# Komodo - Node Open Mining Portal This is a Komodo mining pool based off of Node Open Mining Portal. This guide will install Komodod and KMD-Nomp. *This setup guide is intended for Ubuntu* **Step 1. Update** ```bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade ``` **Step 2. Install Dependencies for KMD** ```bash sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libdb++-dev ntp ntpdate vim software-properties-common curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev cmake clang ``` **Step 3. Install Komodod** ```bash git clone https://github.com/jl777/komodo cd komodo ./zcutil/fetch-params.sh ./zcutil/build.sh -j8 (replace 8 with number of CPU threads you want to use) (this will take some time.) ``` **Step 4. Create and Modify komodo.conf** ```bash cd mkdir .komodo cd .komodo nano komodo.conf rpcuser=<yourRpcUserName> rpcpassword=<yourRpcPassword> rpcport=<YourRpcPort> txindex=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcallowip= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= blocknotify=node /home/<user>/kmd-nomp/scripts/cli.js blocknotify komodo %s Ctrl+X, then Y to save. ``` **Step 5. Install kmd-nomp** ```bash cd sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev npm redis-server sudo npm install n -g sudo n stable git clone https://github.com/xrobesx/kmd-nomp cd kmd-nomp npm update npm install ``` *if libsodium package not found (ubuntu 14.04)* ```bash cd git clone https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium.git cd libsodium ./autogen.sh ./configure sudo make sudo make install ``` **Step 6. Restart Redis-server** ```bash cd sudo service redis-server restart ``` **Step 7. Edit blockTemplate.js to remove this.rpcData.founders (from zcash)** ```bash cd kmd-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/ nano blockTemplate.js ``` replace line 26 with ```bash var blockReward = (this.rpcData.miner) * 100000000; ``` *if not done, it will generate an error* **Step 8. KMD-Nomp Site Config File** ```bash cd cd kmd-nomp cp config_example.json config.json nano config.json "website": { "enabled": true, "host": "", "port": 8080, "stratumHost": "", Ctrl+X, then Y to save. ``` **Step 9. Create KMD-Nomp** ```bash cd cd kmd-nomp/pool_configs cp zclassic_example.json komodo.json nano komodo.json enabled": true, "coin": "komodo.json", "address": "t1dfrrxCHek2ts987VpZsRmFKBvdcBJ1Cqd", "_comment_address": "a transparent address to send coinbase rewards to and to transfer to zAddress.", "zAddress": "ztqgT4xsouCyjHXrFtXnDVgtvPRmURMgHQw2gd39dLdtoYkmPACScHturZjqsNdAPtP6JCLaWmZmYDqbjCMRgdCfQ2vjY2K", "_comment_zAddress": "a private address used to send coins to tAddress.", "tAddress": "tmLqYHEnCiL4dpktEKdAKeRjPdkxNtJVWfb", "_comment_tAddress": "transparent address used to send payments, make this a different address, otherwise payments will not send", "paymentProcessing": { "enabled": false, "paymentInterval": 30, "minimumPayment": 1, "daemon": { "host": "", "port": <yourRpcport>, "user": "<yourRpcUserName>", "password": "<yourRpcPassword>" } }, "ports": { "7777": { "diff": 0.05, "varDiff": { "minDiff": 0.04, "maxDiff": 16, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 60, "variancePercent": 30 } } }, "daemons": [ { "host": "", "port": <yourRpcport>, "user": "<yourRpcUserName>", "password": "<yourRpcPassword>" } ], ``` **Address Info** **for address : generate a new address in komodod --> cd komodo/src ./komodo-cli getnewaddress** **for zaddress: not necessary since payment processing is disabled -- although you can generate a zaddress for kmd and input there if you'd like** **for taddress: not necessary since payment processing is disabled -- although you can generate a new address and input there if you'd like** *Also change RPCport, RPCusername and RPCpassword to the ones set in your komodod komodo.conf file.* *Payment Processing is set to false. This is because there are currently bugs. The guide is using it for local mining.* **Step 10. Start KMD-Nomp** ```bash cd cd kmd-nomp npm start ``` **Step 11. Check if KMD-Nomp is running** In a browser, type (default:8080, you specified in config.json) and the page should display. *Forked from https://github.com/joshuayabut/z-nomp*