeMember (Local remove) (c ^. conversationId)
+ -- If the list was truncated, then the tmids list is incomplete so we simply drop these events
+ unless (c ^. managedConversation || mems ^. teamMemberListType == ListTruncated) $
+ pushEvent tmids edata now dc
pushEvent :: Set (MappedOrLocalId Id.U) -> Conv.EventData -> UTCTime -> Data.Conversation -> Galley ()
pushEvent exceptTo edata now dc = do
(bots, users) <- botsAndUsers (Data.convMembers dc)
@@ -796,14 +797,14 @@ getTeamNotificationsH (zusr ::: sinceRaw ::: size ::: _) = do
parseSince :: Galley (Maybe Public.NotificationId)
parseSince = maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . parseUUID) sinceRaw
- --
parseUUID :: ByteString -> Galley Public.NotificationId
parseUUID raw =
(throwM invalidTeamNotificationId)
(pure . Id)
((UUID.fromASCIIBytes >=> isV1UUID) raw)
- --
isV1UUID u = if UUID.version u == 1 then Just u else Nothing
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Update.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Update.hs
index e35bf40a6cc..127b44f0c7d 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Update.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Update.hs
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import Gundeck.Types.Push.V2 (RecipientClients (..))
import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
-import Network.Wai.Predicate hiding (_1, _2, failure, setStatus)
+import Network.Wai.Predicate hiding (failure, setStatus, _1, _2)
import Network.Wai.Utilities
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation as Public
import qualified Wire.API.Conversation.Code as Public
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ blockConvH (zusr ::: cnv) = do
blockConv :: UserId -> ConvId -> Galley ()
blockConv zusr cnv = do
conv <- Data.conversation cnv >>= ifNothing convNotFound
- unless (Data.convType conv `elem` [ConnectConv, One2OneConv])
- $ throwM
- $ invalidOp "block: invalid conversation type"
+ unless (Data.convType conv `elem` [ConnectConv, One2OneConv]) $
+ throwM $
+ invalidOp "block: invalid conversation type"
let mems = Data.convMembers conv
when (Local zusr `isMember` mems) $ Data.removeMember (Local zusr) cnv
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ unblockConvH (usr ::: conn ::: cnv) = do
unblockConv :: UserId -> Maybe ConnId -> ConvId -> Galley Conversation
unblockConv usr conn cnv = do
conv <- Data.conversation cnv >>= ifNothing convNotFound
- unless (Data.convType conv `elem` [ConnectConv, One2OneConv])
- $ throwM
- $ invalidOp "unblock: invalid conversation type"
+ unless (Data.convType conv `elem` [ConnectConv, One2OneConv]) $
+ throwM $
+ invalidOp "unblock: invalid conversation type"
conv' <- acceptOne2One usr conv conn
conversationView (Local usr) conv'
@@ -690,9 +690,9 @@ newMessage usr con cnv msg now (m, c, t) ~(toBots, toUsers) =
let p =
newPush ListComplete (evtFrom e) (ConvEvent e) [r]
<&> set pushConn con
- . set pushNativePriority (newOtrNativePriority msg)
- . set pushRoute (bool RouteDirect RouteAny (newOtrNativePush msg))
- . set pushTransient (newOtrTransient msg)
+ . set pushNativePriority (newOtrNativePriority msg)
+ . set pushRoute (bool RouteDirect RouteAny (newOtrNativePush msg))
+ . set pushTransient (newOtrTransient msg)
in (toBots, p : toUsers)
updateConversationDeprecatedH :: UserId ::: ConnId ::: ConvId ::: JsonRequest Public.ConversationRename -> Galley Response
@@ -902,9 +902,10 @@ withValidOtrBroadcastRecipients usr clt rcps val now go = Teams.withBindingTeam
-- In large teams, we may still use the broadcast endpoint but only if `report_missing`
-- is used and length `report_missing` < limit since we cannot fetch larger teams than
-- that.
- tMembers <- fmap (view userId) <$> case val of
- OtrReportMissing us -> maybeFetchLimitedTeamMemberList limit tid us
- _ -> maybeFetchAllMembersInTeam tid
+ tMembers <-
+ fmap (view userId) <$> case val of
+ OtrReportMissing us -> maybeFetchLimitedTeamMemberList limit tid us
+ _ -> maybeFetchAllMembersInTeam tid
contacts <- getContactList usr
let users = Set.toList $ Set.union (Set.fromList tMembers) (Set.fromList contacts)
isInternal <- view $ options . optSettings . setIntraListing
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Util.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Util.hs
index 3d94051c836..59e0fca8083 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Util.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/API/Util.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Galley.API.Util where
import Brig.Types (Relation (..))
import Brig.Types.Intra (ReAuthUser (..))
-import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (.~), (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.Domain (Domain)
@@ -154,11 +154,12 @@ assertOnTeam uid tid = do
-- | If the conversation is in a team, throw iff zusr is a team member and does not have named
-- permission. If the conversation is not in a team, do nothing (no error).
permissionCheckTeamConv :: UserId -> ConvId -> Perm -> Galley ()
-permissionCheckTeamConv zusr cnv perm = Data.conversation cnv >>= \case
- Just cnv' -> case Data.convTeam cnv' of
- Just tid -> void $ permissionCheck perm =<< Data.teamMember tid zusr
- Nothing -> pure ()
- Nothing -> throwM convNotFound
+permissionCheckTeamConv zusr cnv perm =
+ Data.conversation cnv >>= \case
+ Just cnv' -> case Data.convTeam cnv' of
+ Just tid -> void $ permissionCheck perm =<< Data.teamMember tid zusr
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Nothing -> throwM convNotFound
-- | Try to accept a 1-1 conversation, promoting connect conversations as appropriate.
acceptOne2One :: UserId -> Data.Conversation -> Maybe ConnId -> Galley Data.Conversation
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/App.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/App.hs
index 038b5f1712a..43bd9784230 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/App.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/App.hs
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ validateOptions l o = do
instance MonadUnliftIO Galley where
askUnliftIO =
- Galley $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ Galley . ReaderT $ \r ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip runReaderT r . unGalley))
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Aws.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Aws.hs
index 0284eff6a67..5f5f055a7c6 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Aws.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Aws.hs
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ newtype Amazon a = Amazon
instance MonadUnliftIO Amazon where
- askUnliftIO = Amazon $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ askUnliftIO = Amazon . ReaderT $ \r ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip runReaderT r . unAmazon))
@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ mkEnv lgr mgr opts = do
getQueueUrl :: AWS.Env -> Text -> IO QueueUrl
getQueueUrl e q = do
x <-
- runResourceT . AWST.runAWST e
- $ AWST.trying AWS._Error
- $ AWST.send (SQS.getQueueURL q)
+ runResourceT . AWST.runAWST e $
+ AWST.trying AWS._Error $
+ AWST.send (SQS.getQueueURL q)
(throwM . GeneralError)
(return . QueueUrl . view SQS.gqursQueueURL)
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data.hs
index 7d2bbbbe940..355a6b09adb 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data.hs
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ deleteTeam tid = do
addTeamMember :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> TeamMember -> m ()
addTeamMember t m =
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ updateTeamMember ::
Permissions ->
m ()
updateTeamMember oldPerms tid uid newPerms = do
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery Cql.updatePermissions (newPerms, tid, uid)
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ updateTeamMember oldPerms tid uid newPerms = do
removeTeamMember :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> UserId -> m ()
removeTeamMember t m =
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery Cql.deleteTeamMember (t, m)
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ listBillingTeamMembers tid =
removeTeamConv :: (MonadClient m, Log.MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m) => TeamId -> ConvId -> m ()
removeTeamConv tid cid = do
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery Cql.markConvDeleted (Identity cid)
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ updateTeamStatus :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> TeamStatus -> m ()
updateTeamStatus t s = retry x5 $ write Cql.updateTeamStatus (params Quorum (s, t))
updateTeam :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> TeamUpdateData -> m ()
-updateTeam tid u = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+updateTeam tid u = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
for_ (u ^. nameUpdate) $ \n ->
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ addMembersUncheckedWithRole t conv (orig, _origRole) usrs = do
-- With chunk size of 64:
-- [galley] Server warning: Batch for [galley_test.member, galley_test.user] is of size 7040, exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 1920.
for_ (List.chunksOf 32 (toList usrs)) $ \chunk -> do
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
for_ chunk $ \(u, r) -> do
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ addMembersUncheckedWithRole t conv (orig, _origRole) usrs = do
updateMember :: MonadClient m => ConvId -> UserId -> MemberUpdate -> m MemberUpdateData
updateMember cid uid mup = do
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchUnLogged
setConsistency Quorum
let opaqueUserId = makeIdOpaque uid
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ updateMember cid uid mup = do
removeMembers :: MonadClient m => Conversation -> UserId -> List1 (MappedOrLocalId Id.U) -> m Event
removeMembers conv orig victims = do
t <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
for_ (toList victims) $ \u -> do
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ removeMembers conv orig victims = do
Mapped _ -> Nothing
removeMember :: MonadClient m => MappedOrLocalId Id.U -> ConvId -> m ()
-removeMember usr cnv = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+removeMember usr cnv = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery Cql.removeMember (cnv, opaqueIdFromMappedOrLocal usr)
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/CustomBackend.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/CustomBackend.hs
index 9d7a668956e..10cd979b8af 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/CustomBackend.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/CustomBackend.hs
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ import Galley.Types
import Imports
getCustomBackend :: MonadClient m => Domain -> m (Maybe CustomBackend)
-getCustomBackend domain = fmap toCustomBackend <$> do
- retry x1 $ query1 Cql.selectCustomBackend (params Quorum (Identity domain))
+getCustomBackend domain =
+ fmap toCustomBackend <$> do
+ retry x1 $ query1 Cql.selectCustomBackend (params Quorum (Identity domain))
toCustomBackend (backendConfigJsonUrl, backendWebappWelcomeUrl) =
CustomBackend {..}
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/IdMapping.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/IdMapping.hs
index 4a03b3dcbd6..42df6870dc0 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/IdMapping.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/IdMapping.hs
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ import Imports
-- | Only a single namespace/table is used for for potentially multiple different types of
-- mapped IDs.
getIdMapping :: MonadClient m => Id (Mapped a) -> m (Maybe (IdMapping a))
-getIdMapping mappedId = fmap toIdMapping <$> do
- retry x1 $ query1 Cql.selectIdMapping (params Quorum (Identity mappedId))
+getIdMapping mappedId =
+ fmap toIdMapping <$> do
+ retry x1 $ query1 Cql.selectIdMapping (params Quorum (Identity mappedId))
toIdMapping (remoteId, domain) =
IdMapping mappedId (Qualified remoteId domain)
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/LegalHold.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/LegalHold.hs
index 857fa9aa499..7a01ffb5824 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/LegalHold.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/LegalHold.hs
@@ -48,8 +48,9 @@ createSettings (LegalHoldService tid url fpr tok key) = do
-- | Returns 'Nothing' if no settings are saved
-- The Caller is responsible for checking whether legal hold is enabled for this team
getSettings :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> m (Maybe LegalHoldService)
-getSettings tid = fmap toLegalHoldService <$> do
- retry x1 $ query1 selectLegalHoldSettings (params Quorum (Identity tid))
+getSettings tid =
+ fmap toLegalHoldService <$> do
+ retry x1 $ query1 selectLegalHoldSettings (params Quorum (Identity tid))
toLegalHoldService (httpsUrl, fingerprint, tok, key) = LegalHoldService tid httpsUrl fingerprint tok key
@@ -57,10 +58,10 @@ removeSettings :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> m ()
removeSettings tid = retry x5 (write removeLegalHoldSettings (params Quorum (Identity tid)))
insertPendingPrekeys :: MonadClient m => UserId -> [Prekey] -> m ()
-insertPendingPrekeys uid keys = retry x5 . batch
- $ forM_ keys
- $ \key ->
- addPrepQuery Q.insertPendingPrekeys (toTuple key)
+insertPendingPrekeys uid keys = retry x5 . batch $
+ forM_ keys $
+ \key ->
+ addPrepQuery Q.insertPendingPrekeys (toTuple key)
toTuple (Prekey keyId key) = (uid, keyId, key)
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/SearchVisibility.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/SearchVisibility.hs
index 72b3085ec34..680a74702b0 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/SearchVisibility.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/SearchVisibility.hs
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ import Imports
-- | Return whether a given team is allowed to enable/disable sso
getSearchVisibility :: MonadClient m => TeamId -> m TeamSearchVisibility
-getSearchVisibility tid = toSearchVisibility <$> do
- retry x1 $ query1 selectSearchVisibility (params Quorum (Identity tid))
+getSearchVisibility tid =
+ toSearchVisibility <$> do
+ retry x1 $ query1 selectSearchVisibility (params Quorum (Identity tid))
-- The value is either set or we return the default
toSearchVisibility :: (Maybe (Identity (Maybe TeamSearchVisibility))) -> TeamSearchVisibility
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/Services.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/Services.hs
index 4692c52c758..b35fbcb5e2a 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/Services.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/Services.hs
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ addBotMember :: UserId -> ServiceRef -> BotId -> ConvId -> UTCTime -> Galley (Ev
addBotMember orig s bot cnv now = do
let pid = s ^. serviceRefProvider
let sid = s ^. serviceRefId
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery insertUserConv (botUserId bot, makeIdOpaque cnv, Nothing, Nothing)
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/TeamNotifications.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/TeamNotifications.hs
index 9feb8d22f12..1922c1580ab 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/TeamNotifications.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Data/TeamNotifications.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Id
import Data.List1 (List1)
import Data.Range (Range, fromRange)
-import Data.Sequence ((<|), (><), Seq, ViewL (..), ViewR (..))
+import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL (..), ViewR (..), (<|), (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Gundeck.Types.Notification
import Imports
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ toNotif (i, b) ns =
(\p1 -> queuedNotification notifId p1 : ns)
( JSON.decode' (fromBlob b)
- -- FUTUREWORK: this is from the database, so it's slightly more ok to ignore parse
- -- errors than if it's data provided by a client. it would still be better to have an
- -- error entry in the log file and crash, rather than ignore the error and continue.
+ -- FUTUREWORK: this is from the database, so it's slightly more ok to ignore parse
+ -- errors than if it's data provided by a client. it would still be better to have an
+ -- error entry in the log file and crash, rather than ignore the error and continue.
notifId = Id (fromTimeUuid i)
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/External.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/External.hs
index a43dac6a93c..22b76e9a0af 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/External.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/External.hs
@@ -103,17 +103,18 @@ deliver1 s bm e
let u = s ^. serviceUrl
let b = botMemId bm
let HttpsUrl url = u
- recovering x3 httpHandlers $ const
- $ sendMessage (s ^. serviceFingerprints)
- $ method POST
- . maybe id host (urlHost u)
- . maybe (port 443) port (urlPort u)
- . paths [url ^. pathL, "bots", toByteString' b, "messages"]
- . header "Authorization" ("Bearer " <> t)
- . json e
- . timeout 5000
- . secure
- . expect2xx
+ recovering x3 httpHandlers $
+ const $
+ sendMessage (s ^. serviceFingerprints) $
+ method POST
+ . maybe id host (urlHost u)
+ . maybe (port 443) port (urlPort u)
+ . paths [url ^. pathL, "bots", toByteString' b, "messages"]
+ . header "Authorization" ("Bearer " <> t)
+ . json e
+ . timeout 5000
+ . secure
+ . expect2xx
| otherwise = return ()
urlHost :: HttpsUrl -> Maybe ByteString
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ urlPort (HttpsUrl u) = do
sendMessage :: [Fingerprint Rsa] -> (Request -> Request) -> Galley ()
sendMessage fprs reqBuilder = do
(man, verifyFingerprints) <- view (extEnv . extGetManager)
- liftIO $ withVerifiedSslConnection (verifyFingerprints fprs) man reqBuilder $ \req ->
+ liftIO . withVerifiedSslConnection (verifyFingerprints fprs) man reqBuilder $ \req ->
Http.withResponse req man (const $ return ())
x3 :: RetryPolicy
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/External/LegalHoldService.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/External/LegalHoldService.hs
index 39d0bb270c7..67d2f6bd9ac 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/External/LegalHoldService.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/External/LegalHoldService.hs
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ import URI.ByteString (uriPath)
checkLegalHoldServiceStatus :: Fingerprint Rsa -> HttpsUrl -> Galley ()
checkLegalHoldServiceStatus fpr url = do
resp <- makeVerifiedRequestFreshManager fpr url reqBuilder
- if | Bilge.statusCode resp < 400 -> pure ()
+ if
+ | Bilge.statusCode resp < 400 -> pure ()
| otherwise -> do
Log.info . Log.msg $ showResponse resp
throwM legalHoldServiceBadResponse
@@ -176,10 +177,12 @@ makeVerifiedRequestWithManager :: Http.Manager -> ([Fingerprint Rsa] -> SSL.SSL
makeVerifiedRequestWithManager mgr verifyFingerprints fpr (HttpsUrl url) reqBuilder = do
let verified = verifyFingerprints [fpr]
extHandleAll errHandler $ do
- recovering x3 httpHandlers $ const $ liftIO
- $ withVerifiedSslConnection verified mgr (reqBuilderMods . reqBuilder)
- $ \req ->
- Http.httpLbs req mgr
+ recovering x3 httpHandlers $
+ const $
+ liftIO $
+ withVerifiedSslConnection verified mgr (reqBuilderMods . reqBuilder) $
+ \req ->
+ Http.httpLbs req mgr
reqBuilderMods =
maybe id Bilge.host (Bilge.extHost url)
@@ -211,20 +214,21 @@ makeVerifiedRequestWithManager mgr verifyFingerprints fpr (HttpsUrl url) reqBuil
-- FUTUREWORK: It would be nice to move (part of) this to ssl-util, but it has types from
-- brig-types and types-common.
validateServiceKey :: MonadIO m => ServiceKeyPEM -> m (Maybe (ServiceKey, Fingerprint Rsa))
-validateServiceKey pem = liftIO $
- readPublicKey >>= \pk ->
- case join (SSL.toPublicKey <$> pk) of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just pk' -> do
- Just sha <- SSL.getDigestByName "SHA256"
- let size = SSL.rsaSize (pk' :: SSL.RSAPubKey)
- if size < minRsaKeySize
- then return Nothing
- else do
- fpr <- Fingerprint <$> SSL.rsaFingerprint sha pk'
- let bits = fromIntegral size * 8
- let key = ServiceKey RsaServiceKey bits pem
- return $ Just (key, fpr)
+validateServiceKey pem =
+ liftIO $
+ readPublicKey >>= \pk ->
+ case join (SSL.toPublicKey <$> pk) of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just pk' -> do
+ Just sha <- SSL.getDigestByName "SHA256"
+ let size = SSL.rsaSize (pk' :: SSL.RSAPubKey)
+ if size < minRsaKeySize
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ fpr <- Fingerprint <$> SSL.rsaFingerprint sha pk'
+ let bits = fromIntegral size * 8
+ let key = ServiceKey RsaServiceKey bits pem
+ return $ Just (key, fpr)
readPublicKey =
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Journal.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Journal.hs
index 84b118fd34a..234db9ebbac 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Journal.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Journal.hs
@@ -65,16 +65,17 @@ teamSuspend :: TeamId -> Galley ()
teamSuspend tid = journalEvent TeamEvent'TEAM_SUSPEND tid Nothing Nothing
journalEvent :: TeamEvent'EventType -> TeamId -> Maybe TeamEvent'EventData -> Maybe TeamCreationTime -> Galley ()
-journalEvent typ tid dat tim = view aEnv >>= \mEnv -> for_ mEnv $ \e -> do
- -- writetime is in microseconds in cassandra 3.11
- ts <- maybe now (return . (`div` 1000000) . view tcTime) tim
- let ev =
- defMessage
- & T.eventType .~ typ
- & T.teamId .~ toBytes tid
- & T.utcTime .~ ts
- & T.maybe'eventData .~ dat
- Aws.execute e (Aws.enqueue ev)
+journalEvent typ tid dat tim =
+ view aEnv >>= \mEnv -> for_ mEnv $ \e -> do
+ -- writetime is in microseconds in cassandra 3.11
+ ts <- maybe now (return . (`div` 1000000) . view tcTime) tim
+ let ev =
+ defMessage
+ & T.eventType .~ typ
+ & T.teamId .~ toBytes tid
+ & T.utcTime .~ ts
+ & T.maybe'eventData .~ dat
+ Aws.execute e (Aws.enqueue ev)
-- utils
@@ -101,11 +102,11 @@ getBillingUserIds tid maybeMemberList = do
fetchFromDB :: Galley [UserId]
fetchFromDB = Data.listBillingTeamMembers tid
- --
filterFromMembers :: TeamMemberList -> Galley [UserId]
filterFromMembers list =
pure $ map (view userId) $ filter (`hasPermission` SetBilling) (list ^. teamMembers)
- --
handleList :: Bool -> TeamMemberList -> Galley [UserId]
handleList enableIndexedBillingTeamMembers list =
case list ^. teamMemberListType of
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Push.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Push.hs
index e1f29fdbf30..27a4944fcc1 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Push.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/Push.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ where
import Bilge hiding (options)
import Bilge.RPC
import Bilge.Retry
-import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (^.), makeLenses, set, view)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, set, view, (&), (.~), (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Retry
import Data.Aeson (Object)
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ push ps = do
(localRecipients, remoteRecipients) =
partitionEithers . fmap localOrRemoteRecipient . toList $ pushRecipients p
- --
localOrRemoteRecipient :: RecipientBy (MappedOrLocalId Id.U) -> Either (RecipientBy UserId) (RecipientBy (IdMapping Id.U))
localOrRemoteRecipient rcp = case _recipientUserId rcp of
Local localId -> Left $ rcp {_recipientUserId = localId}
Mapped idMapping -> Right $ rcp {_recipientUserId = idMapping}
- --
mkPushTo :: [RecipientBy a] -> PushTo b -> Maybe (PushTo a)
mkPushTo recipients p =
nonEmpty recipients <&> \nonEmptyRecipients ->
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/User.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/User.hs
index 495c1de5be5..9e2dd2cd3b4 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/User.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Intra/User.hs
@@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ where
import Bilge hiding (getHeader, options, statusCode)
import Bilge.RPC
-import Brig.Types.Connection (UserIds (..))
-import Brig.Types.Connection (ConnectionsStatusRequest (..), Relation (..))
-import Brig.Types.Intra (ConnectionStatus (..), ReAuthUser (..))
+import Brig.Types.Connection (ConnectionsStatusRequest (..), Relation (..), UserIds (..))
import Brig.Types.Intra
+import Brig.Types.Intra (ConnectionStatus (..), ReAuthUser (..))
import Brig.Types.User (User)
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
@@ -71,13 +70,14 @@ getConnections uFrom uTo rlt = do
deleteBot :: ConvId -> BotId -> Galley ()
deleteBot cid bot = do
(h, p) <- brigReq
- void $ call "brig" $
- method DELETE . host h . port p
- . path "/bot/self"
- . header "Z-Type" "bot"
- . header "Z-Bot" (toByteString' bot)
- . header "Z-Conversation" (toByteString' cid)
- . expect2xx
+ void $
+ call "brig" $
+ method DELETE . host h . port p
+ . path "/bot/self"
+ . header "Z-Type" "bot"
+ . header "Z-Bot" (toByteString' bot)
+ . header "Z-Conversation" (toByteString' cid)
+ . expect2xx
-- | Calls 'Brig.User.API.Auth.reAuthUserH'.
reAuthUser :: UserId -> ReAuthUser -> Galley Bool
@@ -129,10 +129,11 @@ getUser uid = do
deleteUser :: UserId -> Galley ()
deleteUser uid = do
(h, p) <- brigReq
- void $ call "brig" $
- method DELETE . host h . port p
- . paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid]
- . expect2xx
+ void $
+ call "brig" $
+ method DELETE . host h . port p
+ . paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid]
+ . expect2xx
-- | Calls 'Brig.API.getContactListH'.
getContactList :: UserId -> Galley [UserId]
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Options.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Options.hs
index 079bae85332..9fa67bc5c5c 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Options.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Options.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
module Galley.Options where
-import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), Level)
+import Control.Lens hiding (Level, (.=))
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveFromJSON)
import Data.Domain (Domain)
import Data.Misc
diff --git a/services/galley/src/Galley/Run.hs b/services/galley/src/Galley/Run.hs
index 0749663760f..4d2786666f9 100644
--- a/services/galley/src/Galley/Run.hs
+++ b/services/galley/src/Galley/Run.hs
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ import Cassandra (runClient, shutdown)
import Cassandra.Schema (versionCheck)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Exception (finally)
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import qualified Data.Metrics.Middleware as M
import Data.Metrics.Middleware.Prometheus (waiPrometheusMiddleware)
import Data.Misc (portNumber)
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Galley.API (sitemap)
import qualified Galley.API.Internal as Internal
-import qualified Galley.App as App
import Galley.App
+import qualified Galley.App as App
import qualified Galley.Data as Data
import Galley.Options (Opts, optGalley)
import qualified Galley.Queue as Q
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API.hs
index a261297f41d..34db3b8cfa2 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API.hs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import Gundeck.Types.Notification
import Imports
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Error
import Test.Tasty
-import Test.Tasty.Cannon ((#), TimeoutUnit (..))
+import Test.Tasty.Cannon (TimeoutUnit (..), (#))
import qualified Test.Tasty.Cannon as WS
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import TestHelpers
@@ -384,8 +384,9 @@ postJoinConvOk = do
WS.bracketR2 c alice bob $ \(wsA, wsB) -> do
postJoinConv bob conv !!! const 200 === statusCode
postJoinConv bob conv !!! const 204 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
- wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole conv bob [bob] roleNameWireMember
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
+ wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole conv bob [bob] roleNameWireMember
postJoinCodeConvOk :: TestM ()
postJoinCodeConvOk = do
@@ -412,8 +413,9 @@ postJoinCodeConvOk = do
postJoinCodeConv bob payload !!! const 204 === statusCode
-- eve cannot join
postJoinCodeConv eve payload !!! const 403 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
- wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole conv bob [bob] roleNameWireMember
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
+ wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole conv bob [bob] roleNameWireMember
-- changing access to non-activated should give eve access
let nonActivatedAccess = ConversationAccessUpdate [CodeAccess] NonActivatedAccessRole
putAccessUpdate alice conv nonActivatedAccess !!! const 200 === statusCode
@@ -441,8 +443,9 @@ postConvertCodeConv = do
putAccessUpdate alice conv nonActivatedAccess !!! const 200 === statusCode
-- test no-op
putAccessUpdate alice conv nonActivatedAccess !!! const 204 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA] $
- wsAssertConvAccessUpdate conv alice nonActivatedAccess
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA] $
+ wsAssertConvAccessUpdate conv alice nonActivatedAccess
-- Create/get/update/delete codes
getConvCode alice conv !!! const 404 === statusCode
c1 <- decodeConvCodeEvent <$> (postConvCode alice conv postConvCode alice conv
WS.bracketR3 c alice bob eve $ \(wsA, wsB, wsE) -> do
postJoinCodeConv mallory j !!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsE] $
- wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole conv mallory [mallory] roleNameWireMember
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsE] $
+ wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole conv mallory [mallory] roleNameWireMember
WS.bracketRN c [alice, bob, eve, mallory] $ \[wsA, wsB, wsE, wsM] -> do
let teamAccess = ConversationAccessUpdate [InviteAccess, CodeAccess] TeamAccessRole
putAccessUpdate alice conv teamAccess !!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsE, wsM] $
- wsAssertConvAccessUpdate conv alice teamAccess
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsE, wsM] $
+ wsAssertConvAccessUpdate conv alice teamAccess
-- non-team members get kicked out
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsE, wsM] $
- wsAssertMemberLeave conv alice [eve, mallory]
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsE, wsM] $
+ wsAssertMemberLeave conv alice [eve, mallory]
-- joining (for mallory) is no longer possible
postJoinCodeConv mallory j !!! const 403 === statusCode
-- team members (dave) can still join
@@ -535,7 +541,7 @@ getConvsOk2 = do
let cs = convList <$> responseJsonUnsafe rs
let c1 = cs >>= find ((== cnvId cnv1) . cnvId)
let c2 = cs >>= find ((== cnvId cnv2) . cnvId)
- liftIO $ forM_ [(cnv1, c1), (cnv2, c2)] $ \(expected, actual) -> do
+ liftIO . forM_ [(cnv1, c1), (cnv2, c2)] $ \(expected, actual) -> do
"name mismatch"
(Just $ cnvName expected)
@@ -968,7 +974,7 @@ putConvRenameOk = do
-- This endpoint should be deprecated but clients still use it
WS.bracketR2 c alice bob $ \(wsA, wsB) -> do
void $ putConversationName bob conv "gossip++" !!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $ \n -> do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $ \n -> do
let e = List1.head (WS.unpackPayload n)
ntfTransient n @?= False
evtConv e @?= conv
@@ -1030,7 +1036,7 @@ putMemberOk update = do
-- Update member state & verify push notification
WS.bracketR c bob $ \ws -> do
putMember bob update conv !!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatch (5 # Second) ws $ \n -> do
let e = List1.head (WS.unpackPayload n)
ntfTransient n @?= False
evtConv e @?= conv
@@ -1141,10 +1147,12 @@ removeUser = do
conv3 <- decodeConvId <$> postConv alice [carl] (Just "gossip3") [] Nothing Nothing
WS.bracketR3 c alice bob carl $ \(wsA, wsB, wsC) -> do
deleteUser bob
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
- matchMemberLeave conv1 bob
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
- matchMemberLeave conv2 bob
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
+ matchMemberLeave conv1 bob
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
+ matchMemberLeave conv2 bob
-- Check memberships
mems1 <- fmap cnvMembers . responseJsonUnsafe <$> getConv alice conv1
mems2 <- fmap cnvMembers . responseJsonUnsafe <$> getConv alice conv2
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/IdMapping.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/IdMapping.hs
index 3717117b8d6..d35d550bf44 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/IdMapping.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/IdMapping.hs
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module API.IdMapping where
import API.Util (withSettingsOverrides)
import Bilge hiding (timeout)
import Bilge.Assert
-import Control.Lens ((?~), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (?~))
import Data.ByteString.Conversion (toByteString')
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Domain (Domain, mkDomain)
-import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.Id (Id)
+import qualified Data.Id as Id
import Data.Qualified (Qualified (Qualified))
import Galley.Options (optSettings, setEnableFederationWithDomain)
import Galley.Types.IdMapping (PostIdMappingRequest (PostIdMappingRequest), PostIdMappingResponse (PostIdMappingResponse))
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/MessageTimer.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/MessageTimer.hs
index f6aa0584501..e87eb88864a 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/MessageTimer.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/MessageTimer.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import qualified Galley.Types.Teams as Teams
import Imports hiding (head)
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Error
import Test.Tasty
-import Test.Tasty.Cannon ((#), TimeoutUnit (..))
+import Test.Tasty.Cannon (TimeoutUnit (..), (#))
import qualified Test.Tasty.Cannon as WS
import TestHelpers
import TestSetup
@@ -151,8 +151,9 @@ messageTimerEvent = do
let update = ConversationMessageTimerUpdate timer1sec
putMessageTimerUpdate alice cid update
!!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
- wsAssertConvMessageTimerUpdate cid alice update
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB] $
+ wsAssertConvMessageTimerUpdate cid alice update
-- Utilities
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Roles.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Roles.hs
index 8e8f72ff691..d9fb7837771 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Roles.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Roles.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Galley.Types.Conversations.Roles
import Imports
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Error
import Test.Tasty
-import Test.Tasty.Cannon ((#), TimeoutUnit (..))
+import Test.Tasty.Cannon (TimeoutUnit (..), (#))
import qualified Test.Tasty.Cannon as WS
import TestHelpers
import TestSetup
@@ -59,12 +59,14 @@ handleConversationRoleAdmin = do
let cid = decodeConvId rsp
-- Make sure everyone gets the correct event
postMembersWithRole alice (singleton eve) cid role !!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
- wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole cid alice [eve] role
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
+ wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole cid alice [eve] role
-- Add a member to help out with testing
postMembersWithRole alice (singleton jack) cid roleNameWireMember !!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
- wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole cid alice [jack] roleNameWireMember
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
+ wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole cid alice [jack] roleNameWireMember
return cid
-- Added bob as a wire_admin and do the checks
wireAdminChecks cid alice bob jack
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ handleConversationRoleAdmin = do
WS.bracketR3 c alice bob chuck $ \(wsA, wsB, wsC) -> do
let updateDown = OtherMemberUpdate (Just roleNameWireMember)
putOtherMember alice bob updateDown cid !!! assertActionSucceeded
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $ do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $ do
wsAssertMemberUpdateWithRole cid alice bob roleNameWireMember
wireMemberChecks cid bob alice jack
@@ -94,8 +96,9 @@ handleConversationRoleMember = do
let cid = decodeConvId rsp
-- Make sure everyone gets the correct event
postMembersWithRole alice (singleton eve) cid role !!! const 200 === statusCode
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
- wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole cid alice [eve] role
+ void . liftIO $
+ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $
+ wsAssertMemberJoinWithRole cid alice [eve] role
return cid
-- Added bob as a wire_member and do the checks
wireMemberChecks cid bob alice chuck
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ handleConversationRoleMember = do
-- Chuck cannot update, member only
putOtherMember chuck bob updateUp cid !!! assertActionDenied
putOtherMember alice bob updateUp cid !!! assertActionSucceeded
- void . liftIO $ WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $ do
+ void . liftIO . WS.assertMatchN (5 # Second) [wsA, wsB, wsC] $ do
wsAssertMemberUpdateWithRole cid alice bob roleNameWireAdmin
wireAdminChecks cid bob alice chuck
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/SQS.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/SQS.hs
index 489192a145d..afd7f1f7663 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/SQS.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/SQS.hs
@@ -59,20 +59,23 @@ ensureQueueEmptyIO (Just env) = liftIO $ Aws.execute env purgeQueue
ensureQueueEmptyIO Nothing = return ()
assertQueue :: String -> (String -> Maybe E.TeamEvent -> IO ()) -> TestM ()
-assertQueue label check = view tsAwsEnv >>= \case
- Just env -> liftIO $ Aws.execute env $ fetchMessage label check
- Nothing -> return ()
+assertQueue label check =
+ view tsAwsEnv >>= \case
+ Just env -> liftIO $ Aws.execute env $ fetchMessage label check
+ Nothing -> return ()
-- Try to assert an event in the queue for a `timeout` amount of seconds
tryAssertQueue :: Int -> String -> (String -> Maybe E.TeamEvent -> IO ()) -> TestM ()
-tryAssertQueue timeout label check = view tsAwsEnv >>= \case
- Just env -> liftIO $ Aws.execute env $ awaitMessage label timeout check
- Nothing -> return ()
+tryAssertQueue timeout label check =
+ view tsAwsEnv >>= \case
+ Just env -> liftIO $ Aws.execute env $ awaitMessage label timeout check
+ Nothing -> return ()
assertQueueEmpty :: (HasCallStack) => TestM ()
-assertQueueEmpty = view tsAwsEnv >>= \case
- Just env -> liftIO $ Aws.execute env ensureNoMessages
- Nothing -> return ()
+assertQueueEmpty =
+ view tsAwsEnv >>= \case
+ Just env -> liftIO $ Aws.execute env ensureNoMessages
+ Nothing -> return ()
tActivateWithCurrency :: HasCallStack => Maybe Currency.Alpha -> String -> Maybe E.TeamEvent -> IO ()
tActivateWithCurrency c l (Just e) = do
@@ -161,12 +164,13 @@ tryMatch label tries url callback = go tries
liftIO $ threadDelay (10 ^ (6 :: Int))
go (n - 1)
check :: Maybe E.TeamEvent -> Amazon (Either MatchFailure String)
- check e = do
- liftIO $ callback label e
- return (Right $ show e)
- `catchAll` \ex -> case asyncExceptionFromException ex of
- Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
- Nothing -> return . Left $ MatchFailure (e, ex)
+ check e =
+ do
+ liftIO $ callback label e
+ return (Right $ show e)
+ `catchAll` \ex -> case asyncExceptionFromException ex of
+ Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
+ Nothing -> return . Left $ MatchFailure (e, ex)
-- Note that Amazon's purge queue is a bit incovenient for testing purposes because
-- it may be delayed in ~60 seconds which causes messages that are published later
@@ -178,8 +182,8 @@ receive :: Int -> Text -> SQS.ReceiveMessage
receive n url =
SQS.receiveMessage url
& set SQS.rmWaitTimeSeconds (Just 1)
- . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just n)
- . set SQS.rmVisibilityTimeout (Just 1)
+ . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just n)
+ . set SQS.rmVisibilityTimeout (Just 1)
queueEvent :: E.TeamEvent -> Amazon ()
queueEvent e = do
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams.hs
index ac1821742dd..dcd0b09600a 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import qualified Network.Wai.Utilities.Error as Wai
import qualified Proto.TeamEvents as E
import qualified Proto.TeamEvents_Fields as E
import Test.Tasty
-import Test.Tasty.Cannon ((#), TimeoutUnit (..))
+import Test.Tasty.Cannon (TimeoutUnit (..), (#))
import qualified Test.Tasty.Cannon as WS
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import TestHelpers (test)
@@ -330,9 +330,10 @@ testEnableTeamSearchVisibilityPerTeam = do
assertEqual "bad status" status403 status
assertEqual "bad label" "team-search-visibility-not-enabled" label
let getSearchVisibilityCheck :: (HasCallStack, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, MonadHttp m) => TeamSearchVisibility -> m ()
- getSearchVisibilityCheck vis = getSearchVisibility g owner tid !!! do
- const 200 === statusCode
- const (Just (TeamSearchVisibilityView vis)) === responseJsonUnsafe
+ getSearchVisibilityCheck vis =
+ getSearchVisibility g owner tid !!! do
+ const 200 === statusCode
+ const (Just (TeamSearchVisibilityView vis)) === responseJsonUnsafe
Util.withCustomSearchFeature FeatureTeamSearchVisibilityEnabledByDefault $ do
check "Teams should start with Custom Search Visibility enabled" Public.TeamFeatureEnabled
@@ -941,7 +942,7 @@ testDeleteTeam = do
Util.assertConvMember owner cid1
Util.assertConvMember extern cid1
Util.assertNotConvMember (member ^. userId) cid1
- void $ WS.bracketR3 c owner extern (member ^. userId) $ \(wsOwner, wsExtern, wsMember) -> do
+ void . WS.bracketR3 c owner extern (member ^. userId) $ \(wsOwner, wsExtern, wsMember) -> do
delete (g . paths ["teams", toByteString' tid] . zUser owner . zConn "conn")
!!! const 202 === statusCode
checkTeamDeleteEvent tid wsOwner
@@ -1004,7 +1005,7 @@ testDeleteBindingTeamSingleMember = do
(/= Just True)
(getDeletedState extern (other ^. userId))
- void $ WS.bracketRN c [owner, extern] $ \[wsOwner, wsExtern] -> do
+ void . WS.bracketRN c [owner, extern] $ \[wsOwner, wsExtern] -> do
( g
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid]
@@ -1075,7 +1076,7 @@ testDeleteBindingTeam ownerHasPassword = do
!!! const 202
=== statusCode
assertQueue "team member leave 1" $ tUpdate 4 [ownerWithPassword, owner]
- void $ WS.bracketRN c [owner, (mem1 ^. userId), (mem2 ^. userId), extern] $ \[wsOwner, wsMember1, wsMember2, wsExtern] -> do
+ void . WS.bracketRN c [owner, (mem1 ^. userId), (mem2 ^. userId), extern] $ \[wsOwner, wsMember1, wsMember2, wsExtern] -> do
( g
. paths ["teams", toByteString' tid]
@@ -1327,7 +1328,7 @@ testTeamAddRemoveMemberAboveThresholdNoEvents = do
deleteTeam tid owner otherRealUsersInTeam teamCidsThatExternBelongsTo extern = do
c <- view tsCannon
g <- view tsGalley
- void $ WS.bracketRN c (owner : extern : otherRealUsersInTeam) $ \(_wsOwner : wsExtern : _wsotherRealUsersInTeam) -> do
+ void . WS.bracketRN c (owner : extern : otherRealUsersInTeam) $ \(_wsOwner : wsExtern : _wsotherRealUsersInTeam) -> do
( g
. paths ["teams", toByteString' tid]
@@ -1769,7 +1770,7 @@ postCryptoBroadcastMessageJson2 = do
cc <- Util.randomClient charlie (someLastPrekeys !! 2)
connectUsers alice (list1 charlie [])
let t = 3 # Second -- WS receive timeout
- -- Missing charlie
+ -- Missing charlie
let m1 = [(bob, bc, "ciphertext1")]
Util.postOtrBroadcastMessage id alice ac m1 !!! do
const 412 === statusCode
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/Feature.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/Feature.hs
index c6107e06b4a..79b2e1f3f8b 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/Feature.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/Feature.hs
@@ -121,18 +121,20 @@ testSearchVisibility = do
TeamId ->
Public.TeamFeatureStatusValue ->
m ()
- getTeamSearchVisibility teamid expected = Util.getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable g owner teamid !!! do
- statusCode === const 200
- responseJsonEither === const (Right (Public.TeamFeatureStatus expected))
+ getTeamSearchVisibility teamid expected =
+ Util.getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable g owner teamid !!! do
+ statusCode === const 200
+ responseJsonEither === const (Right (Public.TeamFeatureStatus expected))
let getTeamSearchVisibilityInternal ::
(Monad m, MonadHttp m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) =>
TeamId ->
Public.TeamFeatureStatusValue ->
m ()
- getTeamSearchVisibilityInternal teamid expected = Util.getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailableInternal g teamid !!! do
- statusCode === const 200
- responseJsonEither === const (Right (Public.TeamFeatureStatus expected))
+ getTeamSearchVisibilityInternal teamid expected =
+ Util.getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailableInternal g teamid !!! do
+ statusCode === const 200
+ responseJsonEither === const (Right (Public.TeamFeatureStatus expected))
let setTeamSearchVisibilityInternal ::
(Monad m, MonadHttp m, MonadIO m, HasCallStack) =>
@@ -187,6 +189,7 @@ testSimpleFlag feature = do
getFlagInternal feature Public.TeamFeatureEnabled
assertFlag :: HasCallStack => TestM ResponseLBS -> Public.TeamFeatureStatusValue -> TestM ()
-assertFlag res expected = res !!! do
- statusCode === const 200
- responseJsonEither === const (Right (Public.TeamFeatureStatus expected))
+assertFlag res expected =
+ res !!! do
+ statusCode === const 200
+ responseJsonEither === const (Right (Public.TeamFeatureStatus expected))
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/LegalHold.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/LegalHold.hs
index dd859e26e67..b66c6887d1a 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/LegalHold.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Teams/LegalHold.hs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Retry (RetryPolicy, RetryStatus, exponentialBackoff, limitRetries, retrying)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
-import Data.Aeson.Types ((.:), FromJSON)
+import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON, (.:))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ testDisableLegalHoldForUser = do
disableLegalHoldForUser Nothing tid owner member !!! const 403 === statusCode
assertExactlyOneLegalHoldDevice member
disableLegalHoldForUser (Just defPassword) tid owner member !!! testResponse 200 Nothing
- liftIO $ assertMatchChan chan $ \(req, _) -> do
+ liftIO . assertMatchChan chan $ \(req, _) -> do
assertEqual "method" "POST" (requestMethod req)
assertEqual "path" (pathInfo req) ["legalhold", "remove"]
assertNotification mws $ \case
@@ -359,7 +359,8 @@ testCreateLegalHoldTeamSettings = do
let lhapp :: HasCallStack => IsWorking -> Chan Void -> Application
lhapp NotWorking _ _ cont = cont respondBad
lhapp Working _ req cont = do
- if | pathInfo req /= ["legalhold", "status"] -> cont respondBad
+ if
+ | pathInfo req /= ["legalhold", "status"] -> cont respondBad
| requestMethod req /= "GET" -> cont respondBad
| otherwise -> cont respondOk
respondOk :: Wai.Response
@@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ testRemoveLegalHoldFromTeam = do
deleteSettings Nothing owner tid !!! testResponse 403 (Just "access-denied")
let delete'' expectRemoteLHCall = do
deleteSettings (Just defPassword) owner tid !!! testResponse 204 Nothing
- when expectRemoteLHCall $ liftIO $ assertMatchChan chan $ \(req, _) -> do
+ when expectRemoteLHCall . liftIO . assertMatchChan chan $ \(req, _) -> do
putStrLn (show (pathInfo req, pathInfo req == ["legalhold", "remove"]))
putStrLn (show (requestMethod req, requestMethod req == "POST"))
assertEqual "path" ["legalhold", "remove"] (pathInfo req)
@@ -843,9 +844,9 @@ withTestService mkApp go = do
let defs = Warp.defaultSettings {Warp.settingsPort = botPort config}
buf <- liftIO newChan
srv <-
- liftIO . Async.async
- $ Warp.runTLS tlss defs
- $ mkApp buf
+ liftIO . Async.async $
+ Warp.runTLS tlss defs $
+ mkApp buf
go buf `finally` liftIO (Async.cancel srv)
publicKeyNotMatchingService :: PEM
@@ -946,12 +947,13 @@ assertMatchChan c match = go []
go buf = do
m <- liftIO . timeout (5 WS.# WS.Second) . readChan $ c
case m of
- Just n -> do
- match n
- refill buf
- `catchAll` \e -> case asyncExceptionFromException e of
- Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
- Nothing -> go (n : buf)
+ Just n ->
+ do
+ match n
+ refill buf
+ `catchAll` \e -> case asyncExceptionFromException e of
+ Just x -> throwM (x :: SomeAsyncException)
+ Nothing -> go (n : buf)
Nothing -> do
refill buf
liftIO $ assertBool "Timeout" False
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util.hs
index 243dcff24df..8892fa136ee 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util.hs
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ import Bilge.Assert
import Brig.Types
import Brig.Types.Team.Invitation
import Brig.Types.User.Auth (CookieLabel (..))
-import Control.Lens hiding ((#), (.=), from, to)
+import Control.Lens hiding (from, to, (#), (.=))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Retry (constantDelay, limitRetries, retrying)
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
-import Data.Aeson.Lens (_String, key)
+import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, _String)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ import Data.Range
import Data.Serialize (runPut)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String.Conversions (ST, cs)
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import Data.UUID.V4
import qualified Galley.Options as Opts
import qualified Galley.Run as Run
import Galley.Types hiding (InternalMember (..), Member)
import Galley.Types.Conversations.Roles hiding (DeleteConversation)
-import qualified Galley.Types.Teams as Team
import Galley.Types.Teams hiding (Event, EventType (..))
+import qualified Galley.Types.Teams as Team
import Galley.Types.Teams.Intra
import Gundeck.Types.Notification
( Notification (..),
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ import Gundeck.Types.Notification
import Imports
import qualified Network.Wai.Test as WaiTest
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
-import Test.Tasty.Cannon ((#), TimeoutUnit (..))
+import Test.Tasty.Cannon (TimeoutUnit (..), (#))
import qualified Test.Tasty.Cannon as WS
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import TestSetup
@@ -138,9 +138,10 @@ createNonBindingTeam name owner mems = do
g <- view tsGalley
let mm = if null mems then Nothing else Just $ unsafeRange (take 127 mems)
let nt = NonBindingNewTeam $ newNewTeam (unsafeRange name) (unsafeRange "icon") & newTeamMembers .~ mm
- resp <- post (g . path "/teams" . zUser owner . zConn "conn" . zType "access" . json nt) TeamId -> TeamStatus -> TestM ()
@@ -164,9 +165,10 @@ createBindingTeamInternalNoActivate name owner = do
g <- view tsGalley
tid <- randomId
let nt = BindingNewTeam $ newNewTeam (unsafeRange name) (unsafeRange "icon")
- _ <- put (g . paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid] . zUser owner . zConn "conn" . zType "access" . json nt) Text -> UserId -> Currency.Alpha -> TestM TeamId
@@ -241,9 +243,9 @@ bulkGetTeamMembersTruncated usr tid uids trnc = do
getTeamMember :: HasCallStack => UserId -> TeamId -> UserId -> TestM TeamMember
-getTeamMember usr tid mid = do
+getTeamMember getter tid gettee = do
g <- view tsGalley
- r <- get (g . paths ["teams", toByteString' tid, "members", toByteString' mid] . zUser usr) TeamId -> UserId -> TestM TeamMember
@@ -268,10 +270,6 @@ addTeamMemberInternal' tid mem = do
let payload = json (newNewTeamMember mem)
post (g . paths ["i", "teams", toByteString' tid, "members"] . payload)
-stdInvitationRequest :: Email -> Name -> Maybe Locale -> Maybe Team.Role -> InvitationRequest
-stdInvitationRequest e inviterName loc role =
- InvitationRequest e inviterName loc role Nothing Nothing
addUserToTeam :: HasCallStack => UserId -> TeamId -> TestM TeamMember
addUserToTeam = addUserToTeamWithRole Nothing
@@ -280,11 +278,11 @@ addUserToTeam' u t = snd <$> addUserToTeamWithRole' Nothing u t
addUserToTeamWithRole :: HasCallStack => Maybe Role -> UserId -> TeamId -> TestM TeamMember
addUserToTeamWithRole role inviter tid = do
- (inv, rsp2) <- addUserToTeamWithRole' role inviter tid -- TODO: getHeader "Set-Cookie" rsp2
liftIO $ assertEqual "Wrong cookie" (Just "zuid") (setCookieName <$> zuid)
@@ -294,8 +292,7 @@ addUserToTeamWithRole' :: HasCallStack => Maybe Role -> UserId -> TeamId -> Test
addUserToTeamWithRole' role inviter tid = do
brig <- view tsBrig
inviteeEmail <- randomEmail
- let name = Name $ fromEmail inviteeEmail
- let invite = stdInvitationRequest inviteeEmail name Nothing role
+ let invite = InvitationRequest Nothing role Nothing inviteeEmail Nothing
invResponse <- postInvitation tid inviter invite
inv <- responseJsonError invResponse
Just inviteeCode <- getInvitationCode tid (inInvitation inv)
@@ -303,7 +300,7 @@ addUserToTeamWithRole' role inviter tid = do
( brig . path "/register"
. contentJson
- . body (acceptInviteBody name inviteeEmail inviteeCode)
+ . body (acceptInviteBody inviteeEmail inviteeCode)
return (inv, r)
@@ -328,11 +325,11 @@ makeOwner owner mem tid = do
!!! const 200
=== statusCode
-acceptInviteBody :: Name -> Email -> InvitationCode -> RequestBody
-acceptInviteBody name email code =
+acceptInviteBody :: Email -> InvitationCode -> RequestBody
+acceptInviteBody email code =
RequestBodyLBS . encode $
- [ "name" .= fromName name,
+ [ "name" .= Name "bob",
"email" .= fromEmail email,
"password" .= defPassword,
"team_code" .= code
@@ -844,10 +841,10 @@ getTeamQueue zusr msince msize onlyLast = do
error $ "expected time: Nothing; but found: " <> show (qnl ^. queuedTime)
| otherwise =
fmap (_2 %~ parseEvt) . mconcat . fmap parseEvts . view queuedNotifications $ qnl
- --
parseEvts :: QueuedNotification -> [(NotificationId, Object)]
parseEvts qn = (qn ^. queuedNotificationId,) <$> (toList . toNonEmpty $ qn ^. queuedNotificationPayload)
- --
parseEvt :: Object -> UserId
parseEvt o = case fromJSON (Object o) of
(Error msg) -> error msg
@@ -1414,8 +1411,9 @@ withSettingsOverrides opts action = liftIO $ do
waitForMemberDeletion :: UserId -> TeamId -> UserId -> TestM ()
waitForMemberDeletion zusr tid uid = do
maybeTimedOut <- timeout 2000000 loop
- liftIO $ when (isNothing maybeTimedOut) $
- assertFailure "Timed out waiting for member deletion"
+ liftIO $
+ when (isNothing maybeTimedOut) $
+ assertFailure "Timed out waiting for member deletion"
loop = do
galley <- view tsGalley
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util/TeamFeature.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util/TeamFeature.hs
index 183495679f4..99299b3ad64 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util/TeamFeature.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/API/Util/TeamFeature.hs
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
module API.Util.TeamFeature where
-import qualified API.Util as Util
import API.Util (zUser)
+import qualified API.Util as Util
import Bilge
-import Control.Lens ((.~), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (.~))
import Data.ByteString.Conversion (toByteString')
import Data.Id (TeamId, UserId)
import Galley.Options (optSettings, setFeatureFlags)
diff --git a/services/galley/test/integration/Main.hs b/services/galley/test/integration/Main.hs
index 244eb55b7d0..33794c1410e 100644
--- a/services/galley/test/integration/Main.hs
+++ b/services/galley/test/integration/Main.hs
@@ -60,24 +60,25 @@ instance IsOption ServiceConfigFile where
optionName = return "service-config"
optionHelp = return "Service config file to read from"
optionCLParser =
- fmap ServiceConfigFile $ strOption $
- ( short (untag (return 's' :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile Char))
- <> long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
- <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
- )
+ fmap ServiceConfigFile $
+ strOption $
+ ( short (untag (return 's' :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile Char))
+ <> long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
+ <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
+ )
runTests :: (String -> String -> TestTree) -> IO ()
-runTests run = defaultMainWithIngredients ings
- $ askOption
- $ \(ServiceConfigFile c) ->
- askOption $ \(IntegrationConfigFile i) -> run c i
+runTests run = defaultMainWithIngredients ings $
+ askOption $
+ \(ServiceConfigFile c) ->
+ askOption $ \(IntegrationConfigFile i) -> run c i
ings =
[ Option (Proxy :: Proxy ServiceConfigFile),
Option (Proxy :: Proxy IntegrationConfigFile)
- ]
- : defaultIngredients
+ ] :
+ defaultIngredients
main :: IO ()
main = withOpenSSL $ runTests go
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Aws.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Aws.hs
index aac05c7ad49..b4a05082752 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Aws.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Aws.hs
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ import Gundeck.Options
import Gundeck.Types.Push (AppName (..), Token, Transport (..))
import qualified Gundeck.Types.Push as Push
import Imports
-import Network.AWS (AWSRequest, Rs)
-import Network.AWS (serviceAbbrev, serviceCode, serviceMessage, serviceStatus)
+import Network.AWS (AWSRequest, Rs, serviceAbbrev, serviceCode, serviceMessage, serviceStatus)
import qualified Network.AWS as AWS
import qualified Network.AWS.Data as AWS
import qualified Network.AWS.Env as AWS
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ newtype Amazon a = Amazon
instance MonadUnliftIO Amazon where
- askUnliftIO = Amazon $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ askUnliftIO = Amazon . ReaderT $ \r ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip runReaderT r . unAmazon))
@@ -202,9 +201,9 @@ mkEnv lgr opts mgr = do
getQueueUrl :: AWS.Env -> Text -> IO QueueUrl
getQueueUrl e q = do
x <-
- runResourceT . AWST.runAWST e
- $ AWST.trying AWS._Error
- $ AWST.send (SQS.getQueueURL q)
+ runResourceT . AWST.runAWST e $
+ AWST.trying AWS._Error $
+ AWST.send (SQS.getQueueURL q)
(throwM . GeneralError)
(return . QueueUrl . view SQS.gqursQueueURL)
@@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ publish arn txt attrs = do
listen :: Int -> (Event -> IO ()) -> Amazon ()
listen throttleMillis callback = do
QueueUrl url <- view eventQueue
- forever $ handleAny unexpectedError $ do
+ forever . handleAny unexpectedError $ do
msgs <- view rmrsMessages <$> send (receive url)
void $ mapConcurrently (onMessage url) msgs
when (null msgs) $
@@ -447,7 +446,7 @@ listen throttleMillis callback = do
receive url =
SQS.receiveMessage url
& set SQS.rmWaitTimeSeconds (Just 20)
- . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just 10)
+ . set SQS.rmMaxNumberOfMessages (Just 10)
onMessage url m =
case decodeStrict =<< Text.encodeUtf8 <$> m ^. mBody of
Nothing ->
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Env.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Env.hs
index 781d610f813..3c9888281d4 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Env.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Env.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Cassandra (ClientState, Keyspace (..))
import qualified Cassandra as C
import qualified Cassandra.Settings as C
import Control.AutoUpdate
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.))
import Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Metrics.Middleware (Metrics)
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ createEnv m o = do
managerResponseTimeout = responseTimeoutMicro 5000000
r <-
- Redis.mkPool (Logger.clone (Just "redis.gundeck") l)
- $ Redis.setHost (unpack $ o ^. optRedis . epHost)
+ Redis.mkPool (Logger.clone (Just "redis.gundeck") l) $
+ Redis.setHost (unpack $ o ^. optRedis . epHost)
. Redis.setPort (o ^. optRedis . epPort)
. Redis.setMaxConnections 100
. Redis.setPoolStripes 4
. Redis.setConnectTimeout 3
. Redis.setSendRecvTimeout 5
- $ Redis.defSettings
+ $ Redis.defSettings
p <-
- C.init
- $ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger (Logger.clone (Just "cassandra.gundeck") l))
+ C.init $
+ C.setLogger (C.mkLogger (Logger.clone (Just "cassandra.gundeck") l))
. C.setContacts (NE.head c) (NE.tail c)
. C.setPortNumber (fromIntegral $ o ^. optCassandra . casEndpoint . epPort)
. C.setKeyspace (Keyspace (o ^. optCassandra . casKeyspace))
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ createEnv m o = do
. C.setSendTimeout 3
. C.setResponseTimeout 10
. C.setProtocolVersion C.V4
- $ C.defSettings
+ $ C.defSettings
a <- Aws.mkEnv l o n
io <-
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Instances.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Instances.hs
index e4211673aaa..e162984af34 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Instances.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Instances.hs
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ instance ToText (Id a) where
toText = Text.decodeUtf8 . Uuid.toASCIIBytes . toUUID
instance FromText (Id a) where
- parser = Parser.take 36 >>= \txt ->
- txt & Text.encodeUtf8
- & Uuid.fromASCIIBytes
- & maybe (fail "Invalid UUID") (return . Id)
+ parser =
+ Parser.take 36 >>= \txt ->
+ txt & Text.encodeUtf8
+ & Uuid.fromASCIIBytes
+ & maybe (fail "Invalid UUID") (return . Id)
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Monad.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Monad.hs
index dd07d342028..510d7e3e414 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Monad.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Monad.hs
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ newtype Gundeck a = Gundeck
instance MonadUnliftIO Gundeck where
askUnliftIO =
- Gundeck $ ReaderT $ \r ->
+ Gundeck . ReaderT $ \r ->
withUnliftIO $ \u ->
return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip runReaderT r . unGundeck))
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Notification/Data.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Notification/Data.hs
index cea89377fb0..65bd3d6f793 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Notification/Data.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Notification/Data.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Id
import Data.List1 (List1)
import Data.Range (Range, fromRange)
-import Data.Sequence ((<|), (><), Seq, ViewL (..), ViewR (..))
+import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL (..), ViewR (..), (<|), (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Gundeck.Options (NotificationTTL (..))
import Gundeck.Types.Notification
@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ fetchLast u c = do
ls <- query cqlLast (params Quorum (Identity u)) & retry x1
case ls of
[] -> return Nothing
- ns@(n : _) -> ns `getFirstOrElse` do
- p <- paginate cqlSeek (paramsP Quorum (u, n ^. _1) 100) & retry x1
- seek p
+ ns@(n : _) ->
+ ns `getFirstOrElse` do
+ p <- paginate cqlSeek (paramsP Quorum (u, n ^. _1) 100) & retry x1
+ seek p
seek p =
result p
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Presence/Data.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Presence/Data.hs
index 66583e60a0c..ab0e8956b7e 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Presence/Data.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Presence/Data.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ add p = do
let k = toKey (userId p)
let v = toField (connId p)
let d = encode $ PresenceData (resource p) (clientId p) now
- retry x3 $ commands $ do
+ retry x3 . commands $ do
void $ hset k v d
-- nb. All presences of a user are expired 'maxIdleTime' after the
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ deleteAll [] = return ()
deleteAll pp = for_ pp $ \p -> do
let k = toKey (userId p)
let f = __field p
- retry x3 $ commands $ do
+ retry x3 . commands $ do
watch (pure k)
value <- hget k f
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push.hs
index ba8da833896..c1f07844c19 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Error
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall (ErrorCall))
-import Control.Lens ((%~), (.~), (^.), _2, view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (%~), (.~), (^.), _2)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Aeson as Aeson (Object)
import Data.Id
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ import Gundeck.Util
import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai.Utilities
-import System.Logger.Class ((+++), (.=), msg, val, (~~))
+import System.Logger.Class (msg, val, (+++), (.=), (~~))
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkIO)
import qualified Wire.API.Push.Token as Public
@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ pushAll pushes = do
-- to be sent out.
-- If perPushConcurrency is defined, we take the min with 'perNativePushConcurrency', as native push requests
-- to cassandra and SNS are limited to 'perNativePushConcurrency' in parallel.
- unless (psh ^. pushTransient)
- $ mpaRunWithBudget cost ()
- $ mpaPushNative notif psh =<< nativeTargets psh rcps' alreadySent
+ unless (psh ^. pushTransient) $
+ mpaRunWithBudget cost () $
+ mpaPushNative notif psh =<< nativeTargets psh rcps' alreadySent
-- REFACTOR: @[Presence]@ here should be @newtype WebSockedDelivered = WebSockedDelivered [Presence]@
compilePushReq :: (Push, (Notification, List1 (Recipient, [Presence]))) -> (Notification, [Presence])
@@ -319,10 +319,10 @@ nativeTargets psh rcps' alreadySent =
addresses :: Recipient -> m [Address]
addresses u = do
addrs <- mntgtLookupAddresses (u ^. recipientId)
- return
- $ preference
+ return $
+ preference
. filter (eligible u)
- $ addrs
+ $ addrs
eligible :: Recipient -> Address -> Bool
eligible u a
-- Never include the origin client.
@@ -408,14 +408,14 @@ addToken uid cid newtok = mpaRunWithBudget 1 AddTokenNoBudget $ do
then (Just a, old)
else (x, a : old)
| otherwise = (x, old)
- --
continue ::
PushToken ->
Maybe Address ->
Gundeck (Either AddTokenResponse Address)
continue t Nothing = create (0 :: Int) t
continue t (Just a) = update (0 :: Int) t (a ^. addrEndpoint)
- --
create ::
Int ->
PushToken ->
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ addToken uid cid newtok = mpaRunWithBudget 1 AddTokenNoBudget $ do
Right arn -> do
Data.insert uid trp app tok arn cid (t ^. tokenClient)
return (Right (mkAddr t arn))
- --
update ::
Int ->
PushToken ->
@@ -459,28 +459,29 @@ addToken uid cid newtok = mpaRunWithBudget 1 AddTokenNoBudget $ do
ept <- Aws.execute aws (Aws.lookupEndpoint arn)
case ept of
Nothing -> create (n + 1) t
- Just ep -> do
- updateEndpoint uid t arn ep
- Data.insert
- uid
- (t ^. tokenTransport)
- (t ^. tokenApp)
- (t ^. token)
- arn
- cid
- (t ^. tokenClient)
- return (Right (mkAddr t arn))
- `catch` \case
- -- Note: If the endpoint was recently deleted (not necessarily
- -- concurrently), we may get an EndpointNotFound error despite
- -- the previous lookup, i.e. endpoint lookups may exhibit eventually
- -- consistent semantics with regards to endpoint deletion (or
- -- possibly updates in general). We make another attempt to (re-)create
- -- the endpoint in these cases instead of failing immediately.
- Aws.EndpointNotFound {} -> create (n + 1) t
- Aws.InvalidCustomData {} -> return (Left AddTokenMetadataTooLong)
- ex -> throwM ex
- --
+ Just ep ->
+ do
+ updateEndpoint uid t arn ep
+ Data.insert
+ uid
+ (t ^. tokenTransport)
+ (t ^. tokenApp)
+ (t ^. token)
+ arn
+ cid
+ (t ^. tokenClient)
+ return (Right (mkAddr t arn))
+ `catch` \case
+ -- Note: If the endpoint was recently deleted (not necessarily
+ -- concurrently), we may get an EndpointNotFound error despite
+ -- the previous lookup, i.e. endpoint lookups may exhibit eventually
+ -- consistent semantics with regards to endpoint deletion (or
+ -- possibly updates in general). We make another attempt to (re-)create
+ -- the endpoint in these cases instead of failing immediately.
+ Aws.EndpointNotFound {} -> create (n + 1) t
+ Aws.InvalidCustomData {} -> return (Left AddTokenMetadataTooLong)
+ ex -> throwM ex
mkAddr ::
PushToken ->
EndpointArn ->
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native.hs
index 5309b612e7c..5788de8cf85 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Gundeck.Push.Native
-import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (.~), (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.ByteString.Conversion.To
import Data.Id
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Serialise.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Serialise.hs
index ff193eaeb7d..ac084dc1898 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Serialise.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Serialise.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Gundeck.Push.Native.Serialise
import Control.Lens ((^.), (^?), _Just)
-import Data.Aeson ((.=), Value, object)
+import Data.Aeson (Value, object, (.=))
import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToTextBuilder)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Json.Util
@@ -85,8 +85,10 @@ renderText t aps prio x = case t of
# "loc-args" .= (aps ^? _Just . apsLocArgs)
# []
- # "sound" .= (aps ^? _Just . apsSound)
- # "content-available" .= '1'
+ # "sound"
+ .= (aps ^? _Just . apsSound)
+ # "content-available"
+ .= '1'
# []
apsDict LowPriority =
object $
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Types.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Types.hs
index 3787c238dd1..70f391a6c7f 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Types.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Native/Types.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module Gundeck.Push.Native.Types
-import Control.Lens (Lens', (^.), makeLenses, view)
+import Control.Lens (Lens', makeLenses, view, (^.))
import Data.Id (ClientId, ConnId, UserId)
import Gundeck.Aws.Arn
import Gundeck.Types
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Websocket.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Websocket.hs
index 1c9f26e5e1f..6cfdab100ef 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Websocket.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/Push/Websocket.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Bilge.RPC
import Bilge.Retry (rpcHandlers)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall (ErrorCall))
-import Control.Lens ((%~), (^.), _2, view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (%~), (^.), _2)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow, catch, throwM, try)
import Control.Retry
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode, encode)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException (..), HttpExceptionContent (..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Internal as Http
import Network.HTTP.Types (StdMethod (POST), status200, status410)
import qualified Network.URI as URI
-import System.Logger.Class ((+++), val, (~~))
+import System.Logger.Class (val, (+++), (~~))
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
import UnliftIO (handleAny, mapConcurrently)
@@ -368,12 +368,13 @@ send n pp =
fn js p = do
req <- Http.setUri empty (fromURI (resource p))
- recovering x1 rpcHandlers $ const
- $ rpc' "cannon" (check req)
- $ method POST
- . contentJson
- . lbytes js
- . timeout 3000 -- ms
+ recovering x1 rpcHandlers $
+ const $
+ rpc' "cannon" (check req) $
+ method POST
+ . contentJson
+ . lbytes js
+ . timeout 3000 -- ms
check r =
{ Http.checkResponse = \rq rs ->
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/React.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/React.hs
index 358ce9ff7cc..d2d3a183cd3 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/React.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/React.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Gundeck.React
-import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (.~), (^.))
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.Id (ClientId, UserId)
import qualified Data.List as List
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import qualified Gundeck.Push.Websocket as Web
import Gundeck.Types
import Gundeck.Util
import Imports
-import System.Logger.Class ((+++), (.=), Msg, msg, val, (~~))
+import System.Logger.Class (Msg, msg, val, (+++), (.=), (~~))
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
onEvent :: Event -> Gundeck ()
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ onUpdated ev = withEndpoint ev $ \e as ->
forM_ sup $ \a -> do
logUserEvent (a ^. addrUser) ev $ msg (val "Removing superseded token")
deleteToken (a ^. addrUser) ev (a ^. addrToken) (a ^. addrClient)
- if | null sup -> return ()
+ if
+ | null sup -> return ()
| null cur -> deleteEndpoint ev
| otherwise -> updateEndpoint ev e (map (view addrUser) cur)
diff --git a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/ThreadBudget/Internal.hs b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/ThreadBudget/Internal.hs
index 8d66e207cc5..4ce346495a8 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/ThreadBudget/Internal.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/src/Gundeck/ThreadBudget/Internal.hs
@@ -226,14 +226,15 @@ removeStaleHandles ref = do
"watchThreadBudgetState: total overall thread budget diverged from async weights (repaired)."
getStaleHandles :: m (Set UUID)
- getStaleHandles = Set.fromList . mconcat <$> do
- handles <- HM.toList . bmap <$> readIORef ref
- forM handles $ \case
- (_, (_, Nothing)) -> do
- pure []
- (key, (_, Just handle)) -> do
- status <- poll handle
- pure [key | isJust status]
+ getStaleHandles =
+ Set.fromList . mconcat <$> do
+ handles <- HM.toList . bmap <$> readIORef ref
+ forM handles $ \case
+ (_, (_, Nothing)) -> do
+ pure []
+ (key, (_, Just handle)) -> do
+ status <- poll handle
+ pure [key | isJust status]
warnStaleHandles :: Int -> BudgetMap -> m ()
warnStaleHandles num (BudgetMap spent _) =
LC.warn $
@@ -245,7 +246,8 @@ safeForever ::
(MonadIO m, LC.MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m) =>
m () ->
m ()
-safeForever action = forever $
- action `catchAny` \exc -> do
- LC.err $ "error" LC..= show exc LC.~~ LC.msg (LC.val "watchThreadBudgetState: crashed; retrying")
- threadDelay 60000000 -- pause to keep worst-case noise in logs manageable
+safeForever action =
+ forever $
+ action `catchAny` \exc -> do
+ LC.err $ "error" LC..= show exc LC.~~ LC.msg (LC.val "watchThreadBudgetState: crashed; retrying")
+ threadDelay 60000000 -- pause to keep worst-case noise in logs manageable
diff --git a/services/gundeck/test/integration/API.hs b/services/gundeck/test/integration/API.hs
index 6ca9d0a22f1..7cc5984ceaa 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/test/integration/API.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/test/integration/API.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Bilge.Assert
import qualified Cassandra as Cql
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, concurrently_, forConcurrently_, wait)
-import Control.Lens ((%~), (.~), (<&>), (^.), (^?), _2, view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (%~), (.~), (<&>), (^.), (^?), _2)
import Control.Retry (constantDelay, limitRetries, recoverAll, retrying)
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.Aeson.Lens
@@ -260,9 +260,10 @@ bulkPush isE2E numUsers numConnsPerUser = do
ploadE2E :: ConnId -> List1 Aeson.Object
ploadE2E connid = List1.singleton $ HashMap.fromList ["connid" .= connid]
pushE2E :: UserId -> [(UserId, [(ConnId, Bool)])] -> [Push]
- pushE2E u ucs = targets <&> \(uid, connid) ->
- newPush u (toRecipients [uid]) (ploadE2E connid)
- & pushConnections .~ Set.singleton connid
+ pushE2E u ucs =
+ targets <&> \(uid, connid) ->
+ newPush u (toRecipients [uid]) (ploadE2E connid)
+ & pushConnections .~ Set.singleton connid
targets :: [(UserId, ConnId)]
targets =
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ sendMultipleUsers = do
-- 'uid1' and 'uid2' should each have 1 notification
ntfs1 <- listNotifications uid1 Nothing
ntfs2 <- listNotifications uid2 Nothing
- liftIO $ forM_ [ntfs1, ntfs2] $ \ntfs -> do
+ liftIO . forM_ [ntfs1, ntfs2] $ \ntfs -> do
assertEqual "Not exactly 1 notification" 1 (length ntfs)
let p = view queuedNotificationPayload (Prelude.head ntfs)
assertEqual "Wrong events in notification" pload p
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@ targetClientPush = do
-- Check the notification stream
ns1 <- listNotifications uid (Just cid1)
ns2 <- listNotifications uid (Just cid2)
- liftIO $ forM_ [(ns1, cid1), (ns2, cid2)] $ \(ns, c) -> do
+ liftIO . forM_ [(ns1, cid1), (ns2, cid2)] $ \(ns, c) -> do
assertEqual "Not exactly 1 notification" 1 (length ns)
let p = view queuedNotificationPayload (Prelude.head ns)
assertEqual "Wrong events in notification" (pload c) p
@@ -797,10 +798,10 @@ testSharePushToken = do
let t2 = tk c2
t1' <- registerPushToken u1 t1
t2' <- registerPushToken u2 t2 -- share the token with u1
- -- Unfortunately this fails locally :(
- -- "Duplicate endpoint token: 61d22005-af6e-4199-add9-899aae79c70a"
- -- Instead of getting something in the lines of
- -- "Invalid parameter: Token Reason: Endpoint " already exists with the same Token, but different attributes."
+ -- Unfortunately this fails locally :(
+ -- "Duplicate endpoint token: 61d22005-af6e-4199-add9-899aae79c70a"
+ -- Instead of getting something in the lines of
+ -- "Invalid parameter: Token Reason: Endpoint " already exists with the same Token, but different attributes."
liftIO $ assertEqual "token mismatch" (t1 ^. token) t1'
liftIO $ assertEqual "token mismatch" (t2 ^. token) t2'
liftIO $ assertEqual "token mismatch" t1' t2'
@@ -889,12 +890,13 @@ connectUsersAndDevicesWithSendingClients ::
[(UserId, [ConnId])] ->
TestM [(UserId, [(TChan ByteString, TChan ByteString)])]
connectUsersAndDevicesWithSendingClients ca uidsAndConnIds = do
- chs <- forM uidsAndConnIds $ \(uid, conns) -> (uid,) <$> do
- forM conns $ \conn -> do
- chread <- liftIO $ atomically newTChan
- chwrite <- liftIO $ atomically newTChan
- _ <- wsRun ca uid conn (wsReaderWriter chread chwrite)
- pure (chread, chwrite)
+ chs <- forM uidsAndConnIds $ \(uid, conns) ->
+ (uid,) <$> do
+ forM conns $ \conn -> do
+ chread <- liftIO $ atomically newTChan
+ chwrite <- liftIO $ atomically newTChan
+ _ <- wsRun ca uid conn (wsReaderWriter chread chwrite)
+ pure (chread, chwrite)
(\(uid, conns) -> wsAssertPresences uid (length conns)) `mapM_` uidsAndConnIds
pure chs
@@ -1009,20 +1011,22 @@ listNotifications u c = do
(view queuedTime ns)
getNotifications :: UserId -> Maybe ClientId -> TestM (Response (Maybe BL.ByteString))
-getNotifications u c = view tsGundeck >>= \gu ->
- get $
- runGundeckR gu
- . zUser u
- . path "notifications"
- . maybe id (queryItem "client" . toByteString') c
+getNotifications u c =
+ view tsGundeck >>= \gu ->
+ get $
+ runGundeckR gu
+ . zUser u
+ . path "notifications"
+ . maybe id (queryItem "client" . toByteString') c
getLastNotification :: UserId -> Maybe ClientId -> TestM (Response (Maybe BL.ByteString))
-getLastNotification u c = view tsGundeck >>= \gu ->
- get $
- runGundeckR gu
- . zUser u
- . paths ["notifications", "last"]
- . maybe id (queryItem "client" . toByteString') c
+getLastNotification u c =
+ view tsGundeck >>= \gu ->
+ get $
+ runGundeckR gu
+ . zUser u
+ . paths ["notifications", "last"]
+ . maybe id (queryItem "client" . toByteString') c
sendPush :: HasCallStack => Push -> TestM ()
sendPush push = sendPushes [push]
@@ -1101,10 +1105,11 @@ toRecipients :: [UserId] -> Range 1 1024 (Set Recipient)
toRecipients = unsafeRange . Set.fromList . map (`recipient` RouteAny)
randomConnId :: MonadIO m => m ConnId
-randomConnId = liftIO $
- ConnId <$> do
- r <- randomIO :: IO Word32
- return $ C.pack $ show r
+randomConnId =
+ liftIO $
+ ConnId <$> do
+ r <- randomIO :: IO Word32
+ return $ C.pack $ show r
randomClientId :: MonadIO m => m ClientId
randomClientId = liftIO $ newClientId <$> (randomIO :: IO Word64)
diff --git a/services/gundeck/test/integration/Main.hs b/services/gundeck/test/integration/Main.hs
index 21d4ea80a1b..a24fde8dc84 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/test/integration/Main.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/test/integration/Main.hs
@@ -65,24 +65,25 @@ instance IsOption ServiceConfigFile where
optionName = return "service-config"
optionHelp = return "Service config file to read from"
optionCLParser =
- fmap ServiceConfigFile $ strOption $
- ( short (untag (return 's' :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile Char))
- <> long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
- <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
- )
+ fmap ServiceConfigFile $
+ strOption $
+ ( short (untag (return 's' :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile Char))
+ <> long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
+ <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ServiceConfigFile String))
+ )
runTests :: (String -> String -> TestTree) -> IO ()
-runTests run = defaultMainWithIngredients ings
- $ askOption
- $ \(ServiceConfigFile c) ->
- askOption $ \(IntegrationConfigFile i) -> run c i
+runTests run = defaultMainWithIngredients ings $
+ askOption $
+ \(ServiceConfigFile c) ->
+ askOption $ \(IntegrationConfigFile i) -> run c i
ings =
[ Option (Proxy :: Proxy ServiceConfigFile),
Option (Proxy :: Proxy IntegrationConfigFile)
- ]
- : defaultIngredients
+ ] :
+ defaultIngredients
main :: IO ()
main = withOpenSSL $ runTests go
diff --git a/services/gundeck/test/integration/TestSetup.hs b/services/gundeck/test/integration/TestSetup.hs
index 3c7947850ed..47e41b27ac2 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/test/integration/TestSetup.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/test/integration/TestSetup.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ where
import Bilge (HttpT (..), Manager, MonadHttp, Request, runHttpT)
import qualified Cassandra as Cql
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Imports
diff --git a/services/gundeck/test/unit/MockGundeck.hs b/services/gundeck/test/unit/MockGundeck.hs
index 2f65c2178d9..9ea022a2303 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/test/unit/MockGundeck.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/test/unit/MockGundeck.hs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import qualified Data.IntMultiSet as MSet
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List1
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Misc ((<$$>), Milliseconds (Ms))
+import Data.Misc (Milliseconds (Ms), (<$$>))
import Data.Range
import qualified Data.Scientific as Scientific
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@@ -237,9 +237,11 @@ genMockEnv = do
in nubrec <$> forM uids gencids
-- Build an 'MockEnv' containing a map with all those 'ClientInfo's, and
-- check that it validates
- env <- MockEnv . Map.fromList . fmap (_2 %~ Map.fromList) <$> do
- forM (zip uids cidss) $ \(uid, cids) -> (uid,) <$> do
- forM cids $ \cid -> (cid,) <$> genClientInfo uid cid
+ env <-
+ MockEnv . Map.fromList . fmap (_2 %~ Map.fromList) <$> do
+ forM (zip uids cidss) $ \(uid, cids) ->
+ (uid,) <$> do
+ forM cids $ \cid -> (cid,) <$> genClientInfo uid cid
validateMockEnv env & either error (const $ pure env)
-- Try to shrink a 'MockEnv' by removing some users from '_meClientInfos'.
@@ -354,16 +356,17 @@ genPush env = do
-- | Shuffle devices. With probability 0.5, drop at least one device, but not all. If number of
-- devices is @<2@ or if devices are set to 'RecipientClientsAll', the input is returned.
dropSomeDevices :: Recipient -> Gen Recipient
-dropSomeDevices = recipientClients %%~ \case
- RecipientClientsAll -> pure RecipientClientsAll
- RecipientClientsSome cids -> do
- numdevs :: Int <-
- oneof
- [ pure $ length cids,
- choose (1, max 1 (length cids - 1))
- ]
- RecipientClientsSome . unsafeList1 . take numdevs
- <$> QC.shuffle (toList cids)
+dropSomeDevices =
+ recipientClients %%~ \case
+ RecipientClientsAll -> pure RecipientClientsAll
+ RecipientClientsSome cids -> do
+ numdevs :: Int <-
+ oneof
+ [ pure $ length cids,
+ choose (1, max 1 (length cids - 1))
+ ]
+ RecipientClientsSome . unsafeList1 . take numdevs
+ <$> QC.shuffle (toList cids)
shrinkPushes :: HasCallStack => [Push] -> [[Push]]
shrinkPushes = shrinkList shrinkPush
@@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ runMockGundeck env (MockGundeck m) =
instance MonadThrow MockGundeck where
throwM = error . show -- (we are not expecting any interesting errors in these tests, so we might
- -- as well crash badly here, as long as it doesn't go unnoticed...)
+ -- as well crash badly here, as long as it doesn't go unnoticed...)
instance MonadPushAll MockGundeck where
mpaNotificationTTL = pure $ NotificationTTL 300 -- (longer than we want any test to take.)
@@ -418,7 +421,7 @@ instance MonadPushAll MockGundeck where
mpaStreamAdd = mockStreamAdd
mpaPushNative = mockPushNative
mpaForkIO = id -- just don't fork. (this *may* cause deadlocks in principle, but as long as it
- -- doesn't, this is good enough for testing).
+ -- doesn't, this is good enough for testing).
mpaRunWithBudget = \_ _ -> id -- no throttling needed as long as we don't overdo it in the tests...
@@ -670,9 +673,10 @@ mockOldSimpleWebPush notif tgts _senderid mconnid connWhitelist = do
then id
else targetClients %~ filter ((`elem` connWhitelist) . fakeConnId)
emptyMeansFullHack :: NotificationTarget -> NotificationTarget
- emptyMeansFullHack tgt = tgt & targetClients %~ \case
- [] -> clientIdsOfUser env (tgt ^. targetUser)
- same@(_ : _) -> same
+ emptyMeansFullHack tgt =
+ tgt & targetClients %~ \case
+ [] -> clientIdsOfUser env (tgt ^. targetUser)
+ same@(_ : _) -> same
forM_ clients $ \(userid, clientid) -> do
msWSQueue %= deliver (userid, clientid) (ntfPayload notif)
pure $ uncurry fakePresence <$> clients
@@ -693,9 +697,10 @@ shrinkPretty shrnk (Pretty xs) = Pretty <$> shrnk xs
sublist1Of :: HasCallStack => [a] -> Gen (List1 a)
sublist1Of [] = error "sublist1Of: empty list"
-sublist1Of xs = sublistOf xs >>= \case
- [] -> sublist1Of xs
- c : cc -> pure (list1 c cc)
+sublist1Of xs =
+ sublistOf xs >>= \case
+ [] -> sublist1Of xs
+ c : cc -> pure (list1 c cc)
unsafeList1 :: HasCallStack => [a] -> List1 a
unsafeList1 [] = error "unsafeList1: empty list"
diff --git a/services/gundeck/test/unit/ThreadBudget.hs b/services/gundeck/test/unit/ThreadBudget.hs
index 7bd07c4c3b8..b84154e88f4 100644
--- a/services/gundeck/test/unit/ThreadBudget.hs
+++ b/services/gundeck/test/unit/ThreadBudget.hs
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ testThreadBudgets :: Assertion
testThreadBudgets = do
let timeUnits n = MilliSeconds $ lengthOfTimeUnit * n
lengthOfTimeUnit = 5 -- if you make this larger, the test will run more slowly, and be
- -- less likely to have timing issues. if you make it too small, some of the calls to
- -- 'delayms' may return too fast and some things may not be ready yet.
+ -- less likely to have timing issues. if you make it too small, some of the calls to
+ -- 'delayms' may return too fast and some things may not be ready yet.
tbs <- mkThreadBudgetState (MaxConcurrentNativePushes (Just 5) (Just 5))
logHistory :: LogHistory <- newMVar []
watcher <- mkWatcher tbs logHistory
diff --git a/services/proxy/src/Proxy/API/Public.hs b/services/proxy/src/Proxy/API/Public.hs
index 8015a0a6854..3b7c0a5b058 100644
--- a/services/proxy/src/Proxy/API/Public.hs
+++ b/services/proxy/src/Proxy/API/Public.hs
@@ -117,16 +117,16 @@ spotifyToken rq = do
req = baseReq {Client.requestHeaders = hdr}
mgr <- view manager
res <- liftIO $ recovering x2 [handler] $ const (Client.httpLbs (Req.lbytes b req) mgr)
- when (isError (Client.responseStatus res))
- $ debug
- $ msg (val "unexpected upstream response")
- ~~ "upstream" .= val "spotify::token"
- ~~ "status" .= S (Client.responseStatus res)
- ~~ "body" .= B.take 256 (Client.responseBody res)
+ when (isError (Client.responseStatus res)) $
+ debug $
+ msg (val "unexpected upstream response")
+ ~~ "upstream" .= val "spotify::token"
+ ~~ "status" .= S (Client.responseStatus res)
+ ~~ "body" .= B.take 256 (Client.responseBody res)
return $
plain (Client.responseBody res)
& setStatus (Client.responseStatus res)
- . maybeHeader hContentType res
+ . maybeHeader hContentType res
baseReq =
Req.method POST
@@ -142,16 +142,16 @@ soundcloudResolve url = do
let req = Req.queryItem "client_id" s . Req.queryItem "url" url $ baseReq
mgr <- view manager
res <- liftIO $ recovering x2 [handler] $ const (Client.httpLbs req mgr)
- when (isError (Client.responseStatus res))
- $ debug
- $ msg (val "unexpected upstream response")
- ~~ "upstream" .= val "soundcloud::resolve"
- ~~ "status" .= S (Client.responseStatus res)
- ~~ "body" .= B.take 256 (Client.responseBody res)
+ when (isError (Client.responseStatus res)) $
+ debug $
+ msg (val "unexpected upstream response")
+ ~~ "upstream" .= val "soundcloud::resolve"
+ ~~ "status" .= S (Client.responseStatus res)
+ ~~ "body" .= B.take 256 (Client.responseBody res)
return $
plain (Client.responseBody res)
& setStatus (Client.responseStatus res)
- . maybeHeader hContentType res
+ . maybeHeader hContentType res
baseReq =
Req.method GET
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ x2 :: RetryPolicy
x2 = exponentialBackoff 5000 <> limitRetries 2
handler :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => RetryStatus -> Handler m Bool
-handler = const $ Handler $ \case
+handler = const . Handler $ \case
Client.HttpExceptionRequest _ Client.NoResponseDataReceived -> return True
Client.HttpExceptionRequest _ Client.IncompleteHeaders -> return True
Client.HttpExceptionRequest _ (Client.ConnectionTimeout) -> return True
diff --git a/services/proxy/src/Proxy/Env.hs b/services/proxy/src/Proxy/Env.hs
index 8fb7f38ef4f..1befea351c6 100644
--- a/services/proxy/src/Proxy/Env.hs
+++ b/services/proxy/src/Proxy/Env.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Proxy.Env
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.))
import Data.Configurator
import Data.Configurator.Types
import Data.Default (def)
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/API.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/API.hs
index 3468c839e9e..3549a3a1b41 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/API.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/API.hs
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ idpGetRaw zusr idpid = do
_ <- authorizeIdP zusr idp
wrapMonadClient (Data.getIdPRawMetadata idpid) >>= \case
Just txt -> pure $ RawIdPMetadata txt
- Nothing -> throwSpar SparNotFound
+ Nothing -> throwSpar SparIdPNotFound
idpGetAll :: Maybe UserId -> Spar IdPList
idpGetAll zusr = withDebugLog "idpGetAll" (const Nothing) $ do
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ validateNewIdP _idpMetadata teamId mReplaces = do
oldIssuers :: [SAML.Issuer] <- case mReplaces of
Nothing -> pure []
Just replaces -> do
- idp <- wrapMonadClient (Data.getIdPConfig replaces) >>= maybe (throwSpar SparNotFound) pure
+ idp <- wrapMonadClient (Data.getIdPConfig replaces) >>= maybe (throwSpar SparIdPNotFound) pure
pure $ (idp ^. SAML.idpMetadata . SAML.edIssuer) : (idp ^. SAML.idpExtraInfo . wiOldIssuers)
let requri = _idpMetadata ^. SAML.edRequestURI
_idpExtraInfo = WireIdP teamId oldIssuers Nothing
@@ -367,9 +367,10 @@ validateIdPUpdate ::
m (TeamId, IdP)
validateIdPUpdate zusr _idpMetadata _idpId = do
- previousIdP <- wrapMonadClient (Data.getIdPConfig _idpId) >>= \case
- Nothing -> throwError errUnknownIdPId
- Just idp -> pure idp
+ previousIdP <-
+ wrapMonadClient (Data.getIdPConfig _idpId) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> throwError errUnknownIdPId
+ Just idp -> pure idp
teamId <- authorizeIdP zusr previousIdP
unless (previousIdP ^. SAML.idpExtraInfo . wiTeam == teamId) $ do
throwError errUnknownIdP
@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ internalPutSsoSettings SsoSettings {defaultSsoCode = Just code} = do
-- this will return a 404, which is not quite right,
-- but it's an internal endpoint and the message clearly says
-- "Could not find IdP".
- throwSpar SparNotFound
+ throwSpar SparIdPNotFound
Just _ -> do
wrapMonadClient $ Data.storeDefaultSsoCode code
pure NoContent
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/API/Swagger.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/API/Swagger.hs
index d0fd8f272ca..a642aa80a44 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/API/Swagger.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/API/Swagger.hs
@@ -131,12 +131,13 @@ instance ToSchema SAML.IdPMetadata where
instance ToSchema IdPMetadataInfo where
declareNamedSchema _ =
- pure $ NamedSchema (Just "IdPMetadataInfo") $
- mempty
- & properties .~ properties_
- & minProperties ?~ 1
- & maxProperties ?~ 1
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ pure $
+ NamedSchema (Just "IdPMetadataInfo") $
+ mempty
+ & properties .~ properties_
+ & minProperties ?~ 1
+ & maxProperties ?~ 1
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
properties_ :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Schema)
properties_ =
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/App.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/App.hs
index e02789a47af..d7f041c6794 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/App.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/App.hs
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ module Spar.App
import Bilge
-import Brig.Types (ManagedBy (..), Name)
+import Brig.Types (ManagedBy (..))
import Cassandra
import qualified Cassandra as Cas
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch
import Control.Monad.Except
-import Data.Aeson as Aeson ((.=), encode, object)
+import Data.Aeson as Aeson (encode, object, (.=))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Id
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ instance SPStoreIdP SparError Spar where
storeIdPConfig idp = wrapMonadClient $ Data.storeIdPConfig idp
getIdPConfig :: IdPId -> Spar IdP
- getIdPConfig = (>>= maybe (throwSpar SparNotFound) pure) . wrapMonadClientWithEnv . Data.getIdPConfig
+ getIdPConfig = (>>= maybe (throwSpar SparIdPNotFound) pure) . wrapMonadClientWithEnv . Data.getIdPConfig
getIdPConfigByIssuer :: Issuer -> Spar IdP
- getIdPConfigByIssuer = (>>= maybe (throwSpar SparNotFound) pure) . wrapMonadClientWithEnv . Data.getIdPConfigByIssuer
+ getIdPConfigByIssuer = (>>= maybe (throwSpar SparIdPNotFound) pure) . wrapMonadClientWithEnv . Data.getIdPConfigByIssuer
-- | 'wrapMonadClient' with an 'Env' in a 'ReaderT', and exceptions. If you
-- don't need either of those, 'wrapMonadClient' will suffice.
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ getUser uref = do
case muid of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just uid -> do
- itis <- Intra.isTeamUser uid
+ itis <- isJust <$> Intra.getBrigUserTeam uid
pure $ if itis then Just uid else Nothing
-- | Create a fresh 'Data.Id.UserId', store it on C* locally together with 'SAML.UserRef', then
@@ -188,24 +188,25 @@ getUser uref = do
-- FUTUREWORK: once we support , brig will refuse to delete
-- users that have an sso id, unless the request comes from spar. then we can make users
-- undeletable in the team admin page, and ask admins to go talk to their IdP system.
-createSamlUserWithId :: UserId -> SAML.UserRef -> Maybe Name -> ManagedBy -> Spar ()
-createSamlUserWithId buid suid mbName managedBy = do
+createSamlUserWithId :: UserId -> SAML.UserRef -> ManagedBy -> Spar ()
+createSamlUserWithId buid suid managedBy = do
teamid <- (^. idpExtraInfo . wiTeam) <$> getIdPConfigByIssuer (suid ^. uidTenant)
- buid' <- Intra.createBrigUser suid buid teamid mbName managedBy
+ uname <- either (throwSpar . SparBadUserName . cs) pure $ Intra.mkUserName Nothing suid
+ buid' <- Intra.createBrigUser suid buid teamid uname managedBy
assert (buid == buid') $ pure ()
insertUser suid buid
-- | If the team has no scim token, call 'createSamlUser'. Otherwise, raise "invalid
-- credentials".
-autoprovisionSamlUser :: SAML.UserRef -> Maybe Name -> ManagedBy -> Spar UserId
-autoprovisionSamlUser suid mbName managedBy = do
+autoprovisionSamlUser :: SAML.UserRef -> ManagedBy -> Spar UserId
+autoprovisionSamlUser suid managedBy = do
buid <- Id <$> liftIO UUID.nextRandom
- autoprovisionSamlUserWithId buid suid mbName managedBy
+ autoprovisionSamlUserWithId buid suid managedBy
pure buid
-- | Like 'autoprovisionSamlUser', but for an already existing 'UserId'.
-autoprovisionSamlUserWithId :: UserId -> SAML.UserRef -> Maybe Name -> ManagedBy -> Spar ()
-autoprovisionSamlUserWithId buid suid mbName managedBy = do
+autoprovisionSamlUserWithId :: UserId -> SAML.UserRef -> ManagedBy -> Spar ()
+autoprovisionSamlUserWithId buid suid managedBy = do
idp <- getIdPConfigByIssuer (suid ^. uidTenant)
unless (isNothing $ idp ^. idpExtraInfo . wiReplacedBy) $ do
throwSpar $ SparCannotCreateUsersOnReplacedIdP (cs . SAML.idPIdToST $ idp ^. idpId)
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ autoprovisionSamlUserWithId buid suid mbName managedBy = do
scimtoks <- wrapMonadClient $ Data.getScimTokens teamid
if null scimtoks
then do
- createSamlUserWithId buid suid mbName managedBy
+ createSamlUserWithId buid suid managedBy
validateEmailIfExists buid suid
throwError . SAML.Forbidden $
@@ -244,11 +245,7 @@ bindUser buid userref = do
(uteamid == Just teamid)
(throwSpar . SparBindFromWrongOrNoTeam . cs . show $ uteamid)
insertUser userref buid
- Intra.bindBrigUser buid userref >>= \case
- True -> pure buid
- False -> do
- SAML.logger SAML.Warn $ "SparBindUserDisappearedFromBrig: " <> show buid
- throwSpar SparBindUserDisappearedFromBrig
+ buid <$ Intra.setBrigUserUserRef buid userref
instance SPHandler SparError Spar where
type NTCTX Spar = Env
@@ -367,7 +364,7 @@ verdictHandlerResultCore bindCky = \case
-- This is the first SSO authentication, so we auto-create a user. We know the user
-- has not been created via SCIM because then we would've ended up in the
-- "reauthentication" branch, so we pass 'ManagedByWire'.
- (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> autoprovisionSamlUser userref Nothing ManagedByWire
+ (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> autoprovisionSamlUser userref ManagedByWire
-- If the user is only found under an old (previous) issuer, move it here.
(Nothing, Nothing, Just (oldUserRef, uid)) -> moveUserToNewIssuer oldUserRef userref uid >> pure uid
-- SSO re-authentication (the most common case).
@@ -401,10 +398,11 @@ verdictHandlerResultCore bindCky = \case
-- not be the title of any page sent by the IdP while it negotiates with the user.
-- - The page broadcasts a message to '*', to be picked up by the app.
verdictHandlerWeb :: HasCallStack => VerdictHandlerResult -> Spar SAML.ResponseVerdict
-verdictHandlerWeb = pure . \case
- VerifyHandlerGranted cky _uid -> successPage cky
- VerifyHandlerDenied reasons -> forbiddenPage "forbidden" (explainDeniedReason <$> reasons)
- VerifyHandlerError lbl msg -> forbiddenPage lbl [msg]
+verdictHandlerWeb =
+ pure . \case
+ VerifyHandlerGranted cky _uid -> successPage cky
+ VerifyHandlerDenied reasons -> forbiddenPage "forbidden" (explainDeniedReason <$> reasons)
+ VerifyHandlerError lbl msg -> forbiddenPage lbl [msg]
forbiddenPage :: ST -> [ST] -> SAML.ResponseVerdict
forbiddenPage errlbl reasons =
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Data.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Data.hs
index abefd39cc1b..8eb46193db0 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Data.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Data.hs
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ mkTTL now maxttl endOfLife = mkTTLNDT maxttl $ endOfLife `diffUTCTime` now
mkTTLNDT :: (MonadError TTLError m, KnownSymbol a) => TTL a -> NominalDiffTime -> m (TTL a)
mkTTLNDT maxttl ttlNDT =
- if | actualttl > maxttl -> throwError $ TTLTooLong (showTTL actualttl) (showTTL maxttl)
+ if
+ | actualttl > maxttl -> throwError $ TTLTooLong (showTTL actualttl) (showTTL maxttl)
| actualttl <= 0 -> throwError $ TTLNegative (showTTL actualttl)
| otherwise -> pure actualttl
@@ -320,8 +321,9 @@ insertBindCookie cky uid ttlNDT = do
-- | The counter-part of 'insertBindCookie'.
lookupBindCookie :: (HasCallStack, MonadClient m) => BindCookie -> m (Maybe UserId)
-lookupBindCookie (cs . fromBindCookie -> ckyval :: ST) = runIdentity <$$> do
- (retry x1 . query1 sel $ params Quorum (Identity ckyval))
+lookupBindCookie (cs . fromBindCookie -> ckyval :: ST) =
+ runIdentity <$$> do
+ (retry x1 . query1 sel $ params Quorum (Identity ckyval))
sel :: PrepQuery R (Identity ST) (Identity UserId)
sel = "SELECT session_owner FROM bind_cookie WHERE cookie = ?"
@@ -465,7 +467,7 @@ deleteIdPConfig ::
SAML.Issuer ->
TeamId ->
m ()
-deleteIdPConfig idp issuer team = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+deleteIdPConfig idp issuer team = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery delDefaultIdp (Identity idp)
@@ -587,7 +589,7 @@ insertScimToken ::
ScimToken ->
ScimTokenInfo ->
m ()
-insertScimToken token ScimTokenInfo {..} = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+insertScimToken token ScimTokenInfo {..} = retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery insByToken (token, stiTeam, stiId, stiCreatedAt, stiIdP, stiDescr)
@@ -650,7 +652,7 @@ deleteScimToken ::
m ()
deleteScimToken team tokenid = do
mbToken <- retry x1 . query1 selById $ params Quorum (team, tokenid)
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery delById (team, tokenid)
@@ -683,7 +685,7 @@ deleteTeamScimTokens ::
m ()
deleteTeamScimTokens team = do
tokens <- retry x5 $ query sel $ params Quorum (Identity team)
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
addPrepQuery delByTeam (Identity team)
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Error.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Error.hs
index f5c8ea6eb79..cc9f7273c79 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Error.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Error.hs
@@ -61,14 +61,13 @@ throwSpar :: MonadError SparError m => SparCustomError -> m a
throwSpar = throwError . SAML.CustomError
data SparCustomError
- = SparNotFound
+ = SparIdPNotFound
| SparMissingZUsr
| SparNotInTeam
| SparNotTeamOwner
| SparSSODisabled
| SparInitLoginWithAuth
| SparInitBindWithoutAuth
- | SparBindUserDisappearedFromBrig
| SparNoSuchRequest
| SparNoRequestRefInResponse LT
| SparCouldNotSubstituteSuccessURI LT
@@ -162,14 +161,13 @@ renderSparError SAML.BadSamlResponseIssuerMissing = Right $ Wai.Error status400
renderSparError SAML.BadSamlResponseNoAssertions = Right $ Wai.Error status400 "bad-response-saml" ("Bad response: no assertions in AuthnResponse")
renderSparError SAML.BadSamlResponseAssertionWithoutID = Right $ Wai.Error status400 "bad-response-saml" ("Bad response: assertion without ID")
renderSparError (SAML.BadSamlResponseInvalidSignature msg) = Right $ Wai.Error status400 "bad-response-signature" (cs msg)
-renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparNotFound) = Right $ Wai.Error status404 "not-found" "Could not find IdP."
+renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparIdPNotFound) = Right $ Wai.Error status404 "not-found" "Could not find IdP."
renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparMissingZUsr) = Right $ Wai.Error status400 "client-error" "[header] 'Z-User' required"
renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparNotInTeam) = Right $ Wai.Error status403 "no-team-member" "Requesting user is not a team member or not a member of this team."
renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparNotTeamOwner) = Right $ Wai.Error status403 "insufficient-permissions" "You need to be a team owner."
renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparSSODisabled) = Right $ Wai.Error status403 "sso-disabled" "Please ask customer support to enable this feature for your team."
renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparInitLoginWithAuth) = Right $ Wai.Error status403 "login-with-auth" "This end-point is only for login, not binding."
renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparInitBindWithoutAuth) = Right $ Wai.Error status403 "bind-without-auth" "This end-point is only for binding, not login."
-renderSparError (SAML.CustomError SparBindUserDisappearedFromBrig) = Right $ Wai.Error status404 "bind-user-disappeared" "Your user appears to have been deleted?"
renderSparError SAML.UnknownError = Right $ Wai.Error status500 "server-error" "Unknown server error."
renderSparError (SAML.BadServerConfig msg) = Right $ Wai.Error status500 "server-error" ("Error in server config: " <> msg)
renderSparError (SAML.InvalidCert msg) = Right $ Wai.Error status500 "invalid-certificate" ("Error in idp certificate: " <> msg)
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Intra/Brig.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Intra/Brig.hs
index c00757b9d04..1f2e579e707 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Intra/Brig.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Intra/Brig.hs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Spar.Intra.Brig
( toUserSSOId,
+ mkUserName,
@@ -33,11 +34,9 @@ module Spar.Intra.Brig
- bindBrigUser,
- isTeamUser,
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ import Data.Handle (Handle (Handle, fromHandle))
import Data.Id (Id (Id), TeamId, UserId)
import Data.Ix
import Data.Misc (PlainTextPassword)
-import Data.Range
import Data.String.Conversions
import Imports
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
@@ -74,6 +72,7 @@ import qualified Servant.Server as Servant
import Spar.Error
import Spar.Intra.Galley as Galley (MonadSparToGalley, assertIsTeamOwner, isEmailValidationEnabledTeam)
import Web.Cookie
+import Wire.API.User
import Wire.API.User.RichInfo as RichInfo
@@ -96,6 +95,13 @@ toExternalId ssoid = do
let subj = uref ^. SAML.uidSubject
pure $ SAML.nameIDToST subj
+-- | Take a maybe text, construct a 'Name' from what we have in a scim user. If the text
+-- isn't present, use the saml subject (usually an email address). If both are 'Nothing',
+-- fail.
+mkUserName :: Maybe Text -> SAML.UserRef -> Either String Name
+mkUserName (Just n) _ = mkName n
+mkUserName Nothing uref = mkName (SAML.unsafeShowNameID $ uref ^. SAML.uidSubject)
parseResponse :: (FromJSON a, MonadError SparError m) => Response (Maybe LBS) -> m a
parseResponse resp = do
bdy <- maybe (throwSpar SparNoBodyInBrigResponse) pure $ responseBody resp
@@ -120,47 +126,25 @@ class MonadError SparError m => MonadSparToBrig m where
instance MonadSparToBrig m => MonadSparToBrig (ReaderT r m) where
call = lift . call
--- | Create a user on brig. User name is derived from 'SAML.UserRef'.
+-- | Create a user on brig.
createBrigUser ::
(HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m) =>
-- | SSO identity
SAML.UserRef ->
UserId ->
TeamId ->
- -- | User name (if 'Nothing', the subject ID will be used)
- Maybe Name ->
+ -- | User name
+ Name ->
-- | Who should have control over the user
ManagedBy ->
m UserId
-createBrigUser suid (Id buid) teamid mbName managedBy = do
- uname :: Name <- case mbName of
- Just n -> pure n
- Nothing -> do
- -- 1. use 'SAML.unsafeShowNameID' to get a 'Name'. rationale: it does not need to be
- -- unique.
- let subj = suid ^. SAML.uidSubject
- subjtxt = SAML.unsafeShowNameID subj
- muname = checked @ST @1 @128 subjtxt
- err = SparBadUserName $ "must have >= 1, <= 128 chars: " <> cs subjtxt
- case muname of
- Just uname -> pure . Name . fromRange $ uname
- Nothing -> throwSpar err
+createBrigUser suid (Id buid) teamid uname managedBy = do
let newUser :: NewUser
newUser =
- NewUser
- { newUserDisplayName = uname,
- newUserUUID = Just buid,
+ (emptyNewUser uname)
+ { newUserUUID = Just buid,
newUserIdentity = Just $ SSOIdentity (toUserSSOId suid) Nothing Nothing,
- newUserPict = Nothing,
- newUserAssets = [],
- newUserAccentId = Nothing,
- newUserEmailCode = Nothing,
- newUserPhoneCode = Nothing,
newUserOrigin = Just . NewUserOriginTeamUser . NewTeamMemberSSO $ teamid,
- newUserLabel = Nothing,
- newUserLocale = Nothing,
- newUserPassword = Nothing,
- newUserExpiresIn = Nothing,
newUserManagedBy = Just managedBy
resp :: Response (Maybe LBS) <-
@@ -169,7 +153,8 @@ createBrigUser suid (Id buid) teamid mbName managedBy = do
. path "/i/users"
. json newUser
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 ->
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 ->
userId . selfUser <$> parseResponse @SelfProfile resp
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
throwSpar . SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) $ "create user failed"
@@ -256,7 +241,8 @@ setBrigUserName buid name = do
uupAccentId = Nothing
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 ->
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 ->
pure ()
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
throwSpar . SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) $ "set name failed"
@@ -275,7 +261,8 @@ setBrigUserHandle buid handle = do
. header "Z-Connection" ""
. json (HandleUpdate (fromHandle handle))
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 ->
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 ->
pure ()
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
throwSpar . SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) $ "set handle failed"
@@ -292,7 +279,8 @@ setBrigUserManagedBy buid managedBy = do
. paths ["i", "users", toByteString' buid, "managed-by"]
. json (ManagedByUpdate managedBy)
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 ->
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 ->
pure ()
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
throwSpar . SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) $ "set managedBy failed"
@@ -308,7 +296,8 @@ setBrigUserUserRef buid uref = do
. paths ["i", "users", toByteString' buid, "sso-id"]
. json (toUserSSOId uref)
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 ->
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 ->
pure ()
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
throwSpar . SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) $ "set UserSSOId failed"
@@ -325,7 +314,8 @@ setBrigUserRichInfo buid richInfo = do
. paths ["i", "users", toByteString' buid, "rich-info"]
. json (RichInfoUpdate $ unRichInfo richInfo)
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 ->
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 ->
pure ()
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
throwSpar . SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) $ "set richInfo failed"
@@ -334,16 +324,17 @@ setBrigUserRichInfo buid richInfo = do
-- TODO: We should add an internal endpoint for this instead
getBrigUserRichInfo :: (HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m) => UserId -> m RichInfo
-getBrigUserRichInfo buid = RichInfo.RichInfo <$> do
- resp <-
- call $
- method GET
- . paths ["users", toByteString' buid, "rich-info"]
- . header "Z-User" (toByteString' buid)
- . header "Z-Connection" ""
- case statusCode resp of
- 200 -> parseResponse resp
- _ -> throwSpar (SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) "Could not retrieve rich info")
+getBrigUserRichInfo buid =
+ RichInfo.RichInfo <$> do
+ resp <-
+ call $
+ method GET
+ . paths ["users", toByteString' buid, "rich-info"]
+ . header "Z-User" (toByteString' buid)
+ . header "Z-Connection" ""
+ case statusCode resp of
+ 200 -> parseResponse resp
+ _ -> throwSpar (SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) "Could not retrieve rich info")
-- | At the time of writing this, @HEAD /users/handles/:uid@ does not use the 'UserId' for
-- anything but authorization.
@@ -356,7 +347,8 @@ checkHandleAvailable hnd buid = do
. header "Z-User" (toByteString' buid)
. header "Z-Connection" ""
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode == 200 -> -- handle exists
+ if
+ | sCode == 200 -> -- handle exists
pure False
| sCode == 404 -> -- handle not found
pure True
@@ -365,19 +357,6 @@ checkHandleAvailable hnd buid = do
| otherwise ->
throwSpar . SparBrigError . cs $ "check handle failed with status " <> show sCode
--- | This works under the assumption that the user must exist on brig. If it does not, brig
--- responds with 404 and this function returns 'False'.
--- See also: 'setBrigUserUserRef'.
-bindBrigUser :: (HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m) => UserId -> SAML.UserRef -> m Bool
-bindBrigUser uid (toUserSSOId -> ussoid) = do
- resp <-
- call $
- method PUT
- . paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid, "sso-id"]
- . json ussoid
- pure $ Bilge.statusCode resp < 300
-- | Call brig to delete a user
deleteBrigUser :: (HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m, MonadIO m) => UserId -> m ()
deleteBrigUser buid = do
@@ -386,16 +365,13 @@ deleteBrigUser buid = do
method DELETE
. paths ["/i/users", toByteString' buid]
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 -> pure ()
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 -> pure ()
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
throwSpar $ SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) "failed to delete user"
| otherwise ->
throwSpar $ SparBrigError ("delete user failed with status " <> cs (show sCode))
--- | Check that a user id exists on brig and has a team id.
-isTeamUser :: (HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m) => UserId -> m Bool
-isTeamUser buid = isJust <$> getBrigUserTeam buid
-- | Check that a user id exists on brig and has a team id.
getBrigUserTeam :: (HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m) => UserId -> m (Maybe TeamId)
getBrigUserTeam buid = do
@@ -430,7 +406,8 @@ ensureReAuthorised (Just uid) secret = do
. paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid, "reauthenticate"]
. json (ReAuthUser secret)
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode == 200 ->
+ if
+ | sCode == 200 ->
pure ()
| sCode == 403 ->
throwSpar SparReAuthRequired
@@ -454,7 +431,8 @@ ssoLogin buid = do
. json (SsoLogin buid Nothing)
. queryItem "persist" "true"
let sCode = statusCode resp
- if | sCode < 300 ->
+ if
+ | sCode < 300 ->
Just <$> respToCookie resp
| inRange (400, 499) sCode ->
pure Nothing
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim.hs
index e9603c5ae17..2feb83e0e70 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim.hs
@@ -119,8 +119,9 @@ apiScim =
-- We caught an exception that's not a Spar exception at all. It is wrapped into
-- Scim.serverError.
Left someException ->
- pure $ Left . SAML.CustomError . SparScimError $
- Scim.serverError (cs (displayException someException))
+ pure $
+ Left . SAML.CustomError . SparScimError $
+ Scim.serverError (cs (displayException someException))
-- We caught a 'SparScimError' exception. It is left as-is.
Right err@(Left (SAML.CustomError (SparScimError _))) ->
pure err
@@ -129,8 +130,9 @@ apiScim =
-- TODO: does it have to be logged?
Right (Left sparError) -> do
err <- sparToServerErrorWithLogging (sparCtxLogger env) sparError
- pure $ Left . SAML.CustomError . SparScimError $
- Scim.serverError (cs (errBody err))
+ pure $
+ Left . SAML.CustomError . SparScimError $
+ Scim.serverError (cs (errBody err))
-- No exceptions! Good.
Right (Right x) -> pure $ Right x
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Auth.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Auth.hs
index 0c5312d6469..642196698d2 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Auth.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Auth.hs
@@ -34,20 +34,28 @@ module Spar.Scim.Auth
-import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), Strict)
+import Control.Lens hiding (Strict, (.=))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as ES
-import Data.Id
-import Data.String.Conversions
-import Data.Time
+import Data.Id (ScimTokenId, UserId, randomId)
+import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
+import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Imports
import OpenSSL.Random (randBytes)
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO as SAML
-import Servant
-import Spar.App (Spar, sparCtxOpts, wrapMonadClient, wrapMonadClient)
+import Servant (NoContent (NoContent), ServerT, (:<|>) ((:<|>)))
+import Spar.App (Spar, sparCtxOpts, wrapMonadClient)
import qualified Spar.Data as Data
-import Spar.Error
+import qualified Spar.Error as E
import qualified Spar.Intra.Brig as Intra.Brig
import Spar.Scim.Types
+ ( APIScimToken,
+ CreateScimToken (CreateScimToken),
+ CreateScimTokenResponse (..),
+ ScimTokenList (..),
+ SparTag,
+ createScimTokenDescr,
+ createScimTokenPassword,
+ )
import Spar.Types
-- FUTUREWORK: these imports are not very handy. split up Spar.Scim into
-- Spar.Scim.{Core,User,Group} to avoid at least some of the hscim name clashes?
@@ -94,7 +102,7 @@ createScimToken zusr CreateScimToken {..} = do
tokenNumber <- fmap length $ wrapMonadClient $ Data.getScimTokens teamid
maxTokens <- asks (maxScimTokens . sparCtxOpts)
unless (tokenNumber < maxTokens) $
- throwSpar SparProvisioningTokenLimitReached
+ E.throwSpar E.SparProvisioningTokenLimitReached
idps <- wrapMonadClient $ Data.getIdPConfigsByTeam teamid
case idps of
[idp] -> do
@@ -117,13 +125,13 @@ createScimToken zusr CreateScimToken {..} = do
-- NB: if the two following cases do not result in errors, 'validateScimUser' needs to
-- be changed. currently, it relies on the fact that there is always an IdP.
[] ->
- throwSpar $
- SparProvisioningNoSingleIdP
+ E.throwSpar $
+ E.SparProvisioningNoSingleIdP
"SCIM tokens can only be created for a team with an IdP, \
\but none are found"
_ ->
- throwSpar $
- SparProvisioningNoSingleIdP
+ E.throwSpar $
+ E.SparProvisioningNoSingleIdP
"SCIM tokens can only be created for a team with exactly one IdP, \
\but more are found"
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Swagger.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Swagger.hs
index 44651d4a240..60a20e52df4 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Swagger.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Swagger.hs
@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ module Spar.Scim.Swagger
-import Control.Lens
-import Data.Id
-import Data.Proxy
+import Control.Lens (mapped, (&), (.~), (?~))
+import Data.Id (ScimTokenId, TeamId)
+import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import Data.Swagger hiding (Header (..))
-import Data.Time
+import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Imports
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO as SAML
import Spar.Orphans ()
-import Spar.Scim
-import Spar.Types
+import Spar.Scim (CreateScimToken, CreateScimTokenResponse (..), ScimTokenList (..))
+import Spar.Types (ScimToken, ScimTokenInfo)
instance ToParamSchema ScimToken where
toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy @Text)
@@ -56,50 +56,54 @@ instance ToSchema ScimTokenInfo where
createdAtSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy @UTCTime)
idpSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy @SAML.IdPId)
descrSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy @Text)
- return $ NamedSchema (Just "ScimTokenInfo") $
- mempty
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
- & properties
- .~ [ ("team", teamSchema),
- ("id", idSchema),
- ("created_at", createdAtSchema),
- ("idp", idpSchema),
- ("description", descrSchema)
- ]
- & required .~ ["team", "id", "created_at", "description"]
+ return $
+ NamedSchema (Just "ScimTokenInfo") $
+ mempty
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ & properties
+ .~ [ ("team", teamSchema),
+ ("id", idSchema),
+ ("created_at", createdAtSchema),
+ ("idp", idpSchema),
+ ("description", descrSchema)
+ ]
+ & required .~ ["team", "id", "created_at", "description"]
instance ToSchema CreateScimToken where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
textSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy @Text)
- return $ NamedSchema (Just "CreateScimToken") $
- mempty
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
- & properties
- .~ [ ("description", textSchema),
- ("password", textSchema)
- ]
- & required .~ ["description"]
+ return $
+ NamedSchema (Just "CreateScimToken") $
+ mempty
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ & properties
+ .~ [ ("description", textSchema),
+ ("password", textSchema)
+ ]
+ & required .~ ["description"]
instance ToSchema CreateScimTokenResponse where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
tokenSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy @ScimToken)
infoSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy @ScimTokenInfo)
- return $ NamedSchema (Just "CreateScimTokenResponse") $
- mempty
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
- & properties
- .~ [ ("token", tokenSchema),
- ("info", infoSchema)
- ]
- & required .~ ["token", "info"]
+ return $
+ NamedSchema (Just "CreateScimTokenResponse") $
+ mempty
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ & properties
+ .~ [ ("token", tokenSchema),
+ ("info", infoSchema)
+ ]
+ & required .~ ["token", "info"]
instance ToSchema ScimTokenList where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
infoListSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy @[ScimTokenInfo])
- return $ NamedSchema (Just "ScimTokenList") $
- mempty
- & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
- & properties
- .~ [ ("tokens", infoListSchema)
- ]
- & required .~ ["tokens"]
+ return $
+ NamedSchema (Just "ScimTokenList") $
+ mempty
+ & type_ .~ Just SwaggerObject
+ & properties
+ .~ [ ("tokens", infoListSchema)
+ ]
+ & required .~ ["tokens"]
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Types.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Types.hs
index 55fd8faa470..eb450b3c57f 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Types.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Types.hs
@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@
module Spar.Scim.Types where
import Brig.Types.Intra (AccountStatus (Active, Deleted, Ephemeral, Suspended))
-import Brig.Types.User as Brig
-import Control.Lens hiding ((#), (.=), Strict)
-import Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Brig.Types.User as BT
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
+import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Handle (Handle)
-import Data.Id
-import Data.Json.Util ((#))
+import Data.Id (ScimTokenId, UserId)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Misc (PlainTextPassword)
import Imports
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO as SAML
-import Servant
-import Servant.API.Generic ((:-), ToServantApi)
-import Spar.API.Util
-import Spar.Types
+import Servant (DeleteNoContent, Get, Header, JSON, NoContent, Post, QueryParam', ReqBody, Required, Strict, (:<|>), (:>))
+import Servant.API.Generic (ToServantApi, (:-))
+import Spar.API.Util (OmitDocs)
+import Spar.Types (ScimToken, ScimTokenInfo)
import Web.Scim.AttrName (AttrName (..))
import qualified Web.Scim.Capabilities.MetaSchema as Scim.Meta
import qualified Web.Scim.Class.Auth as Scim.Auth
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.PatchOp as Scim
import Web.Scim.Schema.Schema (Schema (CustomSchema))
import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.Schema as Scim
import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.User as Scim.User
-import Wire.API.User.RichInfo
+import qualified Wire.API.User.RichInfo as RI
-- Schemas
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ import Wire.API.User.RichInfo
userSchemas :: [Scim.Schema]
userSchemas =
[ Scim.User20,
- Scim.CustomSchema richInfoAssocListURN,
- Scim.CustomSchema richInfoMapURN
+ Scim.CustomSchema RI.richInfoAssocListURN,
+ Scim.CustomSchema RI.richInfoMapURN
@@ -137,42 +137,42 @@ newtype WrappedScimUser tag = WrappedScimUser
-- | Extra Wire-specific data contained in a SCIM user profile.
data ScimUserExtra = ScimUserExtra
- { _sueRichInfo :: RichInfo
+ { _sueRichInfo :: RI.RichInfo
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''ScimUserExtra
-instance FromJSON ScimUserExtra where
- parseJSON v = ScimUserExtra <$> parseJSON v
+instance Aeson.FromJSON ScimUserExtra where
+ parseJSON v = ScimUserExtra <$> Aeson.parseJSON v
-instance ToJSON ScimUserExtra where
- toJSON (ScimUserExtra rif) = toJSON rif
+instance Aeson.ToJSON ScimUserExtra where
+ toJSON (ScimUserExtra rif) = Aeson.toJSON rif
instance Scim.Patchable ScimUserExtra where
- applyOperation (ScimUserExtra (RichInfo rinfRaw)) (Operation o (Just (NormalPath (AttrPath (Just (CustomSchema schema)) (AttrName (CI.mk -> ciAttrName)) Nothing))) val)
- | schema == richInfoMapURN =
- let rinf = richInfoMap $ fromRichInfoAssocList rinfRaw
- unrinf = ScimUserExtra . RichInfo . toRichInfoAssocList . (`RichInfoMapAndList` mempty)
+ applyOperation (ScimUserExtra (RI.RichInfo rinfRaw)) (Operation o (Just (NormalPath (AttrPath (Just (CustomSchema schema)) (AttrName (CI.mk -> ciAttrName)) Nothing))) val)
+ | schema == RI.richInfoMapURN =
+ let rinf = RI.richInfoMap $ RI.fromRichInfoAssocList rinfRaw
+ unrinf = ScimUserExtra . RI.RichInfo . RI.toRichInfoAssocList . (`RI.RichInfoMapAndList` mempty)
in unrinf <$> case o of
Scim.Remove ->
pure $ Map.delete ciAttrName rinf
_AddOrReplace ->
case val of
- (Just (String textVal)) ->
+ (Just (Aeson.String textVal)) ->
pure $ Map.insert ciAttrName textVal rinf
_ -> throwError $ Scim.badRequest Scim.InvalidValue $ Just "rich info values can only be text"
- | schema == richInfoAssocListURN =
- let rinf = richInfoAssocList $ fromRichInfoAssocList rinfRaw
- unrinf = ScimUserExtra . RichInfo . toRichInfoAssocList . (mempty `RichInfoMapAndList`)
- matchesAttrName (RichField k _) = k == ciAttrName
+ | schema == RI.richInfoAssocListURN =
+ let rinf = RI.richInfoAssocList $ RI.fromRichInfoAssocList rinfRaw
+ unrinf = ScimUserExtra . RI.RichInfo . RI.toRichInfoAssocList . (mempty `RI.RichInfoMapAndList`)
+ matchesAttrName (RI.RichField k _) = k == ciAttrName
in unrinf <$> case o of
Scim.Remove ->
pure $ filter (not . matchesAttrName) rinf
_AddOrReplace ->
case val of
- (Just (String textVal)) ->
- let newField = RichField ciAttrName textVal
+ (Just (Aeson.String textVal)) ->
+ let newField = RI.RichField ciAttrName textVal
replaceIfMatchesAttrName f = if matchesAttrName f then newField else f
newRichInfo =
if not $ any matchesAttrName rinf
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ instance Scim.Patchable ScimUserExtra where
data ValidScimUser = ValidScimUser
{ _vsuUserRef :: SAML.UserRef,
_vsuHandle :: Handle,
- _vsuName :: Maybe Name, -- TODO: remove the 'Maybe' here, and construct the name not in "Spar.Intra.Brig", but in 'validateScimUser'.
- _vsuRichInfo :: RichInfo,
+ _vsuName :: BT.Name,
+ _vsuRichInfo :: RI.RichInfo,
_vsuActive :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
@@ -242,19 +242,19 @@ data CreateScimToken = CreateScimToken
deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance FromJSON CreateScimToken where
- parseJSON = withObject "CreateScimToken" $ \o -> do
- createScimTokenDescr <- o .: "description"
- createScimTokenPassword <- o .:? "password"
+instance Aeson.FromJSON CreateScimToken where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "CreateScimToken" $ \o -> do
+ createScimTokenDescr <- o Aeson..: "description"
+ createScimTokenPassword <- o Aeson..:? "password"
pure CreateScimToken {..}
-- Used for integration tests
-instance ToJSON CreateScimToken where
+instance Aeson.ToJSON CreateScimToken where
toJSON CreateScimToken {..} =
- object $
- "description" .= createScimTokenDescr
- # "password" .= createScimTokenPassword
- # []
+ Aeson.object
+ [ "description" Aeson..= createScimTokenDescr,
+ "password" Aeson..= createScimTokenPassword
+ ]
-- | Type used for the response of 'APIScimTokenCreate'.
data CreateScimTokenResponse = CreateScimTokenResponse
@@ -264,17 +264,17 @@ data CreateScimTokenResponse = CreateScimTokenResponse
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Used for integration tests
-instance FromJSON CreateScimTokenResponse where
- parseJSON = withObject "CreateScimTokenResponse" $ \o -> do
- createScimTokenResponseToken <- o .: "token"
- createScimTokenResponseInfo <- o .: "info"
+instance Aeson.FromJSON CreateScimTokenResponse where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "CreateScimTokenResponse" $ \o -> do
+ createScimTokenResponseToken <- o Aeson..: "token"
+ createScimTokenResponseInfo <- o Aeson..: "info"
pure CreateScimTokenResponse {..}
-instance ToJSON CreateScimTokenResponse where
+instance Aeson.ToJSON CreateScimTokenResponse where
toJSON CreateScimTokenResponse {..} =
- object
- [ "token" .= createScimTokenResponseToken,
- "info" .= createScimTokenResponseInfo
+ Aeson.object
+ [ "token" Aeson..= createScimTokenResponseToken,
+ "info" Aeson..= createScimTokenResponseInfo
-- | Type used for responses of endpoints that return a list of SCIM tokens.
@@ -286,15 +286,15 @@ data ScimTokenList = ScimTokenList
deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance FromJSON ScimTokenList where
- parseJSON = withObject "ScimTokenList" $ \o -> do
- scimTokenListTokens <- o .: "tokens"
+instance Aeson.FromJSON ScimTokenList where
+ parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "ScimTokenList" $ \o -> do
+ scimTokenListTokens <- o Aeson..: "tokens"
pure ScimTokenList {..}
-instance ToJSON ScimTokenList where
+instance Aeson.ToJSON ScimTokenList where
toJSON ScimTokenList {..} =
- object
- [ "tokens" .= scimTokenListTokens
+ Aeson.object
+ [ "tokens" Aeson..= scimTokenListTokens
diff --git a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/User.hs b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/User.hs
index 66708ed7925..dfa849eaefd 100644
--- a/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/User.hs
+++ b/services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/User.hs
@@ -42,30 +42,30 @@ module Spar.Scim.User
import Brig.Types.Intra (AccountStatus)
-import Brig.Types.User as BrigTypes
+import Brig.Types.User (ManagedBy (..), Name (..), User (..), ssoIdentity)
+import qualified Brig.Types.User as BT
import Control.Error ((!?), (??))
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
-import Control.Monad.Except
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
-import Crypto.Hash
-import Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, throwError)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT)
+import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256, hashlazy)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Handle (Handle (Handle), parseHandle)
-import Data.Id
+import Data.Id (Id (Id), UserId, idToText)
import Data.Json.Util (UTCTimeMillis, fromUTCTimeMillis, toUTCTimeMillis)
-import Data.Range
-import Data.String.Conversions
+import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import Imports
-import Network.URI
+import Network.URI (URI, parseURI)
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO as SAML
import Spar.App (Spar, getUser, sparCtxOpts, validateEmailIfExists, wrapMonadClient)
import qualified Spar.Data as Data
import qualified Spar.Intra.Brig as Brig
import Spar.Scim.Auth ()
-import Spar.Scim.Types
-import Spar.Types
+import qualified Spar.Scim.Types as ST
+import Spar.Types (IdP, ScimTokenInfo (..), derivedOpts, derivedOptsScimBaseURI, richInfoLimit, wiTeam)
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
import qualified URI.ByteString as URIBS
import qualified Web.Scim.Class.User as Scim
@@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.Meta as Scim
import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.ResourceType as Scim
import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.User as Scim
import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.User as Scim.User (schemas)
-import Wire.API.User.RichInfo
+import qualified Wire.API.User.RichInfo as RI
-- UserDB instance
-instance Scim.UserDB SparTag Spar where
+instance Scim.UserDB ST.SparTag Spar where
getUsers ::
ScimTokenInfo ->
Maybe Scim.Filter ->
- Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.ListResponse (Scim.StoredUser SparTag))
+ Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.ListResponse (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag))
getUsers _ Nothing = do
throwError $ Scim.badRequest Scim.TooMany (Just "Please specify a filter when getting users.")
getUsers ScimTokenInfo {stiTeam, stiIdP} (Just filter') = do
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ instance Scim.UserDB SparTag Spar where
getUser ::
ScimTokenInfo ->
UserId ->
- Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+ Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
getUser ScimTokenInfo {stiTeam} uid = do
let notfound = Scim.notFound "User" (idToText uid)
brigUser <- lift (Brig.getBrigUser uid) >>= maybe (throwError notfound) pure
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ instance Scim.UserDB SparTag Spar where
postUser ::
ScimTokenInfo ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
postUser tokinfo user = createValidScimUser tokinfo =<< validateScimUser tokinfo user
putUser ::
ScimTokenInfo ->
UserId ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
putUser tokinfo uid newScimUser =
updateValidScimUser tokinfo uid =<< validateScimUser tokinfo newScimUser
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ validateScimUser ::
(m ~ Scim.ScimHandler Spar) =>
-- | Used to decide what IdP to assign the user to
ScimTokenInfo ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- m ValidScimUser
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ m ST.ValidScimUser
validateScimUser tokinfo user = do
idpConfig <- tokenInfoToIdP tokinfo
richInfoLimit <- lift $ asks (richInfoLimit . sparCtxOpts)
@@ -204,44 +204,38 @@ validateScimUser' ::
IdP ->
-- | Rich info limit
Int ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- m ValidScimUser
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ m ST.ValidScimUser
validateScimUser' idp richInfoLimit user = do
uref :: SAML.UserRef <- mkUserRef idp (Scim.externalId user)
handl <- validateHandle . Text.toLower . Scim.userName $ user
-- FUTUREWORK: 'Scim.userName' should be case insensitive; then the toLower here would
-- be a little less brittle.
- mbName <- mapM validateName (Scim.displayName user)
- richInfo <- validateRichInfo (Scim.extra user ^. sueRichInfo)
+ uname <- do
+ let err = throwError . Scim.badRequest Scim.InvalidValue . Just . cs
+ either err pure $ Brig.mkUserName (Scim.displayName user) uref
+ richInfo <- validateRichInfo (Scim.extra user ^. ST.sueRichInfo)
let active = Scim.active user
- pure $ ValidScimUser uref handl mbName richInfo (fromMaybe True active)
+ pure $ ST.ValidScimUser uref handl uname richInfo (fromMaybe True active)
- -- Validate a name (@displayName@). It has to conform to standard Wire rules.
- validateName :: Text -> m Name
- validateName txt = case checkedEitherMsg @_ @1 @128 "displayName" txt of
- Right rtxt -> pure $ Name (fromRange rtxt)
- Left err ->
- throwError $
- Scim.badRequest
- Scim.InvalidValue
- (Just ("displayName must be a valid Wire name, but: " <> Text.pack err))
-- Validate rich info (@richInfo@). It must not exceed the rich info limit.
- validateRichInfo :: RichInfo -> m RichInfo
+ validateRichInfo :: RI.RichInfo -> m RI.RichInfo
validateRichInfo richInfo = do
- let sze = richInfoSize richInfo
- when (sze > richInfoLimit) $ throwError $
- ( Scim.badRequest
- Scim.InvalidValue
- ( Just . cs $
- show [richInfoMapURN, richInfoAssocListURN]
- <> " together exceed the size limit: max "
- <> show richInfoLimit
- <> " characters, but got "
- <> show sze
- )
- )
- { Scim.status = Scim.Status 413
- }
+ let sze = RI.richInfoSize richInfo
+ when (sze > richInfoLimit) $
+ throwError $
+ ( Scim.badRequest
+ Scim.InvalidValue
+ ( Just . cs $
+ show [RI.richInfoMapURN, RI.richInfoAssocListURN]
+ <> " together exceed the size limit: max "
+ <> show richInfoLimit
+ <> " characters, but got "
+ <> show sze
+ )
+ )
+ { Scim.status = Scim.Status 413
+ }
pure richInfo
-- | Given an 'externalId' and an 'IdP', construct a 'SAML.UserRef'.
@@ -294,9 +288,9 @@ createValidScimUser ::
forall m.
(m ~ Scim.ScimHandler Spar) =>
ScimTokenInfo ->
- ValidScimUser ->
- m (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
-createValidScimUser tokinfo vsu@(ValidScimUser uref handl mbName richInfo active) = do
+ ST.ValidScimUser ->
+ m (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
+createValidScimUser tokinfo vsu@(ST.ValidScimUser uref handl mbName richInfo active) = do
idpConfig <- tokenInfoToIdP tokinfo
-- sanity check: do tenant of the URef and the Issuer of the IdP match? (this is mostly
-- here to make sure a refactoring we did in the past is sound: we removed a lookup by
@@ -345,7 +339,7 @@ createValidScimUser tokinfo vsu@(ValidScimUser uref handl mbName richInfo active
-- checked.)
lift $
Brig.getStatus buid >>= \old -> do
- let new = scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus old (Just active)
+ let new = ST.scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus old (Just active)
when (new /= old) $ Brig.setStatus buid new
pure storedUser
@@ -354,8 +348,8 @@ updateValidScimUser ::
(m ~ Scim.ScimHandler Spar) =>
ScimTokenInfo ->
UserId ->
- ValidScimUser ->
- m (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+ ST.ValidScimUser ->
+ m (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
updateValidScimUser tokinfo uid newScimUser = do
-- TODO: currently the types in @hscim@ are constructed in such a way that
-- 'Scim.User.User' doesn't contain an ID, only 'Scim.StoredUser'
@@ -369,20 +363,20 @@ updateValidScimUser tokinfo uid newScimUser = do
-- TODO: how do we get this safe w.r.t. race conditions / crashes?
-- construct old and new user values with metadata.
- oldScimStoredUser :: Scim.StoredUser SparTag <-
+ oldScimStoredUser :: Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag <-
Scim.getUser tokinfo uid
- oldValidScimUser :: ValidScimUser <-
+ oldValidScimUser :: ST.ValidScimUser <-
validateScimUser tokinfo . Scim.value . Scim.thing $ oldScimStoredUser
- assertUserRefNotUsedElsewhere (newScimUser ^. vsuUserRef) uid
- assertHandleNotUsedElsewhere (newScimUser ^. vsuHandle) uid
+ assertUserRefNotUsedElsewhere (newScimUser ^. ST.vsuUserRef) uid
+ assertHandleNotUsedElsewhere (newScimUser ^. ST.vsuHandle) uid
if oldValidScimUser == newScimUser
then pure oldScimStoredUser
else do
- newScimStoredUser :: Scim.StoredUser SparTag <-
+ newScimStoredUser :: Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag <-
lift $ updScimStoredUser (synthesizeScimUser newScimUser) oldScimStoredUser
-- update 'SAML.UserRef' on spar (also delete the old 'SAML.UserRef' if it exists and
-- is different from the new one)
- let newuref = newScimUser ^. vsuUserRef
+ let newuref = newScimUser ^. ST.vsuUserRef
olduref <- do
let extid :: Maybe Text
extid = Scim.externalId . Scim.value . Scim.thing $ oldScimStoredUser
@@ -392,34 +386,29 @@ updateValidScimUser tokinfo uid newScimUser = do
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.deleteSAMLUser olduref
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.insertSAMLUser newuref uid
-- update 'SAML.UserRef' on brig
- bindok <- lift $ Brig.bindBrigUser uid newuref
- unless bindok . throwError $
- Scim.serverError "Failed to update SAML UserRef on brig."
- -- this can only happen if user is found in spar.scim_user, but missing on brig.
- -- (internal error? race condition?)
+ lift $ Brig.setBrigUserUserRef uid newuref
-- TODO: if the user has been suspended or unsuspended in brig since the last scim
-- write, we'll find the wrong information here.
-- [see also](https://github.com/zinfra/backend-issues/issues/1006)
- oldScimUser :: ValidScimUser <-
+ oldScimUser :: ST.ValidScimUser <-
validateScimUser tokinfo . Scim.value . Scim.thing $ oldScimStoredUser
-- the old scim user from our db is already validated, but this also recovers
-- the extra details not stored in the DB that we need here.
lift $ do
- case newScimUser ^. vsuName of
- Just nm | oldScimUser ^. vsuName /= Just nm -> Brig.setBrigUserName uid nm
- _ -> pure ()
- when (oldScimUser ^. vsuHandle /= newScimUser ^. vsuHandle)
- $ Brig.setBrigUserHandle uid
- $ newScimUser ^. vsuHandle
- when (oldScimUser ^. vsuRichInfo /= newScimUser ^. vsuRichInfo)
- $ Brig.setBrigUserRichInfo uid
- $ newScimUser ^. vsuRichInfo
+ when (newScimUser ^. ST.vsuName /= oldScimUser ^. ST.vsuName) $
+ Brig.setBrigUserName uid (newScimUser ^. ST.vsuName)
+ when (oldScimUser ^. ST.vsuHandle /= newScimUser ^. ST.vsuHandle) $
+ Brig.setBrigUserHandle uid $
+ newScimUser ^. ST.vsuHandle
+ when (oldScimUser ^. ST.vsuRichInfo /= newScimUser ^. ST.vsuRichInfo) $
+ Brig.setBrigUserRichInfo uid $
+ newScimUser ^. ST.vsuRichInfo
lift $
Brig.getStatus uid >>= \old -> do
- let new = scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus old (Just $ newScimUser ^. vsuActive)
+ let new = ST.scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus old (Just $ newScimUser ^. ST.vsuActive)
when (new /= old) $ Brig.setStatus uid new
-- store new user value to scim_user table (spar). (this must happen last, so in case
@@ -429,8 +418,8 @@ updateValidScimUser tokinfo uid newScimUser = do
toScimStoredUser ::
UserId ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- Spar (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ Spar (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
toScimStoredUser uid usr = do
SAML.Time (toUTCTimeMillis -> now) <- SAML.getNow
(createdAt, lastUpdatedAt) <- fromMaybe (now, now) <$> wrapMonadClient (Data.readScimUserTimes uid)
@@ -443,12 +432,12 @@ toScimStoredUser' ::
UTCTimeMillis ->
UserId ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- Scim.StoredUser SparTag
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag
toScimStoredUser' createdAt lastChangedAt baseuri uid usr =
- Scim.WithMeta meta
- $ Scim.WithId uid
- $ usr {Scim.User.schemas = userSchemas}
+ Scim.WithMeta meta $
+ Scim.WithId uid $
+ usr {Scim.User.schemas = ST.userSchemas}
mkLocation :: String -> URI
mkLocation pathSuffix = convURI $ baseuri SAML.=/ cs pathSuffix
@@ -470,18 +459,18 @@ toScimStoredUser' createdAt lastChangedAt baseuri uid usr =
updScimStoredUser ::
forall m.
(SAML.HasNow m) =>
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- Scim.StoredUser SparTag ->
- m (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag ->
+ m (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
updScimStoredUser usr storedusr = do
SAML.Time (toUTCTimeMillis -> now) <- SAML.getNow
pure $ updScimStoredUser' now usr storedusr
updScimStoredUser' ::
UTCTimeMillis ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
- Scim.StoredUser SparTag ->
- Scim.StoredUser SparTag
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
+ Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag ->
+ Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag
updScimStoredUser' now usr (Scim.WithMeta meta (Scim.WithId scimuid _)) =
Scim.WithMeta meta' (Scim.WithId scimuid usr)
@@ -503,16 +492,15 @@ deleteScimUser ScimTokenInfo {stiTeam} uid = do
-- FUTUREWORK: currently it's impossible to delete the last available team owner via SCIM
-- (because that owner won't be managed by SCIM in the first place), but if it ever becomes
-- possible, we should do a check here and prohibit it.
- unless (userTeam brigUser == Just stiTeam)
- $
+ unless (userTeam brigUser == Just stiTeam) $
-- users from other teams get you a 404.
- throwError
- $ Scim.notFound "user" (idToText uid)
+ throwError $
+ Scim.notFound "user" (idToText uid)
ssoId <-
(logThenServerError $ "no userSSOId for user " <> cs (idToText uid))
- $ BrigTypes.userSSOId brigUser
+ $ BT.userSSOId brigUser
uref <- either logThenServerError pure $ Brig.fromUserSSOId ssoId
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.deleteSAMLUser uref
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.deleteScimUserTimes uid
@@ -539,7 +527,7 @@ deleteScimUser ScimTokenInfo {stiTeam} uid = do
-- requirements of strong ETags ("same resources have the same version").
calculateVersion ::
UserId ->
- Scim.User SparTag ->
+ Scim.User ST.SparTag ->
calculateVersion uid usr = Scim.Weak (Text.pack (show h))
@@ -573,9 +561,10 @@ assertHandleUnused :: Handle -> UserId -> Scim.ScimHandler Spar ()
assertHandleUnused = assertHandleUnused' "userName is already taken"
assertHandleUnused' :: Text -> Handle -> UserId -> Scim.ScimHandler Spar ()
-assertHandleUnused' msg hndl uid = lift (Brig.checkHandleAvailable hndl uid) >>= \case
- True -> pure ()
- False -> throwError Scim.conflict {Scim.detail = Just msg}
+assertHandleUnused' msg hndl uid =
+ lift (Brig.checkHandleAvailable hndl uid) >>= \case
+ True -> pure ()
+ False -> throwError Scim.conflict {Scim.detail = Just msg}
assertHandleNotUsedElsewhere :: Handle -> UserId -> Scim.ScimHandler Spar ()
assertHandleNotUsedElsewhere hndl uid = do
@@ -586,17 +575,17 @@ assertHandleNotUsedElsewhere hndl uid = do
-- | Helper function that translates a given brig user into a 'Scim.StoredUser', with some
-- effects like updating the 'ManagedBy' field in brig and storing creation and update time
-- stamps.
-synthesizeStoredUser :: BrigTypes.User -> Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+synthesizeStoredUser :: BT.User -> Scim.ScimHandler Spar (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
synthesizeStoredUser usr = do
- let readState :: Spar (RichInfo, AccountStatus, Maybe (UTCTimeMillis, UTCTimeMillis), URIBS.URI)
+ let readState :: Spar (RI.RichInfo, AccountStatus, Maybe (UTCTimeMillis, UTCTimeMillis), URIBS.URI)
readState = do
- richInfo <- Brig.getBrigUserRichInfo (BrigTypes.userId usr)
- accStatus <- Brig.getStatus (BrigTypes.userId usr)
- accessTimes <- wrapMonadClient (Data.readScimUserTimes (BrigTypes.userId usr))
+ richInfo <- Brig.getBrigUserRichInfo (BT.userId usr)
+ accStatus <- Brig.getStatus (BT.userId usr)
+ accessTimes <- wrapMonadClient (Data.readScimUserTimes (BT.userId usr))
baseuri <- asks $ derivedOptsScimBaseURI . derivedOpts . sparCtxOpts
pure (richInfo, accStatus, accessTimes, baseuri)
- let writeState :: UserId -> Maybe (UTCTimeMillis, UTCTimeMillis) -> ManagedBy -> Scim.StoredUser SparTag -> Spar ()
+ let writeState :: UserId -> Maybe (UTCTimeMillis, UTCTimeMillis) -> ManagedBy -> Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag -> Spar ()
writeState uid accessTimes managedBy storedUser = do
when (isNothing accessTimes) $ do
wrapMonadClient $ Data.writeScimUserTimes storedUser
@@ -619,7 +608,7 @@ synthesizeStoredUser usr = do
- lift $ writeState (BrigTypes.userId usr) accessTimes (BrigTypes.userManagedBy usr) storedUser
+ lift $ writeState (BT.userId usr) accessTimes (BT.userManagedBy usr) storedUser
pure storedUser
synthesizeStoredUser' ::
@@ -627,40 +616,39 @@ synthesizeStoredUser' ::
Maybe SAML.UserRef ->
Name ->
Handle ->
- RichInfo ->
+ RI.RichInfo ->
AccountStatus ->
UTCTimeMillis ->
UTCTimeMillis ->
- MonadError Scim.ScimError m => m (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
+ MonadError Scim.ScimError m => m (Scim.StoredUser ST.SparTag)
synthesizeStoredUser' uid ssoid dname handle richInfo accStatus createdAt lastUpdatedAt baseuri = do
sso <- do
let err = throwError $ Scim.notFound "User" (cs $ show uid) -- See https://github.com/zinfra/backend-issues/issues/1365
maybe err pure ssoid
- let scimUser :: Scim.User SparTag
+ let scimUser :: Scim.User ST.SparTag
scimUser =
- ValidScimUser
- { _vsuUserRef = sso,
- _vsuHandle = handle, -- 'Maybe' there is one in @usr@, but we want to type checker to make sure this exists.
- _vsuName = Just dname,
- _vsuRichInfo = richInfo,
- _vsuActive = scimActiveFlagFromAccountStatus accStatus
+ ST.ValidScimUser
+ { ST._vsuUserRef = sso,
+ ST._vsuHandle = handle, -- 'Maybe' there is one in @usr@, but we want to type checker to make sure this exists.
+ ST._vsuName = dname,
+ ST._vsuRichInfo = richInfo,
+ ST._vsuActive = ST.scimActiveFlagFromAccountStatus accStatus
pure $ toScimStoredUser' createdAt lastUpdatedAt baseuri uid scimUser
-synthesizeScimUser :: ValidScimUser -> Scim.User SparTag
+synthesizeScimUser :: ST.ValidScimUser -> Scim.User ST.SparTag
synthesizeScimUser info =
- let Handle userName = info ^. vsuHandle
- mDisplayName = fromName <$> (info ^. vsuName)
+ let Handle userName = info ^. ST.vsuHandle
toExternalId' :: SAML.UserRef -> Maybe Text
toExternalId' = either (const Nothing) Just . Brig.toExternalId . Brig.toUserSSOId
- in (Scim.empty userSchemas userName (ScimUserExtra (info ^. vsuRichInfo)))
- { Scim.externalId = toExternalId' $ info ^. vsuUserRef,
- Scim.displayName = mDisplayName,
- Scim.active = Just $ info ^. vsuActive
+ in (Scim.empty ST.userSchemas userName (ST.ScimUserExtra (info ^. ST.vsuRichInfo)))
+ { Scim.externalId = toExternalId' $ info ^. ST.vsuUserRef,
+ Scim.displayName = Just $ fromName (info ^. ST.vsuName),
+ Scim.active = Just $ info ^. ST.vsuActive
{- TODO: might be useful later.
diff --git a/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs b/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs
index 10ad6ab4513..30a95b1e4e1 100644
--- a/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs
+++ b/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ specFinalizeLogin = do
. expect2xx
liftIO $ threadDelay 100000 -- make sure deletion is done. if we don't want to take
- -- the time, we should find another way to robustly
- -- confirm that deletion has compelted in the background.
+ -- the time, we should find another way to robustly
+ -- confirm that deletion has compelted in the background.
-- second login
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ specFinalizeLogin = do
statusCode sparresp `shouldBe` 404
-- body should contain the error label in the title, the verbatim haskell error, and the request:
(cs . fromJust . responseBody $ sparresp) `shouldContain` "wire:sso:error:not-found"
- (cs . fromJust . responseBody $ sparresp) `shouldContainInBase64` "CustomError SparNotFound"
+ (cs . fromJust . responseBody $ sparresp) `shouldContainInBase64` "CustomError SparIdPNotFound"
(cs . fromJust . responseBody $ sparresp) `shouldContainInBase64` "Input {iName = \"SAMLResponse\""
-- TODO(arianvp): Ask Matthias what this even means
context "AuthnResponse does not match any request" $ do
@@ -501,9 +501,6 @@ specBindingUsers = describe "binding existing users to sso identities" $ do
context "with bind cookie and two other cookies in the request" $ do
check (\bindcky -> Just . addAtEnd cky1 . addAtEnd cky2 . addAtBeginning cky3 $ bindcky) True
-checkErr :: HasCallStack => (Int -> Bool) -> TestErrorLabel -> ResponseLBS -> Bool
-checkErr statusIs label resp = statusIs (statusCode resp) && responseJsonEither resp == Right label
testGetPutDelete :: HasCallStack => (SparReq -> Maybe UserId -> IdPId -> IdPMetadataInfo -> Http ResponseLBS) -> SpecWith TestEnv
testGetPutDelete whichone = do
context "unknown IdP" $ do
@@ -511,20 +508,20 @@ testGetPutDelete whichone = do
env <- ask
(_, _, _, (idpmeta, _)) <- registerTestIdPWithMeta
whichone (env ^. teSpar) Nothing (IdPId UUID.nil) idpmeta
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 404) "not-found"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 404 "not-found"
context "no zuser" $ do
it "responds with 'client error'" $ do
env <- ask
(_, _, (^. idpId) -> idpid, (idpmeta, _)) <- registerTestIdPWithMeta
whichone (env ^. teSpar) Nothing idpid idpmeta
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 400) "client-error"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 400 "client-error"
context "zuser has no team" $ do
it "responds with 'no team member'" $ do
env <- ask
(_, _, (^. idpId) -> idpid, (idpmeta, _)) <- registerTestIdPWithMeta
(uid, _) <- call $ createRandomPhoneUser (env ^. teBrig)
whichone (env ^. teSpar) (Just uid) idpid idpmeta
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "no-team-member"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "no-team-member"
context "zuser is a team member, but not a team owner" $ do
it "responds with 'insufficient-permissions' and a helpful message" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -533,7 +530,7 @@ testGetPutDelete whichone = do
let Just perms = Galley.newPermissions mempty mempty
in call $ createTeamMember (env ^. teBrig) (env ^. teGalley) teamid perms
whichone (env ^. teSpar) (Just newmember) idpid idpmeta
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "insufficient-permissions"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "insufficient-permissions"
-- Authenticate via sso, and assign owner status to the thus created user. (This doesn't work
-- via the cookie, since we don't talk to nginz here, so we assume there is only one user in
@@ -559,7 +556,7 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
(_, _, (^. idpId) -> idpid) <- registerTestIdP
(uid, _) <- call $ createUserWithTeam (env ^. teBrig) (env ^. teGalley)
callIdpGet' (env ^. teSpar) (Just uid) idpid
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "no-team-member"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "no-team-member"
context "known IdP, client is team owner" $ do
it "responds with 2xx and IdP" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -581,7 +578,7 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
let Just perms = Galley.newPermissions mempty mempty
in call $ createTeamMember (env ^. teBrig) (env ^. teGalley) teamid perms
callIdpGetAll' (env ^. teSpar) (Just member)
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "insufficient-permissions"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "insufficient-permissions"
context "no idps registered" $ do
context "client is team owner" $ do
it "returns an empty list" $ do
@@ -614,7 +611,7 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
(_, _, (^. idpId) -> idpid) <- registerTestIdP
(uid, _) <- call $ createUserWithTeam (env ^. teBrig) (env ^. teGalley)
callIdpDelete' (env ^. teSpar) (Just uid) idpid
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "no-team-member"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "no-team-member"
context "known IdP, IdP empty, client is team owner, without email" $ do
it "responds with 2xx and removes IdP" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -622,16 +619,16 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
callIdpDelete' (env ^. teSpar) (Just userid) idpid
`shouldRespondWith` \resp -> statusCode resp < 300
callIdpGet' (env ^. teSpar) (Just userid) idpid
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 404) "not-found"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 404 "not-found"
callIdpGetRaw' (env ^. teSpar) (Just userid) idpid
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 404) "not-found"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 404 "not-found"
context "with email, idp non-empty, purge=false" $ do
it "responds with 412 and does not remove IdP" $ do
env <- ask
(firstOwner, tid, idp, (_, privcreds)) <- registerTestIdPWithMeta
ssoOwner <- mkSsoOwner firstOwner tid idp privcreds
callIdpDelete' (env ^. teSpar) (Just ssoOwner) (idp ^. idpId)
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 412) "idp-has-bound-users"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 412 "idp-has-bound-users"
callIdpGet' (env ^. teSpar) (Just ssoOwner) (idp ^. idpId)
`shouldRespondWith` \resp -> statusCode resp < 300
context "with email, idp non-empty, purge=true" $ do
@@ -648,7 +645,7 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
ssoOwner' `shouldBe` Nothing
firstOwner' `shouldBe` Just firstOwner
callIdpGet' (env ^. teSpar) (Just firstOwner) (idp ^. idpId)
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 404) "not-found"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 404 "not-found"
describe "PUT /identity-providers/:idp" $ do
testGetPutDelete callIdpUpdate'
context "known IdP, client is team owner" $ do
@@ -667,14 +664,14 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
env <- ask
(owner, _, (^. idpId) -> idpid) <- registerTestIdP
callIdpUpdate' (env ^. teSpar) (Just owner) idpid (IdPMetadataValue "bloo" undefined)
- `shouldRespondWith` ((== 400) . statusCode)
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 400 "invalid-metadata"
describe "issuer changed to one that already exists in *another* team" $ do
it "rejects" $ do
env <- ask
(owner1, _, (^. idpId) -> idpid1) <- registerTestIdP
(_, _, _, (IdPMetadataValue _ idpmeta2, _)) <- registerTestIdPWithMeta
callIdpUpdate' (env ^. teSpar) (Just owner1) idpid1 (IdPMetadataValue (cs $ SAML.encode idpmeta2) undefined)
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 400) "idp-issuer-in-use"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 400 "idp-issuer-in-use"
describe "issuer changed to one that already exists in *the same* team" $ do
it "rejects" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -683,7 +680,7 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
_ <- call $ callIdpCreate (env ^. teSpar) (Just owner1) idpmeta2
let idpmeta3 = idpmeta1 & edIssuer .~ (idpmeta2 ^. edIssuer)
callIdpUpdate' (env ^. teSpar) (Just owner1) idpid1 (IdPMetadataValue (cs $ SAML.encode idpmeta3) undefined)
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 400) "idp-issuer-in-use"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 400 "idp-issuer-in-use"
describe "issuer changed to one that is new" $ do
it "updates old idp, updating both issuer and old_issuers" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -797,25 +794,25 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
(uid, _tid) <- call $ createUserWithTeamDisableSSO (env ^. teBrig) (env ^. teGalley)
(SampleIdP metadata _ _ _) <- makeSampleIdPMetadata
callIdpCreate' (env ^. teSpar) (Just uid) metadata
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "sso-disabled"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "sso-disabled"
context "bad xml" $ do
it "responds with a 'client error'" $ do
env <- ask
callIdpCreateRaw' (env ^. teSpar) Nothing "application/xml" "@@ bad xml ###"
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 400) "invalid-metadata"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 400 "invalid-metadata"
context "no zuser" $ do
it "responds with 'client error'" $ do
env <- ask
(SampleIdP idpmeta _ _ _) <- makeSampleIdPMetadata
callIdpCreate' (env ^. teSpar) Nothing idpmeta
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 400) "client-error"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 400 "client-error"
context "zuser has no team" $ do
it "responds with 'no team member'" $ do
env <- ask
(uid, _) <- call $ createRandomPhoneUser (env ^. teBrig)
(SampleIdP idpmeta _ _ _) <- makeSampleIdPMetadata
callIdpCreate' (env ^. teSpar) (Just uid) idpmeta
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "no-team-member"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "no-team-member"
context "zuser is a team member, but not a team owner" $ do
it "responds with 'insufficient-permissions' and a helpful message" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -824,7 +821,7 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
let Just perms = Galley.newPermissions mempty mempty
in call $ createTeamMember (env ^. teBrig) (env ^. teGalley) tid perms
callIdpCreate' (env ^. teSpar) (Just newmember) (idp ^. idpMetadata)
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 403) "insufficient-permissions"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 403 "insufficient-permissions"
context "idp (identified by issuer) is in use by other team" $ do
it "rejects" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -860,7 +857,7 @@ specCRUDIdentityProvider = do
it "responds with a 'client error'" $ do
env <- ask
callIdpCreateRaw' (env ^. teSpar) Nothing "application/json" "@@ bad json ###"
- `shouldRespondWith` checkErr (== 400) "invalid-metadata"
+ `shouldRespondWith` checkErrHspec 400 "invalid-metadata"
context "good json" $ do
it "responds with 2xx; makes IdP available for GET /identity-providers/" $ do
env <- ask
@@ -1015,10 +1012,10 @@ specDeleteCornerCases = describe "delete corner cases" $ do
samlUserShouldSatisfy uref isJust
deleteViaBrig uid
samlUserShouldSatisfy uref isJust -- brig doesn't talk to spar right now when users
- -- are deleted there. we need to work around this
- -- fact for now. (if the test fails here, this may
- -- mean that you fixed the behavior and can
- -- change this to 'isNothing'.)
+ -- are deleted there. we need to work around this
+ -- fact for now. (if the test fails here, this may
+ -- mean that you fixed the behavior and can
+ -- change this to 'isNothing'.)
(Just _) <- createViaSaml idp privcreds uref
samlUserShouldSatisfy uref isJust
diff --git a/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/AuthSpec.hs b/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/AuthSpec.hs
index 909a13f4518..f4326721243 100644
--- a/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/AuthSpec.hs
+++ b/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/AuthSpec.hs
@@ -276,10 +276,3 @@ testAuthIsNeeded = do
-- Try to do @GET /Users@ without a token and check that it fails
listUsers_ Nothing Nothing (env ^. teSpar)
!!! checkErr 401 Nothing
-checkErr :: HasCallStack => Int -> Maybe TestErrorLabel -> Assertions ()
-checkErr status mlabel = do
- const status === statusCode
- case mlabel of
- Nothing -> pure ()
- Just label -> const (Right label) === responseJsonEither
diff --git a/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/UserSpec.hs b/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/UserSpec.hs
index 3370899fcd0..3ac97e9a351 100644
--- a/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/UserSpec.hs
+++ b/services/spar/test-integration/Test/Spar/Scim/UserSpec.hs
@@ -34,12 +34,11 @@ import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Control.Retry (exponentialBackoff, limitRetries, recovering)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
-import Data.Aeson.Lens (_String, key)
+import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, _String)
import Data.Aeson.QQ (aesonQQ)
import Data.Aeson.Types (fromJSON, toJSON)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
-import Data.Handle (Handle (Handle))
-import Data.Handle (fromHandle)
+import Data.Handle (Handle (Handle), fromHandle)
import Data.Id (TeamId, UserId, randomId)
import Data.Ix (inRange)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
@@ -50,8 +49,8 @@ import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.Types as SAML
import qualified Spar.Data as Data
import qualified Spar.Intra.Brig as Intra
import Spar.Scim
-import qualified Spar.Types
import Spar.Types (IdP)
+import qualified Spar.Types
import qualified Text.XML.DSig as SAML
import Util
import qualified Web.Scim.Class.User as Scim.UserC
@@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ specSuspend = do
void $ aFewTimes (runSpar $ Intra.getStatus uid) (== Active)
it "PUT will change state from active to inactive and back" $ do
- void $ activeInactiveAndBack $ \tok uid user active ->
+ void . activeInactiveAndBack $ \tok uid user active ->
updateUser tok uid user {Scim.User.active = Just active}
it "PATCH will change state from active to inactive and back" $ do
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ specSuspend = do
(Just (PatchOp.NormalPath (Filter.topLevelAttrPath name)))
(Just (toJSON value))
- void $ activeInactiveAndBack $ \tok uid _user active ->
+ void . activeInactiveAndBack $ \tok uid _user active ->
patchUser tok uid $ PatchOp.PatchOp [replaceAttrib "active" active]
-- Consider the following series of events:
@@ -416,10 +415,10 @@ testScimCreateVsUserRef = do
samlUserShouldSatisfy uref isJust
deleteViaBrig uid
samlUserShouldSatisfy uref isJust -- brig doesn't talk to spar right now when users
- -- are deleted there. we need to work around this
- -- fact for now. (if the test fails here, this may
- -- mean that you fixed the behavior and can
- -- change this to 'isNothing'.)
+ -- are deleted there. we need to work around this
+ -- fact for now. (if the test fails here, this may
+ -- mean that you fixed the behavior and can
+ -- change this to 'isNothing'.)
tok <- registerScimToken teamid (Just (idp ^. SAML.idpId))
storedusr :: Scim.UserC.StoredUser SparTag <-
@@ -844,11 +843,12 @@ testUpdateSameHandle = do
let userid = scimUserId storedUser
-- Overwrite the user with another randomly-generated user who has the same name and
-- handle
- user' <- randomScimUser <&> \u ->
- u
- { Scim.User.userName = Scim.User.userName user,
- Scim.User.displayName = Scim.User.displayName user
- }
+ user' <-
+ randomScimUser <&> \u ->
+ u
+ { Scim.User.userName = Scim.User.userName user,
+ Scim.User.displayName = Scim.User.displayName user
+ }
updatedUser <- updateUser tok userid user'
-- Get the updated user and check that it matches the user returned by 'updateUser'
storedUser' <- getUser tok userid
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ specEmailValidation = do
let req = put $ galley . paths p . json (Feature.TeamFeatureStatus Feature.TeamFeatureEnabled)
p = ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", "validate-saml-emails"]
call req !!! const 204 === statusCode
- --
assertEmail :: HasCallStack => UserId -> Maybe Email -> TestSpar ()
assertEmail uid expectedEmail = do
brig <- asks (^. teBrig)
@@ -1197,10 +1197,10 @@ specEmailValidation = do
call req !!! do
const 200 === statusCode
const expectedEmail === (userEmail <=< responseJsonMaybe)
- --
eventually :: HasCallStack => TestSpar a -> TestSpar a
eventually = recovering (limitRetries 3 <> exponentialBackoff 100000) [] . const
- --
setup :: HasCallStack => Bool -> TestSpar (UserId, Email)
setup enabled = do
(tok, (_ownerid, teamid, idp)) <- registerIdPAndScimToken
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ specEmailValidation = do
brig <- asks (^. teBrig)
call $ activateEmail brig email
pure (uid, email)
- --
-- copied from brig integration tests.
activateEmail ::
HasCallStack =>
@@ -1223,11 +1223,12 @@ specEmailValidation = do
act <- getActivationCode brig (Left email)
case act of
Nothing -> pure () -- missing activation key/code; this happens if the feature is
- -- disabled (second test case below)
- Just kc -> activate brig kc !!! do
- const 200 === statusCode
- const (Just False) === fmap Activation.activatedFirst . responseJsonMaybe
- --
+ -- disabled (second test case below)
+ Just kc ->
+ activate brig kc !!! do
+ const 200 === statusCode
+ const (Just False) === fmap Activation.activatedFirst . responseJsonMaybe
-- copied from brig integration tests.
getActivationCode ::
HasCallStack =>
@@ -1241,7 +1242,7 @@ specEmailValidation = do
let akey = Activation.ActivationKey . Ascii.unsafeFromText <$> (lbs ^? key "key" . _String)
let acode = Activation.ActivationCode . Ascii.unsafeFromText <$> (lbs ^? key "code" . _String)
return $ (,) <$> akey <*> acode
- --
-- copied from brig integration tests.
activate ::
HasCallStack =>
diff --git a/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Core.hs b/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Core.hs
index 1b98b0fc4c4..e3669d33953 100644
--- a/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Core.hs
+++ b/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Core.hs
@@ -117,11 +117,13 @@ module Util.Core
+ checkErr,
+ checkErrHspec,
import Bilge hiding (getCookie) -- we use Web.Cookie instead of the http-client type
-import Bilge.Assert ((!!!), ( randomRIO (0 :: Int, 13371137)
-- | Generate a 'SAML.UserRef' subject.
nextSubject :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => m NameID
nextSubject = liftIO $ do
- unameId <- randomRIO (0, 1 :: Int) >>= \case
- 0 -> either (error . show) id . SAML.mkUNameIDEmail . Brig.fromEmail <$> randomEmail
- 1 -> SAML.mkUNameIDUnspecified . UUID.toText <$> UUID.nextRandom
- _ -> error "nextSubject: impossible"
+ unameId <-
+ randomRIO (0, 1 :: Int) >>= \case
+ 0 -> either (error . show) id . SAML.mkUNameIDEmail . Brig.fromEmail <$> randomEmail
+ 1 -> SAML.mkUNameIDUnspecified . UUID.toText <$> UUID.nextRandom
+ _ -> error "nextSubject: impossible"
either (error . show) pure $ SAML.mkNameID unameId Nothing Nothing Nothing
nextUserRef :: MonadIO m => m SAML.UserRef
@@ -774,9 +777,9 @@ getCookie proxy rsp = do
hasPersistentCookieHeader :: ResponseLBS -> Either String ()
hasPersistentCookieHeader rsp = do
cky <- getCookie (Proxy @"zuid") rsp
- when (isNothing . Web.setCookieExpires $ fromSimpleSetCookie cky)
- $ Left
- $ "expiration date should NOT empty: " <> show cky
+ when (isNothing . Web.setCookieExpires $ fromSimpleSetCookie cky) $
+ Left $
+ "expiration date should NOT empty: " <> show cky
-- | A bind cookie is always sent, but if we do not want to send one, it looks like this:
-- "wire.com=; Path=/sso/finalize-login; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT; Max-Age=-1; Secure"
@@ -833,10 +836,11 @@ negotiateAuthnRequest ::
(HasCallStack, MonadIO m, MonadReader TestEnv m) =>
IdP ->
m SAML.AuthnRequest
-negotiateAuthnRequest idp = negotiateAuthnRequest' DoInitiateLogin idp id >>= \case
- (req, cky) -> case maybe (Left "missing") isDeleteBindCookie cky of
- Right () -> pure req
- Left msg -> error $ "unexpected bind cookie: " <> show (cky, msg)
+negotiateAuthnRequest idp =
+ negotiateAuthnRequest' DoInitiateLogin idp id >>= \case
+ (req, cky) -> case maybe (Left "missing") isDeleteBindCookie cky of
+ Right () -> pure req
+ Left msg -> error $ "unexpected bind cookie: " <> show (cky, msg)
doInitiatePath :: DoInitiate -> [ST]
doInitiatePath DoInitiateLogin = ["sso", "initiate-login"]
@@ -1158,3 +1162,22 @@ getUserIdViaRef uref = maybe (error "not found") pure =<< getUserIdViaRef' uref
getUserIdViaRef' :: HasCallStack => UserRef -> TestSpar (Maybe UserId)
getUserIdViaRef' uref = do
aFewTimes (runSparCass $ Data.getSAMLUser uref) isJust
+checkErr :: HasCallStack => Int -> Maybe TestErrorLabel -> Assertions ()
+checkErr status mlabel = do
+ const status === statusCode
+ case mlabel of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just label -> const (Right label) === responseJsonEither
+checkErrHspec :: HasCallStack => Int -> TestErrorLabel -> ResponseLBS -> Bool
+checkErrHspec status label resp = status == statusCode resp && responseJsonEither resp == Right label
+-- | copied from brig integration tests
+stdInvitationRequest :: User.Email -> TeamInvitation.InvitationRequest
+stdInvitationRequest = stdInvitationRequest' Nothing Nothing
+-- | copied from brig integration tests
+stdInvitationRequest' :: Maybe User.Locale -> Maybe Galley.Role -> User.Email -> TeamInvitation.InvitationRequest
+stdInvitationRequest' loc role email =
+ TeamInvitation.InvitationRequest loc role Nothing email Nothing
diff --git a/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Scim.hs b/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Scim.hs
index 7891181b40b..da87c4243c2 100644
--- a/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Scim.hs
+++ b/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Scim.hs
@@ -78,9 +78,10 @@ registerIdPAndScimTokenWithMeta = do
registerScimToken :: HasCallStack => TeamId -> Maybe IdPId -> TestSpar ScimToken
registerScimToken teamid midpid = do
env <- ask
- tok <- ScimToken <$> do
- code <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom
- pure $ "scim-test-token/" <> "team=" <> idToText teamid <> "/code=" <> UUID.toText code
+ tok <-
+ ScimToken <$> do
+ code <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom
+ pure $ "scim-test-token/" <> "team=" <> idToText teamid <> "/code=" <> UUID.toText code
scimTokenId <- randomId
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
runClient (env ^. teCql) $
@@ -121,17 +122,18 @@ randomScimUserWithSubjectAndRichInfo richInfo = do
emails <- getRandomR (0, 3) >>= \n -> replicateM n randomScimEmail
phones <- getRandomR (0, 3) >>= \n -> replicateM n randomScimPhone
-- Related, but non-trivial to re-use here: 'nextSubject'
- (externalId, subj) <- getRandomR (0, 1 :: Int) <&> \case
- 0 ->
- ( "scimuser_extid_" <> suffix <> "@example.com",
- either (error . show) id $
- SAML.mkUNameIDEmail ("scimuser_extid_" <> suffix <> "@example.com")
- )
- 1 ->
- ( "scimuser_extid_" <> suffix,
- SAML.mkUNameIDUnspecified ("scimuser_extid_" <> suffix)
- )
- _ -> error "randomScimUserWithSubject: impossible"
+ (externalId, subj) <-
+ getRandomR (0, 1 :: Int) <&> \case
+ 0 ->
+ ( "scimuser_extid_" <> suffix <> "@example.com",
+ either (error . show) id $
+ SAML.mkUNameIDEmail ("scimuser_extid_" <> suffix <> "@example.com")
+ )
+ 1 ->
+ ( "scimuser_extid_" <> suffix,
+ SAML.mkUNameIDUnspecified ("scimuser_extid_" <> suffix)
+ )
+ _ -> error "randomScimUserWithSubject: impossible"
( (Scim.User.empty userSchemas ("scimuser_" <> suffix) (ScimUserExtra richInfo))
{ Scim.User.displayName = Just ("Scim User #" <> suffix),
@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ randomScimEmail :: MonadRandom m => m Email.Email
randomScimEmail = do
let typ :: Maybe Text = Nothing
primary :: Maybe Bool = Nothing -- TODO: where should we catch users with more than one
- -- primary email?
+ -- primary email?
value :: Email.EmailAddress2 <- do
localpart <- cs <$> replicateM 15 (getRandomR ('a', 'z'))
domainpart <- (<> ".com") . cs <$> replicateM 15 (getRandomR ('a', 'z'))
@@ -528,6 +530,10 @@ scimUserId = Scim.id . Scim.thing
-- Note: we don't compare rich info here, because 'User' doesn't contain it. However, we have
-- separate tests for rich info that cover that.
+-- FUTUREWORK: tenant, subject, subjectraw are not scim concepts, we should use the
+-- corresponding scim terminology for that. subjectraw is externalId; the other two don't
+-- have exact correspondences. perhaps they can be removed? or changed to fit scim better?
class IsUser u where
maybeUserId :: Maybe (u -> UserId)
maybeHandle :: Maybe (u -> Maybe Handle)
@@ -546,7 +552,7 @@ class IsUser u where
instance IsUser ValidScimUser where
maybeUserId = Nothing
maybeHandle = Just (Just . view vsuHandle)
- maybeName = Just (view vsuName)
+ maybeName = Just (Just . view vsuName)
maybeTenant = Just (Just . view (vsuUserRef . SAML.uidTenant))
maybeSubject = Just (Just . view (vsuUserRef . SAML.uidSubject))
maybeSubjectRaw = Just (SAML.shortShowNameID . view (vsuUserRef . SAML.uidSubject))
diff --git a/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Types.hs b/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Types.hs
index 66ba4e80da7..de0b9c50e55 100644
--- a/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Types.hs
+++ b/services/spar/test-integration/Util/Types.hs
@@ -104,6 +104,6 @@ _unitTestTestErrorLabel :: IO ()
_unitTestTestErrorLabel = do
let val :: Either String TestErrorLabel
val = Aeson.eitherDecode "{\"code\":404,\"message\":\"Not found.\",\"label\":\"not-found\"}"
- unless (val == Right "not-found")
- $ throwIO . ErrorCall . show
- $ val
+ unless (val == Right "not-found") $
+ throwIO . ErrorCall . show $
+ val
diff --git a/services/spar/test/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs b/services/spar/test/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs
index ea483b4aa81..321bb4dd760 100644
--- a/services/spar/test/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs
+++ b/services/spar/test/Test/Spar/APISpec.hs
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ spec = do
let withoutRaw (IdPMetadataValue _ x) = x
(withoutRaw <$> (Aeson.eitherDecode . Aeson.encode) val) `shouldBe` Right (withoutRaw val)
describe "SsoSettings JSON instance" $ do
- it "always has and requires the field default_sso_code"
- $ property
- $ \(ssoSettings :: SsoSettings) -> do
- let object = Aeson.toJSON ssoSettings
- let objectWithoutKey = Lens.over Aeson._Object (HM.delete "default_sso_code") $ object
- (HM.lookup "default_sso_code" =<< Lens.preview Aeson._Object object)
- `shouldSatisfy` isJust
- Aeson.parseMaybe (Aeson.parseJSON @SsoSettings) objectWithoutKey
- `shouldSatisfy` isNothing
+ it "always has and requires the field default_sso_code" $
+ property $
+ \(ssoSettings :: SsoSettings) -> do
+ let object = Aeson.toJSON ssoSettings
+ let objectWithoutKey = Lens.over Aeson._Object (HM.delete "default_sso_code") $ object
+ (HM.lookup "default_sso_code" =<< Lens.preview Aeson._Object object)
+ `shouldSatisfy` isJust
+ Aeson.parseMaybe (Aeson.parseJSON @SsoSettings) objectWithoutKey
+ `shouldSatisfy` isNothing
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
index e4b80a6b2f4..d417313b894 100644
--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ packages:
- libs/cargohold-types
- libs/cassandra-util
- libs/extended
-- libs/federation-util
+- libs/dns-util
- libs/galley-types
- libs/gundeck-types
- libs/hscim
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ packages:
- libs/types-common-journal
- libs/wai-utilities
- libs/wire-api
+- libs/wire-api-federation
- libs/zauth
- services/brig
- services/cannon
@@ -170,11 +171,14 @@ extra-deps:
- QuickCheck-2.14
- splitmix-0.0.4 # needed for QuickCheck
+# Newer than the one one stackage
+- polysemy-
# Development tools
-- ormolu-
-- ghc-lib-parser-,8751 # for ormolu-
+- ormolu-
+- ghc-lib-parser-,8751 # for ormolu-
- headroom-
diff --git a/stack.yaml.lock b/stack.yaml.lock
index 0fea55f66bc..1d2d2035253 100644
--- a/stack.yaml.lock
+++ b/stack.yaml.lock
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ packages:
hackage: swagger2-2.4
- completed:
subdir: wai-middleware-prometheus
- cabal-file:
- size: 1314
- sha256: 1625792914fb2139f005685be8ce519111451cfb854816e430fbf54af46238b4
name: wai-middleware-prometheus
version: 1.0.0
git: https://github.com/fimad/prometheus-haskell
@@ -28,9 +25,6 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/fimad/prometheus-haskell
commit: 2e3282e5fb27ba8d989c271a0a989823fad7ec43
- completed:
- cabal-file:
- size: 8392
- sha256: 2c5d7f46633fb414eeb43facfe1018378f001b8b67dd77a45d110db84e46034c
name: saml2-web-sso
version: '0.18'
git: https://github.com/wireapp/saml2-web-sso
@@ -42,9 +36,6 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/wireapp/saml2-web-sso
commit: 687d9ac8ac2994aff8436189c6ecce29faad8500
- completed:
- cabal-file:
- size: 912
- sha256: 71d9fd9fd55cfb7b549eb2cecfb5258171be14669f990e4d05c6b3508dd5878b
name: collectd
git: https://github.com/kim/hs-collectd
@@ -56,9 +47,6 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/kim/hs-collectd
commit: 885da222be2375f78c7be36127620ed772b677c9
- completed:
- cabal-file:
- size: 1196
- sha256: 1321f0148c87e75202829edac7f375bffa6159dad050b9737403306a493579ba
name: snappy-framing
version: 0.1.1
git: https://github.com/kim/snappy-framing
@@ -70,9 +58,6 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/kim/snappy-framing
commit: d99f702c0086729efd6848dea8a01e5266c3a61c
- completed:
- cabal-file:
- size: 3722
- sha256: 1509c11cbcc23595f4b9503bac28df4b10cc870cd7869f1859d43a373476d5a8
name: wai-routing
version: 0.13.0
git: https://gitlab.com/twittner/wai-routing
@@ -84,9 +69,6 @@ packages:
git: https://gitlab.com/twittner/wai-routing
commit: 7e996a93fec5901767f845a50316b3c18e51a61d
- completed:
- cabal-file:
- size: 2490
- sha256: 7cca808c05cb584f1d4c6f60893bd28b0de41f450135bf48b70414a1f547d31f
name: multihash
version: 0.1.6
git: https://github.com/wireapp/haskell-multihash.git
@@ -98,9 +80,6 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/wireapp/haskell-multihash.git
commit: 300a6f46384bfca33e545c8bab52ef3717452d12
- completed:
- cabal-file:
- size: 2289
- sha256: 07c1e684acf4ba1c097fe5dd2525cb887269f7d3335c42783c1f4d2bfdc01283
name: hspec-wai
version: 0.9.2
git: https://github.com/wireapp/hspec-wai
@@ -112,9 +91,6 @@ packages:
git: https://github.com/wireapp/hspec-wai
commit: 0a5142cd3ba48116ff059c041348b817fb7bdb25
- completed:
- cabal-file:
- size: 3403
- sha256: 2fd9aef25802bf62848b7087a9476264b50bc7d9f195c7f0012e52d19ed2ebe3
name: bloodhound
git: https://github.com/wireapp/bloodhound
@@ -143,9 +119,6 @@ packages:
size: 11138812
subdir: amazonka
url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
- cabal-file:
- size: 3457
- sha256: 7ac360751e371ba853f56d357e861c5fe103b1da17f045ac47fd285c164a37f7
name: amazonka
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -161,9 +134,6 @@ packages:
size: 11138812
subdir: amazonka-cloudfront
url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
- cabal-file:
- size: 5668
- sha256: 79c95e0ec544437a613cab891a2057bc35f1b0fed2361b36e7f05437839bdce2
name: amazonka-cloudfront
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -179,9 +149,6 @@ packages:
size: 11138812
subdir: amazonka-dynamodb
url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
- cabal-file:
- size: 4459
- sha256: 6b8852049c65207a7b3741aafa3e4e6c77cfa115e05de3c74868218ae642b6b0
name: amazonka-dynamodb
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -197,9 +164,6 @@ packages:
size: 11138812
subdir: amazonka-s3
url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
- cabal-file:
- size: 6317
- sha256: 9d07240fca59ad5197fb614ce3051e701e4951e6d4625a2dab4a9c17a1900194
name: amazonka-s3
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -215,9 +179,6 @@ packages:
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- cabal-file:
- size: 6425
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name: amazonka-ses
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -233,9 +194,6 @@ packages:
size: 11138812
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url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
- cabal-file:
- size: 4271
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name: amazonka-sns
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -251,9 +209,6 @@ packages:
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url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
- cabal-file:
- size: 3708
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name: amazonka-sqs
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -269,9 +224,6 @@ packages:
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url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
- cabal-file:
- size: 4957
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name: amazonka-core
version: 1.6.1
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
@@ -284,9 +236,6 @@ packages:
url: https://github.com/wireapp/amazonka/archive/9de5e0e4b2511ec555fb0975581b3087a94c1b4a.tar.gz
sha256: b9277a51b60d639fbd91b630f353bf9db305f5759f8e1ee48f0ab026e6b43d00
- completed:
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- size: 1150
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version: 0.1.1
git: https://github.com/wireapp/cryptobox-haskell
@@ -298,9 +247,6 @@ packages:
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- completed:
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name: hsaml2
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git: https://github.com/wireapp/hsaml2
@@ -313,9 +259,6 @@ packages:
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- completed:
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- cabal-file:
- size: 5350
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name: http-client
version: 0.7.0
git: https://github.com/wireapp/http-client
@@ -329,9 +272,6 @@ packages:
commit: 9100baeddbd15d93dc58a826ae812dafff29d5fd
- completed:
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- cabal-file:
- size: 1494
- sha256: 423d74b93d5b2a79991340da8d2cd8fccd496fb470483bad8c73857200509e4e
name: http-client-openssl
git: https://github.com/wireapp/http-client
@@ -345,9 +285,6 @@ packages:
commit: 9100baeddbd15d93dc58a826ae812dafff29d5fd
- completed:
subdir: http-client-tls
- cabal-file:
- size: 2041
- sha256: 1043cb22bc772acdc5176b3db88ea74ae299a658d03aa7d4027f970328487f4c
name: http-client-tls
git: https://github.com/wireapp/http-client
@@ -361,9 +298,6 @@ packages:
commit: 9100baeddbd15d93dc58a826ae812dafff29d5fd
- completed:
subdir: http-conduit
- cabal-file:
- size: 2910
- sha256: 4e0024c25cb1a6c5a20b687201c78a7a2c781a582f669d0f88125d113e65c326
name: http-conduit
git: https://github.com/wireapp/http-client
@@ -565,12 +499,19 @@ packages:
hackage: splitmix-0.0.4
- completed:
- hackage: ormolu-,7956
+ hackage: polysemy-,6141
- size: 66187
- sha256: fd591a96bb129610f89d23d2986b1b11dad8c1c41e23ea1c6f03340b7265b617
+ size: 4309
+ sha256: 3d2fb15ddda9053f6bfd4b0810a79a9542505acb5e7e528856ec3cd86d6df066
- hackage: ormolu-
+ hackage: polysemy-
+- completed:
+ hackage: ormolu-,6237
+ pantry-tree:
+ size: 71915
+ sha256: 5a857d9bf0e9579ee4daacfb63b4665cdf9e0a0de31d8e0715a27836007e9c42
+ original:
+ hackage: ormolu-
- completed:
hackage: ghc-lib-parser-,8751
diff --git a/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Main.hs b/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Main.hs
index 9352e225e0f..bca0c7eb2ae 100644
--- a/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Main.hs
+++ b/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Main.hs
@@ -92,14 +92,16 @@ ltsSettingsParser = do
conversationRamp <-
optional $
- [ fmap RampStep $ option auto $
- long "ramp-step"
- <> metavar "INT"
- <> help "delay in microseconds between conversations start",
- fmap RampTotal $ option auto $
- long "ramp-total"
- <> metavar "INT"
- <> help "time in microseconds until full load"
+ [ fmap RampStep $
+ option auto $
+ long "ramp-step"
+ <> metavar "INT"
+ <> help "delay in microseconds between conversations start",
+ fmap RampTotal $
+ option auto $
+ long "ramp-total"
+ <> metavar "INT"
+ <> help "time in microseconds until full load"
conversationsTotal <-
option auto $
diff --git a/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/LoadTest.hs b/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/LoadTest.hs
index cbc62c74fb6..f8bbad1cac3 100644
--- a/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/LoadTest.hs
+++ b/tools/api-simulations/loadtest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/LoadTest.hs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ runConv s g = do
Clients.addMembers (botClientSessions client) conv (map botId bots)
let removeClients (b, st) =
mapM_ (removeBotClient b) (botClient st : botOtherClients st)
- void $ flip mapConcurrently (zip bots states) $ \(b, st) ->
+ void . flip mapConcurrently (zip bots states) $ \(b, st) ->
runBotSession b $ do
log Info $ msg $ val "Starting bot"
runBot s st `Ex.onException` removeClients (b, st)
diff --git a/tools/api-simulations/smoketest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/SmokeTest.hs b/tools/api-simulations/smoketest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/SmokeTest.hs
index fe0fa2730c1..720f65b75cd 100644
--- a/tools/api-simulations/smoketest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/SmokeTest.hs
+++ b/tools/api-simulations/smoketest/src/Network/Wire/Simulations/SmokeTest.hs
@@ -128,15 +128,17 @@ mainBotNet n = do
let carlWithTablet = (carl, carlTablet)
let people :: [(Bot, ConvId, BotClient)] -- everyone except for Ally
people =
- (bill, a2b, billPC) : (carl, a2c, carlTablet)
- : zip3 goons a2goons goonClients
+ (bill, a2b, billPC) :
+ (carl, a2c, carlTablet) :
+ zip3 goons a2goons goonClients
info $ msg (val "OTR 1-1 greetings")
-- Ally greets everyone in 1-1
- runBotSession ally $ for_ people $ \(user, conv, _client) -> do
- botInitSession (botId user)
- Clients.addMembers (botClientSessions allyPhone) conv [botId user]
- let message = "Hey " <> unTag (botTag user) <> ", Everything secure?"
- postOtrTextMsg allyPhone conv message >>= assertNoClientMismatch
+ runBotSession ally $
+ for_ people $ \(user, conv, _client) -> do
+ botInitSession (botId user)
+ Clients.addMembers (botClientSessions allyPhone) conv [botId user]
+ let message = "Hey " <> unTag (botTag user) <> ", Everything secure?"
+ postOtrTextMsg allyPhone conv message >>= assertNoClientMismatch
-- Everyone answers
for_ people $ \(user, conv, client) -> runBotSession user $ do
pkm <- awaitOtrMsg conv allyWithPhone (user, client)
@@ -148,14 +150,15 @@ mainBotNet n = do
Clients.addMembers (botClientSessions client) conv [botId ally]
postOtrTextMsg client conv "Thanks Ally, All good." >>= assertNoClientMismatch
-- Ally confirms the answers
- runBotSession ally $ for_ people $ \(user, conv, client) -> do
- message <- awaitOtrMsg conv (user, client) allyWithPhone
- plain <- decryptTextMsg allyPhone message
- assertEqual
- plain
- "Thanks Ally, All good."
- ("Ally (from " <> unTag (botTag user) <> "): Plaintext /= CipherText")
- postOtrTextMsg allyPhone conv "Glad to hear that." >>= assertNoClientMismatch
+ runBotSession ally $
+ for_ people $ \(user, conv, client) -> do
+ message <- awaitOtrMsg conv (user, client) allyWithPhone
+ plain <- decryptTextMsg allyPhone message
+ assertEqual
+ plain
+ "Thanks Ally, All good."
+ ("Ally (from " <> unTag (botTag user) <> "): Plaintext /= CipherText")
+ postOtrTextMsg allyPhone conv "Glad to hear that." >>= assertNoClientMismatch
-- Everyone checks Ally's response
for_ people $ \(user, conv, client) -> runBotSession user $ do
message <- awaitOtrMsg conv allyWithPhone (user, client)
diff --git a/tools/bonanza/main/Kibanana.hs b/tools/bonanza/main/Kibanana.hs
index de5abe0700c..d9954f5c35f 100644
--- a/tools/bonanza/main/Kibanana.hs
+++ b/tools/bonanza/main/Kibanana.hs
@@ -100,23 +100,24 @@ optInfo =
data Signal = Stop | Go
main :: IO ()
-main = execParser optInfo >>= \Opts {..} -> do
- mgr <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
- req <- baseReq url
- buffer <- newTVarIO Seq.empty
- signal <- newTVarIO Go
- -- Start consumers
- cs <-
- replicateM concurrency
- $ async
- $ consume buffer req signal mgr maxBulkSize
- -- Setup producer pipeline
- runConduit $
- CB.sourceHandle stdin
- .| breakByte 0
- .| CL.mapM_ (produce buffer maxBufferSize)
- -- Graceful stop
- drain buffer >> atomically (writeTVar signal Stop) >> mapM_ wait cs
+main =
+ execParser optInfo >>= \Opts {..} -> do
+ mgr <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
+ req <- baseReq url
+ buffer <- newTVarIO Seq.empty
+ signal <- newTVarIO Go
+ -- Start consumers
+ cs <-
+ replicateM concurrency $
+ async $
+ consume buffer req signal mgr maxBulkSize
+ -- Setup producer pipeline
+ runConduit $
+ CB.sourceHandle stdin
+ .| breakByte 0
+ .| CL.mapM_ (produce buffer maxBufferSize)
+ -- Graceful stop
+ drain buffer >> atomically (writeTVar signal Stop) >> mapM_ wait cs
baseReq url =
(\req -> req {path = "/_bulk", method = "POST"})
@@ -127,14 +128,15 @@ main = execParser optInfo >>= \Opts {..} -> do
then retry
else writeTVar b (xs |> x)
consume b r s m i = do
- chunk <- atomically $
- readTVar s >>= \case
- Stop -> return Seq.empty
- Go -> do
- (now, later) <- Seq.splitAt i <$> readTVar b
- if Seq.null now
- then retry
- else writeTVar b later >> return now
+ chunk <-
+ atomically $
+ readTVar s >>= \case
+ Stop -> return Seq.empty
+ Go -> do
+ (now, later) <- Seq.splitAt i <$> readTVar b
+ if Seq.null now
+ then retry
+ else writeTVar b later >> return now
unless (Seq.null chunk) $ do
let body = requestBodySourceChunked (mapM_ yield chunk)
let req = r {requestBody = body}
diff --git a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Anon.hs b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Anon.hs
index 4d11a720775..b82c3419619 100644
--- a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Anon.hs
+++ b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Anon.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module Bonanza.Anon
import Bonanza.Types
-import Control.Lens ((%~), _Wrapped', over)
+import Control.Lens (over, (%~), _Wrapped')
import Data.HashMap.Strict (filterWithKey)
import Imports
diff --git a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/App.hs b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/App.hs
index b2b2d8832a7..19368d9c011 100644
--- a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/App.hs
+++ b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/App.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified Bonanza.Streaming.Snappy as Snappy
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import Data.Conduit ((.|), ConduitM, runConduit)
+import Data.Conduit (ConduitM, runConduit, (.|))
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sinkHandle, sourceHandle)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as Conduit
@@ -184,48 +184,49 @@ optInfo =
runBonanza :: IO ()
-runBonanza = execParser optInfo >>= \(Opts CommonOpts {..} cmd) -> do
- started <- getCurrentTime
- (bytes_in, bytes_out, events_in) <-
- (,,)
- <$> newIORef 0
- <*> newIORef 0
- <*> newIORef 0
- geoDB <- mkGeo geodat
- runConduit $
- sourceHandle stdin
- .| runDecompress decomp
- .| Conduit.mapM
- ( \bs ->
- modifyIORef' bytes_in (+ fromIntegral (BS.length bs))
- *> pure bs
- )
- .| readWith parser
- .| Conduit.mapM
- ( \evt ->
- modifyIORef' events_in (+ 1)
- *> pure evt
- )
- .| runGeo geo geoDB
- .| runAnonymise anon
- .| runCmd cmd
- .| runCompress comp
- .| Conduit.mapM
- ( \bs ->
- modifyIORef' bytes_out (+ fromIntegral (BS.length bs))
- *> pure bs
- )
- .| sinkHandle stdout
- completed <- getCurrentTime
- stats <-
- Stats
- <$> readIORef bytes_in
- <*> readIORef bytes_out
- <*> (picosecondsToDiffTime <$> getCPUTime)
- <*> pure (completed `diffUTCTime` started)
- <*> readIORef events_in
- unless quiet $ do
- dumpStderr stats
+runBonanza =
+ execParser optInfo >>= \(Opts CommonOpts {..} cmd) -> do
+ started <- getCurrentTime
+ (bytes_in, bytes_out, events_in) <-
+ (,,)
+ <$> newIORef 0
+ <*> newIORef 0
+ <*> newIORef 0
+ geoDB <- mkGeo geodat
+ runConduit $
+ sourceHandle stdin
+ .| runDecompress decomp
+ .| Conduit.mapM
+ ( \bs ->
+ modifyIORef' bytes_in (+ fromIntegral (BS.length bs))
+ *> pure bs
+ )
+ .| readWith parser
+ .| Conduit.mapM
+ ( \evt ->
+ modifyIORef' events_in (+ 1)
+ *> pure evt
+ )
+ .| runGeo geo geoDB
+ .| runAnonymise anon
+ .| runCmd cmd
+ .| runCompress comp
+ .| Conduit.mapM
+ ( \bs ->
+ modifyIORef' bytes_out (+ fromIntegral (BS.length bs))
+ *> pure bs
+ )
+ .| sinkHandle stdout
+ completed <- getCurrentTime
+ stats <-
+ Stats
+ <$> readIORef bytes_in
+ <*> readIORef bytes_out
+ <*> (picosecondsToDiffTime <$> getCPUTime)
+ <*> pure (completed `diffUTCTime` started)
+ <*> readIORef events_in
+ unless quiet $ do
+ dumpStderr stats
runGeo [] _ = Conduit.map id
runGeo tags db =
diff --git a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/CommonLog.hs b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/CommonLog.hs
index 288f50a876e..4a4f1a8c8af 100644
--- a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/CommonLog.hs
+++ b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/CommonLog.hs
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ instance ToLogEvent CommonLogRecord where
commonLogFields :: [Text]
commonLogFields =
- "remote_addr"
- : "remote_user"
- : map fst fieldParsers
+ "remote_addr" :
+ "remote_user" :
+ map fst fieldParsers
fieldParsers :: [(Text, Parser CommonLogField)]
fieldParsers =
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ commonLogRecord moreFieldParsers = do
(_, CEmpty) -> Nothing
(k, CField v) -> Just (k, v)
- $ ("remote_addr", raddr)
- : ("remote_user", ruser)
- : flds,
+ $ ("remote_addr", raddr) :
+ ("remote_user", ruser) :
+ flds,
cRequest = req
diff --git a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/Tinylog.hs b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/Tinylog.hs
index 907e904123c..fce8c348f57 100644
--- a/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/Tinylog.hs
+++ b/tools/bonanza/src/Bonanza/Parser/Tinylog.hs
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ instance ToLogEvent TinyLogRecord where
tgs =
Tags . fromList . map (second String) $
- ("level", T.singleton tLevel)
- : tFields
+ ("level", T.singleton tLevel) :
+ tFields
++ maybeToList ((,) "time" <$> tDate)
tinyLogRecord :: Parser TinyLogRecord
diff --git a/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Arbitrary.hs b/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Arbitrary.hs
index 9b7dc38f89c..dccf2a3c018 100644
--- a/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Arbitrary.hs
+++ b/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Arbitrary.hs
@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ instance Arbitrary (ParseInput TinyLogRecord) where
encodeUtf8 . mconcat $
[ maybe "" (\d -> decodeUtf8 $ df d <> ", ") date,
T.intercalate ", " $
- T.singleton level
- : map (\(k, v) -> alnum k <> "=" <> fieldValue v) fields
+ T.singleton level :
+ map (\(k, v) -> alnum k <> "=" <> fieldValue v) fields
++ [message]
return $ ParseInput (rec, inp)
@@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ instance Arbitrary (ParseInput (NginzLogRecord)) where
{ cTime = date,
cFields =
mapMaybe (\(k, v) -> (,) k <$> fromField v) $
- ("remote_addr", raddr)
- : ("remote_user", ruser)
- : fields,
+ ("remote_addr", raddr) :
+ ("remote_user", ruser) :
+ fields,
cRequest = req
inp =
diff --git a/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Streaming.hs b/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Streaming.hs
index 76005abc601..4c17d7f8ca1 100644
--- a/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Streaming.hs
+++ b/tools/bonanza/test/unit/Test/Bonanza/Streaming.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Bonanza.Types
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import Data.Conduit ((.|), runConduit)
+import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as Conduit
import Imports
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ run_prop ::
[ParseInput a] ->
run_prop p i =
- ioProperty
- $ runConduit
- $ Conduit.sourceLbs inp
- .| P.stream (P.MkParser p)
- .| Conduit.consume
- >>= pure . (=== out) . map secs
+ ioProperty $
+ runConduit $
+ Conduit.sourceLbs inp
+ .| P.stream (P.MkParser p)
+ .| Conduit.consume
+ >>= pure . (=== out) . map secs
inp = BL.fromStrict . B.intercalate "\n" $ map (snd . parseInput) i
out = map (secs . toLogEvent . fst . parseInput) i
diff --git a/tools/db/auto-whitelist/src/Work.hs b/tools/db/auto-whitelist/src/Work.hs
index 103b3dc9499..b8ff4c84c50 100644
--- a/tools/db/auto-whitelist/src/Work.hs
+++ b/tools/db/auto-whitelist/src/Work.hs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ whitelistService l (pid, sid, tid) = do
. Log.field "provider" (show pid)
. Log.field "service" (show sid)
. Log.field "team" (show tid)
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchLogged
addPrepQuery insert1 (tid, pid, sid)
diff --git a/tools/db/billing-team-member-backfill/src/Work.hs b/tools/db/billing-team-member-backfill/src/Work.hs
index e19dff15935..318610f8bef 100644
--- a/tools/db/billing-team-member-backfill/src/Work.hs
+++ b/tools/db/billing-team-member-backfill/src/Work.hs
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ getTeamMembers = paginateC cql (paramsP Quorum () pageSize) x5
createBillingTeamMembers :: [(TeamId, UserId)] -> Client ()
createBillingTeamMembers pairs =
- retry x5 $ batch $ do
+ retry x5 . batch $ do
setType BatchLogged
setConsistency Quorum
mapM_ (addPrepQuery cql) pairs
diff --git a/tools/db/find-undead/src/Work.hs b/tools/db/find-undead/src/Work.hs
index 32757e22c12..f60e30f9719 100644
--- a/tools/db/find-undead/src/Work.hs
+++ b/tools/db/find-undead/src/Work.hs
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import Brig.Types.Intra (AccountStatus (..))
import Cassandra
import Cassandra.Util (Writetime, writeTimeToUTC)
import Conduit
-import Control.Lens (_1, _2, view)
-import Data.Aeson ((.:), FromJSON)
+import Control.Lens (view, _1, _2)
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, (.:))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ runCommand :: Logger -> ClientState -> ES.BHEnv -> String -> String -> IO ()
runCommand l cas es indexStr mappingStr = do
let index = ES.IndexName $ Text.pack indexStr
mapping = ES.MappingName $ Text.pack mappingStr
- runConduit
- $ transPipe (ES.runBH es)
- $ getScrolled index mapping
- .| C.iterM (logProgress l)
- .| C.mapM
- ( \uuids -> do
- fromCas <- runClient cas $ usersInCassandra uuids
- pure (uuids, fromCas)
- )
- .| C.mapM_ (logDifference l)
+ runConduit $
+ transPipe (ES.runBH es) $
+ getScrolled index mapping
+ .| C.iterM (logProgress l)
+ .| C.mapM
+ ( \uuids -> do
+ fromCas <- runClient cas $ usersInCassandra uuids
+ pure (uuids, fromCas)
+ )
+ .| C.mapM_ (logDifference l)
-- Queries
diff --git a/tools/db/service-backfill/src/Work.hs b/tools/db/service-backfill/src/Work.hs
index 5b439dd1856..5b73e8d68c6 100644
--- a/tools/db/service-backfill/src/Work.hs
+++ b/tools/db/service-backfill/src/Work.hs
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ writeBots ::
[(ProviderId, ServiceId, BotId, ConvId, Maybe TeamId)] ->
Client ()
writeBots [] = pure ()
-writeBots xs = retry x5 $ batch $ do
+writeBots xs = retry x5 . batch $ do
setConsistency Quorum
setType BatchLogged
forM_ xs $ \(pid, sid, bid, cid, mbTid) -> do
diff --git a/tools/ormolu.sh b/tools/ormolu.sh
index f6c6e4a037f..b7bc03d99d5 100755
--- a/tools/ormolu.sh
+++ b/tools/ormolu.sh
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ FAILURES=0
for hsfile in $(git ls-files | grep '\.hsc\?$'); do
- ormolu --mode $ARG_ORMOLU_MODE --check-idempotency $LANGUAGE_EXTS "$hsfile" || FAILED=1
+ ormolu --mode $ARG_ORMOLU_MODE --check-idempotence $LANGUAGE_EXTS "$hsfile" || FAILED=1
if [ "$FAILED" == "1" ]; then
echo "$hsfile... *** FAILED"
diff --git a/tools/rebase-onto-formatter.sh b/tools/rebase-onto-formatter.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1196fad8a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rebase-onto-formatter.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+command -v sed >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "sed is not installed, aborting."; exit 1; }
+FORMATTING_COMMAND='make formatf'
+ A commit that contains the changes to formatting version and
+ config already from TARGET_COMMIT, but not the automatically
+ applied formatting changes. Must be the first commit on the
+ branch you are about to rebase (not the one returned by
+ git-merge-base). It will be removed from the resulting branch.
+ The commit introducing the formatting that you want to rebase onto.
+Rebase a branch onto changes created by an automated formatter. The script
+will keep the (linear) history of the branch intact and make the commits appear
+as if the changes had been applied onto the newly-formatted version all along.
+1. Make a copy of your branch (or be prepared to salvage it from reflog).
+ $ git branch mybranch-backup
+2. Find out what the base commit is.
+3. Rebase onto the base commit yourself.
+ $ git rebase \$BASE_COMMIT
+4. Make sure the formatting tool is installed with the correct version and settings.
+ $ stack install ormolu
+5. Run this script.
+if [ -z "$BASE_COMMIT" ] || [ -z "$TARGET_COMMIT" ] || [ -z "$FORMATTING_COMMAND" ]
+ echo "$USAGE" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+echo "Running the script now. This might take a while..."
+# The general idea is the following:
+# We have a branch consisting of commits C1, C2, ... on top of our BASE_COMMIT C0.
+# Also, from C0 an automated formatting change f was made on some branch (e.g. develop).
+# C0 ----> C1 ----> C2 ----> ... ----> Cn
+# |
+# f
+# |
+# v
+# C0'
+# Now, how do we obtain versions of our commits operating on the formatted code (let's call them Ci')?
+# C0 ----> C1 ----> C2 ----> ... ----> Cn
+# |
+# f
+# |
+# v
+# C0' ---> C1' ---> C2' ---> ... ----> Cn'
+# One useful thing is that since f is defined by an automated tool,
+# we know f applied at every commit Ci, resulting in a hypothetical Ci'.
+# C0 ----> C1 ----> C2 ----> ... ----> Cn
+# | | | |
+# f f f f
+# | | | |
+# v v v v
+# C0' C1' C2' Cn'
+# And we can also get its inverse g (applied at Ci') by reverting the commit.
+# C0 ----> C1 ----> C2 ----> ... ----> Cn
+# |^ |^ |^ |^
+# f| f| f| f|
+# |g |g |g |g
+# v| v| v| v|
+# C0' C1' C2' Cn'
+# Finally, we can get from C(i-1)' to Ci' by composing three arrows:
+# - g at C(i-1)
+# - Ci
+# - f at C1
+# C0 ----> C1 ----> C2 ----> ... ----> Cn
+# |^ |^ |^ |^
+# f| f| f| f|
+# |g |g |g |g
+# v| v| v| v|
+# C0' ---> C1' ---> C2' ---> ... ----> Cn'
+set -x
+# edit every commit Ci, adding new commits representing f at Ci and it's inverse g
+git rebase $BASE_COMMIT~1 --exec "$FORMATTING_COMMAND && git commit -am format && git revert HEAD --no-edit"
+# drop last commit (do not revert formatting at the end of the branch)
+git reset HEAD~1 --hard
+# now for every Ci, squash with the previous and next commit (i.e. g at C(i-1) and f at Ci).
+# However, we want to use Ci's commit message and author.
+# To do this, we run the following command after each group of these 3 commits:
+# Ci=$(git rev-parse HEAD~1); git reset --soft HEAD~3; git commit --reuse-message $Ci
+# We do an interactive rebase, but instead of editing the commit sequence manually,
+# we use sed for that, inserting an `exec` command after every 3 commits.
+GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='sed -i -e "4~3s/^\(pick \S* format\)$/\1\nexec Ci=\$(git rev-parse HEAD~1); git reset --soft HEAD~3; git commit --reuse-message \$Ci/"' \
+ git rebase --interactive $BASE_COMMIT
+# rebase onto TARGET_COMMIT.
+# Annoyingly, we still have this first "format" commit that should already be
+# part of the TARGET_COMMIT. So we drop it.
+GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='sed -i "1s/pick/drop/"' \
+ git rebase --interactive $BASE_COMMIT --onto $TARGET_COMMIT
+echo "Done."
+echo "Please check that the history looks as it should and all expected commits are there."
diff --git a/tools/stern/src/Stern/API.hs b/tools/stern/src/Stern/API.hs
index 5fb4d16c01f..4368489f85b 100644
--- a/tools/stern/src/Stern/API.hs
+++ b/tools/stern/src/Stern/API.hs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ import qualified Stern.Intra as Intra
import Stern.Options
import qualified Stern.Swagger as Doc
import Stern.Types
-import System.Logger.Class hiding ((.=), Error, name, trace)
+import System.Logger.Class hiding (Error, name, trace, (.=))
import Util.Options
import qualified Wire.API.Team.Feature as Public
import qualified Wire.API.Team.SearchVisibility as Public
@@ -649,9 +649,9 @@ getTeamInvoice (tid ::: iid ::: _) = do
getConsentLog :: Email -> Handler Response
getConsentLog e = do
acc <- (listToMaybe <$> Intra.getUserProfilesByIdentity (Left e))
- when (isJust acc)
- $ throwE
- $ Error status403 "user-exists" "Trying to access consent log of existing user!"
+ when (isJust acc) $
+ throwE $
+ Error status403 "user-exists" "Trying to access consent log of existing user!"
consentLog <- Intra.getEmailConsentLog e
marketo <- Intra.getMarketoResult e
return . json $
diff --git a/tools/stern/src/Stern/App.hs b/tools/stern/src/Stern/App.hs
index 0127a4c9863..fc5132def11 100644
--- a/tools/stern/src/Stern/App.hs
+++ b/tools/stern/src/Stern/App.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import qualified Bilge
import qualified Bilge.IO as Bilge (withResponse)
import Bilge.RPC (HasRequestId (..))
import Control.Error
-import Control.Lens ((^.), makeLenses, set, view)
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, set, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
diff --git a/tools/stern/src/Stern/Intra.hs b/tools/stern/src/Stern/Intra.hs
index f52cc7bd202..bb8a891512f 100644
--- a/tools/stern/src/Stern/Intra.hs
+++ b/tools/stern/src/Stern/Intra.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import Brig.Types
import Brig.Types.Intra
import Brig.Types.User.Auth
import Control.Error
-import Control.Lens ((^.), view)
+import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson hiding (Error)
import Data.Aeson.Types (emptyArray)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types.Status hiding (statusCode)
import Network.Wai.Utilities (Error (..))
import Stern.App
import Stern.Types
-import System.Logger.Class hiding ((.=), Error, name)
+import System.Logger.Class hiding (Error, name, (.=))
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
import UnliftIO.Exception hiding (Handler)
import qualified Wire.API.Team.Feature as Public
@@ -100,33 +100,35 @@ putUser :: UserId -> UserUpdate -> Handler ()
putUser uid upd = do
info $ userMsg uid . msg "Changing user state"
b <- view brig
- void $ catchRpcErrors $
- rpc'
- "brig"
- b
- ( method PUT
- . path "/self"
- . header "Z-User" (toByteString' uid)
- . header "Z-Connection" (toByteString' "")
- . lbytes (encode upd)
- . contentJson
- . expect2xx
- )
+ void $
+ catchRpcErrors $
+ rpc'
+ "brig"
+ b
+ ( method PUT
+ . path "/self"
+ . header "Z-User" (toByteString' uid)
+ . header "Z-Connection" (toByteString' "")
+ . lbytes (encode upd)
+ . contentJson
+ . expect2xx
+ )
putUserStatus :: AccountStatus -> UserId -> Handler ()
putUserStatus status uid = do
info $ userMsg uid . msg "Changing user status"
b <- view brig
- void $ catchRpcErrors $
- rpc'
- "brig"
- b
- ( method PUT
- . paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid, "status"]
- . lbytes (encode payload)
- . contentJson
- . expect2xx
- )
+ void $
+ catchRpcErrors $
+ rpc'
+ "brig"
+ b
+ ( method PUT
+ . paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid, "status"]
+ . lbytes (encode payload)
+ . contentJson
+ . expect2xx
+ )
payload = AccountStatusUpdate status
@@ -335,10 +337,11 @@ getUserBindingTeam u = do
. expect2xx
teams <- parseResponse (Error status502 "bad-upstream") r
- return $ listToMaybe
- $ fmap (view teamId)
- $ filter ((== Binding) . view teamBinding)
- $ teams ^. teamListTeams
+ return $
+ listToMaybe $
+ fmap (view teamId) $
+ filter ((== Binding) . view teamBinding) $
+ teams ^. teamListTeams
getInvoiceUrl :: TeamId -> InvoiceId -> Handler ByteString
getInvoiceUrl tid iid = do
diff --git a/tools/stern/src/Stern/Types.hs b/tools/stern/src/Stern/Types.hs
index 3ea26464e57..6f2e43a2729 100644
--- a/tools/stern/src/Stern/Types.hs
+++ b/tools/stern/src/Stern/Types.hs
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ instance ToJSON TeamMemberInfo where
toJSON (TeamMemberInfo m) =
case teamMemberJson (const True) m of
Object o ->
- Object
- $ M.insert "can_update_billing" (Bool (hasPermission m SetBilling))
- $ M.insert "can_view_billing" (Bool (hasPermission m GetBilling))
- $ o
+ Object $
+ M.insert "can_update_billing" (Bool (hasPermission m SetBilling)) $
+ M.insert "can_view_billing" (Bool (hasPermission m GetBilling)) $
+ o
other ->
error $ "toJSON TeamMemberInfo: not an object: " <> show (encode other)