msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: JCH Optimize\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-26 12:14-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-26 12:15-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Samuel Marshall <>\n"
"Language: en_JM\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.7.3\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;esc_attr_e;translate\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: jchoptimize\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: assets\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-1: assets2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-2: cache\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-3: languages\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-4: platform\n"

#: jch-optimize.php:147
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/base.php:46
msgid ""
"Error occurred while trying to match for search area. Check your template "
"for open and closing head tags"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/base.php:67 jchoptimize/parser.php:592
msgid "Error occured while trying to get html"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/combiner.php:298
#, php-format
msgid "Error occured trying to parse for @imports in %s"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/combiner.php:396
#, php-format
msgid "Error occurred trying to minify: %s"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/combiner.php:545
msgid "Failed getting @import file contents"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/cssparser.php:334
msgid "Failed correcting urls of background images"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/fileretriever.php:57
msgid "No Http Adapter available"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/fileretriever.php:69
#, php-format
msgid "Failed getting file contents from %s"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/helper.php:314
msgid "Error while minifying HTML"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/jchoptimize.php:84
msgid "PHP Version less than 5.3.0. Exiting plugin..."
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/jchoptimize.php:91
msgid "PCRE Version less than 7.2. Exiting plugin..."
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/linkbuilder.php:189
msgid "Error creating cache file"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/parser.php:223
#, php-format
msgid "Error while parsing for links in %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/parser.php:535
msgid ""
"Error occurred while trying to match for search area. Check your template "
"for open and closing body tags"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/parser.php:645
msgid "Cookie-less domain function failed"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/parser.php:653
msgid "Failed retrieving head in cookie-less domain function"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/parser.php:662
msgid "Failed retrieving body in cookie-less domain function"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/parser.php:709
msgid "Lazy load images function failed"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/parser.php:717
msgid "Failed retrieving body in lazy load images function"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/spritegenerator.php:49
msgid "EXIF extension not loaded"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/spritegenerator.php:62
msgid "No image manipulation library installed"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/spritegenerator.php:145
msgid "Error finding replacements for sprite background positions"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/spritegenerator.php:226
msgid "Error occurred matching for images to sprite"
msgstr ""

#: jchoptimize/spritegenerator.php:254
msgid "Error occurred matching for images to include"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:27
msgid "JCH Optimize Settings"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:43
msgid ""
"This plugin requires PHP 5.3.0 or greater to run. Your installed version is: "
msgstr ""

#: options.php:54 options.php:130
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:69
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:78
msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:79
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:80
msgid "Pro Options"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:81
msgid "Sprite Generator"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:82 options.php:280 options.php:282 options.php:285
msgid "Optimize Images"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:186
msgid "Automatic Settings"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:189
msgid "Combine CSS Files"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:190
msgid "Combine Javascript Files"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:192
msgid "Gzip Combined Files"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:193
msgid "Minify Combined CSS File"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:195
msgid "Minify Combined Javascript File"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:197
msgid "Minify HTML"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:199
msgid "Defer combined javascript"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:201
msgid "Manage Combined Files"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:204
msgid "HTML Minification Level"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:206
msgid "Lifetime (days)"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:208
msgid "Manage JCH Optimize Cache"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:213
msgid "Exclude files from all plugins"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:216
msgid "Exclude these CSS files"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:218
msgid "Exclude these javascript files"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:220
msgid "Exclude CSS files from these plugins"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:222
msgid "Exclude javascript files from these plugins"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:225
msgid "Enable url re-writing"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:227
msgid "Debug plugin"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:228
msgid "Log Exceptions"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:229
msgid "Use try catch"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:233
msgid "Replace @imports in CSS"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:235
msgid "Include PHP files and files from external domains"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:237
msgid "Include inline CSS styles"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:239
msgid "Include inline scripts"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:241
msgid "Parse body of page for CSS/Js files"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:243
msgid "Load combined javascript asynchronously"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:246
msgid "Lazy Load Images"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:248
msgid "Optimize CSS Delivery"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:250
msgid "CDN / Cookieless Domain"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:254
msgid "Exclude these images from lazy loading"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:256
msgid "Exclude individual scripts"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:258
msgid "Load these individual javascript files asynchronously"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:262
msgid "Enable Sprite Generator"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:264
msgid "Sprite Build Direction"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:266
msgid "Wrap Images"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:269
msgid "Exclude these images from the sprite"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:271
msgid "Include these images in the sprite"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:276
msgid "Kraken API Key"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:278
msgid "Kraken API Secret"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:356
msgid "Please open a directory to optimize images"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:396
msgid "Cache deleted successfully!"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:400
msgid "Cache delete action failed!"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:442
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d images optimized in %2$s"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:446
#, php-format
msgid "Try again, optimize image function failed with message: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:498
msgid "Automatic Settings Group"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:499
msgid ""
"The fields in this group are set automatically using the Automatic settings "
"(Minimum - Optimum). This is highly recommended to prevent conflicts. "
"Generally you don't need to set these fields manually unless you are "
"troubleshooting an issue so don't change these settings yourself unless you "
"know what you are doing."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:505
msgid "Manual Options"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:506
msgid ""
"You can set these options manually, after you have configured the plugin "
"with the Automatic Settings, to further configure the plugin and optimize "
"your site."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:512
msgid "Exclude Options"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:513
msgid ""
"These settings are used to exclude files/extensions/images if they don't "
"work so well with the plugin."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:540
msgid ""
"These six icons represent six preconfigured settings in increasingly "
"optimized order. The risks of conflicts will also increase so try each in "
"turn to find the optimum settings for your site. The first, which is the "
"safest, is the default and should work on most websites. These settings do "
"not affect the files/extensions/images etc. you have excluded."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:556
msgid ""
"This will combine all CSS files into one file and remove all the links to "
"the individual files from the page, replacing it with a link generated by "
"the plugin to the combined file."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:564
msgid ""
"This will combine all javascript files into one file and remove all the "
"links to the individual files from the page, replacing it with a link "
"generated by the plugin to the combined file."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:572
msgid ""
"This setting compresses the generated javascript and CSS combined file with "
"gzip, decreasing file size dramatically. This will only work if gzip "
"compression is supported by your server."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:580
msgid ""
"If yes, the plugin will remove all unnecessary whitespaces and comments from "
"the combined CSS file to reduce the size for optimized download."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:588
msgid ""
"If yes, the plugin will remove all unnecessary whitespaces and comments from "
"the combined javascript file to reduce the size for optimized download."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:596
msgid ""
"If yes, the plugin will remove all unneccessary whitespaces and comments "
"from HTML to reduce the size of the page for optimized download."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:604
msgid ""
"This option will add a defer attribute to the link of the combined "
"javascript file. This will defer the loading of the javascript until after "
"the page is loaded to reduce render blocking. Use this option with care as "
"it may break the javascript on your page. It is highly recommended not to "
"set this one manually but to use the pre-configured settings in Pro Options."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:612
msgid ""
"Select where and how to place the links for the aggregated css/javascript "
"files. Options are, 'Preserve Execution Order', that will split the combined "
"file and place them around and between excluded files accordingly, 'Combine "
"all files to one', that will combine all included files into one and place "
"them just below the title tag, and 'Place JS at bottom', that will place the "
"combined CSS file below the title tag but the combined javascript file will "
"be just before the ending body tag."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:616
msgid "Preserve execution order"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:617
msgid "Combine files into one"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:618
msgid "Place javascript at bottom"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:633
msgid ""
"If 'Minify HTML' is enabled, this will determine the level of minification. "
"The incremental changes per level are as follows: Basic - Whitespaces (ws) "
"outside elements reduced to one ws; Advanced - Remove comments, ws around "
"block elements and undisplayed elements, and unnecessary ws inside elements "
"and around attributes; Ultra - Remove redundant attribute eg., text/"
"javascript, and remove quotes from around selected attributes (HTML5)"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:637
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:638
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:639
msgid "Ultra"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:647
msgid ""
"Lifetime of aggregated cached file in days. Expires headers are added to "
"this file reflecting this time."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:656
msgid ""
"Click this icon to delete all the cache of combined files saved by the plugin"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:693
#, php-format
msgid "Number of files: %d"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:694
#, php-format
msgid "Size: %s"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:713
msgid ""
"Exclude all files from third party plugins and external domains from the "
"aggregation process."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:726
msgid ""
"Select the CSS files you want to exclude. To add a file to the list "
"manually, type the url in the textbox and click 'Add item'."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:737
msgid ""
"Select the javascript files you want to exclude. Select the CSS files you "
"want to exclude. To add a file to the list manually, type the url in the "
"textbox and click 'Add item'."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:748
msgid ""
"Select the plugins that you want to exclude CSS files from. To add a plugin "
"to the list manually, type the folder name of the plugin in the textbox and "
"click 'Add item'."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:759
msgid ""
"Select the plugins that you want to exclude javascript files from. To add a "
"plugin to the list manually, type the folder name of the plugin in the "
"textbox and click 'Add item'."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:777
msgid ""
"By default auto is selected and the plugin will detect if mod_rewrite is "
"enabled and will use 'url rewriting' to remove the query from the link to "
"the combined file to promote proxy caching. The plugin will then "
"automatically select yes or no based on whether support for url rewriting is "
"detected. You can manually select the one you want if the plugin got it "
msgstr ""

#: options.php:781
msgid "No"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:782
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:783
msgid "Yes (Without Options +FollowSymLinks)"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:784
msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:792
msgid ""
"This option will add the 'commented out' url of the individual files inside "
"the combined file above the contents that came from that file. This is "
"useful when configuring the plugin and trying to resolve conflicts. This "
"will also add a Profiler menu to the AdminBar so you can review the times "
"that the plugin methods take to run."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:799
msgid ""
"If set, the plugin will log messages from caught exceptions to a jch-"
"optimize.errors.txt file in the logs folder."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:806
msgid ""
"The plugin will wrap each javascript file in a try catch block when "
"combining to prevent errors coming in from any single file to affect the "
"combined file. You can try this option if combine javascript breaks your "
msgstr ""

#: options.php:836
msgid ""
"If yes, the plugin will remove all @import properties from the aggregated "
"CSS file with internal urls, and replace them with the respective CSS "
msgstr ""

#: options.php:850
msgid ""
"PHP generated files and javascript/css files from external domains will be "
"included in the combined file. This option requires the php paramater "
"'allow_url_fopen' or 'cURL' to be enabled on your server."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:864
msgid ""
"Inline CSS styles will be included in the aggregated file in the order they "
"appear on the page."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:877
msgid ""
"Inline scripts will be included in the aggregated file in the order they "
"appear on the page. This reduces the chance of conflicts when combining "
msgstr ""

#: options.php:891
msgid ""
"If selected, the plugin will search HTML body section for files to "
"aggregate. If not, only the head section will be searched."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:905
msgid ""
"The aggregated Javascript file will be loaded asynchronously to avoid render "
"blocking and speed up download. Only works with supporting browsers. Use "
"along with defer for cross-browser support."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:926
msgid ""
"Enable to delay the loading of images until after the page loads and they "
"are scrolled into view. This further reduces http requests and speeds up the "
"loading of the page."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:940
msgid ""
"The plugin will attempt to extract the critical CSS to format the page above "
"the fold and inline this CSS in the head to prevent render blocking. The "
"rest of the combined CSS will be loaded asynchronously via javascript. "
"Select the number of HTML elements from the top of the page you want the "
"plugin to find the applied CSS for. The smaller the number, the faster your "
"site but you might see some jumping of the page if the number is too small."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:956
msgid ""
"Enter your CDN or cookieless domain here. The plugin will load all static "
"files including background images, combined js/css files and generated "
"sprite from this domain. This requires that this domain is already set up "
"and points to your site root."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:977
msgid ""
"Select the images you want to exclude from lazy load if you've turned that "
"option on. If you're manually entering items you should enter the full image "
"url for this to work. Type the url in the textbox and click 'Add item'. The "
"multiselect list will show it truncated but the full value will be saved."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:995
msgid ""
"Select the inline script you want to exclude. You can identify the scripts "
"from the first few 'minified' characters that appear in the script. To add a "
"script to the list manually, type a unique word or phrase that occurs in the "
"script into the textbox and click 'Add item'."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1013
msgid ""
"These files will be loaded individually but asynchronously to avoid render "
"blocking and speed up download. Try this option before excluding if there "
"are conflicts. Only works with supporting browsers"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1041
msgid ""
"If enabled, the plugin will combine select background images into one called "
"a sprite to reduce http lookups."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1060
msgid "Determine in which direction the images must be placed in sprite."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1062
msgid "vertical"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1062
msgid "horizontal"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1069
msgid ""
"Will wrap images in sprite into another row or column if the length of the "
"sprite becomes longer than 2000px."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1084
msgid ""
"You can exclude one or more of the images if they are displayed incorrectly "
"by entering the name of the image complete with file extension here."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1096
msgid ""
"You can include additional images in the sprite to the ones that were "
"selected by default. Exercise care with this option as these files are "
"likely to not display correctly."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1112
msgid ""
"Click through to open the directory that contains the images you want to "
"optimize then click the 'Optimize Images' button. The plugin will use the "
" API to optimize the images in the folder and will replace "
"the existing images with the optimized images. Although this is relatively "
"safe, it is recommended you do a backup first."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1120
msgid "Sign up on for a free account to get your API Key."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1128
msgid ""
"Sign up on for a free account to get your API secret."
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1136
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can sacrifice a small amount of image quality for up to 90% of the "
"original file weight by choosing lossy optimization versus Non-lossy. "
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1139
msgid "Non-Lossy"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1139
msgid "Lossy"
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1146
msgid ""
"If you would like to override Kraken's quality settings for JPEG images, "
"enter a quality parameter here, which should be a number within the range of "
msgstr ""

#: options.php:1161
msgid "cURL is required for this feature but it's not enabled on this server."
msgstr ""