# cpass: another console UI for pass **!DISCLAIMER!**: This is still WIP. Before the version 1.0.0, I do not guarantee that this program will run mostly as intended (doesn't mean 1.0.0 will be perfect, either). **Version 1.0.0 might break some of the backward compatibility**. It is recommended to back up your passwords or use git (by `pass git init`) to manage the password store. --- `cpass` is an [urwid](http://urwid.org/) based terminal user interface (TUI) for the standard unix password manager, [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org/). `cpass` tries to achieve a minimal, clean interface and utilizes vim-like keybinding. Also, thanks to the urwid module, mouse is supported quite well. ## Features: - Browse the local password store - Preview folders and passwords - Customizable: colors, key bindings and more - Pass operations: - add - edit - generate - remove - Copy passwords in various ways (also customizable) - Search passwords in the current directory Todo list: - More pass operations, e.g., find, copy, move, rename, git, otp - CLI arguments for more use cases, e.g. open in find mode, and close on copy. ## Requirement - [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org/) - [urwid](http://urwid.org/) python module - [xclip](https://github.com/astrand/xclip) for copying passwords Make sure you are using a local password store created/compatible with [`pass`](https://www.passwordstore.org/), which `cpass` will look for in `$PASSWORD_STORE_DIR`, otherwise in `~/.password_store/`. `pass` is required, although theoretically a `pass` compatible client does not need `pass` (e.g., [qtpass](https://qtpass.org/) can work with `git` and `gpg`). However, `pass` does a lot of things to assure the robustness and security of password management, there is no need to reinvent the wheels. ## Install - As python package: ``` pip install --user cpass ``` - Install with GNU Guix ``` guix pull guix install cpass ``` - Clone the repo or download the single script file. ## Usage: ### Start `cpass` For now, just run `cpass`. Some CLI arguments are in mind, but those are for future versions. ### Keybindings Basic navigation keybindings just work as in a lot of command line programs (like `less`): `h`, `j`, `k`, `l`, `g`, `G`, `ctrl+d`, `ctrl+u`, `ctrl+f`, `ctrl+b`, `ctrl+n`, `ctrl+p` For `pass` related operations: - `i` add a new password in current directory - `a` generate a new password in current directory - `d` delete current password file or directory after user confirms - `e` edit current password in `$EDITOR` - `z` toggle preview - `y` + `y/a/[0-9]` copy contents in password ('0' to copy the 10th line) - `/` or `?` will start a search (forward/backward) - `n` or `N` go to next or previous search result To-do ones (might change) - `I` to add multi-line password - `A` to generate with more options - `r` rename the file - `D`, `Y`, `P` remove, copy and paste files ### Mouse This is very intuitive. - Scroll to navigate up and down in the current list. - Left-click on the highlighted item will open it, otherwise will highlight it. - Right-click will go to the parent folder. ## Configuration Configuration file: `$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/cpass/cpass.cfg`, which falls back to `$HOME/.config/cpass/cpass.cfg` if not found. Example configuration file [cpass.cfg](cpass.cfg) has all available options set to the default value, with detailed comments. This is an overview of what can be customized through the configuration file, for the complete list of options, see [cpass.cfg](cpass.cfg): ``` [ui] preview_layout = side/bottom/horizontal/vertical [pass] no_symbols = true/false [keys] down = j, down, ctrl n up = k, up, ctrl p [copy_fields] login = l [color] normal = default, default dir = light blue, default [icon] dir = " " file = " " ``` Two sections, the `keys` and `color`, need some references: - Key bindings in `keys` section: - For all actions available to bind, see the example configuration file. - For the format to specify keys, see the [urwid documentation](http://urwid.org/manual/userinput.html#keyboard-input). - Colors in `color` section. The configuration is similar to (can be seen as) an urwid pallete consisting of multiple display attributes. In the example [cpass.cfg](cpass.cfg) I provided enough information to get started. If you want to know more: - See urwid documentation for [definition of a pallete](http://urwid.org/reference/display_modules.html#urwid.BaseScreen.register_palette_entry) and [a palette example](http://urwid.org/manual/displaymodules.html#setting-a-palette). - Also refer to documentation of the [available color names](http://urwid.org/reference/constants.html#foreground-and-background-colors) and general information on [display attributes](http://urwid.org/manual/displayattributes.html). ## Screenshot https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12032219/123406878-f338b280-d5dd-11eb-951e-2a4fc185a65d.mp4