go get github.com/xlwh/tsdb-engine
opt := tsengine.NewOption()
opt.DataDir = "D:/data" // 数据存储目录
opt.ExpireTime = 1800 // 数据过期时间,单位秒
opt.PointNumEachBlock = 10 // 在memTable中的最近的数据点的个数,大于这个点的数据将会被刷写到磁盘
opt.GcInterval = 2 // 执行过期数据回收检查的时间间隔,单位秒
opt.FlushInterval = 60 // 自动刷新内存索引数据到磁盘的周期
opt.UseMemCache = false // 是否使用内存来缓存数据
db, err := tsengine.NewDBEngine(opt)
if err != nil {
// 读写统计值:数据模型为key,timestamp,cnt,sum,max,min
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
point := NewPoint("test", time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6+int64(i), int64(i), float64(i), float64(i), float64(i))
err := db.PutStatics(point)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Put error:%v \n", err)
points, err := db.GetStatics("test", time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6, time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6+int64(10))
for _, point := range points {
// 读写简单的时序数据,数据模型:key,timestamp,value
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
err := db.Put("test", time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6+int64(i), float64(i))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Put error:%v \n", err)
points, err := db.Get("test", time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6, time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6+int64(10))
for _, point := range points {
// 下面是底层LevelDB的配置参数
// BlockCacheCapacity defines the capacity of the 'sorted table' block caching.
// Use -1 for zero, this has same effect as specifying NoCacher to BlockCacher.
// The default value is 8MiB.
BlockCacheCapacity int
// BlockRestartInterval is the number of keys between restart points for
// delta encoding of keys.
// The default value is 16.
BlockRestartInterval int
// BlockSize is the minimum uncompressed size in bytes of each 'sorted table'
// block.
// The default value is 4KiB.
BlockSize int
// CompactionExpandLimitFactor limits compaction size after expanded.
// This will be multiplied by table size limit at compaction target level.
// The default value is 25.
CompactionExpandLimitFactor int
// CompactionGPOverlapsFactor limits overlaps in grandparent (Level + 2) that a
// single 'sorted table' generates.
// This will be multiplied by table size limit at grandparent level.
// The default value is 10.
CompactionGPOverlapsFactor int
// CompactionL0Trigger defines number of 'sorted table' at level-0 that will
// trigger compaction.
// The default value is 4.
CompactionL0Trigger int
// CompactionSourceLimitFactor limits compaction source size. This doesn't apply to
// level-0.
// This will be multiplied by table size limit at compaction target level.
// The default value is 1.
CompactionSourceLimitFactor int
// CompactionTableSize limits size of 'sorted table' that compaction generates.
// The limits for each level will be calculated as:
// CompactionTableSize * (CompactionTableSizeMultiplier ^ Level)
// The multiplier for each level can also fine-tuned using CompactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel.
// The default value is 2MiB.
CompactionTableSize int
// CompactionTableSizeMultiplier defines multiplier for CompactionTableSize.
// The default value is 1.
CompactionTableSizeMultiplier float64
// CompactionTotalSize limits total size of 'sorted table' for each level.
// The limits for each level will be calculated as:
// CompactionTotalSize * (CompactionTotalSizeMultiplier ^ Level)
// The multiplier for each level can also fine-tuned using
// CompactionTotalSizeMultiplierPerLevel.
// The default value is 10MiB.
CompactionTotalSize int
// CompactionTotalSizeMultiplier defines multiplier for CompactionTotalSize.
// The default value is 10.
CompactionTotalSizeMultiplier float64
// DisableBufferPool allows disable use of util.BufferPool functionality.
// The default value is false.
DisableBufferPool bool
// DisableBlockCache allows disable use of cache.Cache functionality on
// 'sorted table' block.
// The default value is false.
DisableBlockCache bool
// DisableCompactionBackoff allows disable compaction retry backoff.
// The default value is false.
DisableCompactionBackoff bool
// DisableLargeBatchTransaction allows disabling switch-to-transaction mode
// on large batch write. If enable batch writes large than WriteBuffer will
// use transaction.
// The default is false.
DisableLargeBatchTransaction bool
// ErrorIfExist defines whether an error should returned if the DB already
// exist.
// The default value is false.
ErrorIfExist bool
// ErrorIfMissing defines whether an error should returned if the DB is
// missing. If false then the database will be created if missing, otherwise
// an error will be returned.
// The default value is false.
ErrorIfMissing bool
// IteratorSamplingRate defines approximate gap (in bytes) between read
// sampling of an iterator. The samples will be used to determine when
// compaction should be triggered.
// The default is 1MiB.
IteratorSamplingRate int
// NoSync allows completely disable fsync.
// The default is false.
NoSync bool
// NoWriteMerge allows disabling write merge.
// The default is false.
NoWriteMerge bool
// OpenFilesCacheCapacity defines the capacity of the open files caching.
// Use -1 for zero, this has same effect as specifying NoCacher to OpenFilesCacher.
// The default value is 500.
OpenFilesCacheCapacity int
// If true then opens DB in read-only mode.
// The default value is false.
ReadOnly bool
// WriteBuffer defines maximum size of a 'memdb' before flushed to
// 'sorted table'. 'memdb' is an in-memory DB backed by an on-disk
// unsorted journal.
// LevelDB may held up to two 'memdb' at the same time.
// The default value is 4MiB.
WriteBuffer int
// WriteL0StopTrigger defines number of 'sorted table' at level-0 that will
// pause write.
// The default value is 12.
WriteL0PauseTrigger int
// WriteL0SlowdownTrigger defines number of 'sorted table' at level-0 that
// will trigger write slowdown.
// The default value is 8.
WriteL0SlowdownTrigger int