Simple python project, that should make it easier to be up to date with jobs offers. Websites like BulldogJob, Nofluffjobs or JustJoinIt have this nasty fature - job offers that are "refreshed" are bumped to the top of the page, so it is easy to get lost of track and even apply to the same job twice.
This combined scrapper uses excel sheet to write down all jobs offers, that match search patterns. On subsequent starts it will check found offers against excel, exclude ones that are already scrapped and write new ones on the top as inserted rows.
You can edit this excel, mark with color offers that are intresting (or not), even hide rows. Just do not delete them, as this is reference info for scrapper.
Best way to run this project, would be to use cron and run this regularly on schedule. This way you can yeasily organise your IT work searching process - and most important - stop waisting your time on looking through hundreds of offers every day.
5min is enough to browse the latest.
Currently there are 3 websites supported:
- nofluffjobs
- bulldogjob
- justjoinit
That would be nice, to include more.
Download and install latest release using pip and pypi repository:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install --index-url --extra-index-url jobscrapper
or using downloaded .whl from Github latest release artifacts:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install jobscrapper-current_version-py3-none-any.whl
(venv) $ jobscrapper
jobScrapper - Simplify your IT job search.
to see help and all options, use "jobscrapper --help"
(venv) $ jobscrapper --help
usage: jobscrapper [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--init]
jobScrapper - Simplify your IT job search.
to see help and all options, use "jobscrapper --help"
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG path to the configuration file
--init create initial config.json file, if no custom is delivered
--loglevel LOGLEVEL set the loglevel from INFO, DEBUG (default INFO)
Easiest way to start is to use --init
option. Scrapper will create sample config.json
file in current directory.
(venv) $ jobscrapper --init
Creating configuration file is one time process. After initial setup, edit config.json
file for your needs and just use below command for next searches, if no requirements changed.
(venv) $ jobscrapper --config config.json
Sample config.json
file with configuration for every scrapper is shown below. Example config.json
file is inside this repository.
"excel_settings": {
"EXCEL_NAME": "jobs.xlsx",
"search_params": {
"nofluffjobs_settings": {
"site": "NoFluffJobs",
"role": "testing",
"lvl": "junior,mid",
"city": "Gdańsk"
"bulldogjob_settings": {
"site": "BulldogJob",
"role": "qa,tester",
"lvl": "junior,medium",
"city": "Remote,Gdańsk"
"justjoinit_settings": {
"site": "JustjoinIt",
"role": "testing",
"lvl": "mid.senior",
"city": "Gdańsk"
- EXCEL_NAME - this is name of excel file, that will be generated
- SHEET - results from every scrapper will be stored in another tab/sheet in excel spreadsheet. You can leave it as it is.
To setup nofluffjobs scrapper, insert 3 MAIN parameters.
- role (string, roles separated by a comma) from available:
- lvl (string, levels separated by a comma) from available:
- city (string) - this scrapper always looks for
+ city, that you define here.
To setup bulldogjob scrapper, insert 3 MAIN parameters.
- role (string, roles separated by a comma) from available:
- lvl (string, levels separated by a comma) from available:
- city (string, separated by a comma) - include
if you want to.
To setup justnoinit scrapper, insert 3 MAIN parameters.
- role (single string) from available:
'testing', 'net', 'architecture', 'ruby', 'php', 'mobile', 'other', 'analytics', 'erp', 'go', 'admin', 'scala', 'pm', 'support', 'data', 'java', 'security', 'game', 'python', 'ux', 'c', 'javascript', 'devops', 'html'
- lvl (strings separated by comma) from avaliable:
'junior', 'mid', 'senior', 'c-level'
- city (string) - always looking for remote + eventually in the city of your choosing
To build wheel package locally, use:
python -m build
There are some tests implemented, to check a few methods. Clone repository, install requirements and run tests with:
cd jobScrapper
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
pytest tests/
This project is under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.