Script for use the Dash Button from Amazon with an Arduino D1 mini
Press the dashbutton for 6 seconds and a new network called "Amazon ConfigureMe" will appear. Connecting to it we can see different informations like Button’s serial number, MAC address, and firmware version , like in the following image:
Once we have the mac address,and always connected to "Amazon ConfigureMe" network, we can use this info to register manually the dashbutton using this GET :
The script allow to ESP8266 chip to "sniff" the messages from the DashButton mac, once that is recognized a funcion is called by the Wemos, so any IFTTT or extra configurazion is required. We need only a DashButton and an Wimos D1mini
Part of the codes are included in this article Original post : (japanese) thanks for your amazing job japanMen (Kat-kai & 7of9) ! ^_^