From 5674c51a153cbebb957da2ef695ad42ddafd56a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anna Milan Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 16:24:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] issue #472, convert tags to paths in table 5-02-05 --- tables_en/5-02-05.csv | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-) diff --git a/tables_en/5-02-05.csv b/tables_en/5-02-05.csv index d0042549..a3be6586 100644 --- a/tables_en/5-02-05.csv +++ b/tables_en/5-02-05.csv @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ notation,path,domains,tags,name,description -126,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Gravimetric moisture determination,Measurement of the amount of water in soil by weighing a sample before and after drying it in an oven at a temperature of 100-110 degrees Celsius. [Based on ‘gravimetric method’ in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -128,\Terrestrial\Soil heat flux\In situ\Heat flux plate,,,Soil heat flux plate, -159,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Neutron probe,Measurement of the moisture content and hence the porosity of a geological formation by means of lowering a tool containing a radioactive element emitting neutrons and a neutron detector into a borehole. [Based on 'neutron logging' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -187,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Electrical resistance blocks (Porous blocks),"Determination of electrical resistance between two electrodes embedded in blocks of a porous material buried in the ground and in equilibrium with the surrounding moist soil. [Based on 'porous blocks/electrical resistance blocks' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume II. 2009 edition.]" -194,\Terrestrial\Soil temperature\In situ\Soil thermometer,,,Soil thermometer, -200,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Tensiometer,"Measurement of soil capillary tension by means of a porous cup, inserted in the soil, connected to a manometer by a water-filled tube. [Based on 'tensiometer' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -203,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Time domain reflectometry (TDR),Estimation of water content in unsaturated materials based on variations in their dielectric properties. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -260,\Terrestrial\Snow depth\Ultrasonic ranging,,,Ultrasonic ranging,Transmission of an ultrasonic pulse towards the target and listening for a return echo from that target. -261,\Terrestrial\Snow depth\Graduated device,,,Graduated device,"Manual measurement or observation made with a graduated fixed stake, a sturdy ruler, or an extendable graduated rod." -262,\Terrestrial\Water equivalent of snow cover\Snow pillows and snow scales,,,Snow pillows and snow scales,Weighing of snow-cover mass per unit area. -344,\Terrestrial\Snow depth\Laser ranging,,,Laser ranging,Emission of a modulated beam of light in the visible spectrum to determine the distance to a target by comparing the phase information from the reflected beam. -345,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Echo sounding,"Evaluation of the return time of acoustic waves emitted into a medium to determine the distance between source and target. This method is used in hydrology, for example, to determine the depth of a water body. [Based on 'echo sounder' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -346,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Frequency domain reflectometry,"Measurement of soil capacitance by means of radio frequency waves. The soil acts as the dielectric completing a capacitance circuit, which is part of a feedback loop of a high-frequency transistor oscillator. [Based on 'Frequency domain reflectometry' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -347,"hydrological, soil moisture, in situ",,,Gamma-ray attenuation,"Determination of gamma-ray attenuation at given depth of soil using a source and a detector placed at a given distance at the same depth. If the apparent dry bulk density of the soil is known the signal can be converted into a measure of the volumetric soil-moisture content. [Based on 'Gamma-ray attenuation' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -348,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, non-recording",,,Non-recording gauge,"Determination of water stage by means of a non-recording gauge (e.g., graduated vertical or inclined staff gauge, wire-weight gauge, graduated rod, tape or point gauge and maximum-stage gauge). [Based on 'Non-recording gauges' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -349,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, non-recording",,,Staff gauge,"Determination of water stage by means of a graduated vertical scale, fixed to a staff or structure, on which the water level may be read. Synonym: vertical gauge. [Based on 'Staff gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -350,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, non-recording",,,Inclined gauge,Determination of water stage by means of a non-vertical scale which is graduated to indicate vertical heights. [Based on 'inclined gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -351,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, non-recording",,,Wire-weight gauge,Determination of water stage by means of a fine cable or wire attached to a weight which is lowered to the water surface in order to determine its position below a fixed above-surface point. [Based on 'wire weight gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -352,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, non-recording",,,Point gauge,"Level measurement gauge, the essential element of which is a pointed rod that is lowered until it touches the water surface. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -353,"hydrological, water stage, in situ",,,Maximum-stage gauge,"Determination of the elevation of the flood crest by the adherence of regranulated cork to a graduated staff held in a fixed position with relation to the datum. [Based on 'maximum-stage gauge' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -354,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, recording",,,Recording gauge,"Determination of water stage by means of a recording gauge, for example, a device that automatically records the water level as detected by a sensor, either continuously or at regular time intervals. Synonyms: limnigraph, stage recorder, water-level recorder. [Based on 'water-level recorder' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -355,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, recording",,,Wire-float recording gauge (hydrograph),Determination of water stage by means of a gauge consisting of a float which rises and falls with changes in the water level; this movement being transmitted to a recording or indicating device. [Based on 'float gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -356,"hydrological, water stage, in situ, recording",,,Pressure-actuated recording gauge,"Recording gauge operating on the principle that static pressure at a fixed point in the stream is directly proportional to the head of liquid above the point, i.e. the water level is proportional to the pressure difference between a fixed spot in the water column and the atmospheric pressure. [Based on 'Recording gauges' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -357,"hydrological, discharge, in situ",,,Velocity-area method,"Method of determining the discharge of a stream by measuring the width, velocity, and depth of the flowing water at a number of elemental areas, over the cross-section, and summing the products. [Based on 'velocity-area method' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -358,"hydrological, velocity, in situ",,,Float gauging,Measurement of the velocity of a stream by means of timing the downstream transit of a float or velocity rod. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -359,"hydrological, discharge, in situ",,,Dilution gauging,"Determination of the discharge of a stream by measuring the degree of dilution, caused by the flowing water, of an added tracer solution. Synonyms: chemical gauging, tracer dilution gauging. [Based on 'dilution gauging' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -360,"hydrological, discharge, equation",,,Slope-area method,"Determination of the discharge in a reach which is based on the surface slope, the reach roughness, the wetted perimeters and the flow areas of the various wetted cross-sections in the reach. [Based on 'slope-area method' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -361,"hydrological, discharge, in situ",,,Measuring weir,Determination of the discharge of a stream by means of a device or structure across the stream which causes a free or submerged fall. [Based on 'measuring weir' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -362,"hydrological, discharge, in situ",,,Flume,Determination of the discharge of a stream by means of a man-made channel with clearly specified shape and dimensions. [Based on 'flume' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -363,"hydrological, discharge, equation",,,Stage-discharge relation,"Determination of the discharge of a stream by means of a relationship between water level and discharge for a given cross-section, which may be expressed as a curve, a table or an equation. [Based on 'stage-discharge relation' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -364,"hydrological, velocity, in situ",,,Water current meter,"Determination of water velocity by means of a current meter, for example, an instrument for measuring water velocity. Synonym: flowmeter. [Based on 'current meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -365,"hydrological, velocity, in situ",,,Cup-type current meter,Determination of water velocity by means of a current meter whose rotor is composed of a wheel fitted with cups turning on a vertical axis. [Based on 'cup-type current meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -366,"hydrological, velocity, in situ",,,Propeller-type current meter,Determination of water velocity by means of a current meter in which the rotor is a propeller rotating around an axis parallel to the flow. [Based on 'propeller-type current meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -367,"hydrological, velocity, in situ",,,Acoustic (ultrasonic) velocity meter,Measurement of the difference in travel time of acoustic (ultrasonic) pulses between transducers in a stream to determine the mean velocity on the signal path. [Based on 'acoustic (ultrasonic) velocity meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -368,"hydrological, velocity, discharge, in situ",,,Acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP),"An instrument that uses an acoustic doppler transducer to measure water velocity, depth and vessel path simultaneously and at various depths to compute discharge. The total discharge is computed from the profile information using matrix multiplication. [Based on 'Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -369,"hydrological, velocity, in situ",,,Acoustic doppler current meter,"Determination of stream velocity by means of an acoustic Doppler instrument, which measures the velocity of the water based on the Doppler shift experienced by an acoustic pulse of energy which is reflected off particles suspended in, and moving with, the water. [Based on 'Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -370,"hydrological, sediment, in situ",,,Optical or nuclear suspended-sediment gauge,"Determination of the decrease of intensity of a visible light or X-rays beam by means of a photoelectric or nuclear detector situated at constant distance from the source of the beam. This decrease, caused by the scattering and/or absorption by suspended-sediment particles, is proportional to the sediment concentration, if other relevant characteristics of water and sediment (chemical, mineral composition, etc.) remain unchanged. [Based on 'photoelectric or nuclear suspended-sediment gauges' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -371,"hydrological, sediment, ex situ",,,Gravimetric sediment measurement,"Estimation of the total sediment in a water sample by allowing the sediment to settle in a container, siphoning off the supernatant water, carefully transferring all the sediment from the container on to filter paper, then drying the sample and determining the mass of total sediment. [Based on 'gravimetric method' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -372,"hydrological, sediment, ex situ",,,Displacement method of sediments,Determination of sediment concentration by the measurement of the difference in weight between a sample of sediment-laden water and an equal volume of clear water at the same temperature. [Based on 'displacement method' in Manual on Sediment Management and Measurement (WMO-No. 948). 2003.] -373,"hydrological, sediment, equation",,,Water discharge-sediment discharge rating curve,"An empirical relationship relating sediment discharge and streamflow based on correlation analysis of sediment samples and concurrent flow estimates and presented as a curve, table, or equation. [Based on 'sediment rating curve' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -374,"hydrological, sediment, equation",,,Water discharge-bed material rating curve,"An empirical relationship relating bed-material discharge and streamflow based on correlation analysis of sediment samples and concurrent flow estimates and presented as a curve, table, or equation. [Based on 'sediment rating curve' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" -375,"hydrological, discharge, in situ",,, Volumetric method,"A process for measuring the discharge of a well, spring, or stream by diverting its flow into a volumetric container and timing the fill." -376,"hydrological, discharge, in situ",,,Electromagnetic current meter,"Determination of water velocity based on the principle that a conductor (water) moving through a magnetic field will produce an electrical current directly proportional to the speed of movement (Faraday’s law). By measuring this current and the resultant distortion in the magnetic field the instrument can be calibrated to determine point velocities of flowing water. [Based on Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO-No. 1044), Volume I. 2010]" -377,"hydrological, discharge, equation",,,Stream index-velocity rating,"Computation of stream discharge based on a relation between stream index velocity and average velocity (index-velocity rating) and a relation between stage and cross-sectional area (stage-area rating). Given these ratings and concurrent observations of stream index velocity and stage, average velocity and area are computed and finally discharge as their product. [Based on Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO No. 1044), volume I]" -378,"hydrological, velocity, acoustic, doppler",,,Acoustic doppler velocity meter (ADVM),"Determination of water velocity by using the Doppler principle applied to sound transmitted under water, in which the instrument is mounted in a fixed position under the water, giving an index velocity for a significant part of the flowing stream. [Based on Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO No. 1044), volume I]" +126,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Gravimetric moisture determination,Measurement of the amount of water in soil by weighing a sample before and after drying it in an oven at a temperature of 100-110 degrees Celsius. [Based on 'gravimetric method' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +128,\Terrestrial\Soil heat flux\In situ,,,Soil heat flux plate, +159,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Neutron probe,Measurement of the moisture content and hence the porosity of a geological formation by means of lowering a tool containing a radioactive element emitting neutrons and a neutron detector into a borehole. [Based on 'neutron logging' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +187,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Electrical resistance blocks (Porous blocks),"Determination of electrical resistance between two electrodes embedded in blocks of a porous material buried in the ground and in equilibrium with the surrounding moist soil. [Based on 'porous blocks/electrical resistance blocks' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume II. 2009 edition.]" +194,\Terrestrial\Soil temperature\In situ,,,Soil thermometer, +200,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Tensiometer,"Measurement of soil capillary tension by means of a porous cup, inserted in the soil, connected to a manometer by a water-filled tube. [Based on 'tensiometer' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +203,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Time domain reflectometry (TDR),Estimation of water content in unsaturated materials based on variations in their dielectric properties. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +260,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Snow depth,,,Ultrasonic ranging,Transmission of an ultrasonic pulse towards the target and listening for a return echo from that target. +261,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Snow depth,,,Graduated device,"Manual measurement or observation made with a graduated fixed stake, a sturdy ruler, or an extendable graduated rod." +262,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Water equivalent of snow cover,,,Snow pillows and snow scales,Weighing of snow-cover mass per unit area. +344,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Snow depth,,,Laser ranging,Emission of a modulated beam of light in the visible spectrum to determine the distance to a target by comparing the phase information from the reflected beam. +345,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Echo sounding,"Evaluation of the return time of acoustic waves emitted into a medium to determine the distance between source and target. This method is used in hydrology, for example, to determine the depth of a water body. [Based on 'echo sounder' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +346,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Frequency domain reflectometry,"Measurement of soil capacitance by means of radio frequency waves. The soil acts as the dielectric completing a capacitance circuit, which is part of a feedback loop of a high-frequency transistor oscillator. [Based on 'Frequency domain reflectometry' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +347,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Soil moisture\In situ,,,Gamma-ray attenuation,"Determination of gamma-ray attenuation at given depth of soil using a source and a detector placed at a given distance at the same depth. If the apparent dry bulk density of the soil is known the signal can be converted into a measure of the volumetric soil-moisture content. [Based on 'Gamma-ray attenuation' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +348,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, non-recording,Non-recording gauge,"Determination of water stage by means of a non-recording gauge (e.g., graduated vertical or inclined staff gauge, wire-weight gauge, graduated rod, tape or point gauge and maximum-stage gauge). [Based on 'Non-recording gauges' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +349,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, non-recording,Staff gauge,"Determination of water stage by means of a graduated vertical scale, fixed to a staff or structure, on which the water level may be read. Synonym: vertical gauge. [Based on 'Staff gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +350,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, non-recording,Inclined gauge,Determination of water stage by means of a non-vertical scale which is graduated to indicate vertical heights. [Based on 'inclined gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +351,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, non-recording,Wire-weight gauge,Determination of water stage by means of a fine cable or wire attached to a weight which is lowered to the water surface in order to determine its position below a fixed above-surface point. [Based on 'wire weight gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +352,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, non-recording,Point gauge,"Level measurement gauge, the essential element of which is a pointed rod that is lowered until it touches the water surface. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +353,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,,,Maximum-stage gauge,"Determination of the elevation of the flood crest by the adherence of regranulated cork to a graduated staff held in a fixed position with relation to the datum. [Based on 'maximum-stage gauge' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +354,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, recording,Recording gauge,"Determination of water stage by means of a recording gauge, for example, a device that automatically records the water level as detected by a sensor, either continuously or at regular time intervals. Synonyms: limnigraph, stage recorder, water-level recorder. [Based on 'water-level recorder' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +355,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, recording,Wire-float recording gauge (hydrograph),Determination of water stage by means of a gauge consisting of a float which rises and falls with changes in the water level; this movement being transmitted to a recording or indicating device. [Based on 'float gauge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +356,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Water stage\In situ,, recording,Pressure-actuated recording gauge,"Recording gauge operating on the principle that static pressure at a fixed point in the stream is directly proportional to the head of liquid above the point, i.e. the water level is proportional to the pressure difference between a fixed spot in the water column and the atmospheric pressure. [Based on 'Recording gauges' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +357,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge\In situ,,,Velocity-area method,"Method of determining the discharge of a stream by measuring the width, velocity, and depth of the flowing water at a number of elemental areas, over the cross-section, and summing the products. [Based on 'velocity-area method' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +358,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity\In situ,,,Float gauging,Measurement of the velocity of a stream by means of timing the downstream transit of a float or velocity rod. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +359,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge\In situ,,,Dilution gauging,"Determination of the discharge of a stream by measuring the degree of dilution, caused by the flowing water, of an added tracer solution. Synonyms: chemical gauging, tracer dilution gauging. [Based on 'dilution gauging' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +360,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge,, equation,Slope-area method,"Determination of the discharge in a reach which is based on the surface slope, the reach roughness, the wetted perimeters and the flow areas of the various wetted cross-sections in the reach. [Based on 'slope-area method' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +361,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge\In situ,,,Measuring weir,Determination of the discharge of a stream by means of a device or structure across the stream which causes a free or submerged fall. [Based on 'measuring weir' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +362,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge\In situ,,,Flume,Determination of the discharge of a stream by means of a man-made channel with clearly specified shape and dimensions. [Based on 'flume' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +363,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge,, equation,Stage-discharge relation,"Determination of the discharge of a stream by means of a relationship between water level and discharge for a given cross-section, which may be expressed as a curve, a table or an equation. [Based on 'stage-discharge relation' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +364,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity\In situ,,,Water current meter,"Determination of water velocity by means of a current meter, for example, an instrument for measuring water velocity. Synonym: flowmeter. [Based on 'current meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +365,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity\In situ,,,Cup-type current meter,Determination of water velocity by means of a current meter whose rotor is composed of a wheel fitted with cups turning on a vertical axis. [Based on 'cup-type current meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +366,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity\In situ,,,Propeller-type current meter,Determination of water velocity by means of a current meter in which the rotor is a propeller rotating around an axis parallel to the flow. [Based on 'propeller-type current meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +367,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity\In situ,,,Acoustic (ultrasonic) velocity meter,Measurement of the difference in travel time of acoustic (ultrasonic) pulses between transducers in a stream to determine the mean velocity on the signal path. [Based on 'acoustic (ultrasonic) velocity meter' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +368,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity,, discharge,Acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP),"An instrument that uses an acoustic doppler transducer to measure water velocity, depth and vessel path simultaneously and at various depths to compute discharge. The total discharge is computed from the profile information using matrix multiplication. [Based on 'Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +369,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity\In situ,,,Acoustic doppler current meter,"Determination of stream velocity by means of an acoustic Doppler instrument, which measures the velocity of the water based on the Doppler shift experienced by an acoustic pulse of energy which is reflected off particles suspended in, and moving with, the water. [Based on 'Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +370,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Sediment\In situ,,,Optical or nuclear suspended-sediment gauge,"Determination of the decrease of intensity of a visible light or X-rays beam by means of a photoelectric or nuclear detector situated at constant distance from the source of the beam. This decrease, caused by the scattering and/or absorption by suspended-sediment particles, is proportional to the sediment concentration, if other relevant characteristics of water and sediment (chemical, mineral composition, etc.) remain unchanged. [Based on 'photoelectric or nuclear suspended-sediment gauges' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +371,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Sediment\Ex situ,,,Gravimetric sediment measurement,"Estimation of the total sediment in a water sample by allowing the sediment to settle in a container, siphoning off the supernatant water, carefully transferring all the sediment from the container on to filter paper, then drying the sample and determining the mass of total sediment. [Based on 'gravimetric method' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +372,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Sediment\Ex situ,,,Displacement method of sediments,Determination of sediment concentration by the measurement of the difference in weight between a sample of sediment-laden water and an equal volume of clear water at the same temperature. [Based on 'displacement method' in Manual on Sediment Management and Measurement (WMO-No. 948). 2003.] +373,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Sediment,, equation,Water discharge-sediment discharge rating curve,"An empirical relationship relating sediment discharge and streamflow based on correlation analysis of sediment samples and concurrent flow estimates and presented as a curve, table, or equation. [Based on 'sediment rating curve' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +374,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Sediment,, equation,Water discharge-bed material rating curve,"An empirical relationship relating bed-material discharge and streamflow based on correlation analysis of sediment samples and concurrent flow estimates and presented as a curve, table, or equation. [Based on 'sediment rating curve' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]" +375,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge\In situ,,, Volumetric method,"A process for measuring the discharge of a well, spring, or stream by diverting its flow into a volumetric container and timing the fill." +376,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge\In situ,,,Electromagnetic current meter,"Determination of water velocity based on the principle that a conductor (water) moving through a magnetic field will produce an electrical current directly proportional to the speed of movement (Faraday's law). By measuring this current and the resultant distortion in the magnetic field the instrument can be calibrated to determine point velocities of flowing water. [Based on Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO-No. 1044), Volume I. 2010]" +377,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Discharge,, equation,Stream index-velocity rating,"Computation of stream discharge based on a relation between stream index velocity and average velocity (index-velocity rating) and a relation between stage and cross-sectional area (stage-area rating). Given these ratings and concurrent observations of stream index velocity and stage, average velocity and area are computed and finally discharge as their product. [Based on Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO No. 1044), volume I]" +378,\Terrestrestrial\Hydrological\Velocity,," acoustic, doppler",Acoustic doppler velocity meter (ADVM),"Determination of water velocity by using the Doppler principle applied to sound transmitted under water, in which the instrument is mounted in a fixed position under the water, giving an index velocity for a significant part of the flowing stream. [Based on Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO No. 1044), volume I]" inapplicable,,,,inapplicable,None of the codes in the table are applicable in the context of this particular observation. -unknown,,,,unknown,The measurement/observing method is unknown. \ No newline at end of file +unknown,,,,unknown,The measurement/observing method is unknown.