diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2a83877..6696a11 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ D:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Plex HTPC\scripts - **快进**:快进功能的 `右方向键` 快捷键可能与 HTPC 的其他操作存在冲突,请用文本编辑/记事本打开 HTPC 的 `skipForward-keybinds.lua` 脚本,将 `RIGHT` 改为 `f` 或其他快捷键即可正常使用。 - **倍速播放**:你可以通过 `g` 键开启或关闭全局播放速度模式(默认关闭,你也可以通过编辑 `speed-keybinds.lua` 脚本,设置 `local global_speed = true` 改为默认启用),在全局播放速度模式下,你设置的播放速度将对整个客户端生效,直到下次重启客户端为止,你也可以随时关闭该模式。 - **录制屏幕(测试)**:录制画面可能存在不流畅、卡顿问题,不支持音频录制。 -- **切换字幕**:Plex 界面中的字幕选项不会发生变化,字幕切换仅在画面中生效,且仅对当次播放有效。 +- **切换字幕**:Plex 界面中的字幕选项不会发生变化,字幕切换仅在画面中生效,且仅对当次播放有效。默认显示 Plex 字幕标题,你也可以通过编辑 `cycleSub-keybinds.lua` 脚本,设置 `local show_title = true` 改为默认显示内置字幕标题(若当前字幕没有内置字幕标题则会退回 Plex 字幕标题)。 - **调整字幕位置**:此设置对整个客户端生效,直到下次重启客户端为止,字幕位置会应用到所有字幕上。 - **调整字幕大小**:此设置对整个客户端生效,直到下次重启客户端为止,字幕大小会应用到所有字幕上。 - **调整字幕偏移**:字幕偏移仅对当次播放有效。 - **搜索**:有部分音频文件的 `video-codec` 会被识别为 `mjpeg` 或 `png`,在播放这类音频文件时,所有脚本中的自定义快捷键都会生效,这将导致你无法使用这些快捷键在搜索栏输入字符,此时你需要停止当前播放的音乐,才能在搜索栏正常使用所有按键输入字符。如果你认为这对你造成了影响,可以选择修改快捷键,使用一些不常用的按键作为快捷键,这样可以降低对搜索功能的影响。 -- **切换音轨**:Plex 界面中的音轨选项不会发生变化,音轨切换仅在音频输出中生效,且仅对当次播放有效。 +- **切换音轨**:Plex 界面中的音轨选项不会发生变化,音轨切换仅在音频输出中生效,且仅对当次播放有效。默认显示 Plex 音轨标题,你也可以通过编辑 `cycleAudio-keybinds.lua` 脚本,设置 `local show_title = true` 改为默认显示内置音轨标题(若当前音轨没有内置音轨标题则会退回 Plex 音轨标题)。 ## 感谢 @@ -102,12 +102,13 @@ Except `recordingBeta-keybinds.lua` which only supports MacOS, all other scripts - **Fast forward**: The shortcut key for fast forward, `right arrow key`, might conflict with other operations on your HTPC. To resolve this, open the `skipForward-keybinds.lua` of the HTPC with a TextEdit/Notepad, and change `RIGHT` to `f` or any other shortcut key you prefer. - **Multiply speed playback**: You can toggle the global playback speed mode on or off with the `g` key (By default, it's turned off, but you can also set `local global_speed = true` in the `speed-keybinds.lua` script to turn it on by default). In global playback speed mode, the speed you set will apply to the entire client until the next client restart, and you can turn off this mode at any time. - **Record screen (Beta)**: The recording might have issues with smoothness and stuttering, and does not support audio recording. -- **Switch subtitles**: The subtitle option in the Plex interface will not change. Subtitle switching only takes effect on the screen and is only valid for the current playback. +- **Switch subtitles**: The subtitle option in the Plex interface will not change. Subtitle switching only takes effect on the screen and is only valid for the current playback. By default, Plex Display Titles are shown. You can also customize this by editing the `cycleSub-keybinds.lua` script, setting `local show_title = true` to default to displaying embedded subtitle titles +(If the current subtitle lacks an embedded subtitle title, it will fallback to Plex Display Title). - **Adjust subtitle position**: This setting applies to the entire client until the next time the client is restarted. The subtitle position will be applied to all subtitles. - **Adjust subtitle size**: This setting applies to the entire client until the next time the client is restarted. The subtitle size will be applied to all subtitles. - **Adjust subtitle offset**: Subtitle offset is only valid for the current playback. - **Search**: Some audio files have their `video-codec` recognized as `mjpeg` or `png`. When playing such audio files, all custom shortcuts in scripts will be active. This prevents you from using these shortcuts to input characters in the search bar. To resolve this, you'll need to stop the current music playback to use all keys for character input in the search bar. If you find this inconvenient, consider modifying the shortcuts to use less common keys, reducing their impact on the search functionality. -- **Switch audio tracks**: The audio track option in the Plex interface will not change. Audio track switching only takes effect on the audio output and is only valid for the current playback. +- **Switch audio tracks**: The audio track option in the Plex interface will not change. Audio track switching only takes effect on the audio output and is only valid for the current playback. By default, Plex Display Titles are shown. You can also customize this by editing the `cycleAudio-keybinds.lua` script, setting `local show_title = true` to default to displaying embedded audio track titles (If the current audio track lacks an embedded audio track title, it will fallback to Plex Display Title). ## Thanks