diff --git a/code/_globalvars/lists/poll_ignore.dm b/code/_globalvars/lists/poll_ignore.dm
index 8fc71c221b80..041eb2fa344a 100644
--- a/code/_globalvars/lists/poll_ignore.dm
+++ b/code/_globalvars/lists/poll_ignore.dm
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(poll_ignore_desc, list(
+ // POLL_IGNORE_SPLITPERSONALITY = "Split Personality",
diff --git a/code/datums/brain_damage/split_personality.dm b/code/datums/brain_damage/split_personality.dm
index 2801a8734db2..fd2557cd1101 100644
--- a/code/datums/brain_damage/split_personality.dm
+++ b/code/datums/brain_damage/split_personality.dm
@@ -1,242 +1,242 @@
-#define OWNER 0
-#define STRANGER 1
- name = "Split Personality"
- desc = "Patient's brain is split into two personalities, which randomly switch control of the body."
- scan_desc = "complete lobe separation"
- gain_text = span_warning("You feel like your mind was split in two.")
- lose_text = span_notice("You feel alone again.")
- var/current_controller = OWNER
- var/initialized = FALSE //to prevent personalities deleting themselves while we wait for ghosts
- var/mob/living/split_personality/stranger_backseat //there's two so they can swap without overwriting
- var/mob/living/split_personality/owner_backseat
- var/mob/living/M = owner
- if(M.stat == DEAD || !M.client) //No use assigning people to a corpse or braindead
- qdel(src)
- return
- ..()
- make_backseats()
- get_ghost()
- stranger_backseat = new(owner, src)
- var/datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/stranger_spell = new(src)
- stranger_spell.Grant(stranger_backseat)
- stranger_backseat.copy_languages(owner)
- owner_backseat = new(owner, src)
- var/datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/owner_spell = new(src)
- owner_spell.Grant(owner_backseat)
- owner_backseat.copy_languages(owner)
- set waitfor = FALSE
- var/list/mob/dead/observer/candidates = pollCandidatesForMob("Do you want to play as [owner]'s split personality?", ROLE_PAI, null, null, 75, stranger_backseat, POLL_IGNORE_SPLITPERSONALITY)
- if(LAZYLEN(candidates))
- var/mob/dead/observer/C = pick(candidates)
- stranger_backseat.key = C.key
- log_game("[key_name(stranger_backseat)] became [key_name(owner)]'s split personality.")
- message_admins("[ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(stranger_backseat)] became [ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(owner)]'s split personality.")
- else
- qdel(src)
- if(owner.stat == DEAD)
- if(current_controller != OWNER)
- switch_personalities(TRUE)
- qdel(src)
- else if(prob(3))
- switch_personalities()
- ..()
- if(current_controller != OWNER) //it would be funny to cure a guy only to be left with the other personality, but it seems too cruel
- switch_personalities(TRUE)
- QDEL_NULL(stranger_backseat)
- QDEL_NULL(owner_backseat)
- ..()
-/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/proc/switch_personalities(reset_to_owner = FALSE)
- if(QDELETED(owner)|| QDELETED(stranger_backseat) || QDELETED(owner_backseat))
- return
- var/mob/living/split_personality/current_backseat
- var/mob/living/split_personality/new_backseat
- if(current_controller == STRANGER || reset_to_owner)
- current_backseat = owner_backseat
- new_backseat = stranger_backseat
- else
- current_backseat = stranger_backseat
- new_backseat = owner_backseat
- if(!current_backseat.client) //Make sure we never switch to a logged off mob.
- return
- log_game("[key_name(current_backseat)] assumed control of [key_name(owner)] due to [src]. (Original owner: [current_controller == OWNER ? owner.key : current_backseat.key])")
- to_chat(owner, span_userdanger("You feel your control being taken away... your other personality is in charge now!"))
- to_chat(current_backseat, span_userdanger("You manage to take control of your body!"))
- //Body to backseat
- var/h2b_id = owner.computer_id
- var/h2b_ip= owner.lastKnownIP
- owner.computer_id = null
- owner.lastKnownIP = null
- new_backseat.ckey = owner.ckey
- new_backseat.name = owner.name
- if(owner.mind)
- new_backseat.mind = owner.mind
- if(!new_backseat.computer_id)
- new_backseat.computer_id = h2b_id
- if(!new_backseat.lastKnownIP)
- new_backseat.lastKnownIP = h2b_ip
- if(reset_to_owner && new_backseat.mind)
- new_backseat.ghostize(FALSE)
- //Backseat to body
- var/s2h_id = current_backseat.computer_id
- var/s2h_ip= current_backseat.lastKnownIP
- current_backseat.computer_id = null
- current_backseat.lastKnownIP = null
- owner.ckey = current_backseat.ckey
- owner.mind = current_backseat.mind
- if(!owner.computer_id)
- owner.computer_id = s2h_id
- if(!owner.lastKnownIP)
- owner.lastKnownIP = s2h_ip
- current_controller = !current_controller
- name = "split personality"
- real_name = "unknown conscience"
- var/mob/living/carbon/body
- var/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/trauma
-/mob/living/split_personality/Initialize(mapload, _trauma)
- if(iscarbon(loc))
- body = loc
- name = body.real_name
- real_name = body.real_name
- trauma = _trauma
- return ..()
-/mob/living/split_personality/Life(seconds_per_tick = SSMOBS_DT, times_fired)
- if(QDELETED(body))
- qdel(src) //in case trauma deletion doesn't already do it
- if((body.stat == DEAD && trauma.owner_backseat == src))
- trauma.switch_personalities()
- qdel(trauma)
- //if one of the two ghosts, the other one stays permanently
- if(!body.client && trauma.initialized)
- trauma.switch_personalities()
- qdel(trauma)
- ..()
- . = ..()
- if(!. || !client)
- return FALSE
- to_chat(src, span_notice("As a split personality, you cannot do anything but observe. However, you will eventually gain control of your body, switching places with the current personality."))
- to_chat(src, span_warning("Do not commit suicide or put the body in a deadly position. Behave like you care about it as much as the owner."))
-/mob/living/split_personality/say(message, bubble_type, list/spans = list(), sanitize = TRUE, datum/language/language = null, ignore_spam = FALSE, forced = null)
- to_chat(src, span_warning("You cannot speak, your other self is controlling your body!"))
- return FALSE
-/mob/living/split_personality/emote(act, m_type = null, message = null, intentional = FALSE, is_keybind = FALSE)
- return FALSE
- name = "Split Personality"
- desc = "Patient's brain is split into two personalities, which randomly switch control of the body."
- scan_desc = "complete lobe separation"
- gain_text = ""
- lose_text = span_notice("You are free of your brainwashing.")
- can_gain = FALSE
- var/codeword
- var/objective
-/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/New(obj/item/organ/brain/B, _permanent, _codeword, _objective)
- ..()
- if(_codeword)
- codeword = _codeword
- else
- codeword = pick(strings("ion_laws.json", "ionabstract")\
- | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionobjects")\
- | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionadjectives")\
- | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionthreats")\
- | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionfood")\
- | strings("ion_laws.json", "iondrinks"))
- ..()
- var/mob/living/split_personality/traitor/traitor_backseat = stranger_backseat
- traitor_backseat.codeword = codeword
- traitor_backseat.objective = objective
- stranger_backseat = new /mob/living/split_personality/traitor(owner, src, codeword, objective)
- owner_backseat = new(owner, src)
- set waitfor = FALSE
- var/list/mob/dead/observer/candidates = pollCandidatesForMob("Do you want to play as [owner]'s brainwashed mind?", null, null, null, 75, stranger_backseat)
- if(LAZYLEN(candidates))
- var/mob/dead/observer/C = pick(candidates)
- stranger_backseat.key = C.key
- else
- qdel(src)
- return //no random switching
-/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/handle_hearing(datum/source, list/hearing_args)
- if(HAS_TRAIT(owner, TRAIT_DEAF) || owner == hearing_args[HEARING_SPEAKER])
- return
- var/message = hearing_args[HEARING_MESSAGE]
- if(findtext(message, codeword))
- hearing_args[HEARING_MESSAGE] = replacetext(message, codeword, span_warning("[codeword]"))
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality, switch_personalities)), 10)
-/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/handle_speech(datum/source, list/speech_args)
- if(findtext(speech_args[SPEECH_MESSAGE], codeword))
- speech_args[SPEECH_MESSAGE] = "" //oh hey did you want to tell people about the secret word to bring you back?
- name = "split personality"
- real_name = "unknown conscience"
- var/objective
- var/codeword
- . = ..()
- if(!. || !client)
- return FALSE
- to_chat(src, span_notice("As a brainwashed personality, you cannot do anything yet but observe. However, you may gain control of your body if you hear the special codeword, switching places with the current personality."))
- to_chat(src, span_notice("Your activation codeword is: [codeword]"))
- if(objective)
- to_chat(src, span_notice("Your master left you an objective: [objective]. Follow it at all costs when in control."))
-#undef OWNER
-#undef STRANGER
+// #define OWNER 0
+// #define STRANGER 1
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality
+// name = "Split Personality"
+// desc = "Patient's brain is split into two personalities, which randomly switch control of the body."
+// scan_desc = "complete lobe separation"
+// gain_text = span_warning("You feel like your mind was split in two.")
+// lose_text = span_notice("You feel alone again.")
+// var/current_controller = OWNER
+// var/initialized = FALSE //to prevent personalities deleting themselves while we wait for ghosts
+// var/mob/living/split_personality/stranger_backseat //there's two so they can swap without overwriting
+// var/mob/living/split_personality/owner_backseat
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/on_gain()
+// var/mob/living/M = owner
+// if(M.stat == DEAD || !M.client) //No use assigning people to a corpse or braindead
+// qdel(src)
+// return
+// ..()
+// make_backseats()
+// get_ghost()
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/proc/make_backseats()
+// stranger_backseat = new(owner, src)
+// var/datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/stranger_spell = new(src)
+// stranger_spell.Grant(stranger_backseat)
+// stranger_backseat.copy_languages(owner)
+// owner_backseat = new(owner, src)
+// var/datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/owner_spell = new(src)
+// owner_spell.Grant(owner_backseat)
+// owner_backseat.copy_languages(owner)
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/proc/get_ghost()
+// set waitfor = FALSE
+// var/list/mob/dead/observer/candidates = pollCandidatesForMob("Do you want to play as [owner]'s split personality?", ROLE_PAI, null, null, 75, stranger_backseat, POLL_IGNORE_SPLITPERSONALITY)
+// if(LAZYLEN(candidates))
+// var/mob/dead/observer/C = pick(candidates)
+// stranger_backseat.key = C.key
+// log_game("[key_name(stranger_backseat)] became [key_name(owner)]'s split personality.")
+// message_admins("[ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(stranger_backseat)] became [ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(owner)]'s split personality.")
+// else
+// qdel(src)
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/on_life()
+// if(owner.stat == DEAD)
+// if(current_controller != OWNER)
+// switch_personalities(TRUE)
+// qdel(src)
+// else if(prob(3))
+// switch_personalities()
+// ..()
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/on_lose()
+// if(current_controller != OWNER) //it would be funny to cure a guy only to be left with the other personality, but it seems too cruel
+// switch_personalities(TRUE)
+// QDEL_NULL(stranger_backseat)
+// QDEL_NULL(owner_backseat)
+// ..()
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/proc/switch_personalities(reset_to_owner = FALSE)
+// if(QDELETED(owner)|| QDELETED(stranger_backseat) || QDELETED(owner_backseat))
+// return
+// var/mob/living/split_personality/current_backseat
+// var/mob/living/split_personality/new_backseat
+// if(current_controller == STRANGER || reset_to_owner)
+// current_backseat = owner_backseat
+// new_backseat = stranger_backseat
+// else
+// current_backseat = stranger_backseat
+// new_backseat = owner_backseat
+// if(!current_backseat.client) //Make sure we never switch to a logged off mob.
+// return
+// log_game("[key_name(current_backseat)] assumed control of [key_name(owner)] due to [src]. (Original owner: [current_controller == OWNER ? owner.key : current_backseat.key])")
+// to_chat(owner, span_userdanger("You feel your control being taken away... your other personality is in charge now!"))
+// to_chat(current_backseat, span_userdanger("You manage to take control of your body!"))
+// //Body to backseat
+// var/h2b_id = owner.computer_id
+// var/h2b_ip= owner.lastKnownIP
+// owner.computer_id = null
+// owner.lastKnownIP = null
+// new_backseat.ckey = owner.ckey
+// new_backseat.name = owner.name
+// if(owner.mind)
+// new_backseat.mind = owner.mind
+// if(!new_backseat.computer_id)
+// new_backseat.computer_id = h2b_id
+// if(!new_backseat.lastKnownIP)
+// new_backseat.lastKnownIP = h2b_ip
+// if(reset_to_owner && new_backseat.mind)
+// new_backseat.ghostize(FALSE)
+// //Backseat to body
+// var/s2h_id = current_backseat.computer_id
+// var/s2h_ip= current_backseat.lastKnownIP
+// current_backseat.computer_id = null
+// current_backseat.lastKnownIP = null
+// owner.ckey = current_backseat.ckey
+// owner.mind = current_backseat.mind
+// if(!owner.computer_id)
+// owner.computer_id = s2h_id
+// if(!owner.lastKnownIP)
+// owner.lastKnownIP = s2h_ip
+// current_controller = !current_controller
+// /mob/living/split_personality
+// name = "split personality"
+// real_name = "unknown conscience"
+// var/mob/living/carbon/body
+// var/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/trauma
+// /mob/living/split_personality/Initialize(mapload, _trauma)
+// if(iscarbon(loc))
+// body = loc
+// name = body.real_name
+// real_name = body.real_name
+// trauma = _trauma
+// return ..()
+// /mob/living/split_personality/Life(seconds_per_tick = SSMOBS_DT, times_fired)
+// if(QDELETED(body))
+// qdel(src) //in case trauma deletion doesn't already do it
+// if((body.stat == DEAD && trauma.owner_backseat == src))
+// trauma.switch_personalities()
+// qdel(trauma)
+// //if one of the two ghosts, the other one stays permanently
+// if(!body.client && trauma.initialized)
+// trauma.switch_personalities()
+// qdel(trauma)
+// ..()
+// /mob/living/split_personality/Login()
+// . = ..()
+// if(!. || !client)
+// return FALSE
+// to_chat(src, span_notice("As a split personality, you cannot do anything but observe. However, you will eventually gain control of your body, switching places with the current personality."))
+// to_chat(src, span_warning("Do not commit suicide or put the body in a deadly position. Behave like you care about it as much as the owner."))
+// /mob/living/split_personality/say(message, bubble_type, list/spans = list(), sanitize = TRUE, datum/language/language = null, ignore_spam = FALSE, forced = null)
+// to_chat(src, span_warning("You cannot speak, your other self is controlling your body!"))
+// return FALSE
+// /mob/living/split_personality/emote(act, m_type = null, message = null, intentional = FALSE, is_keybind = FALSE)
+// return FALSE
+// ///////////////BRAINWASHING////////////////////
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing
+// name = "Split Personality"
+// desc = "Patient's brain is split into two personalities, which randomly switch control of the body."
+// scan_desc = "complete lobe separation"
+// gain_text = ""
+// lose_text = span_notice("You are free of your brainwashing.")
+// can_gain = FALSE
+// var/codeword
+// var/objective
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/New(obj/item/organ/brain/B, _permanent, _codeword, _objective)
+// ..()
+// if(_codeword)
+// codeword = _codeword
+// else
+// codeword = pick(strings("ion_laws.json", "ionabstract")
+// | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionobjects")
+// | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionadjectives")
+// | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionthreats")
+// | strings("ion_laws.json", "ionfood")
+// | strings("ion_laws.json", "iondrinks"))
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/on_gain()
+// ..()
+// var/mob/living/split_personality/traitor/traitor_backseat = stranger_backseat
+// traitor_backseat.codeword = codeword
+// traitor_backseat.objective = objective
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/make_backseats()
+// stranger_backseat = new /mob/living/split_personality/traitor(owner, src, codeword, objective)
+// owner_backseat = new(owner, src)
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/get_ghost()
+// set waitfor = FALSE
+// var/list/mob/dead/observer/candidates = pollCandidatesForMob("Do you want to play as [owner]'s brainwashed mind?", null, null, null, 75, stranger_backseat)
+// if(LAZYLEN(candidates))
+// var/mob/dead/observer/C = pick(candidates)
+// stranger_backseat.key = C.key
+// else
+// qdel(src)
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/on_life()
+// return //no random switching
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/handle_hearing(datum/source, list/hearing_args)
+// if(HAS_TRAIT(owner, TRAIT_DEAF) || owner == hearing_args[HEARING_SPEAKER])
+// return
+// var/message = hearing_args[HEARING_MESSAGE]
+// if(findtext(message, codeword))
+// hearing_args[HEARING_MESSAGE] = replacetext(message, codeword, span_warning("[codeword]"))
+// addtimer(CALLBACK(src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality, switch_personalities)), 10)
+// /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/brainwashing/handle_speech(datum/source, list/speech_args)
+// if(findtext(speech_args[SPEECH_MESSAGE], codeword))
+// speech_args[SPEECH_MESSAGE] = "" //oh hey did you want to tell people about the secret word to bring you back?
+// /mob/living/split_personality/traitor
+// name = "split personality"
+// real_name = "unknown conscience"
+// var/objective
+// var/codeword
+// /mob/living/split_personality/traitor/Login()
+// . = ..()
+// if(!. || !client)
+// return FALSE
+// to_chat(src, span_notice("As a brainwashed personality, you cannot do anything yet but observe. However, you may gain control of your body if you hear the special codeword, switching places with the current personality."))
+// to_chat(src, span_notice("Your activation codeword is: [codeword]"))
+// if(objective)
+// to_chat(src, span_notice("Your master left you an objective: [objective]. Follow it at all costs when in control."))
+// #undef OWNER
+// #undef STRANGER
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/horror/horror.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/horror/horror.dm
index c476f05a1f97..a08ab55991bc 100644
--- a/code/modules/antagonists/horror/horror.dm
+++ b/code/modules/antagonists/horror/horror.dm
@@ -717,9 +717,9 @@
to_chat(src, span_notice("This host lacks enough brain function to control."))
- if(victim.has_trauma_type(/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality))
- to_chat(src, span_notice("This host's brain lobe separation makes it too complex for you to control."))
- return
+ // if(victim.has_trauma_type(/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality))
+ // to_chat(src, span_notice("This host's brain lobe separation makes it too complex for you to control."))
+ // return
bonding = FALSE
diff --git a/code/modules/spells/spell_types/self/personality_commune.dm b/code/modules/spells/spell_types/self/personality_commune.dm
index 293ad1f0b163..4e5030fcec34 100644
--- a/code/modules/spells/spell_types/self/personality_commune.dm
+++ b/code/modules/spells/spell_types/self/personality_commune.dm
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-// This can probably be changed to use mind linker at some point
- name = "Personality Commune"
- desc = "Sends thoughts to your alternate consciousness."
- button_icon_state = "telepathy"
- cooldown_time = 0 SECONDS
- spell_requirements = NONE
- /// Fluff text shown when a message is sent to the pair
- var/fluff_text = span_boldnotice("You hear an echoing voice in the back of your head...")
- /// The message to send to the corresponding person on cast
- var/to_send
- . = ..()
- if(!istype(target, /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality))
- stack_trace("[type] was created on a target that isn't a /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality, this doesn't work.")
- qdel(src)
- return isliving(cast_on)
- . = ..()
- return
- var/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/trauma = target
- if(!istype(trauma)) // hypothetically impossible but you never know
- return . | SPELL_CANCEL_CAST
- to_send = tgui_input_text(cast_on, "What would you like to tell your other self?", "Commune")
- if(QDELETED(src) || QDELETED(trauma)|| QDELETED(cast_on) || QDELETED(trauma.owner) || !can_cast_spell())
- return . | SPELL_CANCEL_CAST
- if(!to_send)
- reset_cooldown()
- return . | SPELL_CANCEL_CAST
-// Pillaged and adapted from telepathy code
- . = ..()
- var/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/trauma = target
- var/user_message = span_boldnotice("You concentrate and send thoughts to your other self:")
- var/user_message_body = span_notice("[to_send]")
- to_chat(cast_on, "[user_message] [user_message_body]")
- trauma.owner.balloon_alert(trauma.owner, "you hear a voice")
- to_chat(trauma.owner, "[fluff_text] [user_message_body]")
- log_directed_talk(cast_on, trauma.owner, to_send, LOG_SAY, "[name]")
- for(var/dead_mob in GLOB.dead_mob_list)
- if(!isobserver(dead_mob))
- continue
- to_chat(dead_mob, "[FOLLOW_LINK(dead_mob, cast_on)] [span_boldnotice("[cast_on] [name]:")] [span_notice("\"[to_send]\" to")] [span_name("[trauma]")]")
+// // This can probably be changed to use mind linker at some point
+// /datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune
+// name = "Personality Commune"
+// desc = "Sends thoughts to your alternate consciousness."
+// button_icon_state = "telepathy"
+// cooldown_time = 0 SECONDS
+// spell_requirements = NONE
+// /// Fluff text shown when a message is sent to the pair
+// var/fluff_text = span_boldnotice("You hear an echoing voice in the back of your head...")
+// /// The message to send to the corresponding person on cast
+// var/to_send
+// /datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/New(Target)
+// . = ..()
+// // if(!istype(target, /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality))
+// // stack_trace("[type] was created on a target that isn't a /datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality, this doesn't work.")
+// // qdel(src)
+// /datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/is_valid_target(atom/cast_on)
+// return isliving(cast_on)
+// /datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/before_cast(atom/cast_on)
+// . = ..()
+// return
+// // var/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/trauma = target
+// // if(!istype(trauma)) // hypothetically impossible but you never know
+// // return . | SPELL_CANCEL_CAST
+// to_send = tgui_input_text(cast_on, "What would you like to tell your other self?", "Commune")
+// if(QDELETED(src) || QDELETED(trauma)|| QDELETED(cast_on) || QDELETED(trauma.owner) || !can_cast_spell())
+// return . | SPELL_CANCEL_CAST
+// if(!to_send)
+// reset_cooldown()
+// return . | SPELL_CANCEL_CAST
+// // Pillaged and adapted from telepathy code
+// /datum/action/cooldown/spell/personality_commune/cast(mob/living/cast_on)
+// . = ..()
+// var/datum/brain_trauma/severe/split_personality/trauma = target
+// var/user_message = span_boldnotice("You concentrate and send thoughts to your other self:")
+// var/user_message_body = span_notice("[to_send]")
+// to_chat(cast_on, "[user_message] [user_message_body]")
+// trauma.owner.balloon_alert(trauma.owner, "you hear a voice")
+// to_chat(trauma.owner, "[fluff_text] [user_message_body]")
+// log_directed_talk(cast_on, trauma.owner, to_send, LOG_SAY, "[name]")
+// for(var/dead_mob in GLOB.dead_mob_list)
+// if(!isobserver(dead_mob))
+// continue
+// to_chat(dead_mob, "[FOLLOW_LINK(dead_mob, cast_on)] [span_boldnotice("[cast_on] [name]:")] [span_notice("\"[to_send]\" to")] [span_name("[trauma]")]")