Texd Installation Guide

Note: All commands entered need to be performed from within *this directory*.

1. Ensure you have a clean directory to dedicate as to a database (e.g. `C:\database` or `~/database/`).

2. From *this repository's directory*, run the following command to launch the MongoDB process.
3. Install TypeScript globally: 
    sudo npm install -g typescript
4. From this directory, install the app's node dependencies, tsd, and typings with the following commands:
    npm install
    npm install -g tsd
    tsd install

5. Before compiling the app you may have to change permissions (default is 744 after tsd install) to the typings directory.
    chmod -R 774 typings

6. Compile the app with the following command:

7. Launch the Node process to serve the app using the following command from the root folder:
    node server

8. Open Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and navigate to `http://localhost:3000/` to access the app.

### Alternatively - you can use [docker](https://github.com/zalox/docker-images/tree/master/Texd)