diff --git a/tests/y-prosemirror.test.js b/tests/y-prosemirror.test.js
index ae6d983..eaa099e 100644
--- a/tests/y-prosemirror.test.js
+++ b/tests/y-prosemirror.test.js
@@ -590,3 +590,96 @@ export const testRepeatGenerateProsemirrorChanges300 = tc => {
checkResult(applyRandomTests(tc, pmChanges, 300, createNewProsemirrorView))
+ * @param {t.TestCase} _tc
+ */
+export const testSimultaneousInsertOnEmptyLineWithSync = (_tc) => {
+ const ydoc1 = new Y.Doc()
+ const ydoc2 = new Y.Doc()
+ // Apply initial state to ydoc1
+ const initialContent = schema.node('doc', null, [
+ schema.node('paragraph', null, [schema.text('123')]),
+ schema.node('paragraph'),
+ schema.node('paragraph', null, [schema.text('456')])
+ ])
+ const view1 = createNewProsemirrorView(ydoc1)
+ view1.dispatch(
+ view1.state.tr.replaceWith(0, view1.state.doc.content.size, initialContent)
+ )
+ // Encode the initial state from ydoc1 and apply it to ydoc2
+ const initialUpdate = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc1)
+ Y.applyUpdate(ydoc2, initialUpdate)
+ // Create views for ydoc1 and ydoc2
+ const view2 = createNewProsemirrorView(ydoc2)
+ // Simulate simultaneous inserts on the empty line
+ const insertA = view1.state.tr.insertText('A', 6)
+ const insertX = view2.state.tr.insertText('X', 6)
+ view1.dispatch(insertA)
+ view2.dispatch(insertX)
+ // Sync the documents
+ const updateFromDoc1 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc1)
+ const updateFromDoc2 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc2)
+ Y.applyUpdate(ydoc1, updateFromDoc2)
+ Y.applyUpdate(ydoc2, updateFromDoc1)
+ // Update ProseMirror views with Yjs updates
+ view1.updateState(view1.state.apply(view1.state.tr))
+ view2.updateState(view2.state.apply(view2.state.tr))
+ // Check the results
+ const yxml1 = ydoc1.get('prosemirror', Y.XmlFragment)
+ const yxml2 = ydoc2.get('prosemirror', Y.XmlFragment)
+ t.assert(yxml1.toString() === yxml2.toString(), 'Documents should be in sync after first insert')
+ const contentAfterFirstInsert = yxml1.toString()
+ t.assert(
+ contentAfterFirstInsert === '123AX456' ||
+ contentAfterFirstInsert === '123XA456'
+ )
+ // Simulate simultaneous inserts on the previously empty line
+ const insertB = view1.state.tr.insertText('B', 7)
+ const insertY = view2.state.tr.insertText('Y', 7)
+ view1.dispatch(insertB)
+ view2.dispatch(insertY)
+ // Sync the documents again
+ const updateFromDoc1AfterSecondInsert = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc1)
+ const updateFromDoc2AfterSecondInsert = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc2)
+ Y.applyUpdate(ydoc1, updateFromDoc2AfterSecondInsert)
+ Y.applyUpdate(ydoc2, updateFromDoc1AfterSecondInsert)
+ // Update ProseMirror views with Yjs updates
+ view1.updateState(view1.state.apply(view1.state.tr))
+ view2.updateState(view2.state.apply(view2.state.tr))
+ // Check the results
+ const yxml1AfterSecondInsert = ydoc1.get('prosemirror', Y.XmlFragment)
+ const yxml2AfterSecondInsert = ydoc2.get('prosemirror', Y.XmlFragment)
+ t.assert(yxml1AfterSecondInsert.toString() === yxml2AfterSecondInsert.toString(), 'Documents should be in sync after second insert')
+ const contentAfterSecondInsert = yxml1AfterSecondInsert.toString()
+ // TODO: This is failing.
+ // contentAfterSecondInsert == 123ABXYX456
+ // Note the duplication of `X`.
+ t.assert(
+ contentAfterSecondInsert === '123ABXY456' ||
+ contentAfterSecondInsert === '123XYAB456'
+ )