So you finally got your new and shiny Mac and now you need to setup your usual development environment. With Automagical Setup it's one click away.
Check Brewfile for the list of the installed applications. This is what I like installed. You are welcome to propose other useful tools or fork and do it your way!
This project is constantly updated as I iron out my Mac configuration.
git clone
cd automagical-setup
- Restart your terminal session to activate all the changes.
- Switch to Automagical Profile in iTerm2 to enjoy powerlevel10k properly.
- Runs on a new machine without any prior dependencies or installations.
- Can be executed as many times as needed to add new things without ruining the existing things.
- Need something extra or want to remove something? It's mostly a simple list you can easily edit.
- Configures Oh My Zsh!, powerlevel10k and even iTerm2 fonts automatically.
- Allows to turn on or off features in the settings file. Take a look!
- Rerun updates outdated casks and formulae.
- vim configuration
- git configuration