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Simple PlantUML Mode

Major mode for PlantUML files.


  • Xref navigation of component definitions & references within the same file
  • Generating png preview files using the plantuml jar & java

Adds the following keybindings

Keybinding Feature
C-c C-c Compile diagram to check for errors
C-c C-p Generate diagram preview
C-c C-o Generate diagram preview & open in external image viewer
C-c ! Select diagram type when starting a diagram
C-c i Insert a deployment diagram element with automatic alias generated
C-u C-c i Insert diagram element with prompt for alias
C-c C-a t Add title based on the file name
C-c C-a h Add Draft header
C-c C-a f Add footer based on the current date
C-c r Converts a selection to a set of component declarations with automatic alias generated by prompting for the component type (Use C-u to put alias after description eg. for sequence diagram participants)
M-<up> Move line up
M-<down> Move line down
C-c c Insert transparent rectangle container with dashed (Use C-u for dotted, C-u C-u for box)
C-j Expand special like emmet mode (Alternate C-<return>). Use C-u for dashed & C-u C-u for dotted
C-c ' Open included file when invoked from line with !include directive


While there is already an excellent plantuml-mode available what is the reason of this package existing?

  • Did not like planutml-init loading language keywords for each session
  • Did not like preview buffer popping up new window distracting the diagramming session
  • Wanted errors in plantuml compilation to be easily accessible via the compilation-mode
  • Wanted quick creation of plantuml diagram components
  • Wanted jump-to-definition & list-references within the file

Nice to have features

  • Imenu listings for component definitions

  • Simple emmet-mode like completions for relationships eg. a->b,c<-d expands to

    a --> b
    a --> c
    b <-- d
    c <-- d

    Running C-u C-j on the same expression results in

    a ..> b
    a ..> c
    b <.. d
    c <.. d

    Running C-u C-u C-j on the same expression results in

    a ~~> b
    a ~~> c
    b <~~ d
    c <~~ d
  • Convert region of text to component type declarations eg. selecting the following lines

    Frontend API
    Data Base

    And running plantuml-convert-region or C-c r and selecting component for component type results in

    component fa as "Frontend API"
    component db as "Data Base"

    While running C-u C-c r on the same selection and selecting participant as the component type results in

    participant "Frontend API" as fa
    participant "Data Base" as db



  1. Ensure a compatible Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed

  2. Install the latest PlantUML jar file from

For Emacs

  1. Clone the repository into site-lisp in the emacs user directory

    git clone \
  2. Add to load-path

    	(expand-file-name "site-lisp/simple-plantuml-mode" user-emacs-directory))
  3. Load & configure

    (require 'plantuml-mode)
    (setq plantuml-java-cmd "java"


A simplified version of plantuml mode






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