diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fcc9aa8d..54c0dec3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -38,10 +38,8 @@ To tell `Fetch` how to get the data you want, you must implement the `DataSource
Data Sources take two type parameters:
is a type that has enough information to fetch the data. For a users data source, this would be a user's unique ID.
is the type of data we want to fetch. For a users data source, this would the `User` type.
+1. `Identity` is a type that has enough information to fetch the data. For a users data source, this would be a user's unique ID.
+2. `Result` is the type of data we want to fetch. For a users data source, this would the `User` type.
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ We'll implement a dummy data source that can convert integers to strings. For co
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
implicit object ToStringSource extends DataSource[Int, String]{
@@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ implicit object ToStringSource extends DataSource[Int, String]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[Int]): Query[Map[Int, String]] = {
println(s"[${Thread.currentThread.getId}] Many ToString $ids")
- ids.unwrap.map(i => (i, i.toString)).toMap
+ ids.toList.map(i => (i, i.toString)).toMap
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ Let's run it and wait for the fetch to complete:
-// [46] One ToString 1
+// [45] One ToString 1
// res3: cats.Id[String] = 1
@@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ When executing the above fetch, note how the three identities get batched and th
-// [46] Many ToString OneAnd(1,List(2, 3))
+// [45] Many ToString NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3)
// res5: cats.Id[(String, String, String)] = (1,2,3)
@@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ implicit object LengthSource extends DataSource[String, Int]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[String]): Query[Map[String, Int]] = {
Query.async((ok, fail) => {
println(s"[${Thread.currentThread.getId}] Many Length $ids")
- ok(ids.unwrap.map(i => (i, i.size)).toMap)
+ ok(ids.toList.map(i => (i, i.size)).toMap)
@@ -156,8 +154,8 @@ Note how the two independent data fetches run in parallel, minimizing the latenc
-// [46] One ToString 1
-// [47] One Length one
+// [45] One ToString 1
+// [46] One Length one
// res7: cats.Id[(String, Int)] = (1,3)
@@ -176,6 +174,6 @@ While running it, notice that the data source is only queried once. The next tim
-// [46] One ToString 1
+// [45] One ToString 1
// res8: cats.Id[(String, String)] = (1,1)
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index 660eed4b..1c1e699c 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ lazy val buildSettings = Seq(
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases"),
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
- "org.typelevel" %%% "cats" % "0.6.0",
- "org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % "3.0.0-M7" % "test",
+ "org.typelevel" %%% "cats" % "0.7.2",
+ "org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % "3.0.0" % "test",
"org.spire-math" %% "kind-projector" % "0.7.1"
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ lazy val readme = (project in file("tut"))
lazy val monixSettings = (
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
- "io.monix" %%% "monix-eval" % "2.0-RC5"
+ "io.monix" %%% "monix-eval" % "2.0.5"
diff --git a/docs/src/jekyll/_config.yml b/docs/src/jekyll/_config.yml
index 4113fcd9..dfaf2c67 100644
--- a/docs/src/jekyll/_config.yml
+++ b/docs/src/jekyll/_config.yml
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ style: fetch
highlight_theme: tomorrow
docs: true
markdown: redcarpet
+ url: https://rawgit.com/47deg/microsites/cdn/
output: true
diff --git a/docs/src/tut/docs.md b/docs/src/tut/docs.md
index b89f7d86..e21e9f24 100644
--- a/docs/src/tut/docs.md
+++ b/docs/src/tut/docs.md
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ And now we're ready to write our user data source; we'll emulate a database with
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ val userDatabase: Map[UserId, User] = Map(
implicit object UserSource extends DataSource[UserId, User]{
+ override def name = "User data source"
override def fetchOne(id: UserId): Query[Option[User]] = {
latency(userDatabase.get(id), s"One User $id")
@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ implicit object UserSource extends DataSource[UserId, User]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[UserId]): Query[Map[UserId, User]] = {
- latency(userDatabase.filterKeys(ids.unwrap.contains), s"Many Users $ids")
+ latency(userDatabase.filterKeys(ids.toList.contains), s"Many Users $ids")
@@ -336,6 +338,8 @@ val postDatabase: Map[PostId, Post] = Map(
implicit object PostSource extends DataSource[PostId, Post]{
+ override def name = "Post data source"
override def fetchOne(id: PostId): Query[Option[Post]] = {
latency(postDatabase.get(id), s"One Post $id")
@@ -343,7 +347,7 @@ implicit object PostSource extends DataSource[PostId, Post]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[PostId]): Query[Map[PostId, Post]] = {
- latency(postDatabase.filterKeys(ids.unwrap.contains), s"Many Posts $ids")
+ latency(postDatabase.filterKeys(ids.toList.contains), s"Many Posts $ids")
@@ -367,6 +371,8 @@ We'll implement a data source for retrieving a post topic given a post id.
implicit object PostTopicSource extends DataSource[Post, PostTopic]{
+ override def name = "Post topic data source"
override def fetchOne(id: Post): Query[Option[PostTopic]] = {
val topic = if (id.id % 2 == 0) "monad" else "applicative"
@@ -375,7 +381,7 @@ implicit object PostTopicSource extends DataSource[Post, PostTopic]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[Post]): Query[Map[Post, PostTopic]] = {
- val result = ids.unwrap.map(id => (id, if (id.id % 2 == 0) "monad" else "applicative")).toMap
+ val result = ids.toList.map(id => (id, if (id.id % 2 == 0) "monad" else "applicative")).toMap
latency(result, s"Many Post Topics $ids")
@@ -455,7 +461,7 @@ combinator. It takes a `List[Fetch[A]]` and gives you back a `Fetch[List[A]]`, b
data source and running fetches to different sources in parallel. Note that the `sequence` combinator is more general and works not only on lists but on any type that has a [Traverse](http://typelevel.org/cats/tut/traverse.html) instance.
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
val fetchSequence: Fetch[List[User]] = List(getUser(1), getUser(2), getUser(3)).sequence
@@ -575,16 +581,28 @@ fetchSameTwice.runA[Id](ForgetfulCache())
# Error handling
-Fetch is used for reading data from remote sources and the queries we perform can and will fail at some point. What happens if we run a fetch and fails? We'll create a fetch that always fails to learn about it.
+Fetch is used for reading data from remote sources and the queries we perform can and will fail at some point. There are many things that can
+go wrong:
+ - an exception can be thrown by client code of certain data sources
+ - an identity may be missing
+ - the data source may be temporarily available
+Since the error cases are plenty and can't be anticipated Fetch errors are represented by the `FetchException` trait, which extends `Throwable`.
+Currently fetch defines `FetchException` cases for missing identities and arbitrary exceptions but you can extend `FetchException` with any error
+you want.
+## Exceptions
+What happens if we run a fetch and fails with an exception? We'll create a fetch that always fails to learn about it.
-val fetchError: Fetch[User] = (new Exception("Oh noes")).fetch
+val fetchException: Fetch[User] = (new Exception("Oh noes")).fetch
-If we try to execute to `Id` the exception will be thrown.
+If we try to execute to `Id` the exception will be thrown wrapped in a `FetchException`.
Since `Id` runs the fetch eagerly, the only way to recover from errors when running it is surrounding it with a `try-catch` block. We'll use Cats' `Eval` type as the target
@@ -596,13 +614,13 @@ We can use the `FetchMonadError[Eval]#attempt` to convert a fetch result into a
import fetch.unsafe.implicits._
-Now we can convert `Eval[User]` into `Eval[Throwable Xor User]` and capture exceptions as values in the left of the disjunction.
+Now we can convert `Eval[User]` into `Eval[FetchException Xor User]` and capture exceptions as values in the left of the disjunction.
import cats.Eval
import cats.data.Xor
-val safeResult: Eval[Throwable Xor User] = FetchMonadError[Eval].attempt(fetchError.runA[Eval])
+val safeResult: Eval[FetchException Xor User] = FetchMonadError[Eval].attempt(fetchException.runA[Eval])
@@ -612,17 +630,66 @@ And more succintly with Cats' applicative error syntax.
import cats.syntax.applicativeError._
## Missing identities
-You've probably noticed that `DataSource.fetch` takes a list of identities and returns a map of identities to their result, taking
-into account the possibility of some identities not being found. Whenever an identity cannot be found, the fetch execution will
+You've probably noticed that `DataSource.fetchOne` and `DataSource.fetchMany` return types help Fetch know if any requested
+identity was not found. Whenever an identity cannot be found, the fetch execution will fail with an instance of `FetchException`.
+The requests can be of different types, each of which is described below.
+### One request
+When a single identity is being fetched the request will be a `FetchOne`; it contains the data source and the identity to fetch so you
+should be able to easily diagnose the failure. For ilustrating this scenario we'll ask for users that are not in the database.
+val missingUser = getUser(5)
+val eval: Eval[FetchException Xor User] = missingUser.runA[Eval].attempt
+val result: FetchException Xor User = eval.value
+val err: FetchException = result.swap.toOption.get // don't do this at home, folks
+`NotFound` allows you to access the fetch request that was in progress when the error happened and the environment of the fetch.
+err match {
+ case nf: NotFound => {
+ println("Request " + nf.request)
+ println("Environment " + nf.env)
+ }
+As you can see in the output, the error was actually a `NotFound`. We can access the request with `.request`, which lets us
+know that the failed request was for the identity `5` of the user data source. We can also see that the environment has an empty
+cache and no rounds of execution happened yet.
+### Multiple requests
+When multiple requests to the same data source are batched and/or multiple requests are performed at the same time, is possible that more than one identity was missing. There is another error case for such situations: `MissingIdentities`, which contains a mapping from data source names to the list of missing identities.
+val missingUsers = List(3, 4, 5, 6).traverse(getUser)
+val eval: Eval[FetchException Xor List[User]] = missingUsers.runA[Eval].attempt
+val result: FetchException Xor List[User] = eval.value
+val err: FetchException = result.swap.toOption.get // don't do this at home, folks
+The `.missing` attribute will give us the mapping from data source name to missing identities, and `.env` will give us the environment so we can track the execution of the fetch.
+err match {
+ case mi: MissingIdentities => {
+ println("Missing identities " + mi.missing)
+ println("Environment " + mi.env)
+ }
-Whenever a fetch fails, a `FetchFailure` exception is thrown. The `FetchFailure` will have the environment, which gives you information
-about the execution of the fetch.
+## Your own errors
# Syntax
@@ -907,7 +974,7 @@ Await.result(task.runAsync(ioSched), Duration.Inf)
## Custom types
-If you want to run a fetch to a custom type `M[_]`, you need to implement the `FetchMonadError[M]` typeclass. `FetchMonadError[M]` is simply a `MonadError[M, Throwable]` from cats augmented
+If you want to run a fetch to a custom type `M[_]`, you need to implement the `FetchMonadError[M]` typeclass. `FetchMonadError[M]` is simply a `MonadError[M, FetchException]` from cats augmented
with a method for running a `Query[A]` in the context of the monad `M[A]`.
For ilustrating integration with an asynchronous concurrency monad we'll use the implementation of Monix Task.
@@ -978,28 +1045,36 @@ implicit val taskFetchMonadError: FetchMonadError[Task] = new FetchMonadError[Ta
override def product[A, B](fa: Task[A], fb: Task[B]): Task[(A, B)] =
Task.zip2(Task.fork(fa), Task.fork(fb)) // introduce parallelism with Task#fork
- override def pureEval[A](e: Eval[A]): Task[A] = evalToTask(e)
def pure[A](x: A): Task[A] =
- def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Task[A])(f: Throwable => Task[A]): Task[A] =
- fa.onErrorHandleWith(f)
+ def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Task[A])(f: FetchException => Task[A]): Task[A] =
+ fa.onErrorHandleWith({ case e: FetchException => f(e) })
- def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Task[A] =
+ def raiseError[A](e: FetchException): Task[A] =
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => Task[B]): Task[B] =
+ def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Task[Either[A, B]]): Task[B] =
+ defaultTailRecM(a)(f) // same implementation as monix.cats
override def runQuery[A](q: Query[A]): Task[A] = queryToTask(q)
+import cats.RecursiveTailRecM
+val taskTR: RecursiveTailRecM[Task] =
+ RecursiveTailRecM.create[Task]
We can now import the above implicit and run a fetch to our custom type, let's give it a go:
-val task = Fetch.run(homePage)(taskFetchMonadError)
+val task = Fetch.run(homePage)(taskFetchMonadError, taskTR)
Await.result(task.runAsync(scheduler), Duration.Inf)
@@ -1016,7 +1091,7 @@ Await.result(task.runAsync(scheduler), Duration.Inf)
Fetch stands on the shoulders of giants:
- [Haxl](https://github.com/facebook/haxl) is Facebook's implementation (Haskell) of the [original paper Fetch is based on](http://community.haskell.org/~simonmar/papers/haxl-icfp14.pdf).
-- [Clump](http://getclump.io) has inspired the signature of the `DataSource#fetch` method.
+- [Clump](http://getclump.io) has inspired the signature of the `DataSource#fetch*` methods.
- [Stitch](https://engineering.twitter.com/university/videos/introducing-stitch) is an in-house Twitter library that is not open source but has inspired Fetch's high-level API.
- [Cats](http://typelevel.org/cats/), a library for functional programming in Scala.
- [Monix](https://monix.io) high-performance and multiplatform (Scala / Scala.js) asynchronous programming library.
diff --git a/docs/src/tut/index.md b/docs/src/tut/index.md
index 1cfa61b5..772720ef 100644
--- a/docs/src/tut/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/tut/index.md
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ We'll implement a dummy data source that can convert integers to strings. For co
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
implicit object ToStringSource extends DataSource[Int, String]{
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ implicit object ToStringSource extends DataSource[Int, String]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[Int]): Query[Map[Int, String]] = {
println(s"[${Thread.currentThread.getId}] Many ToString $ids")
- ids.unwrap.map(i => (i, i.toString)).toMap
+ ids.toList.map(i => (i, i.toString)).toMap
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ implicit object LengthSource extends DataSource[String, Int]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[String]): Query[Map[String, Int]] = {
Query.async((ok, fail) => {
println(s"[${Thread.currentThread.getId}] Many Length $ids")
- ok(ids.unwrap.map(i => (i, i.size)).toMap)
+ ok(ids.toList.map(i => (i, i.size)).toMap)
diff --git a/jvm/src/main/scala/unsafeImplicits.scala b/jvm/src/main/scala/unsafeImplicits.scala
index 8a939ff0..8e2711d2 100644
--- a/jvm/src/main/scala/unsafeImplicits.scala
+++ b/jvm/src/main/scala/unsafeImplicits.scala
@@ -18,14 +18,16 @@ package fetch.unsafe
import fetch._
-import cats.{Id, Eval}
+import cats.{Id, Eval, FlatMap}
import cats.data.Xor
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object implicits {
- implicit val evalFetchMonadError: FetchMonadError[Eval] = new FetchMonadError[Eval] {
+ implicit def evalFetchMonadError(
+ implicit FM: FlatMap[Eval]
+ ): FetchMonadError[Eval] = new FetchMonadError[Eval] {
override def runQuery[A](j: Query[A]): Eval[A] = j match {
case Sync(e) => e
case Ap(qf, qx) => ap(runQuery(qf))(runQuery(qx))
@@ -53,20 +55,31 @@ object implicits {
def pure[A](x: A): Eval[A] = Eval.now(x)
- def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Eval[A])(f: Throwable => Eval[A]): Eval[A] =
+ def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Eval[Either[A, B]]): Eval[B] = FM.tailRecM(a)(f)
+ def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Eval[A])(f: FetchException => Eval[A]): Eval[A] =
try {
} catch {
- case ex: Throwable => f(ex).value
+ case ex: FetchException => f(ex).value
+ case th: Throwable => f(UnhandledException(th)).value
- def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Eval[A] = Eval.later({ throw e })
+ def raiseError[A](e: FetchException): Eval[A] =
+ Eval.later({
+ throw e
+ })
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Eval[A])(f: A => Eval[B]): Eval[B] =
- implicit val idFetchMonadError: FetchMonadError[Id] = new FetchMonadError[Id] {
+ implicit def idFetchMonadError(
+ implicit FM: FlatMap[Id]
+ ): FetchMonadError[Id] = new FetchMonadError[Id] {
override def runQuery[A](j: Query[A]): Id[A] = j match {
case Sync(e) => e.value
case Ap(qf, qx) => ap(runQuery(qf))(runQuery(qx))
@@ -92,14 +105,23 @@ object implicits {
- def pure[A](x: A): Id[A] = x
- def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Id[A])(f: Throwable => Id[A]): Id[A] =
+ def pure[A](x: A): Id[A] = x
+ def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => cats.Id[Either[A, B]]): cats.Id[B] = FM.tailRecM(a)(f)
+ def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Id[A])(f: FetchException => Id[A]): Id[A] =
try {
} catch {
- case ex: Throwable => f(ex)
+ case ex: FetchException => f(ex)
+ }
+ def raiseError[A](e: FetchException): Id[A] =
+ e match {
+ case UnhandledException(ex) => {
+ e.initCause(ex)
+ throw e
+ }
+ case other => throw other
- def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Id[A] = throw e
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Id[A])(f: A => Id[B]): Id[B] = f(fa)
diff --git a/monix/shared/src/main/scala/monix.scala b/monix/shared/src/main/scala/monix.scala
index 39e56f19..60077e54 100644
--- a/monix/shared/src/main/scala/monix.scala
+++ b/monix/shared/src/main/scala/monix.scala
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ package fetch.monixTask
import fetch._
-import cats.{Eval, Now, Later, Always, Traverse, Applicative}
+import cats.{Eval, Now, Later, Always, Monad, RecursiveTailRecM}
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.{Scheduler, Cancelable}
@@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ object implicits {
def evalToTask[A](e: Eval[A]): Task[A] = e match {
case Now(x) => Task.now(x)
case l: Later[A] => Task.evalOnce({ l.value })
- case a: Always[A] => Task.evalAlways({ a.value })
+ case a: Always[A] => Task.eval({ a.value })
case other => Task.evalOnce({ other.value })
+ implicit val fetchTaskRecursiveTailRecM: RecursiveTailRecM[Task] = RecursiveTailRecM.create[Task]
implicit val fetchTaskFetchMonadError: FetchMonadError[Task] = new FetchMonadError[Task] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => B): Task[B] =
@@ -40,20 +42,23 @@ object implicits {
override def product[A, B](fa: Task[A], fb: Task[B]): Task[(A, B)] =
Task.zip2(Task.fork(fa), Task.fork(fb))
- override def pureEval[A](e: Eval[A]): Task[A] = evalToTask(e)
def pure[A](x: A): Task[A] =
- def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Task[A])(f: Throwable => Task[A]): Task[A] =
- fa.onErrorHandleWith(f)
+ def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Task[A])(f: FetchException => Task[A]): Task[A] =
+ fa.onErrorHandleWith({
+ case e: FetchException => f(e)
+ })
- def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Task[A] =
+ def raiseError[A](e: FetchException): Task[A] =
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => Task[B]): Task[B] =
+ def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Task[Either[A, B]]): Task[B] =
+ defaultTailRecM(a)(f)
override def runQuery[A](q: Query[A]): Task[A] = q match {
case Sync(x) => evalToTask(x)
case Async(ac, timeout) => {
diff --git a/monix/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTaskTests.scala b/monix/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTaskTests.scala
index ee90c7ae..57812177 100644
--- a/monix/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTaskTests.scala
+++ b/monix/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTaskTests.scala
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import monix.execution.Scheduler
import org.scalatest._
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
import fetch.monixTask.implicits._
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ import fetch.monixTask.implicits._
import scala.concurrent.Future
class FetchTaskTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
- implicit def executionContext = Scheduler.Implicits.global
- override def newInstance = new FetchTaskTests
+ implicit override def executionContext = Scheduler.Implicits.global
case class ArticleId(id: Int)
case class Article(id: Int, content: String) {
diff --git a/project/plugins.sbt b/project/plugins.sbt
index a440d3ab..b5ab9465 100644
--- a/project/plugins.sbt
+++ b/project/plugins.sbt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.8")
+addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.13")
addSbtPlugin("de.heikoseeberger" % "sbt-header" % "1.5.1")
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-site" % "1.0.0")
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-ghpages" % "0.5.4" exclude("com.typesafe.sbt", "sbt-git"))
diff --git a/shared/src/main/scala/datasource.scala b/shared/src/main/scala/datasource.scala
index 34bab402..37db34d0 100644
--- a/shared/src/main/scala/datasource.scala
+++ b/shared/src/main/scala/datasource.scala
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
package fetch
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ trait DataSource[I, A] {
/** The name of the data source.
- def name: DataSourceName = this.toString
+ def name: DataSourceName = this.getClass.getName
+ override def toString: String = name
* Derive a `DataSourceIdentity` from an identity, suitable for storing the result
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ trait DataSource[I, A] {
* source doesn't support batching.
def batchingNotSupported(ids: NonEmptyList[I]): Query[Map[I, A]] = {
- val idsList = ids.unwrap
+ val idsList = ids.toList
diff --git a/shared/src/main/scala/env.scala b/shared/src/main/scala/env.scala
index b87bcf46..0e28a2b2 100644
--- a/shared/src/main/scala/env.scala
+++ b/shared/src/main/scala/env.scala
@@ -23,20 +23,9 @@ import scala.collection.immutable._
* cache and the list of rounds that have been executed.
trait Env {
- def cache: DataSourceCache
def rounds: Seq[Round]
- def cached: Seq[Round] =
- rounds.filter(_.cached)
- def uncached: Seq[Round] =
- rounds.filterNot(_.cached)
- def next(
- newCache: DataSourceCache,
- newRound: Round,
- newIds: List[Any]
- ): Env
+ def cache: DataSourceCache
+ def evolve(newRound: Round, newCache: DataSourceCache): Env
@@ -44,38 +33,26 @@ trait Env {
case class Round(
cache: DataSourceCache,
- ds: DataSourceName,
- kind: RoundKind,
- startRound: Long,
- endRound: Long,
- cached: Boolean = false
+ request: FetchRequest,
+ response: Any,
+ start: Long,
+ end: Long
) {
- def duration: Double = (endRound - startRound) / 1e6
- def isConcurrent: Boolean = kind match {
- case ConcurrentRound(_) => true
- case _ => false
- }
+ def duration: Double = (end - start) / 1e6
-sealed trait RoundKind
-final case class OneRound(id: Any) extends RoundKind
-final case class ManyRound(ids: List[Any]) extends RoundKind
-final case class ConcurrentRound(ids: Map[String, List[Any]]) extends RoundKind
* A concrete implementation of `Env` used in the default Fetch interpreter.
case class FetchEnv(
cache: DataSourceCache,
- ids: List[Any] = Nil,
rounds: Queue[Round] = Queue.empty
extends Env {
- def next(
- newCache: DataSourceCache,
+ def evolve(
newRound: Round,
- newIds: List[Any]
+ newCache: DataSourceCache
): FetchEnv =
- copy(cache = newCache, rounds = rounds :+ newRound, ids = newIds)
+ copy(rounds = rounds :+ newRound, cache = newCache)
diff --git a/shared/src/main/scala/fetch.scala b/shared/src/main/scala/fetch.scala
index f44ecdaa..e176ad26 100644
--- a/shared/src/main/scala/fetch.scala
+++ b/shared/src/main/scala/fetch.scala
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ package fetch
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
-import cats.{Applicative, Monad, ApplicativeError, MonadError, ~>, Eval}
-import cats.data.{StateT, Const, NonEmptyList}
-import cats.free.{Free}
-import cats.std.list._
-import cats.std.option._
+import cats.{Applicative, Monad, ApplicativeError, MonadError, ~>, Eval, RecursiveTailRecM}
+import cats.data.{StateT, Const, NonEmptyList, Writer, XorT}
+import cats.free.Free
+import cats.instances.list._
+import cats.instances.map._
+import cats.instances.option._
+import cats.syntax.foldable._
+import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
@@ -51,8 +54,7 @@ object Query {
): Query[A] = Async(action, timeout)
implicit val fetchQueryApplicative: Applicative[Query] = new Applicative[Query] {
- override def pureEval[A](e: Eval[A]): Query[A] = Sync(e)
- def pure[A](x: A): Query[A] = Sync(Eval.now(x))
+ def pure[A](x: A): Query[A] = Sync(Eval.now(x))
def ap[A, B](ff: Query[A => B])(fa: Query[A]): Query[B] =
Ap(ff, fa)
@@ -60,22 +62,31 @@ object Query {
/** Requests in Fetch Free monad.
-sealed trait FetchRequest[I, A] extends Product with Serializable {
+sealed trait FetchRequest extends Product with Serializable {
def fullfilledBy(cache: DataSourceCache): Boolean
+sealed trait FetchQuery[I, A] extends FetchRequest {
def missingIdentities(cache: DataSourceCache): List[I]
def dataSource: DataSource[I, A]
def identities: NonEmptyList[I]
+trait FetchException extends Throwable with Product with Serializable
+case class NotFound(env: Env, request: FetchOne[_, _]) extends FetchException
+case class MissingIdentities(env: Env, missing: Map[DataSourceName, List[Any]])
+ extends FetchException
+case class UnhandledException(err: Throwable) extends FetchException
* Primitive operations in the Fetch Free monad.
sealed abstract class FetchOp[A] extends Product with Serializable
-final case class Cached[A](a: A) extends FetchOp[A]
+final case class Fetched[A](a: A) extends FetchOp[A]
final case class FetchOne[I, A](a: I, ds: DataSource[I, A])
extends FetchOp[A]
- with FetchRequest[I, A] {
+ with FetchQuery[I, A] {
override def fullfilledBy(cache: DataSourceCache): Boolean = {
@@ -85,20 +96,28 @@ final case class FetchOne[I, A](a: I, ds: DataSource[I, A])
override def dataSource: DataSource[I, A] = ds
override def identities: NonEmptyList[I] = NonEmptyList(a, Nil)
final case class FetchMany[I, A](as: NonEmptyList[I], ds: DataSource[I, A])
extends FetchOp[List[A]]
- with FetchRequest[I, A] {
+ with FetchQuery[I, A] {
override def fullfilledBy(cache: DataSourceCache): Boolean = {
as.forall((i: I) => cache.get[A](ds.identity(i)).isDefined)
override def missingIdentities(cache: DataSourceCache): List[I] = {
- as.unwrap.distinct.filterNot(i => cache.get[A](ds.identity(i)).isDefined)
+ as.toList.distinct.filterNot(i => cache.get[A](ds.identity(i)).isDefined)
override def dataSource: DataSource[I, A] = ds
override def identities: NonEmptyList[I] = as
-final case class Concurrent(as: List[FetchRequest[_, _]]) extends FetchOp[DataSourceCache]
-final case class FetchError[A](err: Throwable) extends FetchOp[A]
+final case class Concurrent(as: List[FetchQuery[_, _]])
+ extends FetchOp[DataSourceCache]
+ with FetchRequest {
+ override def fullfilledBy(cache: DataSourceCache): Boolean = {
+ as.forall(_.fullfilledBy(cache))
+ }
+final case class Thrown[A](err: Throwable) extends FetchOp[A]
object `package` {
type DataSourceName = String
@@ -106,7 +125,7 @@ object `package` {
type Fetch[A] = Free[FetchOp, A]
- trait FetchMonadError[M[_]] extends MonadError[M, Throwable] {
+ trait FetchMonadError[M[_]] extends MonadError[M, FetchException] {
def runQuery[A](q: Query[A]): M[A]
@@ -123,6 +142,12 @@ object `package` {
def ap[A, B](ff: Fetch[A => B])(fa: Fetch[A]): Fetch[B] =
Fetch.join(ff, fa).map({ case (f, a) => f(a) })
+ override def product[A, B](fa: Fetch[A], fb: Fetch[B]): Fetch[(A, B)] =
+ Fetch.join(fa, fb)
+ override def tuple2[A, B](fa: Fetch[A], fb: Fetch[B]): Fetch[(A, B)] =
+ Fetch.join(fa, fb)
object Fetch extends FetchInterpreters {
@@ -134,10 +159,10 @@ object `package` {
- * Lift an error to the Fetch monad.
+ * Lift an exception to the Fetch monad.
def error[A](e: Throwable): Fetch[A] =
- Free.liftF(FetchError(e))
+ Free.liftF(Thrown(e))
* Given a value that has a related `DataSource` implementation, lift it
@@ -149,130 +174,133 @@ object `package` {
): Fetch[A] =
Free.liftF(FetchOne[I, A](i, DS))
- type FM = List[FetchOp[_]]
- private[this] val DM: Monad[Const[FM, ?]] = new Monad[Const[FM, ?]] {
- def pure[A](x: A): Const[FM, A] = Const(List())
- def flatMap[A, B](fa: Const[FM, A])(f: A => Const[FM, B]): Const[FM, B] = fa match {
- case Const(List(Cached(a))) => f(a.asInstanceOf[A])
- case other => fa.asInstanceOf[Const[FM, B]]
- }
- }
- private[this] def deps[A](f: Fetch[_]): List[FetchRequest[_, _]] = {
- f.foldMap[Const[FM, ?]](new (FetchOp ~> Const[FM, ?]) {
- def apply[X](x: FetchOp[X]): Const[FM, X] = x match {
- case one @ FetchOne(id, ds) => Const(List(one))
- case conc @ Concurrent(as) => Const(as.asInstanceOf[FM])
- case cach @ Cached(a) => Const(List(cach))
- case _ => Const(List())
- }
- })(DM)
- .getConst
- .collect({
- case one @ FetchOne(_, _) => one
- case many @ FetchMany(_, _) => many
- })
- }
- private[this] def combineDeps(ds: List[FetchRequest[_, _]]): List[FetchRequest[_, _]] = {
- ds.foldLeft(Map.empty[DataSource[_, _], NonEmptyList[Any]])((acc, op) =>
- op match {
- case one @ FetchOne(id, ds) =>
- acc.updated(ds,
- acc
- .get(ds)
- .fold(NonEmptyList(id): NonEmptyList[Any])(accids =>
- accids.combine(NonEmptyList(id))))
- case many @ FetchMany(ids, ds) =>
- acc.updated(ds,
- acc
- .get(ds)
- .fold(ids.asInstanceOf[NonEmptyList[Any]])(accids =>
- accids.combine(ids.asInstanceOf[NonEmptyList[Any]])))
- case _ => acc
- })
- .toList
- .map({
- case (ds, ids) if ids.unwrap.size == 1 =>
- FetchOne[Any, Any](ids.head, ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[Any, Any]])
- case (ds, ids) =>
- FetchMany[Any, Any](ids, ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[Any, Any]])
- })
- }
- private[this] def concurrently(fa: Fetch[_], fb: Fetch[_]): Fetch[DataSourceCache] = {
- val fetches: List[FetchRequest[_, _]] = combineDeps(deps(fa) ++ deps(fb))
+ /**
+ * Given a list of `FetchRequest`s, lift it to the `Fetch` monad. When executing
+ * the fetch, data sources will be queried and the fetch will return a `DataSourceCache`
+ * containing the results.
+ */
+ private[this] def concurrently(fetches: List[FetchQuery[_, _]]): Fetch[DataSourceCache] =
- }
* Transform a list of fetches into a fetch of a list. It implies concurrent execution of fetches.
- def sequence[I, A](ids: List[Fetch[A]]): Fetch[List[A]] = {
- ids.foldLeft(Fetch.pure(List(): List[A]))((f, newF) =>
- Fetch.join(f, newF).map(t => t._1 :+ t._2))
- }
+ def sequence[I, A](ids: List[Fetch[A]]): Fetch[List[A]] =
+ Applicative[Fetch].sequence(ids)
* Apply a fetch-returning function to every element in a list and return a Fetch of the list of
* results. It implies concurrent execution of fetches.
def traverse[A, B](ids: List[A])(f: A => Fetch[B]): Fetch[List[B]] =
- sequence(ids.map(f))
+ Applicative[Fetch].traverse(ids)(f)
* Apply the given function to the result of the two fetches. It implies concurrent execution of fetches.
def map2[A, B, C](f: (A, B) => C)(fa: Fetch[A], fb: Fetch[B]): Fetch[C] =
- Fetch.join(fa, fb).map({ case (a, b) => f(a, b) })
+ Applicative[Fetch].map2(fa, fb)(f)
+ /**
+ * Join two fetches from any data sources and return a Fetch that returns a tuple with the two
+ * results. It implies concurrent execution of fetches.
+ */
+ def join[A, B](fl: Fetch[A], fr: Fetch[B]): Fetch[(A, B)] = {
+ def depFetches(fa: Fetch[_], fb: Fetch[_]): List[FetchQuery[_, _]] =
+ combineQueries(dependentQueries(fa) ++ dependentQueries(fb))
+ def joinWithFetches(
+ fl: Fetch[A], fr: Fetch[B], fetches: List[FetchQuery[_, _]]): Fetch[(A, B)] =
+ concurrently(fetches).flatMap(cache => joinH(fl, fr, cache))
- private[this] def simplify(results: DataSourceCache): (FetchOp ~> FetchOp) = {
+ def joinH(fl: Fetch[A], fr: Fetch[B], cache: DataSourceCache): Fetch[(A, B)] = {
+ val sfl = fl.compile(simplify(cache))
+ val sfr = fr.compile(simplify(cache))
+ val remainingDeps = depFetches(sfl, sfr)
+ if (remainingDeps.isEmpty) Monad[Fetch].tuple2(sfl, sfr)
+ else joinWithFetches(sfl, sfr, remainingDeps)
+ }
+ joinWithFetches(fl, fr, depFetches(fl, fr))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use a `DataSourceCache` to optimize a `FetchOp`.
+ * If the cache contains all the fetch identities, the fetch doesn't need to be
+ * executed and can be replaced by cached results.
+ */
+ private[this] def simplify(cache: DataSourceCache): (FetchOp ~> FetchOp) = {
new (FetchOp ~> FetchOp) {
- def apply[B](f: FetchOp[B]): FetchOp[B] = f match {
- case one @ FetchOne(id, ds) => {
- results.get[B](ds.identity(id)).fold(one: FetchOp[B])(b => Cached(b))
- }
- case many @ FetchMany(ids, ds) => {
- val fetched = ids.map(id => results.get(ds.identity(id))).unwrap.sequence
- fetched.fold(many: FetchOp[B])(results => Cached(results))
- }
- case conc @ Concurrent(manies) => {
- val newManies = manies.filterNot(_.fullfilledBy(results))
- if (newManies.isEmpty)
- Cached(results).asInstanceOf[FetchOp[B]]
- else
- Concurrent(newManies).asInstanceOf[FetchOp[B]]
- }
+ def apply[B](fetchOp: FetchOp[B]): FetchOp[B] = fetchOp match {
+ case one @ FetchOne(id, ds) =>
+ cache.get[B](ds.identity(id)).fold(fetchOp)(b => Fetched(b))
+ case many @ FetchMany(ids, ds) =>
+ val fetched = ids.traverse(id => cache.get(ds.identity(id)))
+ fetched.fold(fetchOp)(results => Fetched(results.toList))
+ case conc @ Concurrent(manies) =>
+ val newManies = manies.filterNot(_.fullfilledBy(cache))
+ (if (newManies.isEmpty) Fetched(cache) else Concurrent(newManies)): FetchOp[B]
case other => other
- * Join two fetches from any data sources and return a Fetch that returns a tuple with the two
- * results. It implies concurrent execution of fetches.
+ * Combine multiple queries so the resulting `List` only contains one `FetchQuery`
+ * per `DataSource`.
- def join[A, B](fl: Fetch[A], fr: Fetch[B]): Fetch[(A, B)] = {
- for {
- cache <- concurrently(fl, fr)
- result <- {
- val sfl = fl.compile(simplify(cache))
- val sfr = fr.compile(simplify(cache))
- val remainingDeps = combineDeps(deps(sfl) ++ deps(sfr))
- if (remainingDeps.isEmpty) {
- for {
- a <- sfl
- b <- sfr
- } yield (a, b)
- } else {
- join[A, B](sfl, sfr)
- }
+ private[this] def combineQueries(ds: List[FetchQuery[_, _]]): List[FetchQuery[_, _]] =
+ ds.foldMap[Map[DataSource[_, _], NonEmptyList[Any]]] {
+ case FetchOne(id, ds) => Map(ds -> NonEmptyList.of[Any](id))
+ case FetchMany(ids, ds) => Map(ds -> ids.widen[Any])
+ }
+ .mapValues { nel =>
+ // workaround because NEL[Any].distinct needs Order[Any]
+ NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(nel.toList.distinct)
- } yield result
+ .toList
+ .map {
+ case (ds, NonEmptyList(id, Nil)) => FetchOne(id, ds.castDS[Any, Any])
+ case (ds, ids) => FetchMany(ids, ds.castDS[Any, Any])
+ }
+ private[this] type FetchOps = List[FetchOp[_]]
+ private[this] type KeepFetches[A] = Writer[FetchOps, A]
+ private[this] type AnalyzeTop[A] = XorT[KeepFetches, Unit, A]
+ private[this] object AnalyzeTop {
+ def stopWith[R](list: FetchOps): AnalyzeTop[R] =
+ AnalyzeTop.stop(Writer.tell(list))
+ def stopEmpty[R]: AnalyzeTop[R] =
+ AnalyzeTop.stop(Writer.value(()))
+ def stop[R](k: KeepFetches[Unit]): AnalyzeTop[R] =
+ XorT.left[KeepFetches, Unit, R](k)
+ def go[X](k: KeepFetches[X]): AnalyzeTop[X] =
+ XorT.right[KeepFetches, Unit, X](k)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a list of dependent `FetchQuery`s for a given `Fetch`.
+ */
+ private[this] def dependentQueries(f: Fetch[_]): List[FetchQuery[_, _]] = {
+ val analyzeTop: FetchOp ~> AnalyzeTop = new (FetchOp ~> AnalyzeTop) {
+ def apply[A](op: FetchOp[A]): AnalyzeTop[A] = op match {
+ case fetc @ Fetched(c) => AnalyzeTop.go(Writer(List(fetc), c))
+ case one @ FetchOne(_, _) => AnalyzeTop.stopWith(List(one))
+ case conc @ Concurrent(as) => AnalyzeTop.stopWith(as.asInstanceOf[FetchOps])
+ case _ => AnalyzeTop.stopEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ f.foldMap[AnalyzeTop](analyzeTop).value.written.collect {
+ case one @ FetchOne(_, _) => one
+ case many @ FetchMany(_, _) => many
+ }
class FetchRunner[M[_]] {
@@ -280,7 +308,8 @@ object `package` {
fa: Fetch[A],
cache: DataSourceCache = InMemoryCache.empty
- implicit MM: FetchMonadError[M]
+ implicit MM: FetchMonadError[M],
+ TR: RecursiveTailRecM[M]
): M[(FetchEnv, A)] =
@@ -296,7 +325,8 @@ object `package` {
fa: Fetch[A],
cache: DataSourceCache = InMemoryCache.empty
- implicit MM: FetchMonadError[M]
+ implicit MM: FetchMonadError[M],
+ TR: RecursiveTailRecM[M]
): M[FetchEnv] =
@@ -311,7 +341,8 @@ object `package` {
fa: Fetch[A],
cache: DataSourceCache = InMemoryCache.empty
- implicit MM: FetchMonadError[M]
+ implicit MM: FetchMonadError[M],
+ TR: RecursiveTailRecM[M]
): M[A] =
@@ -321,4 +352,8 @@ object `package` {
def run[M[_]]: FetchRunnerA[M] = new FetchRunnerA[M]
+ private[fetch] implicit class DataSourceCast[A, B](ds: DataSource[A, B]) {
+ def castDS[C, D]: DataSource[C, D] = ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[C, D]]
+ }
diff --git a/shared/src/main/scala/implicits.scala b/shared/src/main/scala/implicits.scala
index 6d49ad5f..463d52cc 100644
--- a/shared/src/main/scala/implicits.scala
+++ b/shared/src/main/scala/implicits.scala
@@ -16,17 +16,21 @@
package fetch
-import cats.{Eval, MonadError}
-import cats.std.FutureInstances
+import cats.{Eval, MonadError, FlatMap}
+import cats.instances.FutureInstances
import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Future, ExecutionContext}
object implicits extends FutureInstances {
implicit def fetchFutureFetchMonadError(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
- ME: MonadError[Future, Throwable]
+ ME: MonadError[Future, Throwable],
+ FM: FlatMap[Future]
): FetchMonadError[Future] = new FetchMonadError[Future] {
+ override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(
+ f: A => scala.concurrent.Future[Either[A, B]]): scala.concurrent.Future[B] =
+ FM.tailRecM(a)(f)
override def runQuery[A](j: Query[A]): Future[A] = j match {
- case Sync(e) => ME.pureEval(e)
+ case Sync(e) => Future(e.value)
case Async(ac, timeout) => {
val p = Promise[A]()
@@ -44,9 +48,9 @@ object implicits extends FutureInstances {
def pure[A](x: A): Future[A] = Future.successful(x)
- def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Future[A])(f: Throwable => Future[A]): Future[A] =
- fa.recoverWith({ case t => f(t) })
- def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Future[A] = Future.failed(e)
+ def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Future[A])(f: FetchException => Future[A]): Future[A] =
+ fa.recoverWith({ case t: FetchException => f(t) })
+ def raiseError[A](e: FetchException): Future[A] = Future.failed(e)
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Future[A])(f: A => Future[B]): Future[B] = fa.flatMap(f)
diff --git a/shared/src/main/scala/interpreters.scala b/shared/src/main/scala/interpreters.scala
index 364aebc2..273d2fa2 100644
--- a/shared/src/main/scala/interpreters.scala
+++ b/shared/src/main/scala/interpreters.scala
@@ -19,240 +19,186 @@ package fetch
import scala.collection.immutable._
import cats.{MonadError, ~>}
-import cats.data.{StateT, NonEmptyList}
-import cats.std.option._
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.data.{OptionT, NonEmptyList, StateT, Validated, XorT}
+import cats.instances.option._
+import cats.instances.list._
+import cats.instances.map._
+import cats.syntax.either._
+import cats.syntax.flatMap._
+import cats.syntax.foldable._
+import cats.syntax.functor._
+import cats.syntax.functorFilter._
+import cats.syntax.option._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
- * An exception thrown from the interpreter when failing to perform a data fetch.
- */
-case class FetchFailure(env: Env) extends Throwable
+import cats.syntax.validated._
trait FetchInterpreters {
- def pendingRequests(
- requests: List[FetchRequest[_, _]], cache: DataSourceCache): List[FetchRequest[Any, Any]] = {
- requests
- .filterNot(_.fullfilledBy(cache))
- .map(req => {
- (req.dataSource, req.missingIdentities(cache))
- })
- .collect({
- case (ds, ids) if ids.size == 1 =>
- FetchOne[Any, Any](ids.head, ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[Any, Any]])
- case (ds, ids) if ids.size > 1 =>
- FetchMany[Any, Any](
- NonEmptyList(ids(0), ids.tail), ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[Any, Any]])
- })
- }
+ def pendingQueries(
+ queries: List[FetchQuery[_, _]],
+ cache: DataSourceCache
+ ): List[FetchQuery[Any, Any]] =
+ queries.mapFilter { query =>
+ val dsAny = query.dataSource.castDS[Any, Any]
+ NonEmptyList.fromList(query.missingIdentities(cache)).map {
+ case NonEmptyList(id, Nil) => FetchOne(id, dsAny)
+ case ids => FetchMany(ids.widen[Any], dsAny)
+ }
+ }
def interpreter[I, M[_]](
implicit M: FetchMonadError[M]
): FetchOp ~> FetchInterpreter[M]#f = {
new (FetchOp ~> FetchInterpreter[M]#f) {
- def apply[A](fa: FetchOp[A]): FetchInterpreter[M]#f[A] = {
+ def apply[A](fa: FetchOp[A]): FetchInterpreter[M]#f[A] =
StateT[M, FetchEnv, A] { env: FetchEnv =>
fa match {
- case FetchError(e) => M.raiseError(e)
- case Cached(a) => M.pure((env, a))
- case Concurrent(concurrentRequests) => {
- val startRound = System.nanoTime()
- val cache = env.cache
+ case Thrown(e) => M.raiseError(UnhandledException(e))
+ case Fetched(a) => M.pure((env, a))
+ case one @ FetchOne(_, _) => processOne(one, env)
+ case many @ FetchMany(_, _) => processMany(many, env)
+ case conc @ Concurrent(_) => processConcurrent(conc, env)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private[this] def processOne[M[_], A](
+ one: FetchOne[Any, A],
+ env: FetchEnv
+ )(
+ implicit M: FetchMonadError[M]
+ ): M[(FetchEnv, A)] = {
+ val FetchOne(id, ds) = one
+ val startRound = System.nanoTime()
+ env.cache
+ .get[A](ds.identity(id))
+ .fold[M[(FetchEnv, A)]](
+ M.runQuery(ds.fetchOne(id)).flatMap { (res: Option[A]) =>
+ val endRound = System.nanoTime()
+ res.fold[M[(FetchEnv, A)]] {
+ // could not get result from datasource
+ M.raiseError(NotFound(env, one))
+ } { result =>
+ // found result (and update cache)
+ val newCache = env.cache.update(ds.identity(id), result)
+ val round = Round(env.cache, one, result, startRound, endRound)
+ M.pure(env.evolve(round, newCache) -> result)
+ }
+ }
+ ) { cached =>
+ // get result from cache
+ M.pure(env -> cached)
+ }
+ }
+ private[this] def processMany[M[_], A](
+ many: FetchMany[Any, Any],
+ env: FetchEnv
+ )(
+ implicit M: FetchMonadError[M],
+ ev: List[Any] =:= A
+ ): M[(FetchEnv, A)] = {
+ val ids = many.as
+ val ds = many.ds //.castDS[Any, Any]
+ val startRound = System.nanoTime()
+ val cache = env.cache
+ val newIds = many.missingIdentities(cache)
- val requests: List[FetchRequest[Any, Any]] =
- pendingRequests(concurrentRequests, cache)
+ (for {
+ newIdsNel <- XorT.fromXor[M] {
+ NonEmptyList.fromList(newIds).toRightXor {
+ // no missing ids, get all from cache
+ val cachedResults = ids.toList.mapFilter(id => cache.get(ds.identity(id)))
+ env -> cachedResults
+ }
+ }
+ resMap <- XorT.right(M.runQuery(ds.fetchMany(newIdsNel)))
+ results <- ids.toList
+ .traverseU(id => resMap.get(id).toValidNel(id))
+ .fold[XorT[M, (FetchEnv, List[Any]), List[Any]]]({ missingIds =>
+ // not all identities could be found
+ val map = Map(ds.name -> missingIds.toList)
+ XorT.left(M.raiseError(MissingIdentities(env, map)))
+ }, XorT.pure)
+ } yield {
+ // found all results (and update cache)
+ val endRound = System.nanoTime()
+ val newCache = cache.cacheResults(resMap, ds)
+ val round = Round(cache, many, results, startRound, endRound)
+ env.evolve(round, newCache) -> results
+ }).merge.map { case (env, l) => (env, ev(l)) } // A =:= List[Any]
+ }
- if (requests.isEmpty)
- M.pure((env, cache.asInstanceOf[A]))
- else {
- val sentRequests = M.sequence(requests.map({
- case FetchOne(a, ds) => {
- val ident = a.asInstanceOf[I]
- val task = M.runQuery(ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[I, A]].fetchOne(ident))
- M.map(task)((r: Option[A]) =>
- r.fold(Map.empty[I, A])((result: A) => Map(ident -> result)))
- }
- case FetchMany(as, ds) =>
- M.runQuery(ds
- .asInstanceOf[DataSource[I, A]]
- .fetchMany(as.asInstanceOf[NonEmptyList[I]]))
- }))
+ private[this] def processConcurrent[M[_]](
+ concurrent: Concurrent,
+ env: FetchEnv
+ )(
+ implicit M: FetchMonadError[M]
+ ): M[(FetchEnv, DataSourceCache)] = {
+ def runFetchQueryAsMap[I, A](op: FetchQuery[I, A]): M[Map[I, A]] =
+ op match {
+ case FetchOne(a, ds) =>
+ OptionT(M.runQuery(ds.fetchOne(a))).map(r => Map(a -> r)).getOrElse(Map.empty)
+ case FetchMany(as, ds) => M.runQuery(ds.fetchMany(as))
+ }
- M.flatMap(sentRequests)((results: List[Map[_, _]]) => {
- val endRound = System.nanoTime()
- val newCache = (requests zip results).foldLeft(cache)((accache, resultset) => {
- val (req, resultmap) = resultset
- val ds = req.dataSource
- val tresults = resultmap.asInstanceOf[Map[I, A]]
- val tds = ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[I, A]]
- accache.cacheResults[I, A](tresults, tds)
- })
- val newEnv = env.next(
- newCache,
- Round(
- cache,
- "Concurrent",
- ConcurrentRound(
- requests
- .map({
- case FetchOne(a, ds) => (ds.name, List(a))
- case FetchMany(as, ds) => (ds.name, as.unwrap)
- })
- .toMap
- ),
- startRound,
- endRound
- ),
- Nil
- )
+ type MissingIdentitiesMap = Map[DataSourceName, List[Any]]
- val allFullfilled = (requests zip results).forall({
- case (FetchOne(_, _), results) => results.size == 1
- case (FetchMany(as, _), results) => as.unwrap.size == results.size
- case _ => false
- })
+ // Give for a list of queries and result(maps) all the missing identities
+ def missingIdentitiesOrAllFulfilled(
+ queriesAndResults: List[(FetchQuery[Any, Any], Map[Any, Any])]
+ ): Validated[MissingIdentitiesMap, Unit] =
+ queriesAndResults.traverseU_ {
+ case (FetchOne(id, ds), resultMap) =>
+ Either.cond(resultMap.size == 1, (), Map(ds.name -> List(id))).toValidated
+ case (FetchMany(as, ds), resultMap) =>
+ Either
+ .cond(as.toList.size == resultMap.size,
+ (),
+ Map(ds.name -> as.toList.filter(id => resultMap.get(id).isEmpty)))
+ .toValidated
+ case _ =>
+ Map.empty[DataSourceName, List[Any]].invalid
+ }
- if (allFullfilled) {
- // since user-provided caches may discard elements, we use an in-memory
- // cache to gather these intermediate results that will be used for
- // concurrent optimizations.
- val cachedResults =
- (requests zip results).foldLeft(InMemoryCache.empty)((cach, resultSet) => {
- val (req, resultmap) = resultSet
- val ds = req.dataSource
- val tresults = resultmap.asInstanceOf[Map[I, A]]
- val tds = ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[I, A]]
- cach.cacheResults[I, A](tresults, tds).asInstanceOf[InMemoryCache]
- })
- M.pure((newEnv, cachedResults.asInstanceOf[A]))
- } else {
- M.raiseError(FetchFailure(newEnv))
- }
- })
- }
- }
- case FetchOne(id, ds) => {
- val startRound = System.nanoTime()
- val cache = env.cache
- cache
- .get[A](ds.identity(id))
- .fold[M[(FetchEnv, A)]](
- M.flatMap(M.runQuery(ds.fetchOne(id)))((res: Option[A]) => {
- val endRound = System.nanoTime()
- res.fold[M[(FetchEnv, A)]](
- M.raiseError(
- FetchFailure(
- env.next(
- cache,
- Round(cache,
- ds.name,
- OneRound(id),
- startRound,
- endRound),
- List(id)
- )
- )
- )
- )(result => {
- val endRound = System.nanoTime()
- val newCache = cache.update(ds.identity(id), result)
- M.pure(
- (env.next(
- newCache,
- Round(cache,
- ds.name,
- OneRound(id),
- startRound,
- endRound),
- List(id)
- ),
- result)
- )
- })
- })
- )(cached => {
- val endRound = System.nanoTime()
- M.pure(
- (env.next(
- cache,
- Round(cache,
- ds.name,
- OneRound(id),
- startRound,
- endRound,
- true),
- List(id)
- ),
- cached)
- )
- })
- }
- case many @ FetchMany(ids, ds) => {
- val startRound = System.nanoTime()
- val cache = env.cache
- val newIds = many.missingIdentities(cache)
- if (newIds.isEmpty)
- M.pure(
- (env.next(
- cache,
- Round(cache,
- ds.name,
- ManyRound(ids.unwrap),
- startRound,
- System.nanoTime(),
- true),
- newIds
- ),
- ids.unwrap.flatMap(id => cache.get(ds.identity(id))))
- )
- else {
- M.flatMap(M.runQuery(ds
- .asInstanceOf[DataSource[I, A]]
- .fetchMany(NonEmptyList(newIds(0).asInstanceOf[I],
- newIds.tail.asInstanceOf[List[I]]))))(
- (res: Map[I, A]) => {
- val endRound = System.nanoTime()
- ids.unwrap
- .map(i => res.get(i.asInstanceOf[I]))
- .sequence
- .fold[M[(FetchEnv, A)]](
- M.raiseError(
- FetchFailure(
- env.next(
- cache,
- Round(cache,
- ds.name,
- ManyRound(ids.unwrap),
- startRound,
- endRound),
- newIds
- )
- )
- )
- )(results => {
- val endRound = System.nanoTime()
- val newCache =
- cache.cacheResults[I, A](res, ds.asInstanceOf[DataSource[I, A]])
- M.pure(
- (env.next(
- newCache,
- Round(cache,
- ds.name,
- ManyRound(ids.unwrap),
- startRound,
- endRound,
- results.size < ids.unwrap.distinct.size),
- newIds
- ),
- results)
- )
- })
- })
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ val startRound = System.nanoTime()
+ val cache = env.cache
+ val queries: List[FetchQuery[Any, Any]] = pendingQueries(concurrent.as, cache)
+ if (queries.isEmpty)
+ // there are no pending queries
+ M.pure((env, cache))
+ else {
+ val sentRequests = queries.traverse(r => runFetchQueryAsMap(r))
+ sentRequests.flatMap { results =>
+ val endRound = System.nanoTime()
+ val queriesAndResults = queries zip results
+ val missingOrFulfilled = missingIdentitiesOrAllFulfilled(queriesAndResults)
+ missingOrFulfilled.fold({ missingIds =>
+ // not all identiies were found
+ M.raiseError(MissingIdentities(env, missingIds))
+ }, { _ =>
+ // results found for all identities
+ val round = Round(cache, Concurrent(queries), results, startRound, endRound)
+ // since user-provided caches may discard elements, we use an in-memory
+ // cache to gather these intermediate results that will be used for
+ // concurrent optimizations.
+ val (newCache, cachedResults) =
+ queriesAndResults.foldLeft((cache, InMemoryCache.empty)) {
+ case ((userCache, internCache), (req, resultMap)) =>
+ val anyMap = resultMap.asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
+ val anyDS = req.dataSource.castDS[Any, Any]
+ (userCache.cacheResults(anyMap, anyDS),
+ internCache.cacheResults(anyMap, anyDS).asInstanceOf[InMemoryCache])
+ }
+ M.pure((env.evolve(round, newCache), cachedResults))
+ })
diff --git a/shared/src/main/scala/syntax.scala b/shared/src/main/scala/syntax.scala
index e407f8e8..8b140374 100644
--- a/shared/src/main/scala/syntax.scala
+++ b/shared/src/main/scala/syntax.scala
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
package fetch
+import cats.RecursiveTailRecM
object syntax {
/** Implicit syntax to lift any value to the context of Fetch via pure */
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ object syntax {
/** Implicit syntax to lift exception to Fetch errors */
- implicit class FetchErrorSyntax(val a: Throwable) extends AnyVal {
+ implicit class FetchExceptionSyntax(val a: Throwable) extends AnyVal {
def fetch[B]: Fetch[B] =
@@ -38,22 +40,22 @@ object syntax {
def join[B](fb: Fetch[B]): Fetch[(A, B)] =
Fetch.join(fa, fb)
- def runF[M[_]: FetchMonadError]: M[(FetchEnv, A)] =
+ def runF[M[_]: FetchMonadError: RecursiveTailRecM]: M[(FetchEnv, A)] =
Fetch.runFetch[M](fa, InMemoryCache.empty)
- def runE[M[_]: FetchMonadError]: M[FetchEnv] =
+ def runE[M[_]: FetchMonadError: RecursiveTailRecM]: M[FetchEnv] =
Fetch.runEnv[M](fa, InMemoryCache.empty)
- def runA[M[_]: FetchMonadError]: M[A] =
+ def runA[M[_]: FetchMonadError: RecursiveTailRecM]: M[A] =
Fetch.run[M](fa, InMemoryCache.empty)
- def runF[M[_]: FetchMonadError](cache: DataSourceCache): M[(FetchEnv, A)] =
+ def runF[M[_]: FetchMonadError: RecursiveTailRecM](cache: DataSourceCache): M[(FetchEnv, A)] =
Fetch.runFetch[M](fa, cache)
- def runE[M[_]: FetchMonadError](cache: DataSourceCache): M[FetchEnv] =
+ def runE[M[_]: FetchMonadError: RecursiveTailRecM](cache: DataSourceCache): M[FetchEnv] =
Fetch.runEnv[M](fa, cache)
- def runA[M[_]: FetchMonadError](cache: DataSourceCache): M[A] =
+ def runA[M[_]: FetchMonadError: RecursiveTailRecM](cache: DataSourceCache): M[A] =
Fetch.run[M](fa, cache)
diff --git a/shared/src/test/scala/FetchAsyncQueryTests.scala b/shared/src/test/scala/FetchAsyncQueryTests.scala
index 17877bf8..3e3dac42 100644
--- a/shared/src/test/scala/FetchAsyncQueryTests.scala
+++ b/shared/src/test/scala/FetchAsyncQueryTests.scala
@@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
import org.scalatest._
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
import fetch.implicits._
class FetchAsyncQueryTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
- implicit def executionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
- override def newInstance = new FetchAsyncQueryTests
+ implicit override def executionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
case class ArticleId(id: Int)
case class Article(id: Int, content: String) {
diff --git a/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTests.scala b/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTests.scala
index 51212a70..afe42978 100644
--- a/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTests.scala
+++ b/shared/src/test/scala/FetchTests.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import org.scalatest._
import cats.{MonadError}
import cats.data.{NonEmptyList, Xor}
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
import fetch.implicits._
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import fetch.implicits._
object TestHelper {
import fetch.syntax._
- case class NotFound() extends Throwable
+ case class DidNotFound() extends Throwable
case class One(id: Int)
implicit object OneSource extends DataSource[One, Int] {
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ object TestHelper {
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[One]): Query[Map[One, Int]] =
- Query.sync(ids.unwrap.map(one => (one, one.id)).toMap)
+ Query.sync(ids.toList.map(one => (one, one.id)).toMap)
def one(id: Int): Fetch[Int] = Fetch(One(id))
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ object TestHelper {
override def fetchOne(id: AnotherOne): Query[Option[Int]] =
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[AnotherOne]): Query[Map[AnotherOne, Int]] =
- Query.sync(ids.unwrap.map(anotherone => (anotherone, anotherone.id)).toMap)
+ Query.sync(ids.toList.map(anotherone => (anotherone, anotherone.id)).toMap)
def anotherOne(id: Int): Fetch[Int] = Fetch(AnotherOne(id))
@@ -58,8 +58,9 @@ object TestHelper {
override def fetchOne(id: Many): Query[Option[List[Int]]] =
Query.sync(Option(0 until id.n toList))
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[Many]): Query[Map[Many, List[Int]]] =
- Query.sync(ids.unwrap.map(m => (m, 0 until m.n toList)).toMap)
+ Query.sync(ids.toList.map(m => (m, 0 until m.n toList)).toMap)
+ def many(id: Int): Fetch[List[Int]] = Fetch(Many(id))
case class Never()
implicit object NeverSource extends DataSource[Never, Int] {
@@ -69,34 +70,30 @@ object TestHelper {
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[Never]): Query[Map[Never, Int]] =
Query.sync(Map.empty[Never, Int])
- def many(id: Int): Fetch[List[Int]] = Fetch(Many(id))
+ def requestFetches(r: FetchRequest): Int =
+ r match {
+ case FetchOne(_, _) => 1
+ case FetchMany(ids, _) => ids.toList.size
+ case Concurrent(requests) => requests.map(requestFetches).sum
+ }
def totalFetched(rs: Seq[Round]): Int =
- rs.filterNot(_.cached)
- .foldLeft(0)((acc, round) =>
- round.kind match {
- case OneRound(_) => acc + 1
- case ManyRound(ids) => acc + ids.size
- case ConcurrentRound(ids) => acc + ids.map(_._2.size).sum
- })
+ rs.map((round: Round) => requestFetches(round.request)).sum
+ def requestBatches(r: FetchRequest): Int =
+ r match {
+ case FetchOne(_, _) => 0
+ case FetchMany(ids, _) => 1
+ case Concurrent(requests) =>
+ requests.count {
+ case FetchMany(_, _) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
def totalBatches(rs: Seq[Round]): Int =
- rs.filterNot(_.cached)
- .foldLeft(0)((acc, round) =>
- round.kind match {
- case OneRound(_) => acc
- case ManyRound(ids) => acc + 1
- case ConcurrentRound(ids) => acc + ids.filter(_._2.size > 1).size
- })
- def concurrent(rs: Seq[Round]): Seq[Round] =
- rs.filter(
- r =>
- r.kind match {
- case ConcurrentRound(_) => true
- case other => false
- }
- )
+ rs.map((round: Round) => requestBatches(round.request)).sum
class FetchSyntaxTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
@@ -105,8 +102,7 @@ class FetchSyntaxTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
val ME = implicitly[FetchMonadError[Future]]
- implicit def executionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
- override def newInstance = new FetchSyntaxTests
+ implicit override def executionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
"Cartesian syntax is implicitly concurrent" in {
import cats.syntax.cartesian._
@@ -116,7 +112,7 @@ class FetchSyntaxTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
val fut = Fetch.runEnv[Future](fetch)
fut.map(env => {
- concurrent(env.rounds).size shouldEqual 1
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 1
@@ -130,9 +126,10 @@ class FetchSyntaxTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
- stats shouldEqual (1, 1, 2)
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ totalBatches(rounds) shouldEqual 1
+ totalFetched(rounds) shouldEqual 2
@@ -189,8 +186,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
val ME = implicitly[FetchMonadError[Future]]
- implicit def executionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
- override def newInstance = new FetchTests
+ implicit override def executionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
"We can lift plain values to Fetch" in {
val fetch: Fetch[Int] = Fetch.pure(42)
@@ -203,14 +199,8 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(xor =>
- xor match {
- case Xor.Left(FetchFailure(env)) => {
- env.rounds.headOption match {
- case Some(Round(_, _, OneRound(Never()), _, _, _)) => assert(true)
- case _ => fail("Should've thrown a fetch failure")
- }
- }
- case _ => fail("Should've thrown a fetch failure")
+ xor should matchPattern {
+ case Xor.Left(NotFound(env, FetchOne(Never(), _))) =>
@@ -229,8 +219,8 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
ME.attempt(Fetch.run[Future](fetch, cache))
.map(xor =>
xor match {
- case Xor.Left(FetchFailure(env)) => env.cache shouldEqual cache
- case _ => fail("Cache should be populated")
+ case Xor.Left(NotFound(env, _)) => env.cache shouldEqual cache
+ case _ => fail("Cache should be populated")
@@ -243,20 +233,20 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
"We can lift errors to Fetch" in {
- val fetch: Fetch[Int] = Fetch.error(NotFound())
+ val fetch: Fetch[Int] = Fetch.error(DidNotFound())
.map(xor =>
xor match {
- case Xor.Left(NotFound()) => assert(true)
- case _ => fail("Should've thrown NotFound exception")
+ case Xor.Left(UnhandledException(DidNotFound())) => assert(true)
+ case _ => fail("Should've thrown NotFound exception")
"We can lift handle and recover from errors in Fetch" in {
import cats.syntax.applicativeError._
- val fetch: Fetch[Int] = Fetch.error(NotFound())
+ val fetch: Fetch[Int] = Fetch.error(DidNotFound())
val fut = Fetch.run[Future](fetch)
ME.handleErrorWith(fut)(err => Future.successful(42)).map(_ shouldEqual 42)
@@ -316,7 +306,6 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
"We can traverse over a list with a Fetch for each element" in {
- import cats.std.list._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
val fetch: Fetch[List[Int]] = for {
@@ -328,8 +317,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
fut.map(_ shouldEqual List(0, 1, 2))
- "Traversals are implicitly concurrent" in {
- import cats.std.list._
+ "Traversals are implicitly batched" in {
import cats.syntax.traverse._
val fetch: Fetch[List[Int]] = for {
@@ -340,7 +328,25 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
- concurrent(env.rounds).size shouldEqual 1
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 2
+ })
+ }
+ "Identities are deduped when batched" in {
+ import cats.syntax.traverse._
+ val manies = List(1, 1, 2)
+ val fetch: Fetch[List[Int]] = for {
+ ones <- manies.traverse(one)
+ } yield ones
+ Fetch
+ .runEnv[Future](fetch)
+ .map(env => {
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ env.rounds.head.request should matchPattern {
+ case Concurrent(FetchMany(NonEmptyList(One(1), List(One(2))), source) :: Nil) =>
+ }
@@ -350,7 +356,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
- concurrent(env.rounds).size shouldEqual 1
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 1
@@ -365,26 +371,26 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
"If a fetch fails in the left hand of a product the product will fail" in {
- val fetch: Fetch[(Int, List[Int])] = Fetch.join(Fetch.error(NotFound()), many(3))
+ val fetch: Fetch[(Int, List[Int])] = Fetch.join(Fetch.error(DidNotFound()), many(3))
val fut = Fetch.run[Future](fetch)
.map(xor =>
xor match {
- case Xor.Left(NotFound()) => assert(true)
- case _ => fail("Should've thrown NotFound exception")
+ case Xor.Left(UnhandledException(DidNotFound())) => assert(true)
+ case _ => fail("Should've thrown NotFound exception")
"If a fetch fails in the right hand of a product the product will fail" in {
- val fetch: Fetch[(List[Int], Int)] = Fetch.join(many(3), Fetch.error(NotFound()))
+ val fetch: Fetch[(List[Int], Int)] = Fetch.join(many(3), Fetch.error(DidNotFound()))
val fut = Fetch.run[Future](fetch)
.map(xor =>
xor match {
- case Xor.Left(NotFound()) => assert(true)
- case _ => fail("Should've thrown NotFound exception")
+ case Xor.Left(UnhandledException(DidNotFound())) => assert(true)
+ case _ => fail("Should've thrown NotFound exception")
@@ -393,10 +399,12 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
val fut = Fetch.run[Future](fetch)
- .map(xor =>
- xor match {
- case Xor.Left(FetchFailure(_)) => assert(true)
- case _ => fail("Should've thrown a fetch failure")
+ .map(xor => {
+ xor match {
+ case Xor.Left(MissingIdentities(_, missing)) =>
+ missing shouldEqual Map(NeverSource.name -> List(Never()))
+ case _ => fail("Should've thrown a fetch failure")
+ }
@@ -405,10 +413,12 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
val fut = Fetch.run[Future](fetch)
- .map(xor =>
- xor match {
- case Xor.Left(FetchFailure(_)) => assert(true)
- case _ => fail("Should've thrown a fetch failure")
+ .map(xor => {
+ xor match {
+ case Xor.Left(MissingIdentities(_, missing)) =>
+ missing shouldEqual Map(NeverSource.name -> List(Never()))
+ case _ => fail("Should've thrown a fetch failure")
+ }
@@ -425,7 +435,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
+ val stats = (rounds.size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
stats shouldEqual (1, 1, 4)
@@ -452,7 +462,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
+ val stats = (rounds.size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
stats shouldEqual (2, 1, 4)
@@ -476,13 +486,13 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
+ val stats = (rounds.size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
stats shouldEqual (3, 3, 6)
- "Every level of sequenced concurrent of concurrent fetches is batched" in {
+ "Every level of sequenced concurrent fetches is batched" in {
val fetch = Fetch.join(
for {
@@ -503,7 +513,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
+ val stats = (rounds.size, totalBatches(rounds), totalFetched(rounds))
stats shouldEqual (3, 3, 9 + 4 + 6)
@@ -516,9 +526,9 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalBatches(rounds))
- stats shouldEqual (1, 1)
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ totalBatches(rounds) shouldEqual 1
@@ -553,9 +563,9 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalBatches(rounds))
- stats shouldEqual (1, 2)
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ totalBatches(rounds) shouldEqual 2
@@ -567,9 +577,9 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalFetched(rounds))
- stats shouldEqual (1, 2)
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ totalFetched(rounds) shouldEqual 2
@@ -588,9 +598,9 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalFetched(rounds))
- stats shouldEqual (1, 2)
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ totalFetched(rounds) shouldEqual 2
@@ -600,13 +610,13 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
Fetch.run[Future](fetch).map(_ shouldEqual List(1, 2, 3))
- "Traversals are run concurrently" in {
+ "Traversals are batched" in {
val fetch = Fetch.traverse(List(1, 2, 3))(one)
.map(env => {
- concurrent(env.rounds).size shouldEqual 1
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 1
@@ -617,9 +627,9 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalFetched(rounds))
- stats shouldEqual (1, 2)
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ totalFetched(rounds) shouldEqual 2
@@ -633,9 +643,9 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
.map(env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- val stats = (concurrent(rounds).size, totalFetched(rounds))
- stats shouldEqual (1, 2)
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ totalFetched(rounds) shouldEqual 2
@@ -685,7 +695,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- totalFetched(rounds) shouldEqual 0
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 0
@@ -716,7 +726,6 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
_ <- Fetch.traverse(List(1, 2, 3))(one)
_ <- one(1)
} yield aOne + anotherOne
val fut = Fetch.runEnv[Future](
@@ -731,7 +740,7 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
env => {
val rounds = env.rounds
- totalFetched(rounds) shouldEqual 0
+ rounds.size shouldEqual 0
@@ -777,3 +786,118 @@ class FetchTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
+class FetchReportingTests extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers {
+ import TestHelper._
+ val ME = implicitly[FetchMonadError[Future]]
+ implicit override def executionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+ "Plain values have no rounds of execution" in {
+ val fetch: Fetch[Int] = Fetch.pure(42)
+ Fetch.runEnv[Future](fetch).map(_.rounds.size shouldEqual 0)
+ }
+ "Single fetches are executed in one round" in {
+ val fetch = one(1)
+ Fetch.runEnv[Future](fetch).map(_.rounds.size shouldEqual 1)
+ }
+ "Single fetches are executed in one round per binding in a for comprehension" in {
+ val fetch = for {
+ o <- one(1)
+ t <- one(2)
+ } yield (o, t)
+ Fetch.runEnv[Future](fetch).map(_.rounds.size shouldEqual 2)
+ }
+ "Single fetches for different data sources are executed in multiple rounds if they are in a for comprehension" in {
+ val fetch: Fetch[(Int, List[Int])] = for {
+ o <- one(1)
+ m <- many(3)
+ } yield (o, m)
+ Fetch.runEnv[Future](fetch).map(_.rounds.size shouldEqual 2)
+ }
+ "Single fetches combined with cartesian are run in one round" in {
+ import cats.syntax.cartesian._
+ val fetch: Fetch[(Int, List[Int])] = (one(1) |@| many(3)).tupled
+ val fut = Fetch.runEnv[Future](fetch)
+ fut.map(_.rounds.size shouldEqual 1)
+ }
+ "Single fetches combined with traverse are run in one round" in {
+ import cats.syntax.traverse._
+ val fetch: Fetch[List[Int]] = for {
+ manies <- many(3)
+ ones <- manies.traverse(one)
+ } yield ones
+ val fut = Fetch.runEnv[Future](fetch)
+ fut.map(_.rounds.size shouldEqual 2)
+ }
+ "The product of two fetches from the same data source implies batching" in {
+ val fetch: Fetch[(Int, Int)] = Fetch.join(one(1), one(3))
+ Fetch
+ .runEnv[Future](fetch)
+ .map(env => {
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 1
+ })
+ }
+ "The product of concurrent fetches of the same type implies everything fetched in batches" in {
+ val fetch = Fetch.join(
+ Fetch.join(
+ for {
+ a <- one(1)
+ b <- one(2)
+ c <- one(3)
+ } yield c,
+ for {
+ a <- one(2)
+ m <- many(4)
+ c <- one(3)
+ } yield c
+ ),
+ one(3)
+ )
+ Fetch
+ .runEnv[Future](fetch)
+ .map(env => {
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 2
+ })
+ }
+ "Every level of sequenced concurrent of concurrent fetches is batched" in {
+ val fetch = Fetch.join(
+ Fetch.join(
+ for {
+ a <- Fetch.sequence(List(one(2), one(3), one(4)))
+ b <- Fetch.sequence(List(many(0), many(1)))
+ c <- Fetch.sequence(List(one(9), one(10), one(11)))
+ } yield c,
+ for {
+ a <- Fetch.sequence(List(one(5), one(6), one(7)))
+ b <- Fetch.sequence(List(many(2), many(3)))
+ c <- Fetch.sequence(List(one(12), one(13), one(14)))
+ } yield c
+ ),
+ Fetch.sequence(List(one(15), one(16), one(17)))
+ )
+ Fetch
+ .runEnv[Future](fetch)
+ .map(env => {
+ env.rounds.size shouldEqual 3
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/tut/README.md b/tut/README.md
index 71071aa2..ef4dc6db 100644
--- a/tut/README.md
+++ b/tut/README.md
@@ -45,10 +45,8 @@ To tell `Fetch` how to get the data you want, you must implement the `DataSource
Data Sources take two type parameters:
is a type that has enough information to fetch the data. For a users data source, this would be a user's unique ID.
is the type of data we want to fetch. For a users data source, this would the `User` type.
+1. `Identity` is a type that has enough information to fetch the data. For a users data source, this would be a user's unique ID.
+2. `Result` is the type of data we want to fetch. For a users data source, this would the `User` type.
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ We'll implement a dummy data source that can convert integers to strings. For co
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
-import cats.std.list._
+import cats.instances.list._
import fetch._
implicit object ToStringSource extends DataSource[Int, String]{
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ implicit object ToStringSource extends DataSource[Int, String]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[Int]): Query[Map[Int, String]] = {
println(s"[${Thread.currentThread.getId}] Many ToString $ids")
- ids.unwrap.map(i => (i, i.toString)).toMap
+ ids.toList.map(i => (i, i.toString)).toMap
@@ -141,7 +139,7 @@ implicit object LengthSource extends DataSource[String, Int]{
override def fetchMany(ids: NonEmptyList[String]): Query[Map[String, Int]] = {
Query.async((ok, fail) => {
println(s"[${Thread.currentThread.getId}] Many Length $ids")
- ok(ids.unwrap.map(i => (i, i.size)).toMap)
+ ok(ids.toList.map(i => (i, i.size)).toMap)